chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
Hồi bé thì tớ muốn lớn thật nhanh. Đến khi lớn rồi thì chẳng muốn lớn nữa. Tớ không nói giá như, vì bản thân biết 2 chữ giá như nghe sáo rỗng nhiều. Tớ hay viết, vì viết chính là cách biểu đạt lòng tớ rõ nhất. Tớ không sợ trời, không sợ đất. Chỉ sợ sự cô độc. À không, phải là sự phản bội và bỏ rơi. Tớ trải qua chấn thương tâm lý, trưởng thành hơn bạn bè cùng trang lứa nhiều, vì tớ gặp nhiều chuyện hơn họ. Ừm cũng chả gì đáng tự hào, chỉ là 1 nỗi buồn không nói ra được mà thôi
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chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
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Ừm... em muốn viết 1 chút... chỉ là cảm xúc của em khi nhìn 2 người thôi. Sao nhỉ? Hơn 10 năm theo đuổi con đường fangirl. Thanh xuân em chỉ mới bắt đầu, và may mắn khi khởi đầu của em có các anh. Cũng là lần đầu tiên em nghe tin idol gay và có rela trong nhóm. Lúc em nghe tin, hừm nói sao đây? Chỉ là một cảm giác... khó tả lắm. Em thừa nhận rằng em từng có ý nghĩ một trong các anh sẽ trở thành người yêu em. Ý nghĩ kì dị và lạ lùng. Nhưng kệ đi, em thương các anh hệt như tình cảm em dành cho người yêu. Ừm thì lý do em không muốn quen hay crush ai, cũng vì em nặng tình với các anh. Thực sự nặng tình. Đơn giản vì các anh có mặt lúc em mệt mỏi và yếu đuối nhất. Em lại lan man rồi nhưng em vẫn muốn nói là dù thế nào, em vẫn thương. Thương thật nhiều
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chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
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The Sorolla Museum is a Spanish National Museum located in a small palace on the Paseo del General Martínez Campos in Madrid, a site that would serve as a workshop and housing for Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida with his wife and three children.
Visit the Sorolla Museum
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chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
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alone, by herself she built the kingdom that she wanted
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chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
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put down your knees ‘cz you’re my sex slave
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chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
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blurry face
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chubbey-blog1 · 5 years
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stop touching my own limit
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
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and i love everything about you
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
god damn so gorgous
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
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quick sketch
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
I don’t have any best friend, and of course no bff for real. Everybody always asks me why i don’t find my own bestie. But do they know that i used to have a best friend? I have struggled a lot with making friends. They all betrayed me. They turn their back to me when i have problem. My old-bestie used to do that to me, i mean she turned her back to me when i need her help the most. Everything just so difficult to me. My work is not good, and so do my social relationships. I just want to lay down, close my eyes and hear some Lana’s songs. I just want to have a peace night without any pessimistic thought.
Wish that i’ll have a good night
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
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Last night, there was a fkin bitch post on a status to diss me. and that bitch used to be my friend (and younger than me :)). The reason? Cause I didn’t like his fanpage. Oh god dammit! Post on a diss status just because a like button? So fcking childish :)
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
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I miss my crush so much. Btw today is 5 years debut anniversary of BTS and I can’t go to there Prom Party :( How sad
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
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[AMI x BTS] SWEETLAND - Kookie (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/hZADxFzKrM Đất ngọt cho những người lắm mộng mơ~
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
hello!! I read the asks and you mentioned Foucault, a philosopher and his theory. I would like to request if you could apply the theory to KM? Maybe some other theories from other philosophers too would be nice, just a suggestion. Looking forward to your writings, also i love the visual aids. Cuz I'm a visual learner
Hey, thanks for your ask, and thanks for reading my writing so carefully.
On Foucault, his theories when applied, won’t be used directly to interpret the actual KM relationship, but instead on how existing society norms and discourses impact/restrict the public opinion and reception of the KM relationship.
It is far too complex to explain in detail, but one aspect, for example, would be how existing labels of sexuality influence (and almost determine) how the general population would view KM. This labelling in turn, may cause prejudice to arise. I had briefly touched upon this subject before in an ask [link here].
This is purely my (likely very shallow) interpretation, and my research field is actually not directly relating to this, so I won’t even pretend to be an expert. I just think about the general perception and reception of KM from a Foucauldian point of view, as I think KM a good example to assist me in achieving some sort of understanding of Foucauldian theories on discourse and society (Foucault’s theories are very deep, and there is still so much that I don’t get.)
On the visual aids, I’m glad you liked them. I find it useful in my own learning to draw out in diagrams to express my own understanding of sth. Usually, if I can’t draw it out, it is because 1) the idea have to be further broken down to more basic levels OR 2) I don’t understand the concept myself. And in both cases, I’d have to find ways to solve the problem.
I am glad that you find them useful too~  💛💙
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
kewt things everr
Im kind of nervous about Jimins vlive and if the boy sees any hate, i donno how he will take it. Can u plz provide any koream phrases that we can use, to support him our support plz?
Just made it in time! This is actually a brilliant idea! I will start from something I saw on vlive that a fan did for Jimin which is actually sooo cute!
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Notice the top fans how their profile pics make this sentence:
박지민 너 완전 가수야!  Park Jimin, you are a perfect singer!
Now moving on I will make a list with sentences you can use to brighten up our mochi’s vlive♥
“Jimin ah thank you.”지민아 고마워.
“Our angel Jiminie fighting!”우리 천사 지민이 화이팅! 
“Jimin ah you are perfect the way you are.”지민아 너는 있는 그대로 완벽해.
“No matter what happens we will always stay by your side.” 무슨 일이 있어도 우리가 네 곁에 있을게.
“Jimin ah your music is healing”  지민아 너의 음악을 힐링이되더라고. 
“Please don’t stress and take care of yourself.”스트레스 받지 말고 몸 조심하세요.
“Eat well and rest well. ARMYs will always be waiting for you so please don’t overdo it” 잘 먹고 푹 쉬세요. 아미들은 늘 기다리고 있을테니 무리하지마세요. 
“Jimin you inspire us with your hard work.”지민이 열심히 하는 모습으로 저희에게 영감을 줍니다.
“Thank you for bringing us happiness and hope with your music.” 너의 음악으로 행복함과 희망을 주셔서 감사해요.
“Noona/Hyung is so proud of your hard work!” 누나는/형은 열심히하는 너의 모습이 너무 자랑스러워!
“Your health and happiness are the most important.“너의 건강과 행복이 우리에게는 제일 중요해.
“Please be healthy and happy.” 건강하고 행복하세요.  
“Jimin I like your voice very much”지민이 목소리 너무 좋아.  
“ARMYs are proud of you.” 아미는 네가 자랑스러워.
“Park Jimin your stage is cool!” 박지민 무대 너무 멋져!
“Please keep believing in yourself!” 계속 당신 자신을 믿으세요! 
“Your voice is getting better and better!” 목소리는 더욱더 좋아지고 있어요!
“I liked serendipity so much so I wonder when is the live hehehe?” 세렌디피티 너무 좋아서 라이브 언제ㅋㅋㅋ?
“Is there any solo project you’re working on?” 솔러 하는 프로젝트가 있나요? 
“We like Jimin’s dancing very much! Can you please do some dance covers by yourself? Or with Jungkookie?” 우리는 지민이 춤을 너무 좋아!혼자서 댄스 커버를 좀 해 주시겠어? 아니면 정국이랑?
“It looked like you had a really good time with Jungookie in your Tokyo trip! 정국이랑 도쿄여행에서 매우 즐거운 시간을 보낸 것 같다!  
“I loved the way you smiled brightly in Jungkook’s GCF video! You looked happy and beautiful!” 골클필 영상을에서 지민이 밝게 웃는 모습이 너무 좋았어요. 행복하고 아름다워 보였어요!
“Do you have any plans to travel more? Where do you want to go next?”  더 여행 갈 계획이 있나? 다음엔 어디 가고 싶어? 
If you’re younger than Jimin:Add 오빠 (oppa) after Jimin’s name. If there is 아 (a) take it out and add오빠. Replace 너 (you) with 오빠. Add 요 to the end of the last word of the sentence. For example: 지민아 고마워 → 지민오빠 고마워요.❣ Exceptions: when the sentences end with 야 change 야 to 에요. Do not add 요 to sentences that end with -니다, -랑, -화이팅.
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chubbey-blog1 · 6 years
What do you think is Nagoya 2.0 ??
+ anon 2:
what is nagoya 2.0?
Let’s make a painful trip down memory lane. The year is 2017. A relatively warm day in Nagoya. Date is 15th of June. It is the second day of the BTS WINGS TOUR concert in Nagoya. The following are real events described by real people.
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And the only thing we got of that moment was this:
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Did you see them? No? Let me fucking zoom.
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Lovely right?
Moving on. The year is 2018. 4th Muster in Yokohama Arena on the 21st of April. Can you guess what happened? Yeah you guessed right. The same thing as that dreaded day in Nagoya. (source)
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Oh and what did we get? A black video where we can hear ARMYs going crazy.
Hence that moment was dubbed as NAGOYA 2.0 
I am absolutely fine. 😊🔫
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