#…i put it in the caption so you have to…thats the rules
sunlightfeeling · 8 months
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Shop Photos: We are SMAP! Takuya in Space Edition
Not to be confused with Takuya in Space Battleship Yamato Edition, which is just Takuya looking extremely gender in a film that coincidentally released in the same year as these pictures
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soundbodys · 10 months
hi!!!! welcome to part 1 of "i've got some thoughts on adamandi" >:) i have some other analysis that i do want to share about other things, not just randomly diagnosing fictional characters! but this post is about ambrose being on the autism spectrum <3
i'm not a medical professional by any means, but this is just coming from both my experience as an autistic person and the research i've been able to do about the disorder. and other people's experiences! please dont come for me if things are just a touch inaccurate. without further ado: lets fucking gooooooooo!
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[ID: ambrose bassford with his hands on vincent lin's shoulders. he is looking into the distance with a determined look in his eye. vincent looks towards him with concern. end ID]
(please excuse my terrible quality screenshots. um. yeah.)
i'll also preface this by saying that yes, much of this is also informed by his status as a transgender student in the early-mid 1900s. i still think it's fun to analyze and compare my (and others') experiences to his!
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[ID: preston monterey and adrian farthington (or miscellaneous marmorei) putting a letterman jacket on ambrose. ambrose is smiling. there is a caption at the bottom reading "rooftops that nobody frequents where secret societies meet" in all caps. end ID]
firstly, i will address the marmorius society. i'm fairly certain that the marmorei in "word to the wise" are meant more to represent the then-present-now-past members that welcomed ambrose freshman year rather than preston and adrian, but thats ok. what matters more is the subtext in word to the wise that we can glean from the choreography and interactions between ambrose and vincent. beginning the song, and similarly his freshman year, ambrose struggles to fit in like each of the other students entering ardess. he initially seems more comfortable interacting with vincent, but then gets taken in by the marmorei. this is exactly where his mannerism and attitude shift
here, we see ambrose fitting in (or, making an attempt to) with the other marmorei. from vincent's account, we know that ambrose's actions and behaviors almost completely changed after becoming part of the society. this is a really roundabout way of saying hey, ambrose found a place where he thinks he might belong! rather than learning and adapting to normal and regular social rules, he latches onto and mimics a very specific subset of people. to him, they know what they are doing and they have a way of being social that he can't understand so he mimics instead of just adjusting the way he already was. this mimicking makes a bit of sense in that he's not quite conforming to social cues (he still doesn't exactly fit in), but he's trying to. it feels to me a bit like how it is to feel alienated from your peers, even though you are trying your hardest to mask. of course, his "off"-ness is also contributed to by his transness so take that as you will.
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[ID: ambrose is standing facing vincent. vincent is facing him with his hands to his back uncomfortably. the caption reads. "i've been looking to include more variations in body type." end ID]
this one is shorter than the marmorius society bulletpoint. actually, most of them are. that one is long winded. ANYWAY, ambrose is kind of... interesting when it comes to his interactions. specifically, he encourages vincent to join the marmorei by saying he's been "looking to include more variations in body type." to him, he's being completely honest and genuinely wants vincent to take interest in his phaethon project. unfortunately, to both vincent and much of the audience, this comes off as comically insensitive at best or offensive at worst. this comes from a lack of awareness of social cues, similar to the lack of knowledge of social norms from the previous bulletpoint. while he knows how to conform to the marmorei, there is still a lot of social cues he needs to work on. often, autistic people will speak bluntly and honestly in their communication. this is really not that far off, even if it was just a little gag!
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[ID: caption reading, "he didn't eat the apple because he said he didn't like how its flesh felt on the skin of his thumbs." end ID]
kind of self explanatory. all metaphors aside, ambrose doesn't like the flesh of a peeled apple on his thumbs. i understand (<- i loooove peeled apples though)
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[ID: lyrics reading, "if i was stronger i could fix this; / cut the bad and leave the good / be the marble and the sculptor / like my father says i should." end ID]
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[ID: lyrics reading, "so my parents and my girlfriend / my closest friends and you / will know i deserve their love / once there's no more work to do / there are only three people who'll be perfect in their eyes / me, myself, and i" end ID]
two screenshots! often, autism causes what can be called "black and white" or polarized thinking. it's like, there's only one solution or there are only the extremes (although, this isn't to be confused with the black and white thinking associated with BPD. i don't have experience on that but ive heard quincy and vincent can fit the bill). for ambrose, there's only one solution to both his dysphoria and distorted self worth: becoming the perfect man by... becoming marble or whatever. as if there is only ONE way to do this, without alternative methods. i sometimes find myself in the same spiral, and have meltdowns either when it doesn't work out or if i'm offered an alternative solution that goes against what i thought might work. even in the second screenshot here, we see that he thinks the only way to earn love is through this specific task. he cannot be unconvinced, even if vincent tries to offer him an alternative solution.
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[ID: ambrose is hanging off a ladder, his hand out and mouth open singing. the caption reads, "apollo's look is yours: sound body, sound mind" in all caps. end ID]
this is where i dip more into the headcanon territory than i already have. i couldn't really include every screenshot where he talks about a) apollo, b) sculpture, or c) fitness. this is kind of part of his character in general but i like to think of it as his special interests. it's remarkable how many autistic people i know who have majored in something related to their spinterests (including myself! in a way)
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[ID: vincent awkwardly puts a hand on ambrose's arm, ambrose looks at him longingly. end ID]
ambrose... did not interpret the social cues correctly in the scene directly after "sound body, sound mind." it's really just written in the text, but just in case, i will remind you that vincent pretty much says "hey, i kind of strived to be like you because i had this incorrect assumption of who you were, sorry about that lol" and ambrose took it all wrong and thought this was a romantic advance. he just... didn't interpret it right. honest mistake, but a very common mistake among autistic people. and, unrelated to the autism thing, his comeback isn't smooth at all lmao
THERE YOU HAVE IT! i'm sure there could be more to be said, but my hands hurt (disability) and i can't think of any more off the top of my head. feel free to add on with anything you want to say!!!! thank you for reading!!!! here's the sillies for you, as a reward for getting this far :)
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[ID: preston, ambrose, and adrian with their arms on each others' shoulders, stepping in sync. end ID]
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
I want to start adding text descriptions to stuff i reblog, do you have any advice? is there a guide or something you use, the style of your IDs is very nice.
hey! thats great that you want to start writing IDs. I've reblogged guides before and ill tag this post with the tag they're in (image descriptions) so its easy to browse!
in addition to those other resources, here's some guidelines i personally keep in mind, & what i structure different IDs like.
for text transcripts: source & type of image, author, date if possible. here are some pretend/template IDs:
ID. a twitter screenshot from user @.[username] dated [date] that reads: "[tweet]." End ID.
i put the period after the @ symbol so it doesnt try to tag a nonexistent (or unrelated) user on this site, and a screenreader will just pause there briefly.
ID. a photo of a page from the book [name] by [author]. text reads: [transcript]. End ID.
if the OP cited the author/book/source, you can just do "Transcript: [text]. End transcript."
for actual images:
type of image is really important!
photograph, edited photograph, reaction image, edited reaction image, painting, digital painting, digital drawing, etc. you should always put what kind of image it is.
keep in mind the purpose of the image!
if its an art piece or a photo of one, its good to describe the medium, style, colors, and subject.
if it's a reaction image or other meme, you don't have to describe the surroundings in loving detail. the "point" of the image is enough.
if its a photograph, it might also be an art piece, or from the news, or someone sharing their pet. the amount and kind of detail again depends on the point of the image.
don't make judgements or assumptions!
dont describe things as badly drawn or badly photographed- and on the flip side, dont describe things as cute or beautiful. describe whats in the image, not how it makes you feel. if you love a certain part of how a photograph is framed, or how the light is painted in a piece of art, say that specifically. "beautiful" means nothing! do you mean realistic? vibrantly colored? "cute" means nothing! do you mean in a cartoony style? or that the subject matter is a cat, which many people find cute? be specific!
dont make statements about the gender or race of the people in the photo or art piece, especially if it's real people (like a news photo) unless you know those things as a fact (celebrities, fictional characters, people you know personally, people where it is mentioned in the article the photo is from). you can just describe things like hair length, skin tone, etc. exceptions to this rule imo are stock photos- eg if im captioning my favorite stock photo of all time, cyber woman with corn, i am going to describe it as "a stock photo of a white woman in a futuristic silver and black wraparound visor, wearing a silver bodysuit and cradling an ear of corn near her face and smiling slightly."
here are some example descriptions, all from images i have on my phone.
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ID. a photo of two cats laying head to head on someones outstretched legs, which are under a blanket. one cat is an orange tabby, and the other is a gray and white splotched tabby. End ID.
the point of this image is my cats- im not going to spend time describing the blanket, the couch, the stuff you can see in the background, bc it's not relevant to the image, and adds nothing.
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ID. a photo taken through a rainy window at twilight, with the camera focused on the raindrops on the glass, so the lights in the houses across the street are out of focus. the lights reflect on the wet pavement in a warm yellow glow. End ID.
i took this the other night bc i thought it looked cool how blurry it was- id consider this more of an "art" photo, so im describing the aspects of the framing etc that make it that- i wasnt just trying to show how rainy it was, but to take a photo in an interesting way, so those traits are "worth" describing.
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ID. a photo of an acrylic painting done on a cardboard packing envelope of a city street at sunset, all the building windows reflecting gold. there are purple fluffy clouds in the sky, lit from below with peach and gold. the USPS tracking number barcode is still visible in the gap between houses at the end of the street. the brush strokes are very visible, the perspective is wonky, and the orange underpainting is visible at the edges. End ID.
this is a new ID for something i painted and already posted and i dont feel like getting the old ID. medium, style, and specific details i think are important are included. the perspective being wonky is a bit of a value judgement i wouldn't make about Other people's art, but it's my own and i think its an important detail so!
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ID. an edited catcrumb comic, showing a simple mspaint illustration of a cat happily sorting things into piles with the caption, "sort sort. i love to arbitrarily sort." the cat has been colored in gray and its ears have been colored like homestuck troll horns, and the sorting piles replaced with some classpect symbols. End ID.
this is a good example of a edited image- its important to give (to some degree) a sense of what the original image was, say that its edited, and describe the changes. i dont need to list the classpect symbols i put on there, bc its not relevant to the message of the image- it would do nothing but make the ID longer.
oh- and to cap off the post- here is cyber woman with corn:
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ID. a stock photo of a white woman in a futuristic silver and black wraparound visor, wearing a silver bodysuit and cradling an ear of corn near her face and smiling slightly. End ID.
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daydreamtoropov · 1 month
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(Ignore the caption btw)
Sorry was re-watching hazbin and jesus christ I hate that scene.
The song overall is okay, but the stupid ass overly fucking dramatic zoom-in on Charlie's over-the-top shocked expression is just-
*Slow dramatic zoom in for like 10 seconds while the most cliche fucking sound plays* Like just FUCKING GET ON WITH IT.
The most build-up for this one quote-unquote "plot twist" of a detail they've been so fucking obviously hinting at for the entirety of that episode and quite a bit of the one before.
It would have been so much better if A) they didn't fucking announce this was going to happen like 3 different times throughout the episode and B) if it wasn't so god damn overly exaggerated and emphasized that "Oh no! Charlie is shocked and worried and etc etc!" Well like NO SHIT SHERLOCK, of COURSE Charlie would be shocked! Why the FUCK was that the focus when you FUCKING TOLD US IN THE EPISODE LIKE NOT EVEN 5 MINUTES AGO THATS EXACTLY WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN
Sorry about the random af rant btw
I love the show, but it honestly could have been so much better if it had coherent writing
Yeah, reminds me of those Indian film editing that just zoom in and stuff way too much.
The show has trouble with using too much exposition and too on-point writing like it's TELLING the audience right in the face about it.
Like in the first episode, it was like "Yeah so these Exorcists come and kill us all and blah blah blah" and it's just too much tell and not show (and this event is tell, not show).
The audience shouldn't be treated as little kids (because it's an adult show) and it sometimes feels like what happened was
"Okay, so what happens in the episode is that this causes this and this along with this" and they just said "Yup let's put that in so the audience can understand it, DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT?"
Also, the show is too fast-paced which is a problem (so much plot and new characters in 8 episodes that are each 20 minutes, ARE YOU SERIOUS??? The pilot did it better with it being 30 minutes, showing all the personalities and quirks and things of characters, and doesn't struggle as much with "show don't tell").
And the zoom-in? Sure it's visual, but in concept, it's tell. Also not the best. Shock is one and done. It should be only a couple of frames, enough for a gasp.
Yeah, the show could use a rewrite, like the idea is good, but the execution could use a little work.
A lot of people complain with "omg so many filler episodes it sucks" but this is complaining of "it's too fast-paced." And I think the "show don't tell" rule gets broken because they don't have time to show. They should've gotten an extra 2-4 more episodes for the season like 8 episodes is a VERY short season to explain that much especially.
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bbina · 2 months
omg i was in the middle of writing my ask out when i got a weverse notif and tried swiping it away but i accidentslly closed the tab 😭😭😭
my memory is gonna fail me here but i'll do my best to rewrite it out🙏🙏
i died a total of 5 times today but btl always resurrects me🫡🫡 the real mvp of this update was actually dad💸 but also #justiceforeunseok cuz not only does his sister who only wants to drive for her bf get promised a car before he does, his life is also put at risk by said sister who only wants to drive for her bf because she was texting the said bf who she wants to drive for while learning to drive for him. i love the song siblings and your assassin au idea i'll need to see that written sometime soon btw i think ur written stuff is spectacular like seriously from what i've read in btl you're so good at conveying emotions through your words 🙏🙏 never be afraid to be confident!!
AND AND ALSO wonbin's hair omg i fear that was the end of me . i was gone. poof! disintegrated! and i feel terribly sorry for the people on my insta cf who had to witness me going feral when i saw the pics😔 but that one insta post with him in the train and the caption being love 119 lisbon ver this post btw i just found it again https://www.instagram.com/p/C5tMpqqR9vy/?igsh=NW9mOXY0djBwdWw3 THAT sent me . he was so crazy for that jsjdjsjdnsjcjs picture this imagine leaving the place u and wonbin grew up in knowing him as the wonbin from love 119 era and returning to see him as wonbin from days in lisbon era like appearance wise Am I Crazy yesni am
i think that is all from me for today i'm so sorry for going on another rant lmao i need sleep😭😭 until next time user bbina i will haunt u again with my lengthy anon asks watch out
— 🫀
omg rip first ask 😭
at least eunseok has a black card under his name and yn doesn’t… well they share it but point still stands! but what does a card have against a brand new car 😔 dad💸 has an obvious favorite and it’s not eunseok nor yn.. its charlie anyways! eunseok risking his life for his sister who calls the gear shift a prndl…. also texted while driving which is like the golden rule of driving… bless eunseok u need a gf stat..
that assassin au was just a lil brainrot tbh 😔 yall can imagine whatever with that 😭
WONTIPOO THERE I SAID IT.. wonpuppy devoters you have a new member… me 🧍🏻 hes so fucking KIYOWO KIYEOBDA AIGOOOOOOOOO also he lowkey looks like lee jongsuk or maybe thats just me cus his hair is so floofy and his luscious lips im OBSESSED like just last night he was posting slutty instagram pictures AND 6 HOURS LATER HES LOOKING LIKE AN ANGEL.. A CHERUB… CUPID FOR ALL WE CARE
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astharoshebarvon · 4 months
never understood why some people hate yuki in given. i mean seriously, have some sympathy and decency for the boy, his death was so tragic thats its really pathetic you hate him. mafuyu and uenoyama adore each other, why do you have to think he is some third wheel when he is dead? mafuyu loved yuki, nothing will ever change that. the name of the freaking manga is in reference to him, are you for real, to actually hate yuki?
it's pathetic how these weirdos don't hate that horrid, homophobic bitch classmate of uenoyama who was disgusting as hell, don't dislike his equally gross sister. i love how he doesn't give either of them time of the day. is it same crap of not hating fem characters even if they are right trash, like how actual pedo women in fiction books and manga get pass but male characters who arent even vile are condemned.
sesshoumaru was an exception to this rule. glad that shit flopped. he didnt deserve what was done to him.
otherwise, its' just same case of absolving bad fem characters of their rubbish. i don't even get why given artbook and illustrations have these two dumb females and not yuki in group pictures. like seriously, what did he even do wrong? the answer is nothing. he did nothing bad. he was a good guy, no matter what delusions people may have.
this kind of mentality explains so well how tom riddle sr was treated, he had no obligation to stay with his rapist wife. merope can go to hell for what she did to him.
then i saw another weird post on twitter, why is omegaverse manga getting anime. my god, please cry harder about it. i am so glad that sweet BL manga is getting an anime adaptation. omegaverse was always always for MM SLASH, it's the origin for it, there is no such thing as straight omegaverse, 99 % erase the core, gay element and make it het. shut up.
i am glad so many people are excited for it, the weirdos can stay mad. the hets get tons (hell, almost all of them are het) of anime, crappy shoujo/josei anime with annoying fem leads who are so off putting it's unreal. let's not pretend those anime would be remotely liked if it werent for hot guys in it and a good looking ML. i can name a lot of them but i am afraid i'll actually end up feeling annoyed for hours.
some even have blatant homophobia, seriously, get out. i am so glad gay erotica, BL is way way more popular these days. it actually feels nice.
akatsuki no yona, skip beat, cardcaptor sakura ( not clear card ) tsubasa reservoir chronicles, sacrificial princess are gems among shoujo/josei. josei novels and mangas are usually so horrible its amazing cringe and lame stuff like that even gets printed. especially Josei TL. they are a joke. i bought one novel only for the illustrations. the story was atrocious.
no wonder weirdos liked and defended that slut from ten count. may that bitch burn in hell for what she did to shirotani.
i don't even know why we should even care for that gross ex in therapy game. she wasnt getting enough attention from shizuma so she cheated on him. please, just shut the hell up! she was a cheating scumbag and nothing will ever justify her bull. like, how do you even justify this kind of garbage, literally no sensible person would feel sorry for her. if you arent getting attention doesnt mean you jump to another fellow. get help if you are that foolish and strange. you can bet if same crap was in het story literally no one would be trying to make excuses for her, because some weirdos were. ew. she was vile and horrible.
there was even a creepy post about couples from gay anime, some fool watermarked the bottom guys with caption, why are you not girl.
lol, please go get help. ask yourself why are you such a horrible person? they'll always be two guys and in love. they are gay. cry harder and stay mad that gay ships and gay erotic/bl is popular.
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floraltypes · 3 years
Present That Photo
who - pete davidson x reader 
summary - you go on a interview looking at photos and explaining the meaning behind them. most of them just so happen to be ones with pete in it...
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“Welcome to Present that Photo. I’m your host, John Mclaine, asking all of your favorite celebs the background stories of some recent photos!” He spoke cheerfully into the camera.
You were on his set for the day, invited and requested by many fans, you decided to fulfill the request, despite it not being your first choice. Sometimes interviews and shows were uncomfortable, always getting pressured into revealing more than needed.
The first photo
“Oh, that photo,” You laughed, messing with the ring on your pointer finger, sitting in the chair across from the interviewer.
“It was something that was posted on your mother’s instagram, so, some fans wonder about it,” He nodded to you, revealing the picture on the iPad, of the instagram post. “The caption said ‘It’s like he’s apart of the family.’ What did your mother mean by that? There are also a few other photos that have gotten leaked recently, we could discuss those after, most of the recent ones look like it was because you were traveling.”
“Yeah, well the first one, thats just my mom, posting random things, um, there’s actually a bit of a story behind that, which I suppose I could explain, also some other photos regarding that story as well. My mother currently lives in the Chicago area, and so I was in the city due to a little something for my career, something my agent won’t allow me to say,” You laughed and so did the interviewer. “But, my mom knows that Pete and I are good friends, with past experiences and such. So, she was dying to see him again and…”
You were standing outside the balcony of your apartment in LA, enjoying the skyline view while lighting a cigarette, placing it in between your lips. Pete moved to the outside, plucking one from your box and stealing your lighter.
“I’m heading to Washington in a few days, go see my mom,” You leaned on the little railing, looking back at Pete as he was having trouble getting the old lighter going.
“Sweet, tell your mom to make more of those desserts, what the hell are they called again?”
“Oh, the Parisian flan? I’ll ask her, going to see my little brother Lamar anyways,” You took a drag of the cig, feeling a vibration in your pocket and picking it up to answer the facetime call from your mother, quickly putting out the cigarette and hearing Pete snicker besides you.
“Bonjour, ma fille! Comment allez vous?” She questioned as you quickly waved and made your way back indoors.
(Hello, my daughter! How are you?)
“Je vais bien, eh, mère, what’s with the sudden call?”
(I’m good.)
“J'ai hâte de te voir! Pete vient avec vous pour visiter?” She questioned, still insisting on speaking her native tongue, refusing to let you forget how to speak/understand it.
(I’m excited to see you. Is Pete coming with you to visit?)
“I heard my name,” Pete poked his head in, silly smile on his lips as you tried to push him out of view. “How are you Mrs. L/N?”
“I’m génial! Pete, you’re coming, yes? The last time you came was so much fun! Lamar misses you as well!” Your mother exclaimed, bigger smile on her lips than before.
(I’m amazing.)
“A certain someone didn’t invite me,” He looked to you, your rolling your eyes and slapping his shoulder.
“Eh? Y/n L/n! Tu l'inviteras!” Your mother yelled into the phone “I did not raise you to be disrespectful, you always invite your friends to your parents house! I don’t care how, eh, populaire you are! You’re still my daughter and there are still rules.”
(You invite him! I don’t care how, eh, popular you are!)
“Mère! J’ai vingt-cinq ans!” You whined, plopping on the couch in the living room. “I’m grown and have certain fans and certain rules I now have to live by. Like not living close to home,” You reminded her.
(Mother! I’m twenty five years old.)
“Pete, I’m thrilled to see you again! I’ll begin cooking, get a flight soon, yes?” Your mother waved goodbye to him and soon ended the call.
“I can’t believe you threw me under the bus like that! You’ve met my mother, you know how she is!” You yelled, shoving his shoulder.
“I was offended you didn’t invite me, you should’ve! Your mother is always so funny with those stupid shows she watches, and your brother is cool.”
“You’re obsessed with my family.”
“More like I’m obsessed with you.”
“My mother is very aggressive with certain rules regarding close friends, she feels it’s important to meet them and if I disobey she’ll swear at me in french like I’m ten again,” You laughed.
“Parents are something, there is also this photo of you at the airport with Pete Davidson, Machine Gun Kelly or Colson, and Megan Fox.”
“Thank you for the ride!” You waved to your driver as you excited the car, hood pulled all the way down, glasses covering your eyes as you grabbed your backpack, Pete waiting for you with his and his suitcase. Besides him was his good friend Colson, also invited to meet your mother, with his girlfriend Megan. A few bodyguards waited around you, looking around the area.
“Might need a cigarette before this whole thing,” Pete joked, pulling out his pack and moving to a smoking area, lighting one as you took one and so did Colson. “Her moms the fucking best, after mine of course, mine would kill me if I put hers above her. Anyways makes great food, and the area is sweet,” He shrugged, taking a drag.
“Well, I’ve got that interview in Seattle anyways,” Megan reminded you all, as she stood besides Colson.
“Oh right!” You remembered. “Hey, you promised you’d verse me in that game, on the plane, don’t forget,” You laughed as she smiled, all four of you talking as if you weren’t popular celebrity’s.
“We should get inside, before paparazzi is all over us smoking,” Colson quickly threw his out, as you all picked up your bags and entered once again, going to get your tickets and be prepared for the upcoming flight.
Making your way down the hallways of the big airport, eventually the fans caught up with you and paparazzi, taking photos of you all as if you’d done something stupendous.
Though being a popular actress, it was still something that wasn’t your favorite, feeling uncomfortable in ways and a bit anxious due to it.
“You good?” Pete looked at you, as you clutched the strap of your backpack a bit tighter, turning your face from the cameras. One of the body guards soon moved in front of you more, him and the others working to get the paparazzi to go away for your safety.
“Mhm, our boarding area is close anyways,” You mumbled, grabbing your phone and texting the agent that was spamming your texts.
“You think your mom would approve,” He leaned down a bit, whispering in your ear. “Being your boyfriend and all, sometimes she seems intimidated by my tattoos,” He pulled back, laughing a little.
“She’s fine, and why would you need her permission? Since when were you fucking traditional?” You both tried to talk a bit, helping with the nerves as more people were chatting loudly, all around you. Screaming out many things, wether support or hate or amazement or questioning, it was a lot at once.
“I’ve always been. Haven’t even lost my virginity yet.”
“What a fucking lie,” You rolled your eyes.
“Y/n! Y/n! What do you have to say about how you used plastic surgery for your cheeks?” A man yelled, making you want to scoff.
Nothing was wrong with plastic surgery, you just didn’t have any, the photos they were using for the ‘difference’ was just you going through puberty, made them look stupid.
They yelled at your friends as well, rumors and at Pete. A bunch of bullshit.
“Y/n! What do you have to say about the allegations of you cheating on your past boyfriend?”
The things they would spew had no background behind it, just wanting to elicit a reaction. You ended it off peacefully with your past partner, both agreeing it was better, nothing else more happening in the relationship.
“Pete! What do you have to say about Y/n and her cheating? Does that make her a trustworthy friend, even?” Another woman fired, camera behind her and notepad in hand.
“What the hell,” He muttered, looking back at you. “These idiots are so fucking annoying.”
“It’s fine,” You whispered back, he slowly moved his tatted hand to touch his pinky with your own, a small smile arriving on your features as you looked back up at him, rounding a corner to your plane and where the paparazzi were getting cut off.
You four went into the boarding area for a moment, catching a breath as soon some body guards gathered their things for the somewhat long flight.
“Fuck, those reporters are always annoying as shit,” Colson scoffed as the three of you laughed along with him.
“I do wonder where they get all those rumors and ask them like they are true,” Meghan commented, you nodding along. “Always have something to say about our bodies,” She mentioned to you, people loving to sexualize women and constantly ask them uncomfortable questions.
“Seriously,” You agreed, soon all of you boarding the high class plane, taking a seat in a comfortable seat.
“That’s how that photo popped up, just us heading to the airport to go visit family and for our jobs. Sometimes the questions the paparazzi ask are a little weird, but I suppose that is their job,” You shrugged, taking a drink of the coffee on the table.
“Pete and you have been very close lately? Yes?” He asked, now scrolling through for something else.
“Sure, been friends for a long time anyways. Pete’s really funny, I mean he is on SNL,” You mentioned. “I feel like the easiest way to explain him, or his personality, is just that he’s himself. On a different level than most guys.”
“There’s a picture, one of you, Pete, and a little boy all together, that many fans specifically requested you to talk about.”
“What’s that?” Your brows furrowed, trying to remember another photo that was posted.
“This was on a social media page of Pete’s, actually before we went on air he posted it and we got a few mentions on twitter to talk about it today,” He clicked on the iPad, a photo of you sleeping on a bed, with Pete besides you peaking his head in and having a thumbs up and large smile, your brother was there as well with a sweet smile and tired eyes. “I assume you didn’t know about this photo..?”
“Well, no,” You laughed, eyes a bit widened at the factor he would post something like that. “I’m confused on how I would explain that, since I was asleep at the time.”
“Thats why we were able to contact the man who could!” John exclaimed, claps sounding from a recording and Pete walking out into the set as someone pulled up another chair besides you.
“Oh my,” You mumbled, looking at his cheesy grin as he sat right besides you, nudging your shoulder a bit. “Can we take a break?” You tried to question silently, turning back to the behind the scenes workers.
“Surprises aren’t surprises if you aren’t surprised,” Pete commented, looking back at the reporter as he showed the photo again. “That is a very special photo to me…”
“Mère, we’ve had a long day, enough of this game,” You sighed, putting in another little marble type thing for mancala, the game ending as your mother went to set up another.
“It’s one of Lamar’s favorite!” Your mother smiled widely, your brother sitting besides Pete, across from you, as you sat by your mother. “One more.”
“Je vais au lit, bonsoir,” You got up from your chair, leaning down to kiss your mother’s cheek and ruffle your brothers hair. You retreated back into the bedroom, changing into simple pajamas consisting of some shorts and a shirt.
(I’m going to bed, goodnight.)
“Ya really just left me out there?” Pete walked in, flopping on the bed, on his phone as you got into the bed.
“Yes, my mom loves you so you’ll be fine,” You laughed, pulling the covers up as he soon got under them. “I think there’s a extra guest bedroom, you should probably-”
A knock interrupted your sentence, the door creeping open. “Pardon, the other guest bedroom is undergoing something, so the two of you must stay in here,” Your mom revealed, waking in and grabbing a pile of your clothes. “I’ll do some laundry.”
“Wha- mom! I’m okay, you don’t have to, just read a bit and get some rest, say goodnight to Lamar for us.”
“Plaisanterie,” She grinned, pointing to the bed as you wanted to groan at her obviousness. “Bonsoir, Pete. Sleep well, you’re such a good man, though the tattoos are a little, eh, not my favorite.”
“Goodnight, thanks for letting me crash here,” Pete thanked as your mom nodded, soon leaving the room with a suspicious smile.
“She’s so nosey,” You grunted, trying to snuggle into the pillow more. “You can sleep on the floor.”
“What if I want to sleep besides you, huh, baby?” He grinned, moving down in the bed to be more at your level, reaching over and pulling you closer to him.
“Pete,” You held out the last ‘e’ as his name came out more as a whine. You tried to move out of his grip, wanting to turn to the side, as he moved another arm and kept you locked in place. “Let go.”
“Fine,” He huffed as you started to push his arm more, letting you turn but still having his left arm, lingering on your right shoulder as you turned to your left side, his right hand holding the phone he was now scrolling through.
He didn’t know how long he was on his phone for, scrolling through random posts from fans and co-workers, answering some texts and emails, looking back at you ever so often to make sure you were okay, constantly switching places.
When he decided to get off his phone, about to turn off the light on his side of the bed, the door crept open again as your younger brother, Lamar, creeped through.
The boy was only five, still being like a child and truly missing his sister. Pete would never forget when he first met him and thought he was really your son, but you played it off like he was your brother, some movie plot. You quickly shut that down.
“Lamar?” Pete questioned, squinting his eyes to make sure it was his bit of hair peeking through the door crack. He soon opened the door, fully walking in over to Pete’s side as he waved to him. “What’s wrong?”
“Can’t sleep. Y/n used to sing me a song,” He huffed, holding onto a stuffed animal.
“Uh, I’m not a good singer…” Pete scratched his hair, looking around the room to get some idea of what to do. “And I don’t think we should wake her up, due to her being a real bit- meanie when not getting her sleep,” He laughed, quickly catching his mess up.
“Let’s wake her up!” Lamar spoke a bit louder now, going to move to your side. Pete soon moved out of the bed, rushing, quietly, to reach your brother before he patted your shoulder, pulling him back a bit.
“Let’s not do that.”
“I missed her.”
“Yeah, she missed you too.”
“Mère missed her, always worry because of stories of crazy fans. Ma mère says we have to be careful too, some people are super crazy! But I’m glad we moved to a bigger home, with a bigger room.”
“That’s a plus.”
“She doesn’t answer much calls.”
“Y/n, gets really busy sometimes. Do you ever just look at pictures, uh, to remember fun times?” Pete asked, exhaustion starting to take over him.
“No,” Lamar shook his head back and forth. “Nope.”
“Let’s take one now,” Pete spoke, getting back on the bed and plopping Lamar down besides him, the both of them getting in a photo of you. Pete with his thumbs up and Lamar with the brightest smile. “Okay, I’m going to bed, bud.”
“Here?” Lamar inquired, face turning to a look of disgust. “What are you planning on doing with my sister?”
“Sleeping,” Pete laid back down, getting under the covers. “Goodnight, Lamar. Go back to bed now.”
“But I’m not tired!” He whined, just like how you occasionally would when you actually were tired. “I need to play a game or-”
“Why don’t you just stay with us for the night, Y/n will be in the middle,” Pete yawned, wrapping a arm around you once again and pulling you across the bed, into his chest. Lamar crawled over to the spot you were in before, getting under and placing his stuffed animal to his chest. “Night.”
“Bonsoir,” Lamar closer his eyes, soon dozing off as Pete did as well, placing a quick kiss into your hair beforehand.
“Some fans are freaking out, thinking that’s a love child, secret one, from a past relationship,” John handed the iPad to you as people were going crazy and now you were trending on twitter, gossip rags already having articles out about it.
“I’ve never had a kid,” You replied, handing the device to Pete to look at. “That’s my brother, not my son!”
“That’s just what I thought,” Pete laughed to himself, handing it back. “Hiding some secret kid from me, a deal breaker.”
“A deal breaker for what?” John questioned.
“Our friendship.”
“Yours friends with Colton, he has a kid, are you sure it’s friendship?”
“Yes. If she lied about something as big as that, that could hurt our friendship, what were you thinking?”
“You both aren’t blind enough to not see all the ship posts and allegations of your friendship being more, are you?” He asked, shifting in his seat a bit, you and Pete laughed a little. 
“It’s like being a guy and then acting surprised when you see you have a dick. Of course we see all that,” Pete joked, leaning back in his own seat while dragging his hands through his hair. 
“We choose not to get ourselves so wrapped up in the rumors,” You answered. “It’s a topic brought up in many of my interviews, but in the first place, my relationships shouldn’t dictate my abilities. I appreciate the time and talent that go into those, uh, edits, but Pete and I are still not in a relationship.”
“You sounded disappointed with that last sentence,” Pete chuckled, poking your shoulder. 
“Shut up,” You grumbled, now smacking his arm. “You’re one to talk with all of your whining regard- I’m sorry,” You cut yourself off with a cough, planting your full attention on the interviewer. 
“Well, why don’t we look at the last picture, one I have seen in many posts myself and assume you have too,” He reached for the iPad back, swiping a bit and a new photo appearing, one of you laughing, sitting at a cafe, with your sunglasses tilted and hat off. Right besides you was Pete, causing a scene were many guests were staring at him with scowls before recognizing him, your brother sat on your other side and your mother across from you. 
“Hey! I remember how when that old lady recognized me, she lectured me more for the how much I say dicks on tv,” Pete remembered, pointing at a woman in the background. 
“I really don’t think this is a good idea,” You tightened your hat on your head, looking at Pete who was placing on his own cap. 
“It’s what your mom wants,” He shrugged, grabbing some sunglasses from the counter. “Have to impress the girlfriends mom.”
“She doesn’t know that.”
“Yet. Anyways, it’ll be fine, you worry too much,” He rolled his eyes, walking behind you and wrapping his hands around your waist, moving your hair from your back to the front, messing with you by licking the back of your neck, causing you to try and scramble in his grip. 
“Pete,” You giggled, feeling the spot his tongue was just on and trying to move his hands away. “Don’t do that, it tickled, and it’s weird.”
“You secretly loved that shit,” He smiled widely, pulling you around to place a smooth kiss on your lips. “I do too.”
“Are you guys almost ready?” Your brother knocked, opening the door. “Mère wants me to speak more french, Y/n, but said it’s fine since Pete is here,” He (randomly) informed you. 
“Good thing I’m here then,” Pete moved away from you and to your brother, he leant down to whisper something into his ear. “Don’t tell your sister about the photo, okay?”
“Got it!” Your brother exclaimed, sticking a thumbs up, making you turn your head at the rise in his voice. “Got it,” He repeated with a quieter tone. 
“Allons-y!” Your mother yelled, walking in with her bag around her shoulder. “There’s a nice café not to far from here,” She had a wide smiled spewed on her own lips at the sight of her son and your boyfriend happily interacting with each other. “Aw!” She snapped a photo of the both of them, tucking her phone away as she walked up to you, kissing your cheek. “J'aime vraiment Pete.”
(Let’s get going. I really do like, Pete.)
“That’s good,” You commented, as she went out of the room and all of you followed. 
The walk to the café was really short, a nice breeze was in the air and Lamar was on Pete’s shoulders most of the way, both of you still in your little disguises and all getting along till you arrived at your table. 
When sitting down, you all ordered a little something and continued on with your conversation. Pete reached for your hand underneath the table, allowing your hands to intertwine and a smile to creep it’s way onto your lips. 
“Miss L/n, I think it’s time for me and Y/n to tell you something,” Pete began, looking at your mother who stopped her laughing from a joke Pete said. Your brother was moving his straw closer to his lips. 
“Oh non. Ne me dis pas que tu vas avoir un bébé!” She spoke, eyes wide, and hand fanning her face as she stared at you both. 
(Oh no. Don't tell me you're having a baby!)
“No! No!” You cut in, removing your hands from Pete and waving them in the air to signal no. Your brother began drinking his milk, laughing a little at your reaction as Pete sat clueless on what she had said.
“Uh, Y/n and I are dating?” Pete went on, your mothers mouth dropping again, and then her hands flying to her mouth. 
“Enfin tu l'admets,” She said once gaining her composure. “It took you long to admit but I had a feeling. A mothers feeling is always right.”
(Finally, you admit it.)
“You’re dating!” Your brother spat out his drink across the table, some of it getting your boyfriend in the face as now was the time for your hands to fly to your face. It was quiet for a moment before Pete began laughing hysterically and removing his sunglasses and hat. You took off your own at the sight and began laughing along with him. 
“Oh my god! Is that the Y/n L/n!” A girl pointed over to you and soon enough more people surrounded you all and phones were out, waiters walked over with napkins and notepads as you looked to your brother who was smiling at all the fans. 
“I told a really funny joke, and Lamar thought it was too funny,” Pete boasted. 
 “If you zoom in,” You took the iPad from the man, zooming into Pete’s face on the photo. “You can notice some specks of white due to the milk my brother was drinking, he spat it out from laughing and some got on, Pete. That was one of the funniest things during the whole trip.”
“What about the joke I sai-”
“No way!” You interrupted Pete. “That was.”
“You both sound like a arguing married couple,” John mentioned. 
“People are now going to make ship posts with these clips,” You smiled at him, rubbing your forehead a bit. 
“Let them. Maybe one day I will make you mine.” 
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coatl-cuddles · 3 years
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Okay so I generally have two styles for doing shaded stuff Painted and then my “holographic sticker” style with the dots and that one swishy dotty gradient pen.  This is for my painted style!!!  Long story short here’s a tutorial on how I do that for some friends on discord hehe.
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AND TADAAAAAA THATS HOW I DO IT~~ cant read my absolutely ADDHORENT handwriting?  No worries!!!!  Captions/Transcript + some extra notes below !!!
TRANSCRIPT! Step 1: Lay down your flat colors! I always color drop everything to make sure its as close as possible.  The only time I don’t color drop is if I’m adjusting a red to a more pinkish color!
Step 2: Shading time!  The first step is to choose what color you want to work with!!  Remember that when you’re shading that SATURATED IS BETTER.  Don’t darken the color unless you really need to.  Just make it more saturated and/or cooler.  Cooler colors are darker than warm tones.  So if you need to adjust go saturated - cooler - and then lastly darker if needed!!   For the sake of the tutorial make 3 colors.
The first one a saturated color / A DARKER saturated color / a complimentary or contrasting color. This is our lightest to darkest scale!
To start off take your first color and cell shade ONE FLAT COLOR or SECTION with it!!!!  Do NOT use this for the ENTIRE drawing!! Work in pieces!!!  
Step 3:  Add a gradient to that cell shade~~ So you just used 1/3 colors to cell shade with.  Now take your other two colors and create a gradient with it!!! You’ll want a blendable brush for this.  I like CSP’s oil flat brush!   Make sure your contrasting color is in the darkest spots! Step 4: Blend with the flat color bordering your cell shade!! AKA just make the border that meets the cell shade softer.  
Honestly, dont worry about making it clean.  Really all you need to do is take a few strokes of the flat color and put it into the cell shade a little and youre good to go.  I like doing little dashes.  Also when you do this feel free to take that yummy contrasting color and make it bleed up towards the lighter color!! It’s not accurate with like how shading works or whatever, but it looks super fucking cool. 
Step 5: Highlights!! Its time to add some highlights!! Basic rule for highlights.
Warm flat color = cool toned highlight!
Cool flat color = warm toned highlight!
Literally just put this color anywhere you want a shine and then take that color and OUTLINE the cell shade like riiiiiight up against the lineart. Trace your lineart with this color where its darkest basically.  This counts as your “backlighting” and all that nonsense, but more importantly it just looks cool.  If your highlight is too bright for the shadows you can also outline with your flat color!!
Step 6: Details!!  Add sparkles and shit.  I also like little lines.  Draw diamonds, fish, stars, planets, flowers, etc etc.  Whatever the fuck you want!  I use the highlight color or I use a slightly lighter version of it to do this Aaaaand youre done!!!!!
I don’t do all of these in this order obviously, usually I wait until I do EVERYTHING with cell shading before I add my highlights and details, but for the sake of doing one section of the tutorial I figured it would be easier to see how its done.  If you wanna try drawing this way just know that with time you dont need to plan out your colors and eventually youll just know what to do as you go along and you’ll probably jump around a bunch.
My tips are make it messy, have fun with it, dont worry about all the little details until the very END (i.e lines or patterns on the clothes. You’ll just cover it up otherwise), and feel free to fuck with your glorified cell shade as much as you want!!! 
 Dont over think it either~  Its literally just a cell shade with a gradient + highlights that outline the lineart where its darkest.  Thats alllll it is~
Hope this helped and have fun drawing guyssssss
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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blinkplnk · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
Big thank you to @fengqing for tagging me and I’ll do my best to explain how I made this set for Jiang Yanli! 
1. Planning
The beginning idea for this set actually stemmed from my Yanli birthday set for the @mdzsnet event, wherein I was working with this palette: 
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The one thing I had to learn with using palettes, and is my biggest help to others, is SCENE CHOICE. It can make a difference between tearing your hair out and being happy with your final result, though there’s definitely some trial and error to it.
So I knew I wanted to make a gifset using each of the colours, and, for the light blue, immediately my mind went to the Gusu Lectures period of time, due to Cloud Recesses having a much more blue and light palette than many of the other settings in the show. The lightness of the blue made me lean towards outdoor scenes, and I immediately recalled the interaction between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan where she slips and he catches her (episode 6). Thus off hunting I went until I found it. The final set actually came about because I had more footage than the original gif needed and I didn’t want a colouring I was quite proud of to be a one-and-done kind of thing. I also found the scene featuring the second gif, which had a similar palette in the episode, and decided to work it in as well (because I have weird moments of fussiness where two gifs isn't enough lol). 
2. Creating
I have all the episodes saved on my hard drive, so it’s a matter of finding the right scenes in the episodes and going from there. With my scenes found, I wrote down the timestamps in order to put it through Vapoursynth, which I use to crop, resize, sharpen, and denoise my gifs before importing them into Photoshop (I use a portable version). I trim them down to a relatively similar length (bc I like those sets to be similar), adjust the timing and, with all that done, we’re left with our base gifs like so!
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Now onto the fun part! Colouring! I’m going to pop the rest under a read more because it’s image heavy!
I already had a pretty set colouring since this was overflow from another set, but I’ll break that down a bit as well. My first step is always to plop a couple of spots of the desired colour onto the very top layer of the canvas, because it makes judging if its in the right realm or not much easier, like so:
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My go-to’s for base colouring is curves (which does a lot of heavy lifting on colour correcting for me) and a vibrance layer (to see what colours we’re working with). 
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Then it’s about manipulating those colours into something closer to my desired one. Thankfully here my scene choice made life much easier as it’s already a light setting but it’s also already got a lot of cyan to work with. Threw on a few selective colour layers (focusing on lightening the cyan;
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making the blues stand out more by removing the warmer tones;
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correcting that green-ish tinge back to blue and making the cyan lighter again;
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Now here is a little something I tend to do thats negligible but it makes me feel better about the colouring and thats a gradient map set to soft light, low opacity (20% here) using the pale blue and black. It just helps making the image a little more cool in tone in my opinion, and I put that UNDER my original curves layer;
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And this is where we break out the brush! Obviously the darker colour on the left needed to be lightened up, so I went in with the palette colour on soft light at 100%;
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and lighten at 50%;
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Then I added another selective colour layer to lighten up the cyans and get closer to the palette colour;
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Back to our brush! A layer on the right with soft light to give a bit more uniform colour across that expanse;
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And lastly, I pulled a gradient of just the blue across the left to smooth out the colour on the edge of the frame, like it is on the opposite side (bc I’m obsessed like that);
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Amidst all of this, I was using masks on the brush layers to account for Yanli’s movement and keep it from overlapping her skin, until finally I was happy (you’ll notice above the two circles are barely visible now) and we have this result!
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My process was basically the same for the other two gifs in the set, with the second requiring a few more brush layers and gradients until we had all three looking spick and span!
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Isn’t she pretty?
3. Posting
This here is where we pray Tumblr doesn’t destroy our hard work.
I mean, ahem. I don’t tend to save stuff to drafts unless I can’t finish it then and there, or I’ll pop it into the queue if it’s for a deadline. The gradient text is one of my favourite ways to caption on sets and I use a palette generator from an image website (google adobe colour palette from image) to pull out colours to use (I fiddle sometimes to get a gradient that looks good), before popping them into Cuvou's text fader (I’d link but Tumblr don’t like that but if you google it should come up). I then switch the text editor here over to HTML to pop in the code generated by the fader, add any other text styles I want (bold, small font or header size font, etc), preview the HTML, preview it on my blog a couple times and then once I’m happy, usually that’s it! It gets posted or queued and out into the aether it goes!
In this case, this was the final result of the gradient text in the caption;
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Phew so that was... a lot for what amounted to a colouring and I’m sorry if y’all didn’t want a tutorial but here it basically is xD For the tagging I’m going to go outside the fandom just a bit and tag, but if you’ve already been tagged, don’t stress it!
@offtodef with this set
@sugarbabywenkexing with this set
@gusucloud with this set
@wanyinxichen​ with this set
@sarawatsaraleo​ with this set
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aneshb25 · 4 years
Disclaimer : giving it in the beginning coz this post has nothing to do with SOME OF THE TAGS (tho I am quiet involved with these tags) I have given, so some might find it irrelevent. I just wanted to spread it as much as I can. But please go through it! You will not be dissapointed.
My country, India, has gone through a lot of changes since September 6, 2018, before and after. On this day, Homosexuality was discriminalised in my country and I being a supporter and a citizen I guess it was my duty to post this.
Though it does not mean, my country was forever homophobic and suddenly all became liberal on and after 6th sept. No! Many citizens both famous or non famous has come out in open support of homosexuality! And what reached the public more is the media and movie-cinema-theatre! And I am so proud of it.
But somewhere in these movies the concept of 'Homosexuality portrayal' was just shown as slapstick-comedy in plots as extensive measure! Either thrown into the plot for a comedy relief with jokes or completely degrade them
But on the opposite side there are lot of other movies in various languages that have won national awards, forced us to cry buckets with tragic ending and goosebumps over powerful morals of the plots. Highly applauded👏
Still for me, I had always waited for movies with a homosexual couples getting their own happy ending. I understood it was not possible before 2018 as law forbade it and a movie is a mere reflection of the society. But after 2018, I defintely waited for it and then in 2020, this year, it came to me in the form of this👇👇👇👇
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Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan!
Can't tell whether it has got a HAPPY ENDING or not, but what I can say is IT'S DIFFERENT
The upper picture is a poster where two Indian Grooms are going to get married on a horse-back ride with the parents below who are confused as hell!🤭 By the way, did you notice the triangle-tattoo on the left neck side of the man in jeans. It a gay symbol supporting homosexuality. Don't miss it!
But why is this different?
Different because it has got comedy, but not a slaptick, a very serious topic to be dealt with in Indian society but not with those heavy tragic themes shown in other previous movies. Because in this movie it is based around HOMOPHOBIA, how IT is a "disease" and that homosexuality is absolutely normal. The movie has a comedic approach with an emotional approach, showing how same it is with straight couple, also portraying a same-sex couple with a absolute adorable 💯 chemistry
Let me show you part by part!
1) Meet Kartik and Aman, a regular couple, and with a height difference for which my brain, my heart, my kidney, my whole body melts (okay that was too much, but see it yourself)
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(And don't miss the heart eyes😍 Kartik gives when his other half is not looking #WhippedCulture)
2) Here Kartik is a very confident gay who wears pride flags as a superhero cape, well he IS a superhero for his Aman
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Now this scene is important! Can you see the pigeon in front of him (sorry for the low quality, its screenshot I won't hide). In our country Pigeons, Doves, these birds are the SYMBOL OF FREEDOM... So here Kartik wears a Pride Flag🏳️‍🌈 proudly, and there are pigeons! 🤔 Understandable, right?
3) And between the comedies we find scenes we find these two fighting and so very sad when the love of their life is ALMOST going to get away! Devastating😭!
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4) Now the directors also show here some great Indian Movies (that ruled over bollywood for decades) parallels! And the couples, gay or straight, are so similar
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Now now, before you start quaking on SHADOWHUNTERS, I know its NOT a bollywood movie and no where near bollywood concept. Its just my addition!
Don't we all love Malec and their epic first kiss? Alec stepping down the altar, "enough"-ing his mother and kissed Magnus in front of the whole wedding! *dreamy eyes*
Well that sort of happened here too! Just Aman boldly kissing Kartik in front of the whole wedding. How can you not but relate? 😅
5) And we get see some great Kartik-Aman chemistry that puts my chemistry syllabus to shame, half of the other bollywood couples to go back home. They made a whole lesson out of chemistry, physics, maths, literature and bio
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6) But for every subject there are exams and this case they are the PARENTS & FAMILY... Aman's family is hell bent to drive Kartik away but Kartik isn't ready to back down until He marries Aman....... But that doesn't mean he left out his family
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Here Kartik tells how much he and Aman relates to the parents and their ACCEPTANCE is everything. If they have won over their parents, they have won over the world too.... It is also a message to the parents that their support means everything to their children
7) BONUS : The fun in Indian weddings is like no other. Dance, music, colour, clothes, families and guest, food, rituals, function *phew* thats BIG. Its big and fat!!! But its double the fun when its a BIG-FAT-GAY-INDIAN wedding and with a KISS😘
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And I end it here with Thanking Kartik, played by Ayushmann Khurrana and Aman, played by Jitendra Kumar. Both are the powerful actors of the industry and TV sirieses who are so supprtive.. Ayushmann is the content king of bollywood, making movies on plots no one can even think of! And Jitendra, better know an "Jeetu-bhaiya" who rules the Indian TV siries.
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(sorry Tumblr only allows 10 pics, so I can't upload the cast group photo)
But here is the link to the movie trailer , the movie releases on 21 Feb, 2020... Audience response is amazing and quiet unbelievable.. with more than 48M views in trailers and 5M views on songs in just 24 hours
So international, national viewers check the tralier with eng subs (you will probably get eng sub under Hindi captions😅lol) and laugh and mush and get soft watching it👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
And btw what will be the couple's SHIP NAME? Suggest now😊
Till then, TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS 🏳️‍🌈 💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🌈💐
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unironicduncanstan · 3 years
the “Tangodeltaindia” blog explained,
aka my brain has cringe spots on it and needs to be inspected by the FDA
hi my names randi/uni and i created a total drama island themed ARG two months ago on a whim that almost no one interacted with bc i started off way too niche and difficult, so i kinda just went increasingly off the rails because i knew most likely no one was monitoring my posts and i could just make a real cursed hidden tomb that could one day be discovered by someone in a goonies esque unveiling. but then i got lice and now im sad and uncomfortable so i’m just gonna explain the entire damn thing in one shot. its absolutely batshit and theres a reason no one uncovered it ok here we go;;;
first of all the name. its so stupid but. ‘tango delta india’ = ‘tdi’ in the NATO phonetic alphabet. it just felt like a funny place to start that implies its gonna be a puzzle blog idk,
moving on to the actual content tho; some of the earlier posts mean p much nothing and were just an attempt to draw people in, such as the mr coconut ‘like if you agree’ or the ‘let him inside hes cold’ posts. 
then theres the cipher (x). it was posted shortly after the height of the ‘using total drama reference pictures to make an alphabet’ meme. in case anybody didnt see that; for a while it was a joke in the fandom to take the transparent references of total drama characters, and line them up, using them like hieroglyphics to make translatable pictures. its supposed to correspond to the alphabet, based on the first letter of their first name. an example could be, alejandro = a, bridgette = b, and so on. there was no solidly set alphabet amongst the fandom though, it was self explanatory most of the time so i made my own solid personal cipher key for that blog to make the whole thing easier.
NOW ONTO THE FIRST PUZZLE POST,,,, (x). theres a scene, a string of text, the cipher key, and a link to a decoder. the way to decode it all is to plug the characters on screen into the tangodeltaindia cipher key, and then plug That translation into the decoder website, and then finally paste in the text under the photo. 
the website linked is to a Caesar cipher decoder. the Caesar cipher is just a code where the alphabet is assigned to numbers (a=1, z=26), and to encode something with it you can move this pattern however you want as long as you keep the regular sequence of alphabet and numbers. so you could scootch over One letter, and “abc” would now say “bcd”. so on and so forth.
looking at the scene + my own total drama reference cipher, alejandro = A, and the beaver = 1, which gives A1. so you could now follow the link to the website, press ‘decode’, and paste in the text under the picture. the ‘shift’ in the middle is automatically set to ‘7′, or as it shows, a -> h, meaning ‘a’ has been moved over by 7 letters. so if you set the shift to just 1 over, or A1, now you can translate the text. it reads;
“lets start simple. after all, a trail of breadcrumbs begins with a loaf. whats the harm in another long winded fandom meme. another inside joke. and arent you curious whats truly lurking inside?”
edgy! simple! kinda just a test to see if people would do it or not. which they didnt so of course i tried to make it weirder-
puzzle 2; (x) using the exact same translation rules as above. we have alejandro and the snake, which with the tangodeltaindia cipher key means A6. going to the website, putting it in ‘decode’ mode, pasting in your text, and setting the shift to ‘6′ gives you this translation.
“in his eyes are an island. nothing but a dream, born out of going to bed angry. sink or swim.”
this was just hinting around at where the story was gonna go so it’ll make more sense later. something else to note; if you zoom all the way in and look into alejandros eye (’in his eyes’), you’ll see the word ‘Thera’. ~thats a surprise tool that will help us later~
so after this one, there are two non-puzzle posts that are also just hints (i was just tryna see if i could get people hyped), the first is a close up picture of chris with red eyes that simply says “those arent his eyes”, and then a post that says “his real names not chris :)”, they’re again referencing his eyes, and this time further implying theres something fake or wrong about them, or with chris as a person. again, it’ll be explained better later on.
moving on to puzzle 3 (x), another test to see if anyones keeping up (which also failed josdfjsdfkjs), using the same translation rules, dj = a dash or minus, and the snail = 5, “-5″, shift the letter ‘A’ BACK five instead of forward, and you get the simple translation of; “getting harder now.”
puzzle 4 and 5; at this point, there are two images posted within hours of each other that i’ll explain together as they line up. (x) (x)
These are some of the only ones that can be translated from just the tangodeltaindia key directly. They end up a string of numbers, which are latitude and longitude coordinates. The first post, labelled “the lie”, translates into “45.57394802102744, -81.46817207492494″. googling that will take you to maps and show you to a place called Lonely Island in Canada.
The second one, “the truth”, translates into “36.404663113177534, 25.39605673375295″, taking you to Santorini, Greece.
This is where the hints got really out there bc i realized nobody was following along but i still wanted to paint a picture. so this is the set up;;; the idea that the ‘island’ (camp wawanakwa) existing somewhere in canada, is a lie. the ‘true’ location being santorini isnt meant to be taken at face value though. the mythology behind santorini is that a man impregnated a goddess and to escape the wrath of her father (triton), she formed the island (santorini) by having her lover throw clay into the sea, and then she gave birth to her son, Theras, on this island, giving the island it’s Other nickname, Thera.
this is again just a vague implication that the island might not be real at all, or that it was formed through cosmic means.
the next two posts are more non-puzzle hints, the first showing the definition of the word ‘fresh’ (new), and the second being images of total drama backgrounds with no characters and the text reading “they were always empty.” more, admittedly very outlandish implications that the island is some kind of illusion, but again mostly just another try to drag people into the blog.
puzzle 6. (x) this one introduces a new concept to the regular translation rules, some of the characters are laying down. its kinda supposed to imply they’re “dead” and that you need to take their corresponding letters out of the alphabet given on the Caesar cipher page, below the shift. The upright characters translate to “-9″, so you shift ‘A’ back 9 letters. Then remove the letters; “TH-E-R-A-S”, and with those letters taken out, you can finally translate the text.
“he creates life solely to destroy it. to crush it in his hands. he births chaos so that he may have something to control. the power has given him madness. the isolation, arrogance. don't try to stop him, he's already chosen to be unstoppable. his mind is a perfectly crafted prison, one we will all soon be living in.”
this is where the story gets more on the nose. it’s talking about chris, and about him being an unstoppable cosmic force, a diety who can create worlds within his own mind, and he does so maliciously just for power. hes created the campers through mental energy just to torment them. it also hints that his plan is to expand the world of total drama island and engulf the whole universe.
puzzle 7. (x) same as the last puzzle. beaver and moose translate to ‘1-0′ or ten. the characters lying down to remove from the caesar cipher alphabet are “T-U-L-P-A”. this doesnt have anything to do with the modern way some ppl interact with tulpas but just the actual idea of creating thoughtforms, or willing your thoughts into real life creations, referencing how chris has created the entire island and everyone on it solely through his mind. with those letters removed and the shift set forward 10, you get this:
“his psychic power is unfathomable. the reality he bore was just a passing thought. an idea that became so dangerous. he predates the idea of a mind, the minds own ability to recognize itself, his synapses are paradoxically ancient. the island exists only within himself, to torment the souls hes created, and damned from the start. will they ever be free?”
it states that chris is more than a man or even just a diety, hes an all powerful god already, yet he craves more power. the final line, “will they ever be free” is in reference to the campers, which segways into the next arc;;; freeing the campers from chris’ psychic island imprisonment.
puzzle 8. (x) to solve this one you have to translate the top image with the tangodeltaindia cipher key, and add it to the text given, which creates a link. this leads to a PDF, a page from a book written by terence mckenna. he’s a famous ethnobotanist known best for his studies on DMT, the strongest hallucinogenic drug in the world, its also known as the spirit molecule. many people on this drug (without any prior knowledge of this phenomenon) will recount meeting strange fractal beings that can create things in the universe just by speaking them into existence, theyve come to be known as ‘machine elves’, a term coined by mckenna. ill show the most important excerpt from the page;
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this is less about the psychedelic drug part and more about the words and ideas, like “punching a hole through a dimension so it pours through” and “if god didnt exist man would invent him”. its more worldbuilding towards chris’ power and cosmic abilities
then come 2 more clues. a picture of chris holding his own body captioned ‘ego death’, and the meaning behind the name ‘chris mcclean’. the latter is another “please look over here” post, but the first is another minor reference to the previous puzzles answer involving DMT and terence mckenna. ‘ego death’ is a term again used with strong psychedelic drugs, its the sensation that your spirit as you know it is literally Dying, and you are instead connected to and a part of everything around you. another reference to chris’ power and how he may look like a man but his body and spirit are connected to the world hes built in unfathomable ways. at this point im cementing the idea that chris mclean is not a mortal man and cannot be fought with mortal weapons
puzzle 9. (x) this one was an attempt to make easier to solve puzzles, and comes with a visual of chris looming over the island. the text is in wingdings, which can be translated through multiple websites found through google. it says;
“s︎o︎o︎n︎ h︎e︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ s︎l︎e︎e︎p.︎ h︎e︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ d︎r︎e︎a︎m︎ a︎ n︎e︎w︎ h︎e︎l︎l︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ b︎e︎ o︎u︎r︎ o︎n︎l︎y︎ c︎h︎a︎n︎c︎e︎,︎ t︎o︎ s︎a︎v︎e︎ h︎i︎s︎ c︎r︎e︎a︎t︎i︎o︎n︎s︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ f︎r︎e︎e︎ t︎h︎o︎s︎e︎ w︎h︎o︎ w︎e︎r︎e︎ n︎e︎v︎e︎r︎ d︎e︎s︎i︎g︎n︎e︎d︎ t︎o︎ b︎e︎ f︎r︎e︎e︎.︎ t︎h︎i︎s︎ m︎a︎y︎ c︎o︎m︎e︎ a︎t︎ a︎ c︎o︎s︎t︎.︎ t︎h︎e︎ n︎i︎g︎h︎t︎m︎a︎r︎e︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ e︎n︎d︎,︎ t︎h︎e︎ o︎u︎r︎o︎b︎o︎r︎o︎s︎ o︎f︎ h︎i︎s︎ s︎y︎n︎c︎o︎pe︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ c︎l︎o︎s︎e︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ i︎t︎ m︎a︎y︎ t︎u︎r︎n︎ o︎u︎r︎ e︎f︎f︎o︎r︎t︎s︎ o︎f︎ s︎a︎l︎v︎a︎t︎i︎o︎n︎ t︎o︎ d︎u︎s︎t︎.︎ o︎u︎r︎ f︎i︎g︎h︎t︎ m︎i︎g︎h︎t︎ e︎n︎d︎ i︎n︎ s︎a︎c︎r︎i︎f︎i︎c︎e︎,︎ r︎e︎n︎d︎e︎r︎i︎n︎g︎ h︎i︎s︎ l︎a︎s︎t︎ i︎n︎v︎e︎n︎t︎i︎o︎n︎ b︎u︎t︎ a︎ c︎e︎a︎s︎e︎l︎e︎s︎s︎ v︎o︎i︎d︎.︎ w︎e︎ m︎a︎y︎ s︎e︎e︎ h︎o︎r︎r︎o︎r︎s︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎ c︎a︎u︎s︎e︎ t︎h︎e︎ s︎t︎a︎r︎s︎ t︎o︎ s︎h︎u︎d︎d︎e︎r︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ w︎e︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ t︎a︎ke︎ t︎h︎i︎s︎ c︎h︎a︎n︎c︎e︎.︎ w︎e︎ h︎a︎v︎e︎ n︎o︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎ t︎o︎ l︎o︎s︎e︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ a︎ w︎o︎r︎l︎d︎ o︎f︎ n︎o︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎n︎e︎s︎s︎ t︎o︎ e︎n︎d︎.︎ m︎a︎y︎ t︎h︎e︎ s︎e︎a︎ s︎w︎a︎l︎l︎o︎w︎ u︎p h︎i︎s︎ i︎s︎l︎a︎n︎d︎ o︎f︎ l︎i︎e︎s︎.︎ g︎o︎d︎ pr︎o︎t︎e︎c︎t︎ y︎o︎u︎.︎”
this is essentially saying that the island, the campers, werent all just created from his mind, but from his dreams. this confirms that he Sleeps, and claims hes going to sleep again soon, and during that time period theres a chance to kill him before he can dream up another world (or season) to control and torment. its also saying that theres a chance killing him will destroy the island and campers, but that its the only choice we would have to end the cycle. hey guys i am so bored and over the years i have been on every stimulant and anti depressant doctors are legally allowed to prescribe and its still just not quite there yet huh
puzzle 10. (x) the video, the title translates to “the island of his eye”. its just meant to encapsulate everything ive already been hinting around at but with real footage and some audios taken from the show, and again, it was me tryna make some lore that was easy to digest and also terrifying to an audience with no other context. the final images are the only new clues, if you pause fast enough you can barely make out the characters that (paired with the tangodeltaindia cipher key) would say “set them free”, and you can also see an aerial view of what is actually called “the eye of argentina”. it is a real island that rotates atop a swamp, it is geometrically perfect and no one really knows for sure why it rotates the way it does or how it was formed. this clue is simply related back to the idea that the island of wawanakwa’s location is not in canada, and that it does not function like a normal island.
puzzle 11. (x) what td blog is complete without a uquiz? anyways, it doesnt matter how you answer the quiz, theres only one possible result. the title is a link to a mega file, which is protected with a decryption key. the image attached to the result, when deciphered, is the randomly generated key to the unlock the file. the image you see from the file is this; (TW for mentions of self harm and eye trauma)
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in case this is too hard to read ill transcribe what it says;
“How to escape the dream - accept that there is no dream to escape, and no you to escape it. - believe in it anyways. - sleep on your back. - cover your eyes. - hide a nail under the pillow. - wait for the ringing. - when you first see him, dont call his name. dont speak. - keep your eyes shut. - on the second night, ask where the camp is. he wont respond verbally. - on the third night, you’ll see his eyes. - on the fourth night, you’ll enter them. - you can’t turn back after the fifth night. - don’t try to hide your fears. he knows them before you arrive. - don’t shut your eyes for too long when it becomes too much. you risk losing them. - find chris mclean. - don’t stop till the nail is through the socket. - repeat on the other side. - repeat on yourself. - congratulations. they are free”
this is, believe it or not, an idea that comes from my very own sleep paralysis experiences. ive dealt with it a lot, so why not make a weird ritual thing for an arg based off it ig. so whenever i’d fall asleep on my back, i’d eventually hear this ringing in my ears (or it’d happen upon waking up), and then the sleep paralysis would begin. i only ‘saw’ stuff a couple times but the fear for me was really more about the overwhelming sensation of pure dread that always came along with it even when i was aware what was happening, and i Always got this feeling too that if i opened my eyes in that moment, something was gonna stab them.
so moving on to how that applies to the arg, the first few lines are about how, obviously, the island is not real, even in the lore being given its a figment of chris’ imagination, but you have to enter it anyways, and the only way to do that is to believe its real. then it tells you how to ‘enter’ that world, (btw i didn’t expect anyone to actually follow these instructions if found, but even if they did, the whole ‘sleep paralysis being caused by sleeping on your back’ thing usually only happens if you’re predisposed to having it and only happens to Some people who have it, so the intent was like. never to bring that upon anybody. but if you are prone to sleep paralysis plz do not attempt even as a joke or anything thx)
the parts about hallucinating chris then are as follows, “ask about the camp / he wont respond verbally” , meaning he will show you through a dream instead, one that might look a lot like the video from before. “on the third night you will see his eyes”, meaning you will see the island but not be able to interact with it, or basically, how we see total drama on tv right now. “on the fourth night you’ll enter (his eyes)” references the island existing ‘within his eyes’, meaning you will enter the actual island. the next night chris will sleep and you will be able to enter the island again and find him. the idea with the nail is that, if you destroy his eyes you destroy the ‘island’ within them. wrapping back around to sleep paralysis, the idea of stabbing yourself with the nail afterwards is because sometimes, the only thing you can move during sleep paralysis is your fingertips and toes, and wiggling those can help bring you out of the paralysis. so at first how i used to wake myself up, but it didnt usually work fast enough so oftentimes id just pinch the shit out of my fingers and use pain to make my muscles start up faster.
the next post is a link to a countdown. again, i knew nobody was rly following at this point, but i wanted a little more build up before just dropping the ending. it was set up to end 5 days after the last post, aka the one that mentioned a 5 night dream ritual.
puzzle 12. (x) going all the way back to the normal multi step translation puzzles. the coloring of the cipher is a bit different, and its missing chris, but its meant to be used the same as it was before, these changes are only for dramatic effect. and chris is gone because well. we mentally offed him in the inception dream land last time. so anyways the snake = 6, shift A to 6, take out the letters “R-I-C-K” of the characters laying in their graves, and you get this translation;
“its almost time. we must now crack open our minds like a crowbar to a sealed chest. like an egg to a pan. to find our way into camp wawanakwa our ego cannot remain intact, and to traverse it we must stay strong. to escape it, we must glue the pieces back together. now we sleep. dream. end the nightmare.”
this is a final message before ‘entering the island’ to kill chris and free the campers from the island. it acts like a pep talk.
the next post is just the countdown ending.
puzzle 13 (the finale). (x)
this post sends you to a new blog entirely, called @awakenfromthenightmare​. there is only one post on it. the post has another link to a mega file, and the link is attached onto a string of text. follow the link by clicking, then copy the text and paste it in as the decryption key. now you have another image to translate with the tangodeltaindia cipher;
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when translated, the text is another link to a youtube video. 
so there you have it, that video is the ending to the entire arg. it didnt really end the way i wanted at first, i got burnt out from no engagement about halfway through which isnt anybody elses fault, but i still felt this was a well crafted and fitting finale. thank you all for reading.
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sunasconcert · 3 years
dont ask me why i watched it, i got invested at 3AM and fell asleep after. this is just my thoughts while watching the movie
*started writing when they got on the plane*
the way alya explains new york is funny asf
this reminded me of Spider-Man far from home
literally marinette is a mood on the plane
also i love alya and nino are moods <33
marinette is so awkward but it’s a work in progress
alya is such a geek i love her <33
‘there’s a superhero for everything here’ very much true we’re kinda incapable :’) /j /hj
marinette, sweetie, do you not know how to use a glass door😭 ITS OK BC I STILL LOVE YOU
aeon supremacy >>
alya teasing both marinette and sabrina UGANDBSB alya can we be platonic soulmates
how everyone just started to sneak out when whatsherface teacher went in is like me and my siblings trying to get some snacks from downstairs😭😭
i want something like this so bad :(( Like a party up in the rooftop at night with your friends — and i have to add it being wholesome bc i gen just want to hang out and be carefree
i wish people were actually like this tbh like the inclusiveness <33
“is it a bird- is it a plane-“ HUH
hot dog dan… ketchup boy and mustard justice wtf… i wouldn’t be surprised if we Americans did that
but why tf did marinette kiss luka and kagami kiss adrien (ik marinette’s was like a thank you ig BUT WTF)
at the captions really said “romantic music” so get them together already🤨🤨
American superheroes not hiding their identity. yeah sounds like us
mrs girl fr doesn’t know how to use a glass door :’))
“as friends”
alya nino Jess and aeon trying to make adrienette happen is a whole ass mood
idiots who are dumb together stay together bc they’re too dumb to realize other ppl want them
Jess fr doing gods work for us
maybe they’re (idk their pronouns) god 😩
Gabriel agreste teaching me US history with a mix of miraculous ladybug🤨🤨
the fact i was like (fr?? that happened??) even tho i took US history like a couple years ago
technolizer fr makes sense “wouldn’t you rather have an atomic bomb?” like he has a point??
“what’re you doing here?” FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF DAMNITJSJDH
awe the way cat noir pouted :((
like ladybug is definitely in the right tho
ugh i hate it when they (the writers) put me in situations like this :(
BRO FUCK TECHNOLIZER your name sounds too much like colonizer 😐 BUT WHY TF DID YOU GET CHATON TO DO THAT
fuck American rules like bro strict asf😭✋🏼
i understand where he’s coming from, but also like ???? maybe be a bit more reasonable??
this show making me a lil sad :’)
marinette :((
chat :((
the lesbian relationships in this show >>
the rain scene :’(
liiri bb :(
so cliche
Things goes shit?
what the shit😀
i’m so confused with this shit—
sparrow is so amazing >>
wtf— night owl wtf😭😭
i said it once and i’ll say it again
plagg, i love you <3
marinette you are way too creative <3
gorilla… nvm…
Eagle,, YES
in conclusion, i wish life was like this and the characters were real so i could bond with them.
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swynlake-spill · 3 years
Boba, please bully some of our shyer residents into posting selfies! I am dying for some Rarer Insta Content.
ok i’ll try here we go 
@rikuxnakayama sir  i cannot keep buying overpriced coffee from [name redacted] just for the ten seconds of eye contact we have i simply do not make enough money have pity on me and POST 
@vitani-blackwell u arent really shy so i dont understand how you are not posting daily thirst traps i have seen your body and therefore seen god please RESUME REGULAR CONTENT 
@melody-the-unwritten typing ur username just now made me cry. :( melody i MISS YOu. melody i dont think u understand u could be miss swynlake if u wanted... this is your YEAR
@princess-ting-ting you post extremely quality pics of your fish and family jigsaw puzzles and stuff and thats valid and good plz dont stop but also you are the qin i respect in this world and i think you deserve to be told how beautiful u are js 
@littlelectriceelduh ur mysterious and look like the boy my mum warned me about. plz indulge my worst desires and help me star in my very own all time low pop punk fantasy 
@arista-the-musical BLASPHEMY that i am tagging a triton wtf did your sisters teach u!! arista when i say that i believe if you post selfies tagged #stopglobalwarming that it could maybe inspire a movement im not even being hyperbolic i think the power is in your hands and you should use it 
@cinderellaashbourne HONEY PLEASE COME HOME tiana as her roommate why are you not instilling in ella the confidence needed to become a powerhouse insta mom im just saying she could build an empire off her smile 
@babettexdurand seeing u makes me go  🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 sincerely do not think there are words... 
@evil--endeavors you want to be taken seriously as a business woman, totally fair! however, fourth wave feminism said stuff about idk owning ur sexuality or-- nvm dont do it for me do it for the young LESBIANS. also kick me in the face :) 
@one-lucky-lad small confession...i have a crush on this darling I KNOW I KNOW HOW EMBARRASSING however i am not immune to the specific charms of his beautiful blue eyes. im just saying haha what if we kissed 
@tink-bell tink used to post all the time but then she got her heart broken or something and i just think she needs to build up all that very valid fierce tink bell confidence she was famous for!! tink PLEASE give me the bed selfie i know you have! txt me u up ;) ? ask me to netflix and chill! also post on instagram obviously! 
@sanmononoke what is going on with this person real talk besides ofc being very hot as per swynlake’s hotness requirement. idk if she has an instagram. bet she’d post like feet pics and shit like that. think that we need a little bit of that spice in swynlake dont you!!! 
@moon-yeongjun frankly it is a crime that we are all collectively robbed of the journey that would be jun moon instagram experience. if you dont think he’s hot you’re lying to yourself!! new rule every time jun posts a petition he owes us a selfie its only fair idk im once again putting tiana to the task of making that happen
@notmuchofatail he’s been posting more lately but it is not enough for me. gregory eeyore is my past present and future. like im in love with him is what im saying. 
@a-merman-not-a-guppy stop pretending like you’re not a handsome lad its EMBARRASSING. what is the point also of designing ur own clothes if you arent putting up your wares on instagram. again this is just common sense i cannot believe im giving this immaculate advice for free. 
@notbad-justsungthatway again she posts decently but i think she should post more bc she is easily in the ten hottest people ever in swynlake. its a fact not an opinion and we’d all feel a lot calmer if she was active daily on instagram
@pinkpearlpark the coolest of the teens!! i need her to post so she can teach ME how to post. like idk what im doing teach me the ways of being an attractive rich cool person miss park! 
@bucktoothed--ice-prince again idk whats going on here he’s this very mysterious stranger who blew into town out of nowhere. maybe going without an instagram is the whole point but i would rather write dumb things on ur posts tbh
@trickster-knownas-pan AND A THIRD person who i know nothing about. maybe i am just nosy but also you are hot so you owe me something thats how survival of the fittest works maybe !!!!!!! i failed science three times!!!! 
@devyn-morey lol i know he posts a lot but obviously! obviously! 
@geehosaphat on the other hand martin has two posts on his instagram maybe and thats abysmal. martin you do realize you’re like. hot right. i mean it like you could be in a magazine. you’re hot. take off your shirt sometime maybe if you’re comfortable so you can flaunt it! 
@winndeavor again i know ur a serious business person who has a certain brand to maintain. on the other hand: you have abs. much to think about i know. 
@hclyghcst DISGUSTING that you could win jewel of the season or w/e and then disappear from my life. you owe me like ten selfies at this point! you’re cute kind and a good friend to people in your life! fuck im obsessed with u!! 
@vvinter-queen and now we shout out to her sister ANNA to help her. anna how is it that u have a moderately thriving bookstagram and yet elsa has no idea what a filter is. intervene. fix it. she’s beautiful. imagine how much ice cream u will sell. 
@gleamdncglow u dont have to post bc it might actually piss me off considering how pretty you are. but if you want to i guess (please please please please please please) 
@gabriella-marino you know what’s the best way to get to know ppl in town and make friends! yeah ur right, its thirst traps on instagram! i think you’re so cute on a serious note please tell me more about u...maybe in the captions on your thirst trap for instagram! 
@edwardandalasia honestly just curious how it would go if someone showed edward who is maybe suffering from some textbook case of amnesia how instagram works. you also have the best skin ive ever seen. send me ur tips. ok thank u!!!
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musashi · 4 years
My boyfriend is watching the pokemon anime and this morning he said something to the effect of "if meowth team rocket doesn't gigantimax I'll riot" and now I can't stop thinking about Tall Meowth
i remember when the trailer dropped i went on 4chan (because thats where the leaks are) to see if long meowth confirmed any old leaks and the first post i saw was just a pic of long meowth captioned JESSIE JAMES I CAN SEE HQ FROM UP HERE
i loooove all the art of them riding on his shoulders fdgfgh. for a while i was really nervous it wasn’t possible for meowth or pikachu (because in the game trailers, you had to put your pokemon in a ball to dynamax it) but i always forget the anime will break any and all game rules to have more fun hehe. and that wild pokemon in power spots don’t need a ball! so now that we’ve seen how pikachu can gigantamax at power spots in the anime im super excited to see meowth get Long dhdfghgf
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shadowofmoths · 4 years
fuck it, all the evens for the quarantine ask, there are no rules anymore
NO RULES NO RULES NO RULES!! putting this under a cut to spare yall lmao
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J?
GRILLCHEESE. i have recently developed an idealogical opposition to peanut butter but also have you ever been awake at like Too Late and ur jus vibing and u make a grilled cheese and have ur midnight grillcheese? fucking MAGICAL. avery and i all the time when it is Too Late will be like “i want something. what do i want what is it GRILLCHEESE” and then we grill a cheese.
4. Your go-to bar order, if you drink?
i dont drink ! but i do love to have fancy, nonalcoholic drinks....no go-to bar order tho rip 
6. Top three cuisines?
i like...italian food, ofc, as anyone who knows my last name would probably guess, but also my top fav is like mediterranean & middle eastern food ? like fuck man what i would not do in life for a good gyro 
8. What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?
i have not, uh, strictly had jobs, as such, but uh a fun fact abt me is that i did Literally Every Possible Volunteer Position at my church i think lkjhgfhfhs. 
10. Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?
12. What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?
OK SO. there is this place near my mom’s college that i think might just literally be called the bagel place and they have a kind of bagel named after their school mascot which is just. bagel, and then you toast it, adn put cream cheese on each half, and then you put some regular cheese on the top of it and put it in a broiler and melt the cheese and its SO GOOD and thats my ideal bagel. 
14. Favorite mug you own
THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION. sofia gave me a yellow mug and its little and v round and decorated w flowers and its SO GOOD and its my fav. i also have a black skull mug and a haunted mansion mug that i LOVe adn theyre all in MARYLAND STILL HELP. i miss them. 
16. Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)
it took a concerted effort here not to choose something from next to normal which tells you how intensely GOING THRU IT i am. there’s a song called “better in the morning” by birdtalker that my spotify discover weekly hit me w during a late night breakdown that sort of encapsulates my “this fuckin SUCKS bro but we’re gonna keep goin tho” vibe.
18. What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?
SHAME OVER INTERESTS IS BORING. ITS 2020. SOMETIMES I WATCH OLD EPISODES OF SHAKE IT UP WITH MY SISTERS. no but my real answer is....i really genuinely unironically love high school musical the musical the series. is it good? not, like, really! but i love it. its probably made me tear up. but im not embarrassed abt it lmao 20. Do you match your socks?
answered!22. What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
JKHGSDAF my phase was “Undiagnosed ADHD” so it was , All The Phases really but no it was star wars for sure. but star wars wasnt a PHASE mom thats who i AMMMM 
24. What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?
i...no opinion? they’re..fine? 
26. You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?
ok theres a local like, dairy farm that makes a FUCKING MAGICAL watermelon lemonade in the summer and i would do anything to have that shit year round 28. What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?
knitting! embroidery! uhhhh time management when ur trapped and have adhd! other assorted mental health strategies, like “how to explain to ur teachers that u need help bc ur brain is just Chaotic and also the WORLD IS ENDING, catriona, PLEASE no more essays.” 30. Where could someone find you in a museum?
depends on the museum! but ur best bet is “genuinely crying over van goghs” or otherwise having Very Big Emotions over someone like monet or agnes martin
32. Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?
ALL OF THESE. probably sunset clouds but also i cannot TELL you how much i miss stars when im out in MD being a Big City Boy.
34. Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs?
art! altho im thinking of disassembling the Art Wall™ and doing smth else bc its gotten a little chaotic in here lately 
36. Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with
ok, like, define sidekick! which of the young avengers are “sidekicks” if its just a group of gay friends doing universe-saving together?? would you relegate billy kaplan to “sidekick” status? sidekick to WHOM? anyway the answer is teddy altman. 
38. Favorite mid-2000s song
40. Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?
the couch corner is MINE, babey!! (8 ppl in ur house does mean a big L shaped couch is relatively necessary.) altho recently ive developed a habit of whenever i see someone sitting in a spot i decide that is now My Spot. the person already there doesnt have to move! but i will also be sitting there now thank you. no, im not craving physical affection, why do you ask? 
42. A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving
i dont think i expected to Fall In Love with carly rae jepsen, i dont think ! but her power.....wow. 
44. Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?
quote that relates to the photos, usually! with maybe a little explanation. most of the photos i post are arts so it’ll be like “this is carrion hes a bitch i love him” etc 
46. What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?
i dont think...anything in the freezer in my apartment is mine? i think ive got some ben and jerry’s phish food in there tho which is DEFINITELY bad by now, FUCK, but also toaster waffles, conceptually, would be my answer. 
48. Do you like Jello?
yes ! it is . Fun To Eat. 
50. How are you at climbing trees?
pretty bad, bc coordination is a no and im afraid of heights, but i sure do love to try ! and then get too scared! 
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