#wip: spark!
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sweetmapple · 5 months
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A typical "I got carried away while practicing anatomy and the allure of rendering shiny gold was too great" WIP
Also jesus christ he's holding the little cloth that's attached to his belt. I am putting this here just to cover my back in case anyone thinks I am much bolder than I actually am. That's not his dick, I'm just bad at rendering bunched up fabric
And even then, I will always maintain leaving things up to the imagination is infinitely more tasteful like 65% of the time
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mrghostrat · 3 months
wait just remembered, did anyone ask about the PA/CEO wip?? Bc 👀👀 v curious what those different versions entail
anon i’m kissing you on the mouth. this one sits there untouched and unthought of, except once every few weeks i will suddenly remember it and start foaming at the mouth
i’m heavily leaning towards version 2, but both are SO good is the thing, i don’t have it in me to delete ver 1 from my notes. i like to sit there and stroke it lovingly from time to time.
CEO/PA au, aka Boss x Assistant.
1: CEO Aziraphale, PA Crowley
aziraphale is the boss, very capable, but he’s WAY too nice and overdoes his work + life + human/human boundaries a lot. crowley is his rabid guard dog PA who is so fucking snarky and mean some of the employees can’t comprehend how he’s got a job, but he’s indespensible because but he keeps aziraphale in line and swoops in to be mean and say ‘no’ to people when aziraphale obviously wants to but can’t stand to.
2: CEO Crowley, PA Aziraphale
crowley is the cool, suave, incredible creative, but slightly disorganised boss and aziraphale is the constantly underestimated PA who keeps the whole operation running smoothly. he calls crowley up on weekends to yell at him to finish a deadline he’s been procrastinating, brings wine to his house as a reward if he finishes his tasks, but sits there at arms length with the bottle in his lap, watching (and inadvertently tempting) to make sure crowley actually gets the thing done.
edit: version 2 has officially brainwormed into Author/Editor au 👀
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helianthus-art · 7 months
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A comic attempt I started months ago that I won’t be finishing anytime soon so I tried my best to clean them up & just share them before I chickened out.
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etincelleart · 2 months
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Work in progress, I'll probably add some colors tomorrow 💜
I wanted to try sketching with a colored pencil and used brown/sepia ink, and it's really nice ! I could try using a similar traditional style for digital as well
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mxxnlightwriting · 1 month
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✨ A Spark of Magic Book Cover Reveal ✨
It's finally here! After teasing it for so long and saying how happy I was with the book cover, I finally get to share it with you 🥺 @.catarinabookdesigns did a wonderful job with it, and I couldn't be happier with it!
I'm not kidding when I say this cover has many easter eggs. I love covers that take a new shape once you've read the book, and I wanted to do something similar with this one. A Spark of Magic is a story wrapped in mystery where each answer leads you to more questions, and I wanted that sort of vibe for the cover. Where does this connect to? Whose character is this related to? Oh, so this is what that means!
This is the ebook version of the cover. The paperback has a few other details on its spine and back and I'll show those to you at a later date once I have the physical copy with me.
For the time being, I hope you enjoy this cover! If you're curious about what each element connects to/its meaning, you can drop a comment, stop by inbox or reblog with what you'd like to know.
A Spark of Magic is one step closer to being yours. You can pre-order the ebook from most retailers here! (Note: Amazon's link will only be available on release day. I apologise for the inconvenience) Paperback pre-orders coming soon.
allowing me to share each step of this journey with you 💛
✨ About A Spark of Magic ✨
A Spark of Magic is a YA urban fantasy novel, the first in the A Spark of Magic series. If you like witches, merfolk and shapeshifters, and the struggles of having to keep your magic hidden while navigating high school, then this book might be for you.
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kiwiana-writes · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks to @daisymae-12 @anincompletelist @suseagull04 for the tags! I'm having A Bit Of A Week so I decided to jump back into a doc I've been struggling with for a while but really love, aka Anastasia AU my beloved, and smash out a few new words for it. I'd apologise for it being so bloody long buuuuuuut turns out I'm not actually sorry!
“Age progression AI,” Nora says, and Alex nods as though this means anything to him. “Someone’s built one that they’re claiming will, quote, ‘change the game’ when it comes to missing person’s cases, but they don’t give a single fuck about the privacy concerns or the data usage implications, so I’m trying to pull it apart and prove it’s janky. Can’t rely on capitalism to do the moral thing, but I sure can trust corporations to recognise a bad investment.” Alex hums in agreement, leaning over her shoulder. “Is it good, though? Ethical quandaries aside?” “Unfortunately, yeah.” Nora reaches for the Red Bull next to her laptop, taking a long swig. “But everything I’m feeding it is already public domain—celebrities and stuff—so it’s hard to differentiate true AI generation from it scanning and returning older photos of the same person. So now I’m looking at people the internet doesn’t have photos of past a certain age, seeing what it spits out.” “Like… dead children?” He winces. “Dark.” “Dead or missing.” She minimises the window full of code, bringing up a side-by-side of two pictures instead. “Prince Henry. Disappeared the night we dissolved the monarchy, almost definitely dead, but his family still— Alex, are you okay?” It’s only when Nora says his name that Alex realises his head is spinning; he sucks in a breath, and the immediate relief he feels makes it clear that he hadn’t done so for longer than is strictly advisable. He can’t tear his eyes away from the picture on the right: the sharp blue eyes, the soft-looking golden hair, the imperious set to his jaw that drove Alex crazy for an entire semester. “That’s— you’re fucking with me, right?” “Alex, babe. I love that your brain runs a million miles a minute, but in this particular case, I think you’ve left me behind.”  Alex turns to look at her. He’s known Nora for years—biblically and otherwise—and he likes to think he can read her well enough. If he’s right, she’s not fucking with him, and somehow that’s worse. “Nora,” he says slowly, “I know this guy.”
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to, so tags below the cut and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
@affectionatelyrs @celaestis1 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @dumbpeachjuice @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @hypnostheory @iboatedhere @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @lilythesilly @myheartalivewrites @nontoxic-writes @orchidscript @rmd-writes @roseapothecary @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland 
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sparkanonymous · 20 days
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I love Cole Ninjago
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emberglowfox · 2 months
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ants when you spill a drink
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scumbkat · 5 months
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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He’s going to steal ur throne, your wife, your husband, YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER 🌹✨
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junkboxcorner · 6 months
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{WIP] He's still out there
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chiscribbs · 24 days
WIP game
Rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
[OOF, okay- I can't possibly list everything in my wips folder here, so I'll just put the most recent (and hopefully this will push me to finish them). Most of my titles are pretty straight-forward, but some of them might be a bit cryptic if you don't know the abbreviations, I guess (lol). Alrighty, let's go!]
GA Character ConArt (ROTTMNT)
Calder R Design Sheet
APT Sketches
Sona Concepts
GA TAC - Interact01
GA TAC - Plot01
GA TAC - Interact02
GA TAC - asks01
Disconnected ConArt (ROTTMNT)
Human Designs ConArt (ROTTMNT)
GA Chara Profiles (ROTTMNT)
Disconnected Comic A101
Writing WIPS:
GA AU Snippets
Grown Apart AU - Outline (ROTTMNT)
Shades of Purple - Notes (ROTTMNT)
Disconnected Beats (ROTTMNT)
Collab Rise Proj. Notes
Disconnected AU - Planning (ROTTMNT)
Apoc. Future HC (Rise)
Annalise (Overview)
The Story of the First King
30-90 - Storyboard (Rise)
Disconnected AU - Beats
Short Donnie+April Scene Script
Warrior of the Mind
Character Profiles (revised)
Patient-0 (Story Concept)
...aaaaaand that's all I'm gonna share for now. Ask away! And feel free to do this yourself, if you feel like it - I got it from @phoebepheebsphibs. ❤
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
Honestly, going into your WIP pile to actually go through it and see what you actually want to finish can be really helpful, especially when you don't judge yourself and try to learn why that piece became a hibernater in your WIP pile
Some questions I ponder when I look at a WIP is:
Is this project turning out how I want? If not, what about it don't I like?
Do I or did I have fun when I was starting it?
Will I actually use it or enjoy it when I'm done?
Do I like the material now?
Do I see myself enjoying the product after it's done?
Were there, or are there, time restraints preventing me from finishing?
Is this out of my current skill set, and am I okay with that?
If I could change one thing about the WIP, what would it be?
I know plenty of people won't incorporate this into their own WIP and crafting journey, and that's okay. But I know so many people who hibernate their projects for many reasons and feel guilty about it. I hope this might give people ideas about why they hibernate projects to prevent that type of guilt from eating away at their conscious. This (creating) should be fun, and if you're spending a lot of time feeling guilty or ashamed, it can be hard to continue doing the things you like.
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skybristle · 1 month
shes so pretty guys im nervous what do i say /silly
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mxxnlightwriting · 1 month
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✨ A Spark of Magic Pre-Orders Are Now Live ✨
A Spark of Magic is one step closer to being yours. You can pre-order the ebook from most retailers here! (Note: Amazon's link will only be available on release day. I apologise for the inconvenience) Paperback pre-orders coming soon.
Since I can't do any pre-order campaign with physical goodies due to my geographical location, I decided to lower the ebook's price to half of what it will be after release, so if you pre-order now, you can get it for $1.99 (US)/1,99€/£1.99. I'll keep this price for a week after the release so that people who tend to get ebooks from Amazon can still enjoy this little bonus. I hope you can understand and take advantage of this deal 💛
Check the section below for FAQs such as whether it'll be on KU, ARC readers and other things. If you have any questions not featured below, feel free to send them my way!
Q: Why pre-order?
A: Pre-orders are a great way to help authors. Whenever you pre-order a book, you're letting that retailer know there's interest in it which helps it chart higher in retailer charts (generally speaking). This means there's a potential for it to reach more people who otherwise might miss it.
Q: Will this book be available on KU?
A: Since I'm opting for a wide release, and due to KU's exclusivity nature, I can't offer my ebooks through there while having them available elsewhere.
Q: Will this book be available on Kobo Plus?
A: Yes, it will! In case you don't know what Kobo Plus is, it's a similar subscription program to KU, except it doesn't require authors to be exclusive to the platform. This program isn't available in every country, but you can check here if your country has it. They're also adding new territories often, so keep that in mind.
Q: When will paperbacks be available for pre-order?
A: I wish I could have a concrete date, but I don't. There's a chance the paperback release will have to be postponed a week or two, but I'll keep you informed. If you're unsure which you should order, wait until I show you what the paperback looks like so you can make your choice!
Q: Will you have ARC reviewers for this release?
A: I will only have eARC reviewers available, and you can sign up for it here if you're interested! All the information is there, but if you have extra questions/concerns feel free to reach out and I'll reply as soon as I can.
Thank you so much for reading this far! I'll try to keep this post updated, so I'll probably reblog it whenever I add new information!
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