#you are such a sweetiepie
peeweekey · 22 days
loved your haley fic so much!! i reread it immediately after reading it and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since <3
omg… anon…
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ickypuppi3 · 3 months
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# hint: don’t lie to a guy about the whereabouts of his kid stepsister
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namarikonda · 1 year
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"Capt. Zazoukos Nuvan"
— Leyendecker study of @nepotin's tiefling OC
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zivazivc · 23 days
Did Les ever dated in the past? Also is he with anyone recently?
Les quit school really early, like 10-years-old early, and he started working soon after, so he didn't really have friends his age. That kinda puts a buffer on a teenager's social and love life. Though there was something that happened at a house party once, that was, uh... a bad experience, and it left him with a lot of issues. Also, partially because of this, he's not really someone who acts on his crushes. So he never dated before.
But at one point the band spent a few months in the same location (dunno the reason yet, but maybe they weren't getting enough gigs and they had to take up some part time jobs for a while), and Les developed a crush on a bartender at a nearby club.
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She's the only OC of mine who's visually a bigger weirdo than Les, and he definitely saw a little bit of himself in her, and hoping for someone with some shared life experience, it's what initially attracted him toward her and vice versa.
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So they had a thing going on for a short time. It never developed into anything serious because sadly they are very alike, which means they are BOTH morons who are shy about making the first move. And after a while they came to the agreement that they were better as just friends.
Floyd with his persistent crush was not happy about the possible romance at first, but he ended up being happy for Les, and he finally decided to give his hopeless longing a rest, since the only good it was doing was growing a rift between his and Les's friendship.
Funny enough it was Floyd backing down which allowed the two to grow closer. Les lowered his guard since he no longer had to overthink if Floyd would interpret anything he did or said as some kind of flirting or act of love, and he no longer had to brace himself for any uncomfortable romancing coming from Floyd either.
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They were already good friends since the start but they became much more casual with each other and began to understand each other on a deeper level as years passed. As Floyd got older and more mature, and became an equal with the rest of the bandmates, it was actually Les who fell for him, hard. He didn't really do anything about it though, but Floyd eventually realized this and you know he did something about it. Though Floyd's crush had gone from looking at Les as this cool experienced older guy when he was younger to now seeing him as a shy innocent teddy bear compared to his lewd self ksjhdkjs.
So technically they became each other's first proper all-encompassing relationship. And by that I mean that besides the lovey-dovey obvious stuff, they were also best friends and helped each other grow a lot. Also Floyd by the time they got together, already started a habit of hooking up with strangers at parties, so being with Les forced him to slow down and progress through a relationship slowly and at a healthy pace for someone his age (since you can't really get anywhere with Les without a lot of patience). And Floyd got Les to become comfortable with opening up and talking about his deep-rooted feelings. They talked about issues they faced, many of which were related to Les's childhood trauma, instead of him just ignoring or suppressing it all. (Floyd also opened up about his own family trauma with Les obviously, but he talked about it even before they got together.)
The relationship, especially at the start, could still be considered questionable from an outsider's perspective, but so was the band's lifestyle in general. They were good for each other during that period while they were growing up and figuring themselves and each other out, which is what matters I think.
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It was honestly mainly Floyd's undiagnosed bipolar disorder that made the relationship suffer toward the end of Floyd's days in the band. It created a lot of trust issues between Floyd and Les, and also Floyd and everyone else, heck it even made Floyd distrust himself, since he and none else knew or understood what was happening with him. This led to a lot of misery and anger that he mostly ended up directing at Les, and it was what eventually made them break up and Floyd leave.
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manicsexualconflict · 2 months
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my little cutiepie
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birdsofjoy · 2 months
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BG3 art dump (feat. my three main OCs and a bunch of companions)
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Psst this is just some advice from someone who grew up with the Wild West version of the internet but:
Just don't engage with mean spirited asks or people.
They want attention. Don't give it to them. Delete it, block em, scroll away, take a deep breath, and move on. They want to waste your time, so waste theirs instead.
They came into your house and tried to start shit in probably the most milquetoast way possible, so just block, delete, and move on. Don't even mention that you did. It'll be a fun little thing that you know and they know but no one else knows, and that's so much more satisfying.
Nothing you can say will "win" the conflict or change their mind. Just put them in time out by deleting their ask and you'll feel much better. :)
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tevanactually · 28 days
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crimeronan · 2 years
hunter cheerfully blackmailing luz and eda in s2e1 bc it's the only time he gets to play outside the castle. so funny and tragic. get this kid onto a sports team immediately he is UNDERSTIMULATED
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acecubus · 1 month
IVy could call me a cunt and I would thank him for blessing me with his sweet voice 🫠
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Finals season is acc eating me up alive rn. Woe is me who can only be cured by academic rival suguru who finally sees you finally crumbling under pressure and coddling u 😞😞 i rlly need the mother suguru to be pushed more 🐁
Also i rlly wanna hear ur thoughts on reincarnation/isekai au where either suguru or satoru regress back in time. Would they change their beliefs to change the outcome or completely do smth so out of pocket to dodge it all. (Would suguru try n get a head start or would satoru completely shelter suguru) 🐁🐁🐁🐁
— 🌺
HI THERE 🌺 ANON <333 good luck on your finals!!!!! i’m cheering you on!!!!!!! pls don’t burn yourself out though :’3
BUT WAHHHHH YOUR BRAIN . I’M SMOOCHING IT. ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS W SUGU 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and it’s hurt / comfort too …… with a doting sugu …… my brain is going wild rn pls bare w me!!!!!
(warning this got Long . 😭 might have to write a drabble on the concept ngl…..)
he would just be …. so sweet. :(((((( honestly i’m imagining this as a scenario where you’re more passionate about the rivalry between you, while sugu is more so just …. indulging you. i can’t picture him hating you or wanting you to fail; he barely sees you as competition in the first place (which probably makes you… even angrier lmao). so it’s almost like a one-sided rivalry with him teasing you a little :33 he thinks you’re cute. you think he’s infuriating. and a little too pretty for his own good
so when he doesn’t receive any taunting texts from you, and stops spotting you at lectures, as that dreadful exam of yours crawls closer and closer…. he gets worried. he’s good at hiding it, though!! but he suddenly realizes how much he appreciates your presence… and i think that spurs him into taking action. he shows up in front of your dorm with a bag of snacks and drinks, as well as notes he’s been taking during the lectures, in case you’ve fallen behind on studying…. and when you open the door and he’s met with your exhausted face, his heart squeezes in his chest :(((( you just look. so small. so meek. you look like you’re about to crumble.
and he’s just . so observant. yk?? he notices the way you almost audibly wince when you see his notes, how heavy the bags under your eyes have gotten, how you look a little skinnier than usual. you’re just!!!! soso stressed!!!! buckling under the pressure!!!!!! and if anything his presence is just making it worse, because he looks totally fine. at ease. as pretty as ever. and you don’t want him to tease you so you tell him to leave… but he lets himself in instead.
anyway . one way or another. it ends with you seated on your couch, wrapped up in a blanket, close to falling asleep while suguru makes you a sandwich in your tiny kitchen. you’re sipping from a to-go cup of hot chocolate that he picked up from a café on the way (you ask for coffee but he refuses <333 no caffeine for the sleep deprived little guy!!), curling in on yourself, still struggling to keep yourself together. he’s being so sweet. plopping down next to you and putting on a random netflix show. he won’t let you do any more studying or spiralling before you’ve had a proper break + lunch :((((( he cares . he cares so much and you’re so tired. you’re so scared of failing. you’re so scared of not living up to their expectations— his expectations.
so i feel like you just ….. start crying . a bit. sniffling. trying to keep the tears at bay. because you’re just too tired to keep them in, yk?? and having him there to keep you company and coddle you a little feels so nice somehow. suguru notices, because he’s suguru. and he just …. coos. very quietly. and rubs your back. telling you to just let it out, that you’ll feel better afterwards. and he’s right :’3 he’s right but you’re just . overwhelmed. and he eventually pulls you a little closer and lets you sob into his chest. you ask him why he’s being so nice to you… through little hiccups…….. and he just kisses the crown of your head. “do i need a reason to be?” he whispers, and you nuzzle into his neck. it’s just silent. peaceful.
… and you fall asleep like that. on his chest. you’re mortified when you wake up, but he just flashes you a sly grin and ruffles your hair before getting up from the couch. his notes are on the table, there’s an extra sandwich in your fridge, and he puts a vitamin drink in your hands before leaving. he tells you to call him if you get too stressed, tells you that you can study together if you’d like —
(and for once you consider it.)
………………….. okay sorry i got carried away 💔 this WILL be added to my wips btw thank you for your service my sweet 🌺 anon <33333 BUT UM. YES. a time travel au!!!!!! i love them so much!!!!!!!! and w stsg…. it totally depends on which one of them goes back in time, bc i really don’t think cult leader geto would find a point in changing anything 😭 he’s steadfast in his choice, yk? if anything i guess he’d defect even earlier. or stick around just to kill toji himself. i feel like he’d try to convince riko into joining his cause …. just a hunch i have!! i think cult leader geto remembers her now and then, and associates her a bit with nanako and mimiko :’3
but if it’s satoru ….. hmmm. i could definitely see him trying to save suguru. he has that whole moment in hidden inventory when he realizes that suguru doesn’t want to be saved, but assuming he finds himself back in his youth before all of that — he for sure would have tried something. and honestly, rather than trying to save riko, or haibara, or anything like that — i think he’d put his everything into making sure suguru is never alone. that was his fatal mistake. so he’d stick to him, support him, try to get him to share his burdens…. and who knows??? maybe it’d work. imho the only way suguru could’ve been saved is if gojo had gotten through to him early enough. :’3
anyway!!! those are my thoughts <333 this got…. very long. thank you for the brainworms!!!!!! ily!!!!! i know i’m repeating myself but i hope your finals go smoothly 🫂🫂 and i hope you’re taking good care of yourself!!! you better!!!! otherwise sugu will have no choice but to ambush you w his cozy hugs and vitamin drinks……
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robertbelcherjr · 7 months
Mort + his sweegie weegie
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somewherefornow · 10 months
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ladymariayuri · 10 months
Exhibiting Herculean levels of strength right now (has the money to purchase a used ps4 but I have rent to pay)
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facedock · 2 years
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aaaand this is why Murdock’s not allowed to drive the van
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