chanyeolisbeautiful · 5 years
PTSD Symptoms and If Someone You Know Has PTSD
Poor Judgment
Intrusive Memories
Poor Memory
Survivors Guilt
Startle Reflex
Anger and Rage
Self Destructive
Lack of Feelings
Poor Concentration
Poor Self Esteem
Negative Self Image
Excessive Blame
If Someone You Know Has PTSD
Acknowledge the reality of their struggle
Offer to go with them to see a counselor
Listen to them
Encourage and support them
Try to imagine a day and night in their shoes
Accept you will never fully understand what they went through and are going through
Respect their need for space
Ask how you can help and support them….then do that
Call them crazy or weird
Say it is all in their head or they’re making a big deal out of nothing
Assume you know what they’re going through
Judge, pity, or try to fix them
Tell them to suck it up, move on, or just get over it
*Feel free to reblog and add more! These were just the things on the handouts I got during my most recent stay in the hospital.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Guitar Lessons With Chanyeol
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Switching the grocery bags into one hand you used your free hand to unlock the door doing your best not to drop the bags. You slipped quietly inside and the sound of acoustic guitar filled your ears; you felt a smile touch your lips. You loved when Chanyeol played the guitar, the way he seemed to enter a world of his own as his fingers plucked the strings beautiful notes surrounding him. 
Walking up the stairs as quietly as you could you peered around the corner to see Chanyeol sitting on the floor facing away from you, guitar in his lap swaying slightly to the music he was playing. unaware that he had an audience. You leaned on the banister watching him play for a few minutes, just enjoying the sound.
“It’s not polite to eavesdrop.” Chanyeol said, continuing to play seamlessly, you could hear the smile in his voice. Apparently he hadn’t been as unaware as you thought.
“It’s not eavesdropping if I live here too.” You replied walking past him into the kitchen to put away the groceries. You heard him laugh, the sound was as beautiful as the music he was playing you thought to yourself as you put away the flour. The music stopped and not long after you felt Chanyeol’s arms snake around your middle pulling you close to him. 
“Hey.” He said, kissing you on the cheek.
“Hey.” You said, turning in his arms to face him so that you could plant a kiss on his lips. “Don’t stop on my account, I was enjoying the music.” 
“You wanna learn how to play?” He asked, letting go of you and grabbing the eggs off the counter and slipping them into the fridge. You thought of how wonderful it sounded when Chanyeol played, and then thought of yourself holding a guitar; you would have no idea where to even start.
“I’ve never even touched a guitar before.” You told him. He looked up from putting away groceries looking a little shocked. 
“Really?” He asked. When you nodded he smiled saying, “Well it’s about time you did then, isn’t it?” 
Five minutes later you were sitting across from him with his old guitar slung across your body, it felt awkward and too large in your hands.
“Okay,” He began,facing you looking perfectly at home with his guitar in his hands, “So just put your fingers like this.” He demonstrated how he wanted you to place your fingers in order to make the next chord. “This one is “G”.” 
You did your best to replicate the way he held the instrument. 
“Nice, that’s really good.” He said, leaning over his guitar he pulled on your hand gently, pulling it away from the neck without moving your fingers. “Just remember not to rest your fingers on there while your playing.” You nodded, strumming your other hand over the strings, smiling when it made the same noise as Chanyeol’s had made. You looked up to see him smiling back at you.
 “I did it!” You exclaimed, sounding shocked. Chanyeol laughed.
“See, I told you you’d be able to do it.” He said, nudging your leg with his foot. “Now try this one, it’s a C chord.” 
For the next hour or so the two of you sat, Chanyeol explaining to you how to play guitar and you trying to do it. You were really starting to feel an ache in your hand and arm as you stretched it in front of you, opening and closing your fingers. Chanyeol watched you and sighed.
“I forgot how much it hurt before I was used to playing.” He said, placing his guitar down before taking yours out of your hands and grabbing your hand in his. He begun to knead your forearm gently, then winking at you he brought your fingers to his mouth and placed a kiss on them.
“Better?” He asked.
“Much.” You replied as you entwined your fingers with his. 
“That’s probably enough for today, eh?” He said, pulling you off balance with your joined fingers so you fell into his waiting arms. You laughed and leaned into his chest bringing your arms to rest around his neck, breathing in the scent of his musky cologne. 
“I can think of a few other things that we could do instead.” He said suggestively.
“Oh, really?” You asked, pretending not to understand what he meant. “Like what? Should we go out and get some tea, maybe?”
He rolled his eyes, he was onto your games and he was having none of it. Placing his hands on your hips he shifted you so that you were straddling his lap and started kissing your neck, sucking sharply just above your collarbone.
“I think I could be persuaded.” You said a little breathlessly as he brought his lips to yours. You groaned when he deepened the kiss, running your fingers through his hair.
You pouted when he suddenly pulled away. Seeing your expression he laughed and pulled you to your feet, keeping hold of your hand.
“The bed is going to be a little more comfortable.” He explained. You crossed your arms, pretending to think.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go get tea instead?” You asked him innocently. He raised his eyebrows and stepped closer to you so that you were almost touching, you had to tip your head back so that you could see his face.
“Positive.” He replied before scooping you up in his arms. You let out a surprised giggle as he carried you towards the bedroom.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Reunited Part 6
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Taehyung and Jin headed up the stairs of the main house and toward Namjoons office.
“Do you want me to tell him?” Taehyung asked, looking at his friend.
“Thanks man, I appreciate that.” Jin said, sighing. He ran his fingers through his hair. “He needs to hear it from me though.”
Taehyung nodded as they approached the door, knocking twice.
“Come in.” A voice answered. They opened the door, Taehyung was surprised to see Hoseok behind the desk rather than Namjoon.  
“There you are, Jin, where have you been?” Hoseok asked, looking up from the computer. “Namjoon was trying to get a hold of you.”
“Yeah, I’m looking for him too.” Jin answered, “Where is he?”
“He just left a couple hours ago.” Hoseok answered, “He went to go check out that new arms dealer he was looking into.”
“No,” Jin said frowning reaching into his pocket to check his phone, Namjoon would have said something if he were leaving. “That meeting is next week.” Jin cursed when he realized his phone was still off. After turning it on 4 messages came through.
Namjoon 4:05 PM
The time of that guns meeting got changed, flying out tonight, Hoseok’s in charge while I’m gone. call me
Namjoon 4:33 PM
Where R U? Want to go over some stuff before I leave. U still on surveillance? Thought U were done at 2?
Namjoon 5:13 PM
Where R U?
Namjoon 6:07 PM
Boarding plane now, I left that paperwork on my desk, let me know what you think. Text me im starting to worry.
“What?” Hoseok asked, noticing Taehyung and Jin’s exchange a worried glance.
“We’ve got a bit of a situation��” Taehyung started rubbing the bridge of his nose. Just perfect. What awful timing for Namjoon to be on a plane across the country.  Hoseok’s usual smile faded from his face as he crossed his arms regarding the men before him.
“We found Y/n, Namjoon’s sister, the Nox have her, and a hit has been taken out on Namjoon and I.” Jin told Hoseok quickly, pacing back and forth in front of the desk.
“What?!” Hoseok asked shocked, “His sister died years ago Jin, you were there. And who ordered the hit?”
“That’s what we thought too, but Jin saw her.” Taehyung explained, leaning forward in his chair, “As for the hit, we think it came from the Raiders.”
“The Raiders?” Hoseok repeated stunned, “That makes no sense; we don’t even deal with them. And that’s impossible, she’s dead.”  
“Did Namjoon go alone?” Jin asked, suddenly uneasy.
“No, Jimin, Yoongi and the new guy went with him. He should be okay, there is no way the Raiders could have known about the meeting, let alone the change of time.”  Hoseok answered. He was right, Namjoon wasn’t in danger. Only Y/n…
“We have to move fast, we don’t have time to wait until Namjoon is back. Y/n is being married off to Chul-soo of the Raiders. We don’t want any more people involved in this than necessary.” Jin told Hoseok.
“Jin, we can’t make a move like that without Namjoon’s say so.” Hoseok said startled.
“Bullshit!” Jin yelled whirling to face Hoseok. “You know damn well that as soon as he hears he will want every effort put into getting her away from the Nox and as far away from Chul-soo as possible. There is no time to wait. We need to move now! “ Jin slammed his fist on the desk.
Taehyung stood up surprised, Jin was never this easily riled up.
“He’s right, Hoseok.” Taehyung said calmly, “We don’t have time to wait for Namjoon, this has to be your call.”
“Fine.” Hoseok snapped, “Tell me everything you know.”
In your dream you were running down the hall of your childhood home, trying to get away from the flames sobbing. As you ran towards the stairs you realized they were engulfed in flames, you were trapped on the second floor of the house. You could feel the heat everywhere, coughing, you turned, running into your bedroom and slamming the door behind you. There was no way out you realized, panicked. The smoke was so thick it was hard to see, you coughed and coughed until your lungs felt raw inside your chest. You tried to make it to the window but everything was moving in slow motion, you were so lightheaded and dizzy, the smoke was burning your eyes, burning everything.
You woke up gasping for air and covered in sweat, bolting upright.
“Just a nightmare.” You told yourself, rubbing your eyes and trying to catch your breath. “It’s fine. You’re fine.”
But it wasn’t fine. You were trapped in this house and were going to be married off to some nasty old man, you remembered grimly. Nothing was fine. You let out a frustrated sigh as you swung your legs off the bed. You would never get back to sleep now, so you headed down to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee feeling oddly numb.
You passed a few men dressed in dark clothes, judging by their exhausted expressions you decided it must be early in the morning about time for shift change. Glancing at the clock you discovered you were right, it was 4 am, when the men guarding the property switched off. Some of the men nodded to you as you passed, others ignored you. You counted that you had slept about 3 hours.
As you sipped your coffee you wondered where Jungkook was, whether he was still up or if he was in bed by now. You hoped he was sleeping, knowing the last few days had been long with little sleep for him as well. Your mind started to wander as you became more alert, thanks to the caffeine, trying to decide what your next move would be. You needed to leave, and soon, you knew that much. You didn’t know when your uncle planned on having you marry Chul-soo, but you didn’t want to stick around to find out. You would need money if you were going to be on your own… but since you were always trapped here you had none. You were sure that your parents had left you some, but your uncle must have been keeping it from you. You knew Shewan had stashes throughout the top floor of the house, the only floor that was off limits to everyone unless they were personally invited by Shewan. It would be incredibly risky to sneak up there and try and steal from your uncle… but you really didn’t have another option. You didn’t like the idea of taking money that wasn’t your, but you pushed that thought away.
You sighed, glancing at the clock again. If you were going to do it, now would be the time. Your uncle slept like the dead and would be fast asleep at this time. You gulped down the last few sips of your coffee and quietly climbed up the 4 sets of stairs, hesitating before carrying on to the 5th floor. Looking around you, you saw no one else was up here, all either already fast asleep or working. You took a deep breath and hurried up the stairs, heading first towards the study, the stash farthest away from your uncles bedroom.
Once inside you moved around the desk to the bookshelf on the other side, moving quickly you reached for the large book you knew was hollow. Opening it you were relieved when you saw 50 and 100 dollar bills stacked neatly. Your uncle hadn’t changed his hiding spots, and you’d memorized them all when you had first been moved in here, mostly out of boredom. You grabbed a few bills before hurrying to the next locations. You were growing more paranoid by the moment, not wanting to be caught you took a few bills from all the hiding spots and hurried back down stairs, breathing  a sigh of relief when you were back on the 4th floor.
“What are you doing up here?”
You almost screamed as you spun around to face the voice, coming face to face with Jackson, who was eyeing you suspiciously.
“I um,” You stuttered, “had to use the bathroom.”  Jackson raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
“And why didn’t you use one of the three bathrooms on the same floor as your room?” He questioned, his eyes darting towards the stairs to your uncles floor. Oh god, you thought trying to remain calm, he must have seen you.
“They were all occupied.” You answered, crossing your arms and trying to match his intimidating posture. He noticed this and his eyebrows moved even father up his forehead, disappearing under his hair.
“Sure.” He sighed, his eyes softening a bit, you could tell he didn’t believe you but it seemed like he was going to let it go. “How’s the face?”
“Oh, not too bad…” You trailed off, surprised that he was asking. “Thank you.”
“Don’t sweat it.” He said, his eyes scanning the hall and both sets of stairs. “Want me to walk you back down to your room?”
“No, no, that’s okay.” You answered; the money in your pockets feeling like it weighed about a hundred pounds. “Thanks though, good night.” You said over your shoulder, already halfway to the stairs, you looked back to see him shaking his head and walking towards his room.
Once back in your room you counted the money, you had gotten $3,250. That should be enough to buy food and a hotel, possibly a train ticket. You still had no idea where you were planning to go, just knowing that you needed to go.
“You know something!” Jungkook accused his father who was standing a foot in front of him, just outside one of the back entrances of the house. “Why Chul-soo? Why is he doing this at all?”
“Let it go, son.” Lee sighed, crossing his arms. “It’s done.”
“It doesn’t make any sense, Shewan doesn’t need the money, the alliance with the Raiders won’t benefit him, he doesn’t need to do this.”
“He’s got his reasons.” Lee said sharply, narrowing his eyes at his son, “And his not your place to question them. It’s above your pay grade, leave it alone.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jungkook spat. “I’m your son, doesn’t that mean anything to you anymore?”
“You’re a grown man now, Jeon Jungkook, start fucking acting like it.” Lee growled, “My advice to you is say your goodbyes, it’s happening soon, whether you like it or not. You might still see her every now and again, who knows. But she’s not your problem anymore, now you’ll get to go out full time like the other guys, that’ll come with a raise. You should be happy.”
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. “He’ll kill her, you know it’ll happen eventually, you’ve known her since she was sixteen years old, how can you just be okay with this?!”
“It’s done.” Lee said turning to leave.
“Why won’t you fucking talk to me?” Jungkook yelled, grabbing his father by the shoulder and spinning him around to face him. Lee brought his fist up before Jungkook saw it coming - a result of him being so upset- and punched him square in the face, knocking him onto his back. Lee pressed his knee into Jungkook’s chest leaning in until his face was inches from his sons.
“I said leave it alone, boy.” Lee spat. Jungkook shoved him hard so that he fell sideways off of him, they both stood up quickly.
“I don’t even know who you are anymore.” Jungkook told his father, wiping the blood from his nose onto his sleeve; he turned and walked quickly away into the yard. He needed some air, needed to calm down before he decided what to do next. He was acting irrationally, Jungkook knew that. He needed to pull himself together or else he was going to make a stupid mistake. In his line of work stupid mistakes could easily get you killed, and after the conversation with his father, he knew it wasn’t just himself he was going to need to make decisions for.
You needed to leave, that was the only way Jungkook could see you getting out of this, he thought to himself as he walked the perimeter of the property.
Thanks for reading, hope you guys are enjoying :)
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
BTS Reaction To You Looking Innocent Whil Giving Them Head
Request- kpopcrybaby: Bts reaction to you looking innocent while giving them head? Sorry if you don't do smut
I’ve never tried to write smut before, but I’m going to give it a try!
You and Jin had been watching a movie and somehow it turned into the two of you messing around. You were now kneeling in between Jin’s legs while he sat on a chair in your living room, his fingers laced through your hair as you kissed down his abdomen, clothes thrown haphazardly across the room. 
“Y/n...” Jin groaned as you stopped kissing just before your lips touched his cock. You looked up at him with a small smile on your face, knowing exactly what you were doing to him. “You’re teasing me.” He accused.
“Only a little.” You assured him, running your fingernails up and down his thighs as you brought your mouth back down and licked up his cock once before kissing up and down his stomach again. When he let out a small whimper you took pity on him and took him fully into your mouth.
Jin looked down at you with adoration and pleasure written all over his face, wondering what he had done to be so lucky. He ran his fingers through your hair as you bobbed up and down on him, he was struck by how innocent you looked while giving him head. He sucked in a breath wondering how you could look so sweet an innocent while doing such a thing. 
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“Holy shit!” Yoongi gasped as you sucked him off, he had one hand on the back of your head and one hand clenched in the sheets. 
You smirked around your mouthful before focusing on the taste and feel of him in your mouth, loving the way he was writhing at your touch, it made you feel so powerful and in control, a role that Yoongi usually played. It was fun to be in charge every now and again.
Yoongi was watching your face as you sucked on his cock, savoring the feeling of being intimate with you this way. Your eyes were closed and when you moved a stray piece of hair from off of your face he was struck by how innocent and delicate you looked and his chest swelled with love. 
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Hoseok groaned with pleasure as he looked down at you on your knees in front of him, his dick in your mouth as you sucked slowly and bobbed up and down. It was strange, but you looked so innocent, even like this in the most mature of situations. He loved you for so many reasons, and how innocent you always looked was one of them. He gently grabbed your shoulders and pulled you back.
“What are you doing?” You asked, looking up at Hoseok with confusion as we helped you to your feet and guided you to the bed. 
“Your turn.” He murmured as he pushed you onto your back on the bed, smiling as he disappeared between your thighs 
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Namjoon was laying on his back as you sucked his cock, groaning as you increased your pace. He looked down at your innocent face doing a far from innocent act and smiled, this was one of the things he loved most about you. How one minute you were asking him a question about how to spell “Cake” in English, and with the next breath telling him you were going to give him give a blow job and to take his pants off, still with that same innocent expression you were wearing now. 
“Y/n... I love you.” He gasped as you smiled around his cock.
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Jimin looked down, smiling fondly at the image before him; you on your knees with his dick in your mouth sucking softly, swirling your tongue around his tip. You were going to be the death of him, he was sure. Jimin groaned as he watched your face, somehow still looking as innocent as ever, even with him in your mouth. 
“Y/n...” He sighed, leaning his head back and enjoying the feeling.
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“Y/n.” Taehyung growled, trying to keep his hands from holding your hair too roughly, “I’m close.” He gasped as you sucked harder and faster, he looked down at your face and was struck by how innocent you looked with his cock in your mouth, a fierce wave of protectiveness washed over him. He finished with a low groan making you smile as you wiped your mouth on the back of your hand.
Taehyung then kissed you, leaning you back until you were the one laying on your back, him leaning over you. 
“I’m going to make you feel so good, baby.” He told you, one hand moving down to stroke you underneath your P.J shorts. A shiver ran down your spine at his words, back arching trying to lean into his touch.
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You loved the feeling of going down on Jungkook, the sounds he made and the way he kept pushing your hair away from your face so he could see you. You loved knowing how he would eagerly return the favor once he had finished, he was always so passionate. 
“Y/n, oh god!” He gasped, his fingers pushing your hair back again, loving the feeling of your warm tongue moving around him. He was watching your face closely, fascinated by how innocent you looked, fuck it was hot, he thought to himself as his breathing hitched. 
Afterward the two of you lay down, a mess of sweat, sheets, and exhaustion, Jungkook on his back and you wrapped around him, your head on his chest, one leg thrown across his thighs. 
“That was amazing.” He told you softly, rubbing circles onto your shoulder with his thumb. When you didn’t respond he shifted slightly so that he could see your face. He smiled fondly when he saw that you were fast asleep, kissing your forehead. 
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
jonas-schaefer :•FRIDAY NIGHT• You’re laying in Tae’s lap while you watch a movie. He keeps pulling on your ringlets absentmindedly, not knowing it’s turning you on a little. You accidentally let out a little moan. You look up quickly, embarrassed. But then the smirk on Tae’s face tells you maybe it wasn’t all that innocent after all... 
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It was a pretty typical Friday night, you and Taehyung were lounging on the couch watching a movie. Tae sat upright in the seat, leaned back into the cushions, your head cradled in his lap facing the T.V. Your hair was freshly washed and almost dry from your shower, smelling of your favorite shampoo. 
As you focused on the T.V screen Tae started to run his fingers through your curls, pulling them with his fingers and watching them bounce back up. You just loved when he played with your hair, there was something very soothing about it... you loved it very much. Your attention had completely switched from the movie to the feel of Tae’s fingers in your hair, the way his finger nails grazed your scalp. It remineded you of how he would sometimes wind his fingers into your hair while he kissed you, as if to make sure you didn’t go anywhere. 
You felt yourself start to get turned on, closing your eyes and smiling softly, as his fingers continued to pull at your hair. You surprised yourself when a low moan slipped from your lips, your hands smacking against your mouth to keep from further embarassing yourself. You glanced up at Tae, expecting him to be laughing at you.
He wasn’t. He had a little smirk on his face; he had known what he was doing to you, turning you on had been his goal. Well, mission accpomplished. 
He pulled you into a sitting position. The two of you sat silently staring into each others eyes for a few seconds, his gaze intense as his face came closer and closer to yours. His hand came to rest on your cheek as the other hand wound into the hair on the back of your head and used his grip to pull you closer until his lips were crashing down on yours. You let out another little moan that Taehyung swallowed hungrily. 
Taehyung laid you down on the couch, coming to rest nearly totally on top of you, pressed in between your legs, his lips leaving yours for only a second before coming back to yours. 
The movie was 100% forgotten about, maybe one of these days you two would make it through a whole movie. But not today, because after all, it was a typical Friday night. 
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Meme Reaction Request to Tight Dress
Request: gatsby-morrison: So this is a request, yeah? A reaction meme for all of the boys. You have both been really busy with work lately and you finally decide to go to a party to blow off some steam. When you walk out the door in that skin-tight black leather dress, you can tell he can’t wait to bring you right back home.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Broken Part 3
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The car ride back to Taehyung’s was silent, the three of you lost in your own thoughts.
“I’m going to take a shower.” You announced when you arrived at the apartment, “Jungkook, do you mind bringing my bags up, I don’t think I can with my ribs.”
“Of course, Y/n.” Jungkook replied softly, he felt bad for you. He knew you were angry with Taehyung, and that it had frightened you to have seen him beating the shit out of your ex. That being true, Jungkook was glad that Tae had gotten a couple good punches in before he had pulled him off of Dongyong.
You knew you were being petty by asking Jungkook to carry in your bags, rather than asking your Taehyung, but you were so shaken up that you didn’t care, storming up the stairs. You walked right past Jimin who was sitting on the couch eating his cereal, unaware of everything that was going on. You ignored his shocked expression as you walked past him into the bathroom, locking the door behind you and climbing into the shower.
You let the hot water run over you, the events of the last 24 hours running through your mind at lightning speed. You began to sob, hoping the sound would be covered by the running water, and holding your ribs that were protesting as you cried.
“What the hell is going on?!” Jimin demanded when Jungkook and Taehyung came in carrying your bags.
“Taehyung’s an idiot.” Jungkook repeated, placing your bags down on the floor before sitting on the couch beside Jimin.
“What happened to Y/n?” Jimin asked still shocked at seeing your face covered in bruises, looking at Taehyung, he noticed he had a swollen lip. “And what the hell happened to you?”  Jimin nodded in Taehyung’s direction. Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair, wondering how long you would be pissed at him. He walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, not bothering to answer Jimin.
Jimin looked at Jungkook expectantly. Jungkook sighed and told Jimin the events that had taken place over the last 24 hours.
 “Wow.” Jimin said once Jungkook was done explaining, “That’s fucked. Is she okay?”
Tae sighed before answering, “Well, you saw her, she’s pretty roughed up and upset.”
“I bet she is.” Jimin said, shaking his head. The three men sat in silence for a while, Jimin eventually turning back to his cereal and Jungkook flicking on the T.V. Taehyung sat listening to the sound of the shower, wondering how angry you would be when you got out.
You sighed as you took in your bruised face in the mirror, running your hairbrush through your matted hair, thinking about the time Dongyong had taken you out for the first time. He had taken you to go get ice cream on a rather cold night in July, then the two of you had walked down the street hand in hand, you wearing his jacket that he insisted you take. You remembered the way he had gently held your face in his hands as he kissed you for the first time, how the kiss had felt so right and perfect. You felt tears sting your eyes. The Dongyong you knew back then was so different from the one who had hurt you last night;  you had trouble accepting that they were the same person.
Once you put on a pair of sweats and a hoodie you sat on Taehyung’s bed with your face in your hands trying to make sense of everything that had happened in the last couple days. What were you going to do now? Your old apartment was rented out now, you’d sold most of your things when you’d moved in with Dongyong, leaving you with very little in the way of house hold items.
You sighed, feeling guilty about the way you had yelled at Taehyung, after all wouldn’t you have done the same thing if the situation were reversed and somebody had left him beaten and bruised? Probably. He was just trying to help and protect you, had taken you in and made sure you were taken care of and you had yelled at him in return.
A small knock on the open door caught your attention, you looked up to find Taehyung peeking through the door way looking unsure, a glass of water in his hand.
“Hey, Tae.” You said, smiling weakly at him. You saw his shoulders sag in relief at your change of attitude and you felt more guilt pile on. He entered his room and came to sit beside you on the bed.
“It’s time for your next dose.” Tae told you, taking the bottle of pain killers out of his pocket, handing you the glass of water as he removed a pill from the container, passing it to you as well.
“Thank you.” You said, taking the meds gratefully, really feeling the ache in your ribs. Your head had been hurting as well, but the doctor said that you probably had a concussion and to expect as much. Tae smiled back at you, still looking a little nervous.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you, I was being a jerk, I know you were just looking out for me.” You told him, looking into his brown eyes.
“I’m sorry I hit Dongyong… kind of.” Taehyung replied, making a surprised laugh bubble out of your mouth. “I am sorry I lost my temper in front of you, that didn’t help things.”
“It’s okay.” You told him, looking away.
“If it’s okay then way do you still look so upset?” He asked, nudging you gently with his shoulder. You sighed heavily.
“I just don’t understand. I love him Tae, I don’t know how he can go from being so sweet and good to me to doing what he did. I just don’t understand.”  You said quietly, feeling tears start to leak down your cheeks. “I’m so stupid.”
Taehyung ignored the twist he felt in his chest as you said you loved Dongyong. “Hey, you’re not stupid. He did this, not you. You did nothing wrong.” He told you, rubbing your back as you leaned into his side.
“It’s just such a mess, I can’t go back there, my old apartment is rented out, I don’t know what I’m going to do.” You said, wishing your parents were still alive, you would have loved to talk to your mom right now. She had always known what to say and do. But they had died in a car crash when you were 11.
“You’re gonna stay with me obviously.” Taehyung said, surprised that it wasn’t clear to you.
“You’ve got roommates, Tae, I would be imposing. I should check into a hotel or something.” You replied, wiping the tears off of your cheeks. You had cried more in the last 48 hours than you had in the last year, you were sure.
“Fuck that.” Tae said, sounding almost offended, “The guys love you, you used to be here all the time anyways and they never had a problem with it. Just stay here for a while until you get things figured out.”
“Are you sure they’re going to be okay with it?” You asked, searching his face.
“Yes. You’re staying here.” He told you, jaw set stubbornly.
“Thank you.” You said, turning to hug him, leaning into him and sighing. “For everything Tae.”
Taehyung put his arms around you careful not to hug you too tightly in order to avoid hurting you.  He wasn’t used to you being so touchy feely with him, he was enjoying this hug way too much. She’s not yours, he reminded himself sternly. He had to keep his feelings for you in check, the last thing you needed right now was finding out your best friend had feelings for you.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Reunited Part 5
Sorry about how long it’s been since I’ve posted, here is part 5... Finally! Hope you enjoy :) 
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“Jungkook?” You asked, opening the door, positive you’d heard his voice. Jungkook froze when he saw your face, his eyes locked on your swollen cheek and eye that was already starting to bruise.
“Shewans has a meeting with a new recruit. You owe me, make it fast.” Jackson said, moving aside as Jungkook walked into your room, nodding at Jackson before shutting the door behind him.  
“Y/n, what happened?” He asked, his hand moving to your face, fingers prodding your swollen face gently.
“I’m fine.” You told him pushing his hands away, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes. Jungkook sat on your bed, pulling you down with him and bringing you into his chest, his arms around you. You returned his embrace, giving in to the comfort of his arms.
“He told me I have to marry some guy, Jungkook! Some old gross man.” You told him in a rush. “I won’t do it. I need to get out of here, I can’t-“
“Wow, wow, slow down. Shewan said you have to marry someone? Who!?” Jungkook asked trying to control the unease he was feeling. It wasn’t uncommon for powerful leaders to make alliances by marrying off a female family member to a powerful member of other gangs. These situations never went well for the woman.
“Some Chul-soo guy, he’s disgusting.” You told him, a shiver running through your body as you remembered the way Chul-soo’s eyes had roamed your body. Jungkook’s hand stopped moving on your back. Chul-soo? Why would Shewan choose him of all people to marry you off to? He wasn’t particularly powerful, just a higher up in one of the smaller gangs across town, they mostly arranged deals between other more powerful gangs, and did some paid hits. He was known for being a dick that has an eye for younger girls, if the rumors were true, he had recently killed his last wife in a domestic dispute.  Shewan was a dick, but surely he wouldn’t knowingly arrange for his niece to be married to a man that would surely abuse her. Even he couldn’t be that heartless.
“Chul-soo?” Jungkook asked, his voice intentionally calm, “Are you sure that was his name?”
“Yes, positive. Why?” You asked looking up at him through watery eyes. “Do you know him?”
Jungkook hesitated before answering, he didn’t want to scare you by telling you too much about him, so he kept it simple.
“He’s just some guy from one of the smaller gangs.” Jungkook told you in a dismissive tone. He was trying to keep the panic he was feeling from frightening you further. He took a deep breath as you hiccupped, your tears mostly subsided.
“I won’t marry him Jungkook, I can’t, he’s just- I can’t.” You told him in a rush, not even sure what you were trying to say. “I’ve got to get out of here. My life is over if I don’t, I can’t marry a stranger twice my age. I can’t live this life of being caged up and being treated as someone else’s property anymore.”
“I know, Y/n, I know.” Jungkook said sympathetically rubbing your back again. “It’s going to be okay.” He had no idea how, but it had to be okay, you had to be okay. “We’ll figure this out, we will.”
You took a deep breath and leaned into Jungkook, thankful that he was here, you felt his arms tighten around you as you tried to control your ragged breathing. You thought of Chul-soo and the way his eyes had devoured your body and shuddered. There was no way you would let him touch you, you were sure of that. You knew there would be no persuading your uncle once his mind had been made up he never changed it. The only option was to get out of here you thought to yourself.
“Don’t go getting any ideas about sneaking off on your own, Y/n.” Jungkook told you sternly, as if reading your mind, he pulled you back by the shoulders, enough so that you could see the intense look on his face. “You know Shewan would find you and make life a living hell for you once he got you back here.”
You looked him straight in the eye, “What is my life now, Jungkook? My life is a living hell, I’m 19 years old and I’m not allowed to leave this fucking house on my own. I’m a prisoner, and now he’s selling me to some old pervert. I have no say. I can’t do this anymore, I can’t. I won’t.” You told him, hysteria edging its way back into your voice.
“I know, I know.” Jungkook said in a soothing tone as he pulled you back against his chest, rocking you slightly in his arms. “You’re not alone in this, I won’t let him do this to you. If it comes down to it we’ll run.”
“No.” You told him fiercely, “He would kill you if left with me against his will. I have to go on my own.” It would be hard to leave Jungkook behind, but it was the only way you could see getting yourself away from the current situation. Your uncle really would kill him for helping you get away, you knew that. You couldn’t let that happen, not to Jungkook. The thought of him being killed made you shudder.
“You’d never make it alone, Y/n.” Jungkook said exasperated, “Shewan would find you, you can’t just leave and go live a normal life with him looking for you. You’ll need to lay low and keep yourself safe. I don’t mean this to be an insult, I really don’t; but you’re naïve in all of this, you don’t know how to defend yourself from people like him. You don’t even know how to fire a gun, Y/n, this is my area of expertise, not yours.”
Three loud knocks on the door had you both turning towards the other side of the room, momentarily distracted from your quiet argument. Jackson was telling you time was up. Jungkook sighed, not happy to be leaving the conversation this way.
“Look.” He said, turning back to you, “We have some time to figure this out, okay? Sleep on it, I’ll come up with something. Just please promise me that you won’t try and run off tonight.”
You crossed your arms, as much as you were feeling the need to put as much distance between you and this whole situation as you could, Jungkook was right. You had no experience in protecting yourself, or keeping yourself hidden. You would be stupid to leave without a plan.
“Fine. “ You agreed in a small voice.
“Thank you.” Jungkook said, grabbing the frozen peas from the bed and pushing them into your hand, then guiding that hand up to press the peas against your swollen face. “Keep this on your face for a while, it’s really starting to swell.” He told you, wincing as he took in your appearance. Shewan had done a number on your face, he thought, disgusted that Shewan had hit you.
“We’ll talk it over tomorrow.” Jungkook promised as he slipped out the door, shutting it silently behind him. You sighed, pressing the peas to your face, flinching as it touched your bruising skin. You would wait to leave, think it over, but you were definitely leaving here; with or without Jungkook’s help.
Jungkook shut the door to your room silently behind him, coming face to face with Jackson, much closer than Jungkook had expected him to be.
“Thanks man.” Jungkook said to him before trying to push past him, not entirely sure where he was going, but knowing he had to figure this out now. Jungkook stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned back to face Jackson.
“Hold up…” Jackson started, his face knotted with concern, “Look, I know this must fucking suck for you, but don’t go doing something stupid and getting yourself killed.”  
“Chul-soo, Jackson.” Jungkook said in a disgusted tone, crossing his arms as he regarded his friend. “I can’t just let that happen to her. I don’t get it. Do you know why he’s doing this?”
“No.” Jackson sighed. “But it’s not your fight man, I know you care about her, but you know what you’re up against here. He’d find you both and he will kill you, do you think Y/n would rather that?”
Jungkook shoved his fingers through his hair roughly, not sure how to respond. They didn’t usually make a habit of talking about feelings, even though he considered Jackson one of his only friends here.
“I’ve gotta go.” Jungkook told Jackson, pushing past him before Jackson could stop him, heading down the stairs in search of his father. He had to know something about this, he always knew more than everyone else.
Taehyung sighed as he came back into the house, glancing at the clock he noted that it was almost 3 in the morning. It had been a long night that ended with him getting some unsettling news from one of his informants.
Taehyung walked up a flight of stairs just past the entry way, past the beautiful stained glass window that overlooked the huge fenced property, heading to Jin’s room.
“Jin?” Tae asked, letting himself into the dark room. When he got no response, he flicked on the light, expecting Jin to be asleep. He looked around, the room and Jin’s bed were empty. Taehyung cursed, turning off the light and closing the door. He headed to the kitchen where he found a group of guys, none of which were the one he was looking for. They stopped their conversation to greet him.
“Hey Tae, wanna drink?” Hoseok offered, smiling warmly.
“Not tonight.” Tae said, returning the smile with a shake of his head.
“Suit yourself, more for me.” Hoseok replied, turning back to his friends.
Taehyung found Jin in the garage, going over some pictures he had taken earlier that day. The first was of the girl Jin had called Y/n. She was standing in what they presumed was her room, looking out the window, the one Jin had said was named Jungkook visible just to her left. Jin pressed a button on the camera, the next picture appeared. Jin nodded at Taehyung, angling the camera so that Tae had a better view.
“I couldn’t get any decent pictures, they’ve got tight security, only a few cameras, but men posted at all the entrances, I couldn’t get close.” Jin complained. The second picture was of a man getting out of an expensive looking Audi, being greeted by a man with slicked back hair. The next photo was of both of them going into the massive house.
“Haven’t seen this guy yet, he’s new. Do you recognize him?” Jin asked Tae, zooming in on the man’s face.
“I think I do…” Tae said, not totally sure how to begin to tell Jin what his guy had found. Jin looked at Taehyung, surprised by the hesitance in his voice.
“What? Who is he?” Jin asked sharply, eyeing his friends face.
“His name is Chul-soo.” Tae began. “From that smaller gang on the north end of the city.”
“The one that killed his wife? What would he be doing at the Nox masion?” Jin asked, looking puzzled. Taehyung understood his confusion, the two gangs had no ties, it was frustrating Tae that he couldn’t find the connection.
“My guy said something about marrying off one of the girls in the house.” Tae told him, watching for Jin’s reaction. Jin’s eye’s widened.
“We’ve only seen one girl in that place, just Y/n!” Jin said his tone even, but Tae could see the the panic on his face.  “It has to be her.”
“Yeah, that’s how it seems.” Tae replied, slipping his hands into his pockets. “This kind of speed up our time line a bit. We are going to want to get to her before it’s another gang involved. The Nox are going to give us enough trouble.”
Jin nodded, trying to think through his panic. Chul-soo though not much of a threat to the Bangtan’s was going to be a threat to Y/n. Jin couldn’t bear to think of you alone with that man. He had a reputation of being quite rough with women.
“That’s not all, Jin.” Tae said, keeping his voice even. “My guy said In exchange for the marriage, Chul-soo will be arranging a hit on Namjoon, and you.”
Jin’s face hardened. “That makes no sense, we have never done business with the Nox. Why would they be targeting us?” Jin asked, starting to pace up and down the garage. 
“Apparently something about the two of you knowing something.” Tae said.
“I don’t understand.” Jin stated, looking at Tae. Tae just shrugged, not sure either. 
“I think it’s time we tell Namjoon.” Taehyung told Jin. “He deserves to know, and we are going to have to move fast.”
Jin nodded again, standing up and taking in a deep breath. “This is going to be a long night.” He told Taehyung as they headed for the main house.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Send me requests!!
Hello lovelies :) please feel free to send me requests, I feel like writing!!  
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
BTS Reaction To Seeing You Defend Yourself From A Drunk Guy Before They Have The Chance To
Jin was watching you closely from across the room, the party in full swing around him. You were talking to a man he didn’t recognize; but that wasn’t what was bothering him. He trusted you and had never worried about you cheating on him. What was bothering him was your ridged posture and obviously uncomfortable body language as the man placed his hands on your waist.
Jin got up immediately, intending to shove the guy away from you and give him a piece of his mind. No one made his girl uncomfortable. Just as he was about to start yelling at the guy, he saw you shove him hard in the chest with one hand, and throw your drink into his face. You turned to storm away and walked right into Jin’s chest, knocking yourself backwards. Jin’s arm’s snaked around you to stop you from falling, pulling you into his chest instead. You could feel him shaking with laughter.
“So feisty!” Jin teased you lightheartedly, kissing the top of your head. “Good for you, baby.” He said more seriously.
“I just want to go home.” You said in a disgusted tone, watching as the drunk man wiped his face furiously. He looked like he was about to yell at you, but thought better of it when his eye’s landed on Jin. Deciding instead to walk the other way, after throwing you a dirty look of course.
“Then let’s go.” Jin said, still laughing. “I’ve just seen your bad side, and I don’t want to be on it.”
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When Namjoon saw you talking to some guy from across the club he didn’t think much of it, you seemed to know someone everywhere you went, but when he noticed him getting closer to you and you backing up looking uncomfortable he frowned. He started making his way through the crowded room, pushing past the drunk dancing people. When he got close enough he noticed that not only did you look uncomfortable, you looked straight up pissed.
“Seriously?” He heard you say to the large drunk man as he reached for you and you slapped his hand away, “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?” 
Namjoon felt his face flush with anger, he didn’t like seeing some guy disrespecting his girlfriend. He was almost close enough to rip him off of you. The drunk man leaned in, as if he were going to kiss you. 
“Hey, get away from her!” He yelled as he was only a few steps away. Just then he saw his sweet, innocent girlfriend bring her knee up and hit the asshole right in the junk, sending him to the ground in pain, grabbing at his crotch. 
Namjoon stopped in his tracks. Apparently you didn’t need any saving, he thought to himself as his shocked eyes met yours. 
“Nice.” He said to you, a wide grin on his face. “I was about to come to your rescue, and hit that guy for trying that on you... but it seems like you’ve done a good job on your own.”
You felt the anger draining from your body and you smiled a bit. “He didn’t really leave me a choice. He was being such a pig. You could hit him anyways if you’d like.” You joked as Namjoon pulled you into a hug.
“Stupid bitch!” The man gasped from the floor, still clutching his aching balls. 
Namjoon tensed to move in the mans direction and you tightened your arms around him.
“Don’t. Please.” You told him, taking his hand and trying to pull him towards the exit.” After a moment of hesitation he laced his fingers with yours and walked with you out the door.
“That was kind of hot.” He told you smiling.
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Yoongi had just turned away from the bar, a drink in each hand, to see a man pestering you at your table. He clenched his jaw and walked a bit quicker, annoyed that this guy obviously wasn’t accepting the fact that he’d been rejected. He had only been gone a couple of minutes and some guy was hitting on you. He knew how much you hated it when he lost his temper, so he took a deep breath. He was going to try really hard not to hit the guy, or scream.. too loudly.
“Look.” He heard you say, anger laced through your usually soft voice, making it hard. “I have a boyfriend. And even if I didn’t, I’m not interested. Get lost.” You told him, crossing your arms in your signature ‘don’t fuck with me’ stance.
“Did I fucking stutter?” You asked the man, raising your eyebrow. Thankfully, the man rolled his eyes before walking away. You sighed in relief, you really hated confrontation. Just then you noticed Yoongi to your left, a huge smile on his face; he must have heard the whole thing.
“That’s my girl.” He said proudly, placing the drinks on the table as you both sat down, watching the other man leave. He was a little surprised that you had told the man off, but he was glad that you had stood up for yourself. He never minded when he had to step in to defend you, but he liked that fact that you didn’t need him to. 
“And you worry about my temper?” He joked, and you nudged him with your elbow.
“Careful, or you’ll be next.” You told him, giggling as you leaned into his side.
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You and Hoseok were at a mutual friends party on the other side of town, for the most part you were both having a great time. Hoseok had noticed a guy he didn’t know staring at you from across the room, but didn’t think much of it. You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he know other people saw it too. 
But when he noticed the man approach you while he was across the room talking with a few old friends he frowned. He didn’t want to be that overbearing boyfriend so he stayed where he was, but kept his eye on on the man.
When the man moved in to kiss you he crossed the room quickly, watching with rage as the man held your face tightly in his grip as you tried to pull away from him, his lips crashing down on yours. You pushed the mans chest hard, throwing him off balance enough that he released you. You didn’t even think as your hand flew through the air, slapping him hard across his face. 
“Fuck you!” You yelled at him as he held his hand to his face in shock. He took an angry step towards you.
“Back the hell off.” Hoseok said loudly from behind you, making you jump, his hand resting on your hip as he stared down the other man. The man was drunk enough to try and kiss a girl who had said no, but not drunk enough to start a fight with her boyfriend apparently, because he stumbled off. 
“Are you okay, Jagi?” Hoseok asked, rubbing at the red marks the man’s fingers had left on your face.
“I’m fine.” You told him, pulling his hands away from your face so you could hold them. “Can we go? I don’t want to see him again.” You told him, your expression showing your worry.
“Sure, baby.” Hoseok said, smiling at you. He knew how upset you’d be if he had hit the dick, so he was glad that you had at least gotten a good smack in.
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Jimin saw red from across the club when he saw a man that was obviously very drunk putting his hands all over you as you tried to push him away. 
“Come on, baby, just a little kiss.” The guy slurred as his hands roamed up and down your sides, making your skin crawl. You stomped as hard as you could on his foot with your high heel, making him yell in surprise and pain. 
“You little bitch!” He yelled, reaching for you again. Before he could grab you, you elbowed him in the stomach and pushed him with all your strength, running in the opposite direction, thankful that he was so drunk that he fell over.
Jimin felt pride chisel away some of his anger as he watched you push the pervert to the ground. He was torn for a moment, wanting to go and beat the shit out of the guy who had come on to you so aggressively, but also wanting to go after you and make sure you were alright. Sighing, he turned and followed you towards the exit, you were his top priority after all. Hopefully he would run into that guy later.
“Y/n?” He called once outside, confused when he didn’t see you at first. 
“Over here.” He heard you say, turning to see you leaning against the wall on  the other side of the door looking worried.
Jimin pulled you into his arms when he saw how shaken up you were. He didn’t blame you, knowing it must have been a scary as hell for you.
“Jimin, some guy... he...” You started, not really sure what had just happened.
“I know.” He said in a soothing tone, trying his best not to let his anger seep into his voice, despite the fact that he was shaking with rage. “I saw the whole thing. You did so good baby, I’m proud of you.” He told you rubbing your back.
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Taehyung wasn’t a violent guy, he never had been, so he was a bit surprised when the he felt the urge to punch the guy he saw with his hands on your thighs. You were sitting on the couch at the party the two of you were at, looking extremely uncomfortable as some random guy grabbed at your legs. 
Taehyung moved across the room quickly, ignoring the confused look from Jimin who he had been talking to a second earlier, heading to shove the guy away from you. Before he had the chance to get into what would be his first real fight, you slapped the guy hard across the face, standing up in one quick motion.
“Keep your hands to yourself, you nasty perv!” You yelled at the guy just as Taehyung reached your side. Tae was shocked, he had never seen you behave like this. “No means no. It’s not that fucking hard!”
You felt someone grab your hand, you ripped it away and turned, ready to tell somebody else off too, but stopped when you realized it was Tae, looking at you with a shocked expression. That was when you noticed everyone around you staring. Tae grabbed your hand again, this time you let him guide you out of the crowd, grateful for his presence as he pulled you outside.
“I’m sorry Tae, I just-”
“Sorry?” Taehyung asked shocked, “For what?” 
“For making a scene...” You mumbled, not able to meet his eye. You felt his hand under your chin, gently tilting your head up to meet his gaze. He was smiling at you, his eye’s warm
“Don’t you ever be sorry for defending yourself, Y/n.” He told you in a low voice. “I was about to make an even bigger scene than the one you made, but I think you handled it much better than I was going to.” Tae pulled you into a hug, which you happily returned.
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Furious didn’t even begin to describe what Jungkook was feeling as he entered the bar to see some man had you pushed up against the wall as you struggled against him. He had come to pick you up after a girls night out, but when you weren’t waiting outside in the parking lot like you told him you’d be, he had come in to find you. He clenched his jaw as he rushed towards you, ready to rip the man off of you.
Just before Jungkook reached you, you shoved your forearm up to push against the man’s throat making him back up a little. You were shaking with fear, but when the man moved to come closer to you again you balled your fist and punched him as hard as you could in the face. 
That’s when Jungkook reached you, taking in the shocked expression on your face. He wasn’t sure who was more surprised that you had punched the guy; you or him. Before he had time to decide, Jungkook noticed the drunk man advancing on you again. 
You watched in horror as the man you had just hit started coming towards you again, tears filled your eyes as you braced for him to grab you. Then out for nowhere Jungkook appeared, punching the man in the face, sending him falling to the ground with a thud. 
Jungkook put his arm around you and quickly pulled you out the back exit, he felt another wave of rage when he noticed your smaller body shaking with fear. You were crying. 
“Hey.” He said as softly as he could manage once you two had made it outside. He pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back, “You’re okay, it’s okay now. I promise.” 
“Jungkook.” You whispered, holding onto him tightly and trying to steady your voice. “I”m so glad you’re here.” He smiled, giving you a squeeze.
“You looked like you were doing pretty good without me.” He said and you laughed shakily. “You’ll have to teach me that right hook of yours some time.” He joked, causing you to laugh again, much to his relief you had stopped crying. He pulled away just enough so that he could see your face.
“Are you okay?” He asked, no longer joking. You nodded, and he pulled you back into his arms, your face buried in his chest as you breathed in his comforting scent. 
“Good.” He said, “Let’s get you home then.” Jungkook was glad that he had gotten there when he did, but he was also glad that you had stood up for yourself. He would worry less when you were out without him after seeing you defend yourself. 
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
BTS Reaction To You Having an Anxiety Attack
Jin had noticed how on edge you’d been all day, so he wasn’t surprised when he found you sitting on the bathroom floor having a panic attack. He quickly got down on the floor behind you not saying anything and pulled you against his chest until you were leaning back into him between his legs, his head resting on top of yours, his arms tightly around you as you gasped for air, tears streaming down your face. 
“Shh, you’re going to be okay.” Jin told you softly, rocking you back and forth in his arms. “It’ll be over soon, you’re going to be fine.” 
You grabbed onto Jin’s arms, pulling him closer to you, grateful for his understanding, kind nature and the feel of his body wrapped around yours. Even though you felt like you were dying still, it was a little more bearable with him there.
Once your breathing returned to normal Jin, helped you up and sat you on the bed with a blanket around your shoulders. He left briefly to get you a glass of water, passing it to you as he climbed into bed with you. You took it gratefully, leaning into his side.
“Thank you.” You said, “For more than just the water.” Jin smiled at you, kissing your cheek.
“You want to talk about it?” He asked. 
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Namjoon went to look for you after you didn’t answer when he called out your name. 
“Y/n?” Namjoon called, spotting you on the floor, back leaning into the bed, sobbing and clutching your chest. He cursed under his breath when he realized you were having an anxiety attack. 
“Hey, Y/n, you’re going to be alright, you just have to wait it out.” He said, trying to keep his voice calm as he knelt down in front of you. “I want you to take a deep breath for me, okay?” He told you slowly, hoping him being calm would help you feel a bit better. 
You tried to take a deep breath, only managing small shallow gasps of air, feeling like your chest was being squeezed by an iron fist.
“Try again Y/n, you can do it.” Namjoon told you. “In through your nose, now hold it. Then out through your mouth. Good job.” He smiled, rubbing your shoulders as he coached your breathing. When your breathing slowed down a bit and the sobbing turned into silent tears, he pulled you into his arms, rubbing your back. The two of you staying like that for a long time before talking or moving. 
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“Y/n, do you want to order some take out?” Yoongi asked you, walking into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw you curled up on the floor leaning your head on your knees, shaking violently. He hurried over to you, sitting in front of you, trying to see your face.
“Whats wrong? Talk to me.” He said calmly, resting his hands on your shoulders. 
“Can’t.” You choked out trying to slow your breathing, knowing you would pass out if you kept hyperventilating, but that thought only added to the anxiety. 
“Panic attack?” He asked, and you nodded, feeling like the air had turned to led inside your lungs. Yoongi nodded back, sitting beside you and putting his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side. 
“You’re going to be okay. Just breathe, I know it sucks but it’ll be over soon.” He said sympathetically. You rested your head on his shoulder, feeling too weak to hold it up as you started to see spots, your hands and feet tingling.
Gradually, you felt your breathing and vision go back to normal, feeling drained from the attack. 
“Feeling a bit better?” Yoongi asked, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Yes, a bit.” You muttered, moving to get up, but Yoongi stopped you.
“Why don’t we just stay here for a bit?” He asked, pulling you back against him. “There’s no rush, let’s just wait until you’re feeling better.”
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You had told Hoseok that you hadn’t been feeling well and were going to lay down. You laid on the ground in your shared bedroom, feeling the familiar feeling of an anxiety attack start to take hold of your body. You tried to keep calm, but it was no use, you started to cry as you felt your heart racing. Before long you felt like you couldn’t breathe at all. No matter how many times you told yourself you were going to be fine, you couldn’t stop the panic attack from coming.
Hoseok had come to check on you to see if you needed anything, he panicked when he saw you on the bedroom floor crying, shaking and gasping for air. 
“Y/n?!” He yelled, dropping to his knees by your side. He hated your panic attacks almost as much as you did, they always made him feel so useless. He lifted your head and scooted closer to you, slipping his leg under your head so you could use it as a pillow. He ran his fingers through your hair, knowing you liked it when he did so. 
“It’s okay, I’m here.” He said as calmly as he could, even though he was not at all calm. “Just breathe, it’s okay.” He repeated, playing with your hair until the anxiety attack finally passed and your breathing returned to normal. Though your chest still hurt, you felt like you could breathe again. You sat up slowly as Hoseok watched you with worried eyes. You gave him a small smile, wrapping your arms around him, burying your face into his chest.
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Even though Jimin had seen you having an anxiety attack a few times before, it never made it any easier when he walked into a room to see you sitting on the floor leaning forward with your face in your hands. He wasn’t sure what had triggered it and knew that most of the time neither did you.
“Y/n. It’s okay, baby.” Jimin said softly, sitting down beside you so he could have his arms around you and see your face at the same time, a trick he had learned a couple panic attacks ago. You leaned into him, equal parts glad he was there and embarrassed that he was seeing you like this. Jimin started talking, not really paying attention to what he was saying, just talking to you to try and get your mind off of the fact that you felt like your lungs had stopped working. Every now and then he would ask you to take a deep breath.
“Your doing great, Y/n, the worst of it is over now.” He said, rubbing your back. 
“I love you.” You told him when you felt able to speak again. Jimin just smiled, relieved that you were breathing semi-normally again. 
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Taehyung walked into the bathroom to find to leaning against the counter crying and shaking, with mascara running down your face. 
“Y/n?” He asked worried, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?!” You shook your head, gasping and clutching your chest.
“I can’t breathe!” You cried, swaying on your feet. Taehyung quickly grabbed you just as your knees gave out, lowering you onto the floor and sitting behind you. He wrapped his arms around you, trying to remain calm.
“It’s an anxiety attack, Y/n, you’re going to be okay. I know you feel like you can’t breathe, but just try.” Taehyung said softly as you sobbed in his arms. “You’re going to be okay, Jagi, I promise.” He whispered into your ear, wishing he could do something to make you feel better. 
You leaned into him trying to force your lungs to work, but nothing was helping. Taehyung started to sing “Butterfly” softly, knowing it was one of your favorites, hoping it would make you focus on something other than the tightness in your chest. Noticing you started to relax a bit, he kept singing until you stopped crying all together. He let out a sigh of relief, kissing the top of your head.
“Here.” He said, wiping the mascara off of your face on the sleeve of his shirt. 
“Oh god, I must look like a mess.” You said, knowing you must have makeup all over your face.
“Only a little.” Taehyung said, smiling. You let out a shaky laugh, he smiled wider hearing the sound. 
“You still look beautiful, though.” He added sweetly and you rolled your eyes, leaning into him again.
“Thanks Tae.” You said smiling as his arms tightened around you.
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Jungkook came home to find you sitting in the hallway, leaning against the wall.
“What are you-” He stopped mid sentence as he realized that your were crying and gasping for air, he ran the rest of the way to you, kneeling in front of you. 
Panic attack, he thought to himself, frowning. He picked you up, cradling you in his arms, carrying you to the bedroom and placing you gently on the bed. He might not be able to make your panic attack stop, but he would try to make you as comfortable as possible until it was over he decided. He leaned against the headboard, pulling you until you were leaning against him, his arms around you as you sobbed. 
“You’re okay, I’m right here. It will be over soon, just focus on my voice.” He said, surprising himself with how calm his voice sounded. You turned in his arms until you could rest your face on the spot where his neck met his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his neck. He moved his arms to hold you against him, rubbing soothing circles on your back with his thumbs. The scent of his cologne was comforting, you felt the knot in your chest loosen slightly as your breathed in his comforting smell. 
“Don’t worry, I’m here, you’re not alone.” Jungkook said quietly, still rubbing your back. You tightened your arms around his neck and he responded by tightening his arms around you. The two of you didn’t need words to have a conversation, you didn’t need to hear him say he loved you, he showed in the gentle way he held you. 
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
BTS Reaction To You Accidentally Saying Something Inappropriate To  Another Member In Korean
You could understand Korean for the most part, but you still had some trouble with pronunciation. You came into the room to hear Jin and Namjoon talking about one of the songs on their latest album.
“Yes, I love your part in that song, Namjoon.” You told him smiling up at him, secretly proud that you’d been able to understand their conversation and reply in Korean. You’d been doing well with learning Korean lately... or so you’d thought. 
They both stopped talking immediately. Jin burst out in laughter, looking at Namjoon’s shocked expression.
“What?!” You asked, looking between the two of them. You didn’t understand why Jin was laughing or why Namjoon looked so horrified. Jin had tears of laughter streaming down his face as he tried to control himself.
“If you were trying to call me a whore, Y/n, your pronunciation was perfect.” Namjoon said in English, smiling at you. “If you were trying to say song you need to say it like this.” He told you demonstrating how to say the word properly. Jin started to laugh again, pulling you into his side and kissing your cheek.
“I think you’re right, for the record.”  Jin whispered in your ear, you shoved him playfully.
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“Good, that was perfect!” Namjoon said smiling at you as you repeated what he had just taught you in Korean. You were lucky that your boyfriend was also a kick ass language tutor. You smiled back at him shyly. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Jungkook said as he entered the room. You smiled and returned his greeting. You were surprised to see Namjoon holding back laughter, you looked at him curiously. 
“Why don’t you show him what I just taught you?” He said, nodding in Jungkooks direction. You turned around in your chair.
“Jungkook?” You asked, when he looked at you, you told him, “I know how much you love chocolate cake.” in Korean. His eyes widened at your words, his whole face turning bright red instantly. You turned around when you heard Namjoon laughing, leaning on the table. You looked back at Jungkook, who was still frozen in place staring at you with huge doe eyes. 
“Noona, what the hell?” Jungkook asked, eyeing Namjoon suspiciously. 
Catching on you glared at Namjoon. “What did I just say to him?” You asked him, Namjoon laughed harder. 
“You told him, ‘I know you have a tiny dick.’” He told you through fits of laughter. You looked back at Jungkook, now blushing more than he was.
“I’m so sorry, Kookie!” You said, covering your face as Jungkook threw a pillow at Namjoon.
“Don’t worry, Noona, it’s not true.” Jungkook said slyly, winking at you, making you blush even more if that were possible. Jungkook ran out of the room laughing, dodging the pillow that Namjoon threw back at him in response to his comment. 
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You came into the room, wrapping your arms around Hoseok’s shoulders. He was sitting at the table across from Jimin talking about dance class. You had been watching them rehearse from the side, coming to join them when they finally decided to take a break. 
Hoseok turned and gave you his brightest sunshine smile, kissing your cheek before turning back to Jimin.
“You danced so well, Jimin.” You told him, smiling. Jimin gave you a weird look and Hoseok giggled, reaching back to put his palm over your mouth. 
“What?” You mumbled through his fingers. 
“I think you meant ‘danced’, Jagi.” He said, his word soundly slightly different than his. “You just told Jimin he fucked really well.” He told you trying not to laugh, not wanting to embarrass you more than you already were.
“Gah!” You said, looking at Jimin. “Danced. Danced well, I meant!” You said loudly looking at Jimin who was now laughing at you.
“Sure you did, Y/n.” Jimin said, giggling. 
“Come on, let get back to ‘fucking’.” Hoseok said laughing heading back towards the practice room, stopping to whisper in your ear, “You and I will do a lot of dancing when I get home tonight.”
You watched as he winked at you before turning away, a smile spreading across your face. 
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You were sitting on the couch in between Yoongi and Taehyung, holding Yoongi’s hand under the blanket, his hand resting on your thigh. The movie you’d been watching with the 7 boys had just ended, and everyone was talking about how the main character kind of looked like Tae. 
“He has the same big smile as Tae, he even-” You said laughing, Yoongi’s hand squeezed your fingers making you stop mid sentence as everyone in the room except Taehyung started laughing. 
You looked up at Yoongi, who was just smiling and shaking his head at you. 
“I think you meant smile, not dick, Y/n.” Namjoon said to you in English, still laughing. “The words are very similar.”
“Sorry, Tae.” You said, hiding your face in Yoongi shoulder, he put his arm around you, shaking with laughter.
“Don’t be sorry.” Taehyung said, a smile forming on his lips. “It’s true. 
You groaned in embarrassment, burying your face deeper into your boyfriends shoulder as he told the guys to stop teasing you.
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During dinner with all the members you decided that you’d try out some of the Korean you’d been learning. 
“Jin, these potatoes taste wonderful.” You said, smiling across the table at him.
“Jagi!” Jimin scolded you as everyone laughed. You looked at him surprised.
“What?” You asked him, your eyes narrowed in confusion. 
“You just told him that his potatoes tasted like shit.” Jimin explained to you. 
You turned back to Jin, ready to apologize, but Jin spoke before you had a chance.
“It’s okay, Y/n. But you don’t get any dessert.” Jin said, winking at you. You sighed in relief, glad that he seemed to be amused and not offended. Jimin puled you in for a hug. He found it really cute when you mispronounced words, even though sometimes you ended up saying something inappropriate. Just last week you’d told the waiter at dinner to go and fuck himself when you’d meant to tell him that you hoped he had a good night. Jimin had stepped in before the waiter could tell you off, explaining that you were still learning Korean.  
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You and Taehyung had been sitting on the couch giggling and talking about the funny cat video he had just showed you on his phone when Yoongi walked in.
“What’s so funny?” He asked walking towards the two of you.
“Just this cat video, it’s really good.” You told Yoongi, “Come watch it with us.” Yoongi stopped dead in his tracks, throwing you a disgusted look. Taehyung laughed.
“Yeah, Hyung. Come watch it with us.” Taehyung said, shaking with surpressed laughter. Yoongi glared at him then walked away, shaking his head and saying something under his breath.
“What’s his problem?” You asked Taehyung, confused by Yoongi’s reaction. He laughed, throwing his arms around you.
“He is probably just offended that you didn’t offer to buy him dinner before asking him to come and watch porn video’s with us. I mean it was a little forward, baby.” 
“Oh god, no... is that really what I said?!” You asked Tae, looking up at him in horror. He laughed harder, nodding as he pulled you into his chest until he was close enough to whisper in your ear.
“I don’t know about bringing a third into bed... you know I don’t share.” He joked, biting your ear gently. 
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V gets 2 gifs because... well, have you seen him? ;)
“Jungkook is amazing in bed.” Jungkook heard you say. He came into the room, surprised to hear you say something like that, but also a little bit proud. He thought that you must have been on the phone with one of your girlfriends. He was shocked when he saw you talking, not on the phone, but to Jin. 
‘It’s just so firm and doesn’t make any noise, not like the last one. It was so loud.” You told Jin casually, as if you weren’t telling him about your sex life. Jin was staring at you, his mouth wide open in shock at hearing you talk about such things with him out of the blue.
Jungkook run up behind you pulling you into his chest and covering your mouth before you could tell Jin anything else, finally figuring out what you’d been trying to say. He looked at Jin.
“She meant I bought a new amazing bed. She didn’t mean to say that I’m amazing in bed... even though it’s true.” He said looking down at you with a smirk. Your eye’s were huge with horror, realizing your mistake. Jin burst out laughing once he realized you’d been telling him about your new mattress rather than your sexual relationship with Jungkook. 
Jin walked past the two of you, rustling your hair as he walked by, glad to think of you as his younger friends innocent girlfriend again.
Jungkook, pressed his lips to the top of your head, pulling you more firmly against him.
“You know,” He said seductively, “We should go and see how well that new bed works...” He thrust his hips gently against you and you felt him hard pressing against you before he threw you over his shoulder and carried you down the hall.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Reunited Part 3
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You woke up when you felt the sun through the curtains on your face. Wow, you must have slept in, you thought to yourself. You rubbed your eyes, trying not to think about the image of your parents dead on the floor from your dream last night. A soft snore from beside you pulled you from your thoughts, you smiled as you remembered that Jungkook had stayed with you last night. You took in his sleeping frame, he looked so young and innocent when he was sleeping. You got up and opened the curtains, allowing the sunlight to fill the room. As you admired the sight of the sun shine over the trees in the distance something caught your eye. It looked like there had been someone standing on the edge of the property near the trees looking up into your room. You rubbed your eyes and looked again, but there was no one there. Weird.
“Crap, what time is it?” You heard Jungkook say from the bed.
“It’s 9:30.” You told him, checking your phone. Jungkook groaned, flopping back down onto the bed. Usually when Jungkook spent the night in your room he would set an alarm on his phone for 7 am, since that was the time that there were the least amount of people up and about. He didn’t want anyone seeing him slipping out of your room in the morning, and he was sure your uncle would be pissed if he knew Jungkook had slept in your bed with you, even though nothing had ever happened between the two of you.
Noticing how exhausted Jungkook still looked, you told him to just stay and sleep for a while, adding that you were going to go downstairs. You were pretty sure he was sleeping again before you were even out the door.
On your way to the stair case, you heard muffled voices coming from the conference room. Meetings usually took place in the evenings, so you found it odd that anyone was in there. You moved closer, hoping to be able to hear the conversation. You heard your uncles voice for sure, but weren’t sure who the other voice belonged to.
“I don’t know Shewan, this might be a better move. She’s becoming a bit hard to control, and this deal would take her off your hands and benefit you financially. Not to mention it would be a smart move business wise.” The voice said. You were pretty sure it was Jungkook’s father; Lee. What the hell were they talking about?
“His offer was very generous. He said there was room for negotiation as well.” Said Shewan.
“You would gain more from this arrangement that you ever would from the Bangtan’s.” Lee said to your uncle. “Just think about it.”
“I’ll give it some thought.” You heard your uncle agree.
You quickly headed down the stair case as you heard shuffling from inside the conference room, making sure you were out of sight by the time Shewan and Lee exited.
What the hell was going on? You thought, feeling uneasy. She’s becoming a bit hard to control… were they talking about you?! What was this ‘arrangement’ they were talking about? You needed to talk to Jungkook. Still feeling guilty about keeping him up most of the night, you decided to let him sleep for a couple more hours first. You’d go to the gym and try and burn off  some of the stress left over from your nightmare before you woke him up and interrogated him.
Taehyung and Jin were hiding just behind the property line of the Nox mansion, using the forest as coverage.
“She’s left, but there is still someone in her room.” Taehyung told Jin, passing him the binoculars. “Maybe she’s dating one of them?”
Jin shuddered at the thought of you with one of those monsters. He hoped that Taehyung was wrong. Looking through the binoculars Jin saw a man laying on the bed, noting with some relief that the man was fully clothed. Upon closer inspection, Jin was pretty sure he recognised the man as Jungkook, the guy that had followed you into the park the night before.
“I think that’s the guy she was with last night.” Jin Told Taehyung. “It’s kind of hard to be sure from this distance, but it looks like him. They didn’t act like a couple, but who knows. He did seem liked he cared about her.”
“The same one that’s been hanging around headquarters?” Taehyung asked.
“Yeah.” Jin replied, still looking through the binoculars.
“Namjoon’s sister with the same guy that’s been spying on us is too much of a coincidence, considering the Nox’s have no reason to be involved with us. We don’t run in any of the same circles. It has to be something to do with her.” Taehyung said, thinking out loud.
“Shewan, Namjoon’s uncle, must be involved.” Jin said. He couldn’t think of any other way. “Do we have anyone we could send in undercover?”
Taehyung considered this for a moment. It was risky when they didn’t know what the Nox clan was up to, but it could work if they approached them as someone trying to make a deal. “Maybe if we called in a favour, we can’t send in any of our guys, they’d know us all if they’ve been tailing us.” Taehyung said, thinking about the options. “I know a guy. I bet he would do it for some cash.”
“Who?” Jin asked, looking at his friend. “Can we trust this guy? They’re planning something; we’ve got to be careful.
“He’s a local junkie. I’ve seen him with the blonde guy we saw leave here about an hour ago, Jackson I think his name is. I saved him from getting his ass kicked one time so he owes me. He’s a bit of a train wreck when it comes to drugs, but he’s a smart guy. He can handle it.” Taehyung said, nodding as he spoke, almost talking more to himself than to Jin.
“Alright. Track him down.” Jin told Taehyung, “I’ll stay here. I’m hoping she will sneak out again, if I can get a chance to talk to her I’m almost positive she will come with me.”
“Might be best to wait to get a bit more on what their plan is first, Jin.” Taehyung said frowning disapprovingly. He’s not thinking clearly, Tae thought to himself, usually Jin was smarter than this. Taehyung walked off to make a few calls, leaving Jin to watch the property.
“Okay, Jungkook.” You said, shaking his shoulder as you knelt next to him on your bed. Your hair was still wet from your shower, your muscles aching from your work out, but you felt a bit better than you had this morning, thankfully. Jungkook groaned and shoved your hand away.
“I let you sleep, now tell me what’s going on.” You said shoving him again, a little harder this time. He opened his eyes and sat up slowly, stretching his arms over his head and yawning. You handed him the cup of coffee you had gotten before coming to wake him up, he took it gratefully. After taking a sip, he sighed, finally looking you in the eye.
“Alright. What do you want to know?” He asked you wearily, leaning against the headboard, elbows resting on his knees.
“I want to know what’s going on. What was the meeting about last night?” You started, wanting to know what whatever was happening had to do with you.
“It was just about business, some gang on the other side of the city. I’m not really sure why we are targeting them, we’ve never had any problems or done any business with them before.” He told you. You waited but that was all he was going to say.
“The Bangtan’s?” You asked, his eyes widened a bit before he composed himself again.
“How much did you hear last night?” He asked curiously.
“Enough to know my uncle specifically told you all not to tell me anything. And that there is some sort of ‘arrangement’ that’s got something to do with me. I heard my uncle and your dad talking about it this morning.” You said, watching him closely to see if he knew more than he was telling you.
“What arrangement?” Jungkook asked, sitting up straighter, looking genuinely surprised, his eyes searching your face.
“I don’t know, I was hoping you’d be able to tell me. Something about me being hard to control and that it would be a smart business move.” You said nervously picking at your nails.
Jungkook didn’t say anything, he didn’t like the sound of that, and he didn’t like that he had no idea what it meant. This was the first he had heard about any arrangement having to do with you. Usually Shewan wanted you to have nothing to do with any part of business plans, to the point where most people outside of the mansion didn’t know you even existed. Jungkook guessed it was safer for you that way, but had always felt bad about you being locked in the house all the time. He could tell how miserable you were here.
Namjoon sighed, hanging up the phone. Neither Jin nor Taehyung were answering. It wasn’t unusual for them to have their phones turned off if they were out working, but usually Namjoon had a rough idea of where his guy’s were, especially Jin since they were so close. He hadn’t asked them to run any errands and there weren’t any business plans set to take place today.
Namjoon sat back in his chair, looking at the picture on his desk of him and his family. The picture had been taken outside the safe house when he and his sister were still kids. Namjoon and Y/n both smiling widely, his parents standing behind them. His father had his arms around his wife, kissing her cheek as she laughed. It was the only picture that Namjoon had left of his family, all the pictures along with everything else they owned had been ruined in the fire. The photo was given to him by one of his father’s friends after the funeral.
Namjoon headed into the kitchen; nodding to Hoseok as he led a girl he had never seen before down the hall towards his room. Noticing the large hickey on Hoseok’s neck, Namjoon knew exactly what they were up to. Monday’s were slow so most of the guys were either out or lounging around the house. He grabbed a drink from the fridge before heading back up to his office to go over some file’s he had gotten on the Nox clan. They had caught one of their guys hanging around a few days ago, so Namjoon was trying to figure out why. They had no connections with them, Namjoon made sure of that; the Nox’s were a nasty bunch and he didn’t like the way they did business. One thing that was really bothering him was that he couldn’t find any information on their leader. Not even a name. That seemed very odd to Namjoon considering he knew the name of almost every gang leader in Seoul, even the ones that Bangtan wasn’t involved with. Something was off… he could feel it.
The next few days were quiet around the mansion. You’d been going stir crazy. Since you had graduated you didn’t have any school work to keep you busy, even though you had been privately tutored here so you didn’t need to leave the mansion, the time with the teacher had kept you busy. But now there really wasn’t anything to keep you occupied.
“Y/n.” You looked up to see your uncle standing in your door way, it was strange since he usually didn’t come up to your room. “Come to my office in an hour. There’s someone that I’d like you to meet.”
“Who?” You asked suspiciously, looking up from the book you were reading.
“One hour.” He repeated, ignoring your question as he walked away. You sighed, wishing he had given you more information, but that was never how it worked. You knew better than to disobey him, he had a nasty temper, so you spent the next hour worrying about why he wanted you to meet someone when he usually kept you as in the dark as possible.
You put your hair up in a messy bun, not bothering to put on any make up; it’s not like you would be leaving the house. You let out a frustrated sigh. All you wanted was to go out on your own. You didn’t know how much longer you could take being cooped up in this freaking house full of cold people, most of which weren’t even allowed to talk to you.
On your way to your uncle’s office, you noticed that everyone you passed was looking at you curiously. Odd, since other than Jungkook and a few others, most people pretended not to see you.  You shook your head, telling yourself that you were being paranoid and went back to worrying about whatever it was that your uncle wanted.
When you entered Shewan’s office, he was sitting behind his desk, looking down at a booklet of papers, closing it as he noticed you in the doorway.
“Y/n.” He greeted you in a kinder tone than you were expecting. “Come in, sit down.” He said, gesturing to the couch in the corner. As you entered the office, you noticed and man sitting across from Shewan. The man looked you up and down a few times, his eye’s coming to rest on your face after he was done checking you out, a smile spreading across his face. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a disgusted look. The man stood up, taking a step towards you. You took a step back.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet my friend, Chul-soo.” Shewan said, gesturing to the man. You’d never seen him before today. He was a bit taller than you, with broad shoulders and a beer belly, his hair slightly grey. He looked to be about 40 if you had to guess. He offered you his hand and you hesitantly reached out to shake his hand, surprised when he instead brought your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. You felt your skin crawl, you did not like this man, you decided.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n.” Chul-soo said, his eye’s roaming over your figure again. “You’re a beautiful woman.” He added with a smile that made your stomach turn.
“My eyes are up here.” You said to him in a cold voice, pulling your hand away from him.
“Y/n!” Your uncle snapped, his eye’s bright with fury. “That’s no way to talk to your fiancée.”
“My what?!” You asked in disbelief, too stunned to say anything else. You stared at your uncle, shocked. There was no way he was suggesting you should marry this repulsive man. He looked old enough to be your father, for starters. And second of all… Just no. No way.
“Your fiancée.” Your uncle repeated in a firm voice, staring at you.
“I don’t fucking think so!” You shouted at him, taking a step back. “I don’t even know this guy, there is no fucking way I’m marrying him.”
“Language.” You uncle muttered before turning to Chul-soo. “I need to have a talk with my niece, I’ll be in touch.” Chul-soo nodded at your uncle before heading towards the door, he stopped just in front of you.
“I look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible Mrs. Y/n.” He said, reaching for your hand, but you ripped it away before he could touch you, feeling a chill run up your spine. He smiled and shot you a wink before walking out the door, shutting it behind him.
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Thanks for reading :)
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Reunited Part 2
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Jin watched as you left with Jungkook, neither of you aware that he was following you back to the mansion.
What the hell was going on? And how the hell was he going to tell Namjoon that after 3 years of thinking his baby sister was dead, that not only was she alive, but living under the roof of a gang that was suddenly interested in the Bangtan’s.
The drive back to headquarters went by in a blur, Jin not even remembering most of the drive. He was still not over the shock of seeing you alive after 3 years of believing you were dead. The night your uncle had betrayed your father, leading a rival gang to the safe house and slaughtering almost everyone there, was a night Jin would never forget. Jin and Namjoon had snuck out of the house to have a cigarette, walking into the forest to avoid being caught by their parents, and had come back to see the house on fire. They stood in shocked silence for a moment before sprinting towards the house and through the back door. The first thing Jin had seen was your parents and his, dead in their P.J’s, laying on the floor of the hallway with bullets in their heads. There had been blood everywhere.
“Y/n?!” Jin remembered hearing Namjoon scream, tears running down his face, “Jin, we’ve got to find her before they do!” Jin swore as Namjoon ran up the stairs that were almost completely ruined by the fire. They had tried to get to your room, but the fire was too thick, they would have died trying. Namjoon had tried to run through the flames, but Jin had pulled him back, knowing that even if you didn’t have a bullet in your head like everyone else that there was no way you could have survived the fire.
Jin and Namjoon had dropped to their knees outside of the burning house, coughing and gasping for air. They watched helplessly as the house burned down, along with their parents and you inside, both of them sobbing.
Within 3 months of the attack, after Namjoon had taken over for his father as leader of the gang, the name changed to Bangtan, Namjoon refusing to continue under his father’s name. He said this was out of respect for his dead family, but Jin knew that it was just too painful for him to constantly be reminded of his dead family. Namjoon had made sure that every member of the gang involved with the attack was killed, but they were never able to find his uncle.
Maybe your uncle had taken you from the house rather than kill you that night? Jin thought to himself. It didn’t make any sense, but he didn’t know what other explanation there could be.  He had watched the house burn down with his own eyes, only minutes after he and Namjoon had gotten out, knowing that you were asleep in your room on the top floor of the house. There was no way you could have gotten out without being killed… unless someone had taken you.
Jin shook his head. It didn’t matter how you were alive, only that somehow you were. Now that Jin knew you were alive, he needed to figure out how to get you back. He couldn’t tell Namjoon, he decided. The second he learned that his little sister was alive he would not wait to make a plan; he would just go in with a bunch of men and guns and try to find you and get you out without thinking about the consequences. The Nox’s were one of the most powerful gangs in the area, so it wasn’t as simple as just going in and getting you. They would make enemies that way, and there was a good chance it would be too much for the Bangtans to handle.
Jin shook his head again, trying to clear it. He needed someone to help him, he knew he wasn’t thinking straight, still rattled from seeing you earlier. He shut off the engine and got out of the car as soon as he pulled into headquarters, heading into the house, using his security key to open the gate. The security system was top of the line. Mostly everyone in the gang lived here, after what Jin and Namjoon had been through 3 years ago they made sure that all of their members were well protected and that headquarters was extremely secure.
Even though it was late, probably almost 4 in the morning by now, Jin could hear people talking and followed the voices to the kitchen. He greeted the men in the kitchen with a nod, and headed to get himself a cup of coffee, still lost in his own thoughts.
“Wow Jin, what’s up man? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He heard Hoseok say from behind him. Jin felt his stomach turn. In a way he had seen a ghost. He turned around to face his friend.
“Just been  a long night.” Jin replied, his tone implying that he didn’t want to talk about it. Hoseok got the hint, nodding and dropping the subject, but still shooting Jin curious looks after he had joined the others in conversation.
“Taehyung.” Jin called, interrupting the casual conversation. When Taehyung met Jin’s eyes, Jin nodded his head and walked into the entrance way, Taehyung following close behind.
Taehyung had joined the Bangtan’s 6 months after Namjoon became leader, and had proven himself trust worthy many times since then. Jin had grown to like the guy a lot, he had even saved Jin’s life on one occasion. Besides Namjoon, there wasn’t anyone Jin trusted more than Taehyung.
“You alright?” Taehyung asked Jin, leaning against the wall, taking in Jin’s pale face and panicked demeanour. Jin hesitated before answering.
“Not here.” Jin said quietly, “We can talk out in the garage.” Taehyung looked confused, but followed Jin outside and across the yard into the garage anyways. Once inside, Jin closed the door behind them and checked the adjoining rooms, making sure there was no one in the gym or sitting areas.
“There’s no one else in here, Hyung.” Taehyung told Jin, growing more curious by the second. It wasn’t often that he saw Jin so shaken up. “Just tell me what’s going on.”
Jin sighed, sitting down of the couch by the front door, Taehyung following his lead, sitting in the chair directly across from Jin. After Jin had made him promise not to tell a soul, not especially not Namjoon, he had told Taehyung everything. Taehyung listened in stunned silence. He knew that Namjoon and Jin’s family had been killed in an attack years ago, he had joined not long after Namjoon had become leader. Jin had told Taehyung about it once they’d grown closer. He knew that Jin missed his family and Namjoon’s sister, Y/n,  fiercely.
“Are you positive it was her?” Taehyung asked Jin searching his face. Jin had been resting his face in his hands, but looked up to meet his eyes.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything.” Jin said evenly. “I don’t know how, but she’s alive, and she’s living in the Nox mansion.  Shewon must be with the Nox’s and have taken Y/n the night of the attack. It’s the only reason I can think of that would make sense for her to be alive and mixed up with the Nox’s.”
Taehyung nodded, Jin was right. It was the only explanation. “We have to tell Namjoon.” Taehyung said calmly.
“No!” Jin said loudly. “You can’t tell him. Not yet. You know how he is, he would rush in there, no plan and get himself killed. We have to be smart about this.” Jin was right. Taehyung had only heard Namjoon talk about you once, the pain in his voice so obvious that Taehyung had to look away as he spoke about you. If there was any chance that you were still alive Namjoon would rush to find you right away. Especially if he knew you were in the Nox mansion. They were a nasty group. Though he himself was a criminal, Taehyung considered himself to be a good man. The Nox’s had didn’t care about anyone but themselves and were known to kill and rape for fun, finding pleasure in the pain of others. The craziest people he had ever met had been involved with the Nox Gang.
“Okay.” Taehyung said, looking at Jin again. “What do we do?”
The walk back to the mansion had been a quiet one. Jungkook too tired to make conversation, and you too lost in your own thoughts to ask him any more questions. Jungkook opened the front door of the mansion, gesturing for you to go in before him, as you did you came face to face with your uncle.
Fuck. You thought to yourself, as your uncle took in your hoodie and flushed cheeks with angry eyes. You had been caught.
“Y/n.” Your uncle said, his voice eerily calm compared to the expression on his face, “What the fuck are you doing outside at this hour?” Your uncle Shewan crossed his arms, waiting impatiently for your answer, just as Jungkook came into the house behind you.
“She had another nightmare.” Jungkook said from behind you, “I saw her on my way to bed and thought a little walk around the property might help her get back to sleep.” You looked back at him surprised. He was lying right to your uncle’s face. He eyed Jungkook suspiciously, Jungkook keeping his expression neutral. He was a much better liar than you were, so you stayed silent. Finally your uncle looked back at you, a smirk on his face. He was being more of an asshole than usual lately.
“You need to get over these stupid nightmares.” He told you, his voice cold. “It’s been 3 fucking years, Y/n. Get over it. You live in a big beautiful house and have everything you need. Inside the property.” He added. “Jungkook, get her back to her room and see to it that she doesn’t leave the main fenced area for the next few days.”
“Yes, sir.” Jungkook answered, taking you gently by the elbow and leading you quickly down the hall before you could tell your uncle off.
“What the fuck?” You said under your breath as Jungkook continued to pull you towards your room. “Seriously, what is his fucking problem? It’s obvious he can’t stand having me around, I don’t understand why he doesn’t just let me leave. We’d both be better off.” You ranted, angry tears springing to your eyes.
“I know, I know.” Jungkook said sympathetically as he ushered you into your room. “He’s a dick, what’s new?”  He said, earning a small laugh from you. You looked up at your best friend, he really was exhausted, his eyes were blood shot and he was swaying slightly on his feet.
“I’m sorry you had to come after me, Jungkook.” You said sincerely. “Go to bed before you collapse.” You told him as you sat on your bed, trying to hold back the tears until he was gone. Jungkook sighed and came to sit beside you on your bed.
“You did have another nightmare, didn’t you?” He asked you, concerned. As Jungkook took in your appearance it was clear to him that you had to be almost as tired as he was. He knew you had had a nightmare the second he had seen your face tonight. He could tell by the way you were extra jumpy and by the way you seemed slightly disconnected when he spoke to your earlier. You nodded, turning away from him so he wouldn’t be able to see the tears leak out of your eyes.
“Why don’t I crash in here tonight?” He asked, knowing you hated to be alone after having a nightmare. You nodded again, and he pulled you into his arms gently, you leaning gratefully into his side. He pulled you until the two if you were laying down on the bed, his arm around you and your head on his chest. You relationship with Jungkook had always been this way since the two of you had met when you’d moved in. You remembered the first night you’d been in this house after your family had been murdered. He had heard you crying in your sleep and had snuck into your room to make sure you were okay. He had put his hand gently on your shoulder to wake you, and you had punched him in the face.
You remembered that night very clearly. It was the first time you had ever seen Jungkook.
“Fuck.” He said under his breath, putting pressure on his nose where you had hit him. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay, I heard you crying.” He said, looking back at you through watery eyes.
“I’m so sorry.” You said, hands over your mouth in horror. You hadn’t meant to hit him. You had a habit of waking up swinging when you were having a nightmare. Jungkook looked at you and smiled.
“It’s fine.” He said. “I’m Jungkook, by the way. You must be Y/n.”
The two of you had been friends ever since.
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
BTS Reaction To You Being Drunk
Jin: You had gone out for a drink with some of your girlfriends, but one drink turned into three... then three turned into five. 
Jin read your text telling him that you were in the cab, on your way home. From the spelling mistakes he was guessing you were a little tipsy. He realized he was right as soon as you walked through the door, holding your heels in your hands, and your eyes glossy.
“Hey, baby.” Jin smiled at you, stepping towards you.
“Well hello, sexy.” You replied, trying to learn against the counter smoothly, but misjudging it, you stumbled. Jin laughed as he caught you in his arms before you fell. 
“Well someones had a lot to drink tonight.” Jin said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I’m not even drunk, Jin.” You slurred at him, doing your best not to sway on your feet. Jin burst at laughing at your serious expression. 
“Come on, let’s get you to bed, Jagi.” He said taking your hand and leading your towards the bedroom.
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“Woah,” Namjoon said, grabbing your hips to steady you as you stumbled beside him. “Be careful, Y/n, you’re going to hurt yourself.” 
The two of you were walking home from a party since it was only 15 minutes from your home. You hadn’t realized how drunk you were until you had started walking. Namjoon moved his hands from your hips, keeping hold of one of your hands in his own.
“I am not going to fall, I’m not you.” You teased him, sticking your tongue out and laughing at his surprised expression. 
“Are you sure about that?” He asked mischievously, releasing your hand and bumping you off balance with his shoulder lightly. It was enough to send you toppling over. He didn’t let you fall though, grabbing your hips again and pulling you until your back was pressed into his chest. You giggled, leaning into him, enjoying the feeling of his body against yours. 
“Come on.” He said, holding your hand again, gently tugging you forward. “Let’s get you home.”  You were a bit of a mess, but you were his mess. 
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“Hobi!” You yelled as soon as you walked through the door and saw him sitting on the couch.
“Well hello.” He laughed, surprised to see you since he didn’t know you were coming. “To what do I owe this surprise?” He asked walking towards you beaming.
“Do you know how beautiful your smile is?” You asked him, giggling. He arched an eyebrow at you, crossing his arms.
“Are you drunk?” He asked you, a shocked smile spreading across his face.
“Drunk on you, baby.” You slurred, throwing yourself into his arms forcefully. He wrapped his arms around you, laughing. He couldn’t believe that you had managed to walk to his house in your current condition. 
“You’re much too sober.” You told him, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“I’ll go get us something to drink then.” He said winking at you, sitting you down on the couch and heading into the kitchen, returning with two glasses of water. You had officially been cut off he decided. 
He handed you the water, and you frowned at him. But he distracted you by asking you about your day, trying to figure out why you’d shown up randomly at his door, completely hammered. The night ended with the two of you falling asleep cuddling on the couch
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It had been Yoongi’s idea to play a drinking game, not realizing quite how low your alcohol tolerance was, until you leaned onto the coffee table to give him a sloppy kiss, losing your balance and falling into his lap in the process.
Oh god, he thought to himself, grabbing onto your waist to steady you.
“Okay, someone’s had enough to drink.” He laughed, you pouted at him in response. 
“Kiss me.” You said to him puckering your lips, he complied, loving the way you pressed yourself against him. The kiss turned into a heated make out session very quickly, you straddling his lap with his hands on your hips, pulling you down to grind against him. You suddenly pulled away from him.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Yoongi asked, concerned, taking in your pale face.
“I don’t feel well.” You told him before getting off of him and running into the bathroom. He cursed and followed you, feeling guilty for allowing you to drink so much so quickly.
He knelt down behind you, pulling your hair back and rubbing your back as you threw up into the toilet. 
“Shh, it’s okay.” He murmured softly. Once you were feeling a bit better he brought you to bed and cuddled you after making you take a Tylenol and drink a whole glass of water.
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Jimin came home to find you sitting at the kitchen table laughing at a video you were watching on your phone. 
“Hey, baby.” He smiled, kissing you on the cheek as he walked into the room.
“Jimin!” You yelled surprised, a smile spreading across your face, you wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging to him. “I missed you so much!” He returned your embrace laughing, noticing the empty bottle of wine on the counter.
Suddenly he heard you sniffle, he held your shoulders pulling you away from him enough to see your face, shocked to see that you were crying. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, confused by how quickly your mood had changed. 
“I missed you, Jimin, I just want you to stay with me.” You said in a whimper as he rubbed your back gently.
“I’m home now, Y/n.” He said patiently, knowing that you were upset since he would be leaving on tour next week. It was very rare that you cried, and you were usually a happy drunk. “Don’t worry. I’ll call you every day.” He said soothingly, as you cried into his shoulder. He held you until your tears stopped, suggesting that he make you something to eat before bed once you’d calmed down.
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“Come on.” Taehyung told you, leading you towards the bedroom. The two of you had been out with some friends and you had had a bit too much to drink so he had decided to take you home before you did something you’d be mortified about in the morning. He sat you down on the bed, turning to get your P.J’s for you, but you grabbed his hand before he could walk away.
“Where are you going?” You asked, pouting at him.
“I’m just getting your jammies.” He said laughing at your sad expression.
“I don’t need any.” You told him, removing your dress, leaving you in your bra and panties. Taehyung took in the sight of his half naked girlfriend, his eyes running up and down your body. Usually you were so shy. “And neither do you.” You added, undoing the buttons on his shirt. He grabbed your hands as they moved to undo his belt.
“Y/n, you’ve had a lot to drink, are you sure you want to do this?” He asked, eyes searching your face. Rather than respond to his question, your reached around your back and unclasped your bra, throwing it across the room. Taehyung was planning on being responsible and getting you water then putting you to bed, but decided he would do that after the two of you had drunk sex. He would technically still be putting you to bed after all.
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Jungkook was piggybacking you up the stairs after a night out, the new heels you had gotten were hurting your feet so he insisted on piggybacking you the rest of the way home. 
“There we go.” Jungkook said, placing you down gently as he entered the house. 
“Thanks, baby.” You said leaning in to kiss him. He put his arms around you as he returned your kiss, smiling when you swayed slightly in his arms. 
“Let’s get you to bed.” He said, breaking the kiss.
“Kookie, I don’t want to go to bed.” You told him, pouting. He tilted his head to the side as he looked at you.
“Okay, then what do you want to do?” He asked curiously. You had been exhausted earlier, you had even fallen asleep for a while when you were on his back on the way home.
“I wanna do you.” You told him, trying to be seductive. He bit back a smile. It was like this every time you got really drunk. You insisted you wanted to have sex, but as soon as he got you into bed, you fell asleep on his shoulder before anything happened. 
“Well let’s go then.” He said, leading you into the bedroom by your hand. “I just need to grab a drink first.” He said after you sat onto the bed. He left the room, returning with a big glass of water, to find you in only your underwear. He smiled, trying not to get too turned on, knowing you’d be asleep in less than 5 minutes. 
You leaning in to kiss him, but Jungkook stopped you by grabbing your shoulders, pushing you back gently, handing you the glass of water.
“Drink this first.” He told you sternly. You downed the water while Jungkook stripped down to his boxers. Taking the glass from you once you finished it, he placed it on the nightstand before pushing you onto your back gently on the bed, laying down beside you. You were in his arms instantly, kissing him. He kissed you back, running his hand over you hip until he felt your body go limp against him. 
He looked down at your sleeping face before pulling the covers over the two of you and closed his eyes
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
Broken- Part 2
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Taehyung woke up to you wiggling in his arms, your breast pressed intimately into his chest, your leg draped over his thighs. He groaned when you moved again, pressing your breasts impossibly closer to him.
Fuck. He thought to himself as he felt himself growing harder under his P.J bottoms. Worried you would wake up and notice his boner and become uncomfortable, Taehyung got up, careful not to disturb you and headed into the bathroom to take a cold shower.
When he was finished taking care of his problem, he came back into the bedroom and stopped in his tracks. You had rolled over onto your back. His shirt and sweatpants being much too big for you, had shifted on your body leaving the skin on your stomach and hips exposed, as well as your upper arms, collarbones and a bit of your chest. But it wasn’t lust Taehyung was feeling; it was rage. You had bruises on your chest and upper arms in the shape of finger marks, bruises to match on your hips and stomach. The beginning of a black eye was clearly displayed on your face. What concerned him the most was the swelling and purplish black marks he could see on your left side. Were your ribs broken? He wondered.
“Tae?” You called, voice thick with sleep, as you tried to sit up, hissing in pain and collapsing back into the pillows clutching your ribs.
“Just stay down, Y/n.” Taehyung told you, rushing to your side, placing his hands on your shoulders to hold you down as you moved to get up again. He looked down at you, your eyes were wide, you looked so scared. It broke his heart to see you like this. Usually you were so fearless; to know that Dongyong had reduced you to this made Taehyung’s blood boil. He once again swallowed his anger.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, sitting on the bed beside you.
“Not too bad.” You lied, your voice strained. Taehyung let out a bitter laugh.
“You’re a shitty liar, Y/n.” He said getting up. “Don’t move. I’m going to grab you some pain killers.” He flashed you a quick smile before leaving the room.
“Who’s here?” Jungkook asked you from the kitchen table where he was sitting drinking his coffee. “I heard you talking to someone, and I know Jimin wouldn’t be caught dead out of bed this early on a Saturday.” He asked curiously. Taehyung paused before deciding to fill Jungkook in. He was going to see you eventually, better Taehyung tell him now than he be shocked when he sees your bruised face.
“Y/n’s here.” He told Jungkook, who’s eyes widened in shock.
“She’s here? At this time? In your room?!” Jungkook whisper shouted, “That’s amazing, you finally made a move. Congrats man!”
Taehyung rolled his eyes at the younger man. “No.” Taehyung sighed before giving Jungkook a quick rundown of what had happened.
“You’re fucking kidding me. He hit her?!” Jungkook said furiously, shocked that your boyfriend had done such a thing. He didn’t like the guy, but he didn’t think he was this much of an asshole.  
“Keep your voice down.” Taehyung told him, grabbing a bottle of pain killers and a tensor bandage from the cabinet. “She’s in pretty rough shape, so just try not to stare, okay?”
Jungkook nodded as Tae left the room.
You laid in bed as still as you could, trying to calm your breathing as you remembered the events of last night. What a mess. Your whole body hurt terribly.
“Here.” Taehyung said, handing you two pills and a glass of water as he entered the room. He reached behind you to help you sit up, groaning in pain as the movement caused sharp pains in your side.
“Thank you, Tae.” You said sincerely, looking up at him. “For coming to get me, taking care of me and everything. I don’t know what I’d have done without you last night.” He smiled at you, but you could tell he was angry.
“I’m taking you to the doctor.” He stated sternly, his voice making it clear that you wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it.
“Okay.” You agreed. He looked surprised that you had agreed so easily, it was clear that he expected you to fight him on this. The pain in your ribs was so bad that you saw stars every time you moved, it wasn’t a bad idea to have them looked at.
“And after that maybe we should go to the police station.” Taehyung suggested softly. Your eyes shot to his.
“No. No way.” You said, your voice higher than usual with panic. “I can’t Tae.”
“He assaulted you, Y/n.” Taehyung said softly. “He should be arrested.”
“No.” You said, “There is no way in hell I’m going to the police.”
Taehyung sighed, taking in the stubborn expression on your face. You weren’t going to agree to this right now, it was more important to get you to the doctor anyways.
“Lift your shirt, I’m going to wrap your ribs.” He said, changing the subject. You relaxed a bit at the change of topic. You hesitated, not wanting him to see the bruises you could feel there, feeling self conscious. Noticing your hesitance Taehyung’s expression softened.
“I’ve already seen them, Y/n.” He said placing his hand on the hem of your shirt, waiting for you to nod before lifting it up. He held the fabric in your hands to keep it out of his way, and to keep it from rising enough so that your boobs wouldn’t fall out. Once your ribs were wrapped, Taehyung helped you stand, one arm securely behind your waist just in case you fell.
“Do you think you can walk?” He asked.
“Yes.” You replied, he let go of you slowly.
“Okay. Let’s go then.” He said, heading into the hall way. You didn’t follow him, looking down at the oversized shirt and pants you were wearing.
“I have no clothes.” You realized annoyed. You didn’t want to go out in public like this.
“We’re just going to the doctors. What you have on is fine.” He reassured you, “Besides, I don’t have anything smaller.”
Taehyung felt heat rising up his neck at the judgmental stares he was receiving from the people in the waiting room of the doctor’s office as he sat beside you. They thought that he had done this to you, he could tell by the disgusted looks he was getting from the nurses.
“Y/n?” A nurse with dark brown hair and heavy eyeliner called. Taehyung stood up, relieved to be able to get out of the waiting room. He helped you stand up, but the nurse stopped him as he turned to follow you into the office.
“The doctor would like to speak with Y/n, privately first.” She told him coldly. Shame pooled in his stomach, even though he knew he had done nothing wrong.
“Can’t he come in?” You asked, feeling a bit panicked at the thought of being away from him. You hated doctors; you had since you were little.
“I will bring him in after the doctor has cleared it.” The nurse said in a much kinder tone to you than she had used with Tae. You nodded, following her into the office, shooting a nervous look at Taehyung before the door shut behind you.
The doctor had thought that Taehyung had beaten you. That’s why he hadn’t been allowed in with you.
“No.” You said, letting out a shocked laugh at how outrageous it was to think of Taehyung doing anything like this to anyone. He was such a gentle person.  “He’s my friend. He came for moral support.” You told the doctor, she looked at you quizzically, and you could tell she didn’t totally believe you.
The nurse brought Taehyung into the room and he sat in a chair in the corner of the room.
“So.”  The doctor said, examining the cuts on your face, “What happened?”
“I fell and-“ You started, but were cut off my Taehyung.
“Y/n.” Taehyung said in a disapproving voice, “Tell her the truth. She needs to know what happened.” The doctor looked at Taehyung surprised. When you stayed silent, the doctor looked at him expectantly.
“She was assaulted by her exboyfriend, who she insists on remiaing anonymous. I’m worried that  her ribs might be broken.” Taehyung said as you glared at him. He didn’t care. The doctor needed to know what happened so she could properly look after you.
“Alright.” The doctor said approaching you. “Let’s take a look and see what we can do.”
After you had gotten x-rays that confirmed Taehyung’s suspicion about your ribs being broken, the two of left the office with some stronger pain medications and instructions for you to take it easy for a while. You would have to go in to have your ribs checked again in a few weeks. You denied her offered to contact the police on your behalf, which made Taehyung frown.
“Tae?” You asked as you got into the car. He grunted in response.
“Do you think we could swing by my apartment? I want to get some of my things.”  You asked him as you picked at your finger nails, nervously. Tae stayed silent for a moment. He didn’t think it was a good idea for you to be moving around that much, but you were right; you needed to get your things.
“How about I drop you off at my place and I’ll go get your stuff?” He said. That was a horrible idea. You knew how it would go if Tae ran into Dongyong when you weren’t there. Taehyung wasn’t a violent person, but you saw how angry he was when you’d told him what had happened the night before. You didn’t think he would actually do anything to harm Dongyong, but you didn’t want to take that chance, just in case.
“I just need a few things.” You said, “You can just wait in the car while I go up and grab them, it’ll only take-“
“Fuck that.” Taehyung said, raising his eyebrows at you. “You’re not going in there alone, what if that douche is home?”
In the end you decided that you would both go in, you only agreeing to this if Jungkook would come too. You wanted Jungkook there just in case Dongyong happened to show up while you were getting your things. You knew he would try and start something if he saw Taehyung.
 You unlocked the door of your apartment, breathing a sigh of relief that Dongyong wasn’t here. You headed straight for the bedroom and threw some of your clothes into your suitcase, and some other things into a box.
“I just need a few things from the other rooms.” You told the guys as you left them in the bedroom. You went into the kitchen to grab your favorite mug and your phone charger when you heard someone speak from behind you.
“Look who came crawling back.” You froze, your blood running cold. You hadn’t heard Dongyong come in. You whirled around to face him as he approached you.
“Stay away from me!” You cried as he grabbed your wrist. Before you knew what had happened, Dongyong had been ripped off of you and thrown to the floor.
“Keep your fucking hands off of her, you disgusting excuse for a human being.” Taehyung snarled as he pounded his fists into Dongyong’s face repeatedly. You cried out in fear and shock, reaching for Taehyung’s arm to pull him away from Dongyong. Before you could reach him Jungkook had grabbed you around the waist, lifting you and turning you away from the fighting men. You ribs protested in pain as his arm pressed against them. A small whimper escaped your lips before you could stop it, making Jungkook wince.
“Sorry, sorry.” Jungkook mumbled as he put you down far enough away that you wouldn’t be caught by any flailing limbs. “That’s enough, Tae.” Jungkook said, pulling his friend to his feet by his shoulders, slamming him against the wall when Taehyung tried to lunge past him.
“Taehyung!” You cried, tears in your eyes. “Stop! Please!” You watched sanity return to his eyes as he looked at you, as if just realizing that you were still there. You couldn’t believe what you had just seen. Taehyung, once of the most gentle people you knew had just beat someone up right in front of you. Something you didn’t believe your best friend capable of until this moment. You felt like you didn’t even recognize him, you’d never seen this side of him before, didn’t even know that it existed.
“Fuck you!” Dongyong spat, wiping blood from his mouth with his sleeve and rolling over in pain. Taehyung took a step towards him, but Jungkook shoved him back, hard.
“Get her out of here, Taehyung.” Jungkook told him sternly, shoving his friend none too gently in your direction, making him stumble. “Now.”  
You felt your body shaking, so glad that Jungkook was there to stop Taehyung. You shivered at the thought of what Tae might have done had Jungkook not been there.
Taehyung nodded, reaching for you, but you stepped away from him, heading towards the door angrily. He dropped his hand, grabbing your suitcase and following you out the door, throwing Jungkook one last look before heading out the door.
“Y/n, slow down.” Taehyung called after you as he followed you to the car, putting your bag into the trunk.
“What the fuck was that?!” You yelled at him. “Since when are you a violent person, Taehyung? Seriously. I can’t believe you just did that.”
“He hit you, Y/n.” He yelled back at you, stepping closer, the adrenaline still pumping through him. “He punched you, and tried to fucking rape you!” He didn’t realize he was inches from your face yelling until he brought his hands up and saw you flinch. The anger washed out of him and was replaced with embarrassment and shame. He took a step back.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I shouldn’t have done that.” He started, his voice a little calmer, but you didn’t let him continue.
“No.” You said, trying to hold back your tears. “You shouldn’t have.” You got into the backseat and slammed the door shut behind you.
“Leave the shit, it’s not yours.” Dongyong told Jungkook, gesturing to the bag of your things in his hand. Jungkook ignored him, heading for the door, but Dongyong stepped in front of it, blocking his way.
“Move.” Jungkook said coldly.
Dongyong crossed his arms. Jungkook glared at him, punching him hard in the stomach, causing Dongyong to fall to the ground for the second time that night. Jungkook leaned down until he was inches was from the other man’s face.
“Stay the fuck away from Y/n.” He muttered, walking out of the apartment and closing the door quietly behind him before heading to the car.
“You’re and idiot.” Jungkook said, raising his eyebrows at Taehyung who was leaning against the car. “Get in. I’m driving.” Jungkook sighed, putting the rest of your stuff into the trunk. Taehyung didn’t argue, moving to the passenger’s side. He knew he had fucked up by beating your ex up with you right there.  He had seen the look of fear on your face when you looked at him. He felt awful for losing his temper in front of you.
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Thanks for reading :)
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chanyeolisbeautiful · 6 years
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BTS Reactions:
You Wearing Revealing Clothes
Reaction to Seeing You Wearing Their Clothes
Reaction to You Falling Asleep in Their Arms
Reaction To You Flinching During a Fight
Reaction To You Lifting Something Too Heavy For You
Requested: Reaction To Finding Out That You Tried To Commit Suicide In The Past
Requested: Reaction To You Never Having Been Close With a Man Before
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Big Bang Reactions:
You Having a Bad Dream
BTS Scenarios
You trying to surprise him by cooking dinner
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