ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Could I request a scenario where Guren Ichinose's fem s/o (who he known after the catastrophe), finally gets to go outside the city walls with his squad for the first time since the catastrophe. Only to end up being outed by a surprised and terrified vampire that she's a werewolf. And for her to then turn and defend Guren and his squad. (I thought hey. There's vampires, demons and angels. So why not werewolves!)
sure!! i had a lot of fun writing this and I actually went really into it and wrote a bit more than expected 😅 ahah i’d also like to clarify I barely read catastrophe at 16 because they aren’t available past a certain chapter! but!!!! i did my best (though it could’ve been better) and hope this pleases you bb! ❤️ also thank you for requesting the love of my LIFE
Guren Ichinose
Werewolf!Reader AU
Words: 4227
The morning sun peered brightly throughout the room. Rays of sunshine annoyingly pulling you back to consciousness. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes with a yawn and a nice stretch. Sitting in the morning silence, you wondered about today’s mission. Today was the first day you’d be traversing out into the unknown. The feeling of nervousness began to set into your bones, making you toy with the sheets. You dreaded the fact that you denied Guren’s request to stay with you last night. Yet, how could you? He’d find out about your real self because your ears and tail would come out in your sleep.
Groggily and reluctantly you rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. You stared at your reflection for a minute, taking a good look at your pointed ears and shaggy tail. It made you feel insecure to even be in your half form. The thought of the squad hating you for who you were was too much, so you always used a small bit of magic to seal it away. The only thing that couldn’t be sealed were your canines that Guren seemed to love. You always wondered if he could tell that you were a werewolf just by your teeth. You had been the only werewolf around the area and have been looking for your pack for a while. Yet the squad did feel like your own home, a new pack to follow with Guren at the lead. So you did everything you could to hide yourself so you could stay close to them.
Shaking the thoughts away, you casted the sealing spell and got yourself into your uniform. You brushed out your skirt and swallowed down your nerves. With one more check in the mirror, you headed to the door of your room.
“Hey there.” There he was , the devil himself staring lovingly at you with those purple eyes. “Good morning, Guren.” You stood on your tip toes to leave a kiss on his cheek but he swiftly caught your lips with his. The two of you stood that way for a moment, passionately drunk on each other’s kiss. Guren broke the kiss first making you frown from the lack of even the smallest bit of him. He smiled brightly before he spoke, “Did you sleep well?” He began an idle chit chat that you usually shared in the mornings, making your way down to the front of the building.
“It would’ve been better with you, I’m so nervous right now.” You sulked down the stairs ruffling up your hair. Guren chuckled at your childish manner from behind you, eyes trailing over your legs. “Don’t be, you have the best senses and intuition on the team. You’ll know if we need to hightail it out of there before the rest of us.” It could’ve sounded like a taunting pun if he knew what you really were but he was right. You had the keenest senses, able to pick up danger before the rest of them, you were the navigator of the squad. Yet, piqued senses weren’t your only saving quality, you had incredible brute strength that frightened many. Guren however, enjoyed this also, thinking you were incredibly adorable and a favorable attribute to the squad.
“Good morning (y/n), Guren!” Sayuri chimed when you reached the front entrance and walked her way towards the two of you with Shigure following suit. “Good morning.” You and Guren both said your greetings of the day, walking towards the makeshift “lobby” you made. Everyone was sat at their respective seats with a map set in the middle. It was a handmade map of where you stayed and the nearby buildings. Today was the day you’d go past the small abandoned city you inhabited. Guren began to speak up about battle tactics and the squad formations.
“Do we all understand?” Guren questioned as he stood up from his seat a sense of dominance looming from him. “Yes, sir!” You all stood up in turn and nodded your heads in agreement. It was time, you were all ready for the journey ahead. The feeling of a ghosting dread never left the pit of your stomach, you were almost scared of it. Your intuition screamed at you that this was a bad idea, but you couldn’t let the others know. You knew that this journey needed to be made in order to go forward with your lives.
Guren seemed to take note of your twiddling thumbs over your skirt and took hold of each hand in his. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at him questioningly. “It’ll be okay.” His lips never faltered from the serious look plastered on his face, but his eyes held worry that matched your own. “I know.” You swallowed thickly at the lies you told, you couldn’t worry him at this time. Guren nodded his head and led you outside to the waiting squad.
“That pale look of yours isn’t cute on you (y/n)! Lighten up!” Norito smacked your back with a haughty laugh. Your emotions shifted slightly to a more annoyed tone and you glared him down. Norito put his hands up in defense, still laughing quite loudly. “Let’s go.” You stated, storming to the front of the squad assembly and towards your path. The squad was set up with you as the lead, for your keen sense of smell and sight. Shigure and Sayori a few feet behind you, walking on the sides with Guren in the middle. Mito staying right on your heels because her strength paired well with yours. Lastly, Norito trailed at the very back. It was almost like you were escorting Guren.
“I don’t sense any danger near.” You spoke up after around five to ten minutes of walking through the lonely streets. Everything seemed to be decaying, only a few buildings seemed to be left standing. It was a miracle you were able to find the one you did. Mito hummed in response and relayed the message to the rest of the squad. In the vast distance, trees began to meet your vision. The trees seemed to go on for a while, it looked like a forest laid in wait. The closer you got, the eerie feeling began to creep up your throat once more.
A shadow in the distance quickly caught your attention and you held up your hand for the squad to halt. “What is it?” Mito questioned in a low whisper, she began to slowly walk to your side. Her fists were already up to her chest ready for a fight. You sniffed the wind that blew past you and could make out an animals scent. Nothing out of the ordinary, it smelled like a rabbit. “It’s an animal, we should stop and catch it.” Mito nodded and signaled the rest of the squad.
Norito and Shigure went off to catch the rabbit while the rest of you stood in wait. You climbed up in a nearby boulder to see a little further into the brush. There seemed to be buildings a bit farther out past the forest. “There seems to be more buildings up ahead.” You stated as you began to walk down the boulder carefully.
After waiting for a few minutes, the two never came back with the rabbit. It began to settle with everyone that something had possibly happened. As if silently agreeing to move forward in search of them, you moved to formation B. Traversing even farther into the forest, you began to pick up a new smell. It smelled like Norito, but the scent of blood wafted in the air. The red alarms became apparent more than ever and you began to sprint in his direction.
“Norito! Shigure!” You all called out the closer you got to his scent. Making your way past a few more trees, laid Norito on the ground with Shigure barely holding herself together beside him. In front of them stood five vampires. They quickly noticed your presence, no longer acknowledging Shigure’s beaten form. Sayuri quickly ran out to catch Shigure before she fell from exhaustion but a vampire was just as quick to reach Shigure. The vampire had roundhouse kicked her into a nearby tree.
“Sayuri!” Guren yelled as he jogged up in the formation standing guard in front of you and Mito. The situation was becoming grave as you assessed each vampire. Everyone knew not to recklessly play hero to your squad mates until you could properly ascertain their strengths. The vampire that kicked her had red hair, he seemed to be incredibly packed with strength. His foot raised and nestled over Shigure’s cheek, pressing her down into the dirt. You studied the other vampires movements, but they seemed to be studying you first.
“Hey! Stop kicking her for a sec!” A blonde haired vampire motioned for the other vampire to stop, never once dropping eye contact with you. “What?” The red head seemed pissed, hot headed, as he slammed his foot onto Shigure’s head. Mito became antsy with her movements and began to run head first towards the vampire. The red haired vampires turned his attention towards her as she ran up to him. Before she could land a blow, the vampire dodged it skillfully and raised his foot with his hands in his pockets.
Your actions were faster than the vampires as you punched the vampire to a tree across the way, nearly snapping it in half. “(y/n)!” Mito shouted surprised at your reaction time. “Get those two out of danger and treat them, me and Guren got this handled.” You gave her a quick thumbs up before turning towards the vampire bunch. Guren hastily made his way in front of you, shielding you from the vampires view. “(y/n), go join Mito and the others.” His words dumbfounded you.
“No! Don’t argue with me right now, this is too many to take on alone.” Granted, he probably could take them all on, you’ve witnessed his strength before. He always hid that phenomenal skill of his behind this nonchalant attitude. Before he could form a protest, the blonde haired vampire spoke first.
“Why do you have that mutt with you?” His words seemed big and strong, but the small shake of his body told you differently. Guren’s attention was averted back to the vampire and he questioned what he meant by that. 
“That! That disgusting thing!” Guren’s eyes followed the vampire’s pointed finger, it was directly aimed at you. Your body shook slightly at the pressure of their eyes all on you. It dawned quickly on you what they meant, it terrified you to the core. You couldn’t be found out like this, you weren’t ready to expose your secret to them. “Shut up!” Your voice shouted at him before you charged on impulse. It was very unlike you to just act on your own without thinking, but your family was on the line.
The two of you sparred while Guren was staring in question at the events unfolding. “You mean you didn’t know?” The green haired vampire piped up, she laughed loudly at Guren. A punch had slammed against your gut and slammed you against a tree. Blood coughed out of your mouth and over your hand. The only weakness you had was the suppressed form you held, it held all of your power behind that spell. “What are you talking about?” Your vision became hazy but you knew it was Sayuri weakly questioning the enticing vampire.
The vampire scoffed at her ignorance and trailed over to your form. Your eyes could make out both the blonde vampire and the green haired vampire surrounding you. She lifted your hair roughly to get a look at your face clearly. “She’s a mangy werewolf, but an incredibly weak one at that.”
The image of you and Guren drinking coffee passed through your memory, cracking slowly. Images of you, Shigure, Mito, and Sayuri laughing in the middle of class began to crumble. The fleeting memories of you and Norito bickering about his flirting ways. It all began to crumble up into your hands. Your eyes widened, your secret had just been told to the people you loved the most. Tears welled in your eyes from both the pain of her yanking your head and the fear of loss. You were scared beyond words, you just lost everything. The blonde vampire kicked your jaw and repeatedly kicked your stomach causing more blood to spit out. “Aw, I didn’t know dirty dogs had feelings.” The green haired vampire laughed wickedly as she dragged her sharp nails across your cheek.
You were so caught up in their words that you failed to notice the sound of fighting. Guren was fighting three vampires with Mito. They seemed to be failing horribly to the vampires strengths. These vampires didn’t seem like low class fighters. “Leave them…alone.” You hoarsely demanded after another kick hit you. “Oh?” The female dropped your hair and grabbed your jaw roughly, squeezing at the forming bruise the other vampire left. She seemed to be sarcastically telling you off with the blonde vampire but the words never reached your ears. Instead you were busy eyeing behind her, catching a glimpse of Guren getting slashed across the chest with a blade. It had set off a fire deep within you, burning deeper than the sick feeling of fear.
You grasped the wrist of the vampire and snapped it. “I said, leave them alone!” You shouted at her and sent her flying past Guren with your fist. The blonde haired vampire seeming weak willed reacted slowly to your actions and you ripped a hole through his chest with your bare hands. Your spell was faltering, exposing your ears, tail, and honed claws. You ripped your hands out of his chest and watched as fell into a ball onto the ground, soaking up nearby flowers in his blood.
Everything stopped, it felt like the world stopped turning on its axis. Blood splattered over your face when you turned to look at the other vampires. Your eyes were sharper and gleaming red. You didn’t care to look at the squad’s faces, you could only see a searing red. A vampire had sauntered over to a passed out Shigure, not once noticing the way you dug your heels into the ground. “(y/n)!” An echo of your name sounded your ears, turning to look for the owner your eyes trailed over to Guren. He was holding back two vampires while Mito held her own against one. He seemed desperate to reach you but couldn’t get through any openings.
Your muscles contorted and shifted with each passing second. The spell had become worn to its end, exposing your true full form. A werewolf. Your human thoughts emptied out but your loyalty stayed with your heart. You knew you had to save them, save your family.
The vampire hoisted Shigure up, ready to sink it’s teeth deep into her neck. With a swift blow of the wind, you kicked your feet off the ground and ripped the vampires head clean off its shoulders. Holding its head in your mouth you turned your attention over to a screaming vampire. The vampires all quickly scrambled in their feet and made haste past the trees, but you wouldn’t let them get too far.
The sun had set after you had finished hunting them all down. Your werewolf form was exhausted of its limits and your human form took hold of you. You stared at your hands, the moon illumination the blood coating your hands. It shocked you to say the least, you lost control of yourself to your animal instincts. Shit! It caught up to you what had unfolded a few hours ago, how could you face them now? You thought it best to run away but the image of Guren flickered in your mind. You didn’t want to leave him, you loved him dearly, but could it ever go back to normal.Your tail hung low in disbelief.
The wind blew harshly around you with a bite of cold. You shook in your arms, noticing you were completely naked from fighting. You absentmindedly reached for the dead vampires robe and wrapped it snug around you. It felt disgusting and smelled just as horrendous. Your feet acted on their own once your nose caught wind of a familiar scent.
You trudged through the deep forest heading in the direction of the scent. Whilst walking, you tried your best to recall what happened after you turned but nothing came up. It was all a blur how you even made it to this side of the forest. You clenched the robe draped over your shoulders.
“(y/n)?” The question came suddenly, you weren’t aware that someone had approached you. Yet you couldn’t make out the small framed body that stood before you. The trees began to warp and the floor began to shake. “She’s….here…” The words were so muffled you could barely make them out. That’s when your feet became light and your body collided with the ground. Before your consciousness slipped away, hands were hastily picking you up in their arms. The warmth taking you to a sweet sleep.
When you had finally woken, your eyes met with a grey ceiling. You lifted your hands to your face and noticed they were bandaged. It caused a small panic to run through you. You jolted to a sitting position but quickly regretted it due to the nagging pain from all over. A heavy groan left you as you fell back into the pillow.
“You’re awake?” Someone else was in here? You could barely lift your head up to meet the owner but it was too dark to catch a glimpse. After transforming into your full form, your senses become dulled from the lack of strength. The person was sitting in a chair slightly away from the bed you laid in. The lamp beside you barely helped you make out the persons shoes.
“Who are you?” You barely recognized your own voice for it had been strained to hell. There was a sound of a book closing softly followed by a screech of the chair being pushed back. The feet of the shadow turned towards your direction, hesitantly walking forward. 
The face of a worried Guren met your eyes causing you to relax the stiffness in your shoulders. You smiled weakly up at him and tried to lift yourself up one more time but were stopped short by his hand. He shoved you back down onto the bed with knitted brows, as if contemplating something serious. You were confused by his facial expression, he looked at you like a foreign object- like he hadn’t been dating you for the past year. Guren broke the stiffening silence between the two of you.
“You have a broken rib, twisted ankle, bruising all over, and lost a lot of blood from several deep wounds.” Guren counted off the reasoning for your sourness and moved to sit on the bed beside you. “Do you remember what happened?” His purple eyes met yours, they lacked their usual gleam of excitement. His eyes instead were replaced with a look of hesitation and worry. “I remember, leaving the building towards the forest. We encountered three….no, five vampires. Shigure and Norito were gravely injured. The rest is muddled.” Your fingers clenched the sheets and your eyes darted all over the ceiling as if you were pin pointing memories on the ceiling. No matter how hard you strained the rest of your memory becomes clouded, you can remember the intense fear and pain of the event but not what caused it.
You reached your hand up to meet his cheek and rested it there. Guren seemed almost surprised by your actions but held his hand gently over yours. “What did….what did I do?” Guren’s eyes widened and quickly darted off to the side. You knew you had done something but what could it have been you didn’t know. Eyes trailing over his chest, you noticed bandages wrapped around his chest through his unbuttoned shirt. Your fingers trailed downwards and ran across the bandages, watching how his body twitched with each run of your fingers. An image of you being beat by two vampires rattled your brain sharply causing you to hiss and hold your head. Guren quickly noticed and brought a glass of water to your lips. You drank the water generously, trying to quench the unnoticed dehydration.
You opened your mouth to thank him but realized when you went to grab your head, you felt it. The fuzz of your ear tickled your exposed finger tips. You gasped sharply and pushed yourself up against the corner of the wall, ignoring the deathly intense pain. “(y/n), are you-“ “Stop! Don’t come closer!” Your hands pushed up in front of you to keep him from coming closer. The realization had set in, you turned completely in front of them. The secret laid bare for all to see. You felt stripped of your safety net, felt naked.
Ragged breathing was all you could hear in your ears, nearly wheezing from the strain in your chest. “Please, calm down.” His soothing voice echoed through your ears but it only scared you. “Don’t act like everything’s fine, Guren! It’s ruined, everything’s ruined, I ruined everything!” Before you knew it, sobs uncontrollably choked out with heavy tears running down your cheeks.
In your fit of sobs, you failed to notice the shift of the bed beside you. Or the way warm hands enveloped you around your shoulders, careful to not hold you tightly or irritate your wounds. “(y/n)…” Guren whispered your name in your ear and that’s when you broke. Your hands held tightly into his shirt, sobbing loudly into the side of his exposed neck. He held you in complete silence until your cries began to die out in small hiccups.
Guren leaned back to look at your red face, bringing his hands up to swipe the tears off your cheeks. Your eyes cast downward but he was quick to hold your chin up to meet his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He questioned once he found what words to say first. Tears prickled your eyes once more as you shook slightly from the question. “I was scared you wouldn’t accept me, that you’d hate something as disgusting as me.” His expression never changed while he absorbed your answer.
Your eyes rapidly darted across his face, desperately looking for an answer instead of silence. “You can tell me anything. You’re the most beautiful girl to me, I could never find you disgusting. Even if you were a vampire, a demon, whatever, you’re my girlfriend. That’s all you are to me, my special girlfriend.” Guren’s hands trailed down your cheeks and prodded at the tail wrapped around your hips. You flinched slightly at his touch but your nerves calmed down noticing the smile tugging at his lips.
“Besides….it’s kinda cute. You shouldn’t hide this form from me.” His wicked eyes met yours. They seemed to hold a new spark of mischief behind them paired with a smirk. Guren tugged slightly at your tail causing you to yelp. He responded quickly by placing his lips tenderly upon yours. Tears fell once more while you went to hold his face. When you pulled away you couldn’t help but laugh at your foolishness. Of course he’d still love you after this, you knew he loved every inch of you.
“What about the others?” You questioned and rubbed the tears out of your eyes. As if on cue, the door flew open and a pile of bodies fell to the floor. “You idiot! Why’d you lean on the door so much!” Mito shouted at Norito. Shigure stood behind them with Sayuri, they watched as the two bickered. “Ahem.” Guren cleated his throat menacingly at the two. He wanted nothing more than for them to be quiet while you were still recovering. “(y/n)! We were so worried! They all scurried in and formed around the bed, peering over at you.
“I was so worried when I saw you pass out!” Sayuri exclaimed. She must have been the one who you saw before collapsing. “Your ears are so totally adorable (y/n)! Don’t be shy and hide it!” Norito boisterously flirted with you like normal, forgetting Guren was present. The two males began to bicker while Shigure approached your side with a smile. “I’m glad you’re safe. Thank you for protecting me.” She bowed slightly.
A hiccup stopped everyone’s actions and they quickly turned to you. They watched as you cried awkwardly and unsure what to do. Mito and Sayuri became frantic and quickly came to your side, while Guren was quick to hand you a glass of water.
“I’m so happy.” The words choked out between sobs. You couldn’t help the laugh that erupted at the look of their faces. They were utterly confused on what to do right now. “I thought you’d hate me, I was so scared. I’m so happy right now.” You sat up quickly, ignoring the pain in your body and quickly wrapped your arms around a surprised Guren. He welcomed your hug with the same amount of love as your cries echoed the room. You were surrounded by the people you loved the most.
You were happy you could move forward freely with the family you created, with no secrets.
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Study Break
Terushima Yuuji
Words: 865
The words on the textbook started to mingle and collide sentences over. It had been like this for the past three hours, none of the words seemed coherent. It felt like learning a whole new language or deciphering ancient dialects.
Your pen tapped rapidly on the notebook you had opened beside your book-few words and definitions scribbled on the page. The feeling to scrap this page as well was overwhelming, you had already crumpled up several pieces in the trash bin. Some of the papers missed on their way in and made a mess around the bin.
Each passing second became more annoying than the last. Your own handwriting became questionable to read beside the doodles of random animals. Sighing, you were sure to admit defeat in the next few minutes if this kept up.
Your eyes glance over to your boyfriend, Terushima. Of course, he had already completed his studies an hour ago and was idly playing on his phone. It frustrated you how quick he could finish studying like it was a simple task. Compared to your work, it was like geometry-complicated and incomprehensible.
Terushima looked up to find your eyes burning with stress as they absentmindedly traced his legs. A small chuckle erupted from him, snapping you out of your daze.
“What’s so funny?” The words came off a bit too sharp for either of your liking but it was hard to maintain. Terushima leaned forward slightly towards you to get a better look at your notebook. “How’s your studying coming along?” He seemed to be taunting you playfully to shift the mood- it didn’t help. Your arms crossed over your chest in a reign of defense and cocked your head away from him. “Fantastic.” Another chuckle left him which irked your nerves.
“You know, I could always help you. This subject is easy for me.” Terushima flipped through the notes you took and compared them to the textbook. From the corner of your eye, you could see him shuffling to a sitting position right beside you. “Unless you want to take a break? Maybe some food would help, you can’t expect to get better by cramming information without a break.” He reached for your hand and began to rub circles with his thumb.
You didn’t want to stop studying though you knew he was right. You hadn’t eaten in nearly eight hours. Pondering whether to take a break or keep studying, you drummed your fingers on his hand. Yet it seemed like he wasn’t waiting for an answer as he hoisted you to your feet with him. “Let’s go to that new restaurant down the street! I know you wanted to check it out.” Terushima began to walk to your closet yanking out random clothes. “Yuuji, I have to study!” You whined as he was making a mess of your things.
“Here, get dressed.” He held a huge grin on his face, pushing an array of clothes in your hands. It was like he picked several outfits for you to try on that reached up to your chin. “It’s getting late though! I have a test tomorrow morning!” You tried to plead with him through the mountain of clothes but he hurriedly shoved you into the bathroom. He was not taking a no for an answer. Once he is set on something, there’s nothing that can change that decision.
After choosing an outfit that fit best, you walked out to a cheeky Terushima. His hands grabby to hurry and hold you in his arms. “Let’s get a heaping portion of food to fill you up with protein and energy! Then I’ll help you study when we’re done!” He began to drag you out of the room and quickly through the front door. When you stopped in front of his car, he opened the door, but you didn’t budge.
“(y/n)?” He questioned why you stood there with your hands balled up staring at the ground. It seemed you were about to implode on millions of emotions. “Are you sure we should be doing this?” The crack in your voice unsettled him. “I don’t want to fail, Yuuji. I’m so stressed out.” You were ready to fall to your knees and cry right then and there. However, he was there before you could even take your next breath.
Terushima wrapped his arms tightly around your frame and kissed all over your face. The fluttering feeling caused you to giggle at his actions. It made you feel warm inside, washing over the putrid feeling of dread. With one last kiss landing on your lips, he held your face in both hands gently caressing over your flushed cheeks.
“It’s okay to take breaks, it’s important to do so. I can’t let my sweet (y/n) fall to the hands of evil school assignments.” His voice was playful in tone and held your hand up to his heart. “I will save this damsel in distress! Come, let us go eat my princess!” He gestured towards the car seat. Before deciding to finally give into him, you leaned up and kissed him one last time.
“Thanks for saving me, my knight in shining armor!”
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
the suguru smut,,,,we love to see it!!
3am me has some....ambitious thoughts lmAO thank you!! <3
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Suguru Daishou
Words: 636
warnings!!! nsfw
mentions of: oral/degradation/vulgar language
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Cold slender fingers ran slowly up your thigh until it reached the ankle he held in his hand. His teeth grazed the side of your ankle as he littered small pecks that led up your thigh. Not once did he break eye contact the closer he got to your dampened panties. The kisses soon turned to tiny bites on your skin until he reached your supple thighs-biting rougher at your inner thighs. It made him chuckle lowly hearing the way you would whine out his name weakly. You were a mess, hair strewn around, violet stained collarbones, and half naked top.
Placing one last kiss directly on your heat, he sat up to watch the way you writhed underneath him. Begging for him to continue touching you and calling out his name breathlessly. He carefully etched the image of you in his mind before he began his next actions. Suguru had a devious smirk and look of lust glittering in his eyes. His hand made its way to your throat and roughly squeezed until your mouth fell open in pants.
“That’s right, beg for me babydoll. Beg for me to eat you like my last fucking meal.” His grip never let up while his other hand bunched up your skirt to your waist. Your breathing was becoming so ragged it was hard to muster up to his demands- let alone think.
“S…Suguru…”A tightening grip choked your words the more you spoke. “Please…please, eat me out.” A flush of red bloomed over your features to speak such impure words to him. This seemed to please him as he finally released his dangerous hold on your throat and moved his head between your thighs. Your chest heaved with the feeling of his fingers hooking your panties down to your knees. Suguru licked his lips as he stared down at the way your pussy throbbed under his gaze. You had become tired of the unnecessary waiting and threw your leg around his neck, pulling him flush against your pussy. His fingernails dug deeply into your thighs and pulled them wide apart.
“What a needy slut. Want me to eat you that badly, huh?” Suguru began to chuckle and he gave you a maniacal grin. Your head became empty the way he roughly pinched and pulled at your clit. His head lowered down til his lips barely touched your folds. Tongue protruding slightly, he lightly lapped up the wetness at your entrance.
“Suguru…”The way you moaned his name drove him insane. The elicit moans that cried his name came out in strings with each press of his tongue. He pressed his tongue down harder against your pussy, teeth slightly grazing. Thighs shaking in anticipation, you bucked your hips forward in a silent plea for him to go further. His tongue sloppily moved up and down your slick folds and let you face fuck him. Switching his mouth and hands, he began to nibble down onto your clit with his sharp teeth.
“Suguru!” You practically yelled out his name with how rough he bit down. His fingers curled up inside you until they reached your g-spot. Your vision was becoming hazy including your thoughts. You weren’t sure what else to think besides choke out his name more. Tears began to well at the corner of your eyes. Before you could cum around his fingers, he slipped his fingers out and sat up to get a look at you.
“Open.” Suguru gripped your chin roughly, waiting for you to open your mouth. His fingers massaged your greedy tongue with your juices coating his fingers. The insane look never once wavered across his features. Drool was starting to dribble down your chin the further back to your throat he went.
“That’s a good girl. I’m gonna fuck you like the whore you are.”
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
hey guys! i’m gonna add guren ichinose to my writing list, i can’t believe i didn’t think about him when i made the list.
so requests for him are open, i have two projects started for him as well (:
i am also completely caught up with the manga!
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
I’m the anon that requested the Zenitsu headcanons. I just want to tell you that the fic is perfect and your writing is amazing!
kwpeifofpfi thank you!! i always doubt my writings so seeing you liked it makes me happy xx
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Can I request headcanons of Zenitsu’s girlfriend surprising him with a blowjob after he was tired from a mission?
Zenitsu Agatsuma
implied! nsfw
The door violently swung open, rattling the estate even from your shared room. The space in your futon laid empty and lacked its usual warmth. You mentally cursed your luck, forgetting how your lover, Zenitsu, had left for a mission. You were just as precautious as him and had your blade laid next to you. Desperately, you clenched the blade in your hands and wiped the sleep out of your eyes. With another shake of the room, you knew the door had been shut. With such force you wondered if the door had possibly been decimated.
“I’m home…” The familiar voice echoed longingly through the hallway. You released a heavy breath, hands shaking in relief. “I wonder if they’re awake….stupid mission.” He sounded irritated with the way his feet dragged across the wooden floors. Placing the blade back in its sheath, you walked over to open the door to the room. You were greeted by a disheveled and frustrated Zenitsu.
“I’m awake, welcome home.” You offered him your usual warm smile but he didn’t seem to return it. He usually acts like this after difficult missions and lately, he’d been sent on multiple in a row. Never arriving until ungodly hours or at the crack of dawn. Sometimes he’d come home crying into your arms about how annoying a mission had been or would fall asleep at the front entrance. Today though, he seemed angrier more than usual.
“(y/n)-chan,” He drawled our your name in a desperate coo, falling to his knees. “, I can’t do this anymore.” Zenitsu whined at the top of his lungs and desperately held your night wear. This was somewhat usual, the whining of his missions, but his clench on your clothes was similar to a death grip. It pained you to see him in such a state, you weren’t sure what you could possibly do.
“First, lets get you cleaned up and you can tell me all about it.” That’s what he loved about you most, the way you dealed with his childish nature better than anyone, even Tanjiro. It was like you were his miracle.
He dried his eyes and nodded his head as you took his hand in yours, guiding him to sit next to the futon. He began to unbutton his clothes as you walked to a cabinet filled with first aid products. This was a routine thing for you two now. You began to walk back over to him but couldn’t help the flush of heat creeping up your neck. He had some gashes littered over his bare chest and one over his stomach. It wasn’t unusual to see him shirtless, in fact you’d seen it quite often, but tonight felt different. The way his fists clenched over his knees, veins protruding, and the energy he emitted felt different.
You sat directly in front of him and examined, gawked, at his every gash. “And then you wouldn’t believe what happened next!” His yelling broke your slightly impure thinking, had he been talking this whole time?
“What happened, dear?”
Zenitsu continued to ramble on and on for what felt like hours. You wondered if he could feel the way you were slowly patching him up, letting your fingers trail. “It was beyond annoying! Tanjiro and Inosuke never came back for me either! I could kill them.” The end of his sentence caused you to slightly tense, his voice seemed to drop an octave you didn’t know he could reach. Honestly, it made a warmth pool over your entire being with how he huffed over your exposed neck.
Then, it dawned on you what would be the best remedy.
“Zenitsu, you really should let all that tension go.” Your words slurred as your hands trailed up his arms after tying the last bandage. Zenitsu seemed to physically move back from the chills that followed your fingers. Yet his anger didn’t teeter and his veins on his neck were still visible. “I’ll let that tension go by punching each of them in the face.” His voice began to shake, this time it shook from a different tension. He didn’t miss the way you traced every bandage down his chest. He couldn’t miss the way your eyes were cast downward the whole time he spoke, but he didn’t think much of it. “I’ll give them a piece of my mind.” This time his sentences became breathless over your hands meeting between his legs.
“(y/n)-c-chan!” He started to squirm a bit under you and stuttered your name out through gritted teeth. His anger had seemed to wash away and new emotions bloomed over his features. Embarrassment. Shock. Lust. His breathing became ragged as he anitcipated your every move. Zenitsu didn’t dare move, partly out of shock and excitement, as your hands and head moved dangerously close to his clothed region. His eyes nearly burst out of his head the way your breathing warmed his inner thighs.
“Let me relieve you, Zenitsu.”
edit: i just realized you said headcannons eye- i am so sorry, i can redo this if you want ):
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
hey uhh could i request headcanons for going to prom together with Daichi 👉🏻👈🏻
absolutely! hope you enjoy! <3
Prom w/ Daichi Sawamura
Daichi is the spitting image of a gentleman, he will probably ask you out in front of his teammates with roses and a cheesy sign. All of his teammates are in on it and need to hype him up before the act or else he will chicken out.
When you say yes, he is frozen on the spot! He had been holding his breath the entire time, sweating and shaking the sign in his hand waiting for your response.
Of course, you had been friends for some time and you both often hinted at liking each other, but he deeply doubted you actually liked him in turn.
Daichi definitely embodied the “I’ll have her home by 10pm” on the dot. He is a romantic at heart and will do every cliché movie moment on the night of prom.
Daichi spent a lot of time practicing his dancing skills and watching romance movies to perfect the night.
When he sees you, he is at a lost for words. Head empty. He can’t believe how good you look, you looked good in anything to him, but this felt completely different.
Opens your car door, compliments you excessively, and holds your hand while he drives.
However, all his nerves seem to calm down with the way you two would gradually duet songs on the radio.
You almost didn’t even want to leave the car, he didn’t either.
Would arm linked with you through the doors and bee line to his teammates.
Of course, Tanaka and Noya were ready to swoon and die on the spot at your appearance. Daichi was quick to become possessive but also shown you off moderately.
You, Kiyoko, and Yachi would promptly walk off towards the food tables while Daichi boasted repeatedly about how lucky he was and Tanaka and Noya agreeing.
Daichi would become worried if he couldn’t find you but could quickly point you out in any crowd.
The first few dances were very upbeat, of course he dances like he has two left feet, but so did you. Regardless of the bumping into each other, it felt like the time of your lives.
A slow song would come on and he would offer you his hand in the dance.
It was sweet, traditional head on shoulder, hands around the waist, just whispering a sweet conversation only you two could hear.
Near the end of night, he would want to grab a nice dinner.
Nothing too fancy, but something higher end than a fast food restaurant.
Plays footsies with you, a fact.
Tension would rise between the two of you, but he respected the pace and wanted to not rush you and get you home on time. Gentleman.
When you arrive at your house, he tells you he loved the night and asks if he can kiss you! Consent is key with him.
“You were so lovely tonight. Let’s go on a date sometime.”
“Tomorrow? My place at 3.”
“I didn’t think you’d say yes.”
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Protect You
Giyuu Tomioka
Words: 1061
Today’s mission had trailed on longer than usual, into the dead of night. The moon loomed over the trees acting as your only light source. It had been a rough mission and left you exasperated beyond belief. You had cut your haori’s sleeve, there was a gash over your leg, and bruises coating your exposed skin. It was reckless, chasing after a kid into the forest had led you into a trap of several demons. The demons weren’t in the lower or upper moon rankings, but they were surely putting up a fight. In the end, you had defeated each of them and decided to make your trip back to your estate.
However, the walk back could only get worse. There was a tree root sticking stubbornly out of the ground, causing you to lose your footing and fall down a hillside-hitting a few rocks along the way. Which would explain the many leaves and small sticks poking out of your hair. It was exhausting and infuriating to say the least. You were now walking, limping more like, back to your estate after sending your crow to inform Oyakata of the mission’s completion.
The road seemed almost endless in this vast darkness, empty of any nearby life. It began getting colder by the second, your uniform doing little to protect you. Your eyelids became heavier from the frequent lack of sleep. It made you think of the times Giyuu would drape his haori over you on cold missions such as this. The thought helped heat up your face and hands. He surely would scold you when you arrive, going on about how you shouldn’t be out that late or how you should watch where you’re going. The thoughts made your head explode, fist bumping the air in frustration. How could one be so reckless on a mission like that?
You sighed helplessly and decided to take a small break. Another thing Giyuu would probably scold you over, stopping in the middle of the night by yourself. Yet you couldn’t help the searing pain coursing through you or the choking exhaustion hitting you like a truck. You slid against the tree and began to stare at the moon and stars. Counting the many stars that your eyes could see.
“I wonder if Giyuu is looking at these same stars right now?” The words left a bit of breath in the wind. If only you could know how much longer you had until you were back. You closed your eyes for a moment, relishing in the painful comfort of sitting down.
“You can wonder that when you’re at your own estate.”
The words made your hands fly to your sword, ready to twist the hilt in front of you. Your eyes shot open and your body tensed at the grip on the hand that held your sword. Giyuu stood in front of you with a tint of worry painting his features.
Great, you were sure to get an earful now. You quickly looked anywhere but his face and crossed your arms. You were preparing for his endless scolding to rattle your brain once more, but it never came. Instead, all you heard was the leaves crunching as he got closer to lean in front of you. His breath warmly hitting your cold nose-he smelled of saltwater and citrus. Probably due to the orange trees you pick for the pillars.
“Aren’t you going to tell me that I was too clumsy, that I was dumb and could’ve got myself killed?” You questioned after he stared across the many injuries lacing your skin. He seemed to tug his lips upward, yet it fell as quickly as it came. How did he even know where to look for you? More than likely, he heard the message you left for Oyakata.
“If you know, then I shouldn’t have to.” Giyuu gently pulled at your hand to pull you up, but you lost your footing on the way up. Lucky for you, his reflexes were quick to steady you in his arms. You couldn’t help but lean forward towards his warmth. A sigh of relief left you but you quickly became embarrassed and said you could walk just fine.
Taking one step forward, you nearly face planted into the ground, but as usual, he was there to save you. You couldn’t count the times he saved you on both hands, it frustrated you to no end how many times he rescued you. You were keeping track of the times without thinking, this being his 51st time.
“I think it would be better if you let me help you.” Before you could open your mouth to form a protest, he quickly hauled you over his back. It took your brain a few minutes to process the fact that you were indeed on his back. It had been the second time he had been this closely touching you, the first he held your hand in a crowded festival during a mission.
“You don’t have to carry me you know, I’m perfectly fine.” You huffed but made no effort to move off of his back. His warmth was captivating as well as his smell.
“(y/n), you are not in good shape to walk. Let me protect you.” If you could die by words, these would’ve killed you ten times over. You weren’t used to his heartfelt words, they didn’t usually come from him but from you. You knew he appreciated your presence and your help, but him saying he wanted to protect you sent your mind into a frenzy. The heat crawled up your neck all the way to the top of your ears-almost matching the warmth he radiates.
“F-fine! But, when we get back I can treat my own wounds.” The stutter made you want to fall off a hill again. Yet his only response was a small hum as he pinched your thighs. You could barely move to swat them away, but you knew it was a way of scolding you silently.
“Thank you, Giyuu.” You had moved your head into the crook of his neck and held him tighter. The warmth of your breath traveled down his spine, breaking him out into goosebumps. He was glad you were on his back so you couldn’t see the way a smile broke out and the way a pink hue dusted his cheeks. If you did see the redness on his ears, he would just point it out as him being cold anyways.
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
yayayyaya! I don't know if your requests are open but please write something cute for him, he is the cutest boy (I'm sorry Yama you're still babie I love you) and needs some LOVE around here
requests are always open!! i hope you enjoy this (i’m sorry it took so long) this might be a lil ooc since his character is not as prominent as others and it’s a lil mediocre but i agree!! i love him!!
Tenma Udai
“The gym looks the exact same!” Tenma excitedly trotted his way through the doors.
Saeko had invited you and Tenma to see the school, for old times sake. You didn’t want to come at first but both Saeko and Tenma insisted, even promising going to a karaoke bar afterwards. It had been years since the last time you were in this gym. You had first met Tenma in this very gym, he had accidentally smacked a ball at the back of your head while you were talking with your friends. At the time, you hated his guts for that but things have changed quite a bit. You chuckled at the reminiscent memory.
“Right! I bet you still got phenomenal volleyball skills!” Saeko continued to be boisterous and laughing while dragging the two of you around the gym, frequently talking about her brother and the skills of the new team. However, discussing Tenma’s old volleyball days hit him a little different, and you knew that very well.
You held his hand a little tighter and gave him a reassuring smile, going unnoticed by Saeko’s rambling. He squeezed your hand in turn but you couldn’t miss the way he bit his cheek each time she spoke about his dead name “The Little Giant”.
“Hold on a sec! Tanaka is calling!” With that, she rushed out of the building to answer her brother’s call. Tenma let go of your hand and began walking towards the gym closet, picking up a lone volleyball in the process. He had a solemn aura surrounding his being, it became overwhelming for you.
“Tenma, we can go if you want?” Tenma had been critiquing his old skills lately after watching recent matches at the Tokyo Stadium. It made him a little sad, he always worried if he was really that good and if he should’ve continued after high school.
“Those new kids are going to do great at volleyball,” A pause in his words as he clenched the ball a little tighter, “Maybe my skills weren’t as good as I thought they once were. What do you think (y/n)?” He turned to look at you as you approached him. He doesn’t normally get like this, but he does take things to heart once he overthinks.
“I think you’re a great player, and always will be in my heart.” The cheesy words put a large smile on his face and his eyes shone a little differently. “Do you remember when I first met you? You tossed a perfectly good spike at my head!” The laughter bubbles between the two of you, barely letting you continue. “If it weren’t for your amazing spike, I would’ve never got the chance to talk to the star ace of the court!” Tenma became flustered at your words and his ears turned a bright red. He always felt so bad about that situation, even now he still cringes deeply over it.
“(y/n), thank you, for everything you do.” He entangled his fingers in your hair, his other hand draping over your waist, and kissed you gently but passionately.
“Oh gross! Were you guys about to get it on while I was gone!” The doors being flung open and Saeko’s screeching made the two of you blush violently. She quickly waltzed over and slung her arms over each of your shoulders. “Let’s go get some drinks and do karaoke!”
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
would you ever write for your adorable icon,,,,,?
yesyesyesyesyesyes 1000% yes he’s so cute i can’t wait til he’s animated i wish he was talked about more 😔 i am open to writing him
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Can i request relationship headcanons for Sakusa
i am highkey a WHORE for this man 😔
Dating Sakusa Kiyoomi
We all know Sakusa is not the type to be very into PDA, at least not in public, but he will make subtle advances with small touches.
Like holding your pinky, kissing the top of your head, and playing with your hair when he’s nervous.
Enjoys more of the verbal affection than the physical, will give you small praises and sweet phrases.
“You look healthy today, maybe I’ll hold your hand after you sanitize twice”
People will mistake him for being mean to you but you know deep down it’s coming from a kind place, he’s just very blunt.
Sakusa will buy you matching face masks, like plain black and white. (totally didn’t buy matching bear face ones)
He also likes to buy you cute water bottles so you’ll stay hydrated and will bust you over not drinking enough daily.
For a date, he’d be the type to want to keep it at home and just lay on the couch. He actually really enjoys it when you lay in his lap so he can braid your hair.
When it’s game day, be sure to give him a small peck and pat on the back. It charges him up knowing he’s got you cheering him on. Think of it as a good luck charm before his games, be sure not to miss out on them or else he WILL refuse to play and be a baby about it.
Highkey a switch.
Calls you kitten in private spaces.
Coming home from school, he will insist you guys take a shower together. So he can scrub your body thoroughly to make sure you’re clean of any germs.
“You look pretty with your hair wet”
After the shower, Sakusa likes to give you his fresh out the dryer clothes and cuddle in bed.
Hates it when you put your cold feet on him, but retaliates with his cold hands up your back.
Probably the type to help you go vitamin shopping to make sure you’re getting the right minerals. He thinks of it as a cute simple date.
Goes to the doctor with you to get your flu shots together (I feel like he hates needles and would probably squeeze your hand)
Adores it when you kiss him through his mask.
Is the type to get jealous and clingy very easily about anyone and anything.
“Who is this jerk? What’s your age? Why’re you talking to my girlfriend? Do you-“
Please give him soft nicknames, he may sneer at you and hate it at first, but he grows to love it.
probably growls during anything sexual
It can be somewhat of a hassle at times to date the germaphobe, but he’s the most loyal and loving person you could get!
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Can i request headcanons for Oikawa falling in love with a short girl and actually being really genuine towards her
thanks for the request! sorry it took some time, I rushed a bit cause schoolwork 😔🥺 enjoy!
Short Girlfriend w/ Oikawa Tooru
When it comes to height, he isn’t very picky. He loves all heights but if you’re short, he instantly has a soft spot for you. Oikawa does prefer someone shorter than him, whether it be a few inches or a whole foot shorter, the shorter the better!
Oikawa loves your height! Fortunately for you he loves to tease your height constantly, no matter how many times you try to fight him for it.
Certified chibi 2.0!
He does this dorky thing where he likes to compare your hand sizes as an excuse to touch you and hold your hands.
After a stressful day, he will find you as quickly as possible and rest his forehead on your shoulder. This is a moment he just needs his back rubbed, no words spoken, just let him feel safe on your shoulder.
After a big game, win or lose, he loves to come home to you and have you be the big spoon.
Big sucker for feeling secure in your tiny arms 🥺
In the middle of an argument, right before you start to yell again, he WILL lift you over his shoulder and walk you home like this.
“Put me down, idiot!”
“Absolutely not, chibi-chan!”
This works overtime because you lose focus on the whole reason for your argument in the first place.
Wear! His! Clothes! Seeing how big his clothes look on you makes him lose his composure instantly. If you’re in school with his sweater, It takes everything in him to restrain himself from spinning you around and praising you in front of the whole school. It makes him blush immensely.
Wear them at home, well, that’s a different story. He’d be all over you but insists you keep it on.
Kind of obsessed with holding your thighs in your school uniform. (secretly a perv who enjoys how short your skirt is)
Like if you’re at his practice, he will sit by you on the bench, hold your thigh and hydrate. He squeezes your thigh right when he gets back to practice.
Get on your tiptoes to kiss him, and he just might die. It makes him so happy. 100% lifts you up mid kiss with a smile on his lips.
Headpats and hair ruffles are indeed a 24/7 occurrence.
If you complain about your height, he will repeatedly compliment your height. Always explaining its one of his favorite things about you!
Genuinely loves you for you and wouldn’t have it any other way!
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
Sakusa Kiyoomi
“You make me sick.”
His words reverberated through your skull countless times. The silence draped uncomfortably between your two bodies. It had to be a dream, no, quite possibly a nightmare. Your mouth hung open slightly at the sudden shock. There’s no way he wasn’t serious, he was always a serious character. Your breathing heaved, lungs expanding shallowly, and your heart is torn to little pieces on the ground.
Sakusa Kiyoomi just told you that you made him sick. Irony laced the statement, but the honesty was backed by every word. What shocked you the most was how you had been fine sharing gentle conversations in an empty classroom last week. He had been shoving a wedge between your dull friendship the past few days.
Sakusa had always been serious and stern with every word he uttered, always adamant about not wanting to be close to you. “Too many friends, bring too many germs”, as he would put it. Surprising that the calloused man could consider you to be a potential friend. However, there was this unsaid affection towards one another. Or maybe, you were wrong about this mutual feeling.
“What?” The words finally hoarsely made their way through your drying mouth. Sweat pooling at your hands as you began to clench them. Was it anger you felt? Could it be disappointment that rattled your senses? You couldn’t be sure with the emotions swirling at light speed. It hurt your head how many laps your thoughts ran.
Sakusa seemed to grimace at your state; in truth, he hated seeing the reaction of his statement. He meant every word he spoke, you made him feel disgusting, he thought he would die from the flu by being near you.
“You wouldn’t get it, (y/n).” Wouldn’t get it? There it was, a snap of anger burst through you. Tears violently threatened to slip across your reddened cheeks.
Right when you opened your mouth to yell at him, he looked off into the distance with this solemn look tracing his features. If you could seem him without his mask on, you bet he would probably have a pursed frown. A click of your tongue drew him out of his thoughts, and he began to speak up.
“(y/n), when I’m around you I feel sick to my stomach,” Sakusa turned to look you in your eyes, causing the tears to fall. “I become sweaty, red in the face, feverish, my stomach churns, I feel- “
“Enough! You don’t have to worry about it anymore. I’ll just stop hanging around you.” Your voice trailed off near the end, devastated by the turn of events. The rain didn’t let up as your tears fell in synch with the storm of the night. Sakusa gripped his volleyball bag tightly until his knuckles whitened, this hurt him deeply.
“You make me sick, but….I can’t get enough of being around you.”
You blinked. Blinked twice, and just stared at his shoes. A chuckle bubbled its way through your chest, it was filled with heartache. This wasn’t like him, maybe you really did make him sick.
“Sakusa, I must be making you so feverish that you can’t think straight.” It took your breath away how dreadful this situation became. You wished you could go back to the day you sat in your classroom after hours discussing how he has a secret love for cats. It broke you.
“(y/n), I’m serious. You make my chest hurt, I thought you gave me the flu. The nurse told me I was perfectly fine. Komori-san had to talk some sense into me before I could wrap my head around it.” Sakusa took a step closer to your frame, causing you to look up. His eyes seemed so bottomless, yet they screamed in desperation for you to understand his weird confession.
Sakusa reached for your hand, hesitating the moment he touched your soft skin. His breathing hitched when you took the initiative to intertwine your fingers. He nearly flinched his hands away from yours, but he calmed himself when he saw the way you smiled.
“So, you have a crush on me? And confused it for the flu?”
He nodded in response to your question, completely serious to that being his reason. He didn’t understand why you started to laugh harder than earlier, tears brimming at the corners of your eyes. He started to feel sick again at how pretty your laugh was.
Who knew a germaphobe could confuse love for the flu?
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ittybittyimagines · 4 years
HI BEBS!!!! can i request just literally anything super fluffy with oikawa or akaashi or semi literally anything is ok :P i don’t really have a vision maybe like domestic grocery shopping...... first dates.........meeting parents for the first time??? IDK JUST SOMETHING LIKE THAT I LOVE YOU A LOT OKAY - silla
this felt like yeARS critiquing this for hours 😔 i hope it’s good, but SILLA I LOVE YOU TOO BB!!! 🥺 this feels so mediocre to me lemme know if you like it!
First Date w/ Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa is without a doubt a complete hopeless romantic. He has had his fair share of relationships and has always been a bit afraid of having another one. But you, his best-friend, how could he not fall for you?
When he officially asked you out, it was in the library while you two were studying for upcoming exams. At first you thought he was joking, but the way his eyes were cast to the side and the way a rosy pink dusted his cheeks told you otherwise. Let’s be honest, he would be extremely shy around someone he really liked. (Relentlessly spammed Iwaizumi after you said yes)
Oikawa took you to the fair for a first date! It was a scorching hot summer day so he thought it would be perfect.
That thought didn’t last long when you got on a rollercoaster and he was crying and screaming to get off. You were in hysterics; the grand king of the court was afraid of heights! He begged you not to tell his teammates.
Selfies!!! Selfies are a must with him, he would be taking a new selfie every fifteen minutes. Be patient with him, he’s just so excited to be on a date with you.
“(y/n)-chan! You look so cute, let me take a photo!”
“Oikawa you just took ten photos of me!”
Canonically uses the dog filter in almost every picture.
You guys would walk around with your hands intertwined and swinging slightly as you pointed out new rides to try. Oikawa’s hands would probably sweat the whole time.
Near the end of the date, he would be a nervous wreck and stutter out that he wants to kiss you. He’s such a big baby, please, you can’t tell me he wouldn’t be smitten with his crush. Oikawa doesn’t want to rush things and ruin things; he will ask before he does anything!
You made his soul leave his body when you gently kissed his lips.
“Oikawa, you look cute when you blush.”
“(y/n)-chan….” hides his face in his hands.
Please be gentle with him!! He’s trying his best for you and wants everything to be perfect!
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