#(I would say D tier is the stuff I don't really care-for/want to write...)
red-hemlock · 2 months
Fan Fiction/RP Tropes tier list
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Tagged by: @cxpperhead
Tagging: (Anyone who wants to do thiiiis @-tag me. <3)
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prince-liest · 3 months
Omg, I just wanted to say I ADORE your characterization of Al and Vox! I don't even have the words to express how much I love reading your stuff, especially the Anon responses you post on here. The behind the scenes thoughts are literally my food, lifesource, its so good when people not only write characters IN CHARACTER, but also include stuff about their analysis/understanding of the character too.. I'm literally obsessed with breaking down characters and yk, cracking their chrome domes open to see how they work (which admittedly, I am not the best at <_< but I love reading them). Just wanted to say how much I love your writing. I had maybe 2 questions, please don't feel pressured to answer them :>
What in your mind (in reference to the 66.6 fics) would motivate Alastor to let Val get close to him in the first place? Or was that more you picking these two characters up by the scruff of their necks and plopping them into a hypothetical scenario to explore their character and write some fun intimate thingsTM?
What do you think of the dynamic of Vox and Al vs something like Lucifer and Al? Personally I've noticed that something Alastor craves, behind the mask of his static smiling persona, is attention. He's (at least how I saw it) usually peeved when people don't care about his absence, and seems especially bothered by the King of Hell refusing to really acknowledge him, so he goes out of his way to push Lucifers buttons (like calling himself a father figure to Charlie, IN FRONT OF HER ACTUAL FATHER LOL) whereas with Vox, Vox is literally CONSTANTLY thinking about Alastor. Man literally interrupted his regular TV program to do a segment about how much he totally didn't at ALL care about Alastors dissapearance or the fact that he returned (suree buddy). So Alastor can have more fun with him and annoy him by ignoring and messing with him on purpose.
ty if you do respond to this, sorry if it was hard to understand, sometimes I forget how to put the thoughts in my brain into coherent words!
Ahhhh, thank you very much, anon! I'm especially happy that you're enjoying my commentary on Tumblr, haha - I spent a while on Twitter because that's where all the fandom zines I was in were being hosted, but nothing beats Tumblr for giving me a nigh-unlimited word count and a captive audience for my rambling! >:D <3 I'm back to cocooning myself on the OG hell site.
Thank you for this ask, it really brightened my day! :D
As for your questions:
1. I'm assuming that was a typo and that you mean Vox (but in case you did mean Val: that was just a funny accident of him walking by the room! Alastor wasn't paying enough attention until it was too late), and to that I say:
I think Alastor allows Vox to take a go at him in canon because he finds Vox's obsession with him to be entertaining, but also because Alastor is kind of a narcissist and that same obsession massively feeds his ego, especially in a political climate that otherwise forgot about Alastor. Vox's whole "Who gives a shit about Alastor coming back?! Haha, now let me have a public meltdown and short out power to the whole city about it! Oh, fuck, why is he back, though?? Can we send a spy in to find out??" is exactly the reaction that Alastor wants every time he mentions his mysterious absence and gets brushed off.
At the same time, Alastor doesn't seem to register Vox as a sincere and genuine threat. He's a big enough fish in the Pride Ring pond that his obsession with Alastor is gratifying, but Alastor's self-absorption also doesn't really allow him to treat Vox as a threat tier above "annoying in a funny way, and also television is stupid." (Perhaps this will change in season 2... :eyes: (or perhaps Alastor will get Even Worse) (please god let him get even worse))
So those two things in combination make Vox the perfect candidate for Alastor to experiment with while maintaining his ego and not feeling particularly threatened. Despite Vox's Safeword 101 talk, Alastor would never put stock into that system with Vox unless he was certain that he himself would be able to back up a 'no' with overwhelming force. Him even considering safewords in the Live On Air! series is less for his own sake and more a politesse he offers on Vox's request to warn Vox to slow the fuck down before Alastor tries to put his insides on the outside.
2. And in direct contrast, we have Lucifer...
... Who Alastor obviously actually cares quite a bit about, because he's a whole nother power tier from both Vox and Alastor, and furthermore and possibly even more importantly, a credible threat to Alastor's relationships and standing in the hotel. I think a lot of discussion I see about Alastor prodding Lucifer seems to talk about how quickly he got annoyed about Lucifer's comments, but that misses the fact that he was pissed off before Lucifer even showed up. He got pissy the moment he saw the welcome sign, actually! And I wager that he was narratively absent for the scene where Charlie actually calls Lucifer because he would have done his best to manipulate her out of doing so had be been there.
And given that the two clearly haven't met before (though obviously Alastor knows of Lucifer - and hates that the inverse isn't true, hah), it's not 100% clear exactly why he's immediately so annoyed, but in my personal view of things and barring something like "he's projecting onto Lucifer because his contract is with Lilith," I think that what we know of Alastor's personality points most strongly to "he liked being the hotel's benefactor and sees it as His Project, and doesn't like the idea that Charlie called daddy for something that she thought mysterious, powerful Alastor couldn't handle." He distracts a lot with obviously-goading comments about practically being Charlie's dad in his duet with Lucifer, but underneath that he puts a lot of emphasis on the work he's done for the hotel and the fact that he's been supporting Charlie and the hotel from the start, so why the fuck is this deadbeat asshole suddenly turning up?!
Tl;dr: Charlie missed her insight roll on Alastor's personal investments and he's sooooo offended - and taking it out on Lucifer!
I think one of my favorite things about both Lucifer and Alastor is that they both sooo obviously belong in the Pride Ring, hahaha.
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nerd-of-karasuno · 10 months
Could you do dating headcannons with tuskishima??
im so sorry these took so long!! I lost a lot of motivation for writing as some not so wonderful stuff happen irl for me. Hope y'all are doing well tho and thanks for following even tho I was inactive on here 🫶
Word Count: 1.2k
We all know he is so soft for you
even right when he first mets you
no one can deny this :D
But it's hard to read Tsukki during your first conversation with him.
Yamaguchi notices that you like each other first of course
Well, he knew you liked Tsukki, but it took him longer to figure out if Tsukki liked you back.
Tsukki was in denial about his feelings for you for a very long time.
He hates opening up to anyone.
Tsukishima was definitely hesitant about letting you meet his family, especially his brother
But they all had a feeling he had found someone who was very special to him
Yamaguchi pushes Tsukki to you quite a bit. He knows that you're good for each other.
However Yamaguchi will never tell you about Tsukki's crush for him. He refuses to do that although it's tempting occasionally
he really wants Tsukki to tell you himself on his own terms, but that doesn't mean he won't bug Tsukishima
i feel like Tsukishima's confession is so casual tho.
like he figures out that you like him back due to the way he notices that you act around him
He gets a little fed up that you're acting odd around him (if you happen to)
He's not mad at you at all. He just wants you to be normal around him and be your usual self.
So Tsukki walks up to you one day before school starts and says he likes you kinda bluntly
If you take too long to respond because of the abruptness of his confession, he'll go and head on to class
he might even smirk at you a little at you, knowing he's got you to freeze up as he walks away into the room where his first class is
and before you could even reply, the starting bell for classes go off.
then at lunch Tsukki asks if you want to go out to lunch during the upcoming weekend
well it's more like he says that you're going to lunch with him
but he does ask if you're free 👍
One thing I feel like Tsukki does quite a lot is write you little notes after you start dating
don't worry he does actually ask you to be his partner during your first date
Sometimes the notes serve as reminders to do a certain homework assignment or study or drink water and other times they're notes that say something subtlety romantic
You never see Tsukki place these notes in your bag, desk, and room but he always finds a way
One time you found one even on your notes app on your phone.
No one had any clue how that one ended up there
There aren't an absurd number of these notes, so they are always meaningful.
Often they appear when you're going through a rough time even if you haven't told Tsukki about whatever is going on yet.
Tsukishima takes an interest in your hobbies although he pretends that he doesn't.
He likes watching you do your hobbies, like if you draw, he admires you while you do so, denying at any chance you try to get him to admit to it
Then he'll drop a sly compliment at a random and unexpected time.
something really cute for you to do would be to get small matching dinosaur keychains
Tsukki would probably brush you off a little bit when you give it to him
but please note that he softens up a little bit when he first sees it, handles it with care, and that the next day it's on his school bag.
the actual dinosaur inside his bag but still
Tsukishima finds the gift super sweet
Tsukki's whole family adores you. It was Yamaguchi who accidently tells them with a little 'Sorry Tsukki!' followed afterwards
Tsukki's big brother loves hanging out with you and telling you stories about your boyfriend when he was younger.
He has top tier kid Tsukishima stories and Mrs. Tsukishima provides excellent baby photos
All much to Tsukki's embarrassment.
He's quite happy if he gets the same treatment at your house when he meets your parents and is told similar types of stories and is shown baby photos of you.
He teases you so much for it.
He teases you a lot actually.
Tsukki's teasing actually depends on how much you can handle.
He didn't pay attention to how he teases you in the beginning of your romantic relationship and soon regretted it if you reacted negatively to it.
Tsukishima toned it down after that.
No one else gets that same treatment tho
And boy are some of the boys on Tsukishima's volleyball team envious of you
Speaking of...
Tsukishima has never had any intention of you meeting his team besides Yamaguchi.
He tells you that he plays for Karasuno and that's about it if you ask him.
If you push, he says that he's a middle blocker.
Yamaguchi gets you the good information tho and even tells you the times the team practices if you ever wanna watch
Because both you and Yamaguchi know that Tsukki doesn't really mind you watching him practice
He just doesn't want you to meet the rest of his team.
What Yamaguchi fails to tell you though is what the rest of the Karasuno volleyball team is like.
Everyone on the team notices that someone is watching them practice pretty quickly as that doesn't happen too often.
So of course you get introduced to the team.
Yamaguchi insists that Tsukishima is the one who introduces you officially.
So Tsukki simply says your name and that you're his partner.
✨ then the chaos ensues ✨
Daichi is impressed and Suga is so happy that one of his children found a partner
Tanaka and Nishinoya are shocked and jealous. They probably will try and mess with Tsukki by trying to take you away from him jokingly.
Kageyama and Hinata is like why Tsukki out of all people.
That's all before Coach Ukai gets them all to refocus
Takeda offers you to sit by him and Kiyoko.
So congrats you are accepted by the Karasuno High School Boys Volleyball team.
Tsukishima gets nervous if you come to an actual game
He loves hearing you cheer in the crowd for him
Just don't say anything embarrassing or he will turn and glare at you or straight up ignore you.
When Karasuno wins the first time you're at a game, Tsukki hugs you in public, surprising you greatly.
He hates public affection a lot but he will hug you full on or give you a side hug after winning
One thing Tsukki doesn't mind to much is if you run to him and hug his torso.
He finds it a little endearing but it still isn't enough for him to hug you back.
If you're around friends, he'll maybe put a hand one of your shoulders.
If you're with someone like Yamaguchi, Tsukki will actually pat your head and rest his hand on the top of your head
That reminds me, Tsukishima definitely leans on you if you're alone and you're shorter than him, even if it's a small height difference, he does it to mess with you.
All in all, Tsukishima's a good boyfriend who really cares for you and really loves you. You just have to see past the tough walls he's placed up.
hope you liked these! I found this request to be probably the hardest of all headcannons I've done (which is a lot) so I hope that I wrote Tsukki well.
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Hi! I adore your analyses.
If it isn't too much to ask, I would love to hear about your general approach to analyzing works. I wanna learn how to analyze things better from other people, and I really like the way you methodically break things down.
In other words, pls sensei teach me your ways HAHAHA
No trouble if you can't, though! Your blog is always a joy.
Have a wonderful day!
Sensei... 🫢
Ah, thank you, this is really flattering! I don't think I really do anything that special. Honestly, all it is was that I got misinterpreted a lot when I was younger and it made it difficult for me to express myself - so I ended up creating something of a system which I found seems to make things clear to others!
I can do a quick overview of it, for sure! I hope it helps! (It's under the cut :D)
Tip 1: Analyze things you love.
Look, this isn't school and I'm not a literary critic. I don't bother forcing myself to analyze things I'm just not feeling. Sometimes, I'll really enjoy something, but have nothing to say about it in particular. (Ex. Akutagawa. I adore him but for some reason don't feel compelled to analyze him as much... even though he's this blog's pfp...) That's not a commentary on the character/media nor my engagement with it. No need to analyze something you don't particularly care to - these write ups take a fair amount of time and effort, so you'll want to have enough raw energy at the start to sustain yourself. You should want to talk about it, is what I'm saying.
Tip 2: Understand the core themes of the story.
I cannot stress this enough! It's so important. The best stories will have their characters, plot arcs and settings all serve to enhance the major themes of the story in some way - figure out what these themes are, and keep them in the back of your mind. I think of themes like a filter - it should change the way you look at the story, and with any luck, draw a lot of seemingly loose threads together in interesting and surprising ways. There are typically about 2-3 major ones (Ex. BSD - living through uncertainty, good as a choice / Trigun - morality and autonomy, life after loss / Hatoful - love as salvation or corruption / there are other themes of course, these are just examples). From this point on, assume you have your "themes filter" active for completing the other tips.
Tip 3: Pick a small detail and think about "Why" and "How".
See, I used to go too big when doing analyses. I used to try and analyze everything there was to examine in one go, and it would become unwieldy and just have far too much information for me to juggle and process. So, it's better to start small. What's something that caught your attention? What was something you liked? Was there anything that confused you? Pick one thing... then ask yourself why and how. Why did I like this? Why did this character act in that way? How does this aspect of the story work? Etc. This will be your topic!
Tip 4: Read other people's thoughts.
I know we all hate going into tags and seeing some of the worst takes out there... so I don't actually do that. I only look through meta and theory tags, and most of those are done by people who put a lot of time and care into their theory crafting, so they at least usually bring the receipts. It always helps to read other's opinions. This is just a good thing in general - you need to open yourself up to different views. Even if you don't agree, you might be better able to articulate why you don't. There's some god-tier stuff in these theory tags, you just gotta look. :)
Tip 5: Pay attention to context and setting.
For most of the stories I analyze, the characters do not exist in a world or situation that is comparable to mine. Asking yourself "where did this character come from?" "what's the overall state of the world they inhabit?" "were this character's experiences different or similar to the rest of the cast? different or similar to their childhoods?" - this is really going to help you understand motivation, far more than core personality traits will alone. (Ex. remember that BSD is a newly post-war society. Tensions are still high. People are being hired at young ages. A lot of people grew up in the slums, and violence is common. How did the different characters interact with this world? What sides might one character have seen to this world that another didn't?)
Also, it's good to at least be somewhat aware of the author and the context they created their story in. Many of the works I analyze are from Japan. It's good to know where a work is from - typically you're going to see at least some expression of cultural values, and I find this is helpful to keep in mind. Some decisions made in story will make a lot more sense when you remember the story's place of origin.
Looking at author influences is also helpful! BSD has a great built-in source of background info, since the entire premise incorporates classic literature. This can be an excellent supplementary source!
Tip 6: Tell a story with your analysis.
Again, I'm doing this for fun. I'm not a literary academic, so I try to use conversational flow. I tend to write like I'm speaking - in fact, this is very much how I talk in real life. It's up to you the tone you set in your writing - just make it something that flows naturally. You can always go back and re-read it if something seems unclear.
What I mean by story is to break your analysis up into chunks. There's no hard and fast rule on how to do this. You can see a clear example of it in my "Dazai Likes People" post, which was long enough that I bolded the sections. It should have a beginning, middle, and end, roughly - beginning where you say what you want to analyze or lead into it somehow, middle (which I typically break up into individual topics), and the end, which honestly is just a rephrasing of the beginning (or sometimes I just leave it out). Sometimes, to break things up I'll add quotes or images that help me with my points; these serve as visual interest so the reader is not faced with a continuous wall of text. Bolding and italicizing key points can also do the trick.
A good way to see if the analysis flows is to see if you can say "so then..." between each paragraph. (Ex. Point 1 -> "so then..." -> Point 2 -> "so then..." -> Point 3, etc.) Each point should flow into the next - I try to make something of a narrative out of it. (It's why the word "so" pops up a lot in my analyses haha.) I'm sorry, I feel like this is the part that's the hardest to explain in a way that's easy to follow. It's mostly practice, really. It's also subjective how you want your analysis to read.
Tip 7: Fact check!
I hate spreading misinformation. Mostly because it's frustrating to have constructed a theory only to get called out that it's based on something misremembered, but also because, as a science student, I'm really mindful of keeping track of my sources. Always have your sources on hand! I spend at least three re-reads of my analyses consulting books, episodes, and manga to ensure that everything I've added is correct. (I might go a bit overboard with it sometimes... I can be a bit paranoid about this...)
And finally, my Golden Rule: ✨Explanation, not Justification!✨
If you have no other takeaway from this post, please remember this! Every character in the story should have their actions be explainable! This does not mean justifiable! Explanation is not just logic, and should always take into account character values, emotions, and situation. This will help prevent analyzing characters only from the perspective of relatability, and is very useful when analyzing antagonists/villains.
Character analysis is always about drawing a throughline between motivation and action. It's not about whether you would do the same, or whether you agree, or whether it is a choice you would forgive.
Everyone has their reasons for doing what they do. This is true in fiction, and it's also true in real life. I try to always keep this in mind.
I hope this was helpful to you, or to anyone who might want to read it!
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anarchycox · 3 months
AO3 questions
I was tagged by @sulkybender thanks so much!
how many works do you have on Ao3? 382
what’s your total Ao3 word count? 5,375,063
what fandoms do you write for? ATLA, One Piece, couple others
what are your top five fics by kudos? A. The Courting Season (Witcher 8,215 kudos) B. You Scent Calls Me (Witcher 5,482) C. I was Pledged to You (Witcher 5,105) D. My Name is Hidden on Your Tongue (Witcher 5,073) E. If You're Never Going to Shut Up (Witcher 4,885)
do you respond to comments? 99.5% of them yup! Only ever been a couple I haven't.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Went Down to the River and Prayed (Kingsman monster fic)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Yeah all of them have happy endings, but I would say happiest is in The Courting Season.
Do you get hate on fics? It has happened. Someone once was really mad if I wrote virgin Jaskier, another person really hated my grammar. I got a solid if you aren't disabled you shouldn't write this/calling me ableist, and once someone complaining I wrote the tits too small on a character. But it is 1 in 200 really that says this kind of stuff.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Why yes I do! Mostly m/m but there is poly and m/f, eventually some f/f should show up. It ranges from pretty tame and romantic to having a pseud for the extra hard going stuff.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No, they aren't for me, more power to people who can write them.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? YUP!!! Just last week one of mine was found on Wattpad, turned out they had stolen so much their whole account was deleted.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Many, into a bunch of languages, I am always in awe when someone asks to do that.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have with a few people but my favourite collaborator is my best friend irl @thenerdyindividual
What’s your all-time favorite ship? Dang it, this is a cruel question. No one all time but S tier are: Zukka, Zolu, FenHawke, Geraskier, Merwaine
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't know, I'd like to finish all my wips one day, but likely one of my Merlin wips will never finish.
What are your writing strengths? Sticking to character even in the wildest aus, making readers care about ships they had never even thought of before, the ability to write insane things and have it make sense.
What are your writing weaknesses? Too dialogue heavy.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've tried Google translate sucks though.
First fandom you wrote for? Dragon Age!
Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh jeez louise, I don't know, but I think maybe a Zukka fic? I'll Share the Moon. Arranged marriage. Soft and sweet. I reread it the most so it is probably reasonable to call it favourite.
I will tag @thenerdyindividual @bluewonderer @ambersagen
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astrowaffles · 8 months
A through Z for the ask game >:]
this is another long one, bear with me!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Uhhhhh well obviously I'm loving the gojo & megumi father-son shit at the moment, it really heals the depression. ALSO @grungeeuvu (alt. account @grungiiuvu) has gotten me back into MXTX, especially TGCF, so fengqing is top of my romantic ship list at the moment. I keep meaning to write something for them. Whoopsies.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
my jjk moots are going to think i'm insane for this, but itafushi. It did NOT occur to me when I watched the anime, but then someone suggested it to me and then I rewatched with new eyes and ... yeah. itafushi canon.
also kuromikashou. I'm a fan of that now, too.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
the rats are going to absolutely hate this announcement, but ushioi and oikage. Hate them both. oisuga? sure. iwaoi? love it. oihina? don't see it as a long term thing, but don't care. even atsuoi is passable. But both ushioi and oikage really irriate me for zero reason.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
bokuroo. they make total logical sense and they'd be hilarious together, but to me they're besties. sorry guys :(
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
i hear lots of good things about my JNT Rulebook, which is a whole load of crack. Also, for AOT i wrote Chaos Theory, which earned comments like "I had no idea funny fics were possible for this fandom". If you are a long-term aot girlie, I am so sorry for your loss.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Uh, I'm not sure? The first fandom I contributed to was PJO. I was there for maybe two years, and that's probably my record. I'm just over one year on haikyuu now. I'M SORRY I JUST KEEP CHANGING INTERESTS
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
My very first OTP was probably Eadric & Emma from The Frog Princess series. It doesn't really have a fandom but god, I loved those books... OR Ash & Serena from Pokemon. They were good too.
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I mainly watch anime at the moment and usually they have more active fandoms, so I'm happy to stay with them. With books, you can never be sure that anyone else has ever read them.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Nope, because I am good at staying away from scary people. #slay
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr.
Supernatural. No explanation needed.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
From Haikyuu, it's got to be Hinata, hasn't it? And he's weirdly underrated, considering he's literally the main character.
From other fandoms, I love Yona from Yona of the Dawn. She goes from literal spoiled princess to some kind of warrior queen, PLUS she gains emotional maturity. May we all grow to be like her.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
You know what, guys? I do think Goshiki's cute. I do understand wanting to put him in your pocket. Personally, I don't, but I totally see it.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Sugawara. He's top tier friend material - chaotic, funny, caring, and would definitely feed into your delulu.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
My main fandom is probably haikyuu, so I wish I saw more of:
Appreciation for the writing!!!
Love for main characters. It sounds weird, but the fandom is full of people who have a pet side character who barely has any lines. This is GOOD, all character deserve appreciation, but can we get some applause for hinata??
Love for rarepairs. This sounds even stranger, considering my last point, but we need to get used to letting people ship whoever the fuck they want. As long as it's legal.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
After a good old shuffle of my 94 hour playlist, I got Bad Romance by lady gaga. This is gonna come out of left field because I've never mentioned this fandom before, but it's sherliam from moriarty the patriot.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I've mentioned this to friends before, but we totally need a TGCF hosptial au. Mu Qing is a surgeon, Feng Xin is a physiotherapist, Xie Lian is either a GP or an anesthesiologist, and Hua Cheng is some random reception guy. Mu Qing is always bullying Feng Xin for not being a 'real doctor'. Hualian are married. you see where I'm going.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Harry Potter, for obvious reasons.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I would die for Nobara & Itadori & Megumi. They deserved to be happy forever.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
I wrote whole sections of fanfiction based off my headcanon that Megumi has flat hair like Toji, but he styles it spiky to be like Gojo. I KNOW the canon disproves it. I don't actually care.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Nope, because I am non-confrontational and uncreative.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
I'm going niche on this one - well, more like going into fandoms my followers probably aren't into.
Ayame Sohma, Fruits Basket. Loving brother, perfect example of how to make reparations, and also literally fabulous. And gay.
Ooharano, All Out!. Voice by Ian Sinclair, very good at his sport, hilariously sarcastic. Emotional backstory that was just never mentioned again???
Siatrich Wynknight, The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up At The Duke's Mansion. Very funny, likes to be a bit evil for the giggles, thinks it's funny when his younger brother endangers national relations. Gay.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
GUYS I HAVE NO IDEA. I'm probably closest to Bokuto or Kageyama - and that seems odd, because they're different people, but that's how I am.'
Also Gojo. Don't tell my readers I said that.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Exes to Lovers, my beloathed. Hate it so much, I can't even explain why.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
RWBY, ITSV, Demon Slayer.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
I guess I've always been interested in the idea of a true morally grey character, because sometimes there are characters that are described as morally grey, or even evil, when they're actually Just A Guy (*cough* Oikawa *cough*). The only character I can think of is probably Dazai from BSD. Everyone has an opinion and very few of them are correct. There is no way you can say he is a bad person, because many of his issues come from the fact that he is an orphan, raised by the mafia, and someone who took the opportunity to leave when prompted. Also, in his life after the mafia, he made a genuine effort to make good on his promises and fix his life, including saving Atsushi.
HOWEVER, you can't say he's a totally good person. He lived well in the mafia, because he didn't care about killing people and perhaps even enjoyed it, depending on how you view certain scenes. Many people would say that he's still not on anyone's side, he's only on his own side. This is debatable, but it's still there. PLUS you've got his continuation of the cycle of abuse through Akutagawa, and his willingness to pretend to betray his friends in order to get the outcome he wants. Everyone else is just a pawn to him.
I'm still undecided on him, but I'm proud of every fan that says "he's morally grey" rather than cutting it up into black and white. Remember that BSD was written for the stray dogs, not the ones who have lived happily all this time...
Thanks for the ask!
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kth1 · 3 years
Hii I just read the imminent and can I just say your writing is beautiful I love Royal aus because the dialogue is just so posh ams sophisticated and you delivered that perfectly I'm also an absolute sucker for anything and everything supernatural and this was so perfectly indulgent and sinful that I was hooked since the beginning this seokjin that you wrote up is one of my favorites that I've ever read
I do have a few questions if you don't mind 😅😅
Firstly, Was there any significance to the portrait and the finishing touch jin added because well he's demon why does he care what happens to oc after he's got what he's wanted so why go the extra mile of the portrait.
And secondly, doesn't demons usually take what they want and then banish the souls to hell or consume the souls and don't care about the body so why did jin not only take her soul but also her heart and the ending tells me that she's not banished to hell but is going to be near seokjin???
I'm sorry if it sounds interrogative it's a wonderful fic and I can't stop wondering about the world and the characters you created in this fic😅😅😅
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Hello! Ah thank you so much! I’m so very happy that people are enjoying the fic! Ajklsdhjytj, I don’t know too much about “where” I wanted to place the royalty (like timeframe - where dialog may be vastly be different) but I do like the “high-class” speech patterns, the respectful sentence patterns, etc. :D Also the taboos of royalty always peeks my interests ;)
I feel you on the supernatural things, I love supernatural so much! top tier au’s hehe! oh, im happy you love this demon!jin :D i’m glad he left a great impression!!
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I don’t mind questions at all! I tend to leave out plot points and clarification through fics sometimes hehe; but that gives the readers more time to ponder and question things! such as yourself, muhaha!
Question 1: The significance of Jin’s portrait? Or OC’s? I wanted OC to show her fascination of figuring out Jin’s true form, so she doodles/paints/draws several pieces of “demonic” creatures that may or may not be in reference of Jin. Jin’s portrait of OC is initially the portrait he was creating in passage one, and he leaves it there among her sketches because well... it’s her beautiful face among scattered creatures - representing her being surrounded by them as if she was Hell already. The finishing touch (the blood transfer in the canvas) was more of sealing a piece of herself in Earth for her family. He is a demon, but with some class. After all, the family had no clue that the Princess would evidently go missing so what is left of her as she is gone? Not much besides her works of art - which none were of her. So Jin created it as part of his hobby, to have the most recent version of her left (for the family), and to capture the image of her surrounded by demons within the room. 
Question 2: Well, demons and au’s fluctuate and it all depends on the worlds in which writers make up. Not all “rules” apply in each fic. For example, a werewolf fic could be written as if a bite/mark is trademark to their mate. But also, other bites in other werewolf!aus indicate transitioning, turning one into the creature. So as for my demon, I didn’t really have too many set of rules dedicated to him. As a writer, I can craft whatever elements I want. (Not trying to sound rude! I’m just discussing, hehe!) So with the whole soul banishing, heart snagging thing; I don’t have an answer directly towards that because my demon wasn’t revolving around those indicators. I attempted to try and create a selfish, greedy, possessive aura of this demon prince. where he does as he pleases, takes what he wants with no questions but also he is gentlemanly in his ways. kind of clean cut, precise with his stuff. OC’s soul already was signed over to him over to him from the deal, he just had to wait the seven lovely years to officially snag it from her. He bids her farewell, and says that he’ll see her in hell because that’s exactly where she is going. (As her body is kinda sending off in the way of particles of her started vanishing, the room around her already cracking) Hopefully to show that she was already leaving the Earth realm as she was fully giving herself away. Her body doesn’t get left in the Earth realm, it disappears basically, like how Jin weaves in and out of the veil between the worlds. So like, to her family she will just be completely gone, another reason why i thought leaving a portrait of her would be nice. 100% OC is going to hell, Jin’s hell, and as his first and only princess (as he is a prince), he basically is building up his kingdom.  Now coming to the heart part, i had envisioned this death for SO MANY MONTHS that there was no way I was going to not write it hehe. I had to. I wanted this moment! (First death of a main character I have written) The way I see it is that OC is still mortal, cannot go into the other realm until she is dead. Hence why he kills her in a blissful orgasm. The soul of her that theoretically would release from her body at that point... already belongs to him. That’s how he collects his souls; he murders you. So killing her was the way he obtains the soul, in which he will bring down to Hell with him and have all the fun with OC down there. 
I hope these answer your questions! And shine light on some blurry areas of the fic! Sometimes hidden meanings pop up outta no where and I don’t even realize them hehe!!
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