#exercise habits
techdriveplay · 4 months
How Technology is Changing the Way We Workout
Over the last 10 years, the fitness industry has seen an explosion in the use and adoption of technology, from the rise of wearable fitness devices to the integration of A.I. at your local gym. There looks to be no slowing down the tsunami of tech innovation within the fitness space. The Impact of Wearable Technology According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research,…
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How to Build a Successful Exercise Routine for Seniors
Building a successful home exercise routine isn’t rocket science. You just need to be dedicated enough to follow a strict schedule to see great results.
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jessaerys · 10 months
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sun visits the moon at spk headquarters and gets so so so sleepy
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tablestoastandtime · 4 months
Legacy and Shadows
Say what you will about large parts of Tim's characterization being a product of the archetype he used to embody in the DC universe, it's kind of fucked up to suddenly become a completely different kind of character without your say so.
Or, Tim and the fact he doesn't get to have a future.
Tim wasn't sure what to make of the way everyone seemed confident that one day Damian would be Batman.
The kid was the only one to say it out loud, for the most part, but like a surprising amount of things that came out of his mouth everyone seemed to mostly take it for truth. And to be fair, when had Damian ever let anyone really stop him from going after something he felt he had a right to? So maybe it was true, if only because he was going to make sure of it. 
It was just. People used to think that about Tim, too. Not that he'd ever said that, ever even wanted it. If anything, Tim had spent as much time as he could reminding people that he wasn't Batman and had no intention of being him. But the shadow of it had lingered, and part of Tim had been bracing for it for years.
After all, Dick wanted to be Batman even less than Tim did, had initially been willing to let the mantle die to avoid it. Dick was Nightwing in a way not everyone ever got to inhabit their titles. Part of what made Dick one of the best of them was how he managed the split; by not letting there be one. Dick was Nightwing was Coach Grayson was whatever bullshit name he'd picked up while playing super spy. He never stopped being himself in any of those roles, for all that he'd put on the appropriate hat to play the crowd. There was a difference between performing and lying, and Dick was born for the lights. 
Batman didn't have much to do with light even at the best of times.
And on the other end of the spectrum, Batman was bad for Jason in a way that honestly caught Tim off guard when he first saw it. Sure none of them had been at their best back then, all alone in their own seas of grief, but Jason had lost whatever stability he'd had for a while there, and was only more recently leveling back out. He'd latched onto the mantle as both connection and insult, a last 'fuck you' to a man he wasn't ready to let go of yet. For Jason the cowl hadn't been about any actual interest in the job that needed doing. And yeah, maybe Tim was a bit biased because if he ever saw Jason in a batsuit again he was liable to do something truly stupid to pay him back for last time. What was worse, being attacked by a symbol of trauma or a symbol of faith?
Tim sure knew that he hadn't liked his end of the stick, at the very least. Maybe he'd feel differently if things hadn't gone the way they had, but he didn't want Jason to be Batman and it was only mostly personal.
Even before all that though, the idea of legacy had still been haunting Tim for longer than he'd wanted to admit. People died, heroes died, Tim knew that better than he knew what school he'd taken second year bio at, but the job always remained. Dick had only been interested in doing part of that job. He'd do the parts he wanted to well, Tim had always believed that, but that still left the rest of the job.
And Tim had kind of figured that would be his responsibility.
He hadn't always been happy about it, had resented the shapes Bruce built into his work even as he'd learned more and more why they'd been necessary to keep the undead freight train of the Bat going. Tim didn't like a lot of what Batman had to be to be effective, but he understood it and he didn't want to see Gotham or the world go without the pillar he represented. If you wanted a job done right, sometimes you had to do it yourself. Tim wouldn't ask anyone else to do something he wasn't willing to do, and if it meant Gotham got to keep its hero then yeah, he'd put on the cowl one day. He'd already tried once.
More than that, Tim was pretty sure Bruce used to see things the same way. Half of his training only made sense if it was to be something that was both more and less than Robin. He'd been preparing Tim for a role that wanted to eat him alive, and for all that Tim had gotten maybe more attached than was strictly healthy to the Robin mantle, it had become a part of him rather than his whole identity. Robin leapt into dark and danger feet first. To be Batman was to live there all the time.
Whether Tim had liked it or not, he'd spent the better part of the last four years half-knowing he'd have to move there one day and he'd lived like it was true. Frustrated, fighting it sometimes and dutifully twisting his edges to better fit others, but always like it was a future he couldn't afford to be unprepared for.
And then Damian came into their lives and Darkseid tried to transtemporally nuke Tim's remaining mental health. There was a paranoid imp that lived in the back of Tim's head that still half-believed that the whole thing had been another elaborate test, except this time if it had been then Tim must have failed because he never did get his life back afterwards. 
Tim put himself and everything he believed into a blender to find the cracks in everyone else's certainty and for all that he'd been right it had never even mattered. The Justice League found out about and went after Bruce independently. They'd only called him after he'd spent months playing into his own worst instincts to get the job done, just to do almost all of the work in front of him.
Maybe he'd done it all wrong. Maybe he'd been doing it wrong for a while.
Even if he hadn't wanted it, he'd been Tim Drake. Robin. The kid who might one day be Batman. And now, by some silent consensus he hadn't been invited to, he wasn't.
It was a relief. It was a deeply haunted house he'd been written out of the will for, it was a black hole that had materialized over his head and swallowed everything he had seen ahead of him.
It was the reality Tim needed to figure out how to live with.
He was doing his best these days, trying to fit the pieces of the person he used to be into the new shape of his life, but he kept cutting himself on the edges where they didn't quite line up. Cut other people sometimes too, even when he tried not to. But when he tried to take space to keep the sharpness to himself, it took his eyes off the movement of the world and when he looked up he had to start all over again to try to put together the puzzle of what he was going to do for the rest of his life.
And through it all, Tim kept turning over the issue of finding a name to use, methodologies to employ, somewhere he could even live, because the ones he used to have didn't really belong to him anymore. Never had, in all fairness.
They'd always been things gifted to him in exchange for dedication and hard work. He'd thought at the time that had meant earning. Now, of course, he knew better.
And now he had to do without them.
Who was Tim Drake if he was never going to be Batman? Who was Tim Drake, as someone who used to be Robin?
He had no idea. Tim just hoped it didn't take the rest of his life to figure it out.
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sk-lumen · 2 years
The secret to create healthy habits.
Motivation > discipline > consistency > habits. That's the process from start to finish, for changing your life around with healthy choices.
Motivation is only the launchpad to start with, after that you can't rely on it because it comes and goes on a whim! A lot of people make the mistake on relying on it all throughout, and then wonder why they can't stay on track while other people do.
What you need next is discipline: when you commit to something and stick to it even when it's hard, even when you don't feel like it, because that's how you fill the gaps inbetween to create a routine.
And you create a routine by staying consistent. Today, tomorrow, again and again.
When you stay consistent over months, over half a year, it becomes a habit, and when something becomes a habit, it's effortless to keep going because that is now your default setting. It becomes your new normal, the choice that comes easiest to make because you don't even have to make it or think it; you just lean back into it.
Going to the gym regularly becomes like having a meal; if you don't do it, you'll feel restless and off, genuinely craving the movement and the boost of endorphins. When you eat healthy regularly, you feel it right away if you get off track and indulge in too many treats: you'll feel it in your body, in your mental clarity, in your emotional wellbeing and it's so much easier getting back on track because healthy is your new default.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips To Relieve Everyday Bloating
As someone who has dealt with chronic bloating for a lot of my life, here are some of my thoughts, observations, and recommendations. HUGE disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on this, a medical professional, nutritionist, or anything of the sort.
Especially for women, bloating can be a sign of gynecological issues (endometriosis, PCOS, hormone imbalances like estrogen dominance, and even a warning sign of ovarian cancer). So, if you experience constant bloating that doesn't get better with improved digestion, schedule an OB/GYN appointment ASAP to ensure that everything is okay on the women's health front.
Everyone's triggers are different, but for me, these are some of the common causes of bloating that I've noticed:
Lack of sleep
Eating too quickly or while stressed
Lack of movement/walking
Not drinking enough water
High-fat meals
Chewing gum
Carbonated drinks/alcohol
Here are some of my best tips, habits, and product recommendations to manage & minimize bloating:
Engage in a 1-minute diaphragmatic aka deep-belly breathing exercise in bed right after waking up and right before going to sleep (place one hand on the middle of your chest and the other in the central "hollow" area right below your rib cage)
Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night
Have a bowl of oatmeal (made with plain oats and water) with cinnamon and fruit every morning
Drink water before any coffee in the morning; Only having at most 16oz or one large mug of coffee before breakfast in the morning
Chew my food slowly, taking time between bites
Drink at least 8 large glasses of water daily
Take my Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplement daily (I love the Deva brand!)
Have avocados/use avocado oil as my primary fat source (I love nuts/nut butter, but they really bloat me, so find your trigger foods!); I've found a large salad with a romaine lettuce base, some veggies, avocado, and an ACV-based dressing works wonders to settle my stomach or steamed spinach with roasted root vegetables/potatoes
Use digestive enzymes when necessary (These digestive enzymes are my favorites!)
Take at least 30 minutes to walk/move around daily (Pilates, yoga, or bodyweight exercises also work)
Drink ginger tea or some herbal-based tea nightly (my long-time favorite is Bigelow Benefits Calm Stomach Ginger Peach Herbal Tea!)
Don't eat anything for at least 3 hours before bed
For trapped gas: Try lying on your stomach, engaging in the downward dog yoga position or fetal position on the left side, or doing an abdominal massage (rubbing in a circular motion from the right side of your pelvis up through your rib cage down and around the left side) all work well!
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murphyblogs · 2 years
20 Weight Loss Tips - Losing Weight Made Easy!
1. Drink 3+ liters of water daily.
2. Drink a glass of hot water with lemon and honey every morning on empty stomach.
3. Increase protein intake.
4. Get more fiber rich foods into your meals.
5. Switch to green tea instead of coffee.
6. Avoid junk foods.
7. Do cardio every single day.
8. Avoid the 3 white poisons: sugar, salt and rice.
9. Never skip your meals.
10. Reduce your food consumption.
11. Eat more watery and low calorie foods.
12. Choose sprouts as snacks
13. No more than 3 main meals per day.
14. Whenever possible, add honey, lemon, or cinnamon to your food.
15. Eat these fruits: watermelon, grapefruit, apples and blueberries.
16. Do some yoga.
17. Avoid crispy, creamy and cheesy foods.
18. Lift more weights.
19. Eat slowly and chew each bite of food.
20. Spend more time outdoors.
Follow few tips and stick with them and see the amazing results.
Thank you, Be fit and happy!
Read Next: Every Night 127,000 Women Use This Caribbean Flush To Burn Fat After Dark!
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oliviafitmomof3 · 2 years
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rainyfestivalsweets · 7 months
"You need Dedication, not Motivation." -
-Alan Roberts
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ravenkings · 1 year
i really wish mental health discourse wasn’t divided into the two polarities of: “everything you do and say and every way you behave is completely valid bc you have ~~✨trauma✨~~” and “there’s nothing wrong with you, mental illness is an invention of big pharma to sell pills, stop whining and just go for a walk”
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glcnpowell · 11 months
tgm post-canon. 4th of july cookouts, mav + panic attacks, miracle mission ptsd, mavdad feels, rooster & his perceptiveness my beloved. literally just wanted to write maverick + sparklers on the 4th of july and this is the result ❤️
Thinking about Maverick hosting a cookout at his hangar for the 4th of July, inviting the daggers and giving them all a place to be that’s a little more remote and tucked away from the world.
(A place that’s a little more removed from all the fireworks that will inevitably go off all evening. The sounds are far too reminiscent of the miracle mission.)
He gets sparklers, though, because those are simple enough. It’ll be a fun night — food on the grill, watching the sun set over the desert, chatting and blaring Springsteen through the speakers of the new sound system Rooster set up for him.
But there’s a moment when Maverick looks over and Rooster’s lighting a sparkler, the flame illuminating his face against the blues and purples of the dusk falling around their little group, and without warning, Maverick’s stomach rolls. He can feel a cold sweat starting on the back of his neck and it’s hard to breathe against the sudden weight on his chest.
All because one moment, he’s looking at Rooster as he lights a sparkler, and then in the very next moment, Maverick’s back in Carole’s front yard. Watching as she writes the name ‘Bradshaw’ into the night sky with a sparkler, Bradley cheering with glee next to her.
He’s looking at Bradley as he holds his sparkler still for Bob to light his own, squinting a little against the bright flash of a new flame starting, and then in the next moment, Mav’s back on that fucking mission. Again. Watching as Bradley’s jet careens toward the earth, running toward Bradley’s parachute and praying that he won’t find Bradley burned to hell from the missile.
The sparklers are simple, easy, and they still manage to remind Maverick of the kid he vowed to protect and the kid he nearly lost.
Fucking fireworks.
Even through the fog of the panic attack Maverick can feel beneath his skin, he manages to shoot Bradley a smile and wave a hand. “M’okay, kid. All good. Just gonna sit for a bit.”
His steps are a little uneven as he makes his way to one of the lawn chairs near the hangar doors, focusing on his breathing and listening to the voices of his pilots — his pilots, all of them alive — to try and ground himself.
By the time he sits, Rooster’s come to sit next to him.
“I’m alright,” Maverick huffs. “Go hang out.”
“Nah,” Rooster says, handing Maverick a bottle of water from the cooler. “Gonna sit here, away from the fire sticks, and hang with you.”
Away from the fire.
Rooster’s annoyingly perceptive when he wants to be, Maverick has discovered. Maverick’s usually unnerved by it. This time, though, he’s grateful for it.
“…. Thought the sparklers would be fun,” Mav explains softly, shrugging a shoulder. “Good memories with ‘em.”
“Yeah,” Bradley agrees. “They are. And the memories are still good. Just, y’know. Seeing combat makes playing with fire a little — different.”
Maverick nods, twisting and untwisting the lid on his water bottle. There’s a flash in his mind of Bradley’s skin illuminated by fire again, and Maverick’s jaw tenses as he forces the thought away.
“…. I think I need to talk to someone, kiddo. Like — like you’ve been, I mean. On my own this time. Not just Navy-mandated.”
Bradley knocks his boot against Maverick’s. “I’ll help you find somebody, Mav. Promise.”
Maverick nods, watching as Fanboy finishes drawing a foursquare with the sidewalk chalk that Phoenix brought. Coyote’s already trash talking with the help of Hangman and the game hasn’t even started.
It makes Maverick smile.
“We all made it home,” he says quietly, watching as Payback lights another sparkler, using it as a baton in the air to signal the start of the game.
Rooster nods next to him. “Yeah, we did.”
They watch the game for a moment, the headlights from Phoenix’s jeep casting shadows against the asphalt as the sun sets fully. Gradually, Maverick feels his heart rate slow back to normal, the tingling leaving his hands.
“Thanks for being here,” Maverick offers.
“Nowhere else I’d wanna be, Mav,” Rooster replies. Then, after a moment, “Fifty bucks says Hangman gets kicked out of the game first.”
Maverick snorts out a laugh, shaking his head fondly. “You’re on.”
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catcake24 · 11 days
I- I think I just found my life hack for actually getting exercise
Just Dance. I WILLINGLY got tired and sweaty just to dance along with fake people on screen. And now afterwords I’ve had a shower and actually feel GOOD.
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femmeidiot · 16 days
being fat is literally so annoying and it's not even like the being fat part it's the stupid ass comments people make like as much as I struggle with body image I've pretty much accepted that this is just how my body is and how it is going to look but I am so tired of having people bring up stupid shit or feel like I owe them explanations about my body it's exhausting everyone should shut the fuck up and leave fat people alone forever cause we could absolutely destroy most of y'all's skinny asses if we needed to and I'm about to start physically fighting the next person who says any sort of bullshit to me
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o2studies · 18 days
༻`` 20 May 24 — Monday 46/60
🧡 academia >> I studied chemsitry for about 4 hours. Im exhausted. Didn't look over physics like I wanted to. My exam is tomorrow (help meeeee TvT)
🧡 physical health >> I exercised a good bit today (Im not gonna even try naming whatever it is I was going)
🧡 self care >> I walked my dog and sat under a tree for a while then ran with her for a lil bit
☀️ 8.20 I think 🌙 22.20ish
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(^ yesterday's absolutely georgeous moon)
Also my screen time today was under 3hrs 30mins!!!! This past month (apart from maybe 2 days..) was upwards of 4 hours, generally above 5 or even 6 tho so Im super happy about this!! (even if it only counted for phone screen time)
And also thank you thank you thank you to each one of you who sent me the 'beautiful person' ask 💕💕💕💕 you guys are the absolute sweetest and right back at youse with them! <33
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healthy-liiviing · 3 months
12 Daily Habits to Help You Get Healthier in 2024
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hanslanda77 · 10 months
Crafting a Transformative Healthy Daily Routine: Your Path to Wellness
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to neglect our well-being while tending to various responsibilities. But adopting a healthy daily routine can have a profound impact on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Whether you're a student, a working professional, or someone seeking a more balanced life, here's a comprehensive guide to help you create a transformative healthy daily routine.
1. Rise and Shine with Intent: Morning Rituals The way you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it. Begin by waking up at a consistent time to regulate your body's internal clock. Engage in activities that promote mindfulness and positivity, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. Avoid immediately reaching for your phone or electronic devices to prevent a rush of information before you're mentally prepared.
2. Nourish Your Body: Balanced Breakfast Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast that includes a mix of complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Opt for whole grains, fruits, yogurt, eggs, or smoothies to provide sustained energy throughout the morning.
3. Move and Groove: Physical Activity Incorporate exercise into your daily routine to boost your physical fitness and enhance your mood. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a full gym workout, find an activity you enjoy and make it a non-negotiable part of your day. Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, increases metabolism, and releases endorphins, the "feel-good" hormones.
4. Structured Work (or Study) Time: Maintain Productivity For those with professional or academic commitments, structuring your work time is crucial. Break your day into focused work intervals, such as the Pomodoro technique (25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break). This approach enhances productivity while preventing burnout.
5. Mindful Consumption: Balanced Meals and Hydration Make conscious choices about what you eat and drink throughout the day. Consume a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including lean proteins, colorful vegetables, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly. Limit processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive caffeine.
6. Mental Recharge: Short Breaks and Hobbies Intersperse your day with short breaks to relax your mind. Engage in hobbies you're passionate about, whether it's reading, playing a musical instrument, or practicing a craft. These moments of mental recharge enhance creativity and reduce stress.
7. Connect and Communicate: Social Interaction Human beings thrive on social connections. Dedicate time to interact with friends, family, or colleagues. Engaging in meaningful conversations or spending quality time with loved ones can uplift your spirits and provide emotional support.
8. Evening Wind-Down: Unplug and Relaxation As your day winds down, shift into relaxation mode. Limit screen time before bed to avoid the disruption of sleep-inducing hormones. Instead, read a book, take a warm bath, or practice gentle stretching. A calm evening routine sets the stage for a restful night's sleep.
9. Prioritize Sleep: Restorative Rest Sleep plays a pivotal role in overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a sleep-conducive environment by keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Establish a consistent sleep schedule to regulate your body's internal clock.
10. Reflection and Gratitude: Nighttime Journaling End your day by reflecting on your accomplishments and expressing gratitude. Write down a few things you're thankful for and acknowledge the progress you've made, no matter how small. This positive practice sets the tone for the next day.
Incorporating these elements into your daily routine takes time and commitment, but the benefits are worth the effort. A healthy daily routine can improve your physical health, enhance your mental well-being, and contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Remember, it's not about perfection, but rather about progress and consistency on your journey to wellness.
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