booksncalm · 21 days
Get a clear vision of what you want.
In the pursuit of self improvement we can look at many different areas. I have known of individuals that are as equipped to handle a job and have prepared for a particular job only to be told they did not qualify. Talk to your boss about the plans you have and inquire if he/she can assist you, and ensure you follow through any help offered. As part of personal development with the aspiration of…
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catsmeow39 · 21 days
Get a clear vision of what you want.
In the pursuit of self improvement we can look at many different areas. I have known of individuals that are as equipped to handle a job and have prepared for a particular job only to be told they did not qualify. Talk to your boss about the plans you have and inquire if he/she can assist you, and ensure you follow through any help offered. As part of personal development with the aspiration of…
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2soulscollide · 5 months
free resources to write a novel in 2024
hello hello! it's me, rach!
as the new year approaches, many of us set goals and resolutions - myself included. one of my goals for 2024 is to write a novel (I've been procrastinating on this for quite a long time now). i assume that some of you might have the same goal, that's why I'm writing this post today.
over 2023 i've been releasing some freebies for authors just like me, so I thought I could compile my favorites in this post. hope you find this useful :)
1) the writer's workbook
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this workbook has over 60 exercises to help you develop characters, scenarios, etc. if you're ever stuck, I'm pretty sure this workbook will be your best friend.
2) author's corner (notion template)
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this is the most downloaded freebie in my shop! it is a notion dashboard with everything you need to organize your writing and has some templates included (like scrivener)!!
3) another notion template
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this one has two themes you can choose from: cottage-core and dark academia. they're very similar to the previous template, but this one is more recent and I added some new features. feel free to explore both and pick the one you like the most.
4) the author's journal
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this is a cute printable with 20 pages that will help you stay on track and manage your social media accounts as a writer who shares their work online. you can also register what you're currently writing and your personal research and resources.
5) plan your book printable
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this is a 6-page printable for you to fill out and plan your book easily and effectively.
6) excel sheet to organize tasks & word-count
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this is a simple excel sheet, but it is very effective for keeping track of your tasks & word-count of your novels. also, it is 100% customizable to your liking!
that's all for now! feel free to explore my gumroad shop where I have plenty of freebies to grab! also, don't forget to subscribe so that you never miss any opportunity to get a goodie for free :)
hope this post was useful!
have a nice day,
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em-dash-press · 1 year
How to Write Characters With Romantic Chemistry
Writing great chemistry can be challenging. If you’re not super inspired, sometimes the connection between your characters feels like it’s missing something.
Here are a few steps you can consider when you want to write some steamy romantic chemistry and can’t figure out what’s blocking your creativity.
1. Give the Love a Name
Tropes have a bad reputation, but they can be excellent tools when you’re planning or daydreaming about a story. Giving the romance a name also assigns a purpose, which takes care of half the hard plotting work.
You can always read about love tropes to get inspired and think about which might apply to the characters or plot points you have in mind, like:
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
First love
The love triangle
Stuck together
Forbidden love
Multiple chance love
Fake lovers turned soulmates
There are tooooons of other tropes in the link above, but you get the idea. Name the love you’re writing about and it will feel more concrete in your brain.
2. Develop Your Characters
You should always spend time developing your characters individually, but it’s easy to skip this part. You might jump into writing the story because you have a scene idea. Then the romance feels flat.
The good news is you can always go back and make your characters more real. Give them each their own Word or Google doc and use character templates or questions to develop them. 
You should remember to do this for every character involved in the relationship as well. Sometimes love happens between two people who live nearby and other times it happens by:
Being in a throuple
Being in a polyamorous relationship
Being the only one in love (the other person never finds out or doesn’t feel it back, ever)
There are so many other ways to experience love too. Don’t leave out anyone involved in the developing relationship or writing your story will feel like driving a car with only three inflated tires.
3. Give the Conversations Stakes
Whenever your characters get to talk, what’s at risk? This doesn’t have to always be something life changing or scary. Sometimes it might be one character risking how the other perceives them by revealing an interest or new fact about themselves.
What’s developing in each conversation? What’s being said through their body language? Are they learning if they share the same sense of humor or value the same foundational beliefs? Real-life conversations don’t always have a point, but they do in romantic stories. 
4. Remember Body Language
Body language begins long before things get sexy between your characers (if they ever do). It’s their fingertips touching under the table, the missed glance at the bus stop, the casual shoulder bump while walking down the street.
It’s flushed cheeks, a jealous heart skipping a beat, being tongue tied because one character can’t admit their feelings yet.
If a scene or conversation feels lacking, analyze what your characters are saying through their body language. It could be the thing your scene is missing.
5. Add a Few Flaws
No love story is perfect, but that doesn’t mean your characters have to experience earth shattering pain either.
Make one laugh so hard that they snort and feel embarrassed so the other can say how much they love that person’s laugh. Make miscommunication happen so they can make up or take a break. 
People grow through their flaws and mistakes. Relationships get stronger or weaker when they learn things that are different about them or that they don’t like about each other. 
6. Create Intellectual Moments
When you’re getting to know someone, you bond over the things you’re both interested in. That’s also a key part of falling in love. Have your characters fall in intellectual love by sharing those activities, talking about their favorite subjects, or raving over their passions. They could even teach each other through this moment, which could make them fall harder in love.
7. Put Them in Public Moments
You learn a lot about someone when they’re around friends, acquaintances, and strangers. The chemistry between your characters may fall flat if they’re only ever around each other.
Write scenes so they’re around more people and get to learn who they are in public. They’ll learn crucial factors like the other person’s ambition, shyness, humor, confidence, and if they’re a social butterfly or wallflower.
Will those moments make your characters be proud to stand next to each other or will it reveal something that makes them second guess everything?
8. Use Your Senses
And of course, you can never forget to use sensory details when describing the physical reaction of chemistry. Whether they’re sharing a glance or jumping into bed, the reader feels the intensity of the moment through their five senses—taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. 
Characters also don’t have to have all five senses to be the protagonist or love interest in a romantic story. The number isn’t important—it’s how you use the ways your character interacts with the world. 
Anyone can write great romantic chemistry by structuring their love story with essential elements like these. Read more romance books or short stories too! You’ll learn as you read and write future relationships more effortlessly.
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actionsurges · 2 years
i think reframing 'writing a campaign' or 'writing a plot' as writing beats has dramatically changed the quality of my dming. for me personally, i work best when i have a world with pieces that would be moving (regardless of whether the players would be there but obviously, you put the players in the crosshairs to effect change) and plan each 2-4 sessions as its own small story and i've developed a method that really works for me that i use for oneshots, mini campaigns, and in arcs for longer games.
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[ID: a screenshot of a bullet point list with template headers: Location, Framing Plot (subheaders Social, Exploration, and Combat), Key NPCS, World Plot Progression, Player Hooks (subheaders repeating Player to be replaced with a PC's name)]
to further explain:
Location(s) — where the sessions will likely take place, so I have a manageable list of places to develop further in terms of worldbuilding.
Framing Plot — What is happening, what is the inciting the incident and what are the things the players cannot control. Then the subheaders are the three tiers of play. I think it's important to have an idea to tap into all of them or lean heavier into what your party is interested in but consider all of them for fun and exciting Mechanical gameplay as well as story and roleplay.
Key NPCS — Who are the NPCS that are going to be important to the framing and to the players. This is usually just a handful.
World Plot Progression — How does / how will the events of this scenario push forward what your players are working towards?
Player Hooks — Specific thoughts for how to connect the framing plot to each player character and make each player feel invested and like their choices matter.
and that's what I do to plot out my games. It's never "this is how things will resolve" it is, "this is what the situation is and this is how i want to connect my players to it and see what they do"
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hello! Would you kindly considering making a “All About Taurus” post? 🌺
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Navigation:   ੈ♡˳Masterlist✦ੈ♡Ask Rules✦ੈ♡PSD
Hello Siren! I see no problem, I love when people wants more of a series that I started by myself... I feel like at least there's someone interested. So here we go! Kisses from the Sea!
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₊˚ପ⊹ Peace seekers – Taurus people are inherently drawn to peace and tranquility. They yearn for moments of serenity and often seek to create a harmonious environment around them. Conflict and disturbances can disrupt their sense of calm, so they prefer to avoid confrontations and maintain their own peaceful corner.
₊˚ପ⊹ Independent and entrepreneurial – Taurus possess a strong sense of direction and are driven to achieve financial stability on their own terms. They have a direct approach to their goals and are willing to put in the necessary effort to succeed. Their determination and practicality make them natural entrepreneurs who strive for personal and financial independence.
₊˚ପ⊹ Great advisors - they have a grounded and realistic perspective on life. They can offer practical advice to others, particularly to those who are seeking guidance. Their down-to-earth nature allows them to see through illusions and provide honest insights, making them valuable advisors. Pisces and Cancer individuals, who are often dreamers, may appreciate the practicality and realism that Taurus brings to the table (our sweet trine).
₊˚ପ⊹ Attracted to trust and stability – Trust and stability hold great importance for Taurus individuals in their relationships. They seek genuine connections with people who are committed to supporting one another's growth. They value reliable and loyal companionship, as they thrive in an environment where trust and stability are present.
₊˚ପ⊹ Impatience with waiting – While Taurus have a strong relationship with their own sense of time and pace, they can become impatient when waiting for others. They value their own schedules and dislike wasting time. Waiting for decisions or the arrival of others can be frustrating for them, as they prefer efficiency and promptness.
₊˚ପ⊹ Defensive when attacked – The symbol of the bull represents Taurus' nature when feeling threatened. They are known to adopt a defensive stance and may even launch a direct attack when they perceive a threat. Taurus people are fiercely protective of themselves and their loved ones, and they will go to great lengths to remove any obstacles or enemies that come their way.
₊˚ପ⊹ Directness in communication – They are known for their practicality, which extends to their communication style. They prefer to express themselves clearly and concisely, aiming to convey their message effectively with minimal misunderstandings. They appreciate good communication skills in others, as it allows for smooth and efficient interactions.
₊˚ପ⊹ Extreme stubbornness – Taurus people are often renowned for their stubbornness. While they may exhibit flexibility in certain aspects of their lives to maintain harmony, they generally have a strong determination and steadfastness in their beliefs and decisions. Their unwavering nature can be attributed to their fixed earth sign quality.
₊˚ପ⊹ Dedication to loved ones – When Taurus develop deep connections with others, they exhibit unwavering devotion. They are willing to go to great lengths and overcome challenges to support and uplift those they care about. Taurus people find joy in nurturing their loved ones and often express their affection through quality time and thoughtful gestures.
₊˚ପ⊹ Desire for safety – They thrive on stability and predictability. They prefer to plan and organize their lives meticulously, disliking surprises or unexpected changes. Taurus individuals find comfort in having a sense of security, and sudden deviations from their plans can provoke frustration and anger.
₊˚ପ⊹ Realistic and responsible – Taurus people have a strong connection to reality and tend to approach situations with a practical mindset. They are known for their grounded nature and may even display a more pessimistic outlook at times due to their focus on realism. They take their responsibilities seriously and often prioritize stability and practicality over idealistic notions.
₊˚ପ⊹ Resilience and perseverance – They possess an inherent toughness and resilience. Regardless of how many times they face setbacks, they have the ability to rise above challenges and continue striving for their goals. Some Taurus adapt and create new plans to achieve their objectives, while others may persist in pursuing the same path due to their strong determination.
₊˚ପ⊹ Loyalty – Building trust with Taurus individuals can be a gradual process. Once they feel secure and confident in a relationship, they demonstrate unwavering loyalty. They expect the same level of commitment and faithfulness from those they hold dear. They deeply value trust and loyalty in their connections and cherish relationships where these qualities are reciprocated.
₊˚ପ⊹Intuition for deception – Taurus people possess a keen sixth sense when it comes to detecting falsehoods or nonsensical statements. They have an innate ability to sense when someone is being deceptive or dishonest, which stems from their heightened intuition. They value honesty and authenticity, and they may become wary or distant when they sense deception in others.
₊˚ପ⊹ Love rooted in trust – They approach love cautiously and require a strong foundation of trust before fully surrendering to their emotions. They are not inclined towards love at first sight and tend to take their time to develop deep and meaningful connections. They prefer a gradual progression in relationships, engaging in conversations, discovering shared interests, and savoring the romance with a touch of sophistication.
₊˚ପ⊹ Reaction to betrayal – Betrayal can deeply affect Taurus individuals, and they often go through a period of emotional turmoil when faced with such situations. They can experience a prolonged period of sadness and find it challenging to move on from the pain of betrayal. They take loyalty and trust seriously, and breaches in these areas can have a significant impact on their emotional well-being.
₊˚ପ⊹ Frustration with indecision – Taurus people tend to be decisive and appreciate clear and direct communication. They have little patience for those who are indecisive or sit on the fence. They heprefer straightforwardness and dislike the ambiguity that comes with indecision, as it can impede progress and hinder efficiency.
₊˚ପ⊹ Appreciation for sophistication – Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Taurus people have a natural inclination towards comfort, beauty, and elegance. They seek out aesthetically pleasing environments and appreciate refined experiences. They have a refined taste and often gravitate towards sophisticated and luxurious elements in various aspects of their lives.
₊˚ପ⊹ Timeless romantics – Taurus individuals approach romance with a measured pace, savoring the process of getting to know their partners step by step. They enjoy engaging in conversations, exploring common interests, and allowing love to unfold gradually. They appreciate a touch of subtlety and sophistication in their romantic endeavors, often finding overt displays of affection overwhelming or excessive.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
‘That Girl’ 2023 Self-Development Toolkit [Available Now]!!
4-Week Personal Development Plan for the girls that just get it.
If you are trying to enhance your personal development journey before summer, feel free to join my exclusive online community full of self-improvement content.
Week 1: Improving Your Personal Appearance
Week 2: Improving Your Emotional Health
Week 3: Improving Your Mental Health
Week 4: Improving Your Life: Finances, School, Career, etc.
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My Toolkit Includes:
• Dozens of self-development books I’ve purchased with my own money that I’ve uploaded for you for free— including Robert Greene’s books and other amazing authors.
• 2.5 hours of webinar content focused on “leveling up” with 90+ tips on how to have a successful personal development journey.
• Exclusive weekly audio content (posted every Wednesday) that will not be shared outside of our group.
• Workbooks, worksheets, and templates to help you stay organized and track your progress during your self-improvement journey.
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To join my exclusive online community, click this link here.
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memoriesndew · 12 days
᧔𝖔᧓ 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕴𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖑𝖑𝖊 𝖂𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘: 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝕾𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖞 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕾𝖙𝖞𝖑𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕾𝖚𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 ᧔𝖔᧓
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In the iconic film "Legally Blonde," Elle Woods, played by Reese Witherspoon, captivated audiences not just with her pink wardrobe and bubbly personality, but also with her unyielding determination and surprising intellect. Despite facing stereotypes, Elle defied expectations and proved that she was more than just a pretty face by excelling at Harvard Law School. So, what can we learn from Elle's approach to studying? Let's dive into some strategies inspired by the fabulous Elle Woods herself.
**ㅤꢾ꣒ Embrace Your Passionㅤꢾ꣒**
Elle's journey began with a spark of inspiration: she wanted to win back her ex-boyfriend by following him to Harvard Law School. While her initial motive was odd, Elle eventually developed a real interest in the law. Find anything in your education that ignites your interest, just like Elle did. Whether it's a specific subject, a career goal, or simply the joy of learning, let your passion drive your study commitment.
**꣑꣒ Make Learning Fun/Romanticize Learning ꣑꣒**
Elle filled her study sessions with creativity and excitement, turning even the most dull subjects into exciting experiences. Follow her lead and incorporate some fun into your study plan. Consider creating colourful study guides, using memorization techniques, or translating key concepts into appealing songs. Making learning enjoyable will drive you to enter into your studies with enthusiasm. To romanticise learning more you can also get cute items or find a cute space to make you feel like the main character
**꣑꣒ Know Your Strengths ꣑꣒**
Despite facing doubts from others, Elle remained confident in her abilities and played to her strengths. Identify your own student qualities, such as your ability to solve problems, write well, or think critically. Use these strengths to your advantage, and don't be hesitant to demonstrate them in your studies.
**꣑꣒ Stay Organized ꣑꣒**
Elle rocked a pink planner instead of a traditional black one, and her commitment to the organization was unwavering. Take a page from Elle's book and prioritize organization in your study schedule. Keep track of assignments, deadlines, and crucial events with whatever system suits you best, whether it's a planner, digital calendar, or colour-coded Post-it notes. Staying organized will help you avoid last-minute scrambles and give you more control over your study.
**꣑꣒ Cultivate Confidence ꣑꣒**
The most inspiring trait of Elle Woods is her unshakeable confidence. Despite setbacks and doubters, Elle never lost faith in herself or her ability. Develop your personal confidence by acknowledging your accomplishments, learning from your mistakes, and reminding yourself of your value. Approach your studies with the confidence that you are capable of greatness, and you will be surprised by what you can achieve. Confindence is Key no matter what you do.
In summary
Studying like Elle Woods is more than just passing examinations or impressing instructors; it's about embracing your particular abilities, pursuing your passions, and tackling your studies with flair and confidence. So, whether you're in law school, medical school, or another academic pursuit, unleash your inner Elle Woods and study like the fabulous, unstoppable force that you are. With a lot of pink and a lot of tenacity, you'll be well on your way to success.
here is a notion study template - with an Elle Woods theme
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racefortheironthrone · 4 months
So! I was planning on writing a Batman fan fic and had a question about the urban facing side I was wondering if you could help on. I suppose this can intersect with other super hero / billionaire figures. Interested in exploring urban development in the setting but trying to avoid pitfalls , but ofc no worries if this isn’t something in your purview or interest
I feel like Gotham, so deeply realized as a fictional setting and riddled with its issues as a city, would be a great template to explore these urbanist issues. And while Batman treats symptoms - protecting people from acts of violence, and also pursuing those who are responsible for the corrupt systems who have put themselves above conventional pursuit. But Bruce Wayne I feel like by a lot of fans can he overlooked as an agent of improvement in Gotham - he can use his political and economic clout to both publically and privately improve the systemic conditions of the city, like his famous hiring program for ex cons. And I would like to explore this side a lot deeper, however I’m wary of showing a billionaire as the only solution , or even the best solution to a city’s issues and basically recreating public policies privately.
Since showing a privatized solution to be the answer to all these problems isn’t the sentiment I want to give, as often private corporations are the ones exploiting / building up this cult of personality around millionaires is already troublesome. But ofc, Bruce Wayne is fictional and can be an example of how a CEO ought to act, but would like to show these solutions are achievable and to be sought after in the public sphere - we shouldn’t expect CEO to hire ex cons, build free transit, eliminate all these zoning issues by buying half the city because 1) unrealistic and 2) can institute a dangerous mindset where it’s like “just give everything to billionaires and they’ll fix things!” (See, the cult of musk)
So my question is, do you have any recomendations on how to achieve this balance of using Wayne as a championing workers rights, urban development , reform etc. without just shilling for billionaires? Because, after all, billionaires have been opponents and don’t want to diminish that. Perhaps using his influence to give away his infouence to others , if that makes sense. or even better - historical examples of figures of privilege utilizing their position to advocate for the public sector and go all in as earnest urban Allies as a roadmap to model this after?
This is a really interesting question, and I think points to some of the limitations of what can be done with the Bruce Wayne archetype.
As I've said before, I think what can be done to make Wayne an enlightened person without falling prey to the mentality that "the billionaires will save us!" (looking at you, RALPH) is to really explore the limitations of top-down reform.
Because if there is one genuine weaknesses both to the Batman and Bruce Wayne, it's that he has a well, "heroic" mindset in which he thinks that if he's just smart enough, prepared enough, tough enough, that he can win a one-man-war on crime and other social evils - but you don't really see him engaging in movement-building in either his vigilante or civilian sides.
In the former, even if we leave aside his more "lone wolf" depictions, Batman has issues with trust and working well in groups. At best, he cultivates a small number of people (the Robins, the JLA), and he tends to keep people at arm's length. In the latter, even when Bruce is trying to make systemic, social interventions in transportation or housing or health care or social welfare, it's usually done through a top-down approach - build this project here, support this politician there - rather than sitting down and doing an analysis of how he could build a sustainable majority coalition with the muscle to change Gotham on its own.
Realistically, an honest, militant, and strategic Waynetech union (albeit assisted from the shadows to keep the mob and the supervillain gangs at bay) could do more to change Gotham for good than any Foundation that has ever or could ever exist.
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fayrobertsuk · 1 year
Making Differences
Long post. tl;dr: you never know where your earnest words may end up, and what they might accomplish, so keep putting them out there. (Also: I wrote a guide to nonbinary identities a little over two years ago and I’m still very proud of it.)
Back in August 2020, I emailed my day job line manager: “Hey, so, I’ll be coming back to work [after the world’s worst-timed unpaid, year-long sabbatical] in three weeks... we should probably have a plan...?”
He agreed, and decided to do a long-overdue video call that week. In our defence, we’d had a lot of Other Things to think about in that period.
Approximately 15 seconds before the call connected, I remembered that my beard had been growing out for about 6-8 weeks by that point and was not something you could pass off as a trick of the light, if you were so minded. What would this nice, supportive, but ultimately cishet, Christian, family man have to say about my incontrovertibly gender non-conforming appearance? I’d never even told him about being non-binary, always swerving when conversation got close to the topic.
As the video image expanded, he leaned into the screen, put one hand to his own hairy chin (very different from the clean-shaven man of memory) and said “Huh. It’s not as good as mine!”
Me: “Well, uh, hah, to be fair, you’ve had longer to, uh, develop yours.”
Him: “How long have you been growing yours then?”
I’m not sure that there could have been a better response, if I’m honest.
We moved onto different topics after that but, like a two-ring circus, I was chatting about the departmental shifts, the changes in personnel, how everyone was coping with permanently working from home... and thinking: “Could I finally come out completely at work? Like: COMPLETELY? Would that... I hadn’t even... what...?!” and said, just before signing off, with utter lack of articulacy, that it would be good to talk about, uh, pronouns, and changing them in work, sometime.
“Oh. Okay.”
We worked the mechanism out between us, me slowly revealing my new appearance to close colleagues one at a time, most of whom were either a) relieved that I wasn’t telling them I’d suffered horrendous burn scars (thanks for that very specific leap of imagination!), b) cis men complaining mildly that my beard was better, or c) having to be dragged back a step from the notion that I was transitioning to a man and would be changing my name, etc., d) or some combination of the above. And then we decided to use November 2020’s National Coming Out Day as a good point to aim for. I was already set to write an article about coming out as nonbinary for the organisation’s LGBT+ Network (due to be shared generally with anyone in the business who cared to read it or any of the others for that day – apparently mine made some people cry).
In the meantime, I searched out the announcement that a former colleague’s line manager had made to the business when she came out as trans and forwarded it to mine – here’s a good template, and yes: the annoucement coming from you will help legitimise it. At which point, it became clear that my boss and colleagues were going to need some further guidance from me.
“I was thinking of writing a thing about how to use pronouns...”
“Oh!” He was nakedly relieved. “Yes, pronouns. That would be great. Thanks!”
No problem. I knew how to use my own, and how to communicate that clearly. No worries. One page about ze/zir/zirself, with a general background on neopronouns. Coming right up.
It occurred to me that I didn’t know whether any of my (ostensibly uniformly cishet) colleagues had any idea why why someone would use third person singular pronouns other than she/her or he/him, so I added in a bit about nonbinary identities. A couple of pages should be fine, right? The nonbinary identity section grew, and split into subsections: definitions, history, legacy, how much more common such a thing is in cultures other than “Western” ones.
Maybe it needed more context. After all, to understand nonbinary, you probably need to understand binary trans identities. A new section blossomed.
In order to understand transgender identities, you need to understand gender identity. Okay. Another section. Let’s throw in all the definitions re: sex, gender, cis, trans, nonbinary... with some links to other resources.
You know what this needs? Diagrams (id in alt-text). And a contents page. And a glossary.
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Honestly, I’m amazed it’s only thirteen pages long...
Anyway, thing is: it’s gone a LOT further than any of us ever imagined. It started with people on Facebook saying “Well, I don’t understand [non-binary people/ the need for gender-neutral language]!” in various groups/ on other friend’s posts, so I’d sweetly offer them the guide. (Turns out treating what can look like huffy denial as a good faith request for more information (with bonus diagrams) gets many more positive results than you’d imagine.) Then I idly posted the link in a couple of more friendly places. And THEN it started getting weird. “Can I share this with my colleagues?” Sure. “Can I bring this to my kids’ school?” Go for it. “I’d like to circulate this as a resource at the NHS Trust I work for.” Uh. Okay! “So, I saw [the guide] on Twitter. Can [organisation I greatly admire] use that as guidance for our organisation?” Buh, uh, yeah! Please! “My wife is a prison psychiatrist, may I share it with her?” Blimey. By all means.
And then the more personal stories started coming back: “You made me realise something about myself.” “I shared this with my family and they understood.” “We’re in love and your paper helped me reconcile that.”
This little guide has gone a lot further than I ever imagined it might.
Today a senior colleague told me, in passing:
fwiw I shared your pronoun guide with my (very old white cis hetero) choir and it has generated SO many good questions
so there are choir grandkiddos all over the world thanking you for their grandparents being more awesome
Which, considering I was braced for an awkward business change management conversation, was not where I was expecting to end up this afternoon, emotionally speaking.
If I was doing this from scratch now, I suspect there would be differences (a longer glossary; an excursion into intersex identities, maybe? definitely better diagrams...), but then, a lot of what I know now came from doing the research for the guide, so maybe not so much! But one thing is for sure: I’m never going to take the impact of words shared freely quite so lightly in future.
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One thing I am curious about is how much Chuuya is important to the central story? Like he just appears when he needs to be here and then just gone
You know, at first my answer would've been just this: "Chuuya is not a main character and is not important to the central story but I am convinced he will be going forward."
But then I paused and thought about it... and realized something.
Chuuya hasn't shown up very much in the main manga, that much is true. However, the timing of his appearances is interesting because he always shows up during or slightly before a turning point in the story. Take a look at this:
Chapters 10 + 11, Port Mafia Arc: We are introduced to his character - he's one of the major character's (Dazai's) old partner. At the same time this is happening, Atsushi and Akutagawa are having their first real fight and shortly after, Chuuya tells Dazai that Akutagawa has the information on who placed the bounty, which brings the Guild into play.
Chapter 16, Guild Arc: Chuuya, along with many other mafia characters, is present when Mori is revealed as the boss, another significant event.
Chapters 21 and 22, Guild Arc: Chuuya is part of Mori's plan to pit the Agency and Guild against each other. Shortly after this, Q is released, marking another turning point.
Chapter 29, Guild Arc: Atsushi sees Chuuya ordering the protection of Yokohama from Q's curse. It is highly likely that his decision to form a temporary truce with the Mafia was a result of seeing Chuuya's actions.
Chapter 31, Guild Arc: The well-known Double Black chapter. Not only is this the first instance of the truce, but it is also the template for Dazai's later plan reveal - that he intends Atsushi and Akutagawa to be another Double Black.
Chapter 47, Cannibalism Arc: It's Chuuya who makes the first move and kickstarts the actual conflict. I believe this is the only time his actions and choices directly affect the main plot (which is... interesting actually...). Unfortunately in chapter 49, he is immediately sucked into Poe's book with little fanfare sidjcn
Chapter 62, Hunting Dogs Arc: Chuuya rescues the Agency members from the Hunting Dogs, which is the first semi-decent turn of events for the Agency in that arc.
Chapters 98 and 101, Vampire Infection Outbreak Arc: Chuuya shows up as a vampire (rip man). I don't know yet what the consequences of this will be but there will absolutely be consequences.
Idk, I do find it interesting that Chuuya appears to show up at transitory spots in the plotline, despite not playing an especially active role. I find it difficult to believe that's not significant in some way; after all, I've already commented on how Chuuya influences changes in Dazai. I'm starting to wonder if Chuuya's role from a meta sense is to induce change in some way - that would be a tad ironic, considering Chuuya... hasn't really changed much, and is still very much stuck in the same place he was, but now without a personal drive.
Whether you agree on the above though, I feel really confident that we're building up to something with him in the main story. What's more, I think this actually was always the plan, and not a decision made because Chuuya became really popular. While I don't think Asagiri is the type to really plan future events in any detail, I do think there is some general sense of where the characters are going. I have a few reasons to believe this.
Chuuya was in the manga before he even made his first appearance. If you check out Dazai's profile, Chuuya is mentioned as... one of his dislikes. Lol.
Chuuya was always going to be Dazai's ex-partner. It was the first thing decided about him, to my knowledge anyways. I've also noticed that Dazai, despite how much he appears, doesn't undergo a lot of development in the series proper (most of it's in the light novels, same as Chuuya). I suspect their development in the main series will once again run parallel as soon as Chuuya winds up with a more major role.
Asagiri and Harukawa spent the longest on Chuuya's design. And Asagiri always felt he was going to end up as a popular character, which is part of the reason why it took so long - he needed to look perfect.
Fifteen's afterword implies Chuuya's backstory was always going to be told eventually. Yes, the story was requested, but the response from Asagiri was "it's finally time to write this" not "oh ok if that's what the fans want".
Chuuya and Atsushi haven't even met yet, which is weird. Remember that Atsushi's decision to suggest a truce was likely influenced by his observation of Chuuya's actions. Also I find it strange that the Atsushi-Akutagawa duo are meant to be a new Dazai-Chuuya but one of each of the pair have... never met each other.
Chuuya's story is tied closely to the concept of singularities, ability user experimentation and the government (as well as the war's aftereffects by proxy). These themes run all throughout the world of bsd but have yet to be truly expanded on in the main manga.
Adam and Shirase are in London where the Order of the Clock Tower is. The Order is highly likely to play a major role going forward.
"His destination is still a secret" and "his will not be a peaceful, easy path" from the Stormbringer afterword. So, he's going to suffer more in the future. Yippee?
Anyways. This was a very long answer to your question anon but yeah. Chuuya will be important to the plot going forward and I believe that this was always the intention. It just doesn't make sense to have all this backstory and then not have any kind of payoff for it.
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
Let's Talk About Notion
So, I use Notion for plenty of non-writing things to keep myself organized, but the main thing I use it for is writing. And I love it because it can be simple--just pages nested within pages and including lists or paragraphs--or as complex as you need. The template I use for keeping track of my novels I did pay $20 for, but that was to the random person who put in all the time and effort and not to the company. There are free templates and if you put in the time to figure it out, you can make the complex ones yourself. And I do have a side page to just add pages for random ideas and not clutter my official system.
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This is the front page of my favorite Notion template ever, WIP. I can add as many projects as I'm working on, complete with cover pages (which I use just to be thematic but if I had actual covers I could upload those too) and summaries, but those aren't the practical parts. Based on the word count goal I entered, it tells me how close I am, as well as calculating how many book pages each takes up and how long it would take to read.
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There are also tabs for concept stories that I'm still planning and don't want to count towards my word count goal yet, and archived ones that I'm putting on hold.
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under the projects section, still on the front page, I have word count cards where I can enter my daily word count and it automatically updates the goal based on the end word count goal for all active projects and the date I said I wanted to finish each.
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If I open one of my projects, it gives me all this info in what is technically the header. I entered the summary, genre, dates, and goals, but it calculated the rest.
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That page includes chapters, which I can put in different stages of development, name, and move around; characters to keep track of, which I can attach to relevant chapters, and tasks I don't really use but they work as a checklist. That may be more useful when I'm in the 3rd draft and editing.
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Below all of that there's also a storyboard. I don't use it for TDATS and I don't really want to share the one I do use regularly, but basically they're pages attached to various chapters and you can use them as scenes or events to plot out the story, move things around, and get an idea of what's happening before writing.
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I prefer to write my actual stories in Word, but I could write them here directly in the chapters. There's also a spot to include specific words used or introduced in a chapter. Most of what I use these for is keeping track of word count, because you have to add them to the chapters for them to be added together into the project total. But it calculating how long it takes to read each chapter is certainly fun.
Anyway, you should definitely use Notion--there are other writing templates if you want something free or just different, and you don't have to use templates at all, but as a chaotic neurodivergent author, this has seriously helped my organization and planning.
The website is notion.so and there's desktop and mobile apps and the service itself is free. I guess there is a pro version but I think that's only useful if you're trying to use it as a team for work.
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uhardite · 5 months
an update
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hiii everyone, just wanted to drop a post telling you about the recent developments in my life. firstly, thank you for so many likes and reblogs on my posts!!?!?! secondly, i literally love the tumblr community here, but due to some reasons (more on that below), i will be discontinuing tumblr for a while, ie, i wont be posting or opening tumblr at all. thirdly, i finally started using dividers! haha
now for the reason why i am discontinuing, long story short im too stressed and overwhelmed to use any kind of social platform to be honest (it's to the point where i feel like throwing up bcz of how much work i need to do and how close i am to my exams). but don't worry bcz i am practicing positive self-talk, ways of calming myself and getting myself to just start
anyways, i want this to be a time to figure things out internally, instead of going on endless scroll sessions to hoard productivity and manifestation tricks (i love you guys for posting such good content though). i feel like my brain is getting overstimulated, kind of like a kid on caffeine, and yesterday after i tried to create a notion page to replicate a paid template (and failed), i was like, that's enough. i don't need every single productivity tip and task management system that exists in the world to actually be productive. referring back to my latest post, i initally thought that i was a visionary personality but turns out i am a mix of intentional and visionary. i find it hard to start on my goals, to stay motivated and consistent, and i don't prioritise effectively, but i am intentional with my goals and have a strong vision, so i hope that introducing some structure into my life and planning every step of my way can solve the problems i face. aaand i have rambled on for long but thats it or the update <33
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astrojulia · 1 year
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2th house through the signs
ARIES. Your independence and freedom are extremely important to you, and this is reflected in the way you handle money and personal resources. While you may make impulsive purchases, you also have a strong drive to reach financial security and are quite aggressive in your pursuit of it. It's important to note, however, that managing stress and impulse buying is key to maintaining a healthy budget. When you're invested in a project, you have a strong work ethic and are willing to put in the effort to get the job done quickly and efficiently. You might find that you thrive in fields related to construction, mechanical design, or architecture, as these industries can help you build a strong financial foundation. Professions such as police work, military service, firefighting, and manufacturing can be especially lucrative for you, as you have a strong desire to make money and are confident in your ability to do so. It's clear that your financial situation is tied to your self-esteem, and achieving financial success can make you feel even better about yourself. Overall, it's important to strike a balance between your desire for financial security and your impulsive tendencies. With the right mindset and a bit of careful planning, you can achieve your goals while maintaining a healthy relationship with money.
TAURUS. You have a down-to-earth and practical approach when it comes to managing your finances, and you place a high value on security and convenience. You have a great talent for handling money and are known for being dependable and sensual. You take a realistic approach when making investment and savings decisions, and while you may sometimes be stubborn when it comes to financial advice, it has helped you save money in the past. Although trusting your intuition has worked in your favor before, expanding your knowledge of financial institutions like banks and brokerages could benefit you even further. You have a keen interest in the arts and entertainment industries, which offer great potential for financial success. Your desire for wealth is driven by a passion for acquiring luxurious and valuable items, and you may have expensive tastes. While you occasionally indulge in impulse purchases, you generally have a practical approach to money and excel in business. With your skills, quick monetary gains are definitely within reach.
GEMINI. You have a lot of great ideas for generating income. However, it's important to keep in mind that you tend to let money slip away, so it's a good idea to be mindful of that. Your intelligence and quick thinking skills are definitely assets, but try not to jump too quickly from one venture to the next, as it may cause some turbulence in your financial affairs. It might be helpful to consolidate your interests a bit, rather than spreading yourself too thin. If you're looking to diversify your approach to earning a living, switching careers or exploring new investments could be great options for you. You have a knack for developing creative ways to improve your financial foundation, so don't be afraid to try new things. There are plenty of opportunities out there, particularly in fields like teaching, writing, transportation, and tourism. One thing to keep in mind is to avoid mixing finances with family or neighbors. You approach your finances from a logical perspective, which can be helpful, but it's important not to get too caught up in fretting about your finances or developing overly complicated budgets and plans. The good news is that you have the ability to adapt to any financial situation, so you'll be able to navigate whatever comes your way.
CANCER. You value financial security and stability, which is totally understandable. You like to have a safety net and make sure you can take care of yourself and your loved ones. Family may play a role in how you manage your money, but you're creative and resourceful when it comes to finding ways to keep your hard-earned cash safe. You're a caring and generous person, and you may be inclined to give to others or support causes you believe in. When you do spend money, you tend to focus on things that bring you joy, comfort, or improve your overall well-being. Investing in areas like agriculture, property, and commodities can be a smart move for you, and you take a thoughtful and careful approach to managing your money. You love spoiling your family and friends, but you also recognize the importance of being financially responsible and keeping your funds in order. When your finances are in good shape, you feel more relaxed and able to enjoy the things that matter most in life.
LEO. You have worked hard to achieve financial stability and you take pride in your earnings and assets. Your creativity and business acumen have played a significant role in your success, and you are always looking for new ways to reach your goals. You are fortunate to have the support of high-ranking individuals who want to see you succeed, and you value their encouragement. You are drawn to business or career opportunities that allow you to showcase your skills and put you in the public eye. Your organizational talents have helped you to effectively manage people and situations related to finances, leading to recognition within your community or the entertainment industry. While you have a natural inclination towards investing and taking risks, it's important to be cautious and mindful of the potential risks involved. You understand that financial success is important, but you also know that it's not the only thing that brings happiness and fulfillment in life. At times, you may enjoy indulging in luxury and extravagance, but ultimately you understand that material possessions are not the most important things in life. You value the simple pleasures and find joy in the things that truly matter, like spending time with loved ones and pursuing your passions.
VIRGO. You have a habit of keeping your money and valuables safe, and takes pride in accumulating material goods in an organized and methodical manner. People around you truly admire your attention to detail, and it's fantastic that you handle your finances with caution and wisdom. You're always aware of your financial situation, which helps you stay within your budget and avoid impulsive purchases that could result in financial trouble. Your sharp focus and attention to detail are excellent assets when it comes to keeping your investments on track, but it's important to keep in mind that being overly critical of others, especially those close to you, can be harmful. Nonetheless, you have a clear vision of what you want to do with your money and keep thorough records to achieve your goals. It's impressive that you're sensible with your finances, always planning ahead, but it's crucial to avoid impulsive decisions that could cause issues. When your finances aren't in order, it can cause physical and emotional stress, which can be avoided by staying organized and in control of your money. Remember to take care of your financial health to prevent anxiety and possible physical illnesses.
LIBRA. When it comes to your financial situation, things are likely to work in your favor, giving you the opportunity to achieve some level of success in reaching your goals. However, there's a good chance that you weren't satisfied with a job where you made most of your money in ways that didn't suit you or in areas where you lacked skill. You'd find more fulfillment in earning money through creative pursuits like writing, painting, sculpture, architecture, interior design, or even through investments that provide a steady income. If you enter into business partnerships or agreements with others for mutual gain, there's a chance for success. But hey, be careful with your choices, as you could end up losing money. A partnership in business or a supportive marriage can be a great asset. You strive to maintain a balanced budget by carefully considering the pros and cons of your expenses and investments. If you feel your financial life is out of whack, it's okay to start from scratch. Making money with the help of a partner or through marriage is a possibility. You have expensive taste, but you're not one to spend beyond your means, and you try to avoid wasting money on unnecessary purchases. You could find opportunities to make money in the arts, law, beauty industry, fashion, or even the wedding industry, for example.
SCORPIO. Money and material possessions really get your emotions going. Sometimes you might feel a twinge of envy when you see others succeeding financially. You value your enthusiasm and have a positive outlook when it comes to your financial situation. You're willing to put in the hard work to reach your goals. Your determination usually helps you overcome any obstacles, whether they're natural or man-made. In the end, you should be able to achieve financial independence and create a comfortable home for yourself. While you're not one to be frivolous, you do have a strong desire to spend money to grow your financial base or expand your influence. Just be careful not to react too slowly when it comes to financial matters, as that could lead to temporary losses or setbacks. When it comes to investments that involve growth and expansion or utilities with future potential, you can usually rely on your keen judgment. You prefer to keep your financial life private because you don't want others to know about your wealth or lack thereof. You have the potential to make a good amount of money in your life, but it may not be your ultimate ambition. You might consider long-term investments or even partnering up with someone in a business venture to make money.
SAGITTARIUS. When it comes to money, you have a sense of abundance. You might even be a bit of a scrooge at times. You're great at seeing the big picture, which often gives you a feeling of luck or fortune when it comes to handling your finances. However, this mindset also makes you more prone to taking risks in the hopes of boosting your bank account. Unfortunately, it can lead to financial losses if you're not careful with your planning. You may have a tendency to gamble or turn money into a game, finding excitement in the ups and downs of your fortunes. You naturally gravitate towards industries involved in international affairs, foreign investment, travel, publishing, and higher education. Just make sure to research the merits of any cause before you start throwing money around or making generous contributions in public. When it comes to money, you have a generous attitude and don't mind giving it away. As long as you have enough to cover your needs and help others, you're content. You're not afraid to take risks to make more money, and if things don't work out, you're ready to shrug it off and try again.
CAPRICORN. When it comes to making money, you're all about being organized and methodical. You take pride in your self-control and wisdom when it comes to your finances. You're not one to spend money without thinking it through and doing thorough research. Keeping to a savings plan is your jam, which shows that you value stability and setting yourself up for a better future. And hey, investing in things like real estate, property, or precious metals might bring in some extra cash. Your knack for organization and sense of responsibility make you a pro at handling business and financial matters. You're all about exploring opportunities for profit and bringing people together to make it happen. Who knows, this could even catch the attention of the public or politicians, leading to some community or national service. But don't get me wrong, you're no spendthrift. You're cautious and calculated with your money, always thinking twice before making financial decisions. Some might see you as frugal, thinking you have less than you actually do. But that's because you're smart about getting the most out of your money and gradually building up your savings for a more comfortable future. With your skills, you could make some serious dough in fields like politics, entrepreneurship, or working as a career planner or counselor. Just be careful with your spending and keep that financial sense in check.
AQUARIUS. When it comes to money and things, you're in for a wild ride. You value your uniqueness and creativity above all else. Get ready for some unpredictable twists and turns in your financial matters because your income sources can be anything but ordinary. Don't worry though, this doesn't mean you won't succeed. In fact, many of your dreams and aspirations are rooted in this unpredictability. You've got the potential to make connections with people who can directly impact your financial ambitions, and you might even stumble upon opportunities through your acquaintances who know all the right folks. If you're looking to make investments, areas like electronics, aircraft, inventions, scientific research and development, and the computer sector can be pretty lucrative. But here's a piece of advice: avoid relying on other people's money. It can lead to a whole bunch of issues and misunderstandings. You're the kind of person who keeps emotions separate from finances, and you don't stress too much about money on an emotional level. It may come and go in bursts, and you might find yourself in jobs where income isn't consistent, like commission-based or sales roles. Fluctuating earnings are pretty common, and you might depend on these avenues for the bulk of your income.
PISCES. So, money matters can be a bit confusing for you. It's not always easy to meet your financial obligations, and you might find yourself scratching your head about it. But hey, you really value compassion, and that's awesome. When it comes to finances, keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities that might come your way. But be careful, 'cause there can be risks involved. Make sure you know what you're getting into before jumping in blindly. There might be hidden conditions or consequences that you need to consider. Don't worry, though. If you take the time to investigate and gather all the info, it won't feel like such a mysterious puzzle. You've got this natural psychic sense that helps you see through dishonesty and deception, which is pretty cool. But hey, don't take your financial life too lightly. It's important to be responsible with your money. Sometimes you might come up with these grand money-making schemes that never really pan out, or you struggle to keep track of your funds. Just try to be a bit more organized and thoughtful when it comes to your finances.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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twisted-broth · 2 years
Jade Leech Yandere Profile
Template by @cinnamonest
Warnings: kidnapping, mention of force feeding, torture, humiliation, noncon, biting, bondage, one mention of breeding, branding, drugging, overstimulation
Reader is gender neutral with female genitalia
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Intelligence/Perceptiveness: 10
Brutality: 9.5
Physical capability: 7.5
Mental/emotional instability: 1.5
Restrictiveness: 9.5
Sexual sadism: 10
Stubbornness: 8.5
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Totally obsessive. You’re on his mind all the time and it drives him fucking crazy
You could say he’s aware that normal people don’t kidnap others and think about ways to make them scream all day, he just doesn’t care
He and Floyd have lived their whole lives doing and taking whatever they want and they don’t plan to stop anytime soon
Jade doesn’t really feel love like other people. Both of the twins were raised with a warped perception of love and don’t really understand it completely
Jade loves his brother. He knows that much is true. But he feels something very different when he thinks of you. Since he doesn’t know what being in love feels like then this must be it, right?
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
Like 100%
If you’re the new interesting thing in his life then he needs to have you immediately
And of course he also has Floyd as support if he needs it
When those two work together, there’s really nothing they can’t do because everyone is too afraid to stop them
Some people aren’t as afraid of Jade because they don’t know him that well but everyone is afraid of Floyd
So when Jade finds you working late by yourself in one of the chem labs, he calls in his brother to stand guard while he goes in for the kill
As for the timeline, Jade is not a hesitant person. If he takes a special interest in you then he’ll kidnap you within a week or two
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
Impossible. Jade is incredibly smart and he knows all the tricks in the book. He never lets his guard down, always retaining his fake smile and personality. The only person to ever see the real Jade is Floyd, and even that is rare
You’re like an experiment to Jade. He likes to change up the way he keeps you restrained every so often just to see how you react. Often, you’ll have any number of limbs handcuffed to the bed posts. Sometimes he keeps you in a cage of his own design but his favorite is a small glass box where you’re completely exposed to him for days on end with not even enough room to sit down
The display case is often just used as a punishment, usually after you’ve just made an escape attempt. It’s covered in locks and impossible to escape. The only opening is a slot right by your mouth that he can open to shove some food down your throat
Other punishments can range from sexual to forcing you to try his new potion just to see what happens
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Also impossible
Like I said before, Jade always has his guard up and would only ever lose face in front of his brother
He’ll let you play out your little act of trying to win him over but he won’t buy it for a second
Even if you do actually start to develop Stockholm syndrome and fall for him, he won’t believe you but he’ll go along with it
The only chance you have at earning more freedom would be to play along with him and be his perfect little plaything for several years. Then maybe you can have free roam of his room if you’re lucky
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
You’re nothing more than a pet to Jade but he still wants to keep you alive
When he’s in his best mood, you’re kept in his room with an ankle cuffed to the bed, but a long enough chain that you can reach the bathroom. He’ll also feed you three meals a day and maybe, if you’ve been really good, he’ll let you read some of his plant books
He also knows that humans need exercise in order to thrive. Once a week, in the dead of night, he’ll sneak you over to the pool and let you swim for an hour. But of course pool time is also terrifying since Jade is hovering over your shoulder in his eel form
Of course this all goes out the window if you put a toe out of line. You’ll learn the hard way to appreciate what you have
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
What rules does he not have is the real question. The only thing Jade lets you do on your own is breathe
He will drill into you the obedience of a well trained dog
Eat the food you’re given or else you won’t eat for days. Don’t complain about anything or it will be taken away. Don’t speak unless spoken to or you’ll be gagged
Just normal healthy relationship stuff
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
This is not a problem for Jade
He already wiped you off the grid when he kidnapped you and people gave up looking after a month
Sure there are some people like Ace and Deuce who are more heartbroken than others but it’s not like they’re going to come and vent their troubles to Jade Leech
He would get annoyed if people are still talking about you after a while
He wants everyone to just forget about you and leave you completely isolated
On the off chance he does hear someone drop your name, he can get them to shut up by simply bumping shoulders and apologizing with that sinister smile of his
That would make anyone clam up
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
Jade’s patience is seemingly never ending
Growing up with Floyd, he pretty much had to have the patience of a saint so as not to invoke his brothers temperament
If Jade were ever to get angry for any reason, you would honestly have a very low survival rate
He wouldn’t intentionally kill you but it is very possible
Since everything he does is planned and meticulous, if he were to succumb to his rage then even he couldn’t say what he might do
But that would never happen so no need to worry!
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
Jade already sees everyone who isn’t a merperson as being below him, but you’re a human and you can’t even use magic. How much more pathetic can you get?
So yes, you are definitely far below him
Really, you should be thankful you have him to watch over you. First you were relying totally on Crowley and since you clearly can’t take care of yourself, surely Jade is the lesser of two evils, right?
He mostly treats you as a pet/ science experiment but that doesn’t mean he’s a total monster
Since Jade can sustain himself on the shrimp bar at the dining hall, he usually uses his free staff meal at Mostro Lounge to bring you something nice if he’s so inclined
Otherwise you’ll share his food which is mostly raw shrimp (yum)
In his endless kindness, he also takes you to the pool in the middle of the night so you can get your exercise
“You humans do tend to accumulate fat quite quickly, don’t you?”
Don’t think you have any chance of escape once your in the water. Jade is in there in his eel form and there is no universe in which you can outswim Jade
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
It would be a pleasant surprise if you were to start loving him, but he’s not expecting it by any means
He himself probably wouldn’t tell you that he loves you until a year passes. He also wouldn’t believe you if you said it back, at least the first hundred times. He might have some trust issues
Once he does believe that you love him then he’ll use your feelings to find new and interesting ways to torture you
What do you mean you don’t want to clean the floor with a toothbrush? Don’t you want him to be happy?
He always believed that love was a weakness but your love for him gives him power. Who is he to deny you?
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Among all the yanderes at nrc, Jade is pretty much unmatched. The only ones who may even hold a candle to him would be Idia and maybe Riddle on a bad day
But Jade is mean as a yandere. You are a worthless, magicless human. You’re lucky he even bothers to give you the time of day
Another unique aspect of his is his relationship with his brother
Jade would move mountains for Floyd and vice versa so if Floyd is having a bad day and needs to let off some steam then Jade will graciously volunteer you
Jade does like having you for himself so it wouldn’t be a very frequent occurrence. Not to mention that your body probably couldn’t handle being Floyd’s punching bag very often
But Jade is sure to remind you afterwards that you’re so lucky to be his toy instead of his brothers. You should be thanking him, really
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Jade is really not a super sexual person. For him, sex is the most vulnerable he could possibly be and he is not about that
But he’s more than willing to torture you! He’ll tie you to the bed with a vibrator pressed against your clit until you pass out in a pool of your own cum. Only then when he knows he’s safe will he relieve himself
He mainly uses sex as a punishment for you but sometimes when he’s fed up with Azul or he took on a bigger workload when Floyd was pouting, he’ll take his frustrations out on you
He ensures his safety by completely tying you up with either handcuffs or rope, leaving you entirely at his mercy
While full on sex is very rare with Jade, it’s enough to leave you worn out for days on end. Even if you could escape, you doubt your legs could carry you
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
Couldn’t care less. You’re his toy so why should he even bother caring about what you want? Kick and scream all you want but that will only make it worse for you in the long run
He actually thinks it’s quite cute when you put up a fight. He’s a natural predator so of course he’ll win in the end. If he’s feeling extra mean he might even let you think that you’ve won for a second
The game is over if you actually manage to land a hit on him, though. Obviously you won’t do any damage, but he’ll need to remind you of your place if you start to get too bold
If you do play along then he won’t have to hurt you too badly, but where’s the fun in that?
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
We know that Jade messes around with a lot of different plants and potions but when he found one combination that had you on your knees begging him to fuck you, that definitely unlocked something in him
The sight of you so desperate for him just over one little potion is something he could easily get used to
Hes really just into anything that results in you crying, covered in marks from him and begging him to stop
Maybe the biggest thing that gets him worked up is the sight and taste of your blood. His razor sharp teeth are perfect for drawing little droplets of blood wherever he decides to bite down
He tries not to indulge himself too often because when he gets a taste of you his instincts kick in and urge him to keep going until you’re bruised and bloody and on the brink of death
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
If you weren’t confined to his room then he would definitely like to publicly humiliate you. Unfortunately, he’ll have to make do with just humiliating you in front of himself and Floyd on occasion
One of his most common punishments is marking you. Mostly hickeys, but you probably also have his initials carved into you somewhere
Pretty much any sexual punishment you can think of is something that he would do. Overstim, impact play, edging, nothing is really off the table
He’s also threatened to breed you a few times. Jade hates kids and never would risk getting you pregnant, but he thinks it’s funny how scared you get
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
Though he has been exposed to legs for two years now, they still fascinate him which is part of the reason your thighs are his favorite part of you
He also likes the fact that you don’t have many important arteries in your thighs so he can bite down as hard as he wants without risking you bleeding out. You humans really are so fragile
You will probably never see your thighs original skin color again because they’re always covered in new and old bruises
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memoriesndew · 3 months
"glow up planner notion template"
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introducing the all-in-one ultimate glow-up planner, I created this planner specifically for glowing up because it's tough to find ones in particular that target glowing up, not just putting the glow-up stamp there plus I believe this template will be of great assistance to a lot of people who want track their progress during their glow up
Welcome to the Glow Up Planner! This Notion template is your ultimate companion on your journey to self-improvement and personal development. Whether you're looking to enhance your physical health, cultivate better habits, or boost your confidence, this planner is designed to guide you every step of the way.
1. Motivation
Set clear and actionable goals for your glow-up journey. Divide them into different categories such as fitness, mental well-being, career, relationships, and hobbies.
Long-Term Goals: Define your overarching aspirations and objectives.
Short-Term Goals: Break down your long-term goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
2. Routines
Plan your day with intentionality and focus. Create a daily schedule that includes time for self-care, productivity, relaxation, and personal growth activities.
Morning Routine: Start your day off right with a routine that energizes and prepares you for the day ahead.
Task List: List out the tasks you need to accomplish, prioritizing based on importance and urgency.
Self-Care Activities: Schedule time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.
3. Habit Tracker
Track your progress on building new habits and breaking old ones. Monitor your consistency and celebrate your victories along the way.
Habit List: Identify the habits you want to cultivate or eliminate.
Daily Tracking: Log your daily progress and mark off each completed habit.
4. Diary
Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Use journaling prompts to deepen your self-awareness and foster personal growth.
Daily Reflections: Write about your highs and lows of the day, gratitude moments, and lessons learned.
5. Glow Up Guide
Access a curated collection of resources to support your glow-up journey. Explore videos and blog-like picture posts on topics related to personal development and self-improvement.
Useful Tools: Find information, products, and websites to enhance your productivity, creativity, and well-being.
And much more useful tools are included in the template
Get Started
Are you ready to embark on your glow-up journey? Dive in and start using the Glow Up Planner to transform your life one step at a time! -- template below 
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