#radical psychology
adult-human-gc-female · 11 months
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Found this post today, and together with my experience of narcissistic abuse it kinda clicked.
People say what this person wants to hear.
✨ But this is not enough. ✨
People should sit like this person wants. People should think like this person wants.
They always want to control everything. Just like my abuser did. This is why I was always been so bothered by the pronouns. Because it is nothing less but control over the way I speak and think.
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wintertidewater · 2 months
Are there any radical feminist groups here with the purpose of collaborating on research and publishing articles? Tumblr is nice and all, but to make the good ideas here accessible, we need to present them professionally and credibly. I'd kill for a gc on reviving radical feminism in academia.
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wrest0 · 20 days
I believe that transgender people should undergo therapy and treat their misogyny/misandry, and not change their genitals.
Why the fuck are people protecting men in skirts and not real women?:'(
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whatthehellami · 7 months
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Nick Heather - Radical Perspectives in Psychology - Methuen - 1976
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balkanradfem · 1 year
If you’re a woman, and you find yourself assuming, planning, or putting effort into something with certain expectations, and then when you get to the point where your expectations should be fulfilled, suddenly you realize none of it is how you imagined, and you start feeling small, foolish, over-optimistic, presumptive, stupid or embarrassed, I want you to know that there’s a huge chance that it’s not your fault, and the situation was, in fact, orchestrated this way.
M*n will orchestrate situations where they give women certain assumptions and expectations, then turn the situation nowhere in that direction. They do it so they would get exactly what they want out of the situation, while giving away nothing but false hope, false expectations, and encouraging false assumptions. You did not have a false assumption because there’s something wrong with you! You were not stupid or over-indulged! It’s been set up for you to feel exactly that way, otherwise you would never indulge, you’d never put effort, hope, energy, expectations or positive assumptions there.
Not only m*n orchestrate simple situations like this (like putting women on the spot where they’re expected to deliver subservience, obedience, forgiveness, their time and company, physical intimacy), but they orchestrate entire institutions and way of life this way. They develop marketing schemes out of that manipulation. They start and keep up relationships by keeping women’s assumptions always positive. They even go as far as to criticize, slander and demonize women whose expectations are anything but the most positive, optimistic and humanizing for them.
Women are supposed to assume every guy is the nice guy, even when walking into the hands of a rapist or a predator. Women are supposed to believe marriage with m*n is a place where they’ll be loved and taken care of, even when there’s a way higher chance of ending up in domestic servitude, or worse, domestic violence and life danger. We’re set up to find ourselves in situations where we either deliver whatever is expected of us, or we’re considered selfish, cruel, evil, leading someone on, and ‘making all other women look bad’. It’s not fair! It’s not fair to keep managing our expectations to remain optimistic, while already planning what to extract from us, all the while holding the card of calling us a slur or becoming violent the second we break the illusion.
When you’re safe to, you should get to call it out. It’s okay to say: “This is not what I was led to believe. This is not why I did all of those things. This is not what you’ve been saying to me all this time. This is not what I was told to expect. This is not what I agreed upon. This is not the expectation you’ve given me and you know it. This is not what I said yes to. You should have told me the truth earlier. You shouldn’t have led me on to believe this is what was about to happen. You shouldn’t have assumed I would keep being polite while you lie to me about what we’re doing here. I’m not partaking in this. You’ve wasted my time.”
If you do this, instead of assuming you’re just silly or naive, in most scenarios you will be completely correct. It’s not naive, foolish, or presumptive to have optimistic expectations, or to believe that people are telling you the truth, that you’re not being led on every time someone gives you positive expectations out of them. But people who would exploit that in you? They deserve to lose everything they hoped to gain by taking advantage of you.
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homeostasister · 3 months
Jon Sims is a Dostoevsky protagonist. To me
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I will never stop losing my mind over the fact that Freud said “yeah all men go through a time when they want to kill their father and have sex with their mother” and enough men said “wow yeah that’s definitely true for me” that it was written in textbooks and taught in schools and basically treated as psychological fact for how many decades including countless people still believing it to this day. Dudes did that. That’s a thing that was done by these guys.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Dear, the big problem about transableism and trans-whatever (trans autism ie.) is the lacking of affective responsibility coming from those transabled individual. And the lack of introspection too.
It’s not about your screaming desires of being something. You (and All the transabled community) need to understand that we live in a society and we have to accept and tolerate each other, but also to not hurt others. Your desires to be something else are not your identity. You hurt others, but more importantly, you hurt yourselves.
It’s about accepting who you really are, without your obsessions towards neurodevelopmental and mental disorders. Your real identity and essence is more than the disorders that you are pursuing.
Maybe you are just very sensitive toward people with this conditions, and that’s ok! And maybe your imagination and narrative talents are far beyond the mean, and that’s cool. Also I’ve read that you are good at collecting and applying data. But pursuing transableism is not ok.
Be you.
I am not transabled in anyway, shape or form.
I don't know entirely what it's like to be transabled.
But this gives me some real "have you tried not being depressed?" vibes
Currently, not a lot of research has been done into people who identify with mental illnesses they don't have. But... research has been done into BIID, where people may feel like they should have a physical disability they don't have.
And in these cases, it's not something that can be controlled or willed away.
It's not even just wanting to, but feeling like you're supposed to and that the fact that you don't is fundamentally wrong. And no matter how much you try, you can never quite shake the thought that you would be better if you were how you're "supposed" to be.
Is this what it's like to be transautistic too? I really don't know. But it seems reasonable to think many are experiencing something similar, but in relation to mental illnesses instead of just physical.
And like with the BIID groups, I don't think it's as easy for many of them as just "accepting themselves".
As for harm, there are plenty of things that are harmful to us as an Autistic system. A small subgroup of a small subgroup of people on the internet identifying as transautistic really doesn't make the list.
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undomhiel · 9 months
✧ tumblr introduction
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hi, i am noa, a 19 year old (second year) psychology student from the netherlands!
i have made a tumblr account after some years again. this account will mainly be used for motivation to study, but also will include some of my other interests. These interests include...
✧.* studying
✧.* reading (books/ poetry)
✧.* cottage core
✧.* (dark) academia
✧.* psychology
✧.* philsophy
✧.* music
✧.* films/ series
✧.* mbti
✧.* feminism
some of my favourite artists are lana del rey, hozier, florence and fiona apple! i am also a huge lord of the rings, breaking bad and game of thrones nerd :) my current read is the bell jar - sylvia plath
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pandemic-info · 9 months
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Just got to the part of Let This Radicalize You where they detail different responses to "major health threats" as outlined in The Psychology of Pandemics by Steven Taylor. Some ppl are "monitors", who seek out info "to cope with uncertainty."
"Meanwhile, others are prone to what's known as "blunting" behavior, which involves 'the distraction from, and minimizing of threatening information.'"
"Still others exhibit what's known as "unrealistic optimism bias," characterized by the belief that they are more likely than others to evade harm and experience positive outcomes."
[more on optimism bias]
"Research has shown that monitors are responsive to emotional appeals as well as detailed info abt risk factors & harm reduction strategies, whereas blunters are likely to avoid such messaging; for them, simple, logical messaging is likely most effective."
"Understanding these different reactions is essential to effective messaging and highlights the importance of taking multiple approaches in our organizing."
This thread is really putting into words that I think a major problem with communicating w/ loved ones who are "back to normal" wrt COVID is that many of us are using monitor messaging for folks who are more likely than not blunters.
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fractal-unfoldment · 11 months
Being alone forces you to become more self-reliant. In the end, you count your time alone as an accomplishment that bolsters self-esteem.
Susan Anderson, The Journey from Abandonment to Healing
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abajoelpatriarcado · 11 months
Hola, amores 🧚‍♀️✨⚡️
1. Help, save, love. Mis posts tratan sobre lo demasiado que hemos soportado ya como sociedad y lo demasiado que ha soportado el planeta por culpa del patriarcado, y todo lo que ha conllevado. Guerras, economías decadentes e injustas, explotaciones... Este sitio es para desahogarme, y para que me ayudes a hacerlo. Para que tomemos iniciativa en nuestras palabras y nuestras acciones.
2. LGBTQ+ friendly. Decídmelo a mí, que formo parte de ella. Y por ello, este espacio es para cualquiera que tenga en su mente siempre el respeto mutuo. Aquí no se acepta xenofobia, racismo, capacitismo, homofobia ni transfóbia.
3. ¿Diario?¿Poesía?¿Journalism?¿O vomitona de resaca emocional? Mi interés con este espacio es vomitaros encima toda mi moral, de la forma que quiero y de la forma que soy. No consideréis para nada este blog una fuente de periodismo e información válido, sino como un diario de la niña mala del instituto cuando está harta y empieza a escribirle una carta a los demonios como Asmodeus para que se lleven a los que le hacen la vida imposible.
– esceptic
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ladyalienist · 2 years
Kinksters hate sex.
And I don't even mean in the usual radfem analysis way, which is along the lines of "they hate intimacy and closeness with another person and the focus becomes masturbating to an elaborated fantasy of violence, thanks porn", no.
I literally mean they hate sex.
I haven't met a single libfemmy sex-positive kinkster woman who doesn't, at some point, either start identifying as ace or saying that she actually doesn't have a libido. Not a single one.
They will start out bragging about how sexual they are, how open, how much they looooooove their dom mistreating them and whatnot, and then as the conversation progresses and they start trusting you they will INVARIABLY open up about actually not liking that and not being interested in sexual acts.
They straight up hate having sex and aren't attracted to the people they fuck.
It must be a very sad life.
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tiredapocalypse · 7 months
why are we making people conform to society instead of molding society to accept them? why do we hate our patients? this is a huge joke. stop preaching that you care about them. you care about the status quo. you care about maintaining all that you've ever known and think is "normal". you don't care about the people you're helping if they don't fit in the mold of the perfect patient
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tenderrevelations · 2 months
The Unwavering Allowing of Transition
“You are you and the work is the work” Both concepts exist in connection with one another.
A place like New York where inspiration could cross your path just by walking down the street. Yet we become conflicted by trying to adhere to the norms of this mindless working society. “Go to work. Get shit done. HUSTLE. HUSTLE. HUSTLE.”
Knowing your creative spirit is what moves you everyday, how frustrating it can be to not be able to pinpoint where it’s resting its head. How badly we want to lock ourselves in a sunlit room, paint, instruments and countless pages of paper and pens to let the imagination actually run.
We work the muscles of the mind. We stretch the muscles of the spirit. I find myself harmonizing in my head, wishing someone to join me with their imaginary trumpet or take it away with their guitar solo. Photo books are particularly grounding lately; visual representation of life embodying art in its truest form. Days where I’d capture my friends in their hardest moments, crying in their hands from a love lost, all on a disposable camera; those were the moments where I felt my art to be the most validating. Seeing true pain, true emotion on film and having that memory in my hands. The one truth that has been the hardest to grasp lately is the knowing that nothing stays stagnant. Everything changes and shifts even when you don’t want it too. I come back to old stomping grounds to find firm sensations of familiarity and land in a place that feels foreign to the naked eye. Places that were once so dear to me, stripped away of its original charm and grief overcomes me like the harsh power of a NYC fire hydrant. The stripping away of authentic NYC culture feels like a metaphor for understanding the ebb and flow of transition. Wether we like it or not, we are here and we are changing. One day we are here. Next day we are not. “The person who starts the work, won’t be the same person who comes back the next day to finish the work.” The purpose of all of this, is profound connection. We all desire to become closer to each other in one way or another. Be it collaboration or meaningful conversation, we want to know that we are not doing this alone. Sometimes we force connection in hopes that it sticks, yet the rule of inevitable change reminds us that force only brings more friction. So where does that lead us? Allowing. Some call it the path of least resistance, others call it radical acceptance. Either way you spin it, you let go, or be dragged. It almost feels like the answer to success is in some sort of literal equation.
Allowing + Risk taking x consistency = Ultimate Contentment.
Constantly having to break through old familiar patterns to embrace the unknown can feel exhausting. Perhaps photography is where we can find the middle ground. Being able to capturing what you know and cherish and still allowing it to change in the future knowing that it lives in your mind and on your camera. A heartwarming transition into a new beginning. I recall those moments where I’ve captured strangers. A small conversation that sometimes led to full blown friendships and other epiphanies that only could’ve happened by releasing the grasp of fear.
The power of a capturing lens. Acknowledging that your view is a valid one is the beginning stage of self
acceptance. The beginning stage of the birth of a confidence that cannot be taken away. Regardless of criticism, one stands firm in their point of view, especially when it’s a view born out of creativity. Yet there are those moments where the view starts changing. The shock of the unfamiliar begins to make us glitch in such an extreme way and we need time to readapt to the new norm. Radical acceptance comes out and stands in front of us, forcing us to acknowledge what is there. It’s only when we say “I see you” that Radical acceptance can step aside and let us through.
Why do we unconsciously force the hand of others for our own comfort? We cultivate these connections for mutual support and somehow find ourselves gripping onto ideas that do not apply. Our perceptions sometimes do not align with others, yet somehow we ignore our intuition and insist on clashing in hopes we win some sort of secret friendship game. The Ego is the only one that understands the rules. I’m here to learn from others while also expressing and validating my own work. I’m finally accepting that my perception of life isn’t for everyone and I have to learn how to be okay with not being everyones cup of tea. I know that it may feel a bit isolating at times and nobody ever wants to force a relationship, however I’m learning to listen with intention and remember that the melting pot that is community has its own purpose. To create, heal, destroy, learn, teach, love, bring joy to, shape etc. Everyone has a place in the pot.
The allowing. The art of letting go and letting God. That oceanic exhale that lifts that weight off your shoulder.
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