#anthony why are you pinning this on my son leave him out of this
methcheese · 6 months
cannot believe the justification for hermies death is “because he isnt paeden” why are we pitting two queens against each other
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nutria--oscura · 6 months
me? listening to an ep when it comes out rather than hours later? a rare occasion for sure (shit's gonna go down isn't it?)
~spoilers for s2 ep47~
"crunchy munchy refuge"? HENRY'S BACK? PLEASE
"they must deal with the loss of a team member" WELL- YEA. THEY BETTER TALK ABOUT IT
hi um... what song is this? why? oh- no reason... not sobbing at all [screams]
we did it boys... Hermie finally got his show stopping number, his final performance, the entire cold open to himself.
"this same podcast dungeons and dragons" PART ?? OF WILL SAYING IT DND INSTEAD OF DNDADS (it makes me giggle so much every time)
every time Matt opens Link's fact by reminding everyone that the teens are spouses, it returns to me the life Anthony takes away whenever he hurts Hermie
loving the energy in the room
oh? Lark and Sparrow are with them?
idiots- the lot of the- WAIT WHAT- ANTHONY
Lark just trying to leave-
Normal doesn't see Hermie? wow, ok, i'm already crying- ok
"this heaven has one less spouse, but heaven has one more angel" I love Hermie but, that boy is not going to heaven
Anthony sounded so inspired when he said "garages" I aspire to be that inspired in my life lol
Hi Will, let Normal go feral please :) Merci <3
"I want to pull the pin on one of them and then throw the whole box at them" to that I raise you, wasn't it Darryl who threw the ENTIRE bag of beans in s1? Wilsons and throwing full containers of dangerous stuff, I tell ya-
"the shrapnel does a cool, like right over my eyebrow? y'know, cool scar, y'know?" SCAR SCAR SCAR SCAR ON LINKKK
Pennies? NAT 1 NOOOOO
"they haven't made pennies in years Normal" oKAY
I just saw 2 ppl's names who are coming up and i am now so terrified-
how did I fucking know that that would be the knock- whAT?
Henry has a portal to old earth?
jumping = falling upward
Oakvale? man with bracele- iS THAT BARRY?
why does he have old Erin O'Neil's voice
ok. who said Henry would be like "i'm still alive cause of my healthy vegan lifestyle" to the other dads? i'm giving you a pat on the head and a cookie
"can you go wait outside" oH NOOOOOO
"if none of you guys can help him and none of you guys understand how this works then we gotta go to the one guy who can!" THE WAY I JUMPED OUT OF MY FUCKING SEAT WHEN WILL SIAD THT- SCAM ACTUALLY IS BACK TOOO BOIS
Scary's voice- oh gosh-
"I'm here when it's sad, I'm here when it's fun. Did somebody do something to my son?" NEW SCAM OPENING RHYME AHHHHHH
"he's just a goof, goofs never die" WHAT IF I DIE?
hey, Anthony. fuck you <3 /j well... /hj
YES NORMAL PUNCH HIM (can you guys tell i love scam?)
"bad girl, i'm a bad girl i do what needs to be done. sometimes people fuck with my friends and i fuck with them back"
"you feel like home for some reason" WHAT IF I CRY?
one thing i have learned is when Will's character(s) start crying, i cry. and well... Normal's crying, and gUESS WHAT?
"Normal goes to the sort of fresh mound of earth, where Hermie is buried, and he kneels and he says, 'I liked you too.' He puts his hand on the dirt and he says, 'goodnight sweet prince.'" OH GOD OH FUCK- I LITERALLY COLLAPSED ON THE GROUND AND WHEN I GOT UP SLIPPED AND SLID DOWN THE WALL FROM CRYING- OH GEEZ- "GOODBYE SWEET PRINCE, SWEET PRINCE" OH GOSH-
i'm sorry- they're teaching Hero AND NORMAL
what. the. fuck.
love that Normal at 6 years old had the intelligence to lock the door. no one at daddies hq did that. like, the door was unlocked when Normal got there
In conclusion:
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TW; Mentions of alchohol,drugs, sexual assault implications, psychical beatings;
Character short 2 Mercury Black
Mercury sigh softly laying in bed as Korn plays in the background as he softly lip synch to the words trying not to have those terrifying flashbacks....that look on ruby's face when he was winning against Rnjr/Rwby....the way ozpin hit Oscar. He fought so hard...so hard not to remember but it was too much..he gently grab a pillow and scream while began sobbing.........
Four years ago
The room was silent with three males in the room. Mercury just stared at marcus in anger then look at Anthony who was behind him staring in fear then look at the smug bastard...it didn't take him long to realized what happened " you...YOU BASTARD!!!" He screamed tackling his father down "MERCURY!!!" his dearest friend yelled only to step back hearing glass shattered "stay down brat" marcus growl pinning his own child down. The man gently ran his fingers down on Mercury's back " I wonder boy...after everything I've done...I wonder why you never..ticked...I want to see what makes you tick....*chuckle* I mean I got to see what makes my little pet tick"
Anthony frozed hearing what marcus said. He gently look away sadly feeling helpless " just please marcus...don't hurt h-" " or what? I already own you" marcus interrupted chuckling before taking a swig of his rum "don't think I forgot our contra-" Mercury growl amd yell head butting his 'father' if thats you even called him " you sick sick fucking bastard!!! The silver hair boy yelled punching and kicking his father " I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" The male scream crying while marcus dodge finding this rather amusing before punching his son in the gut " remember this boy...love is a weakness. Remember your mother? I couldn't save he'd because I was too weak to save her!" He kicked mercury so hard to the point the poor boy hit the wall then landed face down. When he sat up slightly, mercury started coughing up some blood " fuck" he said shakingly and softly then grunted feeling his hair pulled " love makes you pathetic. And now I have a fucking heir to take care of AND HES NOT EVEN THAT POWERFUL OR STRONG!!" once he kick on Mercury's back the boy screamed so loud it could of echoed in the mountains causing an avalanche. Marcus scoff " get up." He demanded getting off then grunted jumping feeling something poking his back. Once he glance behind him Anthony was pointing his unfinished scythe at marcus " leave..leave him alone" he said softly. Marcus roll his eyes " stay out of this ..." he pinned Anthony against the wall petting his cheek then pull his hair back "slut. You and I are going to have a talk later."
Mercury growl and threw an empty beer bottle at him "Leave him the fuck alone marcus!!! Whatever this is stays between you and I. Not Anthony not Duncan FUCK NOT EVEN WILL! YOU AND I." He growl. Marcus smirk turning around eyes flashed with a killer instinct " let's go bitch..."
Hours past after so many scratches, cuts bruises hair pulling stuff breaking the place began to set on fire. Just as mercury was what to lay another hit he jump felt something grab his wrist as the two began running outside the building the two gently panting " are...are you ok?" Anthony asked mercury. Silence....that's not. Good....especially when Anthony look what he's staring at....Marcus was walking out of the Flames full of burnt markings now which made him scoff " pathetic. Running away like a damn coward and here I thought your semblance I took was pathetic." He chuckle
Mercury growl and just as the two were about to clash...
The screen went black with an anonymous red words ' Too Be Continued' appear with blood curling scream in background faded can be heard
D A W M coming soon on wattpad some point
0 notes
fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
Out of Character (Rafe Cameron) Part Eight
Warnings: All characters are aged 18+. Sexual innuendos, sexual tension. Swearing, name calling (not in the fun way). Angst.
Author's Notes: I'm sorry this took me so long to release. I had severe block for this - I knew where I wanted to go with it, but it was just a matter of hoping over those stones. I think this is a good start.
*This is a direct continuation of Part Seven.
Please see my masterlist for all other works . My work is NOT to be transferred, translated, reposted or copied to any other sites without my permission. But feel free to reblog on here if that tickles your fancy. Thank you for all your support xoxo
Rafe scanned the dance floor where he saw Gemma standing with Sarah, the two giggling as they passed a bottle of wine back and forth between small hip shakes. Rafe ran a hand through his hair as he stomped over to Gemma. He grabbed the wine bottle from her hands, slammed it on the table and pulled her out to the terrace.
"What the fuck, Rafe?" I was talking to Sarah." Gemma slurred as she pulled her arm from his grip.
"You're drunk, and your fucking boyfriend just got tossed out of here." Rafe spat as he pointed a finger in her face.
"You got kicked out?" Gemma asked as she reached for his lapels.
"Not mme! Fucking Maybank! Did you tell him to come here?" Rafe yelled , his eyes wild with rage.
"No! Why would I do that?" Gemma asked as she recoiled from him. They had been in more fights than she could count, but he always scared her when he yelled.
"Because you can't stay away from him." Rafe glared as he looked her up then down. He was briefly disgusted as he thought about the way she moved under him, and wondered if she was the same with Maybank.
The slap across his face was quick, he didn't see it coming. Rafe pursed his lips as he registered what had happened. He leaned down to her height, his hands in his pockets.
"Fuck you, Rafe. Suck your own dick tonight." Gemma replied before she turned to walk away from him.
Rafe grabbed her elbow and pulled her against him once more. He held her tight against his chest and looked down at her.
"You're coming home with me tonight, Mercer." Rafe spat as he held her close with his left hand and his right hand held her face, his eyes fixed on her painted lips.
"Why would I go home with you, asshole?" Gemma glared as she tried to push him away, but he was simply too strong.
"Because you're drunk and I'm not sucking my own dick. Not tonight, not ever." Rafe replied with a squeeze of her face.
As Gemma was about to speak they heard the commotion from around the corner off the side of the awning. Rafe released his hold on Gemma and took her hand, gently, a far cry from how he had held her seconds ago. He led her from the balcony terrace to the rest of the party where JJ was still being led away from the party.
"Get him the fuck out of here." Rafe yelled with a toss of his hand towards JJ.
"Rafe, stop. Please. Let's just go." Gemma begged softly with a tug of his sleeve.
JJ wrestled himself from David's grasp, held up his hands in defense and began to make his way towards the candlelit exit. He grabbed an expensive scotch glass or two on the way out, tossing back the contents for liquid courage.
"Don't leave with him Gemma. You're better than Rafe Cameron. Hell. You can do better than me. Just don't leave with that animal!" JJ yelled as he backed off the country club property, a finger pointed at Gemma but his eyes fixed on Rafe.
"I'm an animal? You're the one who can't keep his filthy fucking hands off my girlfriend." Rafe seethed as he pushed Gemma behind him to take a few steps through the crowd towards JJ.
Gasps, followed by an almost ear splitting silence. Rafe didn't mean to say that. Definitely it in front of everyone with money and power in the OBX.
"Gemma Nadine Mercer, get in the car. We are leaving." Anthony Mercer stated firmly behind Gemma with a hand on her shoulder.
"Dad. It's not what you think." Gemma stated quickly as she turned to face her father, all the wine she had consumed that evening leaving her body.
"What? That you're the whore of the Outer Banks? The fist fight I broke up the in the men's room earlier certainly makes sense now. Get your ass in the car. Now. You're more like your mother every day." Anthony Mercer spat beneath his breath as he took hold of his daughters elbow to tug her away from Rafe who still glared at JJ.
Gemma swallowed a sob as she ripped her arm from her father's grasp before she made her way through the rich gawkers of the OBX. She pulled her hair out of the twist Petra had helped her with earlier and tossed the pearl barrette into the well trimmed hedges.
"Now, you look like a respectable young woman."
Her step mother's voice in her head sent shivers down her spine. She already felt like a respectable young woman, and didn't want to be Petra's version of that. A loud sob was released from the back of her throat as she stepped onto the pavement of the parking lot looking for her dad's car. Her son echoed throughout the dark lot.
"Gemma! Gemma, wait!" A voice called after her as shoes scuffed across the pavement.
"Leave me alone!" Gemma screamed as she stumbled through the parked cars.
"Stop! It's me, Topper." He panted as he came up behind her and gently placed a hand on her hip.
"In what fucked up fantasy would I want to see you right now, Topper?" Gemma replied harshly as she turned on her heel quickly to smack his hands away from her.
"You forgot your bag inside." Topper stated as he handed her the small white clutch.
"Oh. Thank you." She sobbed as a fresh batch of tears rushed down her face.
"I'm sorry about tonight, Gemma. The fight we got into with JJ, Rafe and JJ getting in that screaming match." Topper stated as he pulled at his cufflinks.
"It's okay, Topp." Gemma smiled weakly as she turned away from him.
"You don't have to leave, Gemma." Topper called after she had walked a few steps away from him.
"I do, though. Dad said the whore of the OBX should get in the car. So, that's where I'm going." Gemma sniffled with a rub of her forehead as she stopped.
"You're not a whore, Gemma. And you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to. Unlike you and Sarah, I didn't steal wine off tables all night long. I can take you wherever you want to go." Topper smiled softly as he pulled his car keys from his pocket.
"The beach. I want my toes in the water. But only if you still have your emergency bottle of vodka in your trunk." Gemma replied with a deep breath as she tried to call herself.
"Always have since I met you." Topper chuckled as he reached his hands towards her, smiling as she took it and let him lead her to his Jeep.
Topper pulled his Jeep as far down onto the beach as his could and parked it. He laughed as Gemma squealed then ran out of the car, her woes from not 20 minutes earlier seemingly forgotten.
"Gemma, careful. Wait for me before you run into the water!" Topper yelled as he pulled off his expensive suit jacket and tossed it onto the sand, then took off with a run after the drunk Mercer girl.
Topper grabbed Gemma at the hips and bent her over his shoulder, smiling at her uproarious laughter as he carried her away from the shore and back towards the Jeep. She clung to his hips as he carried her, her shoes at the tips of her toes at the ready to fall.
"No water. Got me?" Topper stated as he pulled Gemma off his shoulder to place her on her feet, with her back against the side of the Jeep.
"What will you give me?" Gemma giggled as she pulled at the collar of his shirt, her toes curled in the sand.
"Gemma, don't play games with me. You said you wanted to come here because you were sad. We can sit here, but don't tease me." Topper muttered but made no effort to remove her hands from his shirt. He quite liked her hands on him, and had missed her touch. But would never say that aloud.
"Fixing your shirt is teasing? Boy, you're easy to get going, Topper." Gemma smiled as she smoothed her hands down his chest then looked up into his eyes.
"I swear to God, Gemma. I'm not above fucking you in the back of my Jeep right here." Topper growled as he removed her hands from his chest to pin them to the sides of the Jeep.
He stared he down and he realized it was the first time they had touched since the night Rafe threatened to break his legs. He had missed her, as wild as she could be. And regardless of how much trouble she seemed to get him in.
As the two looked each other in the eyes, both of them daring the other to make the first move, Topper felt his heart beat in his ears.
"Gemma." Came a loud voice from the rocks that lined the beach.
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment xoxo
@sodasback @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @multisimpinghoe @lovelyxtom @cooper8224 @bardown26
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marvelship-oneshots · 3 years
Here is my second fill for the Royalty AU with KIng!Steve and Prince!Tony of the Stony Trope and AU Bingo by @therollingstonys
Royalty AU where Steve is supposed to marry Peggy for the good of his kingdom but he fals deeply in love with Tony.
It took Tony all of his courage only to walk down the corridor and now that he was standing in front of the door, his heart was racing at 100 miles per hour.
“Here goes nothing” he whispered, before knocking on the door.
He heard steps coming towards the door. Steve finally opened.
“Hey Tony” he greeted with a smile.
He was just in a pair of horse riding pants. Those and nothing else, leaving his toned and muscular chest out in the open for Tony to admire. If he hadn’t forced himself to look away, Tony was sure he would end up drooling.
“Oh, hi Your Majesty” he managed to babble.
“I told you already, drop the formalities” Steve replied laughing.
Steve showed Tony in his room, closing the door behind them.
“What brings you here?” Steve asked, sitting on the bench at the base of his bed. Tony sat next to him, then stood up again and started pacing up and down.
“Is everything ok Tony?” Steve asked, concerned.
“No. Everything is not ok. The opposite of ok, actually”
“Hey what’s wrong?” Steve asked, trying to grab Tony’s wrist.
“Don’t touch me” Tony moved his arm harshly “please” he whispered before Steve sat back in his old place.
“Can you please let me in your head? I can’t help you otherwise”
Tony stopped in front of Steve, playing with his fingers.
“Don’t marry her” Tony whispered in such a loud voice that it was almost impossible to hear.
“Don’t marry her. Please, Don’t marry her”
“Tony” Steve whispered with a softness in his voice that Tony had never heard “You know I have to”
“Not until I tried everything”
“Don’t do this Tony. It’s not about me. It’s about the kingdom, the people. I have to marry Peggy”
“I love you, Steve, your Majesty. I’m in love with you”
Steve gulped.
“Don’t say that”
“I’ll keep saying it because it’s true” Tony felt a tear roll on his cheek.
“Don’t. Please. You don’t mean it, it’s not real”
“NO!” Tony screamed a little bit too loud “With all due respect your Majesty, no. You might not love me and that’s ok, but don’t, not even for a little second, dare to tell me that my feelings aren’t real”
Steve opened his mouth to talk.
“Don’t bother. I’ll gather my things and clean my rooms. I'll be gone before the end of the day. I hope it will be a lovely wedding. Farewell, your Majesty”
Tony headed to the door, but before he could put a hand on the handle, he felt something grabbing him by the wrist. Steve spun him around.
“You didn’t let me talk” Steve whispered in a low, raw voice.
“I don’t see what’s left to say. I love you, you don’t love me, and of the story. Now, please let me go so I can get out of your face as soon as possible, your Majesty”
Steve tightened the grip around Tony’s waist.
“It’s starting to sound a hell of a lot like you’re fucking with me Tony, with all of this Your Majesty crap, y’know. But I bet you like it, don’t you? I know I do”
A shiver went down Tony’s spine as he heard the raspiness in his voice.
“Now, how about you let me talk and listen to me huh”
“It’s not really necessary” Tony whispered back.
“You had you time to make a monologue, now let me make mine”
“No, I can’t, I’m sorry” Tony tried to free himself from Steve’s grip.
Steve let go of him, putting a hand on Tony’s hip and turning him to face him. He took in his fist the collar of Tony’s shirt and then lowered himself, pressing their lips together. Steve let go of the shirt, holding on to him by his waist. Tony circled Steve’s neck with his arms, clinging as close as humanly possible.
“Now you’ll listen to me,” Steve asked in between pants once he pulled away, keeping their foreheads together.
“I love you, Tony. I’ll be damned for how much I love you. You understand me?”
Tony murmured a little ‘yes’.
“I didn't quite get that” Steve replied with a malicious smirk.
“Yes, Your Majesty”
“Much, much better” Steve whispered on Tony's lips with a smile.
Steve pushed Tony until he met the edge of the bed with the back of his knees. Then, he pushed just a bit more, to make Tony fall under his weight. Tony’s hands caressed the muscles on Steve’s back. Slowly Steve unbuttoned Tony’s shirt, breaking off the kiss only to kiss collarbones. Then, he moved to the lines of his defined muscles.
Tony unbuttoned Steve’s pants and Steve pulled them down to his ankles, kicking them away, then he managed to help Tony slip out of his. Steve slid a hand into Tony’s brief, tickling Tony’s point already dripping in precum with his thumb.
“Oh God, your Majesty, that's so good,” Tony said in between pants as Steve wrapped his hand around Tony’s member and started stroking.
Steve ripped Tony’s underwear and threw them on the floor, next to the other pile of clothes.
Steve licked his index before sliding it inside of Tony and he felt his walls tighten around it.
“So good, baby, so good” he whispered with a raspy voice in Tony’s ear, just before biting his lobe.
Then, he slid in a second and a third finger, curing them and straightening them in fast sequences. When Tony was stretched enough, Steve pulled his fingers out, licking his tiptoe.
“Oh baby boy, you’re so sweet. Wanna try for yourself?”
Tony vigorously nodded and Steve slid his index and middle finger in Tony’s mouth.
“Please, Steve”
“What do you want, Tony?” Steve took both of their members in his hand and started stroking with a steady pace.
“I want you to fuck me”
“Oh, I see. Is this the way to talk to a King?”
“No, sir, fuck” Tony arched his back when Steve started tapping on his point.
“Then ask properly”
“Steve, Your majesty, my King, please, I want y-you to fuck me, please, my king, please”
Steve let go of their cocks, placing himself by Tony’s entrance.
“That’s more like it, baby”
Standing on his arms, Steve pushed in and stayed firm for a second, letting Tony’s walls adjust to his size.
“God, baby, you’re so tight, just for me”
Steve started pounding, taking Tony’s wrists with one hand and pinning them over his head. He tried to find the right angle and when Tony moaned louder than before, Steve understood that he had found the right place and slowed down.
“My King, please, faster”
“You’re so beautiful when you beg for me, baby boy”
Steve gave two strong thrusts, hitting Tony’s prostate.
“You want faster, and faster you shall have” he whispered, accelerating the pace.
Tony’s vision became blurry and he felt a nice, little shiver, running down his spine. He arched his back and his toes curled, releasing over both his and Steve’s chest. Steve licked the cum from Tony’s stomach, letting go of his hands so that he could hang onto his shoulder and caressed his cheek as his thrusts became slower and sloppier.
He screamed Tony’s name as he filled his hole.
Tony was laying on his stomach, half of his body covered by the luxurious silky sheet. On the other half, Steve was lightly passing his fingertips on the fine lines of Tony’s back muscles.
“We can’t do this anymore” Steve suddenly said.
Tony sat on the bed on the other side from Steve.
“Why, Steve?”
Steve tried to put a hand on Tony’s tight.
“Tony, you know. For how beautiful and special this was, it can’t happen again. I’m getting married later today to a fantastic Princess, who I might not be in love with, but who doesn’t deserve a cheating husband”
Tony brushed away a tear that fell on his cheek before Steve could see it.
“Don’t marry her. Marry me”
“Tony, what are you talking about?”
“Marry me, Steve”
“Tony…I’m marrying her because-”
“Yeah, I know why you’re marrying Peggy, you told me. To expand and get protection for your kingdom. I get that, I do.”
“It pains me to ay this Tones, but you can’t give me what I need, maybe what I want, but not what my kingdom needs”
Tony looked at the ceiling and breathed in deeply.
“I can give you what you need, and more”
Steve looked perplexed.
“I am Anthony Stark, son of King Howard”
Tony bit his lip as he stared at Steve as the realization hit him.
“You…oh shoot, I’m sorry, I should have recognised you”
Tony moved his hand.
“Heh, I didn’t even recognise myself until a couple of days ago”
Steve chuckled.
“Wha-what happened to you?”
Tony crawled closer to Steve, snuggling against his chest, hearing his heart beating.
“As you know, my dad died a while ago and, as per his instructions, the Kingdom fell into my godfather’s hands until I got married”
“Obadiah” Steve whispered.
“Yes, him. Now, that was a fucking bad idea. Doesn’t surprise me though. Well, the kingdom, well, let’s say it went through a rough patch, and I wasn’t allowed to meet people, not to get married anyways. Because he knew, he knew that one he got married I would be the rightful King and he couldn’t let that happen”
Steve brushed away one of Tony’s tears that fell on his chest and started caressing the back of his hair. If a tear fell on his cheek as well, that’s not for anyone to know.
“I managed to run away to find myself a nice someone to marry when the storm hit and I forgot who I was. Wanna know something funny though?”
Steve nodded.
“I was actually coming here because I’ve heard that there was a nice, handsome King looking for a spouse”
“Ok, now you just want to get into my graces,” Steve said laughing.
“Mh, maybe. The offer still stands, though”
“To marry you?”
Tony nodded. Suddenly, Steve stopped stroking his hair and his heartbeat accelerated.
“You don’t have to tell me now. If you ever decide to accept it, meet me at Solstice Park at sunset. If you don’t come, I’ll know”
Tony put on his clothes and left a small peck on Steve’s lips and walked to the door.
“Goodbye, Your Majesty” he bowed before walking out.
“Get out of your head, man, you’re getting married” Bucky chuckled, throwing himself on Steve’s bed, waiting for him to get ready.
“Yeah, I’m not sure about that”
“What?” Bucky sat up straight “You can’t change your mind now”
Steve finished closing the buttons of the shirt and put the open tie around his neck, walking to Bucky to let him tie it for him. Then, he went back to his vanity and grabbed his silver cufflinks.
“Steve, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Tony came by earlier and well, we…y’know”
“Ok you had sex, go on”
Steve tied the first cufflink and sat next to Bucky.
“He told me he loves me and well, you know I love him too”
“Yes I do, a bit too well”
“He’s King’s Howard’s son” Bucky’s eyes widened.
“Didn’t he die?”
“Howard, yes. Tony was just benched, I guess. Well, he needs a spouse to get his kingdom back”
“He better find one, because that dude is a douche”
“What! You know as well as I do that it’s true”
“Yeah that’s not the point, though”
And just like that, Bucky knew that there was something more to it.
“Oh my God, he proposed, didn’t he?”
Steve nodded.
“And you are actually thinking about accepting his proposal, aren’t you?”
He nodded again.
“I don’t know what to do, Buck. What do I do?”
“I can’t tell you what to do. But if you love him I guess you know what to do”
“I need to talk to Peggy”
Steve stood up and rushed to the door.
“You do you, but whatever you decide, remember that I’m with you till the end of the line”
Steve smiled at his best friend and rushed out of the door.
Steve stopped for a couple of seconds to catch his breath before knocking on the door. Behind it, there was the beautiful woman he was meant to marry. He realised that, if Tony hadn’t come along, he would have been really lucky to be her husband. And to have her as his wife. He probably could have tricked himself into marrying her. It wouldn’t have been the same, but arranged marriages worked like that.
Peggy’s lady-in-waiting opened the door, signing to Peggy to move somewhere Steve couldn’t see her.
“Is Princess Peggy here?”
“Oh no, sir. She’s here, but you can’t see her before the wedding, sir, Your Majesty”
“Ma’m, I need to talk to her”
“Cara, let him in” Steve heard a voice coming from inside the chamber.
“Yes, your Highness”
Steve walked in. Peggy was in her under vest fixing her jewels. Her makeup and hair were perfect. She was perfect, Steve noticed, he should have been blind not to see that. He felt bad for basically dumping her, but he couldn’t see his life with anyone else but Tony.
“My King” she bowed.
“Can… we please talk?”
“What’s wrong, Your Majesty?”
“I don’t know how to say this…”
Peggy sat on the edge of her bed, patting the covers next to her, signing to Steve to go sit next to her.
Peggy took Steve’s hand in hers.
“You don't want to marry me, do you?”
Steve shook his head.
“You are amazing and lovely and God, you're beautiful, but…”
“I’m not him. I know. Go marry him, be happy”
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry”
“Go, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine”
“He’s not gonna come. Pepper, he’s not coming”
“Calm down Tony, it’s not sundown just yet”
Tony was walking up and down, under the floral arch in the park, playing with the cuffs of the shirt.
“Tony, stop playing with your shirt”
“No Pep, you don’t understand. I have a feeling in my guts that tells me he’s not coming”
“Well- Rhodey got up from his chair, getting on his assigned place under the arch- your guts must be wrong then,” he said pointing at something in front of him.
Tony and Pepper turned in the direction pointed by Rhodey. They saw two horses running towards them.
Steve was riding a beautiful white horse and Bucky was just behind him on a black one.
“Steve, slow down, come here” Bucky screamed, tying the horses to a tree and ran after Steve.
“Come here for the love of God” Bucky whispered when Steve finally stopped.
“You forgot this,” he said, taking a crown from his bag and placing it on Steve’s head.
“Now go and get married,” he said with a smile, patting Steve on the shoulder, as he walked down the lane, towards his love and happiness.
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The Red Viper and the Honeybee - Oberyn Martell x Bridgerton AU
Bridgerton AU!Oberyn Martell x Fem!Bridgerton!reader
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Author’s Note: I fell down the rabbit hole of Oberyn content and I watched Bridgerton on Netflix, it is terrible from a historical standpoint but from a story standpoint it is fantastic. So that is why I am labelling this as Bridgerton as its own au instead of a historical au and also I am putting you (reader insert) as the diamond of the season or Daphne Bridgerton, but trying to be as inclusive as I can be with your skin, hair, and body type (by not putting my bias involved). Also I will be basing a lot of etiquette and phrasing from the regency and romantic era. I hope that clears things up for you.
TL:DR: Bridgerton horrible for historical fiction but fantastic for story inspiration. Bridgerton is basically the Regency Era!Lite with a dash of modernism in it. Also you are 21-23 years old and Oberyn is mid 20s-30s years old in this fic.
Warnings: Men being pretentious, some misogyny happening, society having expectations for  women, historical misogyny in general (please take care of yourselves before and after reading this if these sort of things can hurt you, I love you all), Game of Throne characters being OOC (I mean like all of them, sorry)
Taglist: @ ilikechocolatemilkh , @janelongxox Thank you for being interested in this mess enough to be tagged in this
Word Count: almost 10k (this got over me, yikes)
For a man to capture my whole heart and attention, they must treat me as their equal and partner in life, for if they don’t then I would be a fool for yearning for them in the first place. My mother was the one to instill these ideals in me since I was young and wants me to find a partner that will be my best friend in all that I am and the same for him.
I debuted in the social market of Westeros rather late in the standards of high society but my father recently passed away so it was overlooked in that sense as my family was given a grieving period to be allowed to be secluded from the world to grieve properly. My father and mother are my favorite people in the world who I adore as well as my younger sisters and older brothers. I am the eldest daughter whom I’ve been giving responsibility to secure finances with suitors, but my family (may the gods bless them so) will forever love me even as a spinster if I never find one in my lifetime.
My homeland is Honeyholt and my mother is the Duchess of Honeyholt, my family is in a unique standing with the high society of Westeros so our family may seem odd and quirky but society is keen to overlook that factor because of our business. Honeyholt prides itself on being fair and equal to all members of their county and business, which lends itself to the citizens and workers of Honeyholt giving us high praise for our practices. 
Our land and business is best known for our signature honey wine, brandy, and teas specifically floral teas are our best ones. The Bridgerton name is branded with pride on each bottle and jar of our products. 
My older brother, Anthony, is being groomed to take the title of Marquis of Honeyholt. He is very protective over me whenever we go out to social dances, so even if I wanted to find a suitor he yanks me away from them to dance with him or my other brothers Colin and Benedict. It is exhausting between the three of them, Benedict is just as protective as Anthony, but less overbearing, and Colin is much like a guard dog, silent but ready to bite the hands off any man who comes near me. My two allies against them are my younger sisters Eloise and Hyacinth, when I want to dance with a young man they both cause mischief on my brothers before they intervene. 
My family got invited to a ball out in the Westerlands near the House of Lannister, and that meant great news to my mother who was excited to show me off in the Westeros season of dancing. Which hopefully by the good graces of the gods that I will be allowed to find a potential suitor. This ball would be a formal social event to all that attend, and my good friend and mentor Lord Tyrion Lannister promised me to make an appearance there.
We all got dressed in beautiful formal wear, with our signature bee insignia placed somewhere on our persons. My brothers have it embroidered on their collars, while my sisters and I have bee hair pins in our hair styles. The bees do a lot of hardwork in our county and business, so we wear it proudly on our coat of arms and whenever we go out to social events. It is a sign of a united front to us, and that family is of the utmost importance to all of us.
We are all in the carriage riding to the Lannister mansion’s assembly room that was used for such occasions. 
“I hope you are not looking forward to the company of Jaime Lannister, this evening? You know how much I oppose his character,” Colin starts.
“I agree with Colin on this one, you know of the gossip that is surrounding him dear sister,” Benedict states.
“Yes dear brothers, if there is one thing in this family that you have taught me to be is to be wary of all of the Lannisters. Except for my dear friend Lord Tyrion I hope,” I say. 
“Not to mention the salacious scandal that the Kingslayer has with his oh so dear sister, Lady Ceresei,” Eloise mocks. Me and Hyacinth snort behind our hands in response. 
“That is exactly the reason why we don’t want you to hang out too much around ‘The Kingslayer’’ Anthony spits out the last part.
“Then why are we even going to visit the Lannisters then if all we are going to be doing is to bicker around them?” I inquire.
“Because there are some rather interesting bachelors that have promised their arrivals in Westeros that I am certain will be a great match for you,” my mother states reaching over to squeeze my hands in assurance.
“I hope you’re right mother,” I say, “But let’s hope my brothers won’t do too much meddling then.” 
“Oh I’ll make sure they don’t darling,” mother soothes me leaving my brothers with gaping mouths trying to argue back but was cut short with our arrival at Lannisters’ ballroom.
We all made our ways out of the carriage with my mother and I being escorted by my brothers. As we entered the ballroom my ears were immediately greeted with beautiful orchestral music played by the band that the Lannisters hired were quite skillful. Benedict immediately led me into the first dance of the night so I was too occupied to catch a glance at all the handsome men in attendance. 
“Thank you for the dance, dear brother” I remarked with a curtsy. 
Benedict returns the curtsy with a bow as he says, “my pleasure”
Colin, Eloise, and Hyacinth comes over to us with Hyacinth saying, “Do you see who is in attendance (Y/N)?” 
“No, who?” I ask as I immediately glance around the room. As soon as I said it my brothers soon said, “On guard,” and immediately tried to disperse themselves.
“Too late, I already caught your eye,” a woman said. I turn to fully look and it’s the Lady of the House, Duchess Joanna of Westerlands.
I curtsied at her attention as did the rest of my siblings as we say, “Lady Joanna”
“Ah Lady (Y/N) Bridgerton I was hoping that you would come to visit me again. You know my dear son Tyrion remarks about how intelligent you are,” Duchess Joanna states.
“Your Grace flatters me, I merely have a good teacher is all,” you say.
“I wish you were as flattering to me to my face, my lovely student,” I hear a familiar voice say to me. Tyrion soon appears in my vision right next to his mother. 
“Is there a reason why I haven’t seen you on the dance floor, for I have heard and seen you are the brightest star this season,” Lady Joanna states.
Benedict stands a bit straighter as he hears her say that and states, “All in good time, Lady Joanna. One mustn't rush these matters.”
She raises her eyebrows at him then takes her leave away from them, as I take my leave to walk with my friend Lord Tyrion. 
“Oh dear me, (Y/N) you always seem to have your hands full with your guard dogs don’t you?” Tyrion teases me. 
I huffed as I reached for a glass of champagne, “Don’t I know it. I know my family says they’ll love me forever if I never get married but what of the rest of the world? I hardly wouldn’t want my family to be shunned simply because I am not desirable.”
“Now who would say that my dear, hmm? You are quite desirable simply on your looks alone, but coupled with that of your smart wits and sharp intelligence, you stand on equal footing with any man who even dares to look at you,” Tyrion expressed. 
“Oh if only that were true, but no man in today’s society would hardly want or look for a woman who can stand to attest to what he or his business has to say. Merely look at the fact that my brothers won’t even let any bachelors come near ten feet of me let alone get a word in,” I argued. 
“That I do agree with you on the count of your brothers, but to the argument of your abilities to be undesirable to men I do have to argue on that for if I was even close to an eligible match for you, you know I would propose to you but if a man comes to know that you are knowledgeable on all the great poets of our age and the classics, but are also quite fluent in the language of economics and business as well as just the languages of the Old Tongue, Dothraki and both levels of Valyrian my word all the men would be rushing to you as we speak. Also do not ever volley my teaching like that again, I am quite proud of what you have accomplished in my stead,” Tyrion lectured.
“I-Tyrion, thank you for those kind words, I will take into account my skills, because it does seem I need to seriously improve on my self-confidence so to speak,” I agreed.
We then fell into a comfortable silence of us standing on the edge of the dance floor with us sipping on the glasses of champagne that come to greet us, when a handsome man comes into view of me.
“Ah Duke of Dorne, what a surprise it is to see you after all this time,” Lannister greets the handsome stranger.
“It is good to see you again, old friend. I wanted to see how you have been holding up, seeing as your siblings have come back from the big city,” the Duke of Dorne says. 
“Ah well you know how they are, I’ve been trying to avoid their company as much as possible so I have been keeping busy with my studies along with my teachings,” Tyrion responds. 
“I’ve heard that you’ve become quite the scholar. I assume this is one of your students then?” the Duke of Dorne asks, glancing at me. 
My face immediately feels like it’s on fire just from his gaze alone. What is wrong with me? Has it really been so long that I forgot what a handsome man’s gaze felt like?
“Ah! This my dear friend and student, Lady (Y/N) Bridgerton of Honeyholt, Lady (Y/N) this is an old friend and classmate Duke Oberyn Martell of Dorne,” Tyrion introduces us both. 
“A pleasure to meet you,” Duke Oberyn says as he takes my hand and kisses it. 
I curtsy in return as I say, “and I you, Duke”
“May I have a dance with you?” Duke Oberyn offers. 
“It would be my pleasure.” I accepted as I let him guide me to the dance floor.
A new song started to play as we entered the dance scene, and I was immediately taken by the beauty of the music and the strength that hides beneath the Duke’s clothes as he falls into the role of taking the lead in the dance. With his lead, dancing felt as natural as breathing to me, and I got so taken by the charm of his onyx eyes and the scruffy facial hair as he gracefully takes the lead on the waltz we started together.
This particular waltz I knew so well by now because of my brothers and my own learning of it, but to dance it with him, it was enchanting and I became mesmerized with our own beating hearts becoming intertwined with each other and the music. 
Then as soon as the dance started, it ended and we both dutifully took our bows and thanked each other for the dance as we began to walk back to our places. As soon as we do so, the Duke is still standing by me when my brothers almost tackle me with how fast they were coming towards me.
“What are you doing near my sister?” Benedict demands. 
“You are not to be near our sister, Viper,” Colin reprimands.
I jump between the Duke and my brothers as I object, “What is the meaning of this, brothers? The Duke of Dorne had graciously asked for my hand in a dance and I accepted, had I known that you would be so up in arms on me wanting to dance I would’ve looked for him earlier.”
The Duke turned his head to try to hide his smirk at my comment but I saw it at the corner of my eye. 
“You see dear sister, he has quite the reputation of being a rake around the molly houses of Westeros,” Benedict explains. (Molly houses is a word for brothels in regency era which has both male and female prostitutes, and rake is basically a womanizer used for male protagonists in romance novels of the time)
“What is so wrong with that? From what I’ve heard our dear Kingslayer has been rumored around molly as well, and what is the point of this information I doubt he has any intention on taking me there,” I rebutted. 
“I thank you for your kind argument for my reputation but I must apologize to your brothers here because they think that I have an intention on taking your flower before courting you. I apologize to you both, however I will not apologize to the fact that I am very much looking forward to courting you in the near future. From what I’ve heard from Lord Tyrion and now your brothers, it seems you are quite the Incomparable,” the Duke states. 
“You flatter me sir,” I bow my head to him.
“I am very much looking forward to seeing you in the near future Lady Bridgerton, please think of my proposal?” the Duke insists as he takes my hand and kisses the palm of my hand as a way of goodbye. 
I blushed at the small gesture of his all the way back home. However as soon as we got to our home, things were soon broken into chaos with my brothers surrounding me asking how I managed to get the attention of the Red Viper of Dorne.
He was apparently quite well known in the boxing circles of both the Westerlands and Dorne, but equally well known was his pernicious nature with that of the ladies of the night surrounding Westeros and the Reach. 
“I don’t know what you all are rambling about. Have you not opened your eyes when the two were dancing? The Duke and her were very much smitten with each other and were not looking at anyone else when in each other’s company. Also I can think of many ill-fitting matches that could be worse then for your dear sister to be paired with a duke,” my mother rebutted. 
I grinned in victory at hearing my mother’s words knowing we won that round against my protective brothers.
Three days laters we were in the drawing room with me practicing my piano skills, and everyone was casually doing their own activities. Hyacinth was reading her favorite book, Eloise was writing, Benedict and Colin was playing chess, and mother was listening to me playing. Anthony was in the study deeper in the estate most likely taking care of the finances of the business and estate. 
A butler came in and announced, “Lady (Y/N) we have a bouquet here for you.”
I jumped out of my seat at the piano along with my mother, we both exchanged excited looks at who could’ve brought me flowers. What arrived was a beautiful large arrangement of red, pink and orange honeysuckles, tulips, and bachelor’s buttons. They were beautiful, I gasped when they were placed on an end table in the drawing room, they were even placed in a beautiful crystal vase. I went towards them and smelled them, when I realized what they all meant: declaration of love and hope. 
As soon as I was taking in the splendor of the bouquet I saw the letter placed next to the vase. I opened it and the letter read:
To the lovely Lady (Y/N) Bridgerton of Honeyholt,
You have quite literally and wholeheartedly enraptured my heart and mind with thoughts of you. I know it may seem like I am making haste with putting my thoughts in letters and ink, but I hope you may like that sort of thing. I am hopeful to see you in the dance of the season to arrive and for you to reserve a dance for me if you so can. I hope your brothers may allow me to accompany you in this way. May the gods and you bless me with your company. I wish you and your family good health and wealth for the rest of your days.
Sincerely and Earnestly, 
Duke Oberyn Martell of Dorne
“Oh mother, come look it’s from the Duke of Dorne, read this letter it's so thoughtful,” I gush as I hand her the letter. 
My mother gasps and reaches the letter from my hand, and as she reads from my periphery I see my brothers whisper to one another from their couch and I see Colin leave while Benedict stays.
“This is wonderful news! It’s only been half a week in this season, and it seems like you’ve already found yourself a suitor, my dear,” mother said.
“It’s all thanks to you mama, my wonderful wit and looks must’ve charmed him and I got them all from you,” I replied. We then looked at each other and bursted out laughing, hugging each other as we giggled at the letter and bouquet. 
“Do you really think he likes me though? Because I have heard what my brothers said about him and they went to the Academy together,” I said suddenly. 
“Oh don’t be ridiculous, you two are about to begin a beautiful courtship I can sense it,” my mother assured me.
“What is going on here?” I hear Anthony stomp over in the room.
“It seems like your sister charmed the Duke of Dorne,” mother explains.
Anthony grabs the letter from the end table and reads it, he hands it over to Colin and Benedict to read, who then turns just as angry as Anthony.
“This is ridiculous, don’t you think he’s going a bit too far and fast with this, mother?” Anthony questioned.
“Well sure it may seem a bit fast but it’s not like he asked for her hand in marriage yet, it’s the start of a courtship, have you seen the flowers he sent her?” my mother reasoned.
“Expensive ones,” I jumped in. 
Anthony glared at me for a moment but then returned to his normal posture as he then gestured to all three of him, Colin, and Benedict as he says, “Just know that we are only looking out for you sister, and if he even dares to touch a hair on your head without your consent, just give the word and we will fight him for you.”
Benedict and Colin nod in agreement but I scoff and replied, “Three against one, seems hardly fair does it?”
“It does when it accounts towards the family honor,” Benedict says. 
I just huffed at that and grabbed the letter from their hands and replied, “Well I think his charming, but if you can think of a better match than him I am all ears, however for now you will to be contempt with the fact your sister is in the dating season in Westeros and I hope you three can wrap your heads around that.”
With that I kiss my mother on the cheek as I bid my farewell to the rest of them as I take my leave to my bedroom where I laid on my bed clutching the letter to my chest. I laid there motionlessly for a minute before a smile spread across my face at the thought of Oberyn Martell writing the letter and handing the flowers himself. 
The time has arrived for my family and I to arrive at the next gathering, which is to be hosted by the Tyrells this time. The House of Tyrell is known for their lavish spending on the decorations and music, the only family that comes close to their lavish spending are the Lannisters. Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden is rarely seen during the parties rather he has a much permanent stay over at the King’s Palace, as he is the King’s most renowned advisor, however the Lady of the House, Lady Alerie Hightower has a graceful demeanor and peaceful aura that one hopes they can be graced with in their lifetime. 
We all gathered into the carriage together when we were all dressed and ready to go, with Anthony being the last to arrive. Mother and I sat next to each other giggling to ourselves and clutching each other’s arms thinking about Oberyn. My brothers sat across from us sulking with their arms crossed, probably scheming about ways to get me away from Oberyn. 
The carriage stopped and the rider signaled us that we have arrived at the Tyrell estate at Highgarden. The estate is beautiful with the castle stretching for miles on either side of the front entrance, with the renowned beautiful rose gardens stretching around the landscape of the castle. It was beautiful, as to be expected of the Tyrells.
We entered the ballroom in which the party is primarily at, and I soon saw Tyrion talking to the hosts of the party, Lady Alerie and her daughter Lady Margery. They both are the belles of the ball tonight, it was also seen as Lady Margery’s debut into the social season, we haven’t talked much so I can’t really say anything about her character. 
Tyrion sees me and waves me over so I do with my mother in tow, we come to greet him and the hosts.
“Lady Alerie, Lady Margery, we are grateful for your invitation,” my mother greets her as we both curtsy in greeting.
I turn to Margery and say, “you look absolutely beautiful this day, might I add the color green really takes to you.”
“Why, I am quite flattered to hear that because from what I heard around the town, you are the Incomparable this season,” Lady Margery remarks.
“It is quite true, even if she doesn’t want to admit it, she is the best student I ever had,” Tyrion says for me. 
“Who cares for me when I heard that a certain prince caught your eye?” I question. 
Margery blushes under the question and Tyrion raised his eyebrows at me in response. Before anyone can further the conversation I heard the band begin to play the first song of the ball. Lady Margery excuses herself as she readies herself to be asked on the dance floor. Within the first verse she did get asked by a handsome bachelor. 
The prince in question was Prince Joffrey Baratheon, he was being groomed to take the role of King of Westeros quite soon, however room speculates about how prepared he may be. In the eyes of high society he was supposed to debut as a bachelor if he was anyone else, but he is the Platinum Prince as people liked to call him. Tyrion likes to call him the Plastic Bastard behind closed doors.
My mother soon takes off as she told me that she was going to try to fend off my brothers from scaring off any suitors my way which I thank her for. 
“So you are hearing things about that loathsome child?” Tyrion questions in a hushed tone. 
“Quite, but don’t worry it’s all gossip, it seems like Lady Margery is getting favors from Prince Joffrey. He seems to be quite adamant that he has found her princess, however the Queen might feel about it,” I state as I watch the dancing. 
“That is quite the speculation, but it does appear you are right, because Lady Alerie seems to think that this debut was only to announce that Lady Margery has come of age into the social season, because it seems like Lady Alerie already picked out and secured a quite permanent suitor for her daughter,” Tyrion speculated with a sip from his glass. 
“I wouldn’t even be surprised if the prince came here uninvited to try and win the people’s hearts with a grand spectacle. How the royal family do like their toys,” Tyrion continued.
“Bite your tongue Lannister, I don’t want to lose a friend simply due to gossip,” I paused then leaned down to whisper to him, “But you are quite right about the toys. It would be a shame if the prince realized he was also a pawn to the Queen’s game as well.”
“Aren’t we all,” Tyrion muttered. We both glanced at each other and shared a smile at that, we clink our glasses together as we drink with smiles on our faces.
“I see you two are together often,” I hear a voice approach us. 
I turned and saw the Duke of Dorne smiling at us, in a very catching navy blue, and golden yellow suit with a dappled blue ascot tied and tucked around his neck. His olive skin seems to glow from the ensemble, and I start to blush at how intense his gaze was at me.
“You see, your grace, it’s merely a ruse so my brothers aren’t as intense at protecting me, they don’t see Lord Tyrion as a threat, so I am able to breathe freely from such scrutiny,” I say with a conspiratory smile on my face.
Tyrion pretends to gasp as he clutches imaginatory pearls around his neck.
“My word, Lady (Y/N) if only your guard dogs can hear you now,” Tyrion states.
We both laugh at that while the Duke has a huge grin on his face, watching us.
“Well now that I know the truth, may I have this dance, I do believe they are about to start the Cotillion Dance if you care to join me?” the Duke offered with his hand out.
“I would be honored, Lord Martell,” I say cautiously as I take his hand and he leads me to the dance floor. 
The music begins and we all stand in formation at the start of the dance, then the dancing commenced. The man of course led this dance as well, and from our first dance together I took well under his lead in the dance. It felt like we were gliding on the dance floor with us twirling and spinning around each other, but I felt safe and confident as we danced together. I felt beautiful and radiant, I looked into the Duke’s eyes and it felt like he had his eyes on me the whole time. The Cotillion ended as we took our bows and he led me off the dance floor.
We found a corner of the ballroom as he took me there, and he began to speak.
“So, I was wondering and I know this might be too soon after our second dance but I would like to propose something to you,” the Duke began.
“Yes?” I urged.
“Well, I would like to begin a courtship with you,” the Duke says.
I let out a startled laugh at that as I immediately put my hand on my mouth at that, I grew hot with embarrassment almost immediately.
“I don’t mean to embarrass you, but you see my brothers are quite adamant at protecting me and if they heard you propose that to me, they would all beat you to a pulp. They also seemed to warn me against you as well I might add,” I warned him.
He quirked his eyebrow as he heard me which he then replied, “I wonder what those warnings might be? Is it that I am a rake? Or is it that I had frequented brothels?”
“There was that, but also that you are a bit of a brute,” I added.
He gave a quiet laugh at that as he shook his head and then let out an exhale. I gave him a soft smack to his torso as I reprimanded, “Don’t laugh! So tell me is it true then? Should I be cautious of you then?”
He gave a dramatic pause as he gave a thoughtful stroke to his facial hair and he looked up to the ceiling as if in quiet deliberation.
“Well all those rumors used to be true a couple months ago, I was quite rebellious towards my family affairs and myself I suppose. I didn’t want to take responsibility quite yet,” he said.
“Well what changed?” I inquired.
“Well to put it quite simply, my older brother, he has his own state of affairs with his own estate at Godsgrace and with our sister Elia passing away so suddenly from influenza we were both stricken with grief,” he pauses as if in reflection.
I nod in understanding, I put my hand on his as I squeezed it in reassurance waiting for him to continue talking. 
After a moment of soft silence between us as the music and society dances around us, we were caught up in each other, in this moment. 
“Well, I suppose that brought things in perspective for both of us, let’s say. I know she loved us until the very end of her life, but I suppose that grief has left me stricken to try and chase anything that made me feel something other than grief and molly houses, duels, boxing, and fencing were all things that did,” he seemed to emphasize the past tense in his sentence.
“Well I am sure if she saw you now, she would not blame you for what you have done. Grief does strange and terrible things to us all. I was similar to you as my papa had just recently passed away this past year, I had locked myself away in my room and not talked to anyone except my mama and even then it was short sentences. They loved each other dearly, my parents,” I explain.
“What got you through the grief?” he asked.
I paused in thought then answered, “Well to be honest, there will always be an ache in my heart for him but what got me through in acceptance was my family and the world outside my window. Nature allowed me to relapse in my head and to just breathe fresh air without thinking of my father, my family, businesses or anything else. It allowed me for a moment to collapse and I think I needed that.”
“You are quite wise for someone so young,” the Duke remarked.
“Well three older brothers and two younger siblings someone ought to be,” I answered.
He smiles at my comment and then replies, “Well I think that does it for our serious conversation. Would you like another dance, my lady?”
“Why I would be happy to, sir.” 
The next dance was led by a bright happy tune and we instantly knew the dance was to be of a country dance. We beamed at each other as we both realized that, it was as if the band realized we needed a reprieve. The dance was filled with bouncing and skipping around the entire floor, and it led to us with bright smiles on each other’s faces as we continued to stare at each other throughout the whole dance. From the corner of my eye I saw my brothers with concerned expressions as they saw me dancing with the Duke, and I also saw my mother and Tyrion both smiling at us. 
“It seems like we have fans,” the Duke whispered to me. 
“And critics,” I added, which made both of us lean back a little and let out a small laugh. 
“I assure you that the criticisms that your brothers may have me are of past consequence,” he tells me. 
“Oh I’m quite confident in that,” I say.
The dance then ended with us as routine in society, we take our bows and he leads off the dance floor. Which we were then greeted with three angry faces and two smiling ones. 
“What are you doing with him, (Y/N)?” Anthony questioned.
“Well I'm having a lovely time, if you must know, brother,” I answered.
“I was also going to ask you something before your family came over,” Oberyn says.
“Oh what is it?” I asked.
“Since we have twice tonight, and from our conversations I would like to make our courtship public and to get approval from your family,” Oberyn announces. (In regency era, if a lady dances only with one man,  especially twice in one night, it is seen as either she is “easy” or she is engaged to that man) 
“How da-” Anthony started. 
“Wonderful,” my mother finished as she elbowed Anthony.
“It seems you have taken fascination with my student, eh Red Viper?” Tyrion asks.
“I sincerely have, and I want to make this an amazing courtship, I know that your family is known for honeyed alcohol but what of sweets? There is an amazing cafe that I would love to take you sometime this week,” Oberyn offered.
“I would love to, Duke” I answered.
“You could take her this weekend, that’s two days away, I’m sure you can take her then,” my mother responds.
“That sounds wonderful,” Oberyn answered.
“Then it’s settled, I can’t wait to see you that day. Well I think we’ll take our leave then,” I say and my mother reached for my arm and we were escorted home leaving Oberyn and my brothers to their own disposal.
Two days have passed with relative ease even though all three brothers have badgered my ear off with the countless requests to put Duke Oberyn in his place by way of a duel, which I vehemently denied. My sisters have taken to making fun of me for being so enchanted by the Duke of Dorne, and it seems the only person who was my confidante in this new relationship was my mother. 
The clock in the drawing room has struck 12 o’clock meaning that it was time for me to be heading out towards the main town in the Reach which was only 30 minutes away from our estate by foot, so it was easy for me. I took to wearing my riding boots and my favorite dress and wearing my hair in a simple updo fashion, well as simple as one can make it with the fashion trends these days. 
I ended up making it to the main road of the town in enough time that I was allowed to stroll around the town window shopping, until I heard my name being called.
“Lady Bridgerton, there you are,” I heard a familiar voice call out.
I turned to see the Duke of Dorne walking my way to me with a lazy grin etched on his face, which got me to smile back at him.
“Why hello Lord Martell,” I say as I do a small curtsy to him. 
When he fully approached me he presented his hand to me and as I took it he said, “Shall we?”
“We shall,” I grinned at him.
We made our way to a small cafe that he was adamant that was amazing about their sweets and pastries that they are known for. We found ourselves at a corner of the shop sitting on opposite sides of the table. He ordered for the both of you when it came to that, because he insisted that there were some things that he simply must do for me and to trust him.
I huffed and playfully glared at him as we got our treats in order for us., and he returned my glare with a stare of his own. A smirk plays across his features as he takes a dip into a lemon custard that he got, wrapping his tongue around the spoon. 
I inhaled sharply as I watched and I got flustered when he caught my eye, I hurried myself with drinking my hot chocolate that I got. I saw his expression become bemused at what he saw me doing from my periphery, and I tried to shake my head of the thoughts that were swirling in my head. 
“So, I was thinking…”
“Oh a dangerous activity indeed,” I teased.
“Hush, I was merely about to ask, what are some things that you would like to do while we are courting, because I would like this to be a worthwhile endeavor for the both of and make this the best courtship for you”
“Well, that’s rather kind of you, but I am sure you are aware that I have not courted anyone at all, and to be quite honest with you I don’t know a thing about courting. Sure I know mannerisms and what to say as well, but what goes beyond that? I simply don’t know. My brothers won’t tell me a thing, and my mother won’t tell me a thing about it.”
“Hmm, well we’ll take it slow then, okay? If I do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or strange tell me, hmm? I have every intention of making you my wife, so let’s get to know each other during this courting period and don’t worry about not knowing certain things about life because from what I heard you are quite the scholar,” Oberyn responds to my rant.
“Well I try to be, I would love to be a writer one day but that is off limits in today’s society, I’m afraid, so I make do with learning as much as I can with the limited options I am able to. Lord Tyrion makes an excellent teacher, whenever he is not professing his love for alcohol or gossiping about the royals,” I let out.
“Lord Tyrion is quite the conversationalist and wine tester, he knows about everyone and everyone’s cousins, unlike his siblings people have no problem extending an invitation his way. Now, what is your favorite thing that you like to learn? There has to be something that you enjoy out of all your lessons,” he asks.
“Well, I do enjoy painting, and I’m rather indifferent towards my sewing lessons which I suppose is mandatory, but I also deeply enjoy playing music. Painting and music are something I am deeply in love with, I love to go to the Opera theater in town. The touring groups that play there are almost always amazing. I also love going to the art galleries whenever they have a new exhibit to display,” I respond. 
“I heard there was going to be a new exhibit opening up in a few days from now, I’m bringing my sister’s favorite painting to be displayed there,” Oberyn states.
“I will be there, I got an invitation from Lady Joanna to be there actually, I’m sure she just wants to keep an eye on me, “ I say.
“Who wouldn’t want to keep an eye on the diamond of the season?” Oberyn questions.
“I hate that people are calling me, as well as the Incomparable? What am I that the other women are not?” 
“Well I am not sure how to put it, but you surely have captivated me, and it seems like your focus and intellect has in fact enraptured all that talk to you,” Oberyn assured me.
“I surely hope not, for there are some that I would happy to never come near me again,” I state.
“Oh? And who would that be? You surely couldn’t be talking about the Kingslayer or the Prince?” 
“You listen to about as much gossip as my mother, I swear.”
“Well is the gossip wrong?”
“No, not exactly but even if I was interested in them, I doubt that my brothers would even think about letting them breathe in my general direction.”
Oberyn laughs at that.
“Well, then I shall count my blessings that I allowed to still be alive so I may take in your beauty,” Oberyn flatters.
“You already got an outing with me, I hardly think you need to do anymore flattering, Duke,” I respond.
“Hmmmm, I think if we were to continue this courtship I think it would only be fair if you would call me by my first name?” Oberyn insists.
I got flustered by his sudden request but then I went to say, “Of course, only if you do the same.”
He raises his eyebrows at me and had a light smile on his face as he says, “Well of course it’s only fair, (Y/N)”
“How sweet it is to hear my name from a lovely flower,” Oberyn compliments.
“Well I think that’s enough pandering today, I am sure you must have more important business then just hanging out with me all day,” I say as I brush my dress and start to stand up.
“Oh there is no more important business then spending time with you, honeybee,” he comments and he winks at me when he calls me that new nickname.
My face got hot with that new nickname as I tried to make my way out of the cafe with Oberyn hot on my trail. He suddenly pulled me aside into a walkway that was a clearing in a park that I hadn’t fully noticed before. 
“What? Oberyn? Where are you taking me? I thought we were just heading back,” I questioned him.
“You didn’t think that I would want to part with you so soon, honeybee?” Oberyn asks in return as he spins back to face me.
“I assumed so, my brothers make a point to make sure there are no suitors within an arm’s length of me and I thought you would be the same yet you keep coming back. I thought you would be scared to come near because of my family,” I admitted.
“Ah well, I know how my family is, I am lucky that I was able to grow an estate of my own because my elder brother is the viscount of our family estate and he can be a pain on trying to get me a wife and my personal schedule in general, so believe me when I say I understand siblings. Maybe, not to the extent of your family but to an extent,” He explains.
“Well that explains some of it, I suppose,” I replied.
We were walking side by side at this point and I noticed the sun was just about to set and I realized that we were out together for at least 4 hours, and I was starting to worry what my brothers would think. 
After a few moments in silence Oberyn breaks it as he asks, “I just want to ask, why are you so hesitant about this relationship? Is it truly just because of your brothers that you are not willing to enter this relationship or is it something else entirely?”
“It is mostly because I am afraid Oberyn,” I tell him.
We now stood in front of a beautiful ficus tree with its branches spread all in different directions but the leaves always reaching towards the sun. I turn my focus on studying this tree instead of looking at him, embarrassed for admitting my fear. For I want to love him with my whole being already but scared of the novelty of it. 
Oberyn hummed in thought as he heard my fear and after a moment of silence he spoke up, “Well then we shall take it slow, as slow as we can in this season anyway. The gods know how the Queen loves a good wedding.” 
I turned to him and I smiled softly at how gently he spoke. “Thank you Oberyn then I will see you at the gallery then,” I say to him.
“Yes you shall, now let’s get you back before your brothers come looking for us and to take my head.”
The days seem to blur as I wait in anticipation for my next meeting with Oberyn, it has been less than a week since we have started courting but I am already infatuated with the man. Relationships have started off with less in these times, right? I mean Countess Daneryes had an arranged marriage with Count Drogo, they seem happy enough from the little times they do make a public appearance but I can only imagine if things were to have been worse.
During the few days between my dates with Oberyn, I had been pressured to practice my music skills more, as my mother thinks that a Duchess should know the masterpieces of the piano. I just hope one day I’d have the liberties to be able to compose my own piece on the piano.
Benedict had recently taken art classes, Colin also started taking fencing lessons, and Anthony has been Anthony. When I announced that I would be attending the new painting gallery, Benedict showed his interest in escorting me there as well as wanting to see the new art in general. With that settled, Colin and Anthony begrudgingly said that they’ll let me go on my own with Benedict. My mother seemed equally as excited as I am about the art gallery, because I have talked to her about Oberyn and she approves of the relationship.
Benedict and I went off to the gallery once we were already ready to go. We stepped foot in the carriage and off we went to the main city’s art gallery. The ride went quickly and rather quietly as well, but I didn’t pay any mind to the silence. I was just excited to see Oberyn again. 
We arrived at the gallery, and once we stepped inside I was absolutely mesmerized by the decor and ambience of the entire place. The paintings were displayed in front of a beautiful burgundy backdrop all throughout the place. My brother and I bid our farewells to each other as we went to go look at the different paintings. 
I explored and looked at the different types of paintings that were displayed around the gallery.
“Well if it isn’t Lady Bridgerton, how very nice to see you,” I heard a voice coming up to me. 
I looked to my right to see Duchess Joanna, I bowed my head towards her and gave her a polite greeting as well.
“I’m glad to see you got my invitation well, how is your relationship going with Duke Oberyn?” Duchess Joanna asked. 
“I think it’s going well, at least I hope so,” I respond.
“So when do-” 
“Ah Duchess Joanna, how good to see you here. I want to thank you for extending an invitation and for me to display my family’s paintings here,” I hear a familiar voice interrupt.
I tilt my head to Oberyn as he made his appearance between the Duchess and I, it seems he must’ve heard the conversation and wanted to circumvent the question the Duchess was about to ask.
“Of course, and I see you have found each other so I will be taking my leave,” Lady Joanna says and with that she walks off.
Oberyn turns to you and as you meet each other’s eyes you both smiled.
“It seems that you were about to meet a very uncomfortable question with Lady Joanna,” Oberyn began.
“So you decided to intervene then? Ah, my hero,” you stated. 
The smiles never faded from either of your faces as you two began to walk around the gallery. When you were passing by an entry to a hallway of another gallery, Oberyn nodded towards it and guided you to walk through it, and when you got there you were amazed by the two pieces adorned on either side of the wall. 
The first one we saw was on all accounts a technical masterpiece, but as I was looking at it all I felt was cold calculating movements and techniques that are being taught today. The second one however was of a landscape, and it looked like it was of Dorne, there was a familiarity to it and a warmth surrounding the piece that I felt like I was home already.
“So what do you think?” Oberyn asks.
“Well, the first one felt frigid like it was only made to be appraised for its techniques and nothing else. However this one, this one, felt so warm, so comforting, it feels like hiraeth,” you say as you turn to him. 
He hums in acknowledgement and looks at you with a small smile on his face.
“This was my sister’s favorite, and behind was our father’s commission piece, I think you spoke well on the differences here. I feel the same, I began to feel that this was my favorite as well, after she died. What is hiraeth? I’ve never heard that word before,” Oberyn responded.
“It means to be homesick for a home that never existed,” I answered.
Oberyn nodded in acknowledgement and we both turned to the painting again, looking at the beautiful image in front of us. The distant voices of the rest of the guests slowly faded away as we continued to stand almost shoulder to shoulder with each other. I felt a pull towards him, I wanted to hold his hand so badly, it was strange, but did he feel the same? I glanced quickly to see our hands reaching for each other and we felt our fingertips touch. As soon as we felt them we heard a loud crash. With that loud crash, our little microcosm came crashing down with that sound. 
We turned to the source of the sound and we were greeted with the sight of my brother Benedict sliding on the floor and met my eyes. 
“Ah there you two are, I was wondering where you ran off to,” Benedict states.
“Like I didn’t see you running off to see your mentor just in time to avoid Lady Joanna,” I bounced back at him.
“That doesn’t prove anything, dear sister, and anyway we should be getting back, I should escort you back to the house, even if you do have a suitor now,” Benedict eyed Oberyn as he spoke.
“I hope to see you soon, maybe we shall go for a picnic?” Oberyn asks you.
“Speaking of picnics, well not really, how would you want to come to dinner one day? Our mother seems keen on meeting you properly, you know my brothers, and my precious little sister, but pray my mother, so here is an invitation for you to come over tomorrow. Don’t worry, mother knows about it (Y/N),” Benedict interrupts.
I just gaped at him as I heard him talk, I knew my mother wanted to talk to Oberyn, but have him over for dinner? Isn’t that a bit much? I turn to Oberyn, I see he had a lazy grin stretched across his face.
“Well, how can I say no to such an invitation,” Oberyn lamented and he claps his hands together looking between the three of you with a smile on his face.
With that you all started to head back into the thrums of the gathering in the gallery, as Benedict walked ahead you walked a bit slower with Oberyn.
“I am eager, adamant and sincere about this relationship, honeybee, and I hope you and your family see it that way as well,” Oberyn tells you.
“Oberyn, you make my heart burn with such sweetness that you say to me, and if you keep that up I’m sure my mother will fall under your charm as well,” I murmured to him.
After that my brother and I said our farewells to the appropriate guests and we headed our way back home.
News has reached all of my brothers and sisters about how Duke Oberyn has finally decided to make an appearance to the Bridgerton estate, which got my sisters and mother very excited about this new man coming to visit that wasn’t family.
My brother, Anthony, seemed to be brooding the most about this new development, which I could’ve seen coming from a mile away. Colin and Benedict were taking it better then expected except now they have decided would be an excellent time to warn me against Oberyn even more vehemently before. I still don’t understand why my brothers are so against this, I like him, isn’t that enough? Or is it because they were friends in the same academy? 
The preparations have made for the table and the maids and butlers have made sure that everything is pristine in the household, and as the time ticks down for Oberyn to arrive, I’ve become increasingly more worried that something might go wrong. 
Then once the hour arrived, we got word that Oberyn had arrived and we all got ready to greet him. Oberyn walked into the drawing room where we all were loitering, Hyacinth and Eloise were reading and embroidering, I was talking to my mother, and the three brothers were all talking amongst each other. Once we were aware of his presence we all said our polite greetings, with my mother going straight away to compliment him which Oberyn took and reflected back to her.
We all made our way to the dining table where the food was already present on the table, as we all took our seats Oberyn moved his way to me and sat down with me.
Then dinner began and with that our usual chaotic family conversation began. Hyacinth refusing to eat her vegetables, Eloise teasing her, Benedict and Colin teasing each other and shoving each other at the table and my mother chastising every one of them. 
Oberyn leans to whisper to me, “I didn’t know family meals could be so entertaining.”
“Oh you should see them during the holidays, they’re entertainment all by themselves,” I whisper back. 
I look up and see Anthony glaring at us, I turn back to Oberyn and asked him, “Why is Anthony so opposed to our relationship?”
“He’s your brother, ask him,” Oberyn answered.
“And he’s your friend, plus he won’t talk to me no matter how many times I ask,” I pressured him,
“I think it’s all about my past, I normally wouldn’t have seen myself with a longtime commitment but with you I do, and I think your brother is having difficulty realizing that I grew out of my adolescence,” he answered.
I nod and smile at him in understanding, I reach for his hand under the table and squeeze it in reassurance, which in turn made him smile at me.
“Well, Duke, I have seen and heard that you have become quite attached with my dear daughter,” my mother spoke up.
Oberyn straightens his back in his chair and he replies, “I am very much attached with her, Lady Violet. I’ve come to nickname her honeybee.” 
“Did you allow him to call you this?” Anthony glared.
“Yes I did, brother, and he allowed me to just say his first name as well, I do hope you realize that we are sincere about each other,” I replied.
Anthony sighed while mother gave me a soft smile in return, and I looked to see Oberyn beaming at me.
“Well, Duke, I do hope to see you marry her before the season ends, it’d be a shame to see this season go to waste,” my mother pestered.
“Mother,” I warned her and all I got in return was a confused look from my mother.
“I have every plans on doing so actually, I hope for every one of you to see how sincere and earnest I am with your daughter,” he turns to me and takes my hand and he kisses it lightly, “she has me so under her spell, she has me bewitched body and soul, and I am not sure how any marriage proposal would befit how she has me feel.”
I felt my whole body flush with heat and tears pricked my eyes at the praises and endearments he was giving me. He was ethereal, otherworldly, with how he treated me and I swear to the old gods that if that wasn’t his marriage proposal then-
“Well I think that was as good of a marriage proposal as any,” Hyacinth quipped from the other side of the table. 
Oberyn’s face turned as red as the roses set on the table. I see from the corner of my eye my mother nods to Oberyn and he takes a deep breath. He stands up and kneels before me with both of my hands in his and what I saw in his eyes made it click in my head what was happening.
“(Y/N), my honeybee, we may have known each other for two months and started courting for half of that time, but I already know in my heart of hearts that you own my everything already. Whenever we part I am always thinking of our next meeting, and I may have already talked to your mother about this, and I want you to make me the luckiest man in all of the world, and let me call you my wife as I am already yours fully, so you can call me husband. So will you marry me?”
Tears flowed down my face as I slid off my chair to cling onto him tightly as I said, “Yes, a thousand times yes, I will marry you Oberyn Martell, I love you so much.”
“As I do you, my love, I love you too,” he whispers to me as he caresses my head. 
Applaud littered the dining hall with my family congratulating us as well as the staff on our new engagement. As we stood in this new feeling, I reveled in it and I felt elated, like I was floating and I couldn’t get down even if I wanted to. 
I looked at Oberyn and he looked at me with such love and adoration that I knew I made the right choice. I found the love of my life and I found it in him.
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If You Love Someone, Let Them Go: Part 3
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Summary: Since starting with SVU, Sonny hadn’t kept much terribly close to the chest. The squad knew about his family, growing up on Staten Island, the classes at Fordam. What was hidden was why he didn’t date. Sonny Carisi was also separated from his childhood sweetheart, a separation neither ever took to divorce. They had the same haunts. They’d grown up neighbors. Their paths crossed every few months, and divorce talks would turn into reminiscing would turn into a night spent together, sometimes sex sometimes just talking until the early morning. It always ended with one of them waking up alone however. How will that change when the squad finds out?
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character,
A/N: The babies. I’ve outlined like eight chapters at least, so I think this thing’s just going to go until I run out of steam. So here’s a third part already. 
Part 1 - Part 2
March 2014
“You sure you’ll be okay?” Teresa asked him for the hundredth time since he’d gotten to the church. He was just trying to tie his tie in peace, but there she was over his shoulder, just enough mimosas in her system to older sister him. 
“I can see Victoria. It’s Gina’s weddin’, T. I’m not an asshole. She’s a bridesmaid. I missed rehearsal, but apparently you paired us off to walk down the aisle. Real sensitive, by the way.”
“Don’t like cry or anything either. Or if you do, cry in the bathroom. And leave her alone during the reception. We’ve all been drinking already.”
“I can tell. Honestly, she’ll hate me if anything happens, okay? Last time I saw her I left in the morning.”
“Dominick Anthony Carisi, what the fuck did you just tell me?”
“I saw her in November. We talked. I went home with her. I realized I fundamentally fucked up and she needs better, so I panicked and took a cab home at three in the morning.”
“You mean to say you had the opportunity to make things better with Tori four months ago? And instead you royally fucked up again, and you still think you have the right to mope?”
“I don’t mope.”
“I was at Christmas. You twisted your ring on your finger for like twelve hours and cried in the bathroom when her favorite carol played. Either way, I’m checking in with her. You stay the fuck away from her, Sonny, unless you’re going to get your head out of your ass.”
“Don’t tell me what to do! We been married almost eight years!”
“You haven’t seen her but once since August. Don’t act like this is a perfect relationship. There’s not really one any more.” Just like that, Sonny was left with the groomsmen as Teresa pulled Victoria out of the bridal suite. He bounced on the balls of his feet now as he gelled his hair, not prepared to step out for pictures and actually see her again.
“You slept with Dom?” Teresa bit out, sparing no time.
“Several times?” she joked before sighing and crossing her arms as she realized that no one was going to drop it. “In November. He left. It’s fine. Proved me right.”
“I told him to leave you alone after the ceremony. I didn’t know or I wouldn’t have paired you off to walk together.”
“All the bridesmaids and groomsmen are married to or dating each other, Teresa. We can handle it. It’s what? Three minutes of walking. And who knows. Maybe I want to hang out with him.”
“And you tear up every time we’ve mentioned him the last year.”
“I can behave, okay? I put my marriage in a box and tucked it away for the day. I’ll step out if I gotta cry, but really I had enough mimosas, I can pretend everything is fine but not enough to cry or nothing.”
“Okay. I’m sorry he’s a dumbass.”
“I shouldn’t of taken him home any way. We’ll be fine. Stop being dramatic.” 
As if to prove Victoria’s point, Teresa rolled her eyes, following her back into the bridal suite. The general consensus in the family was that both of them needed to get their head out of their ass and tell each other what was happening, but neither was willing to. She didn’t know they’d already taken a chance to talk it out and ruined it. When it was time to take pictures, none of the sisters missed the way Sonny and Victoria refused to look at each other while waiting their turns. It seemed the toes of their shoes were far more interesting. 
Teresa also noticed both of them were wearing their rings, and for once, Victoria had both the band and engagement ring on, the first time since she’d left. All of his sisters had kept in touch with her, accepting the fact they needed to stop meddling for a while. No one was maid of honor or best man. Instead, all of the siblings and their partners made up the party. That meant Gianna Carisi had insisted each groomsmen and bridesmaid couple get pictures, and she refused to have a separation keep her from having pictures of Sonny and Victoria, even if she was furious at Victoria for hurting her son. 
“Our turn, Tor,” Sonny said, trying to lighten the mood. It was a delicate balance, knowing his sisters and mother were watching them so closely. 
“Pull her to you,” the photographer encouraged. “I hear you’ve been together a decade!” Suddenly, Victoria wanted the ground to swallow her up, and she wanted to know which Carisi had been talking like their relationship was doing well. Still, she followed Sonny’s lead when he took her hand and pulled her against him. His hand came to rest on the small of her back and her hand rested on his ribs, as natural as it had always been. Almost like they hadn’t been living separate lives for seven months. They smiled for the camera, and when Victoria dared to look up at him, she couldn’t help but give a genuine smile at being so close to him again. She was soon rewarded with his dimpled grin, and before her brain could stop her, she brushed the strand of his hair that had escaped the gel back into place.
“Thanks, doll,” he smiled softly, hating the moment they pulled away. It was time for Bella and Tommy, who was freshly paroled and fidgeting nervously. It felt safe to look at Victoria now, and he took her in, thankful for the dress his sister had picked for her. It was a deep green, with a sweetheart neck like her wedding dress had all those years ago. The bodice was pleated before it flowed down, and little sheer straps fell off her shoulder, fluttering around her bicep. She looked ethereal, and he loved the color on her fair skin with her red hair pinned up at the nape of her neck. She caught him staring, and he felt his cheeks flush. Their previous conversation didn’t bring either of them closure, but it got the painful stuff out of the way. He knew why she left. She felt like he’d proven her right. Maybe they could just enjoy the wedding, but together.
“You scrub up real nice, Sonny,” she said, moving to lean on the wall beside him.
“Apparently it was an elaborate ruse for ma to get pictures of us dressed up.”
“Now we got a picture like we’re married.”
“We still are.”
“We need to figure that out soon.”
“How about we just have fun today? Or are you gonna make me hang out with Tommy all day and all night?”
“Divorce talk tomorrow?”
“Deal,” he said, extending a hand that she shook gladly. The thought crossed his mind that the champagne the bridesmaids had been drinking and beers the groomsmen had may be what was taking the edge off now that they’d proven they wouldn’t break if they touched. That was what had worried him the most. He was afraid any touch would break the wall holding back the emotions of the past year. That it would set her off and he’d make her cry again. Instead, she could take his arm easily to walk down the aisle. It just made him remember their own wedding, and while neither would acknowledge it, they still loved each other. It was apparently easy to forget a separation and months of no communication when he thought about her walking to him down the aisle of the same church he’d attended growing up and his sister was now getting married in.
“I’m jealous you get flats.”  Her head came to rest on his shoulder, and he felt a contentedness he’d not felt in a long time return.
“You’re so much taller though,” he joked, pressing a kiss to her hair. 
“True. I can reach your shoulder.” She wanted to say they shouldn’t get so affectionate, but it felt like before he got distant. They were on a team, sectioned off from everyone else. 
“Normally, you’re right under my armpit. Bet this smells better.”
“Your armpit just smells like Old Spice.”
“Good to know it works. Just get through the ceremony. Kick off your shoes at the reception. Just like prom.”
“Promise to cover me? You know Ma will be after me to put them back on.”
“She’s so happy we’re being friendly that she won’t care.”
“Is it weird for you that they’re all trying to play therapist?”
“They know how much I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” Sonny beamed when she threw her arms around his torso.
“You ain’t drunk, are you Tor?”
“Two glasses of champagne. Relaxed, but sober. You?”
“Couple beers. In the same boat.” The last pictures were finished, and everyone was herded to the back of the church and pairing off. Sonny looked down at her with a smile, offering his arm happily. Victoria’s hand came to rest on his forearm, and she grinned up at him.
“You look too damn good in a tux.”
“I could say the same about you in that dress.”
“If all it was going to see you two happy again was for Gina to get married sooner, I’d have made her months ago,” Bella huffed, poking her brother’s back. 
“I’d have done it!” Gina laughed.
“They’ll be weird again next week,” Teresa said, and her husband squeezed her arm. The groom’s brother and his wife shared a look that told him they were still trying to figure out the best way to handle the Carisis, and it was also apparent they hadn’t thought that both Victoria and Sonny would show up and get along.
“Shut up, all of ya,” Sonny said, his free hand resting where Victoria’s sat on his forearm. “We’re walking soon.” Victoria gave him a grateful smile, and soon enough, they were making their way to their spots. They stole glances throughout the ceremony. They were thirteen and fifteen when Teresa got married, meaning their last memory of both being in front of a church like this was their own wedding ceremony, the one his mom helped them plan for their first wedding anniversary. Sonny just kept seeing her in that perfect dress, walking to him in the church they’d always gone to together. 
Where religion was not an important part of Victoria’s life, she believed in God, but not like Sonny did. She thought God was real, but uninvolved because she couldn’t reconcile him with the bad in the world. Sonny was devout and had reconciled his belief in an involved God with what he saw in his work. If there was one thing he was certain of, and had been since the first time he kissed her, it was that God had put him on this Earth for her and her on this Earth for him. Maybe that was why he couldn’t consider a divorce. It felt like a lie. When he talked to her tomorrow, he’d tell her the truth. Tell her how he shut down processing the homicides. Communicate. He took her arm again gladly as they walked down the aisle.
“Feels familiar, huh?” he teased. Every member of the Carisi family had gotten married here, their own church ceremony included. She nudged him playfully with her shoulder, grinning. 
“Long time ago. You got even hotter. Not fair.”
“I could say the same about you.” He waggled his brows, and she laughed, something little he’d missed a lot. She could imagine coming home to him again. Imagine him coming home to her. He was relaxed, laughing and joking like he hadn’t since things were good. Tightness came to her chest as she wondered if it was because she was gone he was doing better. She pushed the thought away, refusing to consider the possibility. Maybe he was happy because she was here. Gina had told them all to sit wherever they wanted at the tables designated for the bridal party, so Sonny settled close beside Victoria, arm slung easily around her shoulders. 
“The best part about no best man or maid of honor?” he murmured, leaning against her. “No speeches. Drinks, dances, garter, bouquet, party.”
“This party? Not ready for Dominick Carisi’s moves.”
“Please, Victoria Carisi? The true talent.” He squeezed her shoulders, kissing her temple. “Can I get you a drink?”
“That’d be amazing.”
“You goin’ gin and tonic or pinot?”
“You got it, tesoro.” Now it was really like she had Sonny back. He hadn’t called her by the pet name in years, but he’d insisted it was because she was his treasure to come home to. It always made her blush, and today wasn’t any different. She could see the way his mom was looking at her, lifting a brow. Not sure what else to do, she gave a wave, and Gianna shook her head. His sisters weren’t angry at her. They saw it as just a really prolonged fight. His mom, on the other hand, was furious she’d leave him and even more furious she was dragging it out.
“Ignore her,” Sonny said, sliding a glass of wine in front of her. “She got hysterical me. The girls didn’t.”
“Hysterical?” she asked softly.
“I couldn’t figure out how to function. Bella sent ma instead of coming herself.”
“I should’ve told you in person. I’m sorry.”
“It’s in the past. We’ll figure things out tomorrow.” She cupped his cheek, smiling softly. There were too many good times, she decided. She’d tell him she didn’t want a divorce tomorrow. Maybe she’d beg him to move back in together. His hand went to rest on hers, and he held it in place, turning his head to press a gentle kiss to her wrist before he laced their fingers. Their hands rested on his lap, Gina and her new husband giving a little speech before the DJ announced the father daughter dance. 
“Are you crying already?” she teased. 
“Shut up. You know how I get at weddings.” The hand he wasn’t holding settled on his bicep as she put her head on his shoulder. They watched each dance and as Tommy and Bella joined the other unmarried couples to catch the bouquet and garter. By the time dancing started, their drinks were empty. 
“You wanna join me on the dance floor or at the buffet first, Mrs. Carisi?” He was probably taking advantage of the levity to feel like they’d never been apart, but he was going to indulge as long as he could. 
“Buffet, please.”
“Good choice. Fuel up before we show ‘em how it’s done.” They loaded up plates, settling in at the table and eating happily. He caught her up on the extended family, what she’d been doing, what he’d been doing. They hadn’t really done that last time. That had been all raw emotion and desperation for affection. This felt like they’d never been apart. There was affection, sure, but it was the same grounding touch they’d always had. 
“You hear that?” he smiled, taking her hand and pulling her towards the dance floor. Her eyes widened as she laughed, arms looping around his neck as his arms settled low around her waist. 
“It’s our first dance song,” she giggled, as they swayed off beat.
“You're my sunshine and I want you to know that my feelings are true. I really love you,” he sang off key as she joined in. They could hear his sisters laughing. They still didn’t know how to dance to Queen together, but they’d been very pleased with their song choice, something that seemed to hold true.
She was giddy, a combination of the wine and normality washing over her. He spun her, pulling her close again and peppering kisses to her hair as she flung her arms around him neck. She’d left her shoes at the table before they even got food, and since he’d been wrong about how glad his mom would be to see them together, Sonny chased her off when she tried to fuss at Victoria for being barefoot, but not at any of his sisters. When the songs were the fast kind everyone danced to together, she leaned her back against him and his hands stayed on his hips. When the songs turned slow, he’d pull her against him, singing softly against her ear. 
“You goin’ back to the city?” Sonny asked as the guests filtered out.
“Yeah. I’ll be calling an uber.”
“Listen, I got a hotel room. There’s too many Carisi’s at ma’s.”
“You propositioning me, Sonny?” she teased, arm still wrapped around his waist.
“I wouldn’t turn ya down, but there’s two beds. Was sharing it with Leo, but he went home with one of the groom’s cousins. Otherwise, I’d be sleeping on your couch because you ain’t driving home or Ubering alone.”
“I’d like that,” she smiled softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll pack up my bag and come back. I’m sure you gotta gather your stuff.”
“Deal.” He watched her go, knowing all he had was a duffel bag he’d barely bothered to unpack. She probably had a little rolling suitcase, complete with a change of clothes on top of whatever she’d worn here and the matching oversized shirts the girls all wore. 
“You gotta shit or get off the pot, Dom,” Bella said, stepping beside him with her arms crossed.
“Excuse me?”
“She’s still in love with you. You’re in love with her. Get back together or get divorced. This isn’t healthy.”
“I can’t be what she needs anymore.”
“I think tonight shows that you can. You just won’t.”
“Leave it, Bella,” he bit out. “Let me have tonight. She might leave before I wake up. Or want a divorce. Or I might not be able to tell her how I feel and make it all worse.”
“We just hate watching both of you like this.”
“She was made for me, Bella. I’m not giving her up. But if being separated and staying married is the best I get, I’m keeping it.”
“Whatever you say, Dominick,” she said, squeezing his shoulder. “It was just good to see you both happy today.” He saw Victoria coming back, leaving his sister to take the little rolling bag she had, proud to still be able to predict something she’d do. She had changed into leggings and the Fordham Law sweatshirt she’d taken when he’d first started. She took it with her, and he was proud to know that sometimes she was still walking around in his clothes. 
“Ready?” she asked, and he nodded, hand on her back as he guided her to his car. Once he loaded the bags, he opened her door, smiling as she settled in with a yawn. 
“You’re gonna be asleep before we get to the room.”
“I’m tired,” she whined. “We got here early.”
“I’ll get ya tucked in soon, Tor.” When they got there, she was out. The bags were in the trunk, so he scooped her up carefully, kicking the car closed. With some maneuvering, he opened the door to the hotel room before laying her down. He locked the door before running downstairs to get the bags and coming back. She’d wiggled her way out of her leggings and bra, settling herself under the blanket. He couldn’t help but laugh, locking the hotel door and hanging up his suit and her dress as he pulled on sweatpants. He went to the other bad, hearing a quiet protest.
“Here,” she whined, holding her arms out towards him. 
“You sure, doll?”
“Sure. Come hold me.” He obliged happily, climbing into the bed beside her. When she put her head on his chest, he smoothed her hair. The next morning would be hard, he knew. He wanted her home, but he had to tell her about how the homicides impacted him. That would be the hard part. That burden was one he didn’t want to share. He watched her sleep until he drifted off. The sun coming through the window was what woke him up, and he was ecstatic to feel the weight of Victoria still slung over his torso. She stretched as he let out a yawn, smiling up at him.
“Morning,” she whispered, smiling the sleepy smile he missed. Now he realized what she meant. He hadn’t seen that sleepy smile but a handful of times in the months before she left. 
“Morning,” he murmured, rubbing her back. He wanted to say he was scared she’d be gone, but he’d been the one to run last time. If she had, it would have been fair. 
“Breakfast before serious talk?”
“Place has room service. That okay?”
“Yeah. I’m comfy.”
“Me too.” The arm that wasn’t wrapped around her reached for the menu, showing it to her. Once they’d picked, he ordered, absentmindedly twirling her hair around his finger. She put on some movie, and he watched her face as she paid attention. 
“You’re starin’, Dom,” she teased softly, looking over at him. 
“You’re beautiful. Can’t help myself.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, doll.” She stared for a minute before leaning forward and kissing him sweetly. His heart was pounding like it did when he was seventeen and asked her to homecoming as his hands glided over her sides. Her fingers curled into his hair and a soft groan escaped him. Almost a year. It had been almost a year since they were content and lazy, kissing in bed without the plan being sex and sleep or without the desperation of the night in November. She granted him access to her mouth, and a soft gasp escaped her. He pulled back, nipping her lip lightly. Someone knocked at the door, and a disgruntled sound escaped her. He chuckled airily. 
“I’ll get the food,” he said, reluctantly detangling himself from her. Trying to walk backwards to watch her, he nearly tripped, so he opened the door, took the food and quickly scribbled a signature before hurrying back to her. 
“You’re hot when you’re flustered.” He kissed her, cheeks pink. 
“You’re just hot. Here’s your french toast.”
“Damn, that’s even hotter.” He rolled his eyes, propping himself up against the headboard as he dug into his eggs. She settled beside him, eating happily as her head came to rest on his shoulder. It was companionable silence until the food and coffee was gone, then the weight of what they needed to talk about settled. 
“What do you want to happen?” she asked softly, twisting her rings around her finger.
“My wife back,” he said simply. 
“It’s not that simple and you know it.”
“I do. But I don’t want a divorce, Tor.”
“I know. I don’t either.”
“Are you ready to tell me?”
“Tell you what?” He wanted to kick himself as soon as the words came out. He’d spent the night before thinking about what he needed to share and what could help.  When the time came though, his defenses took over. Telling her what he’d seen, how it impacted him, made him feel weak. Like he couldn’t protect her from the horrors of what he had to see. 
“That’s my answer I guess,” she said, and he could tell she was fighting tears as she got back into her leggings and grabbed her phone and bag.
“Tor, don’t go. We can talk more about this. We had a good night, didn’t we?”
“We did, Sonny, but I can’t not know why you acted like that and come home. How the hell am I supposed to trust that you won’t revert back to being absent?”
“Because it’s different now.”
“I’m not ready.”
“I don’t expect every detail, Sonny, but I can’t not know what’s happening in your head. Especially when it makes you act like you don’t want to be home. Like you don’t want me.”
“I want you, Victoria. More than anything.” His hand scrubbed over his face as he watched her go. Maybe this was worse than if she’d left during the night.
“Then call me when you’re ready to actually communicate, Dominick. I love you, but I can’t live like that.”
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pixie88 · 3 years
Meeting the Parents pt 2
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Chapter 12 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: I’m on fire with these ATB chapters once I got to 5 in my drafts I thought I better release one! I hope you like it.
If you would like to be ADDED or REMOVED just let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff & Light Angst
Word Count: 1832
Pairings: Laila x Harry
"Is he mine?!" she seems a bit taken aback by his question, she wasn't expecting to see him again.
He asks again "Is he my son?" it's almost a hiss.
"No! No, he's not" she understands why he would think he is considering the timescale "I did a DNA test when he was born, he's Anthony's"
Harry is relieved, "You're one hundred percent?" she nods "I can show you the results if you would like?" she doesn't wait for his reply she rushes off, moments later she hands him a bit of paper.
It reads at the bottom -
Probability of Paternity: 99.99999%
Harry feels like he can finally breathe again, he hands her back the piece of paper "Thank you and sorry I just had to know," she offers him a weak smile, "It's OK, I understand why you would think he was yours. Again, I'm sorry about what happened to us in the past and I'm glad you have moved on she seems lovely!"
His thoughts go to Laila "She is to be honest with you, she's probably the best thing that has ever happened to me" her face sours, but quickly changes as she hears her son cry "I'm coming Jasper" she turns back to Harry "Sorry, I have to go. Harry take care!" he smiles "You too"
He makes his way down the path, pulls out his phone and dials Laila's number. It rings a few times before she answers.
"Hey Harry..." He cuts her off, so she doesn't get the rest of her words out.
"He's not mine!" she lets out a breath"How do you feel about that?"
He chuckles "Relieved, Laila the thought of being tied to her because of a child...I couldn't think of anything worse. I thought I might have wanted him to be mine for a few moments but as soon as I knew he wasn't mine, I realised I didn't really want it at all"
"Well, I'm happy for you and at least that's cleared up now. You can move on from it"  He can tell she's secretly relieved to as much as she tries to pretend she was OK with it.
"I'm on my way back to yours so make sure you're ready, we'll leave for my parents when I get back"
"OK, I'm nearly ready. Harry, I'm so nervous," he chuckles "No need to be! You've met my mum, one of my brothers and my sister...my dad you just need to take everything he says with a pinch of salt. He's hard on everyone until they get to know him"
"Great....anyway. I'll see you in a bit, I love you" He laughs "See you soon! I love you too"
Later they arrive at his parents house, Harry lets himself in with his fingers entwined. Laila's heart is racing with nerves, "Mum, Dad?" he calls out "Harry! We're out the back" They make their way through the house towards garden "Laila! How are you?" Rose welcomes her with open arms.
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Harry puts him down and pulls Laila over to the table "Arthur and Izzy you've already met Laila, but Dad, Brad, Will, Sophie, Claire and Ruby this is my girlfriend Laila, Laila this is my Dad Colin, and my brothers Will and Brad and their wives Ruby, Sophie and Claire" His brothers and their wives offer her a warm welcome but Colin doesn't even look up at her.
"Hi, Rose! It's nice to see you again!" Laila smiles at her, she notices the rest of the family round a table "Uncle Harry!!" a little boy runs over colliding with him, Harry picks him up "Hey Cohen! This is my girlfriend Laila!" Cohen looks over to her "She's pretty" Laila smirks "Thank you! You are adorable!" Cohen smiles.
Take everything with a pinch of salt! She thought, "I knew something was going on with you two! I saw the way he looked at you at the sky gardens!" Izzy winks at her, they take a seat Harry doesn't let go of her hand.
"We were in the early stages of dating at time" Laila smiles at her. She hears Colin sniggers, but she chooses to ignore it when she feels Harry give her hand a tiny squeeze.
A little while later dinner is served "Laila, are you left handed?" Colin asks "Erm..no, no I'm not," she smiles at him "So, why are you holding your knife and fork like a left handed person? It's a bit ill mannered?" he hisses. "Sorry, I always have used them this way..." he cuts her off "What do you do for a living?"
"Oh, I'm a hairdresser" he sniggers again "So not a doctor then..what a shame!"
"Dad!" Harry hisses at him "Harry, it's fine!" she smiles softly at him. Pinch of salt! She thought.
"And your parents?" Colin asks "My parents? Well, they own a pub" Colin laughs "Of course they do! Talk about lower class and cliché"
This comment makes her blood boil she jumps out of her seat, throwing down her cutlery "Say what you want about me, but don't you dare talk about my family!" She says pointing her finger at him "My parents are worth 10 of you!! You are nothing, but a miserable, snobby, rude old git! I will not sit here like everyone else and let you get away with talking to me or about my family like that!" she storms off through the house and out the front door.
Harry chases her calling after her "Laila! Wait!" He catches up to her, gently grasping her arm, making her turn "Laila, I'm sorry I should have spoken up...I should've never let him speak to you like that. It's just that's the way he is. I know that's no excuse"
"I get it..he's your dad, we make allowance for family. I shouldn't have say anything" Harry chuckles "No! I'm glad you did..That is what I love most about you. You don't take crap from anyone, you speak your mind and no one has to second guess where they are with you"
Behind Harry, Laila spot Colin stands in the doorway. Harry eyes follow in her direction "Harry, if he's here for round 2, I swear to god I will not be responsible for my actions" Harry chuckles "As much as I would love for you to deck him..." she cuts him off "Don't you think I can take the old man?" she asks.
He laughs "I have no doubt that you can take the old man! But let's just hear what he has to say? I promise I will step in if he's out of line again," she rolls her eyes "Fine" Harry takes her hand and they make their way over to him "Let me just warn you, you dare speak to her like you did in there so help me god" Colin can see his son will not stand by and let it happen again.
"First can I say Laila, I'm a protective old fool, I just don't want him hurt like last time. You were right in there, when you called me a miserable, rude old git. No one has ever pulled me up on how I speak to people and for that I respect you"
"You forgot snobby!" Laila hissed, Colin laughs at her "I also forgot to say sorry which I truly am sorry and if you will allow it can we start again?"
"OK, I'm also sorry for what I called you" Colin laughs "You have nothing to apologize for everything you said in there was spot on. Now let's go back inside"
They follow Colin back to the garden as they walk in his brothers clap "Keep hold of this one Harry! We like her!" Will laughs "Don't worry I intend to!" he winks at Laila.
Later, Harry is playing football with the kids Cohen, Ethan, Bobby and Lara while Laila is colouring with Mila "Do you love my Uncle Harry?" Mila looks up at her "I do" Mila smiles "He loves you too. Are you going to marry him?" Laila smirks she loves how kids are so blunt "Maybe one day"
"Maybe one day?" she hears him asks over her shoulder. Great! She thought. "I asked Laila will she marry you. She said maybe one day!" Mila giggle, Laila blushes as Harry takes a sit down next to her "You're all sweaty!" Laila wipes his brow "Yeah, those 4 have been ganging up on me. 4 against 1 can you guess who won!" Laila laughs at him.
"Not you?" she winks "Got that right!" Harry grabs Laila's hand as she's colouring making her go out of the lines "Harry!! Look what you made me do!" he chuckles at her and does it again "Harry! Stop it!" she hisses "Or what?" he asks.
She takes the felt tip pen and draws on his face "Laila!" she smirks, Mila giggles "What? I'm colouring out of the lines like you wanted me to," he smirks as he shook his head, "You are so going to regret that!" he's quick, he takes a red felt tip pen off the blanket they are sitting on and aims for her face, but she dodges it. He goes in again she falls back against the blanket, Harry grasps her hands pinning them, so she can't stop him. She's laughing "Harry, don't you dare!"
Moving towards her face with the pen between his teeth as his hands pin down hers, she's laughing "Harry" as he gets closer Mila pulls the pen from his mouth and uses it on him "Argh! Mila, you're suppose to be on my team!" he lets go of Laila, Mila gets up and makes a run for it. Harry is about to chase after her, but Laila grabs his ankle making him fall to the ground.
She gets up and makes a run for it after Mila, they're both giggling as they run from him. Before they get to far, Harry's arms come around both their waist's "Gotcha both!" he begins to tickle them and they both fall to the ground trying to get away.
"Uncle Harry! Stop! I'm sorry!" Mila says through her laughter, he stops "I like Laila, Uncle Harry" Harry smiles at his niece "Me too!" he winks at Laila.
A few weeks later
Laila had arranged to meet Nikki at the park with Poppy, They are chatting when all of a sudden they hear Poppy scream.
They both rush over to her, Poppy is hysterical on the floor below the monkey bars "Pops, what's wrong?" tears steam down her face "It hurts!!" she screams "Poppy, did you fall from the bars?" Laila asks her and she nods unable to answer because of the pain.
Nikki becomes distraught "Nikki, It's going to be fine!" Laila tries to reassure her "I'll call an ambulance just in case" Laila pulls out her phone to make the call.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 13.
@shewillreadyou​ @lem-20​ @secretaryunpaid​ @khoicesbyk​ @aussieez​ @txemrn​ @irisofpurple​ @casualpostqueen​ @shannonwrote​ @tea-me-kah​
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scarpool-gmk · 3 years
Title: Godly Marine: Killed Author: Scarpool Fandom(s): NCIS, Percy Jackson & the Olympians Pairing(s): Gen Rating: PG/K+ Summary: Chapter 10 (12/13) — Staff Sergeant Michael Kahale, Marine Corps Mechanic and Son of Athena, was murdered. Annabeth Chase is determined to find out who did it and why. She, along with Percy Jackson, Grover Underwood, and Clarisse La Rue, infiltrate NCIS where they team up with NCIS Agents Leroy Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo, Timothy McGee, and Ziva David. Complete Genre: Fanfiction, Mystery, Drama, Humour, General, Action Warnings:  N/A
Annabeth sighed. "It was Michael's father, wasn't it?"
Gibbs's masseter muscles flexed. "Impersonating a federal agent is a criminal offense."
Well, she already knew the answer to her question anyway. "I know that."
"Is that all you've got to say, Chase?"
"I won't apologize if that's what you're searching for."
Gibbs jabbed a finger at her. "You lied to me! In my house!"
"Did you expect me not to? What did you want from me?"
"The truth. Honesty. Trust."
"I couldn't take that risk."
"You took that risk the moment you came into my investigation, meddling with my team."
Was this guy for real? "I had more than myself to worry about, Agent Gibbs. I had my mission, my friends, and Michael."
"Your mission? Something other than Kahale?"
"He called me because something was wrong. 'Help them,' he told me. That was my mission. Find out who needed protection and from what."
"His family," Gibbs concluded, "And you entrusted me with them, what he told you to protect."
"Justice still needs to be carried out, and by leaving it to you, I know it will be dealt with professionally and impersonally."
Gibbs took a second. "You trust me in that."
Annabeth nodded. "Yes."
Gibbs peered at her. "How'd you know?"
"About Mr. Kahale? He would have told me the truth."
"That simple, huh?"
"He knew who we were, there was little excuse. And when I figured out his family was what Michael was talking about, I knew they had to be involved."
"He's family."
Annabeth looked up in surprise.
"Greek gods have a pretty messy family tree," Gibbs said. "You were his family. The one on his god side."
Annabeth breathed out an airy laugh. He was a smart one. "He was my brother. We shared the same mother."
Annabeth considered him. It wasn't a question. He knew. Gibbs was definitely not to be underestimated.
"Did some research on the myths. It's part of the job when a case revolves around it, especially when they turn out to be real."
Well, that wasn't vague at all.
He was probably making assumptions again. Annabeth narrowed her eyes. Or was there something more?
"I couldn't turn my back on him. I know you understand that."
"You don't know anything about me!"
"We both know that's not true." Annabeth pointed to herself. "Child of Athena, remember. If there's one thing we're good at, it's analysis. This is your team, but it's also your family. I've been to your house- your living space says a lot- and I did my own research, Gibbs. On you. Family isn't just important to you; everything you do has your family at its core. Your rules probably don't have anything on family. Family is why you do what you do, so there's no need for rules about them. It's your drive. Your center."
Gibbs said nothing. Annabeth huffed. 'That's right. If you get to use your vague assumptions, I can one-up with deduction.'
"You do what you have to for family," Gibbs said. "You and Michael were close?"
Annabeth noted the softness that permeated his voice. "Not in particular."
"He held your contact close to him. He told you that he was heading to Peru."
"You're assuming that-"
"It's part of the fake name you created. Hell yeah, I can assume! No such thing as coincidence. You knew the ship's next dock. He must have told you; he trusted you. Out of everyone, he chose you to help. There is obviously some sort of network for you. The evidence has been working with me for two days. Maybe that's how you met, maybe not, but he has to have more connections. He decided to bring you into this, not someone older."
"I am older!"
Gibbs's eyes flashed, questioning.
"The world isn't the safest. Demigods attract monsters. They sense us. They come to challenge us. There is a safe haven, and we either make our way there or get killed off."
She turned to look at the rest of the two teams staring wide-eyed at them. She met Percy's green eyes and held it for a moment, before turning back to Gibbs.
"Look. I had a job to do, a mission to finish, and family to take care of."
"That you did."
"We understand each other, then?"
"Yeah, guess we're good." Gibbs smirked. "Agent."
Annabeth almost sighed with relief.
"And if anything happens." Annabeth straightened. This was Gibbs. Of course, he wasn't done. "If you hear anything…"
"We'll handle it. But," Annabeth added as Gibbs's entire body stiffened, "I'll keep in touch."
She saw a vein on his temple twitch in annoyance, but he stayed silent— stubborn Navy cop.
"So," Grover fidgeted under everyone's stare. "What now?"
"It's time for you to go home," Gibbs said firmly.
Annabeth saw Ziva playing around with one of her other celestial bronze knives. Ziva tried grabbing the blade, but it continued to faze through her. She shook her head and extended it to Percy. "Thank you for lending us these."
Percy looked at them. "Keep them. You never know when you might need them again."
Annabeth smiled at him. "Even though those aren't for his to give, Seaweed Brain is right. You should have them. You were able to see through the mist and should have something that actually works against monsters."
Gibbs tilted his head in acknowledgement.
"I guess this is where we part ways," Annabeth said, feeling exhausted all of a sudden, the adrenaline's and ambrosia's effects wearing off.
"Hey," Gibbs said. "This will be the last time I catch you impersonating federal officers." Annabeth smirked. Old people are so demanding. "And try not to land in any more newspapers, especially you, Jackson."
This time, Annabeth let out a laugh.
Percy squawked. "What! Just because- those times- it wasn't my fault!"
Annabeth suddenly remembered something.
"Gibbs! One more thing. Michael's body…"
Gibbs nodded in understanding. "That strawberry farm any valid?"
"You won't be able to enter." Although, Annabeth was sure he probably assumed that anyway. Probably thought he wouldn't be able to find it, either.
Gibbs grinned.
"I'll call you."
Clarisse watched the greyed Jarhead, and his three teammates walk away. Faithful. Loyal. Proud. That man had her respect from the beginning. He was a man trained for more than combat. It took courage to break the rules, independence to do so with solid reasoning, and leadership to have his teammates follow not because of fear but because of trust. Leroy Jethro Gibbs is a great Agent, a great Marine, a great man.
Clarisse was proud to know and say she had worked and fought alongside Agent Gibbs. Although she had to be purely honest.
"I will never step foot in an office again!"
"Are you really going to keep this quiet, Boss?" Tony clicked his seat belt in. "I mean, this is pretty big."
Gibbs shrugged. That was a yes, then.
"I don't want any of you to lie for me," Gibbs told them. "Your reports are your own. It's your own decision."
"Well, I don't think putting down that I fought against snake ladies and such will go down very good with Vance. Not to mention how a supposed NCIS Agent is part donkey."
Tony snapped his head to McGee. "What?"
"He's a satyr," McGee said. "He's part goat, not donkey."
Tony was prepared to make a snide remark but held back when he took a proper look at his younger partner.
"You look a bit pale there, Tim. You alright?"
Tony's concern grew when McGee looked at him with a terrifyingly vacant expression. "He was part goat, Tony." He waved his hand in front of his chest. "Half human. Half goat."
Oh, boy. "Yeah, I get that. You should drink some water. Lie down."
Ziva gave him a threatening look. "Not on me. It is hot, and we are covered in dirt. Wait till we get back, McGee."
"He might not make it," Tony warned.
"He is perfectly capable of-"
"Do you think there are elves?"
Ziva spluttered to a stop, looking incredulous in McGee's direction.
"You know. Like, do they have other magical weapons? Gems and potions and..."
Ziva felt his face. "Oh, McGee, you are burning up. No! Don't fall asleep! McGee!"
"We gotta get back to base, Boss."
Gibbs nodded, and Tony groaned at his words.
"Back to work."
Grover frowned. "Is telling him our address a good idea?"
"He already had it," Percy pointed out. It was a good point, too. It was already in their system.
"Can't we use the mist and the laptop to make them forget about us? Chiron is not going to like-"
"It will be fine, Grover," Annabeth said, halfway leaning on Percy. "I trust Gibbs."
Gibbs… That man was something else.
Grover had felt so anxious! He didn't think he could have been in Annabeth's position. Gibbs had such control over his stare. Even though he wasn't the one under it, Grover had felt the cold steel gaze he pinned Annabeth with.
All that disappeared when he felt a weight across his shoulders. Percy had wrapped his arms around Grover and Annabeth. Squishing them together. Clarisse grumbled as Annabeth held an arm out to her, but let herself be pulled in any way.
And it felt right. The four of them waddling awkwardly away. Grover felt Percy's happiness practically envelope their link.
"I'm totally gone," Annabeth said with a laugh. "I hope whoever's in the backseat doesn't mind me laying on them."
They almost fell as Percy jostled in the middle. "I don't mind!"
Grover laughed. Being with friends always felt right.
"Let's go home."
The door swished open. "You called, Leon?"
Leon looked up from. 'Leon.' The Long Island team was really gone, then.
"Some disgruntled scholars are calling us cheats, Gibbs. Accusing NCIS of hiding intricate historical artifacts vital to their field."
"'Vital,'" Gibbs chuckled. "I didn't realize dealing with annoyed university professors was in the Director's job description."
"It's not. I was just made aware of the situation and went to ask Ms. Scuito about it. Now, accuse me of being curious if the knife they were all after was gone. Part of another investigation. One that I am unaware of. I go visit the good doctor downstairs, and Kahale's body has already left the building."
"Things move fast around here, Leon."
Leon felt his teeth grind together. "The chair is big, not slow."
"We solved the case, Leon."
"You did, collaborating with Long Island. Speaking of which, where are they?"
Gibbs handed him the case file. "Kahale had a run-in with the Reynosa Cartel. They went back up to follow leads on their end."
Huh, so the Reynosa Cartel is involved.
"What about on our end?"
Gibbs shrugged. "Their case. It's all in the report."
Gibbs gave another team his evidence? His body? His case?
Leon felt a bit bad for those academics. They would never see the knife nor Scuito's findings.
"So, they're fighting Reynosa alone? I don't remember giving that directive. Seems inefficient."
Gibbs raised his brow. "You are Director, Leon. You can assign tasks as you like."
Leon made a face. "Not that team. Can you believe I didn't even know there was a small NCIS department in Long Island? Apparently, something in the works by SECNAV. He's all secretive about it."
Gibbs shrugged. "It's the top dogs, Leon. They're always secretive."
Leon glared at him. Something about the way Gibbs spoke made a small part of Leon nag at him, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
"We should start digging into the Reynosas. It's bad enough that they've infested our neighbor's lawn. We don't want the same in our own backyard. I want this wrapped up, Gibbs, and I expect you to lead me through every step."
"Of course."
The nag got stronger.
"I trust you put as much detail in the report about what happened."
"Of course."
Leon's grip on the file tightened. He felt like he was being played, which means he probably was. He had read enough of Gibbs's and his team's reports to recognize garbage. He was sure that's what he would find. He hadn't even opened the thing, but he could already smell the stench. Leon should take Gibbs's badge, break up his team, file a report. Do all the things he swore he would do when he took the chair. But he couldn't. Not yet. With SECNAV also waving his secrets around, Leon had to be patient about this. Had to be smart.
"And you found out about all the Greek stuff?"
"It was a part of his life. He and his family lived like these stories existed. Had to fight them to survive." He carried a bit of a faraway look on his face. "We finished it for him."
Gibbs missed the skeptical look Leon threw his way "What were you fighting?"
Gibbs snapped back to reality. Replacing the lost-in-thoughts look with a mischievous one. "Hellhounds, harpies, a hydra." Gibbs grinned. "I took out a Cyclops!"
Leon ground his molars, wanting to punch that smug look off his face. Trying to be Mr. Funny, huh? 'It doesn't suit you, Gibbs.'
"Really?" Leon said. "And what happened to all of them?"
Gibbs mimed an explosion with his hands.
Michael's shroud was a silken sheet designed as the flag of the United States of America. The cords tying the body were embroidered with grey owl tassels. It was beautiful and patriotic, but it had turned to ash long ago. The fire burned low, surviving on the remaining cinders. Most of the campers had left. Only a few stragglers remained.
Clarisse stood by the forest, staring moodily at the smoke rising into the clouds.
Grover sat far from the fire, whispering with Juniper.
Annabeth sat nearest. Percy couldn't figure out the face she was wearing. Troubled, perhaps? The bonfire was a neutral grey. Lost in thought then.
He sidled up next to her. "It's over. Mission complete."
"I know. It's just…"
He gave her a smile, hoping it wasn't as awkward as it felt. "You are overthinking about what's going to happen next. I know you. You're going through every detail of what happened."
"It's just- It's so odd to see a network between mortals and monsters. I can't shake the feeling like I'm missing something."
He nudged her side. "You're overthinking it."
Annabeth rolled her eyes at him and leaned over. "I'm compensating for your lack of thinking."
"Hey!" Percy pushed her but put no force behind it. He was glad she wasn't frowning anymore. "Seriously, though, I'm sure you've thought about it enough. If anything does happen, it's nothing we can't deal with, and we'll get through it together. I promise, Wise Girl."
Her eyes sparkled from the fire's light. "Thanks, Seaweed Brain."
Like magic, the fire burned brighter, turning a colourful shade of pink.
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star-spangled-steve · 4 years
His New Partner
Chapter 36: The Heart To Heart
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1907
Warnings: Angst, tears, meantions of sex, cussing.
A/N: I sincerely apologize for not updating in so long. I’ve been trying to take some time for myself to relax and de-stress, and luckily, it worked! My writer’s block has seemed to have disappeared (for now), and I’m super happy with how this turned out. I hope you enjoy it!
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The darkness and quietness of the night consumed all of Y/N’s senses as she sat at the kitchen table, head propped up by her hand. Her thin pyjamas and the blanket thrown over her shoulders did little to keep her warm, but she was too distraught to care.
It was a week after the snap that took her son’s life, and Y/N was having a hard time sleeping; or doing anything for that matter. After deciding to get out of bed, due to her heavy case of insomnia, she had originally planned on getting herself something to drink. Maybe a cold glass of water, to relief the aching tension from her body, or possibly even a beverage that was hot, to make her feel any type of warmth in these troubling times. Warmth that she wasn’t getting from any other sources.
Steve had been trying to give her some. Warmth, that is. Comfort, affection, love. But she had rejected any of his attempts, her emotions being just way too fragile at the moment. She knew that it probably killed him inside, being shot down every single time he tried to help. But in her mind, it was exactly what he deserved. If he wasn’t there for her before, there was surely no reason for him to be now.
Speak of the devil.
The girl turned her head towards the entrance way, being met with the worried face of her husband, who wore nothing but his pyjama pants. He was holding the t-shirt that he had taken off before bed, and began to put it back on due to the cold night air. She tried not to let her eyes stray on his bare chest for too long, though the sight of his toned muscles was something just so hard to resist. That and his deliciously thick beard, probably the perfect mix of rough and soft to touch. It most likely would feel sinfully perfect between her thighs-
‘No.’ She stopped herself. ‘Bad Y/N.’ She was supposed to mad at him, not imagining him pinning her down to the bed and fucking her senseless. Damn. How long had it been since she got laid?
Oh, right, two goddamn years.
“N/N?” Steve’s voice once again broke her out of her thoughts, making the girl come back to her senses. No amount of hotness could make up for what he did.
“Ya?” She responded, voice dry from lack of use. She and Steve had barely spoken within the last seven days, too consumed by all the anger and sadness and depression, too focused on what, or who they had lost.
“What are you doing up?” The man questioned, still having not moved from his spot near the kitchen entrance.
Y/N gave him a small shrug, not daring to make eye contact. “I don’t know.”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows at her answer, crossing his arms over his chest in curiosity. “You don’t know?” He dismissively shook his head before gesturing her over to him, beginning to walk out. “You’re tired. Come on, we’re going back to bed.”
The man stopped in his tracks, turning back around to face her. “You don’t ‘wanna go back to bed?” He watched as she meekly shook her head, realizing that he wasn’t going to get much more of an answer. “What do you want then, N/N? Do you want me to leave you alone? Because I can, if that’s what you need.”
Once again, she was silent, not even offering him a glance of confirmation.
“Alright.” He sighed disappointedly, starting to head out for real this time. “Night, N/N. Let me know if you need anythi-”
“Can we just talk?”
To say that Steve was shocked would be a huge understatement. She had been avoiding him for the last week; rejecting all of his advances, ignoring him when he spoke, and now she finally wanted to talk? The man tried to hide his giddiness.
The sound of her voice, so small, so weak, broke his heart even further. He was obviously going to say yes before. But now, after hearing that one, tiny word, Steve had to stop himself from running over there and scooping her up in his arms. “Of course, N/N.”
She gave him the smallest of smiles, still the biggest one that he’d seen from her since he got back, and he joined her at the table, sitting directly across. He was originally planning on sitting next to her, but instead decided to take things slow. Baby steps.
“So,” Steve sighed while leaning his elbows on the table, getting close to show her that she had his undivided attention, “what do you ‘wanna talk about?”
Y/N let out a shaky breath, trying to hold back the tears that had been building up through the past couple hours she sat there. “I... god, I don’t even know anymore.” She gulped. “I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to think, I don’t even know what to feel.” The girl tugged the blanket tighter over her shoulders for comfort. “I... without him, I... I’m just empty.”
Anthony James. The boy that was her only source of light for the longest time. Now all she saw was darkness.
“I-I just miss him so bad.” Y/N continued, watching Steve’s face sadden even more. “And I don’t know what to do. He... he was my everything. I loved him so much. I still love him so much. Everything is so different without him and I hate it.”
The man nodded his head in deep sorrow. “I know, N/N, I know. I wish he was here with us too. I want to hold my son again; the feeling was like no other. I miss him too.”
Y/N lightly scoffed before mumbling under her breath, “You barely even knew him.” Though the moment the words left her mouth, she instantly regretted how selfish she sounded.
“Wow, Y/N.” Steve lightly chuckled, though it wasn’t because he thought it was funny, but more from his disbelief at her words. He couldn’t even believe she’d say something like that. Here he was, trying to help her, and she was being nothing but rude in return. “You do realize that I’m hurting too right? That you’re not the only one who lost their son?”
She flinched at his angry tone of voice, but answered him with just as much vigour in her own. “Look, Steve, I’m sorry. But it’s a bit hard for me to have any form of sympathy for you after what you did.” Steve huffed but she kept on going. “I myself was hurting for a very long time, two years to be exact, and you weren’t even there.”
“Well by the way you’re acting right now, N/N, you’re not even here for me either.” He tried to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall. “Not once have you asked me how I’m doing, or how I’m handling things. You’ve given me no form of support this past week, and worst of all, you reject me when I reach out to support you. I was on that battlefield, Y/N. I not only carry the sadness of losing our loved ones, but also the guilty feeling that maybe I could’ve done more.” Steve sniffled, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand. “If I turned left instead of right, or killed this alien instead of that one, m-maybe I could’ve helped prevent this.” He sniffled, making eye contact with his wife who was also crying. ”N/N, look, I’m not asking for you to forgive me for what I’ve done; not tonight, at least. All that I’d like is for us to push that aside, and just be there for each other right now.”
Y/N puffed out a breath, his words giving her a lot to think about. She hadn’t meant to make him feel so horrible. “I’m sorry, Steve. Maybe I have been a bit insensitive. It’s just so hard for me to look at you and feel anything but anger.” She watched as he became more disappointed, looking down at his hands in anxiousness. “Two years, Steve. You were gone for two years. Can you blame me, your wife, for being upset? Th-That was two Christmases, two of my birthdays, two anniversaries, and you missed it all. D-Did I even cross your mind?”
“Of course you did, Y/N!” Steve nearly shouted, standing up from his kitchen seat. He began to pace back and forth. “You were the only thing on my mind. You always have been. I don’t think you understand just how much I care about you.”
“Well can you blame me?” She responded, standing up as well. “How ever much you do, it clearly wasn’t enough for you to stay with me!”
“Y/N, me leaving had nothing to do with you!” He threw his hands up in exasperation, letting them flop down to his sides. “By the time I’d realized the weight of what I’d done, it was too late to come back!”
Both Steve and Y/N turned their heads towards the hallway, opposite of the one Steve had entered from. Standing there, in hear sweats, was the one and only Natasha Romanoff. And boy oh boy, did she look irritated.
“Hey, Nat.” Steve spoke hesitantly.
“Ya, hi, some of us are trying to sleep, you know?”
Y/N nodded, suddenly feeling ashamed for being so inconsiderate. “Right. Sorry, Natasha. You go back to bed. We’ll be more quiet.”
“Thanks.” The red-haired woman gave them a nod back before walking out the way she came in.
Once he knew she was gone, Steve again made eye contact with Y/N, nudging his head towards the way of their bedroom. “Come on.”
This time the girl complied, silently following him through the hallway and back to their room. Once inside, he closed the door behind her.
“Y/N, I don’t want to keep fighting you.” The man spoke while placing his hands on her forearms, desperate for any sort of touch from her. “I really, really need your support right now, N/N. I love you so much.”
She gulped. “I-I love you too, Steve. I really do. But-”
“No.” He cut her off. “No ‘buts’. Love... love is all we need.” Steve began to get closer, wrapping his arms around her upper body. He was almost going to kiss her too. He knew it, she knew it, and that’s exactly why she placed a hand on his chest; to push him away.
“No, Steve.” Y/N slowly, sadly shook her head. “What we need is time.” She swallowed her tears, looking away from his handsome face. “Apart.”
“B-But, N/N-”
“I’m sorry.” She told him sincerely before heading towards the door, putting her hand on the knob to leave.
“Wait,” he furrowed his brows, “where are you going?”
“I’m just going to go sleep in the living room.”
“No.” He shook his head. “No, I don’t want you on the couch. I’ll go, you can stay here.”
Y/N glanced around the space, remembering of the things that had happened there, before her eyes landed on a certain spot on the carpet. The spot where not too long ago, the ashes of her son laid. “To be honest, Steve, I don’t even want to be in this room right now.”
And with that she walked out, closing the door behind herself, leaving her husband all alone.
Next Chapter
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Mission Turn It Up In The Club (It’s The Avengers)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: fluff, dirty brains, drunk babbies, cutest allies, shocked fathers, confused jocks.
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
One Shot: When Thor indirectly challenges you- a complete noob with zero knowledge of espionage- to go on a relatively easy mission and get some intel, you accept it, never really ready for what's about to happen. And the camera crew records it all.
Word Count: Never underestimate the power of your inner voice because boy does it make you feel amazing about yourself sometimes!
Written for @captain-kelli 500 Fam Writing Challenge. Thank you so much for letting me participate! I picked the Quote (not a dialogue) : There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
You come with your shades over your eyes and a yoghurt smoothie in your hand, and sit down on the chair in the recording room, adjusting your 'noice and toit' t-shirt before looking in the direction of the equipment. Clearing your throat and shifting back in the chair- going as back as you possibly can- you nod at Javier and get ready for the camera to roll, never taking off the shades.
You: *sighs* *rests face on your palm* *in a coarse incomprehensible voice* It all star- *tries to clear the coarseness of the throat* ahem ahem *makes bleching noises before groaning* *stops* *sighs* Hmm...where were we? *looks straight past the camera at Javier with half-open lips* Right...right. *looks back at the camera* *lips still half-open* It all started yesterday when a stupid b**** tried to become over smart.
Twenty-Four Hours Earlier
Everyone sat in the lounge of the Avengers Compound reading the reports that had just come in from Fury about a cartel trying to traffic alien wreckage- mostly weapons- to the black market. That 'everyone' excluded you, your adopted dog Zuko, and a very unamused and unbothered Loki sitting on the raised platform by the french windows with a copy of Sapiens and your favourite mug filled with hot tea.
The camera zoomed in on you concentrated on writing something on your laptop; so engrossed you were that you never noticed when Clint quietly gorged on your choco-chip cookies and drank your orange juice.
"But we only have to gather intel from a couple of guys meeting in the city today?"
Thor- who was finally at an Avengers meet after getting things in order for his Asgardians somewhere in Norway in their 'new Asgard'- pshd at the tablet in his hands and chuckled.
"Gather intel. Is that the human way to say drink some beer with these filthy humans and let them talk everything about their plan?"
"Damn right," everyone around him muttered.
"So easy even Y/N could do it," he chortled, catching your ears and a long sigh from the God sitting by the window enjoying the sun.
"Woah, now," Tony interjected, slapping Thor's shoulder with the back of his hand, "don't give her any ideas."
You narrowed your eyes at Tony. "I'm sure if Thor says I can do it-"
"Thor also said none of you ladies can process Asgardian mead," Clint added, buried in the sofa next to you, his tablet acting as a shield against the warm early afternoon sun.
Flashback to a party at the compound
Sam wobbled, trying to stand with the support of the bar while Clint kept muttering ‘I think I can see inside you guys. Like, really see.’ Bruce was being consoled by Thor in one corner. “The big guy hates me, Thor. He doesn’t-he doesn’t love me at aaaalllllll.” Scott and Bucky tried to wager who pin the donkey. The former didn’t even get to hold the tail in his hand. While all this mayhem unfurled, Natasha and Wanda sat by the bar recording everything on their phone while sipping their third Asgardian mead cocktail. “We should do this more often,” Natasha had suggested at one point during at night.
"I don’t get how you can't process it after the first buzz," Natasha called out from the dining table, never looking away from her tablet but still smiling.
"I'll sit this one out," Thor declared, sitting next to you, "I'm sure the Black Widow or Wanda can handle that."
You looked at him with an unwavering gaze for quite some time, making Thor uncomfortable after a certain point. Loki, who had caught you through the whole shebang, had a soft smile creeping on his face on watching you make his brother so uncomfortable.
"Wow," you finally spoke, letting your head move with the exclamation, "you are such a jock, aren't you?"
"A what?"
Loki: *smirks**snickers**snickers turn into uncontrollable laughter**continues laughing**stops midway with a serious look to shout* FINALLY!
"You don't want to go because there won't be any fighting and show of power," you state, turning yourself towards him, "and having conversations with guys seems too boring. Mostly because of your hate for bad guys. You know they won't give you answers straight away if you ask them politely, which I know you hate. So the next step is- 'why can't we just beat the shit out of them after they gave up on my offer to tell everything like good boys?'."
Thor: *crinkled brows* ...we can't? *looks behind the camera* why can't we? 
Tony and Steve stood next to each other- former's brows creased, latter's raised, both in a bit of admiration shock- taking in your breakdown. Finally, Steve leaned a little towards Tony to whisper, "did she just profile Thor?"
"Oh, yeah," Tony answered on the same wavelength before Steve could even finish his question, "she definitely did." He concluded with a smile filled with soft pride.
 "You know what, I'll take it," you casually declared to the lounge while leaning on the coffee table next to you. "Take what?" Steve asked, wanting to find out more of whatever was coming from your mouth. "The challenge," you shrugged, "I'll take up the part of getting some men to blabber about the locations. And while I'm at it, I'll get them to tell me about their boss' headquarters as well. Hmm?"
"Of course, you will," Tony chuckled softly in a trance for one second and furrowed his brows in confusion the next. "Wait, what?"
"You heard me," you announced in his direction before going back to whatever it is you were so busy doing on your laptop, leaving Tony to let his mouth open in displeasure.
"Young lady, you're not going anywhere near those sons of bitches."
Steve looked at the camera with a raised brow.
Steve: You know that moment when you see one of your best friends do everything reckless in this goddamn world, wanting you to curse him with having to once step in your shoes and see what it's like to keep him in check? *smiles with satisfaction* This is one of those days when you see it coming true. When God finally heard your prayers and sends that very friend's kid to make every one of your wishes come true. *nods* *gets serious* Though I'm against putting Y/N in danger. *shakes head* Would never let her do something as reckless as her biological father. *smirks* But damn it feels good.
 Tony: *narrows eyes at the camera* Is that what Captain Star-spangled underwear thinks? *Nods* Hm. *clicks tongue* Well, that day isn't far when I fund research led by Bruce to make super babies with Steve's *makes air quotes* super semen and make him go through the fate of a father and the burdens that come with it.
*camera pans out to show a very pregnant and a very weirded out Pepper sitting next to him with her head resting in her palm as she hears her husband talk*
Pepper: *looks into the void* *inhales* Or you could just make him the mentor for the young heroes in the compound and watch him struggle to get them in line. *shrugs* Better yet, let him be in charge of showing Loki the ropes.
Tony: *still silent* *looks into his void* *blinks* *tilts his head* *looks back at the camera* *smirks* Pepper?
Pepper: Hmm?
Tony: *turns to face her* Have I told you how much I admire your genius?
Pepper: *making circles on Tony's arm* *whispers suggestively* You have but I won't mind you saying it again.
Tony: Well, you are genius, darling. A genius with the power to create countries and throw dictators off their high horses.
Pepper: *raises her head from her palm with a glint in her eyes* *softly announces* Anthony Stark, we're going to your office and you won't stop saying all of it till I tell you to.
Tony: *feels a visible shudder go down his spine as Pepper gets up and walks away* Y-yes ma'am. *looks at the camera with a hint of disbelief*
Pepper: *from outside the room* Now!
*Tony rushes out*
The Confidential Club
The camera went from black to a few neon lights flickering in the distance. A heavy base song faded in when everything started coming into focus.
Don't get sick
Don't get strep
Don't get bronchitis
A soothing glow of blue lit up the walls, which the camera did a slow three-sixty, through which two figures- both tall, one slender and the other jacked up- walked in a sexy slo-mo as the club started another track.
So this money shit, yeah it's been on my mind
Fuck ya possy bitch
I'ma pop off a tonne with the tummy miss
Yea this how I slum I'm bout' to see some tits
Yea ya mummy is fine
The boys walked into the neon-grazed club glowing with a hue of red, their freshly shampooed hair bouncing with every step till these two stopped right when they entered the floor, scanning the club and the club doing the same to them, but with lost breaths, increased temperatures and some very dirty thoughts and very dirty moans.
I'm a good boy I don't hit no licks yeah
I'm a bad boy flexing with some chicks yuh
I'm a weird boy smokin' on some Brits yuh
Who dat boi
I'm that boy yuh
The slo-mo continued, recording every pair of eyes that turned to get a look at the brothers whose presence was electrifying the entire building. Ladies forgot their drinks and men, men forgot their dates and- with a swift internal jolt- their toxic masculinity and the genderless seemed to have found Gods in the club tonight.
We them bad boy come give baby kiss
We just dropped it now
Now the swallow kiss
Have to beg these ladies try to do the splits
Tryna get the boy to do the coochie little
People moved as if these Gods were gravity, walking under those flickering club lights and smoked room, hands trying to get a touch, eyes wanting to get just one sweet stare, legs wanting to get a little brush, the heat pooling inside them looking for just a little satisfaction.
Yea I'm Neo watch me on the Matrix
All these sussy boy I just implore I do not play with
Baby (Baby) sure you're crazy
Boy that gave me 8 bars and some new restraint
Who that boi
I'm that boi yuh
The blond locks seemed to find suggestive fingers in them, while some other stray ones roamed on Thor's chest. Loki watched his brother being surrounded with the crowd of thirsty thots, his face dripping with pure displeasure, letting the camera catch it frame by frame, with brilliant tilts, doing it till Loki was looking right at the lens.
Who that boi
I'm that boi yuh
Another camera standing a little further recorded Javier on his knees trying to catch Loki's displeasure and piercing eyes- at anyone who even suggested that they wanted to touch him- before he looked at Javier. "What are you doing?" Loki judged Javiers' slow camera tilts.
Javier raised his index finger for a few moments, still recording those sour expressions before giving a thumbs up, getting up and walking towards the crowd that had surrounded a quite flattered Thor.
With an eye roll in his brother's direction, Loki turned to find the other camera looking at him, quite possibly directing him somewhere else because the next moment he was looking away. The camera turned in the same direction to show- behind the crowd of mellow, drunk and horny people- you laughing with your head tilted backwards, sitting with a group of men he had seen in the report when he was forced by Thor to come on this stupid so-called mission with him.
You sat between four men, enthusiastically narrating something to your small audience with wide eyes and wildly moving arms, entertaining the viewers with intention known to them and these green eyes who could see right through every one of those scums.
The camera- swivelling between you and Loki- caught him walking towards you only to be stopped by a pale hand- carrying beautifully manicured nails in blood-red- landing on his chest.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Natasha suggested to the God with a bare hint of a smile on her lips.
Loki looked down at the Black Widow dressed in a body-hugging black dress. "Oh, I wasn't going to stop her from having some fun, I assure you," he implored.
Natasha brought her hand forward for Loki to take the earpiece in her hand. "She's got this. But you're welcome to listen in on the conversation," Natasha offered.
"My brother can fill in for me considering Y/N is already doing his job," he mentioned, pointing towards the crowd taking selfies with a giddy Thor making girls swoon all around him.
"Hot molten chocolate cake!" came a voice from the earpiece, loud enough for Loki sensitive ears and the recorders in all the devices to catch before the God could walk away.
"That's the safe word," Natasha declared into the earpiece, before turning to look at the table where you were.
"I really should go," you colourfully begged the man who had his hand wrapped around your arm, never letting go, "my girls must be waiting for me."
"Call your girls," the man holding you said, "we can all party in the private room upstairs."
"Call my girls?" you said a little louder as if asking Natasha what to do.
"On it." Loki heard another voice come through the comms, making Natasha's tensed back go straight.
"It's okay, Y/N," she confirmed into your earpiece, "go ahead. Tell them the girls can't wait."
The camera caught Natasha turning with a smirk that sent a cold shiver over the glowing dance floor, making Loki mirror that smirk, looking forward to it all.
The enthusiasm in Natasha's face was disturbed by some invisible ripple. "Where's Thor?"
 Other Side of the Club
Javier's camera showed the blond God sitting at the bar with at least twenty ladies huddled with him, handing him drinks.
"Now this one," a petite little girl stated, handing him a tall glass of Long Island Iced Tea. Thor happily took the glass, had a decent sip, gulped it down, furrowed his brows and smacked his lips.
"No," he finally declared, earning a cheer from the girls. "Not laced!" they shouted before handing him another girl's drink.
The camera stuck to the corners as it followed the men violating your private space, their arms around you, walking in front of and behind you, leaving no space whatsoever to look for any signs of the cavalry.
"Woah, guys, how about you go in and I'll go look for my sisters-"
"Oh, no," the one with a stubble and a nice jawline declared, "you're coming with us and your friends can follow. Come on, let's get some more alcohol in you!"
"Haha, yeah!" you pretended to cheer, stepping inside the room behind the guy with a ponytail, who stood in the middle of the living room like a statue for a good second.
"What the hell is this?" He announced more than he asked, pointing to Anna- the camera girl- sitting at the other end of the room, recording the entrance.
"Oh," you exclaimed in realisation, making all four men turn towards you, never noticing the door be closed by another figure in the room, "that's my camera gal. She follows me everywhere. My dad kinda got into this idea of making a documentary out of our lives so one of them is always around me except for when I'm studying or in the bathroom. But I have seen them recording me once or twice when I was in the librar-"
"Shut up!" The jawline guy roared, taking out a gun from his back, "Shut the f*** up! Rory, I told you she was a student. She'll fetch a good price on the market."
You wanted to be frightened by that gun but the camera caught you more in offended disbelief than in fearful shock. "Excuse me? How old do you think I am? Just because I'm studying, you little-minded bitch?! Learning has no age limit, you arrogant paedophiles!"
"Oh well," Jaw-guy shrugged, taking off his jacket, "you're no use to the bosses then. Looks like we'll have to make use of you. And your pretty friend there can record us doing it." He grinned, both at you and then at the camera.
Ponytails looked at you with a wrinkled forehead. "Something's wrong," he stated, taking a step close to you.
"What do you mean?" The guy in the brown leather jacket asked.
"Look at her," he answered, pointing towards you, "she isn't even sweating right now."
You looked at Ponytails with furrowed brows. "You've set the temperature quite low, dude. I'm practically shivering in here."
"That's actually true," Jacket acknowledged, nodding at you.
"No, you dumb fuckers! She isn't scared!"
Jaw had a moment of realisation at Pony's words, taking hurried steps towards you, grabbing you by your throat and pushing you into the wall behind you.
"Oh my Gaahd," you tried to exclaim through whatever air was able to pass through your lungs, as you felt your hand automatically go grab the one that was causing you pain.
"Who are you?" Jaw hissed through his teeth close to your face. "Who do you work for?"
Your brows lifted. An aching moan left your lungs. You took in a little gulp of air. "I never thought this is how it goes down."
"That's because you picked the wrong men to mess with, darlin'."
Your raised brows crinkled at Jaw's statement. "What?"
You: Oh, I was thinking about the horny wave I got when he tried to choke me. *stretches the corner of her mouth in embarrassment* Yeah, turns out not the first thought that should come to your mind when someone's trying to kill you. But on the bright side I discovered a kink so *does a thumb up with both hands with a big grin.*
"But we haven't even started messing with you boys yet."
The camera swirled from your agitated, flushed face to the doorway leading to the bedroom, catching a very disinterested Wanda leaning on the wall as she checked out her nails.
"Wow," you choked, "were you always this hot, Wanda?"
"Who the fuck is this? Who the fuck are you?" Ponytails pointed his gun at the Scarlet Witch in haste, bringing forth a plasmic red spark in between her fingers, which, with a little twist, made the man point his gun at his buddy.
Another camera entered through the door to catch Jaw pulling you away from the wall to hold you in a lock with his gun pointed to your head. "One wrong move and I blow her brains out, bitch."
"One wrong move and I'll be doing the same to you, bitch."
Natasha stood behind Jaw with a gun. "Let go of her before my friend and I paint these walls with your insides."
Jaw cursed her under his breath, taking a few moments before releasing you. You quickly walked to a safer corner of the room, next to the fireplace, breathing with ease now.
"Y/N," she called out, "you okay, sweetie?"
"Uhh...just a little light-headed. Otherwise, I'm good," you responded, finding yourself lowering your voice, "though I wish someone else was choking me right now." You looked at the camera and narrowed your eyes. "Don't you judge me," you criticised in a whisper at it, feeling yourself tilt to one side, losing your balance, already fearing to hit the floor before being caught by strong hands.
"Oh," you sang while the camera panned out from you and those pale hands to show Loki very gracefully breaking your fall, "Hey, handsome!"
Loki didn't even blink as he tried to bring you back on your feet. "Drinking on a mission? Really? I thought you were better than this."
"Ugh," you bleched at him, "shush! I was in my form with those gin shots, okay. These whiney thirsty boys were blabbering the moment I sat down. Let's see your brother pull that off-wait. Why are you here?"
The two of you were oblivious to the fight going in the background being recorded by the other camera; the Black Widow breaking bones like twigs while the Scarlet Witch was making them vomit on their fears.
"Oh, I wanted to see what petty excuse do you humans use to enjoy and forget this pathetic world-"
The camera panned in on you while someone outside the frame screamed and was thrown into a wall. You smiled with pure emotion in your eyes while looking at Loki.
"You didn't know we were here, did you?" you asked with that smile still stuck on your face.
"Thor dragged you here, didn't he?"
"I came here by my own accord."
"What did he blackmail you with this time?"
"...I wasn't blackmailed! No one can blackmail m-"
Loki: Tony said he'd block my access to his library. *clenches his teeth* That old rusty metalhead.
"Fine if you don't wanna tell me. I'm just glad you came," you pointed, patting him on his chest, completely missing the knife flying towards you being blocked by his reflexes- nothing having been displaced but for his arm.
"Wow," you gasped, letting your hand touch his chest again, "what do you have under there? Rocks? How the heck is your chest so hard?"
"I'm a frost giant darling," he asserted, twirling the knife in his hand before throwing it forward without looking, landing right on Leather Jacket's hand about to pull the trigger and shoot Wanda.
"And I'm a human. What's your point? Why are your boobies so hard and mine so squishy? Look!"
You took his hand to make him feel your chest. "Okay," he cut you short before you could forcibly make him grope you.
"You are clearly running on alcohol right now."
You snorted. "No, dummy. I'm standing. Are you sure you're not the drunk one?"
Loki looked at the camera.
"I'm sorry," you whined.
The camera caught your figure partially as you hid behind Loki in the compound elevator while Wanda and Natasha stood on either side.
"Don't worry," Natasha reiterated, "we'll take care of it. Just don't tell Tony about the..." she waved her hand in the air like it meant something to you.
The ding announced your arrival to the lounge. Elevator doors opened to see Tony standing at the entrance with crossed arms, his eyes boring straight into everyone in front of him, not even bothering to blink.
Behind him Scott and Bucky sat on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn and Home Alone on the big screen, their eyes and ears focused on all of you rather than the movie.
An everlasting moment of silence passed and you managed to get a look of those eyes of judgement over Loki's shoulder before quickly curling back into your hiding spot.
"Where were you?"
The room didn't even have time to register the chill when you heard Natasha speaking. "Wanda and I were out shopping. I don't know about these two," she announced with her hands raised, walking out while mouthing 'sorry' at your face that had just experienced third-tier betrayal.
"I suggest you come out from behind Aro here," Tony digressed, "he's not gonna hide you for the rest of your life."
Loki took a step out of the elevator, getting a little closer to Stark, towering him just a little, his hands resting in his pockets. Stark was visibly hating the suave play from the God.
You were stuck there for a few more seconds before stepping beside Loki, letting the camera capture the wide eyes, a gasp of shattering shock and the fumes dissipating to give place to something new.
Panning in on you, the camera caught the bruise growing on your cheek, the size of a pear.
"Y/N-" Stark had barely begun to address his horror when Loki cut him short.
"She’s fine, Stark. Just a little-"
"Who did this?!"
That erupting gaze was meant for you to answer the question and so the entire surrounding went silent for you to answer him. Even Home Alone was muted to hear what you had to say for this bruise.
"Mr Stark, I can explain." Your voice was a quarter of what it was half an hour ago, barely coming out in front of your father. "Please don't be mad. And please keep an open mind about it."
None of you could gather what rushed into Tony's mind because the next thing you knew, he felt himself shift back a little. Curse words flew under his breath as his hands tried to run over the tensed muscles in his face.
"Oh, my G-is this some sort of new...new thing you kids are into?"
Now it was your turn to be confused. "What?"
You: *cringe* Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Get it out of my head! Ew!!
"N-No! I-what?! Nooooooo!" you stressed at the word as much as possible. The God stood there seemingly trying to make sense of this conversation.
"Loki and I were out on a date. We were karaoke-ing and I was dancing on the bar counter when I slipped and hit myself."
Loki did not miss even a second to look at the camera with pursed lips.
Loki: That's not what happened.
 Flashback to the club
You forced Loki on the dancefloor while Natasha took care of the goons.
"Come on, show me your mooooves, Loki," you shouted over the music before giddily jumping and taking a step back, colliding with a guy.
"Oh, I'm so-"
"What the f***!" The pasty blond guy cursed at you before looking at Loki. "Take care of your bitch, asshole."
Before Loki could take a stance between the two of you, he felt your hand block him, your eyes glowing at that rude stranger.
"Who the f*** are you calling, asshole, you dried pulp-less raisin!"
The guy twisted his jaw before stepping very close to you.
Loki- clearly uncomfortable by the distance- tried to pull you towards him and away from that pathetic excuse of a human
"Alright," the God announced, "you better watch-"
The camera caught the full-blown emotion of offence on Loki's face as you swatted his hands away.
"I called. Your boyfriend. An asshole. You c***."
Loki blinked in a sense of amusement at the audacity of that man, the ripples of tensed muscles under his black t-shirt quite visible for the ones who watched.
"At least I can take a pounding unlike your ego, you smelly ballsack," you spat back. "Now walk away before I bring a mirror and show you what a real asshole looks like." The infant rage that Loki was carrying in his entire body suddenly screeched to a halt as he looked at the back of your head with shocked confusion. "What kind of insult was that?"
The pasty guy was fuming now. Your words clearly rubbing him the wrong way.
"Oh, what happened?" you sang in a sarcasm filled tone. "Did your boring comebacks turn flaccid? Just like your virgin d-"
He pushed you back. "Shut the fuck up before I make you shut up."
Loki body stood as a shield- only behind you- wanting to go ahead and do something to that guy but you were not giving him a chance to do so.
You gasped. "The audacity of this bitch!" And pushed him back. "What're gonna do, fight me?"
No one saw it coming. The punch landed on your face within seconds, pushing your back into Loki's chest, the latter having to grab you to stop you from falling.
"Okay, that's it," Loki pulled you up, his eyes on fire glaring right at the man with the intention to kill. And as his luck for the night would have it, you used him as a support to gather a bit potential, scream "Son of a-" while charging at the guy. By now the rest of the ladies on the dancefloor had witnessed enough to come to your aid and beat the living hell out of that man. Pure, chaotic energy spreading over the floor that reflected in the pleasant amusement in Loki's eyes.
"By the Norns," Loki whispered, looking at the scene unfolding in front of him before looking at the camera, "remind me never to get on Y/N's bad side."
The pasty guy screamed out of the frame, making Loki turn at him with a layer of disappointment.
"Oh, you asked for it," he shouted at the man screaming for help before being swallowed whole by the river of women.
 You: *sighs* Of course, I can't tell Mr Stark I got punched while defending your honour.
Loki: *giggle snorts*
You: *turns to look at him* what?
Loki: You're right. I can see him never believing that.
You: *nodding in agreement* right?
Loki: Because he would cut my head off the day he does. *stops smiling*
You: Aw! I won't let him, buddy.
Loki: Oh, I doubt it. He is still in shock about the whole 'date' thing.
The camera flips to the lounge showing Stark sitting in between Scott and Bucky, looking in the distance- still in shock- while those two munched on their popcorns from the popcorn bowl kept in Tony's lap.
"Nah." he finally says out of the blue, almost making Scott jump, "Y/N can't date Loki? I'm sure she's just pulling my leg for not letting her go on that stupid interrogation mission."
Scott and Bucky exchanged glances before nodding and patting him on the back, resuming their movie with a 'sure buddy'.
You: *sheepishly* Yeah, I think we broke him.
Loki: At least he's behaving like he's supposed to, unlike my brother in such situations.
You: Huh...*nods* *furrows brows* speaking of Thor...where is he?
 The Club-a-Dub-Dub
The camera captured a face covered by flickering neon pink shades looking down at a laptop in those big hands while glowing neon party necklaces adorned his neck.
"All right let's do this," Thor stated in all seriousness, using a pink tic-tac to pull his hair up above his ear. The camera zoomed out a little to show him looking at a laptop placed in front of him on a pedestal.
"We are gathered here for a task that is too important for this world to be left to another time. A task so huge that my heart feels both burdened and honoured to be able to put it to fruition. A task so pure in its being that anyone who stands up against it in this club shall face my wrath. But not before I try to make them change their mind with love. Rosa and Gina, I ask you to step forward and be the blessed lot of this sacred ceremony."
The slow panning out of the frame showed two beautiful women step forward and face each other with pure smiles.
"By the power vested in me by becomeaminister.com, I am honoured to announce you wife and wife. You may now kiss."
An uproar of elated excitement filled the club just as Thor finished; the brides kissing and their friends celebrating. Everyone toasted to the newlywed couple before someone shouted to do the cha-cha slide.
The next thing you know, Thor and the rest of the people in the house were sliding left and right.
"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!" Thor shouted with the jumps and twists, "I DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHY I'D COME HERE!!"
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kileyrose-2003 · 4 years
Dan Torrance x Fem! Reader: Intro
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This is the beginning of the fic I posted about earlier during the week that is going to be revolved alot around Rose. How many parts It'll turn out being, I don't know. Most of this fic, I'm doing in pretty big detail and I've never written anything like this before.
I am going on a date on Valentine's Day to most likely see Birds of Prey and from what I've heard about it, my sappy Bisexual heart already has a soft spot for Harley Quinn and Roman Sionis so I probably will begin accepting request for them as well as the Dr. Sleep characters I already write for. (Doctor Sleep Request are still open) I do have 2 Rose the Hat request am I working on rn. Anyways, Criticism is welcome on this one. I hope you enjoy and all is well.
Warnings: Child abuse, sexual tension, mentioned violence against children, gore, kidnapping, the usual.
Key: Dragă is the equivalent to sweetheart in Romanian
SNAP! Rose the Hat removed the top from one of their many full cannisters. "Eat well, live long," She whispered amorously before members of The True pushed her out of the way to get a whiff of their freshest thing of steam.
She stepped back, crossing her arms as she watched The True feast. This one's name was Anthony and she could remember juiceness in the taste of his steam. Yet, she didn't want him.
She missed the feel of the hunt and seeing the steamheads squirm underneath her. Rose felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and she smiled at Crow, kissing the crook of his neck. "Aren't we quite frisky?"
"Just in love with you." He kissed her cheek and rubbed up and down her sides. "Crow.." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "I want you Rosie..only if you're okay with it, of course."
"You idiot, you already know the answer to that question." She smashed her lips against his and the two of them stepped into her trailers.
The noises coming from her RV were not unfamiliar to anyone who belonged to The Knot. When all was said and done, the two laid in each other's arms. Having their typically late night talks.
"There's not as much steam." Rose rolled her eyes into the back of her head. "Oh please don't be daft." She rolled over and buried her head in his bare chest. "We have three empty cannisters, not a big deal."
"It is a big deal. That's all time low for us and the kids now are being taught the whole stranger danger things. It's not as easy to lure them in."
"Well then what do you suppose we do about it? Without turning anyone." Rose looked him in the eye.
"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while...I have an idea but I don't know if you're going to want to hear it. It's a little..unorthodox." Rose raised a brow and chuckled. "Oh? Do tell because now I'm curious.
"You're going to think I'm insane, Rosie." She rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you of all people know I've seen it all. Just be honest and tell me."
"What if we got a baby or a kid?" He fiddled around with his hat. Rose had to fight the urge to laugh. "A baby? What the fuck would we both do with a baby?"
"Well not exactly a baby but look, I was thinking most rube children typically tend to relate to other rube children better than adults."
"And what if we got a child, a particularly steamy one, to help us get what we need?" Rose thought about it for a moment. "That beats the whole point of not turning anyone though. Because I know you well enough to know that eventually you will get attached to it and you'll end up wanting to turn it."
"Rosie, they wouldn't be an it. They would be family. By the time they would be old enough to be turned the cannisters would be full and she-"
"She?" Rose questioned. "Assuming it's a girl. They don't have be a girl but anyways, by that point all the cannisters would be full because we'd have them to help us find the steamheads and it wouldn't be an issue turning them because we'd have such an easier time finding steam."
Rose sighed rubbed her face. "I don't know..it's just- Crow, I'm not fit, no- we're not fit to raise children. We kill them, Crow!"
"I know but we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Worse case we wipe the kid's mind and everything goes back to normal or we kill 'em."
Rose stared deeply into Crow's eyes and pulled his face close to her's. "I'll think about it." She kissed the top of his head and looked up at the clock on the wall. "The rubes are probably wondering when they'll hear from you. Time you get ready to get on the road, big man."
"I know," He groaned and stood up, kissing the top of her. "Just think about it?" Rose made a humming noise and kissed his hand before watching him walk away.
Rose actually did think about it for a while before bringing up the matter with the Grampa Flick while Crow was away on business and the others were asleep.
"Well..it could be worth a shot. It's really up to you though, Rosie." She took a sip of her tea. "I'm not asking for pros and cons. I want to know what you think I should do."
He gripped his cane in his hand and sighed. "I think it's worth a shot. Even if it doesn't work out, we still do end up with extra steam and it's not like we hurt for money, Rosie."
"You're sure?" Rose held her hands in his. "I'm positive." She looked him up and down as if she was analyzing him. "Okay." She stood up from the lawn chair and kissed the top of Flick's head. "You won't mention anything to Crow when he comes back and make sure the rest of the family doesn't either?"
"Not a word," He coughed. "Not a word." She nodded and smirked as she walked away.
About two days after that conversation, Rose began her search for the perfect fit for The Knot. The first two weeks she hit nothing but finally she found something.
Just outside of a resort area in Colorado, Rose discovered a small row of cookie cutter homes located on the beginnings of a mountain. While she thought the houses were very rube like, she paid them no mind. What interested her more was what laid beyond those homes.
Farther up the road if you made a left, there was a long dirt driveway that after about a mile or two, lead up to a large cabin.
At first the house seemed like nothing but ordinary at first glance but to people who shined the way The True Knot did, it was a light shining to the moths searching meaninglessly in the dark.
Hardly anyone ever came in and out of the house and took Rose over a week to actually pin you as the steamhead in the house since you did have an older brother.
You were different from the rest of your family. "Special," Rose heard your mother mutter to you one night as she tucked you though she didn't have to be in her head to know special was not the word she was actually thinking of.
She was scared of you. Your whole family was scared of you and Rose couldn't understand why. You never were particularly domineering with your gifts and you always obeyed everything they asked of you. Even staying out of there heads when they felt their minds going adrift yet, they were terrified of you.
Rose watched you for weeks, constantly consulting back and forth with Grampa Flick about whether you'd be a good fit for a group. You didn't seem to notice though, as you were preoccupied with other things in your home life and wanted nothing but to hear from at least either of your parents that they loved you.
The one night in particular, Rose got to have a front row seat on your pain. She sat up on a tree branch, swinging her legs back and forth as she stared intensely at your bedroom window. The rest of the house was dark but your room was lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Now do you see why we're so stressed out?!" Your silhouette came into view from the light colored curtains shrouding your window and Rose could make out the outline of a male much taller than standing across from you.
"I-i'm sorry, daddy!" You screamed, terror brimming from everything to your voice to your posture. "I-i can't help...I wanna be normal!" You sobbed hysterically. "Come on, dad. She can't help she is, the way she is."
"Quiet, son!" Rose shook her head, still keeping her eyes fixed you. "Fucking rubes," She muttered under her breath.
Your father's fiery gaze turned back to you. "Then why can't you be normal?!!" Rose could see him gripping your wrist and closed her eyes as she heard the sound of a hand smacking against flesh followed by a scream. "Dad!" She heard your brother yell followed by another hit, except this time a male cry radiated through the house.
Rose could take no more and began her way back to the jeep as she seen your mother's figure enter view. "What the hell is going on in here?" She could hear from the distance, the further Rose went the more she blocked out the noise.
She got in the car and watched your house for a few moments. The light went out in your room and Rose could hear no more screams. She admitted a sigh of relief and covered her face. She knew it was unhealthy to feel so attached to you. She didn't even know you but that insecurness in your voice reminded her so much of yourself and how lonely she felt when she was younger. Rose had to have you. There was no option.
When Rose shared the news with the rest of The Knot, there was hesitance at first but eventually they gave in. Knowing that she was their leader and they'd do as she intended anyways.
The next couple of days were spent carefully meditating in her RV away from the rest of The Knot and planting little worms your head. While Rose didn't think you would give her much trouble leaving home once she got in your head, she was taking no chances.
The night before she planned on taking you, Crow finally came back from business and Rose still had no intentions of telling him what she was doing. Besides an extra add on steam, she figured she could also use you as sort of a gift to Crow. An 'I'm sorry I don't listen to you and here's me making up for it.'
He knew something up when she refused to speak anyone in The Knot but didn't question it. He figured she was going through one of her moods and decided it was probably best not to say anything to her at all.
The next morning when you woke up, you felt an almost magnetic pull on your body like something or someone wanted your attention from outside. It wasn't a scary pull like the ones from whatever stray lost souls were around. This pull felt warm and safe.
You unbraided your long, Y/c/h and threw on the first dress you seen in your closet before skipping downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Your mother called out from the kitchen. "Just to pick some flowers." You made up.
"Don't wander to far, please." You slipped on a pair of sneakers. "I won't. I promise. I'll see you soon, mama." You blew her kiss, hoping she'd return the gesture but the older woman refused to even look at you and you stepped onto your porch dejectedly.
You closed your eyes and focused your attention to the direction of the pull. It came from the woods and you hesitated, thinking of all the ghostie people you seen come from there yet something kept telling you to just go for it.
You walked off towards the edge of the woods, letting your shine be your guide. Even though it was still day, everything was so dark and desolate around you. You felt chills on your arms the further you went and just as you were about to turn around you felt the pull grow stronger, horribly strong.
"Well, hi there!" You jumped at the unexpected voice and spun around to look at Rose. You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting her to morph into one of the ghostie people but she didn't. Rose chuckled and you blushed. "..Hi." You toddled over to the much the taller woman, staring deeply into her gray eyes before she pulled you into a small hug.
The gesture was surprising but it didn't bother you. It was her aura that bothered you. Something was off about her. "I was wondering when you were going to get here." She smiled and held out a flower in her left hand. "Do you want one?"
"Yes please," You hummed in the cutest little voice, getting the feeling that this was a person you didn't want to mess with yet you thought the top hat lady in front of you had to be probably the prettiest person you'd ever seen in your short existence.
Rose smiled and slipped the flower in your hand, but not before taking it gently in her own for a second. "There you are, Y/n." Your eyes widened and Rose chuckled. "What's the matter?"
"You know my name?" Rose smirked self assuredly and ran an empty hand through your hair. "Of course I do! I know everything about you. How else did you think I was able to get you here?" Her tone was questioning but hinted on a doting nature.
You pulled away from her, still a little frightened but Rose gently gripped your wrist. "There's no need to be scared, honey. I'm special, like you." You shook your head, thinking back to what your dad said the other week and looked down a little ashamed. "Oh...I-I'm not special." You tried to deny. "Oh yes, you are. You are a very talented little girl."
(You can hear me can't you, sweetie?)
At first a feeling of panic arose inside you but it sooned bubbled over with excitement.
(I thought I was the only one!)
Rose thought about scolding you over how loud your thought came out but let it go because she too knew how happy she felt the first she knew she wasn't alone.
(You are far from the only one, Y/n. There are alot of other special people out there.)
"My friends..my very, very best friends, they're all special like us. I bet you must have friends who are so magical like you." You shook your head. "No?"
"I don't have alot of friends and my family doesn't think I'm special," You pouted. "That's because they're jealous because not all people can be special like us. Besides, I wouldn't worry about them."
"Why?" You asked sweetly. "Because I'm here to take you away from all that. I'm here to give you a family. Don't you want a family, Y/n?"
"I-i already have a family." The look in Rose's eyes scared you. It was possessive and determined. "But they're not really family though. Tell me dear, when the last time you've heard either of your parents say they love you?" You felt a pang of sadness ringing through you. "I-i should get back to my mom." Rose gripped at your wrist again, this time enough to hurt. "No, no..stay a while. See more magic."
You shook your head and struggled. "Just a fresh new start with your real family. You don't remember me and your daddy?" She held your tiny hand in her's. "No.." You said softly but now you started to question yourself. Maybe you did. Pictures of a man with black hair flashed infront of your eyes. "He loves you so much. We love you so much and we want you to come home with us. You want to come home with." For a moment you found yourself taken back by the warmth and you thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go with her.
"N-no! I can't. I won't-" Rose shushed you, sending you calming waves that started to make you feel tired and sluggish. "Or maybe I-i do wanna go home." You mumbled hesitantly, still trying to keep some grip on reality. "You do want to go home. You're happy to come home."
Every piece of control you had began to fade and your mind went blank. "I-I'm happy." Your mind finally caved and Rose held her arms open to you and you stepped into them. "Good girl. Sleep well, Y/n.." You went limp in her arms and everything went black around you.
By the next hour, any memories you had of your family would be gone and everything you ever knew would be fabrications Rose made up in your head.
Part 1: The True Knot
The fire at The Knot's campground burned bright in the mix of the setting sun when Rose arrived back at home. She stepped out of the Jeep, slinging your stirring form over her shoulder. "Mhh..wha-what's happening?" Rose shushed you and walked down hill with you. "Nothing. We just got home." There was a pause. "Do you know who I am?"
You had to think about it for a moment. "M-mama?" You asked hesitantly. "Yes," Rose hummed and pressed a kiss to your temple.
You heard the crunching of leaves and turned to see people walking towards you. "Mommy?" You whispered nervously and held onto Rose's floral patterned shirt tightly, still feeling some of the residual emptiness from your true upbringing.
"Shh..it's okay, my sweet. They're family and they're just going to watch you for a few minutes. Mommy has someone she has to address in conversation and then I'll come get you. Okay?"
"O-okay." You nodded and let her hand you off to Silent Sarey as she walked off not to far in the distance to one of the larger size trailers, knocking on it before stepping inside.
"Crow?" He looked up from his copy of 'A Clockwork Orange' with a smile. "Yes, Rosie?" She plopped down in his lap. "I missed you." She kissed his ear, nipping at the cartilage. "How the business deal?"
"A waste of my time." He kissed her forehead. "Well, you were out I didn't waste my time." He raised a brow. "What are you playing at?" She smirked and turned her gaze in the opposite direction. "You can let her in now," She called out loudly.
The door to his trailer swung open and shut and you stepped inside. Crow's face went blank and he put a hand up to his chin. "Rosie, what the hell did you-"
Rose grinned and knelt down to your level. "Come here, Y/n. There's someone important I want you to meet."
You obeyed and approached Rose, letting her scoop you up in her arms. The two lovers exchanged glances but nothing was spoken out loud. "This is your daddy, Y/n."
"Hi." You smiled sweetly and Crow cracked a large grin. "Hi honey...Rosie, can I-" Rose nodded and shifted you over to Crow.
At first you tensed up but the closer you snuggled up to him, the more you relaxed. "My little darling." Rose smiled softly as he kissed the top of your head and rocked you in his arms. "I love you so much."
"I love you too daddy." Crow held you in silence for a few more minutes until he attempted to hand you off to Rose. You gripped onto his shirt tightly and buried your head in his chest. "Don't let me go," You begged. You were still so touch starved and he just felt so warm and kind.
Rose was slightly taken aback. You knew her more than Crow yet you were already attached to him. "I won't, I promise." He maneuvered you that way he was cradling you and he rocked you back and forth.
She felt a pang of jealousy growing inside her, feeling slightly threatened that you seemed to like Crow more than her but she didn't let it bother her too much. She had a feeling you were going to be a mommy's and daddy's girl.
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, feeling soothed by Crow's presence. "So..are you happy?" Rose asked lowly.
"Very...Rosie?" She made a slight humming noise. "Where'd you find her?" He asked hesitantly. "A little outside the more touristy area of Colorado. The rubes she belonged to are nothing worth writing home about if you catch my drift."
He nodded solemnly. "How-what did you to her to make her-" Her warm grey eyes interlocked with his. "Do you care?" He decided he didn't. Sometimes it was best to not know anything at all.
Part 2: Danny
Your presence in The True Knot did not bring in that much of an increase in steam but you made it much easier to find steamheads which was extremely helpful to Crow in the long run.
No longer did he have to take an extra cannister for himself to find far away steamheads because all he'd have to do is ask you if you felt someone 'special like you,' close by and without knowing any better, you'd always say yes and immediately pointed him in the right direction.
Neither him or Rose let you near the rubes anymore, though. Not that long after Rose brought you home she had you try to lure a little girl over to her but the girl's parents, both big steamheads, knew better.
For you to be gone for a half an hour was normal, maybe even forty five minutes since you were a child after all and barely ever got to see kids your age, let alone like you but an hour was way too long.
What the rubes said or did to you neither Rose or Crow could figure out but the both of them agreed they didn't like the mortified expression on your face or the tears that stained your cheeks afterwards.
The two of them took turns securing their food, that way you wouldn't ever see what exactly it was that they did to your newly made friend but if Crow was being honest with himself, he probably would of admitted somewhere deep down he knew you probably knew the truth of what they did way before he would of liked you to know.
While Rose secured their meal he tried asking you alot of different ways what it was that they said or did to you but you wouldn't say. He let it slide for a while and settled on just comforting you for a while but made sure to bring up again later on when everything was all said and done with their hunt.
"You got to talk to me, Y/n," He tried his hardest to not sound like he was begging as he pulled the covers over your tiny. Rose stood in the corner of the RV and stared as if she was examining everything you said and did.
You shook your head avidly and nuzzled closely to his form. "I can't." He ran his fingers through your hair. "Why not? Honey, you know we're not mad and you're not in trouble."
"Because it would make you and mommy sad and I don't want to make either of you sad." Rose bit down on her lip as Crow thought of a reply. "Baby, you could never-"
"Leave her be, Crow," Rose interrupted. "She's had a long enough of a day and she doesn't need either of us interrogating her. When she's ready to talk about it, she will."
Crow let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay." He shut the light off above your bed and kissed both your cheeks. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Night daddy." He ran fingers through your hair one last time before stepping away.
The next morning when you woke up Rose sat across from you on your bed, lazily sipping on her tea. "Good morning, my sweet."
"Morning mommy." She plopped a kiss sloppily into your hair and handed you a cup of tea. "Can I have a little talk with you?" You nodded and set your cup of tea down on the ledge of the window.
You looked Rose deeply in the eyes and she took your tiny hands in her's. "I know you don't want to talk about what happened yesterday but I want you to know that not everything everyone says is necessarily true. You're understanding what I'm getting at?"
You nodded and Rose smiled. "Just know that no matter what, none of us would ever hurt you and we love you. Alright?"
"Okay." Rose reached inside the pocket of her jeans and pulled a necklace with a little crystal obelisk hanging from it. "This was given to me by someone very special a long time ago. You probably wouldn't know, but at one point I felt lonely like you. Maybe a little scared so they gave me this, along with my hat. My hat will always stay with me I think you need this more than I do."
She placed the necklace in your hand. "Whenever you feel, lost, scared, whatever. You squeeze that stone, and that stone will keep you safe. Got it?" You placed the necklace around your neck and nodded. "Thanks mommy." You hugged Rose tightly. "You're welcome, my dearest..I love you so much." She kissed your cheek. "I love you too, mama."
In that moment, Rose didn't care whether you even brought in steam or not. She truly just enjoyed you. It was the first time she could truly say she loved you. The whole Knot really did love you. They would do it all over again with raising you if they could and not change a thing about you or that entire duration of time. Except when they brought you to Florida.
December, 1980:
"Y/n, my love. It's morning." Rose gently shook your shoulders and you groaned. "Why are you all up so early?" You sat up and stretched. "We're going to move camp today." You raised a brow. "This early? I feel like we just got here," You whined sleepily.
"I know but daddy and I have some business to attend to." She ran her fingers through your hair. "You'll like the next place better. It has a pretty lake overlooking it and trees. There's lots of flowers there too." She paused and ran a thumb across your cheek. "We can pick some later if you want." You smiled softly. "I like flowers."
"I know you do, my sweet girl." Rose pulled you into her arms and held you for a few moments, kissing the top of your head. "Go get dressed and say good morning to daddy. He'll get aggravated if I keep asking him if we're ready to move."
You giggled and slid out of her lap. "Okay mama." You placed a tiny kiss on her cheek and picked out a bohemian dress from your dresser that Apron Annie sowed you once Rose gave her word you were the one.
"I don't think daddy could ever get mad at you." You mumbled as you slid the dress over your head. "He loves you alot. He doesn't even have to say it. I can see it in his mind." Rose smiled softly. "Daddy is a very loving man. He loves you alot too." You could tell she was trying to hide something from you and you attempted to get inside her head to figure out what she was thinking but she immediately shut you out.
"Mommy!" You whined. "Sorry sweetie. You're just not old enough yet." Rose ran a quick brush through your hair. "And then when you're old enough, you're not going to want to know." She plopped a kiss on the top of your head. "Now go on."
"Okay," You pouted and stepped outside. You seen Grampa Flick sitting outside on his lawn chair and waved. "Good morning, Grampa."
"Morning, dragă." He held his arms out to give you a hug which you immediately gave him. "Have you seen, papa?"
"His trailer." He pointed to the left. "Thanks Grampa." You kissed his cheeks and walked off in the other direction. You watched Crow fiddle a few of the bottom conpartments on his trailer before saying anything.
"Hi daddy!" Crow turned to look at you and smiled, stopping whatever he was doin. "Hey babe." He scooped you up in his arms and kissed your cheeks, his mustache tickling you slightly. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good. Mama and I cuddled last night so she kept me warm." You smiled happily. "She gives good cuddles, right?"
"The best!" You smiled and nuzzled closely to him. "Daddy, what's that for?" He turned his head to the side. "What's what for, sweetie?"
"That." You pointed to the rope by his feet and he kicked it aside quickly. "Oh..nothing you have to worry about." You furrowed your little brows curiously and he smiled gamely.
Was he trying to trick you or something? Crow chuckled and kissed your cheeks. "I don't have to be in your mind to know what you're thinking." He gently set you down on your feet and knelt down to your level. "We'll tell you when you're older, okay?"
"Okay, daddy." He placed a kiss on your forehead. "Good girl. Anyways-" He ran his fingers through your hair. "What do you need?"
"Mommy wanted to know if we were ready to go. She sent me because she was afraid to ask you. I don't know why though." Crow chuckled and shook his head. "You can tell mommy, I'll be ready in about thirty minutes. Got it?"
"Got it." You skipped away and Crow let out sigh, wondering just how much longer they could hide all this from you til you got too curious for your own good.
The ride to Florida was long and didn't have that much interesting scenery. The roads were long and straight and it didn't take you long to fall asleep in the passenger seat of Rose's colossal RV.
That whole time while she knew you were fast asleep, Rose used her radio system to formulate a plan on how they were going to trap Violet. Normally one of them would stay with you while other went with the rest of the group but this time they couldn't afford to have one of them stay. From what Rose could tell at the time, this kid was big steam all though it wouldn't be til years later it was in fact the wrong child she chose to take within just a few mile radius of each other.
Once you reached the campsite Rose quickly woke you up and informed you she had some business to attend to with Crow. "Y/n, stay inside while I'm out." You let out a groan. "But mama-"
"No buts." Rose knelt down to your level and ran her fingers through your hair. "It won't be that long."
"I don't like being by myself in here though. It's scary," You whined and nuzzled into her. You pointed to the cabinet she kept all the cannisters in. "I hear things in there and it makes me feel small and it's scary."
'And see things too.' You thought but wouldn't dare say outloud. You curled into Rose and she kissed the top of your head. "Hey, it's okay..Nothing can make you feel small unless you really feel small and tell me, what are you Y/n?"
"Tiny but mighty." Rose grinned proudly. "Exactly, so no. You are not afraid. Because I know whatever you hear coming from that cabinet, you can deal with. Right?" You nodded and she ran a hand through your hair. "You still have the necklace I gave you?"
"Yes mama." You squeezed the pendant hanging from your neck. "Good, that'll keep you nice and safe." You nodded and she pressed a kiss against your head, handing you her TV remote. "I'll be back, my flower."
She gave you a slight wave before slamming the door shut behind her. You quickly ran over to her bed and buried yourself under the covers as you turned the TV on.
'Snow White' was playing on one of those channels you were scrolling through and you settled down, snuggling into the blankets. You didn't know how long the movie was on when you felt a cold hand lace their hand on top of yours.
Your blood ran cold and you squeezed your eyes as your open hand squeezed the necklace your mother gave you. "You know, this movie used to be my favorite too when I was a little girl."
You seen the face of a bloodied and clearly beaten woman infront of you and you fell backwards off of Rose's bed. "When I was alive, I thought you were a freak but now I know you're special and I never got the chance to appreciate you, my special girl."
"Please..please, go away." You squeezed the necklace as hard as you could. If you weren't in Rose's possession, you would of known who the woman standing infront of you was automatically but now you hadn't a clue. "Stay safe, my little one." Your real mother bent down to kiss your head and you let out a scream before running as far as you could. "MAMA!!" You shrieked.
Not even 15 minutes later you were farther from Rose than you even were before and The True arrived back to where a majority of their trailers were parked with a hysterical Violet in tow.
"Please let me go! My mommy will be so worried about me. Please, please, please!" She begged. None of them paid her any mind though as they began to bound her. They were so used to the screams and begs by now, it didn't bother them.
"So where are we going after this?" Crow asked, as he threw a couple of items that they would need later to various unoccupied members of The True.
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe Massachusetts, because you know how Y/n loves the snow.." Rose continued to talk as Crow zoned out, putting the left over rope in the storage compartment of his RV. "..She is in your trailer, right?" Rose closed the door to her RV.
Crow furrowed his brows. "Who?" Rose sighed inwardly. "Y/n, Crow Daddy. She is in your trailer, I hope. Because she's not in mine." He closed the compartment and unlocked the door to the trailer. "Let me see."
He walked inside and shut the door behind him, examining the space for you. "Crow, she's there right?" You weren't. A spike of panic rised in him and he ran his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner, unlocking an almost unconfident reserve on his face. "Uh, yeah..she's in there," He lied through his teeth, desperate to save him and you from Rose's wrath. "Rosie, is it okay if I stop with her really quick to get some fresh air?" He asked. "I don't care what you do. You'll be able to find your way back?"
"Sure." He smiled through gritted teeth even though Rose couldn't see him and silently cursed you underneath his breath. "Okay..tell Y/n, I love her." Rose began to walk off to her RV after making sure Barry had everything with Violet handled.
"I will.." He watched the rest of the caravan leave before getting behind the wheel and closing his eye. "Alright Y/n, let's hope my instincts are good enough."
Meanwhile a few minutes away in driving distance, as you passed the lakeside view Rose told you about, you heard noise coming from the distance and jumped back.
The more you listened though, the more you realized there was mostly children there. You walked up the small hill and watched them for a second. "So many rubes.' You thought to yourself. 'None of them like well..or not?'
You began to feel that same magnetic pull you felt from Rose the first time you encountered her and you found your eyes fixated on a boy sitting by himself.
You felt attached to your family but never did you feel such a connection strangers and you didn't know why. It wouldn't be until years later, you would put two and two together and realize the person infront of you was in fact your soulmate.
Despite your fear of all the rubes around you carefully approached the stranger sitting on the bench, not daring to put your guard down.
"You mind if I sit next to you?" The little boy shook his head and you sat down next to him. "What's your name?"
"..Danny." You smiled. "That's a nice name. I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." He didn't say anything back but you didn't mind. Your parents were both mostly laid back but if there was a thing they were big on, it was respect.
"..nice to meet you too. Sorry, I'm just having an off day." You shrugged. "I'm okay. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No..you wouldn't understand." The more you looked at him the more, the more you could tell he wasn't exactly so rube like.
(Is it because of this?)
The boy sitting next to you looked at you blankly. "Danny, I know you can hear me," You said softly. "No..not because of that. Well..maybe a little. She'll just keep coming until she gets me. I don't care what Dick says."
"Who will come and get you?" You asked then blushed. "Sorry, I shouldn't of pried." Dan shrugged dismissively and looked up towards his apartment building and pointed to the bathroom. "The lady in the bathroom."
A decaying woman flashed infront of your eyes and your posture stiffened. "You can see her, right?"
"Yeah, I see her..If it makes you feel better, I see scary things too sometimes." You took his hand in your equally tiny ones. Dan felt the urge to pull away from you but there was this warm element to you that made him feel comforted by you.
"Really?" You nodded solemnly and moved your hand away from his to take a necklace of your neck. It had a little crystal obelisk hanging from the bottom if it. "My mommy gave this to me for when I get scared. If you squeeze the crystal, it's supposed to make you feel safe." He said nothing and you put the obelisk in his hand. "I think you need it more than I do."
"You're sure?" You nodded and for the first time in a while, Danny Torrance actually gave a hint of a smile.
(Thanks, Y/n.)
(You're welcome.)
"Y/n?" You could hear someone calling your name and you turned around. "Y/n, honey?" You looked at Dan. "That's my daddy. I have to go before I get in trouble. Bye Danny."
"Bye." He was a person of very few words but it didn't bother you in the slightest. All you knew was you didn't want your dad to see him. You didn't know what was going on but you knew something wasn't right.
"Y/n?" You sprinted towards him. "Daddy!" You exclaimed. Crow's eyes went wide with relief. "Y/n." Your father pulled you close to him. "Don't you run off like that EVER again. You understand me?" You could see his infrequent temper in his eyes and you were quick to nod. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"I-i-" Crow didn't bother to wait for a response from you before he continued speaking.
"People out here are bad, Y/n. They'd hurt you in a heartbeat." He cupped the sides of your face. "Do you know or did you even think about how upset your mother and I would be if you just disappeared?"
You felt your heart sink and your lips trembled. You knew there was a possibility they might do bad things but that didn't mean you didn't love them because of it. You felt so selfish and cruel. "I-i didn't think about it. I'm sorry daddy.." Your eyes watered as you looked down at the ground and he sighed. "Just don't do it again, got it?" He wiped one of your tears away. "Yes daddy. Y-you're not going to tell mommy, are you?"
Crow kissed your cheeks gently. "No, I won't tell her. I think this can be our little secret. What do you think?" You let out a giggle and Crow smiled. "That's my girl. Come on, let's get you back to the caravan before mom notices we're gone because you know how she gets."
You nodded and held your arms out to Crow who immediately scooped you up. You wrapped your tiny arms around his neck and nuzzled closely to him as he carried you away.
You smiled softly as you felt that little ping in your head.
(Yeah, Danny?)
(Am I ever going to see you again?)
You paused before responding.
(Maybe. I hope so because I like you Danny.)
(Me too, Y/n.)
You felt one of Crow's finger poking your shoulder and you pulled yourself out of your thoughts. "Yes, daddy?" You asked. "Did you feel someone steamy?" He whispered in your ear.
You thought about telling the truth but thought of Danny. You only just met him but something deep down told you, you couldn't let him get hurt. Maybe..just maybe, all rubes weren't so bad after all. "No, daddy," You lied.
"You're sure?" He pressed. "I'm sure." Crow sighed and patted your back. It would of been nice to have double the amount of steamheads but he supposed Violet would be enough to sustain them for a while. Besides, beggars couldn't be choosers and he trusted you enough to think you wouldn't lie to him. "Okay, honey.."
The next time you would see Danny Torrance after that fateful December day, would be 26 years later and by that time any bridge you had built with The True Knot would be burned.
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iliketowrite1996 · 4 years
My Life Now
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@chaneajoyyy quarantine Part 10/10 of Steve Rogers x Reader!Fic 
art by Rachel Szo on fearuted society6.com
Part 2: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/614969499334197248/meet-the-music-teacher
Part 3: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616114724817584128/lunch-buddies
Part 4:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616328582794493952/why-not
Part 5: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/616965238563192832/blind-dates-part-1-sneak-peek
Part 6: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617069920649412608/blind-dates-part-2
Part 7:  https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617392023489609728/as-a-friend
Part 8: https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617671766270263296/where-does-that-leave-us
Part 9:https://iliketowrite1996.tumblr.com/post/617671741879336960/next-step
 TRIGGER WARNINGS AND THEMES- looking back on memories, mentions of former crushes and deceased loved ones. 
4 years later
 Steve Rogers is sleepy.
    Steve Rogers is sleepy, and he hasn’t even had time for his morning cup of coffee for the day.
    Steve Rogers is sleepy, he hasn’t even had time for his morning cup of coffee for the day, and his kids are working his last nerve before 10 o’clock in the morning.
    In case you were wondering, that’s how the first Saturday of summer vacation is going. 
    ‘’James, eat your peaches. Otherwise I’ll have to tell mommy, and there will be no dessert for you this evening.
    James Samuel Anthony Rogers pouts up at his dad, but he obediently pinches his chopped pieces of peach, placing a bit into his mouth before humming appreciatively at the fruit’s sweet flavor.
    ‘’That’s my boy,’’ Steve kisses his head as he goes pass, sitting in the chair next to the three-year-old’s booster chair at their new kitchen table, ‘’You’ve got to set a good example for your big brother, bud.’’
    In Steve’s arms is your eight month old daughter- Natasha Rae Anne is beaming up at him as he holds her, ready to feed ehr next.
    Natasha is named after her godmother, who nearly burst into tears when she was asked to carry on this honor.
    ‘’What’s that mean,’’ James asks, taking his sippy cup to drink some of his milk.   
    ‘’It means that you have to do the right thing and show her some of the ropes so that she doesn't’ get into trouble and is safe,’’ Steve explains, ‘’Like how Jasmine and Olivia do for the two of you.’’
    ‘’Oh, okay,’’ James shrugs, continuing to swing his legs and eat his snack as Steve finishes setting up baby Natasha’s breakfast.
    ‘’Okay, sweet pea,’’ Steve begins, pressing a kiss to Natasha’s ebony black curls before beginning to spoon feed her, ‘’Time for some mashed sweet potatoes.’’
    Natasha, for her part, hates vegetables. She’ll spit them back up, leaving you, Steve or one of her older siblings to dutifully spoon them back into her mouth so that she can get her nutrients.
    ‘’The baby doesn’t like it, dad.’’
    ‘’I don’t blame her, son. Maybe she’ll eat some of her cereal puffs,’’ Steve shrugs before shouting, ‘’Jasmine!’’
    He hears a huff that he elects to ignore before the now seventeen year old comes around the corner, bobby pins in her mouth and hands working in her hair, ‘’Hmm?’’
    ‘’Take the bobby pins out of your mouth and come here,’’ he instructs, and Jasmine lets go of her hair to pocket the bobby pins and listen to her dad.
    Jasmine has grown into a beautiful young woman. She’s smart, funny, and continues to bring joy to both yours and Steve’s lives. This summer, she’s got some amazing plans. Her aunt is taking her to the lake with her nephew, Pepper managed to get her a tour of the college that she’s considering going to in order to study music, Natasha is taking her for a girls’ day at the spa next weekend, Sam and Bucky are helping her with ehr college applications, and Toni- much to Steve’s horror- bought her a car last year for her sixteenth birthday.Right now, she is currently attempting a new hairstyle by adding hair to her own ponytail, and Steve is interrupting the process.
    ‘’What is it, dad?’’
    ‘’Can you get your little sister her puffs? I’d ask james to do it, but…’’
    The duo look to where James is currently eating the peaches that he’s spread all over his plastic place mat, pretending like they are airplanes and flying them into his mouth.
    He’s a sticky, epach covered mess, but he’s not bothering anybody, so Steve leaves it alone.
    ‘’Enough said,’’ Jasmine nods, strolling over to the counter to scoop dome of the puffs into a small, rectangular bowl for Natasha, ‘’here you go, dad.’’
    ‘’Thank you, Jazzy. What are you doing your hair so early for,’’ Steve questions, allowing Natasha to feed herself the cereal puffs while he monitors closely.
    ‘’Just going out with DeShawn,’’ Jasmine shrugs casually, ‘’We’re going on a picnic.’’
    Despite her reservedness, Steve can see right through her. She’s just like Petra and himself in that way. She and DeShawn have been dating for a few months now- four, he thinks. He is pretty much in love with her, and he’s guessing that Jasmine has just come around to the realization that she feels the same way he does.
    ‘’Aww, no more Peter Parker?’’
    Jasmine groans then,remembering her crush on her former tutor, ‘’Dad! He’s like so much older than me, and he’s forgotten about it, let it go!’’
    Steve laughs at this, watching her try to cover her own smirk, ‘’Okay, okay. Go ahead and finished getting ready for your date.’’
    ‘’I think I’ll watch James up first,’’ she notes his sticky hands and face, ‘’Come on, James. Let’s go wash up and you can watch some TV.’’
    Jasmine picks her brother up, placing him on her hip and exiting the kitchen just in time for Olivia to join them.
    ‘’What did he even eat,’’ Olivia questions to which Jasmine snorts.
    ‘’Dad gave him peaches,’’ Jasmine explains carrying her little brother around the corner as she does so.
    ‘’Dad, you know he’s not  good with peaches, right,’’ Olivia quivers an eyebrow at the parent in front of her, who shrugs noncommittally.
    ‘’Slipped my mind.’’
    In the past year or so, Olivia has taken to calling Steve her dad. He’s been there or her so much thus far, and she considers no one else when asked about her dad. He loves her, she loves him and that’s all it is to them.
    ‘’Where’s your mother,’’ Steve questions, wiping some crumbs from Natasha’s face as she joyfully munches on her cereal.
    ‘’She’s taking a shower,’’ Olivia responds, reaching into the cabinet for some cereal of her own, ‘’She said she’ll be out soon.’’
    Olivia has grown into a kind young woman, too, and is now eleven years old. She managed to skip another grade, and is now in the seventh grade at a magnet school for arts and science. She’s rocking her grades, but it’s a boarding school in Brooklyn. This is her first weekend home in a  month, now that the school year is over, since she stayed to work on final projects and term papers.
    ‘’You don’t want any pancakes or anything? A nice home cooked meal?’’
    She raises an eyebrow at him yet again, looking so much like him when she does that.
    ‘’You burnt eggs last Sunday before church.’’
    ‘’How do you  even know that? You weren’t even here?’’
    ‘’Word travels. Jasmine talks. I’m good with cereal,’’ Olivia responds, pouring hr cereal and milk into a bowl before sitting down at her usual spot at the table, ‘’Are you taking mom anywhere?’’
    Today, the two of you are celebrating the first Saturday of summer. You’ve been tired and working, too, trying to get the kids to where they need to be.  Steve takes James to preschool, you take Nat to her babysitter’s place, and the two of you make your way to your work places. After work, Steve picks up Nat, and you pick up Joshua. Jasmine usually gets money in the morning to pick up dinner on nights where you don’t have to wait for her to get done with practice, or she makes dinner if it’s not a church night.
    ‘’We’re going to go to the movies without you kids,’’ Steve Adams waiting to see his daughter’s reaction.
    ‘’Joke’s on you, I’d rather watch them at home,’’ she shrugs, causing Steve to laugh as she eats her cereal.
    ‘’You’re not funny,’’ he says despite his own reaction, picning Natasha up, ‘’Okay, I think she just pooped herself. I’m gonna change her.’’
    ‘’I’ll clean the table when I get through eating,’’ Olivia commits, and Steve thanks her before heading into your bedroom to change his baby girl.
    The two of you converted your small home office into a small room for Joshuam, and Natasha sleeps in your room. When Jasmine heads to college, you’ll more than likely move Olivia to her room, Joshua to Olivia’s, and Natasha will have her own room.
    ‘’Stinky,’’ Steve makes a show of covering his nose to shield it from the scent of Natashas diaper, causing the baby to laugh at the silliness of her dad.
    ‘’You’re so overly dramatic,’’ you peak, causing Steve to look up at you.
    You’ve just emerged from your shared bathroom, cloaked in your robe and donning a towel on your head. 
    ‘’Well hello to you, too, honey.’’
    ‘’Baby, why didn’t you wake me up,’’ you sit on the bed handing him a diaper form Natasha’s changing table, ‘’What’s that all about?’’
    ‘’You looked so peaceful,’’ he shrugged, ‘’I let you sleep.’’
    ‘’You’re just as tired as I am,’’ you protest, to which he snorts.
    ‘’I don’t stay up till twelve watching television. I’m an early bird. You're A night owl.’’
    ‘’Yeah, because your baby doesn’t sleep, Steve.’’
    ‘’How is she only my baby when she doesn’t sleep,’’ Steve finishes changing her diaper as you pull her into your arms, pressing kisses to her tiny face while Stev discards the dirty diaper and wipes.
    ‘’You’re annoying,’’ you roll your eyes playfully, causing your husband to chuckle freely at your wit.
    ‘’Same to you, boo.’’
    He kisses your forehead then your lips before you recline in bed, Natahsa pressed to your chest as you gently hum.
    Steve is beaming ear-to-ear, having worried for so many years that he would never have this after he lost Petra. But here you are, and he’s so happy. You’ve got two beautiful kids together, and you treat your biological kids just the same. 
    And you, with no makeup on, just having gotten up from the morning, humming as your baby girl begins to close her eyes to go to sleep…  he has never been more in love  with any image. 
    ‘’Want me to make you some coffee, babe?’’
    ‘’Please,’’ you nod, ‘Her eyes are fluttering back open. There’s no way she’s going to sleep.’’
    Steve exits to do  as you request, and returns to see the baby girl sitting next to you, propped up on some pillows as you lean back against your bed, scrolling through the channels to find something that will keep your baby’s limited interest.
    ‘’She gets this from you,’’ you jest, ‘’Being picky.’’
    ‘’I’m not picky. My standards are high. Wouldn’t have married you if they weren’t,’’ Steve confesses, pressing a kiss to your lips and placing the coffee in your hands.
    ‘’Nice save, Rogers,’’ you compliment, ‘’Thank you, babe.’’
    ‘’No problem,’’ Steve grins yet again, pulling your daughter into his laps as he leans back against the pillows with you, ‘’So. What are we watching?’’
    Your day goes pretty lazily.  You feed your middle kids, make sure that James and at take their naps. Make sure Olivia takes some time to rest instead of just moving around trying to help, and wait for Jasmine to get back from her date.
    That night, at  about six, you try to watch a movie with your babies.
    The operative  word there being ‘’try’’.
    Natasha is whining, and is currently being switched back and forth between you and Steve each time that you do, Olivia is in the middle of the bed,  with James lying on his stomach right next to her. Jasmine is currently sitting in the arm chair, multi-tasking between braiding her hair and eating.
    It’s chaotic but it’s family centered,which is nice.
    ‘’I don’t get this movie.’’
    ‘’He’s the bad guy,’’ James  boos, and you do your best to stifle a laugh.
    You fail.
    ‘’Yeah, Jay. He’s the bad guy,’’ Jasmine agrees, watching the cartoon villian run away from the hero, ‘’Who's your favorite hero?’’
    James points to the sole female hero, who is running across the screen now.
    ‘’Good choice,’’ Steve approves, shifting so that Natasha is lying against his chest, ‘’Jazzy, come put your sister in her crib, please.’’
    The oldest child rises from her chair, pulling the baby into her arms before gently placing her in her crib, ‘’She sleeps through everything.’’
    ‘’Finally,’’ you mumble, stretching out a bit before James moves so that he cuddled up between you and Steve, ‘’Hi there.’’
    ‘’Hi, mommy.Hi, daddy,’’ he snuggles beneath the colors establishing the fact that he’ll be there until Steve transports him to his bedroom later.
    ‘’Hey, son,’’ Steve tucks the blanket around him, before settling in to finish the movie with your oldest three children.
    This is what he’s always dreamed of. He always thought he’d have it with Petra, but he’s glad to have you as his life partner, someone who's right by his side.
    And he’s not sure what tomorrow will bring, but for today, he’s food.
    Because as far as he is concerned, God has blessed him with unexpected gifts, and it’s only going to get better from here.
The End
DISCLAIMER- I own no rights to any of the Marvel characters or their fictional world, planets, galaxies, etc.
 @ashanti-notthesinger @destinio1 @afraiddreamingandloving @airis-paris14 @syreanne @chaneajoyyy @90sinspiredgirl @shemiahsmelanin @zillmonger @skysynclair19 @marvelpotterlove @constantlycravingtheunknown @imaginewhoever @wakanda-inspired @pocmarvelworks @theunsweetenedtruth @dreampovx @adrioola21 @supremethunda @thisiskayesworld @mcusocialimagines @priya212  @kumkaniudaku  @airis-paris14 @alexundefined @fonville-designs  @dramaqueenamby  @mellowjellow6 @oceanscorazon @nerd-lovely @fonville-designs @akimi-youngblood @yoyolovesbucky @fd-writes @areubeingserved-too​ @areubeingserved​ @thisbrokencapulet @squeackygee @melidris1  @honeydew-melanin​
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Everything You Want 1/18
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Lies. Fuck ton of lies. So many lies. Lots of secrets. So many fucking secrets. Language. Violence. Slow Burn. Lots of fighting. Heartbreak. Death threats. Kidnapping. Murder.
Someone is coming for you and your son, Anthony. Too many secrets and too many enemies for you to count. You got out, for reasons. Secret reasons, only Clint Barton knows. Or so you think? Clint takes you back to the safest place there is, Avengers Tower. But how are you supposed to face Peter? Keep your secrets in check? Keep your feelings under wraps? It’s been almost two years, can you really keep it together? You just need to put an end to whoever wants you. Than walk away, like everything is the same, right? Or will you be the one surprised? Everything blows up, leaving you holding the shreds of your secrets and fear.
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His phone rang loudly. Snatching it off the nightstand he sits up, fully alert. “Barton.” He growls. “Clint?!” She sobs, crying in the background. Anthony. “Y/N?!” He stands up instantly. “I fucked up!” Her voice panicked. “What happened?” He rushes around snatching up clothes. “Someone’s, someone’s after us.” She chokes on a sob, he could hear her struggling to sooth the baby in the background. “Safe house. Lock down. I’m coming.” He barks. “I’m here.” She sniffles. He hits end, ripping his bedroom door open and breaking into a sprint down the hall. “FRIDAY, ready the quin jet.” He orders jabbing at the elevator button. “Alert Stark, I’m leaving. Emergency.” He nods, as he steps on to the elevator. “Of course Agent Barton.” Her voice calm, smooth and in control. 
Clint calls a two minute warning, flipping switches as the tower comes into view. You clutch tighter to the handle on the car seat sitting on the floor between your feet. You swallow hard, the lump rising once again. Your body still numb from the shock of the earlier events.
Clint kicks in the door of the safe house, looking like something out of a movie. The hero you’d been waiting for, if you were being honest. He glances around, clocking the room. He scoops up the car seat, sets it on the table, before pinning you with a look. “Move your ass. We’ve got a fight coming for you.” He tips his head. You nod, your hands fumble for Anthony, curled up on the bed. “I’ll get him. Ready yourself.” He moves towards you, taking over, he picks Anthony up smoothly, and slips him in the seat. Quick with the straps, he covers the small boy before he spins it around and pulls the cover all the way down. “I don’t, I don’t know, why.” You blink. “Melt down later Y/N. My arrival pinned your location, they’re coming.” He nods. “Turn that training on.” He slips the diaper bag across his chest, lifting the car seat. His face said he was ready to murder, the diaper bag and car seat, made your head tip in confusion. But you’d learned too long ago that you should never underestimate Clint Barton.
“You sure we have to go here?” You ask, your voice shakes.
“No where else the two of you will be safe. I have to bring the team in on this.” He glances back as the jet shifts, readying to land. You squeeze your eyes shut as the landing begins to open. “You’re still one of us. You’re family. We protect our family.” Clint was next to you, his hand on your shoulder.
“Okay.” You swallow, nodding. Clint pulls you up to your feet, grabbing the bags as you lift Anthony’s car seat. Clint leads you down the landing and towards the elevator. “Clint.” You pause looking at him. “Promise. Swear on your God son, you’ll keep the secret.” You swallow.
“I swear. Not on Anthony, not on anyone. I swear because it’s not my place to say anything.” He nods.
The elevator ride to the living quarters was torture. Your grip on the car seat handle was white knuckle by the time you arrived. Clint stepped out, waiting for you to follow, you shuffle out after him. He moved down the hall and you followed at a much slower pace.
“Barton. What the hell happened?” You could hear Tony. A smile slips across your lips.
“I had an emergency.” Clint explains.
“Are the kids okay?” Nat asks. You continue the slow pace down the hall.
“Fine. It’s sort of a long story.” He was struggling.
“Is that a cut above your eye?” Sam asks, you knew that voice too well.
“Were you in a fight?” Nat asks.
“I was helping a friend.” Clint sighs.
“A friend?” Peter, you swallow, your eyes sinking closed. You adjust the car seat in your hands. You step around the corner, looking at the team.
“Someone came for me.” You explain, your voice still shaking.
“Y/N?” Peter blinks at you.
“Oh my god!” Wanda squeals running at you, quickly you swiftly set Anthony’s car seat down and wrap your arms around her.
“What the hell happened to you?” Buck takes you next, you had a bruise across your cheek and a split lip.
“Someone made a move for us.” You squeeze him back as he crushes you to his chest.
“Us?” Nat looks at you before she hugs you tightly.
“Um. I have someone for you to meet.” You smile, you stoop scooping up the car seat you move towards the island setting it on the surface. Rolling the cover up, exposing Anthony to the room. “This is Anthony.” You swallow looking down at your son.
“Who’s baby is that?” Sam looks around.
“Mine.” You smile softly at him.
“Anthony?” Tony grins, moving towards you.
“Had to name him after the best man I know.” You grin, your eyes welling up.
“I’m going to yell later, but right now I’m going to hug the breathe out of you.” He pulls you in, kissing the top of your head.
“Can I?” Steve grins, looking at Anthony.
“Of course.” You nod, your cheek against Tony’s chest, his arms still around you.
“Careful of his head.” Nat instructs, hovering over Steve.
“Support his weight.” Clint hovers as well.
“I lift tanks, I think I have ten pounds of adorable.” Steve grins. Anthony sleeps like a log, his arm and leg flop over Steve’s arm. His little mouth falls open, his light brown hair is rumbled and messy.
“Who the hell is the father?” Buck looks over at you.
“Not important.” You shrug your shoulder, looking away.
“Doesn’t matter.” Tony nods, squeezing you. “He’s got enough family right in this room.” Tony nods.
“God Y/N, he’s so cute.” Peter grins, watching Anthony sleep in Steve’s arm.
“How old?” Wanda looks up grinning.
“Ten months, almost eleven.” You smile at her.
“I want to eat those cheeks. Look how chubby they are.” Nat coo’s. 
Anthony let’s out a sneeze, his whole body curls in and his eyes open. His brow comes together, and his eyes get wide as he looks up at Steve. Finding a new, random person holding him. The look on his face makes everyone chuckle, he’s got deep brown eyes and full lips, matching his round cheeks. Nat looks at you, and back to Anthony, you glance away, knowing what she was doing.
“We need to talk about what happened.” Tony nods, letting go of you. He puts his hands out, looking to hold Anthony as well. When Anthony spots you he lights up, a wide toothless, open mouth grin. He goes to Tony, watching him intently and with curious eyes. “Anthony.” Tony grins, Anthony squeals.
“I have no idea who would come for us.” You shake your head, looking around the room. “But they don’t just want me, they want him.” You chew your bottom lip.
“Run it down for us.” Steve folds his arms over his chest, the room shifts paying full attention.
Everything Peaches 2/6/19: @xmtd5 @mo320 @all1e23 @courtmr @avxgers @eliza-kat @izzy--lee @irepeldirt @dumblani @crist1216 @a--1--1--3 @alyssaj23 @allyp1023 @joannie95 @nishanki1 @bugalouie @kolakube9 @rileyloves5 @sarahp879 @sea040561 @sexyvixen7 @pcterpvrker @pigwidgexn @doctoranon @tomhardy41 @abschaffer2 @justrae9903 @bookluver01 @teller258316 @callie-bear15 @nickimarie94 @wandressfox @amandab-ftw @carostar2020 @henrietteoaks @nea90sweetie @circusofchaos @itsagalaxystar @bettercallsabs @miraclesoflove @lucifersnipnips @queenkrissy11 @this-is-mycrisis @sadyoungadult @destiel-artemis @xrosegoldwolfx @paintballkid711 @isabelcrichards @iwillbeinmynest @sweet-honey15 @chanelmadrid13 @mellxander1993 @killerbumblebee @spookygrantaire @geeksareunique @supernatural508 @sammysgirl1997 @itzmegaaaaaaan @booksbeforebois @optimistic-babes @childishhoebinoo @elizabethaellison @aspiringtranslator @mariekoukie6661 @pure-princess-97 @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @nerdypinupcrystal @atlas-of-the-world @youclickedthislink @futuremrsb-r-main @lovemarvelousfics @notyourtypicalrose @petersunderoos96 @loving-life-my-way @buckystolemyheart @booktvmoviefangirl @supernatural-girl97 @thefridgeismybestie @dumbbitchenergytm @abbypalmer14-blog @fanfictionjunkie1112 @meganlikesfandoms @awkwardfangirl2014 @supernaturaldean67 @xqueenofthecraziesx   @queenoftheunderdark @writingaworldofmyown @supernaturallover2002 @daughterofthenight117 @mustbeaweasleyginger @mcuwillbethedeathofme @sprinklesandsugarcubes @whothehellisbucky-1930 @verymuchclosetedfangirl @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan @wonderlandfandomkingdom @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @stupendoussciencenaturepanda @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @supernatural-strangerthings-1980
Marvel Tag List 2/6/19: @lumelgy   @dottirose   @jcc04220 @rockagurl @mizzzpink   @jade-taillia @coley0823 @widowsfics @bookluver01 @thelostallycat @shield-agent78 @dtftheavengers   @ilovetvshowsblog @capsheadquaters   @iamwarrenspeace @thefridgeismybestie @whenallsaidanddone @deanwinchestersrifle @fandomsstolemylife00   @daughterofthenight117 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  
Peter ‘Fuck Me I’m Weak’ Parker: @ml7010 @ariminiria @dkpink123 @boltsgirl919 @quokkatrash   @everthenerd @ms-rogers06 @crayonwriting @baebeepeach @bellamouse16 @honey-bee-holly @britkane-shsl-librarian @kiss-the-stars-goodbye
Everything You Want: @sexyvixen7 @bellewithbooks @little-dr-cranberry @tom-hollands-blog @simply-sams-things @verymuchclosetedfangirl
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Queen of my Heart
Name of Piece: Queen of my Heart Square Filled: Royalty Rating: (Teen) Warnings: Mentions of labour and birth.  Summary: King James reflects on your relationship as you bring your child into the world!  Created for @buckybarnesbingo​ 
Gif made by @bucky-plums-barnes
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The sun was barely peaking up over the horizon, the cold stone was unforgiving on Bucky’s back but he refused to move. Glaring at anyone who dared persuade him to return back to his chambers. He almost broke four of Steve’s fingers when he tried to physically manhandle him to his rooms. The only thing keeping him from breaking down the old oak doors was the stern and slightly frightening midwife who had threatened his very manhood if he stepped foot over the threshold. Bucky may have been the King, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew an honest threat when he saw one, but he couldn't help it. He felt like part of his heart was in that room. The muffled yells of pain made him ache even further, he was about to throw all sense of decency and the old woman’s colourful promises when a soft touch to his shoulder brought him back to the present.
“How long have you been sitting here?” Looking up at the concerned blue eyes, Bucky smoothed his hands down his leather clad thighs.
“How long since you tried to drag me away?” The blonde man sighed softly.
“No Steve, I don’t care that I’m not in that room with her. I’m not going to leave her” the loud scream cuts through the conversation causing Bucky to jump up. Hands clenching tightly, the bubble of fear and anxiety rips through him like a stab to the heart. He’d take multiple strikes if it meant that she would be free from pain.
“Did you ever think all those years ago you’d come to care for her so much?” The question shocks Bucky out of his fretting, turning to face his childhood companion. For the first time in over eight hours, Bucky lets a boyish grin spread across his lips.
“I think I knew the moment I met her”
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The flurry of fabric, the boisterous laughter from the serving tables. The joyful music sounding down from the balcony above, it was the court for the young and carefree and Bucky revelled in it. The pain of losing his father still ached in his bones but as he looked out, at his friends and subjects he couldn’t help but feel proud.
“Ah come down to our level have we King James” Bucky rolled his eyes as Sam bent over in an elaborate bow.
“Careful now Wilson, he has the power to execute you” Natasha’s smokey voice sided from beside Sam.
“He wouldn’t dream of it” Sam grinned into his goblet, Bucky was about to fire his own witty comment when the sound of laughter and the flash of purple fabric drew his attention away. The sight of you laughing and talking with Wanda was something Bucky knew he would never forget, you were beautiful. The soft glow of the candles bathed you in an alluring glow that made Bucky’s mind spin.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)” the sound of Natasha’s voice caused him to frown.
“Excuse me?”
“That’s her name, arrived at court the day before yesterday. He father owns a lot of land in the North, he’s said to be in talks with Anthony Stark. They’re about to come into a lot of money which is why I guess her stepmother wanted her far out of the way here at court” Bucky couldn't help but feel for the beautiful woman.
“If you’ll excuse me” Bucky bowed out of the small circle, weaving in and out of the pawing woman and proud lords towards you. His heart hammered in his chest as he closed the space between the two of you. He watched as the redhead nudged you gently turning your attention towards him, your eyes widening comically as you curtsied lowly.
“My King” your voice was like honeysuckle, it made Bucky’s knee’s knock together. He tried to ignore the way his heart skipped a beat as he gently took you hand kissing the back of it.
“Lady (Y/N)” Bucky felt a childlike giddiness as your name fell from his lips, noticing the bashful look on your face he knew that you felt the same
“You know me, my lord?” Gods your voice was heaven sent that he was sure of.
“I make it my business to know all the beautiful women in my court and if you’ll allow me, I’d like to get to know you more my lady”
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“You were pretty smitten with her pal” Steve smiles knowingly, watching as his friend's eyes flick towards the door.
“I still am, every day I keep having to pinch myself that she’s mine. That she agreed to spend her life with me” Bucky smiled softly, the quite didn’t last long as your scream pierced the air around him. Running a hand through his long hair Bucky wanted to scream along with you, but he swallowed his cried opting to hit the stone wall with his open hand.
“Can’t they do something for her? Isn’t there some herb or potion to make her suffering easier”
“Well, you did get her into this mess” A new voice joins the small group as Natasha’s form emerges from the stone steps.
“That’s the Queen you’re speaking about” Bucky instinctively snaps at the redhead, who merely rolls her eyes waving him off.
“That is a woman going through what thousands of woman have gone through before her” Bucky watched as Natasha perches on the bench he was occupying not moments ago.
“I can’t listen to this much longer” Bucky steals himself ready to break down the door.
“And what are you going to do, cut the child out of her? Cause a scene and put her under more stress, you may be the King. James; but you have no authority in there. You need to let nature take its course” Bucky’s left-hand touches the cool wood, Natasha’s words flowing through his mind as he sighs in defeat.
“And if natures course is to take her away from me?” steal grey eyes look too bright green ones, challenging them to respond.
“She’s strong James, strong enough to come out of this”
“Strong enough to agree to marry you at any rate” Steve gruffed, crossing one leg over the other as he leaned back on the stone wall. Bucky felt his lips twitch at another memory brewing.
“Even if she refused you at first” Natasha teased earing a low chuckle from the King.
“She always was stubborn”
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“My Lady, why do you chose to hurt me so?” Bucky mumbled into the soft skin of your exposed neck. You soft sweet giggles travelled on the light breeze around them in the gardens. Away from prying eyes of the court and in the safety of the hundred-year-old trees.
“My Lord the last thing I would dream of hurting is your pride” Your hands flittered up his arms, large hands splayed on your waist as he gently pinned you against the tree.
“Then give me what I want most in this world... Marry me” Bucky could feel his heart beating, like a stampede of horses rushing into battle. Pulling back to face you Bucky could feel himself pouring his soul into yours. Ever since he met you all those months ago, you had been his every waking thought. His dreams consisted of you, of your smile. Your touch, your taste. He was consumed by you.
“James… I” he could see the hesitation in your eyes, thousands of thoughts running your mind.
“Do you not love me?” Bucky’s voice was quiet, scared that if he voiced the suggestion loud enough it may ring true. Swift movements of soft warm hands on his cheeks, pulling him down for a searing kiss wiped any doubt from Bucky’s mind.
“Never think that my darling, I love you so much it frightens me… it frightens me that I may not be a good enough Queen.”
“My love, the one thing I know. Is that is an impossible thought, you will be the most spectacular Queen. You captured my heart and my loyalty from the moment I saw you” To prove his point Bucky sank before you, eyes bright and void of any misgivings.
“My heart, my body. My soul and sword are yours. From now until the rest of my days.. Marry me”
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Before Bucky could dwell on the cherished memory for too long the sound of an unfamiliar yet familiar cry pierced the air, the cry of a child. His child, welcoming the world. Bucky felt his legs shake dangerously beneath him, Steve was by his side in an instant. Clapping him on the back as muffled words of congratulations rolled around Bucky’s brain. Shaking off his shock Bucky finally acted on the one urge he had been battling with for the last eight hours.
“James wait” Natasha cried as Bucky charged through the heavy doors, the room was hot. Thick with the smell of blood and lavender, the low candlelight cause Bucky to sway slightly. Orientating himself momentarily before rushing towards the crowded bed.
“My King, you can not..” A midwife addressed him before another shushed her gently, the same midwife who slightly terrified him.
“It’s alright Elizabeth, you can't fault a father to see his wife and child” Bucky wanted to thank them, to apologise for his brash behaviour. Words failed him as his gaze fell upon you. Your hair was matted, and skin flushed from the intense labour. But still looking as radiant as ever, holding the small bundle in your arms.
“We have a son Bucky” Bucky’s on tears sprung into his eyes, gently and slowly. As if he didn't want to spook a startled horse Bucky gazed down at his son.
“He’s perfect” Bucky gently kneeled on the bed beside you.
“He looks just like you” You smile up at Bucky, a hand outstretched to pull him down closer, tucking his legs under him Bucky settles down wrapping an arm around you as he reached to gently stroke his finger against the soft pink cheek of his son.
“I was thinking of George, after your father?” the uncertainty in your voice makes Bucky fall for you, even more.
“A perfect name for the little Prince” You both looked up at the midwife, smiling softly at the young family before her.
“I was thinking the same thing” Bucky grinned before turning back to you, pressing a soft kiss to your damp forehead. Feeling you lean into his touch you both gazed down at your son as distant church bells rang in celebration of your little arrival.
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spideyxchelle · 6 years
the Cinderella a la Ever After spideychelle au that no one asked for is finally here. there is a lot of adapted, and sometimes straight up taken, dialogue from the film Ever After. it really is a pretty direct spideychelle adaptation. listen to this please. thank you. 
in 1494, Da Vinci ruled art, the Cousins’ War in England was finally ended by the ascension of Henry VII, and France was at war with Italy. and in the French countryside, Michelle was born a commoner’s daughter.
her father was a landowner with a modest farm. her mother was one of the most beautiful women for miles, renowned for her grace and poise. and Michelle was born with the greatest inheritance a little girl could ask for—love. for with what little they had, her parents loved her dearly.
as she grew, Michelle cared less for fine dresses and fancy airs, and craved the written word that her father would read to her at night time as the candles dulled. by the time she was four years old, Michelle spent hours gallivanting in the woods near their home returning at the end of the day covered in dirt and grass stains. but what the four year old remembered the most were the wild flowers her mother would pick for their kitchen table.
when she turned five, there was no mother to pick flowers for their table.
for three years after the death of her mother, Michelle’s kind and goodly father was fully devoted to his daughter. together, they read every book in their little library, her corner of paradise. and he taught her how to use a sword. one day, she came home with a nasty bruise coloring her cheek and her father took her outside, put a sword in her hand, and said, “if you are going to fight, you should win.” those hours with her father were some of the most precious of her life.
and when she turned eight years old, her father returned from a trip to Paris with a beautiful lady on his arm.
she was called Step-Mother. Michelle remembered the wild flowers that used to adorn their kitchen table and wondered if the house would smell of those flowers once more. from what she recalled, a mother was a wonderful thing, indeed.
but this Step-Mother, a Baroness from the Court, was not the flower picking kind. and neither were her two daughters, Elizabeth or Betty and Margarette. they ate with dainty fingers and smiled with their mouths closed. Michelle did not know how to dampen her own grin. it was all teeth and laughter.
until it wasn’t. until her father fell from his horse only days away from her ninth birthday. and did not wake.
her Step-Mother, the Baroness, became even colder after her father died. and all of the dreams of wild flowers on the kitchen table soon faded.
and the years grew long. and soon, Michelle was forgotten as the would-be-daughter of her once humble home. and was reduced to the soot-covered servant in her late-father’s house.
the servants loathed the Baroness. Michelle taught herself not to mind. she still had the smallest corner of paradise between the covers of her books. at night, she would curl up by the fire in the kitchen and read the well-loved pages and imagine her father’s voice.
in that, she was happy. in books, she was free.
and freedom was a beautiful thought. one that was easily secured without responsibility, without obligation, of which royal princes had many. 
eighteen years after Michelle was born a farmer’s daughter in the countryside, Prince Anthony stomped after his son, and waved his angry fist, “you will marry the Spanish princess.” “I will not,” the Prince replied. Queen May openly sighed, “oh Peter.” “forgive me, mother,” Peter brushed an affectionate kiss on her cheek, “but there are other ways to secure an alliance with Spain.” the King cursed, “damn you boy, when are you going to grow up?” “I would rather I were not the Prince at all!” he practically preened. the Queen took a deep breath. the King fumed. but before either could chide him, he broke into a run down the corridor.
“Leeds!” the King called for the Prince’s best friend and Captain of the Guard. he stood to rigid attention. “go fetch that boy.” “yes, sire.”
fetching the Prince proved a difficult task. with the marriage to the Spanish Princess looming nearer and nearer, the Prince had decided the only way to be free of such obligation was to run. and if he ran far enough and fast enough, he could see the world. ah, the world. the great, wide world that he had read of in books. the great, wide world that offered him freedom. offered him peace.
he escaped the palace walls and by nightfall the kingdom was on alert for their runaway Prince. in the dead of night, he found himself on the outskirts of a farm.
and inside the kitchen of that farm, a servant girl was curled up with a good book. the fire flickered across her features and illuminated her words. the words her father had once echoed. and in the warm embrace of her book, she nearly missed the loud bang come from the stable. nearly.
Michelle reached for the closest thing, an apple, and bounded out of the warm kitchen into the cold dark night. when she arrived at the horses’ stable there was a shadowy figure climbing her favorite horse. “you there!” she shouted. the shadowy figure startled and, without much finesse, urged the horse forward. it galloped past Michelle and the servant girl ran after the escaping figure. with an arm to rival any man she threw the apple. and it collided with the side of the shadowy figure’s head.
he tipped over the side of her horse.
Michelle yelped in surprise and delight.
she ran over the man laying flat on his back in the middle of her garden and prepared to kick the intruder into submission. but before she could land the first kick, the moon glinted against the golden chain around his neck, with the emblem of the royal house.
her eyes widened and she covered a gasp behind her hands, “your highness!” then, her eyes narrowed, “your highness?!” the Prince grunted, “you have impeccable aim, miss.” “why were you stealing our horse?” “I was commandeering that horse for official,” he coughed, “royal business.” she flatly replied, “in the middle of the night?”
the Prince wearily pulled himself to his feet, “yes, very official business.” and he grabbed for the reigns of the horse, “you have my word. I will return the horse.” his tone did not leave any room for argument and yet Michelle replied, “what good is your word, your highness. I do not know you.” he blinked in shock. then, smiled. “do you always speak to royalty thusly?” “only the kind that steal horses in the middle of the night.” 
the night was dark and there was only the moon and the stars the illuminate them. she could barely see his features. but, if she squinted, the servant girl could spot the beginnings of a wild, dazzling smile.
the Prince removed the golden chain from around his neck and pressed it into Michelle’s hand. the metal was cool to the touch. she shivered. “consider this my vow to return the beast.” Michelle tersely nodded.
and, just like that, the Prince disappeared into the night.
yet, the Prince did not make it to freedom and new, exciting lands. he did not even make it past the sunrise. the royal guard caught up with him and Captain Leeds looked ever the exasperated, dutiful friend. “your highness,” he sighed. “Ned,” Peter grumbled.
back at her farm, the servant girl spent much of the morning that Peter tried to escape his duty, admiring the chain he had left in her charge. it was the finest piece of craftsmanship she had ever held. the Baroness herself did not even have jewelry of such quality.
she tucked the chain into her book, like a bookmark, and tucked it away for safe keeping. if the Prince ever returned for it, she wanted to have kept it safe.
when the sun rose, and unbeknownst to Michelle the Prince had been caught, one of her servants came bounding down the dirt path shouting for Michelle. the panic was overwhelming evident. the two women met in the middle of the path and Michelle caught her by the arms. “calm down,” she whispered to her friend, “breathe.” her friend did not head her advice, “Michelle, they’ve taken Auguste. the palace guards arrested him on the side of the road. on the charge of thieving, miss. they’re planning to ship him off to the Americas.” “oh, Marie.” “miss, please.” Michelle kissed her friend’s cheek, “I’ll do what I can for him. I promise.”
by noon, Michelle had decided the best she could do for her dearest Auguste was a dizzying plot. she had seen her Step-Mother, the Baroness, command respect as a courtier. whatever the Baroness wanted, it seemed, she could demand. there was a special, seductive power to courtier life.
the plan was simple. Michelle would dress up as a courtier, go to the jails and demand Auguste be set free. no jailer would refuse a courtier.
just as no servant girl could have truly refused a Prince requesting a horse. her mind drifted to that morning, and the golden chain tucked inside her favorite book.
dressed in Betty’s finest clothes, Michelle began the long walk to the castle. Marie had done her hair in the fashion that Margarette often requested. her curls were pinned and held up in a web of pearls. the red, satin dress hugged her figure in a way that was almost indecent, but still remained regal. these clothes were built for peacocks, all show. Michelle was a creature of the forest, with the trees in her blood.
her father used to tease her that all of the old folk songs were written about girls like her. freedom and fancy. nature and love. compassion and spirit. she encompassed them all.
that girl still drummed under the red, satin dress. and when she arrived at the palace, her stomach dropped. she was too late. Auguste and a mob of other men were all being loaded in the back of some cart, their dirt covered wrists in shackles. she ran toward the cart and tried to embody nobility. “I say, sir. you will release this man at once!” the jailer paid her no mind, so she repeated, “I said, sir, you will release him at once.” “miss, you’ll mind your tone,” he growled, “these men have been sold.” “you cannot sell people. they are not property.” “the king says they is. and so off to the Americas they go.” “release him at ONCE!” “YOU LOOKING FOR A WHIPPING, GIRL?”
“you DARE speak to a lady in such a manner?” a new, third voice shouted above all the noise. the courtyard fell silent. Michelle slowly turned around and came face-to-face with the Royal Prince himself. he looked much the same as he had that morning when she had pelted an apple at his head. in the daylight, she could see his face unobstructed. his jaw was square, she noticed, and his one eyebrow was hardly tamed. his face held the traces of boyhood, still. but his eyes glinted of glorious purpose.
in a word, he was beautiful.
she dropped to a curtsey, and the jailer removed his hat, “your highness—” “you presume to yell at a lady?” “sire, she is demanding the prisoner be set free. he’s been sold.” Michelle forgot all of her manners and turned to the jailer, “and I have told you once, he cannot be sold. he is a person. not property.” the Prince chuckled. Michelle blinked, “is something funny to you, your highness?” “he has committed a crime against the crown, has he not? is he not, then, property?” “no person is property,” she repeated, with steel in her veins, “and the only crime he has ever truly committed in the eyes of the crown is being born poor. the crown expects him not to thieve when he is penniless and without the means to feed his family? that is impossible. it is cruel to expect the suffering to be content with their misery.”
the Prince, nay the entire courtyard, was forced into tense silence. the Royal Prince ducked his head in shame, “release him.” the jailer argued, “your highness—” “I said release him.”
Auguste was deposed of his chains and Michelle clutched his hands. she whispered, “you silly, silly man. back to the house with you.” “my lady,” Auguste nearly wept. “hush now,” Michelle whispered, “go”
as Auguste hastened out of the courtyard, Michelle turned to the Prince and tried to adopt the noble persona she was so flagrantly failing at upkeeping. she curtsied once more, and said, “I am in your dept, your highness. good day.”
Peter blinked, completely blindsided by the tornado of a woman in front of him. she swept up all in her path and spat them back out. it was remarkable. he thought she was remarkable. and perhaps the fairest woman he had ever had the good fortune to meet.
“wait,” he skidded after her, “would you leave so quickly?” “pardon me, your highness, but I should see to my servant.” “without so much as a thank you?” he teased her.
“forgive me, your highness,” she said with such restrained exasperation the prince could not help but smile, “but you freed one man with no thought for the others. am I meant to fall at your feet in the face of your selective charity?” without another word, Michelle quickly curtsied and began to scurry down the dirt lane to put as much distance between herself and the prince as she could manage. 
he did not relent. he pursued her down the path with a joyous, amused spring to his step, “have I offended you, madam?” “if you had, I certainly would not say so.” “then you confess, I have offended you,” the Prince challenged. Michelle outwardly sighed and spun on her fine heel to look him squarely in the eye, “is there something you would ask me, your highness? or am I free to take my leave?” “your name,” he replied, enchanted. she blinked, startled, “excuse me?” “I wish to know your name,” he repeated with as much confidence as his first request.  
her stomach filled with dread. dressing above her station was already a crime in the eyes of crown and country. but to so outwardly lie to royalty was a capitol offense. and Michelle found she rather enjoyed her head on her shoulders. 
she moved down the path with renewed vigor, but the prince followed her still. “tell me, madam, at the very least, who are you staying with? so I may call on you.” “my cousin,” she lied. “and who would be your cousin?” “the only one I have, your highness.” “yes, but I imagine they have a name.” “most cousins do.” “please,” he boyishly skid in front of her to stop her steps, “I must know your name.” she reminded herself not to be so charmed by the prince. she was failing. 
her lips curled upward and reluctantly she said, “Comtesse Mary Jane de Lancret.” for a moment, Michelle stood in wonder at her own voice. she had not uttered her mother’s name in years. when she had died, her father had asked her not to speak her mother’s name for the pain it brought him. and so, she had locked away that name and all the wonderful memories, and wild flowers that came with her. to speak it now was to invoke a powerful surge of graceful, loving energy. as if she were walking beside her now, watching the prince, too.
the prince’s face lit up in unbridled delight. “Comtesse I—“ “Peter!” another voice called from the garden and drew his attention away from Michelle. 
the Queen had spotted her son and was walking his way. and when Peter turned to address Comtesse Mary Jane de Lancret, she was gone.
when Michelle fell into her house, the servants swelled around her and began to fitfully thank her for returning Auguste safe and sound.
when she was finally given a moment of peace, Michelle slowly divested herself of the ridiculous garb of the “Comtesse”. and when she looked in the dirty mirror, she was once again Michelle. ordinary and common.
true to his word, the Prince returned the stolen horse that very night with the Royal Guard at his back. the Baroness met him at the door and in the short exchange, she all-but threw Margarette at the Prince. her youngest daughter was beautiful, she cooed. and accomplished. and she so looked forward to the ball that was set to celebrate the anniversary of the King and Queen’s marriage.
the Prince was the picture of politeness and swiftly unwound himself from the Baroness’ tangled web.
he did not relish speaking of the ball. Peter had run away that very morning to escape the expectation of such an event. “you will marry the Spanish Princess,” his father had said. and it would all be arranged and announced at the ridiculous ball. the damned ball.
he preferred not to dwell on such thoughts. instead, he thought of the Comtesse and reeled from their meeting. “people are not property,” she had whirled on the jailer. her hair, which had been done up prettily in pearls, was curly, he noticed. he imagined she might have looked far more animated if her curls had been allowed to tumble freely around her face. and just the imaginings of her with her hair down, warmed him.
he did not dream the Spanish Princess would speak so freely to a jailer, to him. the thought made him frown. his impending marriage was his burden, his gilded cage.
“you said what to the Prince?” Marie gasped at Michelle as read a book by the fire place that night. “he was being rather bullheaded,” Michelle rolled her eyes. “but he is the Prince!” “and?” Michelle challenged, “is he free from such scrutiny?” Marie tutted.
but as Michelle lay awake that night, she thought about the Prince she had seen the night before fleeing from his crown and country. the wild look in his eyes as he desperately tried to steal a horse. and the metal chain he had pressed into her hand. she clutched her book to her chest.
Signore Da Vinci was a guest of the French Court in the summer of 1512. and as such he spent a great amount of time with the young Prince. the day after he had tried to run away, the two men sat by the lake where Peter used to sneak off to as a child, and spoke about the world. or, in Da Vinci’s opinion, how little Peter truly knew about it. “you expected to simply run away?” Peter groaned, “I had a horse.” “so did your guards.” “oh, what do you know, old man?” “I have been told,” Da Vinci slipped on a pair of wooden shoes that looked like boats, “quite a bit.” “and what are those meant to do?” “if I have built them correctly, they should allow me to walk on water.” “blasphemous.” “nonsense. brilliance is not blasphemy. although, ignorant people would have you think so.” Da Vinci pulled himself to his feet and began to march over to the water. and, like magic. no, like science, it worked.
in the middle of the lake, Michelle lay on her back with her eyes tilted up toward the sun. she waded the water quietly, finding peace. she had spent all morning staring at the rather remarkable golden chain the Prince had left behind. it had driven her to madness and to the lake. there was only quiet, only calm in the water. sometimes, she liked to pretend she was a fish, free to swim wherever she pleased. perhaps, that was freedom, she thought.
or at least, it was until an old man with a white beard looked down at her from above and smiled, “hello!” she shouted from surprise. and he shouted back. and all of the sudden, the man that was walking on water tipped over and fell in with a splash.
when he swam to the surface, he did something very peculiar, he laughed. and Michelle did something even more peculiar, she laughed, too.
together, they swam to the shore, laughing and sputtering water.
the Prince spotted them from down the shore and ran toward them. “Da Vinci are you—” he stalled, “Comtesse?” Michelle helped Da Vinci to his feet, “are you alright, sir?” “please,” the old man smiled, “call me Leonardo.” “Leonardo,” she amended, “are you alright?” “Comtesse,” the Prince stepped forward, “what are you doing here? and here, please…” he pulled off his vest and draped it over her shoulders, “…you must be freezing.” “you know this charming woman?” Da Vinci asked.
the Prince nodded as Michelle tugged the vest around her body, trying to capture the warmth, “we met yesterday. I’m afraid to say, she was rather cross with me.” “ah,” Da Vinci grinned, “a sentiment I know well.” “he planned to send my servant off to the Americas.” “which I rectified,” he cut in. “yes, you did.”
and for the first time, their eyes met properly. there was no moonlight and a horse being stolen to distract them. and she was not fighting for the life of her friend Auguste. now, by the lake, there was only them. and a curiously watching artist.
the look must have lingered for far too long because Da Vinci cleared his throat. Michelle unwound the vest from her shoulders and lamely offered the limp fabric to the Prince. he took it and tucked it under his arm. still, no words were spoken.
Da Vinci helped in that regard, as well, “Comtesse, it was a rare pleasure meeting you.” Michelle smiled, “and you, Leonardo.”
“Comtesse!” the Prince called her name. Michelle stopped trekking up the small hill that led to the forest, “may I call on you?” “I must go.” “Comtesse…” “it was a pleasure meeting you, Signore Da Vinci.” “Comtesse!”
and, like the day before, she was gone. when she had disappeared into the thick of the trees, becoming one with the forest, Peter turned to look at Da Vinci who was ringing out the water from his robes and laughing knowingly. “what?” the Prince pressed. “oh nothing,” the old man grinned, “nothing.”
when they returned to the castle, Da Vinci dripping in lake water, the Queen sighed.
when Da Vinci had been attended to, Queen May found her son sitting on one of the battlements, overlooking the castle grounds. she leaned against the brick and began to reminisce, “when you were a boy, you used to climb up here whenever you and your father had fought. you called it your quiet place. you haven’t been up here in years, Peter.” the question was evident in her tone. the Prince tilted his chin up to the stars, “do you know a Comtesse Mary Jane de Lancret?” “heaven’s no. there are far too many courtiers. why?” with his mother and only the stars as his witness, he admitted, “she has caught my eye.” the Queen tried to dampen her smile, but it was hard, “oh?” Peter nodded, “she is….I don’t know how to describe it. I haven’t found the words.” “the Princess of Spain,” the Queen reminded him. Peter shook his head, “I never chose her.” “and would you choose this girl? this Comtesse de Lancret?” Peter groaned, “if I could get her to stop running away from me, perhaps.” the Queen laughed and kissed her son’s head, “my precious boy. you are caught in a Spider’s Web.”
on the floor the kitchen that was once her father’s, Michelle was damp from the lake water. she had a scratchy blanket wrapped around her frame as she watched the flames dance. there had been something so profoundly disquieting about the Prince at the lake. when they had met eyes, she had seen more in him than she had ever recognized in another person. as if they were kindred spirits.
Michelle flipped open her father’s book and unraveled the golden chain the Prince had left behind. she wrapped it around her fist and the metal was still cool. it was a sharp contrast to the heat from the fire.
the next morning, Peter left the castle and to ride with the Captain of his Guard. there had been many things, too many things, to think on the night before. he had been restless and sleep was not easily won. but, he had hoped, perhaps a ride would clear his thoughts of the flighty Comtesse.
on his ride, he saw the servant that he had freed at her request not two days ago. he slowed his horse and asked the man, nearly begged, where the Comtesse was lodging. with a cousin, he said, the Baroness.
luckily for Michelle, she had been cleaning an upstairs bathroom when she spotted the Prince and the Captain of his Guard galivanting down the pathway to her father’s home. she shrieked for Marie. and together, the two women in a whirl shoved Michelle into some of Betty’s finest clothes. and hastily wove some pearls into Michelle’s unbound hair. they did not have time to twist it elegantly on the top of her head.
she skidded down the steps and flung open the door just as the Prince knocked. and it was so singularly gratifying to see him, she caught her breath.
he, too, was spellbound. he had imagined her curls the first day they had met. how they might spin around her face. they were more lovely than he could have dreamed. she was a goddess amongst men. “Comtesse,” he breathed.
she curtsied, “your highness.” “please,” he shook his head, “Peter.” “Peter,” she whispered, and his name fell so easily from her lips. as if it was always meant to be uttered. “I would,” he swallowed, “like very much to apologize for my behavior the last few days. I have been a little unprincely in demeanor.” she smirked, “very unprincely, I should say.” he chuckled, “I concede.” “why are you here?” she asked. “I would like, what I mean to say is it would be my honor to escort you somewhere today.” “where?” “there is a monastery near here, it has the most marvelous library you have ever seen.”
she blinked, “how did you know I like to read?” he smiled, “you were rather philosophical the first day we met. I guessed.” “I love books,” she admitted, more shyly than she had ever remembered being in her life. “your highness, it is rather unfair that you have found my weakness, but I have yet to find yours.” 
“isn’t mine obvious?”
Michelle felt her cheeks grow hot, “I have always wanted to see a proper library.” “then, say yes.”
and so, she did.
without a guide, without his guards, they spent an afternoon exploring the books of the vast library. it made her small corner of paradise in her house look like a hobby. she had never seen so many books in her life. and as the afternoon dragged on, Michelle began to speak about the father that had read to her every night as the candles dulled. and he spoke about his mother. and his father. and his duties to his kingdom. “I just realized,” he owned, “I would never be Peter. I belonged to my country. there was no man, only a symbol. the crown has to come first and I wasn’t…ready.” “and you ran,” she finished. he blinked, “how…how did you know that?” “I guessed,” she lied. but she remembered the night she chased after him as he tried to steal her horse. and the chain that was still hidden in the book beside her fireplace. he blushed, “I am ashamed to admit you’re right. and I ran and I ran…right into you.” “what?” “when I was dragged back to the castle, you were shouting at that poor jailer. I had never seen…well, anything like it. you were so confident and certain and alive. I have never felt as passionately as you did about your servant.” “you’re too kind, your highness,” she fumbled. “until I met you,” he finished.
and, once more, they were gazing at each other. there was a current of something brilliant and glimmering between them. both of them could almost touch it, the tension. and the Prince wanted to name it. he had the words. but lacked the courage.
“Comtesse….Mary Jane….” he whispered. she flinched at the lie of a name. she realized, then, she never should have come. this outing, this thing between them would only end in misery. and yet, she did not pull away when he stepped toward her and brushed a curl off of her shoulder. and she did not pull away when he gingerly, so gingerly, cupped her cheek. and she did not pull away when he leaned toward her mouth. no, instead, she tipped forward, cast caution to the winds, and sealed their righteous kiss.
she had never been kissed before. and now she was certain every other would never measure up to this one kiss. this was the kind of kiss she knew that only the heaven’s granted once in each life time. it was the most passionate, perfect kiss. it was sweet. it was reverent. and she found herself aching for another moment, another minute. oh, Peter.
and her fingers curled into his arms, to keep him ever closer. to steal that extra moment, that extra minute.
when he finally pulled away, they looked at each other, and Michelle had the words for that kiss. the words Peter already possessed. yet, both of them were too afraid to speak. to shatter the crystalized moment. so, instead of speaking, he glided his fingers into her own and grasped her hand. and they spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the books and the monastery. content to just be with each other.
when he returned her to the Baroness’ house that night, per her request, the Prince dropped her at the end of the path. she lightly smiled, “I don’t want to wake the others.” “of course,” he agreed. and silence overtook them. “Mary Jane,” he clasped her hands. “Peter,” she replied. “I have to see you. come to me tomorrow.” “I can’t,” she shook her head. “even for an hour, a minute. I will be at the edge of the lake where you met Da Vinci. I’ll wait all day, if I have to.” “Peter,” she sighed. he shook his head, “no, please. say you’ll come.”
and against all reason, against all better judgement, against her own will, she agreed, “I’ll be there.”
he kissed her once more, a lengthy and lingering kiss. and Michelle was disproven. she had assumed their first kiss was the only spectacular kiss she would ever be granted in her long life. but it seemed that all kisses with Peter were destined to be extraordinary. for what they had was, as well.
he mounted his horse and rode away.
when Michelle entered the house, she walked in on a cloud. she changed out of her fine clothes and into something more common. and still, she was soaring above the Earth.
the Baroness was there to bring her squarely down. she found Michelle curled up by the fire and Margarette and Elizabeth were plotting behind her. “have you heard?” the Baroness drawled, “the engagement to Spain is cancelled! Queen May has arranged for the Prince to choose his bride.” Michelle clamored to her feet, “what?” “yes!” Margarette said in her shrill, unpleasant voice, “mother needs you to press my dress and stitch my stockings. I need to look positively bridely at the ball.” Betty, the quieter and more reserved of the two girls, kindly added, “I can mend my own stockings, Michelle.” “nonsense,” the Baroness howled, “we have servants, have we not?”
there was a voice in her head, perhaps it was her father’s voice or Peter’s, but it was hers that said out loud, “I am their sister, not their servant.” “how dare you,” the Baroness sneered, “you insolent, ungrateful little girl. I have clothed you, housed you…” “you stole my home. you sold off my father’s things to pay for your opulent lifestyle. you treated me like a servant. and by all accounts I have only ever wanted one thing…” “what is that?”
“you are the only mother I have ever truly known. was there ever a time when you could have had any motherly affection for me?”
Margarette cruelly jeered, “please, your mother is dead.”
Margarette’s feet went over her head. she fell squarely on the ground. and Michelle blinked. her hand ached.
later, she would remember hitting Margarette. later, she would remember the lashing that the Baroness gave her. later, she would remember the pain and the tears that fell from her eyes.
but now, all she could see, was the book, her father’s book with the chain that Peter had given her as a promise to return, get tossed into the fire. and as the pages burned, she wept. as the pages curled into ash, the echoes of her father’s voice disintegrated with it. and it was like losing her father all over again. the raw, horrible pain of it.
when she came to, when her back was raw with the pain of her lashing, she felt a cold strip of cloth on her back. and another, as Betty tried to ease the stinging. her quiet, nearly invisible step-sister only whispered one thing, “she should not have said that about your mother.”
with the aid of Betty and Marie, Michelle dressed for the next day. and, when she felt strong enough, she went to go and see Peter. after all, she had promised. and he deserved a proper goodbye.
she was no princess. she was not even a Comtesse. all that was between them was a woven fantasy of her own design. if she stripped away the façade and became as she truly was, Michelle, he never would have pursued her. she was nothing more than an illusion. Comtesse Mary Jane de Lancret did not exist. he wanted to be with a ghost.
and, as Margarette had said, her mother was dead.
when she arrived at the edge of the lake, Peter bounded over to her, his features utterly joyous. he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her cheek sweetly. “you came,” he whispered, reverent. “Peter,” she tried to speak. he kissed her cheek again, “you came.” he kissed her cheek, the tip of her nose, her mouth, and she let him. “I began to worry,” he admitted, “but here you are.” “Peter please,” she tried again. he smothered her mouth with more kisses and her knees shook. “have you heard?” he asked, delighted, “I don’t have to marry the Spanish Princess. my mother will let me choose. Mary Jane.” he kissed her once more, “oh, Mary Jane.”
she felt a mighty sob well-up in her chest. “Peter, please, I have to tell you something.” “whatever it is,” he hushed her with more kisses, “it can wait. I am so indescribably happy.” and against her better judgement, she allowed him to kiss her another moment more.
until finally, she could not bear the pain of it. she turned her face out of his kisses and brushed away fitful tears. only then did he stop, “what’s wrong?” “nothing,” she shook her head, “nothing. I have to go.”
his eyes filled with panic, “no, Mary Jane, please.” “I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry.” and without another word, she extricated herself from his arms and fled into the forest. he was still holding an invisible girl in his arms when he finally realized she was truly gone.
at her father’s house, the Baroness saw a glint of something gold in the fireplace. with the poker, she pulled the shining object out of the ashes of Michelle’s book—the golden chain with the royal seal.
when Peter returned to the castle many hours later, after spending the afternoon searching for Mary Jane, he was met with the long, sorrowful face of his mother. “mother?” he asked. “oh, my dearest boy,” she whispered, kissing his forehead. “what’s happened?” “the Baroness brought me back your neckless today. she said a servant from her house had it. and—” Queen May swallowed. “and what?” Peter pressed. “and I mentioned that you had chosen Comtesse Mary Jane de Lancret for a bride, to be announced tomorrow. and she knew of her.” “yes,” Peter replied, “they’re cousins.” “she is engaged.” Peter’s entire world suddenly stopped. he had only seen Mary Jane earlier that afternoon and she had not said, had not mentioned, he had kissed her. “that isn’t possible,” he whispered. “she won’t be coming to the ball tomorrow, because she left on a boat to Prague this morning. her fiancé lives there.” “you’re wrong,” Peter sank on a bench, “she didn’t say—” “did she not?”
Peter recalled the afternoon in crystal clarity. and she had tried, desperately, to tell him something. but he had dismissed her words. he had kissed her. he had poured his heart out. and she had been bidding him farewell. all along. “oh, darling,” his mother put an arm around him. “how could I have missed it?” “would you have listened?” “no! I would have begged her to…” he shuttered, “I am a fool.” “no, my darling boy. you are in love.”
Michelle did not bother to return to her father’s house until nightfall. she remained amongst the trees for a little wild longer, and held onto the memory of the kisses the Prince granted her. she did not know where she was supposed to tuck her memories for safe keeping now that her favorite book had been burned. the house held very little of her family. just the Baroness.
finally, she marched back to the house, still dressed in Betty’s lovely blue dress that her kind step-sister had gently told her complemented her complexion. 
the Baroness was waiting for her with Margarette smirking beside her. Michelle did not have the energy to fight. she did not care if they chided her for wearing Betty’s things. she did not care in the slightest.
the Baroness did manage to surprise her, “a Comtesse?” “what?” “imagine my surprise when I returned the Prince’s necklace this morning and the Queen told me of his impending nuptials to Comtesse Mary Jane of Lancret. your mother was no Comtesse. Mary Jane of Lancret was as common as you.” Michelle blinked slowly, exhausted from her day, “what bothers you more, that I am common or that the Prince prefers me over your daughter?”
the Baroness gasped, “how dare you.” “why are you so cruel? you have won. I am found out. I am your lowly servant.” 
“quite right,” and the Baroness gripped her by her hair and began to drag her down to their kitchen. she tossed Michelle inside and bolted the door closed. “mother!” Betty yelled, reaching for the lock to aid her stepsister. Michelle called from behind the door, “Betty, don’t! leave it be.” 
the Baroness addressed her servants watching on in shock, “if any of you open this door, I will ship you off in chains to the Americas.”
Michelle spent the night a prisoner in his own home.
Peter spent the night doubled over in grief in his castle.
when the sun rose the following day, Peter steeled his gut and found his father. the King was sitting in his study and when his son walked in, he sat up, “Peter, your mother told me about your Comtesse. I am so sorry—“ Peter shook his head, silencing his father, “I will marry the Princess of Spain.” the King stood, “Peter, I know I have pushed you, but if this is not what you truly desire...” “I am a servant to crown and country. I will announce my engagement at the ball tonight. I am not asking for your permission. I am simply telling you.” the King’s face fell, “of course. as you wish.”
Michelle heard the anxious pattern of her step mother and sisters preparing for the ball upstairs. she curled closer to the fire and shielded herself in the memories of Peter. she had not told him how she felt in the short time they knew each other and now she feared she would never see him again. surely her stepmother would send her off to the Americas in chains. little more than cattle. and when she grew old no one would believe her story of the Prince that had kissed her by a lake and promised her the world. 
as her misery mounted, Marie tried to imagine a way to free her friend and lady. Michelle always thought wildly and without caution. and then, an idea occurred to her. 
after the Baroness and her daughters left the house, Marie returned with a white, bearded man in tow. Signore Da Vinci stepped into the house. and then, knocked on the locked kitchen door twice. “Michelle,” he called.
she sat up from her post by the fire and pressed a hand against the wooden door, “Signore Da Vinci?” “I would ask you please stand back.” and she did. she heard him fiddle with the door and then, like magic, no like science, the door swung open. Marie burst into the room and hugged Michelle tightly. 
Da Vinci smiled at her, “hello, young lady.” “Signore, why did you come?” “your friend remembered my name from the story you told her about the lake. apparently she thought I would be able to free you so you could attend the ball.” she shook her head, “I couldn’t. Peter wanted the Comtesse, not me.” “the Prince wanted the girl that argued with the jailer, went swimming in the lake, talked with him about poetry and his duty at the monastery. are you not she?” “I am common.” “and I am the bastard of a peasant. what does that matter?” “a fish may love a bird, Signore, but where will they live?” Da Vinci smiled broadly, leaned toward her and whispered, “then, I will have to give you wings.”
at the ball, the Prince sat on his throne and watched his court enjoy themselves below. regardless of his mother’s prompting, he did not wish to dance. his heart sailed East to Prague. there were many girls at the ball that flashed him pretty smiles and were well-bred and mannered, but none were Mary Jane. he looked for her in every girl at the ball, knowing she would not arrive. 
as the night drew long, the King sat beside his son and whispered, “we can still delay the announcement.” Peter shook his head, “no. it will only delay the inevitable.” his father frowned and stood up, and the whole crowd hushed. Peter did not stand. he remained surly in the seat he had occupied all night. he would do his duty, but he would not be happy about it. 
“lords and ladies, lend me your ears. we thank you for celebrating the long and happy marriage of the Queen and I.” the crowd chorused, “long live the King.” and he raised his hand to hush the crowd, but the distracted chattering continued. the King attempted to speak over the crowd, “our son, the Royal Prince will soon...” 
but Peter noticed the chattering, and the whispers and the awe. his eyes looked to the end of the Courtyard and he jumped to his feet. he slapped his hand on his father’s shoulder and silenced the King. 
there, at the end of the Courtyard, was a girl in a shimmering silver silk gown. her body was covered in crushed crystals that Signore Da Vinci often liked to paint with. it gave the illusion that the girl glittered in the moonlight. and her curls were falling loosely down her back. but the largest statement were the sheer wings that were down on her gown, making her look like some kind of angel. 
and it was the Comtesse.
Peter bounded down the steps and sprinted toward her. the crowd parted as he ran. and his father, left at the throne, whispered to the Queen, “who is that?” Queen May, with tears in her eyes, said, “if I had to guess, that is the Comtesse de Lancret.”
as he ran toward her, Michelle felt her heart drop in her shoes. the glass heels wobbled under her shaking knees. it had taken all of the courage she possessed to come to the ball. and she found now, as he ran toward her, she was sorely lacking in courage, having spent it all.
the Prince skidded in front of her boyishly, much like he had the first day they met. he blinked, as if locked in a dream, and said, “hello.” she smiled, nervously, “hello.” “I was told you were engaged.” she shook her head, “you were misinformed.” “so you are not engaged?” she shook her head, and smiled, “no, I am not.”
he exhaled a shaky laugh, “I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life.” “Peter,” she whispered, “I do have to tell you something.” rejuvenated he began to speak in quick succession. “later, it can wait,” he grabbed her hand, “there is someone you must meet.” he began to lead her through the crowd and her heart rate spiked, “Peter, please. I have to tell you something.” “surely, it can wait.” “no, Peter, I must tell you now—“
and then, the world crashed around them.
the Baroness broke through the crowd of awed courtiers and grabbed for Michelle. she managed to tear one of the fabric wings off of her dress. if she were truly a bird, the gesture would have grounded her forever. Michelle stumbled backward and Peter whirled around. he looked purely lethal at the affront, “Baroness, what is the meaning of this?”
the Baroness pointed her thin, accusatory finger at Michelle and shouted for the entire court to hear, “she is a fraud, your majesties.” "mind your tongue," Peter replied. the King stepped down from the throne with the Queen in toe and said, "you will contain yourself, madam."
the Baroness sneered at her charge, "ask her, your majesty." Peter turned to Michelle and said without much patience for the Baroness’ games, "tell her who you are." Michelle hesitated. Peter's face fell, "Mary Jane, tell her who you are...." 
the Baroness spoke up, again, over the crowd of silent courtiers, "she is an imposter. she is a servant in my house." Michelle's eyes filled with tears as the audience watched her humiliation. Peter, who was still holding her hand in his fist, quietly pleaded, "Mary Jane, please." 
truth will out. always. 
and so, it did.
with tears in her eyes, Michelle quietly said, "I am who she says." 
Peter bowled back in shock. he dropped her hand and stumbled backwards. Michelle stepped after him, desperately trying to explain, "I tried to tell you. I came here to tell you..." 
the King shouted, "will someone please tell me what is going on?" 
"she is a servant, my King. she has been deceiving the Prince, poising as a Comtesse." "Mary Jane--" Peter whispered. 
her knees nearly gave out, but Michelle, ever strong, admitted, "Mary Jane was my mother. my name is Michelle." 
all of the softness, the comfort that flickered behind Peter's eyes dissipated. he was as rigid as stone. his eyes swelled with betrayal. and Michelle could hear his heart breaking. 
he did not know what to do or what to say or how to handle the deception. Peter turned his back on Michelle and tried to weave through the stunned crowd. he could not stand to be in her sight. or scrutinized by the eyes of his Court. she yelled after him, "Peter!" 
his back stiffened and his shoulders squared. he turned to her slowly, and she held her breath. but his face was as distant as a stranger. "you will not address me so informally, madam." 
and Michelle could no longer take it. the horrible, unbidden rejection. the humiliation. the heartbreak. 
coming had been a mistake. she saw that now. 
without another option, Michelle turned away from him, picked up her skirts and ran. she ran out of the Courtyard and away from all of the pesky eyes of blood thirsty courtiers. and she ran and ran and ran right past Signore Da Vinci. 
Michelle collapsed on the ground just outside the Courtyard, her wings sorely clipped. Da Vinci went to her, "Michelle?" she shook the old man off of her and ran again. away from it all. away from everything. 
but in her absence she left behind one single glass slipper.
Da Vinci picked up the shoe and called after her, "Michelle!" but she did not stop. “Michelle!” he called, again. but she was gone. 
when the artist found the Prince with the exquisite shoe in his grip, Peter was sitting on the same battlement that used to be his quiet place as a child. his head pounded from the weight of all of the lies and betrayal he had endured. 
Mary Jane had never existed. he wondered if that, too, meant their time together was meaningless. he was furious with her. he was devastated by her. it was all too much for one man to manage. 
Da Vinci whispered, "Peter, what have you done?" he did not look at the old man, "she lied to me." "she came to tell you the truth. and you fed her to the wolves." "you are out of line, old man." "do you have any idea what that girl had to go through to get here tonight?" "it does not absolve her of her sins." "Peter," he sighed, "she loves you." "oh what do you know of it? you paint masterpieces, walk on water. and yet you know nothing about life!" 
"I know a life without love is no life at all." "and love without trust? what of that?" Peter challenged. Da Vinci sighed, "Peter--" "I am a servant to my crowd. and I will not yield!" 
Da Vinci placed the glass slipper on the battlement and cooly said, "then you do not deserve her." 
the artist left. and in the silence, the Prince picked up her forgotten shoe. 
when the Baroness returned from the ball, Michelle was thrown back into the locked kitchen. she did not fight. she did not snarl. she did not do anything. all of her fight, all of her spirit had been snuffed out when Peter left her without a lifeboat. she sunk. and sunk. 
and had been drowned in her shame. 
the following morning, Betty unlocked the door and brought Michelle some water from the well. silently, she wrapped her arm around her stepsister. together, they sat for nearly an hour. sisters at last. 
two weeks after the ball, the Princess of Spain arrived in France a blabbering mess. she cried as they prepared her for her wedding. she cried as she walked down the aisle. she cried as Peter, her groom, took her hand and led her up to the alter. she cried and begged in Spanish about the man she loved, who she had been forced to foresake for their royal match. 
and as she spoke to him, begging for her freedom, he remembered the girl he had kissed in the monastery and the one that had hurled the apple at his head in the dead of night. they were one in the same. they were his Michelle. and he was going to marry a Spanish Princess he did not know. who did not love him. 
who he did not love. 
Peter made a decision. for his happiness. for his life. not for the crown on his head. 
he kissed the Princess' cheek and said only loud enough for the two of them to hear, "I know exactly how you feel." he unwound the ceremonial cape from around his shoulders, and sprinted out of the church. the court descended into chaos. but Peter did not care, outrunning all of guards that confusedly pursued him. he did not know what he would say but he knew where he was going. 
to Michelle. 
if he was forced to live a life without her, it would be no life at all. Da Vinci was right. he loved her. her name, her station was immaterial. she was his match in every way and he would win her back.
when he arrived at the Baroness' house, the woman that had torn Michelle's wings opened the door. she startled, "your highness." "where is she?" "my daughter, Margarette?" "you know who I am here for," he replied. 
the Baroness grew red in the face, "your highness, I must protest." "you may not," he brushed past her into her home. "Michelle!" he cried out. the Baroness spoke again, "your highness, she is a servant." "Michelle!" he called louder. "my Prince!" the Baroness squealed. 
"she is in the kitchen, your highness," Betty said, stepping out of the shadows. Peter ignored the Baroness and commanded, "take me to her."
they walked down the dark steps to the servant kitchen and he noticed the lock on the door. and when it swung open with a key taken from the Baroness he realized the room was cold. the fire had not been heating the room for quite some time. it had been a long two weeks for Michelle since the ball. 
and there was a girl buried in a blanket near the mantel. a head of curls peaked out the top. and Peter took the final step into the room. he tentatively spoke, “Michelle?” she barely stirred. he spoke louder, “Michelle?” but, again, she did not move. 
he bent down beside her on the ground and touched a warm hand to her back, “Michelle?” she rolled over and met his eyes just over the top of her blanket. and they locked eyes. dazed, she said, “you’re really here.” he nodded, “I am.” “you were supposed to be married today.” “I was.” “why are you here?” he offered her a small smile, “I thought my weakness, by now, was obvious.” 
Michelle pulled herself out from underneath her blanket and touched his cheek, “Peter...you’re really here.” he closed his eyes, and savored her touch. it had been two weeks since she had been this close to him, since he had held her. “you’re really here,” she repeated. his eyes fluttered open, “I came to beg your forgiveness.” “what?” he tucked her hair behind her ear, “at the first test of loyalty, I betrayed you. please, Michelle, I am so sorry.” 
she closed her eyes, “say it again.” Peter thickly replied, “I am so sorry.” “no,” she opened her eyes and they were filled with tears, “the part where you said my name.” 
he grinned boyishly, “Michelle.” she shook her head, “again.” “Michelle,” he kissed the tip of her nose. “Michelle,” he kissed her cheek. “Michelle,” he breathed, and squared his mouth over her own. kissing and kissing and kissing her. she smiled against his mouth and gripped him tightly. and he smiled back. and soon, they were both too filled with happiness to do more than press their silly smiles against each other’s mouths. 
“wait,” he tore his mouth away, and she subconsciously followed it, “I have something of yours.” from the bag at his side, he drew forth the glass slipper she had left behind at the ball. “I wanted to return this remarkable shoe,” he swallowed. she reached for her slipper but he pulled it away, “may I?” she nodded lifted her foot. like something out of the book she read at her fireplace, he slid it onto her foot and whispered, “I am here not as a Prince, but as a man in love. and I would feel like a King if you, Michelle, would be my wife.” 
Michelle did not waver. she threw her arms around her Prince. and he held her back. endeavoring never to let her go again. 
the Baroness watched the entire exchange from the kitchen doorway and slowly slunk away from the sight. Michelle had said her stepmother had won not two weeks ago. and yet, the Prince had returned. and he still wanted her. common or not. France would outcast the Baroness now, there would be no forgiveness in the vulture eyes of the courtiers that had seen her tear Michelle’s wings. she would only be the evil stepmother of the soon-to-be Princess. she brushed past Betty, and stumbled out of the house. when her mind cleared, she decided to climb her horse. and she did not look back as she rode away from her late husband’s home and the future Queen of France. 
on the kitchen floor, Peter kissed his bride-to-be and uttered worshipful versions of her name. Michelle, he decided, was the loveliest name he had ever heard. and she decided she would rather like hearing it spoken every morning until there were no more mornings to be had. 
after they married, Da Vinci painted a portrait of Michelle that hung in the royal gallery for nearly two hundred years. 
when enough time had passed, their story became legend. the glass slipper became lore. and the truth of their romance was reduced to a simple fairytale. 
and while Michelle and her Prince did live happily ever after--
the point was that they lived. 
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