#how did i ever think he would be some big evil villian
retrospectislame · 10 months
im sorry i just cannot see wally darling as evil i cannot he is just such a silly lil guy hes the silliest silly to ever exist like omg he talks so slow and its so calming idk what his intentions are yet, but he is just so silly that he could be trying to possess me and i just would not care he is so silly
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
How about an au with superheroes and villains where Jaune is a villain, however he is only a villain/working for them because they give better health insurance and dental? As well as better pay/commission bonus.
He isn’t necessarily evil and instead simply sees it as a job, almost like working at a convenience store. Like he finds out there’s a MASSIVE bonus for whoever gets the information out of the prisoner and Jaune instantly thinks of how great the money would be. Nobody thinks he could perform torture or such because he’s too nice. Jaune however goes in with a smile on his face with a job to do. The villains watching even throw up at what happens or the more deranged look on with respect or awe.
Whenever the heroes encounter the new villain they never understand him because 1. Somehow he always gets away 2. He is always really polite and nice unlike the other villains.
Just an idea, based on something I saw on another au made by @moistmailman I believe. Curious on your take on this.
A Proper Villian
In a dindgy lit interrogation room, struggling against her the bounds that kept her chains to the desk sat the, Crimson Reaper, Ruby Rose hero of Vale. She was a young, and upcoming hero, but in a matter of months she had made her mark on the people, the hero’s, and most importantly the villains of, Vale.
But, now here she was tied to a desk, her greatest villains behind a one way mirror preparing to interrogate her for information. But, what ever comes, no matter what cruel, wicked monstrous torture implements they used, she was ready for them, she was ready for anything!
Then she saw her interrogator, and she realize that she was infact not ready. Least of all not him.
: Bah! The lighting in here is terrible! Just let me… Ahh! That’s better~! Ahem… Hello, Miss Reaper! May I call you that, or do you prefer the full name. The Crimson Reaper?
Ruby: J-Jaune?!
Jaune: Hello!
Ruby: W-What are you doing here?!
Jaune: I work here.
Ruby: As a baddy? But, you’re such a nice guy! Why would you become a villain! Did something happen to your family, did something happen to your nephew that lead you down the path of evil for revenge?! (Gasp?!) Did something happen to your, Pumpkin Pete’s hoodie?!
Jaune: No, my family is doing just fine. I saw, Adrian just the other week, ahh he’s grown so much… and, well… Something did, and didn’t happen to my hoodie, it’s complicated.
Ruby: Then why are you working with the baddies?!
Jaune: Honest?
Ruby: Honest!
Jaune: The pay.
Ruby: W-What…?
Jaune: The pay they have for all the goons, henchmen, and what not is fantastic!
Ruby: W-What…?
Jaune: I mean we get a lot of money, even bonuses. Hazard pay is major one since, we work with ‘villains,’ and fight against the ‘hero’s’ so much that it’s basically standard for any new goons to work here.
Ruby: That makes sense.
Jaune: Also indefinite medical leave, that’s nice. I mean, you hero’s don’t kill, but you main a lot of guys.
Ruby: W-We do?
Jaune: But, the medical staff we have is fantastic, broken spine, couple jabs with some untested chemicals, and semi-unethical surgeries, and your poll vaulting in no time! Or, you were accidentally turned into a nightmare monster. That happens more often than you think…
Ruby: W-W-What…?
Jaune: You get big composition pay if that happens though. Hell, this happened to my friend a while back, and now he’s fighting in the big leagues!
Ruby: He is?
Jaune: Yeah, recently he took on the, Golden Flame!
Ruby: He fought against my si…?! He fought against her?!
Jaune: Yeah, he may have gotten his ass handed to him, but that’s certainly one way to meet your, ‘Heroic Crush!’
Ruby: You people have hero crushes?!
Jaune: Meh, most people are in love with the mask, not the person behind the mask. Anyway, where were we, oh yeah benefits! Yeah, we also have possession benefits; those are mostly legal, and medical benefits. You won’t be held responsible whilst your body is being possessed. Any medical mishaps from being possessed will be covered. Honestly, most of the benefits we get are medical. Which are greatly needed in this line of work…
Ruby: Is that all the benefits you guys get.
Jaune: Mmm… Pay maturity leave, sick leave… Dental, oh the dental here is fantastic!
Ruby: You have dental?!
Jaune: Yeah, I mean a while ago, I got caught in the crossfire i a battle between, Valkyrie, and Silver Legs; I got hit in the face, and lost a few teeth, but look! I got new ones, fangs even!
Ruby: Naww… we don’t have dental… I want cool fangs too…
Jaune: Yeah, it’s great working for the villains! But, I don’t like their ideas. I mean, we’ve got five guys trying to conquer the world, three trying to destroy it, couple dozen trying to get revenge for something that someone did to them. A few environmentalists, they’re the worst!
Ruby: What’s wrong with the environmentalists?! They just want to save the planet.
Jaune: By committing mass genocide? Most of their ideas are meant to save the planet, by screwing over the people currently living in it! I mean, it would work, but at what cost?
Ruby: Oh… That makes sense… So uhh… W-What do you do here?
Jaune: Me? Well, I used to work as your basic grunt; fetch, and carry. Shoot this, and that. Protect strange object of power. Those ones are the worst, you wake up on the floor a lot!
Ruby: Ouch…
Jaune: So, now I mostly do interrogations. Extract information from prisoners, and what not. Big bonuses based on how long it takes you to get someone to break! I’m really good at it. I’m practically a shoehorn in for, “Best Interrogator of the Month.”
Ruby: Oh… S-So are you going to torture me then…? B-B-Because I will never talk, no matter what you do to me, I will keep the secrets I know to the grave! There is nothing you could possibly do to me!
Jaune: Torture? No no no, nothing so debased as that! I am a man of class after all, I would never stoop to such depths.
Ruby: Then what depths would you stoop to…?
Jaune: None. I just do my job to the best of my ability.
Ruby: A nice well pay, good job…?
Jaune: I know you may be upset that I do this for money, but how many heroes do you know that do this just for the money?
Ruby: Too many.
Jaune: Like the Monkey King, and The Blue Wave?
Ruby: But, their are people like the, Violet Shadow who do this for a cause!
Jaune: The Bull does this for a cause too. Although I’m not sure what that cause is; is he doing it for the blights of the Faunas like the, Violet Shadow is, just in an a more violent manner. Or, is he just doing it to get the ‘love’ of his life back.
Ruby: Does he?
Jaune: Hard to tell, he’s a bit of a prick honestly.
Ruby: She does say a lot of bad things about him… W-What about those who do it for good! Like the, Amazon Goddess!
Jaune: Then you have her opposite to that does things for evil for evils sake like the, Scorpion. Word of advice, stay away from him, he’s batshit insane!
Ruby: Okay…?
Jaune: Alright pointless debate on morality aside. I need you to answer me a few questions.
Ruby: I’ll never talk!
Jaune: So you don’t want to regal me with the tale on how you alone captured the infamous, Roman Torchwick.
Ruby: N-No…
Jaune: Ahh, come on, I gotta know! You, a rookie hero, barely three months on the job! Taking down, Tourchwick; That’s gotta be one hell of a story!
Ruby: N-No it isn’t…
Jaune: Oh, so was it just a case of dumb luck then? You in the right place, at the right time. He just tripped, and knocked himself out, so you just happened to be there, and arrest him…?
Ruby: …
Jaune: Lame… I thought you were cooler than this…
Ruby: I am cool…
Jaune: Why, because you’ve got a cape?
Ruby: Capes are cool.
Jaune: It ain’t cool if every other superhero has one. Man, you are so lame, no wonder everyone thinks you’re a D-Rank hero.
Ruby: D-D-Rank?!
Jaune: D as in Dismal.
Ruby: No! I am at least a, B-Rank hero!
Jaune: B for boring!
Ruby: I am a great, Hero! I found, Torchwick, and captured him all on my own!
Jaune: How? By asking, “Pweese surrender Mr. Torchwick, pwetty please?”
Ruby: No, I ambushed him! I hit him fast, and hard! He never knew what hit him! I had him out cold before he even realized what hit him!
Jaune: How, by making him slip on a banana peel?
Ruby: No, I shot him!
Jaune: You killed him?!
Ruby: No! I whittled him down till his, Aura ran out, then I tazed him. He was out like a rock. I then tied him up, and let the authorities take him away!
Jaune: Yeah, right you called for the baby police to give him a five minute times out in the corner facing the wall?
Ruby: No, the real police came, and took him to Rock’s Ban Prison!
Jaune: Pfft! Rock’s Bane Prison… He’ll be out by the time he walks through the door on his way in.
Ruby: No! He’s been locked up in their maximum security cells, he’s not going anywhere!
Jaune: So, Roman is in a maximum security cell, in Rocks Bane Prison?
Ruby: Yeah, and he’s gonna stay there until he rots!
Jaune: Is he now?
Ruby: Yeah!
Jaune: …
Ruby: Oh… Oh shit…
Ruby’s head hit the desk with a dull head as she groaned in rage.
Jaune: Something wrong?
Ruby: You tricked me!
Jaune: Did I?
Ruby: Yes you did! You antagonized me into telling you where, Torchwick is! Now you’re going to stage a prison break to get him out! And, its all my fault!
Jaune: No, we’re not doing that.
Ruby: You’re not?
Jaune: Nope. We’re just going to do a prisoner exchange; him for you. Easy peasy.
Ruby: Really…?
Jaune: Yep, their in the talks about the prisoner exchange right now.
Ruby: Why’s that?
Jaune: Because otherwise if it does, his partner in crime is gonna stage a prison break out. Finding out where he is was the whole reason I ‘interrogated’ you. Honestly, I hope they take the deal. Cause otherwise, his partner is gonna go, stabby stabby on them all. It’s and she’s really trigger happy with Mr. Stabby.
Ruby: Oh… Okay then…? So uhh… W-What now?
Jaune: Well, since I’m done, I’m going for a coffee. I’ll come back later, and give you a cookie! Bye~!
Jaune soon left closing the door behind him, leaving, Ruby to stare at ghe door at this utter bewildering moment. Leaving only one thought on her mind.
Ruby: …
Ruby: It better be chocolate, he knows how much I hate raisins…
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kay-then-i-guess · 5 months
I don't know how many dsmp-ers agree with this, but from a storytelling standpoint, c!Dream is just. A bad villian. I think it's a big reason why the ending is so universally hated.
I think in the beginning, it was okay, because we were all expecting more depth to get added to his character later. I saw so many fancomics and theories and analyses that gave such good ideas for a solid character, motive, and overall, a good villian. But we never really got that payoff.
He starts off with a basic "control obsessed" trait. He opposes the L'Manbergians for a mildly valid reason, and then only gives up the fight for control over Tommy (the discs). Then, Schlatt gives him the revive book; he gets even more control crazy. It's a good setup, but it never pays off in the way we want it to. The ending is unsatisfying for many, and nobody really stops to pity Dream, even though that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to pull this "aw, what a tragic character" card, but it's ultimately unsuccessful. Why? Well...
As I said, the setup is good, but things get muddled in the middle. After Dream gets the revive book, there is not a single moment where he's protrayed in any positive light. In fact, after this point, people's view of him gets worse. He slowly becomes more and more unforgivable. The problem with this is that after a certain point, characters cannot have a redemption arc. Or, at the very least, it would be very, very difficult. Dream hits this point. Once he hits that, the ending that people are expecting for him likely ends in death, or worse. The most satisfying ending for the audience is for him to die in a dramatic fashion—kind of like what happened with Schlatt. Schlatt's a good villian with a good ending; it's a satisfying end for a villian while still making it clear that our protagonists' stories are not over. We expected something like that for Dream, and frankly, nothing else would make sense. He had become so evil that the only option was death. There was no pity.
After he escapes from prison, we were ready for this ending. Clearly, it was ramping up for some big finale. And then, he never shows up. I recognize that there were other things going on behind the scenes that led to the lack of content, but it got to such a point that I was beginning to doubt if it ever would get an ending. I started to think that the dsmp would just fade away, all because their lead villian would not show up. All that build up to a dramatic death was, well, dying off. It was taking too long.
And then, when the ending did come along, it only pushes his "evilness" more. He reveals his revive book experiments and his end plan for Tommy and Tubbo. For a moment, the fact that he was gone for so long disappeared. The tensity is back.
And then they pulled the pity card.
It felt like a cop-out. There was no build up to it, no extra scenes with him before this moment where we stop to see his stuggle. No earlier streams where we can see him in an even slightly positive light. It just doesn't happen. So, of course, when they pull the "why can't things just be simple?" we all are yanked from the illusion of the world.
There are a lot of problems with the ending, but the failure to understand Dream's character, role as a villian, and audience expectations for him definitely harm the ending more than others.
I'd love to hear if you guys agree or disagree or just have anything to add! This is just my opinion, so I'd love to hear if anyone thinks differently. I like analyzing <3
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ijusthavesomanyblorbos · 11 months
hi guys. so i saw rotb. unfortunately i fucking hated it. lemme talk about why. (spoilers, obviously. be warned this is very long.)
first of all, lemme preface this by saying two things. number one being i did not have high expectations for this movie in the first place. because lets be honest, this is the transformers fandom, and hollywood has almost never done us justice. also, the trailers and teasers weren't exactly encouraging. number two being i am a huge fucking movie nerd. okay. i love movies. so just keep that in mind.
i think it's worth pointing out that my number one critic of this movie is that for almost the entire runtime, it's something worse than bad: it's boring.
i mean, how do you make giant robots boring??? how is that even possible? let's unpack that.
first of all, it has the most generic, cookie cutter action movie plot ever. we have to get the.... thing! you know, the thing! and we have to do it before the.... other guys! who are working for the BIG guy! and if we don't... the world will end! wahhh!
how is anyone supposed to be invested in that. there are no stakes. there's no tension. there's nothing. we've literally seen this exact plot played out one million times. THERE'S NOTHING NEW!!!
furthermore, the characterization of literally everyone is dogshit. the villians are bland, and have absolutely no motivation behind "darkness and evil." that's NOT INTERESTING!! there's no backstory! i literally could not even tell you the NAMES of the three main antagonists that are on the screen for half the movies runtime. that's how unimportant they are.
and god, the autobots are even worse. first of all, optimus prime and mirage are the only actual characters. i can't remember a single line any other robot says. not one.
but optimus is so under-hyped. they claim he's some big warrior (optimus primal even goes "i'm named after you") but we don't get ANY backstory. we don't know anything about cybertron, or the war, or even what the hell they're doing on earth. we know they "crash landed 7 years ago, and haven't been able to get off since". and they "have to get back, or cybertron will be destroyed!" do they ever tell us WHY cybertron might be destroyed? NOPE!
now we, as an informed audience, can reasonably assume it's because of the war.
but.... what??? friends, the decepticons are never even MENTIONED.
lemme repeat that. the decepticons are never. even mentioned. SO WHY WOULD ANY AUDIENCE BE INVESTED IN THEM RETURNING TO CYBERTRON? THERE'S NO STAKES!!!
back to the autobots though. also mirage is just annoying. he's literally just a"POP CULTURE REFRENCE" machine. that's it. that's all he does.
i... i can't even address what happens between him and the human guy (literally can't even be bother to remember his name) in the finale. i can't. i need to leave that alone or we'll be here all day.
god, i have so many things to say about this movie i need to speedrun a couple okay let's go
humans. boring. why are these movies about giant robots so determined to shove human characters in our faces they DON'T COMPARE EVER!!! the two humans are? fine? but the dude is literally just hero fantasy and the girl is. unimportant. nothing in this movie is important. you could cut any of them.
the action. mediocre. impossible to enjoy when "GENERIC ACTION ONE LINER!" is being crammed down your throat literally every five seconds.
why did the movie market so heavily with arcee wheeljack and bumblebee. they literally have like 15 total lines of dialogue. i can't express to you how much they don't matter.
and you know what. all of that could have even been forgivable. if they had just bothered to put some classic characters in there, with classic character designs, and make a product that actual fans could at least appreciate in aesthetic/homage, if not writing!
but they didn't. they used random ass characters who NOBODY cares about and gave them all SHIT designs too!
and it's so tragic when you consider all the amazing source material that they have to offer. i mean, i have been begging for YEARs for a movie set on prewar cybertron following megatron. the political conflicts and class wars! the origin of megatron is literally the MOST INTERESTING PART OF HIS CHARACTER! BUT IT HAS NEVER A SINGLE TIME BEEN ADDRESSED! HE GETS REDUCED DOWN TO BIG MUSCLE SCARY GUY WHICH IS LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! THE VERY THING HE REBELLED AGAINST!!!!!!!!!! ITS THE WHOLE FUCKING REASON FOR THE WAR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
can you tell i have a lot of feelings about this. wow. okay this is so long. i'm sure nobody's acutally read this far. alright. what's left.
what'll i'll say is this.
there is literally no appeal to this movie. NONE. it isn't watchable as a fun, transformers piece come to life. it's not watchable as a quality action movie. hell, it isn't even worth a hate watch!!!!!
and somehow. some fucking how. it is still the second best transformers movie. OUT. OF. SEVEN.
friends. how is this possible. how could this have happened.
to all the fan creators making fan art and writing of this movie. you guys are fucking heros, alright. you are taking this incomprehensible garbage, and making actual art. you guys make this franchise worth staying in. thank you, and i wish someone put you guys in charge instead of MICHEAL. FUCKING. BAY.
in conclusion. fuck hollywood. someone give money to the people who actually care about this franchise. or i'll die.
thank you and goodnight.
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odd8ball · 2 years
A Hans Theory bc the Twist villian thing with Hans was so dumb!
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So Hans saves Elsa...bro your whole plan is to kill her secretly and this guy was the perfect scape goat and your plan would go off without a hitch.
Well my theory is...as much as Hans is trying to be the villian and as much as the movies joke about him being an irredeemable monster chess master, I believe this was Hans facing emotional weakness. Ever since Elsa didn't bless the marriage he wanted to stage an accident for her. The problem is...he has 12 brothers who pretended he was invisible for a whole year. In other words seeing this cold shut off from the world queen who he can probably relate to (Not helsa I'm just pointing to the fact he could really to an ice queen nobody likes) made him jump to save her on instinct. Or maybe he's more of a softy than he likes to admit.
Granted as a soon as that chandelier dropped he probably regretted it and internally scolded himself but it shows some level of humanity. Hans weather you look at the movie or the frozen heart or whatever, is a victim of abuse. Spoiler alert! Abuse doesn't create nice people, that doesn't make abuse victims monsters but it's clear Hans has some internal conflict going on.
Considering his dad is a tyrant narcissist who values power above all else and Hans was hated for being weak...who says that doesn't translate into his emotions? Sure he tries to kill and he definitely has the ability to seize opportunity...but when it came to a fast choice he instinctively chose to save her. And yeah he looks up but like...where else would the arrow go without hurting anyone?
I still think the twist is stupid but if they brought Hans back for a redemption arc and the king was brought in to be the new villain I wouldn't be opposed. Also it brings the message back to what the original film was telling....you know ...familial love? Maybe Hans could find himself a found family in some way showing blood relation isn't really necessary to love someone like a brother or a father.
A big step in becoming a better person is removing toxic influences after all. How would Elsa and Anna react to finding out Hans has been abused his whole life by his family of all people? But no...we chose to focus on Elsa's powers instead.
Also another fun explanation for Hans sudden turn to evil is the magic demon mirror from the original snow queen. Maybe a shard got stuck in his heart or his eye or both by the end of the film. I mean we already know arendelle has a history of colonization, who's to say Anna and Elsa grandpa didn't bring back a cursed mirror? Or maybe Elsa's sickly looking ice place was a result of her negative feelings spreading into the ice and a shard is still stuck in hans heart.
In other words there are many routes to go with Hans and I'm surprised frozen two only gave him cameos as the big ex. Also if Hans isn't redeemable then his plan is just straight up dumb forever now ... Also if all else fails we can go the film theory route and say the trolls did it. I mean nobody really cares about those guys. I don't hate them but like... making them villains who cursed Hans gives Christof relevance again.
What do you guys think about my rambling? I like frozen but Hans is the thing that keeps me from being head over heels in love with the film. You know....despite me shipping him with James from the pirate fairy bc the novelty of two twist villains who are very.... flexible in personality beyond being flirty dating is funny to me.
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That last thing was too keep in mind I'm not like...smart? I do legitimately want to know what you would do with Hans if you were one of the people in charge of frozen. I don't think I'm qualified to write a story for Disney. I'm a 20 year old who writes fanfic, but I do think I would make an amazing ideas person. I mean if nothing else these ideas would make some great fanfic lol.
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beckface · 2 years
Now Presenting: I talk about my personal Boxlietner’s Return AU for an unfortunate amount of time
If Boxlietner ever returned this is exactly how I would want it to happen (ramble ahead)
-Some big horrible event happens and TB and Squeaky are constantly fighting over what to do
-TB is the only one who can save everyone, but to do that he has to overcome the mouse brain. This leads to a painful experience of him creating a ray that removes the mouse brain permanently
-maybe he gets someone else’s help to make the ray, narratively it would be the most interesting for WG or his henchmen to assist him while being incredibly pensive the whole time, and worrying about him as squeaky grows more and more frantic and aggressive but logically I think Mr Big or Tobey would be the most help
-One he’s separated from the mouse it can go one of two ways, either he collapses for the drama, OR one time I read this fanfic where he just straight up kills squeaky and I love that idea (it’s called For with that Grand Collision / Came a Grave Consequence by SylvesterSV on a03)
-One sticking point I have is that Boxlietner should NOT become this moral straight-man type. He’ll be less evil^TM ofc but I want it to be more like a Discord from MLP situation, where he still plays by his own rules. The mouse brain, whether it’s there or not, changed him fundamentally as a person
-So yeah, if this was in the actual show they should absolutely not show Squeaky dying, but Boxlietner definitely is not nice to him to an uncomfortable degree
-This is fan content though so Squeaky can die. And it should shock the people around him, like maybe Steven stands up and seems so happy to be back and remorseful for his actions, and Becky is really happy thinking she got her friend back, until Steven just, murders the mouse with a haunted look in his eye.
-Keep the long white hair but it’s not spikey anymore. Ponytail like in chucktopia I suggust
-His villian friends have no clue how to deal with this. Like absolutely no idea where to go from here
-Steven definitely has to deal with a lot of inner demons and probably exacerbates them himself, but he’s still gonna keep all the traits we love about both canon character(s?)
-He’s still a creative genius with a flair for flamboyancy and sarcasm, he’s overexcitable and forgetful but when he’s in the zone he’s the top of the game. Also he tried to avoid cheese out of guilt at first but it ends up becoming a comfort food
-It takes him a bit of time to come back to being himself, at first he’s very closed off and very in his head
-Wordgirl is really insecure about being around him, not sure how to treat him, and doesn’t know if he even wants her around, but she really wants to be around him like all the time when he gets back, especially with how worried she is about him
-Steven, who is greatly missing his former friendship/mentorship with Becky now that he remembers everything is also really insecure about their relationship
-he’s overly friendly to her but also keeps her at arms length and treats her like a fragile kid (which he never did even as twobrains) making Wg’s insecurities worse, making her think he doesn’t want her around, making him think she doesn’t want to be around him
-Becky can’t stand leaving things unresolved though so she eventually confronts him like “If you don’t want me around anymore just tell me!” and they work it out and begin healing
-Frequent nightmares involving rats and mice and evil laughter
-he’s like either 19 or 70 no one can tell (he’s 32)
-He’s still friends with the villains and sometimes they come to him for help on gadgets (more with the kids then the adults) but he generally won’t help if he thinks it might be too far against Wordgirl.
-The villains, Steven, and WG are are generally more understanding of each other then the rest of the city is to them anyways.
-After some time Becky just starts coming over all the time again, sometimes as WG and sometimes as Becky. Once he starts getting into the groove of inventing again she becomes like his little lab assistant because I said so
-The henchmen and him are best friends and regularly hang out together, but they work for Tobey now (as like a gift from Boxlietner)
-“Tobes, from one former evil genius to another, these guys are the best in the biz. They’ll do well by you”
-The henchmen immediately little-brotherify Tobey. Like Tobey is the smart one absolutely but the henchmen absolutely adore him and lowkey baby him after no time. Tobey has two new (admittedly dull) father/big brother figures now that he gets to spend all his time with because he deserves it
-Glenn doesn’t know what to do now and has a whole subplot of going on an epic journey to find himself and comes back an enlightened hippie because that would be funny. He tell’s Steven that he is “more reformed then you could ever dream to be”.
-Steven convinces Becky to tell her family that she’s Wordgirl. He holds her hand while she does it
-Becky (civilian form) starts getting “tutoring” from Boxlietner, who’s trying to come back to having a normal life in the public eye (He does help her with her homework but it’s just an excuse for them to be working together on bringing back Steven’s life and on superhero stuff without seeming like this random little girl is just spending a bunch of her time for no reason with a former supervillian grown man)
-One day Becky Scoops and Violet are having a playdate and Scoops says “man I wish we could go somewhere we haven’t played before” and Becky is like “dude I got you” and they just barge into Steven’s lab and the man (holding lava in a cup) is just “children what the fuck”
-on that note both Twobrains and reformed!Steven have absolutely no cursing filter around the kids. Granny May hit him with her purse for swearing multiple times
-unrelated to the au but Victoria actively tries to learn swear words from TB and later Steven. Eileen doesn’t care because it doesn’t match her innocent-baby shtick and Tobey considers it beneath him
-I can’t emphasize enough how much this man is going to be an absolute mess like he’s that specific brand of fucked up old man who’s not actually old. He’s trying so hard though, and getting better. I really like Bojack Horseman can you tell.
-Steven reaches out to his sister and neice with the encouragement of Becky, and reconnects with his family, who all thought he was dead
-His niece has a pet mouse. Steven panics upon seeing it and almost tries to off it before being brought back to his senses by Becky (who went with him to see his family because he needs support and because, yet again, I said so)
-His neice is a few years older then Becky and didn’t get the full details, so at first she thinks that this is just her adopted cousin. They bond while the adults talk
-Steven and the Botsford parents get along really well, they appreciate him convincing their daughter to c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ tell them about her being Wordgirl, though they clearly wish that Becky had felt comfortable telling them herself.
-Steven becomes the wine uncle to the Botsford kids he was always meant to be
-Sally, as the DA, and Becky, as Wordgirl, help him get get his life together, and Sally and Becky bond over solving legal problems for this slightly pathetic man
-TJ has some angst about his sister being WG, but he gets over it. The siblings love each other at the end of the day
-Becky keeps trying to set twobrains up on dates. (Spoiler she has no fucking idea what she’s doing but she THINKS she does)
-She only chooses men at first, just kindof assuming he’s full on gay, until he tells her that he’s pan (bad idea) and a whole new world of possibilities opens up in Becky’s eyes.
-Poor Steven ends up on blind dates with half of Fair City. He rolls with it because Becky has had him captured in her found family web for years
-The dates don’t really go that well due to his reputation. like Steven is still very charming and social but he’s really pent up at the same time, plus people’s perception of him doesn’t help
-Eventually Becky starts setting him up on dates with Villains, which is like really awkward, until Steven realizes that these are the most relaxed and comfortable dates he’s been going on (like I mentioned before theres this understanding between the villains, wg, and Steven that the rest of the city doesn’t have)
-Pick your fav twobrains ship to become canon idc. Personally I like grilled cheese because Chuck is just this mother’s basement kinda guy and him dating this brooding, tortured brilliant scientist is very fun to me. Also subversion of the normal trope- Steven is the huge flirt and Chuck is the flustered mess who’s trying to stay serious
-“Uh huh yeah babe that evil plan is definitely going to work. After you get captured Wordgirl’s coming over for dinner by the way, you should join us!”
-Whoever Steven is dating suspiciously rises to the #1 villian spot. Becky is like 🤨 but Steven says that he’s definitely not helping them, he just must be so incredibly inspiring to be around, he swears
-Steven isn’t really siding with anyone, he kindof loses any care for Fair City, maybe even growing a bit bitter towards it, he just cares about specific people.
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redbone135 · 2 years
BTVS has some really good villians, but in my mind, none will ever be as good as Angelus. I'd even venture that he's a scarier villian than most other shows have ever tried to create. He's not the most evil, or the most violent, but he's a level of crazy and petty that makes him unpredictable and terrifying. When he mentions, casually I might add, that he drove Dru insane before he turned her - I think most minds picture physical torture or the huge loss of all her loved ones... But then we see him start the process with Buffy and it's a lot more subtle and horrible than can be imagined. There are two scenes that live in my mind rent free that really exemplify this crazy, petty sadisticness.
Petty: When he confronts Joyce and pretends to be the stalker ex boyfriend... He is a centuries old monster, he has options there, and what he goes for, I think, is the worst in terms of hurting Buffy. I mean, he could have killed her mom, left a bloody reminder of his strength the way he did for Jenny and Giles, but he knows because of her slaying Buffy has an odd relationship with death - that pain is motivating for her. So he wants to emotionally abuse her? He could have told her mom about her slaying and vampires and forced the fight that Spike brings about later (Spike stans don't @ me... I know he didn't mean to) but Angel doesn't do that because as we see later, that's a breaking moment for the relationship and he wants her to live with the torture. So what DOES he do? The worst thing for a 17 year old girl, not the slayer, but a teenager going through her first real breakup. He tells her mom she isn't a virgin anymore. If that isn't the most petty and emotionally manipulative option in that situation, I don't know what is.
Crazy: This one only gets to you when you stop to really break it down into steps: Willow's fish. First, and I'm skipping breaking into her room since that's expected and not that difficult for him, first he has to catch the fish. Now, I don't know if you've ever tried to get fish out of a tank that big, but it's not easy with a net and I personally didn't see one so I like to think he caught them with his hands. So first he has to spend, what... Ten, twenty minutes getting all those fish out of the tank? Second, he has to SEW the fish together. Broody Angelus spent a good chunk of time just sitting on Willow's bed sewing fish together? And he had to be careful or they wouldn't have been in a perfect line like Willow finds them. Which implies either more time spent on this OR practice sewing fish together... Both of which are kinda crazy. Last, he has to dry the fish and gently fold them into a pristine envelope. I mean we didn't know what was in the letter cause it wasn't wet or lumpy... Putting a folded letter neatly into an envelope is hard... But carefully drying and putting fish into an envelope... That's a level of dedication that's just crazy.
How do you fight a man like that? You don't... Anyone less than Buffy would have ended up just like Dru...
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startistdoodles · 3 years
How would you rank the Pokémon Villian leaders from least favorite to favorite
(Feel free to include the Orre games)
I actually haven’t played the Orre games (YET... though I very much want to) So I’ll just rank all the team leaders from the main series 👌
Also I’ll give Rose an honorable mention since I haven’t finished SWSH yet and so I don’t really have a full sense of his plan. I do think he is delightful so far, though. Love his energy.
Another honorable mention is Colress, he’s not a team leader, he’s more of a high-ranking admin, but I still want to come out and say that he is wonderful and I love him a lot.
SO here’s the actual list, from least favorite to most favorite: (under the cut because this gets long)
Lysandre: Poor Lysandre...it kills me because I think he had so much potential as a villain, but his scheme is honestly really forgettable to me despite him having a really cool design and aesthetic. I love the orange and black color pallet, but it can’t really save him from being kind of an underwhelming villain to me. (Honestly, I think the entire X and Y plot had so much missed potential but I’ll probably save that for a different post some other time.)
Giovanni: Now from here on out, I actually really like all of these villains so it was a bit tricky to order them :’) But Giovanni is a really good team leader, and one of the scarier ones I think. Team Rocket is really threatening and shows that Gio really just cares about money, even when he has to hurt people or Pokémon to get it. His dynamic with his son Silver is really heart-wrenching and his involvement with the Mewtwo project is so despicable. And his role as the last Gym Leader is definitely one of the best plot twists in all of gaming. He’s intimidating, he’s ruthless, he’s honestly really great.
Lusamine: Yeah, I’ll include the Aether foundation president here despite not being a “team” she is the main antagonist of SM/USUM. And she is a delightfully cruel one too. She’s so self-absorbed that she had no problem pushing her own family away, including her two children who she practically disowns because they’re not “beautiful” enough for her. She’s honestly so despicable, but somehow manages to still be such a fascinating antagonist whose actions really did hurt me while playing the game. And bonus points because she has an awesome fusion with the Ultra Beast and it really shook me to my core when I first played. Her story (and honestly the whole plot of this game as a whole) is so rich and deep and underrated imo.
Archie and Maxie: I’ll put these two together since in the context of the games they’re mostly the same just a different coat of paint (ORAS made them a lot more individualized though, which is really nice and appreciated ) but they were the ones to kick off the “Harness the power of the ancient legendary Pokémon to accomplish my goals” series of plotlines, and though I think theirs is a bit more underwhelming than the other goals of leaders I’ll talk about soon, I do think it’s super iconic. They’re also one of the few leaders to actually show remorse for their actions and want to stop the mess they created. I don’t think I can pick a favorite between the two, they’re both very enjoyable in their own ways. I also love their rivalry and how they tend to dig at each other from time to time, it’s really entertaining.
Guzma: GOSH I adore this boi, he is SO delightful. Despite him not really being “evil” per se, he does have a good amount of chaotic energy and he just gives me a great big smile whenever he comes into the scene. I love how he is such a softie deep down, adopting all these misfits to be a part of his team and clearly considering them to be like a big family. They’re like a canon found family and you have no idea just how much pure joy that gives me. He’s also probably the most quotable of all the villains, giving us gems such as “It’s ya boi, Guzma” and “Y’all are stupid!”. He’s honestly such an absolute delight and I love him so much.
Cyrus: So Cyrus is one of the villains I only recently started to appreciate once I started getting back into replaying the main series and realizing just how deep his character goes. Game Freak gave this man a tragic backstory and you know I had to go and dig into it as much as I could. You can learn so much about him just by reading in between the lines of how he talks and how others talk about him. He’s sad, lonely, cold-hearted and wants to create a world lacking in spirit so that no one has to ever feel the pain of sadness ever again. But by doing that, he is getting rid of all emotions, even the positive ones. So he’s really willing to stop feeling happy if it means he won’t get to feel sadness anymore either. It’s insane and really something that stands out to people once they grow up. I know I certainly didn’t realize this as a kid. I just really feel for him and want him to be happy,,,
Ghetsis: And finally we arrive at my absolute favorite evil team leader, and the one probably no one expected! I hate him so much, and I think that’s why he's just so great. His writing makes him so devious, so twisted and terrifying that it really makes me feel so strongly about the already genius story of BW. He is admittedly one of those villains that’s mostly evil for evil’s sake and I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s as complex as Cyrus. But darn it, I can’t feel anything but absolute loathing for this man and his twisted ambitions, the way he raised a child to be nothing more than his human puppet...the way he manipulated the whole region to nearly go against us and separate humans and Pokémon from each other for good... the way he was so close to actually accomplishing his goals...the way he was so bitter about losing to the hero of BW that he actually goes out of his way to try and murder the hero of BW2...this man is just absolutely insane and probably the most terrifying villain Pokémon has to date and I will always get such enjoyment out of beating the crap out of him whenever I go and replay BW.
WHEW this took me nearly a whole hour and a half to write, hope you enjoyed my ramblings :,)
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gone-daddy-gone · 4 years
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Pairing: Villian! Kiribaku x reader
Word count: 4,752
Rating: Mature! (noncon/dubcon, anal/ vaginal penitration. oral. refrences to kiddnaping. slight yandere) Violence, mentions of death. I DO NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS IN REAL LIFE THIS IS FANTASY, NOT REALITY. All characters aged up.
Genre: Smut, slight Yandere, perhaps?
DT: @writerbyaccident and their fics here (1), and here (2), and @the-grimm-writer piece here
                                    Tag team. 
 Being a pro hero is all fun and games until you run into Bakugou Katsuki and Eijirou Kirishima. The two were an absolute power house couple. Kirishima’s hardening quirk made it so he never got hurt by his overzealous partner. Something that only bonded them stronger. 
 You had heard they both wanted to be heros at one point, and now look at them, the biggest douches in the world. Or you could call them villains. Either one worked really. They take whatever they want, or whoever they want whenever they want. The two were a disgusting tag team. You didn’t want to think about what they did to those who were unlucky enough to not escape their grasp. 
 Your job was simple. Take out a few bad guys, make some kiddies smile and go about your day. You trained hard, but not so much to the point where you were too big of a hero. You had been raised to be grateful for what you have and if you get blessed with more, then the lord had smiled upon you. 
 However, you find it increasingly difficult to be thankful in your current situation. Feet pounding on the ground, chest heaving up and down, throat sore from breathing so fast and hard. The explosions and objects being thrown at you didn’t comfort you in the slightest bit either. 
 “Get back here!” The loud one yelled from the top of his lungs, explosions propelling him even closer. 
 “Common now! You gotta be tired sweetie!” The red one commented, while a street lamp was thrown your way. 
 You of course were of the right mind, and were not gonna respond. 
 You weren’t even sure how you got in this situation, really. 
 You were on patrol for one of the smaller cities, mostly old people and families occupied this city. When you arrived, there was no sound. Everyone was gone, nobody was out at the park like they usually were. The bakery, old Mrs. Moniko ran was closed. The eerie feeling of danger began to settle into your tummy. 
That’s when you saw it, a kid, and she was crying. She was peering at you through blinds, wiping her face of the snot and tears. You began to walk towards her, acting on impulse to a child in need. 
 She viciously shook her head. 
 Causing you to be more worried, the next step was to pick up the pace. You always did have a weak spot for kids. But the closer you got, the better a view of her mouth you got. 
She was mouthing something. 
None? Mom? Done?… and if on cue it hits you, the cold feeling of fear. The realization dawned, mixed with the need to protect.
 Before you had much of a chance to do anything, you heard a thundering voice call out to you. 
 “What do you think you’re doing here, hero?” It was Katsuki. It was the first time you ever got a good look at him, in person at least. He was tall, and built. You felt guilty in admitting to yourself that if it wasn’t for his scowl, he would have been attractive. 
 “Well, I could ask you the same question, villain.” Your attempts to sound cool and brave were coming off more like a bratty kid. Even you can tell that. 
 “Tsk… Kiri? Why don’t you tell the girl what we’re lookin’ for?” Your eyes widened in fear. They couldn’t be together right now, why were they together right now? Of all the villains to run into, why did it have to be that team? The stories of how they like to take their time reverberated in your mind. 
 “Bakubro!!!” You frantically looked around for the red head. It was a mistake on your amateur part, they knew they had you right where they wanted you. He came out of the shop, hardening himself and bursting through the wall. You couldn’t help but gulp at that flashy way to make you feel scared. A cheap move, but subtle enough to get the fear growing. And they could smell it. 
 “Well we’re looking for money. Gold, drugs, whatever these nice rich people have.” He said to Bakugou before laying his eyes on you. “Wow and who do we have here? What’s your hero name again?” He smiled and cocked his head, just so that he could have almost looked innocent, almost. 
 “Well it’s actually-“ 
 “I don’t think it matters.” The curt words commanded your attention back. “You certainly don’t look familiar, so you must be a loser!” The ash blonde shut you up. “I mean really, look at you! You were shaking like a leaf when it was just me and now you look like you’re gonna piss yourself! I mean how pathetic can you hero’s be!” 
  Hearing him be cruel in person was way worse than the stories. At least in the stories they left out how evil Bakugou could be, how low he could scoop. 
“Aw are you gonna piss for us? Go on do it hero slut!”
 The words “slut” coming out of his mouth felt so accusatory. “Are you a little hero slut?” 
 Kirishima let his face drop his smile, replacing it with a slant. Like he wanted to scold him. Like he cared how you felt. 
 “Oh common Baku that’s a bit harsh, huh?” 
 “Common it’s gotta make you mad doesnt it? How unmanly these guys are? How self righteous they are.” The words of manipulation rolled off of his tongue as beautiful as it ever had. 
 Kiri pondered, letting the thoughts hit him. Before letting his gaze wonder all over your body shamlessly. Thoughts struck his head. The thoughts Bakugou knew would stir him up. 
 “Yeah… they do think they’re so much better, and if you believe in something you should fight for it! I have a good idea Bakugou!”
 “And what’s that Kiri?” 
 “Why don’t we make her prove herself, and if she’s really a coward she’ll run.” He looked so sickeningly proud of his own little sadistic idea. His hand forming into a fist. 
Realizing you’re either gonna have to get pounded to a pulp in a battle you would never, and could never win. Or run for your life and become an absolute failure, and give these monsters the satisfaction of seeing it. 
 It was a beautiful plan. A fun plan. Bakugou loved winning, dominating really. The thought of getting to take down and humiliate a self righteous hero, well that clearly made him excited from your view, and Kiri’s view. 
 “That might be a great idea, shitty hair.” 
 “Ok slut you win, we let you go. You lose, you die.” The conditions weren’t in your favor, no matter how strong you wanted to be; you broke. Tears welted i’m your eyes as your knees threatened to just give up on you. 
 “I don’t, I don’t wanna-“ Was all you could muster, mind racing to find a way to survive.  
 “Don’t wanna what?” Kiri asked, a dark smirk growing. 
“I don’t wanna die.” You said meekly, tears flowing freely at this point. 
 “Well then, you are weak and pathetic.” Bakugou said effectively kicking you while you were down. Like the bully he always was. 
 “Let's make her run for it then! Don’t you think it’ll be fun? Like a little race, and she’ll be our prize?” His optimism is ever present. 
 “I don’t know if she even deserves that hope. She’ll never win, and she’ll never out run us either. We’re gonna dominate her either way. She can run until her soles are bleeding and her lungs give out. She’s weak, and pathetic.”
 “But It’ll be so fun to watch her little ass run until she’s all red in the face, heaving and begging us to stop. That’s the best part.” You felt a cold realization how excited he was too. 
 And if you saw it, Bakugou saw it too. 
 “Alright, that seems like fun. You have to count of ten to start running. One,” One second was all you needed to process what he was saying.
 “Two.” Your eyes frantically look for the safest route for not only you, but the civilians. Maybe you could run and find help. But Bakugou was right, you were weak. 
“Three.” The seconds were slipping away faster than you could ever hope to grasp them.
 “Four.” Sobbing as you forced yourself to choose a path and run for it. Mind going numb with the only thought being survival. 
 “Five.” The smallest, trivial amount of hope bubbled up in your belly from how far away the “five” was.
 “Six.” It was barely audible now. Placing a hopeful smile on your face and wiping away the tears, you forced yourself to carry your legs farther. Being clear and out of the way of the hollering made it easier for you to think. You decided that running as hard and as fast as you could was the best plan for survival. Didn’t matter what direction. While the buildings were flying by, the two began to tail after. While you were daydreaming of escape, they were swapping ideas on what to do to you. That was the optimist in you, deep down, you knew you were as good as gone the minute they saw you.
 “Where do you think you’re going!” A tense sense of dread overcame your whole body. You begged yourself to just carry on a little further. You could make it out! You could get help and all this would be behind you. 
“You look so pretty from the back!” The sickenly sweet taunting from the red one made your stomach lurch. Their angry and skilled footsteps were coming even closer, and at a faster rate than you were ready for.
 “Come on now stop running you’ve already lost! We can get to the fun part now!” When he finished his vaguely perverted threat he threw a mailbox straight into your back causing you to tumble and spin. Ripping parts of your hero costume up, leaving you vulnerable in undesirable places. 
 “Damn Kirishima, didn’t know you had it in you.” You could feel the smirk in the way he talked. Every single part of your body begged to just lay down and take what's coming to you. However, that was not the hero's way. On bloodied knees and elbows, costume already half falling off of your body you made yourself stand. Getting into position to fight. The two were not that far from you, letting their eyes take in all of you. You went to force your costume together, anything so they’d stop staring and getting ideas. 
 “We already saw love! No use in hiding from us now. And besides…” Kirishima took another step forward. “We’re gonna be seeing more of you later anyways.” 
 Feeling fully threatened and backed in a corner the best you could do was talk out of your ass. “You’re disgusting.”
 “Well that’s not very nice.” Kirshima pouted, like he was a child. It made you wince in disgust.
 “I don’t have to be nice to the likes of you! Now, in the name of-”
 “Shut up you aren’t taking us in anywhere you damn hero whore. In fact quite the opposite, you’ll be coming with us. It’s been awhile since we’ve had pretty plaything.” You knew the words were meant to make you scared. You knew you shouldn’t show any weakness. But that was becoming increasingly difficult. 
 “You’ll have to knock me down first.” The smirk on the blonde's face caused you to get this itchy, angry feeling. He had always been so goddamn smug. Before you had time to process he had punched you square in the stomach. Causing you to collapse onto your knees. Letting out an agonizing whine, letting your fingers grasp your abdomen. 
 “Wow that was fast! Nice going Bakugou!” Kirishima yelled out, pushing his fist out with an obnoxiously childlike enthusiasm. 
 “Spoke too soon Kiri.” Bakugou retorted back to his partner, watching you as you pulled your knees off of the ground. You ran towards them, throwing out a small jab and uppercut in the direction of the loud one. He dodged them, almost too eager to put you down. He let his knee come up in an attempt to hit you in your already sore abdomen. You reflectively stepped back, avoiding the hard ligament. That was a short lived victory before Kiri, striked, making you stumble back not quite falling flat on your ass. You held back your tears, trying to focus on standing your ground to fight. 
 “Just give in… common I don’t wanna hurt you like this…” Kiri cooed, laying his fake sincerity on thick. You grimaced.
 A last ditch effort, using up all the anger and strength you had left you launched your foot into an attack. The confidence you had in yourself was the most powerful thing about the attack. And for a few seconds, you felt you could actually win. That was until the bone crushing grip on your ankle snapped you out of your day dream, and you were left standing there. Foot in the air and losing balance. Weak from pain and exhaustion. You felt your body lurch backward, the tight grip on your ankle the final debilitating blow of excruciating pain as you finally fell to the ground with a hard thud. They had won. And you had lost. Something you had already known, deep down inside of you if you were being honest. 
 “Look at you… pathetic.”
 “But she sure is pretty! Look at her…” “Kiri” made his way to your crumbled form, letting his intrusive fingers grip either side of your cheeks. Pinching them together, making you unwillingly pucker your lips out. 
 “Look at those blow job lips… can we keep her Bakugou?” Bakugou smirked down at your terrified form, letting out a mocking chuckle at your fear.
 “I don’t know shitty hair… you broke the last one really fast.” Your mind raced, your facial expressions refusing to help you out in this situation. As they both could easily tell what you were thinking. 
 “How did you do it again, you fucked her to death didn't you?” He sneered at the word death.
 “Yeah well… sorta. She wasn’t very willing to do what I wanted.” You let out a moan of agony at his disgusting words. 
 “I hardened my… ya know. I warned her! I told her it would be ok if she would just stop crying. I asked her nicely to listen to me! I swear.” He said, with an almost guilty look. Letting his eyes leave your form and go back to the one who clearly held the reigns of the relationship. You let yourself sob. Tears running over his fingers that held your face in place. 
 “Bakugou I’ll be more gentle this time! I swear! I wanna keep this one. Just look at how useless and defenseless she is!” You watched in absolute horror as they talked about you like you were some stray dog. Again, to your horror he spoke again.
 “Alright. We can keep her. Why don’t we test out how good she is…” This caused another surge of adrenaline to surge through you. Feeling the weight of a possible sexual assault, and enslavment weghing over your head, you bit his fingers as hard as you could. Instead of letting you go, he hardened his fingers. Causing you to cry out in pain, and you let go.
 “How feisty… but I think that little defiant outburst is grounds for a punishment. Wouldn’t you agree, Kiri?” The red one let his face fall from hurt to one of lust. 
 “Couldn’t agree more…” That was all you needed to hear as you rolled over to try and crawl away on your hands and knees. Muttering no to yourself like a madwoman. It was a cute attempt at freedom as you felt someone’s hard boot dig into your back, pushing you down. 
 “And where do you think you’re going, whore.” You struggled for words, anything to make it stop. But nothing was coming to your petrified mind. All that came out was another whine as he dug his fingers into your hair. “You’re gonna take what's comin to ya, and you’re even gonna thank us.” 
 After he finished his sentence he yanked you up by your hair, pushing your face near his crotch. Pants tighter than ever.
 “Take it out and suck.” You swallowed deep, shaking your head no. Begging him with your eyes for him to just let you go. That wasn’t gonna happen. Not today, not ever. Your defiance was met with a harsh smack to your cheek. Letting out a “stop” and a whimper, you let your nimble fingers work the button and zipper on his pants. Pulling the fabric down, as his erection basked in the slight freeness it was experiencing. With one last glance upwards into his eyes, you watched as he raised his palm in a silent threat. Quicker than he thought you would, you pushed his boxers down, letting his erection spring out in the open air. He hissed in relief, waiting for your lips to wrap around his large appendage. 
 You followed his orders from earlier, first gently suckling his tip with your mouth. A slight grimace made its way onto your features as you tasted his salty pre cum. Slowly but surely, letting your whole mouth engulf his member. He let out a guttural moan before letting his fingers find their way back into your locks. Pushing your head down further, causing you to choke and grip with desperate fingers, clawing his hips. You sputtered on pre cum and saliva. While he stood above you, smirk plastered on his features.
 “You got a nice mouth hero, ah. Now suck if you want it to be over faster.” With nothing else to do but submit, you put your mouth to work. Letting his moans encourage your lower region to warm up. It was ridiculous, your body preparing itself for what it knew would come next. That’s all it was, you weren’t enjoying it…. You weren’t.
 “Bakugou…” While still sucking like your life depended on it, you averted your eyes to see Kirishima stroking himself in full view. He was rather thick and long, the tip of his shaft starting to glisten with pre cum. A flush of red returned to your face before you got another smack to the cheek.
 “Pay attention to what you’re doing dumbass!” You moved your eyes back to him, keeping the tears that were forming in your eyes from spilling over. His angry hands still in a vice grip in your hair, a silent command to do more. You pushed yourself to take in more, even if it would only please him a little. 
 To your dismay, he was not very pleased and he decided to take it out on your throat. With his hands practically ripping out the strands of hair embedded in your scalp he forced his cock all the way down your tight throat. Your little whines and begs were muffled with his cock buried inside of you. A groan of pleasure came from him as he felt the vibrations from the tip of his cock, to the base.  He continued pulling you so that your lips were just wrapped around the tip before shunting his hips to the point where your face was forced to breathe in his hair. The feeling of precum dripping down your throat as his member was steadily bruising the back of his throat. 
“Do you want a turn Kiri?” The red heads already hard cock twitched at the idea. 
“That sounds great bakugou!...but I think I’m going to use a different hole.” After the words fell out of his mouth and slipped into your ear you couldn’t help but groan out in agony. The groans only made Bakugou that much more pleased, he let out a deep moan before pulling his cock from the back of your throat. 
 “I was just thinking the same thing…” You let your hands find their way to the ground, digging your nails into the dirt. “Please...please I’ll get you whatever you want...money...I’ll do anything just please-” 
 “I want you to shut up and take what's coming to you. And you better get used to it because this isn’t going to be the only time it happens. We’re gonna fuck you every time we feel like it, till all you can think about is how to make yourself wet fast enough for us.” Bakugou took your hair in his hands and pushed your face back into the ground as you felt Kiri lift your hips into the air. You heard your hero suit rip in two; your low whimper could also be heard if anyone would have cared to listen.
 Kiri got to fast work ripping off your panties, letting a finger find its way into your tight insides. “Wow look Bakugou!” He pulled out his finger with an almost childlike glee watching as your wetness came out in a trail. 
 “Well, I’ll be damned, she is a little slut. Do you like being raped, slut?” The words he was saying shouldn't have made you wet, but it was dribbling out of you. You could feel it, you could feel it. You felt the finger return and begin to play around with your insides, he curled his finger and you let out a shameful moan. You tried to push your legs together, hoping that somehow it would make him slip his finger out, maybe put up a barrier between you two. It was short lived before he pulled your legs apart, rutting his knee in between them to make sure they stayed apart. He kept scissoring into you until he felt like you were ready for two cocks. That was of course a long while of you whimpering and moaning as he found every spongy spot of ecstasy he could. He let out his fingers one final time, letting all the juices he had accumulated dribble off his finger and onto his cock. He moved to take the tip and play with it in your folds, he let out a nice, loud moan of pure ecstasy from your velvety walls. You couldn’t see it but he looked at his partner and nodded, he nodded back before teasing your walls with his own cock. It took you about one second to realize what was about to happen, for the second second you spent in complete shock, and the third, the third was when the agony set it. You howled in pain and agony, you could immediately feel the blood begin to drip down your thigh. You had never taken two guys at one, let alone two guys that were so well endowed. Your sobs to stop and to take at least one of them out was ignored. The pain was so much you could have swore you were going to throw up. 
 “God you’re so fucking tight and wet…” Kirishima muttered under his breath, as he forced his cock in all the way to the base.
 “I think that’s actually blood Kiri.” You let out a desperate “Please…” But all that earned you was a harsh smack on the ass. Your pussy reacted for you giving them a good squeeze. 
 “Hey I think she likes it!” Kirishima shouted as he did it to your other cheek. 
 “Please be gentle…” You begged for mercy to the sadistic villains. 
 “Please be gentle.” Bakugou mocked before he landed another painful smack to your behind. “I can feel that you’re enjoying this, I can even hear your whimpers you’re trying so hard to repress.” He was right, the sick sadistic bastard. You were beginning to feel a sick twisted pleasure as one big cock would come out and one would move in to take its place before it was barely out. They were pumping you stupid and all you could do was moan and hiccup. Bakugou let his fingers find their way back into your hair before gripping it and yanking you back so hard you could barely breathe. 
  “Open your mouth.” He commanded. When you didn’t immediately do as you were told he gave you another harsh smack on the ass. When you squealed out in pain he spit directly into your mouth. 
 “Swallow it and say thank you.” You could barely process the request as you felt yourself begin to come closer and closer to an orgasm you never consented to. You did as you were told like a good hero whore you were.
 “Are you a hero slut?” A hum escaped your lips as you got fucked harder. “Answer me whore!” He took his oher hand and wrapped it around your throat, giving a tight squeeze. 
 “Yes! I’m your hero whore!” 
 “Who do you belong to?” 
 You let out another pitiful moan as their two cocks pounded into your sensitive pussy. They were coming undone and so were you. “I- I belong to you and Kirishima!” 
 “What’s my fucking name whore?” 
 “B-AHH!” You didn’t get the chance to reply to him, your orgasm cutting you short. They both stopped moving inside of you, causing you to open your eyes, the look in their eyes told you that they were not happy with you. 
“Did I say you could fucking cum?” You felt a surge of cold fear run through your veins.
 “I didn’t-I-I I’m I-”
 “Shut up!” He smacked your cheek once, hard enough for your nose to bleed. With his grip still in your hair he began to rain smack after smack on your already sore ass. It didn’t take long for you to start crying and whispering apologies, some begs of mercy mixed in.
 “That’s right you’re gonna be fuckin sorry!” He ended his words with another harsh smack. “Kirishima, spread her little asshole open.”
 “NO...nonononono please I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”
 “You’re damn right you won’t do it again.” 
 He let another smack fall onto your now purple ass cheeks. You could feel a thumb and a pointer finger begin to spread you open, it was painful and uncomfortable. You moved and squealed like a pig beneath him, hoping to escape his grasp. You only got so far as your hair in the villains grasp would let you. Before you had time to plead more Kirishima was already shoving his cock inside of your tight asshole. You let out another painful scream, your throat was beginning to feel sore from how loud you screamed earlier and how loud you were screaming now. 
 “You’re splitting me in two!” The pain was too much and you began to black out, feeling Bakugou pull out was the last thought you had as your head hit the ground. The feeling of Kirishima's boney hips painfully smacking at your abused ass lulling you to sleep. It was a short lived break before you felt him grip your hair and pull you up. He used his thick fingers to pry your jaw open, letting his cock find its home in the back of your throat again. You winced at the taste of your pussy juices, throat already numb. Even with a cock in the back of your throat you began to drift off again, not without receiving another smack on the cheek to keep you awake. 
 “Ah, fuck I’m gonna cum, and you’re going to swallow it” You hummed in quick response not wanting to get abused anymore. 
 “Good...that’s a good girl, you’re starting to catch on now.”
 “I’m-I’m gonna come to Bakugou...her asshole is so tight.” And they were right only a few more pumps and you felt your asshole being filled for the first time. Soon feeling hot sticky cum go down your throat, you swallowed it all while looking into the eyes of the man who had just used your unwilling body however he wanted. After his cock was good and limp he finally pulled out of your throat, letting you finally fall to the ground in peace.
 “I like this one a lot Bakugou! I haven’t had this much fun fucking someone in a while!”
 “She was alright.” Bakugou replied, a smirk playing on his lips.
 “Does that mean we can keep her?”
 “Like I’d ever let a whore like that walk free after that. Of course we’re gonna keep her...can’t wait to see what else we can do to her.”
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 2: Hello
Words: 2049
The next morning you woke up with a massive headache and should have listened to your mom who said always drink eight ounces of water after every drink to prevent a hangover. Still, It was Saturday, and you were finally able to relax, well relax as much as a college doctor student could. You got up and hopped in the shovel you should've washed your makeup off the night before but conserving you almost got assaulted in an alleyway you allowed yourself to just head to bed. Still now what would you do, should you bring this up with the administrator, or your friends, maybe tell Fumi.
You got dressed for the day before heading out to grab something to eat, only to run into Fumiko who looked a bit dazed.
“Hey Fumiko, I'm glad I ran into you, it's about last night,” you said
“OH that's funny, I was about to say the same thing.” She said looking shocked “ Akio hasn't come back according to his friends, they think he might have tried to help you home, did you see him after you left.”
“Funny I was about to bring him up to, he came after me after I left and wouldn't leave me alone, we got into a scuffle in the alleyway on my way back, but he ran away when someone threw a can at his head,” you said
“He did what?” Fumiko said, “That doesn't sound like him at all.”
“Well it's the truth, so if he shows his head near me again, tell him I'm going to do a lot worse than swipe him with my quirk okay,” you said
“You...hurt him?” She asked
“He grabbed my wrist, what else was I supposed to do.” you said crossing your arms ``I'm leaving, I'll see you in class Monday.``
“(name) that's not what I meant,” Fumiko said then sighed that if it came out wrong, she would have to confront his friends about this, right now in fact.
“What are you sure that was Akio?” His other guy friend who was with them last night said
“Genji I'm worried, (Name) said she cut him with her quirk, and he ran off.” She said
“Well if that is true he had it coming, still Akio is a big pushover.” He said, “Look he is probably hiding in his room, the others are just worried for nothing.”
“I see you are useful as ever,” Fumiko said walking off and banging on Akio door, nothing she knocked again
“Akio, (name) told me what you did, come out.” She said stomping her foot, nothing, he must be gone.
The rest of the day passed when she finally got a call from Genji that was weird he almost never called.
“Hey, what's up?”
“Well I Ummm, the good news is we found Akio.” He said
“Oh good, where is he?”
“In the hospital, you know that one Villian that has been hanging around here lately, well they found one of his red feathers at the crime scene, he was pretty beat up.”
“Akio got attacked by the Nighthawk!?” Fumiko said
“That's what it says.” Genji said, “Doctor said he should be fine in a few days and the police are telling him how lucky he was to get away with those injuries.”
“Genji, I think we need to talk face to face about something.” She said, “where are you, I'm coming over.”
YOu were fiddling with a pencil watching a lecture on your own free time, not like you had anything better to do, maybe planning out your revenge for Akio, once you learned where he was, he was going to go through hell when you got your hands on him. You were deep in thought when you heard a knock on your door, now who could that be. You got up and walked over to see Fumiko and the other guy who was with you, both looked concerned and upset at the same time.
“Why are you here?” you asked
“Well, we found Akio,” Fumiko said fiddling with her bag strap
“Oh really where is he, I have a bone to pick with him.” You said crossing your arms
“Hey calm down, He is in the hospital,” Genji said
“Oh really, well I guess karma is real.”
“Hey don't say that about him, what's wrong with you, he is hurt badly,” Genji said
“Funny he hurt me really badly, and he would have done worse if someone didn't intervene.” You said, “Your friend is a real creep, I don't care if he is in the hospital or morgue the second he laid his hands on me is the second I don't care.”
“Wow and here I thought you were cool, how can you be so heartless!” Genji said
“How can you be so empty-headed!” you said
“Guys stop!” Fumiko said, “This isn't why we are here, look Akio was attacked by a villain that is why he is in the hospital.”
“Really now,” you said
“The night hawk attacked him in an alleyway last night,” Genji said
“Oh that's funny Akio attacked me in an alleyway last night as well,” you said
“Look, you said someone interfered right.” Fumiko said, “Did anything else happen.”
“All he did was throw a can at Akio's head, told me how to leave the alleyway to avoid him, also if it was the nighthawk I think I would have noticed the wings,” you said
“I can’t believe this.” Genji said, “ugh if you weren't so drunk Akio wouldn't have tried to help you home and he wouldn't be in the hospital!”
“Genji!” Fumiko said, as you grabbed Genji by the shirt and looked him dead in the eyes
“You are lucky Genji is in the hospital or I would have ripped him a new Orifice.” you said “Because whatever the Nighthawk did to him, I would have done something worse ten times over!”
“You are crazy,” Genji said trying to remove your hand but you flexed your hand and caught his shirt with your talons.
“And you are an asshole.” you said letting him go with a shove “Fumiko I think you should either find a new group of guys or a new seat in class.”
And with that you slammed the door in both their faces, both looking shocked but what more could they do.
Later that night you set off to find your clues on what happens, walking past Cherry stem and looking around for any sign, you saw the police tape, yup there was blood splatters still on the wall, you went around it and down the alleyway where Akio attacked you and looked up at the fire escape the man was on, you walked up the steps and kept looking around, no clues on where he could have been, you kept going up the steps till you reached the roof, you kept looking around only to see a single red feather laying on the floor.
“So it really was the nighthawk,” you said to yourself picking it up, he was noticed for not leaving a single trace so why would he leave this, you heard a jiggle of the doorknob and decided it was time for you to leave, you put the feather in your purse and headed back to school, grabbing a rice ball for dinner unknowing to you a certain villain was on the roof looking down at you.
“Well, well she sure is a curious one.” Hawks said to himself, unknowing to you his feathers were really easy for him to track down and control the public only knows him as a flying villain, unknowing just how special his feathers could be.
You sat in your dorm and looked down at the bright red feather, still, it didn't make sense to you, how could you have not noticed those giant red wings, maybe you were in such a panic you missed them, and still why would one of japan's top villains help you, still this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. You got out your microscope and plucked one of the feather fibers out and looked under it, everything seemed normal enough, quirks are always so interesting. Maybe if you cut down the feather shaft and extracted some DNA you could find out more answers. You flexed your pointer finger and cut down the middle, and to your surprise, everything seemed to be intact like it was still attached to the animal.
Your curiosity was cut short when the father shot up and slammed into your window, you jumped back and that's how he was able to conceal his feathers from you, he could remove them from his body and control them at will, so the Hpsc was lying to the public about how dangerous he could be, you grabbed it and it was squirming in your hand before shooting up taking you with it and you got slammed against the roof, you held on.
“OH no you don't.” you said, tugging it back down and slamming in on your desk “I wonder how much you can feel.”
So interesting ti was like its own living organism, no wonder he could be so dangerous, but still, if he could control it this far and feel it, was he coming to get his feather back, and if so he must be coming over, this was going to be interesting. You twiddled the feather between your fingers and hummed to yourself, what exactly was he planning.
You were still up watching the feather, it seemed to calm down, it must be able to feel pain and that's why it freaked out on you earlier, still, it was getting late maybe he wasn't coming, what a letdown, and here you thought something interesting was going to happen. You looked down at the feather and noticed it started moving slowly, your head picked it up as it started moving towards your window and tapping at it, you got up and walked over grabbing the feather and opening the window.
“You know, usually you ask a man before cutting open his feathers.” you heard the familiar voice, and you looked up to see him sitting down on the flag pole above your window,
“I knew it,” you said
“KNew what?” He asked
“YOu can feel your feathers even when they are detached from your body and control them.” you said “That's how you are able to hide out, and why I didn't recognize you yesterday.”
“Yesterday, what happen yesterday?” he asked
“I was that woman you helped in the alleyway,” you said
“Haha I'm just yanking your chain of course I remember you miss talons.” He said, “I see you got my gift, I wasn't expecting you to slice it open, that hurt you know.”
“Gift?” you said
“Well more like a clue, I was happy to see you pick it up,” he said hooking his needs around the pole and swinging down
“Why would you want me to find this?” you asked
“You seem smart, and seem like you would ask questions,” he said
“Well you put that creep in the hospital.” you said holding out his feather “I'm assuming you want this back huh.”
“Yes ma’am.” he said taking it from your hands “You look confused?”
“Well, I am wondering why one of Japanese most dangerous evil and is hanging outside my window.”
“Had nothing better to do today, and most dangerous villain huh, is that what they are labeling me as?” he asked “I’m not here to threaten you to keep your mouth shut, you are smart enough to know if you talk you will get taken by the Hpsc and try to extract any information they think you might have on me, still I expect you to be more terrified.”
“Hmm well I was expecting you to be a lot more evil,” you said
“Well I did just put your “friend” in the hospital so take that as you will,” he said
“Well thank you for that.” you said “I hate guys like him.”
“You should see the guys I deal with.” Hawks said, “Still you are the first person to find my hint.”
“Why did you leave the hint, really tell me,” you said
“Hmmm...that's a secret.” he said putting a finger over his lips, before swinging back up “Well I got to go and remember to keep this meeting hush hush okay.”
“I will,” you said as a large gust of wind hit your face and he was gone in a flash, yes this was getting interesting.
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 48. I like Ariadne. 
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, Nico takes a minute to talk to Dionysus’ wife, Ariadne. The rest of the story can be found on AO3, FanFiction.net and in Tumblr tags like Dionysus, Nico di Angelo, Fanfic etc. 
This Might Be Crazy: Chapter 48: Rosemary Tea
I lit a small incense stick. The smell of pinewood filled my cabin. Just when I wanted to begin praying to get Ariadne’s attention, I already got it. One moment, I was in my cabin, the next I was on Olympus, looking out over a massive vineyard. 
‘Nico di Angelo.’
I turned around. ‘The lady of the house, I assume.’ 
‘Yes. You called on me?’
Barely. ‘Yes. I, well…’ I shrugged. I wasn’t entirely sure. I didn’t think I’d get this far. 
Ariadne put her chin up. ‘I can’t say I wasn’t expecting you one of these days. Why don’t we talk?’
I mean, that is what I had in mind. I nodded and she gestured that I could come into the palace. 
Dionysus’ palace was big. It took a good twenty minutes to walk to a sitting room on the other side. In the meantime, Ariadne chatted about the decor for a bit. It was clear she had been responsible for most of it (it was way too stylish to be done by Dionysus). 
We sat down in two comfy chairs, with a coffee table in between. Ariadne snapped her fingers. A pot of tea appeared. ‘Sorry for the long walk. The west flank of the palace is not under control by the headmaster, so I had to bring you there.’ 
Zeus. ‘Eh, I get it.’ So. Now that we sit and we’ve got tea, I was kind of curious about how you managed to live with Dionysus for thousands of years.
‘Lets get the obvious question of your mind: You are wondering how I managed to live with Dionysus for thousands of years.’ 
I nodded, a little perplexed, but mostly glad I did not have to open the conversation. 
She poured out two cups of tea and picked up her own. ‘I don’t read minds or anything, it’s just what they always ask. The short version is that he helped me when I was going through a hard time, the same way he is helping you now. The difference is that he somehow fell in love with me.’ She took a sip of her tea. ‘And, after some more time, which he gave me, I felt the same way. Got married, stayed together, end of story.’ She picked up her cup. ‘Yet, you probably already guessed that there was more.’ 
‘Well, Yes. I would say that the support he gives you goes further than with me. He once, kind of accidently, told me about the bond.’
She nodded. ‘Accidently? Oh well. Yet, yes, we have a bond. I’d say it connects us quite well.’
‘Quite, quite well, I’d say. For thousands of years.’ I picked up my own cup. ‘Hephaestus told me Dionysus treated him like a regular human… or god, whatever. Like he was more than a tool or a piece of garbage. That is basically how my therapy works. ’
Ariadne nodded. ‘We share that sentiment, you, me and Hephaestus, among others. We feel like we are worth something. Like someone does care about us. That is how it made me feel.’ She looked at the ceiling for a second. ‘Cared for, and like I was finally free to do and go where I wanted, gods! That means something after constantly being bound to something, either my chambers in the palace, or the island, or the men I was with. I still don’t know how I did confinment for twenty years.’ Her expression soured. ‘I do know why I went with Theseus. It meant... a change of scenary, at least.’ 
I sighed and slouched in the chair a little. ‘Ah, yes, sons of Poseidon.’ 
She raised an eyebrow. ‘Sons?’
I looked up. She didn’t know? ‘I thought Dionysus would have told you. Anyway, I was in love with one of those too, once. He just wasn’t a piece of garbage about it. Did not abandon me somewhere, at least, or bully me for it. He might have been a little confused, but, you know. I get that. He seems confused about most things, actually.’
She shifted. ‘It must have been Percy Jackson.’
I took a sip. ‘Yes. And, eh, sorry.’ Didn’t want to rub it in your face. I wanted to ask what she thought of Percy, but maybe that wasn’t…
‘I do not have anything against Perseus Jackson, if you were wondering about that.’ She raised her eyebrows. ‘I think Dio has more problems with that than I do.’
‘I think you might just be right.’
She sighed. ‘Oh well. Yet, I did hear you were accepted like you are in camp, son of Poseidon as your first crush or not.’
‘I was! Camp overall is pretty accepting, actually, that is nice. They even learned to trust Hades kids. And idiots who fall in love with sons of Poseidon. It took a while, but they accept Annabeth now.’
She chuckled and pushed her hair out of the way. ‘So many more things are getting accepted these days, even amongst the gods. There is a shift in their behaviour. I don’t know what the trigger was, after thousands of years, but I am glad it is this way.’ She twisted a curl around a finger. ‘Sorry, entirely different subject, but how did your talk with the elder gods go?’
‘It was weird, but it went good enough. Over the last few days, I have heard less and less of the voices from Tartarus, and more and more from the voices of where the Elder Gods are.’
She smiled and nodded. ‘Luckily. You know, admitting the elder gods is a central part of becoming immortal. Because of previous lives, something, something, even the lord of the heavens is not really sure, I had to talk to them.’ She sighed. ‘Basically, part of me is also an older god, which meant that I was supposed to fill this role as a goddess right now.’ She rolled her eyes. I snickered. ‘I hardly understand what it means.’
I adjusted my jacket. ‘Still, that must be strange, though, to know that part of you is just…’ I waved my hands around. ‘Somewhere in superheaven.’
‘You get used to it.’
‘Still, it seems weird.’ 
‘To me, it seems weird that you visit the Underworld so often.’ She shuddered. ‘For me, it wasn’t a very good place. After I was killed, I was sent to Elysium. My father, king Minos, kept trying to control me and I missed Dio terribly. I would have chosen rebirth if Dionysus hadn’t taken me out of there.’ 
‘Oh yes, bringing people back to live, the thing he tells me is unhealthy to do.’
She gave me a mellow smile. ‘The difference is that he is immortal and you are not.’ 
Maybe. ‘Not yet. And I met king Minos, too. He was a nasty piece of work, sorry not sorry to say it. He tried to control me into his evil villian plans.’
‘I am not offended. He was a bad king, a bad husband to my mother and a bad father to his children.’
‘And a bad partner to raise the dead with.’
‘I am going to pretend I did not hear that.’
‘Thanks. Although my therapist is already aware of it.’ I took a sip. ‘Then we can both agree that he was a huge dirtwad.’
‘We quite certainly can. I still do not forgive him for marrying off my youngest sister to some old king who died not even a year later. She was then forced out of the palace to make room for the new king and queen, just so Minos could get the bridewealth payments.’
‘Oh yes, that is a very dirtwad thing to do.’ We both sighed.
Her expression grew dark. ‘I used to think my mother was better. She tried to protect her children, even Asterion. Yet, that was before she tried to take my labyrinth and use it against who I am. What she did a few years ago, raising it without my permission…’ she clutched her fist. ‘She had no business doing that and getting me wound up in it again. Before that, the labyrinth was a memory, safely far away from the human world. Now...’ She looked at her teacup. 
I nodded. ‘Eh… my sister was the one who handled Pasiphae in that encounter. I think she is gone, now…’
‘She isn’t, Nico, and she never will. She harnesses too much power to just be gone.’ 
I fell silent for a second. ‘I think I believe that,’ I whispered. 
‘I hope you do, but I also hope you don’t have to deal with her in your lifetime anymore.’
I was fifteen. On average, there was a lot of lifetime left to meet Pasiphae a second time. But I did not want to think of that right now.
‘If there is anything you take away from this, let it be that women in mythology, and not uncommonly men too, often fled, because the situation at home was chocking them.’ She had a flicker in her eyes, which suddenly left. She shook her head. ‘You probably don’t want to think of that right now. Say, have you ever tried this tea before?’
Now she was just trying to change the subject. I played along. ‘I recognise it. Rosemary?’
‘Yes! We grow it in the garden, actually, or better said, my garden. His garden is more or less... taken.’ She smiled again and looked out the window, at the vineyard that spread all around the castle. 
‘Guess that makes sense.’
‘I wouldn’t mind more flowers. But hey, I knew what I was getting myslef in to, back when I moved here.’ We kept looking out the window. I noticed a few panthers lazily roaming about. Ariadne didn’t even blink at seeing them. Just a regular day in Dionysus’ palace, apparently. 
‘I don’t know if I will tell Dionysus about this encounter.’
‘I think he already had a hunch it was going to happen, because I did. Bond and stuff.’ I nodded. ‘If you already told him you were in love with Percy… well, that is an easy link to me, I’d say.’
Maybe. Ariadne studied me, before she stood up. ‘If your finished, maybe you should get back. They might begin to miss you. 
I looked up at the clock and jumped up when I saw it was already past eight. Ariadne telling me the clocks were mad and did what they wanted did not calm me down. 
While we walked back to the mystic Zeus-free west flank, she said: ‘I am glad I could finally meet you. You seem like a nice, smart young man.’
‘Thanks. Eh, also, thanks for the talk and thanks for the tea. It was good tea.’
‘I’ll give you some. I am kind of proud of it, actually. It is one of the only teas that isn’t brewed by Demeter.’ 
A/N: My first draft of this felt clunky, it is better now. Still, I find it strange that it turned out the way it did. That Ariadne of all people is the goddess who keeps her distance for a bit, aside from the things she has in common with Nico.
As I said before: I need more Ariadne fanfiction I am being denied my RIGHTS the first hit when I google it is my own fanfic of two years ago and one chapter in Weezl’s drabble doc. 
Legit, Ariadne is the ‘mistress of the labyrinth.’ Don’t know how RR missed that. Be prepared because this fact WILL come back in a later chapter. 
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zodiyack · 4 years
Heart Eyes
Requested by @thekillingjoke-haha​: BOP Harley x Gangster!Reader since you dont have any. The news shows that the Joker is dead[murdered by (villian name)]and someone else wears the crown as...Queen? Harley always was attracted to people that were bad for her,but what happens when she has heart eyes for reader and reader feels the same.
Pairing: Harley Quinn x Gender Neutral!Gangster!Reader
Warnings: Murder, swearing, fluff?
Words: 1,316
Note: I wasn’t sure whether you wanted it to be a female or male reader, so I made it a GN fic...I think that’s it!
Key: V/n = Villian Name
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace​, @darling-i-read-it​, @fandom-puff​
Masterlist | Birds Of Prey Masterlist
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“Harley, we’ve told you, you’re not allowed here.” A bouncer stood in front of the doors, crossing his arms and giving her a pleading look. For once in her villainous life, Harley had a good reputation with a number of people. Sadly, some of those people had restrictions even they couldn’t make an exception for her to.
Harley broke out the puppy eyes, “Pretty please?”
“I-” He looked around, “Fine. But don’t make a scene. If anyone knows you’re in there-”
“You’ll get fired, blah blah blah, I know.” She gave him one of her infamous smirks. “Thank you cutie!” Once she entered the club, she walked around for a moment, taking in a deep breath of air. “Well, it’s a shame this place is only open for this last night. Never partied much here.”
“They’re closing?” A woman on a stool in front of the bar Harley stood by asked, words slurred as a side effect of the alcohol she’d been drinking.
“Kind of. Hey, drink-guy! Can I get what she’s having?”
“Drinking on the job? I’m not sure whether to be proud or disappointed.” Harley’s eyes lit up, corners of her mouth reaching her eyes as she smiled. Turning around, she practically threw herself into the person’s arms. “Hello darling.”
“Baby! Do you wanna join me for a drink before we blow this joint?” She chuckled at her joke, Y/n joining in. The irony of a foreshadowing comment, paired with the cluelessness of the people surrounding them in the club made the mischievous smile on Harley’s lips grow somewhat proud.
“...Why not. Make that two, sir.”
“Mhm.” He began mixing drinks, stopping to hand people their drinks when they came to collect them.
The T.V. at the bar was at a low volume, allowing the people working to hear the music coming from the rest of the club just a bit away. It was a wonder how anyone could hear the smallish box on the counter.
Then the news played, the man at the bar furrowing his eyebrows as he turned it up.
“Let me tell you, today’s news is far more shocking than anything I’ve ever heard us say. Harley getting captured? Joker breaking her out? Joker and her breaking up? None of it was as shocking as the newest crime committed. The one we never thought was possible.”
“The Joker has been found dead.” A photo of The Joker, covered by a big red X appeared on the screen. “While normally, we’d be beyond happy, celebrating and cheering, there is a catch to this blessing. The killer, and their accomplice, are none other than V/n and Harley Quinn.” Another photo showed, this one with a blurred Y/n and Harley running and holding hands.
The couple exchanged looks, recognizing the photo from when they murdered the Joker. They looked back to the T.V, listening more intensely than before.
“I thought Harley wore the crown as Joker’s queen?”
“Well it seems V/n just has a lot more of Harley’s interest than The Joker does...or did. What’s so special about V/n? Why is Harley with them? Are they dating or just working together? We have so many questions, yet no way to get our answers.”
“Besides. Harley really likes the ones who don’t give a shit about her, so it’s obviously pointless-” One of the news-guys chuckled, his partner laughing as well. “This odd relationship might just become our new research topic.”
“Screw the Joker’s death, we wanna know about V/n and Harley!” The two guys on the television snorted, eyes closed and arms holding their stomach as they laughed their asses off. 
The man at the bar shook his head as he turned the volume back down, “Sorry. It’s just... Well- I’m new here, to Gotham, and I’m... I guess I’m trying to figure out everything I may need to know... You kinda look like her, ya know.” He joked to Harley while he made her drink.
“Look like who?”
“Harley. I couldn’t see a whole lot in the photo they showed, but you kind of look like her.” He handed Y/n and Harley the drinks. “I don’t really know...sorry for bothering you. Enjoy your drinks!”
Once they were far enough away from the bar, Y/n laughed. “Jeez Harls, didn’t know you looked just like that badass from the news!”
“I feel so honored! I mean, looking like that chick?” She took a sip of her drink, “I can’t wait till we blow this place to smithereens. Scare Gotham. After having such a fucked up reputation and getting away with it only ‘cause I was with that dick?” Harley snorted, “Gotham’s gonna see that I don’t need him. They’re gonna see that the Joker was an understatement compared to me and you, right babe?”
“Right. Just give me the word and we’ll go.”
“You set everything up?” The blond downed the rest of her drink, looking around eagerly.
“Yep. While waiting for you. So now, we just get out of here, click the button, and then...” Harley imitated an explosion, eyes full of excitement and intrigue. Y/n nodded, copying Harley’s imitation with a nod. 
“I’m ready.”
Y/n downed the rest of their drink, hopping out of their seat. They left their drinks on the table, walking to the doors while maintaining eye contact with one another as they walked. Y/n pulled the door open, smiling to Harley as they let her go first, then followed behind shortly.
“Hey! Harley! You didn’t get caught in there, did you?” The bouncer chuckled.
“Nope! Thanks for letting me in.” She remembered their plan, and how the bouncer would likely never be seen again had he stayed where he was. “Um, why don’t you go get a breath of fresh air, yeah?”
“I’m outside already, Harley.”
Harley continued trying and trying. Y/n noticed, walking back around the corner and into the bouncer’s view. “I know... I mean-”
“Question.” His attention turned to Y/n, standing next to Harley with an eyebrow quirked. “Who’s car is in that parking lot back there? It’s pretty much the only car there-”
“That’s mine. Why?”
“Uh- Well, your car’s being broken into.” Y/n smirked as the bouncer’s eyes widened. He ran as fast as he could, stumbling over his feet trying to get to the lot. “Now that he’s out of the way...ready Harls?”
“Yup!” They held hands, walking away from the club and stopping in between the club and it’s parking lot. Fortunately, the space between the two was quite large, giving them enough space to be away and safe from the explosion but in range for the most recent add-on to their plan.
Clicking the button, the place erupted into flames. Helicopters appeared over the building about a half hour later. “Just on time.” Y/n pulled Harley into a harsh kiss, smiling into it when they felt the light from the copter shine on them, seeing it’s brightness through their eyelids.
Their mission was accomplished. Gotham wanted to see who Harley had heart eyes for? Why not give them what they want. Call it... business. That’s what they were doing. Business...with a little fun on the side.
Gotham’s newest rulers; this time, heart eyes were being made both ways rather than one- showing that they weren’t kidding. Harley would do anything for Y/n, and Y/n for Harley. Harley could think of a thousand cheesy sayings about love, and prove that they were true for her and her gangster.
For example, that one saying about love overpowering evil was true...in a way. Because Y/n loved her, Harley was more dangerous than she’d ever been, and with Harley loving Y/n, they were just as dangerous. The couple was like an upgraded version of Harley and the joker. Smarter, far more dangerous, even stronger, genuinely in love- not to mention, way more crazier.
But you know what they say;
Love Heart-eyes makes you crazy.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Lilo and Stitch Crossover Arc: “Rufus” (Kim Possible) Better and Worse (Paid for by WeirdKev27)
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Aloha all you happy people! It’s back to Kauai for the third of my look at LIlo and Stitch’s crossover episodes! This retrospective was made possible by WeirdKev27, who had the idea for it and paid for me to review these episodes. You too can buy reviews for only 5 bucks a pop. Just go to my ask, Direct Messages or discord.
Now with my plugging out of the way, this one, out of all four is the one I looked forward to the most, and out of the four shows in this crossoverathon to make the trip to the Kauai, this one is hands down my faviorite. 
Kim Possible was just damn good and having rewatched a handful of episodes and the movie (Easily one of my faviorite Disney movies and the best DCOM, I will not back down on either), I can say it holds up every bit as good as it did in the early 2000′s. Frankly like Danny Phantom i’m surprised I never thought to get to it till now. But no time like the present: The show proper is a fun super spy sendup, but still feels unique: Instead of i’ts Teen Superspy working for some knockoff of MI6 or S.H.I.E.L.D., Kim is self employed, simply helping people because it’s the right thign to do and not for any reward with the help of her bumbling  but loveable sidekick and future boyfriend Ron, though the romance angle wasn’t overplayed with the two, just hinted at here and there, enough to make it plausable for Ron to realize he has feelings in the movie and for Kim to return them and frankly it’s probably the best handled “Friends to lovers’ plot i’ve seen in a children’s cartoon. I”ll get more into that if I hit my stretch goal for it on patreon, more on that at the end of the review, but while it has no baring on this review I still felt it worth noting as that trope is NOT easy to pull off.
Point is, the show was smart, funny, engaging and had two great characters, a tremendously talented voice cast, and more anchoring it. It was a treasured part of my adolsence. It also had one of the only succesful “Save our show” campagins from fans i’ve ever seen. Despite So The Drama having been written as a finale and having reached Disney’s episode count, fan demand for a fourth season was so incredibly high we got one and it’s to this day one of the very few Disney shows to live past three seasons as a result. The show is in full on Disney Plus, along with the movie, which I HIGHLY recommend and hope I get to talk about, and the recent live action remake movie which .. is not bad. Not GREAT but the leads do make a good kim and ron, paticuarlly my boy Sean Gambone as Ron, and for a live action remake it really does get the spirit of the show. 
But obviously we’re not here to talk about the show proper, though I REALLY want to now, but instead it’s crossover. So far the crossovers for Lilo and Stitch have been, much like said live action remake, OKAY, but nothing amazing, often shoving in sideplots related to Lilo and Stitch proper we didn’t need, forced morals and not really having a good amount of character intraction. The good news is this crossover DOES fix a lot of that.. the bad is that it also has some new problems, and still falls into some of the same traps the other episodes have. See what I mean with the full review under the cut!
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We open at night, with Lilo and Stitch playing hide and seek. Adorably though Sttich dosen’t quite get the hang of it and proudly announces where he is. However things are quickly interupted when he’s kidnaped by a mystery ship out of the blue. It’s a good hook to start with, leaving us wondering who it could be...
And thus, if you hadn’t gone into this episode knwoing it was a crossover, giving us a hell of a reveal with a cut to Dr. Drakken being the one to kidnap stitch!
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Look I love this Doofus. He’s easily one of John DiMaggio’s best roles, up there with Jake and Bender, and the one along with Bender that cemented his career. as one of voice acting’s finest. He’s just so loveably incompetent, over the top and quick to bicker with Sheego, which leads to some of the funneist moments in his home series as she’d either skewer him good or he’d shove his boot in his mouth and help her point instead of his own. He’s just such a great character and he not only fits neatly into Lilo and Stitch’s world, but the writers clearly get him perfectly. We get a hilarious bit where, fed up with Hamsterviel, who he’s teamed up with, he simply fakes the radio going out, adjusting the dials purposfully to make it come in buggy something I GUARANTEE he put in for SHeego and I gurantee she saw right through. His plan is to create a clone army of Stiches.. meaning Hamsterviel’s big evil plan.. is a copy of someone else’s.
Lilo goes to Jumb and Pleakly, the latter of whom has been collecting magazines adorably. Lilo plans to go after Stitch but Jumba says she can’t go on dangerous missions without him and to get a professional and this part.. does not work for me. Most of the time Jumba ENABLES Lilo’s behaviors and while not wanting an 8 year old to run out into the night is a good call, he also suggests getting help.. instead of you know GOING WITH HER WHEN IT’S LIGHT. It sounds more like Nani’s idea... it fits her more to not want Lilo to run out and to want to get help versus Jumba whose admant about keeping secrecy yet very lax on things, and you know would BE concerned that his prized creation was suddenly stolen and actually think about it. He’s just so horribly out of character it hurts. 
And Nani’s absence really hurts the episode. See the last two, as much as I missed the lovely and talented Tia Carrere’s presence, didn’t really need her, though still could’ve included her: she could’ve made a cameo at the start since Lilo was there to visit her and she woul’dve made a better target for Spats than trudy, with Oscar fighting Jumba instead, allowing us some crossover interactions instead of having Jumba argue with a random asshole the episode wrote in. But it’s minor stuff. Here though? Her being the one to tell Lilo not to go would’ve made more sense: She’s protective by nature, and while she’s let go more since the movie, it’d make sense for her NOT to want Lilo to blindly chase after someone who beat stitch of all beings, as well as for her ot be the one to later tell Kim not to let lilo be involved. It’d be stronger coming from her sister and surrogate mother than Pleakly and it would’ve been a better arc to have Nani let Lilo off the leash so to speak and accept she needed to save kim. Instead she’s just gone for no reason and Jumba is grosly out of character and i’m disapointed. 
That said the setup is the best and most intergrated so far: Pleakly sees an article about kim so he reaches out to her via a message on her site, while Lilo is stubborn about not being help.. obnoxiously so to the point it hurts the episode. While her being inscure about someone else saving Sttich would be fine, the episode never adresses that and instead just has her say she can because shut pu instead of accepting help. The episode would’ve flowed better if instead she accepted kim but Nani had Kim push her away, and thus create more problems. More on that in a bit. 
But as I said this setup is great: it uses BOTH shows for once isntead of feeling like the first two, and honestly the next one judging by the blurb on the wiki, where its just “Hey x character visits Kauai”, here it blends both: The two main villians team up, and Kim is logically called for help since that’s what she does and they don’t want to risk lilo’s saftey. It’s good stuff. 
So our other heroes enter the episode, on a ritzy jet as Kim’s dad had an old college friend with an airline. I admit the episode weirdly downplays Kim’s penchant for getting rides, getting a helicopter that appears to be a touring one and getting this one via her dad instead of the usual person who owes her a favor. IT was a neat part of her character: that she got help from people she already helped on adventure’s we hadn’t seen to establish she can’t drive herself yet and to show she’s an experinced heroine with a lot of history before the show started. I also like how a handful of episodes after season 1 had returns from people we HAD seen before or linked to them, a clever way of having callbacks. 
It’s simple stuff Kim is ready for the wrold saving mision and ron hopes to get a vacation in. Nothing too out of the ordinary. 
So the next day Lilo tries to go it solo but is spotted before she can leave, while Pleakly has built a.. photo colloage of Kim’s face on the wall...
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... no wait i’m getting paid for this. Nevermind. 
It is funny as it is unsettling though and Kim arrives and Pleakly faints.. Ron also arrives doing fake kung fu moves. This episode gets ron about half right... they overdo it a bit on the shenanigans, but Will Freidle’s natural charm and talent mean that even standard ron bits coughed up by a cat onto a page and used for this script still work simply because he’s that good at delivery. 
We also get the who’s on first bit you all knew was coming as Kim asking what’s the Sitch confuses lilo and i’ts .. pretty funny. Again you could see it coming from a mile away, but Daveigh Chase and Christy Carlson Ramano really sell the hell out of it and we get a nice runner after of Kim misprouncing his name and trying NOT to say her usual catchphrase. 
She also gets filled in on the alien thing... and while she admits i’ts a lot to swallow, she also admits she’s seen weirder. And given this episode would, by airdate (ignoring the one for So the Drama as that aired before the last batch of season 3 episodes but continuity wise takes place between seasons 3 and 4), take place around the same time as the season 3 intended finale “Team Impossible”, by this point she’s seen vengeful fishteens mutated by a horrifying summer camp, a rogue gentecist who basis her crimes against nature on a beanie baby knockoff, magical monkey based kung fu, a magican egyptian amulet, killer robot’s resembling teenage girls, a body swap episode, a plan using a barcode to destroy the internet, an attack on canada, a giant poodle, a complicated time travel plot, a trucker with a mullet, her sidekick getting turned into a surprisingly competent supervillian, and draken’s plan to use his rap career to promote brainwashing shampoo. And that’s just a handful of the things I was reminded of on the episode list. So yeah, this isn’t THAT much of a stretch. Oh and lest you think Kim never encountered aliens the series finale was an alien invasion by aliens Draken had pissed off earlier in the season. Suprised Lilo didn’t you know have Stitch and the family army pitch in. Maybe Leory and Stitch was going on at the same time? 
Point is she’s in but goes with Pleakly in trying to keep Lilo out of it. And here’s yet another place the episode missteps: Kim’s REALLY patronizing to Lilo, treating her like she can’t do anything and later ignoring her advice when she brings up the current later, something that ends up getting Kim caught. The latter part especially bugs me since Kim normally listens to her clients pretty well, and had she doubted him could’ve at least asked Waid since she contacts him in the same scene. Speaking of which THAT’S why I feel her patronizing “not now kiddo” atittude dosen’t work: her spy master IS a child, her brothers have helped out multiple times, and the incident I mentioned from where she met her younger cousin who idolized her at an old west town was understandable: Her cousin was getting into dangerous stuff and throwing herself out there recklessly with no regards to her own saftey and impeding the mission with her well meant antics. Lilo.. knows who their looking for, knows the island well, and knows stitch’s weaknesses. And she goes from being annoyingly hostlile to kim to helpful, so it makes kim even more obnoxious for not accepting said help. It’s just.. draining as when this part of the plot ISN’T in play, Kim is fine. She’s her usual self.. not AS well written as the parent show, a bit too reliant on her catchphrases, but still not half bad and Christy Carlson Romanao, like Fredle helps paper over the weaker bits of the script.  She’s not even out of character in her actions, as she does have a tendency to think she knows everything or undereistmate people.. the problem is it’s written poorly enough she comes across as insufferable, and unlike the show, where she actually learned something here.. she just learns to work as a team? When she does on a regular basis with Wade and Ron? 
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It’s just so frustrating because they almost had it just right, but instead just had to try and put some half assed moral about teamwork in there. They broke from the formula of having an experiment of the week but they still just HAD to keep to their own formula. And look Kim Possible has it’s own formula.. but it used that to great effect, often using the episode’s plot to shake it up in fun ways, and the plots were still diffrent enough and the villians bold and intrestin genough that it didn’t grate.  This is starting to grate. And I do remember good and intresting episodes of the show.. but i’m starting tor ealize why I don’t remember NEARLY as much of Lilo and Stitch as I do the other shows it’s crossing over with: it’s so bolted to the formula they all just sorta blend together. It’s really fucking disheartning to realize something you loved so damn much as a kid just.. isn’t as good as you remember. And with these other shows.. I don’t have that as much. I accept proud family’s fault, Jake Long actually seems MORE intresting than it was at the time, and rewatching kim possible it’s excellent, same with recess coming up. I really need to watch more Recess. The most disheartining thing about this arc is the crossover just shows how BETTER the other shows were. Lilo and Stitch wasn’t a BAD show, and it isn’t here.. but it’s a mediroce one. it has a good premise. but it feels like they just don’t break away from the premise enough. This just... hurts a lot to type and realize. I really loved this show and movie as a kid and while the movie likely still holds up this.. this just dosen’t. 
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I need a moment... i’m breaking open the glass case containing my emergency patrick stewart clip excuse me...
That.. I needed that. 
So before the bicker sisters can head off, we get our goofy comedy subplot: Jumba thinks Rufus is one of his experiments, one that could destroy the universe if not cancel and is highly unstable. As for why this one wouldn’t of worked out, I get why: it’s TOO powerful. Stitch is a weapon of mass distruction in a cuddly package, but he’s also easily deployable, kind of like Wolverine if he was in the body of a cartoon mascot. Having the THREAT of destroying ap lanet is fine and good for the long term but it does you no good if you can’t control it and i’td just destroy you too. 
So he and Pleakly try to steal rufus without telling Ron why after Ron naturlaly refuses to sel land a chase insues. So while the boys and gender fluid person have their comedy plot, the girls head to where stitch was taken and find Draken’s glove.... they know it’s his because he put a note saying “return to dr. draken, his mother gave it to him”. That’s just.. fucking precious. And entirely in character. So kim aranges a ride, and dives into the ocean, but finds lilo in her parachute, and tries to send her back despite LIlo offering valuable advice both about the area , the current I mentioned earlier, and about stitch, i.e. Draken’s base is underwater (something Kim didn’t realize which feels odd for her), because Stitch can’t swim, something I genuinely forgot. 
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So while Kim sends Lilo back, or rather intercut with that but I choose to compress plots for my own convinence we cut back to Drakken and Shego. And I WAS worried that Shego wouldn’t show up, she wasn’t in the synopsis or anything and was delighted to find that nope she’s here. Drakken just isn’t the same without her.. I mean I liked the recurring subplot in season 4 where other villians would break her out, that was great, but in the end the two need each other. I may not ship them romantically but as a comedy team one just needs the other: Drakken needs Shego to cut down his ego and Shego needs someone to snark at and complain about. Sullivan and DiMaggio just had perfect chemistry and it’s easy to see why Drakken and Shego went from just another part of the Rogue’s Gallery to Kim’s arch enemies. 
Which is why I am sad Gantu and 625 don’t show up for this one. I mean I can buy it: Hamsterviel likely is doing this on the sly to see if he can find a better minon, but the two sets of villians have similar dynamics and i’d love to see Shego and 625 dunk on their bosses together. It’s a really big missed opportunity but I do get it as they may of just nto been able to fit the two together or it may of been hard to block a lot of scenes iwth the human sized drakken and the giant sized gantu. So unlike a lot of missed opportunites in the other episodes, this one I at least can understand. 
We get some GREAT banter with the two though. Out of the four guest characters in this one the crew really got Drakken and Shego down and the two bicker like any episode of Kim Possible, with Shego pointing out the massive bill on Stitch’s cage and how Drakken’s tried cloning about five times now and it’s never worked, and of course how he’s 50 50 splitting with a hamster bellow his station. Seriously why get rid of Gantu and 625 but keep the annoying rodent, I don’t get you episode. 
Of course while they quack quack bicker bicker Stitch escapes and Shego gives chase. Sadly we don’t get a fight between the two like we did with Jake, another missed opprotunity but Stitch getting out of her grasp by licking her is objectively funny. Stitch finds he’s underwater though and gets recaptured. 
Kim gets captured for the first time shortly after as the current caught her, but luckily she has kimunicator gloves and calls waid to call ron. Meanwhile Ron finally catches rufus back and Jumba explains the situation.. but Ron understandably dosen’t want to give up his buddy especially since Rufus has shown no signs of being a planet killer before. He’s not mooncake... althought i do think those two could hang. God now I just want a final space kim possible crossover to wash this out of my mouth. 
So it’s down to Lilo, the really not all that ambigiously gay their pretty darn gay duo, and Ron to save the day. Lilo finally gets to do what she kept asking kim to do: use jumbas hot rod car spaceship thing to go down under the sea, and they send Lilo and Rufus in since hteir small enough to get in and suriive the pressures. Our heroes arrive and Drakken is nonplussed.. only for Lilo to prove WHY she can keep an alien in line by freeing stitch from teh leash drakken has him on using kim’s grapple gun, and then frees kim. The good guys win and the bad guys loose and the base starts to self destruct.. eh they’ll be fine. They still have the movie to get to. 
So time for the wrap up: Stitch sniffs Rufus and confirms what the audience knew... that he’s a naked mole rat not an experiment. Which didn’t make sense to begin with for either show: Jumba’s archive should’ve been able to scan him or something (And if not he could build something to do that), and Kim Possible not only implied from day one Ron had Rufus a while, long before the rain of the pods, but A Stitch in Time outright confirms Ron bought him years ago in middle school. It just makes no sense and while it thankfully dosen’t take up a ton of the episode it still takes up too much. 
But with that our heroes prepare to part on good terms but Pleakly decides to celebrate with  Luau. Kim’s repsonse “Well I can do anything...”
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And we get a gratuitous luau sequence! I do love a job that allows me to type the phrase “Gratuitous Luau Sequence’ They clearly ran short and we just get a good minute of everyone doing hula dances for no reason. I mean.. you could’ve done a quick gag with the experiment who was mistaken for Rufus... who I now realize given the finale was befriended by someone. I’m headcanoning now Kim and Ron came back for that one and Kim had him sent to space as part of one her dad’s projects where he and earth would be safer and he could help with space missions or something. 
Final Thoughts: As you could tell I had mixed thoughts. As a crossover this melded things better, had a more original plot and the actors from Kim Possible brought their a-game.. but once again some disapointing characteteriztion and downright stupid decisions really let the episode down. These episodes just depress me every time and I’m looking forward to being done.. which given how excited I was going into this.. yeah. Like all of these despite their flaws I recommend checking it out if you like Kim Possible, if nothing else than for some extra drakken shego banter but.. keep your expectations low.
Next Time on Kim Possible: A team of spiteful assholes who are in a way repsonsible for Kim’s Career try to shut her down. It’s the intended finale episode outisde of hte movie people buckle up.. or you would if I was doing any of these. Though I should do “Team IMpossible” at some point. 
On the finale of these crossovers: The Recess Gang are the final visitors to Kuai as Lilo must find and stop a lazy monster... no i’m not guest starring too. 
Tommorow: Another kev one this time by patreon as I put two similar episodes of a show or franchise against each other and ask “Who Did It Better?” This time it’s two episodes of Celebrity Death Match, original versus revivial may the original.. probably win. 
If you liked this review, please consider supporting my patreon, YOU CAN FIND THE LINK TO IT HERE.  For just 2 bucks a month you get access to my discord, to pick a short each time I do one of my shortstravaganzas, and acess to my Patreon exclusive reviews! Next month I intend to do one for the show whose crossover gets the most likes within a week of it’s relase. Proud Family has already passed American Dragon so you have a week to get it ahed. And if you like Kim Possible, help me reach my 25 dollar stretch goal! At that i’ll review So The Drama, along with the Recess and Proud Family Movies. So check it out and i’ll see you at the next rainbow. 
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serendipitous-posts · 4 years
There’s this sheet of ice right? Hundreds and hundreds of meters thick, strong and sturdy and stretching for miles. And then one day, humans appeared on the ice, building cities and roads. They conquered and explored and evolved, creating new things, new ideas, always, always searching, until one day, they nodded, satisfied, because they had finally explored every square inch of their world. 
“weren’t you scared?” The children ask them, eyes wide “of demons?” and the adults will tell them, bright and brave and bold that they scanned and double and triple checked, and that there were no demons or monsters, there never had been “they’re just stories” they soothe their young ones, before ushering them off to bed
They all share stories and laugh at how naive they had been back then, believing in things like monsters and demons and devils when the only thing they had to fear on their travels were wild animals, mother nature and their fellow man
The ice is thick, so thick you can’t see to the other side, can’t see the water underneath. Can’t see the creatures that swim beneath it. Nobody knows how deep it is. It doesn’t even occur to anybody that there may be something beneath the ice, waiting
Ben tells this story sometimes, when his siblings or a reporter ask him about the Horror. Above the ice he explains, is their world, earth and everything in it, and below the ice is it’s world.
They never really get it, but he never really expects them to
Here’s the thing you have to understand about the Horror: it’s not just tentacles that come out of Ben’s stomach, it had it’s own body and it is huge. If it were to try and force it’s way out of Ben’s stomach, he would be ripped in half
(in another universe, a funeral is held)
In this universe, Ben is brought up to believe that the Horror is bad, is evil is wrong but it wasn’t always this way
When he was a kid, the Horror was his Belly Friend- someone who would tickle him and he would stroke it and feed it scraps. It was kind of like having your own personal best friend inside of you
His father, sensing his son was having Positive Thoughts, decided to devote the rest of his life to Stopping That
Ben & the Horror are symbiotic- they’re supposed to work together and care for each other. But that’s not what happened
The two are connected to each other, always and forever. They can feel eachothers emotions and even, when they were younger, thoughts
The Horror cannot speak, at least not human, but that’s okay because Ben understood him anyways.
(little number six grows up learning languages no human should speak, words that could rupture organs and tear through flesh)
(it makes his father nervous so he puts a stop to it)
They can only communicate to eachother when they want to, and overtime, Ben starts tuning it out, shutting it out
Luther wants to impress his father, Allison wants to be famous, Diego wants to be free, Klaus wants his powers gone, Five wants to know, Vanya wants acknowledgement outside of her powers
Ben? Ben just wants to be good
He reads books on heroes and villians and takes their ideas and black and white thinking and places it in his world-the real world
He tries to do what the pure, idealistic heroes do- he makes himself available to every member of the household, he puts them first, always. He never, ever ever tries to get angry
Someone suggests that whenever he gets mad, it’s not him it’s the Horror, and he leaps at that idea, because he can’t be angry, Good People are supposed to forgive, to let go
(Klaus and Five and Vanya always look sad when he says that. Well, Five looks constipated but close enough)
Whenever he feels hurt or angry or too agitated he just locks those emotions away and shoves them at the Horror to deal with
And as he’s shut out more and more by his family, he tries to compartmentalise all his hurt feelings, by repressing them, by blaming the Horror
Remember when Klaus resurected Ben and he was able to summon the Horror? Yeah there’s a reason for that. It isn’t part of Ben’s body. It’s part of Ben’s soul. It is Ben. They’re two halves of one whole
And here’s what dear ol’ dad never quite figures out; The Horror gets more unstable the more unstable Ben is yes, but the two are supposed to be one. It’s not just Ben’s feelings towards everyone else that makes it so shaky, it’s Ben’s feelings towards it. Because, like it or not, the Horror is a part of Ben. They are two creatures sharing one body. One soul. They are supposed to be co-existing peacefully, but Ben’s self-hatred is messing things up
So, yeah, Five comes back with a warning about the apocalypse. Ben, worried for the whole fate of humanity thing, forgets to take his pills (i haven’t decided if Harolds in it, but i am planning to make ben a famous author working under a penname so maybe they could meet through that? i dunno)
Five is worried about Ben. His last memories of his family, the first three had been distant, yes, but not like this. And Klaus and Vanya were acting like it as well.
(Luther may or may not think Ben killed dad in this)
But that worry pales in comparison to Ben himself. He doesn’t. . . seem right. He’s too blank, too expressionless too calm about certain things
(his ben had been shy and anxious and snarky and sarcastic . . what happened?)
Hell, maybe Ben didn’t actually forget to take his medication? Maybe Five figured out his dad was dulling his baby brothers emotions and took the bottle away, not knowing it was stopping his powers
You bet your ass that Klaus was pissed when he found out about the pills though, and that Ben kept it from him
That’s actually a big thing here- the others find out Ben had been taking pills to supress powers for years and kept it from them. Klaus and Allison are pissed, because they would have wanted them at some point 
And even though they don’t really know it, they have been conditioned to blame Ben for their troubles for their problems. Allison probably thinks that if she had the medication she never would have rumoured Claire, and the divorce never would have happened. Klaus is obvious. The others are all hurt that he has lied to them for years now
The problem with having everyone you know dehumanising someone, is that you start to believe that that person isn’t actually a human being. It happens in families that don’t have kids with actual eldritch abominations living in their stomach, you can bet it happens here
Sometimes, they all lie awake and remember that none of them are natural, and when you know that is it such a weird thought to have that maybe one of your brothers is maybe less natural than the others
(after a while, even ben starts to believe it)
Five tries to break it up because jesus what is wrong with you people
And Ben has been off his medication for his while at this point- not too long, a handful of hours but the Horror has been caged for years now, and it wakes up and it roars
Ben has to leave the house before he does something rash and Five reads his siblings the riot act before heading out on his own once more to try and fix the mess that is the future, leaving Ben alone again
But the anger is growing now, bouncing between the two halves, like a feedback loop, growing stronger each time. Ben breaks down in tears as the Horror howls under his skin, because the man that did this to them is dead, and they can never get revenge for all the shit he put them through
Except  . . he’s not the only one who hurt him. He thinks of his siblings, shutting him out and mocking him and hating him. Revenge? The Horror thinks, the first time since they were six in age and not just name that he has been able to hear their voice
Ben should say no, should explain that they are supposed to be good and that he loves them except . . 
He is so, so tired of trying to be good. So tired of this runaround, of trying to please his siblings, of being pushed around for no reason other than their dad told them to
He can taste his own rage, finally after all these years, bottled up from years of abuse and neglect, exploding outwards in a violent explosion
Ben and Horror are two halves, but they’ve never really come together, been whole before. But now  . . 
The two become one. They are not Ben. They are not Horror. 
They are hungry and sad and hurt and scared and angry
So very, very angry
There we go! I always liked the idea of Ben and the Horror, in a desperate act, fusing and becoming one creature. I have no idea what Horror!Ben would look like btw. He wouldn’t look human at least- I like to imagine the Horror is roughly the size of a skyscraper and looks like a cross between a squid and snake and cthulhu. They’re still the same size as Ben, obviously, but they look sort of demonic. Probably have scales and stuff
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Being Handcuffed to the Boys
I only did Midoriya and Bakugo because Im lazy-sry- but I hope you enjoy! :)
|Part 2 w/ Kirishima+Shouto|
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Midoriya, as sweet and intelligent as he is, was NOT that smart that day
He was studying hero terminology, laws and rules to help him be a better hero, until a thought popped in his head- what if he needed to know how to use handcuffs? Like in some random situation where he needed to detain someone and the only thing he could was use handcuffs, could he do it?
Of course he could but he over thought it and convinced himself he COULDNT and began to slightly freak out
So of course he called you, but he didnt give you ANY info to go off of why he needed you so badly and it kind confused and worried you
“Y/n- I need you to come over quickly”
“Why, is something wrong or-”
“No, no, nothings wrong! Just- come over soon-please?”
“Im coming, Im coming, dont worry….”
When you finally got to his dorm room, you expected him to have some super important news to tell you- like he was hurt, or there was a huge pop  quiz you two needed to study for ASAP...but you were met with  blushing Midoriy holding hndcuffs
You just stared at him and at the handcuffs with a huge WTH face
You dont have the slighest idea of were he had HANDCUFFS
“Umm care to explain why you have handcuffs?”
He explains it to you, and you wanna laugh at how adorably overreactive your boyfriend is but you dont because you wnt him to know you take his concerns seriously
 So he tells you his plan- he was going to put one side of the handcuffs on you as if your were a villian, and one on him (the smart thing to do, he said, so if they couldnt escape because theyd be attached to him), and then take them off. Easy peasy!
He put his side of the hand cuff with ease, but when it came to you it took FOREVER
He was so scared to hurt you (like pinch your skin or something) it took him 3 whole minutes to crank it closed
“Midoriya, why are you taking so long?”
“Well-I dont want to hurt you!” he blushed, sweating alittle as he tried his best to not potentially hurt you
“Your not going to hurt me- besides, I thought I was supposed to be a ‘villian’?”
“But- your not a villian- your my girlfriend! And I cant hurt my girlfriend!” he would protest as you laughed at his cuteness
Once it was finally on, Izuku felt way more relaxed- he did it,he could do it, and he wouldnt have to worry about some wierd freak scenario where he couldnt use handcuffs
So, naturally, you ask is he could unlock you guys since he was content with his work
“Yeah of course!” hed say with a sigh of relief until he’ll realize- he forgot where the key was
He’ll start sweating alot and you’ll get super concern
“Izuku, are you all right?”
“Umm….”he confess timidly, “I may or may not have…. Forgotten where the key is.”
Not gonna lie, youre gonna freak out a little
Your literally HAND CUFFED to your boyfriend
He spends 30 minutes in a rampage looking for it (yanking and dragging you around his room in the process)
“I know its here, I just had it, Ill find it I promise-”
Your wrists was turning red from the constant yanking and you had to finally just tell him to stop and figure out another way out of them
You two sit on his bed and thought for a moment- Midoriya’s first thought was Iida and Ochaco, since their his best freinds
But you didnt know for sure what they would do but ask awkward questions and freak out a little like you both did
You then thought of Mina with her acid quirk, but then thought better of it- she didnt have the best control over it and you didnt feel like having your skin melted off
And she was besties with Kaminari and Sero, the biggest pervs at UA, so if they even caught a glance at you two theyd take it the wrong way and you two wouldnt hear the end of it
You giys pondered on what to do next until Midoriya finally got an idea
“What if we go to Hatsume? She has so many gadgets she must have a way to unlock us”
You groaned- you were okay with Hatsume, her perosnality was a little- loud- which was fine, its just you could totally tell she had the hots for Deku and you didnt really appreciate that side of her...but she was your best bet….
“Fine, lets go”
The walk to the her workshop was tortorius- you two both wrapped yourselves up in your biggest jackets to hide the handcuffs so no one could see (even though it was the middle of the afternoon) and holding each others hand so it looked like you were just holding hands and nothing more
It was nerve wracking- you didnt want any of opur classmates to talk to you, let alone see you until you had those CUFFS OFF
When you finally get there, you were so grateful Hatsume was by herself 
And as perky as ever
Izuku tells about your guys predicament timidly as you both have huge blushes
But Hatsume doesnt seem to care about your embarrasment or how you got into that situation at all- shes just excited to try out a “new baby” 
She interjects Izuku with a loud outburst and begins to whip out a bunch of crazy looking gadgets
You look at Midoriya with a skeptical look but you allow her to get close and try to relese you guys
Surprisingly, after a few minutes you were free, and the sound of cold metal hit the tiles
You both rubbed your wrists happy to be out of those restraints
You start to laugh from relief, thanking Hatsume and turning to Midoriya with a stern grin
“Im  not going to ask today….but one day I will figure out how you got those handcuffs”
*small gulp from Izuku
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Some days you wonder if your friends WANT to die
You and Bakugo had had a thing for each other for weeks
It was painfully obvious- you would be a blushing mess with Bakugo, giving him the biggest comebacks whenever he was mean to you all the while so red you looked liked you would explode
Bakugo was such a rude dirtbag to you most of the girls wondered how you restrained yourself from slapping him, calling you mean names and criticizing you for the smallest things
But if anybody hurt you or even said you were cute or pretty
He would become so angry and possessive it was terrifying
So, since all of Class 1A was sick of hearing you deny any sort of love towards Bakugo and sick of almost getting their hair fried off by Bakugo if they even mentioned your name, they decided to take matters into their own hands
One day, Mina had called you over, leading you over to Kirishima and Bakugou
Your heart already began to quickly start beating just being near him
Bakugo huffed, hating how just seeing that annoyingly pretty face of  yours put his body into overdrive
“Whyd you bring this extra over?”
You rolled your eyes with your cheeks on fire, pretending like the comment didn't hurt as Mina gasped at his blatant rudeness
“Whatever, Bakugo, your just still bitter that I beat you in training last week-”
“Howd you beat me?! I was distracted for 2 seconds, that was no win-”
“Really?! So eating the dirt because I had KO-ed your cocky ass doesn't mean-”
“It means jack shit baka!”
Unknowing to the both of you as you bickered, Kaminari was sneaking behind you two with a pair of handcuffs while Sero followed him with an evil grin from behind
Before you two even knew it, Kaminari had clasped one side of a pair of hand cuffs to one of your wrists and one to Bakugos, Sero using his tape quirk to keep you two from squirming
You were confused and startled on what was even going on, while Bakugo was extremely pissed off
“What the hell do you think youre doing you idiots!”
“Cool down Spiky, or youll blow a fuse!” Sero laughed at his handiwork as you both squirmed to get out on the restraints
“Im gonna do worse than blow a fuse,” Bakugo spat at the whole grorup, “Im gonna blow up your asses into space once I get out of this!”
“Ohhh no your not!” Kirishima smirked at Bakugo”s clearly agitated face and your distressed expression “You two are going to stay like this until you can act like normal human beings around each other”
“Kirishima this isnt cool!” you whined, “How long am I going to have to be attached to this rabid hedgehog?!” You nodded towards Bakugo, who clearly didn't like your comment
“Rabid hedgehog?!” Bakugo shrieked, “Say that one more time and Ill-”
“And youll blast me into space? Fry me into Hell? Kick my ass into next week? Save your breath Katsuki, Ive heard every threat you can throw at me!” You snapped at Bakugou, your annoyance and stress of being stuck to him for God’s no how long making you jumpy-you cant be stuck to your crush YOU CANT
Bakugo looked like a fish gulping for a water as he was looking for a come back to that, as Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari looked shocked and amused by a stuttering Bakugo
“You guys are gonna stay together for as long as you need to,” Kirishima said, “we have the key to unlock the cuffs, so when you guys are ready- just come and get one of us!”
The group walked out, Sero and Kaminari betting how long it would take you two to have an agreement as Kirishima pushed them out the door
You stood there with Bakugou awkwardly for a few moments, him unable to look at you-his cheeks were on fire because of one little thing you said earlier
And you didnt even know GOD DAMMIT
You looked at Bakugou, thinking he was just ignoring you like usual- the BrAt
You sighed, “Look- if were going to be chained up like this, might as well get some things off our chests….” you swallowed hoping he couldnt feel your hand shake from being so close to him
He didnt say anything, your voice ringing in his ears and making me him shiver- GOD DAMMIT WHY WAS HE SO DAMN WEAK FOR YOU
He didnt say anything for a while, making you feel hurt and kinda bored
“Fine then, if you dont want to talk, at least walk with me to the kitchen-”
“You called me Katsuki.” He grumbled, still not wanting to look at you
“What?” You looked at him, confused on WHY he wouldnt look at you and why calling him by his first name was such a big deal
 “You called me by my first name-Katsuki.”
“Okkkkaaaay,” you drawled out, completely confused and annoyed, “dont know why that would bother you so much but can we plese just-”
Bakugo huffed in annoyance, his cheecks on fire, “You dont get it do you baka?! No one calls me Katsuki because Id kick their asses if they ever did-but-”
“But what?” you asked kinda gentle, seeing Bakugo struggling to say something to you and curiosity was getting to you
Is He GoNnA ConfeSS ;o
“But-you-said….it...and I-I-was...okay with it….” he struggled out, his face contorting so much to just push that out of him you were kinda worried
You looked at him, completely amused and not really taking him seriously
“That was it? I said your first name and you didnt have the urge to rip my head off like you usually do? I guess we can consider that progress!” you kinda laughed nervously, making Bakugo wish you would laugh again and then cursing at himself for thinking that
He hated how you made his head feel dizzy and it was making him angry
“You dont get it do you baka?!” he shouted aggresively, “I was okay with it because I like you and I fucking hate it!”
You stopped breathing, your eyes wide with shock and your brain seeming to shut down
“You-you-like- me? Like- more than a- friend?” you stuttered, looking at his face which was now obviously red
“See anyone else in the room? Of course its you who else would I fucking say that to!” he retorted, wishing the heat in his face would BACK OFF
“I like you too….Katsuki,” you smiled, watching his face get even redder
  “Awww you look so cute blushing!”
“Shut up you baka!”
You laughed, making him feel all warm and squishy inside
“Well, I guess Kaminari is going to owe Sero $20- we deifnitely got this figured out in under an hour.”
I hope your day (or night) is going well!
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franklyshipping · 3 years
Ah yes New Years fic is definitely a classic. I remember this was the one i read through thouroughly first time. I was able to remember once i read the first sentence of each one.
The host/marvin/iplier/jackie one was always my personal favorite. I love how they're all goofy like real couples. The villianous trait between marvin and jackie you can tell they do regularly (i mean when your hubby is a hero how can you not?). Meanwhile dr. Iplier and Host are the "grown-ups" and iplier is giving him puppy eyes, all the while host trying not to laugh is so cute. I mean when you see someone make a face when you're trying to be serious is incredibly hard! Not to mention the tickling at the same time trope i adore cause it's just all fun.
And then giving love to robbie is just so wholesome. I love how you're able to show the reader different types of love. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a valentine's day fic, but instead of romance it's the other kinds like familial, platonic, and self love. It was a nice lesson for robbie that you can't run out of love and then him getting tickles and attention cause he's a cute lil bab! And iplier being slightly envious everyone can fall asleep, tis the curse of the doctor.
Personally the angel stories are the least memorial for me. Not that that'a a bad thing, you write them well but since i personally don't have a connection to the characters makes it hard to remember. Meanwhile someone else might be able to rewrite it word for word! Tis a curse for the lesser known egos. I love how you try to include everyone (*cough* except Silver and Ed and King of the Squirrels *cough* (no but in all seriousness I understand, i remember in an ask you said before you just didn't know how to write them, that is until more people took the roles of them and gave them their own personalities especially back then, i just wanted to poke fun))
I believe the googles were next along with crank/blank. Again i love the brotherly bond of the googles. I love how spoiled oli acts woth blank as they watch his brothers before quickly getting their medicine. Green and Red teasing his brother the best way they know how while bkue handles blank himself, not wanting to overwhelm him since Oli can definitely take two androids. I love how their babied and tickled and teased to no end to their limits. Again like i mentioned with eric, brothers just like to roughhouse until someone calls uncle, and good brothers check in afterwards to make sure they're alright. For someone who doesn't have siblings, you write them well. I also like how you refrain from the "hello big brother" trope. Never in my life have i ever called my brother by "brother". They're basically a person you're forced to live with XD
Oh geez, i think it was bing and the jims next. I always love the trope of "you eat it, now you pay" and how the jims just went rabid on Bing for having a snack that he didn't even need! It's hilarious all and all and I think that was the debut of the jim twins in your writing. And what a wonderful debut it was (unless it wasn't then-). I love their synchronicity, not to mention bing being a goofball.
Ah and walter and Yandere were next. I remember this one well since I know this was Yandere's debut. I'm so glad they're getting more attention now but back then getting an ego story you rarely see was a treat (look i was still too shy to ask let alone request anything cause i looked up to you and i still do). I love Walter and Yan's relationship, whether it was intended to be romantic or platonic. I still think there are times Yandere hangs out with Walter when they're away since yes the egos may understand them now, but walter is the one who truly understands. I can see yandere venting on their plans for their senpai, maybe venting to him when they had two senpais depending on the universe. Maybe mentioning how they wanna make their senpai happy and loved. Ah I'm getting carried away. You know what i also love on the same level of seeing a fic of a rare character? Seeing them tickled! Yes nowadays Yandere is a ler but i always love lers getting their medicine! I'd love to see yandere more on either sides whether the ler or the lee along with other egos. And not to mention walter, nowadays he's somewhat forgotten. Honestly I forgot until I remembered your christmas fic with him. So that's why I'd love to see him back! Maybe more brotherly bonding with Wilf. Or maybe he and wilf prank dark by looking exactly alike and dark having to guess who is who!
Lets see, the four, robbie, the angels, googles, bing and the jims, yandere and walt, i think the next one was Bim and Wilf. Sorry if i miss any, i didn't think about writing on notes and then copy and pasting it all here and i can't copy all my paragraphs here since it only will make me copy one paragraph and i do NOT want to lose all this!
Anyways bim and wilf. Sometimes we forget they bim has a super busy life, maybe more than dark. Hyperfixation definitely gets the better half of me and this ties back to weaknesses. Wilf trying to get bim out and wilf getting upset until bim realizes what he's doing an apologizes. Again you're only done and you want to get it done but turns out you're still working hours later but you're so close! I do love how bim regains a playful spirit and tickles Wilf playfully, definitely getting some of dom vibes from dark. How he can lower his voice and be the boss of things. I forget bim isn't always so sweet and kind (aka the tea story).
And classic Dark and Anti what else can I say. The classic both evil characters being shipped together except Anti getting the high ground this time. It's always a treat to see lee dark and who else would know his spots than an evil counterpart of another person. After all if mark didn't make those creepy vids we probably wouldn't have Dark, and Dark was the inspiration for dark egos. Since it's near the end my memory is a little foggy but when these two are together you know it's gonna be chaos. And Lee Dark is just so nice to see, it's like revenge!
And alas, Damien and William. I always did love how the roles were switched from Dark being ler and Damien being a cute lee. How could you not tickle him? I love how it brings out that childish playfullness as if they did know each other for a long time! There is just something so innocent about that that I adore. I don't know if it would be possible, but I'd love more fics of damien and the colonel interactions, maybe with other egos? If not i understand!
Oof this was a big one, but not nearly as big as 2018 christmas. I might go read other fics of yours first before delving into that beast. Maybe start at the end since the first few up to the santa one i have a pretty good memory on!
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