astronomergrump · 3 months
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no Name micgee
He's based off if rainbow dash and that awesome unicorn with the shades
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imabee-oralizard · 11 months
Dude I hate my mom
like I’m almost having a panic attack and she can’t even tell(or doesn’t care) and then everything she’s doing is making it worst
Like today our friends from Texas was coming down to stay at our apartment for a couple days cause we haven’t moved in. And if anyone remembered me past ranting this is the mom to the family where I tried to help and messed it up and now her daughters don’t talk to me. Well the mom and her friend came to stay here and the friend has a dog. And the whole day I’ve been worried that secretly the mom is annoyed at me for texting the daughter last year. And then the dog had fleas and one jumped on me. And for reference we had fleas before bad and got rid of them them during quarantine k got lice like 4-5 times and now I’m super paranoid about lice and fleas. And I told my mo l so she gave the dog a bath. And we were driving home then once we got home we dusted ourselves off as best we could. On the way home I found a flea on me so I killed it and threw it out the window. I told my mom I wanted to go in and take a shower right away, instead of getting the dogs from my brother. I texted me brother not to let them out. And then my mom told him it was fine while I was getting my Saturday ready to shower so then the dogs were by us. Then I realized I forgot her room key in the car and she’s taking forever to get upstairs then she has to brush her hair and put on deoterant cause she’s doing a delivery job soon. And as she’s taking forever I’m on the verge of a panic attack. Literally tears are coming out of my eyes and I’m trying to hide it. And she’s like okay no need for an attitude. And not seeming to care about the fleas. And this whole time I was worried cause we didn’t get home till 2am and I still had to take my medicine that helps with my headaches (also an anti-depressant)
And tomorrow I think we are going back to the apartment to go swimming. I wanna hang out with the family friend but I also hate swimming cause haha body issues plus now the fleas and my mom doesn’t seem to have gotten the hint at all even thought I feel I was being obvious about me like freaking out and on the verge of a breakdown
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blake-does-art · 5 years
[Tap for better quality] I'd imagine this is what's happening over by the dark sides.
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yourlocalarsonist · 3 years
me feeling dysphoric: i look too feminine, everyone perceives me as a girl, i wont ever be masculine enough :(
men’s deodorant: hey
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foodbytesback · 2 years
Mocktail Monday #1- The Golden Delicious
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This week’s drink is, admittedly, 90% an invention of necessity.  First, I offhandedly offered to host New Year’s Eve festivities for my friends, one of whom remarked that she probably wasn’t even going to drink. All this means that I knew that New Year’s would be the perfect place to debut the first of the mocktails I do for the site… the only caveat being that I had basically given myself 2 days to formulate something (A quick, post-NYE side note: I was the only person who ended up drinking at said party, yet also didn’t make too much of an effort to promote this mocktail.  Oops.).  I took to my fridge and pantry to see what I had to work with: apple cider, cardamom syrup (that I had originally made for a gin-based drink months prior that everyone ended up hating, because gin), a tube of ginger puree, and an ungodly amount of turmeric.  
Naturally, I decided to throw all of these things together in a cocktail shaker to see what would happen.
And it, much like pretty much any of the cursed bullshit I put on this blog… was actually pretty good.  The turmeric sort of serves the same purpose that a bitters would in an alcoholic drink, something that I think many mocktails seem to overlook.  And even without the turmeric, all the other flavors obviously work well enough together as a relatively classic fall/winter drink.
I do want to point out that I’m still not 100% happy with this.  The raw turmeric still tends to leave a chalky mouthfeel that no one seems to acknowledge on any of the sites I saw after googling “best way to add turmeric to a drink and not have that chalky mouthfeel.”  Also, since most of the solids get strained out, it’s hard to tell if the ginger puree is really doing anything.  The ideal solution to both of these would be to make a turmeric, ginger and cardamom syrup, but that would also be a little less useful for recipes that aren’t this.
Either way, I actually measured everything for once (That’s right, I bought a jigger and pony for this.  I did this, for you.) so you can make it yourself and adjust to your tastes.  More turmeric? No turmeric?  Your fate is in your hands. 
[Also, in other, Dry January news, many Gen Zs are going “sober curious,” which, as a person who dabbles in being cringe as hell, is cringe as hell.  It feels like the Dry January equivlant of how 10 years ago we called any straight guy who dressed well and used deoterant “metrosexual.”]
The Recipe
 3 oz apple cider
¾ tsp turmeric
1 tsp ginger puree*
1 oz cardamom syrup**
~2 oz sparkling apple cider
*According to the package, this is equivalent of 1 Tbs of freshly grated ginger.
**Boil 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar and ¼ cup of cardamom pods together until the mixture has reduced to a syrupy consistency. Let steep for 3 days, then strain out the cardamom pods. 
Combine the (flat) cider, turmeric, ginger and syrup in a cocktail shaker.  Shake, then pour into a mesh strainer over a rocks glass (turmeric and brown sugar rim garnish and obnoxious round ice cube optional).  Top off with sparkling cider.
*WARNING: Turmeric-rimmed glasses may result in you getting turmeric stains all over your nose, as I found out about half an hour after drinking the one in the picture.*
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sidespromptblog · 4 years
Soft Headcanon:
Remus gets very concerned anytime someone tries to eat something particularly inedible, because he's well aware of the fact that he can eat things like deoterant, tide pods, and other things like bleach. So when someone says that they're going to eat something like that, or add fifteen red bulls to their coffee (Logan). He gets really concerned.
But since he can't really talk about it to them...
He takes it.
He steals every single one of those things that he can find, just so that they can't eat it and hurt themselves.
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tittty-bitty · 4 years
Toshi glances at the door of his apartment as it opens at 1:45 am. He was actually contimpating calling Shota a few minutes ago to check in on where he was at. But from on the look of his face you could clearly tell it was an especially rough night. The crime rate spike after his retirement hasn’t gone down all these months later and it hasn’t been easy on Shota. Dark circles a little more prominent then usual, stiff posture as he walks in and a actual frown on his face vs his usual blank expression.
“Do you want me to run a bath? Food? Anything?”
When they started dating Yagi would make dinner for him when he got home and Shota tried to eat it for the first few weeks until yagi caught him throwing it up an hour later as his stomach was still recovering after being kicked especially hard. Now they have an agreement no food unless Shota texts him ahead of time.
Shota responded to the question with a grunt that sounded like a no. Yagi knew it wasnt ment to be rude but rather he hardly can stand let alone talk. Shota wobbles to the bedroom and flops into bed with a groan. Yagi gets up, grabs some items from the bathroom and follows the walking corpse to the bed.
“I understand your tired but I really rather not have the sheets smell like sweat and blood.”
He starts with the capture weapon, carefully unwrapping it from Aizawas neck and tossing it to the side. The jump suit is a little bit of trouble with Shoutas reluctance but he knew it had to be done. Now with the first task of stripping his exsaughsted boyfriend bare he rips open the new package of deoterant wipes. Getting his armpits, chest and neck then skimming over the rest. With the “cleaning” done he gets the lotion out. A nice lavender scent advertised for relaxation, and something that will help with the drying properties of the wipes. With a pat at Aizawas thigh he signals him to flip over, which is a slow process. With that Yagi straddles Shota and starts the process again on his back and thighs. Making sure to add pressure with the lotion step and knows he’s doing a good job with Shotas groan of relief. With a cheeky light pat on Shotas ass, Yagi gets up and heads to the living room again.
Eventually Yagi comes back with a weighted blanket and a candy worm, suprised Aizawa found the energy to turn to his side. Yagi lays the weighted blanket on Shota and holds a CBD gummy against his lip.
“Come on, it will help you stay asleep.”
Shota reluctantly eats it and chews slow while Toshi puts the items back in the bathroom, his gaze following Yagi as he prattles around the room. When he finds his work is done, he leans over and kisses Shotas scalp goodnight and turns to leave but is stopped by a light grasp on his fingers.
“No. Stay.”
Toshi rolls his eyes with love and the firm command as he goes to turn off the lights in the apartment. He comes back to find an impatient glare peeking out from under the blanket. He slips under the covers to spoon Shota when he is lightly and lazily forced into the position of the “little” spoon. Aizawa coiling his arms around Toshis middle, carful of the scar, face smooshed into his hair as his legs wrap around his waist in a death grip. Toshi chuckles at the possessive hold, feeling like a glorified body pillow. They sit in silence for a few seconds when Toshi goes to check his twitter one last time before the silence is broken.
“Why do you do so much for me? It was just a longer shift.”
Toshis thumbs pause in the middle of a retweet of a meme from one of his fan pages. Trying to figure out how to respond.
“Well, part of it is knowing my retirement is what is making the crime rate go up so much. So it’s kind of reassuring knowing that I can take care of someone that is trying to solve the problems that I can’t fix anymore.”
Shota responds with a annoyed grunt. Toshi rolls his eyes with a smirk and craned his neck to try to look at Shotas face.
“And shockingly, I care for you very deeply sweet heart. And I want you to know that your cared for with a welcoming safe home.” Finishing with a kiss to his bicep.
It might be the lighting, but Shotas eyes look very glossy in the lights the blinds fail to shield away. Very odd as his eyes are usually extremely dry at the end of a shift.
Toshi turns back around with a smirk. “Also I didn’t want to sleep next to a man that smells like a highschool track team.”
“Wow, the symbol of peace is a romantic and a jackass. Alert the press.
“Wait till they hear about his octopus of a boyfriend.”
Yagi chuckles as Aizawa tugs on one of Yagis bangs in retaliation.
Shota waits as the CBD starts to kick in. You would think that chasing after villains with agility quirks would put him to sleep but his insomnia says otherwise. He hoping that and holding Yagi in his arms would relax him enough. Not only is he the worlds longest body pillow, but just touching him makes him on another level of comfortable that he didn’t think was possible.
He’s about to start dozing off when he feels a dip in the bed behind his neck. Mochi mews as she bops Shotas head in affection, and curls against his neck with a soft purr. All while Yagi chuckles at probably one of the weird memes his fans tag him in. Shota is to exhausted to do anything more then to let a few tears roll down his face as his heart soars with a realization for happiness. 4 years ago he never thought he would be this content, let alone surrounded by anything like a family.
He leans a little farther into Yagis hair and takes a deep breath through his nose.
“You need to switch back to the citrus conditioner. Just because your an old man doesn’t mean you need to smell like one too.”
“Who knew that a man that doesn’t shower until his scalp can grease a frying pan could be so hypocritical.”
Yagi yelps as Aizawa bites his sholder.
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ultralazycreatorfan · 4 years
i just know you smell really nice
Thank you, anon. I haven’t showered in a week, but I did put on deoterant today so 😌😌
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nachosforfree · 5 years
Remus, currently hugging Logan’s leg: I wuv you~ Logan: Love doesn’t excuse the sin that you committed Remus... Remus: Lo please!! It was just jam!! Logan, with a stoic expression: And it’s going to be ‘just’ your deoterant! (Basically Remus did the unthinkable and mixed his deoterant and Logan’s jam.)
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Dont worry clyde we also ship you with someone who eats deoterant for fun if u dont wanna date Roman :D
Clyde: ... I don’t know why I talk to any of you. You’re all morons.
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If you're feeling awful right now:
- Get a cold glass of water. It's good for you, improves your attitude and awareness, and perks you up without a risk of a sugar crash.
- Dump the coffee. Coffee is proven to worsen anxiety, autistic/aspergers, and adhd effects. Refer back to the water.
- Have you taken a shower recently? If not, you should take one. If it's too hard to stand, just sit, or take a bath. I know it's hard, but trust me, you'll feel so much better once you're clean and warm. Try using your favourite body wash, soap, shampoo/etc
- Put on your favourite article of clothing! It's small, but it will make you feel happier!
- Have you taken your medication? If not, take them now. If you need to wait, set a reminder on your phone. Warn those around you that you may need extra attention due to missing your meds.
- Put on background noise. This will help keep your brain from wandering into bad places because there is something to fill the silence.
- Go eat! There is nothing wrong with, and no shame with, eating however much you want or need. If you're feeling dizzy, light headed, or shaky, make something with protine. If you have black spots in your vision, get some iron. If your joints ache, get some calcium. If you have a sore throat, have a tea with lemon, and have a mint tea for heartburn/indegestion/stomach upsetness.
- Draw something! Don't worry about getting it perfect or right, just doodle whatever comes to mind and have fun with it! Express yourself!
- Try meditating. Close your eyes, and breath. In for seven seconds, out for seven. Attempt to picture a flickering flame in your mind. Breath, and focus on the flame.
- Go for a walk! Even just going around the block and getting some air, or going into your backyard, can work wonders. The sunlight, air and atmosphere can really perk you up and make you feel better! It's also proven that the more you stay inside, the more it will worsen your depression/anxiety/etc.
- Take a nap! Make yourself as comfy as you can be in fresh pajamas and sheets, and let yourself lay down for an hour or two. Going into three hours is starting to hit rem sleep, and you'll actually feel worse when you wake up if you nap too long.
- Grab any craft supplies you have and try to make something! Focusing on creating something cool will divert your brain and get your creativity pumping!
- Do a puzzle, play cards, or play a video game! Don't watch a tv show-that's mindless fun, and your brain can wander to bad places. Instead, play something that requires you to focus, but isn't too hard!
- Play with a pet! Playing with them is a fun distraction for both you and them, and will definitely give you some great ol' happiness juice!!!
- If you can't shower, change into cleaner clothes and put deoterant on!! It will at least make you feel cleaner and make you feel a bit better!
- Tidy your room! Having a messy room is proven to make you more depressed! I'm not saying full scale clean, but maybe pick up any loose dirty clothes, put clean ones away, stack your papers and change your bedsheets! You'll feel much better when you're done!
Most of all, just remember to take care of yourself! If anyone has anything to add, feel free!!
And remember:
You are always worth it. You are important, loved, and thought about. People would miss you if you were gone. You have a purpous. Things will eventually be okay. Not all days are bad days. And you are not alone. 💗
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brosif40 · 4 years
Pur would be the dumbass to accidentally taste deoterant and enjoy it, just eating the whole bar
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He's a himbo after all
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imabee-oralizard · 3 months
I’m sweating sm
I felt a sweat squish a little bit ago
Which means I’m sitting at my desk reading on my phone with my arms kind about so my armpits can dry without it being noticeable 😭and I can’t even sit how I want to
There’s still 10 minutes of class left and my deoterant is in my bag but it’s a spray and o don’t want to spray it rn cause just no so I have to wait till next block to do it before people get into class 😭
As a side note: I think I stress sweat 💀which means I sweat almost all the time 😭
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blake-does-art · 5 years
Deceit: *cuddle the remus*
Remus: nice
Deceit: *cuddles harder*
Remus: ...
Remus: n i c e
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shittylifeprotips · 5 years
SLPT: have stank ass feet? Put deoterant all over your feet in the mornings.
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islandgirl5311 · 5 years
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped me through this whole mess. I wouldn't be as... okay... as I am, without all of the love and support.
And... thank you to everyone who has sent money to help me get back on my feet. I... really don't deserve the kindness... and, I promise I'll make it up to you all somehow. I've cried a lot of tears, but... most of them were because of your generosity. I've started to build up my room. I had just a bed and a dresser, along with the things I could carry with me... but I have a desk, and a bookshelf now. I can draw again, and get this crap off the floor. Which is nice. (I was also able to get nessesites I forgot to pack... like deoterent, and stuff for my diabetes.)
It's been hard. I've made a lot of mistakes. Everything happened so suddenly... and it's still coming fast. I lost a lot... and gained a lot, sure... but I never got to say goodbye. I'm going back to Cali for graduation, but... that's it. After that... I won't see a lot of the people I love for a long time.
But there's good in all this too. I won't go into it, but... if you're in a bad situation, and there's a chance you can get out of it... take it, even if you're scared. If you really believe it's bad, it's bad. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I've learned that... It is so hard to leave—until you leave. It gets better.
So, thank you. So much. I've got a lot to do. I've got a lot to fix. But... I'm already moving forward.
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