dreebo · 3 months
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eztr3llxh0sh1mx · 6 months
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Se me ocurre hacer esto con yaco pero obviamente no estoy en contra de los y1ffz solo lo hago por diversion
🚫DNI: Haters Proshippers Z0os and P3d0z N0rp Bots
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redessociales27 · 6 months
Psittacus erithacus
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El loro yaco (Psittacus erithacus),​ también conocido como loro gris africano , es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittacidae propia de la selva tropical africana . Su aspecto es inconfundible, por su pico negro, su plumaje de color gris y su cola roja. Se encuentra amenazado por la perdida de hábitat  y por las capturas para el tráfico ilegal como mascotas. Se trata de un ave caracterizada por su elevada inteligencia y por su capacidad de memorización e imitación de palabras.​
El yaco es un loro de medida mediana. Su nombre describe perfectamente su aspecto: a excepción de la cola que es de color rojo, tiene el cuerpo cubierto de plumas con distintas tonalidades de gris.
Algunos ejemplares presentan plumas rojas en otras partes del cuerpo. El pico y las uñas son de color negro y las patas de color gris oscuro. Miden alrededor de 33 cm de largo (28-39 cm) y pesan unos 475 g (380-600 g). Pueden llegar a vivir entre setenta y noventa años, y hay casos extremos registrados en ejemplares que han llegado a vivir cien años, todo depende de la alimentación que reciba y sus condiciones de vida, ya que como bien es conocido, los aguacates y las pipas dañan en gran medida su hígado, lo que les ha provocado en varios casos la muerte al individuo.
A todo ello, tenemos que añadir las diferencias intrínsecas al dimorfismo sexual. Las hembras son más pequeñas que los machos. Un macho adulto pesa alrededor de los 530 g (puede llegar a superar los 600 g). La hembra, en cambio, difícilmente llega a superar los 500 g y acostumbra a estar por debajo de los 460 g.
Aparte de estas diferencias por lo que respeta a las medidas, el dimorfismo sexual de esta especie es poco significativo y difícilmente apreciable a simple vista. Las hembras acostumbran a tener un plumaje más claro que los machos (hablando siempre por comparación entre individuos procedentes de una misma zona geográfica). El aspecto general del macho es más macizo, la cabeza más cuadrada y el pico más grande, en relación con las hembras.
Los individuos inmaduros tienen un peso y medida inferior a la de los adultos y presentan también diferencias de coloración. En ellos el color del iris es muy oscuro cuando los animales tienen pocos meses, para pasar después a un color blanco-gris.
En jóvenes de más edad es amarillo claro y, finalmente, en los adultos es amarillo intenso. La cola de un joven que aún no haya mudado la pluma no es de color rojo inmaculado como la de los adultos, sino que tiene un tono más negruzco, especialmente en el extremo.
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solopezoncillos · 6 months
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guys-moments · 7 months
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prontaentrega · 10 months
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stuff from last year tehee
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skbx · 9 months
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artfight revenge for Death_Lucifer !
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jupiterdomain · 28 days
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Yaco Angeleri
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diana-andraste · 5 months
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Yaco, Daidō Moriyama, 2021
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fuck-customers · 4 months
When I used to work at Yaco Smell some dude came in and was missing a single taco and was losing his goddamn mind. I offered to make him one, he didn't want that. I offered to refund it, he didn't want that either. I told him I could give him a free menu item, didn't want that. Told him I could give him corporates number, didn't want that either. But he still wanted me to do something about it. Bro WHAT do you fucking WANT THEN? I get paid minimum wage so I'll give you whatever you want because I don't give a single flying fuck. Be a big boy and use your words, sweetie.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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bfpnola · 8 months
Fifty years ago, 15-year-old Sonia Yaco ran for the school board in Ann Arbor, Michigan, one of the youngest people in the country ever to run for a seat on the Board of Education. A member of a group called Youth Liberation, whose platform was founded in 1970, she believed schools would be best run by the people required to be inside them for about seven hours a day, 180 days a year.
Youth Liberation developed a 15-point platform that was far-reaching in its vision. In addition to calling for an end to sexism, sexual discrimination, class antagonism, racism, colonialism, and what they called “adult chauvinism,” the group wanted to form communities outside the structure of the nuclear family, live in harmony with nature, abolish juvenile detention centers and mental institutions, establish global solidarity with youth all over the world, be free of economic dependence on adults, and have the right to their own “new culture,” which included everything “from music and marijuana to free clinics and food cooperatives.”
The 20 or so young people in the group, ranging in age from 12 to 16, wanted “a nationwide movement for youth civil rights, akin to the Black Liberation movement and the growing women's movement,” one of the founders, Keith Hefner, later wrote.
Backed by the radical socialist Human Rights Party, Yaco tells Teen Vogue she delivered stump speeches in a hand-sewn, black ruffled skirt and a black leather jacket. At the time, Ann Arbor, birthplace of the Students for a Democratic Society, was a political hotbed. Youth-led organizations had helped rally support for the 26th Amendment, which was ratified in 1971, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. With popular books like Children’s Liberation (1973), Escape from Childhood (1974), and The Children’s Rights Movement: Overcoming the Oppression of Young People (1977), the idea of youth liberation was gaining force. Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor distributed their message through an underground newspaper, which was a collection of news items, how-tos, and stories from youth all over the country. Yaco informed her parents that, given her political commitments, having a curfew wasn’t going to work, though she did still do the dishes. She talked to PTA forums and rock concerts of thousands, all with the message of youth empowerment. Each time she arrived to speak, she remembers, there was the question of whether or not she would be allowed on stage. She tells Teen Vogue that a school board member once told her to “shut [her] fat lip.” At another event, she says she encountered labor and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez, who told her, “I’ve been hearing about you.” The resistance against her candidacy was so great that the Board of Education prohibited Yaco from running, instigating a Supreme Court case which she ultimately lost. Still, with 1,363 votes, Yaco says she got the highest number of write-in votes ever received.
When we think of ageism, it commonly refers to older adults, not the other way around. Though many don’t tend to think of young people as oppressed, a recent study published in the Children and Youth Services Review argues that young people are, in many ways, similarly vulnerable to exploitation. Though young people under 18 can be tried in adult court, they are generally not allowed to vote or hold federal office. They are surveilled and policed in schools, medicated and institutionalized without consent, and paid less for their work. In some states, they cannot get vaccinated without parental permission. Many of these issues are particularly acute for youth of color — some as young as preschoolers — whom research has shown are viewed as older and not as “innocent” as their white counterparts. “You're actively teaching children how to deal with an active shooter, but you can't let them have a say in budgeting, you can't let them discuss curriculum,” says Yaco. While rhetoric about the need to “save the children” is rampant, much public policy in the United States — from the struggling childcare system to gun violence in schools — reveals otherwise. The U.S. is the only country in the United Nations that hasn't ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a historic human rights treaty.
The same justifications historically used to deny other groups their basic freedoms are still applied to youth, explains scholar Mich Ciurria. “The popular narrative about children — as spoiled, ungrateful, and mentally ill — mirrors the popular narratives about 1960s housewives, Black working mothers, and disabled people,” she wrote in a recent essay. To be “childish,” after all, is a derogatory term. As psychologist Robert Epstein argues in an article for Scientific American, what is commonly chalked up to an innate “irresponsibility” or “laziness” — the idea of the unformed teen brain — may simply be a response to living under the repressions of modern society. A 1991 study reviewing research on young people in 186 preindustrial societies — more than half of which had no word for “adolescence” — revealed little evidence of the kind of antisocial teen behavior found in the West, according to Epstein’s summary. In his research for the piece, Epstein found that, based on surveys he conducted, “teens in the U.S. are subjected to more than 10 times as many restrictions as are mainstream adults, twice as many restrictions as active-duty U.S. Marines, and even twice as many restrictions as incarcerated felons.” Young people have long been at the forefront of liberation struggles. Youth played a big part in the Civil Rights movement, which would inspire other movements that followed. In 1955, nine months before Rosa Parks became famous for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus, a 15-year-old named Claudette Colvin was arrested for the same action. Galvanized by the Civil Rights movement, the National Indian Youth Council, formed by a group of young people in 1961, organized “fish-ins'' in support of land-use rights. The 1963 Birmingham Children’s Crusade saw more than a thousand young people, some as young as seven, attacked and jailed after taking to the streets in peaceful protest. In 1972, the Gay International Youth Society of George Washington High School, a group of students of color in the Manhattan neighborhood of Washington Heights, formed one of the first gay-straight alliances on the basis of student civil rights.
By 1979, Youth Liberation of Ann Arbor had disbanded, and the idea of youth liberation gradually faded from popular consciousness, but activists today are still organizing around age as one form of discrimination in a larger system of interlocking oppressions. For Margin Zheng, the former president of the National Youth Rights Association (NYRA), a group founded in 1998, youth liberation is deeply intersectional. “Young people are BIPOC, young people are queer, young people are of various genders and of no gender, young people are disabled, young people are poor, young people are immigrants and migrants — just like older people,” they write as part of their principles of anti-ageism. Zheng, the child of conservative Chinese immigrants, felt constrained both by their family life and their experience in school. “I secretly longed to be homeschooled and have the freedom to do my own thing, but my parents did not believe in nontraditional education,” they tell Teen Vogue. They attended their first school board meeting in ninth grade and soon began to question why students didn’t have more of a voice. “People think that they can make sweeping generalizations about people of a certain age, but you can’t generalize about youth just as you can’t generalize about people of a certain race, gender, etc.,” they say. Ashawn Dabney-Small, who ran for Boston City Council as an 18-year-old and former vice president of NYRA, became involved in youth activism to address the issues that affected him. “It's not about advocating, it's about speaking from your experiences,” says Dabney-Small, who has experience with the foster care system and the effects of poverty. “That's why I got involved in certain issues, policies that revolve around my life because it's literally my life.” As an activist, Dabney-Small worked on campaigns against gun violence. Recently, he advocated for Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley’s bill to lower the federal voting age to 16 — a move that could revolutionize American politics. “Schools and families are the places where we (young people) begin to feel that we have to struggle for our freedom,” Youth Liberation Acnn Arbor wrote in 1972. (One of the indirect results of Yaco’s campaign was the founding of the alternative Community High School that same year.)
Indeed, many activists today — in movements from unschooling to family abolition — see the institutions of school and family as structures that should be radically reimagined. From Indian Boarding Schools to the school-to-prison pipeline, unpaid domestic labor to assaults on queer chosen families, critics say schools and certain family structures have long been used as tools of oppression for women, queer people, and people of color. In a utopian world, Zheng says, people wouldn’t be judged and set apart by age. Instead, they envision more intergenerational spaces where younger and older people — of all races, genders, sexualities, and abilities — can learn and grow together. “Just as young people would be empowered to cultivate and apply their strengths to work they find meaningful, older people would be embraced in their own personal growth, knowing that learning and unlearning are processes that happen all throughout the lifespan,” they say. Each person would be recognized for their own unique potential. The vision is not unlike the original platform outlined by Youth Liberation more than 50 years ago. As Zheng says, “There would be no prisons, no police, and no schools, only communities of lifelong learning, caring, and joy.”
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nysus-temple · 1 year
Dionysus and Demeter [Sources]
In case you didn't know, Dionysus was considered a son of Demeter by some ! You have heard of Semele, Persephone, and people fighting between Hades or Zeus, and how many adoptive parents he had. But Demeter is a very less known mother of this little ram, mainly because we don't have many sources for it... But we still have some, after all. And here i am to show them.
Ἴακχος ( Yaco ) is an epithet for Dionysus, similar to Zagreus or Bacchus, which are also used as a name ! This name was mainly used in the Eleusinian Mysteries, and, well, the name already proves why we have so little sources for this, they're still a big mystery despite everything that has been discovered about them.
It's a common knowledge between scholars to know that Demeter and her daughter ( Persephone ) were the two main goddesses worshipped in this cults, but there were other various gods and being related to these Mysteries, and one of them was a god named Yaco, son of Zeus and Demeter. Yaco has been showed to be considered a different god from Dionysus just like Zagreus, but the most reliable things show that, just like with Zagreus, Yaco is a very common epithet for Dionysus. For example, it is used a lot in The Bacchae from Euripides,
Yaco appears as a main figure in one of the important days for the Eleusynian Mysteries. And you know why? Because he was commemorating a very well-known event by everyone: when Demeter was all over the place looking for her daughter, Persephone. And in the end of the event, he's reunited with both in order to perform dances and rituals regarding the Mysteries.
Some details that show the two of them being close are everywhere, it's just hard to find them. For example, I found this one last year: According to the Orphic Hymn XL to the Eleusinian Demeter, she’s Dionysus’ companion !
We have to remember as well that Persephone, Demeter and Dionysus are all very closely related to snakes ! The first one probably comes due to the whole “Zeus turning into something”; Demeter’s connection comes from the Orphic Hymn XL as well; and Dionysus in one of the many myths, the one in which he’s kidnapped by sailors, he turns the ropes into snakes.
Not to forget the three of them have been considered Ctonic gods at some point or another.
Aaand that was it ! It's not as much as with Semele and Persephone, i'm aware, but sadly this is everything that i've been able to find this far. If i ever have more access to less-known sources, i will let all of you know inmediatly.
This was done mainly for @decemebercircus who was looking for sources regarding Demeter being a mother figure to Dionysus. Hope it works for something.
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juliandelgado · 1 year
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Yaco and Aaron in Boca Juniors. By Julián Delgado. November 2022
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laadep · 5 months
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In case no one colaborated in my main colorwheel, I sketched this one just in case. Fortunatelly people did participated in that Colorwheel.
Because the year is ending, I finished this 2nd colorwheel.
The theme is Argentinian web animations
White: Dylang626 https://www.youtube.com/@Dylang626/videos Tripo Dibujitos https://www.youtube.com/@tripodibujitos/videos Naisekai https://www.youtube.com/@Naisekai/videos
Pink: Bebepine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF1PTON3IkM&list=PLYP3AfztpSQrKnaM32o30cTE-slTtAEWy
Red: Jowi https://www.youtube.com/@jowi5119/videos LoCoARTS https://www.youtube.com/@AlejoYValentinaOficial/videos
Orange: Laito_light_luz https://x.com/Laito_light_luz/status/1647910138324434945?s=20 Yaco Beltran https://www.youtube.com/@Baquito/videos Franco Chamorro Animation https://www.youtube.com/@chamaquense/videos
Yellow: Alexis Moyano https://www.youtube.com/@AlexisMoyano/videos Jonadibujos https://www.youtube.com/@Jonadibujos/videos Animaciones Luki https://www.youtube.com/@AnimacionesLuki/videos LocoFlash producciones https://www.youtube.com/@locoflashproducciones1311/videos
Violet: Matix Oviedo https://www.youtube.com/@MatixOviedo/videos Peter Nobody https://www.youtube.com/@nobodytoons/videos
Blue: UltimoPlayer https://www.youtube.com/@UltimoPlayer/videos Yapura Meri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsFFkz48XuM&list=PL612sgWviBPk6W0fItRA0dlTOxy9Mb-0S
Cyan: Magalyn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCIhgxE3Eco&list=PL8n6TPsLmKqw65Kt9iToem6-AoCfU2ldy Organization XVX https://www.youtube.com/@OrganizationXVX/videos
Green: AyarB https://www.youtube.com/c/AyarB/videos MatiasTV https://www.youtube.com/@matiastv/videos
Other versions: DeviantArt | Instagram
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guys-moments · 30 days
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prontaentrega · 9 months
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silly little guy
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