murillobasto · 5 years
Primeira infância poderá ser prioridade no PPA 2020-2023
Primeira infância poderá ser prioridade no PPA 2020-2023
Primeira infância poderá ser prioridade no PPA 2020-2023 - Representantes do governo federal pediram, nesta terça-feira (12), apoio da Frente Parlamentar da Primeira Infância na construção do orçamento destinado às crianças no Brasil. A faixa etária – que vai até os seis anos de idade – poderá ser prioridade no Plano Plurianual (PPA) 2020-2023, que está em análise no Congresso Nacional e já recebeu emendas neste sentido. Segundo o coordenador-geral de Políticas Sociais e Transversais do Ministério da Economia, Alexandre Lima e Souza, a equipe econômica do governo traçou um cenário fiscal até 2023 e acomodou todos os programas dentro do teto de gastos. “Dentro de um cenário de contingenciamento, depois das despesas obrigatórias, a prioridade seria a primeira infância”, explicou. Souza participou de audiência sobre a implementação do Marco Legal da Primeira Infância no Brasil, promovida pela Comissão de Educação da Câmara dos Deputados. O debate faz parte da programação do 7º Seminário Internacional do Marco Legal da Primeira Infância, que ocorre hoje e amanhã. Leia também: https://www.i9treinamentos.com/crianca-feliz-chega-a-800-mil-criancas-e-gestantes-em-todo-o-brasil/ A deputada Carmen Zanotto (Cidadania-SC), que mediou o debate, ressaltou que os legisladores brasileiros construíram o marco e agora acompanham sua implementação, dificuldades e gargalos, em especial as garantias orçamentárias.  “Se cada gestor municipal compreender essa política pública e implementá-la, vamos ter cidades mais desenvolvidas, homens e mulheres mais felizes”, acredita.
Criança Feliz
Um programa alinhado ao marco é o Criança Feliz, instituído em 2016 pelo governo federal. Entre seus objetivos, estão a promoção do desenvolvimento humano a partir do apoio às crianças e às gestantes mais vulneráveis. A principal ação do programa são visitas domiciliares para orientar e identificar problemas nas famílias e aproximá-las de projetos nas áreas de saúde, educação e assistência social. Atualmente, o programa conta com a adesão de 2.703 municípios em todos os estados. Quase 670 mil crianças e aproximadamente 135 mil gestantes já foram beneficiadas com as visitas das equipes formadas por 22 mil profissionais em todo o País. Segundo a secretária de Promoção do Desenvolvimento Humano do Ministério da Cidadania, Ely Harasawa, o programa veio com o objetivo de “quebrar o ciclo da pobreza”. “Temos muitos desafios. A intersetorialidade é o tema do momento, mas é difícil de ser implementada. Por várias questões, de fazer caber na agenda de cada pasta. Mas isso exige também uma mudança de olhar e de cultura”, defendeu Ely, ao falar dos diversos temas que perpassam a primeira infância.   Leia também:   https://www.i9treinamentos.com/resolucao-apresenta-criterios-para-partilha-do-programa-primeira-infancia-no-suas/   A deputada Daniela do Waguinho (MDB-RJ), que sugeriu o debate, também defendeu a integração das políticas públicas, para dar dignidade às crianças. “Precisamos mudar o início da história. Primeira infância é uma janela de oportunidade para que eles tenham um futuro melhor”, afirmou.
Os desafios para promover a primeira infância no Brasil passam pelo enfrentamento da mortalidade infantil e pela garantia do acesso a creche, por exemplo. Dados da Pesquisa Anual por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua 2018 (PNAD-Contínua) indicam que 6,7 milhões de crianças de zero a três anos não frequentam creche no Brasil, o que representa 66% da população dessa faixa etária. Mais de um quarto não frequentam a educação infantil por falta de escola perto de casa ou por falta de vaga. O deputado Pedro Cunha Lima (PSDB-PB) considerou “crueldade” delegar a educação infantil aos municípios, por serem os entes da Federação com menos recurso. “Isso faz com que as oportunidades dependam de onde você nasce e da família onde você nasce. No resto da educação, a gente fala de qualidade, mas na creche a gente fala de acesso”, comparou. Para ele, o novo Fundeb (PEC 15/15), que está em análise na Câmara, pode fazer com que a matrícula na creche tenha um olhar da União. Os tribunais de contas do País monitoram o desenvolvimento de programas voltados à primeira infância e emitem alertas de advertências aos administradores que não estão cumprindo as metas do Plano Nacional de Educação. “Precisamos dar uma atenção especial à primeira infância. O Nobel de economia diz que é uma desinteligência nós não investirmos na primeira infância”, lembrou o auditor do Tribunal de Contas do Rio Grande do Sul, Leo Arno Richter. Fonte Conheça o calendário de cursos da I9 Treinamentos para o ano de 2019. Novos cursos e professores renomados. Clique na imagem abaixo e fique sabendo muito mais...   Read the full article
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howlpendraig · 3 years
The assassin you sent after me is part of my found family now
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snowthedemonfox · 3 years
if you had told me 3 years ago that id be able to do this in smash bros ultimate, i wouldn't have believed you
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currentlyonstandbi · 3 years
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happy trans day of visibility everyone, i can now legally be perceived for the next 24 hours
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So I might be a little excited about the news
(S2 announcement)
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soursoppi · 3 years
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寿桃🐰在手 心想事成~!
[to explain the wordplay] 
basically it’s a Chinese custom to have a longevity peach 寿桃 shòu táo on your birthday to wish for a long life so I made a word play on the táo since it sounds similar to tù (for bunny) and also peaches as an euphemism for butt 
as for 心想事成 xīn xiǎng shì chéng (May all your wishes come true) sounds exactly the same as 心想是澄 xīn xiǎng shì chéng (thinking of [Jiang] Cheng in the heart)
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thecinematics · 3 years
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First Look at Timothée Chalamet as Willy Wonka in “Wonka” (2023)
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humans-are-tasty · 3 years
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fabledresources · 3 years
In the spirit of Sexual Sunday, feel free to send 💞 + any dirty questions you may have for them on anon, and they HAVE to answer honestly!
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wilstudies · 3 years
any advice for achieving a-level grades at A and A*?
the usual A* tips:
make your revision resources as you go
use apt and different study methods for each subject
do your homework as soon as it's set
make in depth plans for coursework before starting the main project (dissertation plans, to do lists etc.)
have a reliable and efficient organisation system
have a morning, after-school, night and weekend routine
studyquill: how to be a straight A student by @studyquill (who inspired me to make this blog in 2017, haha)
advice for stem subjects:
how to study maths (1) (2)
how to memorise formulae
unjaded jade: A* in a-level maths
unjaded jade: A* in a-level biology
unjaded jade: A* in a-level chemistry
fayefilms: Cs to 4 A*s at a-level (physics, biology, maths, economics)
aymara anahi: a-level A* step-by-step guides (physics, biology, chemistry)
ibz mo: A*/A psychology a-level advice
mariana’s corner: 15 study tips for science students
advice for humanities subjects:
studying history at a-level
speaking exams tip for modern foreign languages
detailed single word analysis made simple
how to structure essays
substitutes for ‘shows’
jack edwards: A*A*A* at a-level (history, english, politics)
ibz mo: A*/A english literature a-level advice
immie sophie: a-level languages IRP advice
life with blessy: A/A* a-level french (1) (2)
further advice:
you are a student before anything else: schedule social outings and extra curriculars around your studies, not the other way around.
always have an ongoing to-do list; don't let it get empty: it might seem overwhelming at first, but you'll come to realise that there is always something you can be doing towards your grades.
use the specification and teaching documents from the exam board! stem subjects especially have a plethora of online documents detailing exactly what you need to know, whether it be content, maths skills and formulae, vocabulary or exam technique. print them off and go through as many as you can find!
perhaps don't bother with the EPQ: if the entry requirements of the university course you're aiming for cannot be lowered by the EPQ, it might be better to spend your time focusing on your courses, as many find that the EPQ takes just as much time as another subject.
ask for 1-to-1 sessions: if there's a topic you're struggling with, mention it to your teachers and be willing to sacrifice your free time (lunches, free periods, after schools etc.) to run through it with them 1-to-1.
fight for teachers that meet your needs: if you have a teacher who isn't helping you to excel and whose teaching methods possibly aren't the strongest, bring it up to your institution's director. it's their job to make sure that you're recieving the best standard of education possible.
talk to your tutors and teachers about your workload if it's becoming overwhelming at all.
evaluate your priorities, study methods and organisation system after each half-term.
complete your university research and application (including your reading for and writing your personal statement) before year 13 starts: it will save you so much time, as many feel that the UCAS process is like picking up another subject as well.
start preparing for university admissions exams over the summer, before year 13: UCAS gives a run down on which courses require admissions tests, here.
other masterposts:
how to get started studying - a neurodivergent’s guide
how to deal with a lack of motivation
how to study when everything sucks
study tips for different learning styles
how to take notes from a textbook
habits of successful students
how to do well in a class taught by a crappy teacher
how to avoid education burnout
how to revise big subjects
how to get good grades and still have a life
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ink-ghoul · 3 years
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“Life is unforgiving and so is this series”
imagine winning S1 then the minecraft gods decided to nerf you by giving you only 2 lives and be killed by the boogeyman on the first episode of S2 
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saphqi · 2 years
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recently started reading this bug boy’s comics and i’m a little obsessed 💪 so hype for the movie!!!!!
stupid little comic i made ↴
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indiemovies · 2 years
in season 4 logan is going to manipulate tom and greg to turn against each other (not for any advantageous reason, they just annoy him) and it’s not going to work on tom because he’s too pussy whipped but it is going to be too effective on greg and he’ll take it too far and put rat poison in tom’s lunch
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yugiohz · 3 years
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asoftwrongness · 3 years
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instagram | prints
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wizardysseus · 3 years
self-admitted purple prose lover and fan of madeline miller coming out with a Feminist Odyssey Retelling about the hanged slave women. i haven’t been this conflicted in months
edits, because you won’t stop reblogging my vaguepost, but if i delete it i won’t be able to delete replies anymore:
the retelling in question is lies we sing to the sea by sarah underwood.
she is a fan of madeline miller, not madeline miller herself or affiliated with her in any other way.
theodysseyofhomer is my sideblog, which had all of 12 followers when i relocated my petty thoughts there, naively assuming only people i know would read them.
i do think it’s wild that anyone would go on record admitting they finished a draft of an odyssey retelling without reading the odyssey, and it does make me nervous about the book, but she appears to have read (or at least brushed up on) various translations between that first draft and publication.
lies we sing to the sea is a sapphic ya fantasy that probably bears very little resemblance to the penelopiad, even if it were some kind of crime for two people to retell the same myth, which it isn’t, and also that isn’t the fucking issue at all. 
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