asliceofpr 10 years
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Question your audience...
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asliceofpr 10 years
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This is what happens to your brain when you lie. Check out the full infographic here.
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asliceofpr 10 years
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Get your dose of social media tips here!
a.k.a. Life made easy
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asliceofpr 11 years
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Brian Solis speaking the truth as usual. Reminds of another great quote from the king of predictions Nate Silver,
"We demand too much of technology and not enough of ourselves".
Indeed we do.
The 55 Best Social Media Quotes
The 80 Rules of Social Media
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asliceofpr 11 years
"Sketches," a new project from Dove, is an interesting look at self-esteem and ingrained standards of beauty. As seen in the clip above, the experiment involves women sitting down in a room with forensic artist Gil Zamora. They are separated by a curtain: He doesn't see them; they can't see what he's doing. Zamora asks the women to describe their faces, feature by feature.
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asliceofpr 11 years
It starts as a chat between a mobile operator and a customer, and then it just gets weirder and weirder.
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asliceofpr 11 years
Live your life by design instead of by default.
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asliceofpr 11 years
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Funny social media images. Enjoy!
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asliceofpr 11 years
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A San Francisco turned Gotham City made a five-year-old Bat Kid鈥檚 wish come true.
Above, the San Francisco Chronicle printed a special edition of their paper in honor of Bat Kid, with articles written by none other than Lois Lane and Clark Kent.
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asliceofpr 11 years
An Open Confessional
About the聽City of Angeles
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asliceofpr 11 years
Skype鈥檚 Newest Ad聽Deemed a Tear-Jerker
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asliceofpr 11 years
Epic #Hashtag video with Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake.
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asliceofpr 11 years
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Note to self...
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asliceofpr 11 years
Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Steve Jobs
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asliceofpr 11 years
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The Ellen Show is the most-followed brand on Instagram...as of October 25th.
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asliceofpr 11 years
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To blog...or not to blog...THAT is the question!
To blog...THAT is the answer!
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asliceofpr 11 years
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Do you have a PR strategy? Let us help!
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