#﹙🦇﹚request answered ⊹﹒
narcedits · 7 months
Hello :] Could I get a wolf themed (yes like his shirt) Hunter stim board? Thanks :D
﹙🍷﹚completed! ⊹﹒hope you enjoy ^_^
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brewgiesart · 2 years
have you considered drawing my favorite man 👉👈 i love you btw
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CONSIDER IT DONE MY QUEEN!! I love you!!🤠🤠💞😚
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shadesslut · 8 months
𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 DAY 6
(a/n: short but sweet)
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Pairing: (Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Car sex, breeding kink)
Main Masterlist
𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
Ethan’s hips rolled smoothly against hers. Her fingers grabbed a fistful of his curls as she pulled. The position they were in was a tad awkward. Her back was arched against the car door, her ass held up by Ethan’s hands. His knee was bent on the leather car seat, while his other leg rested on the floor. 
His mouth was wide open against the crook of her neck. His cheek slid against her skin, allowing his sweat to drip onto her, clinging to her crop top. 
“M’ getting close,” he whimpered as he screwed his eyes shut. Her breathing was staggered, and she only wrapped her leg around Ethan’s waist in response. 
The thing about Ethan, is that he loved finishing inside of her. Even if she was on the pill, he loved the idea of fucking his cum inside her sweet, tight pussy. The slightest amount of chance he could have with getting her pregnant, trapping her with him. The thought got him off. 
“I’m gonna fill you up, all the way,” he grunted, snapping his hips. “Gonna give you my babies, make sure you’re full of my cum all the way to the brim.”
She whined at his words as she clenched around him. Ethan jerked his hips once more, and he came inside of her. He moaned her name as his hips slowly moved, both of them coming down from their high. 
He slid out, and part of his cum spilled out, to which he quickly inserted his fingers as he shoved it back in. He smiled tiredly at her, and pulled her panties back up. Pulling his fingers out, he shoved them down her mouth. 
“My cum feel good inside you baby?”
She nodded. 
“You think you’ll get pregnant? From all that cum coating your pretty little insides?” 
She didn’t answer, only popped her mouth off of his fingers, now licked clean. He hummed softly, before looking up at the condensation on the window. He drew a heart and placed his palm against the window. He yanked at her hand, doing the same thing on the other side. 
“We’re gonna make the perfect little family, just keep that cum inside you baby.” Ethan smiled, kissing her swollen lips.
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 2 years
DNI banner like the simple black sig one you made while ago but maybe with rainy theme and nsfw/kink blogs added to the DNI criteria ? -🦇
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Bad News First, Eddie
Part One 🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇FInal Part
A continuation of Bad News First, Eddie. I am absolutely floored by the responses I received, and I will try my best to tag everyone who asked. I know it's not Eddie's part, but chronologically, Wayne's part felt right.
Of all the things Wayne’s been called, unobservant isn’t one of them. He’s lived in Hawkins his entire life. He knows who is who, what is what, and to keep his head down and believe there’s a cougar in the woods when he’s told.
So, when Nancy Wheeler shows up, asking questions, Wayne has answers. Is willing to give those answers because he remembers when little Will Byers went missing, and how Nancy and her friends had done more to try and find him than the entire police force of Hawkins. Nancy and her friends always seemed to be in the orbit of whatever terrible thing was happening in Hawkins these last few years.
So, foolishly, terribly, he doesn’t intervene. He thought they were like that Scooby Doo cartoon Eddie used to love; kids solving mysteries. If he’d known the true extent of the horror, he wouldn’t have let those kids go it alone. But he didn’t know then.
Still didn’t know the day he pretends to not know who Dustin Henderson is while swapping out Eddie’s missing poster. It’s easier than having to face someone who knows Eddie, someone who had been looking for him but failed to find him.
Until Dustin calls after him. Until Dustin speaks to him. Hands him Eddie’s necklace. Wayne can’t stand anymore, this breaks him. Dustin says he was with him, in the end. Calls Eddie a hero, said people would have loved him had they known him. It’s nothing Wayne doesn’t already know.
Eddie is his hero. He loves Eddie. And if he’d stepped in sooner, chased down these kids and asked just what the fuck was happening, maybe he could have changed the ending of this story.
Hawkins explodes into a hellscape days later and Wayne sets out to find Nancy Wheeler. If Eddie gave his life to protect these kids, then Wayne must strive to do no less.
Nancy’s got a good head on her shoulders, willing to accept any help offered. He can see how she’s survived this long. She gets in in touch with Hopper, who introduces him to Doctor Sam Owens and Lt Colonel Jack Sullivan.
He doesn’t think it’s fair that the fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a fourteen-year-old girl.
It’s Dustin who tells him the whole story, the night before the end. Either Eleven will win tomorrow, or she won’t, but the outcome gets decided then.
“I’m s-so sorry, Mr. M-Munson. We just… just left him there!” Dustin breaks down crying and Wayne reaches out to him, an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. If Wayne sheds a few tears, too, well. Who can blame him?
“Doctor Owens, a word,” Wayne pulls the man aside after the kids have gone to bed. “Dustin said… my boy is just yards away from our trailer. He didn’t even get out of the park. I understand it’s an all hands on deck situation, but can anyone be spared? Can anyone bring my boy back? I’ll go myself if I have to.”
Doctor Owens, a genuinely kind man, Wayne can tell, has tears filling his eyes just at the request. “Mr. Munson, we will do everything in our power to bring your boy home.”
Doctor Owens pays for the headstone. Said it was the least he could do since his team failed. Wayne tries not to be bitter about it.
The graffiti starts up almost immediately. Wayne doesn’t understand why.
He thinks he’s caught someone in the act, grabs roughly at the perpetrator and yanks. The Harrington boy stumbles up and back, a little bit of fear in his eyes but no paint in hand. He’s holding a rag and small container of paint thinner. A quick look between Harrington and the grave, he can see the half-cleaned headstone.
He’s never spoken much with Harrington, but Dustin has nothing bad to say.
“You know my boy?” because he can’t bring himself to say ‘knew’ just yet.
Harrington looks just about as haunted as Wayne feels when he says, so quietly, “Not as well as I would have liked, sir.”
Wayne is observant, but even he can admit it takes longer than he thought to figure out Steve Harrington. That boy had put himself between those kids and danger again, and again, and again, and lived. Eddie did it once and… well, Wayne reckons Steve thinks it should have been him. He won’t say so out loud, but Wayne sees a lot of his younger self in Steve, knows him in much the same way he knows himself.
Steve lives with a guilt he shouldn’t; this was Eddie’s choice. His reckless, dangerous, courageous choice. And they’ve got to learn to live with it. Steve’s parents are absent, and Wayne’s nephew is gone. Without any conscious decision about it, they’ve adopted each other.
Steve wants to know everything about Eddie. Every little story Wayne can come up with. And he, well, he loves that someone wants to know. Wants to remember Eddie with him.
“Bad news. I regret not knowing him sooner,” Steve confesses to him one day as they scrub the headstone clean again.
“Good news. You know him now,” Wayne replies.
“Do I?”
Wayne can’t answer that. Not honestly one way or another. How well can you know someone from secondhand information? Steve spent a total of five days in his nephew’s company but he helps keep his memory alive. “I don’t know. What I do know is that Eddie Munson won’t be forgotten when I die. And that matters.”
He gets in an accident at the plant. He doesn’t remember what happened, not fully, but he knows that Steve never left his side. Demanded his come stay in his big empty house. Easier to move around in, with all the open space.
Wayne wasn’t really attached to his apartment anyway. If he was going to live the rest of his life in a home that had never known Eddie’s presence, it could at least be with someone who had known Eddie’s presence, however briefly.
Wayne wonders if he’s done the right thing sometimes. Indulging Steve’s need to know Eddie. At first, he thought it was fine, because learning about Eddie seemed to alleviate Steve’s guilt. But now.
He’s watching the boy fall in love with a ghost.
Helping it happen, even.
Robin and Steve aren’t nearly as quiet or subtle as they think, and Wayne’s observant. They seem to forget that Wayne’s just old, and not deaf and blind.
Or maybe, they’re comfortable enough that they don’t truly hide from him.
And it hurts his heart to think this (because he’s thinking it about his Eddie, wonderful, loving Eddie) but Steve deserves to love more than a ghost.
And then the kids graduate. Start to go to college. Steve acts fine, but he’s not. Wayne knows. It’s like he’s losing his purpose, but Wayne’s just as broken. Not strong enough to push Steve away. To make Steve go, too.
Honestly, he’s a little afraid that if he tried, then Steve would follow right after Eddie.
So, he doesn't. He decides he needs Steve, and perhaps even more so, Steve needs him.
Then, five years after Eddie’s death, the call happens. It’s about his piece of shit little brother, Wyatt. He’s gotta go, though. Because this is one last strand of Eddie. Eddie’s mother has been gone longer than Eddie, and fuck, Wyatt deserves to know. Wayne doesn’t claim to be a saint; if his brother wasn’t being released, he’d probably never tell him. He’d let him die in that prison believing his son is alive.
He doesn’t even know if Wyatt will care that Eddie’s gone. But he’s got to find out.
Steve drives him to the airport and no matter how many times Wayne says he’s coming back, Steve doesn’t seem to believe him.
But it’s not his shitty little brother waiting to greet him in Tennessee. It’s Eleven.
“Sorry for the lie, Mr. Munson,” she says. “I wanted to tell you as soon as I learned but Doctor Owens said that, this one time, we needed to be right before we could be honest.”
It’s Eddie. It’s Eddie Wyatt Munson, who looks at him shyly, almost as if afraid, from the apartment doorway Eleven takes him to. “Hey Uncle Wayne.”
It’s five fucking years too late but he pulls Eddie in a bone crushing hug. “I love you so much, you little bastard. Don’t you ever, ever do this to me again.”
Wayne learns.
They had found him, barely alive. It was better, they said, to take him away. Let the town cool down while Eddie healed, but he was catatonic for the better part of these last five years.
“Eddie woke up empty,” Eleven says softly, apropos nothing sitting next to Wayne as they watch Eddie discuss next steps with Owens. “He could be told to do things. Drink this. Eat that. His eyes never focused on anything. Doctor Owens called him a shell. I asked what that means. He said that Eddie’s body worked, but his mind did not because Eddie was not in his own mind anymore. But I knew he was in there. I had to get him back.” She reaches a hand out, waving in the general direction of Eddie’s head.
This surprises Wayne. “You brought him back?”
“Memory by memory,” Eleven says, picking at her pants leg. “Even the painful ones. Doctor Owens says every memory shapes who we are, even tough ones.”
Wayne looks at Eleven, a young woman of nineteen now, but remembers how scared and brave she’d been at fourteen.  “Words cannot express how thankful I am for you.”
“I did it for you. And maybe a little bit for me.”
Wayne makes a humming noise. Not truly questioning, but an acknowledgment of what she said. If she wants to share her reasons, he won’t stop her. He’s just not going to pry.
“I chose my friend. I chose Max.”
He knows. “You made the right choice.”
“I know. I am not guilty about it,” she frowns as she thinks about her words. “But Dustin is my friend, too, and I knew Eddie was his friend. But I cared more about Max. I had to do all I could to make it right. For you. For Dustin. For me.”
Wayne doesn’t have words, so he just pulls Eleven into a hug. It must convey all he needs because when she pulls back, she beams at him.
Wayne fills Eddie in on what has happened as best he can. It’s such a jarring difference, speaking to Eddie about Steve than it had been speaking to Steve about Eddie. Eddie just looks confused for most of it and doesn’t really ask followup questions, but Wayne understands. Eddie had known Steve for five days and he’s got time to really get to know Steve now. Steve thought all he’d ever have of Eddie is someone else’s memories.
“Just give him a chance, Eddie,” Wayne says.
“Give him a chance? As if I’d waste it,” Eddie breaths out, all wonder and awe and- Well, maybe Wayne isn’t as observant as he had always thought. “He took care of you when I couldn’t. He cares. I don’t think there’s a chance I wouldn’t give him.”
“How long have you had a thing for Steve?”
Eddie stutters over his words, eyes wide and wild. “That’s not- why would you think- when have I ever!?”
“You think I wouldn’t know this about you?” Wayne chuckles and lies, as if he hadn’t just watched all the pieces slot together in this moment.
“So, we’ll be living with Steve Harrington?” Eddie is blushing but he blows past Wayne’s question. “Will he… be okay with me being there?”
Steve’s been loving a ghost, is what Wayne thinks. Steve’s been in love with a ghost and this. This is a ghost story that can have a better ending. But he’s not going to make those declarations for Steve, so what he says is, “yeah. Steve and I had each other when we needed it. Now I need you, so Steve won’t mind at all.”
Eddie smiles to himself, pulling a strand of his hair to hide his face behind.
If he hadn’t just figured it out two minutes ago, that would have been a dead giveaway that his boy might be a little bit in love with Steve.
He calls Steve. Tells him he’s coming home and bringing a guest. Steve says that’s fine, he’ll fix up Robin’s old room into a guest room.
“This isn’t the way to the Harrington house,” Eddie observes from the passenger seat of the rental car Doctor Owens had paid for, to get them from Indianapolis back to Hawkins.
“Steve won’t be there. He comes here when he’s overwhelmed.”
“The cemetery?”
Wayne shrugs, “we both come talk to you. Steve always starts with the bad news, you know. I think you should start with good news. Just this once. Ah. See, there he is.” Wayne points and Eddie’s eyes follow.
Something akin to wonder passes over Eddie’s face and he all but falls out of the car before it’s even stopped.
Wayne thinks he’ll give them five or so minutes before following.
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dayasusays · 22 days
bruce receiving a tit-job from his big titty gf?? PLSOLSOLSPLSPLS ^_^_^_^_^
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warnings ! — SMUT, fem!reader, reader has a big breasts, titjob, blowjob
summary ? — bruce needs to rest and you wanna help him.
౿ . . ` ౨ৎ ENJOY 🦇
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“are you taking me for a weakness right now?” bruce frowns, folding his arms across his chest and looking at you a little grumpily. he'd never been one to give in to provocation, but you always found the one weak spot that needed just a little push and he was already doing his best to do you justice and make you take back what you'd said.
and now, when you teased him about how he'd been working so much lately, his left eye was practically twitching. it was all harmless banter and nothing more — you knew how important his responsibilities were, but you could never resist teasing your frowning boyfriend a little more, especially when wayne looked too sexy in the white shirt you'd bought for him.
“of course not,” you shrug your shoulders, grinning, “i just want you to pay some attention to your adoring girlfriend,” you leave a kiss on his cheek and throw one leg over him, sitting down on the man's lap, “don't you think you work too hard?” you ask and bruce wants to object, but only a convulsive sigh escapes his dry lips as you pull him up by his collar, kissing his neck.
“i don't think so,” he finds the strength to answer, “as long as i can work, i work,” wayne sighs as you bite down on the man's skin.
“but you don't rest,” you begin, and you hear another heavy sigh.
“i’m resting,” bruce shrugs, “like right now,” he wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you closer, making you gasp in surprise. a small smile plays on his lips, he seems to be too pleased with the position you're in, sitting on his lap, “you really help me rest, my love,” he leaves a couple of wet kisses on your neck and, oh god, he plays too dirty, because only from those kisses you feel a wave of goosebumps going down your back.
“you're playing dirty,” you parry, sliding off his lap and hearing a quiet grunt, “i wanna help you, not the other way around.”
he reluctantly agrees as your palms reach for his fly.
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“fuck,” bruce mumbles, leaning back in his chair, “slow down…” he returns his gaze to you, and he could swear that the way you're trying to make him feel good is the sexiest thing in the world. the way you squeeze your breasts around his cock, leaving brief kisses on the head of his cock — and wayne is ready to howl about how good he feels right now.
you're so beautiful as you lift your head to look up at him and smile satisfied; bruce reaches out and strokes your cheek as he thrusts his hips up, looking for more stimulation. and you certainly can't deny his mute request when he looks like this and is in particular need of an orgasm.
you leave one last kiss on the sensitive head and wrap your lips around it as wayne cummed right into your mouth with a long moan.
“thank you, my love,” he leans down and kisses the corner of your lips softly, “you’re the best.” ୨♡୧
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🦇 abt me | m.list
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
im bo (she/her, lesbian)
read all of my writing on ao3!
see me jabber on twitter!
support me on ko-fi!
just for fun, you can see me on pinterest!
my fics are almost all nsfw and dark (aka: noncon, please read my tags). i tag my dark stuff with #dark fic if you want to block!
i cannot emphasize enough that almost every post of mine includes either non consensual sex or dubious/coerced consent. if that’s not your cup of tea, block and move on! thanks!
you're always welcome to send me asks, but i don't take requests <3
my general writing tag is #bo writes, you can see my asks under #asks and answers, and what i won’t write is here
taken anon emojis: 🌙, 🌚, 🦢, 🍋, 🪶, 🎃, 💙, 💕, 🔪, 🥍, 🦇, 🪷, 🧸, 💥, 🦷, 🐏, 🪐, 🦋, 🕸, 🎧, 🍭, 🐰, 🐈, 🐈‍⬛, 🤖, 🧬, 🪀, 🦑, 🪴, 🦠, 👑, 🦕, 🍑, 🗑️, 🐚, 🧋, 🦵, 📺, 🐁, 🦌, 🌊. 🎀, 🐊, 🦆, 🐌, 🐴, 🦭, 🐶, 🍶, ❤️‍🩹, 🦦, 🦨, 🦈, 🦂, 🧿, 🍀, 🤟
full length fics:
don't leave me locked in your heart (20k, ghost x soap x reader, dark) (#dlmliyh for extra bits)
howling and barking (8.6k, ghost x soap)
run until you feel your lungs bleeding (6.4k, ghost x reader, dark)
i'll eat you whole (10.8k, ghost x soap, dark)
lamb to the slaughter (26.3k, ghost x soap, dark)
won't you stay? (4.3k, ghost x soap, dark)
johnny goes to the groomers (1.4k, ghost x soap, dark)
ghoap x reader primal play (3.5k, companion to dlmliyh, dark)
ghoap x trans male reader (1.8k, puppy play pwp)
johnny "wrong hole" mactavish (1.7k, soap x reader pwp)
angry sex with soap (3.6k, soap x reader ft ghost pwp)
ghoap x reader purge au (5.7k, dark)
ghoap x reader alt purge au (4k, dark)
cbf-turned-bully!soap x reader (3.5k)
perverts!priceghost x reader (3.8k, dark)
au's without full fics:
a/b/o au (mostly alpha ghost/alpha soap/omega reader)
soulmate au
serial killer ghoap x reader (and x blind reader)
conqueror ghost x princess reader x knight johnny
zombie apocalypse ghoap x reader
writing challenges:
kinktober (70k, 31 chapters)
1,000 follower celebration
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kazutora-kurokawa · 28 days
Been thinking about Vampire!Baji and Vanpire!Reader for awhile
Vampire!Baji x Vampire!Reader
♡ SFW, fem reader, blood, biting, bank robbery (I swear it'll make sense when you read it lol), mention of Chifuyu ♡
note: thanks for requesting anon ❤️ I'm a solid week late with answering this, sorry 😭
🦇 First thing first...his teeth 🫠
🦇 His fangs are so sharp, they easily pierce your skin (and other people's)
🦇 Biting is your shared love language, you two walk around looking like you've been hit by a staple gun
🦇 He's your personal mirror, which is simultaneously good and bad because he could easily lie and say you look good
"Do I look alright Kei?"
"Um..lemme just" *smudges makeup* "There you go darling ♡"
🦇 Chifuyu begs both of you to turn him into a vampire, he wants to be best friends for eternity
"Pretty please!"
"Absolutely not."
"That's very endearing Chi, but it's a no from me too."
🦇 Baji is perfectly capable of not drinking blood, he totally doesn't have immense cravings for it, and he definitely didn't rob a blood bank multiple times
🦇 He hates the sunlight, he'd definitely shield you both with a big umbrella during the day time
🦇 Loves driving you around on his motorcycle at night, there's great scenery and you don't have to worry about the sun, it's a win-win
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe
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narcedits · 7 months
could you do a stim board of the Minecraft fox pretty please 🦊 👉 👈
﹙🍷﹚completed! ⊹﹒hope you enjoy <3
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celestialprincesse · 4 months
❀ꗥ❀ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 / 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ❀ꗥ❀
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Hello loves!
My name is Angeline, but you can call me Ange or Angie She/Her
My blog is a safe space for everyone (except minors😚) ! Please keep things kind and respectful!
Please feel welcome to interact and send asks!
Some of my work is nsfw, so please mdni!
Requests are open 💌 however, I can't promise that I'll get around to answering all of them! 📩
From the river to the sea - how you can support Palestine🇵🇸
Ko-fi 💖
Taken emoji anons - 🧞‍♀️, 🩰 , 🦇 , 👹 , 🌻
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fyodere · 2 months
spy x family ! au yuri briar smut ( pt. 1 ) ♡
complex feelings about you
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﹙ 🦇 ﹚── parings : yuri briar x fem!reader ♡
₍^. .^₎⟆ ── content warnings / tags : nsfw content (mdni), yandere themes (we’re talking about yuri), obsession, mutual obsession (kinda), masturbation, virginity kink, purity kink in general, yuri touching himself wearing his uniform 😩, kind of sexting ???, stalking
﹙ 🔪 ﹚── synopsis : Yuri was immersed in his obsession with you, becoming more and more determined to uncover every detail about your life. He searched through every file folder, every record, wishing to fully understand who you were. His fixation exceeded healthy boundaries, replacing even the photos of his sister with images of you in his personal spaces.
﹙ 🩸 ﹚── author's note : IM SO SORRY FOR THIS. i’m being for real. sorry for not posting the requests or my other drafts. yuri was simply calling for me. THIS IS GOING TO BE A SERIES because i need more yuri content. anyway, HAPPY EASTER <3
When you first laid eyes on Yuri, something clicked in your head.
Perhaps it was his innocent brown-reddish eyes; his youthful and gentle demeanor, reminiscent of a puppy; or maybe his slightly long black hair that practically caressed his shoulders; perhaps his unexpectedly masculine and strong stature.
Truth be told, when you saw Yuri Briar for the first time, you flipped, completely.
You were just a secretary working in the public sector for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Your job was relatively simple but tiring. Tasks like scheduling appointments, organizing documents, answering phones, drafting correspondence, and providing administrative support to members of the Ministry were part of your routine. You played an important role in maintaining efficiency and coordinating activities within the institution. Not that you were extremely valued — of course not. But still, the salary was good enough to sustain your humble and comfortable life in Ostania.
You saw Briar for the first time on your first day of work, early in the morning. He was standing, holding a cup of coffee while talking to his superior with a smile.
Your heart skipped a beat.
When you looked at Yuri, it was love at first sight. Your eyes widened, your face grew warm, and you blushed. How could such a handsome man be working in the same place as you? Staring at him for another brief moment, you presumed he was probably young and around your age. Your heart skipped another beat, did you two have something in common? The thought made you want to slap yourself; how could you fantasize about a man you hadn't even met?
You approached your superior, introducing yourself. The red-eyed man was by his side, and you resisted — emphasis on resisted — the urge to stare at him.
Your superior gave you instructions for the day and left, suddenly leaving you alone with the boy who took your breath away.
"I see it's your first day as a secretary, hm?" He said, now looking at you. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Yuri Briar. I'm the Minister of Foreign Affairs."
So young and with such a high position? You thought.
"... I hope we can get along." He added, with a smile. And you felt your knees weaken.
"Of course, Mr. Briar! I'll do my best to be useful to you." Pathetically formal. But what could you do? Just his presence fried your neurons; it was better to err on the side of formality than to be disrespectful. Yuri gave you a smile, and your heart squeezed.
"It's okay, you don't need to be so formal." He chuckled softly, with his eyes closed. "I need to go to a meeting now, if it's not too much trouble, I need help with the paperwork..." And then he gave you instructions on what you should do in his absence.
Your face stayed red for the rest of the day, and your heart felt tight. The man with black hair wouldn't leave your mind. You organized things as you were asked, unconsciously dreaming of receiving praise from Briar.
Lost in reverie, it was already night, and Yuri hadn't arrived yet. You were cleaning his desk, lost in your thoughts, when unexpectedly, a voice cut through your train of thought.
"Hey!" It was Yuri. "You're still here, sorry for keeping you here so late." he rubbed his own neck with his hands timidly, with a smile. Unbeknownst to you, the room was empty. It was just you and Briar.
"N-No, Mr. Briar." You said, stuttering. "I lost track of time out of distraction. You're not to blame for anything. I did what was asked of me, now I'll be going home." You tried to leave quickly, feeling your face burn.
"Don't you want company? It's dangerous for a woman to go out alone at this hour." He said, with a calm demeanor. "I would hate to see my sister walking alone at this hour."
"Do you have a sister?"
"I do, an older sister." He said with a smile. "But, uh, the offer still stands. I can accompany you so you don't walk alone."
"No, Mr. Briar!" You replied. "You don't need to be so kind, I live nearby. It won't be a long walk, such concern isn't necessary."
"If you insist..." He replied, with a smile. The same smile that almost made you lose your balance and the strength to stand.
You left, walking in opposite directions. You couldn't help but blush remembering the dialogue exchanged with the young man; the heat in your body protected you from the cold of the street. And, without realizing it, you had already arrived home.
You lay on the bed sighing, with your hand resting on your chest. Remembering every word, every smile exchanged with the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The next few days passed quickly. Unbeknownst to you, it had been months since you started working at the public ministry. Honestly, you didn't exchange many words with Briar. The red-eyed boy was busy with various meetings — which was understandable, given his enviable position — you understood, but secretly missed the dark-haired man and the small smiles and short dialogues exchanged.
Until the fateful day arrived.
"Can I talk to you?" Yuri spoke near your ear, you were cleaning the countertop, lost in your thoughts, you hadn't even noticed the approach of the dark-haired man.
"Of course, Mr. Briar." You turned to him.
"I've observed your behavior over the past few months," He said with his characteristic smile. "And you're exemplary! I talked to the higher-ups to give you a promotion!"
"But— huh? I can't believe I can be promoted, Mr. Briar." You said insecurely, and he replied with a laugh.
"Don't worry. It's a position, um... let's say, a bit secretive." He said, putting his index finger on his lips. "Soon, some superior will talk to you about the details!" And then he left, leaving you confused and anxious. What kind of position would this be?
A few hours passed, and you were called for a meeting. You entered the room, visibly nervous.
And what happened? Oh, what happened...
You were explained about the State security service, the secret police. Now you would work with the feared by civilians, secret police, was that what Yuri wanted?
So Briar's job as minister was a force?
All the details were explained to you, your role hadn't changed, you would only be given files of deep secrecy, which sent a shiver down your spine. Would you be able to carry such responsibility?
Your workplace had now changed. You found yourself going every morning to the discreet lair of the State security service. Once again, you were close to Briar, taking care of his confidential papers.
Now you knew Yuri's true profession. Honestly, you were amazed at the violence exerted by the security service. However, such a discovery made your heart race. Discovering another side of Briar made your breathing heavy; you were delirious with excitement. Now, that was a secret you both shared.
And, of course, he looked ridiculously handsome in his secret police uniform.
Now, you shared more moments together. Considering that all meetings that Yuri attended were a sham, and that, in fact, he was in that place the whole time.
Honestly, you didn't exchange many words. The atmosphere in that place was more tense, more serious. And now, you knew Yuri had interrogations. Interrogations in which Briar was not merciful, interrogations in which the black-haired man had no shame when it came to using violence.
You knew how brutish Yuri was — after all, you cleaned the blood from the room after interrogations —, it made your heart race in anxiety and fear, but also in desire.
At that moment, you were cleaning the interrogation room that had just been used by Briar. The smell of sweat and blood hangs in the air.
But the perfume of the red-eyed man too.
You were alone in the room, the highly trained police officers were going about their business, and Yuri was probably in some meeting with Desmond and his superiors about some plan to prevail for the glory of Ostania.
The room was already clean, and you admired your good work together. For a moment, you picked up a small towel that was resting under the table, brought it to your nose, and, closing your eyes, you inhaled the odor given off by the cloth.
It was Yuri's. You knew from the specific smell, he had probably used it to dry his sweat during the interrogation.
You inhaled it again, closing your eyes tightly, imagining Yuri next to you. And, without realizing it, your panties dampened just by imagining Briar behind you, rubbing against your body, sighing in your ear.
Finally, you began to rub your intimacy on the corner of the table, on the most pointed part of the table, rubbing your wet and needy cunt against the furniture, feeling a wave of pleasure run through your entire body.
“Mr. Briar—Ah!” You moaned, but then quickly covered your mouth, and in a moment of realization, you realized what you were doing. "My God." You say, moving away from the furniture, with your hands, slightly trembling over your mouth.
You were taught that women of value don't touch themselves or succumb to the pleasures of the flesh, but Yuri, with that black hair and reddish eyes, made you lose your temper.
When Yuri Briar first saw you, a switch flipped in his head.
Maybe it was your clumsy steps, betraying nervousness; your eyes shyly cast down; the way you twirled your hair, reflecting shyness; perhaps your innocent and defenseless demeanor, like someone in need of protection.
Truth be told, when Yuri Briar first saw you, he flipped, completely.
Briar held the position of a diplomat as a facade; in reality, the dark-haired man worked for Ostania's secret police as a counterintelligence agent. He had initially started his job in the ministry as an ordinary worker but was soon chosen to work in the secret police, safeguarding Ostania's future.
Briar saw you for the first time on his first day of work, early in the morning. He stood there, holding a cup of coffee while speaking to his superior with a smile.
His heart skipped a beat.
Yuri, with his spy skills, felt your gaze and discreetly looked back at you. It was love at first sight. Yuri noticed your sweetly timid face as you entered the room; Briar felt his face grow warm and flush. How could such a beautiful, pure, helpless, and worthy-of-protection woman be less than 6 meters away from him?
How did he know this? Briar could read your body language, your gaze, and your delicate voice.
Staring at you for another brief moment, he presumed that you were probably young and around his age. Yuri's heart skipped another beat; he had never felt such a strong urge to protect someone besides his sister.
Then, he felt you approaching your superior, introducing yourself. The man with reddened eyes stood by your side trying to conceal his slightly flushed face. Damn, wasn't spy training enough to learn how to hide his emotions?
Your superior gave you instructions on what would be done that day and left; suddenly, you two were alone.
"I see it's your first day as a secretary, hm?" He says, now looking at you. "Pleasure, my name is Yuri Briar. I'm the Minister of Foreign Relations."
Oh, so pure, so precious. He thought.
"... I hope we can get along." He adds, with a smile, trying not to reveal all his thoughts of protecting you.
"Of course, Mr. Briar! I'll do my best to be useful to you." Pathetically formal. But what could you do? Yuri gives you a smile, inevitably amazed by your tenderness. How could you be so lovely?
"It's okay, you don't have to be so formal." He chuckles softly, eyes closed, trying to reassure you. "I need to go to a meeting now, if it's not too much trouble, I need help with the paperwork..." And then he gave you instructions on what you should do in his absence.
Yuri was now at the secret police headquarters; suddenly, he found himself thinking of you. Without a second thought, he rummages through his stack of files, wanting to find out everything — anything — about you.
Yuri was immersed in his obsession with you, becoming more and more determined to uncover every detail about your life. He searched through every file folder, every record, wishing to fully understand who you were. His fixation exceeded healthy boundaries, replacing even the photos of his sister with images of you in his personal spaces.
As he delved deeper into this insatiable quest for information about you, the line between reality and fantasy became increasingly blurred. His mind was filled with thoughts of consuming you completely, possessing every aspect of your existence.
The next days passed quickly. Unnoticed, it had been months since you worked at the public ministry. Honestly, you didn't exchange many words with Briar. The red-eyed boy was busy with several meetings — which was understandable, given his enviable position — you understood, but secretly missed the dark-haired man and the small smiles and short conversations exchanged.
Until the fateful day arrived.
Yuri had a plan, a plan he was proud of. It was only a matter of time until you were in his hands.
You were cleaning the counter completely concentrated, in a quick and discreet move, he put an earpiece in your ear "Can I talk to you?" Yuri spoke near your ear, you hadn't even noticed the approach of the dark-haired man.
"Of course, Mr. Briar." You turned to him.
"I've observed your behavior over the past few months," He says with his characteristic smile. "And you are exemplary! I've spoken to the superiors to give you a promotion!"
"But— huh? I can't believe I could be promoted, Mr. Briar." You said insecurely, and he responded with a laugh.
"Don't worry. It's a position, um... let's say, a bit secretive." He says, putting his index finger on his lips. "Soon, some superior will talk to you about the details!" And then he left, leaving you confused and distressed. What kind of position could this be?
It was the perfect plan.
Yuri did what was necessary to put you in the State Security service. He just needed to recommend you and be patient.
Time passed, and there you were, working as a secretary for the secret police. Yuri couldn't help but smirk maliciously when he heard the news. He had already heard the entire conversation the superiors had with you through the bug, but nonetheless, Briar relished hearing the news officially.
Your workplace had now changed. You found yourself going to the discreet lair of the State Security service every morning. Once again, you were close to Briar, taking care of his confidential papers.
Honestly, you didn't exchange many words. The atmosphere in that place was more tense, more serious. And now, you knew that Yuri had interrogations. Interrogations that Briar was not merciful in, interrogations that the dark-haired man had no qualms about using violence.
Yuri had just finished another one of his violent interrogations, using all tactics, from physical to psychological torture to get the necessary information. Then, after the interrogation was over, he left.
Arriving home and still in his uniform, Yuri heard gasps — gasps coming from you. Soon he felt his face burn and his heart race. Did you… no. He knew you didn’t have a boyfriend and that you weren’t talking to any other men.
“Mr. Briar—ah!”
That was the last straw.
With his hands on his face after hearing what you had said through the wire, Yuri felt his knees weaken. Damn, you had an effect on him.
Briar felt his manhood throb, it was painful as it practically ripped his black boxers. But what the hell. Why he couldn't control his primal instincts when it comes to you?
So, even dressed in the uniform that should represent love for the country, he caressed his throbbing intimacy, which pulsed with each breath he took.
Then, Yuri noticed the end of your graceful sounds. He felt so dirty, so disgusting and disgusting to hear you in such an intimate moment. But even so, your voice, your delicate voice, so vulnerable and precious calling him by his last name in the middle of such adorable sounds made him feel like the most despicable man on Earth.
When you got home, you felt your intimacy tingling. The way her panties were wet bothered her. God, since when did you become like this? You washed your face, trying, in some way, to purify your mind. What the hell were you thinking?
Your face was still hot, and your heart was beating so fast it felt like it would escape through your mouth. Your face felt hot—as did your body—but what the fuck? You were satisfying your carnal desires while thinking about the red-eyed diplomat, and worse, you did it on his desk.
You ran to bed and smothered your face in pillows, trying, somehow, to escape the tricks your mischievous mind played on you.
And then, your mind wandered, and you emerged into your thoughts.
You were sitting on the table, with your legs open and Yuri between them. You were kissing, tongues swirling and eyes rolling. Gasps, bites, lust, desire.
You break the kiss, saying, “Mr. Briar, if someone catches us—“
“Shh…” He whispers. “Do you know why I'm in the state security service, hm? I can do the dirty work and get rid of the evidence.” He says, then kissing you again. Yuri's hands traveled over his body. One hand supporting her delicate torso, and the other venturing through all the lines and curves there were.
Without realizing it, you start touching your thighs.
Yuri was strong, agile and determined. This made you even more in love with him, Briar had so many qualities that you could snort remembering. But not. Not at that moment, you can only focus on his hot tongue exploring the roof of your mouth, the hot air that came out of him touching your skin in the middle of kiss breaks and summaries. God, Yuri was so good, so good. The man with reddish eyes breaks the kiss again, this time saying something.
“You look so beautiful like this.” He says, taking his hand off your hip and placing it on his face. “With a flushed face, heavy breathing. Just succumbing to my touch.” He lets out a nasal laugh.
“Mr. Briar, I—“
“I’m not done talking yet.” He cuts him off, his hand, which was caressing his face, goes down to his inner thighs. “No man touched you, yeah?”
“Uhm.” You nod, visibly nervous.
“So perfect for me. So pure, so defenseless…” He licks his lips, and the once affection turns into strong squeezes on the inside of your thighs, leaving marks.
You decide to imitate him, squeezing your own thighs as you imagine Yuri's firm touch.
Then, his hand moves up, like a light glide, caressing your private area, which, honestly, pulsed and squeezed the air begging for touches.
“No man…” Briar said with a light laugh. “No man…” He reaches your most sensitive spot, rubbing it deliciously, making you moan.
It didn't take long for his hand to reach your needy part, you simulated Yuri's touch once again, closing your eyes to concentrate on the moment.
“So beautiful…” The red-eyed boy says, slowly inserting a finger into your hot, soaked entrance. Fuck! You were asking for this, you were begging for Yuri's fingers entering you.
Yuri's eyes, once radiating innocence and tenderness, now glowed deeply with pure lust.
It was late at night, Briar found herself in a delicate situation. He tried to fall asleep at any cost, but his mind was just a loop of his voice calling him.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, Yuri hears gooey noises coming from his ear. Hmm? What could it be now? He thought focusing on the sounds coming from the other end of the line.
“Ah—ah! There is!" He heard your sweet voice again, as the sticky noises grew louder. Yuri wanted to cover his face with so much shame, the event he had tried so hard to get out of his mind was now repeating itself in full force, longer and more intense.
How could you sound so lovely, precious and worthy of protection at a time like that?
Yuri felt his cock throb painfully for the second time that day, Briar snorted, he needed you. Then, he took his cock out of the boxers that covered it, pre-cum leaking from his tip. But what the hell? Was he really so needy because of some sounds?
I mean, Yuri had definitely touched himself thinking about you before—more times than he'd like to admit—but now he felt like an intruder. A dirty, perverted intruder. His mind was so full of dirty thoughts about you, so since you were relieving yourself, why wouldn't he do the same?
Briar moans softly as she squeezes his cock. Damn, you must be so perfect to be fucked. Yuri watches the veins on his member pop out and his glans redden, in pure excitement.
“Ha… fuck…” He moans and then says his name in a sly tone, calling for you.
“Mhmmm… Ah…” He hears you on the other side “Ah—ah! Yuri..!"
That was enough. For the first time, he had heard you say his first name. And still with that precious voice full of malice. That was enough, enough for Yuri to start masturbating like crazy, imagining pumping you with his cock.
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etheries1015 · 3 months
Dear writer whose writings I love,
HEYYO. IT'S ME AGAIN. (I sent the Lilia using u as a stress relief you ask heheheha!!)
SO LIKE IMAGINE THIS (unrequited love that is actually requited love!)
You're on a "date" with Lilia to the gardens. (You wish)
And then you get to the Gardina section of the flowers and show it to him, knowing fully of what it means. (You hope, yet also don't hope he gets what's you're trying to say)
[FUN FACT: Gardenias are elegant and fragrant flowers that have long been associated with love, romance, and admiration. They are often used to express a secret or hidden love, as their sweet scent and delicate petals can be seen as a symbol of devotion and affection that is not openly expressed. The gardenia’s white or pale yellow petals are said to represent the purity and sincerity of a love that is kept hidden, while the intoxicating fragrance symbolizes the passion and intensity of the feelings that are being concealed. Gardenias are also often associated with mystery and secrecy, making them the perfect flower to symbolize a love that is kept hidden from the rest of the world. They have been used in literature and poetry for centuries to represent the hidden desires and passions of characters who cannot express their feelings openly]
This can go SO. MANY. WAYS.
He doesn't know and does nothing. This ends up in you making a poem about Gardina flowers to him, and he does something after that, taking the hint. (Good ending! With proposal and stuff and hehe fluff!! I love fluff)
He knows and asks you directly. (PLS GIVE THIS A GOOD ENDING. IDK HOW TO CONTINUE)
My brain is now fried again. Please expand. I will request every time my brain power suddenly shoots up. Goodbye, and see you again next time.
Hello lovely! Yes yes, you actually revealed yourself to me after I answered that ask! Heuheu. No need to be anon! However, if that it what you prefer, I shall not convince you otherwise <3
ANYWAYS I have ALWAYS loved the notion of flowers having meanings and their beautiful poems that come in toe with their vibrant petals. It's truly a wonderful thing, I really wanna study them more. Fun fact! My favorite flower is a peony! I have a tattoo on my shoulder of a peony! ...in slue with an entire sleeve of random flowers, my tattoo artist just made up. Maybe the other arm I'll use for more structural floral... sorry for the tangent DHKFJSLDjf I love flowers. Thank you for this ask heuehueheue
Ahhhhhhh the idea of going out to a garden with Lilia...
I actually like to have this little headcannon that since Malleus is so interested in flowers and gardening, that perhaps he got that from Lilia. Flowers are our friends, after all! And what's better than making an entire garden of little friends to nourish? Along with creating a beautiful garden of roses, Malleus had delved deep into the world of floral poetry and representation.
You grab onto Lilias hand and pull him towards the back of ramshackle to show off the garden you and Malleus had placed together. Malleus was truly your wing man during this entire thing, he had vast knowledge about flowers and knew just the ones to plant In one large romantic gesture for the old fae. Malleus had landed you books and helped you study their different meanings, even taking time out of gargoyle studies club to dedicate gardening your surprise for Lilia.
"What has gotten you so eager, little bat?" Lilia chuckled, "Must truly be grand if you're so worked up like this!" You couldn't hide your excitement or giddiness as you headed towards the gate leading to the garden, a large black intricately designed gate in that perfectly suited the chicness of the dorm. Upon opening the gates, it revealed a large grandiose garden full of flowers of all sorts. Lilia's eyes widened as well as a toothy grin climbing onto his features, raising an impressed eyebrow.
"So this is what you and Malleus have been working so hard on?" He inquired, stepping forward and taking a look around, "I must say, it's rather an impressive feat! The sheer size is almost enough to rival Malleus's own rose garden back at the castle." You smiled brightly at him and skipped over to a particular patch you were proud of; Gardenias.
"These are Gardenias!" You pursed your lips as you bent over and grabbed something you had prepped before hand, taking hold of a neatly wrapped bouquet of gardenias and with a trembling hand pushing them in the arms of the fae. Lilia started slightly and took a gentle sniff of the flowers taking in their creamy sweet scent that reminded him of coconuts and peach. "They...they're for you!" You smiled.
"Oh they're lovely," Lilia said, "I presume you and Malleus are particularly proud of these ones! They bloomed wonderfully. I shall put them in my room!...oh, but I suppose they will need sunlight. Perhaps keeping them in Silvers care may be better..." You felt your heart drop and smile twitch ever so slightly. Pursing your lips you let out a dry nervous chuckle, tilting your head in awkwardness.
"I..Uh," You bit down your bottom lip, "Well, they were for you," You let out a breathy laugh.
"Of course! However I'm worried they may wilt in my care and you worked so hard! Hmm. Oh! I could put them in the lounge, so that everyone can see yours and Malleus's hard work!" You couldn't even bother to explain to him you were the one to nurture these flowers on your own upon Malleu's recommendation. He swore that Lilia would understand the meaning...it was common for fae folk to be knowledgeable on the world of flowers. Either Malleus Lied to you, which was unlikely, or Lilia was a part of the percentage that truly hadn't a clue.
You began to sweat bullets. Throughout this entire exchange, you weren't certain he understood your intentions. Or... was he purposefully deflecting the fact you had mainly meant this as a surprise for him? Was he thinking you were simply making excuses to hang out with Malleus? Or was he just that oblivious? It was rather distressing, for you already had an inkling that Lilia had not returned your feelings, and this only solidified your worries.
You began to wilt like a flower without water, your energy dying and your smiles becoming fake. You tried a few more times to hand him flowers, such as a singular rose (symbolizing love at first sight, a "one and only" in which the person you gift you give your heart to.) He insisted on taking a few more to decorate the lounge with.
This plan was failing terribly.
Finally, you let out a loud groan of frustration, pulling out a sheet of paper from your pocket with a burst of confidence and embarrassment. Your face took on a bright shade of red, pushing the letter into his chest. Lilia struggled to catch it with his hands full of flowers, eyes wide in bewilderment at this sudden display you put on. He stared in shock and confusion, unable to get a word out before you bolted out of the garden and to the dorm.
"Read that later!" You cried out.
"W-wait- what is-" He attempted to catch your attention, yet you were already out of view, leaving the fae utterly confused standing in the middle of the garden with arms full of flowers.
You threw yourself onto your bed and grasped your pillow, curling into a ball and groaning into it.
"eh? What's up with you?" Grim asked, "And what's this piece of paper?"
You sat up in a rush with wide eyes, staring at a piece of paper that you seemingly dropped from your person. You grabbed hold of it and took a look. It was the second page of the letter you had given Lilia... and undeniably the most important part. The first page detailed the history of flowers and how they have significance to them
the second page was the meanings of the flowers and why you chose them for the fae.
It was your confession.
You had forgotten to hand it to him in your flustered state.
You screamed into the pillow.
~ At Diasomnia ~
Lilia sat in the dorm lounge, reading over the page you had given him.
"Hmm...I knew flowers had meanings, but this letter seems unfinished. This is simply prefacing the history of flowers and that they hold meaning with a simple poem at the end, but the definitions they mentioned would be on the second page seem to be missing..." Lilia rubbed his head in confusion turning the paper around to find some sort of indication of continuation, Malleus walking in on the fae. Malleus flashed a mischievous smile.
"How did the visit to the garden go?" He inquired, "You seem confused rather than elated as I thought you would be..did something go ary?" He pointed out. Lilia shrugged and looked back at the tall draconic fae, tilting his head.
"I thought it was going well, (y/n) even handed me a bunch of flowers to bring back, along with this letter..." Lilia took a gander at the vase full of Gardenias and glanced back down at the letter in which stated every flower has a significant meaning.
"Malleus, could you tell me what Gardenias mean? I believe (y/n) meant to explain it to me, but the second half of this letter is missing." Malleus raised an eyebrow.
"I thought you would know?" Malleus furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing hold of the letter and skimming through its contents.
"Of course not. I like flowers of course, but I never took the time to truly study them as you did. I haven't a clue about definitions and things of the sort." The color seemed to drain from Malleus's face at realizing his mistake, before making his way to the gardenias and gently touching a petal from its bloom. He took a deep breath before giving a detailed explanation of their meaning: Passion, love romance, secrecy... Malleus explained the flower was to express a secret love that the prefect held for Lilia. Something that clearly went way over the old man's head.
Lilias's jaw was dropped to the ground, before quickly disappearing in a fog of green smoke.
He had to get the other half of that letter.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 2 months
I noticed that you don't get many reqs for Sally face sooooo... getting high w/ sal?
always feel free to ignore if you're uncomfortable with writing it!
Omg i love this prompt....
Credits to divider go to saradika-graphics! Go follow them and support their work
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Getting high with Sal
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Because you were coming over tonight, Sal wanted to try something extra special
It would just be the two of you, no dad, no Larry, no Lisa, no Gizmo
....well, maybe Gizmo
And he wants to see if you two share the same connection subconsciously that you do consciously
So he begs Larry for a joint, and Larry only gives it to him on the promise Sal tells him everything that happens
You were informed of the plan, of course
So as you take the ride up the elevator to Sal's apartment, you can't contain your excitement
Everyone else is spending the night at Lisa's apartment, so when you knock on the door, it is Sal who answers, sharing the same excitement you do
You see his eyes crinkle up in excitement as he hurriedly invites you in
The two of you sit on the couch, sharing a moment of awkward silence
"So...." You mutter
"Sooo..." He copies
"Do you think we should do it in here or in your room?" You ask, worried that you might get caught
Sal thinks for a moment, before looking over to his bedroom door "In there. Dad might come back for something and we'll at least have a chance to look innocent there"
You nod and take his hand, heading over to his bedroom together
Once you get in, he begins setting up a movie for you two to watch
You flop onto his bed, breathing in the scent left on his blankets
"What'chu sniffing my bed for? Weirdo." He teases
You flip him off in response, before sitting up and grabbing the joint off his nightstand and lighting it
You take an experimental hit, coughing at the burning in your throat
Sal laughs and takes it from you, taking a hit under his prosthetic
The smoke comes out through the eye holes, making his eyes water
It is now your turn to laugh, you lean back and tilt your head "Do you wanna take it off?"
He goes quiet for a second, then shakes his head "It's fine, I'll manage"
The rest of the night is spent taking turns with the joint, and eventually it is snuffed out and tossed to the side
You are both thoroughly zonked now, Sal is laying on your chest and you have an arm around him, drawing shapes onto his back
If you are the talkative type, Sal will listen to all you have to say quietly
And if you get quiet like him, you will sit in comfortable silence, occasionally getting up to go get snacks
Well, most of the time he's quiet
Sometimes he'll shoot up, making you look at him worriedly before mumbling something about how gravity almost took him
And you will be there to drag him back down to your chest and kiss his head, telling him that you'll protect him from gravity <3
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twisted-lover-boys · 8 months
With a Xiao-like reader
{not proof-read}
This one was a dm I got at, like, the beginning of October so this one is well over done for
Also, to the person that requested this, I’m so sorry it took sooo long. You sent it when I was in a slump in my writing and I didn’t wanna delete it because then I would’ve felt bad
I really hope you enjoy this!
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Malleus could tell by looking at you that you were deeper than you let on…metaphorically, of course. He could feel a deep sadness from you but he could also feel a life time from you. How strange
His curiosity of you never left him, even when he saw you up in a tree in the courtyard seemingly admiring the soft breeze that day
He doesn’t know why, but his first instinct was to call out to you. He didn’t even know your name, and yet you responded to him
You were surprised that someone had actually tried to talk to you, considering he was probably the first ever since you got here. Well, you might at well talk to him, since he went out of his way…
Malleus ended up enjoying your conversation a lot, even if you only started off with short answers. He learned of what you were; a yaksha. He’s never heard of such a species before. He also learned of your magic, or vision as you call it and how it was given to you and of your “father”
He didn’t recognize how late it had gotten when it was time for the next class exchange. You bid your farewells to the fae before disappearing into the wind. As he sat on that tree branch, thinking back to your conversation, he didn’t miss the way his heart skipped a beat at the thought of you
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Lilia has been alive for many, many years and has met and seen many thing. And yet you were someone new. You had a sad aura around you but how you held yourself showed pride and strength which he hasn’t seen in a while
He tried his best to learn more about you without upsetting you or pushing you away. So imagine his luck when you were just sitting in a tree in the courtyard
He immigrated flew up to the tree and surprised you with his usual antics. Well, even if he didn’t know your name yet, you had no choice but to respond to him considering he was right in front of you
Of course you were spooked when someone you barely knew suddenly popped up next to you. How in the world did you not notice him? Well, he made an effort to get your attention so maybe you should just talk to him…
Lilia loved seeing you go from short hand answers to actually conversing to him the longer you both talked. He learned many things about you. That fact that you were a yaksha and have lived a long life, your vision and what it meant to you, and even learned of your father figure who’s cared for you for many years
He hadn’t realized how long you’ve been talking for until he heard the bell for class changes. As you bid him farewell and disappeared in the wind, Lilia thought back to your conversation and how he couldn’t repress his red face or beating heart. Maybe he wasn’t too old to have crushes
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ficswjackson · 2 months
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favourite : severus snape fics 🦇
this will be a growing post where I will add more over time, you may see fics from here featuring on my favourite fics of list as well.
severus being ill by @frequent-apple
request | severus x oc severus is ill and y/n helps him, by looking after him.
[ nsfw ] come on time by @marvel-snape-writes
2.5k words | severus x oc. smut in the potions closest.
hair by @himegureisu
request | severus x reader severus snape and braids.
paternal figure by @seriouslysnape
5.6k words | severus x fem!reader severus and y/n are expecting,a. fic that goes through the nine months of pregnancy + how they live with it.
[ nsfw ] 'potion accident' by @frequent-apple
request | severus x oc potion accident, resulting in smut.
questions and answers by @himegureisu
request | severus x reader y/n and severus are marking exams, when y/n realises something about the way severus sets out his exams.
[ nsfw ] looking after severus by @frequent-apple
request | severus x oc femdom!reader y/n takes care of severus in the potions room.
you by @himegureisu
severus x fem!reader y/n's husband, severus, finally introduces you to his colleagues.
[ nsfw ] parchment by @frequent-apple
smut, straight up smut.
scarves and hats by @himegureisu
one shot ! severus x fem!reader y/n sends severus a scarf with their initials on as an apology.
[ nsfw ] dead man running by @seriiousgiirl
14k words | deatheater!severus x auror!reader y/n is consumed by hatred for your childhood friend and the person they love, severus and as events unfold unsettling truths come to the surface.
the yule ball (part 2) by @himegureisu
part 2 | severus x reader the yule ball is about to happen, and you arrive in the nick of time.
the cause of your happiness by @himegureisu
request | severus x dada!professor y/n is a professor and they always argue over the little things.
a momentary lapse in judgement by @himegureisu
request | severus x reader - y/n makes severus a plush of a cat.
joyful nightmares by @snowyslytherinowl
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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🌛🌼🌜Add Yourself to my Taglist Here🌛🌼🌜
Multi Chapter
🌛🌸🌜 Trouble 🌛🌸🌜
Shelby Sister! Modern balletcore au
🌛🌸🌜trouble AU🌛🌸🌜
Snow On the Beach ft Heaven Lavey/Shelby
Love In A Haunted House Part ll
🌿 To date them
🌾 To tell them you’re pregnant
🐿️ To be shy around them
🐻 To be married to them
🍀 To be comforted by them when a pet dies
🌼 To be their nurse and cheerleader
🥀 To be an actress they fall in love with
🦦 To be cared for by them when you’re drunk
🦔 To be bold and answer them back
🦊 To be a mafia princess they fall in love with
🌸 To be protected by them when your ex returns
🍂 To be cared for by them when you’re wounded
☘️ To try to leave them (dark!) (yandere)
🐿️ To give/ receive head 
🦊You’re the secret enemy and they find out you’ve been using them
🍀To be emotionally distant and have chip away at you
🐻 Modern AU / to beat them at monopoly
🌼 When their enemy threatens you
🕊️ To Make Them Broody At Christmas
☘️ You get Kidnapped
❤️ Dancing with the Peaky Boys
🔪 You thought they were going to die
🕊️ You give them an Ugly Sweater (Christmas!)
🔪 NSFW Their Usually Shy Lover Fucks Like a Porn Star
🍒 You have a fear of blood
🍂 Reader who mis-speaks/ gets the wrong vibe in conversations (how they support you)
🐻 Reader has abandonment issues
🐰 When you tease them all day they... (nsfw)
🦇 With Spooky/Gothic reader
🌙 When they get jealous
🕊️ Reader has a terminal illness
❤️ Coming out to them
🍎They take care of you when you're sick
💔 They comfort you after a break up (wattpad link for now as the post is lost in Tumblr void)
🔪 You die in their arms
🐀 Selective mute reader
🐻 Modern AU! Animal Crossing
🥃 How they respond when your drink is spiked
🦢 With a lover who sings
🦊 How they cuddle + you're on your period
🍒 NSFW (The Girls)
🍀 Arranged Marriage (they find out you have a child)
🌛 You leave your underwear in their office NSFW
🔪 You have a nightmare
🥀 You cry when people shout at you
🐻 What they're like as dads
🔪 dark! How they deal with your childhood best friend
🥧 you're a baker always bringing them treats
🌼 You're just really excited to see them
🐻 Christmas Eve
🥀 Christmas Day
Tommy Shelby
🌿 The Waves
You were a nurse in the war, now you’re a Shelby secretary (ptsd, dissociation, hurt/comfort)
🌿 NSFW Alphabet
🌿 Too Close Too Heaven
After watching John die you fled the family but now he's found you Tommy wants to help. (PTSD, grief, character death, hurt/comfort)
Alfie Solomons
🐻 NSFW Alphabet
🐻 Cuddle Fucking (plotless smut)
🐻 All Things Must Pass
Alfie comforts reader through a ptsd episode
🐻 Afraid of Everyone
You get attacked and Alfie comes to your rescue, cuddles you whilst you have a big cry
Arthur Shelby
🍂 Fear of Thunder 
Neither of you like the storm outside (hurt/comfort)
🍂 NSFW Alphabet
🍂 A Walk With His Daughter
🍂 Snowman
John Shelby
🌼 (requests open)
Bonnie Gold
🍀 Center of Gravity, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Bonnie finds out you can’t swim.
🍀NSFW alphabet
🍀NSFW headcannons
🍀Sleep The Clock Around
Bonnie helps you get some desperately needed rest
🍀Cinnamon girl
Hurt/Comfort, you and Bonnie have been kissing in secret for too long.
🍀 Angels
Fluffy nsfw if that makes sense? Cosy bath after one of Bonnie's fights.
🍀 Stormy Weather
nsfw inspired by that one horny bonnie anon <3
Isaiah Jesus
🐀 (requests open)
Michael Gray
☘️ nsfw alphabet
Ada Shelby
🦔 Bout des doigts
Smut but cosy
Aberama Gold
🦦 Blackberries
Age gap! Angst?
Random Wee Bits
☘️ Who has a secret sub side 🦔 Who Factory Reset Fucks ☘️ aftercare talk Alfie, Bonnie idk?
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