#when he was the cause of Loki's personality to develop in such a way
streets-in-paradise · 4 months
The Real Deal - Matt Murdock x Witch!Reader
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Warnings: I haven't wrote for Daredevil in a long while, so forgive me if i have mistaken details of the show.
Summary: You want to help your lawyers in their most challenging case, but the controversial nature of your skills leaves it up to question.
Tags: @chezagnes
Matt and Foggy meet you as one of their early clients and, in their perspective, you were a simple fortune teller unfortunately caught in a legal issue. Your case was so absurd that it represented easy work for them. Even in the strange times they were living in, it still made no sense. A matter of police profiling through the mass hysteria in the post Loki New York making you suspicious for carrying symbols of norse witchcraft. Runic readings weren't the only service you offered and your practices weren't culturally límited to what then started to be considered an asgardian danger. However, society was still adapting to the discovering and the clueless officers couldn't tell the difference between an asgardian sorceress and the neighborhood's witch. Your lawyers realized of that, and the instant fondness of you that at least half of the firm developed closed the deal for you to get out of trouble.
Unlike most of their clientele, you were managing to pay them in cash. Slow, but consistent payments that also worked as a way to stay in touch. Despite they were highly skeptical of your activity, they did appreciate their owned share of its product. Catholic belief wasn't an obstacle for Matt's flirting and his friend would never miss the chance to tease him for that when you were arround. That precise combination of factors made you be always welcome, but with each visit you noticed they were struggling deeper than just financtially.
They got in serious trouble attempting to legally save the neighborhood from gentrification taking down the lead of the dirty business surrounding it. Even their secretary was involved in the investigation, huge deal that made you feel quite concerned for all of them.
You were relatively new in the city, but that didn't mean you weren't inclined to help. The chain reaction would screw everyone over, except for the top rich.
You weren't an asgardian terrorist, but neither the easy to underestimate facade associated with your business. To some of your clients, the ones coming for meaningless issues or unethical things, you would ocassionally sell advice disguised of bullshit.However, you were a real witch performing unmistakeable results for causes that justified it.
Overhearing the plotting of your favorite lawyers, you found one that was worth all your efforts.
" Let me help you out with Fisk." You interrupted them instead of awaiting for Karen to take your payment. " … A full name, birth date and a personal object is all I need, for a start. "
Foggy couldn't believe what you had just proposed, taking it as absolute nonsense.
" Not in the mood for jokes, Princess Opal. We have a serious situation here, but we will call you to join the search if someone goes missing. "
You didn't let the demeaning comment bring you down, it was exactly what you expected of him.
" Believe it or not, I am a worker of justice just like you." You corrected him ríght away. " When your system fails, some people come to me hoping to rush the action of karma. Others want me to give them the hope in justice that their practicers can't provide. Do you have any idea of how many clients i get that are currently in legal battles, but don't trust the courts to give them what they need for the sake of it? How much work with justice i get demmanded? It's insane! Regardless of what you believe about it, you can't deny it says something. "
Matt was very silent, untill the tease got him snarky.
" We are working to make things better, I hope you will not resent us for winning that hope back. "
You smiled, already struggling to resist his charm. Despite he obviously couldn't see it, you could swear he noticed the effect he had in you.
" On the contrary, I admire you. I know of the kind of hard time you get when trying to do the ríght thing." You admitted, not realizing you were already toying with the tips of your hair. " When an obsessive weirdo comes asking me to magically force someone to love them, or to curse a coworker they envy, I sell them teraphy disguised with self satisfying witchy-sounding talk. Placebos, so they will get someting to come back for and not search for an unethical bastard that could either scam them worse or do the damage they want for the proper price. When worried parents bring a sick child, I do the real healing ritual for free and make up my costs doing readings or charging an asshole tax on the crazy ones. That's who I am, my concience makes me loose money, and i believe we are on the same page when it comes to business models. "
The comparison was strange, but it showed perfect understandment of their situation found in the weirdest of places.
" I was not aware there were ethics in witchcraft. "
" For you only, I'm willing to ignore my code. " You snarked back in a flirtatious tone. " Let me hex Fisk, show him something that would make him regret to mess with the neighborhood. "
Foggy was cautious of your slightly sinister expression at the end and started to think you trully believed in the power on your threat.
" Sounds like a mobster message, clearly not our style. "
" How would that work?" Karen interrupted him. " It won't kill anyone, ríght?"
Her friend stared at her in disbelief.
" You can't be serious. "
" Foggy, gods have fallen from the sky ... I say we let her give it a try. "
" Those were aliens, not gods. " Matt corrected. " I don't believe in curses, it comes with being a catholic. "
He did make you chuckle with that one.
" Well, hipocricy also comes with catholicism. "
" She got you … can't beat the allegations! " Foggy teased him ríght away. " Your fault for making us jump in defense of the beautifull savage for you to play missionary with. "
You both were left in evidence on a matter of seconds.
" Thanks, Foggy! It's the first lovely thing about me you have to say today."
He didn't intend to sound harsh, but he couldn't possibly understand you.
" Try to see things from my perspective: i feel like i'm being mocked. "
" If it eases your concience, the methods are mostly a facade. I'm the real deal, it runs in the blood. " You confessed, wondering if you would regret it later. " Mom thinks i got it from my father. I don't know, I never meet him and at this point i don't think I want to. Don't waste time asking me about that."
" Can you cast the honesty curse from ' Liar, Liar'? That would be really helpfull. " Foggy mocked you once more. " We seek to expose Fisk, get him in jail. Even if we could believe you, I don't see how your offer can be any usefull. "
At least you could say you got him Interested. Weirded, maybe, but attentive.
" I can curse his business. Mysterious incidents will keep happening and he will loose money. Of course, I believe the Devil is doing his part on that, but why not giving him some help? Fisk will be easier for you to legally take down if he has too many things to attend at once. A vigilante and the curse of a real witch should be enough to do the dirty work for you. One problem, he may attempt to solve, but who is going to warn him about me? Even if they would … Do you think he would believe it?"
The next objection came from Matt, but that didn't surprise you as it should.
" Well, for a start we don't work with vigilantes."
" Too late, i think he is working with you." You snarked back. " Sounds like a good plan to me. After all, your church believes witches are the devil's consorts, ríght?"
In that simple comment he obtained all the proof he needed to believe in your gifts, realization that stayed between him and you.
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
Thank you for posting all those gifs of Mobius being kind and supportive together. I've seen some takes about Mobius deserving it, but logically it doesn't make sense. He's already doing everything he can to save the timelines. He doesn't want to know his past, nor does he need to know to be motivated to save the timeliness, because he's already been doing since ep 1. Even if we make the argument he has no real free will until he sees his past, this argument is disingenuous because he's using his free will NOT to see it. From a narrative and character development standpoint, he will be forced to see it for the audience's entertainment, because he is a fictional character with no free will-- the screenwriters are the gods (Time Authors, if you will).
In-narrative, you could make a case he should see his timeline if he were actively trying to keep the TVA the way it was, but that's not the case with him. Sylvie's accusations this fall flat.
Mind, I'm not against Sylvie's proposition to start from scratch. Revolutions are important and serve that function. But the TVA is the only organization with people who know how the Loom and timespace work. It's not unreasonable for them to try to stabilize the situation, save the lives of as many timeliness as they can, and consider dismantling the TVA entirely and starting from scratch later.
Since we're dealing with time paradoxes, it's possible that the collapse of the Loom is what causes Loki to recruit Mobius, B-15, and Casey (I'm not sure what kind of entity OB is?) from their timelines. If they all accept, then Loki was the original creator of the Heart of the TVA. It's possible HWR took over at some point in the future and wiped everyone's memories then. The future influenced the past, thus closing the time loop. If this is the case, then Sylvie also contributed to the creation of the TVA, because killing HWR triggered the destruction of the Loom, which will force Loki to recruit, which will create the TVA, which will monitor the multiverse, which at some point will be taken over by HWR to create the Sacred Timeline, which become the multiverse one again after Sylvie kills him, which will destroy the Loom, which will cause Loki to recruit.
Of course!!! Always a delight to and on that note we're truly seeing eye to eye on every single point you raised so thank you for such an amazing ask! Exactly the conversation I was craving after making those gifs just to get some things off my chest about how Mobius gets treated since as you said, he's already been doing everything possible to protect the timelines while clearly under incomprehensible pressure yet has never hesitated to evaluate and change his worldview accordingly to better serve the whole.
Honestly confused by those insisting he HAS to see his past and is in the wrong for not having done so because isn't that up to him?? Doesn't matter what his reasons are, he's entitled to his choices and I can honestly say without hesitation if I were in his shoes my decision would be the same. He enjoys his job, he's incredibly good at the work (people seem to forget he's facilitated the progression of basically every plot point), and has recently built more connections he appreciates and wants to grow than in the entirety of his life combined so why is he not allowed to make a single decision in his own interest when neither his approach to changing the TVA nor any other person is being impacted? But you're exactly right about how regardless he'll be made to have the experience anyway and while I'd be perfectly happy with that never happening I accept the advancement of narrative as a given and can only hope whatever cards he's dealt are ones that only bring him peace of mind about the work he's done so far and in the future.
(adding a read more here because I've got a feeling this is gonna be a long one, lol)
Have also seen many people saying Sylvie blowing up at Mobius was necessary or that he needed to hear it but that logic is completely missed on me? For example Ravonna did the same but considering the amount of history between them her reaction is fully understandable even if I don't agree with the points she made about his compassion being a weakness. Mentioned this to a friend earlier but I truly wish it had been some random character besides Sylvie who yelled at him simply because she doesn't have the kind of personal connection to make judgements and because I don't want any ship war elements at play or anything when my take is solely based around wanting Mobius to be recognized as someone who has been good and kind from the start? Watching him be put down for that as if it's fact in basically every episode is getting exhausting 😔
To that point I also agree with the importance and necessity of revolution but not sure starting from scratch is necessary when the TVA does have a solid base and plenty of people willing to stay and help the cause? In reality there's no time for anyone there to stay currently focused on anything but stabilizing the situation when the alternative is the end of every timeline, burning things to the ground only really counts if there's any ground left to build on which is yet another reason Mobius and the others switched to preservation. For example, O.B's quip about Sylvie ruining his life by killing He Who Remains was complete fact and while I don't have any hate towards her character at all and certainly don't want any mirrored scene of someone yelling at her, etc, it's driving me crazy how she refuses to admit they've actively been saving lives and scrambling to accommodate these unexpected branches while she was at a MCDONALD'S.
My ep 5-6 theory matches yours regarding about the collapse of the Loom being the cause of Mobius, B-15, and Casey ending up at the TVA because their Nexus event technically isn't one, it's them choosing to leave with Loki of their own free will and the good of existence. I'm also not sure if O.B. was ever a variant so he could possibly be the key to figuring out where Loki can find everyone's original self? Psyched to learn more about him and how he ended up in such a vital position! Hundred percent think the series is ending with Loki as the founder and probable ruler of the TVA but can't quite figure out where the switch to He Who Remains entering the picture fits in, and your point about Sylvie also contributing to the creation of the TVA in an infinite loop is a fascinating one that's going to leave me thinking for a long while so thanks for that as well and of everything I have to admit the possibility of Loki and Mobius being their own ouroboros in creating just the right person to intrigue and change themselves into who they always wanted to be has been giving me life, them as timekeepers along with B-15 has been my hope since the first episode of season 2 and is probably the most incredible place I could imagine leaving everyone if we don't get another season.
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mcufan72 · 1 year
Cold winter days, a lonely woman on a bench, a stranger in the park...
An Encounter in Winter ❄️
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Loki and female reader
18+/adult themes/talking/flirting/slow burn/angst/fluff/smut (eventually)
Warnings: mentions of an accident, alcoholism and death (not detailed, not graphic) /a little bit of implied smut (not reader...not yet). It's a long chapter and maybe the beginning is a bit sad before the flirting can start again. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 here
You and Loki met every day in the park. That has been going on for over two weeks now and you have already developed a lovely routine. First, you walked around that little lake or through the park and told each other about the day. Then you headed out to one of your benches and sat there for a while.
Sometimes you two had many more things to talk about like you would know each other for ages now and sometimes the two of you just sat there in silence and enjoyed the others' proximity. It never felt awkward. It was hard for both of you to not take each other's hands.
How much you wanted to place your head on his shoulder and Loki wished you would just do it. But none of you did anything of it. You both strictly avoided physical contact, except the hand kisses he gave you every day as a welcome. Even then you were always wearing your gloves.
Neither him nor you wanted to destroy what had just begun blooming and might end in a very good friendship. Also you two never asked about private details, both of you didn't want to be intrusive. He knew what your job was and the only thing you knew about his job was that he was something like a businessman, often on exhausting business trips.
Loki was always very secretive about his work or when it came to him. Nonetheless between you two there was definitely a subtle attraction for each other but you both were in denial about it. Love at first sight didn't exist, if love exists at all and so you both still maintained a polite distance from each other.
This afternoon after your stroll through the park you now sat next to him on the bench and you both looked at the little lake and watched at the ice skaters, who were peacefully doing their laps around the rink.
Today Loki wanted to take the chance to find out why you were alone here in this city. Maybe it was too soon to ask you such a private question but he needed to know because…no, he hadn't feelings of love for you but he was concerned about you and somehow the urge to take care of you grew more and more.
"Lady y/n? I'd like to ask you something. Why do you live here alone? What happened between you and your family? There's something that makes you sad and has broken your heart, right?"
He sensed that it wouldn't be easy for you to talk about it.
"You get straight to the point, don't you?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…"
"No, it's okay, Mr. Laufeyson."
Right from the beginning you had the feeling you could tell him everything. You just weren't that kind of person who would tell everyone about your messed-up life on your own. You didn't want to bore someone or to be pitied. But you had nothing to hide or nothing to lose so you decided to talk about one of the worst things in your life that had happened to you.
"There was a big disaster, an accident, with some unfortunate consequences. I caused it, so that's what I thought for a very long time. A few years ago I was on a day trip with my mother and two other people. On our way back home another car, that drove way too fast, took me off the road and I lost control and we crashed in my car.
It was bad, my mother got injured. Nothing happened to me, I just had a shock and the other two were unharmed too. Unfortunately my mother's injury caused her constant physical pain afterwards. I felt so guilty about that. Because I had caused it. And she tried to cover the pain with too much alcohol.
The combination with the meds she had to take continuously since that accident, led to her death finally. My father yelled at me that this disaster was only my fault and that I was the only one to blame for everything.
You know, I had a wonderful childhood and youth, happy and carefree. My parents always seemed to be happy and in love. I'd never have thought that they could be unlucky and desperate. What I didn't know was that my parents' marriage had already been a loveless one for many many years and that my mum sought comfort in drinking lots of alcohol long before the accident happened. My godmother told me later.
At my mother's funeral he didn't even look at me. Only my then-fiance was there for me that day.
Am I through with it? Yes and no. I will never forget what happened but I've learned to live with it. And I still have to learn that none of it was my fault. It was fate and I never had a chance to avoid what happened even if I wanted to. But nonetheless I feel guilty sometimes and I still need time to arrange my new life here and to let go of the past…"
Loki listened to you in silence. He was profoundly touched by what he just had heard.
"Your father needed someone to blame for his faults and his mourn. So, it seems like he chose you. Did you ever meet your father again after your mother's funeral?"
"No, he never forgave me for what I had done. I arranged myself with this situation and it's okay now. And I still love him though."
"You do?" He turned his head towards you, astonished.
"How? I mean, he did you wrong and he let you feel his anger, he left it all out on you and made you responsible for the loss of his wife, your mother. Instead of doing that you two should've comforted each other. You would've needed his love and support."
The unjust behavior that was being shown to you made him angry.
"Yes, he did blame me and I mourned my mother's death alone but he's still my father…and parents are never easy to handle, are they?" You smiled, still staring at the lake.
"And in most cases, we love our parents somehow, no matter what they say or do or what they think about us. And I'm sure, deep inside his heart he still loves me, too. I know it's not possible for everyone to feel like this and that there can be unforgivable things and it's absolutely okay to forgive your parents not. I don't feel the need to meet him ever again but I can't hate him either.
And I had to leave. It became impossible for me to stay where my family lived. For me it's better to live alone. No pain anymore, no sorrows. So that's why I moved here a few months after the funeral."
Loki nodded, he understood what you meant. He had his own family issues and totally understood your contradictory feelings.
"That's really sad what happened to you and between you and your family. I feel sorry for that, I really do." Loki said gently and genuinely to you.
"You don't have to but thank you. I'm stronger now, I'm alright now," you said quietly.
"May I ask you something, Mr.Laufeyson? You turned towards him to face him.
"Of course, Lady y/n!"
It always made you giggle when he called you that.
"I noticed it since the second day I saw you here in the park, sitting on this bench. Don't you feel cold? There's snow on the ground and it's so cold. Every day you wear just a suit, a light scarf and a light woolen coat. You must be freezing! I'm freezing all the time."
Somehow you were concerned about him and Loki chuckled.
"You're adorable, Lady y/n…may I invite you for a coffee or a hot chocolate?"he asked you with his deep baritone and smiled politely at you.
He knew that some Midgardians were addicted to hot chocolate, especially in the winter time and after what you had told him just yet he thought you could need some comfort. You noticed that he didn't give you an answer to your question but you didn't want to force him to give you an answer either and so you gave him a big smile. You were cold and it sounded awesome to drink something warm now.
"Oh yes please, Mr.Laufeyson. A hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows…that would be sooo wonderful now," you answered him full of joy and enthusiasm.
"It's hot chocolate then, my Lady. Let's go!" He replied calmly and you two stood up from the bench to leave the park.
"Wonderful, and I already know a nice café where we can get it" and you hooked your arms around one of his like it was the most normal thing in the world.
He stiffened immediately, stopped walking and looked astonished at your tangled arms and then into your face, a quizzical look in his eyes, raising one eyebrow. You looked back at him a little scared. You didn't want to overstep and let go of his arm promptly.
"I'm sorry" you said quietly, smiled awkwardly and hid your hands behind your back.
His gaze at you was kind of emotionless now and you couldn't decipher it.
"That's quite all right, Lady y/n," he said after a few seconds and offered you his arm gentlemanlike so you could hook your arm with his again.
"My Lady?" he said calmly.
"Thank you, Sir" and you took his offer gratefully, smiled brightly at him and you two continued the walk to the café.
It was pleasant to feel him physically. You felt the muscles of his angled forearm flexing under your grip. You had started to caress his forearm with your fingers without recognising it but it made Loki grinning. It felt good. You were the cutest thing he had ever seen and you clinging on his arm felt pretty good.
When you had reached the café and found a nice table at the window, Loki helped you out of your winter coat and hung it up in the wardrobe together with your scarf and your beanie.
"Thank you, you're a real gentleman," you said and smiled at him.
"That's how it should be and it's what my parents taught me: behave decently towards a Lady because every woman deserves respect, " he answered and he gave you a kind smile.
"No one ever did this for me," you stated.
"That's awful! It seems you only met idiots before you met me." he grinned smugly and winked at you.
He took off his coat and the jacket of his suit and hung them up in the wardrobe next to your winter coat. After he had helped you with your chair and you had taken a seat, he sat down across from you and rolled the sleeves of his crisp white shirt neatly up to his elbows. His tailored waistcoat hugged his body perfectly and his clothing was precisely rounded up with a dark green tie.
The sight of his v-shaped, marvellous torso and his defined biceps flexing under the sleeves of his tight shirt made you swallow thickly. He looked stunning and you tried to not stare at him like an idiot. The knees of his well-built endlessly long legs brushed yours under the table and you tried hard to ignore it. Every contact of your body with his made your spine tingle.
"You might be right with it, Mr. Laufeyson. I only met the jerks until I met you," and a big smile appeared on your face again.
After the waiter had taken your orders, Loki decided to continue your conversation you had in the park. He wanted to learn more about you because he liked you very much. You were so positive, your whole appearance and attitude were so natural, genuine and warm. Your natural manner was enchanting. He admired you for being so strong. But besides this he was sure there were more incidents in your life that had hit you hard.
"It seems you like the color green?" you asked him and you made a gesture like you would tidying an imaginary tie around your neck.
"Oh…yes, it's my favorite color," he answered laughingly.
"Mine too," you said and smiled at him.
"I know," he answered with his velvety voice and a flash of pink appeared on your cheeks.
"Excuse me, Lady y/n but…I can't get it out of my head. So you are really completely alone here in this town? No family, no friends? You also mentioned a then-fiancé. Is there really no one who takes care of you? After everything that happened to you?"
Maybe it would be better to not answer a stranger's questions you just met some time ago but you trusted him somehow. He remained distant and guarded all the time and you didn't know much about him but you didn't have the feeling that he wanted to harm you, it seemed he cared about your well-being. And mostly your gut feeling didn't betray you. He truly seemed to be one of the good ones…but you would definitely not talk about your ex-fiancé.
"Besides that I'm a big girl and able to handle myself, you seem really to be concerned about me."
Loki just shrugged his shoulders apologetically and smiled politely. In addition he couldn't ignore your beautiful body which was perfectly hugged by your knitted turtleneck sweater and your jeans. He liked your beautiful small delicate hands and how you were fidgeting with your fingers.
"Besides my father, I have a sister, a brother-in-law and a niece."
"A sister, a brother-in-law and a niece? That's wonderful. Do you meet them regularly?"
"Why do you want to know all this?" you wondered and smiled at him.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to overstep anything and of course you don't need to give me an answer. But I like you and it just concerns me that a nice woman like you has neither a family nor friends here by her side who care about her. I know how it feels to be alone all too well."
Now you were concerned about him. A man like him was alone and lonely in life, too? Until now you've never talked about those private things, you just spent approximately two hours in the afternoons together and you always presumed he has friends or a special someone. And if he had a wife you would never want to come between them. His concern for you seemed to be genuine so you wanted to answer him.
"No, unfortunately, I don't see my sister and her family. She and my niece… were the other two passengers in my car…. You sighed quietly.
"They're world travellers and the last time I saw my sister was at the funeral of our mother. And I'm sure she doesn't want to see me ever again because when we had that accident I could have harmed her and her baby, too. I think she will never forgive me for what happened either. Our relationship after the accident is a complicated one. And to be honest, I don't even know where they are actually." You chuckled slightly.
"But I have some friends at work…ahm… they're more colleagues than friends but sometimes we meet at the theater or in a restaurant…so, as you can see, I'm not completely alone."
The waiter came and served you your hot chocolate and Loki his espresso and you both took a sip of your beverages.
"Mmhmm…fantastic, exactly what I need right now, " you hummed.
"Your hot chocolate marshmallow stuff looks delicious," Loki stated and he noticed the seam of cocoa and cream on your upper lip when you put the mug on the table, your hands still cupped around it to warm your hands.
"There's…something on your upper lip." Loki stroked his index finger over his upper lip to show you what he meant and grinned.
You raised your eyebrows and laughed silently. With your tongue you licked the cocoa-cream seam slowly off your upper lip, unaware how exquisitely sensual you did it. Finally you stroked with the side of your thumb over your lips to clean them properly and as the cherry on top you gave him your cute smile.
"Better?" you asked him.
Loki couldn't help himself but stare at you and your action. He licked his lips nervously and he felt how his pants became tighter in his crotch.
"Yeah, better," he assured you.
"Wanna taste?" you asked him smoothly while looking him deep in the eyes and you passed your mug into his direction.
A shiver ran down his spine. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat.
"Maybe next time, darling. But thank you," he replied in his deep voice but now it sounded a little bit more rough and scratchy.
Why did you affect him so much? He shouldn't allow himself to feel like this. You would never talk to him if you knew what he did and who he really was. You were too good for him.
"You miss something if you don't taste it, it's really good," you pouted and glanced at him smilingly.
"I'm sure it is. I'll try it one day. I promise."
"Good, I'll remind you about it!" and you put your mug back on the table again.
"So tell me, Mr.Laufeyson. What about you? Do you have family and friends here? A wife somewhere waiting for you perhaps? I can't imagine that a handsome and extremely polite man like you is all alone here in this city."
He hesitated before he gave you an answer.
"I have a brother. He lives here too. No wife, no…I'm not in a relationship. I'm…not alone …most nights, if you know what I mean but…it's never anything solid…and I moved here recently so…I don't know many people here, not yet. I need to put certain things here in order."
"Ah, okay, I understand."
Was it a good or a bad sign that he hadn't asked you yet to spend the night with him? Anyway, you weren't looking for a one-night-stand or a boyfriend.
"So you have a sibling too, a brother, that's nice. It's important to have your family nearby…if possible. And please don't get me wrong, I didn't want to be offensive..it's just…once bitten twice shy… the jerks, you know."
You answered him friendly and smiled.
You didn't want to force him to tell you more. You had the feeling that he didn't want to tell you more details about his private life.
"No need to worry, Lady y/n, you haven't been offensive. Not more than I've been,"
he answered you and took a sip of his espresso.
Your conversation became more casual and general again like it was every day when you met each other at the park.
You talked about the cultural offers of the city, some musicals and museums.
"Would you like to visit an art gallery? With me?" he asked.
Did he just ask you out for a date? Normally he asked a woman to share his bed for the night. He never asked for a date. But you were a special woman to him. You deserved better than only to be a one-night-stand. You deserved to get conquered and loved. He wasn't the right man for you but he wanted to give you a good time and make you feel less alone. And he would be less alone too.
"You would like to do that with me, are you sure, Mr.Laufeyson?"
You couldn't believe that he wanted to do this with you, that he could be interested in art, too. Normally you were used to visiting art galleries all by yourself.
"Hmmmmhh! I'm absolutely sure!" he assured you.
"Oh, yes that sounds great and yes I'd love to visit an art gallery with you."
His offer made you overly happy.
"What about next week?"
"Fine, that sounds great! Next week then!" you nodded. "It's late, I should go home now. I gotta get up early."
"Shall I escort you home?"
"No, no please, no circumstances Mr.Laufeyson. My place is not that far away from here. But thank you for your kind offer…and your invitation."
"My pleasure!"
Loki nodded, smiled warmly at you and when you stood up from your chair, he went to the wardrobe and helped you into your coat. He stood so close behind you that you could feel his breath on your neck, his fingers touched your shoulders gently. You shivered again, his closeness felt good and made you feel safe. You turned around to face him and for a short moment, you thought he would kiss you. Of course, he didn't, you barely knew each other.
It felt good when he stood so close to you. He hoped you wouldn't think he wanted to touch you in a not-so-decent way when his hand gently stroked over your shoulders after he had helped you into your coat. It happened rather accidentally than purposely or that was what he thought.
When you turned around to face him he couldn't resist letting his eyes wander over your pretty face. He found you incredibly pretty with your sparkling eyes and your wonderful soft lips. It was hard for him to kiss you not. He bet you would slap him if he would do it, you only knew each other briefly. It didn't feel right to kiss you, not yet and maybe he would never be allowed to do that.
"Have a nice evening, Mr.Laufeyson and thank you so much for this lovely afternoon and…the hot chocolate."
"Have a nice evening too, Lady y/n, I definitely enjoyed the afternoon with you, and you're welcome."
"Tomorrow, same time, same place?" you asked him happily.
"I'm looking forward to tomorrow, same time, same place. And after our stroll in the park, I'd like to sit here with you again, in this lovely place. What about you? Would you like that?" he asked you, softly gazing at you and waiting for your answer.
"Yes, let us go here again tomorrow. That would be great. See you, Sir. Bye."
"See you then, my Lady."
You smiled brightly at him, turned around and waved your hand at him when you opened the café's entrance door and left the café.
On your way back home you walked along the store windows which were so lovely decorated for Christmas. Your coat and your scarf smelled like him…sandalwood …and a warm smile curved your lips slightly.
After you had left, Loki got dressed into his jacket and coat, paid the bill and left the café too. He didn't want to go home yet and so he visited a bar, to find a companion and distraction for the night…like usual. And if he was honest with himself he had the unfulfillable hope that one day you would be his companion, his friend, his lover, his girl for each of his lonesome nights and days…and he smelled a hint of your perfume that lingered in his coat and a smile curved his lips.
"Yes babe yess…fuck me, Loki…deeper, deeper…I'm a good girl, I'm a good girl yes,yes…please…fuck meee daddy…"
"That's what you want, slut, hm?…want me to fuck you relentlessly like the whore you are…fuck…just like that…"
"Yes, I'm a whore, fuck me deeper… daddyyyy…deeper…yesss…"
Loki fucked the woman underneath him in a merciless pace. He was close to his release, he just wanted to finish this quickly.
"Yes, cum…cum now" and he ejaculated and she climaxed while shouting his name.
When he looked at her, he himself was panting heavily in the aftermath of his orgasm, he didn't see her, he saw your face…Loki pulled out of her quickly and left the bed, slightly irritated, stroking his hands through his messy hair.
"Loki darling, come back to bed, I want to cuddle you " she pouted.
"No, no cuddling, just fucking. I made it clear before we started!"
"Oh come ooonn. You're so sweet," she chirped.
"No! Go girl! Please! I never cuddle, okay! …please go, clean yourself or take a shower if you want and then just go. No aftercare. We both just wanted to let off some steam. That was the deal," he said respectfully but strictly.
"Okay, babe," she answered carelessly and jumped out of the bed, collected her clothes from the floor and went towards the bathroom. She didn't care, she had a good fuck with Loki and that was it. A few minutes later she came back, cleaned and dressed.
"Bye, Loki babe, you were fantastic, " she purred, pressed a wet kiss to his cheek and left his apartment.
Why did he see your face when he fucked a random woman? He couldn't allow himself to fall for you…and he wiped his hand firmly over his cheek where that woman had kissed him. He didn't feel satisfied, he felt empty inside and alone.
Something had started to change.
@lokisprettygirl @wheredafandomat @fictive-sl0th @lokixryss @huntress-artemiss
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maddiedott · 1 year
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: Sometimes you just need an inner advisor.
Warnings: Angst/Comfort, soft!Loki, insecurities, hurt, self deprecation implied, fire, no use of y/n
A/N: Hi Loves! This is heavily inspired by my own personal inner advisor which was created in my EMDR therapy session and was envisioned as Loki who told me to burn everything :), I hope you all enjoy this, it was heavily self indulgent but I hope it helps other people too! Enjoy <3
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A chill crept up your spine, settling into your bones as you settled into the cool empty sheets which line your bed. Your eyes close as your bottom lip trembled, trying to push back the tsunami waves of emotions that threaten to spill. It had been a week of pure hell and tonight was your tipping point. The way you had heard the whispers of people as you passed, each one coming from a poisonous tongue. The glances and whispers held high distaste and made your mouth and mind sour.
It plagued you for the day, no matter the task, no matter the smallest minute detail, you would see it imperfect, full of flaws and how helpless you were. It turned your day around, changing your hopes and expectations for the day to something rotten.
You were unsure when you had stopped weeping and had fallen into the blissfulness of sleep. Hadn’t realized you was asleep as she still felt the wet streams that stained your flesh and still felt the coolness of your sheets beneath you.
“What is troubling you, my darling?”
It stirred you, your heart spiking at the intrusive presence invading you. As you sprang up, hands holding up your weight as you sat up right. You weren’t sure what had startled you more, the new presence stood in front of you or the liquid held by a void that surrounded your body.
“No need to be frightened, I am not here to cause you harm. Quite the opposite in fact.” He had assured you, dropping down in a squatting position.
You stared at him, eyes wide and unmoving. Your mind was racing before it settled. Dream. You’re dreaming, clearly you must be asleep and this is nothing other than your brain creating this image in front of you. How else could you explain him?
“Loki?” It was the only word you were capable of speaking.
He only replied with a smile, one much softer than you see depicted in the movies. Often they would paint him as a villain, someone who wishes fit the hero’s downfall. You could see a little bit of yourself in him, in his insecurities, in his behavior, maybe that’s why he’s appearing to you now.
“Indeed.” He confirmed, extending his hand out for you, which you take.
“What’s going on? Why are you in my dream? Why is it so cold?” You question, noticing the steam your warm breath created.
“A curious thing,” he chuckles, lifting you to your feet. “You may think of this as your soul, yes? And I, as your inner advisor.”
“My inner… what?”
“Inner advisor. I am able to make your unconscious mind accessible to you. Guide you to support, resolutions, whatever you may seem to desire.” His voice spoke softly as his thumb brushed over your knuckles.
You closed your eyes again, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of oak and sandalwood, something you had only imagine might stick to his forest green Asgardian leather.
“Okay, sure. But why is it so cold?”
“You’re flame has been extinguished. You’re sense of self, corrupted.” He explains, smile etched to his features as he squeezed your hand in his.
“I’ve come to repair your flame, my darling. Slowly. But I will to my best to nurture and guide you so that it may become a blaze.”
With a flick of his hand a spark emerged within your palm that held his. His and holding the back of ours so that both your palms had been raised as the fire began. There was no pain, no numbness, just a tingle that started in your palm and ended in the nerves of your fingertips.
“It will take time to develop, but I shall be here every step, beside you shall you have a need for my guidance.” He explains, his eyes falling to the small flame.
“Thank you, Loki.” You whisper, turning your gaze to him.
He shook his head, his free hand raising in a stop gesture. His eyes held a sense of pure, genuine, affection. The flame grew slightly just by the feeling of his emotion seeping into the pores of your skin.
“There is no need to thank me. You are the person capable of improvement, I am merely here to help you if you falter.” He explained, his hand lowering to support your hand holding the flame.
“You, my dear, are stronger than you may believe. Bravery that would rival that of any warrior. You are plenty worthy to keep this blaze aflame. Worthy to wield Mjölnir. And most importantly, you are loved. Even when battling you’re darkest enemy, you will remain loved, even if just by me.”
You felt you’re eyes burn, not willing to try and stop the tears that flood your eyes and fall down your face. Your freehand coming up to cover your mouth as you sobbed. The feeling of Loki’s lips pressing against your forehead only made you sob harder.
“I plead with you, no more tears need to be shed.” He softly cooed, lifting a hand to thumb away the tears that fell.
“I will be here when you return again.” He swore, placing a purger kiss to your temple.
As his body began to dissipate into the darkness, you held into his hand almost as if pleading with him to not leave you alone again.
“And Darling? Burn everything.”
The words rang in your head as you’re eyes shot open, jolting up from your lying position. You’re eyes take in you’re empty room as the only light came from the sun as it streams in through your window. You’re eyes slowly cast down to your palm, feeling you’re heart clench before clutching your palm to your chest.
“Thank you, Loki.”
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lightneverfades · 6 months
So... I have a few thoughts regarding Sylvie. In spite of my love for Lokius, I feel really bad for Sylvie's character development in this season cause I really kinda wanted her to flourish as well cause last season we didn't get to see her backstory apart from that one scene in Ep4, S1. Just me?
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Warning: Contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 5 so do not read if you haven't watched the episode!
Cause there was a lot of potential for Sylvie to become Enchantress!Sylvie. And even though the whole McDonalds thing is funny, I kind of wish they had found a better way for her to become who she is.
Perhaps in Season 3 (I think there will be one considering the high ratings Season 2 is getting), we will see her able to develop as a character. Still, right now it's hard to see too much character development from Sylvie, cause the season is prioritizing the plot and Loki's character development, as well as Mobius's (and a few bits and pieces of B15, Casey, OB, Brandon/X-5 - which granted didn't need to be that long, although I am not complaining so much cause we got some hella great scenes of Loki using his magic).
I really want to see the badass Sylvie again we saw in Season 1. And while I do love her development scenes like that moment with Timely in episode 3, or those small moments when she realizes she needs to go back to the gang, I find that these are small developments and not quite enough to shape her character more richly. I kind of actually wish Marvel would release a limited series of Sylvie (three episodes or so) just to give her story breathing space because right now the only person in her life that seems to really matter is the people in her lives (like that kid in McDonalds or that guy at the record store) and we don't know them so much, so it's hard to feel invested in her life because it feels so separated from Loki's current situation.
So this is not really about Sylki or Lokius (in spite of my love for Loki/Mobius, I dislike the ship wars that start between these two), but mainly focused on my thoughts & concern for Sylvie's character moving forward. Hopefully, we will get some great character development for her soon (Season 1 was rather lacking in that dept, to be honest, and I had been hoping to see more of her getting fleshed out in this season, maybe even going back to her Asgardian roots possibly?), and she will be able to be her own magnificent kickass self after our amazing Loki gets a chance to ascend to the throne he was always supposed to have in the (most likely) form of God of Stories <3!
I mean, come on... if she went back to Asgard right after killing He Who Remains, that would have made more sense right? I know she probably has another double version of her in that timeline, but I just think it sort of makes sense... I almost wanted her to be curious about that life she could have had in the 'original' timeline.
Still, all these not-so-great thoughts about Sylvie's character development aside, I'm personally loving the effin' heck out of this season for the suspense and thrills this show is giving us with the grand twists and turns it's giving us, so apart from this little qualm, I am SO here for Episode 6! <3
I just want the show to treat Sylvie better I guess, that's all <3 Especially caused Sophia Di Martino is SUCH a great actress, she deserves to have great character development for Sylvie! <3 And hopefully a great origin story moment for Sylvie later on in the future for the Multiverse storylines in the coming future!
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Feast for the Eyes
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Request: "Can I request a Loki x reader where Loki is working out and reader can't stop staring at him…👀😁🥴" - Requested by @lokisgoodgirl :)
Summary: A good Saturday morning means for you a gym workout. The only problem is, that the man you're into thinks exactly the same... And you just can't take your eyes off him...
Warnings: This is pure thirst, guys... And for drooling over our favourite Norse God. Also, a bit of suggestive smut and swear words.
Word Count: 1,4k
a/n: @lokisgoodgirl asked for Loki thirst and here I am to deliver! To write that one was so much fun! I hope you like it! ;)
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It was a normal Saturday morning in the Avengers compound. A few were on missions, others were in their quarters, in the kitchen, living room – or elsewhere distributed around the compound. My personal plan this morning was to do a workout. I loved a good workout early in the mornings. So, my feet led me to the gym, barely after I had my bowl of muesli. Like I said, it was a normal morning - that was at least what I thought. Turned out it quite wasn't...
The reason why I headed to the gym so early was that I enjoyed to work out alone. Not that I had something against company, certainly not, but if the company was nobody else but the God of Mischief, I preferred to be alone. Why? One simple reason. Since Loki joined the Avengers a few months ago, I had developed a really big crush on the Asgardian Prince - which only got worse the more time I spent with him. A few might question his personality and especially his past, but I didn't. Why should I? We all made mistakes. We all had a past - and Loki's certainly hadn't been easy. To others, Loki was a war criminal. To me, he was the epitome of the perfect man. He was extremely smart, cunning, silver-tongued, mischievous and utterly charming. Not to mention his good looks. Damn, that man was gorgeous, sculpted by Gods no doubt. Those sharp cheekbones, oceanic blue eyes and long raven hair. I could only imagine how handsome he looked underneath those clothes... Did that thought led quite often to not so innocent thoughts? Yes, yes it did.
After my quick breakfast, I made my way down the hallways, off to the gym. When I opened the big door, I was already happy that my plan was seemingly a complete success and that I had the gym for my own - that was until I saw him - and my smile dropped, butterflies running wild inside my belly. Loki… He had his back towards me, was currently on the treadmill. His raven locks were bound together into a manbun. A muscle shirt adorned his upper body and some loose athletic shorts hung low on his hips. I swallowed hard, tried to take my eyes off of him - but my attempts were rather less successful; let's put it that way. They were literally glued to him, feasting upon what they saw. How the muscles of his back and calves flexed with every step he made; or how the veins on his arms were visible with every sway. I swallowed hard. This was going to be a funny workout... After what felt like hours, I was finally able to tear my gaze apart from him. Just in time... Loki got slower on the treadmill, before he stopped the gym machine and stepped down. His oceanic blue eyes met mine, causing me to smile awkwardly and blurt out an even more awkward 'Good morning'. Loki smirked, grabbed the bottle with water, standing beside the treadmill and twisted off the cap, "Good morning, Y/N. Already working out as well?" before he took a long swig. I nodded. "Uh.Huh. You too?" I squeezed my eyes shut and facepalmed myself internally. You too? Really Y/N? Ugh... It couldn't have been more embarrassing, could it? "Yes. I enjoy a good morning workout." He said, winking, then made his way over to the leg press. As Loki passed me by, I caught a whiff of his cologne, causing me to almost faint right then and there. It was a mix of cedarwood, leather and musk. Damn, I thought. Get yourself together! I took a deep breath, then proceeded to start my training with some workout exercises, like squats, sit-ups and deadlifts to warm up.
I tried desperately to stay focused and to concentrate on my workout, but failed miserably. My eyes wandered every so often over to the God of Mischief. It was like a magnetic pull. I just couldn't stop looking. Seeing Loki work out had something utterly hypnotising - and let's be honest... It was sexy as hell. I managed to get approximately three sit-ups done, until my focus transitioned back to the drop-dead handsome man across the room. He was still at the leg press, moving his legs up and down - what had caused his athletic shorts to ride up, exposing a pair of strong thighs. Thighs, perfect to sit on. Wait, what? I caught myself thinking that not so innocent thought and was utterly embarrassed about it. I didn't want to sexualise Loki that hard... But it was true, though... Those thighs could carry my weight with ease... I bit my lip. Y/N! I yelled at myself internally. Stop that! I shook my head, tried to shake of those thoughts and to return to do my sit-ups.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, had the God of Mischief quickly caught up on what was going on here... Of course, he had noticed how Y/N stared at him the whole time. How could he not? It was quite obvious. She wasn't really subtle and didn't make a good job in hiding the attraction she felt towards him. And Loki? Loki wasn't upset at all. On the contrary... He felt flattered and quite liked what he did to her. The Asgardian Prince knew as well, that the young woman across the room had a huge crush on him. That was quite obvious as well. Good, that Loki felt the same. He couldn't deny that he liked what he saw either. Y/N was a beautiful woman, no doubt. She was good-hearted, smart, witty and utterly kind. He would make her his. It was just a matter of time. But for now, the God decided to tease her a bit and to give her a show; something to look at. A mischievous smile scurried over his lips, as the perfect idea crossed his mind. He knew exactly what to do. So, Loki stood up from the leg press and moved over to the Lat Pulldown Machine. He sat down, placed the bottle of water on the ground beside him and went to work. As soon as he noticed Y/N looking at him once again, he stopped and pretended to take a small break. He took a few deep breaths and drank something, before he put his plan into action. Loki put the water bottle aside again, grabbed the hem of his muscle shirt - and pulled the piece of clothing over his head, leaving him shirtless. He threw the shirt to the ground beside him and reached for the handle of the gym machine. Once he had made the first pulldown, his gaze wandered subtly back to Y/N. Loki saw how her eyes had widened, mouth agape. Goal achieved, he thought, smirking and continued his workout.
I had expected a lot, really... But certainly not, that Loki would take off his shirt. I needed to look twice to make sure that I didn't dream. But once my thirsty brain had processed what my eyes saw and realisation hit me, I almost had a heart attack. I was sure of it. A gasp left my lips; my brain short circuiting. The only thing running through my mind was 'Loki' and 'shirtless'. Okay, I should add, that I had never seen him shirtless before. This was a whole new experience for me. My eyes widened, jaw dropping. That was it. I abandoned my workout completely and just stared at Loki, mouth watering. I couldn't help myself but to take in every inch of his bare upper body. He was strong and muscular, with broad shoulders. I witnessed his muscles flex with every pulldown; his abs clearly visible. A thin layer of sweat covered his pec's, glistening in the morning sun. A few droplets were running down his abs, digging its way through the fine dark hairs there, which were leading in a delicious line down his belly and disappearing beneath the waistband of his shorts. I swallowed hard, was definitely on the verge of drooling. Ugh... What a man... I was so occupied with thirsting and drooling over Loki, that I didn't notice someone else entering the gym, until a very familiar voice urged to my ears, ripping me out of my hazy state. "Take a picture, Y/N. It lasts longer." Nat said to me, smirking and winking, as she passed me by. Realisation hit me once again - and it felt like getting hit by a truck. She saw me. She noticed. She knew. I felt how my cheeks turned beet red. Fuck.
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Okay, here's another reason Mobius is full of crap. Pretty much no one needed Loki to be "The best version of themselves"
Steve Rogers is Steve Rogers, he was already the best.
Tony Stark, ignoring the the fact he is always kind of low key a garbage person. His development was in his own prior movies. Being captured and seeing first hand the destruction he was causing. Loki insighted no positive growth. In fact because he played a part in Tony's PTSD that actually hurt him and lead to Tony making terrible decisions Loki made Tony worse
Natasha Romanoff, she broke free of heavy indoctrination own her own and was already a part of SHIELD because she felt it was for good.
Clint Barton, again already a part of Shield, was already preselected to be an Avenger
Bruce Banner, maybe you could say the invasion inspired Bruce to fight, but in the long run that didn't fix any of the self loathing issues and being a hero was almost more of obligation than something Bruce actually wanted to do. Also Bruce was already pretty heroic just as a doctor. He never stopped helping people even when it was at risk at himself.
Thor, I guess he made Thor better. So ignoring the fact Odin was the one who created the problem. Sure Loki being the villain made Thor the best of himself.
The Avengers would be heroes with or without Loki. His role is to create conflict so others can solve the conflict.
They would be heroes in their own ways but Loki's actions were necessary. They always act like he's no more than a villain but then praise certain repercussions of his actions and it's so confusing.
Mobius says that line while showing the circle shot from The Avengers: If he's blaming Loki and only Loki for the NYC invasion, then the TVA should be thankful that someone made the Avengers assemble and come together. It's all part of that plan that Renslayer mentions earlier in the ep: the team was supposed to go back in time, therefore they were meant to exist, therefore Loki wasn't really acting on his free will (in more ways than one 🙄).
If being a member of the Avengers is the best version of these characters (according to the TVA) then inevitably, Loki needs to exist and he needs to be sent to NYC. It can't work with anyone else, it has to be him. And it needs to happen.
It's pathetic that this ep is followed by one where Mobius claims Loki might want to "change" and get "tired of his role" in the Sacred Timeline to which Renslayer replies only the Time Keepers "can decree it". So which one is it, then?! "We love that the Avengers exist but we hate the NYC invasion". WTF?!
Either they care about individual incidents or they don't, but they never seem to agree on that. It could be explained as them being no more than pawns who believed HWR's propaganda but in that case the framing should accompany that with a clear stand against the TVA and its agents. Except it doesn't do that at all.
I agree with you that besides forming the team, these characters grow in their own different, separate ways. The only one who is truly changed by Loki is his brother but not because Loki is a villain, it's only because he's a mirror to the family and Asgard's shortcomings that Thor gets to grow up and learn. But I suppose Waldron wanted to make a point that all characters surrounding Loki are good and therefore he's the only one who's bad...
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bushs-world · 2 years
Saw this post on my dash and well this submitter got a lot of things wrong. So let me correct it.
'Sylvie is a well written, complex character and the hate towards Sylvie is completely dripping with misogyny and sexism'
*on a side note, the submitter definitely had a sly way of calling Sylvie trash
How you may ask? Well, let me explain.
So, the first part. Is Sylvie a badly written character?
To answer that question, we first need to understand what a well written character looks like (x). Well, to save time the linked articles gives 5 parameters of a well written character that are
1. They have a clear motivation
2. They are consistent
3. Their habits come from their backstory
4. They have got little flaws
5. They balance other characters - and other characters balance them.
And, well Sylvie fulfills all 5 parameters.
Sylvie has a clear motivation - killing the timekeepers and then killing the man behind the curtain (and she even has a valid reason of her motivation - she wants revenge against the person who took her life away)
She is consistent - all throughout the series, she single minded moves towards her goal
Her actions come from her backstory- in Sylvie's case, her entire identity comes from her backstory. Her backstory causes her to reject the identity of a Loki and adopt the name Sylvie. Being on the run and hiding in apocalypses causes her to become cynical and develop trust issues)
She has little flaws - in her case a major flaw. She has trust issues and lashes out when she feels threatened. She can't look past her revenge.
She and Loki balance each other - both of them are equally matched and complement each other. Loki is more powerful magic user, Sylvie is better in physical combat.
So, now how the hell is Sylvie a badly written character. She is a rich, complex, three dimensional, morally grey character (x). But sure she is going to look like a badly written character when antis go ahead and erase her entire backstory and her trauma, straight up lie or misinterpret her actions and intentions, deny parts where she contradicts their opinions and take her actions at face value, then blow it all up in epic proportions to portray her as a straight up evil character.
Now, the misogyny part. Well not only is the hatred towards Sylvie misogynist. But this hatred translates to misogynist hate towards poor Sophia as well. Sure this isn't misogyny right?
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But still let me point out the hypocrisy and double standards regarding Sylvie. And let me use our beloved Loki as an example.
Loki- Sends destroyer after Thor to stop him, then provoking him for a fight
Well, he was having a mental breakdown (which he was, no jokes here) and he just wanted to finally vent out after suppressing his feelings for so long
Sylvie - Fights with Loki after he comes in between and tries to stop her from accomplishing the one thing she wanted so badly. And in her mind betrayed her because they were supposed to take down the man behind the curtain together.( Now I know Loki was valid in his points and Sylvie was blind with rage. But the key here is to try and see things from Sylvie's pov)
She is a narcissistic abuser. She lashed out at Loki after he didn't agree with her. Even her stance is that of an abuser (like whatever happened to her drive to revenge and Loki getting in the way?)
Loki - Tries to commit genocide of Jotunheim
Well it was his internalised racism. He so wanted to distance himself from his jotun heritage, he decided to completely destroy an entire planet and exterminate an entire race.
Sylvie - Kills minutemen, the literal people who abducted her, erased her reality, hunted her like a dog for years before forcing her to hide in apocalypses and are still pruning countless innocent timelines and people
She is a villian who killed innocent (very innocent) TVA workers and she couldn't show any compassion towards them even after finding they are variants (as if they showed her lots of compassion when they hunted her). But yeah, this one is interesting because of the assumption that Sylvie should care about them even after they took away her entire life and tried to kill her and hunted her all her life because she is a woman?? Gender roles anybody?? But also what about her scene with B15? Oh yes, either it never happened or Sylvie was being a smug bitch.
So to sum it up, Loki learning about his adoption is a very traumatic incident and it resulted in his fall in Thor. And his actions are justified because he was in a bad place or was never wrong in the first place.
But Sylvie's trauma over being abducted, displaced and forced to live on the run in apocalypses isn't worth anything. Her flaws, her insecurities, the reasons behind her actions are totally erased and Sylvie is painted and vilified only. Because how dare she be imperfect? She is a woman. Either she has to be Ms goodytwoshoes. Or she is an evil villian who is trash.
So , in the end, dear submitter. Sylvie isn't a badly written character. You make her one in your head to cover up your misogyny and sexism. And btw Sylvie isn't the only one who is a target of sexism. TVA Loki or my beloved Larry is also mocked and ridiculed because he no longer displays the toxic masculinity traits which so many people confuse for superiority.
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feathered-serpents · 1 year
Yes my "Atreus and Angrboda will take the roles of Set and Nephthys in Egypt" is a SUPER crackpot theory BUT it's not entirely pulled out of my ass I do have some tenuous links between them that could make it all work
Set being Atreus has the strongest backing. Wikipedia (a famously reliable source) says his Norse equivalent is Loki, but reading what Set is actually god of and a few roles he has made me actually start to humor this as a real theory
Set is mostly known as a god of disorder and chaos but there is more to him than that. There are three aspects in particular that connect him with Atreus
The first is earthquakes and I know that sounds random but there is a legit connection. In Norse mythology Loki is actually the reason given for why there are earthquakes at all. When he's in his eternal prison (and it does not escape my notice this hasn't happened yet) tortured by a snake dripping constant venom in his eyes, his only source of relief is his wife holding a bowl over his face to catch the venom (which is very sweet of her). However, the bowl fills up, and she has to empty it, when this happens the venom drips into Loki's eyes, and his screams/writhes of pain cause earthquakes.
The second is the snake itself. Set's one heroic role in the mythos is helping Isis fight back Apophis, a massive monstrous snake. If played right they could merge these two myths into one, having Atreus trapped and tortured by Apophis only to slay him once he was free. Two birds one stone!
Finally, the last aspect and the one that has me actually entertaining this theory with any amount of seriousness: Set is the god of foreigners and foreign lands and if he began as a foreign god... that would make a lot of sense
Angrboda as Nephthys (Set's wife) is even more tenuous, the main thing linking her and Nephthys is Angrboda's name means "The One Who Brings Grief" and Nephthys is the goddess of mourning. But mostly this relies entirely on Atreus being Set
I know that Atreus doesn't have a brother and that's a BIG issue given how Set's most known myth is his murder of Osiris, his brother, but there could be ways around that. Maybe he develops a type of brotherly bond with Osiris that ends badly. Maybe some force bounds them like brothers. Who knows! There are lots of ways around that
Lastly, if this is true, then Atreus' son could be Anubis and Kratos would have descendants in the Egyptian pantheon, and I personally like the idea of Kratos having descendants in lots of different pantheons.
Also if Hel still exists then Hel and Anubis are siblings and both (or at least two) of Atreus and Angrboda's children become death gods. I don't really know what that means, but it's neat!
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geekyglimpses-nest · 1 month
2. I'm The One On Trial, Sir.
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Warnings: +18 minor don't interact, slow burn, graphic language, humor, sexual content, physical trauma, blood (gore), bodies/corpses, death, drug use, guns, murder (atempted), PTSD, violence, english is not my first language.
Summary: Tensions rise as Delaney faces trial on charges of treason against her country. Accused of being a spy for HYDRA, she must navigate a legal battle that challenges her credibility and reputation. As the trial unfolds, revelations about her past and the inner workings of the scientific community come to light, shedding new light on the complexities of power, gender dynamics, and justice. With her future hanging in the balance, Delaney must confront not only the accusations against her but also the broader societal forces at play.
Words in total: 1,398 words
4 months later
Everything I gave to S.H.I.E.L.D was a lie and a complete waste of my time.
Most of my division was H.Y.D.R.A, Michael, Ron and I where the only ones that weren’t. When I got recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D I'd sweared I’d give my life for this and in a way, I did. I gave my everyday and night and now it feels like I’ve received a stab in back as compensation. I’m no longer the woman that used to work for them. I’m drowned in their secrets and treason. The weapons that where developed where a lie, the studies we made were build on a lie. It was all an evil plan directed by a psychopath like Alexander Pierce.
How many like him are still alive?
How many like him that we don’t know about that are still in the shadows?
I was part of the INSIGHT crew in a different division for a similar project that was suppose to be launched into space. We used the same information and research from the INSIGHT project with a couple minimal changes that had to be made for it to work on outer space. Picture it like an outer space helicarrier, the purpose of it was for it travel around certain delimited area of space to monitor activity and prevent possible dangers and attacks like the one a couple years ago with Loki Odinson. When I started on the project I faithfully believed in it because at the time I really needed something to believe in, and now it’s like I’m back there again, needing something to believe in. Most of the documents I’ve been reading serve to proof and show HYDRA’s plan.
Armin Zola was a Swiss scientist working for Red Skull, formally known as Johann Schmidt, during World War II. Schmidt was a Nazi agent in Hitler’s service, a loyal follower and believer of the Fuhrer, of course he simply used his power for personal purposes, among them Zola. Schmidt lost his sanity in search for the power of the gods. HYDRA was created under the belief that mankind could not be trusted with their own freedom, what HYDRA did not understand is that if you try to take away mankind’s freedom they will resist, so they came to the conclusion that mankind should surrender their freedom of their own free will, so S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded and Armin Zola was recruited. Operation Paperclip was a post World War II secret mission where S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited german scientists with strategic value, among them Zola, S.H.I.E.L.D. expected Zola to cooperate with the cause, but the reality was that Zola cooperated only to support his own cause. Captain Rogers went on ice thinking that with his sacrifice and Schmidt’s death, HYDRA would go down with him, but: “Cut off one head and two more will replace it”. Thanks to Zola the new HYDRA was born infecting S.H.I.E.L.D. like a parasite. For 70 years HYDRA had provoked crises, incited wars and when history didn’t cooperate, they altered history. Zola designed an algorithm that resulted in Project INSIGHT, a purification project that would allow the rise of a new world order because humanity was willing to give up that freedom in order to receive security. Project INSIGHT was eliminated by Steve Rogers during the Triskelion attack. There were rumors about a predecessor to Project Insight, a rumor, a myth and even an urban legend among the secret documents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Winter Soldier project. Credited with more than two dozen assassinations over the past 50 years, the Winter Soldier was activated for very specific missions that required clean, professional execution. He is a myth because there was never any proof of his existence, his jobs were quick, clean and unwitnessed. His identity and background was revealed after the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D, so I assume the man is a fugitive from justice now. James Buchanan Barnes former soldier of the 107th Infantry Regiment, best friend of Steve Rogers, Captain America. Captured in ‘43 by H.Y.D.R.R.A., Zola experimented on him with one of the first prototype recreations of Dr. Erskine’s super soldier serum that gave birth to Captain America. During a mission Barnes along with Steve Rogers and the Howling Commandos had the objective of capturing Zola, Barnes fell from the train and was declared dead. But thanks to experiments performed on him during his capture he survived the accident, but lost an arm on impact. When he was recovered by HYDRA., they experimented again with his body until they perfected their perfect weapon, giving him superhuman abilities including a cybernetic arm; this was complemented by constant brainwashing that had the objective of erasing his memory every time the Soldier seemed to become aware of his actions and recover his memory of the past, with the passage of time the cryogenic state became part of the Winter Soldier’s routine, thus giving HYDRA a near-perfect weapon that could carry out all of their dirty work for nearly 70 years. With just 10 words HYDRA was able to activate “The New Fist of HYDRA”.
S.H.I.E.L.D. knew of the existence of the Winter Soldier and never said anything, just as it said nothing about many things. The Winter Soldier project was not the only attempt at human weapons developed by HYDRA in an attempt to dominate the world. Siberia was not only the temporary home of the Winter Soldier, but it also witnessed the birth of more Winter Soldiers. In 1991 the Winter Soldier was activated in order to retrieve the remains of the Super Soldier Serum then being guarded and transported by Howard and Maria Stark to a safe location, the couple was eliminated by the Winter Soldier and brought back the remains of the serum and from those remains was born the greatest group of assassins recorded in HYDRA history, worse than the Winter Soldier himself, capable of bringing down an empire. They speak more than 30 languages, can hide in broad daylight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize, capable of overthrowing an entire nation in one night and no one would see them come.
There was a rumor that not all the serum were used to create this other Winter Soldiers, HYDRA kept one container with the minimum required to recreate the Winter Soldier serum and they’ve kept it for years now, hidden.
So I now find the idea of “peace” extremely stupid, only man in places of power can determine what peace means, only these people have the power and resources to use this word to move the world for their own benefit and plans. Peace means everyone and everything moves exactly they way they need it to, no matter who’s hurt or how many. How can I ever trust anything this country tells me when the truth and the resources can be so easily manipulated by those who create this lies?
In true perspective and in the eye of the public, I worked for H.Y.D.R.A.
“I would like to call Dr. Kingsley to the stand” says the persecution. I walk towards the stand and sit on the chair. My breath is shallow, I can perceive a light ringing in the back of my ears, my blood feels like fire, all my body is in flames. “Will you please state your full name?” he asks
“Delaney Alani Kingsley” I answer
“And you are a astrophysicist is that correct?”
“Primarily, yes from Columbia University”
“Primarily? What do you mean with that?”
“I have other studies and specialties”
“Are those studies the reasons why S.H.I.E.L.D recruited you?”
“I suppose” I answer
“We need a yes or no answers Dr. Kingsley”
“Yes, then”
“Before being recruited by them, had you heard from this organization?”
“No. Not officially at least”
“How so? Be more specific please”
“I’d heard about them after the 2012 alien invasion and attack on New York”
“How come? They were a secret organization”
“An ex girlfriend of mine worked for the New York police, she was a detective. She told me there was more than the media had been saying. We both investigated and found traces of S.H.I.E.L.D”
“What happened after that?”
“S.H.I.E.L.D agents visited us and threatened us to drop the investigation”
“Did you?”
“No, we didn’t”
“Do you think this might’ve also been a reason why you where on S.H.IE.L.D’s radar?”
“I wouldn’t know that. There was never a file or report of the visit”
“Had you worked for any secret or government organizations before S.H.I.E.L.D?”
I laugh “No sir, I hadn’t”
“Are you a HYDRA spy?” The question is so sudden and comes with no previous warning that it surprises me “Doctor?”
“N…no, I’m not a HYDRA spy”
“Why did you hesitate then?”
“I… I wasn’t expecting the question”
“You do know this is a trial against all HYDRA spies within S.H.I.E.L.D protection right?”
“Yes sir, I do”
“Then you know what the consequences are if it’s discovered you are indeed a H.Y.D.R.A spy?”
“Objection. Speculation” says my defense attorney
“I’ll change the question. Did you know S.H.I.E.L.D had been infiltrated by .H.Y.D.R.A?”
“No, I didn’t” The lawyer walks back to his desk and is given a piece of paper, he then walks back to me.
“Would you say you’re a difficult woman to work with?” he asks
“Excuse me?” I ask offended
“Your honor I’d like to bring up evidence number 1225. It’s an statement given by one of Dr. Kingsley’s co-workers, Dr. William Rheet. Dr. Kingsley would you mind reading the paragraph that’s been highlighted in the file in front of you please?” I grab my glasses and read the paragraph “Dr. Kingsley is the most competent female astrophysicist I’ve worked with” fucking misogynistic piece of shit “I would say she’s difficult to work with. She’s always very quiet, never smiles or laughs. She never goes for drinks with the rest of us, she always stays late on the lab, first one to come in, last one to leave. She’s very serious. She seems paranoiac and has a lot of mood swings.” I breath and take my glasses off.
“What would you say about this statement made by Dr. Rheet” he asks, I can see from a mile away his stupid grin
“I would say it’s a very misogynistic thing to say and I’m not surprised knowing who Mr. Rheet is. He constantly flirted with me at work even though I’d rejected him countless times alone and with witnesses and I can see by the date of this “report” that it was the exact date I’d rejected his sexual proposition publicly, I’m guessing he wasn’t very happy with my decision. I also filed a harassment complaint against him and I don’t see it as part of the evidence and within that file was the security tape of this day. I’ll tell to you the same thing I told to him when he made the proposition while cornering me against a wall. The fact that I’m usually a very anti social person has nothing to do with me being a HYDRA spy, for all we know he could’ve been a HYDRA spy himself but I don’t see him having a trial, or his career being put into question, or being publicly humiliated. Not being able to go to the fucking grocery store without being called names while walking in the streets, being followed home everyday, getting dead threats delivered to his door. You know who does? Me.” I can see my lawyer begging me to stop, trying to tell me that is not gonna help my case, if only it will give them enough reason to believe this bastard “No, he’s being treated as hero for trying to stop me thinking I was a HYDRA spy without no further proof and based of pure false accusations about my personality that he didn’t like because god help anyone who rejected that man. I remind you Mr. Johnson that my credibility as a human and as an astrophysicist is the one being put into question here and the fact I’m a single bisexual woman doesn’t make it easier. Because oh does this country love to villainize and laugh at single woman who have the courage to speak for themselves. How about we talk about the fact the list of people your citing first for this patriotic trial are all women” The attorney looks surprised and I can see him realize his fucked up
“No further questions Your Honor” he says as he goes back to sit in his desk.
I laugh.
The judge declares a recess for him and the jury to reach a final verdict about my trial. As I walk towards the nearest exit of the courthouse I can see numerous women seated in the large wooden benches that are spread all across the hall, I recognize a few of them, researchers, mechanics, tech engineers, agents, secretary’s, fellow astrophysicists. Each and every single one of them accompanied by their lawyers, they all have their gazes glued to the floor while their lawyers whisper to their ears. I push the doors open and the light from the sun makes me have to close my eyes briefly, in front of me is a river of people from the media trying to push through the fences to get to me, security does their best to stop them. I walk the opposite way were a benche is located and I sit, seconds after my lawyer Sarah seats next to me, she sighs as she puts down her briefcase and papers on the floor next to her.
“I don’t know if that was a very smart decision” she says as she drinks water “I don’t fucking care anymore Sarah. This assholes are trying to put in question my entire career, the career that took me years to build. These career has taken everything of me, nights, days, friendships, relationships, family, money. They have no fucking clue how much I’ve given of my life to my career, just for a fucker like Rheet to come and destroy it in a fucking second. I wish it was the first time this has ever happened to me but I’ve dealt with the this type of questioning my entire life all the way from male professors, academia and students, constantly wondering who did I sleep with to get to where I am today and every single time I’ve let my work to speak for itself, but now… it’s different. Throughout all this fucking circus I’ve been witness for the last two weeks I haven’t once seen a fucking man get in that stand if not to discredit every single fucking word I’ve said and done. I’m done… I’m done with his fucking trial, I’m done with S.H.I.E.L.D, I’m done with the justice system of this country that continues to let us down by leaving us alone. So I’m sorry if for once in a very long time I give this fuckers a piece of my mind, I no longer care if I come off as cold, heartless, neurotic, crazy. I just need this to be done so I can live my life and all I see is you doing absolutely nothing to defend or protect me, I gave you everything, every single detail, so I’m gonna need you tell me if you’ll be able to get me out of this, I’m gonna need you to do your fucking job and do the worst to this assholes cause I’m not about to let them continue to drag my name and my career like they’ve been doing it” I run out of breath and my voice cracks at end, my eyes are watery, I turn to look the opposite way of Sarah.
“I’m getting you out. When Ron got me in touch with you I told him I’d get you out and not only that… but these fuckers are paying for every single goddamn minute we’ve both have been sited there listening to their bullshit for two weeks now. Listen to me Dr. Kingsley, I know in your position I can’t ask you to trust me, I understand that I’m asking for a lot here but listen to me… I’m confident we’re winning this case. I haven’t pulled out anything yet because I want them to show me absolutely everything they’ve got because they have no clue what I already have ready to be launched as soon as they fuck it up and that just happened. They have nothing, no proofs of you being a HYDRA spy and the judge know it” she laughs “I’m about to humiliate them in way they’ve never been. I want you to look very carefully at that smug look they’ve been carrying this entire trial and see it fall as they realize they’re done. I’m a woman too, I know exactly what you’re talking about because we both choose our careers ahead of our personal lifes and that has consequences that I have yet to see a man live. We both choose male dominated careers, I know the struggles you’re telling me” I turn to look at her “I’m telling you I’m getting you out Dr. Kingsley”
“Any last statements from the accused?” asks the judge towards Sarah
“Yes sir” says Sarah as she stands, she walks towards the middles of the room and addressees the jury “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, today we are here to decide the fate of Dr. Delaney Kingsley, an esteemed astrophysicist accused of treason against her own country. But before we pass judgment, let us not forget the cornerstone of our justice system: innocent until proven guilty. Now, the prosecution would have you believe that Dr. Kingsley is a spy, a traitor, simply because she is a woman who prefers the solace of her laboratory to the company of her colleagues. They have painted her as a villain, a mastermind working in the shadows for a secret Nazi organization. But I implore you to look beyond the stereotypes and prejudices that have clouded this case. Dr. Kingsley is not a spy. She is a dedicated scientist, passionate about her work and committed to the pursuit of knowledge. Yes, she may be quiet, reserved, even antisocial at times, but does that make her a criminal? Does her preference for solitude condemn her to a life behind bars? The prosecution’s case is built on a foundation of speculation and prejudice, lacking any shred of professionalism or concrete evidence. Where is the evidence? Where are the smoking guns, the secret documents, the coded messages? There is none. Because there is no evidence. They have failed to present a single piece of tangible proof linking Dr. Kingsley to espionage. Instead, they have relied on character assassination and baseless accusations to make their case. Furthermore, let us not ignore the broader context in which this trial takes place. The scientific community, like many other fields, has long been dominated by men. Women like Dr. Kingsley face immense barriers to success, constantly forced to prove themselves in a male-dominated world. Is it any wonder that she may prefer the solitude of her laboratory to the judgmental gaze of her colleagues? The prosecution’s case hinges on the testimony of a disgruntled male coworker who, let’s not forget, was accused of sexual harassment by Dr. Kingsley. Is it not possible that his accusations are nothing more than a vengeful attempt to tarnish her reputation? To deflect attention away from his own misconduct? So I ask you, members of the jury, to set aside your preconceptions and baseless assumptions. Judge Dr. Kingsley not on her demeanor or social habits, but on the facts of the case. And when you do, I am confident you will reach the only conclusion that is just: that Dr. Delaney Alani Kingsley is innocent of the charges against her. Thank you.”
After the trial and after the D.A office couldn’t find any further proof of my being a H.Y.D.R.A spy, the government cleared my name and fully compensated me for my “loyal” service to this country. My hospital, physical therapy, medical bills, medicine, everything was taken care for. They also let me keep my D.C apartment as part of the agreement and I receive a monthly check from the government. They also offered a government job at NASA, which I declined.
None of this “compensations”, which were ways to keep me quiet and docile, will be enough for the physical and psychological trauma the attack created. The public slander I suffered after being accused of being responsible of Michael Anderson’s dead and betraying the country. Being constantly harassed by media, my face and life being public so that anyone could read it. Only after the final result of the trial was announced was I able to finally breath, but that didn’t take away the stares people threw at me, the way mothers would grab their children and walk faster when they passed me, the street harassment just kept happening, which is the reason I can no longer walk alone or walk long distances. I asked for a private driver and it was given to me for a couple months.
This was almost a year ago, and as I expected people soon started to forget who I was and what my face looked like. For a while everyone seemed to know who I was, expect me. I still don’t know who I’m now. I can only see I’m just the vessel of the woman I used and wished to be. So like I said no amount of money will be able to amend that wound.
“Dear most you really go?” asks Mrs. Durmaz “It’s almost been a year since the trial, people are moving on, so should you. If you do this is like giving them the win”
I sigh as I close the last box with my few belongings “Mrs. Durmaz this was never a who is gonna win situation. I came to D.C. because I was lost and I wanted out after everything that happened to me in New York and I’m starting to see a pattern here” I turn towards to Mrs. Durmaz “I’ll come see you often and I’ll send for you okey? You’re far more important to me that you think” she smiles and approaches me to give a short and brief hug “At least call me once a week so that I know you’re alive” I laugh “I will”
I grab the last box and close the door to my apartment, we both walk to the black SUV that is waiting for me, I open the door and Mrs. Durmaz holds it for me as I go in “I’ll be fine, don’t worry” I whisper, she nods and closes the door for me.
“Where to ma’am?” asks the driver
“Airport please”
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Notes: New chapter! Hope you enojoy, let me know your thoughts about it in the comments please if it's in you to repost and like it would help me a lot! Thank you
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magnusmodig · 5 months
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╰┈➤ VI TALKS ABOUT THOR/MCU / anon / no longer accepting !
🔥 ( Thor and his relationship with Frigga )
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||. Oh, man, Thor/Frigga is an interesting topic - because I feel the thor/mcu fandom tends to really characterize her one of two ways, and both are right and both are wrong.
The FIRST WAY is that "Frigga is a saint who can do no wrong, absolutely adores both of her boys and is the perfect mother" and... while I think that Frigga is certainly a perfectly loving and caring mother (and person tbh.) she very clearly had her FAVORITE son. There's a huge element of neglect towards Thor that goes overlooked in this take that I don't agree with, even if I don't subscribe to the idea that Frigga was purposefully neglectful, either.
....Which happens to be the SECOND WAY that the fandom (mostly the mcu!loki fandom, as usual) mischaracterizes Frigga, and by proxy Thor/Frigga's bond as well. In this take, they make Frigga's favoritism and doting over Loki go too far. To the point where she's passive-aggressive and borderline toxic, just because Thor isn't her precious uwu frost-baby. I am a FIRM believer that even if Loki was her favored son to hang out with, Frigga still didn't love Thor any less. It's just a very complex relationship, overall.
My personal take on Frigga is as follows:
Ultimately: Thor is her son! Her only child! And so is Loki, and I think she loved them BOTH so dearly. At the end of the day though, Thor has to spend his time with the other aesir in the family, and that's not Frigga, it's Odin. Not only that, but Frigga has more in common with Loki, so they have more to talk about in 1:1 moments together. What I think this led to was an unfortunate cycle in which she spent so much energy doting over Loki, making sure he felt seen/heard and had "some sun for himself" that she COMPLETELY neglected to see that her other son was in just as much pain as the youngest was; that while Loki is the underdog, Thor still needed his mother, and DID NOT have it all together. She was completely fooled by Thor's façade just like everyone else. And only realized how estranged they had become when it was too late, and she couldn't reach Thor anymore. (She also died before she could make it right.)
To further explain these two opposing takes, the first characterization comes (presumably) from the following:
Frigga being a very wise and clearly empathetic individual. The "glue" that keeps the family together. (a general observation due to how she interacts with her family. specifically: "[Odin] kept the truth [about you being a frost giant] from you so that you would never feel different. You are our son, Loki, and we your family. You must know that." thor (2011), and immediately accepting jane as her daughter-in-law in Thor: Dark World comes to mind. )
Frigga arguing with Odin about Thor's banishment (deleted scene.)
Frigga (attempting) to assuage Thor's anxiety pre!coronation (deleted scene)
I think this particular take is relatively accurate in characterizing Frigga's motherly nature, yes. But what it neglects to keep in mind is that:
Frigga was complicit in the lie of Loki's heritage. Her line about "Odin" not wanting Loki to feel different can also be read as her using Odin as a bit of straw-man for her own feelings. (@mischiefmodig and I have actually come to the conclusion "not wanting loki to feel different" was originally HER idea when Loki was very small. Odin is too pragmatic to come up with it. BUT when he got older, Frigga changed her mind, and Odin didn't want to tell Loki at that point because it'd cause a meltdown. Which it did.)
Frigga arguing for Thor's sake post!banishment was NOT done while Thor was aware of this development. HE IS NOT AWARE THAT THIS HAPPENED. From his perspective, she never fought for him, and more importantly: even if he did find out AFTER the fact, during his banishment, THOR DIDN'T EXPECT HER TO. In fact, Thor accepts that Frigga disowned him the second Loki lies to his face about that detail in THOR. (Re: "Mother has forbidden your return.") It makes no sense for Thor to believe this so immediately if they were close. (he WAS close to Loki, who he trusts implicitly, especially because he's family.)
While Frigga does attempt to assuage Thor's anxiety before the coronation, the key word here is ATTEMPT. She doesn't succeed. It's actually staggering how badly she misses the mark, and he continues to be largely unfocused and anxious about it. Even though Loki's scene with Thor happened before Frigga's, it was Loki who was able to say what needed to be said to calm Thor down where Frigga couldn't. ("You're my brother, and my friend [...] never doubt that I love you." / T: "How do I look?" L: "Like a king.")
The second take comes from a very loud and large portion of the loki!fandom in particular who absolutely despises Thor as a character and prefer Loki in every way. To the point where, I suppose, Thor is "an abusive brother"... Which makes no sense. It's ultimately a lot of projection. HOWEVER, I can't say it's entirely inaccurate to the favoritism displayed either. Some things I can say Frigga messed up on are as follows:
The official marvel comic (taking place between thor 2011 and avengers) in which Frigga endlessly searches for Loki and refuses to believe he's dead instead of mourning his loss with her husband and son. (Which is saying a lot, given that Thor and Odin both saw Loki attempt suicide by letting go into a black hole.) While she was right in the end, this is ... really negligent at the end of the day. (it puts SUCH a bad taste in my mouth that I refuse to consider it canon since it's not the movie's material anyways. I do think she searched for Loki, but more that she was searching for his body so they could have SOMETHING to bury.)
This scene of Frigga telling Thor that "[he] and your father cast large shadows"... Which is true and not necessarily a bad thing to say, but the line that preceded this was ultimately Thor just asking Frigga if she regrets teaching Loki her magic because of all the trouble (and war crimes) he’s committed with it…. And her answer was no —> proceeds to remind thor that he overshadowed Loki. (I don't think he took that personally or was bothered by it, but the answer isn't exactly well-timed or considerate of ... everything.)
TL;DR: Thor and Frigga aren't close. They're "close enough", but the fact that he doesn't shed tears at her funeral, (he weeps for loki THREE TIMES and is utterly enraged by Odin's death. Hers is the ONLY death thor is witness to where he does not actively react to at all.), speaks of her as if he's speaking highly of a well-esteemed stranger, has no reaction to her attempts to meet his emotional needs, responds minimally to her physical affections (mostly talking about body language, he's very stiff with her in a safe environment vs. a battle environment, as shown respectively), actively shuts her out in a time of mourning (she has to ask sif how her OWN SON is doing post!loki's death), and fully believed that she would not have fought for his right to return home —and in fact, FORBADE IT — with no questioning shows me as much, even if they do have some very soft moments together.
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moe-broey · 7 months
Since we're closing in on the end of the current book pretty soon, any thoughts about what direction FEH might go next? Or even thoughts on this book overall now that we're nearly completing it?
OHH..... when it comes to FEH's plotlines I am very much just along for the ride LMFAO. I know a lot of it is based in mythology (or at very least is inspired by it!), so I bet you Could piece together Something. Or even if you keep track of the teasers (BUT ALSO. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN DONE ANYTHING YET....... with that one teaser where Lif, Triandra and Plumeria are joining forces, the girls' objective to revive Freyja... I think Loki was there too? It's been a while!) (Actually. Now that I think about it. Where even DID that teaser go. Both Lif's and the fairies TT stories are fairly separate from each other. 🤔)
I do always get a little anxious near the end of a Book LMFAO, to the point where I don't look at it for a while (I think I'm one chapter behind rn). It's like... I generally don't have a lot of faith in the writers bc while they CAN hit really well, sometimes. They miss SO hard. And then there is So Much happening at the climax.... I'm so worried about how everything is gonna be tied up and resolved..... how are they gonna pull it all together? CAN they???? So scared.....
I've def said it before but I do think being a long time Sonic fan has primed me for this sort of thing LMFAO, even broadly across the franchise. Always approaching stories in good faith, always down to have fun even if it's absurd or corny or Odd Decisions Were Made or they had a REALLY GOOD CONCEPT but they dropped the ball somewhere along the way. I DEEEF approach FEH stories this way. And sometimes you are really pleasantly surprised!!!!
I think that's the relationship I ended up having with Book 7!! It can be tough for me when Yoshiku is the artist on board, since I am really not a fan of their work (sorry...). But I absolutely loved the designs of the FEH ocs this Book. Major test of faith was the "Please have a child with me" moment LMFAOOO NEARLY IRRECOVERABLE if I wasn't naturally inclined to Get Silly about it (What Is The Funniest Direction I Can Take With This In My Mind LMFAO).
BUT ALSO.... I JUST? Ended up REALLY loving Seidr as a character. I'm ABSOLUTELY in love with how each self of her's, while some bare a resemblance, none of them look like copies of each other (just sized up or down). Like even beyond my personal pet peeve of that, being trans/having A Lot of different looks in dif periods of my life. I ESPP appreciate the fact that Gullveig looks SO different from Seidr, esp as a trans person actually... cause even if you aren't trans, sometimes a new personal development will occur within you, maybe good, maybe bad, and it changes you. Which may also change how you present yourself! ALSO, the fact that Heidr had a completely different hairstyle, a slightly different body type (actually. Looking at her art I think I just hallucinated that LMFAOO but in my mind's eye I like to imagine Seidr's body shape changes/puts on more weight over time 🫡). Like they look similar enough that, yeah, they're sisters! But to me, Different Enough that the plot twist with Heidr ABSOLUTELY got me. I did NOT fucking see that coming and it absolutely shook me up 😨 (BUT ALSO. MAYBE IT WAS OBVIOUS. I DON'T KNOW ACTUALLY. BECAUSE I CAN BE SUUUCH A GULLIBLE AUDIENCE MEMBER TOO LMFAOOOO)
LIKE. I did NOT make the connection that Lif was Alfonse until like halfway into the fuckinh plot like RIGHT before it was revealed. LIKE. I am SO TRUSTING and SO HEAD EMPTY sometimes for fucking real I thought "Oh...! He Does kind of look like Alfonse... that's really cute, considering he's his ancestor and all! :)" HSKSHKSHSJ........ my man........ 🧍
At very least. I knew from the start that Bruno was Zacharias. At very fucking least I had that going for me 🫡
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Hi! Can I request Doctor Strange x variant!reader? like Loki and Sylvie reader is the female version of him in another universe
Doctor Strange x Variant! Reader
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A major skeptic at first. He is a pretty standoffish distrustful person. Naturally if he met someone claiming to be him from a different reality, even though he personally knows the odds of that being true are high, he’d instinctively be skeptical about the authenticity of information he’s being told by his other self.
“How can I know you’re telling me the truth and not trying to trick me for your own gain?”
I feel like he’d be a bit hesitant to be romantic with the reader because he struggles with the morality of it. Would it be morally alright to be with someone who shares the same DNA or is it different because technically you don’t? He’d fumble with that for a while. But once he is around you long enough, the worries start to fade as the pros begin to put way the cons.
If the reader is like him in the way that he is a bit standoffish, stoic, and distrusting, then the relationship might take longer to develop. On the other hand when the relationship developed, it would end up being one of those uneventful but comfortable relationships. One where you can, for example, read together in a room and both be comfortable in the silence because you know where the other stands. It would be a relationship where you both felt secure and safe with each other. You don’t have to do anything show you love each other. You just know it.
If the reader is considerably less stoic and more on the bright bubbly side, the relationship would develop faster and be one where you grow together. When black and white come together, it makes grey. Your relationship would be very similar. He’d bring your head down from the clouds and you’d teach him to open up a bit more. But do not expect him to be that open with anyone else. He trusts you enough to be vulnerable around. He’d immediately go back to being more rigid and formal in front of absolutely anyone else.
He may seem like he doesn’t have any but once he opens up to his joyful love interest, he would be vulnerable about his insecurities as well. This specific scenario is why I picked the song I did for this entry. The lyrics would be very fitting.
He’d go from: “You are just a fool to keep pretending that you’re loving me.” 🥺
To: “Call me in the phone at three. I’ll talk to you while half asleep” ♥️
Wether the reader is like him or otherwise, he would be very attentive, sensitive, and very focused on his S/O. He’d do small sweet things because he’s so observant. Handing you a tissue before you even knew you were going to sneeze, having tea ready before bed cause he’s noticed you’ve been having trouble staying asleep, etc. it would be a very sweet and secure relationship. Reader is one lucky duck 🦆
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themculibrary · 1 year
Superlong Fics (30k+) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: January 1st, 2024
Adagio (ao3) - Lurkz pepper/natasha, pepper/tony, implied steve/tony T, 31k
Summary: It was supposed to be just an assignment. Falling for the person she was supposed to protect wasn’t really in the plan. But when do plans ever stay the same?
A Marriage of Inconvenience (ao3) - WhinyWingedWinchester loki/tony, natasha/thor, odin/frigga M, 80k
Summary: Forced into an arranged marriage with Prince Loki of Aysgarth, Tony knows that he is not the ideal husband to the son of a king, but he still hopes that he might find true love with his husband like the stories he loves to read of adventures and happily-ever-afters.
Prince Loki, however, does not wish to be married, and he makes this clear to Tony even after their vows have been said before the priest. Life is no better for Tony in Castle Aysgarth than it was back in Iron Reach - he is as unwanted by Loki as he was by his father.
But slowly, things change. There is a steadily growing affection between them, something that might, perhaps, grow into more and Tony can only hope his love for Loki might one day be returned.
But then an assassin strikes unexpectedly, pirates attack, and Tony very well might be living an adventure from one of his books, but it looks like happily-ever-after might be too much to hope for.
Amaryllis by paperstorm steve/bucky E, 70k
Summary: So do I remind you of someone you’ve never met, a lonely silhouette? And do I remind you of somewhere you want to be, so far out of reach? I wish you’d open up for me, ‘cause I want to know you … amaryllis bloom. // In 19th century Europe, Bucky and Steve are members of neighboring royal families. Steve is the heir to a throne he does not want, and Bucky is the neglected third child waiting to be married off and forgotten about. Trapped in unhappy lives by seemingly immovable circumstances, they find a way out in each other.
Barnes Family Motors, Inc. (ao3) - phlintandsteel bucky/tony E, 68k
Summary: In a world where alphas legally own omegas, Bucky is just a small time mechanic from Brooklyn who gets lucky in a poker game. Tony is an omega whose life is fraught with abuse, until his luck suddenly takes a turn for the better.
In the grand scheme of things they may only be able to make little differences in the lives of those around them, but that doesn't mean it's not worth making them. After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Contractually Obligated, at Least Out of Uniform (ao3) - snack_size clint/steve E, 57k
Summary: A chance encounter in the SHIELD hallway leads Clint and Steve, post-Avengers, to get to know each other better when everyone else is off having adventures. Things develop slowly, and awkwardly, and probably only thanks to one well timed comment by Tony. From there, Clint and Steve try to navigate a new reality, each other, and their various past traumas.
Debt (ao3) - Storynerd loki/tony T, 33k
Summary: Tony Stark shouldn't find Loki fascinating, but he does, because all he’s ever wanted to do is take things apart to see how they work. Besides, he’s never been any good at following the rules.
ghosts that we knew (ao3) - wilsonsnest sam/bucky T, 46k
Summary: Sam (reluctantly) agrees to do a commission for Steve's rich but extremely reclusive friend, James Barnes.
Sam just stared at the other man, the feeling of being watched suddenly overcoming him. God, what kind of weirdo didn’t even come to greet their guests? It was one thing to be a rich recluse, but another thing to just completely ignore people wandering around your house.
“Steve, this is really weird.” Sam stressed. “This isn’t weird to you?”
If Running's a Plan (ao3) - FestiveFerret bruce/natasha T, 98k
Summary: “We need you in New York, Agent Romanoff. I have a new assignment for you.”
“Well I hope it's more relaxing than this one,” she quipped, throwing a blood-covered glass shard to the floor.
“Just sent the briefing through.” Fury hung up abruptly. He was never one for small talk.
Natasha stretched her ankle out, frowning when a few of the cuts beaded up with fresh blood. Picking up her phone again she opened the briefing and flipped through it. Her frown deepened.
“Bozhe moi.”
In the Home (ao3) - aloneintherain T, 68k
Summary: The Avengers have been infected, turned violent and aggressive against their will. And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates.
“Natasha,” Peter says cautiously, “what happened here? Steve attacked me, and if there was ever a sign that something was wrong, it’s having the embodiment of Truth, Justice, and the American Way throw you across the room—”
Natasha comes closer, her stride controlled. Nothing necessarily out of the ordinary, but there’s something in her face, in her eyes—
Natasha lunges across the space, and slams into Peter, hard.
Love Is A Battlefield (ao3) - crumbcrash2000 steve/tony, tony/tiberius E, 53k
Summary: In Siberia, Steve looks on in horror as Tony watches the video of his parents' murder. Expecting the worst, he is prepared to fight to defend Bucky, even through the shock of his own betrayal.
But Tony doesn't lash out.
Instead, Tony cries, and Steve's whole life falls apart.
Minefields (ao3) - arianapeterson19 pepper/tony, bucky/steve/tony E, 34k
Summary: Being in an abusive relationship was a bit like needing glasses. He didn't realize it until the damage was done.
Funny how people assume only men can be abusive.
Mr. Stark's Home for Idiot Teenagers (ao3) - sturionic T, 98k
Summary: Peter is there, slumped over the kitchen island, slowly cramming spoonfuls of Double Chocolate Cookie Crisp into his mouth, hair tousled and sticking up every which way, and Tony realizes with sudden clarity that he’s fighting a losing battle. Maybe not today, maybe he can put it off for a while, but someday he’s just going to have to give up and love this ridiculous kid.
In which Tony Stark learns object lessons about love, sacrifice, death, friendship, and parenthood; and makes his peace with the unfortunate reality that his penthouse will be crawling with asshole teenagers every weekend for the foreseeable future. Follows canon...loosely. Ahem.
Neighbor Alligator (ao3) - inkbert bucky/darcy N/R, 67k
Summary: Bucky Barnes discovers the gorgeous dame next door, and also that she thinks he's the worst neighbor ever. He sets out to clear his name and suddenly his life of therapy appointments and workouts includes competitive pizza making classes, maintaining favorite customer status at the coffee shop down the street, more thrift stores than he ever wanted to know about, and somewhere along the way he loses his heart. Too bad Darcy isn't willing to let go of the whole 'worst neighbor' thing.
Oh No! (ao3) - grimeysociety darcy/steve, pepper/tony E, 89k
Summary: Tony Stark is running for President, and he wants Darcy Lewis to run his campaign. She must navigate the new world of dirty politics and grandstanding, with her rival campaign manager Steve Rogers complicating every part of her professional and personal life.
stress relief (ao3) - romanoff steve/tony E, 84k
Summary: They don't love each other. They barely even like each other.
The Carnival Committee (ao3) - orphan_account pepper/natasha T, 50k
Summary: Pepper Potts has been elected as Student Body Vice President for her senior year. Excited to work with her best friend, Tony Stark, and the rest of the leadership council, they go into the first task of the year- to pull off homecoming week- with a cut and dry attitude. And that is exactly how it goes, especially when Pepper has as great of an assistant and girlfriend as Natasha Romanoff by her side. That is, until everything the duo plans becomes as far from cut and dry as an event can get.
Peptasha HS!AU
The Contract (ao3) - Laily loki/stephen M, 60k
Summary: An awkward dinner party brings Doctor Stephen Strange and Loki of Asgard together; though ill-at-ease, still they seek the company of each other, being the odd ones out. One wakes up somewhat rested, the other in the worst pain of his life.
Thor is not a happy camper.
Withering Away (ao3) - GalaxyThreads T, 73k
Summary: Thor failed. He failed his family, his people, his friends, and drinking solves nothing. When the Avengers arrive to initiate their plan, they find a much different Thor. One who’s only willing to agree on one condition: When they get the Tesseract, it will be on the Statesmen, and Thor will bring back Loki with him. (Fix-it) (No slash, no smut) Avengers as family! Whump!
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 26 - Avenger On-Call
No major character growth for Hank in this section, but he did cross paths with his “extended family” quite a few times. He and Janet went on a trip to Norway, Vision opened to him when he was having bad dreams, and Ultron developed a troubling interest in jazz music.
Blackwulf vol 1 #5-6
The Underground was tasked with finding a rogue kree sentry robot, so they called in Hank due to his robotics expertise. They discovered a town that had been “reprogrammed” by Ultron into following him. Ultron fled when the sentry was beaten and Hank was unable to give the townspeople their free will back. Instead, he reprogrammed them to believe that they had it and set them with basic daily routines.
Tales to Astonish vol 3 #1
While in Norway to attend a conference, Hank and Jan aided the police in targeting Caine the Mad Viking, a serial-killer obsessed with Norse mythology that Loki granted a fraction of his power. After losing the first battle with Caine, Hulk arrived to help and the three of them fought him and his enslaved minions until Loki finally gave up on him and allowed him to die.
Vision vol 1 #1, 3-4
Vision came to Hank for help diagnosing the cause of his recent dreams of Wanda. He, along with Jocasta and Ultron, were subjected to personality overrides by Anti-Vision to prepare them for his use. Hank and Crystal tried to help him, but it was traces of his former personalities that allowed him to overcome his rogue programming. Not satisfied with merely beating Anti-Vision, Vision left with Jocasta and Ultron to help them understand their new feelings.
Captain America vol 1 #435-438, 440, Iron Man vol 1 #314, Avengers vol 1 #387-388
Without the Super-Soldier Serum, Steve’s body could no longer handle crime fighting. He ignored his doctor’s orders and went into battle alone against the Serpent Society, nearly dying when Free Spirit and Jack Flag lost track of him. Hank was able to recover his body in time and awaken him with Tony’s help, but his body was paralyzed. With no other options, Hank miniaturized Tony so that he could install biochips that would allow Cap to move again while wearing his new suit of armor. He used the armor to fight Flag Smasher, but it broke down against A.I.M.’s forces so the Avengers had to fight their way past A.I.M. to extract him.
 Force Works vol 1 #13-14
The Recorder wired himself into The Vault’s security to release the kree Starstealth team. Apparently the Avengers struck a secret extradition deal with the skrulls to turn Starsealth over for their warcrimes, so Force Works worked with them to recover the escaped kree. When Recorder was brought onto the skrull ship he was able to take control of it, so Wanda used her hex power to break him apart.
 Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Thunderstrike vol 1 #16, 23-24
Force Works vol 1 #8, 10
Avengers vol 1 #384
Fantastic Four Unlimited vol 1 #11
Avengers Unplugged vol 1 #1-2
Captain America vol 1 #443-444
Incredible Hulk vol 1 #434
Star Masters vol 1 #1
The Punisher vol 3 #1
Lunatik vol 1 #1-2
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Hello! How are you feeling?
What is your motivation to write and what got you to start writing? Did you love to write since you learnt how to or is it a hobby you developed later on? And last but not least - what drew you to Loki?(i hope none of these are too intrusive, if they are, I'm very sorry that i asked that)
I hope you get back to feeling supre healthy in no time me!
Lots of love❤️❤️
Hi there, nonny! ☺️ Well... I'm feeling okay, but not excellent. 🙈 Thanks for asking! ☺️
Ohhh I love your questions! 🥰 Let's dig into this! 😁 (This might become a long answer... I'm already apologising. 🙈)
My motivation: Lot of things. I am a very creative person. I love to explore the 'what if's' of a plot. I love to create my own version of characters and their stories. Also, all the lovely people on here, who are reading my stories are a huge motivation. All my friends on here, who share the same passion as I do. It's great!
What got me into writing: Harry Potter. My first fic was a continuation of a fic (I think. Can't remember exactly, it's been a long time) I read about, uhhh... 8, 9 years back? That was the start. I stopped writing again, though, 'cause I was sooo bad at it. 😅 A really good friend of mine pulled me back into writing again, when she showed me Doctor Who, about 6 years back.
Did I love to write since I learned it or is it a hobby I developed over time? Yep, loved it from the very start. I saw it, tried it, loved it - even though I was really shitty in the beginning. 😂 It was my way of escaping reality - and it still is.
What drew me to Loki: Weeeell... He popped up on my tumblr dashboard from time to time, and I always asked myself: Who is that handsome, mysterious stranger and why is he here??? No joke, he followed me - until I finally decided to find out who the hell he is. That's how I discovered the movie 'Thor'. I watched it and immediately fell head over heels for Loki. It's not just his incredibly good looks, no... I just love his character. He's so multifaceted. He can be dark, mysterious, dangerous, mean and arrogant, but also sassy, funny, vulnerable and utterly charming. Despite that, I tend to love the 'bad guys/misunderstood characters' in movies and series, so... 😅
Thank you sooo much for these questions! They are not intrusive at all! I loved them! 🥰 You are so kind, thank you! Sending lots of love back! 💚
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