ufufuran · 9 months
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choa-hyuna · 5 months
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◌˚。✧♡ ҉ ◌˚。✧♡ ҉(:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)◌˚。✧♡ ҉ ◌˚。✧♡ ҉
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lulu52013140 · 8 days
想要搵一位長期嘅唔阻彼此生活嘅。 有需要時彼此聯繫。 總之就係一種特殊朋友啦,喺一齐可以放鬆心情,冇乜嘢壓力 WhatsApp:85252049809
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perfectlysteadydeer · 2 months
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週末一個人在家很無聊,喜歡我的可以加我賴認識哦 LINE: 44kk66 要主動打招呼 不然我看不到妳 WhatsApp: 85262657522
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arcadebroke · 26 days
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moji2 · 3 months
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gojira-ekkusu · 2 years
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biorante · 1 year
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latitude zero (1969)
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fuyuu-suru-uzuki · 7 months
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「フザケルナッ…」 'do. not. test me.'
TFW you play-ambush your friend from behind... and he just happens to be in an extremely foul mood...
(this scene is from a story in my post-canon AU, still life with breakfast. you can read it here.)
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hiyamugico · 6 months
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showamagicalgirls · 4 months
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I sought out this CD and scanned the cover art because, to my knowledge, it features one of the most complete set of protagonists from the Toei Magical Girl Series (東映魔女っ子シリーズ).
The album's title is Great Magical Girl Strategy Special Song Collection (魔女っ子大作戦 スペシャル·ソング·コレクション). As with so many of these crossover images from the Toei series, it's associated with the Great Magical Girl Strategy (魔女っ子 大作戦) video game from 1999 (平成11).
The only possible missing piece here would be Magical Girl Tickle (魔女っ子チックル) . I would expect her to be present more often when Toei promotes the series if she were meant to be included. But, she is included as part of a different CD -- The Dream of a Singing Girl ~Toei Animation Magical Girl Anime Complete Works~ (歌いつがれる少女の夢 ~東映動画魔法少女アニメ全集~).
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skkdjdkd · 3 days
想要搵一位長期嘅唔阻彼此生活嘅。 有需要時彼此聯繫。 總之就係一種特殊朋友啦,喺一齐可以放鬆心情,冇乜嘢壓力
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akerumade · 9 days
ホントの「言論弾圧」とは 松本龍復興担当大臣(部落解放同盟元副委員長)がマスコミを恫喝した 「書いたらその社は終りだからな!」みた��な発言ですよ。
実際、あの時、大手マスコミはビビって報道しなかった。 東北放送が報道してから各社が追随した。 (https://twitter.com/tolucky7797/status/614798302219911168)
松本龍と言えば部落解放同盟だけど、 長きに渡り、日本のマスメディアの報道に対して 圧力をかけ続けて来たのが、部落解放同盟と朝鮮総連。 (https://twitter.com/WBJPPP/status/584963137918468096)
朝日新聞 2011年7月3日 (http://www.asahi.com/special/10005/TKY201107030246.html)
松本復興相「書いたらその社は終わりだから」 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14920422) ※冒頭の動画はこれを切り取ったものです。
松本龍 「(水産特区は)県でコンセンサスを得ろよ  そうしないと我々何もしないぞ。ちゃんとやれ」
「今、(知事を指さしながら)あとから自分、入ってきたけど、  お客さんが入って来るときは  自分が入ってきてからお客さんを呼べ、いいか?」
「長幼の序がわかっている自���隊ならやるぞ」  ※村井義弘知事は元自衛官。
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7:名無しさん@涙目です。(関西地方):2011/07/04(月) 01:27:51.73 ID:gH09vvx90 松本発言の各社関連記事一覧 新聞社ごとのスタンスを確認してみましょう。
読売新聞 復興相「知恵出さない奴は助けない…つもりで」 (http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/politics/news/20110703-OYT1T00630.htm)
朝日新聞 松本復興相、岩手・宮城両知事にきわどい発言連発 (http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0703/TKY201107030246.html)
毎日新聞 松本復興担当相:岩手、宮城知事と会談「復興は知恵合戦」 (http://mainichi.jp/select/seiji/news/20110704k0000m040101000c.html)
日経新聞 松本復興相「突き放すことも」 被災地知事に相次ぎ注文 (http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline/article/g=96958A9C93819481E2E1E2E0EA8DE2E1E2E5E0E2E3E38297EAE2E2E2) (http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNASFS03028_T00C11A7PE8000/)
産経新聞 「突き放す時は突き放す」 復興相が被災地知事に注文 (http://sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/news/110704/plc11070400030000-n1.htm)
共同通信 知恵出さなければ助けない 復興相、被災地に厳しい注文 (http://www.47news.jp/CN/201107/CN2011070301000727.html)
旧英字版「waiwai」コラムでおなじみの 毎日新聞社「放送アーカイブ構想は報道圧力になりかねません」 Togetterまとめ 2015年7月6日 (https://togetter.com/li/843672)
国立国会図書館が“テレビ・ラジオ番組を全て録画・録音・保存”『放送アーカイブ』構想 ⇒ 毎日新聞取締役「報道の自由を脅かす、報道圧力になりかねない」 正義の見方 2015年7月7日 (http://www.honmotakeshi.com/archives/45459834.html)
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mityfresh · 1 month
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You gotta do the cooking by the book.
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dofinsauvaje · 1 month
I participated on Mission yozakura family as ni-gen/2原 animator, I'm unfortunately not credited but I only did one cut. It was not much but I hope that my work helped the staff thanks to Rémi Demoulin for the opportunity
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kafkaoftherubble · 2 months
// Chapter 185.2: Detachment v. Repression
This ramble concerns To Your Eternity manga Chapter 185.2. It is edited from a conversation between (yea you guessed it) @bestbonnist and me after the chapter dropped before I had to hastily run off because sorry gotta see shits with my Besto Furrendo! Lisan al-Ghaib! Lisan al-Ghaib!!!
Although this chapter is devoid of hype moments—unlike C184.1 where plenty of us were sent into a frenzy— and good old macabre, this is genuinely one of my favorite chapters to date.
Because it became a really nice philosophical discussion between friends. Sounds a tad cheesy when I say it like that...
(1) Two Different Perspectives on Fushi's Latest State of Mind
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Ray expressed dismay that Fushi's coping mechanism seems to gave become even more terrible because they are essentially repressing their emotions. They are telling themself not to feel anything and to be detached. In the Wish Era, Fushi seemed to have become more resigned to their fate, which became starkly apparent when contrasted by the Doll and Andy's loud, outward desire to see Abel live.
That dismal observation actually stunned me—because I happened to see this development in a positive light. What better state of mind should Fushi aspire to attain apropos to their immortality... if not a state of non-attachment? After all, if they don't learn to be so, then the sheer impermanence of life will torment them forever. To me, non-attachment—or in a more English-natural manner of speaking, detachment—is a goal worthy of pursuing, even if it is often fraught with erratic instances such as mistaking "repressing one's emotions" as similar to "being genuinely unperturbed."
(2) The Benefits of Attachment
In this story's universe, attachment keeps a person's faie (their soul) around.
Hence, to Ray, Fushi's loss of attachment implies their death (which I agree is a reasonable projection for the end of this story). When they no longer have anything to do—no goal—then it is time for them to move on.
But more than that, there's this other thing Ray is worried about. The manga asked whether Fushi is human, especially in its earlier exploration. Whether they think they are human. Therefore, it's hard to see Fushi's detachment as anything other than dehumanizing themself ("I'm not human so I don't deserve to be attached/feel bad when people I care about die.") It's one step to Fushi's progression into becoming a deity at the expense of their humanity.
This prospect is upsetting because they wanna see Fushi leave as a human being, as someone who dies after living a satisfying life like Yuuki did.
Ray also argued that there's a difference between acceptance and detachment. "Acceptance is acknowledging that something is out of your control and acknowledging that the way you feel about that." To them, Fushi seemed to have acknowledged that something was out of their control, but they hadn't yet acknowledged their feelings toward it.
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Then, they conceded that while Fushi was frank about being pained by people leaving, ultimately, the dude seemed deadset on trying to ignore that pain altogether. "Fushi isn't good at being 'above' feeling things!"
I agree with this. Of course, they aren't! One of Fushi's powers is supernatural empathy. They can't ignore the sensation of pain or (occasionally) love in their vicinity even if they try. Feeling shit is what they do, willingly or not. And from an emotional connection like that, one easily forms attachments.
(3) The Common Error: Mistaking Detachment with Apathy
Strangely, at that point in our conversation, it became clear that Ray thought Fushi should not be detached because it stops them from accepting death—while I think Fushi should learn to be detached because it helps them to accept death. Same destination, but different ways of assessing detachment as a path.
Now, of course, when I use the term "detachment" or "non-attachment" (preferred), I'm once again drawing it from a Buddhist philosophical perspective. Because dude, it's me, 睿得失。You fucking signed up for this the moment you talk to me, bwaahhahahahaha!
Even Buddhists, born and raised, often make the mistake of conflating "equanimity," which non-attachment encourages, with "apathy."
One of the four sublime qualities (brahmavihārā), equanimity (upekkhā) is the state of being unwavering and unperturbed even in the face of loss and gain [1], good-repute and ill-repute, praise and censure, and sorrow and happiness. Its far enemies—as in, its direct contrasting vices—are greed and resentment. But its near enemy—the quality mendaciously close to equanimity—is apathy.
[1] Just a little aside: this is why I joked that Fushi should take up my self-given Chinese name in our conversation. 睿得失 means "being wise (about one's) gain and loss." The hope of attaining some semblance of upekkha is built into the name already.
Plenty of people think being detached means being uncaring and indifferent, and that it has some elements of dehumanization to it—be it to other people or to yourself. But it's not. Being detached is to keep a balance between concern and coercion. It's expressing compassion while being mindful not to conflate your genuine care with your desire to will things and people to bend to the state or situation you wanted.
Fushi and us mortals could easily realize one fact about life: it is truly impermanent. The desire to impose our will on the universe—as if there is some supernatural feature to our will that can influence things to happen—is a source of agitation. Life doesn't bend to our will; it indifferently stays impermanent even when we demand it to be permanent in some sort of personal bliss.
In Buddhist thought, it's our actions and intentions that impart changes. Our will (and our demanding desires) don't. We'll revisit this in our 5th Chapter later.
In other words! Contrary to Ray's interpretation, I see being detached not as imposing a limit on your compassion but liberating it from constraints. Now that you're detached, your mode of compassion is centered around the situation and people as they are, not as you hope them to be. True compassion asks for nothing in return—not because you suppress your demands, but because you genuinely have none to begin with.
(4) Fushi's Laudable Baby Steps
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What really made me think that Fushi had grown here was their insistence that whether Abel lives or dies is "his decision to make."
Not Fushi's, despite their god-like powers. Not Doll or Andy, despite their love and attachment to Abel. It's Abel's choice. All Fushi can do is to accept whatever the man says—and that acceptance is only possible if they begin practicing detachment. After all, attachment results in the reactions Doll and Andy expressed.
To me, Fushi is taking a step in the right direction already. This is the kind of wisdom I think an immortal, most of all, should gradually pick up (I also think mortals like us should, too, but that's beside the point).
Here is where I think Ray's criticisms warrant merits in my interpretation: Actually practicing detachment/non-attachment is hard as fuck. I wouldn't deny that though it doesn't make you an apathetic non-human, you're not gonna be very normal-humanlike if you manage to be equanimous either. While learning to be detached, one often takes up a lot of problematic tactics and mistakes it to be detachment.
One such misguided tactic? Suppression of emotions. You force yourself to pretend you're not feeling anything instead of facing them and realizing their falsity while believing you're being detached. So Ray's concerns are completely warranted, because I don't believe Fushi has consummated their learning either. They wouldn't have lied about the massacre if they were really that detached.
Repressing your emotion, as a tactic, is wrong, but it is the hallmark of someone who's trying to get there, especially when you compound it with the philosophy Fushi was articulating. They care. But they are also being clear-eyed about the limits of their demand.
I don't think they seem resigned here. I think they are being wise. Baby steps, and their method is imperfect, but good nonetheless.
(5) Yuuki the GOAT and His Biggest W Yet
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Fushi grappled with wanting to impose their will to make others live as long as they in the Modern Arc, right? That's one of their biggest and most constant sources of dukkha (dissatisfaction/suffering). But Yuuki's satisfying death and life... actually steered him in the right direction!
Fushi didn't come to earn detachment because of some horrible, tragic death turning them jaded and cynical. They learned because Yuuki's life and death were that fucking good.
Learning philosophy from pain is all well and good. It is usually how people learn it (few would give a fuck about existentialism or Buddhist philosophy or stoicism or what-have-you if they weren't in a personal crisis). But learning philosophy from joy is a whole other thing. Whatever you learned from that instance has no hint of jadedness and cynicism to corrupt your thinking; it's like making a decision when you're at the most optimal state.
This is Yuuki's victory. He influenced and taught Fushi without giving him pain or trauma to live by. He was not some main character of a tragedy despite outwardly looking like a bumbling normie.
Think about it: none of the Immortals who were attached to Fushi, until now, had been capable of influencing and teaching them without accidentally leaving some grief, pain, and trauma!
Why does Fushi take on Yuuki's form so much lately—if not because Yuuki is the only one who managed to teach them without the use of pain or trauma or anything like that?
And as Ray pointed out, Yuuki was the form embodying "Peace." Even his death was offscreen and peaceful. On a bed, unpoisoned and unhurt. Fushi remembers him constantly because he makes them feel at ease.
"It's our actions and intentions that impart changes," that was what I mentioned in Chapter 3 of this long-ass ramble. Here it is exemplified. People inherit the fruits of other people's actions (and you yourself are one of those who will inherit your own actions, too). And well? These are the fruits of Yuuki's actions that Fushi continues to reap even now.
That's how complete Yuuki's W is. He managed to leave just the kind of food for thought for an Immortal that eventually set them up to grasp the kind of wisdom they lacked. Who says the Modern Arc has no lessons?
(6) Conclusion, or The Abrupt Ending of a Conversation
As you can tell, I really don't think Fushi's latest development is bad. Bittersweet and a bit of a mixed bag, sure, but I ultimately think it's commendable rather than worrisome. Of course, my ass interpreting things through a Buddhist lens has a lot to do with it, but brutha, this is exactly my niche! You should have seen me talk about non-self vis-a-vis Fushi in a YouTube comment section!
Ray did leave this paragraph that had eluded me because, again, the Muaa'dib was calling me and I really gotta go:
"I have a potential counter-argument for you, which is about how Fushi's ideal person to follow is kind of a mix of Yuuki (as you explained) and Kahaku (bag of mess and you haven't read that part of the present era anyways), which is putting the concept of detachment together with a really selfish kind of selflessness (as we talked about). But I'm not clear on whether that's still there after their fight with the left hand. I feel like it's lingering a little but I haven't seen much evidence for it in the wish era."
Now, I don't really know what that whole bit was like because I didn't actually read all of the Modern Arc—just the latter half. But again, "detachment" and "self-lessness" are complementary and forward-feeding to one another in Buddhist Philosophy, so on this concept alone, I don't see a clash.
I should probably clarify what Ray's "selfish kind of selflessness" meant here, but... I'm kinda tired now. And I've briefly touched on this in my essay about... Gojo Satoru, goddamn it.
Or maybe Ray should explain it themself! I distinctly remember someone owing me like, 3 essays or something. I'm such a kindhearted person I'm willing to give them a discount and accept just one essay for this week, though. Don't squander it, you!
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Thank you for reading my ramble.
Did you enjoy this? If yes, wouldn't it be really fucking cool if you get to read essays and commentaries like these, alongside fanfic and fanart and other interesting bits, in one place?!
BECAUSE! We are thinking of starting a To Your Eternity zine! It's merely in its Interest Check phase, but you gotta fill this form up so we can see just how many people in our modest little fandom want this! Be a supporter or a contributor, it don't matter at this stage! Support is the currency here!
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