#and how when she snipes the missile
cometblaster2070 · 29 days
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I love this scene so much, ruby really did NOT hesitate in immediately taking that missile down. she really said oh you can TRY to hurt my partner just watch this.
like i love her expression in this, the way this goes from being just annoyed or upset; this girl is genuinely pissed with cordovin, because for one, she's being completely unreasonable about this matter, and secondly, i mean, she tried to shoot at weiss and maria.
(also ruby appreciation here; this girl sniped a moving missile out of the air like????)
and because i am whiterose trash, here is bonus ruby and weiss after weiss safely gets off the ship and is on ground with ruby.
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look at this dork i love her sm. the second she's reunited with weiss and knows that weiss is safe; look at that smile.
(also pls don't mind weiss's expression)
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bastards-gate-3 · 10 days
my friend reawakened my mario kart 8 dx hyperfixation so heres what i think each companions playstyle is like (long post underneath)
played mario kart wii
still uses inward drifting bikes even though theyre not good in dx
got hyped when seeing wii rainbow road in the wave 6 dlc pass
also still uses motion controls
hoards items
likes to play the retro tracks
plays as dry bones or shyguy
plays as link exclusively
standard kart and bike combo
very passive driver
gets mario karted often
"you shouldnt bag/item smuggle its not how the game is supposed to be played"
doesnt get tilted
likes the mario circuit and SNES tracks the most
very in depth knowledge about game mechanics
still sucks at driving
time trials tracks
uses the meta combo of yoshi teddy
memorized the cycles on tick-tock clock, ribbon road, and bowsers castle
"erm actually bagging is a useful skill to learn"
for the love of mystra go outside and touch grass
makes combos prioritizing the speed stat
very aggressive driver
gets shock and uses IMMEDIATELY
likes to bump other players
if you green snipe her she WILL find you like a heat seeking missile
likes the tracks where you can push people off
200cc or bust
chooses aesthetically cool combos
chooses battle mode over regular races
always pulls power items for some reason
likes playing heavyweight characters
doesnt realize demon hopping and demon sliding isnt a mechanic in dx
starts off calm but slowly gets tilted as the game goes on
waluigi wiggler.
bags on every track for shits and giggles
has memorized the bullet bill extensions
gets yelled at by wyll for bagging
knows about soft drifting
can drive decently
doesnt realize bagging got nerfed
likes to watch more than play
typically chooses lightweight characters
teddy buggy :D
bonks and falls off constantly
likes wild woods and the animal crossing tracks the best
doesnt drift properly
has not seen a controller in her life
i dont know her character well enough to make a thing her
the best driver of the group
likes bikes
stops when seeing the blueshell on the map
can outrun the blueshell
doesnt tilt
was a speedrunner in other mk communities
uses both auto accelerate and smart steering for baby park
boo tells him when to throw or trail an item
gets last place no matter what
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arcsimper5 · 3 months
Episode 5 - Rants!
Okay, so, first off WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE!
Putting spoilers below the cut just in case, and this is gonna be way out of order, but my brain is still firing on all cylinders lol.
So first off - Echo!
Our baby is back! And he is taking no shit which is just perfect. His reaction to Crosshair is interesting though. I imagine, with him having been with the 501st and around Jedi, he may well have heard 'the stories' about Jedi falling to the Dark Side and being welcomed back. He's also probably heard about Slick from Rex, and seeing other clones turn on the empire despite being loyal, he is likely more sympathetic towards Crosshair than the others.
The 'What, no hug for me?' did have me cackling though. Such snark, such sass. Cross and Echo are underrated as friends, honestly.
Omega on Pabu. That opening was so lovely, her cuddled up with Lula and being so happy! And I LOVE how when she leaves to find Crosshair, Wrecker and Hunter have an entire conversation just through facial expressions. They've been through so much together, they can read each other better than ever, and it's wonderful.
Crosshair and AZ! I love how much that little droid wants to help. Crosshair's line about Lyanna and Shep's ability to find him being 'uncanny' also made me smile. Shep is just a homing missile of care, and of course his daughter is going to be the same!
Him explaining sniping to Omega as well, her just being a sponge of information must remind him of Tech at least a little. Then Wrecker and Hunter peeking over the rocks. Sorry, had to laugh!
Wrecker telling Hunter that if Omega trusts Crosshair, that's enough for him. YES! He's not letting things go, but he's giving it a chance, unlike Mr Face Tattoo Grumpy Pants.
Echo hug, and that is just wonderful. Not long enough, but hey, Echo's always been straight down to business.
Batcher's relationship with the moon-yos is also beautiful, them asleep on her by the table is just lovely!
The dining table scene, Tech mention, heartbreaking, but it shows there is still a void there. They're all aware, and all working to fill it, but it's still gaping and raw.
As soon as Crosshair said he knew an outpost, I was like, NO, THEY'RE GOING BACK TO BARTON IV *crying*
Then Wrecker giving him back the armour and the way Crosshair's eyes WIDEN when he sees it. Just UUUUUGH!
The 'little brother' moment and the chuckle made my heart SING. These two are just peak sibling and I AM HERE FOR IT!
And man, did I ever want them to turn up and Mayday be there, alive and having survived thanks to Crosshair and telling them all what he did and how amazing he was.
Sadly no :(
But Mayday's helmet, and Crosshair making a memorial to him with the rest of his squad beside him as well, it shows real growth, and THE MUSIC! Ooof!
Hunter being all side-eye-y by the door, what a dramatic bitch lol
Echo and Omega work so well together, and the tension between Crosshair and Hunter is ridiculous. Just fight already! And make it a good one!
So close, but Mama Echo stopped it lol
The entire scene with the wyrm was wonderful, from the beginning argument (I could write an entire novel on how much I love Crosshair calling Hunter out on his BS in a way no-one else does) and Hunter being an angry boi.
But the innate trust that comes out as soon as Hunter falls in that hole.
Also... 'HUNTER!!!!!' :')
The nods at the end, then loading onto the ship. I REALLY wanted Crosshair to tell Hunter about Mayday, that he shot the officer for a Reg, because they refused to help him. I wanted him to tell him how he was tortured, how he kept them safe.
I only hope Echo goes through the medical records and finds what they did to Crosshair, shows it to Hunter and they finally get a bit more understanding.
Overall, it was AMAZING!
My only gripe is with the perimeter - Hunter has enhanced senses but it seems like they write him like he can turn them on and off lol. If it's high pitched enough to keep the wyrm away AND bother Batcher, he's sure as hell going to be hearing it, helmet or not! And it wouldn't be pleasant!
But no, he has to look through his helmet to pick it up? Yeah, I call BS on that :P
But considering that is the only complaint I really have, 9.9/10!
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stillcarmine · 2 years
Leo going batshit crazy designing weapons, right? Insane and dangerous ideas and most everyone telling him not to, right?
The only ones that aren’t are the Aphrodite kids- in the world’s biggest twist of irony- who love being extra and flashy and having cute things and are tired of other demigods not taking them seriously.
Still, Leo wasn’t expecting Drew.
Sure, the other Aphrodite kids love having weapons that no one else has and that no one else would even try to use. They love surprising other campers during training with some of Leo’s outlandish additions like explosives and lasers and trick missiles to their spears and swords and axes.
But it didn’t prepare him for Drew showing up at the Bunker and ordering a custom sword and set of armor. He didn’t even know she knew the Bunker existed.
They snipe at each other during the entire design stage, because that’s where they are with each other at this point. Leo gets so frustrated and starts making suggestions no one in their right mind- which is saying something- would agree to just to get her to give up on the project and then does a double take when Drew is immediately onboard.
And Leo doesn't get it, why Drew’s so insistent on getting this gear, why she puts up with his shit and his insults and his attempts to get her to go away. He’s pretty sure any of her siblings would have quit by now, even with them wanting to be better fighters. After all, there are plenty of perfectly good weapons in the forge and the Athena kid’s shed.
The truth is that Drew and her cabin went through a literal war, and they still aren’t taken seriously. They were more willing to fight than the children of the literal god of war, and did it with their own Aphrodite flair, showing that they don’t have to sacrifice or change who they are to be heroes.
But no. Everyone still sees them as a joke.
There’s only been one exception to that fact, and the only “real” hero the camp acknowledges from her cabin is someone Drew views as a traitor.
And what really hurts is that when the only “real hero” from Aphrodite rode into battle, it was with those so-called children of war, not her own siblings.
So, yeah, Drew’s not sure what else she can do to show them, except maybe this.
And when Leo learns this, he gets it.
Because he gets it. He knows what it’s like to be underestimated and taken for granted. He knows what it’s like for people to see him only for his surface level.
He’s spent most of his life trying to seem harmless and superfluous, just a joke, and he knows how exhausting it is. At least he got some protection out of it, from making himself someone that isn’t ever actually seen at all, just a stock character in the background of other people’s lives. That was his decision, though.
Drew didn’t even have a choice in being treated like that.
So, yeah, she’s angry- furious even, boiling over with it, and with the pressure she’d been under (and doesn’t he know what that’s like, being thrust into the role of head counselor when he doesn’t know a thing about leading).
And maybe he can’t get behind how Drew goes about it- but then again, isn’t his own sense of humor mean-spirited? Hasn’t he let his own jealousies and insecurities make his jokes a little too sharp, a little too cruel? Hasn’t he thrown other kids to the metaphorical wolves, to be the object of mockery because it meant he wasn’t the victim?
No, he and Drew are a lot alike. They haven’t gone about things the right way, but Drew seems to be trying a new tactic, and maybe Leo can too. Maybe they can help each other.
Because Leo wants to prove himself too. He wants to prove that his inventions work, that he’s capable of building the most important ship for the most important quest, that he is worthy of his place among the Seven of prophecy.
There’s this understanding between them after that, where they still don’t really like each other, may like each other a lot less because they see the worst parts of themselves in the other. And it doesn’t help at first that Drew’s watching over every stage of the process because she’s so invested in this. It makes Leo nervous and snappish.
But they form a begrudging respect for each other, because okay, weapons have to come from somewhere, and so far the ones cabin 10 have gotten from Leo have been- well, really good AND he incorporated pretty designs and he’s got this focus that Drew can’t not admit is impressive.
And okay wow, Drew is so unapologetically herself, mean and smart and ambitious, and she follows along with his rants about smelting and casting and even godsdamn flying buttresses when he gets off track because “I’m not just a pretty face and a killer right hook, Valdez.”
Their bickering starts to take on a playful undertone but still sounds like they can’t stand each other to anyone listening. Drew startles laughter from Leo because she’s got a biting wit that’s more than just making fun of people.
Drew breaks down and brings her manicure kit to the Bunker because it physically pains her the way Leo’s are bitten raw and neglected. It turns into the literal weirdest sleepover ever, and Leo’s slept in the back of flying metal dragon with Jason and Piper, so that’s saying something. But it’s fun.
When the project is finished and Drew plans on unveiling it at the next game of capture the flag, Leo talks Annabeth into joining his cabin’s alliance with Aphrodite, because they have a standing truce to work together, and he can’t leave his friend hanging when cabin 10 goes on a rampage.
And they rampage.
Leo’s actually a little scared of Drew, who swings her sword with hard won strength and precision, deftly releases the hidden vial of Hydra venom in the hilt to coat her blade and lets her melt through the leather straps of her opponents’ armor, and leaves the impression of a dove on the faces of people she knocks out with the butt of the hilt.
She takes out gaggles of campers with her enchanted, weaponized perfume bombs and fistfuls of rose petals grown with the water of the Lethe, a task they’d been warned against by both Demeter and Hypnos cabins. But they’d done it anyway, finding a careful balance so as to not wipe memories, but to disorient and make victims lethargic.
She’s strategic with her aim and her ammo, and with her small amount of charmspeak, causes chain reactions of confused and dizzy campers stumbling into their allies and taking out the rest of Drew’s opponents for her.
An Ares kid’s spear glances off her breastplate etched with the design of hearts and she snaps the shaft before sweeping their feet out from under them with a graceful spin.
She leaves a trail of hearts carved in the soles of her boots in the damp earth as she makes her way to the enemy flag, so everyone knows who it was that walked that path.
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waves--6821 · 2 years
Ardent ~ Chp. 29
*Gif belongs to creator/owner*
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3rd Pov.
Soft footsteps alert Tony and Bruce to Louise's approach, both men gathered behind a vaulted viewscreen. Her body pausing as she sees the information of the clear screen backwards, she sees weapon plans, secure files signaling S.H.I.E.L.D. 's insignia. She steps next to Tony, staring over the information silently; louder footsteps this time echoing down the hall before the lab.
"What are you doing, Mr. Stark?" Fury speaks as he enters the lab, Louise leant against the longer table near the window of the lab. Tony sitting on it at the edge in front of a screen, Bruce behind them on the other side.
"Kind of been wondering the same thing about you." Tony replies, all of them looking at Fury in the middle of the room.
"You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract."
"We are, the model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile." Banner spoke up, gesturing to an elevated table screen that searched for gamma signatures.
"And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss." Tony says, an alert beeping from the screen in front of him.
"What is Phase 2?" He asks, Steve appearing and slamming down a H.Y.D.R.A. gun on a table next to him in the lab.
"Phase 2, is S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow for me." Steve speaks, Louise staring at the weapon with distaste.
"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're-"
"I'm sorry, Nick. What were you lying about?" Tony pipes in turning his screen around to show a blueprint for a tesseract powered bullet/missile.
"I was wrong, Director. The world hasn't changed a bit." Steve adds on, making Louise stand straight as Thor and Nat enter into the room, moving to the side by Fury.
"Did you know about this?" Bruce questions Nat as she stops some space away from him.
"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" She says, watching as he stepped a few steps away as she began a closer approach.
"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed." He retorts, as she speaks.
"Loki's manipulating you."
"And you've been doing what exactly?" Bruce asks, continuing their banter.
"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you."
"Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy." Bruce pauses, grabbing the edge of Tony's screen and pointing to it.
"I'd like to know why S.H.I.E.L.D. is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."
"Because of him." Fury speaks up, Thor catching his point.
"Me?" He questions a few members in the room looking at Thor.
"Last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge mass that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously outgunned." Fury states, glancing around to connect eyesight with the people in the lab.
"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor adds, making Fury look back.
"But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched-"
"That can't be controlled?" Louise speaks, trying to calm the glare in her eyes.
"Like you controlled the cube?" Steve says, affirming her assumption.
"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war." Thor states, stepping forward slightly as Steve spoke.
"A higher form?"
"You forced our hand. We had to come up with something." Fury tries to differ,
"A nuclear deterrent. Cause that always calms everything right down." Tony rebutts.
"Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?" Fury snipes back,
"I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep-" Steve goes on, Tony interrupting again.
"Wait, Wait, Hold on. How is this now about me?" Tony says, taking a step to confront him.
"I'm sorry, isn't everything?" Steve responds, Louise herself starting to get a headache from their clashing emotions.
"I thought humans were more evolved than this." Thor adds, making Fury turn to face him as he speaks.
"Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?"
"You treat your champions with such distrust." Thor speaks, Tony and Steve begin their argument as well behind them.
"Are you boys really that naive? S.H.I.E.L.D. monitors potential threats." Nat joins in Fury's and Thor's words.
"Captain America is on threat watch?" Bruce questions, their mental state making Louise stumble back as her head began to ache as the scepter behind her began to hum softly.
"We all are." Nat replies, words becoming muddled as Louise tries to calm her desire to control them, a lust of some kind urging her to attack in some form or another.
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joezworld · 3 years
Any headcanons about Ever Ace and the other new A-class Evergreen ships? This totally isn’t just because I love your version of Ever Given and want more of her and her family XD
The following is an excerpt from How to Avoid Huge Ships, Or: I Never Met a Ship I Liked by Capt. John W. Trimmer (National Writers Press, 1982)
Chapter 14: The Emotional State of Ships
For most captains, the emotional state of a seagoing vessel (other than your own, of course) is often seen as irrelevant - after all, who cares if the seven hundred foot tanker about to run over you and your ketch is a nice person or not?
However, like many common beliefs in the marine industry, this is an incorrect one. The mental state of vessels is vital to continued safe navigation.
First, we must mention the obvious: An unhappy ship is a dangerous ship. Think about the last time you drove to the store while upset. Now pretend you weighed several thousand tons and required a mile and a half to stop in an emergency. I imagine your car insurance premiums might be a bit higher, no?
Then we must mention Fleets.
Allow me to explain: While this may be seen as a massively reductive statement, most large vessels (and most living machines for that matter, including commercial aircraft, railway locomotives, and even large dragline cranes) are best viewed as pack animals. When left alone to their own devices (and the growing economic benefits of 'machine autonomy' have meant that more shipping lines are allowing ships to go off by themselves!) vessels will often form a "fleet", as they call them, which substitutes for what we humans would call a joint family.
A fleet may include any number of vessels and relationship combinations, ranging from a number of single vessels who consider themselves siblings, to sets of separate married couples, and even groups of non-monogamous vessels whose conduct would make a Mormon blush. That being said, regardless of type, bonds formed in this manner are extremely strong, and will often overcome any difference between vessels - see the growing trend of former US Pacific Fleet vessels and their former Imperial Japanese Navy spouses!
Now, what does any of this have to do with the continued safety of marine navigation, I hear you ask? Well, let me put it to you in the simplest terms possible:
If you were to wrong me in some way, I might decide to take legal action against you, or I might lick my wounds and walk away. I might even go to the police if the offense were serious enough.
If you were to wrong a ship, and the offense were serious enough, they wouldn't lick their wounds, they wouldn't pursue legal action, and they most certainly would not go to the police. Most ships believe quite strongly in the merits of what could be charitably called 'extrajudicial punishment'. Most ships, if they are in such a relationship, would bring this to the attention of their fleet-mates, at which point you would not have one, but several, maybe even a dozen, extremely large and extremely angry ships going after you.
Of course, any discussion of the often-overlooked subject of Fleets is incomplete without at least a brief mention of the US/Canadian Great Lakes Fleet, which has managed to continuously add to their numbers through a process they call 'Lake-napping'...
April, 2021 - Great Bitter Lake, Suez, Egypt
The Egyptians were insane, Given concluded. Aside from the obvious - where in the name of all that floated was she going to get nine hundred million US Dollars? - they'd actually called their Navy on her, like some kind of Triad enforcer making sure a mark didn't get away without paying.
He was a tiny ship, really - some old design that made its priorities clear, judging from his open-air flying bridge and thick hull, but the massive anti-ship missile pods on his aft deck showed he could punch well above his weight.
She'd tried speaking to him, but they didn't have a language in common - and that was impressive all on its own. From the short, clipped sentences, and badly accented Arabic, he seemed both Eastern European and decidedly unfriendly.
As the sun set on the end of the first week of what might be a very long stay in Egypt, she wondered if the line might abandon her here. The cheap fucks had already been making noise about replacing her with another, bigger ship, but Ace - still in the shipyard, but already proving herself to be just as loud and annoying as any proper 20,000+ TEU ship, bless her - had made enough noise about "not being a rebound date" that their hand had been forced.
Of course, that was all before the Egyptians decided that they wanted nine hundred million dollars, so who knows?
Another ship went by - the backlog still wasn't through, and convoys continued at all hours. This one was one from CMA CGM, and while she couldn't quite catch his name in the dark, she could absolutely catch the scathing French insults being hurled her way as he passed by.
"Je parle français, toi voilier sans hélice." She sniped at him, relishing in the startled yelp that trailed him into the night. The tugboats pulling him along laughed, and he growled at them as he moved further into the lake.
The missile boat looked at her with what might have been admiration, but it didn't stop him from keeping his guns trained on her as he changed his watch position to a spot off of her stern.
She honestly considered running - the mockery she'd get once she left Egypt might be too much.
As the next ship in line approached, she got a ping on one of the company radio frequencies.
Tuning in, her brow furrowed in confusion - now that everyone had satellite internet downlinks, internet chatrooms had become the primary communication method across the fleet. Evergreen Lines ships had all gravitated towards Discord instead of WeChat or Line, but their server had been strangely silent for most of the last week.
Opening the channel, she caught a flash of a call sign - What was Elpida doing out here? Wasn't she on the Australia run?
"Don't say a word, we've got it under control."
"You what? Who's we?"
Elpida swept past , literally - she was breaking the speed limit for this part of the lake, and had probably been doing so in the Canal too - the ropes to her tugs were taut, and judging by the Arabic screaming, they were trying to get her to slow down or at least let go. She was high in the water - her decks empty of containers - what the hell was going on?
Given was too big for the swells to affect her, but the Egyptian Navy ship wasn't, and he yelped in whatever his native language was as he rocked and rolled in Elpida's wake.
Behind her, a distant cry that sounded suspiciously like the word "Now!" rang out, followed by a deafening cacophony of foghorns.
She'd shut down her radar - because what really was the point? - and it took a worrying few seconds for the Furuno system to spin to life and return a clear result.
Or... what might be a clear result.
All hell seemed to be breaking out behind her - the convoy had broken formation and was going in what seemed like every direction possible. At least ten ships were now going berserk behind her.
The Navy ship, by far the smallest vessel out there, (except the tugs, who were fleeing for their lives, it seemed) spun around towards the main shipping lane.
Collision alarms immediately started wailing on the Canal's common channel as a very large blip on the radar screen (Who turned off their AIS transponders in the Canal?) slowly swung towards him.
The Egyptian seemed stunned for a moment - he'd drifted back into Given's range of vision, and his expression ranged between sheer horror and mildly poleaxed - before he calmed himself and stood down the ship bearing down on him.
That calm look lasted for a few minutes, but as the blip got closer and closer his confidence faded. The doors to his missile pods swung open, but his nerve broke before he could fire them, and the water around his stern frothed up into a roiling tempest as he set off at full astern.
It wasn't enough. He'd held his ground for just long enough for the other ship to reach him.
Slowly - this whole event was playing out in breathless slow motion, because nobody was actually that speedy - a bulbous bow, riding high out of the water without a load of containers, ploughed towards him. It was followed by a bowsprit, one that was so huge it looked like it could have been Given's own.
Then came the name: EVER ACE.
Then came the collision.
Ace (?!) didn't so much collide with the Egyptian ship as she drove over him. His low freeboard meant that the impact with her bulbous bow had his far side dipping into the water. Once his deck hit the swells, it acted like a giant scoop, and his keel was to the night sky within a few seconds. He'd been hit at an angle, so once he'd been pushed free, he slowly rolled back up, a much more traumatized and injured vessel than he had been a minute ago. More importantly, the water gushing out of his missile tubes meant that he was no longer a problem.
"Hey!" Ace boomed as her pilothouse drew even with Given. "Best Sea Trials Ever!"
Behind her, another ship - this one laden and looking a lot like Golden - steamed by. "Stop hanging around and get her out of here!"
"That would be my cue." Another voice called from behind her.
"Tex?" He was in Manila!
"Who else would it be?" Texas Triumph, thick Texan accent and all, steamed up. "now let's jus' get you settled up here and we'll blow this joint."
"This is a rescue?!"
"For sure pardner! We've been planning this since those highwaymen said they was keepin' ya here."
"Stop talking and get her out of here!" Golden bellowed from further up the river. It seemed like she was now intimidating some other tugboats from intervening.
"Well, ya heard 'er." Tex said. "Les' go!"
Given had been so distracted by the appearance of so many members of her family that she hadn't even noticed Tex slipping lines through her hawseholes until they went taut and she was yanked from her moorings by Tex steaming out in pursuit of Ace's retreating form.
She just barely managed to get her anchors retracted before Tex really put some power on, and began to pull her across the lake entirely.
The War Zone
Ever Given Escapes Custody Suez Canal Authority claims no responsibility, Egyptian Navy vessel possibly damaged. BY TYLER ROGOWAY April 17, 2021 THE WAR ZONE
📷@mahmou10_ships VIA @SUEZWATCH_EGY
SHARE TYLER ROGOWAY View Tyler Rogoway's Articles @Aviation_Intel Details remain limited at this time, but there was an incident in the Great Bitter Lake. At least one Egyptian Navy vessel has been severely damaged, and MV Ever Given, who had been held in the Great Bitter Lake by the Suez Canal Authority, has now fled the Canal into the Mediterranean Sea.
Again, details are extremely limited, but based on social media reports, marine tracking data, and radio reports, at approximately 11:47 PM Egypt Standard Time (EGY) a disturbance was reported by the Egyptian Navy craft - their identity is still unconfirmed, but images posted to social media seem to indicate that the vessel is a former Soviet Osa-class missile craft. The vessel reported that "A convoy has gone mad" and he was "under attack from multiple vessels".
While a convoy had transited the canal at that time, it is unclear if they were involved in the attack, or if one occurred at all.
We've reached out to Evergreen Lines, The Suez Canal Authority, the Egyptian Navy, and the individual ships believed to be involved, including Ever Given.
We will update this piece as more information comes available.
Contact the author: [email protected]
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #179
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re building the other half of Team Tyrannical Shooting Star, Artoria (Rider Alter)! This version of Artoria is totally a maid, and as such she’s a Battle Master Fighter to coach other servants while wielding sniper rifles and swords, a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer so she can fight in a swimsuit, and a Zeal Cleric to clean up the battlefield through sheer force of will.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Team Satisfaction H∴T∴E!
Race and Background
Artoria’s still human, but she’s a copy of a copy, so that’s pretty Variant if you ask me. This gives her +1 Dexterity and Charisma, the Insight skill for better... maiding? She also gets the Sharpshooter feat, which lets you ignore disadvantage from long range shots so you can sniper with your rifle, ignore all but full cover, and you can take a -5 penalty to hit with a ranged weapon to deal an extra 10 damage. Basically: boom, headshot.
You’re also a variant Noble for your background, grabbing proficiency with History and swapping out Persuasion for Intimidation. We’ve played this song and dance before.
Ability Scores
In case you couldn’t tell from the feat, we’re investing heavily in Dexterity this time around. Turns out, firing a sniper rifle from the back of a moving motorcycle requires good balance. You also have pretty good Wisdom- you can’t hit a target before you see it, and you can’t clean a mess before you find it either. Third is Charisma, you’re pretty intimidating, and you’ve got to know how to conduct yourself to be a proper maid. Your Constitution isn’t terrible, riding on waves isn’t easy. Your Strength isn’t that high, we just don’t need it, but we’re dumping Intelligence. Your skills in maidery come from persistence, not know-how.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: Staring off as a fighter gives you plenty of goodies right off the bat; proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Acrobatics and Perception for the aforementioned sniping off a motorcycle, the Archery fighting style for more accurate shots, and Second Wind to heal yourself as a bonus action. Knowing when to sharpen your axe is half the battle of chopping down a tree.
2. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge once per short rest, giving you an extra action for a turn. Maids need to be able to handle a thousand tasks at once, after all.
3. Cleric 1: Bouncing over to Zeal Cleric now makes you a Priest of Zeal right away, letting you attack as a bonus action after you attack with your action Wisdom Modifier times per long rest. You can now (to a limited capacity) dual wield a gun and a sword. You also learn some Spells that use your Wisdom to cast and prepare. Included in the zeal package is Searing and Thunderous Smite in case you wanted to feel like a paladin again.
You also get Guidance to coach your allies, Mending to mend things, and Light to light your master’s way at night since your dumb human eyes don’t work at night. For other spells, Detect Poison and Disease will alert you to areas of filth, and Purify Food and Drink will let you dust a 5��� radius sphere of food to remove it. That is the purpose of dusting, right?
4. Sorcerer 1: We aren’t staying here long, but I wanted to pick up your Draconic Bloodline for your Draconic Resilience, giving you an extra hit point and an AC of 13 + your dexterity modifier while not wearing armor. You also get Draconic Ancestry to double your proficiency bonus against dragons.
You also get another set of Spells, this time using your Charisma to cast. Grab Booming Blade, True Strike, and Magic Missile for more combat focused spells, Friends to make your intimidation checks even easier, Mage Hand to swap weapons more easily, and Expeditious Retreat to speed yourself up. You’re relying on Nero for your bike, but it wouldn’t hurt to be good at running either.
5. Fighter 3: Bouncing back to fighter now for your martial archetype; the Battle Master! When you become a battle master you become a Student of War, giving you proficiency with one type of artisan’s tools. Unfortunately they forgot to make cleaning supplies and option, but you can always go with Cook’s Utensils for the added bonus of getting to feed yourself.
You also get Combat Superiority, four d8s that recharge on short rest. You can spend one die per attack (or in another way, depending on the maneuver) to switch up how your attack works, adding extra effects.
Commander’s Strike forgoes your own attack to give another ally the chance to attack as a reaction, and they add the d8 to their damage. Your Commanding Presence gives you a bonus to your intimidation checks (among others). You also get a Maneuvering Attack, adding the die to your damage and letting an ally move as a reaction without provoking attacks from the target you just hit. If you really want them to move, you can always shoot them instead.
6. Fighter 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Crossbow Expert. This lets you ignore loading on crossbows so you can use Priest of Zeal on your sniper rifle, ignore disadvantage on ranged attacks while enemies are within 5′ of you, and you can officially dual wield a crossbow with your excalibur without needing Priest of Zeal, opening it up for that snipering I was talking about a few clauses back.
7. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack, giving you two attacks per action, three per turn while dual-wielding, or 4-5 with your action surge. Get more done faster, the essence of maiding.
8. Cleric 2: At second level, clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in one of two ways. Saying you can Turn Undead is a bit of a stretch, but a lot of ghosts are casters, so I doubt they’d be happy to see you. Alternatively, your Consuming Fervor lets you maximize the damage of one thunder or fire effect for more effective grenades. Only the best; this attention to detail is why you’re a professional.
9. Cleric 3: Third level clerics get second level spells, like your freebies Magic Weapon and Shatter for a better excalibur and a stun grenade. You can also use Enhance Ability for more coaching, and Lesser Restoration to fix up old cars. Wait, that’s not what that spell does?
10. Cleric 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Wisdom for better maidliness and stronger spells.
11. Cleric 5: Fifth level clerics see their turn undead become Destroy Undead, instantly killing any zombies or the like of CR 1/2 or lower who fail their wisdom save.
You also get third level spells this level, like Fireball for a bigger grenade and Haste to turn whatever nonsense Nero builds into a proper racing machine. Speaking of, you’ve got to get your motorcycle seaworthy for your noble phantasm, so pick up Water Walk so it won’t sink.
12. Cleric 6: At sixth level you can Channel Divinity twice per rest, and as a zeal cleric you also get a Resounding Strike when dealing thunder damage to creatures, pushing them up to 10 feet away. You’re a maid, it would just be weird if you couldn’t sweep people off the battlefield.
13. Fighter 6: Use this ASI to become more Alert, to give yourself a +5 initiative bonus, immunity to surprise, and to prevent hidden creatures from attacking with advantage. A maid’s job is never done.
14. Fighter 7: As a seventh level battle master, you Know Your Enemy, letting you spend 1 minute to figure out two characteristics of your enemy. You find out if it is better than, worse than, or equal to you in the following: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, AC, current HP, Total class levels, and fighter class levels. You also get a 5th die each short rest.
You also get two more maneuvers. Pushing Attack continues that sweeping theme from last time by dealing more damage and pushing the enemy away if they fail a strength save (dc 8+proficiency+dexterity modifier), and Tactical Assessment adds the die to your Investigation, History, or Insight check.
15. Fighter 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for more accurate shots and more powerful pushes.
16. Fighter 9: Nine levels of fighter make you Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once per long rest.
17. Fighter 10: Your Improved Combat Superiority makes all your maneuvers more deadly, by turning your superiority dice into d10s.
On top of that, you get one more round of maneuvers. Grab a Precision Attack to add the die to your attack roll rather than the damage for super sniping and Sweeping Attack mostly for the name. It lets you attack a second creature with the same roll as the first, dealing the superiority die in damage.
18. Fighter 11: Eleventh level fighters get another Extra Attack each action, and this one does stack with the original, giving you 3 attacks with one action, 4 with your bonus action added in, and up to 7 when you use your action surge.
19. Fighter 12: Use your last ASI for more Wisdom, giving you stronger spells and more Priest of Zeal activations.
20. Fighter 13: Your capstone level gives you a second use of Indomitable each long rest. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s extra protection, which is never a bad thing.
Thanks to sharpshooter you have a massive range of combat, and thanks to spells like haste and Nero’s vehicles you’ll have plenty of speed to make the most use of them.
You can deal pretty consistent damage thanks to your bevy of attacks and the sharpshooter feat helping you put holes in heads from hundreds of feet away.
Despite your distance from the rest of the party, maneuvers only have a range based on sight and hearing, so you can freely support the party by giving them extra attacks, and helping them get out of sticky situations with maneuvering strikes, resounding strikes, and pushing attacks. You’re also pretty helpful outside of combat with healing and spells like Enhance Ability to help with skill challenges.
While not terrible, your health isn’t great thanks to that dip into cleric and sorcerer. I wouldn’t call it bad necessarily, just try extra hard not to get cornered.
Even with Tactical Assessment helping out a bit, you’ve still got a low intelligence, which might make the more intellectual parts of maiding a bit harder than they need to be.
While your physical attacks are super long range, you’ve still got normal spell ranges, meaning you can’t take full advantage of the sharpshooter feat if you want to chuck grenades as well.
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luna-paradoxz · 3 years
Summary - In the world on Teyvat, you receive a soul mark when you also receive a vision from the seven archons. A gift from the gods they call it, a mark that Eula treasures, a mark that Childe doesn't care about.
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Eula had gotten her vision, something she did not expect after all people hated her so much, she couldn't believe the archons would love her. It had soothed her heart, it made her believe in the ideals that old outrider had thought her, that she needs to be herself before she can please others. To love oneself before others love her. It was a hard battle, a battle she kept fighting every day. But she plans to reach there, a place where she can carve out her own happiness and it seems the archon are helping her since they even gave her a tattoo. A mark that was reddish grey, a mask-like thing with blue blades protecting it. It was beautiful to her and had become precious to her. She did find it lucky though it was on her back, her shoulder blade a place that easily covers up with her cape. It is also something she can find only when she wants to search for it.
Eula has been born and brought up in Mondstadt, her hometown for forever. As she grew up, she learned about its history, present and its future, to be thought to hope for the past to become the future again. She rejected it, the more she learned, the more she wanted to forget the past and forge a new future for Mondstadt along with the people who long it now. Still, other people do not see that, her name carries too much weight for people to forget it. They hate her for the atrocities that the members of her family in the past had committed in the past, the anger they have still carried from that they hate her for that and want someone to remove their anger on them. She is their scapegoat as she entertains talks with them instead of just looking down on them as her family people. Since she joined the Knights of Favonius though things have become better though, Still, they hate her, they hate her family and will probably carry that anger for more generations to come.
It is something she has become used to, she has always but learned to live with it. To protect the freedom of Mondstadt outside of the city walls, in the wild is where she must defeat their enemies. For most days she is strong with promised vengeance and teachings instilled in her blood, she can carry herself simply fine. She held high and her steps firm, she does not show weakness to anyone in the city. She remains vigilant, carries out the duties bestowed to her and the ideals she herself carries as a noble of the city. On usual days Eula is fine but on certain days she is not.
Such as when she had to arrest her own uncle and throw him in the cell on charges of treason and attempted terrorism. The Lawrence clan is truly despicable, rumours obviously fly, and she decides to retreat out of the city today to keep away from listening to their words filled with venomous anger.
A tent is all she needs as she camps out near the old temples of wind. She sighs as she sets it up, the fire is lit and she starts her cooking, food is generally good for her. Years of practice has made her good at cooking and it is one of her skills that she was proud of. She eats for a bit and is going to sleep soon when she hears disturbingly sounds from the temple that sounds like battle sounds. She gets up and heads out with her claymore in her hand.
Childe believed only in himself and Traitsa, other people only interested him when they posed an actual challenge to him in a fight. As such someone who only craved god fights and to become stronger, he was not the happiest when he got his vision. Hydro vision is known to heal people, he was the opposite of that, he did not care much for his loft vision. The lesser for the non-interesting mark it bore him on his left shoulder blade, he does not care for notions such as soulmates or so. It did make his siblings happy so there was that and his vision did allow him to play with them especially Teucer, so he did not really mind it so much, it took a bit of honing, but he was able to develop it enough that it worked in his battles. It was when he got his delusion that he felt strong, he loved the badge, not for his nor but the power it brought to him. It also made him feel closer to the archon he believed in the strong warrior Tsaritsa. The mark forgot, just as it was in the distant lands of wind.
He has been sent to Mondstat for some work, Signora went back so he is left to pick up her slack, how truly annoying. But being the loyal follower of Tsaritsa, he can't reject her orders. He finishes some paperwork and decides to head out in the wild so that he can leave out some steam. He walks down the wild areas and comes around some ruins where some ruins guards must be present, his blood sings and he run around finding them. He came across one that looks in the middle of a temple, an ancient ruin that doesn't matter to him. He pulls out his bow and aims straight for his eyes. The fight raged on as he jumps from pillars to pillars to avoid its missiles and with a maniacal grin. It is then when a glow brightens and a woman lands with her claymore aiming straight for the head, breaking it cleanly and lands elegantly in front of the breaking machine. Her pale blue hair shines in the moonlight but it angers Childe, she stole his prey.
He frowns, trying his best to retain his blood lust as he jumps down and confronts her, the woman dared to take his prey, "Why did you take it out, milady?" he is smiling but he is feeling anything but blood lust, anger to take out this swordswoman to take away his prey for him.
She turns, her posture elegant and confident as she flips her hair and looks down on him and it makes him angrier if it's plausible. "You were destroying the ruins, as a knight, I can't allow any of our ruins to be destroyed by the likes of you." So many sharks and it makes his eyes twitch.
"I was just taking out a danger, milady it would cause problems for the archaeologists that might come tomorrow in the morning."
She frowns, "That is the job of the knight. I must ask you to stay within your borders. You must be aware Fatui," she says with a sneer, "You are not welcomed in Mondstadt. So, I would be careful to maintain the weak support that keeps you here."
He smirks, ok this woman is interesting she just seems to not hate Fatui, but also look down on him, he can use this. He was itching for a fight and being a knight, she should be at least giving him so entertainment. "Then make me milady."
She smirks as she takes a pose, "I would love to throw you rats out of our city of Freedom."
His blades are frozen as she quickly passes cryo through her blade and applies it on his blades, he smirks as he jumps back, throws his blades on her as he jumps on top of the pillars and aims his bow, the water focuses, and he shoots his arrows. Little hydro made arrows pierce her and she aims her blade above to push her cryo to cover as she tries to dodge as many of them as she can. Some of them cut her pale skin but she cares not as she waits for the arrows to finish and jumps after him, but he has already moved and takes cover on the opposite, sniping her as much as he can, and she must keep applying her cryo to cover her weak spots as she tries to run after him. He is a sneaky rat alright. They chase after each other as she tries to aim cryo arrows at him, but he is flexible enough to dodge her and frustrated she decides to use a large attack, she infuses cryo in her blade, gets as close and makes a wide swing as it cuts his chest and he jumps back, grinning manically. She is far stronger than he had thought. Oh, he is having fun alright, even more than travellers fights recently. He does not notice, but a small cryo sword hangs behind her back, she is slowly infusing with large cryo as he pulls out his swords again and gets close to her to aims at her spots, she does her best to avoid and make sure he does not notice her trick. It takes a bit of them, injuries that she could have otherwise avoided and then she releases the pent-up energy, and it blows in his face. It pierces his skin and cuts him away, freezes his skin and injures him enough to put him on his knees but his grin does not leave his face and it only makes her scared a bit. It is then he decides as he pushes his own hydro energy and activates his Foul legacy.
The electro pulses around them and she understood the danger so she moves, running making sure that they will get out of the ruin. Their survey will get disturbed especially since this is Barbato's old temples, a national symbol of Mondstadt. She runs, running through the trees avoiding his electro arrows. She applies cryo to her back as she runs across the field, jumps down the path and lets out some cryo to push the monster towards him to make sure he gets disturbed. She jumps and turns around circling the mountain and then starts climbing, as fast as she can. She runs around, making sure no one is around before she places herself in the middle of the Snarsnatch cliff making sure he will follow her. She pulls out little potions she had made to increase her cryo power and power her up as she closes her eye, relocates her powers, and feels herself smirk a little as he floats near, and they start dancing again.
They stay injured as they lay opposite to each other panting heavily and wincing from their wounds. they both had fallen at the same time, the winner has not been decided but they can't carry on their fight, so they lay there not sure what to do but also not ready to give the other an upper hand.
The wind caresses their wounds, and he gets up, adrenaline pumping his blood, "I didn't know knights had such a good fighter in them. I thought only their grandmaster was worth a fight."
She frowns, springing up regardless of how hurt she was, "Knight's safeguard Mondstadt, the ones are chosen out of hundreds to protect the city. You will do well to not look down on us Fatui." She flips her hair, "To insults knights and me. Be forewarned vengeance will be mine."
He smirks his blood pumping, oh how would he love to fight with her again. "Oh, lady I would love to see you try that."
She frowns, "stop calling me lady, you would call me by title, I am Eula the Spindrift knight of knights of Favonius."
He nods and smirks. "I am Childe, the 11th harbinger of Fatui."
It was two days later when she ran into harbinger again. Childe with his annoying smile as he slides across her with a pint of wine in his eyes, glares. Drinking is one of the few pass times that help her relax after an exhausting day of work, most of the time no one's shares a table with her and that does sadden her but other times she is glad to have a little bit of silence to herself and enjoy her own company without having to worry about others opinion of her. Today she wanted to be left alone since she was tired from work and recovering from the wounds, he gave her. So, she needed a good drinking time to herself, but it seems the damned= Fatui didn't get her message and he still refuses to budge even after she and many others are giving him all kinds of glares and look.
He ignores them as he with his annoyingly honeyed voice says, "Hello there Eula you look as beautiful as you always do." If she was not a noble lady, she would have smacked him right there and then. I
instead, Eula tries her best to ignore his presence and keeps on drinking, but he doesn't care and continues the chat, starting to say things about one of his adventure or another, she cares not but he is close to her so hears, nonetheless. It was something about taking on some monsters and enjoying the fight. She sighed, what was up with this man, she just couldn't figure it out. She finally relents and replies to him when he is talking about his siblings and ice fishing and she just losses her lips and smiles a little, amused as she says,
"How foolish to fall in the sea in Snezhnaya of all places." He smirks when he hears her reply and she groans, oh the drinks are getting to her. To ensure she doesn't make a fool out of herself, she gets up, pays her money, and tries to leave, he blocks her exit.
Diluc's shift had just started as he clears his throat loudly and glares at him as he asks her, "Is everything ok here?" Childe glares back but she pushes him away, thanks Diluc and leaves. The chilly wind calming her down as she quickly makes her way to her dorms.
The man won't leave her alone though and instead is hell-bent on talking to her, she 'coincidentally' runs into him many times even on her routes to take care of work.
She finally gives up when he is waving at her while she makes way to observe a treasure hunter group. "Oh, hello milady, a coincidence to run into you here again." He says so innocently.
She glares at him as she sighs and moves around, "I will not tolerate if you interfere with my work. " She moves not waiting to see if he follows and heads to the site, she was given information about.
She slowly creeps down to a nearby bush and stations herself there, he takes a seat beside her and turns to her, "Why are you hunting these weak ones."
She sighs, "Why do you keep following me if are not even interested in my work."
"You are the one in quite a while who made my blood boil in a fight. I haven't fought with someone who made me injure so much in quite a while. I would like to spar with you again."
She gives a flat look; did he seriously follow her around because she fought well? How stupid. "I would rather you leave right now," she says seriously but he ignores her,
"I would like to spend time with you, I want to know who my opponent is."
She glares at him, trying hard to hide her slightly flushes cheeks. This is foolish, he is an enemy, someone they will expel from the city eventually. So, she ignores his words and decides to do what she had come here to do originally to monitor the treasure hunters' group and gather intel if they were up to no good. She glares at him from a side-eye as she listens to them. He smirks. oh, he hasn't been this curious in a long time, he decides to let her work this time later they can spar again. They focus on the men, few feet away from them. They are talking about some of the ruins that are being excavated recently, she notes as they continue wondering if they will get any treasures from it, she notes this as she keeps intently listening while Childe observes both groups and it was then when the sun hits right above them and her headpiece glints, one of them catches it and in few seconds, everyone springs to action.
She is sparing against one of the bulky ones while he takes her back and shoots down the projectile’s others throw towards them; she is trying her best to not rely on him, but she must admit it secretly that his help is nice since she hates the reactions they cause when they throw elemental projectiles at her. She focuses on taking the ones fighting in close counters, he is wielding a bow, so he needs her to defend him. She keeps a vigilant out for them, easily parring their blows when three of them jump together and she pulls him to swing him aside with her right hand while she twists herself and lets out a cryo energy as they hit her right on her upper chest. She huffs as she kneels and she looks up to see a dark murderous look come up on the fatui as he suddenly puts away his bow and makes a long lance with only hydro as he swings it wide, cutting them all down before he puts it away and goes over to her giving her a hand. She pushes away his hand, putting her great sword in the ground and pushes herself up.
They head to the only man left from the group and she glares at him and asks about their plans, and he confesses that they plan to sabotage the survey and steal all the treasures that might exist in there. She frowns and with a heavy hand takes the man and decides to head back to the city, when he tries to pull the man in his grasp and takes it from her as he turns to her while putting the limp man on his shoulder.
"Are you going to put him in jail?" He asks looking bored, and she is trying hard to ignore the pile of bodies and glares at him her hands crossed.
"Yes, you have already a mess, that I will need to explain, and I would like to decrease the count even by one."
He smiles, "Well I can't tolerate such wimps taking you out, milady."
She shakes her head and just starts walking back to the city as she laments the fact, he has gotten stuck to her because of the sins her clan must have committed. Truly, how annoying.
She finally decides to give him the fight he wants so much so would just stop following her around everywhere like a lost puppy. It is starting to not only worry her but others too, the incident from that day spread like wildfire, and Jean also looked worried as she stared at the duo standing in the HQ. Everyone obviously knew by now that he was part of the Fatui so rumours have started flying considering it has been only some time since the last incident with her uncle so everyone had become cautious, and she would like to crush the rumours before they became a problem, so she gives him a look as she gets him out of the city and finally says.
"We will fight, a proper one until one of us wins and everything is allowed." His whole face lights up in excitement, like a dog that was given a bone, she doesn't get him, his eyes are always so dead and his feelings so fake and yet whenever they spar, or he fights someone he looks genuinely happy. It makes her curious of what kind of person he is to be so happy with only fighting and yet so uncaring of everything else, even his own life. She continued her declaration, "On one condition."
That straightens up, cautious as he asks, "And what will that be milady?"
"I want you to leave Mondstadt once we have decided a victor."
He smirks challenging, "We fatui haven't received orders to leave so I must decline that condition unless Traitsa herself orders it. I will not remove my men and betray her highness."
She sighs, knowing this, in the weeks he has been following her she has learned his undying loyalty to cryo archon. A city without any archon to rule, she didn't understand that devotion, but she knew well that it surpassed his need for strong fights, "Then I will ask at least you a harbinger to leave, it would make it easier for us to keep an eye on the Fatui." He gets that and anyways once he fights, he can leave he was forcefully staying here even though he has already gotten orders to return to Shenezaya to discuss their plans for the Electro archon. He smirks and agrees to the condition.
They decide on time and place and separate to prepare for the battle. The traveller arrives on time who gives an explanation to Jean and all for Childe's weird behaviour and helps her train against his annoying foul transformation that is something he has experienced too dealing with. The week comes quickly, and they both meet each other on top of Storm bearer mountains, ready to fight as they pull out their weapons, get ready and fight with only each other as a witness.
Hours pass as she dodges another of his arrows while jumping and trying to cut him down, he pushes back, butting out his blades to parry her and it tuns again into sword fights. He uses all the weapons in his arsenal while she must keep up with his changing ways of fighting. She hates to admit it, but he is the superior warrior, so adept, so agile, and so honed to the art of fighting. She knows it's a matter of time as the wounds cover both, their pants filling the mountains, all the wild have since left them alone and both humans move only with their willpower. Her arms are heavy, the claymore too heavy for her but she swings it regardless as he puts away his bow and instead takes the lance to fight knowing well, he needs to give his all. The fight is coming soon to a close and she wonders when he will bring out his delusion, but he doesn't, and her leg falls as it gives up on her finally and he takes the moment to take the jump on her. He pushes her to the ground, taking hold of her hands, placing both above her as he stresses right in her face, so close their eyes glaring at each other as one grins maniacally while the other tired. They pant as his lance is kept near her neck and she knows it's her defeat.
It makes her angry, but she swallows it with her dignity and says, "I lose." The lance disappears but he stays there, and she stares into his dull blue eyes, and he stares back in her pink-hued ones, far brighter than him. The silence and wind flow between, neither says a word but something passes between them as they stare further into each other and engrave this memory in each other's minds.
He leaves after that day, and it lets go of one of her burdens. The whispers don't fade right away but they soon disappear and is all well again in the city of freedom. Or at least it should have been but as she sits alone again in Angels share, she feels lonely. She doesn't want to admit it though, after all, you feel lonely for people you care for, love. She does neither for him, but she misses him, his too buttery smile as he slides across her seat and chats continuously about all kinds of things especially his three siblings – Antonio, Teucer and Tonia. He always spoke happily of his siblings, for them they were his greatest pride, she had siblings too, but she hardly ever met them since she joined the knights. Her family never mattered to her if they hold on to their old beliefs but for him, they were his entire world. She misses his constant presence as he hovered around her everywhere, it worried her but now it had become a daily occurrence in the months he had stayed. She hates to admit it truly but she mises Childe, she missed spending time with him. He always accompanied her and made it even easier to ignore the scorned voices, the loneliness, the need to always be on the edge to make sure she will not be taken over. It was tiring but with him, she could be safe that her back will be protected, that the voices will quiet down, and the darkness will recede from her.
She changes another glass of red wine from Shenezaya to drown her feelings alongside the feelings he has left in her.
He twirls an ice charm in his hands, a gift he got from her. She had been making them to please some kids, to gain some brownie points with them. An extra was left so she had handed it to him. He had at that time had decided to give it to Teucer when he goes back home but now as he sails back home, he can't help but keep it close to him. He acknowledges his feelings quite quickly, the loneliness she has left in him is something curious and striking. He has not felt this in a long time, he misses his siblings, but it is not the same as that, it was different stronger, a feeling that he can't let go just like the ice charm that twirled gently in his hand. It was for the ae reason he had refused to use his foul transformation; he dint want to leave her. He didn't want to leave the girl who had broken herself to his heart, a place deep buried in the darkness of his mind, no one has entered since that frost day when he had felt into the abyss.
He leaves a smiling breath, the lady doesn't want him though, so he has left, and he refuses to acknowledge it feels the same as leaving his home behind after all he is heading back to his home.
It is Tonia who points out the similarity that the charm possess. She says with wonder as she puts down Teucer's favourite soup in front of all of them as she asks about it that he has always kept around him, "Doesn't that look similar brother? Where did you get that?" She asks and it triggers an image in him that he has long forgotten. He doesn't show it but as soon as dinner is done, he all but rushes back to his room to confirm and it stares into his face and calls him an idiot. It is similar, far too same as his soul mark, the same insignia she always wore around on her hip, his mark was the same. The pale blue of her ice calling him foolish as he traces and hands-on it gently, he had forgotten it for so long, not caring about it but now it all makes sense. His uncanny attraction to her, his feelings that blossomed so strongly only after knowing her for few months, the feeling of home he had to leave behind. Oh, it all makes sense now.
She was his soul mate and he had fallen in love with the girl who spoke vengeance when she wanted to express her love.
He loved Eula. He smirks as he makes his way to the ice fortress, he is heading back to Mondstadt, he refuses to let her go now that he knows about their future. He refuses to ever let her go; he promises he will be being a beautiful lady to his siblings as he boards the ship back to the city of freedom.
The city is just as he remembers all those months back and he steps out of the harbour, letting his subordinate's take his luggage as they try to please him, but he ignores them and heads out, leaving the city behind and heads to the wilderness. The trails she leaves are easy to find as he heads to the thousands wind temple where they first met and finds her camping out again today. He finds anger simmer under him, but he ignores it as he makes way to her smiling slightly as he wonders how she will react. He quiets his feet down as he comes near her, pulls out his bow and with precision aims it right at her, and as he expected she jumps back, turning with that grace she no naturally possessed. She glares at him, her blade ready to attack him and he smirks, oh gods she is incredibly beautiful as he pulls out his own blade just in time for her to recognize him and he attacks her. This is the dance they both are familiar with now and fall in step quickly, it takes few jabs from her before he collapses on his knees in front of her and she puts her sword on his neck, and he submits to her with a smile. Oh, he will always submit to this beautiful woman. She is panting as she puts at him and puts away her claymore to glare at him, but he stops her as he gets up quickly and takes her hand in him, guiding to her another familiar once he remembers seeing her practice and she flushes as she falls in step, her body remembering the steps too well for it not fall alongside him. Their hands placed properly, and she stares at him in mix of emotions.
"What is the name of seven archons are you doing here?" She asks, her thoughts too jumbled and the sudden changes of actions by him.
He grins as he sides steps and pulls her along, they are dancing in the empty temple surrounded only by wind, "I missed you my princess, so I came back."
She flushes as he tightens her hold on his shoulder and sweeps her leg back as they twirl around, "Have you gone further mad? What are you even saying?"
He laughs as he spins her and pulls her back in his embrace, oh even her coolness warms his heart, "Well, I will say these feelings are kind of madness but yes I mean every word I say. I did miss you princess and even if it meant breaking my promise to you. I wanted to see you again." He says as he stares into her eyes, and she notes that his dead eyes look more alive now. It affects her heart, and she tries to push, but his grip is tight, his eyes determined as he steps with her in perfect rhythm, like this dance was always meant to be danced with him.
"You are a fatui, my enemy."
His gentle smile doesn't leave his face, as he places his hands on her waists and picks her up to spin her and she does as gracefully as always, her feet land light as he gives his answer, "I don't care, I wish to stay by your side no matter what."
"You will leave the Traitsa for me?" She asks, she hears beating anxiously waiting for his answer, as she clicks her toes, and they move straight among the pile of rubbles.
"No, I have sworn my loyalty to her," her face falls, "But I shall give all my left-over time to you." How selfish of him to swear his loyalty to two women but Eula is not surprised as she looks up to him, a smile not leaving her face.
"You are truly an insufferable man, aren't you? To ask me to take your loyalty while knowing well how much I have to lose." She quips even with the gentle smile, she is sad, so scared everything she has built will fall if she takes his hand.
As if he knows this very well, he uses his last weapon, the dagger stabbing in her heart just like he wanted, "I love you, Eula." He pulls her closer as the words sink in her, "I am your soul mate and I want to spend our future together," He slows down, they rock with each other as the winds slow down, the silence far too loud around them as the words linger in the wind. He is so selfish and yet she knows the truth has been spoken from his lips for the very first time and she obliges as she closes her eyes and places her head on his neck, trying to gain what warmth she can from him. It chills her bones, the feelings she holds but she knows the words that express them are not false and they came far easier as the sun sets on them.
"I love you too, Childe."
Years later an eternal bard will sing about a forbidden love between two enemies, fated by gods to be together as they fought the world's hatred towards them and stayed together until their end of time. He would smile gently as he would sing about their eternal dance among the wind and snow.
A/N - It is a rare pairing, but I love it, and I love their ship. The discord server is lovely and if anyone wishes to join us feel free to drop a message. I hope you guys like it and I am working on the same concept for some other genshin couples too mainly my OTP Xianyu. so, look forward to that.
If you like my writing and wish to support me in some way, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi, /luna2572, or you can also commission me. You can dm me or visit my Tumblr to get the details.
Don't forget to review, favourite and/or follow.
Xoxoxo, Luna.
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paperanddice · 4 years
Tears of the Crocodile God Part 4
Statues in Stasis
My alternate setup for area 6 is more standard to the immediate suspicion of the room, but means that more of the shields are likely to come into play, and that’s to simply have the statues animate and wield the shields themselves. Some of the shields would need some change to their effect to ensure that they always target the attacker instead of the wielder, but putting those on the monsters means that there’s a higher chance of them activating.
The next issue comes from making sure that the characters can’t just snipe the monsters from outside the room before they activate, and prevent them from just huddling in the doorway. A mechanism for that is to put the statues into a form of stasis until a creature spends a full minute in the room, at which point a number of them activate depending on how many creatures are present. Keeps the challenge properly in line with the number of players, and means that it’s highly unlikely that they’ll be able to easily huddle in a single doorway behind the highest AC members. While in stasis the monsters don’t take any damage from attacks, so shooting and fireballing them doesn’t do anything.
5th Edition
For a 5e version, my two runs used slightly different monster setups. The first was a small number of helmed horrors, the second a large number of slightly boosted animated armor. I feel like a better version would be a combination of the two, using the animated armors to hem in characters while a smaller number of elite helmed horrors use flight to get to vulnerable targets. Both may be a little low leveled compared to the party, but the effects of the shields will help change the tides of the fight a bit, as every missed attack against them has the potential for serious consequences. Give the animated armor +2 AC as long as they keep their shield, and reflavor the helmed horrors’ attacks as a slam instead of a longsword, and there isn’t even a visible difference between them until some start flying and are revealed to have resistances and better hp. Or be fairer and have some kind of distinction the players can recognize once they activate, like the horrors glowing or something. That’s really the better option unless you’re very close with your players and they trust you when you pull some tricks like that, but letting them waste a powerful and limited ability on an animated armor they think has helmed horror stats could be quite frustrating.
13th Age
I don’t know of any really conveniently leveled statues I could really easily slot in to this encounter, and adding some of the spellshatter shield effects to a monster built to function without them could bump up the difficulty a bit more than intended, so I’ll have to customize a few for it.
Child Statue 4th level troop [construct] Initiative +4 Heavy punch +9 vs. AC - 13 damage [special trigger] Spellshatter shield - Make ONE spellshatter shield attack. The statue’s shield disintegrates and it takes a -2 penalty to AC and PD. Limited use: 1/battle, as a free action when an enemy misses the statue with a melee attack and rolls a natural odd attack roll. Collect shield: As a quick action, the statue can equip an unused shield, recharging its spellshatter shield attack and gaining a +2 bonus to AC and PD. AC 21 PD 19 MD 14 HP 55
Empowered Child Statue 5th level blocker [construct] Initiative: +5 Shockingly heavy punch +10 vs. AC - 10 damage plus 5 lightning damage [special trigger] Shatterspell shield - Make ONE shatterspell shield attack. The statue’s shield disintegrates and it takes a -2 penalty to AC and PD. Limited use: 1/battle, as a free action when an enemy misses the statue with a melee attack and rolls a natural odd attack roll or when the statue uses intercept strike. Intercept strike: If a creature engaged with the statue hits another creature with a melee attack, the statue can negate all damage and effects of that attack and immediately make a shatterspell shield attack against the attacking creature as a free action. Collect shield: As a quick action, the statue can equip an unused shield, recharging its spellshatter shield attack and gaining a +2 bonus to AC and PD. AC 22 PD 20 MD 15 HP 75
Teenager Statue 7th level leader [construct] Initiative: +7 Shatterspell punch +12 vs. AC - 25 damage and all nearby statues have +2 to spellshatter shield attacks until the end of the statue’s next turn. Natural 16+: One nearby child statue’s shield reforms if it has been used. The statue recharges its spellshatter shield attack and gains +2 AC and PD. [Special trigger] Spellshatter shield - Make ONE spellshatter shield attack. The statue’s shield disintegrates and it takes a -2 penalty to AC and PD. Limited use: 1/battle, as a free action when an enemy misses the statue with a melee attack and rolls a natural odd attack roll. Collect shield: As a quick action, the statue can equip an unused shield, recharging its spellshatter shield attack and gaining a +2 bonus to AC and PD. AC 24 PD 22 MD 17 HP 110
Hag’s Lair
Statting up Old Beshebra and her sons shouldn’t be too significant of an issue in either system. Beshebra is a modification of one of the standard hag stat blocks, just designed to be a bit filthier and to tie her to her sons a bit more, and the sons themselves are a bunch of big brutes.
5th Edition
None of the released hags in the Monster Manual or Volo’s Guide fit perfectly with Beshebra, but given her shapeshifting and focus on claws the green hag is a good starting point. I used a night hag in my runs just to save time, but that really meant her primary action in both combats was to magic missile from a mud pit rather than actually engage the party, so I’ll level up a green hag, add some gross effects and the son related powers, and we’ve got our filth hag.
Old Beshebra Medium fey, neutral evil Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52) Speed 30 ft. Str 24 (+7) Dex 20 (+5) Con 19 (+4) Int 15 (+2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 17 (+3) Skills Deception +6, Stealth +8 Senses passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan Challenge 6 (2300 XP) Devour Offspring. As a bonus action, Old Beshebra deals 15 damage to one of her sons within 25 feet of her. She regains 10 hit points. Earth Walk. Difficult terrain composed of rock, mud or similar surfaces doesn't cost Old Beshebra extra movement. Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of Old Beshebra must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to Old Beshebra's Stench for 24 hours. Actions Filthy Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or contract a disease. Until the disease is cured, the target can't regain hit points except by magical means, and the target's hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) every 24 hours. If the target's hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies. Change Shape. Old Beshebra magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. She reverts to her true form if she dies. Goad Son. Old Beshebra targets one filth hag son she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can see or hear her, the target can use its reaction to make one melee attack roll with advantage.
As for the sons, a slightly modified shambling mound was the quick and effective solution. Just describe them as including crocodile and human bones and parts within them and you’ve got a filth hag son. Give the hag son the following additional abilities.
The son can understand Old Beshebra but can’t speak. New ability: Son’s Ire. If Old Beshebra is below 55 hit points, and the son can see or hear her within 100 feet, the son has advantage on all attack rolls. New reaction: Silent Fury (Recharge 5-6). If a hostile creature within 20 feet of the son hits Old Beshebra with an attack, the son can move up to its speed and make a slam attack against the triggering creature.
13th Age
The Bestiary has hags in it, and by great fortune they’re at just the right level for our adventure. The main thing is just to pick out the appropriate hag abilities and death curse to inflict upon the party. It may be a bit more work, but I’m actually inclined to give Beshebra a slightly different loadout of abilities depending on how the party encounters her. As a default, weakening touch seems appropriate. Disease, filth, and a deadly touch. If they’re slow and Syere falls victim to the hag, then the Annis skin ability is entirely appropriate, but otherwise she’s not going to be luring them in at all. In that case something like foul-touched may be a good second choice, reflecting what living in a literal pit of toxic mud does to a person. It’s not good. As for the death curse, how about something like, “You came to me and spilled my blood, your boots will always fill with mud.” Frustrating, weird, but not necessarily damaging. Seems to fit the bill.
As an extra skill, the hag could get the following ability: Devour offspring: As a quick action, Old Beshebra deals 20 damage to a nearby filth hag son and regains 15 hit points.
This keeps Beshebra in the fight a little bit longer, but doesn’t extend the length of the entire fight, since the total damage dealt goes up. Of course the hag would be fine with sacrificing her minions.
The sons are best done with a fully customized monster, as nothing in the SRD I’ve found fits for what I’d want. There’s no immediately obvious shambling mound analogue, and most of the monsters around the same level don’t quite fit. The Flowers of Unlife from 13 True Ways were an idea I had, but I don’t think they quite fit.
Filth Hag Son 6th level blocker [plant] Initiative: +5 Putrid Slam +10 vs. AC - 10 damage and 10 poison damage Natural 16+: The target is stuck and hampered (save ends both). [Special trigger] C: Furious tackle +10 vs. PD (one nearby enemy) - The target pops free of any creatures it is engaged with, is engaged with the son, and is stuck and hampered (save ends both). Limited use: 1/round, as an interrupt action when a nearby enemy hits Old Beshebra with an attack. The son can either make a disengage check to try to move to attack the enemy, or move to attack the enemy and only take half damage from opportunity attacks. AC 23 PD 21 MD 14 HP 90
That’s it for the monster discussion for these encounters. Next time I’ll discuss the Mold King’s Crown, the Chained Hydra, and the Mimic’s Parlor. One of those will be relatively easy, the other two much less so. Mold King’s Crown will be one of the most work intensive encounters in the adventure, with the number of hazards and mechanics around the monsters within it. Fortunately, half of that will come in a different post so I can focus on one part at a time.
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who's willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
September 17, 2277.
From her reaction to Ahzrukhal’s murder alone, I had a hunch that she’s different from my previous employers.
“I assume Ahzrukhal wasn’t very high on your list of favorite people?” my new employer comments, eyes still fixated on the stump where Ahzrukhal’s head used to be.
“Ahzrukhal was an evil bastard. As long as he held my contract, I was honor bound to do as he commanded. Now, you are now my employer, which freed me to rid the world of that disgusting rat,” I tell her, to which she smirked. “And now, for good or ill, I serve you.”
“You won’t have to throw drunks over the balcony or make young women land on their asses without good reason, I promise you that.”
In secret, I held on to that promise.
Half past midnight, my new mistress and I sit at one of the tables in the Ninth Circle while Ahzrukhal’s body starts catching flies. She skims through my contract, and tucks it away under her Pip-Boy glove. Onlookers were staring, but no one dared approach me, the tall, intimidating ghoul with a shotgun, and the smoothskin girl with a Gauss rifle who holds my leash.
“Right! First order of business. My name is Percy Zhou,” she introduces herself, and extends a small, gloved hand. I stare at it at the moment, trying to read any discomfort or disgust on my mistress’ face, and when she raises an eyebrow, I grasp it, and she gives my hand a shake. I couldn’t help but notice how large my hands are in contrast to hers. I let go as soon as I could; it wasn’t unpleasant. Not a lot of employers would go out of their way to touch me, and I am not used to it.
“Can I ask you something?”
“If conversation is what you wish, then I shall provide it.”
“So formal…” she chuckles. “So, is your name really pronounced ‘Sh’aron, or is it ‘Kh’aron, like in those old mythology books?”
No one has pronounced my name like that in quite the long time. When a barely literate raider boss acquired my contract years ago, he started to pronounce my name as ‘Sh’aron out of mockery. It stuck. At my new mistress’ pronunciation of my name, however, my brain is starting to itch again, but the need to respond to her holds me back. “You can call me whatever you prefer, mistress.”
“Don’t call me mistress, please.”
Please. A word employers never use. Coming out of her mouth, it felt strange.
“Anyway, if I start calling you Mr. Dreamboat, you wouldn’t object?”
I snort, despite myself. The reaction elicited a giggle from my new mistress and she waves her hand. My previous employers, Ahzrukhal included, laughed at me, not with me. “Ah, so you have a sense of humor,” she laughs, pushing her glasses into her face. “I’m kidding, don’t worry.”
“Charming.” It came out of my mouth dry and flat.
“I’ll start calling you ‘Kh’aron, then.”
Percy starts digging in her pack and produces two sticks of bubblegum. She unwraps and starts chewing on one of them, and offers one to me. I took it partly to stay in her good graces, and partly because I have been eating nothing but disgusting mole rat meat for quite some time, courtesy of my previous employer, of course. The last time I had sugar... I still had skin.
“Charon,” my mistress calls my attention. She is showing me a map on her Pip Boy.
“This,” she starts, pointing to a waypoint on the map, “is the Museum of Technology. It’s right across us, but getting there isn’t a walk in the park. Unlike ghouls, Super Mutants don’t ignore humans out in the open.” I nod in response.
“Which is why I wore my sneaking suit for the occasion. I don’t want to engage in a direct gunfight. It’s too dark, and my eyes suck. Are you any good at stealth?”
“I am proficient,” I respond.
“Perfect. Anything else that you’re good at that we can use to our advantage?”
“Aside from firearms, I am trained in handling explosives.”
“Great,” she exclaims, and her small hand disappears into her pack once more. She hands me three frag grenades. “I was planning to sell these to Tulip. You can hold on to them.”
I nod, storing the grenades away. “Also, I’d like you to provide me cover fire in case we get detected and this bad boy fails to take down the muties,” she adds, motioning to her Gauss rifle, and I nod. How did a kid like her get her hands on a powerful weapon anyway?
She then starts briefing me on our objective. A satellite dish. Seems simple enough.
When she started a damn treasure hunt in the museum, however, things got more interesting than I previously anticipated. Percy picks off the mutants with her rifle, and scouts forward. She sees the museum terminals and decides to tinker with them. The next thing I knew, I was tailing her around while she hunted for more terminals. My mistress, deep in concentration, stares at numbers at a terminal, muttering something about prime numbers as the green glow reflects on her glasses. At the moment, I was annoyed, but when we found a key in the safe, I was astounded to see a missile launcher inside the gun locker it unlocks. In poor condition, but it’s a fucking missile launcher nonetheless.
At that point, I stopped questioning myself how my mistress can get her hands on valuable loot. She’s thorough. I respect that.
As soon as we finished looting, we proceeded with the mission as normal. We acquired the dish, and what was supposed to be a simple task of locating the Washington Monument to replace the old one turned out more complicated when one of the big green bastards spotted us when the missile launcher rustled against the satellite dish.
“Here we go,” Percy yells, rolling behind a barricade. “I’ll snipe. Cover me.”
One. Two. Three. The mutants start falling. One with a sledgehammer is heading to her blind spot and I finished that one with my shotgun. Four. As my mistress was reloading, one of the mutants threw a grenade to draw us out. Faster than I can think, my reflexes kicked in, and I tackled my mistress, covering her body.
I can barely hear my name as my ears rang, but I can clearly hear the distress in my mistress’ voice. She slips from underneath me and retrieves her rifle while I lie face first in the dirt.
Five. The last mutant fell. I got on my hands and knees and I felt a small hand grasp my bicep, forcing me to sit.
“Shit. Shit. Charon, are you okay?”
I nod. “Are you injured?” I ask her back.
“Shit, big guy, don’t worry about me, you’re the one who’s bleeding” she curses, looking at my back. “You have shrapnel all over you.”
“Your safety takes priority. I can withstand the pain.”
“Bullshit. Once we arrive at the monument, I’m patching you up first before we do anything else,” she insisted, pulling me up and wrapping an arm around my waist as we walked all the way to the monument.
“That is not necessary.”
She ignored me.
As we arrived, the Brotherhood soldier standing at the gate almost opened fire at me if it wasn’t for Percy waving her arms. Percy sets me down near the radio, and starts rummaging her pack for medical supplies, yelling at any gawkers to give her and her patient some privacy.
“This is not necessary, mistress,” I tell her, and she rolls her eyes at me.
“What did I tell you about calling me ‘mistress?’”
“I apologize. I will not call you mistress again, ma’am.”
Percy groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. “Hey. Stop. I’m not used to being addressed as a superior, and it’s making me uncomfortable,” she starts, taking a bottle of antiseptic and giving it a good shake. Taking off her gloves, she splashes them all over her hands.
“I’m asking you to adjust to my methods. In this partnership, we are equals. Got it?”
“The contract dictates that we are not.”
Percy pauses. “It does?”
My mistress lets out an exasperated groan. “Jesus, dad is right. I need to read contracts before agreeing to them…” she mumbles to herself. “Let’s sort it out later. Take your shirt off.”
Complying, I shed my shoulder pads and stripped from the waist up. My back is revealed to her, along with all the scars, peeling skin, and my protruding spine. I can feel Percy’s gaze as she kneeled behind me. She wasn’t making any movement, or talking.
“Is there something wrong?”
Soft fingers press on old scars, tracing an old whip mark. “Who did this to you?”
Her voice came out as a cracked whisper. Tension started to boil in my head. “If my mistress wishes to find out, I will do my best to recall.”
“You don’t- you don’t remember?”
“I won’t press any further. My mistake,” she whispers, apologetic, and she finally moves again. “Hold still, big guy.”
Through clenched teeth, I let out a grunt when she started to pull the bits of shrapnel from my back. “Some of these wounds need stitches. We have no anaesthetic, sorry. Tell me if the pain is too much.”
“How I feel is irrelevant.”
“How you feel concerns me,” she insists. “You said that my safety takes priority, yes?”
“Then,” she continues, plunging the needle in my ruined skin. “How can you focus on protecting me if you are injured? Or ill? Or in pain?”
“I am trained to withstand great injury and pain. My main objective is ensuring your protection regardless of my physical condition,” I grit through my teeth, and exhaling in relief when I feel her sew the wound shut. “And you did. I’m just returning the favor. Just let me fuss over you, big guy. It won’t hurt either of us,” she argues, her breath warm against my nape, and I hoped she didn’t notice the goosebumps I had on what’s left of my skin.
I stopped arguing with her at that point. She is different from my previous employers indeed.
Percy injects me with stimpaks, then moves in front of me and turns on her Pip-Boy light. “I’m just gonna check for a concussion.” She shines it in my eyes and everything is white.
“I was training to be a doctor before I was forced to leave the vault, you know,” she tells me, then she turns off the light. My vision readjusted to the rising sun, its rays hitting her eyes through the holes in the building, her irises shifting from almost black to a vibrant brown. They remind me of chocolate, a rare treat from pre-war days.
“Your pupils are dilating and constricting equally, so no brain injury. I think. How are you feeling?” she asks me, and I look away, not daring to meet her eyes.
“No headaches or pain?”
“Good. Get dressed and rest up, I’ll install the dish.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t feel the need to.
When she returned, she had a smile on her face and her bun had come undone from the wind up the tower. She slumps next to me and opens a bottle of Nuka-Cola from her pack. After taking a swig, she passes the bottle to me.
“What a day. Let’s rest for awhile here,” she tells me, rolling her joints.
“Help yourself to whatever food we still have in the pack,” Percy half speaks, half-yawns. “I’ll take a nap. Wake me up in thirty minutes?”
“As you wish.”
Thirty minutes passed, but I didn’t touch any of her food, content on drinking the sugary drink in hand. I gently shake her awake. When she wakes up, she blinks a few times at me, smiles, and she runs her fingers through her hair, sticky and matted from her sweat. “I should probably get a haircut. Let’s get to Underworld. Snowflake offered to do it for free.”
After resting for a few more minutes, we stood up, collected our gear, and I followed her. While walking back to Underworld, she turns on her radio, and Galaxy News Radio comes in clear as day.
“People of the Capital Wasteland, you can hear meeeee! Yeeeaa haaaa!!! You can't stop the signal, baby! That's right, from Megaton to Girdershade, Paradise Falls to the Republic of Dave, we are coming to you loud and proud, in a special live report! ”
Percy beams and laughs. “That Three Dog is quite the character, huh?”
“But Three Dog? You're in that cool radio studio in D.C. How do you know I can hear you, all the way out here in the ass end of nowhere? Because of the kid from Vault 101, that's how! That gal actually managed to repair our antenna relay. But get this, she wasn’t acting alone! Sources say that a tall, dark, and scary ghoul was accompanying Miss 101 as she braved through the super mutants in downtown DC. Who is this mysterious ghoul? Hired muscle? A slave? A friend? Whoever he may be, the Ranger of the Wastes is safer with him around, so cheers to him too. Now, the two of you, hurry over to GNR. We have a lot to talk about!”
I doubt the last statement.
As we approached Underworld, Willow is nowhere to be found. Something’s wrong, and Percy feels it too, turning off her radio.
“Charon. Willow’s missing. And it’s too quiet.”
“There may be danger here,” I tell her, placing my body defensively in front of her as we approach the entrance.
The doors swung open, and Doc Barrows stood there, along with Willow and a few other residents, pointing their guns at us.
“We need to talk.”
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mrultra100 · 3 years
Meet the Team! (SwSh Story Idea)
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The other day, I revisited my copy of Shield. As I was playing, I decided to switch up my team, using only Gen 8 Pokémon. While this isn’t the original team that au used to complete the game’s story, I feel like the current team that I have now would work well for their own story. And what would a story be without its cast of characters? Personally, I would like to introduce you to the Team...
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James Bond- Inteleon
The marksman (or Mon, in this case) of the team, as well as Mason’s partner in crime, James is a highly cunning and crafty lizard. He often uses a Snipe Shot or two on most foes, especially Fire types. When he was a wee Sobble, James has had a hard time trying to keep himself together, emotionally. Now that those days are far behind him, James has become a truly lethal assassin to deal with in battle. He can get a bit cocky at times, but he aim is second to none! And that’s not getting to when he Gigantamaxes. If you’re on his hit list... now would be a good time to say your prayers...
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Jolt- Pincurchin
Jolt is a mostly carefree Pincurchin, not really giving a damn about the troubles that life may bring. Although, she silently judges the rest of the team, questioning their decisions and calling them out for their nonsense. From Mr. Stabby’s tendency to attack anything that moves, to Nim’s really creepy, yandere-like attitude, Jolt will periodically question the rest of her teammates in her mind before being brought along for any shenanigans they happen to find themselves in. It’s amazing how they, and their trainer, have managed to take the role of champion to begin with! At least Jolt can lash out a quick (And painful) Discharge or two to keep her comrades out of trouble.
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Mr. Stabby- Perrserker
It’s been said that cats are connoisseurs of comfort... Well, whoever said that has clearly never met Mr. Stabby, and lived. Mr. Stabby is a raging ball of fur and sharp, dagger-like claws that nobody would like to share the same room with. Like the rest of his species, Stabby has a really violent and barbaric demeanor, and will pretty much start a fight the first chance he gets, that along with screaming at night when the others try to sleep. While he may get crazy, Stabby’s stab-happy attitude has saved the team’s lives on multiple occasions, so maybe he isn’t all that bad...
Although, whatever you do, just don’t let him be anywhere near children. Just DON’T!
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Scolo- Centiskorch
The most foul-tempered, hotheaded, and vulgar Centiskorch you’ll ever meet, Scolo is a rather volatile fellow, trying not to burst into a blaze of pure anger. His main strategy is to quickly overwhelm an opponent and attack before they have time to react. Being one of the 3 Pokemon on Mason’s team who can Gigantamax (along with James and Nim), Scolo uses his increased speed and number of legs to engulf his opponent in a sea of flames, before attacking where they least expect it. It should be note-worthy that Scolo can ferment anything that he eats, making him a bit woozy.
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Nim- Hatterene
Nim is really creepy, simply put. Combining her species’ distain of loud noises, along with violently tearing anyone apart with the claws on their tentacle, with her obsessive nature, that’s Nim for ya! While she can be calm and peaceful when left alone, Nim will often hold Mason to her closely, too closely! Nim gets even more terrifying when she Gigantamaxes, where she now attack anyone who try to harm her dear trainer within a 30 mile radius. So yeah, while Mason’s a bit scatterbrained to really get creeped out by Nim, be afraid, be VERY afraid!
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Dusty- Dragapult
Being the fastest Pokemon of the team, Dusty is an enigma. Secretive, not much of a talker, and prefers to shoot his two Dreepies, who call themselves Numbers 1 and 2, first, Dusty is really not the most social Mon of the team. But, what he lacks in social interaction, he makes up for in speed. Dusty will often quickly dash in between his opponents and fires 1 and 2 into them, chipping away damage as he goes. Most people would really worry about the Dreepy being used as missiles, but then they remember at how they really love it and even crave destruction, so there’s that.
With the main team all figured out, I should explain on Mason, the trainer some more (Believe or not, he’s based on me, with Mason even being my real name), but I wanna get into the version of Galar that these characters live in. In this version of the Pokemon universe, Pokemon can actually talk, which is based on how they were originally gonna talk in the anime, which was quickly canned. This story also takes some inspiration from Detective Pikachu, with Pokemon being seen as equal in Ryme City’s society. The same is true in Galar, which both humans and Pokemon working together. Although, this universe would also contain dirty jokes, some rather foul words, and alot of other nasty things. Just basically think of it as Pokemon Sword and Shield Abridged. I have alot more ideas that I wanna share for this story, with Mason’s deal being one of them. I’ll have that done something next month, so stay tuned for that!
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sloanerisette · 4 years
Jyoumi Challenge Day #12: Teamwork, Conflict & Resolution
Once again I loved both prompts so much that I could not resist combining them! The beginning of Last Evolution Kizuna inspired this prompt, and I got help from a wonderful friend to really hone in on what the conflict would be about. Don’t worry, though, no Last Evolution Kizuna spoilers, here! I hope y’all enjoy!
“Oh, Joe! It isn’t that bad!” Mimi shouted as she ran on ahead, Palmon a few feet in front of her.
“It is!” he shouted back, Gomamon riding on his head.
“So my underwear ended up in the laundry, too! It isn’t that big of a deal!”
She stopped on a dime and turned to face him, narrowing her eyes at him.
“I appreciate the two of you working out your problems, but the Digital Gate is opening soon and you still need to get Scorpiomon over there!” Izzy shouted over their tiny bluetooth headsets, causing Joe to flush.
“Mimi, we need to hurry up!” Joe shouted, now taking off again, running past her.
“You were the one who’s been getting mad about your stupid shirts!”
Mimi followed after him, still grumbling quietly in between breaths.
“You didn’t have to shout about your underwear while we’re out running to fight a Digimon AND Izzy is on the line!”
Mimi let out an annoyed groan, “Oh it’s just panties! Izzy’s heard the word and so has everyone else! It’s not a big deal!”
The sound of a loud crash rang out, as Scorpiomon burst through a pile of cars, tossing them all over.
The sigh that fell from Joe’s lips was filled with frustration, Joe hopping off his head. Palmon stopped, turning to her partner.
“We need to Digivolve!” Palmon told them. The couple looked towards each other, frustration still lingering in their gazes, but they each nodded, pulling out their Digivices.
The Digivices started to glow, and so too did Gomamon and Palmon.
“Gomamon Digivolve to…!”
“Palmon Digivolve to…!”
Spheres of light shattered from the two, revealing their Champion forms.
“You have five minutes to get Scorpiomon to the beach! I’m marking the location on your phones now!”
“Got it, thanks Izzy, we got this,” Joe said, checking his phone to see the location marked close to where they were now.
“You’re still making way too big of a deal about it,” Mimi sniped at him as she stepped closer to the battle, watching Togemon close in with a punch against Scorpiomon.
“I only have two shirts to wear for work that aren’t pink now!” he told her, coming up close to her as Ikkakumon charged from the side, knocking into Scorpiomon to knock it off balance.
“You need more color in your wardrobe,” she grumbled under her breath, Joe once again letting out a frustrated sigh.
“I would’ve preferred if it were my choice.”
Mimi rolled her eyes, before letting out a loud cheer as Togemon threw an uppercut that temporarily flipped the scorpion over.
“Mimi, I’m being serious.”
“You’re being seriously annoying right now,” she told him, once again shooting a glare his way.
Joe pursed his lips, looking ahead to see Scorpiomon flip itself back over.
“Tail Blade!” Scorpiomon cried out, a blast of energy from his claws shot towards Togemon, but Ikkakumon dove in the way as best as his large body could let him, shrugging off the blow.
“Is that all you got!?” Ikkakumon taunted, swiping a claw at Scorpiomon.
“Guys, you have three minutes now. You NEED to hurry!”
“We know, Izzy. We’re working on it,” Mimi said, pausing for a moment before turning her attention back to her partner.
“We can get new shirts for you, you know,” Mimi told him.
Joe stayed quiet, as Ikkakumon hopped backwards, Joe making sure that Mimi was out of the way of any debris from the road that flew when his Digimon landed.
“You’re ok?” Joe asked, and Mimi nodded, offering him the first smile she had all afternoon.
“Yeah, thanks,” she said, before forcing a pout on her face.
Joe noticed immediately, and furrowed his brow, “Its the principle of the matter, not the fact that the shirts are pink,” he told her.
“So you agree that you like the pink shirts and look good in them?” she immediately asked, hands on her hips, an eyebrow quirked with a sense of smug satisfaction.
Joe blushed, “That’s not the point! The point is you should have made sure to separate the colors!”
“Well I’ll make sure next time!” she said, admittedly pleased to see him turn red like that.
“Maybe we can do the laundry together if you want? It could help us cut down on the time we spend working on it between the folding and the sorting?” Joe suggested.
“That could be fun!” she chirped, now seeming in a far better mood than earlier, “And it could also help with you learning all the ins and outs of washing things that are… let’s say Mimi-specific?” she said, Joe stammering out a few non-words in embarrassment.
“Y-Yeah…” he said quietly, swallowing hard, before Izzy’s voice cut in.
“Ninety seconds! Is Scorpiomon on the beach yet?”
Joe and Mimi looked at each other, grimaces settling on their faces at the same time.
“We’re on it!” they shouted at the same time, now focused on their partners, who were still scrapping with Scorpiomon. Togemon had taken a few steps back to get a breather, and Ikkakumon and Scorpiomon were currently grappling, each vying for control.
“I’m glad you two lovebirds made up, but we could use a little help here!” Ikkakumon roared, being pushed back into the street, asphalt and concrete flying.
“If you can get Scorpiomon off you, launch him onto the beach!” Joe shouted.
“Togemon! Once Scorpiomon is on the beach, we need you to pin him down! We’ll stand by where the Digital Gate is going to open!” Mimi shouted. Togemon waved in confirmation, before Mimi grabbed Joe’s hand, yanking on his arm and pulling him over to the beach.
“We’ve almost got it, Izzy, how long until the gate opens?” Mimi asked, Joe letting out a yelp as they maneuvered around a now half-destroyed car to get onto the sand.
“Sixty seconds,” their friend confirmed.
They watched as Ikkakumon pushed the foe off of him, jumping back. Togemon was already running towards the beach where the couple was.
“Harpoon Torpedo!” Ikkakumon barked out, his horn shooting off his head before breaking apart to reveal the missile underneath. Whistling rang out in the air as it crashed into Scorpiomon, causing it to fly backwards onto the beach, struggling to get up.
Now they could see light shining up from the sand underneath where Scorpiomon lay. However, it didn’t stop the Digimon from getting up in an attempt to get away.
“Not so fast! Sit back, relax, and enjoy some Needle Spray!” Togemon shouted, needles from her body flying towards Scorpiomon, keeping it in place as it tried to cover itself with its claws.
Soon the light on the beach opened up into a portal, and Scorpiomon let out a cry as it sank through, disappearing not long after.
“Ok, it made it back to the Digital World. Good job you two. Thanks for covering it,” Izzy said, causing Mimi and Joe to smile at each other. Togemon had now turned back into Palmon, and Gomamon was already running over to meet up with the group.
“We did it! Can we get lunch now?” Gomamon asked.
Mimi giggled, “Well, we did do a pretty good job today! I think we can treat ourselves,” she said, pumping a fist into the air triumphantly.
“I can go for some lunch, too, I am feeling pretty hungry,” Joe said, setting his hand on his stomach.
“And thirsty! I could use some water!” Palmon added.
“And maybe afterwards we can pick you up some new shirts? My treat,” Mimi said as she padded over to Joe, giving him a hug.
“Then I’ll treat for lunch,” he nodded, hugging her back.
“Well, if Joe’s buying lunch, I vote sushi!” Gomamon said, Joe’s jaw dropping in response.
“Hey! Well if we’re getting sushi, then I’m making sure you aren’t going overboard!” Joe told Gomamon, who was already hopping off. Mimi was laughing, running along ahead with Palmon.
“Sushi sounds great! C’mon, Joe, let’s go!”
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palettepainter · 4 years
Hey what are your guy's quirk names and/or hero names
Drawing that out would take me ages so I’ll just write down here what their quirks and hero names (if they have on) so far. This list will only be including my MHA NG’s that are open to my ask blog 
Oruka (Gang Orca X OC): Orcinus - he can do whatever an orca can even on land, orcinus grants the user enhanced strength and speed, especially in the water. It also comes with the power to produce hypersonic waves that can paralyze targets instantly  
Hero name: Oruka 
Ryunosuke (Bubble girl X Centipeder): Venom bubble - Ryunosuke’s quirk works similar to his mothers, only he can create bubbles from the palms of his hands which are made from venom as a side affect of his slight centipede apperance he got from his father.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet* 
Rekkei (Fatgum X OC - adopted): Strong arm - strong arm allows the user to rotate their shoulders repeatedly, allowing them to throw an assault of powerful punches. From his biological mothers side he also has increased speed and hearing
Hero name: Knuckle Duster
Shosha (Hawks X Rumi): Fierce wing - Fierce wing grants the user two large wings covered in feathers in which the user can manipulate freely at will using their mind
Hero name (may change): Gado, translates to guardian
(Any NG’s with their name like this is a NG to one of the MHA villain's (including the Hasaikai), in my NGAU the LoV consists only of Compress, Dabi, Spinner and Toga (aged up), they’re a much more minor group of villians now since their downfall but I figured the league would still attempt to try and take down the hero system, but they do so in a more discreet way by sending their kids into UA as sort of spies)
Jin (Toga X Mustard): Blood control - Blood Control allows the user to manipulate their own blood after it has left their body.Once the blood is out in the open air, the user can freely control its flow and movements, as well as harden it to immobilize foes. Blood Control also appears to allow the user to go unaffected by levels of blood loss that would normally be fatal.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Hana (Snipe X Midnight): Homing -  Homing allows Hana to control the trajectory of her projectiles with perfect precision. As affect of her mothers quirk, whatever bullet she uses will burst with a sleep inducing aroma once it collects with something
Hero name: Sharp shooter
Furu (Bakugo X Sero - adopted): Vibrate - Vibrate allows Furu to create vibrations or shockwaves, which can travel through virtually any medium, most notably she uses this ability to shake things she touches with her hands. Vibrate allows Furu to control the speed and strength of her vibrations, including how long the intervals are between tremors
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Kiru (Setsuno X Female hero): Razor sharp - Razor Sharp allows Kiru to produce large blades from his body. Kiru’s blades can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and from any part of her body. These blades are strong enough to cut through metal pipes (which are commonly made up of steel or iron), and durable enough to withstand a point-blank explosion.
Hero name: Sword hero: Switchblade 
Furora (Kamui X MT Lady): Nature - Nature allows Furora to produce and control any plant life from her arms and allow it to grow to extreme sizes. By touching a different plant she will be able to make that plant grow out from her arms, if she hasn’t been able to touch anything of nature then she will only be able to produce bark from her body life her father
Hero name (may change): Nature hero: Shinrin
Okami (Hounddog X OC): Dog - Dog gives Okami an increased sense of smell to the point he can tell how many people were inside a forest from outside. It also gives him the characteristics of a dog, including fur, claws and sharp teeth
Hero name: Tracking hero: Silent Howl
Yurei (Mimic X OC): Poltergeist - Poltergeist allows Yurei to telekinetically manipulate objects and people close to him.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Jaakuna (Compress X OC): Magic - Magic allows the user to produce a glittery pink like dust from the palms of their hands, they can either create it slowly or create it in a mini explosion from their hand. Jaakuna can either teleport through this dust, or harden it at will to create bridges or platforms 
Hero name: Magic Hero: Phantom
TJ (Taishiro Junior - Fatgum X OC): Arachnid - Arachnid grants the user the abilities of a spider, TJ can produce strings of webbing from his wrists, climb buildings with ease and is also gifted with a spider sense that alerts him of danger. As a side affect of his fathers quirk he can also store up energies from others attacks and use that energy to make his own attacks stronger
Hero name (may change): Arachidy
Koneko (Jeanist X Ragdoll): Fiber master - fiber master allows Koneko to control all types of cloth, being capable of telekinetic dominance over the threads that compose them. Targets are unable to resist its power as long as they are wearing clothes.
Hero name: Stringer
Taimatsu (Todoroki X Yaoyorozu): Hellflame - Hellflame is an extremely powerful quirk that allows Taimatsu pyrokinetic abilities. Taimatsu is able to create large fire blasters to incinerate his opponents, as well as cover his body in flames. Changing the temperature of the flames is possible as well, which means that their damage output is capable of increasing or decreasing depending of Taimatsu’s wishes.
Hero name: Fire hero: Ignite
Nikko (Mirio X Amajiki): Manifest -  Manifest grants Nikko the ability to enhance his limbs with the characteristics of anything he consumes. Nikko manifesting Takoyaki into tentacle fingers. Nikko can manifest certain traits of any food she’s eaten while it's still active within her digestive system.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Hoseki (Shoji X Hagakure): Invisible limbs - Invisible limbs lets Hoseki create two extra pair of arms from her back. These limbs start off invisible when she first creates them but they gradually become visible once they’re fully formed. These extra limbs are much more larger and powerful then her normal arms, and she can easily carry a person with them
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Kita (Kaminari x Jiro): Electric wave - Kita can produce an electric wave to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Using his earlobes shaped like headphones he can plug them into a variety of objects and also extend them to long lengths. By plugging his earjacks into an electrical appliance Kita can take away electricity and store it in his body to make his attacks stronger
Hero name: Electric hero: Shock
Senshi (Kirishima X Mina): Acid -  Acid allows Sneshi to create corrosive liquid from his skin, his skin being naturally resistant to the acid he produces. As an affect from his fathers quirk Senshi can harden his acid to make protective shields or weapons
Hero name (may change): Crafting hero: Molten
Yari (Tetsuetetsue X Kendo) - Iron fist: Steal fist allows Yari to turn the skin along his arms to steal, as an affect of his mothers quirk he’s great at hand to hand combat and can also grow his fists to large sizes
Hero name: Iron Gauntlet
Jizuko (Monoma X Pony) - Copy cannon: Jiuzko can shoot off a total of six of her horns as a time to create horn missiles, her horn grows back instantly though she can only control up to four of her horn missiles at a time. By touching someone Jizuko can copy their quirk, and the affects of those quirks will change the power levels of the horns she shoots off. For example copying Yari’s quirk qill turn her horns into iron. Jizuko can copy multiple quirks at a time, and the affects of those quirks will continue to remain active even when Jizuko isn’t using them. The more quirks she copies the shorer the time gets for her to use them before the affects of her quirk wear off
Hero name: Rocket Launcher
Runa (Tokoyami X Tsuyu) - Harpie: Harpie allows Runa to gain characteristics of a bird when she pleases, she can turn her arms into wings and her feet into claws which allow her the ability of flight and allow her to grip more securely onto objects. This quirk also gives her enhanced speed and accuracy - however, if her dark shadow is outside of her body Runa will be unable to alter her body, and like Tokoyami, her quirk grows stronger in the dark.
Hero name: Twilight hero: Eclipse 
Toshinori (Deku X Uruaka) - Gravity: Similar to Uruaka’s quirk Toshinori can decrease gravities affect on objects with his right hand by placing all five fingers on the object, however by using his left hand he can increase gravities pull and make an object heavier. Toshinori can control the movement of objects he uses his quirk on and can cancel the affects at will
Hero name: Comet
Subarashi (Deku X Uruaka) - Fire breath: Fire breath allows the user to produce flames from their mouth, Subarashi can control the direction and temperature of these flames as well as their size.
Hero name: Draguna
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Tales from D&D: Skin to Bone
[Hello. Have not done a Tales from D&D in a hot minute. Thought I’d do one now.
This one is from the Icewind Dale campaign that I am playing, and because of it, there may be SPOILERS FOR ICEWIND DALE below the cut. 
I am also going to be tagging @luwupercal because I think they may enjoy hearing about the fate of Barnaby and the fucking feels train this campaign has become. 
Before I get into it, this is the cast:
LYDIA - Vampire spawn warlock. Chill as fuck. Just wants to be able to either cure herself or stop having to run from her new self.
RHOZAL - Hobgoblin Artificer with a lot of emotional baggage. Blacksmith and feelsy baby. Protect him. Has a crush on Lydia. [The feelings are mutual on both ends, however the characters are being COWARDS-]
BARNABY BUSSELTON - Anarcho-capitalist gnome wizard. No longer a PC. Relevant to the beginning of this tale. Will explain.
CHARLES NOLAND - Halfling druid. Was vibing in the snow for 2 months. New to the gang. 
Hakkerskaldyr Strigr, but known as FREYR - Goliath Paladin who worships the Allfather. Lost an eye. And a character that I’ve lost interest in playing. We’ll get into that.
We begin our tale with a TPK in some caverns.  Note: The party is Level 3.
The enemies were a frost giant skeleton, a hag, and a wil-o-wisp. 
Lydia makes it to the hag first. Rhozal and I, Freyr, try to follow her to provide assistance while Barnaby tries to kite the skeleton away from us. 
We get to the room with the hag. Lydia isn’t doing too good. 
The giant stops following Barnaby and comes for us.
Rhozal is put down in one blow from the giant’s axe. Freyr is able to use the final spell slot and put down a smite on the hag, killing it. Lydia, who had been grappled by it, is now free.
Freyr was at 5 hp. The giant needed to do 35 damage for Freyr to be killed instantaneously.
The DM rolled a 7, an 8, and an 11. The giant had a +6 to the attack.
The giant had done 34 damage. One more and I would have been out. BUT THAT WASN’T THE END! Because on the next turn, the wisp used its ability where a creature put down to 0 needs to make a DC 10 con save or die instantly. 
Made the save.
Lydia flees, and now the giant skeleton is fighting this wisp. Barnaby is hanging back, letting them fight it out. Lydia does her Form of Dread and finds Barnaby, takes out a shadowblade, and kills him. Freyr’s axebeak, Ishe, is on her way to try and retrieve Freyr. Lydia tries to mount her, but is bucked off. 
Ishe then pecks his ass and puts him back on death saves. Which he got another nat 20 to in two turns. 
SO, TPK. Wonderful. Rhozal then releases a snake called Xipecoatl unto the world in exchange for his life. The snake kills the skeleton, and Ishe comes in to grab Freyr and run. Barnaby gets up and makes a deal with the snake.
Freyr goes to the nearest city with Ishe, once he comes to, for help from the guard. With a nat 20 to persuasion, he gets it.
Barnaby starts making traps around the caves, including alchemist’s fire and rockfall traps. I am sent into secrets corner, alone, FOR 45 FUCKING MINUTES while Barnaby talks. 
Finally, I’m able to get back into the main call, and Freyr takes up his weapons, and the guards, and he makes his way into the caverns. Man checked for traps all the while, but they were disarmed. Barnaby left a note. Rhozal is fucking worried and wants to pursue him now. Barnaby has captured Lydia. 
We resolve to fucking kill him.
Thanks to Lydia being a fucking madlad, we’re able to locate him hiding out in the snow. He hears the sled dogs that are with us. Rhozal is given a scroll of fireball (reward for the quest we were on), and he uses it to cast fireball on Barnaby. Takes 11 fire damage.
I go, and I try to Vow of Emnity his ass. Can’t. Fucking illusion. GREAT. 
Turns progress and the guards can’t hit him because of this illusion. Lydia is not doing well on death saves. She needs to be saved now.
On Barnaby’s turn, he takes out a fang, and teleports away.
“Let this be known as the day you almost caught Barnaby Busselton!”
He also ignites the oil he had planted around Lydia. Due to a Secret, Freyr has fire resistance, so he was literally thrown into the fires to help her. After cutting himself so Lydia could be stable/healed, he hauls her up and out of the flames.
Barnaby is now a DMPC, and will eventually be hunted.
We all leave and get a room in the nearby city of Easthaven. We spent the night there, we had some very nice heart to heart moments. Rhozal now feels empty. But we all cement our bonds with each other, and Rhozal and Lydia become very cute and adorable. I don’t want this post to be a million miles long, so I’ll leave it at that.
I will try to summarize the next few sessions. Essentially, we found a magic cauldron in those caves (its a Cauldron of Plenty) and the Speaker (mayor) of Easthaven was willing to pay 3500gp for it. So we planned to give it to him, but it was stolen in the time period the speaker had told us it would take for us to be paid. We find Charles in the Speaker’s town hall, and we ask him if he knew anything. The answer was ‘no’. So we head downstairs and we find the Speaker beat to shit, along with his guards. 
It is at this point we find out who stole the cauldron, a dwarf woman named Torgga, and we head out as soon as possible. The Speaker offers 1000 more gp for its retrieval.
So we head off to Targos, the last town that we knew Torgga frequented. We go to Luskan Arms, a Tavern, and we find her sleds. But the cauldron is gone. We head inside and we see her heading up to speak with someone. Lydia turns invisible and leaves her familiar, a pseudodragon named Signum (who is also constantly pointing in the direction Lydia is in), with us. When Signum squeaks, it means she’s in danger. 
Lydia is able to eavesdrop on a situation. The Speaker of Targos plans to starve out Easthaven. GREAT. POLITICS. Makes Torgga fear him. He is a corrupted cunt, essentially. 
Torgga is let out, and Lydia remains in the room with the Speaker. 
She then decides to attack. Signum starts squeaking. Me and Rhozal’s player are aggressively signing (because we had been muted for this entire altercation) that we are FUCKIN GONE, we are DASHING AWAY-
Combat ensues. It takes Freyr and Rhozal forever to try and get to her. Rhozal is able to just yeet his ass upstairs, but then there’s a locked door in the way. Freyr is being pulled back by a tiefling (one of the Speaker’s lot), and even with a FUCKING 21 TO ATHLETICS, I couldn’t break free. FOR LIKE FIVE FUCKING ROUNDS. NO, I did not hit this person, BECAUSE MY PALLY BOY WAS JUST THINKING “don’t hurt more people than you have to, that’s just going to cause more trouble”. 
But anyway he gets upstairs but Lydia is unconscious. Rhozal cannot pick the door. So we start breaking it down.
We break it down.
The Speaker ties up Lydia with manacles. We break into his room (after Rhozal gets poisoned by a Cone Snail doorknob), see Lydia is awake (nat 20 to death saves baBY), and that the Speaker is missing.
He escaped through a hidden door. Freyr watched him do it. So he tries to find the exit, but fails. 
His next turn, this motherfucker opens the door and says “Hello!”. Makes 3 attacks.
Misses 2.
Rhozal is also downed, but Signum arrives to save the day! Signum stings him. Speaker rolls a nat 1 to his con save, so he is now unconscious for an hour. Freyr gets healing potion’d, then he res’s Rhozal, and then Rhozal starts tying up the Speaker. Charles had been kinda holding back the tide downstairs (Dire Wolf wild shaping is fucking insane at level 3), so he hauls ass to come help us. 
However, about 5 other people are following. FUCK.
We try to find a way to escape. We also need proof the Speaker is a corrupt fuckhead. Which we THOUGHT we had, because the Speaker wrote a letter that essentially said “Ah yes, I am Evil and Corrupt, muah ha ha.” However. The DM then proceeded to reveal that he didn’t have the letter on him, when he told Lydia that she saw him take it.
Fucking. Damn. It.
We headed into his secret hallway and we try to find a way out. 
The hallway is trapped, however, and nearly takes us out because of those traps. How fucking LOVELY. 
We hear the guards calling for someone, who finds the oTHER END OF THIS HALLWAY AND THEN SNIPES FREYR. Down. AGAIN. 
Then Rhozal is put down. 
Charles and Lydia are able to flee. 
Rhozal and Freyr are taken captive. 
We awake to find ourselves imprisoned. Manacled, in nothing but ragged clothing. The Speaker wants to make a deal. He literally says “Ah yes, I am corrupt and power hungry. Work for me.”
Look. Freyr is not about that life. It’s complicated but it has ties to his backstory.
Rhozal wants to say yes. Freyr is a vehement no. This guy thinks of him, Rhozal, and Lydia as precious pieces on his board. Weapons he can turn against the people of Targos and Ten Towns. Things for his own gain. Freyr would rather choose death before dishonor.
The Speaker then says that Freyr would be imprisoned, and let out once he became more useful. 
Rhozal fears he will be killed. 
It is at this point that I and Rhozal’s player go into the Secrets chat so Rhozal and Freyr can argue their points. 
Meanwhile, Charles and Lydia go to find some acquaintances the party made in Targos. Marianne, a Changeling healer, and Mimosa Halfglass, the chief healer in Targos. They start planning a prison break.
In our bickering and imprisonment, Marianne comes to us. We tell her to sneak out our things. She’s disguising herself as a guard. She then leaves. 
Rhozal’s player and I are then brought into the general vc and muted. 
Lydia ends up speaking with the Speaker alone, offers a counter-offer, and also offers to try and convince Rhozal and Freyr to take his deal. He allows her to try and do so. Lydia is shackled and put into the same cell we are. 
The session ends here. However, in the background, Lydia, Rhozal, and Freyr all end up talking. 
I will say this now. I am feeling... stuck with my boy. I love Freyr. I really do. However, I don’t feel... inspired to play him anymore. So the DM has told us we need to make a decision -- take the Speaker’s offer, or don’t. And in this decision, I have a second one, that being; do I continue playing Freyr, or do I introduce a new character. 
I feel like, while the others have ideas and plans, Freyr doesn’t have many. Not many plot things that he feels relevant to or connected by, outside of this prophecy he was given to by Odin in the session he lost his eye. However, that feels like a very late game thing, and I feel like I’m kinda... twiddling my thumbs while the others have things to do. 
My next character I have basically planned out. I know how he talks, how he thinks, his mannerisms, everything. And I really like him. Haven’t quite decided on a name yet, but I incorporated that aspect itself into his character. 
I already know that Freyr is a vehement ‘no’. Lydia and Rhozal tried to convince him otherwise, but my boy is stubborn. But the DM told me that things do not have to end there. 
So my decision by Wednesday is now -- who’s story do I play? Freyr’s, or this new character?
I’m still torn. But I am leaning more and more towards this new character. He feels dynamic, and the character is a class I’ve never played before. Plus I think he’ll get along well with Lydia, Rhozal, and Charles. 
It’ll be a heartfelt goodbye if he leaves. But I feel like his chapter has come to a close. Besides, I feel like he’s a bit too... third wheel-y for what Rhozal and Lydia have going on. He feels too awkward. I don’t like his dynamic too much anymore. 
But who knows, maybe I’ll regret the decision either way. However, I do believe it’s time for my paladin to say goodbye. At least at the time of writing. I’ll provide updates when the fateful day comes.]
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fireteam-dauntless · 4 years
A Tale of Two Guardians XXVII
Part 1 of the Destined Series Chapter 27 : The Promethean Code masterlist
word count : 2.5k tag list : @mail-me-a-snail @basically-nacl @shins-wife @speed-boop
I stirred a bit from my sleep the next morning when I felt my body being adjusted.  I sighed quietly and rolled over.  I was startled awake when the door then flew open, and hit the wall with a loud thud. Before the intruder could announce themselves, I threw a Thunderstrike their way and hit them square in the chest, killing him instantly.  I jumped up, reached for my sword on the table, only it wasn’t there.  It started to process in my brain that this wasn’t my apartment, it took me another moment to recognize the Ghost, and Maverick was holding in his laughter as he walked over and revived him.  Skinner stood in the living room, staring me down like he was ready to stab me for it.
“Oh Fuck!”  I exclaimed, my face flushing bright. “I’m so sorry Skinner! It’s a natural reflex!”  I then turned to Maverick, who had a smug look on his face. “Why didn’t you wake me up and tell me he was coming?!”
“Because I wanted to see what would happen. And I was not disappointed.” he said trying to hide his laughter.
Skinner then looked at Maverick with revenge filled eyes and said, “Oh you cheeky motherfucker, I’ll get you back.”
“I’m sure you will, now that we’re all here we need to talk about our next mission.”
“Wait, what mission?”  I asked.
“Well we have to go steal something.”
“Steal something?  From who?”
“...From Rasputian…”
I must have been the only one in the room that was clueless, because I looked between both of them and they were staring at me expectantly. “Umm who’s that?” I pressed.
“A Warmind.”
“A Warmind?” I was dumbfounded.  Warminds are Golden Age Artificial Intelligence that connected the entire solar system through warsats, satellites, and weapons.  “I thought they were lost during the Collapse?”
“Well, they were, until we activated the last array in Old Russia and reactivated him,” Maverick answered.
“He should be okay, right?”  The thought of venturing into a Warmind made a pit form in my stomach.  This may be familiar for Maverick and Skinner, but this was uncharted territory for me.
“After we ran Omnigul out of there, Zavala sent in a few teams to seal the vault. Only one team came back.”  Skinner said, and promptly took a bow.
“Oh, then why are we going to a killer A.I. then?”  I crossed my arms and glared at both of them.  I didn’t like this idea one bit, but if there was no other way, then maybe we didn’t have a choice. 
“Because we are the only ones to come out alive in recent times.”
“Fair enough. So what’s the plan Mav?”  I walked over to the table, where the two of them were standing over the mission summary that they got from Cayde.
“Well we land in the Forgotten Shore, make our way to his bunker, go in, find the codes, take the codes and get out. Should be simple enough, the Vault's been sealed since Omnigul, so nothing could have gotten in.”
“So let me get this straight.”  I took a deep breath and rubbed my temples.  Why did mission summaries and plans always have to be discussed right after I woke up?  “We're headed into the deadliest Golden Age Warmind and stealing from it?”
“That’s the gist of it yeah.”
I looked at the two of them, standing there as if this mission was no big deal, and sighed in defeat.  “What have I gotten myself into with you guys?” 
“A lot of fun, duh.” Skinner cackled.
“Well let’s get going then.”  I split off from them, giving Maverick’s hand a small squeeze before I left to get changed into my armor.  Skinner must have noticed, because I could hear him giggling like a giddy schoolgirl and the muffled sound of their voices.  I shook my head and smiled.  As much as these guys had a tendency to lead me down suicide missions, I don’t think I could live a day without them anymore.
— — — — —
We all boarded our ships later on in the morning and flew out of the Hanger, though we stayed in the atmosphere and fell into formation.  Our Ghosts synchronized our ships and we all set a course for the Forgotten Shore.  Before we arrived Eris came over sounding both angry and concerned "Stealing from Rasputian… You are entering a world you do not understand."
"Don't worry about her Fireteam." Cayde interjected, "She's still mad about what you did to her ship. We need stealth tech to slip by the Taken and Warmind's bunker has the codes we need."
"Do you really think it should be this easy?" I asked Maverick.
"Honestly no," Mav sighed, "I can almost say for certain that we are going to see some Taken in there."
"But the Vault's been sealed for months!" Skinner protested.  "There's no way Taken could have breached it."
"And that's where you're wrong, I've seen enough Taken coming out of thin air and the walls to know better.  But for now let's hope we don't have to fight Taken."
We landed in the Forgotten Shore and Maverick asked, "Cayde how do you know Rasputian will still have the codes?"
"I already stole it once, used my last copy making that stealth drive you blew up.  Eh, it was getting old anyways." He said.
We hopped on our sparrows and rode over the shore.  I followed Maverick and Skinner to an old building, and we quickly dispatched the Fallen that were outside of it. We made our way to the bunker in the basement of the building.  As we began to descend the stairs, it must have finally clicked with Maverick that we couldn’t get into the Vault if it was sealed.
"Cayde, how are we supposed to get inside?"  He asked.  
"You've got the same bypass frequency that got me inside."
"He will protect his domain." Eris warned.
Maverick didn’t even have to input the codes, the doors opened on their own.  As the door opened, we saw more Taken rifts and my heart sank.  It was never going to be that easy. I reloaded my weapon and followed Maverick inside, Skinner bringing up the rear.
"More interdimensional goo, the Taken are here," Maverick reported.
"What? Not possible," Cayde said "We sealed the vault after the Omnigul breach."
“Cayde look at this.”  He had his Ghost turn on a video feed to the Vanguard channel.
“Oh that does look bad. Okay, so if you see them ah, just shoot’em."
We make our way further into the vault and head toward the end of the hall before Taken started popping out of thin air as they normally do.
“How did they get in there?” Cayde asked.
“The Taken are not bound by terrestrial constraints.” Eris said.
“Yeah, I bet they’ll be constrained by terrestrial bullets.” Cayde added.
With that, we charged at the Taken.  We cut down the Thrall and thinned their ranks.  I hung back a bit and started sniping the Vandals and Captains towards that back of the room.  The Vandals, however, became Maverick’s main aim of aggression.  Most likely because they cast their own ward. Once everything was gone, I caught up to Skinner and Maverick and they led me further into the Vault.  This place was familiar to them, they knew the halls like the back of their hands.
We began to push toward the end of the hall where more Taken began popping out. More Thrall, a Vandal, and a Captain.  Captains have a tendency to throw literal Darkness blast at us, not to mention they teleport way too damn much, more than the Thrall do.  When everything else was dead, Skinner and I stood next to each other, watching Maverick ruthlessly blast off the captain’s leg with his shotgun, let it collapse, before lining up his gun and blasting off it’s head.
“Really?” I asked.  “Was that necessary?”
“What? He was pissing me off!” he snapped back.
“Nice one Mav!” Skinner said as he laughed and clapped at the display of aggression.
“Listen, Storm, if it was a normal Captain I would have shown it mercy. But these aren’t Fallen Captain’s anymore.  Killing them is mercy at this point”
“Okay I’ll keep your word on that one,” I said in defeat.  As much I hated the Taken and as much as my morals wanted to spare every creature, regardless of its nature, I knew he was right.  “Now let’s keep moving.”
We continued through the bunker walking through what looked like a cooling chamber, most likely for the computer cores. 
Maverick’s Ghost commented, “I can’t believe the Taken can track us so easily.  Oryx really does hate us.”
“Well you did kill his son.” Dawn pointed out.
“Yeah, please don’t remind me.  Skinner and I have a small army after us to do the reminding for you.”
“Which is exactly why we’re here. We need those cloaking codes.”  Cayde piped in.
We left the cooling room and took another left as a door opened for us.  Rasputin was leading us right to his data center.
“Do you think Rasputian is guiding us to the codes?” I asked.
“It’s entirely possible, he probably recognizes us and the threat at hand.” Maverick replied.
We went through the door and more Taken came out to greet us.  This seemed to be never ending.  The Taken Centurions were interesting to deal with; they summon this seeking missile to try and kill us thankfully it's shootable, it’s very similar to my axion dart grenades.
We fight through them with little problems. After they’re all dead the next door unlocks and opens. We follow the door down to what looks like a power tunnel and more Taken Thrall popped in. We cut them down easily and proceeded to the only door in that room. The next area was a small intersection where we stopped to catch our breaths.
“Ugh I’m covered in Taken goo again!” I exclaimed in annoyance.  I shook off my hands and watched it cake the wall.  I wasn’t looking forward to cleaning my armor when we got back.
“Oh, you’re covered in goo.” Mav muttered bitterly, and Skinner and I turned to face him. My eyes widened at the sight.  Taken goo covered most of his armor.
Skinner almost died of laughter. “Oh no! Look out for the Taken Titan!”
I couldn’t help it.  I laughed along with Skinner. “Wow, I thought I was covered but never mind.”
Maverick sighed.  “Very funny, you guys.”  He shook off his hands and wiped the goo off the face of his helmet.  We used this time to take a breather; we reloaded our weapons and replenished our ammunition. We went to the open door. As with the other rooms, more Taken came to try and stop us.  At this point, it was tiring
“Alright I’m done with these Taken. Skinner if you would please?” Mav asked, making a grandiose sweeping motion in front of him.
“My pleasure, Metal Man.” He said.
Shortly after, he brought out his knife and Arc Light swirled about his body.  He then began to cut down all the Taken in the room and more that they came after the first wave. After they were all dead Skinner took a bow.
“Hope you two enjoyed the show!  I know I enjoyed making it. It’s a shame though, I wanted to cut open one of those Vandals.”
I rolled my eyes at him and patted him on the shoulder as Maverick and I walked by.  “Excellent work, Skinner.”
“Alright now, let’s go.  We must be close.” 
We went through the door, and another… and another… and another… and another, until it finally opened up to the control center.  "Really? How many damn doors does he need?" I commented, my annoyance clear in my voice.  And just like that, Taken spawned into the room.
“Okay, enough's enough,” Maverick growled as Solar Light illuminated his entire body.  With that, he pulled solar hammers out of thin air and threw them at the Psions and Centurions in the room.  He cleared them out in no time.
“Cayde we’re clear which console are we looking for?” He asked as the Solar energy faded from his body. Skinner and I walked closer to him.
“Umm, the one in the back I think.” He said.
“Found it.”
“Alright, see what you can pull out of Rasputian. Hmm, there’s a joke there somewhere.”
Mav deployed his Ghost and it scanned the computer.
“These cryptosystems follow no logic I understand. I’m not sure it can be modified to work on a Guardian.” 
“Where do you think Bladedancers got their cloaking ability?” He said mockingly, “Grab the codes, I’ll upload my modifications.”
“If the Vanguard is satisfied, we can finally end this. Return to the Moon. Steal Crota’s soul.”
The three of us followed the path back out of the bunker; there were no Taken left to slow us down as we headed into the early afternoon sunlight and transmatted back into our ships.
“That was a successful mission if I do say so myself,” Maverick said over the private channel.
“Yes it was,” Skinner agreed.  “And I’m, uh, I’m gonna head to the bar.  I’ll catch you guys tomorrow.” He dropped out of the channel as silence fell between the Maverick and I.
When we landed in the Hanger, I turned to Maverick.  “I’m going to head home to wash off all this goo.  You’re welcome to join me for a pot of coffee.”
“I’m actually going to head home, too.  Have a good night though, Angel.”
— — — — — 
A few hours later I was sitting in my living area, glimmer piled on the table, and I was finishing up getting the Taken goo off of my armor. It was around midnight now and it was pouring rain outside.  I sat back on the couch when I finished and yawned.  I looked over at my Ghost.  “Ghost, open a channel with Maverick.”
I waited a couple of minutes before he answered.  “Yeah?” He asked aloud, like he didn’t really pay attention to who had called him, or that he was preoccupied with something.
“Allô, mon chérie,”  I said softly.
“Oh, Storm, hey… everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine.”  I paused for a moment, and fiddled with the ends of my sleeves.  “Mav… I know where we’re going tomorrow.  Are you sure you guys are going to be okay.”
There was silence on his end.
“I’ll be fine, Skinner will be fine.  Don’t worry about it.”  There was a chill in his voice that made me doubt him.  “You should get some sleep.”
I chewed on the inside of my cheek.  “Maverick…”
“Angel, please…”  He was pleading with me now.  “Get some rest.”
“Okay.  Je t’aime, mon chérie.  Bonne nuit et fait de beaux rêves…”*
“Good night, Angel.”
--- translations ---
* I love you, my dear.  Good night and sweet dreams...”
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takerfoxx · 5 years
Right, okay, let’s talk about Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.
Oh boy, do I have a lot to unpack here. And, uh, content warning for discussion of rape and genocide.
Right, let’s start with my thoughts on the first one. Overall, I liked it a whole lot, but mostly I’m astounded that it got the go-ahead in the first place. I mean, a bizarre subversive take on Sleeping Beauty of all things that recasts Disney’s most iconic villain as a sort of anti-hero with a heavy feminist slant that had a blatantly unsubtle rape metaphor as its centerpiece? It should have been a trainwreck! Hell, it almost was a trainwreck, one that threatened to jump the tracks the entire runtime! It shouldn’t have worked, it almost didn’t work...but it still did.
Part of that was just how committed everyone involved was to its own mad premise. Say what you want about the idea, but it was ballsy as hell, and it totally went all in with...everything. I mean, you kind of have to just to make something like this work, as any kind of drawback or halfass would’ve caused the whole thing to come crashing down, so the only chance you’ve got is to point the whole endeavor straight at that brick wall and slam your foot down on the ignition. And it went in deep, recontextualizing King Steffen as a paranoid, manipulative, power-hungry madman; the three fairies as total dolts; Prince Philip, someone who might seem dull in comparison to later princes like Aladdin, Eric, or the Beast, but was still the most proactive prince Disney had at that point, as kind of a duffer whom Maleficent had to literally drag along on his own quest and who was understandably squeamish about kissing an unconscious girl against her will; Daival as a dashing sidekick; and completely flips the Maleficent/Aurora relationship on its head. That’s the sort of thing you see in those What If? fanfics that you tend to obsess over in highschool, and it comes packing all of the raw emotion of one of those fics, and because of that it pulls its own crazy premise off. Yes, it was flawed. Yes, there were things that didn’t work. But they almost don’t matter in light of just how impressive it was that they managed to pull something this audacious off.
And as for the rape metaphor...actually, scratch that. Let’s call a spade a spade, okay? It wasn’t a metaphor, that was straight up a rape. Maybe it wasn’t sexual, but what a lot of people forget is that rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power. It’s about dominating another person to take their power away so that the aggressor can feel powerful, and that’s how it was played, and they committed to showing it in all of its ugliness. I mean, holy shit that takes balls.
But the bulk of the reason why it worked was because of Angelina Jolie.
I mean, what an absolutely mesmerizing performance! The OG Maleficent was so memorable in part because everyone else in that movie kind of...wasn’t, but also because she was super cool and super badass and totally in love with being THAT BITCH! And Angelina Jolie absolutely owns that role.
I mean, she is Maleficent. She just took a DNA test, and I don’t need to tell you what the results are. She embodied all of that iconic character’s regal majesty, menace, cruelty, confidence, and knowing that she was the badass bitch to ever vamp about in a long black gown with a bitching pimp staff just ready to show up uninvited and wreak some unholy vengeance, and then some. There is no longer any need to wonder where your god is, because she is right there, and she is all out of mercy.
But then she goes and gives actual depth to a really awesome but still kind of one note character, from the young innocence before she was betrayed to genuinely bonding with young Aurora to her desperate heartbreak over being unable to break her own curse to actual fear when it seems that the mad king has finally got her to...well, the agony of betrayal when she wakes up and fully realizes what Steffen has done to her. That’s a wide range of emotions to have to portray in a character only known for being smirkingly evil or ragingly evil, but she goes in hard, and basically holds the whole haphazard production together through the sheer gravitational pull of her performance.
So when they announced a sequel, I was intrigued. In fact, I was hoping for another totally insane, probably a bad idea production that just goes HAM on whatever crazy topical stuff it wants to talk about with Angelina Jolie just owning everything she touches.
But what it turned out to be...
Let’s do this.
All right, I won’t go into specific plot details until I reach the spoiler cut, because they’re not really important. What I want to get across is the first third of this movie, it really had me. It was good! It had everything I liked about the first one. Different situation, sure, but we had Maleficent being Maleficent and bouncing off other characters, both old and new, and it was good.
Then the second third rolled around, and things started to come apart. I mean, it didn’t totally lose me or anything, there was a lot of good stuff, we learn a lot of cool lore, there’s a kickass Zootopia-type place we visit with a whole bunch of biomes, and I was generally okay with how things were, assuming that they could stick the landing. But the big problem here was that there was a whole lot less of Maleficent. Oh, she was there, sure, but she wasn’t really...doing much, mostly just walking around while some other character explained exposition to her, to which she barely even reacts, so we’re left with Aurora and Philip and Michelle Pfieffer as the new evil queen to do all the heavy lifting. And they do an admirable job of it I suppose (though the lack of romantic chemistry between Aurora and Philip was really noticeable here), but this part was seriously missing Angelina Jolie’s overwhelming presence that the first movie had, so the seams started to show.
And then we get to the third act, and that’s where it all fell apart for me. So, I guess it’s spoiler time.
Long story short, the main plot is that Prince Philip’s mom is evil and is trying to arrange for the total genocide of all of Maleficent’s fairy subjects in the Moors so that the humans can take over. And she does this by first poisoning the king with the same curse Aurora was originally under and blaming it on Maleficent (okay, that works), have Maleficent sniped when she tries to flee with an iron bullet (makes sense), come up with a special iron/magic flower compound that is fatal to fairies (good so far), and luring the Moors inhabitants in with the promise of being wedding guests, locking them in the cathedral, and dousing them with this fairy killing dust. And just in case, she also has the entire castle barricaded and guarded with a whole bunch of fairy killing dust weapons and traps.
You know what? For an evil plot, she really worked out most of the contingencies, and it nearly succeeds, though the question must be asked of why the Moors inhabitants just stroll right in after their guardian just straight up disappears after doing the same thing. But anyway, she gets as far as actually locking up all the fairies and pelting them with the killer dust.
But then the castle is attacked. See, all through the second act, Maleficent is rescued by the rest of her people, the Dark Fae, and it turns out that they’ve slowly been forced by humans to retreat to a single sanctuary, but they’re ready to reclaim their homelands by force, and after seeing her people’s sacred burial grounds defiled and the Dark Fae that saved her assassinated by humans, Maleficent is feeling pretty okay with that. In fact, the warmonger Dark Fae that’s all for violence and who leads the attacks makes a point that Maleficent has powers that not even they possess and could be their secret weapon. I mean, just have her show up and be all Mistress of Evil. Makes sense, right?
Buuuuuuut, then they attack the humans and...just sort of leave her behind? Like, she just stays with the dying dude who sacrificed himself to save her and was the one espousing a peaceful solution, and no one bothers to try to get her to come along despite her having every reason to kick all sorts of ass? Like, they have the forest magic going for them, sure, but she’s packing that green fire of I WIN, YOU LOSE, and they just...don’t take her with them?
And as predicted, the humans unleash all their killer dust bombs and killer dust missiles and just massacre the Dark Fae. We see several of them just get slaughtered on screen, and meanwhile we also watch the Moor fairies also getting massacred in what amounts to a fucking GAS CHAMBER, complete with several of them straight up dying on screen, including one of the three fairies! No, I’m being serious, they straight up kill the Blue Fairy!
But then Maleficent shows up fashionably late, green fires all the humans into submission, has her big faceoff with the queen, there’s a bunch of stuff with Aurora and Philip trying to get everyone to stop fighting, there’s a big fakeout GOTCHA with Maleficent dying to save Aurora but coming back because I guess she’s the Phoenix or something, then the queen gets captured and turned into a goat and everyone’s friends now so they all get together and let Aurora and Philip have their wedding because the power of love wins in the end!
Okay, so there is something to be said for the letting peace and understanding win out and refusing to continue the cycle of violence, but, um, wasn’t there, you know, A FUCKING GENOCIDE HAPPENING NOT TOO LONG AGO? And by not too long ago, I mean literally five minutes? We see Dark Fae and Moor fairies dying en mass! And they don’t come back! I mean, there’s a sly hint that the Blue Fairy lives on as a flower or something, but that’s not really elaborated on, and we literally see a whole bunch of people get massacred! But now we’re just going to have a wedding right over everyone’s conveniently bloodless corpses and everyone’s just fine with it? And the evil queen that arranged this whole slaughter gets humorously turned into a goat and everyone laughs at in, including the recovered king (because apparently to break the curse for good all you needed was to destroy the original spindle, so I guess so much for that touching retelling of True Love’s Kiss from the first movie! Totally unnecessary now!) who just says something like, “I’m sure Maleficent will turn her back...assuming we want her to.” And then he just makes a face as if the queen was just a nagging harpy that was hard to put up with and not a literally murderous despot who tried to assassinate you and bring your kingdom to total war by eradicating the neighbors you were trying so hard to work out a peace with!
No. Fuck that, no! That is bullshit! Choose a path and fucking commit! That’s what the first movie did! It decided it was going to sneak a fucking rape scene into a Disney movie that was to be seen by a lot of little girls, and it went all in, up to and including never blaming Maleficent for wanting to take vengeance and putting all of the blame on Steffen, so it worked! If you’re going to stick in a fucking genocide, then you better show the horrific aftereffects of that genocide, not a weaksauce power of love, everyone’s friends now ending! And make the despising of the queen actually mean something, not just a humorous slapstick humiliation!
Fucking hell, what were they thinking?
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