#Grey Bucky
caffiend-queen · 2 years
There’s No Saying Goodbye To Me: Final Chapter
Chapter Nine; We Have A Lot To Talk About
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I can’t believe I finally fucking finished this thing! It was a one shot for a challenge from @sherrybaby14 like... two years ago. Thank you all for your patience and your enthusiasm. I hope you feel like this is a fitting end for the story.
Thank you a thousand times to the beautiful and clever @dangertoozmanykids101 for this wonderful, WONDERFUL GIF she made for this story. I love you, sister! 18+ warnings for a metric fuck ton of sex, m/m/f, and tons of profanity.
The beautiful and brilliant @dangertoozmanykids101​ just sent me the most magnificent song from this sultry, lounge-type singer who’s rather fabulous. She said she could hear this being sung during our girl’s final bout of sex with Steve and Bucky. Have a listen as you read...
Cara Emerald - I Belong To You In which saving the world and killing a Tesseract is trickier than one might think...
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“How does this work again?”
You were stumbling over the rocks in the cavern behind the waterfall, the gems above you still glowing with that unearthly sheen that didn’t seem to need a light source to reflect it. Bucky was holding your hand, helping you step over some of the more significant tripping hazards.
“We can’t use any of your electronics to contact our worl-” Steve hesitated, “-the old world. The frequency there is slower. But the stones act as a conduit and we can amplify the signal here.”
You eyed the setup- a suspiciously simple device that looked like a phone and a huge monitor. “Did you bring this over with you?”
Bucky chuckled, leading you over to the screen, which was glowing with the same soft hue as the gems. “No, we learned that lesson. Everything that’s not organic- flesh, cotton, leather- fritzed out and exploded. Two of the first parallels showed up mostly naked and with second-degree burns. This is all jerry-rigged, but it works.”
“This is so voodoo…” you mumbled as the glowing screen morphed into an image of Nicholas Fury, whose eyepatch was on his right eye, rather than his left.
“So you’re the one who’s been causing all the problems,” he growled, not even bothering to greet Bucky and Steve.
“Sorry, Commander… Captain…?” You looked over for help and Steve supplied “General.”
“General Fury,” you corrected, “but getting kidnapped and white-roomed wasn’t my idea of a honeymoon.” He leaned closer to the screen, an even larger scowl digging into his features and you waved your hand. “However, let’s not waste time.” 
“If you think you have something we haven’t seen, this would be the time to share it.” He sounded cold and composed, like your Fury, but he was haggard, skin greyish and the room behind him was shabby, people in ragged uniforms or street clothes moving back and forth behind him, everyone with an air of urgency. Even the lighting seemed greyer.
“This came to mind after I understood that fire can take out the smoke entities. I’m sure you’ve tried every kind of flame and blast-based weaponry, but Steve-” you looked over to verify and he nodded, smiling at you, “-Steve told me they rebuild numbers by hiding in major bodies of water.”
“True,” Fury rubbed under his eyepatch with his thumb. “We tried chemical weapons, conventional weaponry, even wasted most of the Australian continent with a nuclear weapon, which poisoned the oceans up to Japan and through Malaysia and Indonesia. We launched nuclear weapons again in Russia at the biggest cluster of them we could target. Minimal damage. To the entities, at least. I’d like Stark to hear this but he’s rigging up an ariel explosion sequence right now.”
“Okay, hear me out, last month, I was reviewing some research documents for Director Fury about a new Thermite composition. Thermite is spectacular because it doesn’t need oxygen to burn-”
“Yes, yes,” Fury interrupted. “It has been extremely effective for us here, but since it forms its own vapor barrier, it cannot be used underwater.”
“There’s something new,” you cut in, and you could tell by his irritable face that people did not interrupt Fury. But you were all short on time. “The new Thermite research here utilized metastable intermolecular composites, which kept the high boiling point at 2887 Celsius. It burns underwater. You can set an endpoint by releasing nanothermites in a timed charge. I can access the research again- it’s not at such a high-security level that it will set off too many internal alarms. We can alter the composition by…what was it with Dr. Banner’s work? The key numbers were all exactly .05% off from our Earth’s formulas. I can correct the composition within minutes and I’m guessing you have all the metal components needed?”
There was something strange with Fury’s expression. On anyone else, you might assume it was cautious optimism, but you didn’t think he was familiar with that emotion. “We do.”
“General, if you can track the clusters, you can bomb the shit out of them from the air and block them from reproducing.” Your expression clouded, “But you will be superheating the body of water for about a mile around the detonation site. There’s going to be more marine life destruction. But… you have a chance.”
“I’ve never seen Fury speechless before,” Bucky whispered to Steve behind you. There was a low grunt which sounded like Steve had nailed him in the side with his elbow.
“How soon can you get it to us?” The general’s voice was hoarse with exhaustion. “Gentlemen, I don’t need to tell you how dire this is; the situation here has speeded up the Doomsday clock. You have to destroy the space fold and the vortex within the next twenty-four hours. Even if this new formula works, we can’t risk…” 
You looked at this even harder, colder version of your Director Fury, you watched the emotionless expressions of the people passing behind them. Of course, Steve and Bucky were harsher, even cruel, of course the other Avengers were. Their entire lives were spent fighting against the inevitable end.
Bucky and Steve shared a look. “What about Tony and Natasha?” 
“I’m getting them out of here within the next twelve hours, but we’re burning out the connection on our side. You have to be ready to handle it there. How big was the entity that got through the vortex?”
Bucky rubbed his face with both hands for a moment. “We got lucky. It was a baby. That must be how it slipped through the sensors.”
The men moved into some entity and astrophysics talk that you couldn’t follow with your exhausted brain already trying to put together the information you needed, so you jumped a little when Steve put an arm around you.
“Are you ready to head back to the house, sweetheart?”
And for the first time since he’d kidnapped you, that actually sounded like a good idea.
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There was coffee, much coffee for the rest of the night, and you didn’t even notice the sun’s early rays washing the bay in front of the house with a golden sheen. You were lucky; they hadn’t changed your passwords in the Washington DC offices, which you personally thought was a little sloppy. But you got what you needed. The next meeting with Fury was terrifying. He was in a different location, and there were wounded being dragged by others who looked just as bad. He took the information you’d sent him and passed it to another aide without expression. 
“Tony and Natasha will be paralleling as soon as he checks the numbers here. They’re the last.”
“How many more were you able to get out,” Bucky asked. He looked stoic, but you could see him gritting his teeth.
“Only another 120 or so,” Fury said.
“But- they thought they could parallel another couple thousand people at least!” Steve protested.
Fury chuckled in the most humorless way you could imagine. “We’re down to one platform, Rogers. The rest of them were overrun by the entities. The workers detonated the platforms - and themselves - to keep the entities from reaching them.” His single eye focused on you. “Thank you for your service,” he nodded.
You gave a wet little chuckle, the enormity of it all was finally slamming into you like a punch to the heart. “I wish our Director Fury could have met you. I can only imagine how incendiary that meeting would be. I… I wish you the best.” You nodded firmly. ”This can work. I’m absolutely certain.”
“I am afraid we will not be able to update you, but I hope you’re right.”
Walking on the edge of the waterfall, looking down you remembered jumping off the rock ledge with Steve and screaming on the way down, not entirely sure how you would land. Your entire life felt that way right now. Steve and Bucky were still talking to Fury in low tones, their faces grim.
But walking back to the house, they were silent, slowing down as they approached the location of the vortex, staring into the dark mass of trees and vines.
“C’mon,” Steve finally says, “we all need to shower and get ready to…” He exchanges a long glance with Bucky and you feel your stomach churn. The look they’re giving each other is the bleak one Fury wore during your last discussion.
“Get ready to what?” Their long legs are carrying them away and you trot after them. “To do what?” 
By the time you reach the terrace, they’re both stripping down by the outside shower. Even though this place has been your prison, you instantly loved this set-up; a large space, glassed-in on three sides with a grey slate floor and multiple copper showerheads to flow in every direction. 
Pausing, you can’t help admiring the sheer beauty of these two. They may be heartless bastards, but you can understand why they were so hard. They’re softening in their treatment toward you, which gives you hope that there’s some humanity left. Steve said he’d send you back to Washington DC, but you can’t go back now. 
They’re both naked now, Bucky with his beautiful, bulky musculature and his glistening Vibraniam arm, and Steve with his perfectly sculpted body. His big, capable hands washing his hair, turning it darker from the water as the white suds slip over broad, tanned shoulders and down that chest you used to lick, trailing each abdominal muscle in his eight-pack with the tip of your tongue.
Shit. Your mouth is actually watering.
Marching over, you turn both showerheads to cold. It doesn’t even cause them to blink, still mechanically washing off the soot and filth from last night. “Okay…” you hiss, turning off the main switch to the outdoor system and blocking them from turning it back on. “Get ready to do what?” They share another glance and you yell this time. “Stop doing that having a conversation thingie with a mere glance! Tell me what the fuck is about to happen!”
Bucky’s long hair is dripping, and he pushes it out of his face. “Doll, we have to close the fold in space from our side here. And we have to destroy the vortex so nothing else can come through. It’s… Look, I think Steve is right to send you back to DC.”
“Well- well no, Bucky!” you spluttered, “it’s not right and I’m not going! I think I’ve proved that I can help with whatever the hell your earth is tossing into ours. If you two can get hurt, I can… I should be here, and I will help, so that-”
“Sweetheart.” Steve’s long-ass arms wrap around you from behind, and he bends his bulk over to rest his chin against your shoulder. “I was selfish to bring you here. I was stupid, trying to break you and wasting the time I might have had with you if I’d done this right. But the reality is, everything we planned on is gone. The entities are tearing through our defenses like tissue paper. We thought we had months, maybe years. It’s looking more like a few days.”
“But, I know the new Thermite composition will work! They can drive them back to the oceans and burn them inside out, it’ll work!”
His cheek brushed against yours as he spoke, and his golden stubble rasped against your cheek. “I know it will, sweetheart. It’s genius. But we’ll never know because we have to close any possible connection from here to there. And we don’t know if the detonations will…”
Steve’s voice drifted off, you’d never heard his firm, commanding voice weaken. He was never afraid to tell the harsh truth.
“Could this- could you two die trying to do this?” Your lungs felt like they were filled with lead, like it was impossible to draw a full breath.
Bucky sighed. “Yes.”
You don’t know what to say, so you turn the water back on, grab a big, soapy sponge and run it across Steve’s chest, swirling it around his nipples and down each sculpted arm. Lathering it up again, you wash Bucky’s back, putting a line of kisses against the thick knots of scar tissue where his shoulder meets his vibranium arm. Smiling at his impertinent grin, you run your fingers through his long hair, gently massaging his scalp and working the shampoo through each strand. Then, it’s back to Steve, soaping his exquisitely chiseled ass, squeezing each firm cheek with a little sigh. Long before you’d loved this man, you had loved this ass. Watching him run through the streets in Manhattan in those thin sweatpants? Oh, my god. 
Wait. That wasn’t this Steve, that was my St-. No, that Steve was never mine. You were a placeholder. But this Steve traveled through a parallel fold in space which was still freaking you the fuck out and you would need a more detailed explanation later but…
You realize your hands have slowed during your extended mental ramble, and they’re both looking at you with little grins. Not big ones, the kind you would want to smack right off their faces. Just… small ones. Like they enjoyed your weird little quirks. 
And then they take the soap, and the sponge, and their big, rough hands, and they clean you. Everywhere. Every crevice. You have never been so clean. You’re between them, pressed against Bucky’s chest, your head lolling against his shoulder. Steve is soapy, you’re soapy, and he’s rubbing himself hard against you. His thigh slides up between yours, and your knees instantly weaken, which… just pushes your center down on all those beautifully chiseled muscles.
Bucky, damn him, is kissing along your jaw, whispering filthy things. “You have no idea how gorgeous you look right now, your hips circling and pushing your pretty little pussy down hard on his leg.” You can feel him, hard and hot against the small of your back.
“You should probably kiss me,” you whisper to him even while having no idea why you’re whispering.
Bucky’s chest is shaking and you realize the little bastard is laughing. “Why are we whispering?” he whispers. His hands slide to your hips and he’s helping you move faster along the long, long thigh of Steve Rogers, who is currently cupping your breasts in his hands, rolling your nipples with the tips of his fingers and looking very interested.
“It's because my other boyfriend is right here,” you whisper back. “We wouldn’t want him to get jealous.’
Both these men pause, hardened, battle-tested, and fresh from the grim deathscape of their world. They look at you and just start howling. Laughing so hard that it squishes you even closer to them both and it feels wonderful.
“You’re right, doll,” Bucky wheezes, “we should get out of this shower and go make out in the bedroom. Maybe send Stevie here out for a gallon of milk or something.”
“I’m standing right here, asshole,” Steve points out, but he’s still laughing. And you can tell from the vague look of surprise on his beautiful face that it’s something that hasn’t happened for a long time. He takes the showerhead and rinses you all off, though he keeps it between your legs far longer than is necessary for actual cleanliness.
But when you’re all in the bedroom, naked and nobody’s laughing anymore. This could be your last time with one of them, or both. And the thought of it is somehow horrifying. You’d gone from hating and fearing them both to… you didn’t know… to at least understanding why they approached you the way they did.
Bucky slides in behind you, sitting up against the pillows and putting your legs over his long ones, which pulls them wider, running his hands along the soft skin of your inner thighs. He’s kissing your neck and whispering his dirty talk again, “Steve wants to worship your perfect pussy, see how hungry he is?”
Steve was, in fact, on his stomach and leaning in on his elbows, thick fingers spreading your lips wide as he blew gently on your exposed clitoris, making you yelp and try to pull away for a second. Wrapping his arms around your thighs - and Bucky’s, you have mentioned before Steve has the wingspan of a bald eagle - and you feel Bucky’s chest shake behind you. 
“I did not say that out loud!” You’re trying to hide your face and close your knees at the same time and they’re laughing and keeping you from doing either thing.
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love how chatty you are in bed?” Steve chuckles, kissing the thin skin of your thigh before nuzzling into your center again. The tip of his perfectly-shaped nose is rubbing against your clit and his tongue is hot and just… oh, god now he’s tunneling it up inside you and growling. Like a beast and it sets you off embarrassingly quickly. 
Bucky’s hands slide down to cup your breasts, idly running his thumbs over the sensitive skin in the crease where they meet your ribs. His hands enclose them completely, with room to spare and they’re so warm. You’re alternately turned on and then feeling nurtured and then back again. The second orgasm Steve is pulling out of you isn’t helping your complete lack of equilibrium as Bucky licks a line up your neck and murmurs to you about how beautiful you are when you come. How he wants to see it again, how your skin heats up like a furnace. 
Then Steve moves over you to push inside, but he pauses, looking at you and Bucky. “Would you…” he looks at him and then at you again, “do you want Bucky to fuck you?”
The awareness that you were lying here, between these two men and that there was going to be sex involved made you freeze for a moment, and behind you, you could feel Bucky’s body stiffen, too. Carefully extricating yourself from Steve’s long grasp, you turned around to straddle Bucky, running your fingers through his lovely, long hair. 
“I would love to fuck Bucky.” 
He grins up at you with that shameless smirk of his, one hand sliding to your hip, the other holding his cock up. You don’t look down. You’re already certain that he’s as huge as Steve, and you don’t want to psyche yourself out of this little game you’re all playing, so you plant your lips on his luscious ones and he kisses you, helping you slide down the length of his cock. Every time you’re certain you’d reached the end of him, there was more, and the silky tip of him was pressing rather insistently against your cervix. 
Seeing your slightly pinched expression, he laughs and grabs the back of your neck, pulling you down again for a warm, slow kiss. “You tell me when you’re ready.”
There’s a warmth against your back and Steve’s hand snakes around as he puts two fingers on your clitoris, gently circling it over and over until you feel your slick making his fingers slide around, sloppy and stroking between your lips, stroking your strained flesh gripping Bucky’s cock and moving up again to gather more on his fingertips.
“You look so perfect, sweetheart, so gorgeous straddling his cock, your nipples are tight, and you’re gasping for breath. So fucking beautiful.” 
Your hips move at the same speed as Steve’s fingers, circling and squeezing Bucky until he’s groaning like someone just shot him in the leg. “You’re terrorizing my dick, rolling your hips like that,” he wheezes, and you laugh, moving your hips counter-clockwise this time. 
His sculpted thighs tense as he pushes them up, nearly bouncing you off your perch on his cock, grinding against you, slowly rotating to rub against your clit, making your heartbeat abruptly speed up and you manage to gasp out, “Please, g- go ahead, I’m ready.”
Was that a triumphant grin on his gorgeous face? That self-satisfied son of a bitch! Lifting you off his cock, you both feel the pull of your center against it, reluctantly releasing from him inside you with a lewd ‘pop!’
“Lie down, Stevie.”
Your blond giant does as Bucky asks, laying back and reaching up to center you over his cock. What the-? You thought nervously, “Is this some scary sharing thing that will freak me out and-”
“Ohhhh, my god.” Your voice is deep and guttural and so unlike you, but Steve is sliding your pussy against his cock, it’s slick and shining and you know that’s from you as your lips spread around him, your sensitive nub bumping against the head of his cock with each pass. This time, Bucky straddles his legs from behind and kisses you between your shoulder blades. 
“I want to be back inside you, doll.” He bites your shoulder, hard enough to make you jump a little. “Are you okay?” 
Your brain is still with your pussy, which is sliding along Steve’s glistening cock, so you nod vigorously, trying to communicate that yes indeed, you would like that. You all pause for a moment as he pushes back inside you, trying to go slow, but you’re guessing by his white knuckles that’s easier said than done. 
“That’s it, doll,” Bucky whispers in your ear like the little devil he is, “open up. Let me in.” 
You’re pressed between these two huge, beautiful men, sweating from their combined heat but not even noticing because everything outside the motions of the three of you no longer exists. Wet slicks, along your thighs and theirs, you’re lightly sucking on Steve’s nipples and he gives an involuntary bucking up of his hips, which presses your clit hard against him and you come, squeezing against Bucky, who swears loudly, pushing his feet against the foot of the bed to stay inside you.
“I’m not coming,” he groans, “this feels too good! Stop riling her up with your magical dick!”
And you all start laughing, everything pushing and squeezing and slicking over other things. You all come together, Steve’s warmth shooting up between you, all the way to your breasts. Bucky growling and biting down on your shoulder as his cock swells impossibly larger and his heat bathes you. Your last orgasm squeezes him tightly enough to hold him inside.
There’s perfect, blissful almost-silence for a moment, the soft sound of the waves against the sand, a plaintive seagull, and the gasps from the three of you, trying to catch your breath.
Finally, Steve sighs, “We gotta get up. If Tony parallels and finds us like this, he will never let us live it down.”
“Really?” you ask teasingly, resting your chin on his chest, Bucky’s weight heavy on your back and feeling perfect. “There’s actually something that makes Stern Steve Rogers shy?”
He puts a forearm over his eyes, it’s perfectly muscled and sun-bronzed. “You don’t know Tony, he’s just such a-”
“I don’t,” you said, suddenly sad. “Not really. By the time he made it back to Earth, he was in terrible shape. He didn’t mentally have room to handle more people, that’s what Pepper told me.”
They were silent, Steve’s thumb rubbing your cheek, and Bucky’s fingers threading through your tangled hair.
“Is your Tony not as… I dunno, not as fragile?”
“He’s kind of a bastard,” Bucky says thoughtfully.
It’s not like you can help it, bursting into laughter. “Pot, meet kettle.”
Then, they’re laughing, and all that slipping around makes them hard again and this time, they find a new way to worship you, Steve pounding inside you and Bucky giving you his dirty talk.
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“I want to help!”
“Honey, I know you do.” Steve rubs your arms, “But this is all demolition. No one’s ever tried to destroy the Tesseract, it seems insane even thinking about it. And the quantum physics needed to implode the vortex, Bucky and Tony have to do this right.”
You’re thinking, a frown settling between your eyebrows. “I’m sure Tony has the right calculations for the other side, but did you allow for the .05% differential on this side?”
“Goddamnit,” groaned Bucky, “this shit is going to kill us, I swear.”
“It just might!” Steve snarled, “So stop joking around, this isn’t funny.”
“Okay, both of you stop, I’m squished between you again but this time it is not enjoyable.” You blew an errant bit of hair off your face. “Do you want to check with Tony or have me work the sequence code?”
No one is smiling now. This is a life-altering decision for not just one, but two Earths. And even with the Snap, yours has no fucking idea what was about to hit it if anything goes wrong.
Putting his hands behind his head and pacing, Steve said, “Let me contact Banner, he communicated with Tony last. Natasha and Tony are paralleling, I can’t reach them.”
You had been so disgusted with Dr. Banner, but knowing he wasn’t your Dr. Banner made it seem less of a betrayal when he refused to help you. This was all too confusing to hold a grudge.
The three of you paced, passing by each other and staring at the sunset. When it was time, Steve said, “Please stay here. Not because we want to keep you out of danger, because if something goes wrong with either of us - if Tony and Natasha can’t cross - it’s you. You’re our failsafe.”
You latched on to him, holding his beautiful face and kissing him fiercely. “Nothing will go wrong. You’re Steve and Bucky.” Turning to Bucky, you attacked him with the same zeal. “You both come back. Okay?” They cross the white sand beach and melt into the treeline, disappearing from view.
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“Okay, okay, okay…” You’re mumbling to yourself, repeating all your instructions to keep from screaming. “If Bucky and Natasha don't come back, I have to set off the secondary particle accelerator. If Steve and Tony don’t come back, I… Oh, fuck.” Sitting down abruptly on the stone floor of the terrace, you stare out at the waves, made bloody by the crimson rays of the setting sun. It felt like the worst of bad omens. You were terrified of that stone hollow behind the waterfall, of the giant, eerie gemstones and that giant one squatting in the back of the cave like a particularly malevolent spider. The Infinity Stones here were something of incalculable power. They nearly killed Banner, even in his Hulk stage. They had killed Tony. The Tony from here. 
“Fuck this is so confusing!” You’re shrieking up at the early stars, seagulls who stare at you disapprovingly.
You can feel it when the vortex is collapsing, the hum, that fucking hum that made the fillings in your teeth rattle, the hum that made you want to weep tears of blood- it gets stronger, and more shrill and then deeper and soon the stones of the terrace are rattling and you’re fucking terrified. Curling up with your hands over your ears, you rock back and forth desperately praying it’ll be over soon.
“...Sweet..rt…you… th..e …ple…” It’s Steve on the two-way radio, the static obscuring every other word.
Seizing the device, you press the button, “I’m here, I’m here, Steve are you okay?”
“...S… no… wor…ng…need …y…”
Oh, fuck oh fuck oh fuck… you think, delirious with terror. “I’m here,” you wheeze, “I’m coming!”
You’re flying across the sand, bare feet pounding and going faster than you can believe it, but that’s what acute terror and fear for your loved one’s life can do to you. You realize what you just said; love. I’ll think about that later, you nod, I’ll just put that on the back burner because I’m probably going to die right now.
Scrambling up the rocks, you can see the wild rotation of the light inside, oscillating from green to blue and back again, and then most concerningly, a sickly yellow, like something diseased and dripping pus. Scooting around the waterfall, you nearly scream as you trip over something. That something is Tony- the other Tony and his skin is sheet-white and there’s red sores blooming all over his face and hands, blood dripping from his ear. 
‘Where’s Steve!” You put your hand under his head, trying to lift it. Another pulse of light shoots through the cavern and Tony screams soundlessly. His fingers are trembling, trying to point, and you see Steve.
His massive body looks like it’s… oh, fuck, like it’s bubbling? Parts are bulging, others are collapsing in and the red sores are blooming like malignant flowers on his skin. He’s still trying to reflect the nauseating glow of the Tesseract with gems he’s torn from the stone ceiling, and he collapses to his knees as you run over, sapphires dropping from his slack fingers.
“Steve, oh fuck honey, Steve what do I do?”
His eyes are swollen, so bloodshot the blue is gone, he tries to tell you, he tries but his eyes roll back and close with a terrifying finality.
You always operated better from fury than fear, or heartbreak.
“You motherfucker!” You scream at the square monstrosity, immovable and unharmed, feeling like it was waiting for you. “Fuck you, man! You need to go, you fucking asshole! You don’t belong here!” Mindlessly seizing precious stones from the rock, you throw them impotently at the cube, screaming your lungs out. You don’t seem to be getting torn up like the men were, and you hurl the sapphires with all your strength.
There’s a crack in the corner of the Tesseract, just a little one but the colors start rotating faster. 
“A crack…” you wheeze as it feels like a goddamn lightbulb just lit up your terrified brain. “Fuck you and everything about you!” You’re prying out the biggest sapphires, ignoring your bleeding fingers and hurling them, one after another hitting the cube over and over, getting closer than you ever thought you’d be brave enough to do, gathering more and hitting it again, there’s more cracks now and the yellowish, sickly light is dripping - it looks like it’s dripping but not like liquid but at this point you have no fucking idea because you’re still screaming and throwing sapphires the size of your fist until the cracks in the Tesseract all glow with the monstrous yellow light and then the thing doesn’t explode all over the way you’d expect, it implodes - it squeezes inside itself and twists and folds until there’s nothing left.
But the spiteful little bitch does have a farewell “fuck you,” because chunks of rock are falling from the walls and the ceiling of the cave and a hand grabs you from behind.
Screaming, you whirl around with a chunk of sapphire held high to bludgeon whatever touched you but it’s Steve, and he looks so much better, like he’s healing right in front of you. And his mouth is moving.
“What?” you shout.
“WE HAVE TO GO NOW!” Steve’s shouting and you nod.
“Oh, okay.”
He slings one of Tony’s arms over his shoulder and the other over yours, and you all stagger out of the cave to find that the rock outcropping you use to climb is gone.
“I hope you can swim, Tony!” you shout, and you leap, still not knowing where you were going to land.
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Natasha, ironically, is nice. Nicer in certain ways that this Earth’s Natasha wasn’t, but you had, and have a little girl crush going for both of them, then and now.
“Are you absorbing all of this?” Her red hair is glowing in the moonlight, her head tilted curiously.
“Yeah, I…” you shake your head, “no. I’m so freaked out that I can’t begin to put all the pieces together in the right order, but…”
You’re showered and clean, like Steve and Tony, who are both deeply asleep. Natasha examined them impassively and told you they’d be fine in the morning.
Bucky was showering now, and you could hear him singing. 
“That fucking lunatic is singing?” Shaking your head, you marveled at his sheer insouciance. “Singing. After the vortex murder thing and how you two still have teeth left in your mouth I do not know.”
She chuckled, but the smile slipped from her lovely face. ‘Tony was so excited about your Thermite formula. Do you think it worked?”
Sipping from your wine glass, you nodded. “I think so. I believe it will. It was just right. That flame can chase those fuckers wherever they try to burrow.”
“Good,” she says with a savage sort of satisfaction.
“Why didn’t the Tesseract try to kill me the way it took down Tony and Steve?” You were still mulling that one over. You… and one of the most terrifying sources of power and you killed it by throwing stuff at it?
“I think I know.” Bucky plopped down next to you in only his towel, drops of water dripping off his broad chest. He threw an arm over your shoulder and Natasha rolled her eyes. 
“I knew it. You are just-”
“Wait,” you held your hand up. “Bucky, finish what you were saying.”
“The Tesseract - our Tesseract, anyway - isn’t from here, and maybe that protected you. But I think you were the only one from either world who could have destroyed it.”
Your brow furrowed, “Why me?”
“You were the failsafe, doll,” he smiled tenderly at you. “You were our living, breathing failsafe, the only human who didn’t have a match on our Earth. You were the only thing not mirrored on our Earth.”
“I’ll be damned,” mused Natasha, “you are absolutely right.”
There’s some kind of alarm you haven’t heard before that’s suddenly shrieking at a really annoying intensity.
“What the fuck is that!” Shooting out of your deck chair, you turn in a circle. “Could the entities have found a new way in? Oh, fuck!”
“She says fuck a lot when she’s anxious,” Bucky explains to Natasha, who nods wisely. “Doll, it’s a perimeter alarm. Someone’s landed on the island.”
You sigh. “Fury. Has to be.”
You’re correct, and when Director Fury comes raging over the sand with a complement of operatives, you’re the only one standing on the terrace. “He will so shoot you at first glance,” you’d persuaded Bucky. “And he knows our Natasha is gone. Let me sort this out.”
Surprisingly, Bucky agrees with you and pulls Natasha inside the house.
“Finally!” Fury shouts at you. One might think he was ready to shoot you, but you knew this was his relieved shouting. “What the fuck is going on here!”
“Director, welcome to Half Moon Key,” you say, feeling sympathetic over his utter confusion. “Come and sit down, please. We have a lot to talk about.”
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Alerting mutuals who I think might be interested, please let me know if you’d like on or off this list. Thank you!
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incorrectquotesmcu · 4 months
Y/N: I'm about to be accomplice to a murder.
Bucky: I always knew you'd find your specialty.
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becca-e-barnes · 7 months
Thinking so much about clingy, mutually possessive, filthy sex and how much I just need that rn
The kind of sex where you and Bucky just can't feel close enough to each other. You physically can't get any closer than you are, his thick cock buried so deep inside you but you still need more of him. He has nothing left to give you and you're glad because if he was any longer, you wouldn't be able to take the rest.
You're panting against his neck, whining out your frustration each time he slides home into your warm, wet body. His own groans are low, rumbling from his throat and hanging in the humid air of the bedroom you share.
"You know I can't fucking resist you. I can't." Bucky moans, grasping one of your wrists, guiding it between your bodies, encouraging you to play with yourself while he fucks you.
"I can't say no to you. Fuck, I'm yours." You hardly hear what he's saying over the obscene, wet sounds of your body accommodating his.
Your fingertips rub against your slick clit and the sensation is almost too much. "You're mine." You whine against his neck, using your free hand to claw at his back, driving him impossibly closer to you.
There's something reassuring about the feeling of his skin on yours. It's hot and sweaty but it's so comforting being naked with him, enjoying the pleasure of each others' bodies. You don't feel vulnerable communicating your pleasure to him; you feel understood.
"I am." He groans, eyes fluttering shut, lost in the way your body clings to him. "All yours. And you're mine, aren't you? My good girl."
It's a relentless build up, each stroke taking you a little further than the last and at some point, the band just has to snap.
"I am." You whine, barely able to manage any more words than that.
"You feel like Heaven. You were made for me. This warm, tight little pussy fits me perfectly." His body still isn't close enough to you, not that there's any way you could physically feel more of him.
"You take me so well, you know that? You take every drop of cum and you still beg me for more. Fuckin' love it." Just the very mention of Bucky pumping his release into you makes your walls flutter, dreaming of the feeling of his thick load shooting into you.
"I can't last like this." You hear him mutter and you're almost glad because you're not far off either. "Can't last when I can see that pretty face." His eyes meet yours and he pulls you in for a kiss that stifles your moans for a few seconds.
"Bucky, please." You groan when he pulls back, rubbing yourself just a little too quickly now that you've gotten desperate.
"Go on sweetheart, let me feel you cum for me." It only takes a few more strokes for your high to take over, pleasure rippling through you in a way that leaves your legs shaking.
You almost miss the start of Bucky's release, given how distracted you are by your own but the unmistakable throbbing of him inside you tells you he's reached his own peak if his moans didn't give it away.
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Let Me Love You | 3 - B. Barnes
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Character: college!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary: On a mysterious, rainy night, Bucky witnesses a distressing encounter involving his crush.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 Chapter 7 ,Chapter 8.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment; I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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You and Bucky sprinted away from Lloyd, hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of your hurried steps, the adrenaline coursing through your veins dulling the ache of exhaustion.
Pausing to catch your breath, Bucky turned to you, concern etched on his face as he asked, "Are you okay?" Your response was worn as you admitted, "No, I'm not okay. I'm exhausted. I just want to go home and hide under my blanket."
Ever the caring friend, Bucky offered to drive you back to your apartment, a gesture that elicited a heartfelt "Thank you, Bucky" from your lips.
Upon arriving at your apartment, after Bucky had kindly dropped you off, the sound of a knock on your door sent a shiver down your spine.
Fear gripped you, your mind racing with thoughts of Lloyd's relentless pursuit. However, to your immense relief, Bucky stood on the other side of the door.
Returning with a thoughtful gesture, he handed you something, saying, "For you. Good food could make you feel better." Before you could utter a word of gratitude, he swiftly turned and disappeared, leaving you standing there with a mix of emotions swirling inside you.
You carefully examined what was inside the plastic, finding a comforting sight—a steaming bowl of chicken soup. Gratitude washed over you as you realized how much you needed this warmth to soothe your empty stomach.
Recalling past instances, you couldn't help but contrast Bucky's thoughtful gesture with Lloyd's indifference; he never once checked on you when you were sick. Shaking your head, you pushed those memories aside, recognizing that they belonged to a time that was now behind you.
After luxuriating in a revitalizing shower to refresh yourself, you set about warming up the soup, eager to savor its nourishing goodness.
As you took the first sip, you felt the dizziness that had plagued you begin to dissipate, replaced by a comforting sense of relief. You made a mental note to express your gratitude to Bucky again the next time you crossed paths with him.
Just as you settled down to enjoy your meal, the shrill ring of your phone pierced the air, signaling an incoming call from your mother.
Setting down the soup spoon, you take a moment to sip the warm water, gathering yourself before answering the incoming call. With a deep breath, you bring the phone to your ear and utter a tentative, "Hello?"
On the other end, your mother's voice, Cecilia, sounds immediately concerned, "Don't tell me it's true you broke up with Lloyd?"
You let out a weary sigh, not wanting this breakup to escalate further, especially given your mother's fondness for Lloyd. "Yes, it's true."
Cecilia's tone turns to disapprove, "How? And Why? Don't let him get away, he's our golden ticket to get out from this town."
Your headache, which had just subsided, returns with a vengeance at her words. "Mom, he cheated on me."
Cecilia brushes off your concerns, "So? It's normal for a man with a bright future like him to have many women chasing him. You should've turned a blind eye. I heard from Lloyd's mother that a coach from the NFL league is recruiting him."
You exhale heavily, frustration bubbling up inside you. "I've worked tirelessly and studied hard to maintain my scholarship. I don't have time to watch whatever Lloyd does behind my back."
Cecilia's tone takes on a hint of resentment, "Oh, I see. Just because you became a St. Louis student, you think you're better?"
"That's not what I meant," you interject, feeling the conversation spiraling out of control. "You know what? I don't have time for this. Goodbye, Mom."
With that, you end the call and power off your phone, feeling drained. Glancing at the now unappetizing soup, you realize you just want to retreat into the solace of sleep.
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The next day, with no classes scheduled, you requested a morning shift at work, preferring to avoid staying at your apartment to prevent any unexpected visits from Lloyd.
Today, you find yourself assuming the role of kitchen manager, a position you've earned through over a year of dedicated work, earning the trust of your manager. With the usual kitchen manager on leave due to health reasons, you've been tasked with overseeing operations for the day.
As you busy yourself assisting the cashier, your attention is drawn to the entrance by the familiar sight of Bucky and his two friends strolling in. Steve's grumbling about hunger prompts Bucky to suggest a visit to WHAM Burger, their usual haunt. Bucky insists on the visit rather than opting for delivery, eager for the chance to see you.
Welcoming them warmly, you greet them with a smile. "Welcome to WHAM Burger. What would you like to order?"
Observing your tired demeanor, Bucky admires your resilience and spirit. "Three cheeseburgers, three orders of fries, and three Cokes, please."
"Alright," you reply, masking your fatigue with determination. "You guys can take a seat, and I'll bring it over to your table."
As they settle in at their table, Bucky notices you approaching with their meals. However, his attention is caught by the unexpected addition of 12 chicken nuggets on the tray. "Y/N, we didn't order these," he points out.
You wink playfully at him, a gesture of gratitude. "My treat. Thank you for your help yesterday, Bucky."
Bucky can feel his cheeks flushing as Sam, seated beside him, notices and flicks his ear.
"Ouch," Bucky exclaims, rubbing his ear sheepishly.
Your laughter rings out at Bucky's reaction, adding a lightness to the atmosphere.
The light atmosphere in the restaurant swiftly turned dark as Lloyd, accompanied by Nicky and the rest of the football team, entered the establishment. A smirk adorned Nicky's face, her presence feeling like a taunt as she appeared to flaunt her newfound proximity to Lloyd.
Lloyd's casual remark did little to ease the tension as he addressed you, "Don't mind us, we just came here for a quick breakfast."
With a flourish, Nicky produced her black credit card, offering to foot the bill, "My treat." The football team erupted into cheers at the prospect.
Lloyd, with a smile playing on his lips, added, "Great, and we could use Y/N's employee discount."
Nicky's gaze shifted to you expectantly, awaiting your confirmation "Really?"
Raising an eyebrow, you couldn't believe the audacity of the situation. "That discount only applies to me," you retorted firmly. Working here, you've always utilized the employee discount, which Lloyd had benefited from in the past.
But to expect it for a party of 24 people? That was pushing it. You knew that allowing such a large discount would likely result in repercussions from your manager, perhaps even costing you your job.
You felt the weight of 24 pairs of eyes bearing down on you, and under their collective gaze, you couldn't help but feel small. Even the manager's expectant look added to the pressure.
Then, a comforting hand gently grasped your arm, and you turned to see Bucky standing beside you. His reassuring nod gave you a sense of calm amidst the chaos, "It's gonna be alright."
"Huh?" you uttered in confusion.
As Lloyd crossed his arms, his disapproval evident, he glanced between you and Bucky with a dismissive "Tsk," unable to comprehend your choice.
However, before you could respond, the manager, Thesa, intervened. With a professional smile, she addressed the football team, acknowledging their presence with gratitude.
"Thank you for coming to WHAM Burger, our football champions. It's an honor to have you here. As a token of our appreciation, today's order will be on us."
The unexpected gesture elicited cheers from everyone, except Nicky, whose opportunity to embarrass you had been thwarted.
Feeling a wave of relief wash over you, you couldn't help but feel fortunate for the turn of events, even if you weren't entirely sure what had transpired.
Thesa's call snapped your attention, and you nodded in response. "Sure," you agreed before casting a quick glance at Bucky. "I'm needed in the kitchen. See you guys at the uni." With that, you hurriedly made your way to the kitchen, leaving the dining area behind.
As you scurried off, Bucky watched your retreating figure, a sense of concern etched on his features. However, his attention was soon diverted when he felt a gaze burning into him. Turning, he found himself locking eyes with Lloyd, who radiated hostility.
Beside him, Steve noticed the tension and issued a warning. "You better watch out, punk."
Bucky simply nodded in acknowledgment. "I know," he replied, his tone resolute.
Sam, ever observant, chimed in with a question. "Did you help Y/N just now?"
Before Bucky could respond, Steve jumped in. "Of course, he did. He can't let his crush get bullied like that."
The word 'bullied' lingered in Bucky's mind, igniting a protective instinct within him. He vowed silently to ensure you never experienced such treatment, especially not within his domain.
Indeed, while only a few people on campus knew, within WHAM Burger, everyone was aware that Bucky Barnes was the son of the owner of this famous food chain restaurant.
Yet, despite the recognition that came with his lineage, Bucky remained grounded and humble, striving to earn his place through hard work and dedication rather than relying solely on his family name.
And now, upon discovering that his number one girl is being underestimated like this, Bucky feels compelled to protect her.
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Author Note:
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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0blobthefish0 · 6 months
Welcome to my main masterlist - here you will find links to all the fics I have written - this will update with every new upload :D
Requesting Info - here
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Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Maria Hill
Darcy Lewis
Kate Bishop
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Addison Montgomery
Amelia Shepherd
Arizona Robbins + Callie Torres
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Sirius Black
Bellatrix Lestrange
Severus Snape
Narcissa Malfoy
Sweet Torture - smut | mdni | narcissa enjoys someone she can have fun with
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Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Leighton Murray (The Sex Lives of College Girls)
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nickfowlerrr · 9 months
keeping secrets - chapter seven
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series masterlist / chapter eight
pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader (dark!soulmate au)
warnings: short chapter. no explicit smut but it’s there a lil bit. +18 only, as always. a lot of this is from bucky’s pov. angst with a hint of fluff. mostly angst though. and this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg for these two 🥲
words: 1.9k
notes: i’m belaboring it, i’m sorry lol but thank you for bearing with me through my bouts of writers block. i appreciate all of you who are following this series and reading and commenting and reblogging, you’re all wonderful and i love you. hopefully this will help kick me back into gear. please let me know what you think, and again, thank you for reading and reblogging. 🖤
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It’s still dark outside when Bucky jerks awake again in a cold sweat.
His heart is racing and his breathing is heavy.
He takes a second to collect himself before he peeks up to the bed from where he lays on the ground. He runs a hand through his hair as he calms down at just the sight of you, still sleeping peacefully, sprawled out on the mattress you’d both fallen asleep on just a few hours ago.
He’d woken up earlier from another nightmare, not one of the usual ones, but the one that’s been recurring more and more frequently since the day he’d met you..
No matter how he tries to change the dream, it always ends the same.
Nothing but hurt, pain, and tears.
He tries so hard to change it, wants nothing more than to save you from the inevitable heartbreak that waits for you both, but it’s futile.
It’s his fate, and by some sick twist of it, you’ve unfortunately found yourself tied to him, which can only mean the same for you.
But the nightmare isn’t reality, he tells himself. It may be unchanging in the dream, but he can’t let that happen in his waking life.
He won’t.
He spent a good ten minutes just holding you in his arms, watching the rise and fall of your chest with each breath you took as your lashes fluttered in your sleep and you nuzzled into his embrace, before he gently moved you off of him. He wanted to commit the sight of you so at ease to his memory, taking in your every feature and letting himself indulge in the feeling of your softness pressed against him. In that moment, he told himself he could never have you so close to him again. The list of reasons why seemed never ending.
And though being with you earlier was incredible, words he couldn’t manage to find to describe the perfection that was you and the deep intimacy you shared - something he doesn’t think he’s ever felt before - something he’s sure he’ll never feel with anyone else, he knows he can’t do this. Not to you.
You deserve the world. A happy ending. And he wishes so badly that he could be the one to give it to you - no matter how selfish the desire is - but he can’t.
A happy ending has never been in the cards for him.
And he won’t keep that from you.
Still, that selfish itch is there, clawing at his chest and filling his head with impossible fantasies.
As he sits there, he wonders, though, just how long he’ll be able to keep away from you - even just physically. Your touch alone.. It’s indescribable.
He wishes he could let himself be next to you right now.
He counted himself lucky for not having woken you up after the first nightmare, but couldn’t risk it happening again. He had moved to the floor and listened to the steady sound of your heartbeat to ease him until he eventually fell asleep again.
Until now.
This nightmare, thankfully, wasn’t involving you.
It was the cold.
That chair.
Those words.
The excruciating, violent pain.
He’s glad he moved, there’s no way you wouldn’t have felt his twitching in his sleep if he was still next to you.
No way you would’ve had the dream to begin with if you were still next to her.
His brows furrow as he grows agitated at the thought. He gives it no further attention, though, as he sits up.
Maybe it’s early enough to excuse being awake, he thinks as he pulls himself off the floor.
He looks over at you once again and his heart clenches, wanting him to just crawl back into bed with you and sleep until you decide it’s time to get up.
But he can’t listen.
So he heads quietly out into the cold of the cabin and goes to find his phone.
The bed is cold when you wake up. The cabin is quiet. Only one thought is on your mind as you come to consciousness.
Where is Bucky?
There’s a tight squeeze in your chest as you take in your loneliness. A surge of anxiety that grips you though you try not to give it attention. You sit up and look around the empty room.
You get up and peek out the door, down the hallway.
You head to the bathroom instead of seeking him out for now, quickly getting ready for the day.
As you come out, you hear the front door open and close.
When you walk into the living room, you find a sweaty Bucky pulling his shirt off.
“Hey,” you breathe, leaning against the hallway opening, arms crossed over your chest lightly.
His eyes shoot to you, and you watch as it takes him a second to respond.
“Hey,” he responds a little out of breath.
You give a half smile as you return his unwavering stare. Pushing off the wall, you saunter over to him. Bucky doesn’t stop you as you lean up to kiss him.
Somewhere in his mind, he is telling himself to stop. But the thoughts aren’t loud enough for him to listen.
He leans down and kisses you back, deeply as his hands find your bottom.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing as one kiss turns into two, turns into three, and before he knows it you’re breathing each other’s air as his tongue explores your mouth while you’re making out on the couch.
He knows he’s sweaty but you don’t seem to care in the slightest as you refuse to let up just the same as him.
He isn’t sure how much time has passed when you finally pull away, breathing heavy as you catch your breath.
You look at him in a way that makes him feel seen. Truly seen. The warmth of your gaze - the love it radiates - it’s something he never wants to lose.
But his heart hurts at your next words - a sense of panic taking over him.
“We should talk,” you say softly, moving a strand of hair out of his face, your soft touch caressing his cheek as you admire him for a moment.
You should talk. He knows that. But he knows exactly what’s going to happen when you do.
He doesn’t want to. He doesn’t want this to end so soon. He doesn’t want to lose you so soon after finally being with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you - though he knows no matter what, he will…
“Yeah,” he breathes before leaning back into you. His lips are on yours again, softer as he takes his time, leaning you to lay down on the couch as he holds himself above you.
It’s as much a distraction for himself as it is for you.
With Bucky above you, you let your hands find his hair as you kiss him back.
But it’s not just a kiss - it’s so much more.
Everytime you touch, it’s like a wordless confession of devotion.
Unlike anything you’d ever experienced. And it’s addictive.
You pull him closer, urging him down until he’s nearly right on top of you. A hand slips from his hair and softly trails along his neck, down his chest and stomach until you tug at the waistband of his shorts.
He exhales gruffly as his eyes shut - a second passes as you watch him, perplexed at the look that crosses his face. Briefly unsettling until he opens his eyes and looks at you. Mesmerizing as always, full of longing.
Your clothes are lost as you fumble with each other, touching and yearning; kisses broken off with gasps - each deep thrust of Bucky inside you working you closer and closer to the high that seems to never end as you beg him not to stop, as if he had any plans to.
He can’t get enough, and you’re both insatiable.
You aren’t sure how much time has passed when you’re both laid out on the ground, panting and sweating as Bucky pulls you into him. You’re a dripping, overstimulated mess as you curl into him, feeling full and sated, yet wanting him ever closer.
The comfort he effortlessly exudes relaxes you further as your lashes flutter while you start to regulate your breaths.
“I’m a mess,” you mumble as you nuzzle into him. “You’ve ruined me.”
His fingers are lightly dancing along your soft skin, but his movements stop at your words. You look up to see his face as you let out a quiet titter. He looks guilty, like he’s agonizing over it. Your stomach twists as your arms hug him tighter instinctively.
“I was just kidding,” you murmur with a small smile. “We should shower, though. Did you hear from anyone? Are we cleared to go back today?”
His eyes are trained on you when you meet his gaze again before he blinks, securing you closer to him again. “Haven’t heard yet. Not sure that bodes well for us.”
“I don’t know… another day alone out here doesn’t sound too bad,” you say, lips ghosting his neck as you curl into his warmth.
“Yeah,” he breathes through a twinge in his chest.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He wants to stay here, just like this, forever. Just him and you. No need for things to end.
But he knows better. Or so he keeps telling himself.
The truth is, the moment you guys leave here, you’ll have to leave all of this with you.
He just got you close. He can’t force this ending so soon, he can’t.
It’s selfish and come tomorrow will probably be even more painful, but he needs you. For as long as he can have you, he will.
You pull away from him with a kiss to his cheek, “‘M gonna call Stark. Warm up the shower for me?”
“Yeah,” he answers in a trance as you let your hand slip across his stubbly jaw, watching you stand and saunter off to get your phone. “Anything,” he almost let slip before catching himself, “anything for you.” The sentiment may not pass his lips, but it echos deep in his chest nonetheless. A heavy, gripping truth he couldn’t deny if he wanted to.
You’re drying off, trying not to let how wobbly your legs are at the moment be too noticeable as Bucky gets dressed near the bed. You feel his eyes on you every five seconds, so you know he’ll notice the second you give yourself away.
Your phone dings on the side table, catching both of your attentions.
You open the screen to find a message from Stark. He had said he’d get back to you as soon as he knew if you were good to go or not.
Departure at 16:30 tomorrow night. Sorry, but try not to kill each other. We’ll see you back at the compound.
And job well done, by the way.
“16:30 tomorrow,” you say aloud, glancing to Bucky who is already looking at you. “Got a little over 24 hours to kill… what ever shall we do?”
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messedupfan · 3 months
Chapter 14
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Summary: It's the new year! There's a new development in Reader and Wanda's friendship. Jean and Anna have a very important question for reader. And Rachel witnesses something special.
A/n: Hellllloooooo!! I hope y'all are having a good day. Anyone watch Love is Blind? Every season upsets me more than the last. Anyway, comment, like, reblog, and enjoy!
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By the time you stopped staying with Wanda, the pillow wall ceased to exist. The pair of you were comfortable enough to share the space together on the bed and not overthink it. At least that's what you told each other to be able to hold one another at night. On the Sunday that Vision was meant to come for the boys, he called Wanda early in the morning. You were confused and exhausted when you accidentally picked up the phone. Your eyes went wide when you realized that you answered the wrong phone. You quickly put it on mute and woke Wanda up. She had to put on a fake voice to try and match yours. It was a hilarious attempt and she had to hit you to get you to laugh quietly. You just climbed out of bed to use the restroom. 
When you came back, Wanda had her face in her hands. You rejoined her on the bed and she leaned against you once you were settled in. “Vision extended his trip. He said he'll pick them up next Sunday. Which, I'm okay with having them longer. Of course. I love them and I mean, they love you and Rachel so I'm sure that a part of them will be okay with it. But,” she shut her eyes and shook her head as you put your arm around her. “They're going to be so disappointed. I don't even know what I can say? What do you say to a kid when their dad would rather spend the holidays with his new family?” 
You frowned as you rubbed her arm. Even though you knew the question was rhetorical, you felt inclined to answer because you've been that kid before. “My mom wouldn't tell me. She wouldn't even make an excuse on his behalf. She would just distract me with so much fun that I wouldn't even know how long it was until I finally did see my dad.” 
“Do you think that will work?” She rubbed her finger under her nose. You laughed lightly as you shook your head. 
“No, definitely not. Those kids are too smart for that. But, I think I do know something that might work,” you began to remind her of the night before when the boys were bummed by the idea that they had to go with their father because they wanted to stay and have fun with Rachel. “Just say that you asked Vision to let you have the boys a little bit longer and he agreed to let them stay until school starts again.” 
And she took your advice, while you were in the shower, she went to the boys room and told them exactly what you suggested. They were so happy and they hugged her so tight she almost felt guilty lying to them. One of the hardest lessons she learned about being a parent was accepting that she did in fact have to lie to her children on occasion. She already had to tell them that she asked to have Christmas with them and they accepted that because Rachel was still in the hospital at the time and they knew their dad wouldn't take them to visit her. They were confused when they spent time with their dad's side of the family and he wasn't there but they had so much fun with their uncle Tony that it didn't matter. He chased them around and wrestled with them when Vision would have yelled at them for running and he would have punished them for playing around so much. 
The twins loved their dad but they didn't miss him. 
Wanda hosted a New Year’s Eve party that included her mom, the Starks, her brother and his family, plus her friends. You got to invite your friends, Steve and his partner Peggy, the new guy on the job site Thor, and Darcy. A girl you met on a dating app one time and the two of you decided to be friends after. It was rare for her to be in town because she is a political science major who is interning for doctor Jane Foster while she worked on getting her own doctorate. The internship had her traveling a lot. She brought Jane with her because she claimed that the woman was a shut-in. But with the way she almost instantly gravitated to Thor, you couldn't tell. 
You also invited Bucky, another work friend, and he brought a girl he'd started seeing a couple of months prior. A woman named Natasha. When she entered the house she appeared to be on edge. So did Wanda at first, you figured you'd have to ask her about it when you got the chance. After a bit, they both relaxed. 
Of course, Anna and Jean were in attendance as well. They kept wanting to tease you about co-hosting but with so many of your co-workers and your boss being there, they let it slide. You acted as a guest and the kids knew not to mention the living arrangement. 
“So, who are you kissing at midnight?” Darcy asks as she joins you outside on the patio. You needed a break from the party and it was a nice night despite the low temperature. “Me or the hostess?” She smirks then takes a sip from her blue disposable cup. 
You shake your head as you drink from your cup. “I’m not kissing anyone at midnight.” The kids were all in the boys room and you’d hate for them to run down the stairs and confuse them because you and Wanda kissed. They were already confused because one of the nights, Billy came running in from having a nightmare and caught you in the bed. Up until then, you and Wanda were telling them that you were sleeping on the couch. You got away with telling Billy that you also had a nightmare and he seemed to have bought the excuse as he climbed in and created space between you and Wanda so that he could snuggle with his mom. 
“Oh come on, that’s no fun,” Darcy nudges you. “Tell you what, I’ll kiss Agatha so you’ll have to kiss Wanda.” 
You narrow your eyes, “You just want to kiss Agatha.” 
She made a face as she laughed, “No, I just want you to kiss Wanda.”
“How much money is involved,” you ask, knowing the people that are inside. Darcy tries to deny that there’s a bet circulating around the party and eventually gives up. You look inside of the house through the windows on the doors and watch Wanda laugh as something her sister-in-law says. Things weren’t complicated with her but you were constantly afraid that they would become complicated. “I’m not kissing her so that you and whoever else is involved can win a bet.”
“Pietro was the one who started it so,” she takes another drink, “do you really want your boss to lose.” The look she gives you confirms your unspoken question of which side of the bet Pietro was on. You couldn’t believe that he bet that you would kiss his sister at midnight. You shake your head again and finish what’s left in your cup. 
“I need another drink,” you say as you get up from your seat and walk inside. Instead of refilling your cup, you toss it into the trash. Your eyes keep finding Wanda in the small crowd as you move about the gathering talking with the different people there. You liked getting to know Tony Stark but her laugh kept grabbing your attention. One of the times she catches your gaze and mouths a hello with a cute smile. You smile back and mouth, “Hey.” 
As it got closer to the countdown to midnight, you walked upstairs to check on the kids. All of them had made themselves comfortable either on a bed or on the floor. Luna and Rachel have taken the beds, the twins and Agatha’s son are on the floor. The tv was left playing a movie and you carefully turn it off since all of them are asleep. You put blankets over the three boys and tuck the girls into the beds a bit more. You don’t realize that Wanda is watching you until you look up to leave the room. You smile as you stand in the room of sleeping children and strategically step around them to avoid waking them up. 
You leave the door open a crack once you step out into the hallway, “I can move the girls out of the room in a little bit.” You whisper as you step closer to her. “I’m buzzed right now and would hate to drop any of them,” the truth is, you’d hate to wake any of them right now. 
Wanda looks at you with admiration as she continues to smile, “It’s okay. I think they’ll be fine for the night. I um, I actually wanted to warn you about something.” 
“There’s a bet on whether or not we’ll kiss tonight?” Wanda nods to confirm that’s what she was going to talk to you about. “What do you think about it?” 
She shrugs, “I think if we do, it wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like we haven’t before.” You nod. 
“But?” You anticipate. 
“But, I don’t want my brother to win,” she says mischievously. “Have you heard what side he’s on?” She asks and this might be the only time in your life that you don’t regret lying when you shake your head. The two of you walk down the stairs as you hear everyone counting down. 
“How are the kiddos?” Pietro asks as the countdown continues. 
“They’re all knocked out,” you inform him. He nods and is pulled in closer by his wife as they get to ten. You look around to find Jane and Thor gazing at one another, nine. Tony and his fiance, Pepper are holding each other close, eight. Agatha and Darcy each have an arm around each other's necks as they both face the television, seven. Mrs. Maximoff is sitting on the sofa with a big grin as she counts down, six. Howard is next to her with his head tilted back as he snores loudly and his wife Maria is next to him counting with a martini glass in her hand, five. Carol is kissing Val each second that is announced, four. Natasha is sitting on Bucky’s lap while he sits on the recliner with her arm around his neck and his around her waist, three.  Jean and Anna pull each other closer as they prepare to end the count down, two. That leaves you standing close to Wanda, one. 
“Happy New Year!” Everyone cheers as the countdown on the television concludes and they each exchange a kiss with their partners. You keep your hands yourself as you give Wanda an innocent chaste kiss on the lips. It’s quick, you’re not sure if anyone caught it. She smiles as she moves closer to her mom and kisses her on the cheek as she wishes her a happy new year. 
“Awe boo!” Darcy says as she digs for cash out of her pockets. The others that bet on you and Wanda sharing a kiss toss their money in the decorative bowl at the center of the coffee table. You wink at Wanda as Pietro shakes his head and puts money in the bowl. Wanda’s eyes widen ever so slightly before she continues to play dumb about the bet. The both of you fake being upset and make it clear that whatever is between the two of you is purely platonic. 
From the top of the stairs, Rachel hobbles back to Tommy and Billy’s room to hide the fact that she saw the whole thing. 
When Sunday comes back around, you get up early to get packed. School starts again on Monday so that meant you and Rachel didn’t need to stay with Wanda anymore. It sucks because you wish that you could have an excuse to be here longer but seeing as none of the kids will be in the house in the upcoming week, there isn’t a reason for you to stay. 
You hug the boys and thank them for being so helpful with Rachel as you say goodbye. They each give you a tight hug before running off to get ready for their dad to pick them up. Wanda called him early to confirm that he will be here for them in the afternoon. He sounded annoyed and convinced her to drop them off at his house since he was recovering from his trip. 
Wanda pulls you into a warm embrace to say goodbye for the time being. You’ve had to resist kissing her the entire week. You wished that you hadn’t done it on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t make it easy either. Too many times the two of you ended up too close to each other. Wanda was getting frustrated that you weren’t getting the signals that she wanted something more from you. 
When the pair of you pull back from this hug, you and Wanda hold eye contact for a moment. Both of you are considering leaning towards each other. That is, until Tommy and Billy start shouting at each other. Wanda sighs and steps out of your arms. “I’ll text you later,” you say as you grab your bag to take to the car. Rachel and her bags are already in your truck. 
You help your daughter out of the truck when you arrive at her mom's house and you only take one of her bags inside since you need to keep the rest at your apartment. Jean and Anna give you weird looks when you're inside and you're curious as to why but you don't question it. “I'll see you guys next Sunday,” you say as you're about to leave. 
“Hold on,” Anna says as she grabs your arm to stop you. “Can you um…” her words seem to fail her. 
“Do you mind staying for tea,” Jean finishes for her. You look between the two of them and notice that something is up with them. You fear that they're about to tell you that their marriage is over so you nod and allow Jean to drag you over to the living room. “So, we wanted to thank you for giving us some extra time to ourselves.” 
“Okay,” you drag out as you eye her carefully. “What's going on?” 
Jean gives you a nervous smile, “Just wait for the tea. Okay?” You nod and sit quietly. There's an awkward tension looming in the atmosphere. You were worried about what they're going to tell you and they are nervous to ask you something very important to them. 
Anna comes in with a tray of three steaming mugs a few minutes later. “You haven't asked them yet, right?” Jean shakes her head as she waits for her wife to get settled. You accept your cup of tea with a close mouth smile and nod. 
“Okay,” Jean starts as she sets her mug down. “Anna and I were wondering if you'd consider making another baby,” you’re about to laugh considering you just went through a break up, “with me?” She concludes. You spit your tea out at the absurd question. “I should have waited for you to swallow,” Jean says as she gets up to grab a dish towel to clean up the mess but Anna pulls her back down. 
“Are you crazy?” You ask as you set the tea back onto the tray. “You tell me that you can barely afford Rachel and you want to add a newborn to your expenses?” You shout in a whisper. You don't want Rachel to get curious and walk in and get excited about having another sibling. 
“Listen, we talked about that. With the budgets the three of us have come up with-” 
“And the GoFundMe!” Anna chimes in. 
“Yes, and the GoFundMe that we set-up for the medical bills, I think we'll be able to get that covered. And it takes nine months to make the baby. Anna and I can get to a better place financially in nine months,” Jean explains. 
“Can you?” You nearly shout out loud. “Look, it's not just nine months of you growing a person. It's doctors appointments, it's prenatal vitamins, it's baby clothes and toys and furniture. We got rid of all that stuff a long time ago. It's not like you have hand-me-downs.” With your pointer finger, you tap the fingers on your other hand as you list the reasons. “Not to mention how expensive IVF can be.” 
Jean and Anna share a look, “We weren't thinking about doing this through IVF. It's safer and more cost efficient to go the more natural route.” Anna is the one to suggest this. 
You stick your neck out and slowly blink as you widen your eyes. You cannot believe what you're hearing. “You really just suggested that I fuck your wife?” 
“You don't have to be so crude about it,” Anna chides. “I plan on being present and it wouldn't be wrong for you to fornicate with my wife. It's purely for reproductive purposes.” You cringe at the medical terms she uses to describe the act she is asking of you. It makes you want to throw up. “I don't understand what is so difficult about it, you've done it with her before.” 
You slowly close your hands into fists, not because you intend to use them but because air was the only thing you could grasp without hurting yourself. “I was in love, we were in love. Rachel was created from love.” 
“And this baby would be too,” Jean argues. “We care deeply about each other, Y/n.” She tries to take one of your hands in hers but you recoil, disgusted by the touch you once found comforting. 
You shake your head, “That's not the same and you know it.” You take a few breaths to calm down before you get too worked up and as your mind clears from the shock, you are able to come up with a reasonable argument. “You two might be ready to have another kid, but I'm not ready. I can't take that on financially or even emotionally right now. Besides, there is so much that happens during their first few developing years that I wouldn't want to miss when passing them back and forth.” They share another look and you already know they've thought about a crazy solution to that. You're starting to think you should just leave. 
“Well, we were thinking that you don't have any parental rights to this one. So that we can have a kid that's ours full time. We really want a baby that we can raise together that's just ours and we chose you to help us with that.” You scowl at this, they're actually asking you to not be present in the life of a child that you're supposed to help bring into this world. You couldn't believe it. “If you think about it, we can't have kids on our own and I really want Rachel to have a sibling that comes from both of us. You've said it yourself, half siblings aren't the sa-” 
“Don’t even. I was a kid when I said that! I would never say that now. I love Kate,” you interrupt. “She is my sister.” 
“Okay, fine, whatever. You still felt that way at one point,” Jean snaps, annoyed by your lack of support. “You can go off and have as many kids as you want with whoever you want. We only have so much time to do this and we used to talk about having another kid.” Jean tries hard to convince you that this is a good idea but it only sounds more and more bizarre. 
“When we were together,” you remind her as if she was an idiot. At this point, you're starting to wonder. “Those plans disappeared the second we signed the divorce papers.” You look between the women that you have tried again and again to support and defend. When Jean introduced Anna to her parents, they weren't accepting of the relationship at all. It took you the better part of a year to get her parents to tolerate the relationship. They still held out hope that you and their daughter would reunite at some point. They knew a few couples that split up only to marry each other again a few years later. Then came the wedding last February, Jean's family didn't want to attend because they didn't want to believe it was happening. You made sure they came. 
Now here they are, asking more out of you. With what return? What do you get out of this other than a few traumatic nights and a child you won't be allowed to raise but know is part of you? Then you think about Rachel and how when she would play with her baby dolls, they weren't ever her children. They were her siblings. You've had many talks with her in the past about why she doesn't have any siblings and she has expressed how she doesn't want to be an only child. You put your face in your hands as you realize that she's already ten and she'll be eleven soon enough. You had thought your eight year age gap between you and Kate was pretty big, and when you thought about having kids you always saw yourself having kids with small age gaps. That was until you had Rachel at seventeen. 
“We're not expecting an answer now,” Jean finally says. “Just please, consider it before you say no.” 
You sigh as you can't believe that you're actually going to think this over. “Okay,” you rise and walk out of the house. You drive to the nearest liquor store, the one you met Wanda at and buy a couple of bottles of the vodka she had suggested. As soon as you got home, you drank until you passed out to forget about the asinine request. 
You overworked yourself all week, being the first one on site and the last one to leave. Someone needs to be focused on paying off those medical bills and not trying to rack up more of them. The work keeps you from thinking about what Jean and Anna asked. You couldn't believe that is a real idea they discussed and thought was okay to run by you. When you got home, you had a bottle of vodka with a side of instant noodles. 
On Friday, your coworkers, Bucky and Thor, ask that you join them on a night out and you accept. You invite Steve as well because Bucky took a liking to him but wasn't sure if he could invite the guy himself. You thought it was funny that he was being weird about it but you didn't catch how flustered he was when you informed him that Steve accepted the invite. Then Thor requested that you invite Darcy and her friend. He tried to play coy but you know that he really liked Jane. He was just the idiot that forgot to call her the next day. He claimed that he waited too long and now he needed your help. You didn't mind extending it, he was a decent guy from what you've gathered. 
A couple of hours later and  you're drunk enough to start spilling your guts. Starting with how much you miss Daisy before getting into the real problem. Jean and Anna's request. Shocking everyone at the booth. The guys all agree that you shouldn't do it but Darcy plays devil's advocate and says that she knows someone that could help at no cost at all because they owed her a favor. “It's not just the sex that's the problem, Darcy,” you try to explain. “I can't just pretend it's not my kid. If I were someone that didn't mind that kind of thing, sure, I'd do it. But I'm not that person, I would want involvement.” 
She puts her hand on your back and rubs soothing circles. It would be comforting if it wasn't her touch. You begin to yearn for Wanda’s touch again. You didn't realize how much you missed it. There is a loud group of people that are being disruptive and it puts you in a bad mood as you start to miss the Hub being your go to. You doubt Phil would let you step into that building ever again. 
“Anyone want more? I'll get the next round,” you stand up even though you barely can and Darcy takes notice as she quickly joins you. Buck and Steve have engrossed themselves in a separate conversation. Jane and Thor were practically eating each other's faces. She gave him the cold shoulder when she arrived but he was able to crash through her walls pretty quickly. 
While you wait at the bar for the drinks, someone falls against Darcy and she complains about her arm hurting. That triggers something protective in you and you grab the person to try and get them to apologize. They spit in your face and you shove them. Your friends are quick to escort you out of the bar before you get into something you'll regret. 
“Give me your phone,” Darcy says as she digs through your pockets. 
“Hey, that's my phone,” you try to grab it but you're really out of it. Bucky and Steve are both holding you up, they didn't realize that you had drank so much. They exchanged worried glances as they held onto you. Thor and Jane were busy trying to calm the person you pushed. 
Wanda’s week was quite uneventful. She worked quietly on the project she was assigned. With the spare time she has in her day, she worked on her passion project. The dream house she one day hoped to build on a land she's trying to buy now. She doesn't want to continue to be limited by this house. The house that's so full of nightmares. There were good memories here, like the boys learning how to crawl and eventually walk, but it wasn't enough to erase the negative energy that has embedded itself within the walls like black mold. 
She was planning on inviting her girls over on Friday but she really only wanted to be hanging out with you. Because of that feeling, she invited someone to sleep with instead. She needed to get you out of her head. You were starting to consume her every thought. Even when she worked on the plans for her dream house. Would Y/n like this much natural light if I add this wall of windows? Wouldn't they like a woodworking space, like my father had? Maybe Rachel needs a room… she dropped her pencil and scrapped the paper. She didn't need to be thinking about that. 
Wanda was kicking the girl, Jessica, that she had over when her phone started ringing. Her heart jumped at the goofy picture of you with the caller ID that you had set, covering her screen. “Hey you,” she greets as she shuts the door. “What's up?” 
“Wanda, keep it in your pants.” Wanda moves the phone from her face as she doesn't recognize the voice. It was still your contact information. “This is Darcy. We met last week,” she says with an urgency. This gets Wanda’s heart to race with worry. 
“What's wrong with Y/n? Why are you calling me from their phone?” She asks as she searches for her keys. Ready to be driving to the hospital. 
“They're fine for the most part. I think.” She goes quiet for a second. “Look, they're really wasted and I was wondering if you could pick them up?” Darcy asks nervously. “No stop! Hey! Y/n, don't do that! Steve, Bucky, get them!” Darcy shouts away from the phone but Wanda can hear everything she says. Wanda shakes her head. So far she hadn't known you to be the drunk type. She'd seen you have a few drinks and get a buzz but she hasn't seen you in such a state that your friends have had to parent you. 
Wanda sighs, “Text me the location. I'll be there as soon as I can.” 
“Okay, thank you,” Darcy sounds distracted. “Damnit, Y/n, why do you have a flask! Stop drinking!” Is the last thing Wanda hears before the call drops. She sits in her car for a few minutes before she receives the text of the location. It was a bar close to her house and she was there in no time at all. She doesn't even have to get out of the car to help you inside because Steve and Bucky shove you into the front seat. 
“Wanda!” You say happily as you realize whose car you've been dumped into. Your eyes are closed but you recognize the scent you had been wrapped up in for two weeks. “Where's Wanda? I want to say hi,” you mutter as you start to get sleepy. 
“Here's their phone,” Darcy says as she stands at Wanda's side of the car. “Don't let them call or text anyone. They're going through something with the ex and you have to make sure that they don't say something they'll regret.” 
Wanda is confused, “What happened between Y/n and Daisy?” 
“Oh no, honey,” Darcy smiles, “Not that ex. This is baby momma drama. You'll have to ask Y/n about that one in the morning. It's not my place to go into the details.” 
Wanda nods in acknowledgement. “Thank you for calling me. Does anyone else need a ride, I'd be happy to -” 
“Nope, we're good. Just focus on Y/n. Maybe try to get some water in them.” Darcy taps the car. “Good luck,” she waves as she rejoins the group on the sidewalk. Wanda drives you back to her house and helps get you inside. She didn't realize how heavy you could be when you're not holding your weight yourself. But she manages. 
“I’m sorry I drank too much, Wanda,” you mutter as you lean against her on the sofa. She was trying to get you to drink some water before she attempted to move you up the stairs. 
“That's okay, just drink this now,” she says as she puts the plastic cup against your lips. You take a sip and nearly spit it out as you show your disgust. 
“Poison,” you exclaim. “Gah, what is that? It's awful,” you say as you lean away from it. 
“It's water,” she leans closer to you. “Drink it!” She demands. 
You make a face and take the cup and chug the whole thing. “I think my body is rejecting it. I need to chase it down with something. Do you have any vodka?” You complain and Wanda shakes her head. 
“What did Jean do to you?” Wanda asks herself and you laugh maniacally when you catch her name. 
“She wants my baby,” you answer. And Wanda is concerned that there is going to be some sort of custody battle. She can't think of why there would be. Unless Jean has a better job opportunity somewhere else. 
“She can't take Rachel from you,” Wanda says as she gets up to refill the cup. 
“Not that baby!” You shout. “My other baby. Er. A new one. She wants a new one and she doesn't want me to have it.” Wanda relaxes a bit, still confused but at least it's not something that will necessarily disrupt Rachel’s life. She walks over and claims the cup of water is vodka. You drink it as if it was the first drink you’d ever had in your life. “That’s the good stuff right there, what’s that brand?” 
She is standing in front of you as she waits for you to finish the beverage. “I’ll tell you in the morning so that you don’t forget.” When you’re don’t she reaches for the cup and instead of handing it over, you grab her by the wrist and pull her to land on top of you. She tries to push herself up but you catch her lips in a sloppy kiss. “What are you doing?” She whispers as she pulls away. 
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” you reply. 
She shakes her head, “You’re drunk.” 
“So?” You ask as you try to kiss her again. This time she is able to slip out of your grasp. 
“So, this isn’t happening,” Wanda doesn’t go into how she’d be taking advantage of you since you’re so wasted and she hasn’t had a drop of alcohol all week. She doesn’t remind you of why you rejected her before or mention that she refuses to be a rebound for you. “Let's get you to bed,” she says as she lifts you up by your arm. You shake your head, disappointed by the rejection but comply. 
You're a little wobbly as you walk up the stairs. Wanda is closely behind you to ensure your safe ascent. You stop in front of her open bedroom door. Uncertain if she wants you to stay with her. But you decide that it's not her decision to make. So you move to the guest room. Wanda doesn't argue as she collects a bottle of painkillers and fills the cup again. She leaves the items on the nightstand beside you. You fell asleep the second your head hit the pillow. You snored softly and Wanda was surprised because you never snored during the time you stayed with her.
“I'll see you in the morning,” she says while she flips the light switch off and shuts the bedroom door. Wanda grabs the pillow that smells like you out of her closet and sets it on her bed before she gets in her pajamas. She crawls into bed and clutches the pillow to her chest as she inhales your scent in order to fall asleep.
Chapter 15
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles
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wenellyb · 1 year
One last post overanalyzing Sam and Bucky's relationship because why did I never realize that Sam gives Bucky the same "I need you" look in TFATWS AND in Endgame?
In Avengers: Endgame, Sam looks at Bucky as if to say, "what is happening/what do I do"?
In TFATWS, Sam tells Bucky that Karli wants to see him alone but his eyes seem to be silently asking "Will you come with me?".
And it both cases, Bucky seems to understand what Sam needs because he gives it to him, first with the reassuring head nod, and in the 2nd scene by telling Sam he'll go with him.
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I love that Sam's first reaction was to look at Bucky in Avengers: Endgame, as if asking for reassurance, and Bucky gave it to him with a simple nod. And I love that in TFATWS, Sam didn't even have to say the words, Bucky just knew.
I feel like they have had this really close relationship for a long long time, even when they were just supposed to be 2 guys who had a friend in common.
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vintagewildlife · 3 months
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Grey whales By: Bucky Reeves From: The Fascinating Secrets of Oceans & Islands 1972
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navybrat817 · 5 months
hi navy!!! not sure if you’ve seen this yet but https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GCFsCydWIAADOis?format=jpg&name=large
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Feral, nonnie. FERAL.
Can we just imagine for a moment that Bucky is a little self-conscious when the grey hairs start to come in? He's going to age. It's part of life. But still. He's worried you won't find it attractive.
Oh, how fucking wrong he is.
Imagine the self-consciousness shifting to surprise when you joke that you want to bite his chin. Which shifts quickly to need when you add that you want to feel it between your thighs. That's all he needs to hear.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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purple--queen · 1 month
Nat *to an reporter*: Ask anyone. We are close.
Clint *nods*
Bucky: Yeah. Nat and my Husband sometimes have sleepovers, in my bed, with me in it.
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fandoms-writings · 9 months
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Below is a list of current wips that you can expect from me in the near future <3 I do write slow, but I'm working on these as fast as I can <3
"You're a mess"/"I'm not a mess."/"I can tell you've been crying."  &  "Let me kiss it better" - Knight! Bucky x Queen! Reader - A + F
"Choose me" - Bucky - A
"Choose me" & "let me hear you make that sound again" - Biker! Bucky - A + S
"You were supposed to be different. They were supposed to be wrong about you, but they were right. They were so fucking right." - Bucky w/ morally gray reader - A
"Keep your pretty eyes on me." and "You shouldn't be out here by yourself." -Vampire! Bucky x Human! Reader - A + S + (version 2)
"You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart." - Bucky w/ kinky virgin reader - F + S
"You know my door is always open for you, right?" and "You're already wet sweetheart" - Stephen Grant - F + S
"Don't go where I can't follow. . . I thought I lost you." - Bucky - A
"Why didn't you say how bad it was?" - Steve Rogers - A
"Come get me? I miss you" - Loki - F
"Is that my shirt?" & "Keep your pretty eyes on me." - Bucky - F + S
"Don't go where I can't follow… I thought I lost you" & "You're exhausted honey. Go back to sleep." - Nomad! Steve Rogers - A + F
"What are we doing?"/"Why are you doing this?" - Miguel O'Hara - A
"Can I hold your hand?" - Miguel O'Hara - F
"You're not as bad as everyone says you are." - Mob! Steve - F
"Will you taste this? Tell me if I'm missing anything?" - dealers choice - F
"You were supposed to be different. They were supposed to be wrong about you, but they were right. They were so fucking right."- Mob! Steve - A
DBF!Bucky x College!Reader - A
Boxer! Miguel x PR! Reader - A + F + S
This one will be more of an AU then a series I think, but I'm still working on it.
Miguel's boxing career is starting to pick up, and that means you, as his public relations specialist, are to insure that the people love him. You also make sure he doesn't take any fights he isn't ready for. However, when another boxer by the name of Kron Stone openly challenges Miguel, and Miguel accepts, you have to come to terms that what you know may ruin the trust he has in you.
Mafia-Dilf! Miguel x Dance-teacher! Reader - A + F + S
Everyone was terrified of Miguel O'Hara, the most powerful man in the city. But you knew better. To you, he was just a single dad trying to raise and protect his daughter, bringing her to your dance class every week. That is until someone looking for Miguel shows up at your studio, and Miguel takes it upon himself to protect you from outside forces, showing you just what kind of a man truly he is.
Bucky Barnes x Dream-witch! Reader - A + F + S
Looking for something to aide in his sleepless nights, Bucky searches weeks for you, the dream witch of New York. You're known for helping vets with ptsd have terrorless nights and sometimes, if they're lucky, they actually have pleasant dreams. What Bucky didn't expect, was for you to be so captivating, or for him to open up so easily around you. But to have the powers you do, you've got to be more than just a mutant, right?
Bucky Barnes x single!pregnant!reader (neighbor AU) - A + F + S
This one will be more of an AU rather than a series.
You moved into your small apartment alone and nervous, with a broken heart and a little one on the way, just wanting to be the best mom you can. Lucky for you, your neighbor is the sweetest man in the world and has offered to help you out when you need it. It doesn't hurt that he's the most attractive man you've ever met. But you don't have time for a relationship with anyone, you need to prepare for the baby.
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tagging some mutuals below to spread the word <3
@sweetdreamsbuck @perdidosbucky-yyo @pocolottie @banana-cheese-cake @nexusnyx @foreverindreamlandd @writing-for-marvel @historygeekfics @jessybarnes @poetic-fiasco @redgillan @chloelucia13 @shamevillain @thornsnvultures @targaryenvampireslayer @vibraniumcollar @bucksangel @buckybleu @barnesafterglow @rookthorne @nickfowlerrr @aquariusbarnes @captainsimagines
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becca-e-barnes · 6 months
I’m feral for subby Bucky. I need him on the floor crying and begging for my pussy, a babbling bitch of a mess.
Okay love youuu💜
Maybe I've got too soft recently but I'm so into the thought of being sweet and gentle and encouraging with subby Bucky?
I can't stop thinking about how pretty he could look on his knees in dim bedroom lighting and the way it would accentuate those muscular thighs. He's naked, watching you, stroking his cock a little more frantically than you'd usually allow.
"Please." He sounds more composed than he looks and he's not afraid to keep eye contact with you while he begs.
"I need to feel you." He watches as you trail your finger gently across your own glistening sex, spreading your legs nice and wide so he's got a perfect view from the floor.
You don't respond. There's no sense in breaking a silence that heavy. Not when you know his mouth is watering, imagining the way you'll feel when you engulf his cock and then the way you'll taste while he licks his cum out of your freshly fucked pussy.
"I need you." He whispers, his mouth running faster than his brain. His dick throbs in his hand, precum dribbling down his shaft, over his fingers, making each stroke a little more slick.
"Then have me, sweetheart. I'm all yours." He didn't expect the softness in your voice or the way you tenderly hold his chin to pull him in for a kiss.
He's slipping just a little faster than he wants to but it feels lovely. He's safe, he's loved, he's free to explore interests he's never given much time to and it's all starting to feel quite comfortable and natural to him.
"I love you, I hope you know that." You whisper, kissing his forehead while you line his tip up to your entrance.
"Oh God." He whimpers, his head falling onto your shoulder because he can't look at you now. Not as he's pressing into you and you're being so gentle with him. It'll be overwhelming and he simply can't have that.
"I love how you make me feel. I love getting to see you like this." You coo softly, stroking the back of his head, enjoying his hot, erratic breathing on your neck.
Inch by inch, he slides inside you. It's slow and reverent and considerate and downright perfect.
"You don't need to last, sweetheart. Let me take care of you for now and we can go a little bit longer later." Your offer isn't one he can turn down. He's been too aroused for too long and taking the edge off is exactly what he needs so he can focus on your pleasure.
His thrusts from then on are much faster, his tip rubbing your sweet spot delightfully and while it's not enough to get you off, it leaves you arching yourself closer to him.
It doesn't take long for him to become a babbling mess, panting and moaning against your neck, begging to be allowed to cum inside you.
"I'm so proud of you." You remind him, holding him as close as you can. There is no closer than this; not with him inside you but it still feels important to be unreserved in how much you want him. "I'm so proud of you. It's okay sweetheart, I've got you. You're okay, I've got you."
You feel his hips stutter, his shaft pulsing and throbbing as he shoots his first load into you, buried as deep inside you as he can manage. There are a few tender moments where you just hold him, kissing his broad shoulders while he catches his breath, letting him get comfortable on your chest.
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samodivaa · 2 months
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CATWS Anniversary | my AU
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Let Me Love You - 7
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Character: college!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary: On a mysterious, rainy night, Bucky witnesses a distressing encounter involving his crush.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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Lloyd scanned the campus frantically, searching for Nicky. Desperation clawed at him as he pulled out his phone and checked the friend circle for any recent photos.
She was tagged in a picture at a nearby café with her girlfriends. Gritting his teeth, he broke into a run.
When he reached the café, he spotted her immediately. Nicky was laughing with her friends, completely oblivious to the chaos she had caused.
The sight of her carefree demeanor fueled his anger, knowing she didn't care that she had almost ruined someone's life.
"Nicky!" he shouted, his voice trembling with fury. The entire café fell silent, all eyes turning towards him.
Nicky's laughter faded as she met Lloyd's blazing gaze, realizing that her actions were about to catch up with her.
"You selfish bitch. You can't be trusted," Lloyd spat, his voice shaking with anger and frustration.
Nicky looked up, feigning innocence. "What?" she replied, trying to mask her guilt with a confused expression.
Lloyd couldn't believe that he had lost you because of this selfish woman. "It's you," he accused, his eyes burning with betrayal.
Nicky tried to maintain her composure but couldn't hide the tremble coursing through her body as she faced Lloyd's wrath. For the first time, she realized the true impact of her actions.
Nicky crossed her arms, trying to regain some semblance of control. "I will tell my father to stop sponsoring you," she threatened, her voice icy.
Lloyd smirked, stepping closer until she recoiled back into her chair. "Do it. I don't care. I got here because of my own effort," he retorted, his voice steady and defiant.
Without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving Nicky seething. Realizing her threat had no effect, she clenched her coffee mug in frustration, her carefully constructed facade of power shattered.
Feeling overwhelmed with misery, you had lost the will to join the class and were sitting alone in a quiet place behind the university pond.
Consumed by your thoughts, you didn't notice Bucky approaching until he spoke. "Y/N, do you need anything?"
Surprised, you saw him standing there, slightly out of breath. He had been searching the campus to find you.
You kept looking at him, taken aback by his question. Instead of asking if you were okay, he asked what you needed.
With a weak smile, you patted the empty spot beside you. "I need someone to talk to."
Bucky nodded and sat down next to you. "Of course."
You sighed, your eyes still fixed on the water pond in front of you. "I'm so mad and embarrassed that everyone will know about my mom. I've been through that already. I hate the pitying looks I get every time people from my hometown see me and my mom."
You closed your eyes, the memories flooding back. "I hate those looks. Their judging eyes."
Bucky gently placed his hand on your shoulder, offering silent support.
Bucky placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "It won't happen to you."
You frowned. "What do you mean? You didn't see the looks they gave me this morning."
Bucky shook his head. "It wasn't you who should be ashamed and hide. It's the person who put it on the campus homepage."
He continued, "Every family has its own problems, and this person used yours to attack you."
His words were reassuring. You realized he was right—you hadn't done anything wrong.
Seeing that you had calmed down a bit, Bucky added, "I've contacted the campus IT department to check the IP address. Not many people have access to publish articles on that homepage. We'll soon find out who that person is."
You gave him a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Bucky."
Your smile made Bucky's heartbeat quicken. He didn't expect your next words.
"You're a good person, Bucky. I'm grateful that you care for me."
Bucky stammered, "Oh... That's what friends—"
You let out a weak laugh. "I'm not that dense, Bucky. You're always there for me."
Bucky looked at you earnestly. "I will try anything to help you."
Your heart felt warm at his words. After that, neither spoke, but there was a silent agreement that something was blooming between you two.
Both of you were lost in the moment, unaware that someone was watching you from a distance with a look of agony.
That person was Lloyd.
Lloyd had been looking everywhere for you, his frustration growing with each passing minute. Unable to reach you by phone since you had blocked him, he searched the campus tirelessly.
When he finally found you, it was only to see you from behind.
Watching you sit beside someone else, leaning on Bucky for support, made it painfully clear that he had already lost you.
It should have been him comforting you, just like he had when your parents went through their painful divorce.
He remembered being there for you through thick and thin, and the realization that he had thrown it all away hit him like a punch to the gut.
Now seeing you with someone else, Lloyd felt a surge of nausea rise within him. The sight of you finding solace in another's presence was like a dagger to his heart.
But what could he do now? Everything had crumbled because of him. He cheated on you, and now he had to face the consequences of his actions.
With heavy steps, Lloyd turned and walked away, the weight of his regret weighing him down. He knew he had lost you, and there was nothing he could do to change that now.
Bucky drove you back to your apartment, but before that, he made sure you ate something first. He didn't want you to get sick.
You chuckled at Bucky's motherly instincts, finding comfort in his caring nature.
As you settled back into your apartment, thoughts of your mother crept into your mind. You wondered how she was doing, and if she knew what had happened to you.
Deciding to take a shower to clear your head, you washed your hair with cold water, hoping to soothe your thoughts.
The moment you stepped out of the bathroom, your cell phone rang. Despite not wanting to talk to anyone, you recognized the specific ringtone you had set for one person in your contacts.
Taking a deep breath, you answered, "Hi dad."
Your father, Matthew, had moved out to the city after the divorce from your mother, driven by his guilt for betraying his wife and you. It was, in a way, his way of running away from his mistakes.
Despite the distance, Matthew had kept in touch with you, occasionally offering to pay your school tuition as a gesture of remorse.
However, you had always declined, still harboring anger towards him. Instead, you asked him to send the money for your mother's treatment, a way for him to contribute positively to the family.
Now, out of the blue, he was calling you.
"I heard what happened," he said solemnly.
Surprised, you asked, "How did you know?"
"Don't worry about that," he replied. "They made a big mistake for making my daughter cry."
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Author Note:
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
Peter(pietro) maximoff
erik lehnsherr
warren worthington
alex summers
Scott summers
Kurt Wagner
Jean grey
Loki laufeyson
Bucky barnes
Peter parker
@weasvlys - NSFW headcannon
@takenbypeter - Is the big spoon when cuddling
- Gives the other “the look” when they crossed the line
- Spends WAY too much time in the snack aisle while grocery shopping
@chiefdirector - Being in a Polyamorous relationship with Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr would include...
@gangrenados - valentine's day with them
Peter(pietro) maximoff
@quickiesgirl -the night the klepto stole your heart
@takenbypeter - text message emergency
- have no fear peter is here
- look me in my eyes
- peter w/ an s/o whos too nice
- snack shopping
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@devilgenics - headcannon
@spilledkauffie - cuddling with them
@softie-rain - opposites attract
@quicksilverownsmysoul - ___
@damnnnelliot - sleeping with pietro maximoff would include
erik lehnsherr
@fanfic-galore-ig - headcannon
warren worthington
@absolutelyfizzing - angels and demons
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@spilledkauffie - cuddling with them
@mrsarnasdelicious - first kiss
@tomhiddelstonandzaynmalik - fluff alphabet pt.2
@definitely-not-v - meeting and falling inlove with warren would include
@gangrenados - ___
alex summers
@starshipsofstarlord - summertime
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@spilledkauffie - cuddling with them
@mayfieldss - dating alex summers would include
Scott summers
@refiwrites - taking care of drunk scott summer
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
Kurt Wagner
@definitely-not-v - Warm
@peachy-wolfhard - dating kurt wagner
@maximoffs-girl - having a family w/ kurt wagner
- dating kurt wagner would include
- arcade date with kurt
@refiwrites - is that my sweater?
@rubystarpoet - nightcrawler
@dem-obscure-imagines - nightcrawler and the princess
@gabrielsgoldengrace - being a burlesque dancer and kurt seeing a show would include
@thefandom-fanatic - drawing hearts
@spotofimagines - blue
@youreobsessedwithtoomanyfandoms - you can do this i believe in you
@fandom-------queen - headcannon
Jean grey
@m0chaminx - Instagram au
@sapphireplums - break time
@starsvck - somewhere only we know
Loki laufeyson
@weasleygirl7 -Glorious purpose
@bonky-n-steeb - the flower crown
@agentofkrypton - ___
- ___
@takenbypeter - you make it better
bucky barnes
@takenbypeter - keep your friends close
- b.b
peter parker
@parkersmaterialgirl - headcannon
@yesitsmewhataboutit - 1:10 am
@realtalkswithfinn - the spiderling(avenger!reader)
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