gothickprincess · 3 years
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gothickprincess · 3 years
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gothickprincess · 4 years
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Love these two from my fanfic Wining Smile! A Khr fanfic!
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gothickprincess · 4 years
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Oops, My hand slipped.
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gothickprincess · 4 years
Okay first off let me say that I was not prepare for the first episode of hanyo no yashahime.
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Sure I knew about it and was excited for it. I had love inuyasha as a kid growing up as this was the first anime I ever watched.
Let me say that I was no prepared.at.all.
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No even two minutes in, I suddenly burst into tears.
I can’t explain it. I was fine one second then the next I felt an overwhelming emotion from deep inside. Like it wasn’t me watching the episode but the younger me.
It hit me. The overwhelming feeling of utter love for the show and the bitterness of it official being over.
I cried and bawl throughout the episode. The casual conversation, to when Kagome told him to sit. I kept bawling and watching. I was afraid to take my eyes off it.
When the ending credits rolled out. I just laugh.
I felt so relief for some reason, like I had accepted that inuyasha was over and now it’s mantel was being passed down to the next generation.
All in all was a good show. Would recommend for newcomers and I will give a deeper take in the next episode.
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gothickprincess · 4 years
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I really wanted to draw my two baby’s in something floofy UwU
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gothickprincess · 4 years
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Fluster Deku getting Kisses 😘
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gothickprincess · 4 years
As someone who lived through the later 2000/ early 2010 kataang v zutara ship wars, let me tell you I was NOT prepared for the new generation of ATLA fans to hit me with Zukka being their favorite ship
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gothickprincess · 4 years
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Love my confuse child! After playing for a few rounds Iink is so done with the red moon.
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gothickprincess · 5 years
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I love blue pearl and her silent and gentle demeanor! I also would like to see her bloom in character as well!
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gothickprincess · 5 years
The thing is, in this world we are all killers. We all killed the lesser person before us. The coward, the naive, even the innocent. All so we can grow and become a better us.
Something my monsters once told me
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gothickprincess · 6 years
get off the floor,
Get off your knees,
Dust off your pants,
Smile at her,
She doesn’t want to rule above you,
So stand as her equal”
-I don’t date you to rule above you
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gothickprincess · 6 years
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Villain Deku trying new methods on hero’s.
....It was too easy.
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gothickprincess · 6 years
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Villain Deku!! 🤗🤗🤗😖😖😖😤😤😤🎨
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gothickprincess · 6 years
‘This can’t be happening’ I thought in dismay. There in front of me was my dog wet and filthy from going outside. It wouldn’t be such a big problem if he wasn’t laying on my dress.
“Max get off! Off!” I yelled while making shooing gesture at Max. He ran off leaving me with my ruin dress.
“On no, why now? Why!” I said, I don’t have anymore time to get a new one and this was our first date.
“No! Not today why god!” I shrieked our whole bolting to my closet to find a new dress. Swing the doors open I am greeted by an empty closet. ‘That’s right! Today is laundry day!’ I thought in distress while running off to the basement, just as I was going in I spotted Max laying on my clothes as well. Signing in defeat I put on the clothes from yesterday and ran out of the house.
“Crap! Look at the time! At this point I’ll barely make it for our date!” I said while sprinting down the street. Our meet up point wasn’t to far so I could just walk there, but seeing as I had less then ten minutes I ran instead.
‘This is my only chance of impressing Chad! Why is it when I plan things out they always backfire!?’ I thought while sprinting across the street. I know to me but a drive wasn’t paying attention and slammed into me sending my body up and crashing back down.
“Oh my god are you ok!?” The driver said while getting out to examine the limp body. Slowly the body got up and tried to dust itself off.
“Huff...I...got..huff...to go” I said while slowly running off. I could hear the driver asking me to come back but I brushed it aside, this date was more important.
Soon I could see our meet up point, I let out a relief sign knowing I was going be early. Just as I was about to reaching it I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“ hey are you ok?” A voice said, for sure I thought it was the driver and in a fit of rage I turned around and punched him in the nose.
“Fuck off! I ok can’t you see! So leave me alone!” I yelled rage in my eyes but it soon disappeared as I realized that the person I punched wasn’t the driver but chad.
“Ow what the hell you crazy bitch!?” He yelled holding his nose. I tried to sputter out an apology but he just brushed me off and walked away.
I stood there in a daze, this was the worst day of my life, can it get any worse?
“Damn that’s just...damn” I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around to see a misty figure with a sythe in its hands and a cloak on as well.
“Hey I was just here to collect your soul, you were supposed to had died when the driver hit you. I was surprised and followed you here but now....we’ll do you want to go eat” he said with pity laced in his voice.
I gave him a defeat sign but shook my head. Soon he turned into a human inhumanly handsome, he held out his hand out and took me down the street to eat. And that the story of my worst date and also how I meet my future boyfriend.
Write about a first date went terribly wrong, and now Death himself is eating with you.
- submission by @clickbaithonorsociety
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gothickprincess · 7 years
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Average Alice Halloween Special part one
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gothickprincess · 8 years
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Love these guys
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