#comfort room in our uni AND THEN like maybe 5 years later my friend is like hey remember our classmate she just got married to a soldier
beameized · 2 years
If I had a nickel for everytime I may have offended the child of a powerful family and could've died but didn't, I'd have three.
#mei rambles#story time in the tags#when I was in HS my mom moved me into an all girls school now I sat next to this girl who was the friend of my best friend#so I was like yeah let me help you with math and all other subjects I was a smart nerd THEN#and somehow we became the class mandated otp like short fluffy nerd girl tall lanky sports girl ship and she asked me out#but me being 14 years old in my gay catholic repression era told her no she shouldn't do this just cause we are the class mandated otp#so now fast forward like maybe 7 years later I tell my friend about the confession I got and she was like GIRL OMG HOW COULD YOU THAT GIRL#IS THE DAUGHTER OF THE RICH FAMILY IN OUR CITY WHAT THE HELL GIRL#and I'm like huh WDYM she's whooo?????#and then I was so glad I didn't die or anything from that#second one was in college we had this groupwork video presentation now I was doing the editing and asked them to dub the video#but one of the main cast didn't dub properly and there's so much background noises I was so mad I made her re-do it again in the girls#comfort room in our uni AND THEN like maybe 5 years later my friend is like hey remember our classmate she just got married to a soldier#and then she drops the bomb that this girl is a general's daughter#and last was just recently so our uni org holds debate auditions in a applicant vs. all panelists scenario. now this one applicant was#trying to use accounting technicalities to try and argue his way through even though his argument sucks#my non-accounting org mates in lawschool couldn't really argue on that so I had to step in and point out the flaw in his approach#and now I learn dude is the son of a mayor and is rich af#idk how I'm alive
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donaidk · 3 years
Marcus Armstrong - Almost Home I.
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In advance: This is getting a Part 2 for sure. I don’t want to leave it here, but at the same time I felt like it would be really long if I left it in one piece. Turns out I have a whole lot of inspiration for Marcus fics right now. 😂 I also wanna let everyone, who’s waiting for their request, know that uni is starting next week for me. It means less free time, but I will make sure to finish every one of them in the next week or so, and then focus on all the series I started. There’s gonna be slower updates to them, but I’ll make sore to have one or two per week at least. Hopefully they won’t try to kill us in the starting weeks and I will finish up the Lando one so I could start posting that every week and just add some parts from the others to the queue 😊
Thank you Anon for requesting this one though, and sorry for the wait. Hope you will enjoy it and as it’s almost the next day here, have a really happy start to your Friday everyone 🧡
Kind of Taglist: @mickschumcher​, @art-gp​
Title Song | Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
With the Australian GP knocking on the door Melbourne filled up with tourists and fans even more than usual. The first time I got to witness it in 2017 was actually scary in a way for someone who didn’t know the city well yet. Getting from one part of the city to another was a hard task already, and all the shouting and crazy fans weren’t of much help when I tried to get some usable info out of them so I could finally get to my destination and get off the streets. It almost held me back from choosing Melbourne’s university, but I had to remind myself that it was just once a year and I shouldn't give up my plans because of it. Melbourne was beautiful and their schools were highly rated, giving me everything for a stable future. Luckily I was never disappointed by my choices as it was easy to get used to the life here and I even found some new friends who helped me every time I felt homesick. It wasn’t the worst usually, as I was truly content with how my life was going, but sometimes it just hit me out of nowhere and in those moments they were always there for me.
It was now the third year when we lived through the race weekend, meaning we finally had a working schedule with which we still followed our usual plans but stayed out of the bigger crowds. Although we were in the middle of the semester we always found time to enjoy the still warm weather and spend most of our free time outside. Usually our choice was the beach for the afternoons as even though it was packed until noon, the tourists never stayed for long. We usually arrived in the late afternoon and stayed well after the sun went down, and the temperature went down a little finally. The water usually stayed comfortable until later in the evening making it bearable for almost a whole 24 hours if you weren’t squeamish. Even if you were after spending a few weeks at the beach, everyone got used to it.
As soon as everyone finished with their lectures we got our things together and took the 5 minutes walk down to the beach. We had a favourite spot which was luckily never taken when we got down there. For a few minutes we just sat down, talking about our weeks. I shared a dorm room with two other girls, but we had a few friends who had their own apartments or lived with their family a bit farther away from our university. We usually had one or two days every week to catch up with them as in between lectures we were either too tired or didn’t have the time to do so. But most of the afternoons were ours fully and we used it the best we could to relax but still use that time to make memories for the few years we’re spending together. We could say it’s gonna stay the same after we graduate but everyone knew we would move to different countries as soon as we weren’t connected to Australia. Even I planned to go home, although I enjoyed living here and getting to be independent without my family behind my back.
“ Are you coming? ” One of the girls asked me, as they were already walking down to the water, while I was still standing around our towels with my phone in my hand. I was in the middle debating which sunset photo I should post from my gallery, but her voice made me look up.
“ Just a second. I’ll catch up. ” I smiled at her before looking back down at my screen. In the end my finger finally tapped the posting button and I pushed it aside while I got the sundress off that was on over my bikini.
Right before I would have ran after the girls, the device was back in my hands so I could check that the picture uploaded without a problem. A smile got on my face when I saw a reaction from one of my family members but as soon as it showed the whole list of the people who looked at my story, it faded away. For the past few months whenever I posted something he was always there in the first few seconds or at least minutes. I couldn’t understand what changed that he showed up in my life again, but I didn't really want to give him space in my thoughts either. It has been almost 4 years since we last talked and could call each other best friends, but I wasn’t about to take the first step and message him after he forgot about me until now. I just dropped my phone back into my bag, closing it and then caught up with my friends so they could make me forget about him again.
We spent quite some time in the water, swimming a few laps back and forth before just standing around and enjoying the last rays of sunshine while we chatted away. My thoughts were already in a different direction thanks to all the different topics that came up between us. Sometimes it was harder to make me forget time and time again, but turns out today I only needed some distraction and everything was set for an enjoyable night. With the sun completely off the sky the temperature dropped quickly and it was getting a bit chilly  for my liking in just a few minutes. When it was truly uncomfortable I gave up and walked back to the shore, sitting down on my own blanket and draping my towel around my shoulders. It immediately brought enough warmth over my body that I stopped shivering and could wait for them until they would get cold too. Until then I just went onto my phone to go through some posts of my friends. Sometimes I looked up to check on them just so they wouldn’t leave me out of something. One of those times I saw a person coming my way and although I didn’t mind too much attention to it, when he continued and there was no one else in my close proximity I felt like he might be coming to me. In the end I was right as he turned right towards me and then stopped just a few steps away from our blankets.
“ Never thought you would exchange our lovely and perfect red stars for ugly white ones. ” He spoke up and I could recognise the voice even though his face was almost unseeable thanks to him standing with his back towards the moon. My jaw dropped immediately and I felt like I grew roots into the ground as I couldn’t move my body. “ If you want me to fuck off, just tell me. It’s okay. I just thought we could maybe talk, and from the pictures I saw that you’re here. Hoped you didn’t go home yet so I could catch you and... ” He started rambling but I was quick to finally push myself up and hug him immediately. I always imagined our reunion with me being angry at him, but somehow I couldn’t get myself to feel that way now that he was standing right in front of me.
“ You idiot. ” I told him not leaving any space for questions and I could feel as he finally relaxed and hugged me back. “ The biggest in the whole world. ” I added with a sigh, closing my eyes as my brain started functioning again and I had an urge to kick his shin at least.
“ I can live with that. ” Marcus let out a laugh and I could feel as my heart jumped a little at the sound. It was something that always reminded me of our home and spending every possible second together. “ I’m sorry for disappearing. ” He let out a sigh, letting go of me only when we realised my wet bathing suit soaked his shirt, although even he didn’t care about it for too long.
“ What are you doing here? I thought F2 wasn't coming here. ” I asked him confused, knowing that we wouldn’t be in this situation if he traveled here for one of the races in the past two years. “ Not like I’m complaining, but I can hardly believe my own eyes and senses. ” I shook my head a little before looking up at him again. He changed, quite a bit since we last met and even though I saw pictures of him it was different in a face-to-face situation.
“ Ferrari invited a few of us so we could gather some experience. The speed I accepted the offer with might have raised some eyebrows. ” Marcus hid his face in his palm, making me chuckle as I could see the situation unfold in front of my eyes like I was there. “ Thought I would DM you and ask if you wanted to meet up maybe. But I realized it would be better offline. ” I had to roll my eyes at his first idea although I knew he wasn’t lying and it for sure went through his brain as a real possibility.
“ You’re lucky you didn’t. I would have blocked you forever I think. My plan was connecting my fist with your face if we ever meet again, right until you showed up here. ” I shook my head with a smile, as I wasn’t proud of what I wanted to do to him. “ I was really angry when you just stopped talking to me. I tried so hard to reach you, but it felt like you didn’t even exist anymore even though they were talking about you almost every week. ” I sighed, sitting back down and leaving enough space for him too.
“ Would have been deserved actually. ” His fingers scratched at the nape of his neck and I could see the tint of purple traveling up his neck. I watched him as he sat down, pulling his legs up and resting his arms onto them. “ I really am sorry. For a part everything got busy with all the training, races and studying, but at the same time I know damn well a message here and there should have been possible. I messed up, everything. ” His eyes shined even in the minimal light of the moon, and I could get myself to look away. Even feeling the burning stares on my back from my friends didn’t get me to turn around.
“ I won’t say that it’s okay, but I accept your apology. How could I not. ” I let out a breath that I realized was still stuck in me since the initial surprise took over my body. “ It feels like we didn’t even skip over like 3 years of each other’s life. Only difference is that you’re finally taller than me, but the baby face’s still there. ” My hand went up to his cheek to pat it gently like my grandma did for him all the time when he came over for lunch. He always hated it but knew that it was a gesture of love from her and a way to show Marcus that she considered him part of our family.
“ Yeah, I guess it’s going to stay forever. ” Marcus huffed, moving his head back a little to avoid my attack, although he failed miserably. “ I almost forgot, congrats for uni. I remember how hard you were studying to get in. Everyone home was ecstatic when I told them about it. ” His hand slapped his forehead, making me laugh with his expression at the slight stinging he caused himself.
“ Thank you, but it’s nothing compared to your second place last year. ” I shrugged a little but as soon as his lips pulled into a slight smirk my eyes rolled on their own. “ Surprise, surprise, I followed your career. Just as much as you followed my life for the past few months. ” I poked him in the ribs with my finger, making him wince for a second before we both started laughing at the little sound he made.
“ Fair. I still hate how Instagram shows who opened your stories. ” He shook his head a little and both of our heads turned towards the water when we realized the background chatting was getting closer and closer to where we were sitting. They were just a few meters away when my eyes landed on their figures and I sensed when Marcus stood up from next to me, making me push myself up too.
I didn’t feel too anxious about him meeting my other friends, although I knew what this meant for my evening at the dorm with them. They would have an immense amount of questions both about him and us, even though I already mentioned him when we were bringing up our past. A few of them even knew about my past feelings about him and how him reappearing on my socials played with my emotions, but they only saw a few photos of him. This was another level and I knew he would be the topic for at least the next week between us, for one reason or another. Depends on how we get on from this point and if we manage to keep in contact when they have to fly away again.
“ Oh, I knew it wasn’t just my imagination. I told you someone was coming here. ” My roommate spoke up as soon as they got close enough to make us out from the darkness. “ You’re Marcus, right? ” She stepped right in front of him, reaching her hand out while introducing herself. I always admired her boldness even in front of strangers.
“ Yes, although I didn’t know so many people knew me from here. ” Marcus let out an uneasy chuckle, looking at me a bit concerned. I just shook my head dismissively, almost telling him that it was just a ‘Girl group’ thing. Relief washed over me though that I didn’t share a lot about him, behind his back.
I watched from the sideline as everyone introduced themselves to him and for a second it felt domestic as all of them shot me a concerned glance towards me. It felt like they would pounce at him if they saw that I was uncomfortable in his presence. While it made me feel loved in a way, I also didn’t want them to really chip on the situation. It was something that better dealt with in private as I felt like we had to talk lots of things through to get back to the friendship we left behind years ago. This wasn’t the setting for a conversation like that.
“ We should probably get home before it gets really late. School won’t wait in the morning. ” I spoke up before any of them could start questioning him. We would never be able to get going then. “ Maybe we can catch up sometime before the race? I’m sure you will have enough to do during the weekend. ” I turned back towards Marcus who looked just as relieved as I did seconds ago.
“ Yeah, that would be better. Maybe lunch, or a coffee in the afternoon? Whenever you’re free of course. ” He nodded a little, still glancing at the girls who were either packing up or staring him down behind me.
“ I’m up for either of those. Surprise me. ” I grinned at him, feeling the pull on my arm when everyone was ready. “ Is your number the same? ” I asked him, already taking a step back, but waiting for his answers.
“ Yes. Never changed. ” Marcus nodded again, a little smile playing on his lips at the idea that we’re going to meet up again probably. At least I hoped so. Why else would he stalk me down and come up to me for a chat?
“ I’m gonna text you in the morning when’s my last lecture. We can meet up after that. ” I told them, before turning around with one last wave and catching up to my group. I could only hope that they would at least let me sleep before the questions start pouring out of them all at once.
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thebestofoneshots · 4 years
Pairing: Dean x reader
Prompt: In which you and Dean can’t help but want to be around each other and find little excuses to do so. Also reaserchung for a case and watching TV together.
Warnings: Located on early season 12, there are some mild spoilers to S2 of The Walking Dead but nothing serious.
A/N: This is fluff, just a bunch of fluff because I needed some Dean fluff real bad
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You laid on your stomach with your feet crossed, knees glued to the headboard of Dean’s bed as you read the digital book you’d found a few days back. Dean sat beside you resting his back on the headboard reading as well, he held a book in his hands. You were both listening to some soft rock as you continued your research to trap Lucifer on the cage.
Hours passed, Sammy had gone to check up on a possible case and promised to call if it was something of your kind of thing, meanwhile you, and Dean decided to go to his room since the library chairs were hurting your backs from so much reading.
You took a deep breath and sighed before moving on to the next page of archangel lore, and you thought the economy readings back at uni had been boring.
“Hey!” You heard him exclaim excited from behind. “I think I’ve got something! Check this out.” He handed you the book and leaned towards you as you read.
You closed the computer and grabbed the book from his hands, reading from the point he told you to start.
As you read about the tools God had used to lock Lucifer on the cage you felt a small finger pressing near your shoulder. It made you raise an eyebrow and turn your eyes towards him but continued reading when you noted no further movement, a few minutes later you felt it again. You ignored it just the same. And it just kept happening. He’d press his finger on different sides of your back, and rather than being annoying to you, it was pleasant, almost like a massage. You almost dragged your eyes in the words longer just to avoid finishing fast and lose the gentleness of his touch. You were only friends so, these kinds of tokens of affection weren’t all that common.
After a few pages and a few minutes of heaven, he stopped and leaned even closer “So?”
“So what?” You asked confused, you were still a little numb and distracted, his touch had an effect you were not expecting, even if you liked it.
“You think it’s going to work?”
You were about to ask ‘what was going to work?’ until it dawned on you that he was talking about the reading you’d barely payed attention to “I mean, I think it could work, it’s not such a long shot.” You were as ambiguous as possible with your answer.
“Right?, I’ll send the pictures of the book to Cas, he’ll know something about it.”
You nodded and passed him the book, you tried to open the computer again but your will power was out of sight “I cannot, for the life of me, continue reading this! It’s the most boring piece of lore I’ve found in my life! It’s like the writer thought of the most boring way to write something and decided to double the boringness at the end.”
Dean chuckled “then stop for a bit, let’s see what Cas has to say about what we found, take a break.”
“Awesome! If anyone asks, you said I could stop,” You chimed grabbing the computer on your hands, you did NOT want to stand up, even if it was minimal, you enjoyed the company and without the reading, you had no excuse to stay in the same place as Dean.
“Do you want to watch something?” He asked then.
You were about to jump like a little girl in excitement but managed to keep your composure “sounds nice, why not?”
You opened Netflix on your computer, trying to find something to watch “Hey, walking dead seems fun,” he motioned towards the screen.
“Hmmm, I don’t really like zombies.”
“Wait, what? I’ve seen you hunt dozens!”
“Yeah, we’ve hunt zombies, but our zombies are not like those zombies, you don’t get bitten and turn into one because of a scary invisible virus that kills you and turns you into a blob of walking, hungry, brainless meat. And there are also no zombie apocalypses where all the people you love die.”
“Wait a minute! Are you scared of zombies?” He teased.
“That’s ridiculous! I hunt zombies,” you defended yourself.
“You ARE scared,” he continued “I’d never thought they say would come where I would find something that scares (Y/F/N).”
“Shut up! Winchester,” you grunted "I’m not scared, and I can prove it!" You sneered as you clicked on the little icon to play the first episode of the show you’d been dreading to watch for years.
He had a little smirk on his face as you did it, he knew you were scared, but he also didn’t mind being the only one there to comfort you, in case the zombies were too much.
As the episode started you had your left hand, the one on the other side of him, clenching the bedsheets expecting a jump scare on every scene. By the end of the episode, you’d gotten around to it, since you’d seen jump scares weren’t all that common on the show you managed to relax a bit.
"You’re not as tense anymore," he acknowledged.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about, Winchester, I was never tense," you responded playing dumb.
He rolled his eyes but you both continued watching the show. By episode three of your little binge-watch the computer showed the classic 5% battery left which meant you had like a minute before it turned off.
"Shit," you mumbled, you still didn’t want to stand up, so you looked around the room to see if by any chance you’d brought the charger, which you had, only it was close to the plug, on the far side of his little concrete shelf. You gave him a look. He denied with his head. You breathed again and positioned your hands on the classic rock, paper scissors start.
"Seriously? princess?" He asked, you knew, he meant it in an annoying way, but even then your stomach fluttered.
"Do I look like I’m joking?"
He let a breath out and positions his hands too. rock, paper, scissors, you both the said in your heads, both choose rock. You stared at each other for a second before trying again, rock, paper, scissors, now you were both papers. You got the same answer two more times. "This is the one!" He said. You nodded, rock, paper, scissors and he crushed your scissors with his rock.
"Son of a bitch!" You mumbled.
"Language, princess!"
You made a face at him and looked at the cord again. You really, really didn’t want to stand up. So it occurred to you, maybe if...
You nodded to yourself and kneeled on the bed, using your hand on his nightstand to stabilize yourself, you basically crossed Dean with half of your body and extended your arm as far as possible to get the cable. That was the easy part, the cable wasn’t nearly as far. But the plug, that was another story.
Meanwhile, Dean sat there, sipping hard trying to ignore the fact that your ass was just inches away from his face. He tried, boy he tried not to check you out, you had been friends for the longest time, and while he had checked you out before (when he’d met you for the first time), he’d avoided that now that you’d grown closer. But you were wearing yoga pants, he could not resist yoga pants. As he was dumbfounded looking at your ass you continued trying to get the cable to the plug, causing you to stretch even further, giving Dean an even better view.
Eventually, you managed to connect the cable, and as you tuned to rejoice in your success the book on the shelf you were using as support gave in, and you started falling face-first to the ground.
Luckily, Dean who was very attentive of your movements at that point, managed to grab you by the hips and pull you in, causing your chest to collide with his, faces inches away from each other "It’s alright, I’ve got you." You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face, you breathed carefully, swallowing hard at the closeness.
“Umm... thanks, I uh... wasn’t expecting to fall,” You mumbled.
“No problem, that’s what friends are for,” he smiled, you stared at his mesmerizing green eyes for a little too long before realizing you were still on top of him.
“I... am... I’m going back to my place,” you whispered rolling off of him and sitting on your side.
“Hey listen, if you don’t want to continue watching the zombies, it’s perfectly fine for me, all right?”
“What? Are you scared now? princess?” Was your only reply.
He chuckled slightly and you both continued watching the show.
As the second episode of season two came to an end you were both in awe “Shit Carl!” You mumbled.
Dean, was also very tense beside you, Carl couldn’t die, he was one of the main characters. You kept telling yourselves that throughout the next episode. At some point even, both of you started holding hands, in reassurance to each other.
You wanted to continue watching but both of you were falling asleep “maybe we should call it a night?” He asked.
You nodded, and you headed to your room, it was just beside his, but you’d miss his warmth either way.
“Good night, princess,” he smirked.
“Good night,” you replied rolling your eyes “ass,” you smiled and closed his door as you left.
He let a breath out as he saw you walk out and placed the computer on his nightstand. He’d miss you laying by his side, both of you fell asleep soon after, wishing you were still together.
Dean woke up a few hours later to pee, and he heard you as he was coming back to his room, he knocked first but after no answer he opened the door and entered your room, you were asleep, but not peacefully, although quietly you mumbled words, “get away from me”, “nooooooo” and “Dean!” were only some of them.
“Hey!” He motioned towards you, he sat beside your bed and gently moved your shoulder, you were still trapped in your own nightmare “hey! princess! Wake Up!” He motioned again.
Still, no answer from you, after the third try you abruptly opened your eyes, your breath hitched and your eyes watery “Dean!” You smiled as you saw him. You quickly pulled him into a hug “Oh, you’re all right, you’re perfectly fine!” you whispered as you pushed him even closer to you, by now he’d returned the unexpected hug and made circles on you back with his palm.
“I’m fine princess, you were the one moaning about zombies” he teased.
You answered with a light hit in the shoulder “I wasn’t dreaming about zombies!”
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say, princess,” he cooed, you wanted to argue, you really did but was it really a better thing for him to know what you really were dreaming of? Losing him to Lucifer. So you just rolled your eyes and let him have this one. “We can always stop watching it.”
“You wish! I have to know what happens to Carl,” you replied.
As the two of you stopped embracing each other you suggested “maybe we can watch a bit more? I’ll put it on my phone, just so we can get sleepy again.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he smiled as he motioned for you to move so he could fit in the bed. He took off his robe, setting it in the side and accommodated himself underneath the covers. Your bed was smaller than his, so you were even closer that you’d been in his room with the computer.
“Your pijamas are extremely soft” you said as he fumbled around inside the bed to get comfortable, you’d feel his muscles flexing underneath his pants and shirt as they touched your bare skin, you only had a pair of shorts and a short sleeve pijama top.
He frowened, and gave you a side eye, he had no clue how to respond “thanks?”
“I’ll steal it from you one of these days,” you said feeling the hem of his sleeve “it’s stupid soft.”
The idea of you wearing his shirt made him shiver in his mind, but he had to keep up the aparences “you can’t have my shirt!”
“I wasn’t asking for it Dean,” you smirked.
You gave each other a defiant look and then you put play on the episode that patently waited for you two on the screen of your phone.
You were attentively watching the episode when you heard a light snore, you turned towards Dean but he was fast asleep. You smiled slightly and denied with your head. Placing your phone on the nightstand and letting a breath out. You’d have to wake up the Winchester now, but just when you were about to motion him to wake, you felt his hand pulling you down from where you sat and towards him.
“Stop moving princess, I’m comfortable,” you heard him mumble in between his sleep. He pulled you in and snuggled against you, making you completely trapped with his arm and a few seconds later, his leg was also on top of yours, leaving you looking at the ceiling, without being able to move.
You took a deep breath and decided you’d just enjoy the moment instead. Falling asleep just a few minutes later, with his warmth comforting you this one night.
A/N: hope you enjoyed this little thing, opinions and feedback are always apreciated, much love -Rose.
Find more Dean Fluff here
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Bad Timing I(.5)
A/N: This is the sort of backstory to Harry and you, I think it can be read on its own if you want, or before you read the first part too. It’s angsty af, but it has some death and sensitive topics jsyk. I tried to keep it concise but it got a little wordy as angst does. xx
Part 1
About 12 Years Ago:
“So are you coming to that party or not?” My roommate asks. She was one of the first people I’d met last year when we started uni and even though we came from different backgrounds we remained friends over the last year, even choosing to room together again. She got me to open up and find the extroverted part of me that was able to enjoy uni outside of academics.
“Ugh, I’m volunteering for the voting booths for the rest of the week. Maybe if I can make it?”
“You’re actually doing that?” She scrunches her nose. “I don’t get it. You’re just way too nerdy to be my friend.”
“And yet you loove me,” I squeeze her against me and she laughs. “It’s my mom, she said I had to do at least one extracurricular so I could meet friends this year.”
“You already have friends,” she points to herself, and with her came her group of friends that’d quickly taken me in last year.
And my mom doesn’t like that I hang out with you, I think. She thought we partied too much even though my grades stayed decent. “She wants me to have nerdy friends too, I dunno. They’re helping me pay my tuition until I get a job so I kinda have to play nice.”
“Parents suck,” my roommate flicks through her closet. I agreed, this was just something I would get through to get through. Then they would leave me alone for the rest of the year.
Little did I know the person they’d partner me with at my polling station was someone who would be in my life for the next decade.
“I’m Harry by the way,” he’d said after we received our orientation and assigned the building we were going to babysit the votes in. “Second year.”
“Me too! I’m Y/N. What’s your major? I’ve never seen you around.”
“Law--well I haven’t decided if it’s law but that��s what I’m in right now.”
“Really? Law?” I was openly judging, he just didn’t seem the law type.
“Well what are you in?” He demands.
“Business,” I cringe.
“Really? Business?” He has a cheeky smile on, one that would become familiar to me.
“Well, you just don’t seem like the law type. They’re usually more uptight, dress way too smart for me.”
“I know, it’s like, we’re not even in the courtroom yet,” he joins in and it makes me laugh--how he could poke fun at his own people. That’s when I knew we would get along fine, and I actually looked forward to the next few days getting to know him better.
“I’m definitely telling my mum about you, she’s been begging me to make friends outside of my circle. I’ll tell her I’m friends with a law student.”
“So we’re friends already?” We’d reached our booth and began setting up the partitions. He takes over when I set it up wrong.
“Obviously,” I say. “I actually like you which means you’ll have a hard time getting rid of me.”
“I’m alright with that,” he grins and I notice the laugh lines that are brought to life as he does. It somehow made him seem more genuinely.
We spend the rest of the time swapping stories, classes, rants. We check student IDs and hand out voting cards in between but it doesn’t feel like a drag anymore. At the end of the day, I invite him to the party my roommate was going to with our friends. If he was going, maybe I would too. He seemed like he might be fun at a party.
“Er,” he suddenly seems nervous. “I’ll have to ask my girlfriend, she wanted to hang out tonight.”
“Well bring her too!” I say excitedly. “Is she law as well?”
“No, she’s in the arts.”
“I like her already,” I push. “Bring her, my friends are fun you’ll learn how to have a good time.”
“I know how to have a good time,” there was the flash of his dimples again. “Text me the address.”
And thus began a friendship for the next four years, partying together, studying together (trying to), and hanging out in each other’s rooms. We would set each other up with other friends, double dated, went out for sunrise-hikes, and took long drives at night when we had to blow some steam off from being over-stressed, over-studied uni students. Our friend circles overlapped, the fabric of our lives eventually bleeding together. We were made of the same fibers, sticking together even after uni, when our friends got more serious about their careers. When they moved out of the country or to another city, we made sure to rent places close enough that we could still see each other often. And somehow, in the new chapter of our lives, without the partying and our other friends to buffer, we became closer than before.
We cared for each other--we didn’t deny that ever. And somehow that platonic love turned romantic as we depended on each other while we navigated adulthood. I can’t exactly pinpoint where things changed, but one evening our relationship was changed forever.
7 years ago:
“She literally wants me to stay until 7, and she was offended when I said no! I’m not even getting paid for that!” I was bitching to Harry about my shitty job.
“That’s bollocks” Harry shrugs. “Just say you’ve got family obligations or something.”
“I said that the one time she wanted us to come in on a weekend and she gave me shite work the following week! I just...I can’t afford to lose this job Harry.”
“That’s shitty, I’m sorry.” He takes the last swig of his beer. “Want another one?”
“I haven’t even finished this one,” I moan at my now warm beer that I’d been nursing for the last hour, too busy ranting to drink it. “It’s getting late though I should head home before it’s dark. Don’t want that nutter that hangs around my building to harass me again.”
“I’ll walk you home,” Harry suggests. He lived a 15 minute walk from me.
“No no,” I get up and take our dirty dishes to the sink. “I didn’t even ask about you, how was your day?”
“Same old,” he sighs against the counter. “I feel like I don’t fit in, everyone my age is finishing their law degree but I don’t think I want to.”
“I knew from the day I met you, you weren’t destined for the courtroom.” I pull him into a comforting hug. “Do what makes you happy, or what doesn’t make you want to say fuck it and quit your job to hibernate.”
“You really know the perfect thing to say,” Harry chuckles but he pulls me tighter against him. I stroke his back, reassuring him he’d be alright in the end.
“Y/N-” he pulls away to say something but freezes mid sentence. I raise an eyebrow but he’s still, staring at my face.
“Harry?” I ask, but he continues staring. “Hello? You alright?”
“Yeah,” he breaks into a sudden smile. That was weird--I make sure he’s okay before letting go.
Before I leave, I kiss Harry’s cheek goodbye--I was never shy in the affection I gave my friends and Harry’s bummed mood needed extra affection tonight. But what I don’t expect is for him to catch me before I pull away, staring intently into my eyes. The lighthearted energy between us disappears instantly as it dawns on me, how close we were, the unspoken feelings in his eyes, the hesitation before he presses his lips to mine.
I kissed him back then, barely understanding what was happening, before pulling away. I give him a smile but that’s just what he sees at the tip of the iceberg, underneath my mixed feelings churn away. My best friend just kissed me, and I wasn’t totally mad about it.
“It’s getting dark I-” I say as Harry says, “Sorry was that okay?”
We laugh awkwardly, neither of us sure what to do at this point. We decide to ignore it instead.
“I’ll talk to you later,” Harry lets me go and opens the door for me. “Watch out for the neighbourhood nutter yea?”
I stand in place, feeling the fibers of our friendship unraveling but feeling hopeless in mending the tear. “Take care Harry.”
I high tail it out, my thoughts going at an impossible rate as I sort out what happened. And we try to ignore it the next couple weeks,
We hadn’t made it official then, too nervous to face what this meant about our friendships. It was only at my sister’s wedding, that I realised what was wrong between us. I’d been mourning our old friendship, and avoiding him in the weeks since the kiss. But what I didn’t realise was that our friendship had been changing over the last year anyway, and getting drunk on champagne and dancing with Harry, while my sister celebrated the happiest day of her life, made me realise there was a cause for celebration here: a new chapter in our lives.
A couple days later, after a stressful day at work, I’d taken the tube to his flat and waited for him outside. He was surprised to see me there, not saying much except to open the door and let me in. As soon as he’d closed it, my lips were attached to his and we’d let our bags drop, coats, and any piece of clothing between us. After that night, we didn’t even try to deny how we felt about each other.
“I didn’t think I could ever be this happy,” he’s whispered to me after. I thought he’d fallen asleep but his whisper in the dark made me grin to myself. “Are you awake.”
“I am. Awake and happy.” I turn to face him, giggling. “Who knew this could feel so right.”
“Our first kiss was quite wrong though wasn’t it?” Harry says and it makes me laugh.
“That’s why I needed to do a redo,” I tease. “Can’t leave you to plan anything.”
“It wasn’t planned I swear, I was trying to be spontaneous.”
“Let’s not try ‘spontaneous’ again then,” I kiss him in the dark. He pulls me snug against him, I never knew how safe it felt. The safest I would ever feel, wrapped in the warmth with my best friend and now something else.
It was a good few months, testing the waters as our relationship underwent a transformation. All of our friends were supportive, but we never missed the glances between them. Apparently, they were waiting for this to happen. But as sweet as those first few months had been, finding out my mum was sick with a timeline was devastating. I came apart at the seams but Harry stayed through it all, holding me together. He’d proposed then, wanting my mum to be part of the ceremony. We had a small wedding, intimate but still magical. It was bittersweet, the amount of love and happiness I felt towards Harry and our loved ones around us as he said I do and as he took my arm and swept me across the dancefloor. But the amount of sadness crushing my chest kept me from being the weightless bride I always thought I would be.
Through it all, Harry stayed by my side. While we were hopeful, the day our hopes were dashed, the days and weeks I mourned. When my sister and her husband came to stay with their crazy toddlers and Harry kept them entertained giving my sister and I time together. I thought he was perfect, that I’d lucked out.
That lasted a few years, 3 and a half to be exact. There were months leading up to our split and we could point to a bunch of things that could’ve led to it. a) him wanting kids, and me wanting to wait or b) long hours we worked as we changed careers and tried to make our way up or c) how hard getting pregnant actually was. Maybe I pushed him away, or he didn’t love me enough to try and make it work.
I think I lied to myself, avoiding the tension creeping into the relationship. The tired excuses and time spent apart, the lack of usual affection, or casual conversations. I was an idiot, I realise every time I think about the end in retrospect. Maybe if I caught on earlier I could have fixed us before we fell apart. Maybe I could have saved us.
“There’s someone coming in Tuesday morning to fix the broken washer, will you be home?” I ask, still in bed and scrolling through my phone. I hadn’t meant to be up this early but Harry woke me as he got up and I couldn’t fall back asleep.
“No,” Harry responds, his back to me as he ruffles through the dresser. “I’ve got a thing that morning.”
“Well I’ve got to go in early Tuesday-I thought you might be home.” I say. I hear an edge to Harry’s voice but I try not to focus on it. He’d been a little cold all weekend and I was scared to think what it meant.
“You couldn’t be bothered to check in when you confirmed the date?” Harry asks harshly.
“I...guess not.” I put my phone down and wait for Harry to turn, maybe I could read his expression. Maybe he was stressed. “Harry?”
“What?” He turns, but he looks at me with no emotion. No stress, no frustration, not even anger. It’s the lack of emotion in his face that cause my eyes to prick with tears. Harry raises his eyebrows and I shake my head, untangling myself from the sheets so he doesn’t see any tears. I rush to the bathroom but forget to close the door out of habit.
“Y/N,” a kinder Harry appears by the doorway. His face has smoothed out the harsh lines, his eyes hesitant and cautious.
“What’s happened with us?” I blurt out. “Why are you so cold all the time? Am I doing something wrong?”
Harry’s face falls and he walks towards me but doesn’t touch me. “It’s nothing like that. It’s...I don’t know. We should talk.”
He reaches his hand out but I flinch away. “Did you meet somebody new or something? What are we talking about?”
“Let’s not do this here. Right now.”
“Why not!” I finally had enough. “I’ve been walking on eggshells for months Harry! I don’t know what’s wrong and I keep waiting for you to bloody tell me!”
“This isn’t working!” Harry raises his voice to compensate for mine. I’m immediately silenced by the volume, and then the words sink in.
“Is there someone else?” I ask.
He doesn’t answer, his gaze on the hanging vines by the window. My heart drops into my stomach like a boulder, and I find it hard to breathe. I clutch the porcelain sink and ask in a surprisingly even tone, “Harry. Answer me.”
“What we have, Y/N...it’s dysfunctional.” He says quietly, meeting my eyes. “It doesn’t matter if there’s someone else, we’ve been fighting for months. Things aren’t the same between us-”
“Who is she?” I ask. I needed to know.
“That’s not relevant,” he shuts my question down quickly. “I’m sorry Y/N, I...I don’t want to hurt you. I care about you, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Then don’t,” I’d pleaded. “We can go to counseling, talk it through-”
“I can’t Y/N.”
“Because of her.”
“No, because this isn’t good for either of us.” He’d walked up to me, cradled my face. “We’re not good for each other, not like this.”
“Who is she?” I yank his hands away.
“She’s...it doesn’t matter, I swear nothing happened between us Y/N. Knowing who she is isn’t going to help this situation--”
“It is! If it weren’t for her, you’d be willing to work on us--to see a future. You...Harry how could you do this to me? To us?” The tears come with no control. “You’re moving on before we’re even over. How are you giving up on us like that?”
“I’m not!” his voice booms in the tiled bathroom. “I’m not bloody giving up on us! I tried Y/N, so many times. I tried! You just keep pushing at me to be someone I’m not and-”
“I can say the same thing about you!” I throw the brush in my hands into the sink. “We were good! And you got it in your head you wanted a baby even though we’re young, oh my god Harry you kept pestering me to change my mind even though I told you I needed time!”
“It’s not like we could have a fucking baby anyway,” Harry says bitterly before realising what he’d said. “Shit-”
“There you go,” I mock. “I knew it. I knew you were holding that against me. And that,” I jab my finger into his chest. “Is what’s made you so moody, so mean and why we’re always fighting. You held it against me.”.
There was absolute truth to what I said. Last year, Harry had brought the baby topic up. I’d told him we were only in our mid-20s, we had a lot of time, and we still had a career to establish. But he would bring up the topic often enough that I’d given in.To make him happy. And months went by, trying for a baby. Went we finally went to our doctor, she’d told us why it was so hard, it could take us years she’d said.
Harry came home that day dejected, and left me feeling like a failure. I think it tore us up.
“You wanted a baby so fucking bad and when I couldn’t, it made me feel like a complete failure. And I told you that! And you did absolutely nothing to make me feel better. You held it against me, Harry! You didn’t even try to tell me it was okay.”
“It’s not so fucking simple,” he says, his cheeks flushed pink. Maybe it was anger, or maybe it was embarrassment from being confronted with an ugly truth.
“It is. And now you’ve upgraded to a newer model, maybe her version comes with a fertile womb.” I take the cheap shot.
He doesn’t say anything though. And I don’t know why that hurts more than knowing he’d fallen for another woman while he was still married to me. My best friend in the whole world had just broken my heart into a million irrevocable pieces.
“It’s a bunch of things Y/N,” he finally says. “That’s just part of it. We’re not...we’re just not working!”
“Did you even try to make it work?” I ask, swiping my sleeve across my face. “Did you ever think how I felt? How you made me feel Harry? You’ve been slipping away from me without talking to me-” I break off. I couldn’t speak through the heartbreak, the thunderstorm of grief threatens to consume me and my sobs are the only thing that manages to come out.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” Harry tries to place a hand on my shoulder but I jerk away, moving to sit on the edge of the bathtub. “Y/N...”
“Just go,” I say through the tears.
“We can talk more about this later-”
"Just go,” I say louder.
Harry’s phone rings again from the bedroom and he sighs. But he leaves me, crying on the bathroom floor. The sadness that was always in my peripheral consumes me. I’d carried this sadness for a long time--ever since I found out my mum was sick, the sadness plagued me. I’d neatly packed it up once I decided to move forward with my life like my mum would want me to, but now it comes back tenfold, marrying the grief of losing Harry like this. And I stay on the floor crying my grief away for hours, eventually crawling into bed and sleeping the daylight away.
When I wake, it’s 6 and Harry isn’t home. I take that as a sign and get up to pack up a few things. I call my sister who still lived in London then, and crash on her couch, staying there for a few weeks and ignoring any call or text from Harry. When I need to go back, for my things, I find him sleeping on the couch with the TV on, something I always found endearing. But I can’t afford to dwell on how much it hurt seeing him like that.
He must have woken from the noise because when he finds me, he tries to stop me and tell me that we still needed to talk.
“About what?” I ask, just tired now. Too many tears shed and too many hours laying awake thinking about the exact moment we went wrong.
“Us,” Harry looked tired too. He was probably throwing himself into his work with nothing like me to hold him back, I think bitterly. His girlfriend had probably already been to our house--his house.
“What about us?” I barely look at him as I begin folding away all my clothes.
“I don’t know,” Harry sits on the bed. “Don’t you want to talk?”
“I’ve got nothing to say, do you?”
Harry sighs, “I don’t know.”
“Nice talk then,” I say, shoving the rest of my things in just so I could get out.
“I just want you to know I care about you Y/N, I don’t want to hurt you.” He says as I pack.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. If you cared about me, and you didn’t want to hurt me you wouldn’t have done this to us.”
“I wasn’t trying to--I didn’t mean to go and fall for someone else-”
“Just stop,” I cut him off. I couldn’t hear it, how the man I loved fell for someone else. I couldn’t break down here. Again.
He said he cared but it didn’t feel that way. It hurt more than I wished to admit. He knew what I’d been through and he still betrayed me, tossed my heart like it was replaceable. The cut he left in me ran deep.
As I leave he tries to talk to me, but I barrel past him. He still reaches for me and pulls me into a hug, I struggle against him but he’s too strong. He wraps me in his arms until I go still but it’s too much. A sob escapes me, and this time he lets me push him off and leave, my bag banging into my hips every time I take a step. As soon as I got into my Uber, I can’t stop crying. There was an infinite pool of tears where Harry was involved.
3 years ago:
My trust and my heart had been been lost in the war between Harry and I. It only took him a month to mail my divorce papers which sat collecting dust on my dining table until he showed up at work one day and demanded I sign them by the end of that week. I’d taken the day off the day I mailed those in, mourning the end of something that was once so safe and beautiful.
When a close friend calls me on a warm July afternoon, I don’t consider her warning that I shouldn’t check Instagram. That I still had Harry’s friends on my list. I open Instagram before she can tell me why, and see it. Harry was getting married, again. To the woman he gave up on us for. I try to zoom in on a picture without liking it, she was pretty...and blonde. She looked familiar--probably from his office. It didn’t take him long.
It was like someone had taken a retractor to the wound I thought had finally scabbed over. The physical proof that Harry had moved on is just the salt on the wound.
I cry myself to sleep that night.
2 Years ago;
The guy in front of me drones on about his job, mansplaining to me how a mortgage worked as if I wasn’t in finance myself. I excuse myself to use the restroom, checking my phone to see a text from my sister. She’d moved to Scotland this year, to where her husband was from, and I’d missed her terribly in the last year.
A little birdie told me your demon-ex just got divorced 🥂
I stare at the screen, chest feeling tight. I felt vindicated somehow, but I also felt a small bit of sadness. What a fuck-up.
Good for him I had texted back. A part of me wanted him to hurt the way he hurt me.
I went back to my date with a renewed enthusiasm. I’d ordered more wine and got so drunk he was actually interesting enough to take home.
About 1 year ago
“Y/N,” a voice from my past says, one that haunted me some nights. I turn as I exit the shop I was just in. I blink at the sight before me, Harry in a vest and hat. He realises what I’m staring at and laughs awkwardly. “I’m in uniform.”
“You’re...police?” I look up to his face finally. He hadn’t aged a day, although the hat he wears makes him look a little silly.
“Yeah I joined the force uhm...almost 4 years ago now...law didn’t really suit me.”
I know what he was doing, trying to find a baseline to have a conversation. But he was dead to me, and I didn’t want to invite him back in when I was finally forgetting about him.
"Seems like you dropped a lot of dead-weight four years ago.”
I watch his face fall as he realises I wasn’t going to pretend to be friendly.
“Seems that way to you,” he says cautiously. “But that’s not how it happened.”
I shrug. “So. I heard about the divorce. Must’ve been hard being put through that.”
I knew I was being petty, obviously I never got the closure I want (according to my therapist) and I wasn’t over him hurting me the way he did (also according to my therapist). This was how I got my peace, and it wasn’t the best version of me but it was the only one I knew how to be right now.
“Yep,” he crosses his arms over his chest. “So, are you seeing anyone?”
He knew I wasn’t, I don’t know how but the way he stoops to my level I know he knows I hadn’t had a long term relationship since him.
“Not at the moment,” I say awkwardly. “Just focusing on my job...trying to get this promotion.”
“Sorry,” he seems to shake off whatever had come over him. “That was...nosy, I shouldn’t have asked.”
Having him be the bigger person sets something off in me, like there was an anger-bomb inside my mind where he lived and knowing that he was doing okay enough to be able to be the bigger person disrupts this calm I was trying to keep.
“Maybe you shoudn’t have stopped me to ask anything at all. We don’t have anything to talk about anyway.”
I turn around and start to walk away but he catches up, “I wasn’t trying to upset you-”
“Well you have a way of doing that. Please just leave me alone Harry.”
He huffs beside me, “After all this time, can’t we just bloody talk like two adults?”
I freeze and turn to him slowly. He seems to sense this was the wrong thing to say because he takes a step back. “After all this time? Are you serious? I was the one you left behind Harry when you went off to lives your best lift Harry. We’re not living the same life, and we’re not coming from the same bloody place. Don’t fucking patronize me and ask me to talk to you like an adult when you bring out the worst part of me. I meant what I said: I want you to leave me alone. And you know what, if we ever run into each other again, just don’t even talk to me. Pretend you don’t know me. I want nothing to do with you.”
He opens his mouth but his partner calls him from the shop’s entrance. He stays silent, letting me go. As soon as I turn the street corner I rush the rest of the way to the tube, collapsing into a seat and trying to sort out my breathing. It was a shitty feeling, knowing someone was going to be in your life forever because you shared so much history that even when that part of your life ended they were still there. There was so much apart of me, around me, that reminded me of him. And it felt so lonely carrying that around. I wanted to be done with him, I wanted my heart to purge him out. But it couldn’t stop carrying him around everywhere I go.
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how did you get together if you don’t mind me asking?
I graduated almost 5 years ago now and it was honestly a very slow burn process. I was never an extroverted student though my school was very small. E technically knew me since my junior year but just likely by face. He didn't teach me until my senior year and I didn't actively start talking to him or got to know him until towards the late middle of the school year. He cracked a joke at my expense in front of the whole class and I just couldn't let him get away with it 😂
It was an inappropriate joke because he was showing his high school yearbook photos to the entire class. All the girls were drooling over how "hot" he was and all the guys wanted to be him. They asked him how he got all the girls during high school and he said it was "sweet talk." The class clown started cracking jokes and was like "Hey S (my crush at the time/guy friend) does that to A all the time!" I don't know what possessed E to look all the way to the back of the room and dead set into my eyes and in a serious tone asked "What?!? A, are you cheating on me!?!" The whole class was hollering with laughter because I'm so quiet and the super academic type (nerd!). Maybe it was revenge because he noticed how I got his yearbook took a glance at it and just shoved it over to my friend to gawk at. He was my favorite teacher but the fact that we were taking up class time for that got me a bit annoyed.
After that diaster I just started going to after school to annoy him because people couldn't let go of the joke for weeks. Even the day after he cracked the joke as I was leaving class he teased and said "I'm watching you now." That's essentially how we became friends and E would never crack a joke like that again. To this day he realized how stupid that was on his part at the spur of the moment. I've always asked what possessed him but he has never given me a straight answer. He's old and likely forgot...kidding 🤣
We got closer throughout the year and getting to know him backfired on me because I developed a crush on him so quickly. I usually take a long time to develop crushes on guys and all my previous crushes were guys I was friends with first. I always knew E was funny and charming in class but outside of class even more so. I know now that E also realized I was developing a massive crush on him but he always kept things professional (after the joke) and prioritized our friendship. I have a lot of asks scattered throughout my blog about memories and moments we had when I was still his student. I usually tag things related to him with #E💕
After graduation we kept in touch for the entire summer. Eventually he invited me for coffee to see how I was adjusting to college. I had received a full scholarship and chose to stay home and commute. That's a pretty popular choice for students in my city. I'd say about half decide to dorm and the rest stay and attend nearby unis. Well, that simple coffee "date" ended with him asking if he could kiss me because throughout the entire conversation we ended up inching closer and closer together. He was my first kiss and he was shocked when I confessed that after we were done with a French kiss that evolved into a heated make out session 🙈 He's an amazing kisser and it felt so natural and fluid with him. I just acted instinctively when I kissed him back.
Unfortunately, things sort of went a bit downhill from there since E felt guilty after the fact. He wanted to remain friends and even though he "fucked things up" as he put it he said he wanted to remain friends and in touch because he deeply cares about me. He wanted to support me at any capacity he could regardless of his role in my life. Essentially, he was fighting his feelings for me and kept encouraging me to meet and date boys in college. This back and forth went on throughout the rest of my freshman and sophomore year (of college!) though we would still meet for coffee occasionally and text to keep in touch.
At this point E didn't have the filter he once had when we were still friendly when he was still my teacher. We matured out of those roles and at times I even got into arguments with him (text and in person). To an extent as a senior in high school I did put him on a pedestal and I wasn't aware of the flaws he had as a person. The "flaws" are nothing unforgivable or unacceptable but I was obviously becoming friends and getting to know the real E without his teaching persona.
During my third year, E started getting more comfortable with his feelings and the flirty interactions we had became more frequent and serious. That translated over to when we would hangout because he began kissing me again. We started having deep conversations about what would happen if we hypothetically got together since he wanted to make sure I wasn't pausing my life or rejecting a reasonable partner my age for him. I was never genuinely interested in anyone from my school and just made friends. We officially started dating later in my junior year of college.
That's pretty much the cliff notes version of our relationship. Haha, it was an emotional rollercoaster with him sometimes before we made it official. We both didn't date anyone during the in flux period of our relationship, but I'd imagine that would have killed our chances or dragged out our relationship from happening.
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 21
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Calypso and Annabeth have an important encounter
A/N: Sorry for the lateness! It’s time for some Annabeth action. Just a fair warning, since next Friday is the Christmas day and the Friday after that the New Year, I am not sure when I'm going to be able to post again. Be prepared for at least one week's break, possibly even two. But don't worry because more is definitely coming.
I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!!
Calypso is the bolded text and Hazel the regular in the texting part.
Words: 2300+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
Getting Leo to talk to her again was a huge weight off of Calypso’s shoulders, but there was still more to be done. Annabeth still kept to herself during the history lectures and Calypso didn’t want to force her to talk; she felt Annabeth should be the one to initiate it. From what Calypso had heard, Piper had tried to talk to her earlier, but so far Calypso hadn’t noticed any significant changes in Annabeth’s behavior. When she walked into the lecture hall that day, she noticed the blonde girl on the opposite side of the room, focused on her book. Letting a small sigh out of her mouth, she went to her usual seat pretty far from Annabeth.
Since the lecture wouldn’t start for a few more minutes, Calypso decided to use the time by checking her phone. When she opened her WhatsApp, she considered for a moment to whom she should text. Her first instinct told her she should contact Leo, but she imagined he was probably busy going to his own lecture at that moment, so she ended up scrolling through her other contacts instead. Noticing that Hazel seemed to be online, she started typing to her.
10:05: Hi, Hazel
10:05: Hi there! Was just thinking about you!
10:06: You were? How come?
10:06: Frank just texted me that on his morning jog near the campus today he had run into someone he had apparently recently met somewhere (he didn’t tell me where exactly).
10:07: and they had talked for a while.
10:07: At some point Frank mentioned the guy’s first name was Leo. I’m pretty sure it was /the/ Leo!!
10:08: How can you be so sure? I’m sure there are plenty of Leos around this campus. It’s not a rare name.
10:09: no but hear me out. The description matches with what you’ve told me. He said he’s a mechanic with a dog and when I asked Frank what he looked like, he said ‘dark hair, scrawny, eyes look like there’s some mischief going on in that head of his all the time but he’s not actually that bad when you talk to him’
10:09: I admit that does sound like the Leo I know
10:09: I told you! What a small world it is, apparently the boys we’re interested in know each other!
10:10: Still feels so weird when you put it that directly. You’re the only one who knows so far. So please, if you somehow happen to see him as well, don’t say anything.
10:10: Alright, I won’t. But what are /you/ waiting for? If he’s anything like the boys in our art class I’m sure he’s all over you by now.
10:10: Hazel!
10:11: Sorry, sorry. But you did talk to him after that… situation you had?
10:11: I did. We’re good now. Thanks for the advice the other day, by the way. It did help.
10:12: Ha, so you’re saying I gave you good advice. Could that mean that maybe you should also reread what I just said a moment ago?
10:12: Sorry, I gotta go. Something came up. TTYL!
10:13: Calypso!!
10:13: That’s so rude :P
Calypso hadn’t lied, though. She had noticed someone sneaking from the other side of the hall to the seat behind her, and that someone happened to be her friend to whom she hadn’t properly spoken for several weeks now. Trying to stay on her seat as neutrally as possible, still watching her now dark phone screen, she waited for Annabeth to start the conversation.
There was a tap on her shoulder. “Cal…” she finally heard Annabeth’s familiar voice say.
“Yeah?” Calypso asked tentatively, slowly turning on her seat to see the speaker.
“I think we should talk,” Annabeth stated, sounding more like her usual self.
“Um, sure,” Calypso answered but didn’t have time to say more when the professor stopped her, starting the lecture. “After this class, OK?”
“Right.” Annabeth nodded. Then she turned her focus to the professor, but Calypso noticed that not for long. She started doodling something into her notebook and was tapping on the floor with her foot, a habit that Calypso had noticed was very familiar to Leo, especially when he was nervous. Sometimes it was so easy to forget that Annabeth also had dyslexia and ADHD like him. The information seemed to come to her so naturally… but before the Percy incident, Annabeth had revealed that especially when she had been younger she usually had had to read the textbooks at least 5 times before she had finally absorbed what she had read. Later on, with the help of a teacher that actually understood her learning disability, she had learned some other methods that seemed to help her. One side of Calypso thought that it was relieving to see Annabeth show signs of weakness because usually she seemed so good at everything she did that it was mildly intimidating.
Soon Calypso realized that she herself had trouble focusing on what the professor was explaining while thinking about what she should tell Annabeth after the class. What could she say that she already hadn’t in the previous time? That she absolutely hated Annabeth’s boyfriend’s guts? That her flatmate made her feel weird things when they were in the same room so there was absolutely no need to be jealous?
Once the lecture was over, Calypso packed her things and gestured to Annabeth that they should have their conversation outside the lecture hall. They were walking silently until most of their fellow students had split into their own directions and found a quiet spot by the windows. There were some armchairs spread around the corridor to make it seem more comfortable and the girls sat down on two of them.
“I take it you may have changed your mind about me,” Calypso said directly once she had settled on her seat, feeling there was no need to tiptoe around the topic.
“I… yeah,” Annabeth started, and for a brief moment Calypso thought she showed a tiny bit of fragility. Suddenly she realized that maybe Annabeth wasn’t being her usual confident self, because she wasn’t that great at dealing with her feelings. Things like maths, chemistry and physics were simple to her because there were certain rules that needed to be applied. But the human mind was harder to read, Calypso knew that much. “Sometimes I think there are two different Annabeths: one that is very protective and jealous when it comes to the people she cares about, and then there’s the rational Annabeth who tries to yell to the other one that she is being ridiculous. I’m sorry. I overreacted.”
Calypso shook her head. “No, I think I can understand why it bothered you. I hate keeping things from you, but I promised to myself… I mean, it is safer to not get you guys involved.”
“But… why? What could happen?” Annabeth asked, folding her arms.
“I’m not going to go to details but my father… I’m sure you have figured out by now that he is not a nice guy. When he doesn’t like someone, or someone tries to get into his way… Good things don’t usually follow that. And I mean it. There is a very good reason why I moved this far from my previous home. To be honest, I would have liked to go all the way to Greece but that just wasn’t possible.”
“So you’re saying that your father is what you’re afraid of? And he could get us - I mean your friends - into trouble if you shared too much information with us?” Annabeth collected the pieces of the puzzle together.
“Basically, yes. But please, don’t ask more. I may already have said too much,” Calypso said worriedly.
“Don’t worry. My lips are definitely sealed,” Annabeth reassured her.
“Thanks.” Calypso hesitated a bit. “Um, can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead,” Annabeth nodded.
Calypso shifted a bit on her seat, trying to get more comfortable. “If I’m honest, I was not expecting you to forgive me that whole Percy thing that easily. What changed your mind?”
“Well, let me just tell you that you have some very good friends who managed to persuade me.” Annabeth gave her a playful smile.
“Huh? Who?” Calypso knew that Piper had talked to Annabeth but she didn’t know there were others as well.
“First of all, Percy convinced me that there was absolutely no reason to be jealous. I’m not going to tell you how he did it, but he can be pretty sweet when he wants to. Besides, between you and me: Seaweed Brain just can’t lie to me. I can read him like a book.” Annabeth’s smile only widened as she said that.
“OK.” Calypso didn’t think she wanted to hear more about that topic.
“But that wasn’t all. Piper also talked to me,” Annabeth added.
“What did she say?” Calypso asked curiously.
Annabeth’s eyes started sparkling mischievously. “A lot of things,” she started, “but she reminded me of some events that happened before Percy’s arrival that evening.”
“I don’t understand you now,” Calypso pretended to be stupid even though she was already guessing where Annabeth was going with her statement. “What events?”
“I don’t know…” Annabeth tapped her fingers against her forehead. “I think hugging, cupcake sharing and flirty bickering was involved. Keyword: think. I guess the people involved know more about that than I do.”
“That was… that was just us being friendly!” Calypso rushed to deny. “And what was so flirty about our bickering? We do that all the time and I’m not trying to…”
“Relax, Cal,” Annabeth stopped her. “It just kind of reminded me of me and Percy. But if you say so…”
Calypso groaned slightly. “Fine, you won. Again. Maybe… I may be starting to like him. But that doesn’t mean anything. He probably doesn’t like me back. And it wouldn’t work out for various reasons. I… When I moved here, I really thought I could just forget about everything that happened in my past and start to live my life. But it turns out that my past is still following me and stopping me from forming functional relationships. Besides… none of my former relationships worked. I may have been a kid back then but I made some bad decisions and it wrecked my self confidence. I don’t want to get hurt again and I also don’t want to hurt Leo. He has a very good heart, despite his weirdnesses…”
“Calypso, I know from my own experiences that ghosts of your past can be hard to fight. I have had plenty of family issues of my own in the past and they have probably influenced my later decisions, I admit that. But you seem to have taken an attitude that you have to deal with it alone. But you don’t. Let us help you. Maybe I can’t speak for all of us but I know I’m not afraid of your father. It is always possible to fight if you just come up with a good strategy.”
“This is probably a weird comment but that sounded like something I’d imagine the goddess Athena say. Are you sure you’re not her? Or related?” Calypso attempted to joke.
“Last time I checked, all of us were regular people,” Annabeth chuckled. “I admit I’m probably not quite as advanced in the greek mythology as you are although I have studied some of it, of course. But your question reminded me of this book series I read as a kid: Peter Johnson and the Olympians. The characters in it were children of Greek gods and I always wished that I’d be like one of the main characters who was a daughter of Athena.”
“Ooh, I read that series too!” Calypso said enthusiastically. “It was kind of cute although now that I know more about history and Greek mythology, not all the characters are quite like I picture them in my head. But I appreciate the effort to make the mythology more known to young readers.”
“Right! I agree.” Annabeth nodded before realizing they had gotten pretty far from the original topic.  “Sorry, we got a bit sidetracked here. I seriously do hope that you’ll let us help if needed. I myself am gonna try to be more patient and let you do it on your own terms, though.”
“Thanks, Annabeth. Um, about that Leo part, though…” Calypso felt her cheeks heat again and she wanted to curse her silly mind for reacting like that every time she thought about her flatmate. “Would you please be kind and keep it between us? I just really am not ready to deal with that yet…”
“Fine. I’ll let it be. For now. But maybe think about it. Who knows, you could be surprised by what might happen…” Annabeth said mysteriously.
“What do you mean?” Calypso frowned.
“Like I said, there are people who are ready to help you carry your burden even though you’re too absorbed by your issues to notice that. That’s all.”
“O-kay,” Calypso said suspiciously, wondering what Annabeth’s statement implied.
“You should know that one of the people who talked with me was Leo. He said he had noticed that you were feeling pretty down since the… incident and that you seemed to blame yourself for everything. And that you also felt very bad about not being honest. That’s what really opened my eyes and made me decide that I need to get over my grudge that doesn’t even make sense. I got what I wanted, didn’t I? Logically thinking, you should be the one who’s mad at me.”
“That Leo…” Calypso was so focused on that part for a moment that it took her a while to register what else Annabeth had said. “Um, sorry. To be honest, I think the Calypso from a couple of years ago would have been mad. But my priorities have changed and I also realized that Percy is way happier with you.”
“I’m glad you’re not holding a grudge, though,” Annabeth said.
“Life’s too short for that,” Calypso shrugged.
“I guess so. So, we’re friends, right?”
“Right,” Calypso confirmed, giving Annabeth a genuine smile. Some hope had risen in her heart again and she made a mental note to thank a certain mechanic later at home.
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dianapana · 5 years
SasuHina Month Day 7 - Falling in love with an Ex
Dark side of life -Part 1
Hey guys, so tbh this mini-series is the one that i’m most excited about! Sorry for the mistakes that are there, i don’t really have time to check what i write anymore
Anyway i hope you enjoy! Love Dia~
Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t be here, at least not dresses this way, but it's Ino's birthday  and my best friend insisted we go clubbing, she also insisted that we get ready at her house and when I showed up my outfit was apparently not club-appropriate so she gave me some of her clothes even if she and I don’t really wear the same size…this is why I am here in this loud club wearing the least amount of clothing I have ever worn in public. It wouldn’t be all that bad if we weren’t waiting for her new boyfriend and his  friend to come, I am ok with the girls and even strangers seeing me in this but I would prefer if her new boyfriend met me when I was dressed more…well just dressed in more.  
TenTen and Temari are dancing together and most eyes are on them, Ino Sakura and I are in our booth waiting for the 2 boys to arrive, if I had known we could bring someone I would have made Neji and Gaara come too,they would have been able to stop the clothing mess and I would have been far more comfortable with them there.  
“So you just mentioned we’d be here and he said what...same’?”
Sakura asks a bit annoyed, she has met Naruto a few weeks ago and she isn’t his biggest fan. Also Sakura has been saying how we’re not spending as much time together as we used to in Collage. I met all these lovely ladies in my first year of Collage in the dorm, we weren’t roommates the first year but the second year all 5 of us shared a room, it felt like an endless sleepover and I adored every moment spend with them.  
“Pretty much, he said he and his friend have business around here and that they might drop by. So I'm not sure if or when they’ll come, also I don’t really know who this friend is” Ino smiles evilly at me “I hope he’s cute so maybe Hina and him can hit it off and that way we’re all taken.” Sakura rolls her eyes at Ino and gives me a kind smile. In a moment of weakness a few months ago I told her how I hate it when Ino sets me up with guys, maybe the guys she chooses are after her own taste or whatever, but all my dates so far have gone horribly wrong.  
“Speaking about couples, I should go check on my girlfriend, hopefully Temari didn’t seduce her” Sakura jokes and goes to the dancefloor and pulls TenTen to her and gives her a toe-curling kiss. I'm pretty sure that most guy around the club stare at them like it’s a free show. I've asked Ten if she minded that people stared and both she and Sakura said that they don’t mind it, they find it funny and usually they actually put up a show just for kicks. Today is one of those days. TenTen is taller than Sakura and she’s also stronger because she is a fitness instructor. Still kissing her Ten hitches Sakura closer to her and up by holding her butt, Sakura wraps her legs around Ten’s waist not even caring that she flashed the entire club her red lacy panties.  
“I swear to God I've seen them make out a billion times but each time it gets hotter. I'm really concerned that they’ll get to that point one day and just fuck in public without caring” Temari comes towards us fanning herself with her hand. She looks around and rises an eyebrow toward Ino “So where’s your boytoy? Also I told Shika he should come too if we’re allowing boys to come but he lowkey told me no. So I'm in a pissy mood and I wanna direct it towards someone, that someone will be your boyf, I'll grill him better than white dads grill their stakes.”  
I giggle a little, only Shikamaru could win an argument with Temari and still not have her mad at him all that long. They've been dating for over 5 years now, and we’re all joking about them getting married, but no proposal happened yet, Gaara, Temari’s younger brother, once asked Shikamaru about it and the Nara even has the ring and everything he said he’s waiting for Temari to give him some kind of sign that she wants him to ask her, he is scared of proposing and her laughing in his face.  
“I don’t know, that’s what I was telling the girls before, they might not even show up.” The blonde birthday girl shrugs while waving a waitress down and telling her to bring us a full tray of shots and a cocktail each. It would appear Ino wants to get us all drunk.  
“Those that bother you? That he might not come?” Temari asks after drowning a shot.  
“Not really, I mean it’s not like him being here was part of the plan. But it would be nice if he were to come, he’d drive us home and be the DD so we all could get even more drunk than I was planning on because we wouldn’t have to worry about being careful in the cab and all that” The three of us do two more shots and Ino wants to call Sakura and Ten back to do the last ones with us but they are slow-dancing in the middle of the club, totally lost in their own little world. They didn’t start dating until 3 years ago, in out last uni year. So instead we do 3 more and Ino and Temari drink the last 2 shots, before she even swallowed Ino is up on her feet and pulling both me and Temari on the dancefloor. I don’t particularly like the way people stare at me in Ino’s clothes but the few shots and cocktails I had make ignoring it easier, and the way Ino dances with me helps even more and I'm actually having a blast.  
30 minutes or so later Sakura and TenTen join us as well and it’s just like in collage, dancing all alone in our room in our pjs. Sakura is hugging me from behind and twirling me a couple times when I hear Ino squeal, I turn around to see her kissing a blond boy who I assume is Naruto. Temari waits patiently for their make-out session to end so she can introduce herself, she talks a bit to both of them and comes to me and Sakura to tell us she’s going home, by her grin I would say she and Shika made up already.  
“Naruto, this is Hinata, you’ve already met Sakura and I think TenTen is in the bathroom” I greet him and wave hello. Naruto says something but I can’t hear it over my own heart beating out of my chest. I pray to God that my eyes are playing tricks on me as I stare at the back of a guy but he turns around and I take in the familiar face. I feel stuck in place but also like I should run for my life. I only take my eyes off him when I feel Sakura shaking my shoulder.  I don’t even have time to ask her ‘what’ when I hear Naruto saying “Sasuke, you already done? Come here let me introduce you around”
Any amount of drunk that I was before is gone, it feels like a bucket of ice-cold water was just dropped on my head because Sasuke smiles at Naruto and he shakes hands with Ino and gives her one of his dazzling yet fake smiles, but his smile falls for a second when his eyes meet mine but he soon puts it back on and greets Tenten, you couldn’t have seen his facial change if you weren’t paying attention but I was. Just as I think that he’ll act as if we’re complete strangers his fake sile turns into an evil grin and he comes over to me and gives me a hug.  
“Hinata, good to see you again, you look lovely. It's been too long, 6 years or so I think?”  
I can see Ino’s smile growing from over his shoulder and I'm stuck in place because my ex from high-school is here, hugging me and talking to me like we’re old friends, not like we ended up on absolutely horrible terms, not like he broke my heart, not like the last thing I told him is that I hate him.  
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theasstour · 5 years
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0110. Larghetto elegico.
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
NB: explicit language, mentions of alcohol
All the doors in the flat were open. The one to the kitchen, the one leading upstairs and to the hallway, and every single one leading into every single room. Ian was using his speakers, blasting a Maroon 5 song and singing at the top of his lungs in the kitchen while everyone else were packing up their rooms. Y/N stood by her pinboard, taking the photos of her family, home, and friends down. She placed all of them into a folder along with her year 1 timetables, map of campus, and everything else that had helped her room seem a little more hers the time she lived there. Taking a step back, she studied her empty wall, sighing to herself as she felt a small lump form in her throat. Though she was happy to finally be moving out of Westbridge and into a house with her very good friends, she would miss it as well. This had been the first place she had managed to live on her own, her own space. She would never forget the yellow walls, the dodgy carpeted floors, and the creaky kitchen chairs.
Putting her throw over her beddings, Y/N placed one of her suitcases on her bed, opening it so she could start filling it up with all of her belongings. She opened her closet first, taking all of the clothes out that she wouldn’t need for the remaining of her time at Westbridge. Folding them neatly, she placed them one by one into the suitcase, humming along to the music and smiling as she heard Tiana and Finn’s laughters from down the corridor.
She remembered her first day at Westbridge, being so scared and feeling so far out of her comfort zone that it was impossible for her not to be constantly shaking because she was always on edge. She remembered always keeping her door locked and never socialising, and when she looked at her door now, wide open and all her flatmates milling about outside, Y/N suddenly felt very proud of herself. She had managed to come out of her introvert shell a little, feeling a little more comfortable around people she barely knew and even those she didn’t know at all. Never before had she been this as peace, not as on edge as she had always been before. Of course, she would always be anxious at all times to some degree, but now it had calmed down and it was easier for her to think clearly. Easier to give herself enough credit that she had genuine friends now that cared for her, or that in the end, everything would work out just fine. Because even though most of year 1 academically had kicked her ass, she had also found new ways to study to better herself, or new ways for her to focus better during lectures. Y/N was very ready for year 2 at Battersea, but she was also massively looking forward to summer break.
“How’s it going, hun?” Tiana asked as she walked into Y/N’s room, stepping over one of the already packed bags.
“Need to finish packing my clothes.” Y/N answered. “And then I’ll leave some for tomorrow as well. Meeting Teresa later so we can practise our set for Friday.”
“Oh yea!” Tiana sat down on the pillows at the top of Y/N’s bed, the little space left after her suitcase almost took up most of it. “You’re performing at The Junction on Friday!”
Y/N nodded, smiling at Tiana.
“Nervous about it?” Finn questioned, sitting down in the chair by Y/N’s desk.
“More nervous than I have been for anything ever.” Y/N said. “Afraid I’m going to make a right dimwit of myself while playing.”
“What are you talking about? Of course you won’t!” Tiana frowned at her flatmate. “You’re an amazing violinist.”
“You’ve never heard me play before.”
“Don’t need to hear you play to know you’re the best there is.” Tiana smiled. “What are you playing, by the way?”
“We’re going to start with Stubborn Love by The Lumineers.” Y/N said, getting more clothes out of her closet, putting those that were already folded into the suitcase right away. “And then Rather Be by Clean Bandit and-“
“-Did someone say Rather Be?” Ian asked, dancing into Y/N’s room with his speaker and phone in his hands. The song mentioned was playing and Spencer – walking behind Ian - shook his head as he almost tripped over the packed bag on the floor. Spencer sat down on the desk and Ian by the sink, turning the volume down at Finn’s request.
“We’ll all be there you on, Y/N.” Tiana reassured, smiling at Y/N who smiled back.
“I’m actually well excited about tomorrow.” Ian admitted. “Having a pint while chilling with my mates and my other mate is in charge of entertainment? Sound time.” He sighed, a slower song now playing from the speakers by his side. “It’ll be the last time the flat is properly hanging out together, won’t it? Neither Finn nor Y/N are coming back for exams in May as they don’t have any. Won’t ever chill out like this ever.”
“It’s going to be weird for sure.” Finn agreed. “Gotten so used to this shit hole now.”
“You’re all getting so sad for nothing.” Tiana rolled her eyes, watching as Y/N continued to pack her things. “We’ll hang out together again, just not as regularly.”
“I’ll have to take the trip from Cambridge,” Spencer said. “Won’t even live in London.”
“I cannot believe you’re dropping out.” Finn looked at Spencer to his left. “I mean, good for you, bruv, you know what you want and all that, but I just thought Business was right up your alley. You seem like the guy to.”
“Business is right up my alley, but I just didn’t like this specific course. Too broad, too modules things I didn’t care for. I’ll have to specify my course a little more when I apply for unis next year.” Spencer put one of his legs up on the desk, resting his arm on his knee. “It’s hard choosing a career path, especially at such a young age, you know what I mean?”
Everyone nodded and Y/N closed her suitcase, zipping it up before putting it on the floor and sitting down in her bed with Tiana.
“Feels kind of weird thinking about that I have to choose a job I’ll have to be working at for the rest of my life in the field I’m studying now.” Ian said, staring out into thin air as his mind wandered off somewhere else.
“Let’s not think about that now.” Tiana said, slapping her hands against her thighs. “Let’s chat about our first year at uni. It’s gone by so crazy fast.”
“Been bonkers.” Finn nodded, smiling a bit. “Met so many amazing people so fast, and still have three years to go. It’s bloody insane.”
“Uni has been challenging, and it’s going to get much worse as the years go by, I can only assume.” Tiana said, a smile slowly etching its way across her lips. “But so far it’s also been amazing. Think that’s why it’s gone so fast as well.”
“Any of you remember that first time we went to BOP together?” Spencer asked, groans emitting from everyone followed by laughter. “Disastrous.”
“Well, not really.” Ian chimed in, frowning.
“We weren’t even hanging together as a flat, which was the whole point of going in the first place.” Spencer frowned back.
Ian shrugged. “Snogged a well fit woman that I still don’t know the name of. A brilliant night for me.”
Y/N’s phone vibrated on her desk, making Spencer look down at it abruptly as it had clearly startled him a little. Making to get up out of bed to get it, Finn took the phone and gave it to Y/N, who smiled gratefully in return. The chatter was still going on around Y/N as she looked down at her illuminated screen. She smiled instantly. The butterflies deep inside her soul and tummy started fluttering their wings as they always did as the sight or sound of his name.
Harry A little bird whispered in my ear earlier today.
Y/N tried not to giggle and make it very obvious that she was texting Harry. Though she knew Tiana would catch her being all flustered and quiet at some point.
Y/N What’d the little bird say?
Harry That your birthday was three weeks ago.
Biting her lip, Y/N closed her phone and tried to engage in the conversation going around her room. Though her head was so far away, thinking about brown curls and green eyes only, so it was hard to hear all the words being spoken clearly, and not as if she was flying around her room in a bubble, hearing only muffled sounds. Her phone vibrated again.
Harry March 11th.
Y/N Never really cared for my birthday if I’m honest. It’s no big deal.
Harry It is to me.
Y/N couldn’t help but feel her heart swell a little at that text. Harry really felt that way? Her birthday was a big deal to him? It seemed so unrealistic for someone other than her family to really know when her birthday was, and to genuinely care and remember that information. Tiana was the only other one who knew when Y/N’s birthday was, and one Y/N had told her not to make a big scene on her birthday, Tiana had respected that completely and only called to have a chat when Y/N went home to celebrate with her family. It wasn’t that Y/N was keeping her birthday away from anyone, she would just much rather not get the attention her birthday would bring. Her phone vibrated again.
Harry The woman I’m crushing on’s birthday was a few weeks ago and I didn’t get her a card, flowers, or present. Unacceptable.
Y/N Harry, you don’t have to get me anything.
Harry Maybe not, but it isn’t about feeling like I have to. You’re a priority, not an obligation.
Y/N almost gasped, Harry’s words having its effect on her as they always had
“Okay,” Tiana nudged Y/N with her toe. “Who’re you talking to?”
“Ehh, no one.”
“Tell Ehh No One that they can wait. You’re spending time with us now.” Tiana smiled, and Y/N instantly felt a little bad that she had zoned so completely out of their conversation that she didn’t even know what the group was chatting about now.
Y/N Hanging out with the flat. Chat later x
Harry Whenever you have the time, darling. Xxx
Y/N closed her phone then, putting it under her thigh as Tiana crawled over to her, resting her head on Y/N’s shoulder. They fell into conversation with the lads again, talking till Ian’s speaker went out of battery an everyone’s tummies started grumbling. Though Y/N was physically in her room, talking to all her flatmates, her mind was somewhere else entirely. It was somewhere in Cotton Row; somewhere where a beautiful brown-haired bloke sat alone in his room doing nothing. Whenever she would catch herself slipping away to think about Harry and him texting her, she would pull herself right back to reality with all her friends. They had been right, it would be a while till they would all be hanging out like this away, so Y/N had to be present while she still could.
At last, they all decided to go to the kitchen and make some dinner in half an hour, but to just tidy theirs rooms properly first beforehand. As the lads walked out, Tiana remained in Y/N’s room, and judging by the very serious expression on her face, Y/N closed the door.
“You okay, T?” Y/N sat down in her bed again, facing her best friend.
Tiana looked over at Y/N, a little lost for a few seconds before she opened her mouth. “I need to tell you what happened with Danny.”
Y/N had almost forgotten completely about him, but by the tone of Tiana’s voice it was clear that was far from her case. With her eyes closed for a few seconds, breathing in and out to calm down, Tiana tried to find the correct words.
“You deserve to know.”
“If you don’t want to tell me, Tiana-“
“-I do. I want you to know because you’re the only one besides myself I want to know about this.” Tiana explained, hand resting against her chest as she talked. “I trust you to know every single little detail about me. To know me well.”
Y/N smiled encouragingly, taking Tiana’s hands to tell her by touch that she was there with her. It took some time for Tiana to open her mouth and talk, but once she finally did, Y/N seemed to finally understand the whole picture. As Y/N rubbed her thumbs over Tiana’s hands, watching her calm down with each stroke, Y/N knew that she had to be patient for Tiana to tell her. No use pushing her for information she would eventually receive.
“I told Danny about the pregnancy scare in November.” Tiana started, looking at something behind Y/N. “About how you came to the clinic with me, and that if he wanted he could even see the test results if he wanted to.”
Y/N frowned.
“Just so he wouldn’t start asking about them later, which I kind of knew he would anyway.” Tiana shrugged. “Anyway, I…” She stopped, collecting herself for a few seconds before she went on. “I went to his flat to tell him and he lost his mind. So I said what had been on my mind for weeks by that point, something I was certain of, and that was… that I loved him.”
Y/N’s entire body hurt thinking about this whole scene. Tiana laying herself bare in front of Danny.
“And of course he didn’t say it back.” Tiana laughed a little. “Because why would he fall in love with his fuck buddy, right? Why get emotionally attached to someone when you can remain ice cold?”
“T…” Y/N sighed, feeling Tiana tighten the grip she had on her hands.
“So, to sum up:” Tiana looked at Y/N, trying to smile, but it failed to meet her eyes. “I told Danny about thinking I was pregnant, but that I wasn’t, and he freaked out. Then I told him I loved him, and he stopped freaking out to tell me he didn’t feel the same way.”
Y/N was silent, not really knowing what the appropriate thing would be to say in a situation like this one.
“Told me this always happened to him and he didn’t know what he was doing wrong for all the birds he fucked to fall in love with him.” Tiana’s glance was distance as she was undoubtably reliving the whole scene in her head. “Asked me if it was something specific he did, and I just told him I didn’t know why I love him. I told him I just did, that it had come out of nowhere, my feelings.” She closed her eyes. “And then I did the mistake of asking what he would have done had I been pregnant.”
Y/N knew she’d hate he answer.
“’Would’ve left. I’m not old enough to have a kid, I’m still in uni’, he said.” Tiana opened her eyes again, not looking at Y/N as she continued. “When I teared up, he stood there in silence not comforting me or talking to me, just waiting for me to leave. I have never felt more worthless than I did after that. I’m so glad it was close to Christmas so I could go home to my family and forget about uni for a bit. Would never forget about you, Y/N, but…” Tiana sighed, looking at Y/N now. “Sometimes I wish I could start uni all over again so I would’ve made the decision not to talk to Danny ever. Would’ve made myself stay far away from that wank-stain.”
Y/N saw the blankness in Tiana’s eyes, and the pool of tears that were forming at the bottom of them. Leaning in, Y/N embraced Tiana and brought her close into a tight hug. It took a minute or two for Tiana to finally cry into Y/N’s shoulder, to repeat over and over again ‘I wish I’d never met him’ or ‘I hate him so much’. It broke everything within Y/N into a million tiny little pieces. To know someone had hurt her best friend this bad for her still to be sad about it even months after, it took everything for Y/N not to cry with her. She had to be strong now and show Tiana that she was there for her, that she always had her shoulder to cry on whatever happened. They heard the lads walking into the kitchen to make some dinner together, but Tiana and Y/N stayed back until Tiana’s cheeks were try, eyes less red, and until her spirits were back up again. Well, till her spirits were somewhat back to normal. Y/N got a few tissues and dried Tiana’s cheeks, shushing her when she started to speak. They were going to sit in silence until Tiana’s sobs that shook shaking her body like a hiccup every few seconds, had stopped. Only then were they ready to walk into the kitchen and to the others.
“Thank you,” Tiana almost whispered. “For listening and being here for me.”
“Always, Tiana.” Y/N said, throwing the tissues at her bin, but missing massively. Both of them laughed a little, though Tiana was quick to look down at her hands as she opened her mouth, then closed it again. Opened, then closed.
“Could not hold it in for any longer.” Tiana said, looking at Y/N. “Know I do not owe you an explanation for anything or to share everything with you, but I want to.”
Their hands found one another, intertwining instantly.
“Best friends don’t have secrets.” Tiana smiled.
It took a second before Y/N smiled back. “Best friends don’t have secrets.”
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Friday, 10 April 2015
The Junction was an old pub in Battersea, London, a one-minute walk from Clapham Junction. It was dimly lit, with tellies in each corner for sport events, and old grunge dark wooden floors, tables, chairs, and bar counter. In one end stood the small stage live acts performed, while everywhere else was occupied by run-down furniture and loud laughter. It smelled old when you entered, as if the building had been standing for hundreds of years, and Y/N thought that might just be the case. It was a friendly place, the second Y/N and Teresa stepped through the door, the woman working behind the bar gave them a wide smile. Teresa walked up to introduce them, and while she was talking, Y/N looked around the pub. It was still too early in the afternoon for groups to come have a pint with their mates, but a few old men sat by one of the windows leading to the busy St John’s Hill outside, cars and people rushing by to get home for the weekend.
It wasn’t even busy yet, but as Y/N surveyed the room, taking in every detail about the place and every seating area where someone would sit later, she felt her heart beating uncomfortably loudly in her ears. She balled her hands into fists in her cardigan pockets, trying to tell herself that everything would be alright. Just close your eyes and don’t think about how many people will be watching you. But it was impossible not to think about all those people that would be watching, all those eyes that would be studying her every move and analysing her body and clothes and… and… just her in general. Sometimes Y/N wondered why she had chosen to study music at all, because it was inevitable that she would end up performing in front of people all her life.
Closing her eyes for a few seconds, she tried to calm herself down by repeating ‘you’ve come so far, you’ve grown so much, the nerves will be over in no time if you just relax’. Though she had come out of her shell a little when attending uni, her stage fright never seemed would truly ever go away no matter how hard she tried. She would always be an anxious person. Opening her eyes, she looked at calm Teresa who was already looking at Y/N, giving her that relaxed and encouraging smile she so often gave her. Good thing, Y/N thought, I’m doing this with Teresa.
The bartender - Glenda her name was – helped the girls set everything up. She asked loads of questions about their uni experience and which songs they planned on playing. An incredibly nice woman, Y/N thought to herself, smiling as Glenda told a joke Teresa found hilarious. The brown-haired woman, whose hair was greying at the roots, walked back behind the bar counter as someone else walked into the pub. Following the two older men was familiar faces, though, and Y/N’s smile broaden instantly.
“I’m your biggest fan!” Finn said a bit too loudly, running over to stand before the stage where Teresa and Y/N were. “Can I please have a picture?!”
“The cringiest man alive, innit?” Tiana rolled her eyes, but laughed once Finn rolled his eyes back at her. “How are you girls doing? Been rehearsing at all yet?”
“Not yet.” Teresa said. “Think we’re just going to jump straight into it, wouldn’t you say, Y/N?” She looked over at Y/N who nodded, biting her lips together.
“You’ll be amazing, Y/N.” Spencer smiled, giving her a wink before him and Ian walked over to the bar to get something to drink.
“Nothing to be scared about, yea?” Finn said. “Imagine you’re just the two of you rehearsing.”
Y/N nodded again, taking a deep breath.
“Where’s Annie?” Teresa asked Tiana.
“Went home to Linton earlier today, think she might’ve forgotten about you lot’s performance, to be honest. But don’t take it to heart.”
“You going home to Hawkley after this?” Finn asked Y/N as Teresa and Tiana started up their own conversation beside them.
Y/N nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. “My family will drive once my little brother is done college for the day.”
Finn smiled. “I’ve yet to meet that man, bet he’s a proper lad.”
“The best person I know.”
“Even better than me?” Finn furrowed his brows as if offended and placed both his hands on his chest.
Y/N laughed and so did he.
“Tough choosing between the two of you, not going to lie.” Y/N smiled, scratching at something on her shoulder blade. “You going Brighton after this then?”
“Nah,” Finn shook his head, showing his hands into his jean pockets. “I’ll go home tomorrow. Told mum I would stay another week at uni just to say goodbye to everyone and to the flat and stuff before we leave for the summer. Going to surprise her by just knocking on the door at home and startling her.”
“Startle her?”
“Yea.” Finn chuckled. “Going to either like jump out from the bush by the front door or scream in her face.”
“Oh my goodness.” Y/N said, making Finn laugh. “You’re the worst kind of son.”
“But she’s going to be happy to see me. Both my mums would forgive me for scaring the living shit out of them.”
Y/N nodded. “’Both your mums’?” She realised that it was probably a weird thing to focus on, him saying that, because his parents might be divorced, and she might’ve poured some salt on unhealed wounds.
“Got two mums.” Finn explained, smiling proudly. “Dad died when I was very young, and mum found the second love of her life in someone else. Been raised by them two ever since.”
Y/N smiled, hearing Finn talk to highly of all his three parents calming her nerves for her performance and making her focus on something else entirely.
“You’ve got to meet them, they’re the loveliest people you’ll ever talk to.”
“Then you’ve got to come camping in Hawkley, right by the lake on the outside of my parents’ property.-“
“-Shut up, Y/N, that would be fucking sick.” Finn grinned. “Boys, you heard that?” Finn nudged Tiana, both her and Teresa looking at him. “Y/N suggested we camp together. Sounds like a sound time?”
“Oh, my God, yes!” Tiana gasped, beaming. “Could we sit in that boat on your lake then?”
“I’m so excited already!”
“Could do a small tour then.” Finn suggested, looking back at Y/N. “Camp at yours for a few days, then take the train to Brighton, then back up to London.”
“What about Bath?” Tiana asked, furrowing her brows at Finn. “What about my hometown?”
“We going to visit everyone’s hometowns, you mean? Will be a bit of a trek travelling all the way up north to Manchester for Harry, won’t it?”
And just as his name was mentioned and the two of them started discussing all of this, the door into The Junction opened again. Wade walked first, Sai following right on his heels and Harry last. Wade looked over his shoulder to talk to his two mates, making Sai laugh at something as the two of them walked toward Finn by the stage. Harry was quiet however, only the slightest smile on his face as he caught Y/N’s eye. As he strolled toward her, Y/N took this time to study all of him, something she rarely let herself do as it would only boost his already enormous ego. He was wearing a black tee shirt tucked into black trousers, his infamous chain hanging from the free belt hoops. His trainers were stark white, standing in huge contrast to the rest of his outfit and his black leather satchel, the strap hanging on his left shoulder, draping over his chest till it rested on his hip. He always dressed so incredibly well, all his clothes looking expensive and luxurious. Made Y/N wonder about his parents and how much money he grew up with, because it had obviously been a very rich household.
Y/N looked down at her own outfit, feeling like she hadn’t dressed up for this at all. A mustard button up mini skirt reaching mid-thigh and wrapping around her hip, white milkmaid top tucked into it, and her white Vans. She had a grey cardigan as well, but it was resting on top the violin case behind her, she didn’t see the point in wearing it as she was already sweating heaps at the thought of performing. It was an incredibly warm day in April, and though it had been quite windy on the walk here, the sun was still warm on Y/N’s skin the whole way. Teresa was wearing an orange crop top with blue jeans, and the whole gang seemed to be dressed for summer as all the long sleeves were gone, bare skin on display for the sun to do its work. The sun shone in through the window of The Junction, lighting up the already dark interior.
“Finnster.” Sai said, placing both his hands on Finn’s shoulders. “Looking bloody dashing as ever.”
“Was wondering if my bum looked good in these jeans.” Finn looked over his shoulder, attempting to get a good look at his arse. “If I attracted your attention, I would assume it did.”
Sai howled with laughter while Finn greeted both Harry and Wave with some weird handshake-hug all men seemed to do when they met their mates. As soon as Harry had said his hello to Finn, he glanced back at Y/N, the conversation between the rest already going. Spencer and Ian finally walked over to the gang, hugging the new arrivals, but Harry didn’t even seem to notice them. He smiled up at Y/N, resting one of his hands on the strap by his chest.
“Hi.” He said, voice as soft as velvet.
Y/N smiled back. “Hi.”
“Nervous, you?”
Harry let out a small chuckle. “About performing?”
Y/N nodded, letting her arms fall to her sides. “Never really done it in front of an audience like this before, don’t know how people are going to react or if they’ll even listen at all.”
“You’re scared people won’t listen?” Harry raised his eyebrows, not mockingly but out of pure curiosity.
Y/N chuckled a little at herself. “Isn’t it weird?” She asked. “I’m both scared people won’t listen to me because I’ve been preparing for this for weeks, but also terrified that people will.”
“It’s not weird.” Harry shook his head twice. “You’re just nervous about first time performing at a pub. Normal to be a bit disoriented and out of it when it’s your first time doing anything.”
“Think so?”
“Yea.” Harry smiled again. “Wouldn’t be fun if everything you ever did didn’t make you at least a little uncomfortable at first. What’s life without a little challenge, yea?”
“Can’t say I agree. Don’t really like challenging myself.”
Harry laughed. “Well, enjoy challenging yourself today when you perform.”
Y/N ran both hands through her hair, smiling a little at Harry. “I won’t enjoy it the least bit at first, but hopefully I’ll ease into it at some point.”
“That’s my girl.”
Y/N’s heart did a loop and stopped for a second before she regained consciousness, staring into Harry’s green eyes that she ever got tired of studying the shade of. That’s my girl. Y/N swallowed, the tips of her fingers tingling to touch him. She yearned to feel his torso under her fingertips as she had done in the study room weeks ago. Longed for him so close to her that they mingled into one, floating together into a universe neither of them knew the name of but loved all the same. Missed his lips, even though they had only kissed once. It felt so overwhelming and weird for Y/N to want someone this bad, but it was impossible for her to even try to stop herself from admitting just how completely Harry had gotten to her.
“Y/N-“ Harry started, but was quickly interrupted by Sai.
“-Mate, you owe me a pint from last weekend. I’m thirsty.”
“Fine.” Harry said, giving Y/N one last glance before he walked over to the bar with Sai who clapped his hands together, ready to pick out the beer he wanted.
“It’s time.” Teresa said, and Y/N noticed for the first time in a while that the pub had started to fill up quite a bit. It was 6pm now, people were either at home eating dinner or on their way out for a drink with their friends. Y/N turned around and got the violin out of its case, placing it on her shoulder. Behind Teresa stood Y/N’s note stand, and she glued her eyes to the notes she had learned by heart over the last few weeks. Just to make sure she knew all of them and that she wouldn’t screw everything up. She noticed her hands shaking and sweat forming by the edge of her hairline and cupid brow.
“Hey,” Teresa whispered, the others having gone to sit down in one of the booths by the windows nearby. “It’s going to be okay, yea? You’re okay.”
Y/N nodded. And bringing her bow up to her violin, she started playing Stubborn Love by The Lumineers. Her eyes instantly fell closed, she was not for the life of her going to see anyone’s expressions as she played. She knew Teresa was watching her and probably the rest of her gang as well, and even though Y/N knew they would mean no harm and would most likely be impressed, she couldn’t help thinking they would be underwhelmed.
“She’ll lie and steal and cheat, and beg you from her knees, make you think she means it this time.” Teresa sang, voice as graceful as ever. “She’ll tear a hole in you, the on you can’t repair. But I still love her, I don’t really care.”
With her eyes closed, it was easy for Y/N to escape her body and The Junction and all the eyes on her as she created music. Suddenly she was floating along the notes on the paper she knew was right there if she dared open her eyes; she was flying along with the waves of emotion music could manifest. Undoubtably swaying along with the music, Y/N almost felt herself smiling. It was so liberating to create temporary art; art that wasn’t there to be seen, but to be heard, felt, and experienced. The nervousness she had felt earlier died down a little as they finished the song and the entire bar erupted into applause and hoots and whistles. Y/N opened her eyes and looked over at Teresa who was already beaming at her. She smiled as well.
“Thank you.” Teresa said into the microphone. “This next song is Blackbird by The Beatles.”
The two shared a few seconds looking at each other to make sure both were ready. Y/N started playing the second song of their set, closing her eyes this time as well. Teresa sang her heart out and Y/N played to the same effect. The two girls worked well together, knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and it was clear that they understood each other as musicians as well as people. Never did Y/N open her eyes, but after a month and more just practising these songs every day and knowing them well, she didn’t really have to. Once she remembered a music sheet, she’d remembered it till the day she died. They were soon halfway through their set which meant they’d get a break. As she lowered her violin when they were done, the whole bar clapping once again, Y/N heard the door into the pub creak open but didn’t pay it much attention. Hunching down to put the violin back into its case, she turned back around to an older man standing by the booth her friends were sitting in. Teresa was getting her purse so she could buy something to eat and drink, but Y/N couldn’t move as she watched Harry get up from his corner seat.
The older man’s hair was a dark shade of grey, wearing a blue business suit and carrying a folder of sorts. He looked serious, turning around as Harry stood so he could walk outside. Harry followed, not even sparing Y/N or the rest of the group a second glance. He seemed tense, shoulders set higher than they usually were and his hands in the pockets of his black trousers. Y/N felt a weird sense of something being wrong. Very wrong. Harry and the man stopped outside the front of the pub, and through the right side windows, Y/N could see the man talking to Harry in a tone Y/N knew she didn’t like.
“Ready for a bite, Y/N?” Teresa asked, but once she saw Y/N staring out the window at Harry she abruptly stopped. “What’s up? Who’s that?”
Y/N shook her head. “Don’t know.”
They both watched as the older man gave the folder over to Harry who opened it discreetly, looking inside at its contents. Y/N couldn’t see Harry’s facial expressions, only the back of his head, and it was near killing her because her curiosity was about to get the better of her. Getting her cardigan and putting it on, she walked over to her mates, Teresa following close behind.
“You are amazing!” Finn grinned. “Let me buy you both a cocktail, yea?”
“Whose Harry talking to?” Y/N asked, motioning with her thumb over her shoulder.
“His dad.” Sai said, gripping at his slight beard. “Weird bloke.”
Y/N frowned a little, crossing her arms again.
“If you want to find out for yourself what’s going on, Harry has my wallet in his purse.” Finn said, pointing towards the door.
“It’s called a satchel, not a purse.” Tiana corrected, making Finn repeat her only in an exaggerated high-pitched voice.
“Want to go out there or not? Want me to?” Finn raised his eyebrows at Y/N, and though she would never do this usually, the whole situation didn’t sit right with her and she needed to know what was going on. So, nodding her head at Finn, Y/N turned around and walked toward the door of the pub. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to find out or if her feeling weird about all of this was even correct. What if it was all innocent and his dad had just come here to show him something? What if he was there for another reason that wasn’t sketchy at all? Maybe Y/N was just overthinking everything as she usually was? What if she was and her questioning Harry’s father’s intentions would cause Harry to doubt what he had with her? Y/N didn’t know what logic was as she stepped toward the door, placing her hand to it and pushing it open. She didn’t hear anything distinct at first, the trailer driving by muffling out most noise around her. But as it was driving away, a quieter street was left in its wake. And Y/N could finally hear what they were talking about.
“…just saying it- showing you this, because I want you to be aware.”
“And you don’t need to make me aware of anything.” Harry answered his dad in such a vicious tone it almost made Y/N wince. Slowly she stepped out into the street, looking over at Harry and his dad who were staring daggers at each other.
“I won’t throw these papers away. They hold-“
Harry’s dad stopped speaking once the door closed beside Y/N and his eyes landed on her. The seconds that followed when he looked her over and slowly glanced back at his son; the seconds Y/N thought somehow turned into hours.
“Y/N Rose Picot is here for you, Harry.” He said. “I will leave you to it.”
Without even sparing Y/N another glance, Harry’s dad turned on his heels and walked away, his back to them. Harry whipped around, wide eyes landing on Y/N and once he saw her, he instantly eased. The anger Y/N saw somewhere in his green irises evaporated, and he let go of a deep sigh.
“Harry,” Y/N said, palms sweaty as she balled them into fists by her side. “What’s going on?”
Harry shook his head. “Nothing, dad is just intense. Don’t worry about it.”
“He knew who I was.”
Harry stopped a little, as if he only just realised that his dad had said her full name. First, middle, and surname. “He’s just good with faces. He knows my friends from Facebook profile pictures.”
Y/N didn’t have a profile picture on Facebook.
“Does your father know who I am, Harry?” Y/N’s heart was beating so fast it was a wonder she was even standing by this point.
“He knows a lot of people, Y/N. Let’s go inside-“
“-Why does he know me?”
Harry frowned. “He keeps track of all my friends, that’s just the way he is. He’s a little fucked up, what do you want me to fucking say?”
Y/N frowned back, taking a step back from Harry. “Keeps track of your friends…?”
Harry just stared at Y/N, lips parted as if he knew what he had just said sounded not only shady, but incredibly messed up and not at all good in any way. Y/N took another step away from him, swallowing to maintain the calm she had kept up for so long. She didn’t know how she was going to make it through the second half of her and Teresa’s set because she couldn’t stop shaking.
“Like… if they’re good for you?”
“Y/N, there really is no use arguing about this.” Harry said, walking toward her, but she only walked away from him. Harry stopped, hurt crossing his face.
“Then tell me what this was all about and I’ll stop pressing you for information about it.”
Harry groaned, running a hand through his hair and completely messing it up. “I fucking won’t because it meant nothing.”
“Your father knows who I am!” Y/N was aware she was shouting; aware people were watching them from both inside the pub and from everywhere on the street. “And I’ve never met him before! Of course it means something!”
Harry fell quiet, only looking at Y/N in complete shock. She had never raised her voice about anything before, and hearing her be mad at him, upset about something he did, seemed to make everything about him freeze. Y/N completely forgot about Finn’s wallet as she walked inside and straight for the bar. Teresa and Tiana were quick to come over, both looking absolutely horrified. They stood on either side of Y/N, Tiana’s arm around her waist and Teresa holding her hand. Never had anyone seen Y/N this mad or shaken up because it rarely happened. Y/N didn’t get this upset about much, she was usually very good at hiding what she was thinking and feeling, but this had taken her so off guard that it was impossible for her not to have a reaction to all of this.
It was Harry. And Y/N didn’t even want to turn around to look at him.
“-Make him leave.” Y/N mumbled, only Tiana hearing it as she rested her chin on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Harry, you need to go.” Tiana said, voice soft as she didn’t yet know what had transpired between him and Y/N. Y/N didn’t know the look on Harry’s face as he walked over to the booth and gave Finn’s his wallet back. Didn’t know what he said to them when they asked what had happened. Didn’t know if he even looked back once he left the pub, on his way god knows where for a reason Y/N could never guess, she assumed. Both Teresa and Tiana asked what was going on, what Harry had said and why his father had been here. But Y/N only shook her head, defeated and confused and hurt. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down enough to eat a proper meal and finish the set. Though she didn’t know how she was going to do that when what had just happened, Harry’s dad, and Harry, were all she could think about.
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“Careful.” Allison said, voice stern as Edward walked up the small step and into Y/N’s university flat.
“Mum, I’ve used crutches before. I know how to use them.” He looked over at Y/N and rolled his eyes, only making Y/N smile back.
“Fully aware of that, honey, but I’m still scared you’ll fall over.”
“Does it look like I’m falling over?” Edward asked, making his way through the second door and into the downstairs corridor. Walking to his left and toward the open door into Y/N’s room, Y/N could make out a smile on her brother’s face. Most bags and suitcases were in the car already, only a single bag left that Y/N would be taking on her back after this. Edward stopped in the doorway, looking around first, trying to take it all in, Y/N supposed. Her brother walked further in on his crutches, limping as he did so, though he always did that because he leaned most of his body weight on his crutches. Edward had learned how to walk on crutches when he was 10, and had mastered it throughout the years. Though his parents rarely let him walk on crutches as they didn’t want him to fall and hurt. Everyone followed right after Edward, letting him look around the room Y/N had lived in for her first year at university. He walked over to her chair and sat down, groaning as he came in contact with the chair. Smiling, he glanced around the room and looked at her pinboard where she had hung his paintings and pictures of the two of them together. He stared at the bed she had laid in most times they had FaceTimed, and the mirror where she would send him a goodnight Snap with toothpaste foaming around her mouth.
“This is how you saw your flat when you first moved in, when you were sad I didn’t get to see your room.” Edward mused, looking over at Y/N sitting on the bare bed. “And now I get to see it like you first saw it.”
Y/N smiled, leaning over and taking her brother’s hand in hers, kissing it before just holding it and looking around. Their parents smiled at them and Allison brought her phone out, snapping a picture of the two in Y/N’s empty dorm room one first and last time. They had asked how the performance had gone when they picked her up by Clapham Junction, and Y/N had given them the simple answer, which was to not elaborate on the situation with Harry and everything in between. So she told them it had gone well, and gave them all a rundown of the songs she had played and Edward made her promise to play him some when they reached Hawkley that same evening. Y/N had smiled at him and nodded.
She lost herself in thoughts of Hawkley. Of the endless fields where endless possibilities awaited; in her boat by the lake when the sun would beam down on her and a book in hand, music playing from her phone; pushing Edward on the paths through the forest around their property and having the best time ever. She had missed her home, missed being in the country and not in the biggest city in the United Kingdom. It would be good for her to relax without the constant buzz around her, pressure from uni, and everything else in between. Sure, she would miss London to some extent, but right now she’d much rather be in Hawkley with her family. Where she belonged and would always belong. Where there was no Harry and no trace of what had happened at The Junction.
Y/N bit her lip together, not allowing herself to even think of Harry until she was safe at home in her room, about to go to bed, when she could cry for hours.
“Want me to take that bag for you, poppet?” George asked, pointing at the last bag on her bed.
“No, that’s quite alright, dad, I’ll take that one myself.” Y/N said, giving her father a smile as he helped Edward into a standing position. Her little brother had been so eager to see her room, and that was the whole point of bringing crutches and even being in here one last time. Y/N watched as Edward made his way out of her first home away from home, made sure everything was alright before she got to her feet and put the bag on her back. Placing the chair by her desk, leaning over to close her window one last time, and hunching down to get her doorstop from under the door, Y/N finally stood in her doorway by herself. She looked at her room, feeling a lump form in her throat again as she knew this would be the last time she’d have the chance to look at it and be here. Never would she tread into flat 34 of Westbridge Halls again. Never would she live with all these amazing people and complain about the mould in the kitchen again. Never would she play her violin in this room or write an essay by her desk.
She knew she would be happy in her new house next year, knew there was nothing to be sappy about. But Y/N hated change. More so, hated leaving something behind that she had much liked having around. So, inhaling deeply, allowing herself to smile as she looked at room 3 of flat 34 one last time, she stepped into the corridor, let the door fall shut, and locked it for the very last time.
@swayingnoodlelove @littlestyles @showk1ndness @sydneysuit @hallwayharry @emotionally-imbruised @fuckyeahimahobbit @beksjewels @harryisadogperson @harryrocksagoodsuit @ifiwereaboy2323 @tiostyles @maroonmolly @harrysroguecurl @awomanindeniall @justsaying20 @ot4narrie @miss-nxvxcaine @sunflowersandrockstars @hard-on-harry @emma070900 @shitibitmytonge @always-jackedup @rainbowbutterflyboy @shegotthesalt @harrytreatspeoplewithkindnesss @mleestiles @bloodcastle30155 @harryskiwi2 @brielyse11 @for-fucks-sake-h @treat-harry-with-love @permanentllyharry @flooome @harryfeatcalum @harrystrugglestache @hydra-barnes @violets-parma @shadowsndaisies @messyherz @dancinglikeamadpersoninthedark @kakaym @loveandyourstrulyh @onedirectionhoe @yes-daddy-i-willl @itsnoneofyourbusiness94 @stylisthazel @givemesomemore @thelux47 @its-all-about-harrystyles @blogjustlauren @friendlyneighborhoodron @stylesfantasy @miraclesoflove @belladonna-styles 
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Fate (Brian May x Reader) CHAP. 1
Summary: A series of events separate you from the people you care about, but fate miraculously brings you back to a close friend
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and drinking + very minor angst
Word Count: 1,682
A/N: This feels a bit choppy and poorly written, but I worked too hard on it not to share it with you all. Please let me know what you think! ♡ (UPDATE 25/5/19: This fic is in the process of being a series! Another three parts are currently being written/edited so if you enjoyed this one, you can find the other parts on my masterpost) 
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It was a Friday afternoon when fate decided to reunite you. On your way home from your morning shift at the cafe, for one reason or another you found yourself walking into the local music store, browsing over the hundreds of vinyls that sat stocked up in crates ready for other to enjoy. You were flicking through the cardboard covers, one at a time with a million thoughts buzzing through your head, when your hand landed on a particular record. After you pulled it out of the crate and went to expect it further in the light, a someone chirped beside you, “Not a bad choice if I do say myself.”
“‘Sheer Heart Attack,” You spoke, “Interesting name.”
“I’m sure you’d find the guitarist far more interesting.”
“You think so?” Finally peering up, the owner of the voice smiled at you.
“Hello (Y/N).”
“Brian!” You exclaimed, your voice raising a few octaves as you practically catapulted yourself into his arms. Brian had become a close friend in your university days, “Oh my God! I mean, how have you been? I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too Love. Things aren’t quite the same without you.”
He held you a bit tighter before he pulled away and picked up the record that’d been tossed on the floor in the midst of your excitement. “As excited as I am to see you, please don’t damage our work, this is only our third album.” He teased. 
The suddenness of your conversation startled you both, but yet it somehow it flowed so naturally. 
“This is yours? Since when have you been in a band?”
“Since a short while after you moved to America.”
“I see.” You responded, the atmosphere shifting slightly.
“If you’re free, maybe you could pay a visit at our show tonight? Meet the others and catch up a bit more? You do owe me some stories from your travels.” He encouraged.
“You’re playing tonight?”
“Of course, Rainbow Theatre, doors open at 7:00. I’ll be in the dressing room after the show, I’ll make sure someone keeps an eye out for you.”
You felt your heart swell at his words, “That’d be amazing Brian, I can’t wait.” You gushed, quickly, he pulled you into a hug before saying his goodbyes and dashing out the brick and mortar store with a spring in his step. Thank god he’d been running low on guitar picks or perhaps he wouldn’t have seen you at all. He had around five hours to squeeze in as much practice as he could and make sure the others were prepared too. Tonight, he didn’t want to impress anyone else but you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You arrived at the venue with plenty of time to spare, and found yourself only mildly intimidated by the sheer amount of people surrounding you. Luckily for you, time passed rather quickly, likely a product of your excitement. The light dimmed and you were momentarily deafened by the crowds cheers. When the lights turned on again, four figures dotted the stage. You couldn’t help but laugh when you saw the outfit Brian was wearing. Large, white flowing sleeves cascaded against a white form fitting shirt with thin horizontal lines. It was different from what he would usually wear, but it oddly suited him. You assumed the choice in costume had something to do with the lead singer, seeing as he was clad in a black bellbottom jumpsuit that exposed his chest. Certainly not the most traditional outfit choice for a rock band but unique nonetheless.
As soon as the music began however, you were starstruck. The layering of instruments and voices brought a warm, full feeling to your chest. The way they interacted with the crowd and their dynamic amongst each other was to be admired. Even by only knowing one of the four members, you knew that they had become a family. They were so comfortable with one another and seeing them in their element made you feel incredibly thankful to witness. Some of the songs sounded familiar, you must’ve heard them on the radio before without realising who they were produced by, but after tonight, you knew you’d be paying another visit to the record store rather soon.
When the show had ended, (much to your displeasure), you followed Brian’s instructions from earlier in the day, sneaking backstage and playing a few gentle knocks against the dressing room door. It creaked open only seconds later and a pair of hazel eyes met yours. “(Y/N)! Come in.” Brian wrapped an arm around you and began to introduce you to his bandmates. “(Y/N), this is Freddie, John and Roger. Everyone, I’d like you to meet (Y/N), an old friend of mine.”
You were very aware of the eyes drifting over the pair of you, along with the knowing look the three men shared as they noticed the placement of Brian’s hand on the middle of your back. The decided his hand was high enough to not be suggestive, but low enough to be testing the boundary of friends.
In attempt to ease the silence and shift the focus of the conversation, you spoke: “It’s lovely to meet you all.”
“You too (Y/N).” The brunette named John beamed, still plucking at the strings on his bass.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Roger queried, a drumstick rolling between the fingers of one hand and a cigarette in the other.
“I did,” You stated, truthfully. “I never seen anything quite like it, the four of you are wonderful together. You complement each other beautifully.”
“Would you look at that, I’m quite fond of her already.” Freddie exclaimed.
Roger walked beside you and placed a hand on your shoulder as he passed, “Careful (Y/N), I wouldn’t inflate his ego too much.” He responded, teasingly.
“Drinks anyone?” Brian offered.
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The evening went on, and you found yourself situated in the lounge of the bar. Brian was sitting closely to your right, almost protectively even though you assured him that his band mates were lovely and there was nothing to be worried about. As you were speaking with John, his long, thin fingers gently intertwined with yours and much to Brian’s surprise, you welcomed the contact, allowing him to do so. You sent him a quick smile before resuming your conversation with John, however the action didn’t go unnoticed by Freddie and Roger. Much to Brian’s delight, they didn’t say anything but instead, Roger fished out his wallet and plucked out a £50 bill, ungraciously slapping it into Freddie’s outstretched hand before resuming chatting up a girl he’d met at the bar.
“So (Y/N), where’d you meet Brian?” John said, shifting the focus to you.
You laughed lightly before speaking, “We were good friends at university, Brian was studying astrophysics and I was studying literature. We had a lot of fun. He even taught me how to play guitar once. Then about a year into my course I was offered a scholarship to study the reminder in America. I enjoyed my time while I was there, but looking back on it now I probably shouldn’t have taken it, I lost touch with a lot of people in my life. I’ve been back here for about two years now, and somehow I feel its only been two months,” You sighed. “But I suppose fate had it that we ran into each other earlier today and he invited me here.”
“I’m offended you didn’t even recognise me on the album cover.” Brian fake sulked.
“Oh hush.” Taking a breath, you continued, “How about you? How long has Queen been going on for?”
“We’ve been together for about four years now, but we didn’t start producing our own music until mid last year.” John answered, peering at the others to make sure he’d gotten everything right.
“Before that, Brian and I were in another band called ‘Smile’,” Roger continued. “Then our lead singer upped and left and we found these two.” Gesturing to John and Freddie.
“Since then we’ve released three albums.” Freddie went on.
“And sold out almost every uni and pub south of Glasgow.” Brian finished, beaming at you full of pride.
You smiled back at them, both in amazement and shock. Deep down, the pit in your stomach was filled with guilt, you wished you could’ve been at part of it from the beginning. Brian always took music so seriously and you felt selfish for not being there to support him, as a friend should. You thought it was best to push past the discomfort you were feeling and instead enjoy the time you were having.
Late into the night, you bid your farewells to Freddie, John and Roger before Brian ever-so-kindly walked you home. You talked for a majority of way back to your apartment, from your adventures in America to stories of Queen, even reminiscing on old university memories. When you arrived on the doorstep, Brian enveloped you into a warm embrace, “It’s been really nice seeing you again (Y/N).”
“You too Bri,” Looking down, you reached into your bag and pulled out a small piece of paper, quickly scrawling out your number and placing it in his hand, “for my sake, please don’t let me disappear for another three years.”
The abundance of black curls on his head bounced as he nodded. A sudden surge of confidence overcame him, carefully, he leaned toward you and pressed a single, feather-soft kiss against your lips.
“Dinner. Next Friday. 5:00pm. I’ll pick you up?” He proposed.
You met his warm hazel eyes, and saw something you hadn’t seen in them before. They were the tiniest bit misty, presumably from the alcohol and the bright lights peering down all evening; but behind the mist you saw the glint of hope that flickered as he watched you intently. A bright smile spread across your features and you nodded in response to his proposition, a pink hue dusting your cheeks. Little did you know this was only the start of what fate had in store.
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jiminsfault · 4 years
50 questions tag
I got tagged by @yoongs-jeontae ! Thank you💖
What colors is your hairbrush? It’s like a brown-ish shimmery color? Idk o.o
What food would you never eat? I probably would never be able to eat the meat of rabbits or deers, sheep and that kind of stuff
Are you usually hot or cold? I’m always a cozy crispy amount of warmth under my blanket. But when I’m outside I go from both extremes because I’m super sensitive so, spring/summer: always hot, autumn/winter: always cold. There is no inbetween
What did you do 45 minutes ago? I was in an online class and got math tutoring🤠 it was horrible thanks for asking my brain is fried
Favorite chocolate? The really dark kind. It’s the only chocolate I’ll ever really crave. I can bear milk chocolate if I have to
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? I hAve actually omg! It was a handball game and super boring, I didn’t know whats going on ever and only clapped when everyone else did🤡 (I was forced by my ex to tag along I absolutely hate sports)
What was the last thing you said out loud? “Oh my god, that was horrible” right after I ended the call with my teacher skckjs
Favorite ice cream flavor? Brownie fudge? Is that what it’s called? The chocolate ice cream with brownie pieces in it, it’s so fUcking gOOD sorry for cursing it’s necessary
What was the last thing you drank? Some nice crispy wAter
What kind of wallet do you have? A small black one because I didn’t think about practicality when buying it. Currently looking for a bigger one.
What was the last thing you ate? I actually have no clue if that’s the english word for it but kebab? IT’S DÖNER IN GERMAN
Did you buy clothes last weekend? I haven’t bought clothes in months actually omg
What was the last sports event you saw? I watched the soccer game that’s like a really big thing back in 2018 🤠🤠
Who was the last person you texted? My mom cus she’s out buying groceries and asked me what kind of ice cream I want kekdjejd
Do you like camping? I despise camping with my entire being. When I was little my mom always forced me to go on 500 camping trips a year and I feel the biggest rage in me when I think about all the bugs and uncomfortable nights I- will not continue talking about this now.
Do you eat vitamins? No, like not at all. Not one vitamin has entered my body in a few weeks. I used to have these tablets that disappear in water but I stopped drinking that because I only take them bc of my muscles and currently I’m not leaving the house so,,, don’t need them >:)
When was the last time you traveled? The last time I full on traveled like outside of the country was in 2018 when my class went to italy because of our graduation 🤠 trauma
Do you like sunbathing? I can’t really answer that because if I sunbathe I will burn. Like literally I’m getting a sunburn just from walking to the train on a sunny day if I don’t have the strongest suncream on??? My skin is very🤡 so yeah idk if I like it? Never tried
Asian or Italian food? Asian food absolutely. I’m not sure about italian food because I just don’t know anything about italian kitchen but I dO knOw that theres so much variety with asian food? And so far I’ve loved every asian dish I’ve tried so,,
Do you drink soda? Nope. I stopped drinking soda four years ago I think because my skin was sO bad and I gained weight so quickly without eating a lot so I stopped drinking soda and tada! Barely getting pimples now😎 also it’s just tastier like my mouth doesn’t stick anymore and I don’t literally feel the sugar on my teeth?? (Although I do sometimes sip on a bit of coke but only on special occasions)
What color socks are you wearing now? White with a very,, aqua? blue stripe? And the name of the brand in the same color🤠 fashion
When was the last time you were speeding? I don’t drive🤡😔
What are you afraid of? Everything pretty much. Commitment, people leaving me, talking to people, failing, succeeding, should I continue?
What can you see if you turn left? A lot? It’s inside my room (my bed is in the right corner) but first thing would be my switch cus she laying next to me
What kind of housework you like the least? I actually love housework? At least the things that I do. Like I never mow the lawn because that’s not my job yknow? But I like emptying and filling the dish washer, cleaning pans in the sink, doing the laundry, wiping the floor. Maybe I should become a maid?
What is the first thing you think of when you hear someone talking in a language you don’t know? I try to hear what language it is, like I try guessing at least. Of course I don’t know what every language sounds like but it’s a fun little game I have for myself when I’m bored in public transpo
Do you sleep on your back or side? On my right side towards the wall. At least at night, when I take a nap I sleep on my left side towards the room. Idk why pls don’t ask me, I can’t fall asleep otherwise.
You crave fast food, where do you go? So around where I live there aren’t a lot of options? Also in germany in general we don’t have the fast food fest that america has, so I always go for either Mcdonald’s or Subway.
What is your lucky number? 5. I don’t know when it became my favorite/lucky number but somehow at some point in time it’s become the number I always use when someone wants me to guess or answer a question, I use it for picking things and all that🤡🤠 maybe it’s because it sounds rly funny in german
Who was the last person you talked to? In person my mom cus she’s the only one I see nowadays. On the phone would be two of my friends and I also talked to my tutoring teacher through discord so? Pick👁👁
Do you eat meat? I would say no if I wouldn’t sometimes do slip some meat in. It’s very rare and a small amount when I do. Idk how this developed because I used to eat meat multiple times a week but at some point I started only eating chicken and only in smaller amounts and sometimes not even once in two weeks. I eat fish tho? Does that count?
What was the last song you listened to? “Love without tragedy/mother mary” by rihanna because I was feeling the 10’s last night at 5am🤠
Last book? I actually just tried to find the english title of it but I can’t find any sign of it being translated so,, “der Totenzeichner” by Veit Etzold. I read this book twice, once in 9th grade and once just recently and I will not get enough of it. Another one of his books “Final cut” is laying on my bedside table waiting for me to start it. He’s an iconic author.
What is your favourite day of the week? If we were speaking from when it’s a regular routine and I would go to uni, I’d say Monday. I know I sound like a psycho but saying friday or saturday is my favorite day is basic because obviously everyone loves the weekend. Monday is a great day usually because my day starts in third period and does still go 6 classes like regular days but it feels nice to go into uni later in the day so I always appreciate it. (Tho saturday do be hitting different)
Do you know the alphabet song backwards? I don’t even know it forwards 🤡😔
Favorite coffee/tea? I don’t drink coffee but my favorite tea is probably fennel tea, everyone I know hates it, especially without sugar but I love it :(
Favourite shoes? From the ones I personally own I’d say my nike zoom 2ks because they look good and are super comfortable. Shoes that I wish I would have would be Dr. Martens but I’m pOor🤡 I am absolutely a whore for sneakers so I won’t even start listing all the sneakers I love
When do you usually go to sleep? If I’m on schedule around 11-12pm of actually going into the bed physically and falling asleep 30/40 minutes later. While I’m now constantly at home I do still physically get into bed at the same time but I stay up from 2-7am depending on how fun people are, if I play a game, if I read/draw, have a series or movie to watch. I’m insane I am aware🤡
When do you usually wake up? Again, when I’m on schEdule I wake up mondays and tuesdays at 6.30am, from wednesday to friday at 6.10am, on the weekend around 10am. Right now? It’s a surprise everyday. Sometimes I’m up at 4pm, sometimes I’m up at 10am, today I was actually super early with 9.30 so😎
Sunrise or sunset? That’s actually so hard because I do see the sunset a lot more than rise since I have my rOllÄdEn down so I don’t actually remember what a sunrise looks like. Because I have no other choice I say sunset. With doubt.
Do you like your bed soft or hard?  I thINK my bed is hard? I once laid on a friend’s bed that was super soft and I’m pretty sure I didn’t like it
Describe the plate you are eating from? They’re from ikea. They’re white with like blue swirls idk my mom bought them I didn’t make the decisions
Your favorite type of alcohol? Currently I don’t really drink alcohol (mainly because of the lack of opportunities) bUt when I do drink I really like sweet sparkling wine (I googled this I’m not sure if that’s the right word idkd)
Do you like board games? Depending on which people I play with. If a person is getting angry that they’re losing it makes the game absolutely suck and since I’m surrounded by those people I haven’t made good memories with board games kcjdjs,,, if the company is fun I like the games too tho
If you had a car, what kind would it be? Unrealisticly I’d love to own a Lamborghini Aventador or Urus because those cars are just mouth-watering to me. Since I most likely won’t ever be able to afford either of those, I’d love to have a Fiat 500. I fell in love with this car like,,, it’s so cute and the inside is pretty too so everything fits for me the way I want it to. I’ll have to settle for a way less nice car tho once I get a license, at least for a while🤡
Do you know how to change car tires? In theory yes
Dream country? Like to live in? Damn idk. I’d love to live in a country with like,, cULTURE you know? Something exciting and cool to look at, less stuck up people almans be really boring 🤡 so maybe something like spain or italy, maybe america if yall vote for a different president. Japan or Korea would be super cool too I- the whole world ma’am? I couldn’t live in countries like idk hawaii or sumn because of the heat so I’ll just mfing stay in germany😔😔
If you could choose from any jobs in the world, what would you like to do? If I would have the chance I’d love to become an actor because that just seems super cool. But like I’m not nearly attractive enough for people to want to look at me on a scEen so nO
What would you like to try to do? I’m pretty set on trying to learn how to dance like that’s probably not as exciting as other things I could do but :/ yeh idk
And what is stopping you? Literally just me being lazy and talking myself into believing I won’t be good without even trying nsncjsks (also yes I seperated these questions because otherwise it wouldn’t be 50)
thIs was sO mUch omg sjjcjs I’m literally exhausted from all these questions😩😩
I’m tagginggg @gallhali @shadowsremedy if u wanna!
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Chapter 5: Fear and Loathing in Hawkins
(( Before I begin, I want to say that I found nowhere Billy’s canon birthday, so I’m just using my best friend’s as a reference.
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“You did it, babe! You did it! Congrats!” I jumped up and down, hugging Billy as he got 87% for his 5th test and his grades kept getting better and better. “At this rate you’re gonna get an A, not just a B!” I grinned widely, taking his test and putting it in my archives portfolio. “Say, are you tryina steal my scholarship, love~?” I teased with a poor excuse of a smirk. “I did it thanks to your help, Kitten. And thanks to you, we got an A+ at the project, so there’s only the exams to take and we’re settled for life.” he chuckled, leaning in to steal a kiss. “Do you…Do you wanna go back to Cali? It is one of the states we can study in with our scholarship, and the Uni is super close to the beach.” I jumped on the desk, dangling my feet back and forth, imagining how it’d be. “If that gives me an excuse to see you in a bathing suit, then sure thing.” he laughed, sitting down on the chair in front of me and putting his head on my thighs. “So soft…” he muttered, closing his eyes. “I’ve never been to the beach before. Could you teach me how to swim?” I asked, my eyes gleaming with stars imagining the cool water and the hot sand. “Anything for you, babe. It’ll be fun, I assure ya.” he smiled, most likely imagining as well. “Well, there’s only like half a year until we go there. It’s already April 1st and the exams are in June…Have you thought about what you wanted to study?” I asked, playing with his hair soothingly. “Mhh…I was thinking of Engineering…I’m no genius like you, babe, but I ain’t stupid. I think I could handle that.” he muttered, almost as if he didn’t want to think about the future. “That sounds lovely! Engineers are very well paid and nicely seen in society! We’ll be so cool together!” I clapped a bit in excitement, earning a chuckle. “You’re so adorable when you’re happy.” he smiled slight, looking up at me.
Things were looking promising for us and everything seemed like a real life Nirvana…But as usual, the good stuff doesn’t last too long and there’s always something that completely ruins everything and reminds you that life is cruel and maybe you shouldn’t trust anyone…Maybe not even yourself.
When I went to put some books in the locker, I notice something shiny, which proved to be Billy’s ‘K’ necklace that I gifted him at Christmas, only, the latch was broken. I wonder how did it get here…? I thought nobody else knew my locker combination. I put in the necklace in my pocket and closed it, making a mental note to change it soon before anything weird happens again and I walk to my next class. On the way there, I see Billy on the bench with two girls on either side of him, shamelessly flirting and he seemed to be enjoying it. Huh…
“Hey…Billy…” I go in front of him, ignoring the glares from the girls. “How are you?” “Pretty damn good, to be fair.” he smirked up at me. “Why you askin’?” “Uhm…I found this in my locker. Thought you might want it back…But the latch is broken.” I explained, showing him the necklace, and yet, he was barely paying any attention. “Oh, yeah, I took it off for Basketball practice today and then forgot where I put it. Can ya repair it for me?” he asked, leaning back on the seat. “Yeah…Sure. See you later.” I muttered, walking away to the class, holding the necklace tightly in my fist, a very dark feeling overflooding my heart.
Just…What the hell is going on…?
This kept repeating more and more with each day, sometimes outright ignoring me, or giving me empty answers, going to stay with his 'friends’ and so on…And I kept asking myself what did I do wrong. I kept trying to call him every night, but he either ignored it, or picked up the phone and then closing the call the next second. And trying to talk to him at highschool seemed to be close to impossible nowadays… But at least Nancy, Jonathan and Steve were okay with me staying with them, and they made me feel slightly better. After all, it was nice to have friends…I guess.
I kept myself busy with studying and I didn’t even realise that I didn’t speak to the kids in quite a long time. It’s just…Everything was making me get in such a Vertigo state that I forgot that I was alive.
It all just felt like a never-ending nightmare from which I found no escape… Until April 12th. Billy’s birthday.
It was a fine Friday and I was going to put his gift in his locker, then give him the necklace I managed to repair. I was looking down, walking down the corridor, holding the neatly wrapped package in one hand, while in the other I gripped the necklace really hard, until I saw a sight that made me wish I wouldn’t have woken up that day.
Billy and Tina were making out like there was no tomorrow, her pressed on his locker.
My face was shocked, but my heart felt stabbed and betrayed more than Caesar with Brutus. I let out a breath of amusement and disbelief, making him realise someone was there, and upon seeing me, he pushed Tina off him and tried walking towards me. I just shook my head in disgust, throwing the package in the nearest trash room and letting the necklace fall to the ground, not realising that I kept gripping it so hard that the sharp edges broke skin and let a few droplets of blood escape.
“Don’t even dare get closer to me. I don’t want to ever see you again. You’re nothing more than a liar, and fuck, your asshole of a father was right about you. Hell, maybe everyone was right about you. You’re just a fucking jerk and a whore with no morals or cares in this world. I regret the day I got to talk to you. I was so wrong to trust someone again…” I gritted my teeth before rushing out of the building, wanting to drive back home already. “Wait! Kitten, wait up! I can explain! It’s not as it looks like!” he tried to yell after me, but I turned around with such a poisonous glare, despite tears already escaping my eyes, that it made him rooted to the spot. “Explain WHAT, Hargrove?! That you cheated on me when you promised you’d never leave me? That you betrayed me, when you promised never to hurt me?! Really? What about 'Respect and Responsibility’? What about 'I’m a man of my words’? Are all of those lies too? Tsk…You’re just a spoiled brat, that’s it! Never speak to me again! And don’t call me Kitten! My name is Katrina Black, a name you will never get to speak again in your life!” I sneered at him, about to leave, but then I remembered the accessory around my neck, which made my roll my eyes in annoyance and go in front of him. “Oh, and one more thing…Give this to your next hook up, so they’ll feel good that you claimed them.” I growled, ripping off the necklace from my neck and hitting his chest with it. “Wait, don’t do that, you’ll get hurt!” he tried to say before seeing me rip the necklace, but it was too late. “Not more than what you did to me.” I said in a low voice before getting on my motorbike and stopping by the nearest market on my way home.“Happy Birthday, fuckass!”
As soon as I got home, I changed in only my AC/DC Tshirt and went to sit on the bathroom floor with the cassette next to me, putting music at max volume and staring at the many bottles of vodka and cigarette packs surrounding me. Well…Here goes nothing…
5 hours later, my head was spinning like crazy, the bathroom was smokier than London’s great smog and I kept screaming the lyrics to the songs that kept playing on repeat, not even realising that anymore, nor that tears kept wetting my face. I was a mess because honestly, I really couldn’t take this betrayal. I hate liars so much…
After I finished the 2nd Vodka bottle, I got up somehow and wanted to get a 3rd, but the phone ringing in my room made me groan in annoyance as I gripped the walls and fell on the bed, picking up the phone.
“Ye…? Who dere?” I slurred out, not even sure what I was saying was coherent or not. “Hey, Kat? Are you alright? I heard what happened today with that jerk and…Well, he went livid. He kept beating up anyone who dared to say anything about you…It was quite the sight.” Nancy’s sweet and worried voice called out, making me sigh. “Ye, ’m fine, j'st super drunk. Fuck tha’ asshole. He ain’t worth shit. F'kin cheat'r.” I managed to blurt out, making Nancy sigh as well. “Do you want me to come over and take care of you? Or I can call Jonathan or Steve if you feel more comfortable with them? I know you and Max were very close, but at this hour, I doubt she’d be able to come over…” she tried to suggest, but I only shook my head, forgetting that she can’t see it. “’S fine, Nance, thanks a lot fo’ worryin’ 'bout me. Appreciate it. I’ll be fine, ’m jus’ super pissed off. T’ll go 'way soon.” I declared, clearing my throat. “Okay, Kat…I hope you know what you’re doing. Please take care of yourself…Sweet dreams.” she told me before she hung up, making me groan as I put back the phone and went to get the vodka bottle and sit back in the bathroom. “Mhh…Wonder how long till I pass out…” I muttered, forcing myself to open the 3rd bottle.
It was now Monday, and please, nobody ever leave me next to alcohol and cigarettes 'cause I swear to God I’m gonna go crazy. I puked so much that I thought my guts were out and my lungs exploded from the smoke. And the fact that I’m still exhausted like hell was understandable.
Everything went as it usually did, classes and then lunch, where for some reason or another, Billy decided to sit down next to me, making me groan and leave without a word. Of course he followed me to the courtyard, where he just had to stop me and spin me around to look at him.
“First of all, what the hell do you want?! Secondly, who gave you the right to TOUCH me?” I yanked my wrist from his hand and glared at him. “Can we please talk?” he tried to say, but I only tsked in annoyance and looked away. “Why would we? We have nothing to talk about. You fucked up, it’s all on you. I’m leaving.” I shrugged, ready to leave, but he stopped me again. “I…I’m sorry. I fucked up, you’re right. I hurt you, I broke my promises and I did exactly what I promised I wouldn’t do. You didn’t deserve any of that.” he confessed, looking at me. “Funny you should say that…Considering that you’re almost quoting what I said a few days ago…When you were too busy fucking Tina.” I scoffed, giving him a sarcastic smile. “Yes, I know, I fucked up, and I can’t ever ask you to forgive me. I deserved the phone call from two days ago where you cursed me into oblivion-” he started, making my eyes go wide in shock. “I did WHAT?!” I asked in horror, making him look confused at me. “You…Don’t remember that? It lasted for about an hour. You were crying, cursing and insulting me. It really broke my heart…” he muttered, looking away, but my face of horror was still there. “Fuck, I must have been really drunk to remember talking to Nancy, but not calling you to randomly curse you…Great.” I slapped my face in annoyance. “You hate alcohol.” he stated, but I only shrugged. “I hate cigarettes too, but that didn’t stop me from going full auto-destruct mode for 3 days before getting back to normal when I didn’t care about anyone. Bye, Hargrove, I have nothing more to say to you.” I turned to leave, but for the millionth time, I got stopped. “On the phone…You said…You said that you loved me. Did you, really…?” he barely breathed, making me stop dead in my tracks. “What, you thought I’d stay with you out of pity or something? 'Cause I felt lonely by myself? OF COURSE I DID, DUMBASS! Use that stupid brain of yours once in a while and maybe you’ll answer your own questions!” I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. “You…You also said you wanted to beat the hell out of me…So, you deserve to let your anger out on me. Do what will make you feel better.” he said in resignation, looking at the ground with a pitiful look. “I deserve everything and I will take anything. I hurt you…And I really suck.” he said in such a godamn pitiful voice that in made anger boil in me like never before. “What the FUCK do you want?! Do you want my pity? Do you want me to forgive you? THAT’S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! You just want to fuck, that’s all you want! I was always just another girl on your stupid list, just another name and another challenge! I HATE YOU!” I turned to slap him, but…But just as my hand was about to collide with his face, I stopped and I started shaking and crying. “Fuck’s sake…I can’t do it…” I muttered with a sigh as I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “You can’t hurt me even now, after how much I hurt you…You still love me, and all I did was throw away your love like a spoiled brat…The truth is, I…I realised my feelings for you…I realised how much I care about you, and it was all so foreign and intense that…I got scared. And I tried to make those feelings go away by doing the same things that have been shielding me for all these years.” he explained, holding my hand as he made me touch his face, leaning into my touch. “Shut up…J-Just…Shut up! I don’t want to hear any more excuses! We’re done for, anyway! Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t possible trust you again. You…You just…You can’t even imagine the damage that you’ve done to me.” I shook my head, feeling my heart in pain like never before, making me take back my hand and jog away, having spotted Nancy and Jonathan going in the highschool to their next class. I needed a distraction, and studying/doodling always helped. “Hey, Kat, how are you holding up?” Nancy asked worriedly, hugging me. “I’m fine, all cool. Ready for Physics, I guess.” I shrugged, trying to play it cool. “Oh, I remembered. Next weekend there’s gonna be some charity party or something at our highschool and all students are asked to sign up and participate with anything interesting they’ve got. Mostly singing, as far as I know, but it works. Wanna go? I have to go there to take pictures for the event, so I can get you girls really good seats.” Jonathan suggested, making me and Nance look at each other and smiling simultaneously, and clearly agreeing. “Sure, that should be fun, right? I’m looking forward to it.” I smiled at them, feeling quite better, as if I finally belonged somewhere. “Hey, guys, hold up!” a familiar voice called out, making us 3 turn around and spot Steve. “Hey, so, uh…This weekend our basketball team has the 2nd last match and I wanted to ask if you’d come cheer on us. It will help a lot if I were to see some familiar faces…” he chuckled awkwardly. “I don’t know, Steve…With that git, Hargrove there, Kat might feel bad…” Nancy mumbled, looking at me, but I only grinned at them. “Nahh, who cares about him? My friend needs support? Then, Harrington, I will be there to support you. Just…Don’t steal my book again, please.” I winked at him, making the both of us laugh. “Thanks a lot, Kat, I really appreciate it. Jonathan, Nancy? Are you coming?” he asked as he put his arm around my shoulder. “Yeah, sure, man, why not.” Jonathan shrugged and we all agreed and made plans for these two following weekends.
Should be fun, huh?
“Okay, Steve, so like, how do you want me to cheer? 'KING STEVE!’ or 'GO! GO! HARRINGTON!' ? ” I laughed as I rubbed his shoulders, the anxiety radiating off him. “That’s bloody awful, Kat, what the hell.” he grinned in disbelief, making me laugh at his reaction. “Okay, okay, I’ll just read my book until I see everyone screaming and I will do the same, how does that sound?” I tried to hype him up for the match the best I could. “Just…Just act natural and do what you want, okay?” he rolled his eyes and shook his arms a bit. “I have faith in you, Steve. GO FUCK THEM UP!” we high fived and I jogged on the bleachers, almost missing Billy’s lingering eyes on me and my friendly actions with Steve…Almost, being the key point. “Think they’ll win?” Jonathan asked, making me shrug. “I honestly have no idea what this game is about, but for everyone’s good, I hope they do.” I declared, paying attention to the game as soon as the first whistle blew.
It was a bit difficult properly paying attention and following the game since I honestly had no idea what was going on, but what I noticed was that Billy wasn’t really the same, while Steve was energetic like never before and managed to easily score like 4 times.
The points were tied and our team scored very rarely, which made me mess around a bit with the game, making sure Steve scored every time he threw the ball in the basket, or that the enemy team would randomly trip.
Hey, we won, what a surprise! Time to celebrate!
“KING STEVE! KING STEVE SCORED A GAZILLION TIMES! GO, KING STEVE!” I laughed as I jump-hugged him as a congratulations, but he only shook his head, grinning. “Thanks, Kat. Thanks a lot for the help.” he smirked, looking at me with a mischievous look in his eyes. “What ever could you mean by that, Harrington?” I chuckled, looking away. “I’ve been around you, El and a bunch of monsters enough to know when the ball moves anti-Physics law.” he laughed, ruffling my hair. “Jerk, not my hair! And come on, you played really well! What I did was just a bonus!” I tried to fix my hair a bit. “Hey, seeing the enemy team fall like idiots made my confidence boost like never before. I’d have laughed like an idiot if we weren’t mid-game. Come on, I’ll treat you to ice cream.” he proposed. “Oh, I won’t refuse free ice-cream! Go take a shower and I’ll take Jonathan and Nancy to the car, okay?” I asked, earning a nod. “Nancy! Steve is getting us free ice-cream! Let’s go!” I waved the two over, completely ignoring Billy coming over and looking crestfallen. “Did you just call him King Steve?” Billy’s soft voice asked from behind, making me turn at him with a bored look. “Yeah, I did, 'cause he won the game.” I shrugged, waiting for Nancy and Jonathan to come over. “Do you like him?” he asked again, his voice barely audible, somehow heartbroken. “No, we’re just friends…Not that it should concern you in any way. You see…He’s not a fuckass like you…Well, not anymore, that is. Bye now, free ice cream is waiting me and my friends.” I smiled fakely at him before hooking my arm to Nancy’s and going towards Steve’s car, where I got so much ice cream that I thought my brain would freeze, making the other 3 laugh at me.
We had such a nice time together, celebrating Hawkins’ victory and not having any worry in our heads… Except, maybe, the fact that Billy’s broken voice kept echoing in my head, making my heart cry…Stupidly weak heart…
It’s been already about 3 weeks without letting Billy talk to me more than necessary and I hate to admit to myself that it just keeps hurting more and more seeing him going down the way of self-destruction like never before. But tonight I was supposed to have fun with my 3 friends, right? Watch random students pretend they have talent and everyone to make fun of them 'cause they can’t sing, dance, or do anything really.
One guy completely butchered one of Michael Jackson’s dances, a girl hit all the wrong keys while playing a Beethoven piece another guy sounded strangled while attempting to sing “Stayin’ Alive” by Bee Gees… Okay, I mean, some of them were actually pretty good, I won’t deny, but I and Steve loved to make fun of the fails…It was just TOO hilarious!
It was all nice and giggles, until a very familiar instrumental started playing in the background, making me gasp in shock. “No…Way…” I barely managed to breathe out before snapping my head in the direction of the stage…
And there he was.
Billy Hargrove stood on the stage, holding the microphone with both hands, looking down, before up to scan the audience, before somehow managing to spot me, and we connected, neither of us daring to break the eye contact.
And he began to sing, in a soft voice like never before, earning hundreds of cheers and screams of excitement and adoration.
But I knew better than anyone else what this meant.
He wasn’t here for charity, or to impress anyone with his singing skills…
He was here to apologise.
He was here to try to reach my heart just like he used to before, and try to win me over again.
Time, it needs time to win back your love again I will be there, I will be there
His voice was sweet and warm yet sorrowful, like that of an angel, and I could feel dry sobs threatening to escape. “Kat, are you okay? What happened?” Steve asked, concerned at my sudden change of behaviour, but I wasn’t sure I could trust my voice much. “He…He’s…Apologising…And saying that he loves me…” I managed to choke out before covering my mouth, trying to control myself.
Love, only love can bring back your love someday I will be there, I will be there
He didn’t break eye contact even for a split of second, and I didn’t even realise tears were already going down my face until Nancy pulled me into her arms and offered me her napkin.
Fight, babe, I’ll fight to win back your love again I will be there, I will be there
“Go closer, it’s going to be okay. It will be okay, Kat.” Nancy reassured me, patting my head, but I was a bit scared that my legs would fail me from the intense emotions bursting in my heart.
Love, only love can bring down the wall someday I will be there, I will be there
Clutching my heart, I took a sharp breath and stood, holding the banister with dear life, afraid that I might collapse, as he started smiling, seeing me approach.
If we go again all the way from the start I would try to change the things that killed our love Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can’t get through Is there really no chance to start once again?
I’m loving you
I quickly managed to climb down the stairs and started walking towards the stage, and as soon as those last words were so lovingly dragged out, I started crying, hugging myself as my heart was completely weak for him and him alone, and he extended his arm out toward me slightly, proving once again that he was trying to reach out me and my heart.
Try, baby, try to trust in my love again I will be there, I will be there
I started smiling and looking at him with such adoration on my face that it seemed to give him some sort of confidence as well to keep on going.
Love, our love just shouldn’t be thrown away I will be there, I will be there
I couldn’t contain myself and I started mouthing the lyrics to the song along with him, which made him put his hand to where his heart would be, in a way to match my action.
If we’d go again, all the way from the start I would try to change the things that killed our love Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can’t get through Is there really no chance to start once again?
I nodded at him with a soft grin on my face, telling him that yes, I forgive him, and that I could feel he was being genuine with each word he’d sing and each emotion he’d express so openly.
If we’d go again, all the way from the start I would try to change the things that killed our love Yes, I’ve hurt your pride, and I know what you’ve been through You should give me a chance, this can’t be the end
By this time, I wasn’t sure if I just wanted him to stop singing so I’d be able to hold him close to me, or if I wanted him to keep singing because oh god, it did so many things to my heart that I couldn’t believe it was me who felt all these things.
I’m still loving you I’m still loving you I’m still loving you I need your love I’m still loving you
Still loving you, baby
He kept singing, so much force and emotion in his voice, that I started wiping the tears from my eyes as I kept repeating the same lyrics with him, confessing our undying love for each other over and over again.
Still loving you I need your love Still loving you I need your love, oh Still loving you I need your love, oh I need your love I need your love…
The song ended soon, making everyone stand up and cheer wildly, but he only had one thing in mind- He did a fast bow before walking down the stage and throwing his arms around me and holding me close to his chest, as tight as he could without leaving me breathless.
“I love you so much, Kat. I’m so sorry for letting trauma get the best of me. I was weak, I was a shithead and I hurt you. I was scared. I didn’t even realise that I turned back to my back habits until I saw you again…When I got the courage to actually look AT you, not THROUGH you. I don’t know what I was so scared about…What I still am so scared about…Maybe I am afraid that I will turn into my father and I will drive you away, like it made my mum leave me…I’ve been so afraid of fucking up…That I did without realising…I’m sorry, Kat, I really am. And I love you with all my heart.” he confessed, letting only one stray tear fall down his cheek, his eyes red from trying not to let his emotions get the best of him in front of the whole highschool. “I love you, Billy. I forgive you…And…Call me Kitten. I’m not leaving you.” I smiled softly, wiping away that tear before kissing him gently, before pulling away, earning a happy, almost choked out laugh from him. “I really don’t deserve someone like you…” he shook his head, but I paid that no mind, and instead, I trailed my fingers down his face, down his neck and to his chest, touching the 'K’ necklace that shined so beautifully. “I thought you’d throw it away.” I managed to say barely above a whisper. “No…Truth it, I started hyperventilating that day in the locker room, alone, thinking about everything going on, and I was suffocating. I tried to take it off carefully…But that didn’t work very well. I’m sorry I lied…I was embarrassed to tell you the truth.” he admitted, biting his lip. “It’s okay…I forgive you. I wasn’t expecting you to do what you did today…I…I never realised I could feel so many things at once…I thought I was gonna faint or something…It’s…It’s so weird…But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I appreciate the effort and sentiment you put in everything…Even if it took you quite a long while.” I let out an amused breath, making him take out something from his pocket…The 'B’ necklace. “Do you…Do you want it back…? I fixed the latch.” he asked softly, putting it on as soon as I put my hair on the side. “It’s funny, don’t you think? We keep breaking things, but we repair them for each other. We’re a bunch of idiots.” I laughed, making him put his forehead to mind. “Maybe from now on we’ll only fix each other and nothing bad will happen. I know I promised before, but this time, I am a new man and I am not afraid to brave any storm, if I have you by my side. Will you have me back…Kitten?” he smiled at me, making me roll my eyes. “I just said I will, silly! It will be as if none of these bad things happened. And we will be happy. We…We ARE happy.” I grinned, but he shook his head. “No…I hurt you, you shouldn’t forget that. It was my fault. Instead, I will make sure none of that ever happens again and I will focus solely on your happiness…Because Kat, if you are happy, I am happy, and that’s all I need from life. I love you.” he confessed once again, making me bury my face into his chest and hug him tightly. “Billy…Y-You’re doing that thing wh-where you’re stirring t-too many emotions i-in my heart a-and I can’t take it. C-Can you, like, s-slow down? I-I-I’m feeling faint.” I stutter out, hiding my face in his shirt, making him chuckle in amusement and kiss my head. “Oh, baby, you have no idea what YOU do to me every time you’re being so cute and adorable…And only I can make you so flustered. It’s doing lots of things to me and you’ve no idea.” he smirked lightly, but before he could say another thing, he started groaning in annoyance. “Who the fuck thought singing this stupid song was a good idea? Fuck The Police and this song.” he grumbled, making me laugh at his reaction. “Hey, Billy…I’m SO not kissing you on this song!” I grinned in amusement, barely managing to stifle my giggles, both of us having the throwback from the Snow Ball where everyone kept kissing on The Police’s “Every Breath You Take.” “Got me there, babe. And as if the song wasn’t stupid enough, his voice makes it even worse…” he pouted, resting his chin on the top of my head. “I had no idea that was possible…Until now.” I declared, holding him close to me and swinging back and forth to the soft and somehow broken rhythm of the music.
“Billy! Hey, Billy! I’ve got news!” I ran to him, panting, out of breath since I had 0 physical endurance. “Huh? What happened?” he straightened out on the bench, not paying any attention to his stupid buddies anymore. “The exam results JUST appeared! And…Well, hope you don’t mind, but I peeked a tiiiiiny bit at yours before I even looked at mine and…Haha, don’t be mad!” I grinned sheepishly, making him roll his eyes and let out an amused breath. “Okay, Lady Scholarship, I’m sure you got all the good grades and snatched away the Studies Scholarship, right? How much did you get at Biology? 100%? ” he asked with a knowing smirk, making me blush at the confidence he had in me and look down, nodding, the grin on my face never faltering for a second. “That’s my Kitten! See, I told ya! You really need to trust yourself more, you’re a smart babe!” he got up to hug me tightly and kiss me on the lips with much passion. “Okay, okay, enough of this! Now, sit down and let me tell you about your results, okay?” I made him sit down again, trying to look as passive as possible. “Fine, babe, shoot.” he kept bouncing his leg up and down, trying to relax himself, but to no avail. “So, uhm…You got all the good grades…But uhm…At Biology, you didn’t get a B…” I trailed off, making his face fall into complete horror, before realising the smirk on my face that I couldn’t stop. “You got an A, babe. You got 97%! The Scholarship is yours!” This made him and everyone around his jump on their feet and roar in happiness, clapping and cheering for 'King Billy’, he bent down to my level and kissed me with so much passion that I thought my face would be worse than a tomato and that my heart would leap out of my heart from embarrassment, shock and all other emotions at a time. “WE’RE GOING TO CALI, BABY! WHOOOOO!!” he screamed as loud as he could to the sky, feeling like nothing else could go better for him in life. “Yessss! It’s gonna be so cool!! We did it, Billy! We really did it!!” I cheered with him, making him pick me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. “We’re gonna move in together, and it’s gonna be just us and nobody else to pressure or fuck with us. I’m so not letting you go, babe. The things you do to me, Kitten, you’ll never understand.” he smirked as he whispered that against my lips before shamelessly making out with me in front of everyone which made me blush like I was gonna die in the next second, but, well…They’re not gonna see us ever again so…So I just put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me and smiling into the kissing. “You’re gonna be the death of me some day, honey.” I said in between kisses, softly and playfully biting his bottom lip, making him smirk widely. “Oh, Kitten, you naughty girl, you’re doing things to me and you are fully aware of that. You’re so lucky I love you.” he confessed before capturing my lips again, with just as much fire as before. “Oh, yeah, I really am lucky~.” I giggled softly, trying to tune out any new person passing by.
“So, uhm…First of all, I wanted to thank all my teachers for being incredible moral, emotional and intellectual supports for me all these years of highschool…I want to thank my friends, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve, for being there for me when I needed them the most…I want to thank a bunch of 13 year olds for accepting me as their Party Nerd Leader…I want to thank my boyfriend, Billy Hargrove, who loves me so much and whom I love endlessly…” I trailed off a bit, looking at Billy, who already did his diploma acceptance speech, as a Scholarship winner, and I smirked widely. “And also, I want to thank all of you for being a bunch of dumbasses and for letting me steal your Scholarship and Loverboy so easily from right in front of you! You suck, guys! Toodles! See you in Cali!” I laughed, taking the diploma from the hands of Mrs. Green and I ran off the stage, jump-hugging Billy and kissing him deeply. “Now, babe, THAT is what I call a real badass speech. I’m so proud of you for showing them who’s the real Queen here.”  he smiled proudly at me, kissing my forehead. “WE’RE GOING TO CALI, BABY!” I couldn’t stop radiating with glee, just like a sunshine, and before ending the Graduation ceremony, we all threw our caps into the air and cheered that highschool is finally over.
And the best thing?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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[Skam Italia] Internal Monologues
So yeah, I was just saying 3 days ago that I didn’t feel like translating Nico’s POV from Italian to English, but today I changed my mind. To @skamsnake​ who wrote the most beautiful collection of pieces from Niccolò’s POV ever, to @crucios​ who makes me love Nico even more every time I read her posts and to @minttobe-treehill​ <3 Credit to @silenzio-assenzio​ for the headcanon, I blame this fic on her ;D
17th Semptember 2018 - 07:59 a.m. This year will be a blast. Yeah, right. This year will be slightly better than the last. Now, that’s more likely. This year we have only to get to the state exams without taking one too many sick days, to keep a high average so that mom can get off my back. We are not here to make friends. Mingling is okay. Preventing classmates from talking behind our back is cool too. Can we get more than that? Should we? We’ll see.
The closer they get to me, the more likely it will be that they start asking about what happened at Virgilio... But I don’t wanna talk about it. I didn’t even want to get out of bed this morning, to be honest, but if I knew that if I missed the first day then my parents would start talking about sending me to a private school again.
Okay, Niccolò, let's survive this day. Don’t start worrying about the next.
8th October 2018 - 1:04 p.m. 
I’m so fucking bored. So, so bored. BOOOOOOORED. I can’t take this for 8 more months, I just can’t. The school itself is not that bad... I mean, I’m surrounded by tolerable people - apart from Covitti, who’s being a whiny bitch because he’s not the star student anymore? I don’t know what he’s got against me, really, and I don’t even care - and the teachers are decent enough, but... It’s like there’s no chance to get to know people better aside from those fleeting moments at recess. No opportunity to get rid of those fucking school-work interchange hours, either. No afterschool club in which, by sheer luck, I could run into that beautiful freckled boy. The one who is always surrounded by at least two other friends, who ain’t that bad themselves - especially the one with those baby blue eyes. 
Dream on, Niccolò. Dream on. He must have better stuff do with his time...
... than spend it with the kids from drama club. Which might be awesome, but not the right fit for me. I already play the part of a sane individual everyday, so thanks but no thanks.
"Hey... Hello! Have you ever thought of hosting your own show on the radio? "
No, you never thought about it. Who the fuck is listening that radio, anyway? Nobody. But you’ve got plenty of time to kill and you’re looking for ways to make your days a bit more varied, right? It’s still better than cleaning toilets at McDonalds, isn’t it? Or than listening to Maddi drone on about her day at Uni. To have her remind you that had you followed her advice, had you taken your meds and went to see your therapist when you were supposed to... Then you wouldn’t be stuck at high school for another year.
It’s not she does it on purpose. She doesn’t say it out loud, but you can read between the lines.
When are we gonna dump her, by the way? The 4th of never seems like the perfect day to do just that. Who is gonna listen to us when we are feeling sorry for ourselves, who’s gonna tuck us in when too exhausted to get up? Who has always been there for us, Niccolò? You know who.  Go and break her heart come on. I dare you to.
11th October 2018 - 5:43 p.m.
THERE HE IS HE. IS. HERE. OH FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK.  COME UP WITH A PLAN. DO IT FAST, NICO. YOU’RE GOOD AT THINKING ON YOUR FEET, AIN’T YOU? Okay. First of all: don’t freak out. Then: you shouldn’t look at him, he cannot not know how desperate you’ve been to see him again. Let’s pretend he doesn’t exist and that we can’t feel that he’s staring at us. He doesn’t know that I’m paranoid enough to always think that people have nothing better to do than stare at me.. That I never really got over that intrusive thought, but that I learnt not to let it get to me and tell myself either ‘well, if they’re watching let’s give them a good show’ or ‘let’s bore them to death so they will move on”. I think I’ll go with the second, today. Don’t meet his eyes. Don’t stumble on the chairs, on the desks, and please don’t choke on the cake.  Keep a modicum of dignity, please.
Greet the girls. Analyse with great interest the pattern of your plastic plate. Turn to the blackboard. Good, Nico. You’re doing great. Keep this  cool and mysterious attitude... Let him come to you.
OI. OI. OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. NO. STOP THERE YOU. NOPE, NOT TALKING TO MYSELF NOW BUT TO THAT NICE GUY WHO STILL HASN’T GOT A NAME. You don’t you expect me to follow you around, do you? Or to sit in a dark room, listening to you fucking around and telling your imaginary audience how to grow weed in their closet. That's exactly why I'll do it. To turn this into something special. Something memorable.
I’m not even sure what this is. I out of my depth when I realize how easy it is to be around this guy, how I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not and put a fake smile on my lips and fill the awkward silences with inane chatter. For once in my life I’m not striving to impress, so I send a little prayer to myself: please, Niccolò, do not fuck everything up as usual by reading too much into this. Let's try to get to know him better. Let’s see if he’s really into you - maybe he’s just curious about the new guy, maybe it’s the first time an older boy talks to him... who knows? - and if there’s something we can work on.
Work on... and then what? There’s still Maddalena. Haven’t forgot about her, have you? No, I haven’t. Now, let’s not get ahear of ourselves. Nobody is daydreaming about making out with this lovely boy - you still do not know what’s his name: how hard can it be to ask, Colino? - on the school terrace. In the bathrooms. On the table, in the radio booth. Nobody is doing that. Nope. No day dreaming going on. At all. Zero. Zilch. Me and him are more than happy to share nothing more than longing looks and a cigarette, today. To forget about the world, for a minute.
And then, of course, the spell is broken. I’m not one to dislike people on principle alone, usually... but she just rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps it’s how comfortable she is with my fellow deserter, how she addresses him as though they have been friends for years... Do you know each other? Are you together? It’s really none of my business. I can tolerate her just because she gives me the opportunity to introduce myself, even if he has yet to do it. But, hey, you could get a clue and fucking understand when people are subtly telling you to get lost, couldn’t you, Emma? You don’t. Well, what could I expect from someone named Covitti, really? 16th October 2018 - 11:55 a.m. Do you wanna smoke? Yeah, why not. Let’s choose a random rendez-vous point to meet our newest ‘friend’ - one of the few you kinda like, in this shitty school - like... the balcony that overlooks IVB. Maybe you’ll get to see Marti. Marti would be Martino Rametta, from what you read on attendance records at the radio club... But you’re free to call him however you like in your head, so yeah, he’s ‘Marti’. Be cool, Niccolò. Walk like you own the place, like you know that you’re the finest guy everyone has ever laid their eyes on. Believe it, and maybe Marti will believe it too when he sees you. He might not, but just in case he might... Well, well... Look who’s there. And guess who has just totally been uncool and hit their teeth with that fucking cigarette, too distracted by a stream of ‘Ain’t I the man of your dreams, Martino? Look at me, come on, look look look LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!’ playing in their heads, to actually realize what they were doing? It could have been worse, I could have put it up my nose. And I made him smile! I’D CALL THAT A WIN, WOULDN’T YOU? I love to make him smile. Maybe I can ask to come over, someday - tomorrow? the day after tomorrow? it needs to be sooner rather than later, doesn’t it?  - and make him smile even more? Maddalena! Stop acting as if she’s not in the picture, Niccolò! Why don’t you worry about making her smile, instead? She’d lose that ‘woe is me’ attitude she got lately, which is understandable given what you put her through in the last 3 years...  and okay, why don’t you ask her out on Friday? You can go to the movies, have a double date with Matteo and Elisa - you don’t want to go out with her alone, and that should tell you something... shouldn’t it? Yeah... you know what it tells you? It’s: blah blah blah, fuck it all, as the Bard would say - and try to be the boyfriend she deserve, can’t you? Okay, now let's go back to Martino. Who’s been distracted by Sana, and that’s too bad. He’s gonna regret it as soon as he’ll turn to the window again and he won’t find anyone there anymore, for sure.
19th October 2018 -  2:22 p.m. Martino? What are you doing here? I am 100% sure I have never seen you take this bus to go home. And you aren’t following me. I would have noticed if you did. What is he watching on that smartphone? Has he got any texts from Covitti? How can that be more interesting than me?
Minding my own business is overrated, and I’m sick and tired of it. Since you weren’t raised in a barn, Niccolò, you know what you’ve got to do now. Greet him, trying not to get distracted by his eyes or his lips - a difficult but not impossible task - and lean over just enough to get a glimpse of his screen. Or be cheeky enough to blatantly look at it.  Sana. Who isn’t giving him the answer he hoped for, it seems. Maybe I can help?  And you’re giving me the perfect excuse to ask you to come over, aren’t you ,Marti? Of course I’m gonna advantage of it. When will I get another chance to find out what music you listen to, what books you read, to worship the sight of you chilling on my couch and think about how much I would like kneel at your feet and... No. Let's keep those fantasies for us, Nico. Don’t scare him off by going too fast. Let's enjoy this Friday afternoon together. Focus on your heart, so full and yet so light. Beating so heart that you it feels like it could burst out your chest any minute, now. I have never felt this way before, for anyone. Maddalena? Who’s that? 19th October 2018 - 7:30 p.m. Maddalena. Maddalena, yeah. I do remember her. Not that clearly, though. I want to tell Martino about her, but I don’t know how. It’s not like I can say 'Oh, I nearly forgot but there’s this girl I’ve been dating for the past three years. It’s nothing serious, really. Tell me you want me and I’ll dump her ass straight away, I swear.’ out of blue, when I am not even sure he does want me. I mean, I can tell that we’re flirting but am leading him on? Does he actually want this flirting to lead somewhere or we are just teasing each other for the sake of it? If I get up and kiss him, after I got rid of the taste of this shitty pasta  - which I’m still proud of having cooked, because Marti seemed really amazed by my creativity in the kitchen!  - by drinking some beer, can I be 100% sure that Martino won’t get up and leave?  No. So why talk to him about Maddalena? There is no point in doing that. I'll find the right moment to...
Oh. Great. Seems like Maddalena herself found the right moment to show up and be introduced to Marti. Of course. You do rememember you are the one who asked her out, don’t you? No, you don’t because you were too busy trying to get the brightest smiles out of Martino and to feel good about making him feel so relaxed and cheerful. And I know it's a dick move to make out with her like that, right in front of front of his eyes. Without even telling him that I had a girlfriend in the first place... but you know what? 
It’s good that he sees that I’m a shitty person, let’s not have him think otherwise. And let’s see what he’s gonna do next. If he’s gonna walk away for good, or if he’s still gonna be willing to give us a chance. Let’s wait and see. **************************** A/N:  I know it’s quite confusing but I noticed that I never address myself as “I” when I have monologues, I shift between “you” (singular) or “we”, and sometimes I throw in some thought using the “I” as well... So I wanted to Niccolò to do the same ;D They’re not linear and a they are a bit hard to follow, sometimes, I know... they are thoughts, internal monologues as the title says, not really a narration.
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Case: 0161301
Name: Naomi Herne Subject: The events following the funeral of [her] fiancé, Evan Lukas Date: January 13th, 2016 Recorded by: direct from Naomi Herne, under the supervision of Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London
[John: Right, let’s try this.
Naomi: Really? Does that thing even work? It must be thirty years old.
John: I know, but we have previously had some success using it to record statements that our... digital recording software struggles with.
Naomi: Yeah, well that’s one way to put it. You need to get some better equipment.
John: Believe me, I have been trying. Still, the tape recorder seems to work fine as a backup, and I can have it transcribed later, so for now if you’d be so kind—
Naomi: You’re serious? You actually want me to tell my story into that rattling piece of junk? I see why no-one takes you guys seriously.
John: You’re under no obligation to speak to us.
Naomi: No, I just... I guess I’m just desperate. The last paranormal investigator I went to laughed at me when I suggested talking to you. Still, I-I guess you have to believe me.
John: Something like that.
Naomi: ... Okay, from where we left off?
John: Probably best to start over. Name, date, subject, et cetera. I’m not optimistic that any of the previous recording will be salvageable.
Naomi: Fine. My name is Naomi Herne, and I’m making a statement about the events following the funeral of my fiancé, Evan Lukas. The date is the 13th of January 2016. To be honest I’m not even sure I should be here. What happened was weird and, alright, I can’t think of a rational explanation for it, but I was distraught. I still am. I should go. I probably just imagined the whole thing. He’s gone and that’s all there is to it.
John: That’s certainly possible. It might all be in your head, though there is the matter of the stone.
Naomi: That could be... I don’t know. I just don’t know what to think.
John: Take your time.
Naomi: Wait, where are you going?
John: I was going to give you some privacy while you make your statement.
Naomi: Ok, it’s just... could you stay please? I don’t want to be alone.
John: Very well. Let’s start from the beginning.]
Alright. I guess the beginning would be when I met Evan. I’ve never really been the social type. I’ve always been more comfortable alone, you know? My father died when I was 5 years old and my mother spent so much time working to keep us fed that I hardly ever saw her. I wasn’t bullied in school or anything like that. I mean, to be bullied you need to be noticed and I made sure that I wasn’t. It was the same in secondary school and even in uni up at Leeds. When everyone was moving out into shared houses for second year, I stayed in a nice cosy room for one in university accommodation. I’ve always just been happier alone.
Well, maybe happier isn’t quite the right word. I did get a bit lonely sometimes. I’d hear laughter coming from other rooms in my building or see a group of friends talking in the sun outside and maybe I’d wish I had something like that, but it never really bothered me. I knew my own company and was comfortable with it. I didn’t need other people and they certainly didn’t need me. The only person who ever really seemed to worry about it was Pastor David. He worked in the Chaplaincy, and I saw him occasionally when work or stress was getting to me. My mum’s a Methodist, and I felt more comfortable talking to him that any of the secular counsellors. He used to tell me it wasn’t natural for people to live in isolation, that we were creatures of community by nature. I remember he always used to say that he was “worried I’d get lost”. Back then, I didn’t know what he meant. I think I do now, though. Anyway, the point is that when I graduated three years ago, I left Leeds with a first in Chemistry and no real friends to speak of. And that was fine by me.
I got a job as a science technician down in Woking. It didn’t pay well, and the children were a thick, entitled lot, but it was enough to live on and kept me close enough to London that I could apply for the various lab jobs that I actually wanted. It was interviewing for one of these where I met Evan. He was going for the same position as I was – lab assistant in one of the UCL Biochemistry departments. He got the job, in the end, but I didn’t care. He was so unlike anyone I’d ever met before. He started talking to me before the interview, and I amazed myself by actually talking back. When he asked me questions, I didn’t feel uneasy or worried about my answers, I just found myself telling this stranger all about myself, without any self-consciousness at all. When he was called in for his interview, I actually felt a pang of loss like nothing I’d known before. All for a stranger who I’d met barely ten minutes ago. When I came out of the building after my own, somewhat disastrous, interview and saw him standing there waiting for me... I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than in that moment.
We went out, and dating gradually turned into living together. I’d had two boyfriends in the past – both short-lived relationships that ended abruptly. In both cases they said it was because they never really felt like I wanted them around and, looking back, that was kind of true. With Evan it was different. It never seemed like his being there stopped me being myself or crossed into spaces that I saw as my own. Everything about being with him felt so natural that when he told me he loved me, it only came as a surprise to realise that we hadn’t said it already. He had friends, as well, plenty of friends, how could he not? And he would take me out to meet them when I wanted to, and when I didn’t he let me be. After a year with him I actually had what could perhaps be called a social life and, more than that, I didn’t hate it. I always used to roll my eyes at people who said that their loved ones ‘completed them’, but I honestly can’t think of any other way to describe how it felt to be with Evan. I proposed to him after only two years, and he said yes.
I’ll skip over the bit where he dies. It’s only been a year, and I don’t want to spend an hour crying into your crappy tape player. Congenital, they said. Some problem with his heart. Always been there, but never diagnosed. No warning. One in a million chance. Blah. Blah. Blah. He was gone. Just gone. And I was alone again. 
There was no-one I could talk to about it. All my friends had been his friends, and once he was gone it didn’t feel right to see them. I know, I’m sure they wouldn’t have minded, they would have said they were my friends too, but I could never bring myself to try. It felt more comfortable, more familiar, to be alone as though Evan had just been some wonderful dream I was now waking up from. 
I don’t remember the week between his death and the funeral. I’m sure it must have happened, but I don’t have any memory of it at all. After leaving the hospital, the next thing that is properly clear in my mind is walking into that big, austere house. I don’t remember where it was, somewhere in Kent, I think, and I must have been given the address by someone in Evan’s family who had organised the funeral. It was strange. Evan never really talked about his family. He said he wasn’t on good terms with them because they were very religious, and he never had been. I’d never met or visited them, or even been told their names, as far as I remember. But they must have known me enough to invite me, as I somehow ended up at the right place. Just as well they took on the responsibility for the funeral. I was in no fit state to organise anything. 
The house was very large, and very old. It had a high gate separating it from the main road, which has the name “Moorland House” carved into the stone of the gatepost. I drove there alone, my old, second-hand Vauxhall Astra complaining all the way. You remember that storm that hit at the end of last March? Well, I hardly noticed it. Thinking back, I really shouldn’t have been driving at all, but at the time it barely registered. The trees were bending ominously when I finally parked at Moorland House, and I immediately lost the only respectful hat that I owned to the wind. Evan had once told me that his family had a lot of money, and looking at this place I realised why the funeral was being held there. I could see round the side what appeared to be a well-kept mausoleum. The last resting place of Evan’s ancestors, and soon, I guessed, of Evan himself. This thought set me crying again, and it was in that state, weeping, windswept and soaked through from the rain, that I saw the door open.
I don’t know what I expected from Evan’s father. I knew he couldn’t be anything like the easy, charming man I’d fallen in love with, but the hard-faced stranger that confronted me on the doorstep still came as a shock. It was like looking at Evan, but as if age had drained all the joy and affection from him. I started to introduce myself, but he just shook his head and pointed inside, to a door down the corridor behind him, and spoke the only words he ever said to me. He said, “My son is in there. He is dead.” And then he turned and walked away, leaving me shaken, with no option but to follow him inside.
The house was full of people I didn’t know. None of the lovely, welcoming faces I’d come to know from Evan’s friends could be seen among the dour figures of his family. Each wore the same hard expression as his father, and I might have been imagining it, but I could have sworn that when they looked at me, their eyes were full of something dark. Anger, maybe? Blame? God knows I felt guilty enough about his death, though I have no idea why. None of them spoke to me or to each other, and the house was so quiet and still that at times it seemed like I could hardly breathe under the weight of the silence.
Finally, I came to the room where he was laid out. Evan, the man I was going to marry, was lying there in a shining oak casket that seemed too big for him, somehow. The coffin was open, and I could see him, dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit. I realised I had never seen him wear a suit before. Like everything else in his death, it seemed utterly alien to the life that had he had created for himself. I remember going to my father’s funeral when I was very young. I remember seeing him lying there, after the undertakers had done their business. My father had looked serene, peaceful, like he had calmly accepted the reality of his passing. It had comforted me, as a child, though it had done little to blunt the acute sense of loss I felt. There was none of that on Evan’s face. In death he seemed to have that same hardness and reproach that I saw on every one of the silent family that claimed him for their own.
I don’t know how long I stood there. It felt like seconds, but when I turned around I almost shrieked to see dozens of black-clad figures stood there, staring at me. The rest of the Lukas family were standing, waiting without a word, as though I was between them and their prey. Which I suppose, in some ways, I was. Finally, an old man walked forward. He was small and hunched with age, his black suit hanging off his body like sagging flaps of skin. He spoke, “It’s time for you to leave. The burial is a family affair. I’m sure you want to be alone.” 
I tried to reply but the words stuck in my throat. They stood there, waiting for me to respond or to leave, and I realised the old man was right. I did want to leave, to be alone. I didn’t care where I went, but I had to go, to get away from that awful place with its strange quiet watchers. I ran past them and out into the storm. Inside my car, I just turned on the engine and began to drive. I didn’t know where I was going, and could barely see a thing through my tears and the driving rain, but it didn’t matter. Just as long as I kept going, as long as I didn’t have to stop and think about what had just happened. Looking back, the only thing that surprises me about the crash is that it wasn’t bad enough to kill me. 
When I became aware of myself again, I realised I was in the middle of a field, quite a distance from the road. The tracks behind me showed where I had skidded into the dirt. Luckily I hadn’t hit anything or flipped over, but smoke billowed from the engine of my poor old Astra, and it was clear I wasn’t going anywhere. It was dark, and the time on my dashboard said twelve minutes past eleven. My phone said the same thing. I had arrived at Moorland House at 6 o’clock, as instructed. Had I been driving for hours, or had I spent even longer with Evan’s body than I thought? I hadn’t hit anything, so I couldn’t have been knocked unconscious. Had I just been sitting there in my smoking car all that time? 
It didn’t matter. The rain was beating down hard, and I needed to get some help. I tried to call the emergency services or use the GPS on my phone, but the screen just said “NO SERVICE”. I took a deep breath, trying to stifle panic, and got out the car. I was soaked through in less than ten seconds, as I struggled through the downpour towards the road. I could hear no sound except for the howling wind, and there were no headlights anywhere to be seen. Having no idea where I was, I made the decision to turn right and began to walk. I tried to use my phone again, but as I reached into my bag I realised how much of the rain had soaked through. Pressing the power button only confirmed what I already suspected – my phone wasn’t working. Anger washed over me, and all the bitterness and rage that had been building over the worst days of my life surged of me and I threw the useless lump of plastic at the ground. The corner shattered as it hit the road, then it bounced off the side and disappeared into the thick mud. 
I suddenly felt very cold as I stood there in the road. Rain beating down, tears flowing freely, and utterly alone. I kept walking, desperately hoping to see headlights in the distance, but there was nothing but darkness and the steady pounding of the rain on miles of empty countryside in every direction. I didn’t have a watch, so without my phone I have no idea how long I walked. The cold bit into my soaked funeral clothes and I shivered, falling to my knees and just about giving up. No cars were coming, and I didn’t have the first clue where I was going.
It was then I noticed that the rain had stopped. Wiping the tears from my eyes I saw that a fog had gathered around me, and I could no longer see more than a few feet in front of me. I kept walking, though, as the clinging mist made me feel somehow even colder. The fog seemed to follow me as went and seemed to swirl around with a strange, deliberate motion. You’ll probably think me an idiot, but it felt almost malicious. I don’t know what it wanted, but somehow I was sure it wanted something. There was no presence to it, though, it wasn’t as though another person was there, it was... It made me feel utterly forsaken. I started to run, following as much of the road as I could see in the hopes of getting to the other side, but there seemed to be end to it.
I don’t know exactly when the hard tarmac of the road became dirt and grass, but I realised after a few minutes that I had strayed off the path. I tried to backtrack, but it was gone. All that remained was the fog and the skeletal outlines of half-glimpsed trees. The dark lines of them bent away from me at harsh angles, but if I tried to approach them then, rather than becoming clearer, the trees would disappear back into the hazy night and I would lose them. Kneeling down, I was surprised to realise that the ground I was now standing on was not wet. The hard-packed earth was damp from the creeping mist but it did not appear to have been rained on. The despair I felt was quickly turning into fear, and I kept moving forward, further into the fog.
I realised afterwards that the night should have been far too dark to see the fog. There were no lights there to show it, and the moon had been shrouded in storm clouds all night, but despite this I could clearly see it. Shifting, slate-grey and smelling of nothing at all. As I walked I saw more shapes nearby. Dark slabs of stone, sticking out of the ground, leaning and broken. Gravestones. They spread out in all directions, and the gentle blurring of the mist did nothing to soften the hard weight of their presence. I did not stop to read them.
I kept moving until I reached the centre of what I can only assume was a small cemetery, and there I found a chapel. The top of its steeple was lost in the gloom and the windows were dark. I started to feel relief, as though I might have found some sign of life at last. I began to circle it, moving around to where I assumed the front doors were. As I went I noticed that there was stained glass in the windows but, without any light from inside, I couldn’t make out the design. Finally, I came to front of the building, and I almost lost hope. Wrapped around the handles of the entrance was a sturdy iron chain. I would find no sanctuary here.
I came very close to making a rash decision at that point. I started to shout, to scream for help, but the sound seemed muffled and disappeared almost as soon as it left my throat. No-one heard me, but I continued shouting for some time, just to hear the noise, even if it did seem to die as soon as it touched the fog. It was useless, though, and as I finished I felt the prickling damp flow in and out of my lungs. It was cloying and heavy and I decided I had to do something. I started to look around the ground for the heaviest rock I could find. I was going to get inside that church, even if I had to break a window to do it. Anything to get out of the fog. I was sure that eventually someone would find me.
I noticed that one of the graves had been slightly broken by age, and a small chunk of it could be seen on the ground. It had an engraving of a cross on it, and the weighty lump of stone now lay embedded in the graveyard soil. I bent down to lift it, but as I did so I saw something that froze me in place. The grave was open. And it was empty.
It wasn’t dug up, exactly. The hole was neat, square and deep, as though ready for a burial. At the bottom there was a coffin. It was open, and there was nothing inside. I backed away, and almost fell into another open grave behind me. I started to look around the cemetery with increasing panic. Every grave was open and they were all empty. Even here among the dead, I was alone. 
As I stared, the fog began to weigh me down. It coiled about me, its formless damp clung to me and began to drag pull me gently, slowly, towards the waiting pit. I tried to back away, but the ground was slick with dew and I fell. My fingers dug into the soft cemetery dirt as I looked around desperately for anything I could use to save myself, and my hand closed upon that heavy piece of headstone. It took all my self-control to keep a grip on that anchor, as I slowly dragged myself away from the edge of my lonely grave. Flowing around me, the very air itself willed me inside, but I struggled to my feet. The image of Evan’s family suddenly came into my mind, and I vowed to myself that they would not be the last human contact I ever had.
I looked towards the chapel, and saw with a start that the door was now open, the heavy chain discarded on steps in front. I ran to it as quickly as I could, crying out for help, but when I reached the threshold I stopped, and could only stare in horror. Through that door, where the inside of the chapel should be, was a field. It was bathed in sickly moonlight, and the fog rolled close to the ground. It seemed to stretch for miles, and I knew that I could wander there for years, and never meet another. I turned away from that door, but as I looked behind me I could have wept – beyond the graveyard’s edge lay that same field. Stretching off into the distance.
I had to make a choice, and so I began to run from that chapel, into the field behind me. I nearly fell into a hungry grave but kept my balance well enough to get beyond them. The fog seemed to be getting thicker, and moving through it was getting harder. It was like I was running against the wind, except the air was completely still. I could hardly breathe as I inhaled it. And then, as I found myself in the middle of that open, desolate field, I heard something. It was the strangest thing, but as I tried to run I could have sworn I heard Evan’s voice call to me. He said, “Turn left”. That’s it. That’s all he said. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that’s what he told me to do. And I did it. I turned sharply to the left and kept on running. And then... nothing.
[John: That’s when the car hit you?]
Yes. I remember a second of headlights and then nothing until I woke up in the hospital.
[John: I see.]
So what do you think? Was it real?
[John: Well, we’ll need to do some investigation into a few of the details that you raised, but at first impressions I’d say it was only real insofar as trauma can have a very real effect on the mind. Beyond that, it’s difficult to prove either way, but I would suggest you leave the stone with us, so we can study it. And it would likely help you move past this unpleasant incident. Some time with a more... qualified care professional might also prove helpful.]
Right. I don’t know what I expected, really.
[John: We’ll let you know if we find anything.
Oh, this is ridiculous! I can’t believe I’ve wasted my time–
Archivist Notes: 
Following Ms. Herne’s statement, we did as much follow-up as we were able, which admittedly wasn’t a lot. Evan Lukas did indeed pass away from heart failure on March the 22nd 2015, and his body was taken by his family for burial. All requests to the Lukas family for information or interviews have been very firmly rebuffed.
At roughly one in the morning on the 31st of March, Ms. Herne was involved in collision with one Michael Getty. She had apparently run out into the road in front of Mr. Getty’s car near Wormshill in the Kent Downs. She was quickly taken to a hospital and treated for concussion and dehydration. Her car was found abandoned in a field five miles away.
There are no cemeteries matching Ms. Herne’s description anywhere near the road she was found, nor could there have been any fog, given the incredibly high winds during the storm that night. I’d be tempted to chalk this one up to a hallucination from stress and trauma, if it wasn’t for the fact that when she was hit, Ms. Herne was found to be holding a piece of masonry. It appears to be lump of carved granite with an engraved cross design. The size and style match what would conceivably be found atop a headstone, though we have been unable to trace its origin. Still attached to it is a small fragment of what we can assume would have been the marker itself. The only text that can be made out simply reads “forgotten”. I’ve arranged for it to be transferred to the Institute’s artifact storage.
Source: Official Transcript and Podcast (MAG 13 Alone)
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sunyoonandstars · 6 years
BTS Scenario 5: You’re sick in bed and Hoseok wants to take care of you  ...
So, this scenario is based on the following anonymous request:
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I hope whoever made this request is content with the way it turned out!? I, for my part, had fun writing this up and hope you enjoy! 
fluff, angst, hurt/comfort 
Pairing: You x Hoseok / J-Hope 
(He looked just so damn beautiful in this, I had to put it here ...)
One Shot: Sick In Bed
Around noon, at least according to the warm light falling through your bedroom window, you once again wake up from one of those confusing, feverish dreams that have been plaguing you ever since two nights ago. Sweaty, your head aching and heavy, you try to sit up. It seems to take all your strength to merely lift your arm and reach for the glass of water on your nightstand. You don’t even dare to fully open your eyes since the daylight hurts them. Feeling the refreshingly cold water run down your sore throat, you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief, mixed with a pained groan. Those tonsils of yours are killing you. Overall you feel like dying. When you take your temperature you can barely believe the readings to be true. 39,5 / 103, 1 degrees! You should really go see a doctor, you guess, this mysterious sickness of yours has been going on for almost three days already. Soon you’ll run out of fever reducer and tea, your fridge being empty, too. Your aching eyes half closed, you check your phone which you had set to vibrate in order to get some sleep. A few texts from colleagues, politely inquiring about your health, get-well-soon messages from your friends from Uni. And about a dozen missed calls and double as many messages from your boyfriend, Hoseok. Immediately, you start scrolling through his texts, all the other messages of no importance compared to his.
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Only minutes after you sent your last text, your phone rings again. „Hobi, I’m so, so sorry!“, you greet your boyfriend before he even gets a chance to speak. „I hate that I am a distraction! Y’all must be so busy preparing for your concert. It’s only three days until then …“ „Yah! Y/n, don’t you dare apologize for being sick!“, he scolds you, and even only picturing the expression on his face right now makes you smile fondly. He’s simply the cutest whenever he gets upset or annoyed … „But how are you anyways? Did your fever go down at all? And how’s your throat? Do you have enough to drink and eat? Food is important, too, when you’re sick! I should bring you soup …“ „Calm down, Hobi, I’m not gonna die. It’s just a bad cold or something.“ „You really shouldn't take this too lightly, y/n! I googled your symptoms. It could also be tonsillitis or even scarlet fever! You should really go see a doctor, y/n! Your health is no joke! And I want it to last for many, many years to come. Remember, we wanted to grow old and ugly together …!? Don’t you dare take that from me.“ You can imagine his angry pout, the mental picture eliciting another weak smile from you. When you move to sit more comfortably, however, another dizzy spell strikes you, accompanied by a wave of searing pain behind your forehead, and a groan escapes your lips. „Y/n!?“ You can hear the sheer panic in Hoseok’s voice. „What is it now!!??? What’s wrong, baby?“ „It’s nothing“, you lie, desperately fighting the urge to throw up. „Okay, I’m coming over!“ You can hear him hang up. Only seconds later, another message from him pops up on your phone.
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You can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Well, that’s an understatement, actually. You would never have admitted it to Hoseok, not wanting to give him a misplaced guilty conscience, but you actually desperately long for him by your side right now, for his mere presence brightening up the room, the sight of his angelic, infectious smile, and the feeling of his arms around you, swaying you to sleep. You can barely hold back tears. Tears of fatigue, fever, anguish, frustration with your stupid body for being so sick, and tears of disappointment, having gotten your hopes up already to be saved from your forced isolation by your caring boyfriend. However, there is really no point in succumbing to weakness now, you tell yourself, swallow another pill and try to get comfortable again, imploring your goddamn body to go to sleep again, since there’s really nothing else you can do, your head pounding with pain. Tormented by the heat ravaging your body and your aching head and limbs, you toss and turn for hours, restless, unable to fall asleep again, even though you can feel your body long for the recovery only a good, deep sleep can provide. There’s just something missing. Something to help you be comfortable and calm. Or rather someone. And you know very well who. However, you can perfectly understand his company’s concerns. Even though you still have trouble accepting the way his management intervenes in Hoseok’s life and personal matters sometimes, you can see how it is necessary. After all, Hoseok is an idol with certain responsibilities towards his fans, the people who take strength from his music, worship and support him. Being your boyfriend must always be of secondary importance. That was the prime rule from the beginning. Hoseok often seems to have more trouble accepting and following those rules than you, though … He somehow always finds ways around them. But not today, you remind yourself. Today he can’t allow himself to give in to his love for you. Not without facing bitter consequences, and he knows you’d never want that. Finally, you give up your efforts to go back to sleep and settle for just lying there in your bed, listening to music while wearing a sleep mask to protect your sensitive eyes against the daylight which is getting dim, slowly turning into dusk. When you hear your phone vibrate on the nightstand, it’s already dark outside.  Blindly feeling for the light switch, you sit up and grab your phone. Squinting against the light, you take off your eye mask and try to make out who or what the display is showing. It turns out it’s Hoseok. Calling you on Facetime. Your heart skips a beat in horror, imagining what you must look like, hair greasy, your face a puffy, tired mess, your room in chaos, used tissues scattered all around your bed … You were not prepared for this. But, you remind yourself, taking deep, calming breaths, this is not the first time during your two year relationship Hoseok sees you like this. And he loves you, as he misses no chance to tell you, so he won’t care. You hope. To no end having tried to fix your hair at least to some extent, you finally take the call. Your face immediately breaks into a grin as soon as Hoseok’s radiant smile shows on screen. „Hey, beautiful“, he greets you, blowing you a kiss. „Did I wake you?“ „Unfortunately not“, you sigh. „Oh?“ You can’t get enough of his adorable confused expression. „What’s that supposed to mean, jagi?“ „I couldn't sleep…“ „Did you miss me that much?“, he teases you. „I guess so …“ „Oh, really!? Poor baby…“, he pouts, brows furrowed. You nod, your cheeks blushing in embarrassment about your involuntary confession. „I really wanted to be with you, y/n …“ „He threw quite a fit earlier when they didn't let him go!“, Jimin interrupts, receiving a potentially deadly glare from Hoseok in return. „It’s true, though, y/n! At first, he wouldn't take no for an answer!“ „Oh, shut it, Jimin! Get out already!“ You can hear Jimin laughing in the background and soon after a door closing. „Finally …“, Hoseok sighs in relief, rolling his eyes. „Always so needy for attention, our Jimin-ah. But now I only want to have eyes and ears for you, baby.“ You smile weakly in response. „It’s so good to see your pretty face. How are you doing? Any better?“ You shrug your shoulders, careful not to make any too abrupt movements in order to avoid another surge of dizziness and headache. „I’m not sure, actually. The fever doesn't seem to go down and my head and eyes are killing me. I just wanna sleep…“ „Aww, my poor baby!“ As he purses his lips once more, you can watch genuine concern spreading across his delicate features. In his eyes, you can see that Hoseok would want nothing more than to take all your pain and suffering away from you and bear it himself instead. Even though you would never let him. „I’m so sorry I can’t be there to take care of you, y/n!“ „It’s alright, Hobi“, you force a reassuring smile onto your dry lips. „I understand. You have to set priorities. I knew that going into this relationship. I don’t hold it against you in the slightest, in case you didn't know that already. I can imagine how badly you wanna be here. It would be the same for me if you were sick. But if the company won’t let you, it can’t be helped. Just seeing you like this is a blessing already.“ With your lips, you form a kiss directed at the camera which Hoseok returns with a bright smile.   „Maybe I can help you sleep, anyways, even from here. My singing usually helps with your insomnia, doesn't it?“ You can feel your heart skip a beat and your cheeks blush at the prospect of your love singing you to sleep, your tense and aching body already beginning to ease. „Could you really do that, Hobi, sing to me?“ You try to tone down your excitement, remembering how tired Hoseok must be. „But … I don’t want you to unnecessarily strain your voice. You already must be sore from practicing all day …“ „It’s nothing, really, y/n. Just lie back, put your phone on your nightstand and relax. I’ll do the rest.“ „Alright …“ Biting your lip to hide an excited, slightly bashful grin, you do as you’re told and settle back into your pillows, placing your phone on your nightstand, leaning against the lamp, so the front camera is still pointed at you. „Good girl“, Hoseok comments in a low voice. „Now, close your eyes.“ Your cheeks turning a soft pink, you follow his instructions, having trouble to keep your eyes closed, though, despite the fact that staring at the bright phone screen was getting rather tiring for your aching head. „Now, deep breaths, in and out. And listen …“ You breathe deeply and slowly, just as requested, while Hoseok starts softly singing, or rather rapping, 24/7=Heaven, serenading you with a slower interpretation of the BTS classic he knows you love so much, his clear voice slowly but surely lulling you to sleep. „… neoraneun haega tteun Sunday, 24 per 7 haru jongil ni saenggangman haetji, gidaehaetdeon cheot deiteu naegeneun waenji, teukbyeolhan nari doeldeutae, I can be a gentleman, Cause I’m your boyfreind, heumheum gomin kkeute, bameul kkolttak saewobeoryeotjiman, achim haejocha kkaeji anheun sigan, haruga wae ireoke gin ji chochimi, gwaenhi mipji, neorang sagwige doen dwibuteo maeil Updoen, Feeling, All night girl, I think about you all night girl …“ When he is sure you’re fast asleep, Hoseok slowly lets his voice trail off, smiling to himself while he fondly watches you sleep for another ten minutes before blowing you a good night kiss, going unseen by the sleeping you, and finally ending the face time call ...
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and had a good start to a healthy 2018!! Take care!
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warping-reality · 6 years
Rooftops: Intro & Ch. 1
So, due to overwhelming support-and by that I mean @cheezit-insanity said she’d read it, so-here’s the intro and first chapter of the book I’m writing, Rooftops. 
Rooftops: a Novel
by Jeneve Wilder
                We lived at the top of what used to be a publishing house. It had been abandoned for many years, until the current landlord won it gambling and leased it out to those desperate enough to stay there. And they were desperate, each and every one of them.
               The ground floor could often be found with three or four of the homeless sleeping in the makeshift lobby, seeking shelter from the bitter cold. Four prostitutes lived on the fifth floor—a nice bunch, considering. We didn’t see much of the other residents.
               There was no heat—an unfortunate circumstance in a northern state where the wind could slice right through you. The stairwell and floors creaked with age and the main doors didn’t have locks. Not that there was any real need for them.
               We didn’t have anything worth stealing.
               There were six of us, in total; or rather, three pairs of us. We came in pairs.
               The first pair was Oliver and RiRi. Siblings, though you wouldn’t guess it. Oliver was studying law at Uni, fancied making a name for himself. RiRi fancied the same, only she went about different means. Night and day, Oli and Ri were. RiRi’s real name was Rhianna, and she went by Anne, but when they came to live with the rest of us we already had an Anne—formally Joanna. So, they flipped for it, Anne won, and RiRi had to find a new nickname. RiRi was a lot of things. Bright. Loud. A headache, according to Shiloh. She wore graphic tees and snapbacks, piling long waves of burnt orange hair up into haphazard ponytails. Oliver was everything RiRi wasn’t. Respectful. Proper. Just a bit full of himself, but then he’d had a hard time of it, as did most black kids from a poor family. (Yes, you read right. RiRi was adopted. No continuity flaws here.) He had to grow up a bit too fast. Then again, we all did.
               Next were Rose and Peter. Or Peter and Rose, if you prefer. Unlike Oliver and RiRi, neither name had to come first. (Some people are just funny like that, aren’t they, where their names must be said in a particular order, or else it’s wrong? Try saying ‘Hermione and Ron’ or ‘Frodo and Sam’ and you’ll see what I mean.) Anyways, Peter and Rose are hard to define. Peter was a tattoo artist, Rose an apprentice in the shop he worked in. That’s how they met. They were disgustingly in love, that much was obvious to anyone around them, yet they didn’t seem to have the same urgency to their relationship that others did. Not much is known about Rose. (Read: the girl is a fucking mystery.) She’s Latina, wears leather, and rides a motorbike that most of her salary goes towards. She’s a decent artist, street smart, and completely terrifying. That’s all. Peter’s a bit easier-he’s an absolute sweetheart. When you think of Peter, you think of watercolor and beat up converse, of messy hair and goofy smiles, pencils stuck behind ears and faded shirts pulled on inside out.
               Shiloh and Anne were last. Best friends since they had met in a community theatre production at 15 and 13 respectively, the two were absolutely inseparable. Shiloh is tall. Annoyingly tall, according to Anne, who is 5’2” and ¾”. Choppily cut, short blonde hair hangs in her face, obscuring her eyes. Shiloh cut it when she was 16 as an act of rebellion against her mother. She was 21 now, and hadn’t spoken to her mother in almost 5 years. Anne and Shiloh were both students at Uni alongside Oliver, Shiloh studying Pre-Med and Anne undeclared. Where Shiloh was ungainly and awkward, Anne was graceful and poised. Her abundant curls of dark, Hawaiian hair flowed well past her waist. She wore loose, fluid clothing and made her own jewelry. Years of dancing had made her lithe frame strong and slender. She was the undisputed mother of us all, taking care of each of us in her own special ways.
               Now you have the setting and the cast of characters laid before you. Now you must await the lift of the curtain, for that odd stage play of life to start and the actors to perform.
               This is our story, we six strange thespians of unusual origins on our opening debut. We invite you to join us, in a year of our lives.
Rooftops: Chapter 1
              Shiloh grinned into the wind as she urged her bike faster down the street. Anne was pulling up close behind her, challenging the small lead Shiloh had won over the past seven minutes. Gritting her teeth, she soared tightly around the last curve in their route, gaining another foot on Anne before screeching to a stop outside the Chemistry building. Anne panted as she pulled up a second later.
              “Oh hush, I’m tired,” she said, rolling her eyes at Shiloh’s smirk.
              “Maybe your legs are just too short,” the other girl laughed.
              “Need I remind you that I’ve won for the past two days?”
              Shrugging, Shiloh swung off her bike, walking it over to the rack by the side of the building. She kneeled, tugged a small weed out from a crack in the pavement, and quickly chained up her bike. Anne tugged a knot of dark, tangled hair from her helmet, wincing as she did so.
              “I’m late. Are we on for lunch?”
              “Nah, not today.” Shiloh checked the time. “I’ll be heading to the gym with Oli. And relax, you’ve still got a few minutes.”
              “Alright, see you tonight then.”
              Shiloh waved a distracted goodbye as Anne pedaled away. Jogging to the third floor, she headed on into her classroom, despite being almost half an hour early.
              Ms. Rigley glanced up with a small smile as Shiloh bounded towards her desk, dropping off the latest homework assignment into the blue inbox.
              “Hey, Ms. R. Anything I can help with?”
              “Good morning, Caulton.” Ms. Rigley always called everyone by their last name. “If you could copy these notes onto the board, it would be helpful.”
              Shiloh nodded, grabbing the pages and beginning to write the formulas out in careful strokes. It never hurt to be on a professor’s good side, especially with midterms coming up, so Shiloh was more than happy to offer her assistance. The time passed in silence, broken only by the occasional squeaking of the marker or shuffling of papers. Shiloh stood back to survey her work, and then she headed to her chair.
              One by one, fellow students started filing in, stopping to drop their work off. Shiloh’s fingers itched with the temptation to straighten the haphazard pile. They were a small class, slightly cramped into a stuffy room with large windows. Holden nodded a greeting to her as he slid into the desk to her left and pulled out his notebook. Ms. Rigley stood, and the class began.
              Although a Biology major, Shiloh found Ms. Rigley’s Organic Chem to be her favorite class, mostly due to the teacher herself. She was gruff, and a harsh grader, but she obviously cared for her student’s success and mental health, allowing them occasional breaks from homework and always providing extra credit. Clicking her pen, Shiloh set herself to copying down the first problem.
              Pre-wrap was her best friend, Shiloh decided as she stepped from the changing room into the bright fluorescence of the gym interior. There was comfort in the familiar routine of preparation before any task, especially exercise. She passed a colorful poster boasting, ‘Today is YOUR Day,’ and plopped down on a mat next to Oliver.
              “How was your day?” She grabbed a roller and started stretching. “And please don’t start rambling about your newest law assignment thing again,” she found it prudent to cut off that line of discussion before it started. “It’s fucking boring.”
              In response, Oliver rolled his eyes. “As I have stated many times, my field of study has innumerable possible applications to help people. Law is not boring, it’s fascinating. It’s a puzzle.” He paused. “I suppose such a study is only for those with true dedication.”
              Shiloh chuckled. Oliver had a way of speaking properly. She supposed it was his way of distancing himself from the slum he grew up in. At least it would help his law career.
              Their friendship was an easy one, built on mutual comradery, gym life, study halls, and light teasing. cha
              She switched legs, working on her left calf, and changed the subject. “Anne’s picking up dinner tonight—”
              “Redundant, she does so every night.”
              Shiloh charitably ignored the interruption. “Should I let her know of any preferences?”
              Oliver grunted, seemingly unconcerned. “If it’s not Indian I don’t mind, but if I must have any more curry, my tongue will fall off.”
              “Blame Peter for that one. I’ll let her know.”
              “Want to cycle in on the bench?”
              “Sure, I’d like someone to spot me anyway,” Shiloh answered. “Want to row a bit first though. Can you entertain yourself for 20 minutes?”
              “Fine with me, I’ll jog.”
              “Cool, I’m almost done here. You never answered me though.”
              Confusion flickered across his face. “Answered what?”
              “How was your day?”
              “Oh. Fine.” Oliver’s usually gruff voice pitched a little higher and softer. “I met someone new.”
              “Do tell.”
              “Her name is April. She just transferred from community college.”
              What an incredible way to give me no information of importance, Shiloh thought. “Do you like her?”
              Her suspicions were confirmed by the acute redness that flushed across the back of Oliver’s neck. “She’s nice enough,” he huffed.
              “So that’s a yes then,” she sing-songed. Oliver just rolled his eyes in annoyance. Tapping her chin, Shiloh pretended to think. “Wonder what the rest will think of this! Oli’s got a fling!”
              “Ah, keep it under wraps, would’ja?” He asked, reverting to his old slang, betraying his nerves. “I kinda was thinking ‘bout takin’ it slow, like.”
              “I gotcha,” Shiloh grinned. This girl must be really something. “I suppose I could be persuaded to keep my lips sealed, for now. Hope she’s as great as you seem to think.”
              “Yeah, well,” he scratched his hear. “You better get to rowing if we are to leave in time for dinner.”              
              Shiloh gave him a quick salute, and bounded towards to rowing machine.
              After their time at the gym was done, the two biked home, delightfully sore. When they finally arrived, and hiked up the seven flights of stairs, they found the apartment mostly abandoned. A quick glance at the coat rack, which was a bunch of push pins Anne had shoved into the hardwood, told them that RiRi was the only one home. They headed to the central room where RiRi sat, headphones in and eyes glued to her laptop screen.
              Oliver caught Shiloh’s eye, indicating with a jerk of his head to take the left. Shiloh nodded, mouth twitching upwards at the corners. In unison, they snuck closer to the unaware redhead. Pouncing with a jubilant shout, their fingers quickly found her sides, and RiRi shrieked, falling off her perch and crashing into Oliver. Shiloh clambered over the chair to join the impromptu huddle, continuing to tickle RiRi mercilessly until she cried uncle.
              RiRi lay on her back, panting. “Scare the life right out of me, why don’t you,” she grumbled, mustering up a glare.
              Oliver smiled, kissing her cheek in a belated greeting. “You should know better, losing track of time and letting your guard slip in house full of pranksters.”
               “Is it really six already?” RiRi cast a longing glance towards her computer. “And I’d hardly count Peter as a prankster.”
              Shiloh gave an undignified snort. “That’s only because nobody’s ever caught him. I still say he’s responsible for switching all my coffee out for decaf/
              Oliver and RiRi simultaneously at the reminder of that awful week. An undercaffeinated Shiloh could be the plot of a horror movie.
              “Anything exciting happen while we were out?” Shiloh asked, unconcerned with the dramatics of the siblings. “Please tell me you weren’t on the computer all day.”
              “Actually,” RiRi answered with a sniff, “I went on a walk around noon.”
              Oliver gasped with mock horror. “You left the house? Haven’t we taught you the dangers of the outside world? Have you learned nothing?”
              Shiloh quickly cottoned on and joined the act. “I never thought I’d see the day! Our little RiRi, all grown up and venturing outside!” She wiped away a fake tear. “The sky is red! Cats and dogs are getting along! I’m suddenly straight! The world’s turned upside down!”
              There was a brief pause, and then Oliver and Shiloh collapsed into a fit of giggles.
              “Oh, bugger off. I’m not that reclusive.”
              “You are that reclusive. And British, apparently.”
              Oliver quickly derailed the conversation before the two could devolve into their usual bickering. “Did you accomplish anything productive, or have you just watched Jean Bailey all day?”
              “I have actually! I uploaded a video and started on scripts for a couple others.” Her voice took on a light and excited tone, as it always did when RiRi talked about her work. She was pursuing a career on YouTube, eager to make her money doing something fun. Currently, she only had about 1,200 subscribers, but she carried a confidence that her channel would soon take off.
              “Is Anne back yet?��� RiRi continued. “I’m hungry.”
              Shiloh checked her watch. “She should be back soon, no clue as to what she’s bringing.”
              “As long as it’s not Indian,” Oliver sighed.
              Shiloh shrugged and walked away to dump her backpack in her room. Might as well loose herself in a book while waiting, she reasoned. Shiloh let her fingers trail over various options before settling on the familiar comfort of Pride and Prejudice. Cracking it open, she settled down to read. The familiar sentences and notes scrawled in the margins served to soothe her tired mind.
              These books were her principal possessions. Shiloh had precious little in the way of things. Her side of the room was furnished with a simple desk and chair, and a mattress with two blankets was tucked into a corner. Random sketches Peter or Rose had left lying around were tacked haphazardly to the walls; a sheer piece of cloth hung over the single window overlooking a back alley. A thin screen separated her side from Anne’s. But her books were everywhere-stacked against the walls or in orderly piles on the floor. Shiloh could tell you where each was, name each author, even recite entire chapters from some of her favorites. She had always had a good memory for small things like that. These books were her haven away from the chaos of the real world.
              Shiloh finished reading about the first ball. Glancing out the window, she could see the familiar blue glint of Anne’s bike chained to a tree. Grinning broadly, Shiloh marked her place, slipped the book back on the pile under the desk, and jogged out to meet her friend.
              She entered the den at the same time as Anne, the later carrying several bags. “Who wants Pho?” Anne called. No sooner had the words left her mouth than a brightly colored blur snatched the food from her hands, plopping down on one of the handstitched beanbags that occupied the majority of the room.
              “Did you get me vegetarian?” RiRi asked, already digging through the first bag.
              Anne rolled her eyes, opting not to answer. Shiloh could have laughed-Anne had been catering to all of their dietary restrictions for years; it was unlikely she would forget.
              RiRi found her soup and happily started preparing it, the rest shoved to the side. Ambling over, Shiloh nodded help to Anne and started to rummage for her own. Oliver emerged from his room a minute later, and the four sta down to eat together, pow-wow style.
              “Where are Rose and Peter?” Oliver asked after thee edges of everyone’s hunger were sated.
              “Working late at the shop,” Anne answered. “At least, that’s what they texted me. I suspect they skived off for some alone time, so I brought extras for them to have when they get back,” she added, gesturing to the half empty bags.
              Oliver nodded. Shiloh stirred her soup three times and gulped some down. Minding the tipsy bowl, Anne swung her legs into Shiloh’s lap.
              Understanding through some unspoken bond, Shiloh shifted to stir her soup again while her left hand started lightly kneading Anne’s calves. They were each often sore, and a light massage was always welcome. Usually, they were each glad to oblige. “Went to the studio today?” Shiloh asked, already knowing the answer.
              Sure enough, Anne nodded. “Yeah. My legs are killing me—I need new pointe shoes.”
              Shiloh hummed in acknowledgment, stirring her soup three times, her spoon scraping against the cardboard of the bowl. Anne continued without prompting.
              “I started on a new choreography today. It’s a lot of fun. More modern than I’m used to.”
              They ate in silence for a while. RiRi’s voice broke through harshly. “Would you stop that?” She asked in annoyance as Shiloh stirred her Pho three times yet again.
              Shiloh started. “Stop what?” she asked.
              “Stirring your soup! Three times before each bite. It’s creepy.”
              “Oh,” she turned a blank stare back towards her bowl, setting her spoon and chopsticks down. “Sorry.”
              Almost predictably, Anne’s brow creased in worry. When she spoke, her voice was pitched low so that the other two couldn’t pick up on their conversation. “Are your compulsions acting up?”
              Shiloh shrugged noncommittally, refusing to life her gaze and meet Anne’s steady stare. Anne dropped it with a long look that promised they’d be revisiting the subject later.
              After their meal, Shiloh started to clean the trash from the area as Anne drew RiRi aside for a private talk. Straining her ears, Shiloh managed to catch the tail end of Anne’s sentence.
              “…be more patient…not Shi’s fault…compulsions… struggling…be more supportive…”
              The palms of Shiloh’s hands rubbed fruitlessly at her eyes, feeling the grittiness of exhaustion setting in. Although she appreciated Anne’s willingness to defend her, her faced flushed with anger and shame. She could deal with it on her own, and certainly didn’t need someone fighting her own battles.
              “I just don’t understand,” RiRi’s voice was easier to overhear, her tone lacking the soft lyrical quality that Anne’s always carried.
              “No, you don’t.” Anne snapped in response. She took a deep breathe presumably for composure, and started speaking quietly again. Shiloh moved closer under the ruse of throwing away the bags. “Look, just because you don’t understand something, especially an illness, doesn’t mean you can be disrespectful. It’s like—like Oliver’s MS. You don’t need to understand OCD. Just stop being such a dick about it.”
              RiRi started to respond, but Shiloh had heard enough. She threw away the trash and headed to her room. First, she lay on her mattress, tossing slightly. Staring at the rough sketch of a ballerina, she traced the familiar lines with her eyes. The activity did not calm her. If anything, her thoughts became more jumbled, fingers picking restlessly at the jersey comforter.
              Giving up with a weary sigh, Shiloh stood, pushing her window up and clamber out onto the fire escape. She liked going to the roof when she needed to think, letting her legs dangle over the edge and staring up at the stars.
              So, that’s what she did now.
              RiRi’s impatience wasn’t bugging her. Hell, she was right, it was annoying and she should have a lid on it. Anne was also right. Compulsions were worse, she was jittery and unfocused at the best of times lately. Shiloh hated the loss of control. And wasn’t that what her disorder was supposedly all about? Compulsions leading to a false sense of control?
              She lay on her back, the sky laid out above her. A few blinking starts peered back, not distinct enough to form a recognizable constellation. She missed the stars. In fact, Shiloh didn’t think she had seen a sky full of stars for years. Ah well, small price to pay for living in the city.
              Her fingers listlessly tapped out the rhythm to ‘Ramble On’ by Led Zeppelin. With a shudder, she realized she hadn’t grabbed a jacket before heading up.
              Shiloh stayed outside another few minutes, staring up at the stars and letting her mind go blank. An airplane passed high overhead. Shiloh’s dad used to be a pilot. She distantly wondered if that was him now, way up above her.
              The wind blew, bringing a distinct chill with it. Shiloh heaved herself up and climbed back down. Her rooftop venture left her much calmer than before, if also slightly melancholy.
              Ducking back inside her window, Shiloh latched it and prepared for the next day. She had just flicked off the light and slid between her blankets when the door creaked open.
              “Shiloh?” Anne’s voice called, barely louder than a whisper. Shiloh could feel her presence, barely a foot from where she lay.
              Squeezing her eyes shut, Shiloh stayed very, very quiet and very, very still.
              A silent beat, an intake of breath. Then—
              “Goodnight, Shiloh,” Anne’s voice was closer than before. “I love you.”
              Shiloh squeezed her eyes even tighter. Tension ran along every line of her body. She was sure that if Anne reached out and touched her with a feather-light finger, she would snap like a rubber band. But Anne merely crossed the room, footsteps fading away behind the screen.
              It took Shiloh a long time to fall asleep that night.
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citious · 7 years
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Main: Song Jiwon, Im Sungmin, Yoon Jinmyung, Jo Eun, Seo Janghoon
Supporting: Jung Yeeun, Yoo Eunjae, Kang Yina, Park Jaehwan
Note: If you haven’t read Chapters 1, 2, and 2.5, you may do so here --> Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 2.5
In a nutshell:  Eun is conflicted that Janghoon is returning to the army base very soon, Yoon-sunbae is having a conflict with herself as she tries to hold on to her long-distance relationship with Jaehwan. Jiwon and Sungmin are now a couple, but how will the Belle Epoque girls find out and react to this?
Rating: T
Belle Époque
16th February 2018
11.00 a.m.
Kang-eonni, Yeeun, Eunjae and Eun were outside at the dining table in the middle of a fun conversation.
Jiwon came out walking from her room after talking to Sungmin over the phone, asking him to meet up at her favorite chicken place. She headed towards the bathroom holding on to her towel and clothes.
Yina: Going somewhere?
Jiwon: Eo.
Yeeun: Where?
Jiwon: To eat… chicken
Hearing Jiwon’s odd answer, the girls wondered what she meant. They continued their conversation as Jiwon entered the bathroom.
Eunjae: Jiwon-sunbae is eating chicken at this hour? Kang-eonni, are you sure she’s okay already?
Yina: Ya, she hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday, right?
Yeeun nodded.
Yina: Then let her be. That’s girl is happy. We all know chicken is her favorite food.
Eunjae who was wondering about it just nodded, as she understood the situation.
Yina: By the way, Eun-ah… I heard your boyfriend is grandma’s nephew? I heard he’s in the army now?
Eun: Yes… he’s supposedly an active-duty soldier, but he came back for a short holiday, he was given 5 days off
Eun ended her sentence with a smile, remembering that Janghoon worked hard just to return and see her.
Yina: Ya… how nice… When is he returning to the base?
Eun: This Sunday, on the 18th
Yina: You guys don’t have much time, then… Go and have some fun together. You might regret it if you don’t make use of the time left.
Yeeun: Kang-eonni is right. Eun-ah, you know… my friends who have boyfriends in the army never have a chance to see their boyfriends before the 2-year period is over.
Eun, who received the advice from her two sunbaes, thought she must spend some time with Janghoon.
Jiwon had just finished showering and she came out of the bathroom with a pretty look. She maintained her unique style – Kimono outerwear, white blouse, and a pair of jeans, but there’s something different from Jiwon that all the other girls sensed. Maybe it’s the glow of someone who’s falling in love.
Jiwon went straight to her room and grabbed her bag. She went out of the room to put on her shoes and headed out.
As Jiwon opened the front door, Kang-eonni exclaimed,
Yina: Good luck!
Jiwon who heard it, smiled to herself and waved at the girls before the door closed behind her.
Kang-eonni knew Jiwon was about to meet Sungmin.
Jiwon sat at the bus stop and saw a beer advertisement on the glass partition. She suddenly smiled and laughed to herself like an idiot as she recalled the incident on Valentine’s Day when she and Sungmin drank beers together before eventually kissing each other’s lips for the first time.
The people who were at the bus stop put on their judging face as they witnessed Jiwon’s strange actions.
The bus Jiwon was waiting for came and she hopped on the bus cheerfully.
Little did she know, later that afternoon, the close guy friend she had, was going to be her soulmate for the rest of her life.
Belle Époque
11.20 a.m.
Eun went inside her room after the small chit-chats with the girls at the dining table. She laid herself on the mattress and opened her chat conversation with Janghoon.
She looked over to the chair with the wood carving ‘My Eun’ that Janghoon crafted for her. She smiled and composed a message.
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A few seconds later, a reply came.
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Eun smiled and typed her response,
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Eun’s smile got even bigger as her date night with Janghoon was pretty much confirmed.
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OH & PARK Entertainment
12.00 p.m.
Right when the clock stroke 12.00 p.m., Team leader Jo proclaimed,
Team Leader Jo: It’s lunch time!
The guys in the room stretched their bodies to relieve their muscles. They’ve sat down on the chairs for long hours and finally break time came.
Jinmyung glanced at her watch on her left wrist to reconfirm the time.
She opened her chat with Jaehwan and a thought came to her mind, she wanted to ask if Jaehwan’s plan to visit her in Seoul on the weekend is still valid or not, because she knew too well that restaurants are even more packed on the weekends, as she used to work in a restaurant for 2 whole years to pay her tuition fees.
Jinmyung composed her message and clicked the send button with a hint of doubt.
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After staring at the chat for a while, her attention dispersed when Kang Jinah, the senior who sits beside her at work asked her out for lunch.
Jinah: Jinmyung-ssi, do you want to go and eat lunch together at the restaurant across the street?
As a response, Jinmyung nodded her head a little and wore her coat before walking beside Jinah to go out.
At lunch while eating…
Jinah: Jinmyung-ssi do you have a boyfriend?
Jinmyung, who’s still a little reluctant in sharing about her private life, simply replied,
Jinmyung: Yes…
Jinah: Oooo…. What does he do?
Jinmyung: He’s a chef.
Jinah: How nice! He can cook for you whenever you want to…
Jinmyung, who didn’t want to open up about the fact that she’s in a long-distance relationship, forced a smile at her sunbae’s remark.
Sungmin’s Car
14.02 p.m.
Jiwon couldn’t believe herself when she had the courage to link her fingers in between Sungmin’s.
Honestly, even though she’s used to hitting and poking Sungmin’s butt in the past, the situation is different now, because they’re not just close guy and girl friends anymore. They’re each other’s romantic companion.
Feeling comfortable holding Sungmin’s hand, Jiwon commented,
Jiwon: Ya… how can our hands fit so perfectly like this?
Sungmin: I don’t know, maybe we’re just meant to be?
As Jiwon heard Sungmin’s response, she could feel butterflies in her stomach. Her heart fluttered, and she teased Sungmin for his cheesy words,
Jiwon: Im Sungmin, you learnt some sweet-talk skills, didn’t you?
Jiwon added,
Jiwon: Are you sure you’re a mosol all these time?
Jiwon saw Sungmin laughing instantly as soon as she finished her words.
(Read chapter 2.5 if you want to know what Sungmin thought about right at this point)
Jiwon clicked the ‘on’ button on the stereo and the song ‘some’ came to play.
‘I want to open my eyes to your text every morning
I want to fall asleep with your voice at the end of the night
On the weekends, I want to hug you,
In front of a lot of people as if I’m showing off’
Jiwon, who was enjoying Korea’s most popular song of 2014, got interrupted by Sungmin,
Sungmin: Jiwon-ah, do you want me to tell you a story?
Jiwon: What story?
Sungmin: I’m not sure if you actually realized this ever, but do you know what everyone in uni thought about us before?
Jiwon, who had no clue, tried guessing,
Jiwon: what? Weird guy and girl friends?
Sungmin chuckled and responded,
Sungmin: Ani… They thought we’re dating.
Jiwon was surprised and looked at Sungmin when she heard the answer.
Jiwon: Jinjja?
Sungmin: Hey, don’t you remember when that female hoobae asked if we were dating?
Jiwon: Of course I remember, but I thought she literally asked because she wanted to make sure that you’re single?
Sungmin: Are you sure she wasn’t actually jealous of us two?
Jiwon: …… you’re right.
Sungmin: But anyway, at least 10 other people have asked me the exact same question.
Jiwon: Seriously?
Jiwon covered her mouth with her palms when she heard the story.
Jiwon: Do you think we look that good together that people thought we were dating each other?
Sungmin: What about you? I think we look so good together. That’s why I like the way we are now.
Sungmin altered his gaze to Jiwon and gave her a sweet gaze.
Without them realizing, they have reached Belle Époque. Sungmin hit the brake such that the car went stationary.
He saw Jiwon unbuckling the seatbelt, but before opening the car door, Jiwon said,
Jiwon: Sungmin-ah
Sungmin: Hm?
Jiwon: Nothing…. Annyeong!
Without saying what was on her mind, Jiwon got off the car. Sungmin who thought something was missing, quickly got off the car to chase Jiwon.
Sungmin pulled Jiwon’s left shoulder with his right hand, such that her body turned to face him.
He put both his hands under Jiwon’s jaw and kissed her gently. Their lips touched, and the feeling was as sweet as honey. This time, it’s clear for the both of them that it was a genuinely real kiss.
If they were influenced by something to kiss one another at that time, it was probably the fried chicken that they had earlier.
From upstairs, Yeeun who was collecting her dry laundry witnessed the scene and paused her activity right away. She called out Eun and Eunjae who were sitting at the dining table.
The trio smiled in adoration as they witnessed the rare and heartwarming sight of the newborn sweethearts.
The kiss was brief, as it wasn’t meant for something than a thank-you and I’ll-miss-you gesture. As their lips disjoined, Jiwon hugged Sungmin voluntarily for the first time and said,
Sungmin-ah… I really thank you.
Thank you for being honest with me.
Thank you for taking care and being there for me during my most difficult times.
And I’m sorry that I realized my feelings for you so late like this….
Sungmin, who was hugging Jiwon tight in his arms, loosened his embrace and held Jiwon by her arms. Sungmin responded with looking straight into Jiwon’s eyes,
Sungmin: There’s absolutely nothing you need to be sorry for. Okay?
Sungmin ruffled Jiwon’s hair to express his adoration and to stress that everything that happened in the past didn’t matter anymore. He conveyed his parting note,
Sungmin: Go in and rest.
Jiwon: Arasseo. Bye!
Jiwon turned her body and walked towards the entry door looking normal and relaxed. Sungmin was still behind to make sure that Jiwon’s safe until she stepped inside the house.
As spontaneous as Jiwon’s always was, she ran back before climbing the outdoor stairs to give Sungmin a peck before she fleed to hide herself from Sungmin.
When Jiwon entered the share house upstairs, she jumped in glee with a beaming smile and approached the sofa in the living room to let herself fall free to land on the cushion. She touched her lips and squealed when she recalled her kiss and hug with Sungmin.
The trio who watched the whole scene peeked through the veranda’s wall towards Jiwon who was squealing on the sofa, admiring their housemate who’s madly in love.
07.00 p.m.
Eun who just got herself ready for her date, reached her phone to text Janghoon that she’s ready to go.
Janghoon was already waiting in the courtyard looking dandier than his usual t-shirt and sweatpants fashion.
Janghoon’s eyes blinked in wonder as he saw Eun who looked extra beautiful. She wore a gray long coat over a white sweatshirt and black skinny pants. Her hair, that had grown longer over the 5 months, fell just below her shoulders.
Eun put on a shy expression and linked her arms with Janghoon’s.
Eun: Let’s go.
As they walked on the street outside Belle Époque, Janghoon commented,
Janghoon: You changed a lot.
Eun: How so?
Janghoon: In a way that makes me fall even harder for you.
OH & PARK Entertainment
8.30 p.m.
As Yoon-sunbae shut down her computer and prepared to go home, her phone vibrated. It was a message from Jaehwan.
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Yoon-sunbae’s expression lighted up a little as she read Jaehwan’s chats. She typed her replies,
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Just as Yoon-sunbae was going to keep her phone inside her pocket, her phone vibrated again. This time, it’s a call from her mom.
Jinmyung: Hello?
Mom: Jinmyung-ah, do you have time to visit tomorrow? Mom misses you…
Yoon-sunbae thought for a while and said,
Jinmyung: Okay. I’ll visit tomorrow.
Mom: Arasseo. See you.
As soon as her mom replied her, Yoon-sunbae ended the call.
She kept her phone and hurried home. She wanted to wash up and lay down on her bed after a long week of work.
8.40 p.m.
Janghoon and Eun went out of the meat place with a happy tummy. They walked along a stretch of street vendors selling various accessories and couple-related items. A particular item caught Eun’s attention. It’s a pair of couple necklace, two necklaces with a lock and key pendants
Janghoon who noticed it, approached the seller and asked how much it was before handing over some notes.
As soon as Janghoon bought the necklace set, he opened the hook of the key pendant necklace and tip-toed a bit to loop it around Eun’s neck. Then, he looped the lock pendant necklace around his neck. Janghoon said,
Janghoon: With these necklaces, it’s a promise that you’re the only one who can open this lock. My heart.
Eun stood still as Janghoon made his remarks.
Janghoon: Since I’m going to go back to the base again on Sunday, I really don’t have a clue on when I can see you next. It might take another 18 months.
In response to Janghoon’s words, Eun said,
Eun: I know. You don’t really have to explain it. I’ll always remember you with this…
Janghoon grabbed Eun’s cold hand and walked hand-in-hand while heading home. They had a great date night together.
As Janghoon and Eun approached Belle Époque, they saw Yoon-sunbae who was about to enter the courtyard. Eun shouted and waved at Yoon-sunbae,
Eun: Yoon-sunbae!
Yoon-sunbae heard the shout and turned her head to the source of the sound. She saw Eun and Janghoon who were holding hands and Eun who was waving at her. She waved back and waited for the two to come near,
Eun: You just returned from work?
Jinmyung: Yeah.
Janghoon: Hello noona. Long time no see!
Jinmyung: Eo, Seo Janghoon. When are you going back to the base?
Janghoon: This Sunday at 3 p.m., I have to be there already.
Jinmyung: Ah, that’s so fast. It would’ve been nice if you can stay longer. Eun will miss you a lot.
Suddenly, a thought came to Janghoon’s mind.
Janghoon: How’s Jaehwan-hyung?
Yoon-sunbae’s expression suddenly darkened a little.
Jinmyung: He’s really busy at the restaurant, but he’s planning on visiting this Sunday. It’s such a pity that you have to return on the same day, if not you could’ve met him.
Yoon-sunbae who didn’t feel like discussing about Jaehwan much longer, suggested Eun and Janghoon to enter the house.
With that, the couple waved goodbye as they went their separate ways – Eun upstairs, and Janghoon downstairs.
As Yoon-sunbae and Eun entered Belle Époque share house, Eunjae and Yeeun were sitting on the living room sofa. Yeeun uttered,
Yeeun: Yoon-sunbae! Eun-ah!
Upon hearing Yeeun’s exclamations, the two rushed towards Yeeun and Eunjae.
Jinmyung: Did something happen?
Yeeun and Eunjae shared a glance. Yeeun then explained what’s gonna happen, this time, with her voice whispering.
Yoon-sunbae showed a surprised look, while Eun just smiled and nodded at what Yeeun had to say.
9.35 p.m.
Yoon-sunbae and Eun quickly took a shower first before coming out to joining Yeeun and Eunjae again in the living room. Kang-eonni suddenly came in through the front door too and joined the girls.
Seeing that everyone was there already, each girl held on to their specified props: Yeeun – cake, Eunjae – a banner, and the rest – confetti.
The girls approached Jiwon’s room and barged into the room and shouted out,
Everyone: Congratulations!!!
Jiwon who was in the middle of a phone call quickly ended the call and exclaimed in surprise,
Jiwon: Gosh! You surprised me! What’s this all about?
Jiwon scanned all the girls and read the banner that Eunjae was holding,
‘Congratulations for your first and new relationship!
We hope it lasts for a long time!
Yoon Jinmyung, Kang Yina, Jung Yeeun, Yoo Eunjae, & Jo Eun’
Jiwon, who totally didn’t expect the girls to find out already, asked in surprise,
Jiwon: Ya, how do you guys know? I never said anything about this to anyone.
Yeeun: Ayy, do you think we’re dumb? We saw you…
Yeeun was too embarrassed to say kiss, so she let her hands show the gesture of two people kissing.
Eun added,
Eun: You guys looked so good together!
Hearing everyone’s explanation, Jiwon said,
Jiwon: Aish, you guys!
Jiwon continued,
Jiwon: How was it? I was good, right? Tell me, how was it? Huh?
The girls exited the room and ignored Jiwon as they heard her absurd questions. Jiwon has returned to her usual self.
Jiwon who was excited, shrugged and followed the girls out.
At the dining table…
Jiwon sat at the edge of the table, and Yoon-sunbae was cutting the round cake equally for the girls.
It’s only been a week since the girls last gathered together, but since it’s a happy occasion, they’re back together again.
Eunjae who was curious about something, asked Jiwon a question,
Eunjae: Jiwon-sunbae, how did it start?
Jiwon: Well, of course he confessed. He couldn’t stand my sexy charm and beautiful face, that’s why-
Kang-eonni who couldn’t stand Jiwon’s exaggeration, stopped her from finishing her overstatement.
Yina: Aish, stop it with the exaggeration. So, what did you tell him?
Jiwon: Well, I said… he should’ve confessed earlier so I could realize my feelings for him sooner.
Everyone squealed as Jiwon’s answer tickled them. It was really unlike her personality, but maybe Jiwon is a soft-hearted human in terms of relationship anyway.
The girls’ conversation continued with laughter and smiles as the night marked the first day that no Belle Époque girl remained a mosol.
Sungmin’s Apartment
9.35 p.m.
Sungmin decided to call Jiwon as he just finished showering and was lying down on his bed.
As Jiwon picked up his call, he said,
Sungmin: Jiwon-ah, what are you doing?
Jiwon: Nothing, just lying down on my bed.
Sungmin: Have you eaten dinner?
Jiwon: ani, I’m not hungry. Those chicken drumsticks we had earlier are still sleeping in my tummy.
Sungmin smiled a little as Jiwon made that as a reason.
Jiwon: What about you? What were you doing before this?
Sungmin: Me? I was thinking about you. In the shower.
Jiwon who heard Sungmin’s answer, grinned and said,
Jiwon: Ya! You dirty little brat, it’s only been a few hours since we got together and you already had those thoughts?
Sungmin: Who said I was thinking dirty about you? I missed you. That’s why you just appeared in my mind.
Suddenly, Sungmin could hear a loud sound coming from Jiwon’s end that said,
Before Sungmin could ask what’s happening, the call was ended. He tried to figure out what it was, but couldn’t seem to come to a conclusion.
He texted Jiwon and put his phone on the bedside table before setting himself in a comfortable position and head to dreamland.
Jiwon’s phone vibrated on her bed and showed two notifications coming from Sungmin. She was still outside in the dining area with the girls.
11.30 p.m.
The Belle Époque girls just finished their get-together. Kang-eonni who now lives in a rented small studio apartment, said goodbye,
Yina: I’m going back! Good night!
Everyone: Eo! Be careful on your way!
As Kang-eonni exited the front door, the girls went straight to their bedrooms. Eun by herself, Yoon-sunbae with Eunjae, and Yeeun with Jiwon.
Jiwon climbed up to her bed and put herself under the blanked. She checked her phone and as she saw the list of notifications on her locked screen, her lips stretched.
She opened the notification and saw these messages from Sungmin,
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Jiwon simply replied the message with a heart, locked her phone back and put it under her pillow before closing her eyes.
That was how Jiwon and Sungmin’s first day as a couple ended. It was honestly like being on a rollercoaster ride. Jiwon cried, expressed her true feelings, and got kissed plus hugged all in one day. And now, just before the day changed, she received her first ‘I love you’ affirmation from the person who’s no longer her ‘boy’ friend, but her boyfriend.
Thank you for reading.
Read the next chapter:
Chapter 4
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