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the-level-up-diaries · 4 months
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the-level-up-diaries · 4 months
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the-level-up-diaries · 4 months
Late Bloomers
I used to feel like I was a late bloomer. I still do sometimes, I graduated with my associates later, got the "big girl" job later, got in a relationship later and I still live with my family in my early thirties. As I get older I am now realizing that the most important thing is just to start from where you are and that each of us is on our own individual timeline. I don't always like social media, but I do love to see that for a lot of other people it is normal to still live at home with parents. Be on your own timeline and understand that everyone's level up isn't at the same time and starting later in life is better than never starting at all.
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the-level-up-diaries · 5 months
The goals I set this year vs what I actually accomplished.
Enroll in WGU and complete a degree in 6 months
-I enrolled and switched my degree a few times. I am now enrolled in the master's program with WGU and I want to land a system admin job in the year year after I graduate that pay $90k-$120k. I am also getting Cisco and RedHat certified, so *fingers crossed* .
Pay off my student loan debt
-On December 22nd of 2023 I will officially be DEBT FREE!!! I struggled, worked 2 jobs, burned out a couple of times and made many sacrifices. I can honestly say I am very, very proud of myself. I questioned many days could I get debt free and even thought about waiting on relief, but I finally did thank God!
Get a job paying over $65k
-I took a course and landed an SDR role within a company and my job with OTE pays $72k. It's a hard job, but I am learning everyday and I hope that I can continue with the company as long as possible.
Get my credit above the 700s
-This is a yes and a no! I won't officially get my new score until the new year, but since all my debt will be gone, it should be past THE 700S.
Lose 50 lbs.
-I really struggled with my weight this year as well as my eating. What I learned is I needed to simplify my routine. I start turning on anime and watching that while I walk at a speed of 3.0-3.5 on the treadmill. I walk an hour everyday, but Sunday. I will lay out the plan on how and when I'll lose this weight in a later post.
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the-level-up-diaries · 6 months
90 Day Identity Shift
I am going to be writing more on this!
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the-level-up-diaries · 9 months
I needed this! Hopefully this helps you too.
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the-level-up-diaries · 9 months
This is a word!!! I fell for this for a while and then I woke up. A man should add to your life positively, but in my opinion women should still have our own. Financial independence gives you freedom of choice as well as flexibility to move and go as necessary. Even if you want a high value man please still have your own. Every woman doesn't want to be a girl boss and work 60+ hours and I get that, but have your own. This could be a small business, food/grocery delivery, remote work like data entry or administrative assistant, etc. Every "high value" man man won't hurt or leave you destitute/take advantage of you, but give yourself the life of your dreams! You got this!
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the-level-up-diaries · 9 months
Growth Mindset + Action = Manifestation
Last year I made a simple goal a degree before the next chapter of my life. It was a hard decision and was super taxing and scary, but after years of self sabotage I received my associates. This year I made 5 simple goals:
Enroll in WGU and complete a degree in 6 months
Pay off my student loan debt
Get a job paying over $65k
Get my credit above the 700s
Lose 50 lbs.
Here's the progress so far:
I enrolled, but had to re-enroll in order to get a new quicker business degree. I am almost done with a class (it only took about a week). I will be completing 2 classes a month.
I started out with $17k in student loan debt and officially paid off over $10k and I am on track to pay off the rest by the end of the year.
I hadn't even finished my course yet, but I received a job for an SDR paying $50k + an additional $22k in OTE = $72k + unlimited commission.
My credit was in the high 500s and this year I got it to 694 so far.
I haven't lost that much wait only 2 lbs but I still have 4 months and a lot can happen in 4 months.
This is my real progress and to be honest for years I had self sabotaged and didn't have a growth mindset I was very limited in my thinking. It wasn't until I accepted reality of "it is what it is" meaning that it doesn't matter what a situation should be, but accepting what it is. After you accept what a situation truly is you can began the steps necessary to change your situation. I have taken on a new mindset and started taking the time to heal that side of me that didn't believe in herself and I am officially enrolling therapy later this month. I also received a scholarship to learn business analytics. If you are stuck and in a rut I want you to repeat the words I have written below. Have an awesome day!
I am not my situation, I am not helpless, I will control the controllable in my life. I am powerful, I can learn anything, I am just as capable as anyone else. I am amazing, I can this. I can and will make my dreams a reality. My dream are possible. I am worth what I want in life. My work and effort will amount to a possible change in my life. I CAN DO THIS!
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