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okayyy I wwant to mass make pride badges but I cant find a good list of xenogenders . so ! mogai coiner blogs , please reblog && put in the tags if you're okay wwith me making pride badges of your flags ! full credit and links to every coining post when they get made && posted . examples beloww
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btw, please dont add my terms to the lgbta wiki, the ezgender wiki is more than fine, though!
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No flag made for this term yet, sorry, feel free to reblog with your own version of the flag
A gender where you feel the same level of connection to all genders to the point you’re unsure if your pangender or agender. (could be similar to/caused by Apagender/Gender Apathetic)
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Nebulousgender - a stargender/spacegender, xenogender, and kingender based on a strong connection to space, the stars, and planets. Could also be a strong connection to being an alien, Made for Alienkin, but free for anyone to use.
Name taken from Nebulous, another word for nebula.
(’and planets’ does include ‘dwarf planets’ and pluto)
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Martorfluxic - A sexuality or other attraction where a non-fem person is attracted to men, women, and masc-, fem-, and neutral non-binary people, but their attraction towards women and feminine-aligned non-binary people fluctuates.
Flag colors taken from the bisexual flag and hue shifted, blue represents masc and male people, lilac represents fem and female people, magenta and white both represent non-binary people. the lilac paling as it reaches the top represents the fluctuation of attraction.
Name taken from the Marsic, Toric, and -flux labels.
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IDKgender/IDFKgender - a gender that is nearly indescribable, it could feel out of reach, blurry, or confusing. Could also be defined as a gender that is simply there, with no real way of accurately describing it. Coined with Neurodivergant people in mind, but not exclusive to them.
Another definition could be unironically internally screaming whenever you try think about it, there’s a lot of possible definitions.
I dont know if anyone will connect with this, i made it for myself. Personally, it feels like a very bizarre mix of like 20 different identities, none of which make much sense in the first place.
The colors are taken from the gendergender, gendernull, and other similar flags. The pattern doesn’t mean much, except to represent the confusion and indescribableness of the gender.
Possible pronouns could be ???/???, ___/___
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Mix of Shadowgender and -vampiric gender, a gender linked or relating to darkness, the undead, vampires, biting, blood, gothic/vampiric themes, ghosts, and/or cryptids.
same color meanings as shadowgender, fangs mean vampires/biting
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A Gender influenced or linked to the darkness, shadows, ghosts, or cryptids. (or being any of those) 
Meanings under the cut:
Light purple-grey - shadows
purple-grey - ghosts & cryptids
dark purple-grey - darkness
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-Vampiric gender
A gender that can be used as a suffix or by itself.  A Gender linked to being a vampire, associated with blood, gothic/vampiric themes, the undead, and darkness. (yes i’m aware its basically the same as vampyregender, but i don’t like the flag nor the label, so i made my own)
Meanings and blood version under the cut under the cut:
Dark Grey - gothic/vampiric theme, darkness, and the undead
Dark red - vampiric themes, old/dry blood
Red - fresh blood
Fangs - vampires
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bloody fangs - biting
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A gender influenced by being a demon and/or being voidgender, with some connection to Femininity. can also be used by people who have a connection to demons or the void. The amount of femininity is irrelevant, as long as the connection is there.
Also has a masc variant
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A gender influenced by being a demon and/or being voidgender, with a connection to masculinity. can also be used by people who have a connection to demons or the void. The amount of masculinity is irrelevant, as long as the connection is there.
Also has a fem variant
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A gender influenced by being a demon and/or being voidgender. can also be used by people who have a connection to demons or the void. 
Also has a masc and fem variant
(this is my first time making/coining a mogai identity and flag, so sorry if the flag doesnt look good! im not very creative haha)
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