#scary angry Deku
iamfrankie99 · 2 years
So Much Worse Than A Phantom Limb
by s_the_queen
50k 5ch
Summary: Deku ends up in a coma with a low chance of making it due to a shitty villain poisoning him. Katsuki is the only one who can visit him in the hospital. Throughout a couple months he witnesses the most important person in his life wilt away and he can't do anything about it. He needs to be strong though, for his parents, for Auntie Inko and for the class too. He needs to be a rock, he cannot lose his shit, no matter how much he wants to. Adding to this, the dekusquad keeps shitting venom all over him, trying to guilt-trip him into giving them confidential information on Deku's condition. Thank god for the rest of the class that becomes the best support system he could have asked for. Wait until Deku wakes up and learns what his oh-so-dear friends have been up to while he was on his deathbed. It ain't gonna be pretty, that's for sure.
Frankie's comment: Another fic I've read over and over...and it makes me cry every. fucking. time. It's a deadly combo of sad, angry, frustrated, relieved and happy tears that lasts the entirety of the 5 chapters. I'm gonna be honest, the beginning is down-right soul-wrenching (and so soft. You can really see how much Kacchan loves his Deku), then you get dumped into pure elation for a sec there when Deku wakes up, then he finds out about the bitchsquad shenanigans and the bashing that ensues is straight-out satisfactory. I don't think I've ever felt such high levels of sheer, unadulterated satisfaction. Oh! I almost forgot: MVP of the fic goes to Hagakure, our camera girl. Have you ever had a moment like "shit I wish I got that on camera"? If you did, you'll understand me.
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peachsukii · 3 months
Im in love with your writing and I was wondering if I could get a scenario with Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki (if you want to ofc-) with a s/o who gets into a fight with another student about whatever and does that cool but scary angry grin? Take your time! ^^
aw thank you so much! i'm so happy you enjoy it. :) thank you for the suggestion, anon! hope you like it!! ♡
『♡』  fem!reader  x  midoriya / bakugo / todoroki ╰➤ ꒰ how the boys would react to reader getting into a fight ꒱ -`✧ all the boys are aged to 18 & senior year of UA
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☆ Izuku Midoriya ☆
Monday morning! Everyone's not so favorite day of the school week. You were still recovering from the previous week - back to back tests stacked on top of physical quirk training. It was exhausting, two days off wasn't enough to fully recover. You're not too proud of how irritable you are this morning, but it's to be expected. You make your way into the building and see Midoriya waiting for you, a can of your favorite energy drink in hand. "Good morning, y/n! I know we were up late all last week, I figured you could use a pick me up this morning," he greets, extending the drink to you. "Aw, thanks Zu, that's so sweet of you," you say cheerfully as you take the drink from him. Someone you didn't recognize scoffs near by, catching your attention as she leans to the person next to her and whispers, "What a desperate loser Midoriya is, chasing after her like a lost puppy." Little did she know you had excellent hearing. You swing your head in her direction, glaring daggers immediately. Stomping over, you stand with fists balled at your side. "You wanna say that again?" you growl, daring her to repeat her mistake. She scowls and take a step closer to get in your face. "Midoriya's a desperate loser chasing after you like a lost -" She's cut short when you shove her into the shoe lockers, thrusting her up against the row with a loud thud. Your lips curl into a snarl, tilting your head sideways. "A lost what?" Midoriya scrambles to your side, a hand on your shoulder to pull you away from the confrontation. “Y/N, it’s not worth it!” He pleads, putting his hands up in defense. “Don’t worry about it! I’m not upset.” “Keep your bitch in check, Midoriya,” the girl’s friend snarks, a cheshire grin spreading across her lips. The energy shifts as you look in Midoriya’s direction, catching a glimpse of the fire behind his emerald irises. He lowers his hands, taking a deep breath while relaxing his shoulders. ”Don’t you dare talk about her like that. Understand?” You’ve never heard his voice sound like that - so…assertive. You loosen your grip on the girls uniform jacket, letting her slip out of your grasp. “Whatever.” The girls leave you and Midoriya while a crowd of others turn their eyes away from the scene. You can’t help the exasperated sigh that escapes you, frustrated at your shitty start to the morning. He takes your arm gently and guides you toward your joint homeroom class. ”Let’s skip studying tonight, we’ll go get crepes instead. My treat!”
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☆ Katsuki Bakugo ☆
After classes ended for the day, you and Bakugo decide to do your typical training regimen outside. It was a beautiful spring day - why waste it by staying inside? The two of you make your way to the training grounds, tossing your bags down and stretching in the grass. Another group of students appear and make their way to the other side of the training grounds. It wasn't uncommon to share the grounds, so you don't pay any mind to them. You begin warming up by jogging around the perimeter of the grounds together at a steady pace. By the time you circle back around, you're starting to get hot and unzip your gym uniform jacket, leaving it hang open for the breeze to brush against your skin. You're black sports bra becomes visible and it exposes your midsection, but covers more than the average bathing suit. You wear it all the time and Bakugo isn't bothered by it. He could care less what you wear to work out in as long as you worked hard. "Can I bother you to get this one knot out of my shoulder? I can't seem to shake it," you ask him, rolling your shoulder while wincing. "Think I pulled it during quirk training last week." "Fine, but you gotta be more careful, idiot. Gonna end up shredding your muscles before ya even get to be a pro," Bakugo scolds as he walks over to you. "Where is it?" You point to the spot on your shoulder blade as you discard your jacket, letting it fall to your elbows. He grips your opposite shoulder to hold you in place as he digs his thumb into the spot, roughly rubbing in circles to loosen the knot. He places his palm over the aching muscle after a few minutes and lightly activates his quirk, warming the area to help with the pain. You sigh with relief, the heat helping immediately melt the tension away. A few of the students from the other group approach you two, staring at you with disgust. "Get a damn room, you two. We're trying to focus," the one girl says annoyed, hands on her hips. "And do us all a favor, cover the hell up. No one wants to see you flirt with this jackass." "You really came all the way over here to bitch at me instead of just minding your business?" you argue, pulling your jacket back onto your shoulders. "Sounds like a you problem." She takes a step toward you and pushes you backwards, sending you tumbling into Bakugo. It catches you off guard, but you immediately use the momentum of his hands catching you to reverse the force and knock yourself back into her. She stumbles, attempting to take a swing at you and failing miserably as she falls to the ground. Bakugo barks out a laugh. "If it's a fight yer lookin' for, might wanna think twice." It's hard to ignore the sound of sparks fizzling from his palms, knowing he's definitely pissed she put her hands on you, despite his reaction. "Knock it off! Let's get out of here," her friend huffs, reaching her hand out to help her off the ground. She smacks her hand away, crawling to her feet on her own. "Hope to see you in the sports festival this year!" you call mockingly as they scurry away. "Really hopin' you get paired with her so you can kick her ass."
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☆ Shoto Todoroki ☆
"Seriously?" you whine, staring at the empty space on the counter in the cafeteria. A girl nearby you cackles to herself, shooting a dirty look your way. "Should have been faster!" she yells, mocking your disappointment. You furrow your brows at her. This has happened every single day for the last two weeks - she takes your favorite snack (sometimes multiples) to purposefully throw it in the trash in front of you. "Why the hell do you have it out for me?!" you ask, frustrated as you shove your tray onto the counter. She tosses her hair over her shoulder, turning her nose up at you. "I'm doing you a favor, y/n. Only winners get what they want." She must have been referring to the sparring match you had last week against Ochaco. It's not your fault your hand to hand combat needs work - that's what school is for. "Fine, let me fight you for it," you say casually. "I'll win it from you." She lets out that stereotypical anime villain laugh. "I'd like to see you try!" And you do. You strut over and smack the tray from her hands, causing it to clatter to the ground. Your eyes are locked on hers, assessing her like a predatory identifying it's prey in the wild. "What the hell's your problem?!" she yells, putting her hands up in a panic. "What? You said try, so here I am." As you're staring her down, Todoroki walks up and casually stands next to you. "Y/N, I saved you a seat," he says nonchalantly. "Come sit with me." You scoff, rolling your eyes at the girl and how pathetic she looks, cowering at your actions that she dared you to do. "Fine." You follow Todoroki back to the table and sit down, pouting about losing your favorite snack for the umpteenth time. "You shouldn't be fighting over food, y/n," he voices quietly. "That's not worth the potential punishment." You sigh. "Yeah, yeah. I know, Sho." He then pulls something out of his bag from the floor, placing it on the table in front of you. "Here. I picked something up for you." Like magic, your favorite snack is presented on the table. Your eyes light up, ecstatic that he saved one just for you. "Aw Sho, this is so nice of you! Thank you!"Little did you know, Todoroki bought the entire tray with Endeavor's credit card, ensuring that you get your favorite snack for the next few days without being bullied over it. "Sure."
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i hope this was sufficient & enjoyable!!
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pumpkinsouppe · 1 year
There’s def a lot I wish to be in Tears of the Kingdom, especially things like regional/diverse enemies. But the thing I really wish to see is Link express negative emotions. And not just “he’s angry at fighting enemies” but rather he’s angry and tired and upset and confused at his situation. He has followed orders from the king the moment he touched the master sword as a CHILD. We don’t even know if he truly got to be a child because his whole life has been about duty. And I’m pretty sure in this timeline he was descended from the Hylian knights so who knows how long he’s been training to just be a standard knight before the master sword.
Link SHOULD be angry that he’s stuck in this cycle of rebirth. Even when he died, the fall of Hyrule was blamed on him and he didn’t even get to stay dead. He was woken up and had to finish his duties while also being constantly reminded that his death is what lead Hyrule to look like is does. He should be angry, angry at Ganon and Demise and at the Hylian Royalty for forcing him into this situation over and over and over.
And this is exactly why I hope TOTK is similar to Majora’s Mask. Not because Majora’s Mask was scary. But because it dealt with the grief and isolation and depression Link had to face after going through an incredible traumatic journey, and then losing all of his friends as a result. Most notably losing the ONE friend who was with him the entire time. Who completely understood everything Link went through because she experienced the same thing. And she was the entire reason Majora’s Mask even happened in the first place, because Link was desperately searching for Navi because he was scared to be alone. I want TOTK to explore these hard and brutal emotions for both Link and Zelda. I want them both to be scared, angry, and distraught. I want them to cry over themselves and be selfish. I want them to do something impactful that isn’t for the sake of Hyrule. I hope there’s conflict with the Goddess Hylia. I hope they reject her outstretched hand after she has burdened two children to sacrifice themselves for the good of Hyrule.
I want there to be a good resolution to TOTK. I want both Link and Zelda to choose their own path even if that means leaving Hyrule. But I want the path to resolution to be painful and really explore Link’s true emotions. He is stoic and mute because he is burdened with the weight of the world. What good is a knight who talks when he is judged based on his actions and ability to use a sword.
With Zelda’s warning that she thinks that even Link can’t succeed, I hope we do see helplessness in Link. Again to Majora’s Mask we did get to see Link helpless. He was transformed into a small Deku Scrub with no weapons, no horse, and was an outlier in a town filled with humans. But he learned to work through that helplessness. He embraced the spirit who had to give his life for Link to look the way he does and figure out new ways to fight and communicate. He later became grateful for the Zora and Goron who let him use their spirits to aide his journey. He was able to confront Majora’s because he was never truly alone. Everyone he’s ever met has given him strength even if they aren’t with him presently.
And that’s what I hope to see in Link in TOTK. A helplessness due to his isolated burden, faced against something he could never win against alone. And thankfully we did get that to an extent in BOTW with the champions and even Zelda. But even then, fighting the divine beasts was optional. Link in a sense could have faced Ganon alone. Hell people even fight Ganon with no clothes and only carrying sticks.
No, I want Link, even in the most powerful armor with the most powerful weapon, to be helpless. And I want him to be angry about it. And upset. And hurt. Because he has earned the right to express every painful emotion for his circumstance and he deserves to be able to express his frustration. It is okay if he isn’t the hero.
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helluva-simper · 5 months
It was almost the end of the day, and you were tired and wanted to go home and rest. You had a terrible headache and, guess who makes it worse.
"You old hag! When do I get to kick Deku's ass!?" Bakugo yells. "Kacchan, stop interrupting the class!" Izuku yells back at him. The two start bickering back and forth.
"Shut up! If I hear another word from you two, I will not hesitate to dismantle you both." You said glaring them down. Izuku nods with sweat rolling down his face and Bakugo mumbles, "Whatever."
The class silent and scared. Even Aizawa was surprised that it was even possible for you to get mad. When class over you thought you get some peace and quiet. You thought wrong.
As you were walking towards the exit massaging your head, Mina starts yelling, "Ms. L/n! Ms. L/n! Bakugo is trying to kill Midoriya again!" You make a loud groan. "Out of all days." You storming towards the room.
"Bakugo! Put Izuku down!" You yelled. You were beyond furious. He puts him down. "Oh shut up you old-" I push Bakugo back against the wall by his shoulder leaving your hand there. "Listen here. I would rather have to deal with Nezu for beating a student half a inch of their life, on school ground, then let you finish that finish that sentence. So how about you try that again.
Iida gets beside you and him. "Ms. L/n! I don't think this is really necessary!" Iida says with his frantic arm movement. You turn you head towards him. "Then tell me then. What is necessary?" You asked scary as fuck. He looks at you terrified as he backs away. "Does anyone else want to get on my nerves?!" You asked. Everyone backed away.
"Good." You said walking out while Bakugo was still scarred. You slammed the door behind you but you instantly regretted it as your headache got worse.
"Hey L/n-" "If you have a problem, go deal with it yourself." You said as you turned around to see All might a.k.a Toshinori Yagi. "Sorry. Sorry. I thought you were one of students." You apologized rubbing my temples. "It's okay, but are you okay?" He asks. You stop rubbing your head to give you thumbs up. "Perfectally fine. Just a minor headache." You said while your head said otherwise.
You walk away quickly before Toshinori could ask anything else. You walk to the teachers' lounge. and grab some ibuprofen. You walk to the to the gender neutral bathroom. As you were about to take your last pill someone screams, "HEY L/N!!!" Angry fills you as you drop the pill down the drain.
"Hizashi Yamada!" You said sternly still looking at the drain.
Hizashi was startled. "You really don't know how to shut the FUCK UP!" You push him out the way not letting anything stop you from getting home.
You spent a minute trying to get the key into the keyhole before you finally got into the house and plopped onto the couch.
When your adrenaline slowed down your body ached and your headache worsened. You just looked at the ceiling.
Soon you heard someone knock on the door. You wobble to the door.
"I just wanted to check on you, you seemed pretty piss-.... are you okay?" Aizawa asked. "No..." You passed out, falling into his arms. Aizawa was frozen for a moment before he went back on to the couch and laid you down on the couch.
You groan as you sit up. "You should lay back down. Don't want you passing out again." You heard Aizawa say. Without thinking you lay back down once you notice your painful headache.
"Now, tell me what happened." He demanded with a hint of concern. "Long story short, a minor headache turned into migraine. I attempted to take medicine but Hizashi's loud ass made me drop it." You summarized closing your eyes. He hummed in response.
He puts a hand over your eyes and bean to massage your temples. You left out a small, relived sigh relaxing into his hand. "How about we go take a bath and then I can make something to eat." Aizawa said as you agreed.
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sallage · 6 months
Secrets; Secrets Are No Fun
One Shots
Warning: This is a tickle fic!
Summary: It’s movie night and somehow, some of class 1A had convinced Bakugo to join them. When a jump scare knocks Kaminari into an unsuspecting Bakugo, chaos ensues for the angry blonde.
Pairing: Lee Bakugo, Ler BakuSquad
Words: 3,450
Reading Time: 13 Minutes
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago and thought I would share. Enjoy!
Read more ∘₊✧ Here ✧₊∘
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It was storming outside. Rain pounded against the roof and wind carried it across the glass. Everyone was gathered in the common room covered in blankets and telling scary stories.
Kirishima and Kaminari held their audience captive as they used ominous voices to tell the chilling story of a man with black bat wings for arms and a craving for human flesh. Mina was enamored with the story, shoving popcorn in her mouth at world record speeds. Midoriya looked petrified as he held a pillow over his face, Todoroki occasionally deadpanned questions and Sero did his best to look brave and unbothered, but everyone could tell his skin was crawling.
Bakugo was in the kitchen, sipping on some water and watching the morons entertain the extras. He rolled his eyes and looked at the time.
Suppressing a yawn, he decided to head to bed. He finished his drink, and threw the bottle away on his way out.
“Bakugo!” Kirishima yelled.
“Huh?” Bakugo growled but he stopped walking to see what dumb hair wanted.
“We’re about to watch a horror movie! if you stay we’ll let you pick!”
“Why would I waste my time hanging out with you idiots?” And with that he continued walking, tunnel vision for the path to his room, until he heard something that made him stop in his tracks.
“Kacchan never liked horror movies, when we were younger, he would act like he wasn't scared but he would actively avoid them back then too.”
Immediately, Bakugo whirled around to meet the gaze of the annoying nerd he’d begrudgingly considered a rival.
“What the hell did you just say, damn Deku?” He started walking towards him, causing the smaller boy to shriek. Kirishima blocked Bakugo’s path, motioning for the other to calm down.
“Bakugo, chill-”
Bakugo pushed Kirishima off and glared at Deku who was hiding behind an also terrified Sero. He pointed at him and cursed. “I’m not scared of anything! Pick whatever movie you bastards want to watch and hurry up!” With a huff, he sat down angrily in front of the tv. After a moment, everyone quickly took their positions as well, gathering blankets, pillows, and snacks.
Around 20 minutes into the movie, Bakugo had relaxed enough to lay back against the couch with his arm over his head, using his wrist as a way to prop up his head. Bakugo gritted his teeth as the electric hero next to him was vibrating out of pure fear. He jumped at every little shadow, expecting something to jump out at him at any moment.
Bakugo was genuinely interested in this part of the movie, so he clenched his jaw and tried to ignore it, promising himself he would wait until the scene ended to cuss him out. Then, in the movie a demon doll jumped out of the closet, causing Kaminari to shriek and fling himself onto Bakugo.
Kaminari grabbed at the first thing he could, which would have been the blonde’s arm but because his head was leaning on his wrist, he grabbed onto Bakugo’s ribs instead. Bakugo yelled, jerked his arm down, and pushed at Kaminari, losing it when Kaminari kept grabbing at him even after the scene was over.
“AAAHGH! Gehet the hell off of me, Dunce face!”
Kaminari stopped, everyone stopped, even the rain had stopped. Bakugo’s heart beat wildly in his chest, and it was so quiet, he was sure everyone could hear it.
Mina opened her mouth first, suppressing the obvious bout of giggles that wanted to pour out of her. “Did Bakugo just-”
Kaminari gaped at Bakugo and while the blonde was distracted and before he lost his nerve, used that opportunity to reach out and intentionally pinch his ribs. Bakugo jerked back and moved his arm protectively over his body, glaring at the electric hero with a deathly scowl. Kaminari couldn’t help it, his eyes lit up with excitement and a smirk crossed his features.
“No freaking way! Dude, are you ti-”
In one fluid motion, Bakugo harshly shoved Kaminari off of the couch. The electric hero fell to the floor with a startled yelp, cringing when he landed hard on his shoulder.
“Whoa, what just happened?” Kirishima asked, jogging over to Kaminari and reaching a hand to help. Kaminari swiftly recovered and ignored Kirishima’s gesture. Irritated from aggression he didn’t think he deserved, he stood up and pointed at Bakugo who was also standing, looking like he was ready to murder the other.
“Keep your damn mouth shut, dunce!” Bakugo threatened through clenched teeth. “I’ll fucking kill you!”
It took Kaminari a few seconds to weigh his options. Continuing on like he was would surely guarantee a slow and painful death at the explosive hands of the angry blonde. But feeling his shoulder pulse from his tumble, he was feeling less than gracious. He pointed at Bakugo and sang with a shit eating grin;
“Bakugo is ticklish!”
Everyone’s jaws hit the floor. Bakugo froze, refusing to shift his eyes from Kaminari’s smug face. Boiling anger steamed at his core, making him see red. “No, I’m not.” He growled.
Kirishima was the first to speak, not bothering to hide his grin. “No way, man.” He chuckled. “Is that true, Bakugo?”
“Of course not!” Bakugo’s eyes finally left Kaminari’s, inconspicuously darting around his surroundings. The couch was right beside him, there was another couch right behind him with a small gap he could get through then the door would be a straight sho-
Kaminari took a step towards Bakugo and the blonde instinctively took a step back, immediately cursing himself for showing that kind of nervousness.
“Whoa,” Sero said, moving to stand. “I’ve never seen Bakugo stressed out before!” He grinned and flexed his arms, intentionally reminding Bakugo of his quirk.
Bakugo knew that if he got restrained by Sero’s tape, the only way out would be to destroy the entire building. Which he was briefly considering when Mina spoke up. “Aww that’s so cute! A tough guy like you, ticklish?” She practically squealed into her hands. She grabbed Deku and shook him. “Did you know about this? Of course you did, you two grew up together! Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
Midoriya yelped and scratched the back of his head. Shrinking back into himself, trying to disappear. He refused to even look in Kacchan’s direction, already feeling stressed out for his friend. “Actually, I’d really rather not get involved.”
“This is gold!” Kirishima whooped. He took a step towards Bakugo, softening his expression when he realized how overwhelmed and stiff Bakugo looked.
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, Kacchan.” Kaminari grinned. “You might have to start being nicer to us!”
Bakugo gritted his teeth in an effort to keep his voice steady and his hands free from explosions. There was a reason why his heart was beating 100 miles a minute, and he knew what it was.
He couldn’t beat all of them. If they wanted to, they could turn him into a puddle of weakness with just a few fingers.
And they look like they wanted to.
A million responses whirled through his mind. Threats, excuses, dismissals, even remaining silent. But when he opened his mouth, only words to be regretted came out. “Fuck off! I knew hanging out with you losers was a waste of time. I’m outta here.”
Although his heart raced and every instinct in his body told him not to, he shoved his hands into his pockets, turned his back, and rounded the couch. His eyes were fixed, the door to freedom in the line of sight. The hairs on the back of his neck stood right before a hand closed around his wrist. He quickly shoved it off but it was replaced by arms as hard as rocks wrapping around his waist. In a flurry of friendly faces, amused laughter, and tape, despite his violent efforts, the explosive blonde found himself bound with his wrists next to his head and his legs together.
His face burned with embarrassment and he wasted no time struggling in his bonds, trying to rip the tape from the ground. Despite his better judgment, his hands started to pop.
“Come on, Bakugo! You know you can't use your quirk in here.” Kirishima said.
The sparks in his hands died but he still struggled. “Let me go! don’t fucking touch me- STOP!” Bakugo screamed when he felt hands scribble up his sides.
“Why? Does it tickle?” Kaminari’s voice was smug as he scribbled and pinched up and down Bakugo’s sides. Mina giggled and with Sero and Kirishima, took their spots around him. Bakugo felt his face burn up again and he clenched his teeth, feeling small sparks of electricity jolt his brain, causing him to flinch and jerk whenever Kaminari hit a soft spot. This wasn't lost on the electric hero, as he smirked and pressed his fingers in harder.
Bakugo was about to say something insulting when suddenly he clamped his mouth shut. He felt hands on his ribs, under his arms, on his stomach and thighs. He arched his back slightly, and held his breath. Aside from twitches and sudden bursts of laughter disguised as coughs, Bakugo managed to keep his cool and along with it, his dignity.
After a few minutes, Kaminari huffed in annoyance. “I think we need to kick it up a notch, let me test something out.” Before Bakugo could protest, he lightly activated his quirk and the sensations ripped through his body like lightning. Bakugo bucked once before splutters escaped his pursed lips. He threw his head back and squinted his eyes shut, trying desperately to keep his laughter at bay.
“Come on, Kacchan! You know you want to laugh!” Kaminari teased.
“Yeah, come on, Bakugo!” Mina giggled, pressing harder into his ribs earning another sharp yank at the restraints. “Midoriya, you have to tell us where his spot is.”
His eyes suddenly flew open and his mouth opened to shout his protests, but when he felt the scribbling in his underarms graduate to kneading, he shut his mouth.
Midoriya looked uncomfortable, sitting on the couch while everyone else swarmed his childhood friend. “N-no, that's okay.” He smiled nervously and put his hands up. “You guys seem to have it covered.”
“But he's not laughing!” Mina whined, taking her hands off of his ribs.
Everyone else followed suit, and Bakugo relaxed, surprising himself with how out of breath he was. “I’m not going to say it again!” He breathed. “Let me go!”
“Not until we get you to laugh buddy.” Kirishima smiled.
“Dream on, you shitty haired bastard! You’re all dead!”
“Midoriya?” Mina asked. “Come on, you cant let him get away with that!”
“Yeah come on, man! Unless you want what he's getting.” Sero smiled and pulled out a little bit of tape. Everyone looked from Sero to Midoriya, evil grins coating their faces. Midoriya’s face changed from bashful to horrified as his friends stood up to advance on him.
Midoriya quickly stood up, almost tripping over his own feet. “W-wait, guys?”
“Come on, Midoriya, we would hate to have to get it out of you!” Kaminari said, electric sparks covering his hands. Midoriya gulped, wondering how sitting in the corner quietly ended with him being the next target. He thought about trying to hold out for his friend, getting tickled until he couldn't breathe to save Kacchan from the humiliation, or just straight up running for it.
He put his hands up in surrender. “Come on, guys. This isn't a good idea, he doesn't like it and when we were younger these-”
“If you wanna be next, keep talking!” Sero said with an evil glint in his eye. Midoriya clamped his mouth shut. The closer they got, the more Midoriya's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he wouldn't last ten seconds before he told them everything they wanted to know. They were dedicated to this. Either way, Kacchan was screwed and at this point, he would rather skip the process if he could. “Wait! Okay okay, I'll tell you.”
Bakugo had hardly been listening to the exchange between his classmates and the nerd. As soon as the spotlight left him, he went back to trying to escape Sero’s tape which, predictably, he couldn’t. Then he heard Midoriya concede with his hands up and everyone surrounding him. He whispered something incoherent and everyone turned to look at him with sly and evil faces. Kaminari even rubbed his hands together and let out a small chuckle, electricity sparking from them like a faulty socket. It didn’t take long for Bakugo to put two and two together.
“What the hell? Wait!” He yelled as everyone resumed their positions around him. He tried to turn his head to glare at Deku, but the cowardly bastard wouldn't even look at him. His voice was filled with more betrayal than he intended, but his focus was elsewhere at the moment. “You damn nerd! What- What did you-”
Bakugo’s body exploded with ticklish sensations. Thumbs rubbed ticklishly right in the tendons of his underarms. Fingers scribbled all over his lower ribs, kneading right into the bone. Thumbs worked his hips, where the ticklish electric current wasn’t making it any more bearable. Bakugo clamped his eyes and mouth shut and jerked around hysterically, trying to loosen his restraints at least a little. He coughed as they tickled him, trying to expel some of that ticklish energy while trying to threaten and curse them. It was when some of the giggles knocking around the back of his throat got loose that he realized he was rapidly approaching his breaking point.
He squinted open a watering eye to see Kaminari’s wicked smile over his head. Suddenly, He felt the fingers on his ribs start kneading upwards. He couldn’t help the sudden short laugh that slipped past his pursed lips.
“Get your hah-hands offa me, Dunce Fahce!” Bakugo squirmed, trying to push his body up in an effort to slow the ascent of Kaminari’s fingers.
Kaminari giggled and kept climbing the bonde’s rib cage, excited to see how his reactions grew more intense with each rib that he climbed.
Bakugo swore, hardly able to keep a coherent thought together as he felt Kaminari’s devious fingers heading towards the point of no return. He thrashed in his restraints even harder, feeling less of the tickling around his body and more of it around Kaminari’s fingers. Then suddenly, the fingers on his ribs reached their final destination and Bakugo jerked so violently, even the tape shifted on the floor. He silently jerked around for a few seconds before bringing his chin to his chest in a desperate attempt to sit up. When that didn’t work, he could do nothing but arch his back, throw his head back and finally…
“YES!!” Everyone cheered.
Bakugo was a pink-faced mess on the ground. Now that the flood gates were open, he couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that poured out of him. Everything tickled like hell and try as he might, he couldn’t do anything about it. Kaminari focused on that spot longer than Bakugo felt he could tolerate, his laughter going completely silent for a few seconds before the next breath set it off again.
“I’ve never heard him laugh like this before! It’s adorable!” Mina squealed.
“This is pretty awesome! Too bad we’ll be dead before we can hear it again. Because he’s going to kill us.” Sero said as a matter of factly.
“Come on, he’s taking it like a man!” Kirishima laughed as he tickled harder.
Kaminari’s eyes widened at the use of his name. His thumbs dug harder into Bakugo’s sweet spot, rubbing in little torturous circles. Bakugo thrashed and writhed on the ground, arching his back and frantically opening and closing his fists. Even though Kaminari knew he wasn’t having a good time, he had to admit the large smile plastered on the others' face was a nice sight. Maybe he should tickle Bakugo more often. He smiled in thought, missing that the frantic blonde was starting to wheeze.
“Kaminari,” Midoriya stood and took a hesitant step toward his friend. “That’s too much, he can only handle that for a few sec-.”
Sero dug Into his hips and Bakugo lost it. He yanked harder at the restraints, starting to lose track of who was doing what when he was trying so hard to dislodge Kaminari’s fingers.
“Hey, be nice! He’s trying to help you, dude!”
Kaminari laughed and dug in. Sero found a better grip and rubbed his fingers into the bone. Kirishima squeezed his thighs and Mina pressed her thumbs into his lower ribs. Bakugo arched his back and his laughter grew silent. He jerked around on the floor, knees rising and falling just a few centimeters with each struggle. The prospect of begging briefly slipping into his mind and it weighed on him like a rock. He didn’t want to beg, but…
“Guys!” Midoriya said firmly.
Bakugo’s hands opened from laughter induced fists and small sporadic sparks popped out of them. They gradually grew bigger and louder the more desperate he got. Belly laughter shook his entire frame and made his face and throat sore.
He didn’t want to beg, but…
Kaminari moved his fingers slightly up, sliding right into the center of Bakugo’s death spot. His entire body jolted as if he had been struck by lightning before panicking and finally losing all control. He no longer cared about what he looked or sounded like, he just wanted out.
He released a small explosion. Kaminari yelped and jolted back, the blast missing him by a few inches.
Everyone stopped.
Bakugo slumped and he closed his eyes. His chest rose and fell with the effort to replenish the oxygen he lost and his face was bright red with embarrassment. He felt someone messing with the tape, and in a few seconds he was free. He laid there for a moment before sitting up.
He stood. Everything was still and everyone was quiet. They watched with wide eyes as he shoved his hands into his pockets and rounded the couch. Before walking out of the room, he turned his head and channeled all of his emotions into a cold hearted stare, unleashing everything he wanted to scream in the form of a crippling look aimed straight at Deku. The green-haired boy stared back, understanding that the role he played in this situation had crossed a line. He sighed, knowing that the amount of steps he and Bakugo had been taking to get used to each other had been officially divided by two.
Deku finally looked down at his feet but Bakugo didn’t relent until he reached the door, yanked it open, and walked out.
The rain stopped and the sun broke through the clouds. Everyone remained silent, each sharing a look of regret even after the sound of Bakugo’s footsteps faded.
Kaminari was the first to speak. “We went too far.”
“No kidding.” Mina agreed.
Sero sighed. “What do we do now?”
“Man,” Kirishima sighed. “We screwed up big time. We should go and apologize.”
“How do you apologize to someone like Bakugo?” Sero asked, not bothering to hide the nervousness in his voice.
“I mean, we can start with ‘i’m sorry.’” Mina suggested.
Kaminari bit his lip. He knew he was the one that pushed Bakugo too far. He took advantage of information he knew would be embarrassing and he exploited it mercilessly. He looked over at Midoriya whose eyes were fixed on his own shoes, looking as guilty as he felt.
“I didn’t mean for it to go this far, it was just tickling.” Mina sighed. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”
“It is to Kacchan.” Midoriya said in a low voice. he looked up from his shoes. “I’m the one to blame, I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Me too,” Kaminari said. “It’s my fault too. He told me to stop and I didn’t listen.”
“It’s not your fault Midoriya, we were going to do it anyway. We would have found out eventually.” Sero said. “Kaminari, we all kept going after he said stop. It’s not just on you.”
Kaminari nodded, but didn’t look convinced.
“The only thing we can do now is find him and apologize.” Mina said, standing.
“Right, let’s go find him.” Kirishima said.
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hauntedhokage · 8 months
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PART 07: Aftershock
SUMMARY: Following an eventful night; the day after spent in the hospital ends up equally as eventful, only for a different reason. 
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The hospital wing where heroes were allowed to rest and recover peacefully was too quiet for your tastes, but you knew you’d be overwhelmed if you were sitting in the waiting area with the general public. Any concern you had about not waiting for someone to get you was squashed when you’d heard that Red Riot, Dynamite, and Deku were all having various injuries treated - you’d have been waiting for them all day if you’d stayed out on the streets. 
You’d already been home - actually to Eijirou and Bakugou’s - took a quick shower, and gathered fresh clothes for the two men. They each kept a go bag in the coat closet by the front door, which made it easy to get what you needed after getting yourself cleaned up before getting back to where they were. The nurse had told you that they both overexerted their bodies and their quirks, so they’d be sleeping for a while and not leaving until the afternoon at the earliest. Which was fine; you weren’t working today after almost falling from a helicopter that had clearly skipped a couple safety checks, so you’d be able to bounce between their two rooms and make sure they weren’t too bored. 
Or at least try to bounce into Bakugou’s until it got weird. 
You hear him fussing as a nurse leaves the room looking stressed, and you stop the door from closing so you could talk to him for a minute and let him have his stuff. Maybe knowing that he had pants and casual clothes ready would help him relax and not create a revolving door of nurses until they asked Midoriya to act as his nurse. You know it had happened before, since he was probably the most difficult patient this hospital had ever seen, and was likely to happen again. 
“Uh, hey,” you greet, leaning in the doorframe and taking in the sight of the number one hero looking…very pathetic. 
He looked less than thrilled to be there, the metal braces keeping him there enough to remind you that he was notorious for just unhooking himself from all of the IV’s and monitors and just jumping out the window to escape while still wearing the hospital’s clothing. He’d done that during your third date with Eijirou, surprising you both during a scary movie when he’d basically thrown the door open in time with the slasher on the screen. 
“Get me the hell out of here!” 
“Can’t do that,” you point out, letting the door close behind you as you walk further into the room. “I’m a reporter, not a doctor, and I don’t have the keys.”
“I’m gonna stop letting Kirishima bring you home.” The counter is half hearted, but you feel better when he relaxes into the bed as you stop at his bedside and put his go bag on the chair beside his bed. “How is he?”
“A bit better than you, I think, but still not great. The nurse said there were a few broken ribs, some burns and cuts, but he’ll be okay. He wasn’t awake when I was here earlier, so I’m not sure how he’s feeling exactly.” He relaxes more at the information, and you know it’ll kill them both to be stuck here but apart. You’d need to talk to a nurse about one of them getting moved to the other’s room, since they’d feel better if they could see the other in recovery. Bakugou being a bit more cooperative with Eijirou in the room would definitely be a selling point that you’ll emphasize to get them to see the situation your way. 
“I’m about the same. Broken ankle, too.”
“From catching me, I’m sure.” 
“And I’d do it again.”
“It’s your job to do it again, Bakugou.”
“Yeah, but that’s not why.”
“For him, then?”
“For you, brat.” He’s not looking at you, but being strapped down means that he can’t turn away from you and his redness of his face was not because he was upset. Bakugou was outwardly angry, he wouldn’t be speaking so softly if he was mad. “I’m not good at this shit, but I don’t hate you. Never have.”
“Then why-”
“Kacchan! You’re awake!”
“Pipe down, nerd!” The instant scolding doesn’t phase Izuku, the number two hero greeting you with a hug before carefully checking you for injuries while rambling about your fall and how incredible it was to see Bakugou catch you. There were questions, too, and you try your best to answer before he can ask another (but are only half successful) until eventually you have to cut him off and get out of there. 
“I promise that I’m alright, but I should go check in on Eijirou. It’s really good to see that you’re okay, Izuku.” With that, you’re excusing yourself from the room - hoping to not have to answer any more questions until Izuku settles down a bit. 
You catch a nurse in passing, taking the time to ask if they’d be able to move the guys into the same room while explaining that they’ll be able to keep each other entertained if they were close - something that has her assuring you that she’d do what she could to make that happen. It was in the hospital’s best interest that Bakugou was kept entertained during his mandatory stay, and clearly she understood that just as well as you did that keeping the number one hero pacified as long as they could was best for the entire building. Then you’re turning into your boyfriend’s room, carefully shutting the door to avoid making any noise that would disrupt him. 
He’s still sleeping, which was a moderate relief for you as you sat down in the chair at his bedside. His face is relaxed, only a couple bandages on his face and neck from whatever combat he’d experienced during the night. His hands were in rough shape, and you knew his torso would be heavily bandaged to protect those broken ribs. That was how you knew without a doubt he’d overused his quirk, eventually he couldn’t keep his body hard enough to truly deflect whatever was being thrown at him in a fight. 
“I was faking it,” he whispers, startling you easily and you have to remind yourself that you can’t hit him while he’s injured like this even if he’s got that stupid grin on his face. “The last nurse was really chatty, babe, knew she’d never leave if she knew I was awake.”
“She’s going to get you and Bakugou in the same room, so be nice,” you whisper back, but give his hand a squeeze when he continues to grin at you. “He’s gonna be okay, by the way.”
“You already saw him?”
“I went back to your place to get your bags, and he was awake when I went in to drop his bag off. Cuts and burns, a couple broken ribs, and a broken ankle. Izuku is with him now.”
“Good,” Eijirou breathes, leaning back into the bed while keeping his eyes on you. “I’m so thankful that he was able to catch you.”
“You saw that?”
“News camera was broadcasting to the electronics store I was near. Saw you fall and saw him catch you, scariest couple of seconds of my life - and I’ve almost died a couple times.”
“Yeah, it was pretty scary. But I’m okay, a couple bruises from hitting Bakugou so hard in the catch but I’ll take that over being scraped off the pavement.”
“Never getting in a helicopter again, I’m sure.”
“Absolutely not. Ayame wants a memorial shrine so bad, she can do the aerials from now on.” The joke lands, and you follow when a gentle tug of your arm requests that you move closer. You feel better being closer to him, seated on the edge of his bed and able to feel his body heat beside yours. A reminder that he was alive, he was still here and so were you. 
“I heard that the world’s more beautiful, gorgeous, news lady was on the ground helping with search and rescue.”
“Yeah, well, I couldn’t keep working, after all.” Your reason has him humming, his hand settling on your shoulder to gently pull you back to lie beside him in the bed. The smile on his face is very proud, and that has your chest warm with your own pride at your actions. It wasn’t that you needed to prove anything to anybody, you were just doing what needed to be done. “People needed help, and I was around.”
“And you say you aren’t that cool,” he teases, and you roll your eyes but let him lean in to get a kiss from you. “How long do we have to stay here, do you know?”
“Depends. You both seriously extended your bodies and your quirks beyond simple exhaustion. If you’re cooperative and promise to rest, hopefully this afternoon. If you’re not, I’m not sure.”
“I’ll be the most cooperative man so I can go home and snuggle with my babygirls.”
“Your bed isn’t big enough for all three of us.”
“Bakugou’s is, and I’m sure he’d be okay with us all snuggling after you fell from a helicopter, I got stabbed, and whatever else happened to him.”
“You got stabbed?” That was news to you, and the look on his face says enough about the fact that he wasn’t intending on telling you that he’d been stabbed. To be expected, but that doesn’t quell the disappointment you feel that he was going to keep that from you. Typical hero. 
“Kirishima Eijirou you can’t just leave that out!”
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class1akids · 9 days
I know this is like, a grievance that’s waaaaay past the point of not mattering since AM did give Shouto encouragement during his fight, but man does it suck that there was no words to Shouto from AM afterward! He was such inspiration to him in his childhood (of course I know the origin trio boat is long gone and the recent chapter showing everything wrong their relationships with each other/themselves and the story) as he was abused constantly. I know the scene w/ Shouto showcases him (most likely) not being in the mood for any congratulations, but I guess it would be out of character for AM now to do that for someone who actually planned and executed saving a villain instead of killing him. ¯\_(ヅ)_/¯
Though Shouto did help Midoriya with his finishing move (just not as flashy as Bakugou), but did Shouto even know Midoriya wanted to save Tomu Tenko? (<- absolutely NO criticism to Shouto since he must have trusted Mido to know what he needed do and I don’t remember who Mido told). If he didn’t, how would you imagine Shouto’s reaction would be if Midoriya did and this was the final result?
Also, I think not being part of the “weirdo” convo w/ Uraraka and Midoriya actually makes Shouto’s win the best of the group since (as you pointed out) he was actually there seeing Touya as a kid (though only through a window) and still wanted to connect with him as an angry adult. He worked around Touya’s quirk (w/o any bs quirk power ups) and had a plan (though his family *not Endeavor helping Touya must have been a scary surprise) with a non lethal take down. There was some sort of connection between Toga and Uraraka, but there’s still a lot issues with Toga being saved (Twice (and now Tomura/Kurogiri’s) deaths being done by the heroes being one of them) that hasn’t been addressed and we all know what happened with Midoriya. Yeah, Endeavor took up a lot of the screen time and I wish he was handled differently in relation of being a father vs hero, but all we need is a good conclusion with hot udon (and some consequences for Endeavor for almost killing himself and Touya)! 🤞🤞
Sorry for such a long text and you might not agree with some of these, but what I wanted to get across was tldr:these last chapters suck but Shouto is still a silent star who deserves better credit than what he got (hopefully this next chapter won’t be a third strikeout)
To be honest, I don't really care about All Might praising Shouto anymore.
I expected him to support somehow Shouto post-PLF War when the Dabi reveal happened, but that just never took place. The Ch 386 talk was a decent alternative: he gave Shouto encouragement and a push to go to his family (I think without All Might, Shouto would have chosen to make a stand against AFO), which in the end allowed Shouto to save them (it would have been awful for him if his family and hundreds of strangers died from the move he made to save Touya and which Touya copied) and save a bunch of innocent by-standers and fellow heroes.
All Might's praise is only important if you buy into the propaganda - but that doesn't make someone "greatest"; their actions do. And I think what Shouto achieved with very little help during this arc is really amazing. I couldn't have seen him smiling in that room while his brother's fate is in limbo (plus Rei may also be in critical condition).
I'm more worried about whatever Todoroki family closure we get does good balance between Shouto, Touya and Endeavor (and not end up like this Bakugou, Deku, All Might scene which worked overwhelmingly as a Bakugou highlight - though i guess Deku will get plenty of scenes still).
I also don't think that Shouto is a pacifist per se and would pass judgement on Izuku for killing his villain. Shouto is plenty capable of murder to protect others. But he would be able to empathise with wanting to save someone and still not being "enough". While I doubt it would happen, so angsty tddk bonding would be brilliant.
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
I'm trying to stay optimistic but the recent chapter was such a letdown after all of this speculation, and I'm really not ready for afo gave tenko decay to become canon :(
So, same as you, I've always hated the 'AFO gave Tenko Decay' theory, but I think it’s important to examine why. 
What I hate is less of the actual act - it is incredibly possible, after all, that AFO just gave this kid descendant of a hated enemy such a deadly quirk for his own twisted ends; and more in fear of what the confirmation of it might signifies - cheap 'easy-way-out' writing that would pretend to solve the problem of Shimura Tenko/Shigaraki Tomura while not actually doing so:
If Tenko was given Decay, then it means the Shimura massacre and then The Walk could've been avoided! 🎉 Because Tenko's hurt and anger at being repeatedly rejected by his father and family would not have manifested in such a lethal way, and so... what? Could've been ignored for a little longer? Wouldn't have sent him to the streets, where people should've helped him but didn't, and now Shigaraki's making them paying for that? (Somewhat related, I’ve seen people suggest that Decay makes Tenko itch because his body isn’t compatible with it, a la Aoyama - the itch is caused by the quirk. However, the day AFO brought Tenko home and Tenko was locked outside, Tenko already had scars around his eyes, and his mom was worried about “his allergies getting worse”. This suggests Tenko was already itchy and scratching at himself before he ever met AFO (and received the quirk that day). And given how the itch represents Tenko/Shigaraki’s frustration and anxiety, that Tenko says he’s only itchy in the house, demonstrates the Shimura household problem was a thing that hurt him long before AFO ever showed up that day.)
If Tenko was given Decay, then it means Shigaraki/Tenko is not innately a destructive and twisted child! Such a sweet kid would not have such a evil quirk! And he has no good reason to want to destroy stuff! 🎉 Because we're going to believe in the idea that ''Bad' Quirks Makes You A Bad Person’. And throw kids who do have unpleasant traits for whatever reason under the bus. And act as if Shigaraki wants to destroy because he's beholden to a gene inside of him, instead of having perfectly valid reasons to be angry and want to lash out.
If Tenko was given Decay, it means we don't have to worry about the 'what ifs' of having a deadly quirk like this even if the massacre never happen! 🎉 Because what if Decay was a naturally-occuring quirk? How would Heroes that aren't Eraserhead have dealt with an accident from such a quirk? Would Tenko have been forced to enroll in Quirk Counseling, which we know from Toga is such a great program? Would Tenko have grown up discriminated against, much like Shinsou, or worse? And these things are absolutely factors that would make someone feel ostracized in society and lash out, even without the backing of a crime lord?
If Tenko was given Decay, we have thee easiest way to deal with Shigaraki Tomura: the story can blame AFO for being the instigator of all tragedy and suffering - without Heroes needing to own up to the fact the society they've have been propping up for a century might play some role in creating Villains through countless, unintentional ways. The focus - the supposed real tragedy - becomes the fact that AFO gave Tenko a scary quirk, and Deku can focus his energies on that… instead of where, imo, the actual tragedies lie - an unhappy and dysfunctional home of generational trauma that was never dealt with, a city full of people who ignored an injured five-year-old because they put off all communal responsibility on Heroes*, and how this can all happen in a 'Hero-saturated society' without Tenko being helped in any of the multiple steps it took to get him to where he ended up under the bridge, being hugged by AFO.
* bonus: none of the people on the street knew what quirk Tenko had, so… what are we to make of this fact? Tenko could've easily been injured in a car accident, walked away, and still be ignored if AFO isn't revealed to made everyone ignore Tenko as well? But that would've been okay, Shigaraki would've been less pissed off, because it wasn't part of a villainous mastermind plot? 
Meanwhile, Shigaraki would be only a sad little pawn, an empty victim crammed with a deadly quirk and engineered trauma and fake wrath, and once Deku saves him by telling him his entire life was a lie, that he actually has no reason to feel so betrayed and angry (can't even direct that at AFO anymore, because the man’s gone), Shigaraki can (selfishly!) forget his friends and his experiences and take pleasure in knowing he wasn't supposed to be a Villain. He was supposed to be a Good Person, without an Evil Quirk, and now he can assimilate back into his rightful, conforming proper place in society!
However–I don’t think that sounds like Shigaraki at all. It could happen! God forbid it, but that is how Horikoshi can end up writing the character and the conclusion. I don’t know how likely that is. 
What I do know, though, is that Shigaraki is someone who already knows AFO is a manipulative asshole:
In Chapter 237, while reflecting on his newly regained memories, Shigaraki considers, “If only, back then, someone, anyone, had reached out to help… then maybe the itch would’ve gone away for good.” That he specifically says this last part after remembering specifically how AFO had found him, Shigaraki knew AFO didn’t actually help him, else the itch would’ve faded. 
In Chapter 277, Shigaraki is not particularly surprised that the AFO quirk comes with AFO’s ‘too-strong’ will. (Then tells AFO is shut up.) 
In Chapter 298, after AFO gives a whole spiel about how Shigaraki asked for this power, Shigaraki declares that he’s not going to be AFO’s “stinkin’ pawn”. (And started looking for a way to undermine AFO’s control)
In Chapter 379, Shigaraki outright states that he knew AFO was manipulating him, especially trying to make use of the Shimura and All Might connection. (And defeats the AFO vestige from inside out, taking his body back.) 
Unfortunately, Shigaraki is also someone who knows all this, but will still continue to rely on AFO’s double-edged gifts - keeping The Hands with him all this time; partnering with the Doctor; utilizing Gigantomachia into his Deika plan despite not having gained Gigantomachia’s respect yet; undergoing the surgery to receive the AFO quirk.
And finally, Shigaraki is someone who has already regained all his memories, back in MVA. He remembers being five-years-old and still not having manifested his quirk. He remembers AFO telling him that his quirk is a rare variant mutation, just so happened to be one that no one has ever seen before. In the latest chapter, the vision of Tenko holding hands with a man in a suit - that is Shigaraki’s memory. Shigaraki remembers this moment, of being Tenko and walking home, escorted by a stranger in a suit. And it appears, right after Deku declares that he’s going to keep striking at Shigaraki until he reaches the pain Shigaraki has buried and covered up with a lid.
What I’m getting at is this: I think - I hope! - there is a possibility that, if AFO did indeed give Tenko Decay, Shigaraki already knows AFO gave him the quirk - figured it out when he got his memories back, most likely - but is beyond caring. He knows Decay was given to him, that AFO had that hand in causing the massacre; but still Shigaraki uses it, still decides to embody the quirk as his.
Because however Shigaraki got Decay, it really doesn’t change anything about how the world works. It doesn’t change how his dad was locking him out of the house before he ever got any quirk, simply because he couldn’t/didn't want to follow a rule; and it doesn’t change how he was ignored by everyone that day on the street, and no one knew at all what quirk he had or what he did. Manifesting Decay only punted him down into a miserable social position that already existed - not for him at that moment in time, but for someone else; only gave him the ability to witness something that had always been there all the more clearly.
Now, this is very much a cope. But I can cope with the 'AFO gave Tenko Decay’, if it actually ends up giving Deku a harder time saving Shigaraki, if it forces Deku to become unable to blame AFO, because that was never the real injustice Shigaraki has been lashing out against. That’s really the main thing.
Thanks for the ask, anon! Sorry it’s long and rambling. 
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viburnt · 5 months
Hellooo ! Can you write about bakugou being our bully since we were kids?? Loveur contect!
Heya! Anon, you didn't give me more specifics so I went with the "boys are mean when they like you" route. Hope you like this~
CW: Bullying, emotional manipulation, threats, coercion, angst, dark content
Childhood bully Bakugo
There has to be a reason for Bakugo to bully you since kids although, to be fair, anything could've triggered that reaction from him. Quirkless? Chasing after a big dream? Perhaps you are better on something he is not. Or maybe people likes you more! Whatever the reason is, Bakugo's grip on you gets progressively worse with time, not as bad as Deku's dynamic with him, but still.
Bakugo's mom likes you a lot, by the way; she always encouraged you to play with his sonny. If only she knew...
As a kid, Bakugo would tend to pull your hair whenever you were too happy about something, sometimes sticking gum to it so you'd have a hard time later. Something about your smile made him feel...weird, and don't get me started with your laughter. He also disliked how much adults and classmates praised you when you did a good job. Why? Because he's supposed to be the best! So if it was him who did good and got praised, he'd look at you with the most smug smile a kid can make and start saying things like "See? That's how you do it! Maybe learn."
Sometimes, just sometimes, he'd be a little bit nicer, scaring away other bullies that would annoy you. Your tiny brain couldn't understand why, so you'd only thank him and scurry away.
Don't get me started with Deku. If you had a nice friendship with Izuku as a kid, Bakugo used that as an excuse to be even more mean to you. "Friend of a loser is also a loser". Besides, he hates seeing you with the freckled boy, even after growing up. The blond can't pin point what bothers him so much about it, but he truly wants to vanish Deku with his own hands whenever you chitchat with him. He'd tease the greenette telling him he was your boyfriend of sorts, but he stopped once he realized Izuku actually liked you. It angered him to know that, getting rough with you.
Teen years of course allowed you to be more adventurous, and while you may have changed a lot, Bakugo was still the same prick to you and Izuku. How Bakugo behaves depends on your personality: if you allow him to bend you until you break, he'll do, just like how he did with Izuku. If you don't get bothered anymore by his antics, he'll retaliate. The only way you had to reduce his antics was to fight back. Mitsuki, Bakugo's mom, always asked why you stopped visiting; you never had the guts to tell her.
Highschool was an odd period for you an Izuku, but not weirder than your time in UA. Bakugo would hang out with his "friends" and annoy you in every given chance. Low grades? He had better ones. High grades? You were such a nerd. Trying to make new friends? He'd scare them away from you because he hated the idea of someone else being with you. Bakugo was the dragon of your tower, scorching any possibility of running away.
If you had the balls to stand up for yourself and Izuku, he'd get pissy. "How dare you talk back to me?" But he wouldn't do more than yelling. It's weakness that makes him worse, being passive triggers a violent response from him because "Why are you not paying attention?" He'd hide your stuff, throw out your books, write things on your desk. He wanted a reaction. Bakugo needs to know he is getting through you, he needs to know he is on top of you and owns you.
The beginning of your stay at UA was a bit scary, specially because Bakugo's behavior got amplified by the opportunity of being "the best". He was already angry that Izuku managed to get in (it surprised you too, honestly, but were happy for him), so you getting in too was a plus. Izuku and you were still very close because of your shared experience with the blond, both of you wary of the reality. Bakugo despised the way you'd protect and take care of Deku, to the point where he warned you that if you continued, you'd make it worse for Izuku. Low-key coerces you to bully Izuku because otherwise he'd do something bad to him, and you knew what he was capable of.
There's a high chance that Bakugo bullies you because he can't bear how you make him feel, but that's another story. Overall, Bakugo is the kind of bully that isolates you from others and hates when you're doing good. The kind of bully that enjoys making you scares because it's the only form he has to get to you, living rent free in your head like a nightmare. He low-key accepted that it didn't matter if he was a monster, he'd be your monster. A vice grip you wouldn't get rid of.
You stand in front of Izuku's desk, hot salty tears rolling down your cheeks as Bakugo holds out a permanent marker for you to take. "What are you waiting for? Do it!" The blond yells, growing impatient as you shake your head. "I'm gonna beat him to a pulp if you don't do it, is that what you want?" He laughs, hearing you sob.
Bakugo wanted you to write mean things for Deku to see, so that Izuku could see how much control he had over you.
"Please, don't make me do it!" You cry, hugging yourself in fear. Katsuki grunts, yanking the cap of the marker and approaching you. The black tip of the tool reaches your face, his hand scribbling something.
"Don't wash it, or else..."
Tags: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @imaginationmess @shionancientsblog @trickster-kat
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Katsuki Bakugo x GN!Reader (Confession or Mess)
Okay so, this is not the best thing I've ever written, but I've been wanting to write a fic for Mr Explosion Murder for AGES and it's finally done!
Thank you @mystikalini for giving me a shove to get this done, hopefully I'll be happier with the next one...hint hint.
To say that (Y/N) and Katsuki's friendship is a peaceful one would be an absolute lie. Nothing about the bombshell blonde is peaceful, and (Y/N) is equal parts calming and catalyst.
It had always been that way, even back in the UA days when Kirishima had been downright worried about Bakugo's social skills, or lack thereof.
If not for the Bakusquad, would Katsuki even have a friend group? Kiri and Mina had pretty much adopted the angry pomeranian, but to the rest of the world he was a downright scary force of nature.
His worried were thrown out the window, by (Y/N)'s arrival on the hero scene.
The same age and with a quirk to stop Katsuki in his tracks, (Y/N) hadn't shied off Bakugo's rough edges and soon became a part of the blonde's life after graduation.
(Y/N) lives life toeing a line between poking the blonde, and backing him up, half the time one would think they'd just pissed him off, but Katsuki always stops short of boiling point and soon they're back to calmly judging other people together.
He shares food with (Y/N), denies ever cooking for them even though he's not fooling anyone. (Y/N) makes him playlists and tries to make him laugh with the names and random themes of them all, it works, somehow.
Most importantly, it's comfortable, so why...why does he want it to change?
It happened slowly at first, a flutter in his chest, warmth in his face whenever they laughed just right because of him, but then it came all at once, and there's no mistaking this feeling.
Katsuki's in love, and it's killing him.
Soon it will be ten years that (Y/N) has been in his life, they've seen him climb the hero charts into this three way dance with his former classmates, and never fail to know exactly what to say when Deku or Shoto inevitably dethrone him.
They've seen him at his best, backed him up at his worst, and knocked him down a peg when he's being an asshole.
They're perfect, just like this, so why...why have they caught him staring in the agency four times this week? Why does he want to watch them come in from a successful mission just so he can watch their hips sway with that special kind of swagger, why-why is he in love with them?
It's driving him nuts, for the month he's known it's slowly become impossible to ignore until it comes out, as usual, in the worst way possible.
Being snappy is nothing new for him, usually when there's something on his mind, so the glower did nothing to lesson (Y/N)'s smile.
'Hey! Did you see the group chat? Movie night at Mina's. You're coming, right?'
'M fuckin' busy.' He grumbled, glaring at his computer screen as if he could burn a hole in it.
'We're always fuckin' busy,' (Y/N) chuckled, undeterred as they perched on the edge of his desk comfortable.
With his scowl lowered, he watched the fabric of their costume shift as the plushness of their thigh settled against the hard edge of his desk.
Such a ridiculous thing to notice, an entirely non platonic thing, and it lights a fuse behind his eyes.
With those crimson orbs lowered, (Y/N) doesn't get to see the warning lights. Why would they look for them, it's Bakugo, those explosions are never aimed at them.
'She's on about this new horror movie that came out, but I honestly can't think of anything worse than being scared shitless on purpose so if she keeps pushing I'm hidin' behind your ass.'
That's right, (Y/N) hates horror movies, the other time Kaminari made them watch one they'd tucked in so tight to Katsuki's side the blonde couldn't move an inch for most of the movie.
The thought of that closeness, that level of comfort and trust, the little whimpers they let out every time something loud happened on screen-
His hands slammed down on the desk, and the firecracking pops were the only warning (Y/N) had to get clear as the temperature in his office suddenly spiked ten degrees.
'Back off!' He demanded. 'I can't do this shit anymore! You're such an attention whore!'
The words came flying, senseless, meaningless to his mind. It's a special kind of panic that takes hold of him when he realises what he's done.
(Y/N)'s heard him say some shit, they've been on the receiving end of countless playful insults, said in his growling tone but never meant to bite.
This...that wasn't a joke.
They've jumped clear and put his desk between them, their eyes clear and calm, as if assessing a threat in the field, but he's not to be fooled, he knows there's hurt there.
He hurt them, stupidly, needlessly.
'I...guess I'll tell Kiri you're not coming.'
No, no that isn't right, there's no fight, resignation, defeat, pain, but no fight, and as they turn and leave him to his petulant internal rambling he can barely spur himself to stand.
This is stupid, his feelings are stupid. He's not an idiot, he understands them and knows he's not thinking straight when they're around anymore.
He thought he could hold it in, wait for it to blow over like some internal storm of clusterfuck, but that's not working, and now he's hurt (Y/N) over it.
Resolved to do the only other thing he could think to do, he threw himself to his feet, and made a plan.
If he's gonna confess, that it's gonna be the best damn confession anyone's ever seen goddamnit!
(Y/N) may well be a social butterfly on the day-to-day, but alone time feels incredible after a taxing day of patrols.
Their home is quiet, safe, a place to unwind alone, play music and just drift.
Or at least, it would be, if their mind weren't ever wandering to his words, that tone, the times (Y/N)'s found him staring across the room...
(Y/N) found themselves absently fidgeting on the sofa, staring off into nothing as they turned their thoughts over and over again in their head. Maybe he'd figured out the crush? They thought they'd hidden it well enough but...maybe relying on him so much had been the wrong move.
Then again, Katsuki does rely on them just as much. He trusts (Y/N), it feels dirty to lie.
The doorbell is a shrill sound, snapping them clear out of their thoughts like a splash of cold water, heard even past the background music they'd put on.
'Who the fuck-?'
'Oi, open the damn door!'
'Ah, Bakugo.'
Here for a late night mission? Had something gone wrong?
Something involving...flowers?
The roses are the first thing they saw as they pulled open the door, a dozen red blooms spreading that delightful scent around the porch as Bakugo practically death gripped them at his side.
'Uh...Bakugo?' (Y/N) blinked, then blinked again to make sure they weren't dreaming because they could have sworn that Katsuki Bakugo is standing on their doorstep in a damned suit, looking like the best thing ever born.
The deep breath he took had broad shoulders shifting under the tailored material of the suit, painting delicious lines of his figure as he forced himself to relax and hold out the bouquet.
'Take it, it's my apology.'
His tone is softer than (Y/N)'s used to as they ease the delightfully scented bouquet to their chest, unable to resist the urge to smile.
'They're beautiful, thank you.'
The heart can't take it, it feels three sizes too big for their chest, and it's not about to get any better.
'Don't thank me, I was an ass. Figured I could handle it without you noticing, but I guess that ain't happenin'.'
(Y/N) blinked owlishly. His eyes are on them now, and there's something in those maroon depths that they don't recognise. There's warmth there, softness, directed at...
'Bakugo, handle what?'
He smiled then, the slightest curl to his lips, a softness that almost feels alien, contradicted by his tone.
'I outta get you fired! What kinda detective doesn't notice their best friend's got the hots for 'em?'
The words sat at the front of their mind until they sank in, and all hell broke loose.
'Excuse the fuck outta me?! You coulda told me you raging assho-!'
(Y/N) never got to finish, never even noticed the roses fall, replaced with the smell of his cologne, and the softness of his lips against theirs.
His hands fall, big and warm, wrapped around their frame, cradling their body to his as he kissed the breath from their lungs.
(Y/N) melted, practically purring as every fibre of their being screamed: finally!
'If I knew you kissed like that, I would have told you sooner.'
'You're an ass.'
'I'm honest, and you love me.'
'Fuck, I really do.'
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cybber7 · 2 years
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That time I was...
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Pissed,maybe. Acted out.
But in a couple chapters later,
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"The strange feeling and worries I had this morning are now gone."
Huh,strange feelings??
That come from the heart.
That you can recognize,but hide it.
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"Don't forget,it always begins in the heart."
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He's not sure himself,but a panel later,look at what shinso said,
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"It clearly wasn't a act."
So something from his heart just,spilled
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Now most took this izuchako,right? But their is something odd about something here,all this lying,and ,when shinso said that he did it for him&someone else. Look at his face. Look at dekus face. Ochako was there,but how was this done for,ochako. But I think,deku was not thinking of her,but someone else. Because, he is hiding how it came to be,and shinso can read minds,plus he said earlier that
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It was a stop to what was trigging it,he did it because of ochako,but it not clear how the hell izuku was thinking of,unless we ask this question,"what was the source of this power?"
Because dekus clearly trying to hid it,he's at least embarrassed of it. He tried to hid the strange feeling from everyone,even all might,but the sorce was,monoma saying, something about bakugou which made izuku mad and scared,but he said,their is this strange feeling,and he's hid both sides of the coin,which makes me suspicious.
And especially when,shinso asked "I didn't actually do it just because of you." ,and izuku blushed. I didn't do it because of you,it did it because of someone else,and he knows that he can read minds,so there is some very weird feelings he hiding from what started the power,he has a hidden feeling about this person that actived the power,or i should said,what thing actived it. Whatever actived it,is something important.
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Acting out on my hidden feeling that are balled up. And hidden for a reason,and he keeps making plot holes to this. Like,"I don't know." Even though he did say,that he knows the feelings of it,I think he hiding the idea of this power being connected to the heart,the strange feeling that came from the heart that make him feel weird so he ran. He said no to training because of this,so this feeling that he running away from,that came from the heart,that makes him feel strange,it very important,it seems to all come back to,"What was the catalyst for this to all happen?"
This person makes him feel weird in the heart, protective even,some strange feeling he has for this person is something to run from.
So,I'm saying it goes back to the source because,he wouldn't just run from the scary if this all started,so what monoma said,and especially who was it about is important,because,it something that izuku keeps running away from,no matter how trys to talk about it,or what they try to do,it's something to hid,and we all know who it goes back to,
Katsuki Bakugou.
Because he's the starting talking point about this,monoma said "Well bla bla *important person* bad,ended someone,don't care about you." And boy,that trigged him very badly, it made him scared,confused,mad,angry but feel so strange all in one,but what he backs up from and shuts up from is,how strange he feels,sure also him being scared,but how strange he felt made him not just back up, but run and run quiter than a mouse.
And this happened more than once.
Float and Danger Scence.
He got really triggered to,and it make him be very aggressive, because he heard,katsuki got hurt/he saw it.
And that pissed him off really bad,because,someone tried to hurt katsuki,wait a minute remember when mr.compress kidnapped katsuki?
He also got really possessive he wasn't thinking right and he spilled the strange feelings out that are seen with floats unlock,danger scenes unlock and blackwhips unlock, "GIVE HIM BACK TO ME."
in the Japanese translation, it said that izuku said that mr.compress should give katsuki back to who he belongs to,him. So the feelings that he has knowingly been ruining away from his,
Possession of katsuki because it's, something he dosent like. Not that he doesn't understand it,it's that he dosent like the feeling in his heart. That make him want katsuki to himself,because it gets in the way,so he would rather run from it then show any sign of it.
So it goes back to,strange feelings that he hides because he's possessive of katsuki,he thinks it's something to hid for some unknown reason,all I know is that he's running away from the feelings he has,it that it's anger,Possession,and something else,maybe,love. Because the way its so possessive,it really dosnet seen plantioc in any context. Maybe that's why he blushed like that,or ochako,who's knows.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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paralyze-fic · 8 months
Chapter 19
The third day went by just like yesterday, but the difference is that I didn't go blind this time and Bakugou wanted to train a bit more with me. An opportunity I took advantage of, and tried to master a move I always wanted to do. I called it, the Puppeteer.
Since I knew how my quirk could work, I have always wanted to attempt this, stop my opponent's muscles, but control them through my body. But that didn't work as I expected.
Now, we had to make our dinner again, which I did help making this time. Bakugou kept me by his side chopping off ingredients and I couldn't contain my amazement at how skilled he was with that kitchen knife.
Such a housewife.
Cue my nosebleed. I tilted my head back and pressed on the bridge of my nose, trying to stop the bleeding.
"God damnit, why the fuck do you have so many fucking nosebleeds lately?!" Bakugou yelled at me and handed me some tissues from his pants pockets.
Because I've been thinking of lewd things about you Katsuki, more often than what I'd like to admit.
"I've always had nosebleeds when the sun hits my head or nape for long periods of time," I improvised a quick lie between my teeth, he seemed to buy it though.
"Go clean up when it stops and come back here to help me." I nod and head towards the bathroom.
Hopefully, it stopped pretty quickly and I could go back to help that cute yet angry puppy.
Jiro looked at me with a tiny smile and a bit of a blush on her face. The lots for the bravery test had been drawn and I could see Bakugou shaking in his shoes with anger.
He stumped towards us and stared harshly at poor Jiro, who flinched and backed away from him. "Earlobs, change with me," he told her in a loud and menacing voice, she just shook her head. Bakugou had his frown deepening but turned away and went to threaten poor Ojiro.
"He's so scary," I chuckled at her words, and shrugged when she looked at me curiously.
"Not so much once you get to know him," my eyes were following him wherever he went, and I almost felt my pupils turning into big red hearts.
"I know we don't know each other very well, (L/n)-kun, but..." I snapped out of my trance to look at her, she was playing with her earbuds. "Do you like... Bakugou? Like, are you gay or some...?" I noticed her nervousness and how she wasn't making eye contact with me. I chuckled at being read again, the second person to find out my crush on him.
"I do like Bakugou, but... I know he doesn't like boys either way, so there's no point in confessing." I walked away when I saw Izuku standing on his own, "Hey Deku," he turned around and smiled at me.
"Hi, (M/n), how are you?"
We started a small talk until I had to go stand with Jiro to go through the path in the woods. We were silent, and she was clinging to me, afraid. I didn't mind it though.
"You don't like scary things, do you Jiro-chan?" She whined and got closer to me shaking her head.
"I hate them," I chuckled but didn't say anything else. The silence of the night made any kind of noise clear, and I heard a buzzing-like noise, which made me turn around.
"What is that?" Jiro turned too and made a confused noise, she let go of my arm and walked to the pink cloud of gas, "Jiro I don't think you should-."
Right when I was about to finish my sentence, her body began to fall. Immediately, I ran to her and picked her up.
"Jiro! Jiro, Jiro come on, wake up." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the gas coming closer rather rapidly, "Fucking-," I carried her bridal style, making sure to cover her face and I ran ahead following the path.
The gas was closing in from my sides, so I had to hold my breath, at some point, I ought to find another team. Bakugou and Todoroki had gone ahead of us, so I should find them first. I was worried about what the gas would do to Jiro, the worst case I could think of was...
No, no, now it's not the time to be pessimistic. Keep running, (M/n).
My sight was turning blurry and I was getting dizzy, but before I could give up and fall to the ground, I saw two bodies walking ahead and talking, "We'll leave everything to Ragdoll." Todoroki said to Bakugou, who was covering his mouth and nose with his hand. I ran faster.
The noise I was making made them turn around, and I noticed somebody on Todoroki's back, he was from 1B, seeing as I didn't recognize him.
"(L/n)!" They both exclaimed and I stopped between them, trying to catch my breath.
"Are you okay?" I nodded and after some seconds, I kept walking.
"We have to keep going, we don't know from where is that gas coming from and it might catch up to us." They followed me without a word. The three of us kept walking forward in complete silence, but abruptly stopped when we saw a body kneeling before us.
"Oi, there's someone there? It's..." I looked at Bakugou, who was staring straight ahead. I did too. "Who went before us?" Bakugou asked with a concerned tone of voice.
"Tokoyami and Shoji," The figure in front of us was kneeling on the ground, a cut-off hand before him.
He was mumbling. "How pretty... so pretty... no, I must work... I was charmed... no... what beautiful skin... ah, don't tease me... I have work to do..." The three of us were completely shocked.
"Not fight...?" Bakugou began muttering when a female voice rang inside my head.
"Everyone from class A and B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you're allowed to combat! I repeat! Everyone from class A and B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you're allowed to combat!" The villain hadn't attacked us yet, but my body was extremely tense, even more so now with Mandalay's message. "We've discovered two of the villains' targets! Two students: Kacchan and (M/n)! Kacchan and (M/n) have to avoid combat and act independently! Got it, Kacchan, (M/n)?!" Even before Mandalay's message was over, Bakugou was running towards the villain. I activated my quirk.
"So much noise in my head with that 'Kacchan' shit!" The villain shot his attack at us, and I managed to stop Bakugou's legs to keep him from running forward as Todoroki made a wall of ice.
Thank you Todoroki for your ice, otherwise, we would have turned into tiny pieces of delicious meat.
"Don't do anything imprudent!" I yelled at him, and he growled.
"I have to keep going... I must do my job..." the villain mumbled again, as his blade-like teeth shot at us again, the ice wall going upward a bit more.
"You heard that? She said they're coming after you and (M/n)!" Todoroki yelled at Bakugou too, trying to make him understand the predicament we were in.
"That damn Deku did something. She first tells me to fight and now that I shouldn't! I don't care what they say to me!" Another attack was directed at him, but I stopped him once again, and Todoroki made more ice.
"Can you stop blaming Izuku for once? This is serious Katsuki," I scolded him for his irrational behaviour.
"He's good at covering ground with his quirk," Todoroki seemed like he wanted Bakugou to be rational, but I was sure it wasn't working.
I kept my eyes on the villain. Even if I stopped his muscles, he would still attack us and it's not like I can go and freely attack either.
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Okay so merman Hitoshi idea:
There’s a spot in the mythical forest where Merman Hitoshi resides. He’s very introverted, doesn’t get much interaction because the lake is like right on the cusp of the forest, just barely outside of the trees, but there’s also a river that connects through the forest, and sometimes Hitoshi swims in that river just to see what’s up in the forest at times. He comes across Reader, and he just is absolutely smitten, but he doesn’t know how to approach her because he’s terrible at talking with people. He ends up scaring her slightly when she sees his giant merman tail. So on the night of a full moon (the only time when merfolk can step onto land as full humans), Hitoshi goes to seek out Warlock!Aizawa and see if there’s anything the older and wiser man can do. Aizawa sees him as this pathetically love struck idiot and is kind of like “What’s in it for me?” And Hitoshi is like “I’ll let you have some of my scales.” Because mer scales are hard to get due to the fact that it’s painful to tear them off, but they’re amazing for all sorts of spells. Anyway, with the rarity offered to him, Aizawa accepts the deal. Hitoshi goes back into the water and collects as many scales as he can off of his tail. He bites down on a branch he found in the river as he groans and tries to get through the pain. He tells himself he’s doing this for the love of his life, so it’s worth it.
Aizawa takes the scales from Hitoshi and does a cool warlock spell on him, and then Hitoshi is suddenly human! He figures out a way to get some clothes, and he pursues Reader. Reader is still scared of Hitoshi, though. Remembering the big scary merman in the river, she tries to flee. But Hitoshi is faster…and Hitoshi is stronger as well.
Hitoshi bled for her, made a pact with a Warlock for her, gave up his mermanhood for her! The least she can do is hear him out! He loves her, he did all of this for her. How dare she be so ungrateful? (That’s his line of thinking).
He drags Reader back to Aizawa and is just kind of like, “Change of plans. We’re both gonna be merfolk. I’ll give you more scales in return. You can even have scales from her. It’ll be her little punishment for running off after everything I did for her.”
And then Reader is just kind of like forced to live the rest of her life as a mermaid with Hitoshi.
What do you think?
If this was for the Mythical Forest AU then Hitoshi would have to deal with two angry snek parents, a dragon pack, harpies, more nagas and Deku with a shotgun
But if this was in an alternate au then I dig this idea! So much potential for horror and angst.
(Send me more ideas, the inspiration department has been lacking lately.)
Also Warlock Aizawa is an idea I fw.
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bellmell · 1 year
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Bakugou : "you sure took your sweet time getting here, nerd."
Deku : "I'm so sorry Kacchan!! A little girl lost her balloon on a high tree! And then there was that man who lost his wallet.. and the dog I helped find... B-but of course, those are just excuses, I... needed to be here when we set and I wasted your dear time- "
Bakugou : "Oh, wow. Since when you became the shitty mix of fucking Dora the explorer and a Deku?"
Deku : "You... seems less angry than what I had imagined you'll be... Still, I'm sorry, Kacchan. It won't happen again... I promise."
Bakugou : *pushing him away lightly* "Stop staring at me with those ugly huge green eyes of yours, creepy shitnerd! Been a blast, counted bird's shit, let's just go!"
*Stops for a moment, looking back on Izuku.*
bakugou : "And this time, we're not stopping on the way to help old people cross the damn road, or save fucking cats stuck on trees, or hug homeless people, Izuku."
Deku :*tears* "b-but Kacchan!"
Bakugou : *hiding his face with his hand* "Don't you even try it this time, Deku!! Your cheap manipulation won't work on someone like me-"
Deku : *holding his arm* but Kacchan! If someone ever going to be in danger you know you'll be the first one to save them, because you're always winning! You're amazing and the best hero!!"
Bakugou : *heart attack* Izuku-
Deku : *pointing down at the city* "Oh no, Kacchan! there's an old lady over there who needs help from the evil villain road!! if only someone amazing was there to help her...  But since we in a hurry, I guess someone else will be winning this time.. what a pity." 
Deku : *jumping after him* "Don't you mean saving, Kacchan?? and slow down!! wait for me!! no fair!"
Bakugou : *Running to the road and taking a few old ladies in his arms like bags, yelling at cars to stay the fuck away.*
Deku : *sigh dramatically while he helps a little child find their missing parent* "...Holy all might. I just love him so much."
Kid : *hiding behind Deku, crying* "This villain is scary!" 
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jelliezellie · 2 years
"Nights Are The Worst." Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
First bnha fic!! Honestly, I've been avoiding writing bnha fics for a while (mostly because I heard the fandom was a bit scary) but I've loved the anime for years now!!
Reverse Comfort (kinda), Established Relationship, fluff, sleepy bakugo :)
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Bakugo had been struggling with insomnia for years. He would try to go to bed early and sit in the silence and darkness for hours, getting angry the harder he tried to sleep. Since you had come along, it had gotten a bit better, but with insomnia, often comes nightmares and sleep paralysis.
Bakugo stirred in his sleep, waking your half-asleep self up completely. He mumbled something under his breath and you prayed he was just having a dream. But no, as he kicked his legs, you realized it was a nightmare. You sat up. "Katsuki," You whispered, nudging him gently. He whined in his sleep, a tear falling from his eye. Your heart sank to your stomach as you listened to him whisper, "No, no." You nudged him again, a bit harder this time, but he still wouldn't wake.
"Don't touch them," He pleaded to whoever was threatening lives in his sleep. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. He flinched and you finally shoved him.
He jolted upwards, gasping. You gazed at him, worry making your stomach twist and turn. "Katsuki," You whispered, kissing his tear-stained cheek. "It was just a nightmare."
He shook his head, clearing his throat. "Yeah. Yeah, sorry," He whispered, his breath shaky. Nights had been hard since he was captured by the League of Villains. You wrapped your arms around him. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Katsuki stayed silent momentarily. He hugged you back, squeezing you tight as if he was going to lose you. "Mhm," he began to explain how villains invaded U.A. and threatened several lives, killing some of the "extras" and finally, they attacked you. He knew you were strong, admired you for it, but he couldn't stand the thought of anyone attacking you. Especially when there were several villains, all at once. He tried to save you in his nightmare, but he couldn't move. "Nights are the worst," He said, his lips trembling, "I can't control how I feel when I sleep." You understood - he couldn't yell at people or intimidate them by screaming "DIE!" in their faces. His cold exterior was his safety blanket, and he couldn't use it in his nightmares; his subconscious knew everything.
You held him close, kissing his forehead. "Baby, you know we could both kick all of their asses, right?"
"Of course. We're the best. But it just," He paused, closing his eyes, "It felt so real." You shook your head.
"It's not. We're okay. I love you."
"I love you, too."
Minutes later, as you held each other in bed, his words began to get to your head. You shifted uncomfortably. If a villain did attack, what would you really do? Katsuki held you tighter. "You okay?"
"I'm just thinking a lot," You replied. He smiled, a rare sight for anyone else, but you were close enough to witness it.
"Well, I can't sleep. What are you thinking about?" He asked, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
"If villains did attack, would we really win? Like, yeah, our entire class is strong,"
He interrupted with a grumble, "Except Mineta."
"Except Mineta," You agreed as you continued, "But how would we really defeat them?"
He sighed, kissing your cheek. "We'd kick their asses. I'd explode them. You'd probably end up working with that goddamn Deku and fighting..."
"Who? Who do you think I'd fight?" You interrogated.
"Y'know the guy who switches personalities?"
"No way!" You laughed, pushing his shoulder gently and playfully. He laughed too, shifting in the bed so he could rest his head on his hand. "Who do you think I'd fight?" He asked.
You hummed, your eyes climbing to the ceiling, "That girl with the obsession with blood."
"Agh!" He pretended to gag as you continued. "She'd hit on you and try to take your blood, then come over to me," You explained. He nodded, waiting for you to go on, "And then, when she doesn't call me an idiot, I'd kick her ass."
"You know me so well," He grumbled, rolling over to face away from you. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his back and chest. He sighed, giving in to your sleepy behavior. Laying on his back, he guided your head to his chest.
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dalisman127y · 10 months
Mha 1a x reader ghost stories
The students of class 1a were sitting by the campfire telling ghost stories and deku was finishing up his story "aaand that's how I survived an angry elephant attack " deku said showing a picture of an angry elephant charging in Africa.
"that story wasn't even scary" bakugo grumbled
Hehehe oh,deku" ochako said rubbing the back of her head.
"oh reader did you have a ghost story to share with us?" Mina asked you.
You put on a pig mask to conseal your face.
"yessss pleassse." You said in a raspy voice as you walk to where deku sits.
Everyone shakes and gulps as your axe grinds behind you and your mask glows in the flames. even tokoyomi was scared of you.
Deku sprints out of the way as you feel the log and sit down. Your white eyes stair into the flame.
"Long ago at a zoo,lived a white lion named a'kuna. whose roars could be heard all the way to the other side of the zoo." You said hovering your hooked hand over the fire.
Pictures of a white lion appear in the fire.
"but one day he caught rabies from a dog. driving him mad."
Pictures show a'kuna being attacked by a rabid dog and his eyes glow blood red.
"as a precautionary measure,they had to put him down."
A zookeeper walks in a'kuna's habitat and loads his gun and aims it at a'kuna as the lion lunges. The pictures burn.
"and so, according to legend. People still see the ghost of a'kuna the white lion in his habitat and who ever dares to sit foot in his domain...will have a mental break down."
Everyone huddles around each other before..
"RAHHHHHHHHH" you roared, scaring everything.
Everyone screams and fall over but tokoyomi just sat there not moving.
"Well he's scared out of his wits." You said unamused.
"I'll go get a bucket of water." Momo said walking away.
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