toastery · 7 months
we have an analysis assignment for tgg in english you know i'm gonna make it QUEER
my teacher gave us five different excerpts to choose from, and i'm either doing natsby's first meeting (can't wait to read an entire paragraph about gatsby's smile once again) or the scene when jay leaves through the back of nick's house when daisy gets there and he's standing out in the pouring rain like a little pathetic wet cat "glaring tragically into" nick's eyes and then the clock nonsense !!
im so glad my english teacher ships natsby (not explicitly confirmed BUT HE DEFINITELY DOES.) so i can be as silly as i want with this and make it extra super gay
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anthology-enthusiast · 2 months
Guys I need some data for a design assignment. Basically, I'm designing a harp that is compact and affordable, without compromising aesthetics. If you could take a moment to vote for whichever design you think looks the most like a harp, it would be appreciated.
Option 1:
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Option 2:
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Option 3:
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bookworms-pov · 1 year
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yooxoo13 · 2 months
Today I got the datesheet of my upcoming unit test in which i want to score good and highest or top 3 as I want to prove myself that I am serious about my studies because I had a terrible academic performance last year (grade 11 scores doesn't matter much in Indian schools imo). This is my senior year so I want to do best. And I have enemies that I want to beat in all the tests and exams. So i will try my best. My first exam is from 15th May and all exams are continuous so I have 14 days for revision to prepare all my 5 subjects. And I promise to do my best. Til 30th I am planning to do my course completing tasks and writing assignments and from 1st May I will do revision only. As i am not smart and neither I try to be so If i want to perform well then I have to stop doing last minute study before exams and give atleast 4 days to every subjects. So i am excited to perform well in my upcoming unit tests.
Things I did:
English Grammar: writing assignments and notes
Song of the day: Till Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS
Good luck to me for tmr.
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not-a-kaleshi-saanp · 6 months
Completing my assignments while listening to bhajans.... cause only God can save me now 🙂🥹🥲😭
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shadowseductress · 6 months
late night assignments
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mickey258 · 7 months
🌟 Online Finance Assignment Help: A Lifesaver for Students! 🌟
Hey everyone! I just had to share my recent experience with Online Finance Assignment Help. As a busy college student, I often find myself struggling to keep up with my coursework, especially when it comes to finance assignments. But this time, I decided to seek some extra help, and boy, was it a game-changer!
📚 Getting Started
I stumbled upon the website FinanceAssignmentHelp.com while searching for assistance with my finance assignment. The moment I landed on their page, I knew I was in good hands. The layout was super user-friendly, and I quickly found the services that were just perfect for my needs.
🌐 Easy Ordering Process
The website's ordering process was a breeze. They had a simple form where I could specify all the details of my assignment, such as the topic, deadline, and any specific requirements. It's worth noting that the process was quick, and I received a quote almost instantly.
💼 Expert Finance Tutors
One of the best things about their service is the team of expert finance tutors. They truly know their stuff! When I received my assignment, I could see the depth of knowledge that went into it. They not only met my requirements but exceeded my expectations.
💯 Timely Delivery
Deadlines can be nerve-wracking, but the team at FinanceAssignmentHelp.com assured me that they'd deliver my assignment on time. And they did just that! My assignment was ready well before the due date, giving me enough time to review it.
💡 Learn and Excel
What's more, the solution provided was not just about getting the job done; it was also an excellent learning resource. I could see how they approached the problems, which helped me understand the concepts better.
🤑 Affordable Pricing
As a student, budget matters a lot, and I was pleasantly surprised by the reasonable pricing. They offer high-quality services at a cost that won't break the bank.
👍 Final Verdict
In a nutshell, Online Finance Assignment Help from FinanceAssignmentHelp.com saved the day for me. If you're a student struggling with finance assignments, I highly recommend giving them a try. It's a game-changer that makes academic life so much easier. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance, and remember, your success is just a click away! 🚀
So, if you're in a similar situation, make sure to check out FinanceAssignmentHelp.com for Online Finance Assignment Help. You won't regret it! 😉📝📈💰
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oldbrownart · 1 year
if i skip my sleep and food for you then you're really very special !!
*(assignment blushing)*
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Effective Study Techniques for High School and College Students
Studying effectively is crucial for high school and college students to excel academically. With the right techniques, students can maximize their learning potential, retain information longer, and perform better on exams. Here are some proven study strategies that can help students achieve academic success.
1. Active Learning
Active learning involves engaging with the material actively rather than passively reading or listening. This can include:
Summarizing: After reading a chapter, summarize the main points in your own words.
Questioning: Ask questions about the material and try to answer them without looking at your notes.
Teaching: Explain the concepts you’ve learned to someone else. Teaching is a powerful way to reinforce your understanding.
2. Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro Technique helps maintain focus and productivity by breaking study sessions into intervals, typically 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. After four intervals, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This method helps reduce mental fatigue and keeps you motivated.
3. Mind Mapping
Mind maps are visual representations of information that help organize and connect ideas. They can be particularly useful for subjects that require understanding complex relationships and hierarchies. Start with a central concept and branch out into subtopics, using keywords and images to trigger memory.
4. Spaced Repetition
Spaced repetition involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time. This technique leverages the psychological spacing effect, which helps improve long-term retention. Tools like Anki or Quizlet can help implement spaced repetition by scheduling review sessions based on your progress.
5. SQ3R Method
The SQ3R method (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) is a structured approach to studying:
Survey: Skim the material to get an overview.
Question: Formulate questions based on headings and subheadings.
Read: Read the material thoroughly to answer the questions.
Recite: Summarize the information aloud or in writing.
Review: Regularly review the material to reinforce learning.
6. Active Recall
Active recall is the practice of actively retrieving information from memory, rather than passively reviewing notes. This can be done through self-testing with flashcards, practice quizzes, or by writing down everything you remember about a topic and then checking for accuracy.
7. Mnemonics and Memory Aids
Mnemonics are techniques that help remember information through association. For example, using acronyms, visual images, rhymes, or chunking information into smaller parts can make it easier to recall facts and details.
8. Effective Note-Taking
Good note-taking can enhance comprehension and retention. Methods like the Cornell Note-Taking System help organize notes into key points, summaries, and cues. Digital tools like OneNote or Evernote can also be useful for organizing and accessing notes quickly.
9. Healthy Study Habits
Adopting healthy habits can significantly impact your study effectiveness:
Consistent Schedule: Establish a regular study routine and stick to it.
Healthy Lifestyle: Ensure adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular physical activity.
Stress Management: Practice mindfulness, meditation, or yoga to reduce stress and improve focus.
10. Study Groups
Joining or forming a study group can provide multiple perspectives on the material, enhance understanding through discussion, and keep you accountable. Ensure the group stays focused on the topic and doesn't become a social gathering.
Effective study techniques are essential for high school and college students aiming for academic success. By incorporating methods like active learning, the Pomodoro Technique, mind mapping, spaced repetition, and active recall, students can enhance their understanding and retention of material. Additionally, adopting healthy study habits and utilizing resources like study groups can further improve academic performance. Experiment with these techniques to find what works best for you and watch your grades and confidence soar.
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weltato · 2 months
All I was trying to do was search up if anyone had said grouping friends together was a bad idea.
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apollolewis · 5 months
I have so many writing assignments due by Monday, my brain has decided to not let me focus on them. I'm just gonna try to get part of my history assessment done, then I'll work through my mass media one.
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rain-is-studying · 10 months
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Took a break yesterday only to remember how easily you can get overloaded with work 🤧🤧
Me rn:
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Puppycat is such a mood :3
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yooxoo13 · 2 months
I am having typical conflicts of opinion relating to matters of my life with my family. It feels like I am going through typical teenage phase where teenagers have fights and misunderstandings with their parents and elder siblings. Sometimes it feels like they don't trust me like I do on them. I only have one expectation from them that they trust me but no they don't.. they think that I am stupid and some sort of fool who doesn't know what's right or wrong. I wish they try a bit to understand me and trust me. Sometimes it feel suffocating to even stay at home. I wish that I could just leave everything and go for a ride on an isolated highway at midnight. Is it too much to ask for their trust and faith in me that I won't do anything wrong. I just wish that they atleast try to get me.
Things I did:
Indian Geography: Textbook reading
Modern history: writing notes and assignments
Song of the day: is it too much to ask? By Nial Horan
Good luck to me for tmr.
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orangemytummyhurts · 3 months
When you get 100% on an assignment and then get to use that assignment as a reference point for all future assignments.
I love knowing exactly what I have to do to excel.
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shadowseductress · 8 months
Burning the Midnight Oil: From 9 PM to Daybreak on this Assignment
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ahecworld · 4 months
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How to Write a Good Essay Title? Create an intriguing title for your essay with these tips. . Get the best advice for your academics and achieve great success💯%. Visit Here: www.ahecounselling.com E-mail 📧: [email protected] Whatsapp Number: +91 89550 09638
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