ghostinmin · 6 months
a smaller part of my thoughts on the mw3 campaign that i think is important enough to need its own post:
(there are spoilers below)
i've seen many cod creators on here talking about the situation going on in the middle east right now, and a lot of posts condemning the ethnic cleansing and genocide happening in palestine. i think it's great, especially coming from a fandom based on games that are first and foremost military propaganda. what i don't think is great is that soap's death seems to be taking priority over the blatant terrorist storyline that happens with samara and the changing of the no russian mission.
a middle eastern woman - the second one to get a shocking, and brutal death (more brutal than soap's, might i add) - is taken hostage by a group and forcibly made to hijack a plane. she is forced to wear a bomb strapped to her chest and dragged to the back of the plane where more civilians are. when she tries to fight back we get this exchange:
hijacker: are you a terrorist?
samara: no!
hijacker: you look like one.
she is then handed a gun, shoved into a crowd, and we are forced to watch her struggle to get a phone against a crowd of people who think she is a terrorist before the plane blows up.
i see a lot of people in the fandom saying to reject canon as a way to cope, which i fully understand - canon is really really stupid sometimes. however, i'm also seeing a lot of people saying to pretend this campaign just doesn't exist, and i take a lot of issue with that.
this fandom, in particular, does not get to do that. you can be upset with soap's death, the thrown together storyline, the half-baked combat, whatever else you don't like about the game, but we do not get to ignore the purposeful mistreatment of a middle eastern character while also being vocal about palestine. we do not get to ignore that activision chose to change this mission from makarov shooting up an airport, to forcing a middle eastern character to blow up a plane while he escapes. we do not get to ignore that the cod games are military propaganda, and that just because we may enjoy playing or watching these games, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be looking at these games, their storylines, and their characters critically.
i need people to understand that it is an immense privilege to be able to turn them off and "ignore the campaign" while casually reblogging the occasional post about palestine. you are allowed to enjoy these games, and you are allowed to be angry and hurt over soap's death. these games are allowed to be a form of escapism for you, but i am begging you all to think more critically about the choices activision is making here, and understand that escapism doesn't mean you can disregard and ignore those choices.
and i think a lot of people, those who post about palestine in particular, should think about why this fandom is placing more importance on a white character's death than the blatant and egregious islamophobia and military propaganda.
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ghostinmin · 4 years
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ghostinmin · 4 years
Man, I still cannot get over how mature Frozen 2 was. Like, sure, it’s still ostensibly a family film that all ages can enjoy, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen a Disney animated movie that was willing to target the adults in its audience more than the kids. The songs are far less traditional catchy Disney sing-along fare, more classic musical theater storytelling character pieces with weird and experimental tonal choices. It abandons the use of fairy tale language and symbols that the first movie used (no mention of true love’s kiss, royal balls, princess-y stuff) in favor of something far more akin to a mythology-inspired RPG adventure. A massive chunk of the storytelling and themes is communicated in subtext and metaphor, especially with Elsa’s big song in the third act. And so much of the drama revolves around feelings that are… far more difficult, complex, and adult-oriented than kids’ movies usually tackle. Self-actualization by way of coming to terms with your past trauma, siblings who love each other yet find their lives drawn in different directions, struggling to do the right thing when you don’t even know what the right thing is anymore, heck, even Olaf’s comic existential crisis; these aren’t the kinds of emotional struggles kids can relate to as easily as teenagers and grown-ups can.
And that’s entirely intentional. Because in case Olaf’s blatant fourth-wall break in his and Anna’s opening song didn’t tip you off (”And you’ve gotten older too,” he says, speaking directly to the audience), Frozen 2 isn’t really for the kids of today that saw the first film after the fact. It’s for the kids of six years ago who first fell in love Anna and Elsa. Or, more accurately, it’s for the teenagers and young adults those kids grew up into. It takes us back to the site of one of our favorite childhood memories and dares to let those memories, ironically, unfreeze. Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and all the rest have grown up right along with us, and just as our worries and concerns have changed from when we first saw Frozen as kids, their struggles have grown in scope and complexity as well. If the first Frozen was about as perfect a fairy tale for kids as you could get, then Frozen 2 is about exploring what happens after the fairy tale is over and the lessons you learned from it are no longer enough to contend with an increasingly complicated world. So it’s able to be bolder, and less constrained, and go in more sprawling, yet also more intimate directions, and the songs get to do cooler musical things that aren’t as immediately hummable but are so freaking emotionally powerful, and the emotional journeys everyone goes through are able to speak to the grown-ups we’re slowly becoming instead of just the kids we once were, and cripes, can you imagine anything like “Show Yourself” in the first movie? There’s no way! That song is just too, well, adult in its vision of self-acceptance and discovering meaning to work in a fairy tale context. That song could only make sense once the fairy tale started to grow up.
I could honestly go on and on about how much I flipping love this, but I’ve rambled on long enough. TLDR, Frozen 2 matures the themes of the first movie in truly fascinating ways, and it makes for the first Disney Princess movie I’ve seen that might be better at speaking to adults than kids. Feel free to add any of your own insights to this post; I’d love to know what parts of Frozen 2 really touched you in this way!
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ghostinmin · 5 years
spider man Far From Home spoilers ig
wait how is Peter 16 in Far From Home still? am i dumb or just missing something
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ghostinmin · 5 years
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Thank you marvel
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ghostinmin · 5 years
⚠️⚠️⚠️ WRITERS ⚠️⚠️⚠️
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ghostinmin · 5 years
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The Liong King (2019), dir. Jon Favreau
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ghostinmin · 5 years
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like or reblog.
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ghostinmin · 5 years
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Congratulations Ariana Grande, Billboard’s 2018 Woman of the Year!
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ghostinmin · 6 years
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October is half over and I’ve managed to watch eight spooky movies to get in the Halloween spirit! In the order of viewing:
The Skeleton Dance / dir. Walt Disney / 1929
Eyes Without a Face / dir. Georges Franju / 1960
Over the Garden Wall / dir. Patrick McHale & Nate Cash / 2014
What We Do in the Shadows / dir. Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi / 2014
I Married a Witch / dir. René Clair / 1942
The Nightmare Before Christmas / dir. Henry Selick / 1993
Signs / dir. M. Night Shyamalan / 2002
Halloween / dir. John Carpenter / 1978
I have a lot of thoughts about all of them but I liked them all to varying degrees and I recommend all of them for people looking for some good October viewing!
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ghostinmin · 6 years
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Damian Wayne.
Batman Beyond (2016) issues 9-11.
Art is not mine.
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ghostinmin · 6 years
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My contribution to this meme
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ghostinmin · 6 years
the guy in the audience SNAPPED
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ghostinmin · 6 years
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I never really did this before, just because I never felt comfortable about the whole “call out” culture and because I feel like life is too short for internet drama. 
But the racist encounter I had with @otter-the-author just struck home to me, her colorism view, her attitude of talking over oppressed groups and her inability to try to listen and understand where others are coming from is deeply concerning and I just feel like this is something people needs to know when they ask for commission or pledge to her Patreon.
Also she herself asked on twitter to “please let this blow up in the batfamily fandom” so why not grant her wish?
To give you a context for this, this person has a Patreon (that I used to be a part of) where you can get different awards depending on the price you pay monthly, I paid the highest tier (the 10$ one) so I get to ask her monthly for a sketch. So after I pledged the money I reached out for her about what I want the sketch to be (I wanted it to be Damain and maybe Talia if possible) which she agreed on, later I asked if I could have a comic strip which told me she doesn’t do for patreons but only commissions, as a patreon I was only paying for a simple drawing, so I said okay I’m willing to pay for a commission which she told me would be too expensive and then she said I should just suggest her ideas for comics strips since she’s starting to run out of ideas anyways and she would do them for free because she’s running out of ideas. So we agreed on it and everything was fine.
Until I asked her if she could do me a favor and color both Damian and Talia with darker skin. And the racist/colorist bomb went off.
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ghostinmin · 6 years
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happy birthday to the Leo boy Peter Parker ❤️
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ghostinmin · 6 years
The Whitewashing of Damian Wayne
So I’m pretty sure I should start boycotting DC or something.
I just saw the art and description for ‘Super Sons: The Polarshield Project’ and…What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do. To. Damian. Wayne.
Damian Wayne is of Arabic and Chinese descent.
He has black hair, an olive skinned complexion, and Damian is a traditional Arabic name.
In fact, there was a recent storyline where he was fighting to save a Lebanese restaurant from closing down because it reminded him of his home.
And in the upcoming series, they’ve released a picture of him and some information:
They’ve given him brown hair, super pale skin, and he’s going by 'Ian’ which is an extremely American-UK name and the Scottish equivalent of John (which is especially weird because Damian hates nicknames).
Keep in mind that Damian is a fan favorite, and one of DC’s most prominent non-white characters. He speaks Arabic, and it probably is his native language.
And they’re freaking whitewashing him. NOT ONLY are they changing his appearance to make him look like a white boy, but they’re also changing his name to one of Western origin and essentially stripping him of his cultural identity and I just…
I can’t stand this.
I won’t stand for this.
I absolutely cannot condone one of, if not the, most blatant, egregious form of whitewashing I’ve seen in comics-or at least pertaining to Damian Wayne.
(And I really could care less about all those racist 'fans’ who claim that Damian is as white as his father-he is a person of color. Get over yourselves.)
THIS is Damian Wayne:
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I let a ton of terrible things DC did to characters fly,
But THIS?!?!?
I draw the line at whitewashing a prominent person of color and erasing his cultural identity.
(And further-PLEASE stop fancasting him as white. It’s just horrible. I’m going to even take this a step further-don’t fancast Dick Grayson as completely white-he’s Romani. Get it right. No one fancasts Cassandra Cain as white, so don’t do it to them.)
I hope that if enough people take notice of this, DC will do something about it.
Because you know what?
Apparently to some people, it’s totally wrong if the lead actress of 'Ghost in the Shell’ is a white woman playing an Asian character-
But a comic inaccurately portraying Damian Wayne-who is Arab and Chinese, and has a canon olive skin tone-as a white boy, has the right idea?
I honestly don’t know if spreading the word will do anything. Does DC even listen to us anymore? But…I just had to rant about this because-to me, at least- this is not okay on so many levels.
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ghostinmin · 6 years
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“No offense,Rob,but I really think you’re more of a turtleneck and pleated khakis kind of guy.”
Teen Titans issue #18
Art is not mine!
p.s he’s such a fashion icon
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