This looks amazing, omg!! I'm so happy you illustrated part of her fanfic, you did such a good job! It looks so tender and intimade at the same time, ahhhh!!
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Pinch me
An illustration of the wonderful @coldphoenix‘s Frit NSFW oneshot Pinch me. Go read it because it’s amazing!!
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How could someone not like that sweet, cute face, lol? Tundra is pretty great (X
I'm in love with Tundra
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Ahhh, goodie!! This is so nice, I love it! It's not every day you find some Hit x Goku content, so this was a lovely discovery! ^~^
i made a Goku/Hit fic :3
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Romance, friendhsip
Characters: Son Goku, Hit
Words:  5054
After the tournament of power is over and everything ends well and good, Hit comes to Earth looking for Goku and they have a late night conversation.
But, why would Hit come to find him in the first place? Surely it cannot be just to talk…
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Ok, but like.....
Based on theories/ a thoery I've heard, there is the chance Frost and Hit will team up against Frieza....
But I can't stop imagining it!
I just see this big standoff with them, Hit against Frieza whilst Frost is by the golden lizards side, but he's actually a little uncertain about fighting Hit due to his past experiences with him.
But then, Hit either starts talking to him about being allianced with Frieza or simply starts fighting the emperor in a way that causes Frost to realize just what sort of situation he's in. The pirate ends up betraying Frieza and joins the assassin in battle, where they stand back-to-back with smirks on their faces as epic music plays in the background and they fight in an awesome tag-team!
But of course, Frieza might have seen the betrayal coming and is only mildly surprised. Frost doesn't care and feels some type of security now that he's fighting with a man who could kill in a literal heartbeat. Of course, killing is obviously not allowed.... but Frost doesn't let that fact discourage him since Hit is still pretty strong. But Frieza might actually end up trying to kill one or both of them out of anger, seeing his own kind betray him in such a way, whether expected or not.
Hit fights not only for his universe now but to protect Frost. The blue lizard doesn't realize it entirely until Hit saves him from one of Friezas attacks, and it causes him to have second thoughts about how he feels towards the hitman.
Hit, however, may simply protect him as a way to repay the favor to Frost for not sticking to Friezas side, and/or as a way to keep his universe in the game. But regardless, Frost knows he didn't have to save him and ends up gaining a type of respect for Hit that makes him fight for more than himself now that he found someone willing to actually keep him safe after all the bad deeds he had done over his life.
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so is your friku blog still working and by the way love your fanfics.
No, not yet. I checked it today and it's still as bugged as ever. I hope it'll get fixed soon though...But thank you for the concern, and I'm happy you enjoy my writing! ^.^
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Oh I wish I could reblog this to my main.... but Friku is Friku, and it's good! X)
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I’m honestly trying to get into it. I mean, not forcing myself. It doesn’t make sense in my head but that won’t stop me from enjoying the ship in someway. Mostly a teasing jokey way..
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Maybe I should post some of my unfinished fanfics from my main account on here?....
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She's ...... she's beautiful!! *throws a pretty rose at her* Lovely work Astro!! :D
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You know what, I should've rebloged this awesome artwork the moment I saw it!! Kuriza looks great!! (Love that kitty cat ;D)
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Gift art for @friezadidnothingwrong, who was the other winner in my art giveaway. I hope you like it!
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I'm slowly gonna build this blog from the ground up, lol.
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Frost: *knocks on door*
Hit: *opens it slowly* Hello- .... what are you doing here?
Frost: *standing in the pouring rain* .... I thought about your offer hitman.
Hit: Oh?
Frost: *sighs* ....I suppose I can accept it. But in exchange for my apprenticeship, you give me protection.
Hit: *narrows eyes* It doesn't really sound like I get much out of this.....
Frost: It wasn't my idea to come and be trained by you, now was it?!
(Thunder echos in the distance)
Hit: .....come inside.
Frost: I don't trust-
Hit: Come inside.
Frost: .......
Hit: ...It's cold out tonight.
Frost: .....Tsk! *goes in reluctantly* I'm only listening to you because it's warm in here....
Hit: Understood. *smirks and closes the door* ...... Although, let me just say that it might get a lot warmer for you in due time....
Frost: What's that suppose to mean? *suspicous*
Hit: You'll see soon enough... *chuckles*
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But poor Freezy Pop, lol. His hands don't seem like they're doing too good, but it's understandable since they're so difficult to draw! xP
Is there something you dislike/find hard to draw?
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It would appear my reblog didn't appear for you Blue... therefor, I shall fix it and 'start' this Hit blog off with some sweet, perfect, precious Frit!! <~<
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Yeh put yo face in the lizords shoulder Hit
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Okay, this is probably the most stupid thing I’ve ever draw…
AKA Icejins French Maid AU.
Just a rough sketch for now… I’m working on it
(Bonus, I’ve added Godtuber!Gowasu, because after today’s episode… He just killed me! LOL)
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Hit let himself sigh, as his head tilted towards the ground slightly. He thought on his words for a moment before speaking. "This may come as a shock/ surprise too you Frost, but if I'm to be honest, I need the extra help. You probably know that my job as an assassin gives me a rather "high" pay, and in order for me to get that money I must complete contracts. But the truth is, my contracts take more time than you might think and I have a well known reputation for being good at what I do..." He paused. "But my work comes with unfortunate and unwanted attention. More often than not, I've had people attempt to rob me for any easy cash whilst I'm gone off on my killings. Although I have the cash to secure my house enough to prevent such acts, I'm a simple man, and I have no interest in well equipping the place I live in for certain reasons." The hitman took another step towards the questioning lizard abruptly. He slid a hand out of his coat pocket, extending it invitingly. "You're a criminal Frost, and no matter the bad things you've done, you should be familiar with the motive of stealing. I'm not going to lie when I say I'd be appreciative if you chose to help me, a single week without greedy trespassers should be enough time for me to figure out a way to prevent them permanently. As said, you'll be payed well."
"Anything I want you to do, huh?" The assassin pondered on the idea for a moment. Then, he got it. "This is a weird question, Frost, but how do you feel about guarding my house for a week? I'll pay you, since it would be necessary."
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“You… You can’t be serious…” Frost asked in disbelief. He mentally slapped himself for taking this challenge. ‘Of COURSE Hit would be the first in line for this…’ he thought. The Icejin let out a sigh before accepting the assassin’s request and responding. “How much will I be paid though?”
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"Oh, you'll be payed handsomely, I assure." He let himself grin slightly as the hitman thought it over. "Unfortunately, I haven't fully come to an arrangement of the price. But since you're normally not the most "agreeing" person, you won't be disappointed. This opportunity came suddenly so I'm not entirely prepared, I'll admit." Hit then let out a subtle sigh, as he shut his eyes momentarily. His convincing tone shifted slightly to one of buisness. "If you wish, I can fill you in on why I'd require your 'assistance'."
"Anything I want you to do, huh?" The assassin pondered on the idea for a moment. Then, he got it. "This is a weird question, Frost, but how do you feel about guarding my house for a week? I'll pay you, since it would be necessary."
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“You… You can’t be serious…” Frost asked in disbelief. He mentally slapped himself for taking this challenge. ‘Of COURSE Hit would be the first in line for this…’ he thought. The Icejin let out a sigh before accepting the assassin’s request and responding. “How much will I be paid though?”
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Hit released a soft sigh. "It wouldn't do any use to stand here. Unfortunately for you, we're heading to meet with Champa. Of course if you must know, he's not in the best of moods at this point in time due to the tournament and short preperation time, so I suggest trying to keep any temper you might have with him low."
The assassin then stepped to the side, turning his head to gesture behind him in a certain direction. He glanced at Frost with a small tilt. "Let's get going then."
"Oh, hello there Frost." The assassin spoke casually, as he took a single step towards the space pirate, eyeing him intently. "I was just searching for you, it's for something important."
Frost turned towards the purple skinned assassin, somewhat nervous as to what exactly the hitman wanted with him.
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“Um, alright?… What is it?”
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