quiverymango · 1 year
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"But I feel a little safer when I'm with you~"
I've been having Ritshou brainrot recently, so I just had to draw a little something <3
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tartarusknight · 9 months
5 Random Words Fic
Rules: Generate 5 random words using this generator and then write something using those words! Tag 5 (or however many you want) mutuals to challenge! (If you don’t like your 5 words, try again. This is supposed to be fun!)
Tagged by @nburkhardt <3
Grief, Floodgate, Outcast, Claim, Penitence
(Little late but I honestly forgot this was in my drafts lol)
Let Steve say on record that he didn't really like Jason Carver. The kid was annoying and picked up his anger from his dad.
Or, um, their dad.
Because at the end of the day, Steve's dad was a cheating piece of shit who thought it was a smart thing to move their family to the small town of Hawkins after he got a young girl pregnant. And then he thought he'd be able to hide it and care for his wife, who just had their kid, and his girlfriend, who was pregnant.
It didn't work.
Even so, that didn't mean Steve ever had to deal with the Carver's much. Soon after Jason was born, his mom married another man, and his dad slept with ore random women, just with more caution than before. It meant Steve didn't really have a dad, and Jason had a step dad. And while Steve's mom didn't want him and Jason to interact, Jason's mom was the opposite.
At first, Steve had kind of wanted that friendship. He thought it would be awesome to have a younger brother. But he soon learned the floodgate that opened up with that. His mom screamed at Steve and his dad. Claiming it wasn't fair and that she didn't want her son around the tramp and the bastard son.
And well, Steve hated seeing her mom so angry so he listened. He did everyone a favor and pushed himself away from Jason. Steve didn't completely ignore him though, smiling at him at school. But he worried about getting too close ever again and making his mom angry.
He didn't really bother with Jason outside of sports, as bad as it sounded. He expected Jason to hate him for it, but he never really did. And by the time they got to high school and the Upside Down shit started, he hated himself for giving up on that relationship. Sure, he saw Jason's mean streak, but he also felt like he could've helped him.
When he became close friends with Dustin, he felt worse, like he was replacing the younger brother that he could've had. Sure Steve did small things, like talking to the coach about handing over the title to Jason the next year or smiling at him in the hallways. Tiny little things that never felt like enough, but it felt like Steve couldn't become Jason's friend now after all this time. Not to mention all the trauma that put a barrier between Steve and everyone else (minus the party, though).
And when Billy pushed him off his throne and made him an outcast to the of his best ability for Steve's senior year, Jason didn't do anything to help him. He didn't step in when Billy pushed him around. But Steve didn't expect him to. They weren't truly friends or brothers. In fact, he saw the kids more as siblings than Jason ever would be. Still, there was always that little voice in the back of his head, saying that Steve didn't try hard enough.
After Steve had graduated, he figured he might never see Jason again, but he underestimated Jason's determination to be his friend. Stopping by Scoops than Family Video always getting something, but he always tried to have a long conversation with Steve. Robin said that Jason (even though he was a prick) obviously looked up to Steve, and that was without the knowledge that they were related.
But it was the spring break of 1986 that Steve was forced to examine those feelings. The anger when Jason rallied the town into a witch hunt against an innocent man. That because of Jason no one would trust Eddie even after the government cleared his name.
But when Steve sat in his joint room with Eddie and Max (thanks to Nancy's stubbornness) he only felt grief. Sitting with Robin on his bed. Dustin is over by Eddie with Nancy sitting on the end of Eddie's bed. Erica between Max and Steve with Lucas right next to Max, they talked about all that happened.
First had been Nancy then a mix of Dustin and Eddie talking over each other before the final group started talking. Lucas took the lead until he got to Jason. Steve felt anger boil in him as Lucas told them that Jason had given him his first concussion. That Max was in the hospital because of Jason. Both Sinclairs were hurt because of Jason.
But then came the rest of the news. The crack opens up and Jason is ripped apart. "That little bitch got what was coming for him," Erica snapped.
Lucas gave a tired, "Erica."
She just shrugged her shoulders, "Just the facts."
Steve had frozen then before the grief had hit. He wanted to agree with Erica, and claim that Jason deserved it but he couldn't. Steve just went quiet as everyone else kept talking until Robin gave him a little shake. "Is the pain getting bad?" She whispered as quietly as she could with his bad hearing.
He shook his head and looked over at her worried face. "I'm ok," he murmured and she didn't look to believe him. He had chosen the kids over Jason for siblings and now this is his penance. The world put Jason against his kids and Jason died. And Steve wasn't even there. He couldn't've done anything to help either of them.
The rest of the party were talking but he and Robin stayed quiet. He leaned over to her, "Do you think it hurt Jason?" He whispered even though he truly knew the answer.
She raised an eyebrow, "He was torn in half. I don't think it felt nice." Robin joked and Steve nodded, feeling lost for a moment. Steve had never wanted to claim Jason as his brother. Even less after this week but it didn't matter. Steve lost a brother as estranged as they had been.
Maybe if Steve had been kinder, better... there. Maybe Jason would be alive. Maybe Steve could've stopped this.
"You okay, Stevie?" Eddie asked from the bed over and Steve looked over.
He pictured his brother dying terribly because of his anger towards this man right here. He pictured the fear Jason had to have after seeing Patrick die. But he took a deep breath, "Yeah."
Steve had ignored death before. He ignored Jason before. He could do it again. "Yeah man," he repeated, forcing himself to smile at the metalhead.
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ghost-of-you · 9 months
Wait, have you done 5SOS5 for the album things, like you did the other 4?
I haven't but I will now oskaoskoasas here are the other posts if you feel like reading them self titled sgfg youngblood calm random post i made about how the album is telling the story of being trapped in one relationship
5sos5, my tragic love baby, we start it out so strong with complete mess, first self-produced song and first song we heard that was written by the four of them and only the four of them, all of them singing, a recognizable guitar riff, that classic 5sos song structure with a 4 chord melody where the song builds up until it drops at the bridge and comes back to finish it off strong with the last chorus, also "I ask no questions as your colors take their hold as my darkness turns to gold inside"?????? Excuse me??????? Then we move on to easy for you to say, they wrote all that we just let them get away with it, I'm scared to find a piece of peace of mind has haunted me since I heard it for the first time in a shaky Instagram live from the Dublin show, obsessed with the lyrics of this song, I think lyrically it really shows how good they are as songwriters, but this song is also my controversial opinion of the album because there's something in the production of it that deeply bothers me (sorry Michael, I love you) so it's the song I listen to the least, I'm still listening the live cut from the tour diary. Then we go to Bad Omens, I will never accept the fact that that song is not everywhere. I think it's flawless, the way the intro matches the outro so you can get caught in the same loop of going around again that the lyrics are talking about, and that's something that's a trend with them, they exaggerate the lyrics with the production and I think bad omens is the best example of it, I'm particularly obsessed with the way the chorus makes you expect a high note after the somebody, so when we get to the outro we expect the last somebody to be followed by a high else, but they actually drop the note, because nothing is ending in a high note here, not the relationship, not the song. Flawless vocals, flawless melody, flawless production, not a single wrong decision was made with this song. Then we have me myself and I, I think is so much fun, I think they made the perfect pop song, you have simple lyrics that are just repeating, and the way the song is structured it kinda feels like it's just one chorus that keeps going and going and since the song actually ends not only in the middle of the sentence but also in the middle of the progression in the guitar, you kinda feel this need to loop it, I know most people didn't get it when Ashton said that this song was very sgfg, but this song is so sgfg if sgfg was more pop than it is, the way its 4 chords in a guitar that just loops, the way it builds around that riff, the way the drums only come in in the second verse, the way it goes, goes, then just drops before coming back, the outro with the repetition, it's all very vapor of them in my opinion lol. Then we have take my hand, the way Luke wrote it alone and they managed to make it sound like a 5sos song is actually such a good example of how well they work with each other as musicians, because, yes, you can feel Luke's influence deeply in the song, but you can hear them all in it. Also, Luke Hemmings the songwriter you are, I can't quote anything because I would just write the whole song. One of their strongest bridges, amazing song all around.
Then we get to carousel, I don't know if anyone else remembers this but Ashton said that you just need 2 chords to make a great song, and this song technically has 4, but in the verses, they're actually going back and forth with 2, and I think that's such a good way to give you that feeling of spinning that comes with a carousel when paired with the drums, also I feel like this song is the first of many in the album where Luke flexing his vocal range lol, dude starts on his lower register, pulls some high notes and the whole time you're just like *Ashton's voice* you got an epic voice bro. Also, the symbolism of the lyrics drives me a bit crazy. And the way the song drops but never picks back up because you're on a one-way ride and there's no going back, INSANE. Also, Youtube countdown outro my beloved <3. Then we get to the most controversial song on the album. Personally, I think older is a good song, I would've put it as a deluxe track and put moodswings here instead but mostly because moodswings fits the tragic love narrative of the rest of the standard album in a way older doesn't. Love the piano, love the way Luke's voice goes with Sierra's, beautiful song but it feels out of place when you look at the rest of the album. My dear devoted delicate <3. Then Haze. Let's ignore the emotional whiplash of going from a piano ballad to it. I'm actually obsessed when 5sos goes 80s pop, it's a song that makes you want to move. It gives you that very pop feeling while being completely built around a guitar riff, so it's a very pop vibe but it exists around their strength, also Ashton is singing so it is a win in my books lol "when I lived between the bars" <33333333 . And the fact that all of them have production credits on it makes me all !!!!! Then you don't go to parties. I'm in a ydgtp mood so this may be very biased toward it. I love that the verses are built around the bass but the chorus is built around a guitar riff. I'm obsessed with everything about it, the little synth noises thrown all around, Calum playing with his lower register, the drums, Ashton's verse, everything really. Lost my limit cause I'm dumb and I'm passionate. I'm particularly obsessed with how many ways you can interpret the lyrics. Maybe he's looking for someone, maybe the someone he's looking is his old self, maybe he just wants out from his own head. Amazing, incredible, did something to my brain when I first heard it. Then blender, my beloved. LOVE when they make a song around the bass riff. Obsessed with the use of a blender as a metaphor for the cycle they're trapped in, because a blender spins things around while chopping them up, so no cycle is without consequence. Another song Luke is just flexing how good of a vocalist he is. Everything about it feels dramatic, the chorus sang in one breath, the imagery the lyrics are painting, the way the song starts and ends with Luke singing so no intro or outro to get you out of the cycle. Mandatory moment of appreciation for time stamp 1:37 <3.
Then we have caramel. I will never get over this song. It fundamentally changed me as a person. From the sigh in the beginning to the riff at the end. Ashton lower harmonies in the first verse, Luke's voice sounding almost dreamy while the lyrics are talking about getting back to something and how it gets sharper as the song goes and the lyrics start to give you the idea that maybe there's no saving this one. I know it well, caramel, I feel the comedown. I don't know about yall but every time I hear the second verse of this song I want to drop to my knees and scream (and I have on occasion lol). I don't think they made a single wrong choice with this song, from lyrics to production. Love like a landslide, I kiss you goodnight and the implications of the goodnight in a song about fighting for something that you know is doomed because they could've very easily made that love like a landslide I kiss you goodnight, love like a landslide I kiss you goodbye and imply that they are leaving this thing they know they can't save, but no, the love is going down and they are going down with it. Then they just spin you around with best friends. Love that this is a 2 chords lets have FUN song. I love my best friends, they love me, I will hold on to this feeling as long as I can. Michael verse <3333333333. Absolutely obsessed with how they just wrote a song about friendship. Love how this is a song that I can see every era of them playing and just goofing around on stage. Then we have Bleach. Way to put you back in the emotional blender. Again, Luke flexing his range. Lower Calum, Michael verse. You know how I said they sometimes exaggerate the lyrics with the melody? This song has water sounds (I can't determine if Michael actually added waterlike sounds or if he added a waterlike effect to the slides sounds you can get when you switch chords in a guitar) and with a good enough headphone, there's actually a whole layer of harmonies in it that sound like they are playing somewhere with a lower refraction rate than air, like water. It's so hard to watch everything I want, everything I was spinning down the drain. Multitasking 🥺. I do wanna know if this song was the soundtrack to more people impulse changing their hair color because the amount of times I bleached my hair while this song was playing since it came out is a bit alarming. Perfect soundtrack for those of us who dye hair as a bad coping mechanism lol. Then we have red line. I'm definitely biased about this one. This is one of my favorite songs ever. Definitely my favorite on the album. The way they play with the imagery of waiting in a train in it fascinates me, from the oohs that sound like the notes of a train whistle, the synth that sounds like the sound you get when there are station announcements, the echos that sound like the ambient sound you would hear waiting for a train, to the literal train doors closing as the song ends. The lyrics that leaves you wondering if they are waiting for the train to come or for someone to join them on the train they are. The implication of not being welcome anymore. I want back in, but I can't. I would love an acoustic version of it and I think more people would like it if it had a more stripped production, but seriously this song is everything to me. And what a way to end the album when you consider the bird sounds in the beginning of complete mess, to finish it with a door closing. Michael Clifford the producer you are.
Then we have the bonus tracks. They put you in the emotional blender going back and forth with sad songs, lets dance songs. I want whatever Michael put in moodswings so I can inject it pure into my bloodstream. The most Luke flexing his range Luke could get lol (they're not playing this song because they can't change the key or else the rest of the song would be too low but the chorus is too high for Luke to sing every night and I will die on this hill lol). The epitome of I have an anxious attachment style but I am in a long-distance relationship. I love a good reminder of how well all of their voices go with each other. Obsessed with the way they exaggerated the breaths in the bridge, the random piano sounds. Also, do something for me, put moodswings, queue bleach, change the crossfade to 12 seconds, then sit back and enjoy. Then we have a nice little 180 twist because going from moodswings to flatline gets me like that gif with the girls dancing while crying lol. I don't care what Ashton said, I still hear Calum lol. But their harmony game is insane and I think that that chorus has a shitton of layers and that's what keeps us all guessing about who's singing. Anyway, this song makes me want to sit them all down and discuss their range because that shit is HIGH. Again, love me some pop vibes. Sometimes you just wanna dance to a song about falling so hard you feel like your heart is gonna stop. Then we have emotions. Criminally underrated song. Obsessed with the way Michael is singing about anxiety on top of a guitar riff that counts in a self-soothing pattern, I think that's legit genius of him. The way he's harmonizing with himself too, like, he said MY SONG and meant it. I'm doing my best and I guess that's the best I can do. I think this song follows the malum pattern while writing songs together because they have a tendency of repeating sounds more frequently than you would expect, kinda as if they made a list of words that rhyme and tried to put them as often as possible. I'm also obsessed with how low the song is because I think we as a society talk about hitting high notes all the time, but a lower song can be real impressive if you give it a chance. Bloodhound. Forever mad I didn't get visuals of Michael's "he sunk his teeth into the bone" but I can see Ashton arguing against this song because the crowd would clap wrong during the bridge and he wouldn't be able to move past it oksaaoska. Fun song, gotta be honest tho, the lyrics confused the shit out of me for a while there. I do love the beat in this, the combination of the bass and the drums and that thing in the back that sounds like Ashton is banging his drumsticks together. Then we have tears. Anything that has Ashton singing is a win in my books. Obsessed with the imagery in it. There's a hole in the sun caving in and I feel it. Burn the words to start over. Diamonds turn to puddles. Tears hitting the ground, Fears pulling me down. Cashton do know how to make a song. I think if you're going back and forth with a duo in the band, Calum and Ashton create a real nice effect. The rhythm section really popped off with that one. Love how you get double the Ashton influence with how heavily it goes around the drums.
The new vocal coach was an amazing choice, Michael is an amazing producer, lyrically they excelled themselves, really shows off all of their strengths 1000000000/10 best 5sos album and we all know it.
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bunnygirl678 · 5 months
with my birthday coming up i'm feeling reflective;
i'm about to end my 20s and enter my 30s, looking back a ton has happened in 10 years, every decade i set goals (okay maybe i did it at 10 and again at 20, obvs bbs can't do shit) my goals for my 20s were;
graduate ✔️
get married ✔️
have a baby ✔️
make senior accountant (originally this was for public accounting, but i did one busy season and decided i would rather keep my sanity) my current company does not have the title senior accountant, but my title is accountant and i'm top, doing quite a bit of cfo/comptroller style work so i'm counting this as a win ✔️
Run a half-marathon (I was up to 10ks, then got pregnant and was told to stop running and working out, after that i really didn't have the time or whatever to get back into running until this year which i was doing well until i started getting sick)✖️
Only one of these things are things that I could actually control (graduate lol) but i managed to bag the rest of them i still managed to get married even if it ended in the big D (and I don't mean Dallas)
For my 30s I want to focus more on things that I control.
Learn a new language-I'm thinking Japanese and French, I really want to be able to understand them, not necessarily speak or write, but that would be bonus, i'd also like to learn more, and refresh my spanish skills back to where they were when i turned 20 lol
Learn art or at least keep up with it- i've written about wanting to learn how to draw multiple times, but now i'm actually doing it, i enjoy being creative, i'm always working on a craft, but now i'm really putting the effort into art, i know it's something you have to keep up with so here's to daily practice even if it's a quick small doodle
keep writing- used to i wanted to write the epic novel that would be remembered for centuries, but as i've gotten older i realized i just wanted attention, now that i'm older and not living with my parents i've accepted the fact that i'm not interested in writing outside of fanfics and the occasional technical piece, i don't need to be remembered and any writing i do should be for fun (or for research purposes)
understand my health better- after i got a pulmonary embolism at 17 then another at 19 i sort of just got used to being on blood thinners, right before my 20th i changed my diet to oil-free vegan then just vegan, i was really feeling good and i think it was all of the fresh ingredients, so i'd like to go back to that, i'm cutting out wheat again, and dairy temporarily, but also this year i was diagnosed with adhd so understanding it is a goal, i remember in college when i was running and eating healthy all the time i was suffering less so i'd like to get back to that, and then as always getting my allergy issues under control, i think the main thing here is just finding out what works and what doesn't, and accepting giving up certain things that cause problems
run a half-marathon- i love running, i started again this year, i missed it a lot, now that i'm getting older i need to make sure to improve my physical health, the thing about training with running is it is also good to cross train, so add in weights, flexibility and so on, i was running best when i weight trained and did yoga, so going to hopefully pick those back up
Get back into sewing- in college i used to sew all a lot of my own clothes, i constantly got compliments on my stuff, i still sew now and then but it's mostly mending or random crafts, i'd like to get back into clothes, as well as tailoring (really redoing) thrifted clothes, which is where i buy something a size too big and practice my sewing skills by reworking the clothes into something cute, it reuses clothes and is a lot cheaper than buying fabric, i'd also like to work with silk, i don't buy silk clothes a lot, but i've found my skin reacts better to it but it's so expensive, a lot cheaper to just buy fabric
attend more festivals/activities- i really enjoy getting out into the community and doing things, seeing things, my exhusband was (and still is) a homebody, he also would complain when I went to things, always wanting me at home with him, so now that we're not together i'd like to start attending things in the community again
pick piano back up/learn a new instrument (violin??)- i used to play the piano and sing in the church choir in high school, unfortunately i can't sing anymore, at least not without having to yawn and take in more air I lost my ability to sing for long periods after my first pulmonary embolism, but now i'd really like to expand my brain by learning violin something i always wanted to learn but never had the ability to as a kid, but as an adult i can, picking piano back up and teaching my kid too
pay off debt/use credit sparingly- we had some financial troubles back a few years ago, and i racked my credit cards up, i've been slowly paying them, but i'd like to pay it all off and really only use in an emergency
be a good mom- self explanatory
My birthday is only 9 days after new year so i always feel like new years and a new age are pretty closely intertwined, so i guess here is to my 30s, i hope i make fewer shitty decisions lmao
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Some random thoughts on Obey Me! Nightbringer up to lesson 10 (with LOTS of spoilers)
If you ask why I'm making a post like this in this blog is cause I will defend that this is a queer coded game to my last breath –and cause is my blog and I do what I want.
Full disclosure: I'm not done with the first game yet so no spoilers for that one please. I'm guessing I'll get spoiled by Nightbringer anyways as the story progresses, and I already did lol, but I wanna gush about this game because I love it so much already.
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Starting with the title screen, oh my gosh the art is beautiful. 10/10 would definitely buy a poster of this.
They continue using they/them for MC and that's a thing we all gotta appreciate. Thank u.
The layout and the art of the game is just SO PRETTY in general. Definitely an upgrade from the first game, credits to the designers and artists.
It's a rhythm game!! I like it, the gameplay is easy enough and in classic Obey Me fashion you gotta be really precise when you click or else, which adds a good layer of difficulty.
We don't have 8 different types of support items, just 4, which makes it easier to keep count of how many we have. I am still broke in-game to buy them tho.
WE CAN GET DEVIL POINTS BY COMPLETING LEVELS THANK U SO MUCH. In contrast, I feel like they give less materials when you clear a stage? I mean, they gotta balance it I guess, or maybe is just me.
The game was lagging like hell when I first started playing tho. Idk if it was the game or my phone that couldn't run it or what, but it's fixed now.
I love the fact they're using the character songs for the levels!!! I was waiting for the unit songs and they took a while, but they're there too. The remixes are fun and I can't believe how good they sound.
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Speaking of sound, this game's ost is SO GOOD like huh? I was kinda expecting it cause it's a big production and all but bruh. Every now and then I end up having to stop because I gotta appreciate the bgm. There was this one funny song where a banjo started playing and I straight up laughed out loud. 10/10
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MK is that you?
Coming back to the layout and the designs: THERE'S SO MUCH RURI HANA IN HERE!!!!!! Love it. 20/10. Best thing ever. Whoever decided to add that I hope they're having an amazing day.
Also, is that a Ruri Hana Miss Em?? Gosh I love this game.
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And I'm not done gushing about the designs yet cause LOOK AT HIM!!! LOOK!!!! He's so cute!!!!🧡🧡🧡
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The art for the cards is really pretty and I need more Levi cards so badly asap
Also, there's a shit ton of extra content, wow. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 3D models yet (mostly cause my phone only gives me bad renditions of them) but the extra content is slice of life funny bits. I like that they're voice acted, they're good.
Hey so y'know how you can click on the characters and get voice messages in the home screen and how you interact with them in the surprise guest screen? In neither of those I can click on Levi's tail and I consider that a crime against all Levi stans.
OKAY SO when this game was announced and as time went on and we got little pieces of the plot, not gonna lie I was worried. When it comes to time and time travel this franchise has a, well, a record. I'm still worried how it's gonna develop but for now I really like the things they're showing in the main story regarding the characters and the plot. Just, y'know, fingers crossed it doesn't become a mess.
Honestly the timeline is a mess already as it is. We met Luke and he has apparently just started learning how to bake, but in the first game he says he's been doing it for about 300 years, so it's been only 300 years between the end of the Celestial War and the beginning of the first game? Shouldn't the time be at least a few thousand years?? I'm solving this by doing a headcanon that time moves differently in different worlds cause otherwise the lack of coherence bothers me too much.
I'm so intrigued about Nightbringer himself. You think the prologue is giving us a red herring about who he is? Will it be a new character? An old one? Us from the future? They did a good job in implementing the mystery and I can't wait.
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I was rereading this chat we have with them at the beginning of the game and something caught my eye:
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Do you think maybe we'll start jumping between time as the story continues? So that we'll be at and see different time periods with different characters?? 🤔
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This guy has an omurice for an icon when we all know he can't cook to save his life and I find that so ironic xD I like how much he's getting involved in the story so far too
I still don't know who gave them the right to go THIS HARD on a rhythm otome game. I love this thing what the hell. I wish I went this hard with my own projects.
That's all, I'll be waiting for more lessons to drop✌️
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shadow-pixelle · 7 months
Oh wise Pix of the pool, I have questions for you!
10, 14, 20, 21, 25, and 29!
Have fun!!
(In regards to this post)
Mmmm I dunno about wise but I do have answers for this, so.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Hm, this is a hard one, cause a lot of times I don't really have expectations for responses? Or when I do it's usually fairly on the money. I do remember being a bit surprised that A Star-Lined Path got as much interest as it did, given that my tagging on that was... kinda awful, lol.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Ah fuck me that's a really hard one, nevermind. I mean, A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm could be fun, given that that's my biggest megafic. My other option is my current biggest WIP, Maskless, because it's got some really nice scene imagery in there and seeing that adapted could be super cool. (One scene in particular...)
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
cracks open my AO3 works tab ok, I really like Second Sun, if only for the punnage of it all, and same with A Credit To The Order. But I think my absolute favourite is either Tempering Steel (Transformers fic), or Light in a Storm (Star Wars).
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
I am in fact currently in the process of doing that! I have about 10k of Maskless that I need to delete, because I don't like one character interaction that I have in it. Unfortunately, at the time I wasn't too bothered, so I kept writing!
And then I got writer's block, took like a four month break, and came back to it. Looked at the segment, went 'no actually I dislike this immensely', and am now having to delete pretty much that entire 10k because the way I want to rewrite this section also means needing to adjust the course of the entire rest of the conversation to keep it flowing well, so yay that.
(Technically I guess this isn't a scene? It's a big section of a scene to be deleted, it's just that I've then gotta rewrite the rest of the scene and the next chapter probably as well...)
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Oh hells yes. Writing Shattering Point was a nightmare, because I did that one in class and made myself upset, very fun to try and explain. Surprisingly, the one you'd think upset me- Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow- didn't all that much? I think it's cause I wrote it in a speedrun more than anything and got caught up thinking about the reactions more. Like I was sad but it wasn't that bad?
I think if I reread it now though I'd start sobbing.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
...Hm, ok, this could be fun. Dooooo I have anything like that right now...
(The endless issue of 'if I wrote it with the intent to post it it probably got posted', lol. I have a lot of practice pieces that'll never be posted, but I don't think I've got much actual fic content...?)
Oh! I have an idea! I was, once upon a time, thinking of expanding on Revelations of Monsters, an MCU fic I wrote in the early days of me being on AO3. I never actually figured out how I'd expand it, though, so while I did write a scene for a potential sequel/expansion piece, I'll likely never use it. Soooo here have some of that I guess.
Even for Ultron. (Not the monster she’d created, no. But for the AI that would have been ULTRON, if not for her interference. ULTRON would have been different, would have grown up with a family of AI siblings and a father who adored his creations so brightly it burned, would have been taught love and compassion and to protect… Wanda had murdered that child before they could even be born, using her powers and the Sceptre, and created a monster in their place, and she wasn’t sure if there was enough grief and regret in all the worlds to atone for that fact. She wasn’t sure she wanted there to be.)
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lowkeychenle · 3 months
see my sea is my comfort fic fr like i love the trope of mc being anti romance due to prior experiences and love interest changes the fact ,, i enjoy them cos i relate to it n then the other reason is bc its chenle ?? theres a lack of GOOOOD written works for him (or any written works for that matter) (i mean like aside from like 7drm headcanons n reactions, theres not tew many chenle x reader in comparison to the other dreamies)
so the fact that your blog is enriched w chenle works = immediate follow
+ oh and ur chenle smut is so good too?? = post notifs on! literally digging thru the chenle smut tag is sooo 😐😐 so i can only rely on u my friend 😔 thank u 4 ur service<3
i would like to reiterate how much i love ur jaemle series as a fellow jaemle stan..... pretty sure i sent u an ask about it and your guidelines surrounding it but idk if i ever sent it bc i was half asleep (no like actually frl lmao) or if tumblr ate my ask
i also was the anon who asked ab emoji anons n oh i def would love to (/gen) but idk how much i'd be interacting cos im in a bit of a mental rut atm so my social interaction is looowww. still supporting my fav blogs tho no worries, w rbs opposed to asks :<
all that being said , i was js curious ab ur current wips if u have any or if ur main focus is on 'is it over now' ? was wondering what we could expect from u is all, no pressure whatsoever!
HIIII <3 omg thank you for reading my work and loving it and also following me that's so cute :')
I've received a couple asks about the Jaemle series and I do plan on continuing it, I'm just not sure when lollll. I have a bunch of misc. smut ideas I'll be writing at some point. These next few months are super busy for me as I'm hoping to graduate in August this year, but that means I, unfortunately, do not have much writing time.
I hope you feel better soon for real :( mental ruts are the WORST I was just in one myself so make sure you take care of yourself <3 if you ever just want to chat, you're more than welcome to send me a message :)
Some of my current wips include:
Is It Over Now? - Chenle x Reader / Jisung x Reader! Based off of the song of the same name by Taylor Swift. This one is crazy and I'm still kinda questioning myself on how to end it (because I'm a chenle slut but how do you like...pivot on bad behavior idk)
Somewhere Else - ??? x Reader; lol I'm thinking Mark or Jaemin for this one. They seem to fit the picture in my head more than Chenle for this one unfortunately. Basically just an achingly fluffy piece with some smut in it lol
Stars Aligned - Chenle x Reader; basically Mastermind by Taylor Swift but he for sure knows the whole time and when the relationship becomes public (ex. gets exposed), things start to switch up
Several miscellaneous smuts that just pop into my head randomly. I have like 10 docs of just random smut scenes I haven't completed yet LOL
And then, of course, I have some text au reqs in my inbox I'm working on and my new smau titled Musically Inclined. That one is fun lol.
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peachyninjago · 2 years
idk her last name yet (give me recommendations pls <3) but candy is an entrepreneur by day, and the vigilante elemental master of vitality by night!! she, unlike the ninja, isnt above beating people to a pulp (shes never killed, tho). and she actually kinda cares about keeping her identity a secret afsffafa
during the day, they own a flower shop!!! thats why i drew her w flowers in my first post of her :DD their shop is in a very small part of Ninjago city, a section that isn't TOO industrialized. not exactly in the slums per-se, but very close to them.
as for her element, she got it from her mother!! (who has sadly passed away <3) idk the full lore of where vitality comes from, but its definitely a mutation of energy (tho her and Lloyd are NOT related. not at all :,D). even tho she fights on her own, they'd actually be a really good healer/support member on a team!! her ep's are like, uh... like a booster when used aggressively, and a healing thingy when used passively!! if that makes any sense
and, bc her element is mostly passive, shes a self taught fighter!! theyre AMAZING at hand to hand combat (theyve been boxing since they were legit two). I wouldn't call her a 'ninja' per-se, bc she has no official titles/teachers, she just wears a gi bc hey!!! she has one, and the Public know that the ninja are a symbol of safety!!!! and thats what she wants to be!!!!!
this is already long and i still need to do the fun facts, so just know that I plan to do a ficlet about her meeting Lloyd!! (who she is HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH btw). tldr; he has NO IDEA shes the neopolitan ninja, and just vibes at their flower shop during his free time. idk i just think Lloyd deserves a love interest that doesn't want to kill him im sorry 😔😔 (/lhlh ofc
uhh random pieces of information that i couldn't fit in any of the paragraphs bc this is already long enough uafuacuac
• shes pansexual, polyamorus, and a demigirl!! (she/they) idk she just thinks everyones sooo pretty
• her father is horrible, but she has an amazing older sister named mizuu!!!! mizuu was the one who first taught her how to box (mizuu also has a huge crush on nya lol)
• shes been dyeing her hair since she was like. 7 (shes 17 rn). shes naturally a brunette, but keeps her hair a pinkish strawberry blonde!!
• they have two tattoos!! one giant one of a dragon on their back, and a small heart on the inside of their right wrist!! might make another post describing the meanings behind both of them lol
• bc of their gi colors, the internet has affectionately named her the neopolitan ninja <3 candy absolutely ADORES the name
• whenever shes in a more deadly situation, she whips out her brass knuckles. and, only if they ABSOLUTELY MUST, they carry around a ball and chain thats disguised as a belt. that mf is SHARP
• already said this but i can not emphasize enough how INCREDIBLY DOWN BAD she is for Lloyd. girle boutta risk it all for someone whos aroace spec ufaufaufauafas
okay thats all i got for now <3 hope you like them they're my meow meow (affectionate) <3<3<3. if anyone reading this wants to know anything else abt her, please ask!!!! I love her vv much!!! also take a doodle of her and lloyds dynamic <3:
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lululawrence · 2 years
i mean that’s a pretty used color combo…maybe he just like the colors on him like everyone else
it is, but i was not born by trial of RBB and SBB fire where they gave us essentially a crash course in looking at everything and analyzing everything and figuring out how it might all work together in order to figure out what they are trying to tell us to brush aside even the possibility that he's using his clothing to communicate with us.
i still swear by the fact that louis very purposefully used skulls on his t-shirts to communicate SOMETHING to us (for those who weren't here, he'd wear them in selfies or on pap walks etc when certain articles or dealings with simon were coming about... there were different views on what he was warning us about, but all the same it worked. we knew to be on the lookout, and whenever we saw him wearing a skull, we were). he also would post warning selfies to the point where whenever i got a notification from his instagram, i would tense up and get worried because yes, the photo was always pretty, but it also meant shit was gonna hit the fan as well.
and yes, these were all years ago that they happened, but please. look at louis' tour and everything he wore on stage this year and the different ways they pointed to harry. just off the top of my head i'm remembering the shirt with maison stitched on the chest right after the announcement of harry's house being the album title and the fact that the only top he wore more than once was the blue and green jersey that he happened to wear in Houston and Seattle? HS? liiiiiike...
yes. i am absolutely prone to looking into things and using confirmation bias to feel like i have more support for my theories than there actually is, and i am also absolutely going to be coming to the wrong conclusions with some of these random theories sometimes (a lot of the time lol). the speculation and digging around to figure out if they're true and stand the test of reason is half the fun!
but honestly, my suggesting that louis is out there wearing only black and white to send us a message or a clue while we are still in the midst of solving a puzzle that he is giving to us piece by piece and we haven't completely figured out yet is NOT the craziest thing this man has had me doing over the past eight years hahaha
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chitsangenthusiast · 1 year
oh!!! 🗣️ or ❔ for the wip ask? 👀💕💕
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🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP come when you want!!!!!! not to talk about it again but it's the epitome why write if you're not going to write for yourself!!!! the 5+1 that's meant to just be nsfw but also covers the span of zkka's relationship, and the title comes from my poor attempt at giving it the tiniest bit of plot, which is: if there's an event with a set start time, then zkka are gonna show up just-barely-fashionably late due to fooling around
(subplot: sokka pwetty)
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it. marine biologist/mortician auuuu. i still need to figure out the back half of the plot bc i'm trying to add in some major supernatural elements that requires me doing research on spirits, but i keep getting more and more ideas lately and thus excitement! half of this stems from the fact that i'm blending some scenes from the piece i wrote for zkka novels 2022 (there's like three scenes that didn't make the cut for that ficlet due to word count lol), which i think just makes it more fun!!
a cranky mortician and a thoroughly unimpressed marine biologist being forced together to figure out this supernatural conundrum? featuring many spirits (including my favorite, koh!) that they have no business meeting and the weirdest looking fish that is actually [redacted]? a BLAST
(for reference: work in progress, but make it good ask game)
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always-andromeda · 1 year
tumblr as eaten TWO of my asks now. this is gonna be a bit all over the place so bear w me hahah
to recap what i’ve sent you:
exactly!! i was so hyped when they figured it out & the rocket finally didn't explode.
re: the october sky festival: oh that's so cool! if you're close by enough, you should totally go to it! i would love to go to it as well but seeing as i’m canadian, tennessee is a bit out of reach for me lol
also! i love listening to other people ramble about the shit they're interested in, so ramble away, my friend!
i was watching lovely and amazing for the first time last night & scrolling my dash at the same time when i came across your post about wanting to watch it, so weird!! but jake in that movie?? you’re so right, he IS diet holden😭 definitely a watered down version, he’s not depressed enough. but he is a loser & i love that. & the hair!! i think he had it black for bubble boy but omg it adds so much to the loser factor for some reason. ik it sounds like i just agree w u on everything, but you have good (& correct👀) takes, so how could i not?? but yeah, the movie itself wasn’t great. however, i could watch a compilation of clips of him in that movie forever🫠 the way he’s staring at michelle when they’re at the bar & she’s talking about her art 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
I SWEAR, if tumblr keeps doing this, imma have to walk on down to Mr. Tumblr’s office and give him a piece of my mind. 😤😤😤
(But also lmao thank you for putting up with my rambling, much love and appreciation. 🫶🏻)
See, even though I’m American, I live literally across the country from Tennessee so it’s a bit of a long shot for me too bUT HEY. Maybe that’s a thing that’ll have to go on my bucket list lol.
AND OH MY GOSH, I am loving the random synchronicity we’re experiencing rn with Jake’s movies lol. You’re very right, it 100% isn’t a good movie like at all. bUT JAKE’S CHARACTER IS SO— 🥰 I adore him. Like the way that he is so enthusiastic and encouraging about Michelle’s goofy little art pieces?? And like listen…I adore Jake’s little emo era where his hair is just JET BLACK so seeing him get to be just like this weird little loserboy had me smiling so big. Holden is definitely a bit more unhinged and pessimistic than Jordan is. But like. If I had a nickel for every time Jake Gyllenhaal played a sad little emo guy who wanted to fuck his older coworker, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t many bUT HEY, it’s weird that it’s happened twice!!
ALSO MORE ABOUT THE MOVIE IN GENERAL. I wasn’t a huge fan of Michelle pretty early on just because she had those entitled middle aged white woman vibes and that energy annoys me. But when she hooked up with Jordan (in front of his damn house too I think????) I was so— 😀 And when she got arrested for it?? And then was released?? And the movie plays it off like, “Lmao sometimes you have sex with a minor!! Lmao 🤪 mistakes were made!!!!” I was so. So flabbergasted. That was SUCH a strange choice to make in the story. 😀
Also, fun fact. Learned from the iMDB page that the working title for this movie was SAD BUT TRUE. And that makes me wheeze so hard. I wish they had kept it because HOLY FUCK that is one of the funniest titles I’ve ever heard for a movie. Like, lmao, that moment when you go to jail for statutory rape?? Sad…but true!! 🤘🏻🤪🤘🏻
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terramythos · 1 year
A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reading Notes
Full Review Here!
-while I am going into these mostly blind (literally my max exposure to Sherlock Holmes is some of the show Elementary and the Guy Ritchie films) this specific story is a little spoiled for me. Oh well -there is licherally no publication year on my copy lmao What (1887, thanks Google) Part 1 (ooo a two parter- scandalous) Chapter 1 - Mr. Sherlock Holmes -ill be real I have like no context for the afghan war except Classic British Colonialism part six billion or whatever -"the great wilderness of London" lmfao -I feel like I vaguely knew Watson was an honest to God doctor but its still surprising considering what I know of other adaptations -shout out to Holmes inventing a fictional(?) version of luminol? Which apparently was discovered early 20th century, lol. -too bad forensic evidence is still so sketchy a century and a half later, Holmes -BOY I WISH THE POLICE WERE A THING OF THE PAST, BRO. -Holmes meets Watson for the first time and almost immediately stabs himself in the finger to prove a point. The serve Chapter 2 - The Science of Deduction -"haha no way is he addicted to narcotics" oh my sweet summer child -watson: I swear I'm only super fascinated by Mr Holmes because my health sucks and I'd be bored otherwise that's it I swear. -ooh I like the observation that Holmes is basically self taught and ignorant of a lot of things people take for granted. I don't think I've gotten that impression about the character before -i mean it's impossible now not to know Holmes is a detective, but since this was the first story, I have to wonder if some original readers really didn't know going in. If so this bit would be fun because based on the character study and Watson's list of Holmes' knowledge you can figure it out yourself. -watson: man this writer is full of shit, what a moron Holmes: me? :) God that's funny -the unintentional prophecy of Holmes wanting to "make my name famous". God lmfao Chapter 3 - The Lauriston Gardens Mystery -oh hey the actual crime mystery is here -rip random American dude I guess? -goddamn that setting description really digs into a bleak tone, huh -my main observation is the apartment was seemingly abandoned if the dust is any indication, so he was not a resident but brought there. Poisoned makes sense if he was not injured -ok, lol, the Rache thing NOT being Rachel is the thing I had spoiled, and they've already dropped that in the intro chapter to the crime. So I guess I don't know where this is going. Fun! Chapter 4 - What John Rance Had To Tell -watson is smart actually -though I think RACHE being a red herring as Holmes suggests is way too easy -tho Holmes guessing the murderers appearance leads me to believe it's someone he knows. (Also weird that Rance is also a five letter R-E word). -could even make the argument that it could be a fucked up version where the C and H are switched and mutilated, but I have no clue why if the murderer supposedly did it -then again I also don't know why the murderer was the injured one with no sign of a struggle. Maybe a third person? Or something unrelated/accidental? OR the dead dude wasn't actually poisoned, we only have the police's word on that -OH HE SAID THE TITLE OOOOOHHHH -also Holmes seems more invested in the fun of the mystery than the fact some dude was fucking murdered, presumably by a friend based on what he said earlier Chapter 5 - Our Advertisement Brings A Visitor -watson be like "well the guy was fuck ugly so it's probably good he got murdered" like bro??? -yeah no way is this the culprit. Like we're maybe a quarter into the book. If it IS him then there's way more to it -Some Rando In Disguise It Seems -tho I have to say putting an ad out for a (potentially?) valuable piece of lost jewelry like a wedding ring would attract grifters whether they had any relation to the murder or not. Seems like a weird oversight to the plan. Chapter 6 - Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can Do -seeing how 3 different papers frame the murder, specifically political motivations, is a little funny even if I'm missing some of the context of the time. -interesting frame for the chapter, someone else telling a story to the leads. I guess it adds some variety to the presentation (and lets us see red herrings that wouldn't trip up Holmes) -some of the terminology didn't age well, which is unsurprising -- "street Arab" rather than "street urchin". -HOW THE TURNTABLES. THE PLOT THICKENS. ETC Chapter 7 - Light in the Darkness -RACHE again. Hmmmmm. Only this time it WOULD be the victim's blood, not the murderer's. Is the handwriting the same? Plus the original height observation? And the first RACHE was almost hidden, but this one seems more in the open based on what Lestrade said. -again the use of framing where one of the less capable detectives talks about what they've done and discovered to add some variety -ok so this guy was murdered in a much different way than the other, which seems odd, unless someone else did this one. -and the pills point to Stangerson killing Drebber, but then who killed Stangerson? If he was poisoned he would have been stabbed independently of that. -and why two different kinds of pills. Is one an antidote to the other, maybe? It's possible the murderer planted it in Stangerson's room, but why, if the goal was to implicate him? So it probably is actually his. -holmes just knowing and there being some plot contrivance why he can't say does kinda fizzle the stakes a little (never mind this gets resolved in like 2 pages) -but assuming he IS right, I was correct about there being 2 people... which might explain the differences in the 2 murders? -the cab driver! He was mentioned early then everyone seemingly forgot he was present around the time Drebber died. -"it's the end of the mystery!" Uh yeah except the second person is almost certainly at large and there's an entire second part to the story, Holmes. Lol. Lmao Part 2 - The Country of the Saints Chapter 1-- On The Great Alkali Plain -colonialist worldview ahoy -doyle my guy you know quite literally nothing about ecology here like it's ok to admit it -*lists 3 predators* "these are the only guys that live here, in the great miserable American plains," that's not how any food chain works. Also you live in fucking London -I'll stop roasting him lmao -i guess it's like the Nevada salt flats or something?? A little more valid I guess -... huh. -this is quite the framing for part 2 of a murder mystery I'll be real. -the idea of this huge mass of white people traveling through the western desert and biblical references in the like makes me think of Mormons more than anything... -and Stangerson makes his appearance here which sure is fascinating if the dude fucking died (unless the whole antidote and fake death thing is the real shit). Or he has a twin or something. Or this is the past. -oh my god they are Mormons -why are there Mormons making pilgrimage in the salt flats in the first Sherlock Holmes murder mystery??? This shit is wild -"my kid now" ok, word, Ferrier -bringham young is in this SHERLOCK HOLMES story and is also a fucking dick. I'm going insane   Chapter 2 - The Flower of Utah -ferrier gay as fuck let's just be real here -so is this like where the backstory for the wedding ring comes from? If so this is pretty extensive. I do wonder how it all ties into the first story. Like we went full cowboy western here -twu wuv exposition etc Chapter 3 - John Ferrier Talks With The Prophet -"the Mormons suck by the way" ok Doyle go off? -i have to emphasize again that Brigham Young is a character in this fucking Sherlock Holmes story. Like. A villain. This is just crazy to me lmao -The Danites were a real thing apparently? Man. -my guy put in a FOOTNOTE and CITATION about Mormons being misogynistic. There are no footnotes anywhere in the story except to be like "no really they called women heifers here's the guy who said it" I am literally not making this shit up. Doyle based actually??? Chapter 4 - A Flight For Life -we are like half through the second part and I have to fucking state again this is a Sherlock Holmes murder mystery thats just straight up a western now with Brigham Young as the antagonist with the title character nowhere in sight -it hasnt been like outright stated and he could just be tan but theres so many references to Ferrier having brown skin it does make me wonder if he isn't white. The only thing that would be odd with that is he isn't racially discriminated against in a Mormon compound. Especially since his adopted daughter is deffo white & he is discriminated against for NOT taking wives. I can't see that really happening if he isn't white -"there are two ways out of the room... there is the door, and there is the window. Which do you care to use?" DAMN dude -Stangerson & Drebber really do be 2 complete cunts huh. Fuck those guys -doyle: I need to name the guy who rescues Ferrier and Lucy from the Mormons. In America. I got it! "Jefferson Hope" Chapter 5 - The Avenging Angels -we got 3 chapters left??? -"once safe in Carson we may rest for the remainder of our lives" is that on the nose foreshadowing -at least now the wilderness is being described in beautiful terms -Oh RIP Ferrier I guess. They bothered to dig a grave, lol? -honestly I'm a little surprised they didn't try to hunt Jefferson Hope down for good measure since they're supposed to be ultra vindictive. Unless they didn't know he was with them? I guess maybe they didn't? -... nope, they knew and put out a warrant. Again why not try to track him? Too hard? -and convenient random guy Hope happens to know who doesn't hate him who we havent ever seen before -lmao he just leaves her to die I guess? "Oh well some rando married her so it's all over"?? Surely true love would, I dunno, trump social conventions? I guess not LMAO -i guess that's one way to circle around to the first half of the story Chapter 6 - A Continuation of the Reminiscences of John Watson, M.D. -I'll be honest, it could be because this is the first story written about Holmes, but I'm pretty confident this WASNT a mystery one could figure out based on the evidence presented, which is something I was led to believe was a staple of these stories. But I guess it's possible the style just wasn't nailed down yet -maybe you could figure out how the crime was committed but not the motive -that line about vengeance might be the quote to use -I like this part of the narrative where we really see into Hope's actions. I think so much of the story in America was unnecessary; I just didn't feel strongly about the characters like I do actually seeing his perspective here. Why bother with the whole stranded in the desert thing and going into so much detail about how Lucy and Ferrier came to live in Salt Lake City? I dunno, I think it might have been better to be shorter and from Hope's perspective if you must include that section of the story at all - and again, it's not like you could have figured out all that shit based on the first half of the story. I appreciate the kinda experimental time jump but I don't think it worked great -ok the Russian roulette pill thing is a bit weird but sure king, go for it -i know it's metaphorical probably but I like the kinda Gothic touch of Lucy and Ferrier following him to the murder   -"let us see if there is justice upon the earth, or if we are ruled by chance" ok that's pretty raw, go off king -i mean if I have to choose a revenge story from around this period I'd definitely go for Monte Cristo but this is fun too -why try to cover up the crime with the whole Rache thing if you know you're gonna die tho lol -i guess to buy time to kill Stangerson too? Chapter 7 - The Conclusion -I do like the detail that the murderer's blood was on the scene but not the victim. That WAS revealed early but I never suspected a bloody nose to be the source. If it had been a wound there probably would have been evidence of it; a limp or something. That is pretty clever. -but on the other hand, Holmes WAS privy to information we never get (Hope's name and connection to Drebber), so I wouldn't call this a fair mystery. -lestrade and Gregson getting all the credit as predicted lmao -my man closes with Latin? I gotta look it up -"The public hiss at me, but I cheer myself when in my own house I contemplate the coins in my strong-box." -basically, I'm awesome even if no one knows it Well! That was interesting. I liked the mystery itself, and the revenge narrative portion of the conclusion. It's a strong start to a famous character. I think we get a little lost in the weeds with the time jump in the second half of the story, way too much detail and I don't think it focused on the right characters for most of it. Also I have to be a stickler on the fair mystery thing; there are some things you can deduce, but Holmes literally had info we never receive so it's ultimately not fair. I hope this does genuinely change in future stories. I certainly didn't mean to start with the first one, that was an honest accident lmao
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
More questions 😅 lol. 1, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22 (whichever you think of), 26, 27, 28, 29?
Bestie, you are now keeping me from chopping like 7 cups of veggies for dinner. I love it.
1. When did you start writing? How?
The first thing I ever wrote that made me realize that I loved writing was this short story I had to write in the third grade. I don’t remember much about it, except that it involved aliens and a really nice biker gang. In sixth or seventh grade I started writing (but never posted) Sailor Moon self-insert fan fiction. I was Sailor Sun. I had my own team of Sailor Scouts and we had a rock band. …Yeahhhh.
Later in middle school, I started writing a smutty story about a thinly-veiled self-insert and a sexy long-haired rockstar. It got smutty. My mom found it. The horror lives on to this day.
In high school I started writing Final Fantasy VII fic, and eventually started trying for OC that was basically thinly-veiled FFVII fic. I had this bright green three-ring binder that I wrote in. I took it with me EVERYWHERE - even slept with it - and wouldn’t let anyone look at it.
Then in college, the inspiration just… dried up. Completely. I wrote nothing else until about two years ago, when I started watching Once Upon a Time and fell in love with the chemistry between Robert Carlyle and Emilie De Ravin. I’ve been obsessively writing fic ever since.
8. Have any comments/tags/responses on a fic of yours ever made you laugh, cry or both?
I’ve never had one make me cry, for the simple fact that I don’t believe compliments when they’re thrown my way. If you compliment my fic, you are obviously mistaken or just being nice. That being said, when people yell at me for torturing the characters, I always cackle maniacally.
10. How many unfinished works are in your drafts?
Ugh. Too many. I’d put it at around 20.
13. Multichapter fics or one shots?
Multichapter. WHICH IS EXACTLY MY PROBLEM. I come up with fic ideas quicker than I can finish them.
15. Angst or fluff?
Aaaaaaaangst. Angst is easy. I struggle with fluff.
18. Which is more difficult, the title or the summary?
The summary! For titles, you’re gonna get a random song lyric, and you’re gonna like it.
21. Do you listen to music as you write?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on what I need in that moment.
22. If you had to assign a theme song to [fic title], what would it be?
Um. I dunno. But I’ll give you the source of the title for “One More Time, Steal My Breath. It’s from the song “Kiss and Control” by AFI, off their Decemberunderground album.
26. Is there a specific scene or scenario you’re looking forward to most? (No, you don’t have to give away spoilers!)
Yessssssss. In OMT,SMB, Eddie and Chrissy are going to eventually have reason to return to Hawkins. *rubs hands together with glee*
27. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Two, yes. One is unhappy endings. Any fic I start will have an eventually happy ending (Y’know, if I ever actually finish it). The other is reader insert. Can’t do it. Reader insert fics pretty much by necessity feature an utterly bland protagonist. Where’s the fun in that? That’s like giving me a Bud Lite when I asked for a microbrew stout, or a Twinkie when I asked for tiramisu.
28. Share a piece from one of your current WIPs!
Mmmmm I’m gonna hold off on this, only because I haven’t done my weekly Six Sentence Sunday snippet yet.
29. Best writing advice for other writers?
Try new things, but don’t be afraid to admit when something doesn’t work for you. Staying in your comfort zone will lead to your writing stagnating, but forcing yourself to write something that you’re not that into isn’t any better. If you’re forcing yourself to write something that isn’t doing it for you, that lack of passion will reflect in your writing.
Thanks for the asks!
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squishygioo · 21 days
guess i should make a pinned post or something.
hi there, if you found this blog… uhm… congrats!
💖 i’m gio, i’m a 20-something writer and artist. i’m also trans dude who rambles a lot and likes to fill his brain with kindness and random facts. (and potentially cheese sticks.)
i like to just post random stuff on this main blog but i have two other side blogs that might fascinate you.
• @squishyrevolution is where i share donation links and important material, like referencing current events and the like.
• @worlds-haven is where i just share pretty pictures, mostly nature photography and astrophotography, but any pretty thing will do.
• (and i’m also considering making a third one solely for my art and writing but we’ll see.)
more info is under the cut here, but that’s the basics!
for the chance at common ground…
here is a brief, non-exhaustive list of my interests!:
- Ace Attorney, Splatoon + Kirby, The Sims, Hades 1 & 2, Slime Rancher, indie games in general…
- Madness Combat, Akira (1988), Treasure Planet, Futurama, 2000s media, (also just a lot of other 80s/90s anime), Trigun (all eras), Gundam (just in general)
- i’ve got a pretty broad music taste but i mostly fall into EDM and all those related categories. (Virtual Riot being a favorite example)
- (omg i forget things i enjoy wtf)
i’m also on wattpad, newgrounds, and instagram all under @squishygioo, so that’s pretty convenient.
unfortunately, my wattpad (at the moment) does not have anything up on it. long story. BUT!
i’m hoping to remedy that later this year because i want to keep writing my big ol’ story called Project Zenith. it’s about this trans guy named Daneska Striker who relearns how to navigate life while also exploring the multiverse! it’s quite fun!
i’ve spent a large portion of my life (9 years) developing Project Zenith, so it’s sorta important to me. i’ve only just recently given it a proper title and appropriate genre categories (absurdist and sci-fi) so if that’s up your alley, stick around! i might talk more abt it here.
if you’re not so much a reader as you are an appreciator of the arts, then my instagram might suit you better. that’s got a few years worth of art on it, most of which are… ocs of mine lol
in any case, thanks for reading this far and i hope you found something that fascinated you. otherwise, i hope you can find your fix somewhere else, no shame to you.
and, as a bonus, here’s a piece of art i finished a little while ago :)
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(that’s daneska!! he’s rad, isn’t he?)
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larkawolfgirl · 11 months
hiiii💜 5, 35, 42 from the fanfiction asks?
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
I have 5 that I have worked on recently.
-KKM- Conrad having at least a one-night stand with Adalbert and Julia (maybe more). (This is sitting as a wip because every time I think about writing the smut, I don't write it lol).
-KKM- Murata courting Wolfram.
-KKM- A messed up situation where Yuuri and Wolfram both cheat on each other with Murata.
-Tales of Xillia 2- Julius and Ludger reincarnated.
-Stranger Things- Mike comes to terms with the fact that he likes Will but doesn't want to break up with El.
I have 3 older ones, and 2 really old ones that I haven't worked on in over a year but I still plan to finish at some point. I have a bunch of other random started things buried in my google docs and years-old bits and pieces saved on my external hard drive. Plus numerous other ideas living inside my head.
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
This is a really hard question since I have a handful of favorites that I love for different reasons. I actually made a "series" for my favorites (even though I do remove and add some sometimes).
I want to say From Today On, I Start Anew for Kyou Kara Maoh even though I definitely have pieces with prettier prose. It is by far the longest fic I have ever written, had the most plot work, and shaped itself into the most fun au I have created. I love the alternative version of Yuuri I created and was sad when I had to say goodbye to him. I was also proud of myself for actually creating a central theme for the fic even though I didn't realize it until the end.
My favorite description that I wrote is definitely the first five paragraphs of this Kingdom Hearts Things You Said oneshot.
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
Decisions are hard! I was caught between 5 of them. I think I will settle on "Only a Whisper, Never a Kiss" because I think it flows really nicely and sounds poetic. The runner up is "Let the Sirens Sings Me Sleep."
0 notes
skyfelzz · 1 year
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I posted 18 times in 2022
13 posts created (72%)
5 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#my art - 5 posts
#art - 5 posts
#fanart - 5 posts
#no straight roads - 4 posts
#nsr - 4 posts
#nsr fanart - 4 posts
#drawing - 4 posts
#illustration - 4 posts
#artwork - 4 posts
#flintsky speaks - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#currently i have done 2 pairs but i still can't figure out how to thumb since i still need the empty space inside the hand to slot em in
My Top Posts in 2022:
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📕 School Exercise Book 📕
📕 Buku Latihan Sekolah 📕 📕 学校练习簿 📕
This is the 1st out of my 3 zine pieces!
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
HAPPY 2ND ANNIVESARRY NSR!! Man i should have posted this a longgg time ago but i figured this would be the perfect time to post the 3 pieces I contributed for the NSR Malaysian Zine as well since it's also almost our Independence day
Halfway through the zine I was promoted as a UI/UX mod for the zine, so yes, I made the zine carrd site! :P (with the help and guidance of @softlight289 and some feedbacks) Might not look too nice compared to other sites but hey, I learned quite a lot of stuff and gained lotsa experience from being a mini-mod for the zine! >:D These will be separated posts cuz I have a LOT to talk about
Image description under the cut! :D
This used to be one of my cover art submissions that didn't get chosen, but decided to finish it anyway cuz why not :P Was looking back at my old exercise books that I doodled on and decided "why not" and made this piece XD I still doodle on em til this day, in a seperate exercise book of my own ofc haha
I gotta be very honest here, I don't have stickers and color pencils on my books, I only have stickmen and poor left-hand writing attempts. This book belongs to who? Up for yall to decide cuz honestly: it could be anyone >:)
I almost forgot to draw Sayu lol
26 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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🌀 Gasing Under the Daylight 🌀
🌀 Gasing di Pancaran Matahari 🌀 🌀 在阳光下转陀螺 🌀
This is the 3rd out of my 3 zine pieces for the NSR Malaysian Zine!
As you can see, the titles kinda sucked since i have 0 idea how to title this piece
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
Image description under the cut! :D
Fun facts:
I mashed up both the timelapse of the original lost file and the timelapse for the redraw
This piece got like, 2 redraws, one is because of a file lost after updated Ibis, while the other is because I'm unhappy with the perspective and decided to redraw it
The coconut tree got the highest amount of redraws and it gets more and more realistic for each redraw.
The final thumbnail for this was made in my English module after I have finished all my work given by teacher
The house is from @softlight289 jetty piece >:)
yes as you can see the timelapse i struggled with the clouds so fren sent a ref and it helped me immensely
To be honest, this piece is kinda random, but my brain reminded me that I can't play the gasing and I want to deliver something cool so BOOM this piece is born XD
Good for Mayday for spinning the gasing successfully because until today I still can't spin the gasing properly for my life :')
37 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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🌾Sabah, Land Below The Wind💨
🌾 Sabah, Negeri di Bawah Bayu 💨
🌾 风下之乡,沙巴 💨
This is the 2nd out of my 3 zine pieces for the NSR Malaysian Zine!
Check out the zine here: https://nsrmalaysiazine.carrd.co/
Image description under the cut! :D
I wanted to make an entire piece dedicated to my hometown Sabah, initially, I plan to go for the poker card style since ppl like to play cards during CNY but I can't work that out so it ended up being styled like a tarot card instead :P
As a Sino-Kadazan that grew up in West Malaysia, I only got to learn Chinese culture and missed the Kadazan part of my culture entirely. So now I'm trying to go back to my Kadazan roots by learning the language and culture after I graduated high school because by that time I will be able to go back to Sabah for a long while and slowly rediscover the other half of my missing culture >:)
I really want to make a piece to represent a part of what I personally know about Sabah and its culture since East Malaysia is often overshadowed by a lot of other stuff, and I decided to dedicate an entire piece just for Sabah, and this is why this piece means a lot to me.
In this piece, you can see Mount Kinabalu, the Sabah State Museum, The Tip of Borneo, Rafflesia, Nepenthes rajah, and the Kadazan culture with the patterns and also Mayday doing the Sumazau dance.
59 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
For my school's Maths room deco :P
Drawn on a broken mini table with paint markers
After 4 months I can finally announce that I've been dragged to submas and pokemon in general, I blame my twt moots /hj
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106 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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i don't think I post this here before, here's an update of the Neon J and 1010 cardboard figurines >:D
oh for the peeps who waited for over a year for this, sorry for the lack of updates skdjvbjbf-
254 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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