#until he went on a mission and ignored the rules and in doing so had to be saved by a friend who sacrificed his life for him
antimonyandthyme · 1 year
i’ve been rotating priest seb and fighter pilot max in my head since i saw that tag just so u know
i have a few ideas but like. i wanna know what You think
Dorian you're in L-U-C-K have you seen this yet? Have you seen it!!! Anon dropped priest seb and fighter pilot max going to a confessional and expected me to stay sane I'm gnawing on it like a baked potato with bacon bits and sour cream and butter and chives!!!
Wanna know what I think? I think Max is the youngest pilot in his cohort, I think he outflies his instructors, I think he's daring and bold and he rewrites the rulebook and pisses off his peers and he's that guy and he's IT until he doesn't get chosen for some top clearance level mission, something about not working well with others, something about not playing by the rules, and suddenly he's left unmoored.
Angry. Lost. As a joke one of the recruits suggests going to church. Max nearly punches him. But he's got nothing better to do on a Sunday since he's got no mission to accomplish. He goes to church.
The priest tells silly jokes that the congregation must be paid to laugh at. Except Max is laughing too. He's got a cheeky little grin and a kind, soothing voice, and the collar looks just that bit looser on him than it has on any other man who's worn it before. At the end of the service, the priest goes, Remember, it doesn't matter how long since it's been since your last confessional. God has no timeline.
Max stalks out of the church doors. Gets to his car, then stalks back. He does this two more times that by the time he gets to the box, the church is empty. Well good, there's his decision made for him then.
But the priest is still there.
He tries to remember the words. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was--
Jesus. Ah, crap. Probably petitioning the lord in this way isn't the best thing to do at the moment. But he can't remember the last time he's sat in the box.
The priest says, very kindly, Go on, son.
Max swallows. Pride, and avariciousness, and greed, and I think I'm better than them, and it should have been me, the sky welcomes me like no other, they fly as if their feet are still mired in the dirt, and I do as if the earth has no hold on me, and--
He stops. The priest hasn't said a word. Well, they asked him to confess, so he did. Max waits, half-expecting the priest to chastise him in his stupid fatherly way.
The priest laughs. Fighter pilot, huh?
That brings back memories.
Max blinks. Wait, what? You fly?
Flew, the priest corrected. I was young once, and--
Please, Max says. You're still young, anyone can see that. And then he flushes when he realizes he'd just alluded to being very aware of how the priest looks.
Oh sue him. The priest is handsome, alright? He’s not blind.
Why, thank you. The priest sounds delighted with the compliment. Oh my god. What kind of priest is this? But I was saying, I was young once, and I used to think the sky belonged to me as well.
Max leans in, entranced, never mind that he can just about picture how this priest is sat, one leg probably crossed over the other, cheeky smile on his face as he recounts his story. And? Did it?
No. The voice is tinged with wistfulness now. The sky never belonged to me. As does any of God's creation.
Ah. That's what loneliness sounds like, Max is well aware.
The priest leads him through a prayer of contrition. Max recites it by rote, when there are a million other questions he wants to be asking. Amen, he says, and there's a pregnant pause.
The priest's voice is soft. I hope you will return, son.
Next Sunday, huh. Well. It's not like he has anything better to do.
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sunnymoonxx · 3 months
❝what was rule number #2 again❞ I.| bucky barnes x reader
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pairing: tfatws bucky x reader summary: messing around in banner's lab, the night before your mission wasn't as good an idea as you thought, and you begin to question your actions the moment you step out of it. things worsen when you realize the super soldier serum isn't immune to an unknown contagious disease. warnings: sex pollen, no warnings this part, the II one? hahaha
a/n: I may have insulted the reader a few times in the beginning, so I apologize for that. but let's be honest, we'd do the same. I decided to split this fic into two parts because if I wrote it all into one part, it'd have 10k words. I'm not an english native speaker, so forgive me my sins and bad grammar if you find something.
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You weren't stupid. But you also weren't exactly smart. If you were, you would've minded your own business, stayed in the gym, and went through the plan for tomorrow's mission. Maybe even go to bed a little sooner, to be ready for the next day's alarm. But Banner was away for a business trip, and seeing his lab silent and alone didn't exactly sing you lullabies to sleep. That's why you found yourself standing in the heart of it at 3 a.m., in your pajamas, praying everyone was asleep. It was well known around the compound that Banner's and Stark's labs were a faraway island, and anybody with a brain would circle around them. But you were an excellent swimmer and sharks didn't scare you.
10 hours later, you realised why Banner turned green every time someone even glared the glass door of his science play room. You were a fast swimmer but not exactly a bright one. The only bright thing related to you was that you were easily struck by it. And the glowing pink flowers in Doc's terrarium took you down faster than the sharks. It was bright pink with purple shadows. It reminded you of passionflower, but it was bigger. Way bigger, and you weren't sure if you were hallucinating, but the feeling of the flower's filaments moving was too strong. They were moving in waves, then circles, then each moved in its own way. It was mesmerising.
It was too late before you realized you moved the flower out of its enclosure to get a closer look at it. The smell hit you hard, filling your brain with colorful fog. You smelled a dash of cinnamon, mixed with ginger and lavender. You couldn't miss the powerful vanilla and pumpkin filling up the room. You didn't realize how bad the consequences of smelling Doc's flower would be until you came undone under your fingers nearly seven times. And it still wasn't enough. The scheduled time of your and Barnes' meeting was quickly approaching, and your skin didn't feel less on fire than it did two hours ago.
You managed to get out of the sweaty mattress and put some clothes on you, loose ones, hoping that your skin could breathe a little. You prayed some air would cool you down, clear your head, and slap some sense into you. It was now obvious why Banner was so determined not to let anyone close his lab. He was experimenting with aphrodisiacs, and you, unwillingly, became one of his lab rats. Thoughts didn't stop multiplying in your head until one landed steadily on its feet. Tony has been visiting Doc's labs the last few weeks, five minutes on the dot after curfew. You knew because you were always stationed on your balcony, which gave you a clear view of the other building, and its glass windows didn't hide much. It only became pitch black when Tony came in, and Banner didn't even flinch when he heard the door shut.
Chuckle left your lips when you connected the dots, ignoring how amusing you must look for Barnes, sitting right next to him.
"Something funny?" he asked, not dropping his gaze off of you. You were now on your way to the target's last seen place, being lucky enough to get a ride in Tony's self-driven car. You wanted to drown him in kisses because you can only imagine the suffering if you had to walk all the way from the compound to the other side of the city. Your skin was still on fire, your hair was sticking to your neck, and salty drops chased each other on your skin. You certainly were an amusing sight to Bucky. Or a terrifying one. You wished he got used to it by now. After all these years of fighting against each other, then with each other, and now forced to fight by each other's side, he saw you through worse conditions. But as far as he knew, you were locked in your room all week. You had no reason to look like you had an early meeting with the reaper.
"Just, thinking," you mumbled back at him, forcing yourself to keep your head rested against your seat, begging your body to not betray you for looking back at your partner. Your body fighting the chemicals in your body, you could only imagine how it would end if you stared at Barnes for more than five seconds. Worse, let alone if you touched him. You read about aphrodisiacs and scientists' failed attempts to know what you were going through. You were prepared to die before touching Barnes.
You were secretly jealous. It wasn't fair of you, but Barnes' serum running through his veins protected him from anything related. You almost abandoned your morals, but the pain you were going through justified it. You had no idea how you were going to focus on the mission, communicate with James, and, if it came to it, fight the target. You could only focus on the heat between your legs and how touch-starved you were. And your, undeniably, attractive coworker wasn't helping the case.
You and James had a complicated history. Both born in the 40s and dated for a while before he fell from the train. Years later, he comes to kill you for Howard's successful experiment on you. Immortality would definitely suit HYDRA and their planned assassinations. James, back then, the Winter Soldier, failed to capture you, so they decided your family's fate. And your friends. Then, years later, Howard's. You forgave him. All of it. Because you knew it wasn't him. But when he came back from Wakanda, with no traces of HYDRA in him, and didn't spare you a glance, you couldn't forgive him that. Seventy years of tolerating the actions HYDRA made him do, and he couldn't even look at you. It broke your heart but rather to act like a cunt than a weepy baby, begging for attention that will never come.
"Well then, do it fast. We're almost there." You hear his grumpy voice, making the butterflies in your stomach double their count. The decades-old memories of you together overwhelmed your brain like a tsunami. You couldn't swim out of that. The way his tongue circled your clit as you played with his hair at the theatre restroom. Or when he made you ride his face with Steve in the house. The way he pounded into you against the wall so you wouldn't forget him when he gets shipped out the next morning. And the way he had to cover your mouth that night at the bar, celebrating his unit's rescue. Now he was sitting millimetres away from you, and he wouldn't have done any of it. You still hoped, subconsciously, he'd dick you down like he did all those years ago. But that was a fantasy. Very vivid, real fantasy.
"Yes, sir," you let out, closing your eyes, tugging on your shirt so your fingers wouldn't accidentally slip in between your thighs. You didn't wanna make a scene. Even tho at some point, you knew you would.
You didn't catch James' hungry gaze when he heard those words slip from your mouth. At the back of his head, he reminiscent the amount of times it was him, slipping out of it.
It took you exactly 17 minutes before you got yourself out of Tony's car. You accidentally grinded yourself on his leather seats, causing you to accidentally moan, and of course, Barnes caught it. He'd never miss that sweet sound leaving your lips. At nights, he wished he'd made you sound like that, even louder. But that was ages ago, and you were over him. It was the only thing that made sense to him.
Five minutes into your romantic stroll to the target's office, the wetness in your panties got worse. You figured the more you moved, the less it hurt, but the pleasure doubled. And the Avengers training lessons didn't exactly cover how to act if you're orgasming every five seconds just because your thighs rubbed against each other.
Correction, you didn't actually cum. It was more of a frustrating edging that made you wanna rip out your hair. You were sure Barnes had already figured something was off or had at least suspected something. The suppressed moans and the tugging on your crotch weren't exactly subtle.
"Alright," he stopped walking, a few meters away from a huge building. It was surrounded by a deep forest, straight from a horror movie. "he was last seen inside. If Steve's correct, we should..." You kept nodding, not actually paying attention to what he was saying. It was the way his metal arm moved when he talked and the way his fingers curled while explaining the plan. You never got the answer to your question if he could feel through his amputated arm. He had to, you thought. You heard him groan every time someone pulled it too hard. You were embarrassed how much it roused you when you heard him whimper in pain, but it was also one of the things that circled your head when you were alone in your room.
You'd imagine, would it feel different. It would definitely be cold, rougher, you suspected faster. And with the serum running in his veins, he'd definitely last longer. That, you were one hundred percent sure, for it was Natasha's moans you heard for over two days after she and Steve finally hit it off. But Nat was also a super soldier. Bucky would probably tire you out by the 2nd round. But you were willing to risk it.
"If you're not gonna be listening to me, then you can turn around and go back." Was the first thing you heard after you forced yourself out of Bucky's hand around your throat fantasies. It probably wasn't the best idea, but seeing Bucky frustrated and annoyed by your incompetence made you feel things. And you wanted more.
"Whatever you want, Sergeant." You smirked, walking past him towards the building. His smell punched you in the face, making your walls clench around nothing. Fuck. Your self-control was harder to put in check. You were sure in a few minutes it'd be non-existent.
"Whatever is your problem today," you heard him behind you. You didn't look at him, focusing on keeping a steady pace towards the building so you could finish the job, get home where you could fuck yourself to oblivion. No one, but your fingers were currently available. And even they couldn't sometimes do the job you needed. But you knew whose would.
"I'm talking to you." Your heart dropped when his hand landed on your shoulder. Your skin got warmer again, and the pulse between your legs was impossible to ignore. You didn't know if you wanted to kill him or fuck him.
Ideally, both.
Turning around, you found the strength to twist his arm, finding out it was his human one, making it easier to push him back. He looked so taken back that it was amusing. But not amusing enough to stop the aching of your cunt.
"Touch me again," and I won't answer for the consequences. You wanted to add. But you didn't. Instead, you stared back at him, praying to god you'd drop dead or something would happen to stop the throbbing pain. You wanted to push your pants down and do something about it, but Bucky's presence wouldn't let you. It would, seventy years ago.
God, the number of times he made you rub yourself in front of him, fuck yourself while he watched. Couldn't he do it now? You'd happily obey.
"You've been acting distant ever since morning," he said, taking a step closer. "I just wanna know what's wrong," he said, lowering his voice at the end. You were sure it was just the stupid plant making you see things, but Bucky's dark eyes were hard to miss. Or the sweat on his forehead. Or the way he clenched his jaw when his eyes dropped to your lips.
Your heart sank. Holy fuck.
You couldn't help but laugh. It was, after all, comical. You looked manic but that didn't bother you. You felt so many emotions at once that you struggled to choose one.
"What the hell are you doing," you heard his voice interrupt your laugh. You were out of your mind. Your legs weak and sweaty, your cunt covered in your wetness, your head filled with migraine, skin on fire, and thoughts surrounding only one thing. And now, cherry on top, you realize Banner discovered an aphrodisiacs that make the super soldier serum its bitch. James motherfucking Barnes joined the lab rats of Banner's sex research.
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nexysworld · 1 year
Imagine things have been going very smooth between bunny!reader and yandere!leon like let’s say a good 2 months of her folding under Leon’s rules and being perfect for him so he cranks up the affection even more to the point she gets drunk and hazy on his love
Her ovulation comes around and she absolutely cannot get enough of Leon. He’s gone on a one day mission which has him back home late the same night but to bunny!ready Leon being gone even that short was enough to rile her up so when he comes home she’s still awake. Leon is thrilled to be welcomed by cuddles and kisses until she starts rocking her hips and hits him with a “I’ve been so good lately, right? Just for you. So won’t you reward me and put lots of bunnies in me, pleaaase?”
I let you imagine Leon’s state afterward ahah
All I can say is fucking inspiring anon. Inspiring! So much so I turned this into a quick oneshot I typed out on the last 30 min of my lunch break because I couldn't get it out of my head. For those new, this oneshot is based on the same au as my Yandere!Leon fic Guardian Angel which was inspired by @explorevenus's fic Something Permanent. ~ Breeding Bunnies ~ Read on AO3 🖤 Requests are Open 🖤 Masterlist Pairing: Yandere!Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, daddy kink, breeding kink, smut, use of pet names like bunny
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Leon was exhausted, all he wanted to do was get home to his little Bunny. It was rare that he had to leave on such short notice, all he had time to do was leave a bedside note with an explanation before he was out the door at 4am. 
The mission went fine, though Leon had to admit he rushed things as much as he could, originally scheduled to be gone for 48 hours, he’d completed the mission and was on his way home by 11pm same day. 
Jeep rolling to a stop outside the farmhouse, he saw that the bedroom light was still on. A little concerned he checked the time, 2am. So he’d been gone in total 22 hours. But why was his little Bunny still awake? You knew you had a bedtime, it wasn’t good if you were tired all day. Not really in the mood to do anything about it, he trudged inside, kicking his work boots off at the door before making his way upstairs. Luckily he opted to take a shower at work before coming home, so he didn’t smell like swamp and blood. 
He could hear the soft whimpering noises coming from the cracked door of the bedroom, clearly, you hadn’t heard him come home yet. Adorable. Any irritation he had from you still being awake was gone.
The second his hand touched the knob and the door creaked, all noises ceased. Whatever he’d almost seen you doing had stopped. There you sat on the bed, hands folded over the blanket, face red and flushed. “Welcome home Daddy~ I missed you.” The sound of your voice was heaven to his ears. “It’s a little late for you to be up don’t you think?” There was no anger in his voice as he slipped onto the bed, letting you wrap your arms around him. “I know, I’m sorry.” You cooed softly clinging to him, burying your face into his chest to inhale his scent. “I tried cuddling with your pillow, but it’s not the same. I just can’t sleep without you.” “Awww poor Bunny, I’m here now though. Let’s get some rest, ok?” He adjusted the position so he was lying on his side pulling you into his arms tightly, peppering your face with kisses. He didn’t question it when you brought your leg over his hip, assuming you just wanted to snuggle as close as possible. 
His heart was bursting with love, knowing that you missed him so much. Not even his imagination could properly conjure such a beautiful scene - nothing could make this night any better, or so he thought anyway. 
Being so exhausted though, it wasn’t long before he felt himself drifting toward unconsciousness. Almost asleep he felt a slight movement against his leg. He ignored it, savoring the feeling of falling asleep. Again it happened, jostling his consciousness. A few more times and he was fully awake, realizing you were grinding against his leg. “Mmm Bunny, quit it, not tonight mkay?” He rubbed the back of your hair softly. “Pleeeeaassseee? I missed you so much.” “Bunny, no. Tryin’ to sleep.” “But I’ve been so good lately, right? Just for you. So won’t you reward me and put lots of bunnies in me, pleaaase?” Leon’s eyes shot open as your words sent all the blood flowing to his cock. Did she really just ask me that? “You want me to fill you up with bunnies, baby?” “Please, need you.” To emphasize your point, you ground yourself against his hip again extra hard, mewling at the rough sensation of cloth on your clit. You were so wet with need, there was a dark spot forming all the way through your underwear and onto his pants. 
“Fuck, Bunny. I could never say no to that.” He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, tugging his pants and boxers off, tossing them somewhere into the darkness of the room. Leaning over you, he helped you out of your panties before connecting your lips together in a rough kiss. Leon grabbed himself, teasing you by running the fat tip of his cock up and down your slit, taking an extra moment to gently tap it against your clit. “Aww poor baby, look how wet you are. Guess you really do need my babies, don’t you?” He lined himself up with your hole, sliding in without stopping until he was balls deep. Not even giving him the chance to move you started bucking wildly fucking yourself on his cock, earning a hiss from him. “More…more…” you begged between each rock of your hips. “God, you’re killing me tonight sweet thing. Just can’t get enough of me, can you?” He gripped your hips tightly, ceasing your movements. You whined squirming against his hold. “Shh. Shh. You’re too eager baby, just relax and let me take care of you, hmm?” Leon pushed your legs up, flattening himself against you more until you were in a firm mating press, cock somehow managing to reach deeper than you ever thought possible. “Such pretty noises.” He cooed as you babbled incoherently each time he pistoned his hips against you. His pelvis bouncing against your throbbing clit was adding extra stimulation, bringing you so close to the edge.
“Mmm Daddy–” You barely got the words out, pussy clenching around him as you came undone, clinging to him. His nose buried in your neck, he gave a few more hard thrusts before he came as deep as he could, riding it out with a few slow thrusts.
He didn’t pull out immediately as he gently let your legs down into a more comfortable position. He opted to lay on top of you enjoying your sweet smell, and letting his slowly softening cock act as a plug.
“God Bunny, can’t wait to see your swollen belly in a few months.”
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Love From a Distance pt. 2
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As captain, it was Price's job to plan for everything. He was responsible for how the missions played out and who went where. He made sure that the right person was in the right position to give cover to their team and to find the escape route for any predetermined faults in the mission. He went through everything that could go wrong from ambushes to faults in the foundations of buildings. If someone sneezed or coughed, he thought about it and planned around it.
This is why he was the best of the best. His borderline obsessive behavior over every single possible outcome for a mission made him able to adapt to every situation. Hiccups in the mission didn't make him nervous, frustrated maybe, but the days of him becoming panicked when something went wrong were long gone.
Until what went wrong involved you.
Price laid in the hospital bed in the base infirmary. He had been stuck to it for longer than he liked but it was too painful for him to move with the giant gash in his side.
He was waiting for you, even though it was late. You hadn't visited him yet and he found that not being able to see you and be around you like normal was driving him crazy. However, he couldn't blame you for avoiding him, especially after what he'd done.
The mission that was cut short just a few days ago had turned sour, but Price had planned for it. He had a plan for when an ambush would show and when that ambush had an RPG on the building they were in.
What he didn't plan was his instincts taking over and him pushing you out of the blast and getting shrapnel stuck in him.
He thought he was going to die. There had been so much blood pouring out of him that he hadn't been able to stay awake for more than a minute before he passed out. Everyone said it was a miracle that he had survived and he didn't have enough energy in him to disagree.
Price stared up at the ceiling, trying his best to ignore the obnoxious beeping from the EKG as he thought long and hard about what happened.
He had panicked when he saw and heard the missile. Panicked when he realized that if he didn't act fast, he would lose you in the worst way imaginable. The thought alone make his throat tightened and the machine began to beep just a bit faster. For the first time in years, Price was panicking because he almost died.
He almost died without telling you how he truly felt.
It was incredibly selfish of him to want to tell you how he felt after all of this, but now he couldn't continue to what he was doing. In this line of work he couldn't take his days for granted and that extended to spending that time with you.
Death was always a factor in this job. He never knew if the next mission was going to be his last or his team's last.
He wanted to be with you despite the rules because if one day he died, then everything in his life would be worth it if he got to be with you.
Price took a deep breath and sat up from his bed with care. He bit back any winces and pulled the plug on the EKG, finding some relief in the silence that brought him. He pulled off everything that was stuck to him and was thankful that he still had pants on underneath the hospital gown he was wearing.
He got up rather quickly, ignoring the pain and the possibility that he could tear his stitches before he made his way to your room.
His heart pounded from the exertion and from his nerves. He would be upset if you rejected him but he wasn't going to force you to reciprocate his feelings. He knew better than that. He knew that no matter what you said to him, he would never stop loving you.
Though, he couldn't help himself from thinking about what would happen if you didn't reject him.
His mind wandered to how he would finally be able to hug you. How he could finally know what it felt like to feel your arms wrap around him and to feel your lips against his. He would be able to hold your hand and caress your face, make you laugh by rubbing his beard in your neck and finally feel your body next to his.
Those thought spurred him on, making him move just a bit faster until he was finally outside your door.
Price didn't hesitate to knock. He was nervous but he knew the moment he got out of bed that he wouldn't run away from this. He was done loving you from afar, now he wanted to love with you.
You opened your door a few seconds after and nearly had heart attack. The last person you would've expected to see was your captain looking paler and sleep deprived.
Price's eyes softened immediately. All of the pain he felt might as well have been in his head because he couldn't pay attention to it anymore. Seeing you made him feel infinitely better than any of the pain meds he had been given. You still had your pull to you even when you were upset.
"Cap-Captain! What're you doing?" You exclaimed with wide eyes and placed your hands on his shoulders to steady him.
"Came to see you." He smiled softly.
He drank up your face, committing every detail to memory for the thousandth time as he leaned into your space. Your hands on his shoulder gave him goosebumps but he wanted to feel more of you.
"Me?" You stared at him incredulously before you shook your head. "You could've seen me in the infirmary, you should be resting."
"How can I see you when you don't visit?" He teased lightly but became serious when your face dropped and you moved your hands away.
You looked so tired. He noticed it before but now that you weren’t shocked, he could see just how bad your under eye circles were. Part of him hoped that it was just your regular insomnia but he knew that reason why was because of him.
Guilt bubbled in his stomach.
He saved your life but got hurt because of it. You weren't okay with that. You weren't okay with the fact that your captain could've died because of you. It would've been your fault if he had died, your fault because you didn't notice the missile until it was too late.
You wanted to visit him but you would've broken down seeing him laying in the hospital bed connected to all those machines.
"I'm sorry." Price took your hands and held them gently as his thumbs rubbed over your knuckles.
You shook your head, tears blurring your vision as you refused to look up at him, knowing that the moment your eyes locked you wouldn't be able to hold them back.
"I...I should be the one apologizing. It was my fault, you almost died." You hated that your voice was shaky and you fought hard to keep it from cracking.
His voice was comforting, warm and softer than normal. He always spoke to you in that tone when neither of you were on a mission.
He tried to get you to look at him but you wouldn't. He moved his hands to hold your face, using his thumbs to wipe away stray tears as he titled your head up so you could face him. His heart ached when you whimpered, tears beginning to stream down your face as your weak attempt to keep them in failed.
Price pulled you into him, letting you wrap your arms around his neck so you wouldn't touch his wound. He rested his chin on his head and held you protectively as you quietly sobbed into his chest.
He hadn't thought you felt the same before this but he knew better now. It was in the way your fingers curled into the hospital gown and held the fabric so tight because you feared his disappear. He could feel it as you tried to hold him so close to your body without hurting.
Knowing that you felt the same gave him enough courage to rest his lips against your ear to whisper those three words.
"I love you."
You slowly leaned back, tears still streaming down your face as you looked him in the eyes. You searched for anything that told you he was lying, that this was a dream. But all you could see was complete and utter adoration in his eyes. He was being sincere as he moved his hands to hold your waist and rubbed his thumbs across your shirt.
Embarrassingly, it made you cry more. You were a mess but Price couldn't be more in love with you.
You wanted to say it back but you couldn't find the words. You were too choked up from crying that it was impossible to form a coherent thought, let alone a sentence.
Instead, you gripped his hospital gown and stood on your toes.
The kiss was tender. Price couldn't believe it was actually happening as he pulled you close so he could taken in all of your warmth. He could feel every ounce of your love as you clung to him in desperation, letting your actions speak more truth than any words could.
He felt light. He could stay in this moment forever. He wanted to. He wanted your lips against him forever now so he could feel you closer to him than ever before.
The kiss left you both breathless as you finally broke apart. Price rested his forehead against yours as he wiped your tears away when they finally came to a stop. It took you a moment to compose yourself and you felt even more exhausted as you placed another, shorter kiss on his lips.
"I love you too."
The next morning Ghost knew something had changed when he visited Price in the infirmary. He could tell that as the doctor scolded Price for leaving last night, you and the captain shared a long glance with each other that could only mean one thing. He didn't say anything, but he couldn't help the small smile hidden underneath his mask.
A/N: I got carried away with this. There honestly wasn't meant to be a part two but people wanted it. Hope it's good, I wrote it very late at night so I apologize if it makes no sense.
Tags: @ghostly-thorn
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 11 months
taking a bit further in the decades,(bc playboy bunny girls were officially a thing in the 50s) lets say Hashira! reader got a job as a casino bunny girl, mainly to spy to see if there are demons is in there. She doesn't know the demon king dropped by (It draws a LOT of humans in.), and was called in to... entertain him. (Lap dance, some intimacy as well, jdkndmfndmkd) both can't ignore that they think the other is very attractive and make out, too? tysm!!
(Hello, I’m glad to see another request from you again. I’ve never been in a casino before so hopefully I didn’t mess anything up and if I did then I apologize. I hope you enjoy this!)
May I Touch?
Muzan Kibutsuji x FEM! Hashira! Reader
(Warning: Swearing, Sanemi is your best friend, lap dancing, making out)
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About the casino the reader applied to: This casino allows you to play games, gamble, etc. Also there is a private room for people that pay extra to get one-on-one time with a bunny girl, for example lap dances and some intimacy.
As a Demon Slayer you had to do a lot of things to slay demons. You had to bear through tough and excruciating training, lose people you deeply care about, and sometimes even spy on places to try and locate the demon.
This current mission you have is one of those spying ones. The problem is..
“Oh my god can you believe this shit, look at what they’re making me wear!” You say holding up the outfit to show your best friend Sanemi.
“Stop being a pussy and just change into the damn thing and go to that casino place before you’re late.” Sanemi said as he turned his attention away from you to continue his training.
“Fine fine I was leaving anyways.” You said with a huff before making your way to the casino you got hired at. You decided that you were going to change into the outfit when you got there so that you didn’t have to travel wearing that outfit.
You arrived there with your outfit balled up in your hand, looking up at the night sky you breathe in and out, silently telling yourself that it is going to be okay before going inside.
You go to the managers office and knock on the door and waited until you heard the muffled words of “Come on in.”
“Ah you’re here, unfortunately the person that was gonna show you what to do called out last minute and the others are busy entertaining the customers so I guess I’ll have to show you around.” He takes a drag of his cigar before speaking once more, “Go ahead and change in the changing rooms I’ll wait for you nearby.”
You nodded your head, walking out of the office and go to the changing rooms. Putting on the revealing outfit, you smooth out all the wrinkles and came out. You looked around and found the manager, he began to show you everything and told you about the rules and regulations. One thing that was strange to you was a private room that was designed for people that want one-on-one time with the bunny girl.
Since you came here on a mission you hope that you’re not the one getting called in the room.
Oh boy did you just jinxed yourself.
A little while went by and the manager went back to his office. You were doing your job until you heard one of your coworkers say “Hey new girl, come here we have a customer in the private room waiting for you!”
“Ugh why me.” You thought to yourself while walking over to the room.
As you got closer and closer your heart pounded as you sensed a extremely powerful demon, you thought to yourself that it had to be a Upper Moon. To your surprise when you opened the door and walked in you saw a pale man with red eyes, you could still tell that it was a powerful demon but there’s no use in fighting sense you didn’t have your blade on you.
The man seemed to be very relaxed so that relieved some of your nerves a little, you were hoping that the demon didn’t notice that you were a Hashira.
Leaning on the back of the red chair with his hands in his lap, he lifted his hands to signal you to come over. You closed the door behind you and walked over to him. As you got closer you noticed a red tint to his cheeks something you didn’t notice before.
“Oh my I got lucky today, I got ahold of a gorgeous one. How about you come closer and give me a dance.” He said patting his lap, you knew exactly what he wanted. A lap dance.
You came closer to him a visibly nervous expression was shown on your face. Muzan took a mental note of that, noting that he was gonna take his time with you tonight.
Muzan could sense that you were a Hashira but he didn’t care at the moment. All he wanted to do was have some fun with his new plaything.
As you begin to give him a lap dance you hear him hum in enjoyment, making your cheeks heat up. You honestly didn’t know what you were doing you’ve never given someone a lap dance before.
Your thoughts stop and you stop dancing, blushing harder, as you heard the man raspy voice say “May I touch?”
Unable to control your body you turned to him, before mumbling a quiet “Sure.” He smirked at that as he grabbed your hips and straddled you on his lap.
“Don’t worry we’ll take this slow.” He said against your lips before making contact with them.
As he was passionately kissing you, you could tell that this man had some experience and that turned you on, maybe because since he has some experience he could make you scream with pleasure without any difficulty.
He licked your lower lip, seemly asking for permission to explore your mouth. You allowed access and moaned when you felt his strong hands grabbing your ass and making you slowly grind on his lap.
You felt something hard under you, and that’s when you thought to yourself that tonight was gonna be a long one.
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The Ebony Wings of Hydra - CH 1
Pairings: Wanda x R
Word count: 3.7K
Summary: Hydra has been all you have ever known. But one day when the base you live in is attacked you escape. What will the real world be like for you. The avengers are happy to take you in but there are so many questions. You however are special. You have powers. Ones hydra wants back. Love, Drama, Romance (but not spicy), Illness, Injury, and trauma; What will win?
TW: Past trauma, fainting, flinching? Kidnapping, torture (mentioned), malnourishment, dehydration, medical shit, canon-typical violence
A/n i think this will be a series so stay tuned lol
The alarms were going off. Soon many guards ran past your cell towards what sounded like explosions. They rocked the floor with force and you watched in awe as the vibrations shattered the lock to your cell. You froze. This place was awful but it was all you had ever known. It was home. In a heartbeat you decided.
Waiting until the sound of footsteps disappeared, you carefully slipped from the cell. Once you had cleared the halls you took off into the surrounding woods. There was a trail of destruction leading west. You kept to the edge of it following the track for a half mile before something glinted up ahead. It was huge and looked very expensive. Your legs were shaking and the edges of your vision began to dim. After all you had just run a mile on an empty stomach. It wasn’t like hydra gave you five star meals or meals at all unless you were on the brink of death. Knowing you would regret it later you needed somewhere to crash. Maybe whoever owned this would be nice enough to let you leave once they found you. Carefully you stepped onboard. You had barely taken five steps before your knees buckled and your vision dipped entirely. Your body went sprawling and you fell to the floor. The world was dark and you were out cold. And that’s how they at found you when they came back.
“So shawarma?” Tony asked as they began walking back. A collective groan sounded
“Tony we had shawarma after the last six missions.” Natasha said placing her gun back in its holster.
“I can order us a pizza?” Wanda posed and frowned as she realised the jet was open to the woods.
“Hey Tony-?”
“Yeah I see it.” He said putting down the Ironman mask again. “Friday scan for heat signatures.”
“One heat signature detected inside.” Friday responded. “Shit. Ok guys stay behind me.” He said. Wanda ignored him and stepped cautiously into the jet.
“Umm Nat you may wanna come see this.” She called.
“Coming.” Nat said and tony followed behind her. The entered to see Wanda crouched by your side. Still out cold. Wanda’s fingers were on the slow steady pulse of your neck.
“She’s alive” Wanda said.
“Friday run threat analysis.” Tony said.
“Enhanced abilities detected. However she seems to be malnourished and dehydrated. She has extensive scarring across her body. No persons found to match her in government records.”
“Right … ok” tony said. “Thoughts guys? Come on this was suppose to be an easy mission.”
“I say we take her in. She obviously has nowhere else to go. Treat her as friendly until she threatens us. Standard medical care. From the sounds of it she’ll be out for a while yet. We can have Bruce look over her back at base and when she wakes up we’ll go from there.” Nat said.
“Do you think she’s from the base.” Wanda asked still crouched beside you.
“I wouldn’t rule it out.” Nat said. “Make sure she’s secure. I’m going to get us out of here.”
“Got it.” Wanda nodded and tony wandered off to alert fury of a mission update. Wanda sat against the bench in the jet, gently pulling your head into her lap so she could make sure you weren’t uncomfortable and so you wouldn’t go flying when the jet took off. The engine hummed to life and the jet took off. Wanda brushed the small curls from your eyes. As she sat studying you face she wondered what colour your eyes were. Probably blue or green. After a few hours bay carefully set the jet down and tony went to debrief while Nat picked your unconscious form from Wanda’s lap. Carrying you bridal style with Wanda trailing behind.
“You know I’ve got this I don’t need an escort.” nat said.
“Um I wanted to come along. If that’s alright. Just to make sure she’s doing ok.” Wanda said hesitantly and Nat nodded as they silently made their way to the medical wing.
Carefully setting you down on the bed Wanda came and sat beside you and took your hand. She felt like she knew you somehow. It was odd but your aura that her magic picked up on seemed familiar but she couldn’t place it. Bruce came in a moment later checking a few things and placing an IV before giving Nat a quick update. Wanda listened from her chair.
“She’s malnourished and dehydrated. I have given her an IV but I’m hesitant to give a feeding tube before she wakes up. We don’t know her history and i don’t want to do anything wrong. When she wakes up give her something to eat. Keep her calm, from what I can tell she’s been through something traumatic based off the amount of scarring alone on her arms and legs. I’ll get you a change of clothes for her. I’m expecting her to wake up in the next couple of hours.” He said before nodding to Wanda and leaving.
“Thanks Bruce.” Nat called after him as he went back to his lab.
“I’m gonna go clean up. Are you ok to stay with her?” Nat asked. Wanda nodded she wasn’t very dirty her magic kept her hands clean so she didn’t need a shower imminently like Nat did.
“Ok get Friday to call me if she wakes up.” Nat said and left to shower. Wanda studied your face again trying to place where she knew you from.
You began to stir. Two women’s voices seemed to be nearby and it took all your training not to stiffen. Where were you? Were you back there again? Despite your primal need to find out more or if you were safe you drifted back out of consciousness again.
The next time you woke your eyes fluttered open before you promptly shut them again. It was too bright. Much different to the darkness of your cell. You heard shuffling beside you and realised there was a hand in yours. You stiffened and the weight beside you lessened.
“Nat?” A voice called softly. You heard another persons, Nat supposedly stir on your left side. You were surrounded.
“Hmm?” A sleep voice hummed.
“I think she’s coming around.” The voice from earlier said and you stiffened as you felt a hand brush the curls from your face. Internally cursing yourself for reacting.
“Actually scratch that. I think she’s already awake. You can open your eyes sweetheart.” The voice said and hesitantly you did hearing the voice chuckle. But it was odd. It wasn’t the cruel chuckle you heard when they beat you. No this one seemed softer. Safer. Familiar. You looked at the two women who sat beside you. Both had red hair. Both had green eyes. The one holding your hand was the one who had spoken earlier. Noticing you observing them Wanda cleared her throat and you flinched slightly.
“Sorry.” She said seeming concerned by your reaction while Nat just raised a brow. “I’m Wanda and this is Natasha but you can call her Nat.” She said. You nodded slowly.
“Where am I?” You whispered quietly. Wanda visibly softened at your tone.
“You’re safe. You’re at the avengers compound in New York.” Wanda replied
“America?” You asked.
“Yes.” Nat said. You nodded again slowly.
“What do you need me for?” You asked softly. Wanda looked confused.
“Need you for?” She asked. Her nose scrunching.
“I’ll do whatever you want.” You said softly.
“Oh honey no. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. This isn’t hydra. You are safe here.” Wanda said understanding now.
“I’m… free?” You asked softly.
“Yes. And we have a few questions but we can save them for later when you’re better. In the meantime eat this.” Nat said handing you a Nutella sandwich. You frowned at it. Taking it and studying it closely.
“What is it?” You asked not used to anything otero than the grey porridge you rarely got.
Wanda gasped. “You’ve never had a sandwich before?” She said. Suddenly feeling embarrassed you shook you head slightly. Letting a quiet “no” pass your lips.
“Try it.” Wanda said. And you looked at it again before deciding it was worth the risk. Biting into it flavours you had never tasted burst on your taste buds. You hummed quietly to yourself in content and your shoulders relaxed as you let yourself indulge. After eating half of it you felt full and slightly nauseous. Carefully you set it down on the plate in your lap.
“Done already?” Wanda asked and your cheeks burned with shame. Wanting to appease her for some unknown reason you picked it up again lifting it to your mouth when a hand stopped you. You flinched slightly and dropped the sandwich. The hand withdrew quickly.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Wanda said not meaning to scare you. “I just wanted to stop you and tell you you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you’re done with true sandwich that’s fine. You don’t need to eat more to appease me.” She said. Softly and you nodded.
“Do you think you could answer some questions for us?” Wanda asked carefully. You stiffened but nodded. Wanda hummed and decided to proceed.
“What’s your name kid?” Nat said.
“Subject 65798” you said softly.
“Jeez we need to call you something better than that.” She smiled softly. You exposed your left wrist to them and their eyes widening at the numbers tattooed on your wrist.
“But my brother called me y/n” you said quietly.
“You have a brother?” Wanda asked
“Had” you corrected.
“I’m sorry.” Wanda said.
“Don’t be it’s not your fault.” You said avoiding their eyes and picking at the bedsheets.
“Next question.” Nat said sensing your discomfort. “How old are you?”
“I’m not sure.” You replied honestly.
“Ok that’s ok. You look to be an adult but we can have Bruce do some tests fo find out.” You froze. Your breathing speeding up at the word tests. You knew tests. Tests hurt. Tests killed. It was Wanda’s voice that brought your back. Her concerned face was looking at you and both your hands were being squeezed in hers.
“Breathe y/n breathe it’s ok. You’re not there anymore. It’s ok. There we go, are you back with us sweetheart?” She asked softly. You nodded swallowing the shame you felt for breaking down.
“If you want to stop for today we can”. Nat offered.
“No it’s ok.” You said shaking you head. Wanda dropped you hands and you mourned the loss of contact. To say you were touch starved was an understatement.
“How long were you at hydra y/n?” Wanda asked.
“As long as I can remember.” You whispered.
“Do you have any powers we should know about?” She asked knowing you did but not knowing what they were.
“No.” You shook your head. If they didn’t know maybe they would let you stay you thought. Wanda sighed.
“We know you have powers y/n but I was hoping you would tell us yourself.” Wanda said
You stiffened. “Then why ask?”
“To see if you trusted us.” Nat said
“It’s a bit hard to trust when you spent your entire life in a cell.” You snapped and immediately felt bad as Wanda’s face fell.
“I’m sorry. I’m just not good with people.” You whispered.
“It’s ok.” Wanda said smiling again.
“It’s easier to show you rather than explain it. When I have some more energy I can do a demo if you’d like?” You said and Wanda smiled and nodded. Nat hesitated weighing the risks before agreeing.
“No. Not happening” a voice said from the door and you flinched. There was a man standing there with his arms crossed. You curled into yourself. You were defenceless in the bed and he stood blocking the only exit. Your heart quickened and you felt your breaths shorten.
“Tony not now. We would be with her the whole time. Not much can go wrong.” Nat said and they began arguing. Wanda watched before turning back to you and seeing you shaking as tears fell down your cheeks. She carefully put her hands over your ears sushing you as you flinched.
“Guys knock it off. Tony leave us be.” Wanda said with authority waiting for tony to leave before taking her hands from your ears. Instead she held you hand and helped you steady your breathing again.
“It’s ok.” Wanda said as she shifted to sit on the bed next to you. She hadn’t expected it but you threw yourself into her side. She gave you a comfort you hadn’t felt before. She was shocked stilling for a second before wrapping you in her arms. She petted your hair and whispered quiet words to you as you shook quietly.
“It’s ok. You’re safe now.” She said and pressed a featherlight kiss to the crown of your head. Your body relaxed and you drifted to sleep in her arms.
The next time you awoke you were still wrapped in her arms. However the room was different. She must have carried you here while you slept. The room was clean. A couple posters on the wall and a cold hot chocolate by the bed. You are curled in her lap as she read a book and ran her fingers through your hair. It felt amazing. You yawned and stretched like a cat. Wanda chuckled.
“You know you remind me of a puppy when you’re tired.” She said. You nodded still sleepy after getting more rest than you normally would.
“Where’s Nat?” You asked
“She’s training. She’ll be back later.” Wanda said setting down her book.
“I made a hot chocolate for you but it’s gone cold”
“I’m happy to drink it cold.” You said not wanting to waste her efforts.
“You don’t have to do that y/n” she said and you waved her off eyes wide ping as you brought the mug to your lips. The taste was amazing. Wanda chuckled at your expression.
“It’s even better when it’s warm.”
“I gets better?!” You asked and Wanda laughed at the chocolate on your nose. Using her finger she wiped it off celebrating internally as you didn’t flinch at the touch.
“If you want to come with me to the kitchen I can heat it up.”
“No it’s ok. They’re something I think I’m ready to show you now.”
“What is it”
“My powers.” You said softly.
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. You… you make me feel safe.” You said and Wanda beamed.
Wanda was confused as you led her to the roof. Her confusion turning to worry as you grew closer to the edge.
“Y/n wait! You could fall!” She said trying to rush to your side. You simply turned grinning and giving a mock salute before falling backwards with your arms spread.
“Y/N!” Wanda yelled rushing to the edge and peering over. Just then you whooped and shot upwards. Two ebony black wings spanning out from just below your shoulder blades. Wanda sat back in awe. You spun and dipped grinning wildly. You rarely ever got this much freedom to use your wings and they were stiff from lack of use. The wind in them felt amazing. You smiled and used your hands to create a ball of magic like Wanda’s except black. You grinned at Wanda’s shocked expression and made the magic disappear before carefully leaning back on the roof. Your black wings folded behind you and retreated into two black lines that ran down your back looking just like they were drawn on with a pen. The wings were now gone. You smiled and Wanda tan over to you.
“That was Awesome but never do that again I thought you were going to die.” Wanda gushed and your grin faltered.
“Amazing though. I’m honestly impressed. But u have one question.”
“Sure?” You asked feeling more confident now.
“Do I know you?” She said quickly. You turn disappeared. You were hoping she wouldn’t ask.
“You had the cell next to me in hydra.” You said sadly. “Only you escaped and I didn’t. But it’s ok. I never blamed you.” You said softly and Wanda pulled you into a hug.
“I’m so sorry y/n” she said running her hands through your hair.
“It’s ok Wanda.” You said.
“No it’s not. We left you … I left you.”
“And I never blamed you.” You said taking her hands. “If anything I should thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“It was you and your powers that gave me my magic.” You grinned.
“So you can do what I do?”
“Yep just my magic is black and I have wings because of the extra years of testing after you escaped.”
“Y/n I’m sorry” Wanda said and you held up a hands.
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t blame you and i never will.” You said softening and giving her a big hug.
“What did i miss?” Nat said walking onto the roof.
“Y/n has-“ Wanda started but you clamped a hand over her mouth. She stopped before you quickly pulled your hand away.
“EW Wanda … why?” You said cradling your hand and then wiping it on your black jeans. She had licked you. Wanda doubled over laughing while nat watched looking amused.
“Something you want to tell me y/n?” Nat asked again. You grinned at her before running and leaping off the edge of the building. You heard nat cry out and then gasp as you shot back up with your wings out stretched.
when you landed she cautiously ran a hand through the black feathers which felt softer than powdered snow.
“They’re beautiful.” She said in awe and you blushed slightly. When she removed her hand you folded them away again and they once more disappeared into your back. You made the two of them promise not to tell the team until you were ready and they agreed. But assured you the team would love them. You sighed and walked back inside with the two following you.
“Y/n? Isn’t it cold for you out there?” Wanda asked and you shrugged. It was nearing winter and you were in ripped black skinny jeans and an faded black AC/DC singlet with the sides deep enough your black sports bra showed. Your lace up black high top converse were double knotted and there was a small lesbian pride bead on the lace. Wanda had gone to the trouble of finding an outfit you would like and Friday had promptly gotten it delivered. You had a silver ring on your left pointer finger with a small skull on it and a black leather bracelet on the same wrist. Your hair was done in a half up half down braid that left locks falling part way down your back and shoulders.
“Its not bad. My body is used to extreme conditions so they don’t effect me as much as they used to.” You stated simply. Wanda looked sad and you quickly changed the topic not wanting to bring up memories for her either.
“Is there any chance i would be able to…” you trailed off realising you had almost asked for something.
“To what y/n?” Nat asked.
“Oh nothing.” You waved her off but nat persisted
“Y/n you can tell us anything.”
“I kinda … really need some more stuff. I don’t have well … anything so i need more clothes and some … other things. I mean i would love some art supplies it was kind of all i could do in the cell. But i don’t need them and i don’t want to waste any of your money.” You were rambling now. Wanda cut you off placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Y/n you can have whatever you like. Tony is rich as all hell and i could use a shopping spree. I’d love to help you find new clothes and I’m sure Steve can recommend some good art supplies. He draws right nat?” Wanda said looked over her shoulder at nat who smiled nodded.
You felt tears prick your eyes.
“Oh sweetheart its ok. I’d be happy to make you happy. And if you need anything at all i want us to be the ones to give it to you. Anything you want or need just tell us and we’ll make sure you have it. Honey your life has been hard and we just want to make it better.” She said pulling you in from arms length into her chest as small sobs wracked your body. You were so grateful. Wanda shushed you and gently ran her fingers through the ends of your hair. You were mildly surprised to feel another strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind as Nat sandwiched you between her body and Wanda’s. You let out a content sigh, wishing the moment would never end.
“How about i make us some lunch then we can go explore amazon” she said and winked “i have Tony’s login.” Which made Nat laugh. You simply looked confused
“Amazon? Like the rainforest?” You asked and Wanda looked you you with a grin.
“No its like an online shopping website. You order the stuff and it gets sent to you in the mail.” She chuckled and you felt the tips of your ears go pink.
“Damn i think even Steve might be more adapted than you at this point.” Nat said and bumped shoulders with you. She grabbed your hand and began leading you to the kitchen following Wanda.
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You're Losing Me.
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Prompt - ‘Do something, babe, say something. Lose something, babe, risk something. Choose something babe, I got nothing to believe, unless you're choosing me.’
Notes - I know I posted a House version of this yesterday but this song has such a hold on me so here's Obi-Wan's version.
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You had known Obi-Wan your whole life, had trained by his side since you were children and formed a friendship that had the older Jedi raising their eyebrows and whispering about attachments. You had been inseparable since you’d met, drawn to one another like it was the will of the Force and never once drifted apart from each other in all your years together.
It wasn’t until you were a few years older, well into your Padawan training, that you both began to see your friendship had transitioned into something more, something that had you feeling lighter than ever, something that had your chest feeling warm and your cheeks heating up. 
You were in love with Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan who was always there when you needed him, Obi-Wan who was always ready to pull you into his arms and talk about everything and nothing for hours, Obi-Wan who never hesitated to stand up for you when you let people put you down. You were in love with the man who stood for everything good, who was so kind and patient, who never gave you anything but fond and happy memories.
You loved him and you didn’t know what to do. What was there to do when you dedicated your whole life to an Order that forbade attachments? You couldn’t fathom how the Order could think something as beautiful as the feelings you felt for Obi-Wan could possibly lead you down a Dark path.
Obi-Wan had known he was in love with you for a long time, from the moment his gaze started to linger on you for a little longer when you looked away, from the moment he realised he longed for your company when you were pulled apart by separate missions, from the moment he realised all he wanted to do when you smiled at him was to pull you in and taste your lips.
He hadn’t been able to stop himself from doing just that when he was finally able to steal a moment alone with you when you returned from a mission two weeks later than intended after peace talks had turned violent and you and your Master had gotten caught in the midst of it. 
You hadn’t had more than a moment to register what was happening before you felt Obi-Wan’s lips on yours the second you walked into the room, freezing for a moment before sinking into the kiss, relaxing for the first time in weeks as your hands gripped Obi-Wan’s robes, both of you needing to assure yourselves you were safe.
From there everything evolved until you were sneaking around the Temple, keeping your relationship a secret, knowing you were breaking the rules and not caring if it meant you got to call Obi-Wan yours. It didn’t matter that you couldn’t tell anybody, it didn't matter that your relationship was built on stolen moments and secret meetings, you knew one day things would be different, you didn’t care about anything else.
The secret lasted well into knighthood and when Obi-Wan became a Master, having to train the young Skywalker boy it put a strain on your relationship. Suddenly it wasn’t just you and Obi-Wan sneaking around together, ignoring the whispers and the knowing glances from Qui-Gon as he left the quarters more and more frequently giving you and Obi-Wan plenty of time together. Suddenly in the space of one mission there was a Padawan and no time for stealing time together, now it was all about longing glances as the other was thrown more and more into their duties.
Eventually though it became easier to deal with, you and Obi-Wan were assigned missions together with Anakin coming along but as the years went on you made it work. You were sure the Padawan knew there was something going on between you and Obi-Wan, the cheeky grins and badly concealed winks he sent Obi-Wan’s way as he came up with excuses to leave the room for a while gave as much away,
You weren’t complaining, you loved any time you got to spend with Obi-Wan, you wished for more days that were spent laying side by side whether it be in a bed or a field littered with flowers but you knew that this was all he could offer you and all you could offer him right now.
So it went on like that, years passing by in secret as you loved each other quietly. You wanted it to be enough but there was a small part of you that was more and more persistent as the years passed, hopeful for something more.
You knew you’d leave the Order for the man, all he had to do was ask. You wanted him to ask more than anything, wanted him to steal you away in the middle of the night and put as much distance as possible between you and the rules of the Jedi Order. You wanted to build a life with him, one that didn’t need to be clouded by secrets and lies, one where you could kiss him whenever you wanted without always looking over your shoulder.
You wanted him to ask you.
He never did though and when the war started you pushed all those thoughts away. It wasn’t the time to leave, that’s what you told yourself anyway as you threw yourself into the war efforts, aching as you and Obi-Wan were separated yet again, only reunited when the Council ordered it. 
There were a few times you got to spend longer together, days that were spent on Coruscant, still surrounded by the war but easier to ignore as you made your way to Obi-Wan’s quarters after a long day of consulting with the Council.
“I’d say that was a rather successful meeting, wouldn’t you? If what we have planned works we’ll have Akippee in no time.” Obi-Wan grinned at you as he moved around the quarters, seemingly unable to try and leave the war outside of these walls, to savour the little bit of time you were able to have together.
You just hummed at him and let your fingers trail along the back of the sofa as you looked around the room, the room that had once brought you peace, had felt more like home than any place had before, the soft orange hues lighting the room but now it felt different, it felt empty.
Obi-Wan continued to talk, hardly noticing the fact it was a one sided conversation as your mind went into overdrive. You weren’t sure how he couldn’t see something was wrong, how could he glance over at you and smile, how could he chuckle and speak and not notice you were miles away questioning everything?
Eventually Obi-Wan led you into the bedroom, stating that you must both be exhausted from such a long day and it wasn’t long until the lights went out. Obi-Wan fell asleep easily, not pulling you close to his chest like he would have years back and you ignored the way another bit of your heart withered at the loss.
The sound of Obi-Wan breathing evenly and shuffling every so often used to comfort you, it used to lull you into a peaceful sleep and leave you well rested. Now it set your nerves on edge, it made you feel like you were alone even though you could reach out and touch him, though the space between you felt infinitely bigger than it was.
As he slept you stayed awake, sat up staring into the darkness of the room, letting your thoughts run wild, letting yourself wonder what was happening, letting yourself wonder if it was time to face the reality of what had become of you and him.
You loved Obi-Wan, the man was all you had ever known and you didn’t want to know anything else. You loved him more dearly than anything in the whole galaxy and yet here you were with him, feeling lonelier than you had ever felt in your life. 
All you wanted was a life with Obi-Wan, you wanted a proper, real life with Obi-Wan. One far away from the rules and regulations of the Jedi, one where attachments weren’t something to be feared, one where you could kiss him freely and without judgement, you wanted to give him every part of your life, you wanted to be his wife, you wanted to give him a family.
You wanted to give him everything.
You had tried to deny it for so long, tried to convince yourself you didn’t actually need that. You didn’t need to be Obi-Wan’s bride, you didn’t need to start a family with him and live your life openly to prove you loved him.
But it was never about proving anything, it was just something you wanted so badly and Obi-Wan had never given any indication he wanted anything more than you had. He seemed so content with what you had, never going forward, just staying where you were. 
There were too many problems with your relationship, sure the war could be blame for leaving you without seeing each other for months on end but you truly believed if the war hadn’t happened this would still have been the outcome, maybe it would have bought you a few more months maybe even years but it was always going to end up here.
There were too many problems and Obi-Wan didn’t see them, either he refused to see them or he was really so blinded to them. When you finally reunited it was like there was no time apart for him, like everything was still the same. Your heart was breaking and he was fine where you were. 
It was falling apart, you could see it breaking down before your eyes and yet Obi-Wan couldn’t. You wanted to scream at him, beg and plead for him to do something, to show it meant something to him, to show you meant something to him. You wanted him to take a risk, to leave the Order with you, to show that he would choose you. But he never did.
That night you slept fitfully, feeling even more drained than you had been the night before, only able to glare at Obi-Wan in the morning with a storm of emotions in your eyes as he went about getting ready for the day whilst keeping up a steady stream of conversation. He looked at you with a smile on his face and you wanted to scream some more, wanted to shake him and beg him to look at you, to see that you were dying, to see that he was losing you.
All you wanted was for him to see you, to see the mess that was your relationship and fight to save it, to do something to show he loved you. You wanted to believe your relationship could survive but your heartbeat felt like it was fading with every day that passed, it felt like you were going to die before Obi-Wan realised something was wrong.
“I can’t do this anymore.” You interrupted him, looking as shocked as he did at the outburst, not fully registering the words leaving your mouth or the decision to save yourself before your heart really did stop.
“Is everything ok?” Obi-Wan asked, his eyebrows knitting together as he put down his caf and turned to you, seemingly giving you all his attention but still not seeing you, not seeing how worn down you were.
“No.” You finally forced yourself to say after a few moments of silence passed where you could only stare at him, debating if you wanted to do this. “Obi-Wan, this isn’t working, we’re not working.”
“I don’t understand.” Obi-Wan told you softly, his hand coming up to scratch at his beard as he tried to figure out what was happening and why you were suddenly so unhappy with your relationship.
“I know you don’t.” You told him, voice shaky as you fought back tears. “I know you don’t, Obi-Wan and that’s the problem. You don’t understand despite all the signals I’ve given, you don’t understand even though it’s so clear to see.”
“What’s clear to see?” He asked you and the genuine confusion coming from him hurt your heart even more.
“Would you leave the Order for me?” You asked, never wanting to ask the question, not when you knew what the answer would be but it was the only thing you could think to ask to get him to understand something about how far your relationship had fallen.
Obi-Wan was silent for a moment too long, a moment that he actually seemed to recognise lasted for too long if the regretful look on his face meant anything. You let out a chuckle that sounded more like a sob and nodded, you’d already known the answer, if he was going to say yes he would have already left.
“I never wanted to lose you but you, you won’t do something, you won’t risk something to fight for us. You won’t even choose me, Obi-Wan. I can’t do this anymore, I’m tired, I’m so tired of being lonely.” You cried, a few tears slipping down your cheeks as you slid your robe on.
“Where are you going?” He asked quietly and you nearly sobbed, even now, even when you were walking out of the door he wouldn’t fight for you.
“To talk to Master Yoda, I can’t stay Obi-Wan, I can’t.” You told him and opened the door, waiting a moment for him to say something, to do something but he didn’t. He stayed silent and let you walk out of his quarters.
You barely held yourself together, hearing the door shut behind you and forced your feet to move until you got to an empty room. Only then did you let yourself fall apart, sobs wracking your body as you finally let everything out, everything you had been ignoring for years.
All you had wanted was for him to give you something, you had only ever wanted him to choose you the way you would always chose him but instead he hadn’t even fought to stop you from leaving, letting you go like you hadn’t given him your best years, hadn’t given him everything you had only to be left alone feeling like you heart wouldn’t start anymore.
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@paintlavillered​, @captainamericasdaughter15​, @bubsonnobx​ , @starkillerrr​, @heyitsaloy​, @fall-08​, @punkpirate82​, @bookfrog242​, @folklorianpixie​, @shadowheads-shitshow​, @dumb-fawkin-bitch​, @chiaraxtargaryen​,@myeyesandheartadjust,​ @evvy96​, @crazywitchbitch​, @little-diable​, @navs-bhat​, @alexxavicry, @asherhunterx, @myeyesandheartadjust, @top1bbgloak, @kpopperbree123, @audrie-bryant, @bitchineedfuckingtherapy, @lillianacristina, @thunder-ki, @ct-0113
Thank you so much for reading!💜
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hello-eden · 2 months
My Reverse Robins AU.
Terry Wayne -32-Antihero- Batwing
Helena Kyle Wayne -30- Thief- Stray
Anastasia al ghul-28- assassin- Viper
 Carrie Kelly -26- hero- Blue jay
 Matt wanye-23- hero- Nightwing
 Alexandria / female damian al ghul-23- hero- Swallow
Stephanie Brown-21- antihero- Red Hood
 Tim Drake -21- hero- Oracle
 Duke thomas -17- hero- Signal
 Cassandra cain-15- hero- Secret
 Jason todd -15- hero- Shadow
 Richard grayson-12- hero- Robin
 Barbara gordon -11- hero- Batgirl 
-The gender bend Damien is caused by my Pinterest.
 the mantle Robin is called shadow in this AU 
 I do know Terry and Matt are mcginnis's but in this one they are just called wayne
The ages that I have applied are just the base ages that I used for my math 
If anyone wants to write my AU I give you my permission.
I do know if I'm doing reverse Matt should be older but by the time I realized by mistake I was too far in so just ignore that.-
My reverse Robins AU story
 Terry and Matt were originally created due to a super soldier program. That the government used Batman's DNA for. Bruce found them and they were the original children taken in.  Matt is the original one to create the title of shadow. He shares it with Terry. 
Anastasia was created the normal way through Talia and Bruce, Alexandria was a biological experiment to be a backup heir. Alex and Matt call each other twins due to being born two weeks apart. Anastasia had already gone on League missions so she had a harder time conforming to the rules but she is very close with Terry while Alex had not gone on any League missions but did have the training.  Anastasia goes by the name Viper which was her League name then it turned into her hero name but she later went back to being an assassin after she killed Joker for Stephanie and got into a fight with her father. Alex shares the name shadow with Matt after Terry takes the name batwing.
Selena got into a lot of trouble and needed to give Helena to Bruce. Bruce only has sole custody for about a year and a half before they do split custody once everything is settled. Helena takes the name Stray to honor her mother. Helena is originally a hero with the rest of her siblings But becomes a thief like her mother after she separates from the family when Stephanie dies due to grief. she does come back.
 Carrie is a child vigilante inspired by shadow. She is not adopted until she is 16  when her guardian dies in a car accident. She ends up being quite close with Terry, Helena and Anastasia.
Tim and Stephanie are friends with Matt  and Alex. They go to Gotham Academy together.They are introduced to vigilante life due to a kidnapping accident involving the four. Stephanie still takes the name spoiler and Tim ends up using  the mantle shadow when Alex is injured. Stephanie ends up being the one that dies and Tim was tortured to be Joker junior not even a week after she was killed. due to the torture Tim is wheelchair-bound. Stephanie's death causes a major Rift in the family which leads to Terry, Helena and Anastasia not talking to Bruce. Matt still talks to Bruce but he ends up moving to bludhaven at 17 while Alex stays at the Manor to take care of Cass while Bruce is grieving.Due to Alex being the only one at the Manor She ends up being close to Tim(which I specifically wrote in to be ironic)The League of Assassins do resurrect Stephanie though there is no big reveal due to the fact that Anastasia is working with her mother when Stephanie is Resurrected though she was not in on the resurrection. Stephanie comes back to be red hood and feels detached from the family due to Bruce Kicking Anastasia out for the Joker's death. Tim ends up taking the name Oracle to help Anastasia due to their not being as many vigilantes in Gotham then there was before Stephanie died due to the big fight. 
Cassandra has her usual backstory but she's brought into the family before Stephanie is killed. Cassandra ends up taking the name Secret due to her secretly following Batman and the rest of the vigilantes on patrol before she was adopted into the family. 
Bruce ends up fostering Duke after failing to save his parents from a joker attack and takes him in due to guilt. Duke is the first one to be taken in after Stephanie's death so there are a lot of funny interactions with him having no idea how the family was before and meeting the older siblings. Duke later finds out about Bruce being Batman and the rest of the vigilantes being his children then takes on the name Signal. 
Jason is taken in the same way as before hitting Bruce with the tire iron and everything. Jason ends up being shadow and also being the only Shadow to work Solo due to their usually being two Shadows. Jason is the one that ends up bringing Bruce back from being Lost in Time.
 Richard is taken in the same way as well. Richard ends up taking the name Robin to honor his parents instead of the name shadow.Richard is taken in for about half a year before Batman has lost in time.Richard feels very cursed with losing parental figures back to back but he does end up getting very close to Alexandria before Batman comes back.
Barbara becomes friends with Richard at school and later goes out as Batgirl.
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 months
Can you do Male Reader being a widowmakers son and also a overwatch member and widowmaker trying to kill him but can't no matter how hard she tries because of something like widowmaker's want to kill vs Amelie's want to protect her son
𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕪
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Words: 697
Talon had in many ways changed her life, mainly for the worst. Her life seemed perfect before they intervened, while it was far off it still felt right. Her family just had a new edition, that being her son, you.
As you grew they both learned how to raise a child, making mistakes but nothing went wrong. You met the founding overwatch agents whenever he had to bring you along, quickly becoming a major part in their hearts.
While your mother, Amélie brought you up with her own passion. That being dancing, ballet specifically. Letting you attend her shows and even trying to teach you some dances, trying being the key words.
As a child you didn’t have the same… perception of the world. Your father experienced the brunt of it for your family, until the incident. For a few months Amélie had gone missing, leaving you alone in your fathers care.
Instead of him caring the responsibility was left to other overwatch members, he was trying to find her. But in turn accidentally ignoring you, luckily a certain mother helped. As her own Fareeha was grown, it was time to care for another.
That lasted until your mother showed back up, but not for long. As something felt… wrong. But your father didn’t notice, just happy she returned seemingly safe and sound. That was until she turned on him.
By a stroke of luck you didn’t seem to be next, as she was taken away. Leaving you alone in the giant house. Only found the next morning by staff, who alerted the Overwatch agents. Who took you under their wing again.
Due to the situation they were quick to train you in many areas. Medical, soon able to keep yourself alive in a battlefield. (Simulated of course.) And physically, hand to hand and from range, using a sniper.
As Ana taught you she specialized in a sniper rifle. Firstly she protested due to her past and the connections but eventually relented. Realizing it wasn’t a mistake as you took to it immediately.
Maybe you’re more similar to your mother than you realize.
It’s been years since she’s seen you last, only aware of your growth due to a certain hacker. This helped her realize the lies she’s been fed, she couldn’t care about the ones about Overwatch or Talon.
Only the ones about you. Moira claimed she had contact with you and you’re current carers, recently learning the opposite. The fact you’re with Overwatch, out of everywhere you could’ve been, why there.
Now it’s come back as karma, in the form of a mission.
You weren’t meant to be here. But unluckily the selected few got injured on a previous mission, and some agreed you had enough training. Meaning Ana, Mercy, Torb, you, Reinhardt and Winston were sent.
None of you were meant to engage unless necessary, which happened a lot quicker than you’d think.
Talon had sent Widowmaker on this mission, with other agents to scout around. Except they were given opposite rules, if anyone was seen, engage. Can’t have any witnesses now, could they?
She was searching the streets through her scope. During so she’s been unable to locate anyone as it seems they’ve improved, except one. You.
No one had realized at that moment you’ve stepped away, and into the view of Widowmaker. But instead of shooting you down she paused, something about you seemed so… familiar. As if she’s seen you before. Not one agent dared to question her staring, well, not any agent on the mission.
“So the feared Widowmaker found her pequeña araña huh?” Amélie tried to ignore her but she couldn't, the jab at her family didn’t sit right.
“Concentrez-vous sur votre travail Sombra.” Seeing you interacting happily with the Overwatch members had her at her limits.
She could easily have you back in her arms with Talon, take down the others before swooping in to take you. But no, Moira would only use you against her even more if she had her hands on you. She wasn’t going to let that happen, ending the mission right there to leave.
Maybe one day her little spider would return home.
pequeña araña - little spider
Concentrez-vous sur votre travail Sombra - Focus on your work Sombra
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the-bi-space-ace · 2 months
Hey so I just read your mini essay on the complexity of Crosshair’s beliefs and experiences with loyalty (rip my heart out, why don’t you), and I’m curious about your insights into Hunter’s personality, because out of all of them, he’s the most difficult for me to get a read on. Like, he cares about Omega and the squad, but do we actually see much of his personality beyond the caregiver?
To me he doesn’t show emotional clarity/steadfastness like Wrecker, or loyalty like Crosshair, or duty like Echo, and ambition like Tech. He generally takes things in quietly and seems to have become more indecisive as the show progresses (which makes sense cuz the batch suddenly went from a 100% success rate on missions to “everything that can go wrong does go wrong”). But I want to know Hunter better!! What are your thoughts and opinions?
Hi! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I just really wanted to think it through and post something in depth. I’m glad you read the Crosshair post (even if it did rip your heart out, I’m so sorry <3). To be completely honest with you I had no idea what to say about Hunter at first but I’ve given it a few days to think and I actually have a few things that I want to discuss.
Caveat that when I watch The Bad Batch I’m not usually focused on Hunter. Primarily because I just connect with the personalities of the rest of the batch more. There’s no problem with connecting with certain characters more than others, it is just personal preference 😊
Regardless, I have some thoughts, and I am genuinely so excited to talk about this after giving it a few days to think about what my full opinion is.
With the caveat in mind I have some opinions on Hunter that fuel my own viewpoint on his character and how I tend to write him in my own fanfics. To me Hunter has always been very… closed. Even in the Clone Wars he tends to stand back, be silent, only really speaking to give orders, question plans, or occasionally make fun of the rest of the 99. Despite the batch’s tendency to disregard orders and regulation (for better or for worse) Hunter has always thrived under direct understanding of where he stands. That’s why he works well with people like Cody and Rex. They give him clear… not exactly direction but something similar. He understands the rules. He knows how to break them. When the rules change with Order 66 he is thrust into something uncomfortable and instead of taking the problem and tackling it he just doesn’t do that. I am certainly not the first to point out that Hunter is avoidant. He always was.
He lets the batch get into fights and he doesn’t step in until he absolutely needs to. He doesn’t jump to defend immediately - typically, although there are exceptions.
(The way he defends Crosshair from Howzer in S3 E6 comes to mind. I’m still tossing that moment around as a repair attempt tbh. They’ve fought and hashed out some of the messy bits and now they are quietly proving to each other that they’re willing to patch things up.)
He lets his squad sort things out on their own and when it gets out of hand he’ll step in. Hell, I think the best example of this is actually when Rex punches Crosshair. Hunter never actually steps into that fight and I think it is partially because of this avoidant tendency. (The rest maybe because he knew Crosshair bit off more than he could chew and he was willing to let a swift right hook teach that lesson.) We actually see Wrecker step up to defend the squad more than Hunter does. This makes sense to me - Wrecker is big and intimidating and Crosshair and Tech tend to be mouthy. Hunter might be the sergeant of this squad but he certainly isn’t the sole protector nor should he be. (Hunter is still protective - the clones we meet tend to be - just not in the exact ways the rest of them are.)
This avoidance is why we see him ignore the Crosshair situation and latch onto giving Omega a normal life. I am not going to pretend that I like the way he ignores this situation but he reacted exactly how I expected him to. He was thrust into the unknown and without the proper rules he ended up throwing all of his attention onto one thing he felt like he could control. I’ve known plenty of people who do that. Hell, I’ve done that. That doesn’t mean it is the healthiest way to deal with pain or loss or grief. It’s a coping mechanism.
Once he’s sure it’s the chip controlling Crosshair he really latches onto this idea that if they just take the chip out then everything will be fine and dandy. In the same way that Crosshair latches onto this idea that if the batch just joins the empire that they can be whole again.
They’re both wrong.
You can tell he’s really internalized this idea of taking out the chip and everything fixing itself and when that dream is shattered he continues to disappear inside of himself. When things aren’t as simple as taking the chip out to bring Crosshair home he’s angry that suddenly this is more than just a simple fix and he doesn’t know where he stands anymore. There’s anger and hurt directed at him and the rest of the batch and he gets defensive because he thinks there shouldn’t be. He gets increasingly angry and much more confrontational than we’ve seen him be with Crosshair so far. Another worldview shattered, another chip in his already fragile armor, another reason to be fucking pissed. His anger at Crosshair finally pushed him into action, away from avoidance. Is it healthy? Still no. But none of them are really experts at coping. At least he’s letting it out. At least it is in the open. At least we are seeing his emotions bubble over onto the surface. That is what makes me personally interested. Those messy, painful, unhelpful emotions wreacking havoc and making things worse.
We see Hunter buckle down and let his anger fester. I think he continues to do that all the way through season 2 and his conflict with Echo isn’t helping. I have an entire post somewhere in my drafts about Echo and Hunter’s joint leadership but I’ll boil it down to a few points to focus them on Hunter.
Hunter needs a second in command especially now. He isn’t at his best as a leader and maybe that’s not really what the batch needs right now. The GAR is gone. Their lives are upside down. He needs support but he won’t ask for it - stubborn as hell he is. That’s why Echo really helps. I rewatched the seasons specifically to focus on Echo and I think we can see signs of his and Hunter’s joint leadership from the very beginning even before Hunter needs him for support. In a world of uncertainty you need someone to hold on to, someone to help make decisions. His conflict with Echo in season two is just making him more unsteady. The prospect of losing someone else and losing his voice of reason is wearing on him and it only gets worse as time goes on. Sure, he knows they can get by without Echo around but I don’t think he wants that. He was leaning on Echo and once they started disagreeing he realized that maybe he was going to either have to open himself up to relying on everyone else or close up again.
I’d wager that he chose the latter for the most part.
Hunter doesn’t like relying on others. He has this big idea in his head that he’s meant to be the one who has it down but… come on. None of us can do that. I’ve seen a lot of people compare Hunter to an oldest sibling and as the youngest of four I’m not sure I really have much insight into that particular notion but as the sibling who took on the greatest responsibilities in my home I feel this tug of responsibility to the detriment of yourself and others and I see you, Hunter. I see you and you need to stop.
Maybe that’s why I get so frustrated with Hunter in particular. I want him to grow out of this. I want him to change and develop and be angry and show his care more often. That’s part of why I loved S3 E5 so much. Hunter got fucking pissed. He was angry and he let it out and he shoved Crosshair and he showed just how badly he was hurt by everything. Fuck I love that. This is what I wanted to see. Finally he’s forgetting to keep it together and in front of Crosshair he is finally willing to lose his temper. Something really tells me that they used to lose their temper at each other because it was safe to. They clearly don’t know how to talk about their emotions and sort it out like many of us know or learn to - that will hopefully come with time and maturity - but they sure did know how to yell and use their strength against each other. So they fight. And they hurt each other. Then they make up and move forward because what else are they meant to do? They’re going to forgive each other. It’s how it always is - a given.
Hunter’s relationship to loyalty is not anywhere near the same as Crosshair’s but all of the batch end up having some relationship with it one way or another. There’s an excellent post floating around tumblr somewhere and I couldn’t find it to save my life (if you know what I’m talking about and can find the post feel free to link it somewhere) but it says something about how eventually the batch is going to embody the idea that they ‘don’t leave their own behind’ because they simply haven’t remained true to that sentiment yet - through lack of choice or active avoidance. They’ve repeated it a few times and yet the sentiment feels flat as they keep having to leave members of their squad behind or let them walk away themselves. Eventually they’re going to have to prove this sentiment and only then do I really think the show’s true theme can be accomplished.
I want to touch briefly on Hunter’s relationship to touch because I think it comes into play here (and it is admittedly one of my favorite things about him.) He uses touch a lot more than I think we give him credit for. Yes he’s closed off emotionally and he’s not great at talking but he does use touch a lot. He uses it with Echo for reassurance and as a factor to convince him of things often. A plan Echo doesn’t like? Shoulder touch. Echo is still new and Hunter is telling him he’ll get used to things? Shoulder touch. Saying goodbye, serious chat, acknowledging his worries? Touch touch touch. This man doesn’t always know how to use his words but he’s good at putting what he means into a physical reminder. What does the touch say? Loads of things. That he’s there, that what he is saying is not meant to hurt, that he’s pissed, that he’s listening. He does it with Wrecker and Omega and - thinking of their fight - Crosshair but I can’t actually think of an instance where he uses touch with Tech. I could have just missed it so let me know if there are scenes where he does this. He’s relied on physical reminders for so long that maybe words just… aren’t what he uses to communicate. You can feel the way his mood shifts when him and Echo are disagreeing by the way he moves him physically. It’s really those moments that I feel Hunter shines most because those moments are where he feels most open as a character - at least from my perspective.
I use his relationship to touch when I write him and, specifically, when that touch is rejected, what does that feel like for him? When I write him I look at it from a perspective of how he interacts with the world and what he thinks he can give to it. When his most comfortable form of communication - that shoulder touch we all tease about - is rejected and he can’t rely on that anymore what does that look like? Could just be the fact that I lean very heavily towards touch as a form of communication and repair but I focus on it a lot and it deserves a mention while talking about Hunter.
In truth, Hunter is hard for me. I see the avoidance, I see the anger, I see his pain, and yet I still have this feeling that I don’t really see him. What does Hunter really want? Because we’ve only ever seen him talk about what he wants to do for other people. But what motivates Hunter? We can say that it’s keeping his people safe or that it’s settling down or even just boil it down to Omega but what is actually under the surface there? For everyone else I can pretty much pinpoint what it is that motivates them but Hunter is a blank area for me. He says what motivates him but I am much more inclined to believe there is something else really eating at him underneath it all. I also want to suggest that maybe he hides behind doing things for other people to avoid feeling selfish. If he’s doing all of this to protect his squad then he’s not doing all of this because he wants to and it’s not a selfish decision. While I don’t think finding somewhere safe to settle down is selfish I get the feeling that maybe Hunter thinks it is for him specifically. Like he is not allowed to but maybe if it’s about everyone else then it’s fine. It’s always ‘Omega deserves better’ and ‘you betrayed us.’ Never ‘this is what I want and this is how I feel.’
Crosshair’s value system is very strict and at times harsh and unmoving. Echo has a sense of duty and protection that is strong enough to push him into action. Wrecker is motivated by the thrill of things but also by supporting his loved ones. Tech is curious and intelligent, seeking out new experiences and an interest in preservation. But what is Hunter’s motivation aside from ‘settle down’? That’s a goal, sure, but I’m not sure it’s really the right word to place on what he really wants deep down outside of what he wants for other people. I’m not sure I really know the answer to that question.
To make a long post even longer I’d like to see what Hunter wants when it is not connected to his service to other people. What is it that fuels him? Is it the serene calmness of safety that he craves? Being free from worry? Is it the freedom to make choices that he never would have gotten in the GAR? I’m almost inclined to say it’s a bit of everything but I still don’t really know and I would love to actually hear what people think the baseline motivator is for him personally.
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cod-dump · 7 months
I’m not Simon Riley I’m Ghost: Chapter 13
Soap POV (for the first part)
Soap went to the room where he was supposed to stay in for this, now over, mission. He was frustrated, angry. How could he forget about Ghost's nature? Of course he doesn't care that humans might die! Soap sits on the bed, sighing. It didn't feel right to leave, not when the mission wasn't even completed. Abandoning it even when people's lives were at stake... Did Price agree to this?
Soap checks his phone, having gotten a message from Gaz.
:Are you alright? Heard something about a attack from Price:
Soap went to reply when an idea came to him. The church... A meeting place for the arms dealer's men... At least, that's maybe what it's being used for. He wonders what he could find there... Maybe something that could lead to Hiro Shizuma? Soap feels like he can't leave, not until something is done about Hiro Shizuma. People were in danger and he wasn't going to walk away.
Ghost won't help. He doesn't care what happens as long as he gets his next meal.
Soap made his decision. To everyone, it's a stupid one. But he feels like he has to or else a lot of people were going to die. Soap sends a text to Gaz as he leaves the room.
:I'm fine. I'll see you later:
He wasn't sure when 'later' would be, he wasn't even sure what would happen to him. As Soap made his way through the base, back straight as he walks with purpose, he can only think about what Ghost would do once he found out what Soap was doing. Though he planned to be off base by the time the beast disguised as a man made the discovery. Going by foot was his only option, and Soap was hoping Ghost didn’t figure out his plan and chase him down.
Getting off base in full gear and armed was easier than it should have been. All Soap did was tell the soldiers at the gate he was going out on his own and they just let him go. He wasn't going to complain, they made this a bit easier for him.
Soap liked to think he was good at navigating unfamiliar areas. He had to be with his line of work. It proved useful and he probably wouldn't have gotten back to the church as fast without that skill. The sun was just below the horizon so Soap was hoping the vampires wouldn't be too eager to greet him. He wasn't sure about that tiger thing, though, or if it followed the same rules as them. Soap was cautious as he made him way towards the church, looking over his shoulder and in every dark place he passed.
He's been in dangerous situations like this before, but this had to be the first time he moved as prey and not predator. The street lights were humming quietly as he got closer to the church and anything louder than that made Soap flinch. The tiger thing had rushed him, cornered him, all with abnormal silence for something so large. He would like to no have a repeat of that.
Soap had never felt so uneasy outside of a church. It was ominous, truly.
Need to get inside…
The chances of something worth note being left behind was slim, but it was their original plan to start here before everything happened. There had to be something, anything. Just enough to get a lead, something the DGSE or Ghost couldn’t ignore. Ghost said this wasn’t a human matter, but Soap never liked sitting when something o big was happening in front of him. He was a good soldier though he had a temper… and right now Ghost was the target.
Soap felt betrayed. It was a dumb feeling considering everything Ghost was. He hunted and killed humans, he was in 141 because it was a free meal ticket, the perfect cover with someone covering up his tracks. Soap knew all this yet he let his attraction blind him. He wanted Ghost to be the lieutenant that he had originally met. He wanted Ghost to continue being that brave man who did a hell of a job taking out problems and saving lives. But he never was that, it was all an illusion, a mask to keep him hidden so he could keep getting food without drawing attention.
The church was locked up tight, every window and door heavily secured. Not something that every abandoned building had. There was definitely something going on here. The monsters that attacked them and now the secured building, it all pointed to the fact that something had to be here. Soap circles the church again and stops when he notices something covered up by a tarp. A swift tug and a cellar door was revealed.
A padlock? There’s my way in.
Soap always kept a set of lock picks on him for this reason. It would be quicker to just break the lock but he didn’t want to risk making too much noise, so picking the lock it is. Soap fumbled with the lock, and soon he was rewarded with a satisfying click. Soap removes the lock and goes to open the cellar, freezing when he hears something behind him. A slight breeze, very light footsteps—
The moment the plane landed, Ghost was leaving. He wasn't going to stick around and wait for everything to go to hell. He was getting Soap and Jamison out of here and back with the rest of 141. He was in the hanger, staring out at the landing strip with his bag by his feet. There was a since of dread hanging over him that he didn't like. What was causing it he wasn't sure but he was choosing to believe it was caused by what happened outside that church.
He heard feet moving towards him, turning his head slightly as he smelled Jamison approaching. She dropped her bag on the ground and huffed, no doubt feeling disappointed that this mission ended so soon. Ghost wouldn't really call it a mission considering they were here for little more than a day. Ghost looked behind Jamison to where she came from, not surprised that Soap had yet to show himself. He felt a ache in his chest, maybe anxiety but Ghost felt like he had no reason to be anxious.
He was angry at you. Disappointed in you.
Ghost huffs and chases the thought away. He couldn't grasp why he cared beyond being obligated to protect Soap's physical well-being. Why does he think about him so much? Was it his friendliness towards him when they first met? His determination to be his friend and include him on things he did with those that clearly distrusted him? The signs were all around him to keep his distance, everyone around Soap was distrusting, scared. Yet... Soap still kept walking closer.
Ghost blinked when he realized Jamison was talking to him, having not heard a word of what she said.
Jamison blinked at Ghost's interruption, realizing that he wasn't listening. There was a moment of annoyance, disappointment, hurt, before she spoke again.
"Our ride should be landing in ten. The captain's... friend, Nikolai."
Fucking hell- "Nikolai is getting us? He usually only comes around when Price is directly involved."
Nik was an interesting fellow. While everyone else looked at Ghost with distrust and fear and uncertainty, Nikolai looked at him like he knew. Given the man never said anything (to his knowledge) that he knew anything was less than human about Ghost, Ghost always felt like he had to be on high alert around him. Like he could expose him at any moment even though it would have to take something more than his word to do so... well, logically he would need proof, but his closeness with Price could easily have that part skipped over.
At least now he doesn't have to worry about being exposed.
"Captain sent him because he was close by."
"Supposedly," Ghost growled.
There was silence, Jamison rocking on her heels in a bored manner. Ghost kept looking over, looking for Soap. Where was he? Was he that angry at him? Or did the wound the vampire caused do more damage than what the DGSE doctor could detect?
"Where's the sergeant?" Where's Johnny?
Jamison blinked and looked over her shoulder, "I don't know..."
She quickly pulled her phone out and dialed a number. Ghost could see Soap's name on the screen as she raised the phone to hold to her ear. He could hear it ring and ring, no answer coming. His heart picked up at that, maybe something was wrong with Soap? Did that vampire actually do serious damage?
The call goes to voicemail and Jamison muttered in annoyance. Ghost pulled out his phone with more urgency than he would've liked to admit to using, dialing Soap's number and waiting.
Ring... Ring... Ring.. Ri-
Ghost swallows, forcing himself to keep calm. Even if Soap was angry at him, he wouldn't act like this. He was smarter than that.
"Wait here."
Ghost turned and left, keeping his normal pace. Everything was fine, he was just overreacting. Maybe he fell asleep? He knew they were leaving so that couldn't be the case, especially not since Soap didn't answer his phone, he would've woken up when he heard the ringer.
Ghost comes closer to the room Soap was assigned, slowing in his step the closer he got. Soap's scent was in the hall, it smelt dull. Old. Ghost got closer to the door, the smell not stronger like it's supposed to be. If Soap was here Ghost would've been able to smell it. But he didn't smell him. He smelt an old scent, something left by Soap passing by which makes sense considering he wasn't here long enough to actually leave a lasting scent to the room or the hall outside.
Ghost opens the door quickly, eyes immediately narrowing on Soap's bag. His gear was gone but his bag of necessities was still here. Ghost felt his heart drop. Did Soap leave?
Ghost blinked before he hissed. That fucking idiot!
Ghost took off down the hall, following Soap's scent. He moved faster than what was average for a human male of Simon's size and build but still restrained himself. Soap left, he left to find something on the mission. Ghost felt anger but he mostly felt concern. The vampires would kill him! They left their warning, and now they were going to continue on with their threat.
Ghost heard the sound of the hinges tearing as he opened the door to the outside a little too carelessly. He turned his just enough to see the door hanging, barely, on the frame. He couldn't care less about the door and just kept going. The further he got from the barracks, the faster he got. He was in the open, exposed, but he didn't care. It was dark out, vampires were out. Soap was in danger—
He didn't bother going to the gate, choosing to climb and launch himself over the ten foot fence. He knew he was setting off alarms as he moved, he could here something going off in the distance. Ghost couldn't recall the last time he moved like this, especially not in this body. Was this body even capable of keeping up? Had it adapted to handle Ghost? Ghost hadn't ever tested that out.
Ghost was in the streets, dodging cars and not bothering to care when he heard them swerving. He climbed a building to avoid making too much of a disturbance and continued on that way. God, he could hear Price's lecture already. But that won't matter, if he can get to Soap in time—
Ghost heard his phone ringing, it was probably Jamison. He didn't answer, that wasn't important. Soap is what mattered, and Ghost was making sure he was coming home.
Because, for some reason, Ghost didn't want Soap to die, and he had to accept that.
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maybe if u are still taking requests, a cg!eddie or maybe robin x little readers first Christmas as a little babbbbbbbby
Cg!Eddie Munson x Little!reader
Summary: Eddie makes sure that his first Christmas with his little one is as special as it can be.
Tags/Warnings: Age Regression, bottle feeding, reader is a small itty bitty baby, fluff fluff fluff, insecure reader for like a microscopic amount, somehow theres always spelling mistakes i cant find so ignore my poor writing and spelling
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You had told Eddie about your regression for a fairly recent amount of time. It had only been a few months since he immediately took the role as your caregiver and you both enjoyed every second of it. No matter how many times you dealt with any insecurities about being small, he was there to reassure you how much he truly enjoyed taking care of you. 
Which is why he wanted to make this Christmas season extra special for his little one. 
He knew how much you loved Christmas and the holiday season, the whole appearance of Christmas and the lead up to it engulfed you in nostalgia and a certain childlike joy and peace. 
He made it his mission to make you feel as tiny as possible during the Christmas season, knowing that if big you loved Christmas this much, little you could only love it just as much. 
To say that Eddie spoiled you during the holiday season would be an understatement. He always took you out to go Christmas shopping, picking you up treat after treat (his rule about sugars and sweets quickly became less lenient as the holidays went by), and always made sure to pop in a christmas movie in his TV when giving you your night time bottle and cuddles before bed. 
Did you think it was strange that Eddie began to baby you a lot more than usual? Maybe a little. But you were too excited about Christmas to detect anything about your boyfriend's behavior. 
The whole week you had been updating Eddie every day on how close you were to the magical day, your advent calendar being your prized possession the whole month.
“Daddy!!” You called out from the living room of his trailer. 
Eddie rushed in, pot of mac and cheese still in his hand at the sudden call of his name. 
“What is it baby?” he asked, kneeling down to our level on the floor as you presented the calendar in his face.
“S’ one more day until Christmas Eve!” you excitedly announced. 
Eddie chuckled at your excitement and ruffled your hair. “That's right! I've got such a smart little one.” he praised planting a kiss on your cheek. In the time that Eddie has been your caregiver, you still haven't gotten used to how much little you loved praise, especially from Eddie. He couldn't get enough of how shy you would get at the sudden rush of red that would spread across your face, causing him to praise you any chance he got to see his baby happy. 
“Cmon, dinner should be ready soon, and I better not see that door open until after we eat, capisce?”  Eddie playfully warned. 
“Yes daddy.” You giggled, waddling over to the table as you awaited your dinner. 
Soon Christmas eve arrived and now Eddie understood what you meant when you told him how much you loved Christmas. Your Christmas jammies stayed on the whole day and Christmas music stayed on the radio. Eddie thinks putting you to bed that night was the hardest thing he ever had to do. Usually when you were having a hard time sleeping, he liked to put you in little space. He quickly regretted doing that last night when you refused to sleep in his room and stayed up on the couch with a flashlight, claiming you were waiting for Santa. 
When Christmas morning came you were just as excited as the past days and Eddie made sure to keep it extra special for you. 
It surprised him that you remained big the whole day, he assumed because Christmas was your favorite holiday, you would give yourself some time to regress and enjoy the Christmas cheer. He could tell you wanted to, but there was something blocking you. He made it his mission the rest of the day to destroy whatever was blocking his little baby from coming out. 
And as Christmas day began to come to a close, Eddie knew what he had to do. He sat you down on the couch, ordering for you to cover your eyes. 
You did as you were told, you covered your eyes with your palms as you awaited for your boyfriend to come back. You opened your eyes at the sound of his sweet voice., 
“Ok, you can open them now.” Eddie said, a cheeky grin beginning to spread across his face. 
You opened your eyes and saw another present in his hands. 
“Eddie, what's all this? I thought we already exchanged gifts this morning?” You asked, looking at him holding another present in his hands. 
“I know, but this is different. I know how much you love Christmas, and I love that you love Christmas, but I want little you to enjoy it too. I don't want you to have to hide during your favorite time of the year. I want you to be able to slip and feel safe knowing that I'll be here to take care of you. You're my little baby, and my baby deserves a good and happy Christmas.” Eddie confessed, pulling you onto his lap cupping one of your cheeks with his hand. 
His soft words almost brought tears to your eyes. No one has ever been as kind and gentle as Eddie in your entire life. 
“Really?” You ask softly, Eddie already seeing you slip the smallest bit. 
“Yes baby.” he lightly chuckled at your attempt to stay big knowing he had already one little you over. “Merry Christmas baby bear.” He smiled, handling over the semi poorly wrapped gift. Eddie was an amazing boyfriend and caregiver, but maybe next year he should leave the wrapping up to you. 
You gave him a cheeky smile, knowing that there was no way to stay big anymore as your little space quickly engulfed you. You began to tear open the wrapping paper, exposing a new box with a cute polar bear pattern scattered around the box. Eddie watched the way you bit your lips in concentration as you struggled opening your gift. Finally you had gotten it open with one final “Hmph” and Eddie swears he had never heard a cuter sound than your gasp of excitement. 
Inside the box he had packed you a whole gift basket with all of your favorite little treats, accompanied by a new bottle with snowflakes on it, a reindeer stuffie, a new onesie with snowmen on it, and a new red paci with a reindeer in the middle, lettered beads spelling out “Little Dear” on the handle. 
“Daddy, I love it!” you squealed at the new goodies in front of you. 
“You do?” Eddie asked, making sure he had bought everything correctly. Poor Eddie has been knee deep in finding you the perfect little gear, doing as much research as he could on the bestest brands and stores. His gift left him apprehensive up until you opened it, his worries melting away as soon as he saw how much you enjoyed your gift. 
“Yes daddy, I love it all! Thank you thank you thank you!” You squealed, hugging his sides tightly. He returned the tight bear hug, rubbing your back and planting a kiss on the top of your head. 
“What do you think, should we try out your new goodies?” Eddie asked, holding up the bottle in his hand and the onesie in the other.
You nodded excitedly. Eddie hadn't bottle fed you many times but it was always something you wished you could do more. Now with your new bottle, both you and Eddie were excited to incorporate it into your night time routine. 
Eddie slipped your new paci into your mouth as you smiled happily. 
“There's my little baby.” Eddie cooed, kissing you again on your forehead. He just couldn't get enough of you when you were little. Caring for you was his favorite thing to do ever. 
He picked you up from the couch, knowing that if he didn't carry you now, you would just start pouring on the couch until he did. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you on his hip around the trailer to his bedroom. He laid you down on his bed as he rummaged through his dresser. 
“Alright baby bear, do you want daddy to change you or do you want to do it yourself?” Eddie asked. You had seen eachother naked and changed in front of each other a plethora of times throughout your relationship, but this was different. You were just a little baby, and Eddie wanted to make you feel comfortable with everything. 
“You do it daddy.” You smiled up at him, kicking your feet as they hung from his bed. 
“Ok then, arms up!” he said, tugging your sweater uo our arms and off your body, making sure to give you as many kisses and raspberries on your sides and tummy as he could. He couldn't help it, he loved the way you giggled and squealed. He helped you into your new onesie and a pair of his pj pants. You argued that you didn't want to wear any pants but Eddie insisted that you couldn't just walk around the trailer in no pants. So when he offered that you could wear a pair of his, you accepted with your brows furrowed, but Eddie knew your fussiness wasn't serious. 
He picked you back up and carried you back to the couch. He wrapped you up in a thick and warm blanket and turned on the Christmas movie channel on the TV before going to the kitchen to warm up your bottle. 
He simply couldn't take his eyes off of you and how cute you looked wrapped up in his big blanket, the way you cuddled into your stuffy so gently and how adorable you looked with your new paci. Soon the microwaved beeped, indicating the bottle had finished as he took it out. He poured a drop on his wrist and licked it, testing the temperature to make sure it wasn't too hot for you. He nodded to himself as he approved the temperature and began to walk over to the couch. 
Your eyes were glued to the movie on the TV. You didn't even notice Eddie walking back until you felt the indent on the couch. 
“Ok, you ready baby?” Eddie asked. 
You suddenly became anxious and slightly self conscious. Because bottle feeding had been a new thing for the both of you, you still didn't feel as comfortable as you wanted with it. It was never Eddie's fault, he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible. And being the perfect caregiver that Eddie is, he noticed your change in behavior right away. He placed the bottle on the small lamp table next to him as he laid on the couch, his arms open inviting you in. You happily accepted, moving closer to his side as he held you. You both lost yourself in the movie for a while and Eddie assumed you had gone nonverbal throughout the minutes passing as your talkative state died down and he was left with a cozy and sleepy baby. 
When he found the time was right and you had calmed down, he reached for the bottle again. He softly took the paci out of your mouth and held the bottle, waiting for you to accept. Your eyes fluttered at him and in your safe and sleepy headspace, accepting the warm bottle of milk seemed like a dream. Your lips latched slowly and softly on the bottle as you began to drink. You tried to reach for the bottle before Eddie took them, tucking them back into the blanket and around your reindeer stuffie. “It's ok baby, I got it, you don't have to worry, daddys got you.” he reassured. 
As you kept sipping, you found yourself cuddling deeper and deeper into Eddie's chest, falling sleepier and sleepier. When Eddie found that you had finished the bottle, he gently removed it from your lips and placed the paci back in to avoid any fussiness in your sleep. He turned the small lamp off but decided to leave the TV on for soft lighting and background sounds to keep you asleep. He kissed your forehead once more and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Merry Christmas little one.” He whispered as you two fell asleep in each others arms. Neither of you would have wanted to spend Christmas any other way. 
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bloody-spider77 · 8 months
Characters include; Ticci Toby, Hoodie, Masky, and Kate the Chaser
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An unknown time after Marble Hornets, an amnesiac Tim Wright woke up in a forest with no recollection of where he came from or who he was. This was the manipulation of the Slenderman. When he awoke, he was with Brian, who had been rendered mostly mute probably due to shock.
The two wandered the forest and though, they had no clue who the other was, they seemed to become friends quickly. They walked 3 hours into the forest and finally seen Slenderman and they followed him without question to a small cabin.
Days bled into one another but he soon became complacent and rather content with the job of killing and bringing the bodies to the Slenderman. Living in the cabin was relaxing enough too.
His relationship with the other proxies was fine due to everyone minding their own business and getting the job done and the slashers didn't bug him due to him being a bit higher up and closer to Slender. So everything was good until....Toby showed up. Masky was neutral with him at first but as Toby became more and more relaxed and familiar with the cabin and forest dwellers, he got so fucking annoying for Tim to deal with.
But as of 2023, Tim Wright (assuming he has the same D.O.B. as his actor) would be 35 years old and though wiser and older, still a douche as he had grown accustomed to being.
Brian Thomas woke up roughly at two in the morning next to a man he'd never seen before...he really wouldn't know if he'd ever seen him before, he couldn't remember anything. He chose not to speak after seeing the Slenderman, who he'd assumed he'd seen before but he still couldn't place it.
He passed out again and woke up a bit later, soon enough he was following the man who introduced himself as Tim and then they followed the Slenderman together.
Days passed and he'd spend quite a bit of time in the forest, trying to relax..he barely spoke, he barely took off his mask but he was used to it. He slowly got used to the slashers and other proxies and tried to be relatively nice to them to make up for his lack of speaking and the fact that Tim was a dick to everyone.
As of 2023, Brian would be 34, older, wiser and still mostly unspeaking.
Kate The Chaser
She'd done it, successfully killed Lauren and proved herself worthy to Slenderman. She was the first proxy in 2012. After losing her humanity, she couldn't really deal with other people so she was given the role of the guard-dog, no longer needing to eat or sleep due to Slenderman's power, she would patrol the forest day and night.
Her relationship with the others is simple, she's almost entirely ignorant to the rest. She doesn't go out on missions, she just kills whoever comes by the cabin who isn't a worker.
Ticci Toby
Tobias Erin Rogers followed Slenderman closely, only 17 at the time. At first he was afraid, like a rabid dog ready to attack but also restless and scared. He wasn't certain how exactly a bunch of killers could function all together by living so closely but time went on and he got more comfortable, he started to act the way he used to with his sister. Him and his sister had always been loud and annoying when alone together, coming up with games to play.
Toby gradually started to get annoying, especially to Masky. His relationship with the others was causal but Tim was...special.
Annoying Masky felt like annoying his Dad and it made him able to joke around with him in ways he couldn't with his real dad. Of course, Masky hated it but due to Slender's rules he couldn't do anything about it.
As of 2023, Toby would be 27 (yeah, I'm ignoring that Kastoaway confirmed his early death and there's a reason for that on a certain post you'll probably come across on here), now 10 whole years older, he still annoys Masky but it's very rarely seen these days. He's more concerned with getting his life together and maybe leaving the main cabin with Clockwork to build a new one together but of course, he still works for Slender and can't live outside of the forest.
That's all, I hope you enjoy!
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nicolefaw-blog1 · 5 months
Paintball Bucky Barnes
It was uncommon for the Avengers as a group to have no missions during the week, let alone a whole weekend of no missions, no paperwork, and only basic training. Taking advantage of that were you and your boyfriend Bucky. You were both currently laid in your bed enjoying the peace and making use of the soundproofing. After another round testing the soundproofing (at this point you weren't sure how many rounds you'd gone) your cuddling was interrupted by JARVIS making an announcement.
"MR Stark is requesting all avengers in the meeting room as soon as possible"
You rolled your eyes, knowing Bucky was probably thinking the same thing... You knew this was too good to be true, a weekend with no missions, impossible. Begrudgingly you and Bucky slowly got out of bed and got dressed. As Bucky went to walk out of your room he stopped suddenly noticing you weren't following. Turning with a smirk he gestured to you, "Come on doll we need to go see what Tony wants."
You looked down for a second before looking at him, opening your arms and making grabby hands. He smirked again and let out a little chuckle. "Do you need something doll?"
Rolling your eyes you replied. "You know I do buck, we don't all recover that fast."
Laughing at you as he came closer he whispered in your ear. "Oh i know doll very well, but you did soooo good at keeping up beautiful." With that he picked you up and walked out, towards the meeting room.
As you entered the meeting room most pairs of eyes turned to you two. Ignoring them you directed Bucky to where you wanted him to sit, knowing you weren't gonna be leaving his lap anytime soon. Hearing you enter Tony turned from where him and Steve were talking at the front to address the whole team.
"Hello everyone. As you all know we have not had anything to do this weekend so i have decided that we are going to do something as a team...." He paused as there was a collective groan from the team. "Before any of you object, I think you will all enjoy it as I've decided that.... we... are going....... PAINT BALLING."
You watched as the team finished gearing up and paired off. You had already decided you were with Bucky and were confident you were going to win, I mean a former hydra agent and the 'winter soldier' what could go wrong. You had been Hydra's best team after all. The rules were simple, no powers or suits, the last pair standing wins. You were given 10 minutes to find your starting positions and discuss strategy. When the whistle blew you all ran off in different directions.
As the game progressed, you and Bucky having eliminated your fair few of players, you knew you had to find Natasha, she was after all probably your biggest competition. You scouted the area looking high and low knowing she was defiantly hidden away somewhere just watching. Unfortunately for Natasha you and Bucky were just that little bit better as a team. Before you could find her you saw Tony approaching your current hiding spot. You rolled your eyes, how he was still in this game you didn't know. Suddenly you jumped up from your spot taking Tony by surprise as you quickly shot him in the head. You didn't have time to celebrate as suddenly Bucky jumped up from where he was hiding. You turned to see him walking towards you, with an unhappy Natasha following behind. He'd found her, you'd won.
You jumped into his arms smiling before the four of you walked back towards the rest of the team. When you finally reached the team they all looked a little worn out but like they had enjoyed themselves. You were glad Tony had suggested this. You suddenly stopped walking, causing Bucky to walk into you.
"Whats Wrong doll?"
Without saying anything you turned to look at Bucky with a smirk on you face. Before he could react in anyway you pulled him down into a kiss. He dropped his paintball gun and pulled you in by your waist. The kiss lasted until the need for oxygen was too strong, instead of pulling away you lent back slightly grinning again. Before Bucky can register what is happening, he feels paint splat on his clothes. Pulling away completely you laugh and walk away, leaving your boyfriend in shock.
Bucky looks down at his clothes then back at your retreating form. "Your gonna regret that doll."
You just smirked and walked away, you were defiantly in for it now.
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honeybewrites · 4 days
WIP Wednesday Tag
Thank you @diabolical-blue for the tag!! I know I said I was going to do tags on Tuesday/Thursday, but this one fit so well and I didn't have time to finish a WIP intro post like I wanted
Rules: Pick a WIP. Post something about it. On a Wednesday. Or whenever
This is a little snippet from Echoes of War Chronicles! 703 has pissed off her handler, Master Gerd, after she completed a mission, but ignored his orders on how to complete it in the process. It doesn't matter that she was successful, she disobeyed orders, and he won't stand for it.
CW: forced drugging, violence, abusive handler, cursing
And as always, if I missed something or another label would be better, don't hesitate to let me know :)
703 wheezed as she tried to take in breaths. To will her body to stand. Crawl. Move. Her squirming did nothing to stop Master Gerd as he loomed over her. His hand, roughly gripping her face till she was forced to look him in the eyes. Eyes filled with such vile hatred that she had only seen from him a handful of times. The darkness in his eyes. The ferocity. His snarl. It made her body go cold. There was no logical thinking left in this man's mind. And for the first time in a long time, she feared for her life. "You," he growled, breath hot on her face, "have no respect for me anymore. Ever since Airvix was assigned to you, you've grown more and more insubordinate. You disobey every order I give. Find some kind of loop hole. You think you're so smart. I have had enough of it!" His grip tightened on her face. Fingers pressing into cuts and bruises. Limiting her air even more. Instinct told her to grab at his hand, but she fought the urge. "You are nothing! Do you hear me?! Nothing!" She could only stare at him with wide eyes. Gasping and forcing her body to be still. If she didn't fight, he would leave. He would leave. He had to leave. Please, just let him leave. Whatever he saw on her face only made him angrier. Snarling, he used his free hand to grab something from his pocket. A vial flashing in the corner of her vision. Filled with deep blue liquid. Thick as honey. Whatever was in that vial, whatever tonic he had, would not be good. In the state he was in, it could very likely be lethal poison, or something far, far worse. So she struggled, fruitlessly, to get away from him. "You bitch." His body weight pressed down on her and 703 cried out as his knee pressed into her broken ribs. "You think you can get away from me?! You think you're so strong?! You're nothing! You are just an Asset! A weapon for me to use as I please!" Her mouth was forced open and he poured the tasteless liquid into it. Before she could spit it out, he was clamping her jaw shut. "Swallow," he growled. All she could do was obey. "That will teach you to think before disobeying me in the future." He threw her head to the side before standing, looking down at her smugly. "Get up." Hesitantly, she rolled onto all fours. As she push herself up unsteadily, Master Gerd's foot came flying towards her face. It collided with her head. Sending her tumbling back, over the edge of the crevice. She tumbled and rolled. Scraping against rocks and branches. arms desperately reaching for something to stop her. Until pain blossomed at the back of her head and everything went dark.
Tagging @ink-enchanted @minamaybe @halfbakedspuds @fractured-shield @kaylinalexanderbooks @bookish-karina @illarian-rambling and anyone else who wants to hop on!!
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theladyofdeath · 1 year
Better or Worse {17}
Nessian. Angst. Modern AU.
@snelbz x @theladyofdeath collab
Better or Worse Masterlist
A/N: Thank you to all of those who have continued to read! We have loved writing this story and cannot believe it's about to come to a close.
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I don’t remember the last time my sisters and I had the afternoon to ourselves. No kids, no husbands, just the three Archeron girls.
And about eight hundred dresses.
Elain’s eyes are already shining with tears, her new mama hormones just as powerful as the pregnancy hormones, while Feyre looks like she’s on a mission.
The consultant, a pretty girl named Justine, met us at the door and showed us to the changing rooms we’d been assigned before asking me what my vision was for our vow renewal. As she hurried off to look for dresses that fit the ceremony of my dreams, she gave my sisters free reign to pick out one or two dresses of their own.
I’m not sure what to think about getting a second wedding dress. My first wedding dress was cheap, something I found online, but I loved it. Simple, fitted, but gorgeous. It was perfect for our casual beach wedding. It’s been sitting in an upstairs closet for the past decade. 
Feyre and Elain come back to the dressing rooms at the same time, multiple gowns draped over their arms.
“Okay, rule,” I begin as they start hanging them up. “We show each other everything, even if we look ridiculous.”
“Fair,” Elain agrees, sitting next to me on a plush bench. “We should have fun. We won’t be doing this again until the kids are grown and planning their weddings.”
At the mention of Nyx and Sera growing up, Elain tears up, but she quickly shakes it off. She left the baby with Azriel and is having serious separation anxiety.
I squeeze her hand.
“Remember when we went dress shopping for my wedding?”
As soon as the question leaves Feyre’s mouth, Elain and I burst into a fit of laughter. The most hideous green dress pops into my mind that Feyre nearly had us wear just to play a prank on her soon-to-be husband, but in the end we went with the sleek navy blue gowns that Feyre just couldn’t pass up. 
But shit, those green dresses were awful. They reminded us of something her ex may have wanted in his wedding…which added to the reasons why Feyre had left him.
Poor taste. In everything.
“Those blue dresses were stunning, though,” Elain says, eyes soft. “You were stunning.”
“Very few brides can pull off a black dress,” I agree, “but you were perfect.”
Feyre smiles, remembering it all. “Yeah, it was a perfect dress. Too bad Rhys ripped it to shreds the second the reception was over.”
Elain barks a laugh as I shake my head. “He would destroy something so beautiful without a second thought. He’s insane.”
“Which is why she married him.” Elain winks.
Feyre doesn’t deny it as her grin grows and turns just a little bit wicked.
“Someone had to marry a madman, may as well be me,” Feyre jokes.
But I shake my head. “I don’t know. Beneath all that calm demeanor, we all know Az is a freak.”
Elain’s cheeks redden at my words, but she doesn’t deny it which makes Feyre howl.
Justine returns with three dresses, two of which I immediately know will be going in the reject pile, but true to my word, I try them on.
“Tell me about your husband,” Justine says, fanning out the train and handing me a large mirror so I can see the back. The dress is atrocious, all puffy sleeves and layers upon layers upon layers of tulle. I look like a cake topper and based on Feyre and Elain’s constant smirking, they agree.
I ignore them, answering Justine. “He’s handsome, kind, strong, loyal. A bit of a goofball, but it’s one of the things I love about him. I can be a bit too serious, sometimes, so he balances me out.”
“And how did you meet?”
And so goes most of the appointment. She brings dress after dress, most of which don’t fit my style, but I politely try them on, answering her questions, while constantly thinking of my dress at home.
I idly wonder if I can still fit in it, something I mention to my sisters while we have a moment alone.
“I sure as hell wouldn’t fit in mine anymore,” Elain sighs, patting the small belly she hasn’t been quite able to get rid of since Sera was born. “Hips are wider, belly is bigger, and don’t even get me started on these boobs.”
I laugh, feeling the jealousy poke its head up but ignoring it until it dissipates on its own.
“And my dress no longer exists…” Feyre sighs, rolling her eyes in the most loving way.
“I might try it on tonight,” I say, playing with one of the ties of the dressing robe I’m wearing. “Just to see if it still fits.”
“Do you want to wear it again?” Elain asks, examining the fit of the lavender dress in the mirror in front of her. “Rather than get a new dress?”
Pursing my lips, I look at the mountains of lace and beading and silk around us. “No,” I admit. “This is sort of a new beginning for us. These vows are to show how far we’ve come and how strong we are. I love my old dress, but I think I need something new for this new chapter.”
Both Feyre and Elain are nodding, understanding on their faces, just as Justine comes back with two more dresses. Feyre sighs and leans back on the couch she’s curled up on. “One thing is for sure. If you do still fit in your original dress, Cassian is going to lose his shit when he sees you.”
The hanger on one of the dresses Justine was hanging by my dressing room door clatters against the wall before she drops the garment to the floor. The noise pauses our conversation as she hastily reaches down and picks the dress back up.
“I’m sorry, I’m so clumsy,” she mutters, clearing her throat. Hanging the dresses up, she turns around and looks at me in the reflection. Her look isn’t appraising, it isn’t the same look she gave me earlier when we were discussing dress shapes. This is an inspection. Her eyes start at the top of my head, where my hair is braided in a coronet, down to the tips of my toes, painted in a deep red color.
“It’s fine,” I say, slowly. 
She doesn’t seem to hear me as her eyes trail back up my body. “At least you’re pretty.”
I hesitate. “Pardon?”
She clears her throat and I swear the smile she paints on her mouth is forced. “I was just saying how beautiful you are. All of these dresses will look lovely on you.”
I slowly look at my sisters in the reflection of the mirror, but they’re watching Justine with equal confusion. 
With a halfhearted promise that she’ll be just around the corner if we need her, she’s gone, leaving my sisters and I to stare after her in a stunned silence.
“Okay, well,” Feyre says, jumping to her feet and clearing the awkward tension. “Let’s see these dresses that will look lovely on you.”
Rolling my eyes, I grab the one she dropped and head into the dressing room.
I end up leaving without a dress. Nothing stood out to me, nothing grabbed my eye like my original dress did. After leaving the dress store, we ended up at a Mexican restaurant, where Elain relented to peer pressure and had exactly half of a margarita. Nine months of not drinking killed her tolerance and she’s a giggling mess as I drop her and Feyre off at her house.
When I make it back home, the house is silent and empty, except for Greg who is fast asleep on the couch, snoring soundly. 
After kicking off my shoes and setting my keys and purse aside, I hurry up the stairs into the spare bedroom. In the back of the closet, stuffed into a zipped up bag, is my wedding dress.
I haul it out — an unnerving amount of dust clouding in the air — and set it on the unmade guest bed. I don’t know why, but I find that I’m nervous. Maybe it’s more of excitement, but the feeling that floods my core has my fingers trembling as I reach for the zipper.
When I pull out the dress, it’s exactly like I remember it. 
It’s white, of course, but the lace covering the bodice has a hint of blush to it, just enough to notice. The back is completely open, while the sweetheart neckline is held up by thin, dainty straps. Fitted through the waist and hips, it gently flares out before reaching the floor.
I love it just as much as I did the day I wore it to marry my best friend.
Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m taking off my clothes and whipping the dress off its hanger. 
I’m surprised when it easily slips on. I slide my arms through the straps and shimmy the dress over my hips. There’s a zipper on the side and I only have to tug and suck in once before it’s fully zipped. 
When I look in the mirror, I suck in a breath. Suddenly, I see myself on the beach, looking into Cassian’s eyes as he says his vows. Ten years is a long time, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
A door closes downstairs and then I hear Cassian’s carrying up to me.
“Shit.” Cursing under my breath, I quickly hurry across the hall to our room and then into our bathroom, closing the door behind me. My hair, thanks to the dozen or so dresses I tried on today, is an absolute mess. I pull the bobby pins out and haphazardly run my fingers through it, doing my best to make it presentable again. A knock sounds on the door just as I drop the last pin on the counter.
“You okay?”
With a deep breath, more nerves in my stomach now than ten years ago, I open the door.
Whatever Cass had been planning to say fades into nothing as his jaw drops and his eyes drag down my body and up again. I’m surprised to see silver lining his eyes when he meets my gaze again.
“You are so beautiful.”
Emotion clogs my throat and I look down at the counter, feeling my cheeks burn. “Thank you.”
“You look as beautiful today as you did the first time I saw you in that dress.” He steps closer and lifts my chin.
I meet his eyes and the emotion dwelling within them is overwhelming. My vision blurs and he wipes away a tear that escapes down my cheek. There was a time that I would have felt foolish in a situation such as this, but I don’t. I feel completely loved, in every possible way by this man in front of me.
“I just wanted to see if it still fits,” I say, although my voice breaks.
His smile is so soft that it makes my knees weak. “Oh, it fits,” he says, and his eyes graze my body, making my heart beat just a little bit quicker. His eyes linger in all the right places before I step forward and slide my arms around his neck. His hands run down my sides and rest on my hips.
“I love you,” I breathe, and he kisses me.
Cassian has kissed me in a million different ways throughout the years, but there’s something precious about a sweet, gentle kiss. It’s the kind of kiss he gives me now and the sincerity of it, the promise of it, nearly has me going limp in his arms.
“Did you find your dress today?” He asked, his lips leaving my own for a moment to find my temple.
I shake my head. “No, none of them were the one.”
“You’ll find it, baby,” he says, stepping behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and gazing at our reflection in the mirror. The image it creates is laughable, my wedding dress contrasting with the sweats and hoodie he wore over to Rhysand’s, but it doesn’t matter. What we’re wearing, what we look like, none of it matters. It doesn’t matter if I wear a two thousand dollar ball gown, my first wedding dress, or one of Cassian’s old hoodies, being with him, reaffirming our love for each other, that’s all that matters.
“I love you,” I tell his reflection, repeating my words from earlier, because I feel like I need to make up for all of our lost time, all the days he didn’t hear me say it.
His lips find my neck. “And I love you.”
The deep rumble of his voice against my skin has my eyes closing, tipping my head to the side to give him better access. I feel the zipper at my side coming loose and can’t stop the smirk from forming on my lips.
The dress pools at my feet and I know I should carry it back across the hall, put it back in its bag, and return it to its place in the back of the closet.
But I don’t.
Instead I luxuriate in the feeling of Cassian’s large hands cupping my breasts, the way he rolls my nipples under his thumbs in tandem with his tongue on my throat. I can’t stop the soft moan that falls from my lips.
Behind me, I can feel the evidence of what the little sound does to him. 
I watch his eyes open and darken as they meet mine in our reflection. I can tell he grins as he bites the tender spot at the base of my throat, and this time when I let out a moan, one hand slides down my abdomen and finds its place between my thighs, beneath my panties. His finger teases me, running between my folds again and again, as Cassian whispers, “Beautiful.”
I try to rock my hips, try to signal my need for his fingertips against my throbbing clit, but he takes his hands off of me. Before I can protest, he’s picking me up and carrying me into our bedroom. 
Instead of throwing me on the bed in a fit of passion, as he usually does, he lays me down gently. My head falls against the pillow as our eyes meet, and there’s such a yearning, such a devotion staring back at me that it has me feeling emotional, yet again. I say nothing. Neither does he.
He simply pushes himself back on his knees and pulls off his hoodie, then his t-shirt before leaning over me and kissing me, slowly. Our tongues brush as our lips open and move. He takes my hands in his and brings them over my head against the pillow. 
Our kisses grow heavier and I need more. I need more of his mouth on mine, more of his skin on mine.
With my heels I push down his sweats and we work them off together, and eventually it’s just our bodies lined up as one, perfectly as always.
He pushes in, slowly, my legs wrapping around his waist until he’s fully seated inside me. With my hands pressed into the pillow above me, I’m completely at his mercy, pinned there under his adoring gaze. His hips draw back, leaving me empty and needy before pushing back in. Cassian swallows my moan with another tender kiss and before I know it, I’m gasping beneath him as he makes love to me.
If the past few months have taught me nothing else, it’s the different ways my husband worships my body. He’s fucked me, dominated me, let me take the lead. But there’s nothing that makes me feel as cherished and desired not for my body, but for my heart as when he makes love to me, our souls becoming one for those few minutes.
Giving myself over to the pleasure of the moment, I let my eyes fall closed and focus on the feel of him moving in me, on me, around me, and allow the emotion building in my chest to grow.
“I love you,” he breathes, peppering my face with kisses as he thrusts in and pulls out. His lips trail down my neck to my breasts and I’m unable to stop the moan this time as his tongue flicks over my sensitive nipples, playing with the jewelry there.
I want to tell him that I love him too, but I’ve momentarily forgotten how to form words. I’m lost in him, completely consumed in all that he’s giving to me. My legs around his waist tighten as he quickens his pace. His tongue plays with my nipple only for a moment more before trailing back up my neck and capturing my lips. My back arches and I’ve completely lost control over the sounds tumbling out of my mouth, sounds that Cassian seems to thrive on. 
He curses, and although it’s filthy it feels reverent, as he leans back and meets my gaze just as I cry out and my body trembles around him. My release finds me and I cling to him, wanting to revel in this moment. He thrusts a few more times before his movements grow uneven, and he comes with his eyes locked on mine and our breaths mingled together, quick and heavy. 
Neither of us say a thing, but neither of us move, either. Our hands are clasped, his body is on top of mine. He stays inside of me. 
I feel safe, wanted, loved.
A dress may not seem like something to get emotional over, but thinking about where we started, how far we’ve come, and what we’ve gone through in the past year makes me forever grateful that I wore that thirty dollar dress all those years ago. I can’t wait to marry my husband all over again.
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