#''immortal they say
just some idle thoughts.
what is there to do anymore? why should i keep fighting? every day i wake up and find a new monstrocity that just lets me know how much the state despises me and how unsafe it is for me to even fucking exist anymore.
what is there to do?
it doesnt feel like anything is working. everything is so overwhelming and nothing feels like its changing. people are too divided to do fucking anything anymore. fascism is here. it is now. and there wont be anyone to save us from it.
im terrified about facing extermination. im terrified about i and my friends facing extermination.
im so so tired of having all this anger, all this rage, all of this want to change and being nothing but useless. i have no license, no means of income, i live in an isolated area and im riding that sweet sweet poverty line hard. i cant go out and organize because there arent people around. even if there were, gas is now stupidly fucking expensive and we're about to hit a depression-era recession.
everywhere, down the long winding roads here, i see signs from people who want me dead. i hear their conversations with my family. the slurs, the hatred.
what is there to do anymore?
i have so much anger. so much frustration, so much fucking rage and its so fucking useless.
what is there to fight for? wouldnt it be easier to just let it all happen? cause it sure feels like its going to, no matter what.
but i cant. i know i cant. i have to be angry, i have to fight, i have to. i cant surrender to it. but man is it tough.
i just dont know anymore. collective action is the only way to combat this, but its hard when you're the only one in your area and you have no way of collectivizing because you dont have some of the base requirements of being an adult marked off yet.
goodbye, civil liberties. goodbye, right to exist. i wish i knew about my identity five years prior. maybe id be a little safer, and maybe i couldve already started my journey. maybe not.
i'll find solace in my music as always. im just tired and afraid. i know thats what those who are in power and want to eradicate my existence want. and im very sorry to say that there, they've won.
Seeds we sow, But don't know what we grow. Make or mar, Sear flowers on this field of blood. Hope we seed, We water and we wait in need. With Heaven's call, Unavoidably buying the fall!
Now there's one sun and there is one moon, dear, And whichever god's the one for you. Just remember that the one you choose here, Makes enemies no matter who.
Oh well love is here and so is hate, But mainly death is what dictates. Love is endless, immortal they say, So might be true! Fair enough, but be that as it may, Death is just a kiss away. Death is just, A kiss, Away...
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 245
Now Danny would openly admit, if only to himself, that he had a type when it came to relationships. If they were strong, if they were a threat to him, then chances were he would develop some sort of crush. It was how he had dated Sam and Valerie (And Johnny & Kitty) when he was a bit younger, and hell, Sam had technically succeeded in killing him, even if partly. 
Attraction towards smart people who could kill him was honestly par for the course for a Fenton or Nightingale anyway. 
And he’d also admit he enjoyed a bit of time travel, learning about times and culture long before his time, to the point that he could blend in in ancient times just as easily as the time he had been born in. That it was natural to mutter in a language lost to time. 
So color him surprise when another man perks up in the bar he had paused to get a drink in, vibrant green eyes gleaming in interest and responds in turn. And not just in the language, but able to keep up when he talks about things that once existed but haven’t been rediscovered yet. 
And one thing led to the other, and there might have been some assassins and some shenanigans that end with them both laughing together in an inn and then more and- Okay he has a type alright, and he’s ticking each box! How is that fair? 
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ghostbsuter · 8 months
Honestly, when bart came back to the past for his mission, he didn't expect to see one of his friends he left behind.
So excuse him for standing still and gaping like an idiot at the clearly looking teenager on his phone.
At the call, the stranger– his bestie— looked up.
It is his friend.
The same black haired, too blue eyed teen with baby fat clinging to his cheeks, the same way his hair appears white and eyes green when unfocused and not paying attention.
Holy shit.
"How are you in the 21st century?!?!"
The boy merely blinks, looks down on his phone, and then looks up again.
"I should be asking you that! How are you here??"
"Timetravel duh! What's your excuse?!"
"I'm immortal???"
(It's similar to the spiderman meme, truly.)
(Bart is slightly glad none of his teammates or mentor or family members are here.)
It became somewhat of a game for them.
Everytime the speedster appeared in a different year, hell even universe for the kicks, the first thing he does is search for Danny.
(The teen is there, each time.)
And every time he succeeded, Danny helps him with the problem, or slightly nudges him to the path really.
(Each time bart worries less for the time stream and disturbances, his friend seems to be outside of it to truly bring harm.)
(And if he meets Clockwork along the way, that's a secret between them. And the part where he gets hired for the similar stuff danny gets sent to the past.)
(For them it's a casual Wednesday. So what if they just saved an entire planet? Its nothing big!)
Bart should have thought more over the decision to help the literal being of time itself.
Considering he is currently seated on a chair, Barry, Wally and dozen of other heroes (including his team standing behind him in an effort to show their support.) With demands of an explanation.
Damn it danny, why did you let those in the 13th century paint a portrait of them!!!
And the apparent ancient Egyptian art of them too?? In a museum??
What the hell danny!!! Way to throw him under the bus!!
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willgrahamscock · 5 months
Reblog to donate 1 year of your life to Wisp
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seilon · 1 year
greedling is such a fucking funny combo of characters. like. greed is a pathetic little meow meow trying really hard to look like a cool dude who knows what he’s doing. and ling is a cool dude who knows what he’s doing pretending to be a pathetic little meow meow and they’re both in the body of a fifteen year old
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theatrevampire · 11 months
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lmao sorry if i was an old man dying from parkinson's with a lot of regrets in my life and the vampire i met in my 20s called me up 50 years after an interview where he attacked me and was like "can we try again?" and then i got to his billionaire dubai penthouse and sat down and THIS was what he said to me it would have been fucking van helsing ON THE SPOT like why don't we take a walk outside in the sunlight you shady ass queen
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gaiussleechtank · 7 months
I feel like as a fandom we don't talk enough about the Fisher King. No, I don't mean the actual episode - that is an entire other post in itself. I mean the actual Fisher King.
How Merlin meets an ancient being that was well cared for and loved, who has lived for centuries to the point that his actual name has been forgotten and all that is left of him is a desolate land and crumbling castle.
And that the King that Merlin meets doesn't ask for greeting or hospitality, but instead death.
Isn't it such a coincidence that a powerful person has stayed waiting for the time of the Once and Future King? Left, forgotten, aged, exhausted and begging for an end?
The Fisher King isn't a foreshadowing for Arthur's failed destiny, but Merlin's eternal doom.
The Fisher King is Merlin's later parallel.
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hotcinnamonsunset · 6 months
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x files socks ft my favorite bit of frequent dialogue because the below screenshot simply would’ve been too long👽
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annapoofle · 8 months
Telling someone to skip eccleston straight to tennant is like telling someone to just eat the icing and not even bother with the cake. Kindergarten levels of hubris and foolishness
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swordsonnet · 1 year
Hallo mein Name ist Ebenholz Dunkel'heit Demenz Raben Weg und ich habe langes ebenholz-schwarzes Haar (so habe ich meinen Namen gekriegt) mit lila Strähnen und roten Spitzen das bis zur Mitte meines Rückens geht und eisblaue Augen wie durchsichtige Tränen und viele Leute sagen mir, dass ich wie Alma Unterwindseite aussehe (A. d. A.: wenn du nich weist wer sie ist dann verpiss dich von hier!). Ich bin nicht mit Gerhard Weg verwandt, aber ich wünschte ich wäre es, weil er ein verdammt heißer Feger ist. Ich bin ein Vampir, aber meine Zähne sind gerade und weiß. Ich habe blasse weiße Haut. Ich bin auch eine Hexe, und ich gehe auf eine Zauberschule namens Schweinwarzen in England, wo ich in der siebten Jahrgangsstufe bin (ich bin siebzehn). Ich bin ein Grufti (falls das euch nicht klar war) und ich trage vor allem schwarz. Ich liebe Heißes Thema und kaufe dort alle meine Klamotten. Heute zum Beispiel trug ich ein schwarzes Korsett mit passender Spitze drum herum und einen schwarzen Leder-Minirock, rosa Netzstrümpfe und schwarze Springerstiefel. Ich trug schwarzen Lippenstift, weiße Grundierung, schwarzen Augenkonturenstift und roten Lidschatten. Ich ging aus Schweinwarzen raus. Es schneite und regnete, also war keine Sonne da, worüber ich sehr glücklich war. Viele Popper starrten mich an. Ich zeigte ihnen den Stinkefinger.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny Fenton is a Gotham Police Officer
Danny is just a random Street Cop in Gotham, but he has a good relationship with everybody else, even the corrupt ones. He decides to not use his powers on the job, since the Anti-Ecto Acts are still in the process of being repealed and Gotham has a pretty harsh attitude towards Metas (and he does count as a meta, a meta is classified as a sentient being with powers. It is not exclusive to people with Meta-Genes)
One day, while Danny is on duty he stumbles upon a battle between the Bats and a gang. They were caught while investigating a lead and were outgunned, but they can’t leave without the evidence or the entire case will be ruined.
Danny saw that one of them was about to get hit as they run to get the briefcase holding the evidence, so he pushes them out of the way and takes a shot to the head.
All of his cop buddies are sad, and Commissioner Gordon is sad that he lost one of his non-corrupted cops
Danny’s body is taken to the Morgue and the Bats go to pay their respects and thank him for saving one of their own.
Just as Batman is giving Commissioner Gordon a big speech about how they will make sure his sacrifice wasn’t in vain, and how he was one of the good ones, Danny’s immortality kicks in and he just sits up on the Examination Table.
He says, “Hey Boss”. Everybody turns around and sees him sitting up, “What’s everybody staring at me for?”
He just tells them that he was in a lab accident as a kid that turned him immortal, and he hid it because of Gotham’s attitude towards Meta-Humans.
And from then on he is just, “Danny the Immortal Cop”, just a swell guy who just so happens to have a problem with dying.
He also stops hiding it so much, he rushes into burning buildings, he acts as a distraction during shootouts, he gives up his Gas Mask to his fellow officer when there’s a Scarecrow/Joker attack, and generally he is the guy you call when you need help in a dangerous situation.
Not to mention he’s a darn good Cop.
And that’s just the stuff that comes from the initial immortality reveal, what about what comes next? Do Villains try to buy him out? Do they try to test his immortality? Are they determined to get rid of this guy no matter what, because he isn’t somebody you can just make go away?
Part 2
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onelungmcclung · 29 days
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- Should I sing? - No.
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oceanatydes · 6 months
you mean to tell me, gale dekarios, the man who wove stars into the sky to tell you he loved you, who literally made love with you in the astral plane, just says "i suppose i am" at the epilogue if you ask him if he's proposing to you? he doesn't even actually ask you? gale, the most romantic, loving, fervently devoted lover of the bg3 characters?
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baeshijima · 22 days
mmm thoughts of private executioner!blade, who is high priestess!kafka's bodyguard. well, more like her guard dog, as many fearfully seem to think.
he is aloof and gruff and rough around the edges, his name capturing it perfectly. when in the eyes of the public he either keeps to himself or stands ready by kafka's side, but when out he lurks in the shadows ready and waiting to carry out her death orders.
you, yourself, haven't had very many pleasant encounters with him... if you can even call them that. that being said, you haven't had many pleasant encounters with anyone. notorious for your... less than pleasant disposition, for a lack of better words, you have more people who'd rather see you run through than those you can call a friend.
in a dog-eat-dog world, you had no choice but to protect yourself. that, however, ultimately became your demise.
"oh? so you're the one sent to kill me. can't say i'm all that surprised."
standing before you is the feared executioner. his sword is tucked inside the sheath attached to his hip, that ever-present dark swirl of an aura stifling the air. he doesn't say anything, instead opting to silently stare down at your slumped and worn-out form. you find that his gaze doesn't bother you; rather, it's oddly comforting knowing someone will see you in your last moments.
"i've never asked you for a favour before, so this will be my first and last request for you." in all honesty, you're not sure where this chattiness stems from. considering you're currently in a holding cell under the crime of attempted murder towards kafka (a poisoned wine you were most definitely framed for, though you can't say you were surprised) and are awaiting for your turn to be under the guillotine for your public execution, you probably should be a little desperate towards the private executioner in front of you.
and yet, your mind is nothing if not peaceful.
with a huff, you relay your request, "can you make sure it's quick? painless, preferably, but i'd rather you just get it over and done with."
silence blankets the cold chambers. moisture accumulated along the cobble ceiling drip in a steady rhythm, like a clock ticking away the seconds. it's unnerving, almost, how there is not a single sound other than your impending countdown.
"why?" comes his low mutter, effectively causing a ripple within the stagnant air. you almost think you misheard him, but his following words cease the thought, "why won't you ask me for help?"
had it not been for the abrupt shuffle and clanging against the metal bars, you would have never looked up to see him in your last moments.
his scarred hands gripping the metal until his knuckles turn a ghastly white and blood dripping from his palms is what greets your sight. as your gaze slowly trails up, you almost let loose a laugh of disbelief; who would have thought blade, the infamous guard dog of the high priestess, could make such a desperate expression? one looking as though his whole world crumbled before him, in which he can do nothing but sit and watch.
(you will never know of the anger and desperation which coursed through his veins the moment he heard of your predicament. had it been anyone else, he wouldn't have cared. but you're not anyone else; you're you — unapologetically, wholeheartedly. it didn't take him long to hunt down those behind it, cutting them down without thought and putting an end to their miserable lives. he rushed as soon as he could when kafka gave him the order, no thoughts other than you, you, you, occupying his mind.
you will never know of the anguish which overcame him when he found you in such a state, your once healthy complexion and defiant gaze reduced to nothing but a tiredness which had always sat quietly behind your disposition. he's almost positive the muscle which unwillingly keeps him alive tore at the seems from your request, the acceptance in which you displayed causing his mind to go astray. even as he damn-near begs you to rely on him for help — to run away with him to some place no one knows of you and start anew there — you merely smile, resigned and peaceful.
you will never know of how much blade is willing to put on the line for you, for you never made it to see the complete and utter carnage he wrecked in your name.)
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deconstructthesoup · 15 days
Every single Bad Kids parent polycue combination is so fucking priceless to me. Like---
Sklonda and Gorthalax? They probably dated for a bit, jury's out on whether or not they're still together, but yeah, it sorta makes sense. Jawbone and Sandralynn? Hell yeah, makes perfect sense, two people who are both messy in their own ways but manage to balance each other out. Hallariel and Gilear? Makes zero sense at first glance but the more you think about it the more you realize that, yeah, they do kinda work.
And then we throw Garthy into the mix, who almost certainly had a fling with Bill before Bill met Hallariel, and we find out that they've not only hooked up with Sandralynn but also Jawbone. And then we get confirmation from Brennan that Sklonda and Sandralynn have hooked up (that's where Sandralynn got the Kalina virus from)! And then we get canon confirmation that the Thistlesprings, who are pretty much a package deal, are swingers, opening up the possibility to the fact that they may or may not have swung with Jawbone! Maybe even Sandralynn! And maybe even Roz and Gorbag (depending on whether or not they actually met those two when they first had Gorgug, but it's a possibility)!
And it doesn't even stop there! Because guess what, Bill and Pok are in contact across afterlives! They have monthly check-ins! Who knows what those check-ins entail! They could very well be in a long-distance relationship!
Literally the only Bad Parents who aren't involved in the parental polycue are the Applebees and the Abernants and that's because the Applebees are a Conservative Helioic Suburban Couple and the Abernants are a Stuffy Elitist Elven Couple. They're different flavors of awful but I'm willing to bet that their views on sexuality are both pretty outdated.
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skunkes · 2 months
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