#you know youre in deep when you start learning the ship's boys names :
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Solomon Tozer you will always be tumblr famous to me 😍
Based off of this post
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🪓 Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Some Thoughts 🪓
I decided to rewatch NPMD (second day in a row 🙈) and wanted to write down some random thoughts and reactions because why the fuck not 😌
I loved this show from the second it started omg I love things about murder 🤭
“Riiiiichie… Riiiiiichie…” — kind of gave off IT vibes ngl
They really killed off Jon Matteson’s nerd character in the first 35 seconds 💀
“They twisted his nipples off 🤣” - WHY WAS HE SO HAPPY ABOUT IT
“🎵I’m dead…the blood is arbitrating from my head🎵” needs to become a trending TikTok sound or something oh my fucking gOD
LAUREN YOU QUEEN 🙌🏻👏🏻 also living for that fucking wig
Definitely felt the “High School is Killin’ Me” “I’m so fucking dead” in my soul even though I’m a full ass adult now
“I was deep in a Twitter fight about a problematic puppy” ROFL OMFG
Joey as Peter Spankoffski 😭👏🏻
We all knew someone at school who snitched to the teachers lbh 💀
“So you don’t wanna be bullied?” “No, I wanna be invisible.” “…then why do you come to public school dressed in suspenders and a fucking bow tie?” - PLEAAAASE 💀🤣
Joey taking off his glasses and going “oh god” under his breath, “IT’S NOT ACTUALLY A MICROPENIS”… oh he ATE the role, R*bert who?!?
“My titties are tenderised” - I MEAN SAME BUT-?!?
“I didn’t know you were funny.” “Neither did I.” “I like funny guys.” — I AM SORRY BUT IM ALREADY SHIPPING HARD
Actually obsessed with Richie’s hair and outfit like I can’t explain it other than I’m obsessed
“Ohh well there’s a difference between intent and impact - I learnt that at an anti bullying assembly last month, FUCK NUGGET” took me off guard tbh like I know I’m tired and easily surprised but still 🤭
Jägerman is literally the archetype of the school bully jock who peaked in high school like omg but also he’s into Grace?!?!
“I run laps in the gym and I don’t want to slip on any SPUNK” - FUCKING HELL
“Can I carry your books for you?” “Carry my books? 🤢 I don’t think either of us are ready for that, I mean we’re only 18!”
“My little dirty girl.” — 😳😲😮‍💨
“I am only one man’s girl, Max, and his name is Jesus Christ!” — IM FUCKING HOWLING ANGELA KILLED THE DELIVERY OF THAT LINE I CANT-
“I’m a literal monster!” - oh so Max is self aware then 🤔
“This is politics, Stephanie 🙄 learn to multitask!”
I love that Starkid keep casting Corey as Mariah’s dad?!?
Stephanie is apparently her father’s “October surprise”… so her birthday is in October, like Hannah Foster’s? 🤔
“Stephanie, please, I’d like to have an intelligent conversation with you - in other words, shut up” - DAMN WHAT A BURN
NOOO NOT HER PHONE 😰 (I am also addicted to my phone so I get it lol)
Mayor Lauter really said “I don’t give a shit if you lie, steal or cheat to get your grades up, just don’t get caught” - spoken like a true politician
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?!?” probably should not have resonated with me like it did 🤭
Peter trying to make a joke and Richie and Ruth not getting it is so relatable tbh
I’m obsessed with Ruth’s mushroom jumper tbh
“I just want someone to touch me… anyone, PLEASE” — ROFL (same girl)
“What was it like when she touched your arm?… DID YOU CUM?!?” — 💀💀💀💀
“You and Steph, it’s a fantasy - like a boy and his anime love pillows. It’s a beautiful dream, but I’ll never hold the real Rei or Asuka in my arms.” — I AM PISSING MYSELF LAUGHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
“I’m such a loser, telemarketers hang up on me” 💀😭
Richie and Ruth climbing Pete like a tree and demanding to know what Stephanie is saying is so ridiculously funny 😆
“Really, Ruth? A Star Wars analogy? Need I go into why Attack on Titan is superior in every possible way?” — STARKID UNDERSTAND THE NERDS I LOVE IT
“You’re telling me I gotta be funny again?!? I didn’t do it on purpose the first time!”
“Pete, you’ve been given a once in a lifetime opportunity - someone’s willing to tolerate your presence for a whole evening! This may never happen again!” — damn wish that would happen to me 😭🙈
Not Pete getting a boner during “Cool as I think I am” 🙈
Nooooo not Max finding Pete before he could go into the restaurant to meet Stephanie 😭
“I’m sick of your ssshhhhit!” — YES PETEY STAND UP TO HIM
The fact Max said “Rendezvous” as “Randay-Voose” 💀
The way it transitioned from “say your prayers” to the Chasity family going “AMEN” was PERFECTION
Grace’s father referring to his wife as “mother” is…something 💀
“He came up to me in the hallway and he asked if he could carry my books.” “Oh, Mark - I didn’t know that sort of thing happened at Hatchetfield High! Do you think you should call the boy’s father?” — ?!?!?!
“Mom, will you pass the butt stuff? The butter. Butter. Will you pass the butter? (Chuckles nervously) I just want some head and butter. BREAD! Bread! Bread and butt-sex to go with this big shaft of meat I’m gonna choke down. Oh boy…oh criminy!” - THE SCREECH I GAVE WAS UNHOLY
“I’ve just got some butterflies in my tummy; and they’re flying REAL low today” 😭💀🙈
“Brewing up a big ol’ pot of dirty girl soup” - ABSOLUTELY NOT 💀
“Everyone’s got their secrets, and this one’s mine. I love… Jesus! 😃” - this was when I definitely knew she was fantasising because ain’t no fucking way-
You see, if Christian parents didn’t repress their teenager’s hormones and sexuality then MAYBE their teenagers wouldn’t resort to murder 🙃
Grace’s dad saying he’s going to get the plunger when she said she was doing a big poop 😭💀
Grace really thinks that impure thoughts only happen after marriage and I almost envy her innocence
“Money isn’t everything… looks are.” - yeah no that about sums people up in this day and age 😑
“We thought you were waifu material, but you’re just a bully” — NOT WAIFU MATERIAL 💀
Grace is kind of a psychopath and I’m loving that for her tbh
“I’m not comfortable with the plan if it involves that kind of language” but she’s comfortable with filming someone getting terrified and pissing their pants 💀
The “the place is not structurally sound” comment was DEFINITELY foreshadowing
“I get pus in my pits!” Jesus ☠️
🎵🤌🏻we’re gonna bully the bully🤌🏻🎵
“We’re gonna cut off his nips!” - what is with the obsession with n!pples in this show 😳
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“You’re like super nice to me 😀” “…not really. I’m just doing the bare minimum here.” “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” “Oh, that’s sad!” — 😂😅🤣
“Okay, Richie, be honest… Am I reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda” — OH FUCKING GOD IM CACKLING
“You kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown” 💀 FOURTH WALL BREAK?!?
Max must be VERY drunk because ain’t no way he thought Pete was a ghost or Ruth was actually a skeleton 💀
“Grace, we gotta abort the plan, it’s not working!” “It’s working for me, he’s so violent! 😍”
Not Max actually being touched by them putting this whole thing together for him 💀 very much giving off himbo vibes and I love him for that
“NERDY! PRUDES! MUST! DIE!” — oh hey it’s the name of the show! 😃 And also it was written on the wall in… oh 😳
“I did get a lot of incriminating footage of us luring him here with malicious intent!” - uh oh
“My god! We’re going to jail! And with my luck, no one will even bother making me their bitch!” — PLEASE 💀
“It wasn’t murder, and it wasn’t an accident… it was an act of God! 😇” - Grace is UNHINGED
“No more tickling in our mommy spots!” - OUR WHAT SPOTS?!?
“🎵🤌🏻 We’re gonna bury the body! 🤌🏻🎵”
“Oh no she’s snapping again”
“I just cut off his nips 😌” - again with the nips?!?
“Two weeks of heartache” - cut to all of his classmates happy without his influence 💀
“Ya know, this is really your C+.” “Oh Steph… you can keep it. It’d really bring down my GPA.”
Steph asking Pete out to the football game 🥹😁 we love to see it!
GO GO NIGHTHAWKS! 😃🦅 (I know it’s an eagle emoji there’s no hawk emoji 🙈)
“N, I-G, H-T… *squawk squawk* Ks!” 👏🏻🙌🏻
Richie is the team mascot and they wanted/needed him in the huddle 🥹
They apologised for bullying him 😭👏🏻
“And we’d like to apologise in advance for if Max ever comes back, ‘cause we’ll probably go right back to doing it”
“Fuck Clivesdale! Fuck ‘em straight to hell! Assholes!” — AGREED! 👏🏻
I’m 90% sure Jon actually struggled with taking that mascot top off but it worked well with the scene so 😌
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“I love being alive! 😃” — oh he’s so about to fucking die, isn’t he?
“Should’ve joined the smoke club you nerdy prude” — ANOTHER SMOKE CLUB REFERENCE
Every song on this soundtrack fucking slaps I LOVE IT
There’s not very many men that can pull off being absolutely absolutely fucking terrifying while dancing and singing across the stage but Will Branner managed it so kudos to him
The bit where Richie was repeating what Max said (“who will pray for me? When I’m gone?”) was INSANELY GOOD
“What did they find? You don’t say…you don’t say!” “What’d they find, dad?” “They didn’t say” - 💀
“Oh heck… I’m so hecking fudged”
“*relieved* Oh well we don’t know anything about that one!” “Or ANY one!”
“Maybe it’s a coincidence. People tell me to die every day!” — Okay why is Ruth kind of me 😭
“Ohhh I remember before the lockdown” - yeah me too 😅
Ruth walking onto the stage and into the spotlight 🥺 literally she was me this whole scene omg I relate so hard to most of what she said ASDFGHJKL
Lauren ATE that song up by the way
Him telling her to “project” so those in the back row could hear her triggered me so bad as an actor omg 😳
Grace really accusing the entirety of Clivesdale 💀
As soon as the WWJD bracelet was brought up I KNEW what was going on 😭
“Who’s plan was it, Grace?” “It was God’s plan! And now he’s leaving me out to dry! Do something, you son of a bitch!” 💀😅🤣
Grace has lost her fucking SHIT and I fully support that for her
“Show Me Your Hands” musical refrain?!
“Cup of roasted coffee” refrain too?!?
🎵”Don’t need a lover boy need a lover man / sure I’m a sapiosexual and you’re intellectual but I’ll cut my lover losses when I can” 🎵 — this song goes so hard omg
Grace pushing between them and shouting “leave room for Jesus!” 💀
“Do we need to get ahold of Ruth?” “Good luck getting ahold of her. Does your phone pls cover calls to hell?” “…Hell?” “She’s bisexual and dead, where else would she be?!?” — 💀
Grace whipping out the gun and telling Steph to cool her beans was so iconic of her
“(Canadian accent) ‘Cause if I’m going down, you hosers comin’ with me, eh” — OH MY FUCKING GOD
Doesn’t shock me a cop would arrest Paul for zero fucking reason, fuck the police 💀
“All I wanted was to be a regular girl with no sexual desire until she was safely married 😭” the FUCK-
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fuckin’ weird” 💀
“I don’t give a shit who you kill - but you just had to go and do it in that house, didn’t you?” — Mayor Lauter really said “murder is fine but NOT in that specific house, you fucking idiots”
“She gave me head in her car - check it out!” *throws Miss Tessburger’s head onstage* — BRO THE FUCK
“Detective Shapiro, are you a woman of faith?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no” — THE FUCK GRACE 😑
They’re really about to summon five otherworldly entities who are evil I’m-
The Summoning screams CRACK and I’m living for it
“Pay the price or fuck off” 💀
Can I just say that I need would love a show specifically just about the Lords in Black fucking about and it’s Jon the whole time as Wiggly exactly as he was during the Summoning scene because that was AMAZING IM SHAKING-
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The fact Pete cherishes Steph and she cherishes him oh my hEART 😭
“Hey Steph, if things were different, would you wanna come to homecoming with me?” “I’d like that, Pete. I’d really like that.” - SHUT THE FUCK UP NO 😭😭😭
Not Max saving Pete from being shot 💀
“So you do know the Bible!” — GRACE OMG IM SCREECHING HELP
“But Jesus never threw a football like you, Max” - WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING
Max being confused about what dirty girl soup is and then being turned on when she explains 😭💀
“Take me, Max, right here on the 50 yard line!” — oh dear gOD
Max’s struggle over whether to kill Steph and Pete or whether to bang Grace omfg 😭😅
Grace got Max kicking his feet, twirling his hair, after one shag, just like a teenage girl 💀 I’m crying so hard with laughter I can’t cope with it-
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Grace choosing not to get the dance cancelled and she brought a date?!? That’s character development! 😀
She let Jason walk her home?!? O_o and then asked him to kiss her?!?!
“That was… absolutely disgusting! Really, Jason?!? Kissing on the first date?!?” Oh noooo 💀
“You’re a dirty perv, Jason”
Anyway, 11/10, immaculate, amazing, incredible, show-stopping, would recommend to everyone of course and will definitely be rewatching it a LOT 🪓
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I've just found your (most recent) answer about Louis being ace, where you mention that you believe both William and Sherlock are aro/ace, and I'm overjoyed that there is another person who holds the same beliefs! I thought I was the only one! I mean, there are plenty of people who simply don't ship them, but it's not the same thing. Could you please elaborate on that? It's ok if you don't want to, but I would really appreciate learning your thoughts on that.
I think actually a lot of people think this and don't have the vocabulary to articulate it!
Because, well, I think they're aro ace, but I ship them, and I have many meta posts about how they are, textually, canonically written as a romance in many, many, many ways.
To start, I think they're both ace-spec. That link there is to a brief explanation of where, exactly, on the spectrum I think they fall. My reasoning for this is not just that I like thinking of characters as ace (although I do, to be fair), but really the way their relationship to each other utterly floors them. It's not really the reaction someone would have if they had ever been attracted to or interested in someone else. This is clearly something very new and unique for them both, and neither of them has any words to describe it or name it or any idea what to do with these feelings.
And damn if that's not ace-spec.
My arguments for aromantic-ness came a bit later: when Sherlock was asking John why a person would want to get married in The Sign of Mary, and The Final Problem for William. Because, I mean, Sherlock is just like, "I get that logically you match up and could hit your list of qualifications, but this desire to have a romantic marriage partner is what I don't get," and. Yeah. That's an aro boy right there. He just don't understand because he'd never been in that position or thought about it. Because it had never occurred to him.
For William, it was largely about the way he basically described, "I want to die in your arms alone and be reborn at your side," and, "And we're friends!" William, shut up, you have no idea what you're talking about, but what you described is not friendship. I have many deep, powerful friendships and have never felt that way about any of them. That's a fucking completely out of pocket romantic desire, and you clearly don't even know that you stupid fucking dumbass.
So I think a lot of it lies in the newness and puzzlement of the concepts of romance and sex to me. It feels very ace-spec, like they'd never before even contemplated and it had never even occurred to them that it might affect them--presumably, because they'd never been attracted to anyone before.
It's also in Sherlock basically grimacing when John was like, "Wow, you're really old enough to be getting married, bro," and William being like, "Siiiiiigh my college students are all so horny," and William begging for help when a lady hits on him and he doesn't know how to respond, and it's just in the way they interact with life.
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meffuyu · 2 years
(A spontaneous feeling of closeness)
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Ask:: "Tanjiro and y/n have their first kiss, how did it feel, where did they kiss. Did it escalate?? I leave these questions to you, dear author."
tanjiro k. x reader
a/n : occasionally I post ship fics on my ao3, exploring wonderful genres for practice. (Pink93)
Writing scenarios even I wish I had experience in. 🗿
Fluff, and… more fluff?
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It was time. 
Tanjiro dared himself to do something he had never done before. The next time he was going to meet you again face-to-face, he would seal his overflowing feelings with a passionate kiss. 
He didn't know how to kiss a girl or if that would break your boundaries. He didn't wish to upset you, he respected women! Unlike a particular comrade… 
Tanjiro couldn't ask anyone for advice on how to kiss a girl, and no, not just any girl, you. 
The topic was once brought to the two of his trusted friends, but they only looked at each other in confusion. Inosuke thought kissing was more like eating one's face for the sake of starvation. While Zenitsu kept pestering him to reveal the lucky girl he had his eyes on. 
If only they knew it was you, he was sure the two of them would have laughed their hearts away. 
But here he was, sitting on his knees attending a class that perfected 'the art of lips,' in other words, Zenitsu's lesson about love. 
The poor boy Tanjiro had his fingers curled into fists and firmly pressed against his knees. Beside him was Inosuke, apparently doing the same action. 
Back and forth, Zenitsu paced around, holding a long twig he had managed to obtain at the beginning of this class. He took this teaching job seriously as his arms were behind his back. 
Whipping the tip of the stick against the ground earned the other two boys a stiff reaction. 
"So…" He started. "What brings the two of you to my class? Hm? You both have sad lives, so; I'm curious to know why you asked little ol' me for help." The blond closed his eyes as he took deep breaths, almost like he was angry. 
"I ain't even wanna be here!" Inosuke huffed, folding his arms against his bare, rippled chest. 
Truth was, Zenitsu forced Inosuke to attend; the only person willing was Tanjiro. Yes, it is a surprise, especially since he debated his thoughts about allowing Zenitsu to teach him everything that needed to be known about kissing. 
Zenitsu clicked his tongue. Inosuke's complaints have ticked him off. "Shut up! You will sit there and learn how to kiss a girl properly- you should be grateful I am wasting my precious time on you since you don't even know what romance is!" 
"What did you say!?" The inner boar was set ablaze.
"You heard me! After I'm done, you better be able to kiss a girl so you won't be so depressed and lonely in life! While Tanjiro and I will have wives, you'll have nothing but your measly damned self!" The blond fired back, yelling at the top of his lungs. 
Tanjiro turned pale as his jaw dropped. 
Inosuke became speechless. 
[Name]... as a wife? 
Instantly, Zenitsu returned to his natural mood state and beamed as if nothing had happened. He pointed the stick at Tanjiro, slightly waving it around. 
"Very well, what about you? Why are you here?" He quizzically asked. 
Tanjiro thought carefully and soon parted his lips to explain.  
"I was hoping to prepare myself when kissing the girl I like, but… I realized that life is about risks. When we returned from the Entertainment District, Mr. Uzui told us that love seems to come in the ways you least expect."
Zenitsu raised both of his eyebrows, intrigued with what Tanjiro told him. "So, what are you trying to say?"
"I don't think this class is for me." He concluded. Tanjiro quickly arose from his sitting position and hauled the giant crate that contained Nezuko upon his back. 
"What? But Tanjiro!-" The blond began.
"I have to go! She's usually around this time, I know what I'm going to do." He waved, and before Zenitsu could give a piece of his mind, Inosuke captured the boy into a headlock. 
"Monitsu! You're all talk!" Inosuke retaliated.
Tanjiro wasted no time in leaving, he was desperate to see you. So he continuously waved to the two boys fighting and making a loud commotion. Tanjiro jogged through the mighty forest with a crate on his back, he knew Nezuko was asleep right now. 
You met Tanjiro before he formed his squad, but you had to depart because you preferred to be solo. Even so, working with Kanao Tsuyuri in combat had always been driven by a little Insect Pillar. 
The young teenager was in a hurry as the dust from the ground flew in the air each time he dragged his feet against the surface. He held onto the straps of the crate tightly, trying to keep it at least sturdy so Nezuko wouldn't awaken by the frequent movement. 
From the rural land, he escaped the forest with the tallest trees. He entered the town in his view, excited to see you again. 
"Hey Nezuko, it's natural to try your firsts with the person you love, right?" He inquired, as he knew he would receive no response from his kid demon sister anytime soon. So, for now, he would just see it as a rhetorical question.
Passing through the open shops that displayed their goods and services, Tanjiro examined his surroundings; however, it was only by the alarming scent he adored so much that he could get led to where you were located. 
He pondered thoughtfully on if he would give you something special one day. His eyes scanned the various stores with antiques for different occasions. Stopping his footing, he saw a hairpin that reminded him so much of you. For some odd reason, he knew he had to get it for you. 
About five hundred yen was the price. 
After just a few words with the shopkeeper, he had the hairpin in his hand in no time. Featuring fabrics and silks that complimented the designs, he believed you would love it. 
But of course, he couldn't spend any more time admiring the item, he needed to see you! 
He was off, jogging again at a pace his legs would surely take him. After some minutes of searching and turning many street corners, he saw a specific figure by a Palmate Maple tree. On the bench, you were, typically writing a letter. 
How did he know you were writing a letter? He knew everything about you, and little did you know that he did. 
Watching your concentrated expression while you thought about words to incorporate into your letter. Your eyebrows knitted together as you chewed on your bottom lip focused. 
The season for romance Zenitsu would say, but it was only Autumn. 
Placing the giant crate down, Tanjiro approached you with great reluctance in his movement. He did not wish to startle you or stop you from continuing your intense writing. Magenta orbs observing the straw brush in your hand, and to him, the motion of the tip indicated you were writing a specific word in Kanji.
Then you suddenly looked up. 
He was so alarmed by how you did so, it was something he least expected. The rate of his heartbeat increased per minute, and for a second, he lost his breath. 
Actually, when did he get so close to you? He was peering over you, staring at your features up close. How embarrassing… 
"T-Tanjiro!?" You squeaked. 
Quickly, your arms shielded your work when you understood what was happening. That action caused you to knock over the small jar of jet black pigment, which Tanjiro caught instantly due to swift reflexes. 
"[Name]!" He called. 
Tanjiro was caught off guard. Sitting next to you on the wooden bench, he lifted the jar of ink. You had rolled up your letter, giving him your full attention. 
Typical Tanjiro. The answer was clear to anyone, even if you wanted to ask how he found you. Somehow, he looked even tenser than the last time he saw you during an outing. 
Setting aside the parchment paper, you retrieved the ink jar from his hold. 
"Were you looking for me?" You asked, and to that, he nodded. 
Tanjiro began sweating when he remembered what he specifically came here to do, so he thought to himself: what would Mr. Uzui do?
He displayed a poker-faced expression, which had you slightly concerned. His index finger was pressed against his chin as he thought intensely about how the Sound Pillar would behave. He was… thinking a little too hard. 
"Hello? Hey?" You waved your palm directly over his face. 
You weren't able to get an answer to your question because all that followed was silence. Only people's conversations could be heard, or the hardened Fall leaves were crushed under the feet of 'seasonal' couples. 
'Remember you three… actions, always speak louder than words.'
Tanjiro thought those words were rich coming from Tengen Uzui. However, there was a point made that he couldn't deny. 
Actions do speak louder than words. 
Actions… Words… 
And a heartbeat. 
His heart was beating at the thought of kissing you. He swore he'd make a move; he told Zenitsu and Inosuke he could do it without using the kissing classes. Then why was he stalling so much?! 
It's because he's never kissed a girl like you before. 
Two roughly textured palms were wrapped around your single hand. The force that came with the capture of your hand was immeasurable. You toppled over him until your body was pressed firmly against his chest, and his eyes locked in with yours. 
As people tried to see what exactly was happening, the two of you were in a questionable position. On the bench, Tanjiro was lying flat on his back, and you hovered over him. 
It was hard not to laugh as your noses touched each other, as if his clumsiness had gotten the best of him this time. It wasn't long before your hair tickled his face, and he was laughing. There seemed to be a mess between you two, almost as if you were a couple. 
"What on earth are you doing, clumsy!" You joked, patting his chest to try and sustain your laughter. His sweet chuckles had already died down, and all that remained was a soft smile. 
"This." He replied.
With his eyelids closing, Tanjiro's lips made contact with your own. It was an indescribable feeling that one would call a 'spark.' In this case, a spark had been ignited by the tender kiss. 
As his lips moved against yours, he savoured the passion he was experiencing and the taste of your plump lips. When the surprise wave ended, you kissed him in return. Tanjiro's lips formed to become one with yours as he took his time. He had no thoughts; he couldn't think of anything to distract himself because the kiss felt so alive. 
In the boy's eyes, it didn't matter if your hair was thick or thin because his main objective was to push the hairpin into the clusters of hair tendrils. 
The young Kamado found his way to express his undying love. 
It was a success that the hairpin stuck in your hair and looked pretty on you as well. 
The first kiss Tanjiro had ever shared with you was finally over as he pulled away from you. He fiddled with the pin before allowing you to embrace it. 
"You shouldn't have, and you know it!" You chided with a fit of giggles.
"But," Tanjiro shook his head with that permanent smile. "I had to because of one specific reason." 
"Oh? What's the reason?" Another question you decided to ask as your fingertips traced the hairpin lightly. 
"Because I love you."
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mugiwara-no-toshokan · 9 months
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Thrice Prophesized
CisFem Reader x Roronoa Zoro
Summary: Strap in for an isekai that doesn't involve Earth! Reader is a knight from a different world, yanked into the Grandline Metro AU against her will. Follow her as she learns about the world, the One Piece, and the Straw Hat Pirates - specifically a one-eyed green-haired "demonic" swordsman.
CW: In-Universe levels of violence, amnesia, romance, reader gets some good bad-ass moments, but shouldn't feel Overpowered if I did my job well, surprisingly no smut in this one loves, but it's book 1 of 2.
18 + only please -- 59k words - Completed - Read on Wattpad if you want or Ao3 \o/
Chapter 1: What's My Name Again?
“Heeeeeeey! Luffy!” Usopp yelled as he was coming down from the crow’s nest on the Thousand Sunny. “Luffy! There’s a person floating on a barrel!” He pointed after he was sure he had his captain’s attention. “I saw her cough so she’s still alive!”
Luffy leans over the rail and puts his hand over his eyes, scanning in the direction Usopp pointed until he saw the same thing, or enough of the same thing to know he was looking at it.
“I got it!” Luffy’s arm stretched out across the sea, and he flinches a bit. “Oh. She grabbed my hand! Chopper!”
The commotion had been enough to get the attention of the rest of the crew, as Chopper came up from the boys’ room, Sanji came out of the kitchen. Nami and Robin were coming down from the garden, while Brook, Jinbe and Franky came from the helm.
“Careful Luffy! If she’s hurt a rough landing won’t be good!” Chopper explains as Luffy’s arm begins to return.
“Eh?!” Luffy’s arm twists before he can reply to Chopper, and the person he’s reeling in slams into him.
The two go head over heels a couple of times before Luffy is pinned to the grass, his arm twisted behind his back. A woman has him pinned down, her legs over his, his arm in her grip, and a broken and jagged piece of wood in her hand. Her long hair was plastered against her from the sea water, and fierce focused eyes were fixed on Luffy.
As soon as she seemed to register him, she released her grip and dropped the jagged piece of wood.
“My… apologies.” She took a deep breath and shifted off of him, sitting on the grass. “You saved me, and I reacted poorly.”
Luffy smiles. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not like you were going to hurt our captain with a piece of wood.” Robin muses.
The extra voice causes the woman to look around and take in the crew. Her brows knit at the sight of Jinbe and Franky, and she pales when she notices Brook.
“You’re bleeding.” Chopper says, coming over to her.
“I -.” She freezes for a moment, before relaxing. “You’re a… forest spirit?”
“Chopper’s our doctor.” Luffy explains.
She seems to process this information for a moment before peeling her shirt off. There’s a moment’s commotion before everyone sees the state she’s in.
There’s extra binding over the bra she’s still wearing, but her clothes, or lack thereof, are hardly noticed, even by Sanji. Bruises and small cuts litter her body, the deeper cut on her arm that Chopper noticed is hardly the worst injury among them.
“I am in need of a doctor.” She admits, holding the sopping shirt against her chest. “I am in your care, Dr. Chopper.”
She bows completely to the ground, having already been on her knees.
“Ah! Don’t do that, you could hurt yourself worse.” Chopper grows larger and gently picks up the surprised woman. “It’s okay, I’m just going to take you to the sick bay so I can tend to you.” He explains as he carries her off the deck and up through the kitchen.
“Oh, we didn’t -.” Nami starts but is interrupted by Usopp.
“MARINES!” Usopp yells pointing out across the water. He lowers his goggles and gets a better look. “Oh no… Luffy it’s your grandfather’s ship!”
“I’ll prepare a Coup de Burst!” Franky announces.
“Nami!” Jinbe yells and the navigator nods as the two head to the helm.
“The rest of us will keep the cannonballs at bay until we can take off.” Zoro says, putting Wado Ichimonji between his teeth.
“I’ll let Chopper know we’re going to burst,” Usopp says, taking off as the rest of the crew keeps their eyes to the sky.
Cutting through the kitchen, Usopp enters the sick bay and freezes in his tracks.
Chopper is on his butt, small sized again, looking in shock at the woman that he had brought in. A few feet off the bed she’s frozen in place, literally incased in ice that has taken over a section of the room, there’s a peaceful look on her face.
“What happened?!” Usopp looks back and forth from the frozen woman to Chopper.
“Aaaaahhh! Usopp! I don’t know!” Chopper’s surprise is shattered by Usopp’s question, and the small reindeer starts to panic. “I set her down to get my stuff and then it started to feel cold, and when I turned to look at her, she was coming off the bed and just – just froze in the air!”
“M-maybe she’s a devil fruit user.”
“… Wait, Chopper, look! Is she healing?”
“EH?!” Chopper grows bigger to get a better look and gasps. “She is!”
“Oh that’s- OOF!” Usopp’s statement is cut short, and he and Chopper are tossed back as the Sunny bursts forward.
. . . . . . . .
The cold biting winds didn’t bother you. This was your country, and you took pride in that. Protecting the Archduke and the northern border of the kingdom was a great honor, and being one of the Winternight Knights was an even greater honor.
The ancient magic of the family flowed through your veins. Not only did its defensive capabilities keep you safe, but the offense capacity of the bloodline’s magic was second to none. It needed to be, in order to keep winter from consuming the world.
But you could feel the cold pulling away from you. You were too far from the Duchy, too far from the Archduke – too far away from winter to be able to call on your powers. But you shouldn’t be able to be too far away. The size of the world shouldn’t be big enough. You wouldn’t be able to travel fast enough.
Where were you?
Who are you?
Your foot lands on water. It’s warm, and clear. There’s a well-manicured man looking at you, sitting at a well-manicured table, on a well-manicured lawn. Wherever this place is, it’s clean to a point that makes you uncomfortable. The man’s hairstyle isn’t right for the kingdom, his hair is pulled up into an odd sort of tower bun, and as you look closer there’s something around his head, separating him from the world around him entirely.
“The Empty Throne shall crumble to dust, and the terrible curse of this world will be undone. The seas will swell in bounty and the ruler of the shadows will be brought to burn into the light of the Sun.” The words spill from your lips, but you don’t know that you’re saying them.
Light pours from you and you cannot even see the strange man and his strange clothes, though you can hear him screaming for guards. You repeat your words again, and again, rising higher and higher into the air.
Further from the water, further from winter.
But where are you?
Who are you?
“She prophesized the fall of the Empty Throne! Capture her!”
“Did you see that pillar of light?”
“How dare such blasphemy be uttered in the Red Line!”
“Capture her! What if she knows more? What if she knows where the One Piece is!?”
“What do you mean the light’s reverting devil fruit users? I don’t care for your excuses, get the Hero of the Marines here then! He doesn’t use a devil fruit, he can capture her!”
“Look out!”
“Is that ice?”
“She can’t have that devil fruit ability, Kuzan’s still alive!”
“She’s not turning into ice, she’s creating it – is it a new Paramecia type?”
“Don’t get distracted, stop her!”
“Don’t kill her, the power of prophecy must be contained!”
“She’s getting away!”
“Prepare the ships, Garp will need to pursue her!”
The voices fade as the comforting cold of your home country moves you forward through the air. The power is immense, beyond any application you had known it capable of prior. As though it carries a will of its own, you feel no more in control of your rampage as you did of the words that fell from your lips earlier.
You had no desire to be caught, so you had no concern for the damage you were causing. This land was not Winternight, and you had no loyalty to it. In order to figure out what was going on you needed to be free, and these people were already ready to slap you in irons. The choice was easy.
The immense power propelling you away was also draining your reserves at an alarming rate. Nothing was around you but vast open ocean. You’d only seen the ocean once before now, but you knew that this had to be it.
As your strength faded your memories faded. Falling through the air you wondered idly why you had decided to run away? Why were you in need of freedom? You had come from somewhere, but what was it called again?
Where are you?
Who are you?
. . . . . . .
Heaving in a breath you sit up in bed. It feels like you had just pulled yourself up from the bottom of the ocean and you’re panting trying to pull air into your lungs. A strange sensation tickles at you, and you look over, locking eyes with a small deer-like creature standing on two legs, and wearing a hat.
It’s looking at you in surprise as much as you’re looking at it.
“… Are you-.”
“AAAAHHHH!” You scream at the noise and scramble out of the bed, as you head out one door you can hear the small creature screaming and heading out the other door.
You come out onto the deck of a ship, and bright warm sun overhead. You skitter off to the right, only vaguely aware that you’re wearing something like night clothes, and run down a set of steps onto –
“-grass?” Your mind breaks for a second and you look around at your surroundings again. There are doors, stairs, two trees, a bench wrapped around the mast and railings on either side of you that look out into the endless ocean.
That itchy feeling pulls at you, and you look over to see a skeleton in a suit with puffy hair come down the stairs across from you. He appears to be drinking tea. He turns to look at you and speaks and you scream again, causing him to scream as well. You dart across the way and go through a door, slamming it closed behind you.
You mean to catch your breath, and gather your wits, but a heavy and oppressive air sinks into you. For the first time since you woke up you feel like you might just die.
Turning toward the feeling, you press your back to the door, eyes focused on the blade leveled at you. The man holding it has the aura of a demon, even if his appearance is certainly human. You don’t notice much else about him, except that his one good eye could melt your bones to dust if you weren’t careful.
“Stop. Screaming.” He growls, pulling the sword away from you and sheathing it. You notice there’s three swords at his waist, and the air in the room shifts back to normal as though he hadn’t just been glaring at you like that.
“I… uh. Sorry.” You manage in confusion.
He grunts, walking to you and opening the door, walking back out onto the grass and leaving the door open. You follow behind him, ready to ask him questions when there’s suddenly several people on the deck, surrounding you.
You’ve moved before you know why and you’ve pulled one of the demon-man’s swords free, holding it up in front of you and making sure your back is to a wall and not another door.
“Oi! Marimo, how could you let her do that?” A blonde man in a suit with a cigarette in his mouth was yelling in your direction, but not at you.
You look over to the demon-man and see surprise scrawled on his face before it turns to irritation.
“Give that back!” He snarls, and your body moves automatically as he reaches for you. Moving the hilt out of the path of his hand and stepping back you pivot, and tense the muscles in your legs, jumping much higher than you expected and landing half-way up the stairs next to the mast.
You can’t stop the look of surprise on your own face as you look one way and then the other, standing defensively on the stairs with the sword still in hand.
Your new vantage point, and the space between you and everyone else gave you a chance to take in the people around you more completely. There was a young boy in a straw hat with an impressive scar on his chest who seemed to be dressed like a farm hand. Two women were near the blonde man that had shouted earlier, one of them wearing a bra for a top and the other with her shirt tied in a knot just under her chest. Something about their manner of dress seemed wrong to you, but you couldn’t remember why.
The little deer creature was back, hiding behind a man with curly hair and a fisherman’s hat. He wore pants and suspenders, but no shirt, and looked like some sort of foreign appraiser. The animated Skeleton was standing next to two more people who looked just as impossible. One of them appeared to be a large fish man with white streaks in his black hair, and the other looked only vaguely human, his aqua-blue hair and a metal nose the least strange things about him.
“Shi-shi-shi-shi, Zoro, how’d she steal your sword?” The farm boy laughs, and something about his demeanor makes you feel at ease.
“I think she’s wondering the same thing, Captain.” Zoro says evenly, and you realize his eye has been fixed on you this entire time. You might’ve kept the sword earlier, but you couldn’t match the focus that was staring you down right now.
Not in your current state of confusion, at least.
“W-Where am I?” You ask finally, still hiding behind a sword that’s only yours because the demon-man hasn’t decided to take it back yet.
“You’re on our ship, the Thousand Sunny.” The young girl wearing the bikini top answers you, her orange hair framing a disarming smile on her face.
“B-But where are we? I can’t feel… can’t… what. I can’t feel what?” You shake your head; you’re forgetting something, and you only know that you’ve forgotten it. “What am I forgetting?”
Realization dawns on you as you try to run through what you do know, and you pale.
“Who am I?”
“Amnesia?” the blonde man in the suit questions.
“I… I’m…” Your legs buckle and your knees hit the stairs hard. You barely steady yourself before you nearly topple onto the sword on accident. Holding onto the rail with one hand you turn the hilt of the sword back to the demon-man. You were in no condition to defend yourself and being armed would only make things harder for you. “Done… I’m done. I don’t know who I am, where I am, or who is friend and foe. To fight in this state is dishonorable.”
The green-haired demon-man grabs the hilt and carefully takes it back from you.
“Will you let us help you?” He asks, his voice is almost as sharp as the sword.
“I pointed your own sword at you, why would you help me?”
He just looks at you in silence for a long moment. It feels like the entire crew is holding its breath waiting for you to answer the original question.
“… Yes. I have nothing else, please help me.” You say, sinking back against the stairs.
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disasterbuck · 3 days
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @jesuiscenseedormir 😘
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
256 😬 but most of those are collabs with my beloved Veronae 💜 works written on my own I think total 23?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
oh damn how do I find that ah. okay. um. 560,589
3. What fandoms do you write for?
nowadays it's pretty much just 9-1-1
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you are really teaching me how to use the stats page on ao3 lol
The Parent to Contact - Buck gets a call from Christopher's school and learns that he's listed on the boy's forms as 'the parent to contact on Tuesdays'.
that drunk buck chat - Buck gets drunk and texts Eddie something he wasn't meant to read. Text fic!
that first kiss chat - Eddie texts Buck with some news, and it goes on from there. All texting!
Buddie, You're Hot - Buck is helping Eddie get ready for a date when he ends up outing himself as bi – something he thought Eddie already knew. Wasn't it obvious?
that drunk eddie chat - Wherein Eddie is a drunk mess and Buck needs to protec
5. Do you respond to comments?
on my own/solo fics, yes absolutely every time. but comments on the buddie text fics I usually leave for Veronae to reply to, unless it's specifically addressed to me or I just feel like replying
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
knee deep in sinking sand Buck has a nightmare about losing Eddie.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of what I write has a happy ending 😅 um I'm gonna go with You Should've Just Kissed Me Set after the Poker Date Night, Buck overhears Eddie talking about being set up on a date and wonders aloud why Eddie doesn't just explain that he's already in a relationship - with Buck.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully not much, but there was one person who left hate on the buddie text fics :(( I do my best to ignore it though 😌
9. Do you write smut?
nah I'm not really comfortable with it. sometimes a fic will get a bit steamy but I usually try to fade to black when I can.
10. Craziest crossover?
does lone star count? cause we've done text fics with TK and Carlos:
that matchmaker crossover chat Buck talks to TK. Carlos talks to Eddie. They're in love, but they won't tell each other. TK enlists Carlos' help to try and change that. Text fic!! that anniversary day chat When Eddie cancels plans with Buck to go on a date, they end up in a fight without fully understanding how it happened. Eddie reaches out to Christopher, while Buck reaches out to his good ol' buddy TK for support ... but they can only go so long before facing each other. that bothered and bewildered chat After being kissed by Tommy, Buck reaches out to an old acquaintance for help sorting out his feelings.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! a while back, in a different fandom and under a different name.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
as you've probably figured out, yes I have. I collab with my bestie Veronae for all out buddie text fics, and we've also written an actual prose fic together as well:
A Jealous Kiss “You’re going out with your mechanic?” Buck asked. Then his face fell into deliberate blankness. “You mean, you’re dating your mechanic?”Eddie was going on a date with someone else. And Buck would be left behind.Again.
14. All time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
ohhhh good question. hm probably my buddie wip where Chimney dares Buck not to use Eddie's name for a week and so Buck starts using pet names for him. it's cute and I like the idea but I don't think I'm ever gonna have enough motivation to write the whole thing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hm. I think I'm pretty good at writing fluff? and having a good balance of prose and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too many ideas, not enough motivation. I've got easily like 50 wips or something uggghhhhhh
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
ummm sure? why not? I once wrote a fic for a previous fandom where one character spoke french the whole way through, and I got a french friend to check it over for me so it could be accurate, plus I then added translations at the end for people.
19. First fandom you wrote for
20. Favorite fic you've written
Friends Don't ✨💕
Eddie and Buck have always been closer than most best friends and it's never bothered them, but lately they've been starting to wonder if there might be more than just friendship between them.
After all, it's becoming clear that there are a lot of things they do that 'just friends' don't.
Pressing his face into his pillow, Buck giggled before mumbling, "Whoops."
"Whoops?" Eddie repeated. "We've been on the phone for almost four hours and all you have to say is 'whoops'?"
"It's been a great four hours," Buck said, the words tumbling out before he had time to consider whether he should be admitting them or not.
"Yeah," Eddie confirmed softly, making Buck's heart squeeze affectionately in his chest. "It has."
Tagging: @idealuk @estheticpotaeto @bklynbiguy ✨
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ninhaoma-ya · 1 year
Chapter 1082 — Let’s go and claim it!
It’s getting annoying with how people don’t respect the publishing schedule at all with respects to the leaks. Spoilers have been out for over a week already when the official release is this incoming Sunday. I had to double check on Shueisha, and yes, 1082 is out on the 7th.
It’s like… you’ll still have to wait for the next chapters, y’know? There will be a break at some point, so why not just accept the pace we’re going at?
Oh well, I digress.
On to what you’re here for!
(A word of warning: this will be a jumpy analysis.)
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What a horrible way to start the chapter :(
Although a minor side-bob, I really liked T-Bone. And yes, that’s why Oda killed him off: to show how well the Cross Guild’s plan is working, pitting civilians and pirates alike against the marines.
Although only some enlightened marines see it. Others are wilfully blind.
I wonder, Sengoku, I really do. The name Ohara doesn’t ring a bell? Flevance? Alabasta? Dressrosa? All the people on Sabaody sold in the human shops? The people in the Blues, extorted by worms like Nezumi? Egghead, a governmental island that’s going to be blown to kingdoms come as soon as Kizaru gets there?
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Tsuru is truly a great strategist, able to see all sides, although she loses some points for still condemning the culprit…
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…through whose eyes we see the devastation.
And Buggy is such a great showman! He does know how to get his people roaring..
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..except for his oldest and dearest who are happy to listen to him being tortured.
Shame. Shame on you.
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(This is totally on you, Mihawk and Crocodile. You saw what the devotion of his fans did to the Cross Guild poster and yet you let them create the ship?)
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The ship is beautiful. I wonder what it’s called.
And now we learn about the importance of communication, boys and girls:
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Shanks: Why don’t you share your reasoning with your old friend Buggy?
Buggy: Why do you assume Shanks wanted you to become a subordinate when he said “join me”? And why don’t you talk with Shanks about your and his dreams and see if you can find some common ground, instead of burying your own dreams because you thought someone else had a better shot at achieving them?
I really like Buggy vocalising his dream.
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And the strategic genius of rallying the troops.
Yes, almost all pirates we’ve seen have been touched by Roger and the dream of the One Piece one way or another. It’s a great move to remind them of it — now they’re part of your crew and you, Great Chairman Buggy, obviously have a chance.
And rallying the troops keeps your bosses from killing you.
And, of course, the sheer romanticism of Buggy. He still believes, deep within, doesn’t he?
And the second part – it's nice to get some new faces and Koala my beloved, but:
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I assume we’ll be going back to Egghead next chapter since we’ve been gone for quite a while and thus Sabo’s revelation will be left a cliffhanger for the upcoming year or so.
Such is story pacing and weekly cycles.
But then.
Oda’s line art.
It’s getting worse and worse. I really hope they finally convince him to let an assistant take over the inking, because this is not good.
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Sure, the assistant-drawn neat backgrounds save a lot, such as in the above Tsuru/Sengoku-panel, but One Piece is still a character-focused story, with a lot of personal close-ups. And Oda’s lack of time (and probably weakening eyesight and increasing age) is showing so clearly.
There are so many who would love to help Oda create this masterpiece. Please, let them help.
Transport chapter, but I give it a dream come true and a wish upon a star.
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lale-txt · 2 years
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💌 birthday letters to Rayleigh (gn!reader, no pronouns)
a/n: today's the day!! i've been telling myself that i would just write something small for his birthday but who am i fooling anymore at this point lmao. blorbo brain taking over; he's my favorite of them all. it's soft and fluff, it's a bit suggestive (not full on smut), it's a bit heart-wrenching. it's everything, he's everything. the happiest birthday to the dark king who i'm completely normal about <3
word count: 2.3k
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❦ 35
Rayleigh wakes up with his head drumming. Next to him a naked Roger, all limbs stretched out like a starfish, the blanket only covering the bare minimum (that was actually not so mini). Must have been a wild night in that bar? He tries to collect his memories, but the booze from last night was still making things very foggy. He rubs his temples and reaches for his glasses on the nightstand, neatly folded next to a glass of water and some pain killers. He can’t remember that he put this up there. Geez, he was getting old. Only when he puts on his glasses does he see the little note on the back of a wrinkly receipt…
“Good morning, stranger. Had to run back to the bar to clean up. You pirates sure know how to party, huh? Anyway, thanks for the fun night and the love bruises. And the bite mark on my ass. Wish I could have kissed you a little more. Somehow your lips on mine felt a lot like coming home… is that a weird thing to say? Oh well. My heart feels very full. Oh, and happy birthday again! 35, such a fun age, started with a bang (literally). PS: Your captain didn’t join the fun, only stripped and crawled in your bed, mumbled something about how he always does that… I had a feeling we both hoped he would join us, though? Left my panties in the pocket of your jacket, maybe you want to return them tonight x”
❦ 36
Soft linen sheets, early dawn. The sea is quiet today, the Oro Jackson floating on the gentle waves towards the next adventure, their jolly roger blowing proudly in the wind. In the ship’s kitchen the birthday cake preparations for the first mate are in its final stages. After having to start all over again because a certain captain accidentally sat on the first one, the second one turned out even more grandiose than before. It all went unnoticed by Rayleigh who fell into a deep booze induced slumber early…
“My birthday king, you’re sleeping so peacefully next to me, it makes it hard not to cover your pretty face in kisses, but I fear I might wake you up from it. It feels kinda nostalgic, writing you a note like that even though it’s only been a year since that fateful night. I asked you to return my panties and you just stole me away from that lousy bar, making me join the crew on the spot… And boy, how happy I’ve been ever since that day. There are no words. My heart has been the fullest ever since you touched it. Oh, how I love you. Happy birthday, my love, my everything. x PS: I’m gonna go look for Roger, he seemed pouty that he had to share the tradition of a ‘birthday handjob’ now…” 
❦ 44
Rayleigh wakes up and stretches his tired bones. Why did he have to learn it the hard way that the older you get, the more your body just starts aching? He ruffles his golden hair, reaching for the empty sides of his bed. When did it become a tradition that his lovers let him wake up alone on his birthday? He wondered what they were up to today, they sure managed to surprise him every year with new mischief… He could hear muffled laughter from outside his cabin door, hushed voices speaking to each other, the overly-excited laughter of children bouncing from every wall. Someone hisses the names of the ship’s apprentices Shanks and Buggy, followed by more giggles when a folded envelope is pushed underneath the door. Then, the sound of several footsteps running down the hallway until their laughter is only a faint echo. Rayleigh smiles softly and gets up, unfolding the letter that had his name sprawled across in a wonky handwriting (he couldn’t tell if it was from the kids or Roger).
“Your birthday treasure hunt starts now! Put some pants on and come out to play, old man! Here’s your first hint: (a wobbly drawing of a man with a glorious mustache holding up a mushed birthday cake, some suspicious butt-shaped prints on it, someone drew lots of hearts next to him)  PS: HBD WE LOVE YOU PPS: the kids (and Roger) are out of control, not saying that one of them caught fire earlier but… just come save me now my birthday king, I LOVE YOU xx”
❦ 52
A small handwritten note lies on Rayleigh’s nightstand, next to his glasses and a vase holding a big bouquet of flowers. Their scent makes him wonder for a second if he’s lying in the grass of a wild meadow, with the morning sun kissing him as if he was a gift from heaven. His heart felt the fullest it had ever been; he just knew that big things were about to happen soon. But for now he just had another birthday to celebrate with the people he loved the most…
“Good morning, Love! Find us outside, hope you’re in the mood for cake and lots of sloppy kisses. Roger and Oden got sentimental and drank your birthday booze while you were still asleep… hurry, I miss you and I can’t wait to plaster your handsome face in lots of kisses. Happy, happy birthday. You are the love of my life. xx”
❦ 54
“Happy birthday, Ray.  May this day be filled with nothing but sweet memories for you. Am I part of them, too? I’m writing these lines and can’t help but wonder where you are right now. It still feels surreal that the Roger Pirates were disbanded. I know Roger was setting us free, but still… It's been a year and I feel so lost often. I miss my family. I miss you. I don’t know where I belong and dream every day about the Oro Jackson. If only we could set sail all together one last time. It’s strange, right? How things just change and there’s nothing you can do about it? It feels like time is running through my fingers and I just cling to the past, leaving claw marks all over it. This might be the most depressing birthday message one has ever received, huh? I’m so sorry.  I think of you often and with often I mean all the time. I miss your kisses. I miss your hand in mine. With love, forever yours. xx”
❦ 55
“Rayleigh, can I wish you a happy birthday or is that too much to ask for? Have you known happiness ever since he’s been gone? Can you stare at the sea without shedding a tear, thinking about his smile? Because I can’t. Sometimes I still hear his laugh, like a faint echo from another life. When I close my eyes, I can still feel his hand on my shoulder; as if my whole body was made of memory foam, desperately trying to keep him alive. I couldn’t watch it (I know you couldn’t either) but I heard that he was smiling. I wouldn’t have expected anything else from our captain. From our lover. Are we still lovers? Because my heart still yearns for you, it’s calling out your name over and over again. I know your heart is bleeding but do you think there’s still some space for me in there? I haven’t known peace ever since you let me go. My home was never on the ship, it was right in your arms. Sending you a hundred kisses, with love. xx”
❦ 64
“My Love, what is life like on Sabaody for you? Are you having a blast for your birthday? I really wish I could be with you today, but you know, the sea was calling out my name. But be sure that I’ll make up for it another time, I still have so many kisses for you that haven’t touched your lips yet.  I met Shanks a while ago, he told me that you looked as handsome as ever (those weren’t his exact words, but I saw you before my eyes vividly). Seeing him all grown up made me feel so old, haha! I think in my heart he and Buggy will always be the little kids they once were, falling asleep on top of us after a long day of pirate practice. Those were the times, huh? It was quite a shock to see Shanks’ missing arm though, wasn’t it? He told me the same story as you, about this boy in the East Blue who said exactly the same words as Roger. I’m still getting goosebumps when I think about it. You must be dying to meet him, right? Because wow, SAME. The world is about to change, I can feel it… Running out of space, so happy birthday again, my darling! I love you so, so much. Forever yours, x PS: Give Shakky some kisses from me too, please! I can’t wait to see you both again very soon.”
❦ 76
A small island in the calm belt, Rusukaina, not far from Amazon Lily. Population: 2, a rubber boy and his mentor. On an island that changes its season almost weekly, it’s a warm spring day. The post seagull drops its letter into the lap of the old man, the familiar handwriting on the envelope putting a warm smile on his face. He was wondering when he’d get a life sign again… He takes a breath to let his fingers run over the paper, thinking about the person who carefully put so much love between those lines; a ritual as steady as the tides.
“Ray, my love. I don’t know where to start. Maybe with a happy birthday and that I love you always? Can’t believe I’ve been wishing you that for more than 40 years now. Who would have known back then in that shabby bar that we would grow old together, in our own way? I’ve overheard a group of young people gushing over your bounty poster recently, saying that you’re quite the silver fox! They didn’t use the word silver fox but a four letter word and it’s very fitting. Can you guess it? Now. Roger’s son? I think my heart shattered all over again. For Edward too… I’m on my way to their funeral right now and I can’t help and wonder if Roger is watching? That… fucker (affectionate). I don’t even have the right words. I know he had all his reasons to trust old man Garp with his child, but my head has been spinning ever since I’ve heard the news. I felt so helpless and mad and… guilty, thinking we should have been the ones to raise him. Fuck. He looked just like Roger when he was younger. It should have been us; we would have loved him so, so much. You saw that pain in his eyes too, didn’t you? I think it pierced right through my heart. I’m glad he found a home with Edward though. That must have been son number 1600 for him, right? It feels like yesterday when we met him and his crew on that island. He was one of the greatest. Still standing, even in death… Now, my vision is getting blurry. Roger’s last words to us are still echoing in my head and maybe that’s one of the greatest burdens the living have to carry; the pain of still being here, despite all, of breathing through shattered glass, trying not to pity the dead. Let’s make the best out of the life we still have, shall we? I love you for as long we still have and longer, in the next life also and in the one after that. How lucky, to love and be loved. I’ll write to you again soon. Awaiting  your letters and your kisses, loving you always. xx PS: So, I’ve heard you put that boy Shanks told us about under your wings… I can’t wait to meet him myself. I’ve been watching his journey with so much joy.”
❦ today
“Rayleigh, how many letters have I written to you by now for your birthday? Countless. And yet none could have fully said how deep my love runs for you and I don’t think this one will either. Guess I have to continue writing to you until my last breath, because that’s for sure how long I will love you. I just know you’re smiling while reading that. You always were so calm and collected on the outside but such a romantic at heart. Remember when you proposed to me and just bawled your eyes out as soon as you got on your knees? Roger had to dry your tears with the sleeves of his pink shirt and sat next to you cross-legged, rubbing your back until you calmed down, all while Gaban and the kids held my hands because you weren’t the only one sobbing. Actually, I think everyone was crying that night. It’s still one of my favorite memories. How we ate cake from the floor that night and we all made flower crowns together. I still have mine, dried and preserved for an eternity. Rayleigh, please find me again in the next life, just like you did in this one. I’ll recognize you from the way you kiss my eyelids and how you push those golden strands of hair behind your ear; I’ll recognize you by how you peel a peach and cut it into small slices because you know that’s how I like them the most and from how the way you set my heart on fire with your gaze alone. Cheers to a love that’s bigger than life and cheers to the man who I devote my heart to; who I will love forever and ever, until we aren’t no more. Happy, happy birthday, my darling. Forever yours. x”
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ohchosen · 1 month
what  made  you  pick  up  the  current  muse(s)  you  have?   i  first  played  ffxv  back  in  the  fall  of  2017  and  fell  head  over  heels  in  love  with  the  game.  to  this  day  i  don’t  think  there’s  ever  been  a  cast  of  characters  that’s  had  such  a  lasting  impact  on  me  as  the  boys  have,  and  at  this  point  ever  will.  i  actually  first  started  off  writing  prompto,  sometime  in  early  2018  and  shortly  thereafter  kind  of  fizzled  out  of  that  because  i  was  new  and  super  shy  and  didn’t  really  know  anyone  in  the  community.  i  was  around  18/19  then  and  actually  took  a  break  from  tumblr  for  a  little  while,  but  always  kept  in  touch  with  the  xv  community  on  twitter/instagram  so  the  love  i  had  never  went  away.  fast  forward  to  2020  and  after  replaying  the  game  i  decided  to  pick  up  noctis  who  at  that  point  had  been  my  end  all  comfort  character  for  a  few  years.  he very quickly became my little pincushion and then unintentionally a processing tool i used to process a lot of issues in my own life. i notice  a  lot  of  nuance  in  my  old  notes  and  ramblings  that  100%  reflect  my  struggles  at that  time and its like huh! wow! didnt know it did that. regardless, noctis is the muse i hold most dearly to my heart and someone i will love for the rest of my life. < he 3
is  there  anything  you  don’t  like  to  write?  ive  seen  it  all  brother.  i  can  be  convinced  with  one  skimmed  over  ao3  tag  and  then  some.  regardless,  i  don’t  have  any  hard  no’s  that  aren’t  the  incredibly  obvious,  and  i  think  rp  is  a  great  way  to  develop  and  analyze  your  likes  and  dislikes  in  a  safe  environment.  it’s  okay  to  be  into  something  in  one  thread  and  then  change  your  mind  later,  that’s  something  i  had  to  learn  the  long  way  but  i'm  better  off  for  it!
is  there  anything  you  really  enjoy  writing?  i  really  love  angst.  not  sure  what  happened  developmentally  to  get  here  but  we’re  here.  i  think  that  shows  a  lot  in  my  preferred  range  of  media  i  write  in  (or  just  consume  casually,)  there’s  just  a  certain….  je  ne  sai  quoi  🤌  in  writing  your  character  going  through  the  absolute  extremes  of  the  human  experience.  besides  that,  i  really  go  crazy  with  character  analysis/general  meta.  i  love  to  deep  dive  into  mundane  (or  otherwise)  aspects  of  a  character  and  build  up  traits  to  fully  flesh  out  a  muse. 
do  you  write  in  silence  or  do  you  play  music?  i  need  complete  silence  or  i  will  literally  never  finish  a  sentence.  i  am  way  too  scatterbrained  to  focus  on  two  things  at  once  and  need  to  lock  the  fuck  in  when  i’m  writing  a  reply. 
do  you  plan  your  replies  or  wing  them?  who  do  i  look  like  shakespeare.  i’ve  never  planned  out  a  thing  in  my  life  im  consistently  operating  strictly  off  vibes. 
do  you  enjoy  shipping?  im  a  dirty  little  shipping  whore. shipping is god's gift to the planet what else would i do if not daydream about my two little guys passionately kissing in a field of wheat.
what’s  your  alias/name?  val  :3  my  psn  tag  is  a  variant  of  valkyrie,  and  after  i  was  tired  of  my  old  alias  i  looked  there  for  inspiration.  say  thank  you  god  of  war  (2018)  for  shooting  me  into  another  norse  mythology  frenzy,  feels  just  like  middle  school. 
age  &  birthday?  my  golden  birthday  is  this  july  (25th)!!!  ((mild  existential  dread))
favorite  color?   green,  brown,  black  and  purple❗️
favorite  song?  recently  rediscovered  since  u  been  gone  by  kelly  clarkson.  having  daily  religious  experiences  for  it. 
last  movie  you  watched?  lord  i  have  no  idea.  i  don’t  watch  too  many  movies  and  the  last  one  i  can  place  is  catching  the  second  half  of  47  meters  down  when  i  was  having  dinner  with  my  dad  a  few  weeks  ago.  yay  sharks.  and  mandy  moore!!!!
last  show  you  watched?  i  love  a  good  netflix  documentary  and  i  just  finished  one  called  the  program:  cons,  cults  and  kidnapping,  which  was  about  exposing  the  troubled  teen  industry.  it’s  a  super  interesting  watch  but  deals  with  quite  a  few  heavy  topics  so  if  you’re  interested  please  heed  caution!   i  also  just  started  american  nightmare,  but  im  only  about  30-ish  minutes  into  the  first  episode….  gotta  lock  in. 
last  song  you  listened  to?  according  to  spotify  it  was  safari  song  by  greta  van  fleet  but  according  to  the  fortnite  festival  session  i  just  had  it  was  carry  on  my  wayward  son  by  kansas.  literal  war  flashbacks. 
favourite  food?   dude  there’s  this  fucking  sandwich  place  by  my  house  and  they  literally  make  the  best  chicken  sandwich  i’ve  ever  had.  imagine  grilled  chicken  on  a  brioche  bun  w  cheddar,  bacon,  a  corn  salsa  and  slathered  in  chili  aioli.  walk  with  me.  it  sounds  wack  but  it’s  SO  GOOD.  i  dream  about  her…
favorite  season?  i  love  winter  i  love  being  cold  and  tucked  into  my  electric  blanket  listening  to  the  rain  outside.  all  of  you  summertime  elitists  need  to  get  off  my  lawn. 
do  you  have  a  tumblr  best  friend?   i  have  my  gaggle  of  tumblr  friends  turned  irl  friends  in  my  pockets  at  all  time  and  i  wouldn’t  trade  any  of  them  for  the  world.  i  met  one  of  my  oldest  friends  in  ye  olde  supernatural  rp  back  in  2013?  and  over  ten  years  later  WE’RE  STILL  FUCKING  HERE.  so  many  of  the  most  important  people  in  my  life  i’ve  met  through  tumblr and the amount of shit we've seen through the rpc's we've been in has bonded us all for eternity lmfao.
tagged by: @13nth thank u tea my love :* tagging: my homies @sherez @tactition @liegacy + anyone who's interested :3
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cuzimmortal · 2 months
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will do something to spite others because they can and its fun ;; searching eyes under sunglasses while a charming smirk is always present ;; thin silver chain around neck and silver ring clad fingers with faint bruises.
quick look into current playlist :: watch it by the boyz ; guilty’ by taemin ; overdrive by i.m.; annihilate by metro boomin swae lee lil wayne offset ; villain by neoni ; enemy by imagine dragons ; drinking with cupid by voila
as described by others :: good at everything, dives headfirst without checking the temperature, faded jeans, popular because actual nice guy, always working out, unwavering faith, loses himself in a good book, here for a good time not a long time mentality, adrenaline junkie, nap king, doesn’t take anything seriously, bottles their emotions, gives off golden retriever energy, awkward when you first meet them but maybe its from hitting on you, ride or die personality when it comes to family and friends, admirable work ethic and discipline but still knows how to have fun, good taste in films.
NAME : rhodes dlaton
NICKNAME : rhodey
AGE : 25, December 17th
GENDER IDENTITY : cis man (he/him pronouns)
SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : pansexual pan romantic
SPOKEN LANGUAGES : english, french, learning latin
WORK LIFE : actor & co owner of core fitness
POSITIVE TRAITS : honest, confident, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS : reckless, nonchalant, hot-headed
FACECLAIM : emilio sakraya
FAMILY LIFE : oldest, has a younger sibling who is 10. currently lives in the Paragons in Queens. owns a pair of cats named poe & finn.
— THE DEEP DEEP DEEPER WE GO;; (still have to add more)
Rhodes is the oldest child of a award winning film director and actress who got together after working on a film. Rhodes is very much an oops nepo baby but he embraces it. started acting as a child on tv shows and commercial before getting his big break in an action movie franchise as the male lead. is now one of the most talked about actors in part thanks to his acting chops and his ability to do his own stunts.
very much a stoic dude that looks all serious but is actually a funny guy. your neighborhood gym rat that, with a friend, decided to open up a gym together called Core Fitness that is his pride and joy.
Personality wise, is too smart for his own good and knows it. is known in the tabloids as the boy next door and is just in all around good dude. loves to prove others wrong about him being just a rich kid/slash nepo baby, hence why he is learning latin because someone dared him to. he is really the poster child of ‘looks like can kill you if provoked but is an actual cinnamon roll'. will always offer others to join him to watch films and can talk your ear off about them.
Ships wise, when it comes to friends is there for them. loyal to a fault for them and yes will be honest with them about things. he will give advice and if they don’t take it, is like oh well and then if something happens would probably tell you I told you so afterwards. most likely is that guy that lets his friends crash at his apartment.
as for relationships, he may not look it but is an actual romantic. like gives you flowers or chocolates, maybe even goes outside your window and plays you music, he’s that type of guy. but also because he is so out-going most likely has slept around. do not blame him if he starts flirting, can’t help himself.
CO-OWNER wanted connection on the main. (soon!!!)
RIDE OR DIE ( open to one ) ;; the bestie, the platonic soulmate, the one she would do anything for, maybe they have pet names for each other, etc. they are the best of friends and no one can tear them apart (maybe?).
LATE NITE BUDDIES/CONFIDENT ( open to a few ) ;; he is always up late, either watching a film or working out. maybe they meet up to talk, eat or maybe no talking happens and they enjoy the company while each does their own thing. possibly also act as confidents for each other
EXES ( open to two ) ;; honestly, i just like exes. bonus points if there’s still tension and hook up but then regret it or if they’re just really good friends now with no tension at all. maybe they hook up here because tension is there. i love all options.
WILL THEY, WONT THEY ( open to one ) ;; essentially a flirtationship. no harm, no foul - is the mantra aka its all just easy fun. they flirt too much that others assume that they are dating, already dated, or are going to at some point. maybe even the idea has been on one of their mind but they are too good of friends to ever cross that line.
ONE (OR MORE) NIGHT STAND/ FLING ( open to many ) ;; one night, she was maybe a little bit down and needed something to pick her up. this worked. or maybe they met up at the bar or a party and it just happened. whether it’s turned into a regular thing or was just one night can be determined later. they could even be friends now.
MOVIE FRIENDS ( open to a few ) ;; people who also enjoy films. whether it be always watching a movie together or like to dissect them, maybe even invited them to his film premieres or what not. anything film related.
GYM FRIENDS ( open to a few ) ;; just a gym bro being friends with others who love going to the gym or possibly someone who wants to get into going and he decides to act as a sort of sponsor/mentor, anything gym related.
ENEMIES / FRENEMIES ( open to one ) ;; however these enemies/frenemies became known to each other can be determined later, but either way they dislike / hate / talk about each other behind their backs.
honestly anything else you can think of, i’m down for!!
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suchaspookyginger · 9 months
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'just on a whim' || a torao/lawlu playlist
track lyrics below the read more (it's long though)
secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide than i thought || i'm sorry, brothers, so sorry lover; forgive me, father, i love you, mother || save your breath - half your life, you've been hooked on death || i fell in love, 'cause no one saw me the way you did || i wanna know what it's like to be awkward and innocent, not belligerent || there's a box in your heart where you keep your feelings hidden || and maybe it's the past that's talking, screaming from the crypt || tremble, little lion man, you'll never settle any of your scores || i know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as i do || i'm no good on my own anymore
left my soul in his vision, let's go get it out || last night i had a dream we were inseparably entwined || i'm on my guard with the rest of the world, but with you i know it's no good || i lose my voice when i look at you, can't make a noise though i'm trying to || can you hear me say, "don't throw me away"? there's no way out || best friends, ex-friends til the end, better off a lovers and not the other way around || in the morning you'll learn i disappeared off into the night so quietly || i'm exhausted by my heart || when the road began to crumble in front of my eyes, there was only one person i wanted to find || can't stop thinking 'bout the nights that i still regret
and the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up || my friend says "you're not alone," but that skin still doesn't feel like home || reaching for the deep end but i can't swim || it's not that i don't feel the pain, it's just i'm not afraid of hurting anymore || i've been on the run since i was a boy, but i'm now done running, got another thing coming watching my enemies get destroyed || who am i without this weight on my shoulder? oh god i'm dying to know || i've been running away i forget what i'm running from, but it still scares me today what i found in you love || smitten's a bad look on me || in the name of the father, the skeptic and the son, i had one more stupid question || i don't know where i'm going, but i don't think i'm coming home
a half-empty [boy] don't make me laugh i'll choke || my eyes want you more than a memory || it's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him || god knows where i would be if you hadn't found me sitting all alone in the dark || your dark brother wrapped in white, says it's good to be alive, but now he rides a comet's flame and he won't be coming back again || i'll use you as a makeshift gauge of how much to give and how much to take || this was the place i grew up, now it's ashes to ashes || i've been ripped up and tossed like a mouse, wrestled with the heavens and the devil himself || why drink the water from my hand, contagious as you think i am? || i just want to make it vanish, but the notes of an old mistake still ring louder every day
you're always getting curious and leaving town || i could never define all that you are to me || i wouldn't test you, i'm not the best you could have attained || i can't process what i'm feeling now, this skin i can do without || i woke up with the sun, thought of all of the people, places and things i've loved || love of mine, someday you will die, but i'll be close behind || they say an end can be a start, feels like i've been buried yet i'm still alive || i'm chasing down my demons, i can hear them breathing. but who knew you would bring me comfort? || i won't fight for anyone until you move my hand || rainy days and bad luck comin' my way, i look for when i'm lost so i don't go insane
this is all your own battle to win, this is your ship and you are the captain || i'm feelin' like i'm messin' it up, i'm callin' out your name and god help me 'cause i'll never love again || got my heart in your hands and your hands on my chest || strange life i live, but it's what you've decided, i'll give it all into your hands || i won't make the same mistakes that i've made for fifteen years || oblivion is where i'm headed, my mind is on the brink of going supernova || and as the world comes to an end, i'll be here to hold your hand. 'cause you're my king and i'm your lionheart
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baladric · 1 year
For the writer ask meme!! 🎀 🪄 💌 (I wanted to ask everything but I showed restraint- if 3 is too many just do one or two ok love yooouuu)
hey i LOVE u :')
fic writer ask meme!
🎀 Give yourself a compliment about your own writing
oh boy hmmM well hey there little guy, you sure can write a sentence that punches people in the face!!!!! and you're very good at naming ocs, and your worldbuilding gets lusher and lovelier every time you sit down with it!!!
🪄 What is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
answered here!
💌 Share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
i say it a lot and i KNOW y'all always tell me to hush but i feel SO BAD that all i ever wanna talk about is pirate au, and yet there's nothing out here for anyone to READ!! STILL!!! nearly a year later!!!!! but it's so in progress, and it only gets better, and i literally cannot wait to tie off the first draft and start the editing pass to make it cohesive from the start—at which point we'll start posting it! like post as we edit kind of a thing!!
so. i mean. UH. HERE'S A FUCKIn PREQUEL PIRATE FICLET IN ITS ENTIRETY a;ldkfjwl;f shhhhh nobody tell celebros i shared her xmas present before we posted the fic (jk she reads my tumblr)
He did not know why he was surprised, but all told, it took a good long while for sailing to become fun. He had theories, of course—six years of running wild with only Freja to impose a schedule had evidently done a number on his habits—and now there were work shifts to keep track of, and problems to solve with only one right answer (“When in doubt, call for Sozu or Arnezha or Iölo or me or literally anyone other than Sinker, I beg of thee, darling.”) There were knots to learn—a startling discovery, as he had thought he knew them all already—and terminologies and what do you mean, there are two ships?
Simply put, it was a lot, and Maia took care not to harbor regrets, but it was occurring to him in drips and drabs that this was maybe a teeny tiny little bit of a mistake. That, perhaps, Shaleän had been right, and he was not necessarily cut out for the sailing life. That maybe Paris had had a point when he hinted that Maia could have been of just as much help (if not more) at home, with Freja.
He was tired and he was sore in places he hadn’t known he owned and he missed his warm little bed in Freja’s warm little cottage and this was all just so strange. Idolatry was a child’s game in which he had seriously overinvested, and now it was like being struck over the head to realize that Shaleän on her gilded pedestal was a criminal—a pirate, the King of pirates.
He’d had an inkling, of course, but it was one thing to fantasize about his rake of an aunt, the glint of her saber raised in the battle cry, and another to stumble across a frightened goblin child in the same cargo hold in which he himself had hidden not two days before, her hair shorn in a servant’s crop and one of her ears notched in a clear sign of past cruelty. It had been another thing entirely to calm her down and bring her to Shaleän, propped on his hip, his collar still damp from her tears, and learn that she was part of a matched set squirreled away in a secret room on the ship, and that her mother was as yet too deep in the megrims that sometimes stole over a person whose situation has taken a sudden, hopeful turn to keep a proper eye on her michen.
Was this smuggling? Soul trafficking?
“No,” Shaleän had said, her frown heavy and fitting far too well on her face; lines Maia had attributed solely to her broad, bright grin suddenly made more sense. Frown lines. Scowl lines, like wheel ruts worn into the hard-packed earth of her. “It is liberation, Maia. We offer what freedom is available in this blighted world to the people who need it most, and my only regret is that I cannot give it to everyone suffering under the weight of man’s cruelty and greed.”
So, he was… adjusting, one could say. In light of the insistence with which he had forced his way into this world—onto Shaleän’s ship, into Shaleän’s so-called business—he found this struggle to be more than a little embarrassing.
It was not fun—it was work. Good work. Work with an undeniably positive influence on the world, regardless of who might label the unlicensed liberation of indentured servants a crime.
Maia brought a smile to the fugitive Min Pallared’s face within an hour of meeting her properly (And Cstheio Cairei, was the hold in which they hid their refugees small) and it was work, but he felt that spark of light as a tectonic shift in the bedrock of his soul. Paris was wrong—he could help here, without a sword. And so he did it again with their next lot of escapees—a family of Telvar, whose anxious tails and too-wide eyes made Maia sick to his stomach in the imagining of the lifetime of cruelty required to so damage them. They reminded him too much of himself, those first few months away from Edonomee, and when he laid in his hammock between shifts and caretaking duties, he could not help but sink into gruesome thoughts of what he himself would have become, had he been left to Setheris’ cruel hands for a lifetime.
It was work, to be sure, but he had never felt so alive as he did in those first months aboard that two-faced ship.
All around him were people, storied and vibrant, and he doubted he would ever tire of cracking them open, that they might tell him of their families, their dreams, lost loves and the folklore that belongs to single blood lines. Sozu Khalamar and his grandmother’s insistence on the ill omens of curdling milk. Sinker Shipsblight and the long string of willful calamities that had earned him his moniker, and the respect of Paris. Iölo Marin and her repeating dream of sprouting wings to fly away from everything she had ever known.
And, of course, there was the music. He had not expected the music.
Sometimes, as they drew to the end of a hard sail, Paris would turn a blind eye to the halving of the usual night shift in favor of a sleepy skeleton crew abovedecks, and everyone else would retreat to the ship’s galley and drain the last kegs of ale dry. It was a raucous thing, everyone thoroughly soused, and then someone would start singing—Sinker, usually, lusty and loud as the south wind.
The repertoire were things Maia had heard before, having spent nearly half his life in sailing communities: rowing songs, shanties, bawdy ballads. He knew the tunes to most of them, if not the lyrics—and the ones he did not know came to him quickly.
Almost six months on, he felt he had nearly gotten the hang of it all. He could scale the mizzenmast in sixty seconds, rarely got tangled up in all the different words for wind, and could wail a bawdy drinking song with the best of them.
They had just finished one such song, and Maia’s cheeks were hot with drink and the youthful embarrassment of singing about breasts with a zealous lot of sailors on a dry spell and a trio of especially fervent marnai. He was fully considering tapping out from the excitement of it all, when someone cried over the merry shouting of the men, “Let’s have Maia lead one!”
The roar that rose at the idea was a thing of beauty. It sped Maia’s pulse, for he doubted that even an ocean’s worth of ale could fake such unmistakeable delight. The clamor rang of something like acceptance, and Maia was helpless to resist the hands that chivvied him to stand atop the swaying table.
Someone pressed a fresh flagon of ale into his hand, and he heard shouts of “Let’s have it, lad!” and “Put thy chest into it, sprout!” as well as a clangor of song requests—and, so dizzied, Maia startled himself as much as everyone else by belting out the opening call of his favorite shanty:
“Ye nations have your princes, you kingdoms have your kings,
But we who set to sail the sea
Bow only to the Wind!”
Laughter and cheers of recognition met the first bit of the tune, and though his voice shook with sudden nerves at the start, by the time he reached the chorus, he had built to a jubilant shout. He raised his flagon as all joined in the singing.
“So follow me, lads,” the crew of the Glorious Dragon wailed as one voice, and Maia stomped the tabletop with all his might.
“‘Fore he storms upon the fray!
Corat’ will whip you down to dust
And blow you straight away!”
The beating of fists and stomping of feet raised the beat of The Ballad of King Corat’, and Maia did not think he had ever smiled as hard as he did then, singing of his legendary aunt, the King of Pirates.
“The baron sees no bloodshed, the emperor no rain,
But the Serpent King who skims the sea
Reigns only over pain!”
The men howled, and a jostling in the crowd caught Maia’s attention—the crew shifting to give Shaleän, Corat’ herself, space as she waded towards the table, her grin a rakish slash of white in the warm dimness of the galley. Maia beamed and reached to haul her up beside him, and they stomped out the chorus together, arms around shoulders.
“So follow me lads!
‘Fore we heel to his domain!
Corat’ will crush us down to dust
And rinse us down the drain!”
“Your krakens and your sirens,” Maia sang, thrilled as Shaleän joined him, her voice rough and far from tuneful.
“Your leviathans and all
Know better than to raise a hand
To Cruelty the Squall!”
She clashed her flagon to his, dousing them both thoroughly in ale, and Maia did not know if he had ever been so happy in his life. It was such a simple feeling, yet so large that it brimmed over all of his shakily sketched borders, rendering him a jubilant creature in Shaleän’s tight grip.
“So follow me, lads!
‘Fore he finds us in a pall!
Corat’ will strike us down to dust
And spell a fell downfall!”
And so they sang and stomped and crowed for the whole sprawl of verses, telling a blazing tale of Shaleän’s conquests—and her pressed to his side all the while, loud and calamitous and alive alive alive. The both of them, so very, wildly alive.
Maia’s voice was shot by the end and his blood ran hot with a palpable sense of belonging unlike anything he had ever felt. Joy, repeating. Life, glorious and wretched and reeking of too many people in too small a space.
Shaleän embraced him then, like she knew what brilliant cacophony was brewing in his chest. Like it was the work of her life to hold him in one piece, whether the shaking be a thing of joy, or of grief.
“I love thee, my heart,” she murmured for him alone. “More than every jewel in thy Lady’s starry sky.”
“Oh,” Maia said—a silly thing, for he had long known the timbre of his aunt’s love. It was only that having this talented, determined crew respond to him with nothing but delight in their collective voices had stripped him raw, and it brought to the surface that little part of him that still curled into a protective ball when he slept. And that part was ever so hungry for all Shaleän and her crew offered.
“I love thee, too,” he replied, squeezing her tight enough that she gave a little Oof of surprise. “More than the whole sea.”
“More than the mermaids?”
“More than every blessed fucking fish in the place.”
Their laughter was lost beneath the clamor of their crew, which was just fine with them.
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kujiua-kun · 2 years
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I realized there isn't a lot of Scott x Liam content, so I took it upon myself to help with that, cause I love a good Dork x Jock ship!
Also, my first time writing a werewolf character/heat so go easy on me!
Rating:: 18+ // Explicit
Fandom:: Monster Prom
Themes/Kinks:: Heat // Cycle . Pet Names . Knotting
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Scott was acting stranger than usual, he constantly fidgeted at his desk, tapping his leg, chewing his pens, and whimpering...
Okay, these are things Scott normally did, but he was doing them much more frequently. The only one who seemed to notice this change from the norm was Liam. While he was curious, he didn't bother asking the werewolf what was wrong, cause showing basic concern for your friends is way too mainstream. It wasn't until lunch that  Liam got the answers out of him.
"Hey, Liam! Could you maybe call me a 'Good Boy'?"
Liam froze and looked up from his phone at the much bigger, and visibly worried, Scott.
"And for what reason would I call you that?" Liam asked with raised brows.
Scott's whimpers from earlier returned this time much louder.
"Bro, it's serious! Like, Really, really serious! Ultra serious!" Scott said his face becoming more and more panicked.
"I've had this weird...'feeling' all day like I haven't been a good boy! My heart’s been racing, my body feels hot, and I  had sweat dripping down my forehead all class today! Sweat!"
He sounded real anxious about that last part.
"Oh man, what if I'm cursed!" Scott yelled out.
Liam scoffed and cocked his eyebrow. To him, this didn't sound like a curse. It sounded like the basic signs of werewolf heat. 
Liam wondered why he was freaking out, shouldn't he have learned about this?
Then he remembered Scott didn't have parents, and he highly doubted, Scott's grandma was sexually active enough to warn him about it.
The only reason Liam knew this was cause of his "Monsters Culture" studies. 
And if there's one thing he knew, it's that werewolves can get pretty fucking violent if they're in heat for too long.
Personally, he always thought that was a harmful stereotype, but not wanting to risk anything, neither the School's mortality rate increasing nor Scott's oblivious Innocence, Liam played along.
" Maybe you are? luckily I'm a connoisseur of curses," 
Scott didn't know what that meant, but Liam used a big word, so that must mean he knows something! 
"Now Scott, has your Libido been more active?"
The jock's eyes began to stare off into space as he attempted to pronounce the word.
Sometimes Liam forgot Scott was...kinda dumb.
"Let me put this in words you can understand, Have you been hornier lately?" 
A bit of blush appeared on the werewolf's face.
"Uh yeah, I think so..." He replied sounding embarrassed and confused.
"This is serious!" Liam gave a fake shocked expression.
"Scott you're cursed! And the only way to fix it is for me to call you a 'good boy'."
Scott paced for a bit and yelled.
"Dude! Please help get rid of this! Call me a 'good boy', please! Pllllease!" 
Liam chuckled, Scott was weirdly cute when he begged!
"Ah-ah," The vampire tsked
"You have to earn it, or else it won't count." He smirked up at the jock.
"Ok, how do I earn it !?"
Liam didn't say anything he simply grabbed Scott's hand and led him to an empty class. Perfect!
Once they got inside, Liam sat Scott down on a desk and started taking off the taller boy's pants.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Scott asked his head cocked.
"We have to perform a very precise ritual," The purple male said as he got Scott down to his boxers.
"If done correctly you'll earn the title of 'Good Boy' and be free from this curse!" He said as he pulled Scott's boxers down revealing his sheath.
Scott stared down at himself.
"What am I supposed to-" Scott let out a deep moan as Liam slowly massaged his sack.
"Sshhh" The vampire softly whispered, still massaging the wolf.
"Just relax."
 Soon enough his cock slowly un-sheathed itself.
Liam looked up into Scott's eyes, they were filled with lust. The smaller boy couldn't help but smile.
Soon enough, Liam pulled the tip into his mouth.
It didn't take long before Scott was moaning loudly.
"Oooh!" Scott moaned through clenched teeth.
Liam continued with his job. Slowly, he pushed down onto his cock.
Scott arched his back at the feeling. He'd never been touched like this before! His entire body felt hot and free.
He'd never done this before, but something was telling him to grab Liam's hair, so he did!
He grabbed onto Liam's bun and forced him down further. 
Liam felt the large cock slide down farther and deeper into his throat. While he was giving into the conventional idea of Vampires being good at head. He didn't care!
He felt himself about to go crazy, and honestly part of him wanted to give in but he knew what needed to be done. 
He slowly slid off the bigger man's cock, with a loud sloppy *Plop*.
Before Scott could say anything, Liam got up and stripped down his pants.
The werewolf sat and blushed, seeing the other man strip.
When Liam finished he leaned onto a desk, presenting his ass.
Scott stared for a bit before he finally understood what he was supposed to do.
He said out loud as he got up and stood behind Liam.
Scott wrapped his hand around the purple boy's waist while using the other to line himself up.
Soon enough he pushed inside Liam, moaning as he closed his eyes.
He thrust his hips forward, gaining a small moan from Liam.
"Faster!" The smaller boy commanded, not even looking back.
Scott complied, he went faster, and his movement became sporadic.
As his thrusts grew erratic his grip on Liam tightened, his claws digging into his purple skin.
The jock's thrusts were almost painful but it felt amazing.
"Yes!" Liam screamed.
Scott kept going, each thrust growing rougher with each passing second, but he slowed down a bit after a while.
Liam turned around to ask what was wrong. That's when he felt it, Scott's knot slowly but surely making its way inside him.
Scott moaned loudly when he finally connected, his fingers dug into the other’s sides, causing a few bruises to form.
His pace quickened and he thrusted harder with each passing second.
"Yeah!" Liam shouted excitedly.
Scott was now on fire, Thankfully not literally this time, he was ready to cum.
With one final thrust, his knot shot past Liam's prostate and he came inside.
Liam felt every drop of cum spill into him and smiled as he held back his orgasm.
Scott collapsed onto his back, panting heavily against his purple skin.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Liam spoke up.
"Good boy!" He turned and petted Scott's head.
Scott turned and smiled at the pet name.
"But you're still cursed!"
Liam smirked, if there's one other thing he knew about heat, it's that they don't just go away after one fuck session.
"Oh well, looks like we'll have to try again."
Scott took a deep breath and smiled.
"Alright, anything to be a 'Good boy'!"
This was going to be a fun week for both of them!
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voidfishbitch · 2 years
Not all exits are created equal.
Amber was starting to think that all of them were specifically designed by some divine artist with an especially sick sense of humor.
{I’ve been running my brain like a little hamster wheel bc I feel like there has to be a reason for Amber doing what she did at the end of Episode 43. And it ended up with…well, this. Enjoy}
She held Koda’s unflinching red gaze, willingly herself to blink as little as possible, keeping her expression composed. Well, composed and a little pained, given the dragon that had attempted to turn her into Coral Chow. Not that it really mattered now, given the much bigger threat in front of her. Kodeira’s dark eyes sparkled with ruby flashes, reflecting her God’s guiding light. Anyone else would think that none of Oksana remained behind that stare, as cold and impersonal as a laser sight, boring into Amber’s forehead. Of course, not everyone had spent 26 years knowing her, memorizing the meaning behind every glance and twitch. Amber certainly didn’t do it intentionally; it honestly came as a slight surprise that she was able to read Kodeira so well during their fight. So either she was intimately familiar with the warring deity piloting her friend’s meat sack - or Oksana was still in there, giving every last shred of will to resist Koda’s influence.
Well, if Oksana was willing to destroy herself to keep Koda from getting to Amber, it felt impolite to not return the favor.
But not unless her boys were safe. No use trying to escape if Koda was able to threaten the people she actually gave a damn about and lure her back.
It was stupid, really. Amber had long prided herself on her ability to remain detached. In 25 years, she’d had a smattering of casual acquaintances, a handful of flings, and never learned more about a person than the best place to land a punch. She knew Joshy well, but if push came to shove, he’d save his own skin over hers. She respected him for that, no false pretenses of “never abandoning the other” and “sticking together no matter what”, because if she’d learned anything, it was that you didn’t get to make that choice, life did. And when life decided to sweep your loved ones overboard, or make them sick, or get them into drugs that made them less than human, or give them a permanent psychic connection to God - well, either you wore yourself ragged crying and screaming and hurting or you learned not to care so much. Maybe it was lonelier, but it was livable.
And then these two idiots had to go and get mugged in a back alleyway of the Knuckle and Amber, unofficial peacekeeper, had to fish them out of the deep shit they were diving into. She quickly realized that without at least a little adult supervision, the delicate-faced little punk and the trigger-happy Brinear would get into even more trouble, so she followed them. They were so young, so open and curious about the world, and Amber had grown so used to being surrounded by others, jaded and exhausted by the end of the world as they knew it. It was interesting at first, a breath of fresh air, and before she realized what she was doing, she was signing her name as Captain of a ship, out on adventures to see the great big ocean. She was reaching out to catch Devo as he fell from various heights and attempting to coach Zoox through new conversations with various marine life. By the time she realized she cared, it was already too late. It broke her heart, watching them learn that the world was mean, and that people were cruel, and that you had to toughen up to survive. Even as she grew frustrated with Devo and his outbursts, a part of her wanted to rage alongside him, while another wanted to hold him and tell him she was sorry, that he didn’t deserve everything he had been through and that everything would eventually be all right.
But it had been twenty five years since she’d even tried caring. She didn’t know what to say or do, how to make things right. She could throw a good punch and try to toughen up her boys to keep them from hurting and that was pretty much it. What use was there in lying & saying things would be all right? The world itself had fucking ended and Amber was barely able to scrape by, just surviving, not living. Even with how much she cared, just saying the words felt hollow.
She would never know what to say to Devo and Zoox, how to make amends for the fight in the street, how to say she knew that the world sucked, but they were both capable of so much good, and she knew what wonderful beings they could become. How much she loved them and how far she would go to keep them safe. So maybe it was better that she didn’t get the chance to say anything at all.
She could hear his footsteps on the stairs and hear his labored breathing - he was injured, badly, but he was alive. Only one set of footsteps…but she didn’t dare look away from Koda. He had to believe that she was going to willingly submit, and she had to ensure that he wouldn’t move against Devo or…
“There’s only one being left in the tower, Amber.”
Amber clenched her teeth. Goddamnit Zoox. Walk away for two minutes and-
No, not now. Swallow it down. You have work to do, Gris. You can never save everyone, but if you give up now, you save no one.
She could feel Devo standing over her shoulder, imagine his awe staring out into this new world. At least he’ll know where she’s gone, even if he may never know why.
“All right, Koda.”
Not all exits are created equal. Sometimes you watch, bleeding from the chest, mind and voice raw and exhausted, as your last living friend suddenly bursts forward, moving far faster than you would guess for a woman her age. You watch as she slides gracefully through the outstretched arms of a vengeful god and throws herself headlong towards an ocean of predators. You don’t understand why she’s doing it, what she hopes to accomplish, as Koda howls and throws himself after her. But she turns, just a little, in the air, and she catches a final glimpse of you. And she smiles, and screams an unusual war cry:
“Kela Sai, guppies - Mama’s home!”
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meadcwcroft · 9 months
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#meadcwcroft :: ind. sel. 18+ only oc with original lore. HEAVILY UNDER CONSTRUCTION
a study in devotion, body horror, religious trauma, generational curses, learned kindess, and the burdens that befall the parents of the chosen one
gabriel || she/they || 25
CONTENT WARNING: body horror, gore, religious imagery, general horror elements, and most nsft things. blogger discretion advised.
interest tracker || memes || headcanons || open starters || wanted plots
rules and about under the cut until i get a carrd made
one. don’t be a dick. all usual rules apply (no godmodding, no bigotry, ect)
two. tag your shit, i’ll tag mine
three. anon hate will not be tolerated.
four. i will not ship silas with any muses under 25. this number may change.
five. i ship chemistry. don’t follow assuming you’ll get a ship.
six. feel free to fuck silas up. the angel cannot be fucked up, but in the immortal words of matt mercer, you can certainly try.
seven. enjoy the boy!
name: silas meadowcroft
age: 33
height: 6’4”
species: human possessed by an angel
occupation: verse dependant. blacksmith in main/fantasy verses, welder in modern verses
special abilities: harbors an angel – specifically a virtue – in his chest. when activated, the angel tears through his body and unleashes a holy rage upon the surrounding area. the angel invulnerable, impossibly strong, and difficult to control. it also wields a flaming sword created from silas’ ulna bone. when the angel is deactivated, silas must grow back body system by body system starting with the skeletal system, nervous, ect until he is fully regrown. the process is long, difficult, painful, and leaves silas incredibly vulnerable.
backstory: silas grew up in an unstable home, and spent every night praying to any god that would listen to protect him. one day, an angel answered, and told the boy (then eight) it would protect him if he allowed it into his heart. desperate and not knowing any better, silas allowed the possession. what the boy wasn’t told, however, was that the angel will never leave, and is fueled by a desire to destroy all that’s unholy and resembles injustice. from a young age with no help, silas had to learn to keep the angel within him, and has learned how to keep it under wraps.
when silas was twelve, he and four other children were chosen for a process called the god cycle: every generation, five children are selected to fight the child god – an abomination that will bring the end of all things if released. no group has ever survived, and only by silas losing grip on the angel and turning it loose, did he and one other survive. they were not praised, and were instead shunned. the children had always died when facing the child god, and silas and the other – a witch named johanna – surviving was seen as an omen. silas was banished from his home, and johanna shunned by her coven. both went their separate ways
eventually, silas settled down, got married to a witch name sophitia, had two children, lost the eldest to a murderer, got divorced, and got sole custody of the youngest. determined to be a good father to his remaining daughter, silas gave her all he could. her happiness became his reason for living.
until the day she was chosen for the god cycle. now he, along with johanna and the families of the other four children, must find a way to put the child god down for good. no one else’s children will die if he can help it.
personality: silas is a very serious man, but has his goofy moments (though they are rare.) he is distrusting, but when that trust is earned, he is fiercely loyal and devoted. once his favor is lost, however, its lost forever. on the surface he seems very grumpy and stoic, but deep down, he’s still the scared boy who made a deal that ruined his life.
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Name: Casi
Pronouns: she/her
Preference of communication: Tumblr IMs are great for chatting and plotting! 😊 If we're mutuals you can always feel free to message me!
Name of most active muse(s): Kaeya, Childe, and Xiao are all pretty equal as far as their capacity to drive me bananas at any given time 8'D I love them all but jfc if they aren't all bouncing off the dang walls almost constantly
Experience/how long (months/years?): OH GOSH don't mind me while I give away my age here adfjsd I first started RPing in middle school, so that'd make it...siNCE LIKE 2007?? CHEESY PIZZAS I'VE BEEN RPING FOR LIKE 16 YEARS
Platforms you've used: Waaay back when I started (old man vc: baCK IN MY DAY--) we did it old school: IN NOTEBOOKS WITH PEN AND PAPER if you can believe that lol. Then it moved to Skype, then Tumblr, and now I primarily use Tumblr and Discord!
Best experience: The best experience of my time in the RP community (and of my entire life u//w//u) will forever be meeting my beautiful, wonderful, amazingly talented girlfriend through Tumblr RP ;w;/ 💕💕💖
RP pet peeves/dealbreakers: Definitely force-shipping. I've had some unpleasant experiences in the past with people trying to pressure/guilt me into shipping our muses when my muses were not at all interested in the ship and it was very not fun 8')
Fluff, angst, or smut: 👀👀👀👌All of the above, please and thank you. Although I'll only write smut with people I've very familiar and comfortable with, and not on a public platform like Tumblr.
Plots or memes: I love both, tbh! I love plotting out threads and dynamics and getting real deep into hashing things out with other muns! But at the same time, sometimes the spontaneity of memes can trigger some of the funnest interactions!
Long or short replies: Something anyone who writes with me will learn very quickly: I tend to write lengthy replies. XD;;; I'm happy to trim myself down if my partners prefer to keep things short, and I certainly never expect anyone to match my length! My brain is just very long-winded by default haha.
Best time to write: The later at night the better! Evenings and into the wee hours of the morning are when I'm at my most creative, unfortunately for my thoroughly-trashed sleep schedule. 😂 Most often I'm working on my replies between the hours of like, 9PM - 2AM.
Are you like your muse(s)?: (sweats nervously) oH GEEZ I HOPE NOT 8'DDD listen I love all of my Genshin boys to death but part of loving them is recognizing that they're all absolute menaces 😂 ofc they all have positive and redeeming qualities, but MORE OFTEN THAN NOT they are doing nothing but causing problems on purpose and committing atrocities haha.
Tagged by: @earthssprout Thanks for tagging me! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ
Tagging: @luckuki / @bitbrumal / @fearbend / @astromancr / @aevisong / @yukikorogashi / @touchofdawn / @melodicbreeze / @constellaris and anyone else who wants to! 😊 🌻
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