#(woah that got long)
skippydiesposting · 1 year
okay jfc I have to write a post about why the idea of "intuitive eating" rubs me the wrong way as a solution to eating disorders
not saying that it can't be a helpful tool in getting people back in touch with their bodies and unlearning certain lessons of diet culture, but I think it still enforces the societal harm that is weight stigma and discrimination. Here's why:
1. Intuitive eating still moralizes food in a hugely uncomfortable way. The whole basis of intuitive eating is centered on the idea that "if you let yourself eat the 'bad food', eventually you will start to crave the 'good food'!"
There are no bad or good foods. They are all just food. The food you eat in your everyday life is not medicine, nor is it poison, no matter what food it is. Your body needs sugar. Your body needs carbs. Your body needs fats. It's just food. It's just a way to get nutrients into your body. There's no wrong way to eat.
2. Intuitive eating still moralizes body size and implies that thinness is the correct goal. One aspect of intuitive eating is the sometimes unspoken implication that "once you learn how to eat correctly, you might not lose weight...but maybe you will, which would be great!"
In practice this is still praising weight loss, even if it's unintentional weight loss rather than intentional. It still gives the message that thinness is superior to fatness, and that thinness is a healthy ideal to strive for. Like this essay says, "Celebrating weight loss, even when it is a result of intuitive eating and having more compassion for your body, is still a commitment to thinness and still perpetuates fatphobia and diet culture."
3. Intuitive eating puts too much emphasis on hunger and hunger cues. There's the idea that once you "learn how to eat better", your hunger cues will fall into place and you'll "only eat when you're actually hungry". But guess what? You need to eat even if you're not hungry.
There are so many people who no longer, or might have never had, completely functioning satiety signals. People who have spent so long doing dieting or restrictive eating or battling eating disorders, but also people who suffer from illness or chronic disabilities which might affect the regulation of hunger cues. Some people will never feel hungry. But they still need to eat.
I've heard far too many people say that they don't eat breakfast/lunch/et cetera because they aren't hungry in the morning. As someone with a form of dysautonomia who becomes completely nonfunctional if I don't eat frequently, this attitude gets under my skin. Food is not about desire--or not entirely, as I'll get to later in the post--or about what you want to do. Food is crucial, full stop, no matter what.
I think the fatphobic myth that weight is tied to health and is something that can be controlled has created this idea of food as something optional, something that is purely driven by desire. Diet culture has made us believe that eating is simultaneously an Evil™ force that can control you and take over your body while simultaneously praising behavior of restriction, and at its heart restriction is about choice. Eating is not a choice. Eating is an entirely mandatory, necessary part of life, the same way that sleeping is. It's regulatory. It keeps you alive. The best thing you can do for your body is eat regularly and consistently.
Sometimes it's really fucking hard to eat when you don't have an appetite, or when you're nauseous. I completely understand that. Just like it's really fucking hard to sleep when you have insomnia. But you still have to do it. Eating is not optional; it's not something you do when you want to. It needs to happen regularly, every day. It's a very basic part of being a human being with a body, and no matter the state of that body, it needs to be fed.
You don't need to feel hungry to eat. Some people will never feel hungry, and they still need to eat. And it's also okay to eat without hunger, even if your basic needs of satiation and nutrition have been met. This leads me to my next point:
4. Intuitive eating puts too much emphasis on "mindful" eating. By continuing to constantly monitor and overthink your own eating behavior, it becomes a chore; it becomes a pattern of overattention and scrupulousity; it becomes something moralized, the same way that it is moralized in diet culture.
By all means, we should all try to be more mindful and intentional in our lives. But eating is just a basic fact of life. We don't consider whether we're "mindfully" sleeping, or "mindfully" taking a shower. Eating is just a part of your day, just something you need to do, and I don't think we have to focus every moment of our attention thinking about what food is wrong or right to be eating, or how we're eating it. In fact, I think everyone deserves to be mindless sometimes: everyone deserves to zone out in front of the TV, or get sucked into a video game. And that includes mindlessly eating.
In addition to being something basic and mandatory about having a human body, eating is one of the great pleasures of life, like sex or sleep. And like those things, it's completely fine if you just want to snack! For no other reason besides desire! In absence of hunger or satiety, eating can be something completely neutral and comforting. Eating can be a form of stimming for sensory seeking people; it can be fun; it can be used as a way of connecting other people. In fact, eating with other people is one of the things that induces oxytocin--known as the "love hormone"--in our brains, along with sex, childbirth, lactation, and singing with other people.
Telling people to be "mindful" when eating has the same flavor as the ways we treat drugs or alcohol in our society: "drink responsibly". "Eat mindfully". As if food is actually something that could harm us, rather than simply being the nutrients that keep us alive.
I really don't think that teaching people to overthink their food choices or behaviors is going to help anyone. Instead it needs to be clear that there are no morals attached to eating, nor the foods themselves. Eat when you need to. And also, eat when you want to. Eat for fun, for connection with other people, for pleasure, for sensory stimulation. Eat without thinking about it. That's the only way you can normalize it.
You don't need to eat in the "right way". There is no "right way". You just need to eat.
ALSO: this is meant for everybody, not just people who struggle with eating disorders or have been harmed by diet culture, but this is ESPECIALLY for fat people. Fat people are shamed constantly for the extremely natural and necessary practice of eating regardless of their actual eating habits, and I fully believe that unless we center fat people and their experiences in the anti-diet conversation, we will be trapped in the same horror of moralizing bodies, food, and basic humans needs that we have been for centuries.
YOU ARE ALLOWED TO EAT. No matter what.
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skybristle · 7 days
ask game time
8, 17, 22 for whichever one is on your mind at the moment
hmmm. Looking at prompts.... [grabs chimes like a soda can and crushes him]
8 - What is your iterator's opinion on bioengineering? Natural ability of iterators? A cruel push of artificial will? Something to be moderated? etc.
he does do bioengineering much more than a lot of his groupmates!!!! mainly for slugcat messengers [gardener, recon, and mercy were all designed by him]. i think he's very... modest about it though. he's very careful to make sure their quality of life is intact and modifications work well [which is interesting when mercy's spores make *it* sleepy all the time, hes just in such a rush... </3]. i think he doesn't have many qualms about it but tries not to be.... clinical. he tries to hand raise them, brings them to his puppet chamber as soon as he can, etc etc. they're his babies!!!
he also feels like he doesn't have much of a right to step on their free will [again, mercy is a divergence with such a specific task. also recon but it was made by ochre in flors can chimes just designed it], but gardener especially spends most of its time just,... wandering the wild being happy. especially as he remakes it dozens of times and watches them all choose different lives [living with the colonies, on its own, staying in his can more permanantly, etc]. it's only when ochre approaches death that he sends overseers to beg it to come back.
17 - How does your iterator feel about ascension? Is it something they want to strive for? Help others achieve? Something to avoid? etc.
you see he was never particularly oriented towards iterating to solve the Problem compared to most iterators- partially because reefs, his mama, didn't believe in the construct of religion as ancient soceity practiced it, and honestly a lot of that belief continued to his city with a very lax view of ascension. just 'yeah, hopping in a vat of void fluid if you feel fufilled and happy at the end of your life is a thing you can do if you want.'
he DID care about his ancients very much and while YES ascension made them happy, he had a really good understanding of like.... the trust and weight of the choice, and he doesn't really think its the kind of choice a slugcat can make [or if they do, its not up to him].
he misses his parents, so deeply, and it never really leaves him.... he doesn't resent ascension but sometimes wishes he could see them again [reefs, especially].
he doesn't know if he'll ascend some day, especially as he sits in the snow having not spoken to another iterator in centuries. but as saint descends the rubble and approaches him, i think he's okay with it. he wants to go home [to his parents, to his friends, to his wife...]
22 - Where does your iterator live? Describe the region.
HIS REGIONS ARE SOOO FUN I THINK...... his can is built partially over the sea!!!!!! and underneath his can is reef's hometown, a once prosperous and bustling port city that was crushed under the rains during sparks' time and abandoned. but i think you can still kind of tell it used to be like this... there's probably a really cool sub region in there thats an old temple. its probably pretty flooded and stuff too... idk the contrast is fun to me....
towards the west you can find the decayed old docks which lead into the sea itself.... i really should develop a sea-living scug for the area because god is it so cool to me, going into the colorful depths... HOWEVER ! as for navigating the region you still CAN because of the WHALE SAILS !!! WOOOO.
they're GIANT ass creatures originally bioengineered to function similarly to the sky sails [thank you cheston druidshollow for making them biological its so cool] but... for water. they lsot their purpose a while ago when the great equalizer set in and it became too dangerous to navigate the surface but they're still very friendly and okay with slugcat getting a ride. probably function similarly to rain deer... maybe they eat glow weed? idk. probably some kind of filter feeder.
his underhang/leg region is also called the frets. aren't i so clever. iirc i called his wall the neck at some point too. hehehe instrument analogies. and his city is named Chorus and is probably similar to most besides all the decor and murals and music-making stuff like wind chimes everywhere still left behind. he doesn't mind scavs and stuff up there.
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 4 months
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Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug
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cupophrogs · 4 months
The Three D's
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I have a horrible habit of dropping any series-comics I try to make, so I thought it'd do a little story-ish ask event!!
So far, we've got the three D's: Dogday, Daddy Long Legs, and Drew.
Basic info and closeups!
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Drew, he/him, 18 yrs: the horror-loving nephew of an old Playtime Co. employee. Squawks like a strangled bird when surprised.
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Daddy Long Legs, aka: "Pops:" If you could find a loving father from the 20s who wasn't a misogynist. Misses his wife, but doesn't blame Drew for her death.
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Dogday, aka: "Deedee" or "Dogs:" The last, overly traumatised Smiling Critter who really needs a hug. Drew found him some spare legs in a closet somewhere.
Without dirt and grime:
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dreamdancerdotfile · 6 months
Say hello to Mr Bury the Light himself!!!
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Screw him he gave me so much trouble all his other sprites will be based on this
This is the name I‘ll be using for this project from now on btw nothing could be funnier
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nightowlssleep · 2 months
I have a lot of thoughts about Phoenix's Magatama, so headcanon time
We know in JfA that when Maya gives us the Magatama, she calls it her own and it's even labelled as "Maya's Magatama" in the court record
But that doesn't really make sense considering
1) Maya's Magatama on her necklace doesn't disappear from her sprite (this could be purely a technical difficulty considering the time the game came out)
2) BUT it doesn't explain the fact that Maya's Magatama is a different colour all together (Yellow)
This is where my headcanon comes in that Maya has two Magatamas
The yellow and green one, but unlike the yellow which is hers most likely since birth, she carries the green one with her just as a good luck charm, since she definitely does not know it's power (On whether the other Magatamas have powers or not I'm unsure, but I like to think so)
Which leads me to believe that this green one actually used to belong to Misty
From the way I interpret Maya's design in SoJ, it seems like the gold Magatama is inherited by the Master, while the acolytes only have crystal ones
Therefore it's possible for Misty to have left behind her original crystal Magatama once she became master
And while Maya didn't know her mother, I like to think that she at least hoped that she was looking over her, and carried the Magatama with her for good luck
I don't know how to interpret her giving it away to Nick besides a sign of "I trust you", but it's there either way
I also like to think that after giving it away, she decided to carry Mia's Magatama instead :')
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healer-pop · 26 days
YOU!!! FIEND YOU!!! DONT think about how venture would whisper the *filthiest* of phrases in your ear,,, pressing a kiss to your neck before just walking off like they DIDNT JUST- ahem bonus points if its in spanish just *think* about that drawl in their voice,, ouhg :]c -feral
I CANTTT DO THIS — there’s not enough Venture content to sustain me 😭 I already linger in yt videos with their voicelines and the venture’s adventures one… it kills meeeee
i think about that one post about them pulling you aside in the middle of a teamfight to make out with you all the time. they’d feel so guilty about it, but so helpless at the same time. they can’t keep their hands off of you, trying to soak in any and all content with you that they could before they’d have to return. it would be so sloppy and rough, their desperation seeping through like the salty sweat on their skin. leaving your lips red and bruised, clothes disheveled, as if you two actually fucked, but they couldn’t bring themselves to actually go that far, no matter how much they wanted it. they had a mission to complete. but rutting against you? feeling the warmth of your own arousal against theirs? enough to tide them… for now. they’d wish they’d actually cum against your leg, or fingers, but it’d probably chafe really bad.
if anyone caught them, they’d probably claim to have needed extra special healing, they are a flanker after all. need to be in tip top shape to get those nasty incapacitations.
can see them being the nastiest flirt when no one is watching. pda is pretty wholesome when eyes are on you, but when they turn away? Venture is backing you into a darken corner of the base, whispering to you the small amount of Spanish they’ve taught you, about all the things they’re going to accomplish between your legs tonight. (“Mi lengua va a probar lo dulce que eres esta noche, cariño. No pararé hasta que ambos estemos satisfechos. Mis dedos quieren estar dentro de ti, ahora mismo. Pero esperaré hasta poder oírte gritar.”)*
it almost gives you whiplash when they pull away, and you wonder if they’re some sort of masochist because you know their own words and thoughts affect them just as badly as they do you. Venture accidentally edges themselves by thinking of you lol. definitely the type to become a bit more spacey when they’re in a relationship with you because you’re on their mind all the time. plays it off super well though! but horny them is another beast…
* — I’m going to taste how sweet you are with my tongue, tonight, darling. I’m not going to stop until we’re both satisfied. My fingers want to be inside you. But I’ll wait until I can hear you scream.
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pebblezone · 1 year
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I can and will make a sequel to this
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piscexx · 3 months
nsft headcanons about dina part 2
- i feel like she likes getting high when she has sex, not saying she always does but she definitely does it often. just the smell of weed probably triggers her into being horny lol
- she likes to keep some clothes on during sex, so she’ll never be fully naked, also i feel like she wouldn’t take her socks off during😭
- does random check ins, always makes sure you’re good and you’re enjoying it throughout.
- asks for consent in the most respectful but dirtiest way possible. “wanna fuck?” while already doing so with her eyes and biting her lip, so desperate for your answer.
- smooth asf, can talk her way into almost anyone’s pants if she wants them bad enough. idk idk lol
- def takes the lead if you’re more submissive or more innocent, she takes any opening to lead and help you have the best experience.
- talks you through it for sure, she loves watching you get closer with her dirty words.
- gives the best aftercare. talks to you about how you felt and how sexy and beautiful you are. gives you water, food if you want it, takes care of any bruises, scratches, stuff like that.
- she likes to have sex, a lot. even on patrol. jesse wasn’t even surprised when he saw her with ellie.
- loves watching you masturbate. turns her on so much to watch you touch yourself and think of her. she loses it when you moan her name.
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actual-gremlin · 23 days
I swear on my life I’ll answer your coco puffs ask soon
What are your coco puff headcankns
My first actual ask!!
ok so I love these little guys!! I don’t know what order to put these in, so apologies for how unorganized it is!
I’m going to give you general info then descriptions of each coco puff and stuff they like such as food or affection.
They feel a strong connection to people who are feeling the emotions they represent. (Grief tends to gravitate towards people who are grieving, isolation can be found with people who feel isolated, etc). If the emotion is strong enough, they can actually go inside the person. The way that works is they evaporate into a soul type thing and then their coco-puff soul goes into the person. When the person has confronted what they're feeling, the coco-puff soul will come out and they will return to their regular coco-puff form. (I know this is a weird head canon, but I think it’s a really cool power. It kind of ties into Nicos shadow travel almost??)
They are so soft!! Think kitten fur, but 100 times softer! Because of their soft fur, they’re very good for helping people relax when they’re stressed.
They all look different. They’re different shapes, sizes and shade. Their shadow fur (I don’t know what to call it lol) is all shades of black, but it changes depending on the emotions of the people they’re near. So the stronger the emotion, the darker the colour of their shadow fur. They also have one distinct feature that lets you know which coco puff it is.
They will eat literally anything. If it’s on the ground, they’ll eat it. Dead leaves? You can find Grief snacking on them 24/7. Fruit cups? Internalized Homophobia will eat not only the fruit, but also the plastic. They are literally raccoons.
they don’t really have a gender, so they’re generally referred to as ‘it’ if you’re talking about a specific one or ‘they’ if you’re talking about more than one.
they all come running when Will Sonic- Whistles like little puppies!
the older they get, the bigger they get. Cuties 🥰
The Different Coco-puffs
Isolation: basket ball sized with one big eye. In the shape of a sphere. He’s also spiky! Isolation either rolls on the ground, squishes into someone’s hood, or floats after people. Isolation is very affectionate- although it’s spikes make it hard for him to cuddle ☹️- and it lives off of strawberries and jello
Grief: grief looks like your typical ghost. More solid near the head, but slowly becomes more transparent near the “legs”. Grief has two eyes, little horns- kind of like the ones you put on your dog at Christmas- and little hands (like a T-Rex!) Grief floats after people. it’s not super affectionate- more k a lurker 👀 its favourite food is bacon (me too buddy, me too) but dead leaves are it’s chosen snack if bacon isn’t available
Jealousy: Jealousy and Isolation are twins! They look very similar, but Jealousy has little tusks and doesn’t have spikes. It also floats after people, but it also sits on people’s shoulders. Jealousy LOVES affection, and is very attached to Will specifically. It hates when Will gets affection from anyone other than Nico or itself. Jealousy loves the typical breakup foods- ice cream- ONLY cookie dough though, chips- sour cream and onion or salt and vinegar, pizza- chicken bacon ranch, and cookies- any cookie is a good cookie (yes, even oatmeal raisin).
Shame: Shame looks like a cat- long and lanky with the ears and whiskers. No back paws though, only the front ones. Shame has two cat eyes that bore into your soul. Shame often twists around people and tries to make them trip. Shames idea of affection is tripping people, scaring them, or making them dump stuff on themselves. (Shame is a little shit and tries to inflict itself on others😑✋🏻) It loves any food, but it has to be leftovers. No fresh food for some reason idk I don’t make the rules.
Sadness: Sadness is a large spider. The first time Annabeth saw Sadness, she tried to set it on fire. (All coco-puffs are fireproof. And waterproof. And everything proof. They only die when Nico dies). Sadness has two doe eyes. . It loves cuddles even more than Isolation and is often seen attached to the first person it sees when it wakes up. (Sadness is like a koala pass it on!) Sadness’ favourite food is pancakes! They’re so nostalgic and yummy! Doesn’t matter what topping is on them, Sadness will eat it.
Guilt: Guilt is just a blob. A very heavy blob. All the coco- puffs are pretty much weightless, except for guilt. When guilt is on you, you feel it. Guilt is always attached to someone, often crawling around their body. It doesn’t eat and is restless, rarely sleeping.
Internalized Homophobia: looks like a baby deer with male antlers. It HATES people and prefers staying in Nicos cabin or Wills office in the infirmary. It only eats asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Why? Because no one likes asparagus or Brussel sprouts and no one likes having Internalized Homophobia. (If you like these things, no you don’t. Liar).
So I think that’s all of them?? For now?? I don’t know. If I think of more, I’ll reblog this with the additions! thank you for the ask!! If you want me to expand on anything, let me know and I will!
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justafriendofxanders · 2 months
genuinely thought most popular spike ships (spuffy, spangel) were crack ships when i first heard about them while watching btvs. "lol wouldn't it be interesting if our main character got together with the s2 villain." "haha what if the two guys in the main love triangle cut out the middle (wo)man." but then. but then they. did that. they made those episodes of television.
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dystopiagnome · 2 years
idk about anyone else but I would love to see any and all anaroceit content you are okay with posting <3
the roceit anon from a little while ago
:0 roceit anon, my beloved.
Anyways permission from one is permission to post!
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#anaroceit#anxceit#roceit#tss janus#tss Roman#tss Virgil#every time an anon becomes reoccurring I imagine the guest star cheering happens#like woah!!!!! You come back to the show!!!!!#Holy fuck!!!!#🥳🎊🎉🎊🎉#also also also quick explanations!#actually I tried to explain and got embarrassed#BTW THE NOTES GET EMBARRASSING I FORGOT I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM WHEN I STARTED WRITING AND WROTE TOO MUCH deleted more for my dignity#I love my partners and I think they’re cute and I love them and they do these cute little things they make wanna die#Dear beloved Roman kinnie hyperfixates and he’s gone never to be seen again but he goes at it with such passion that he tricks you into#two days straight of only ninja turtles but it’s okay because he’s super into it and living for it#the way that man can love one thing so hard for so long#it’s impressive#so that’s what that last one is#the middle one is less emotional but like you know how in cartoons a character kisses another in passing and the one#who got kissed turns bright red with a dopey smile and hearts leak out of them as they just passively start to follow the other#looney tunes type shit#kinda that except I’m not very keen on PDA so it caught me off guard and this bitch really just let me melt in front of our friends#anyways I’m absolutely enamored by them but apple pie I got an image#I’d like to get used to that if possible but don’t read into that#I’m a little more hesitant to discus that one since I know they read my tags#can’t show weakness to their face they’ll know how to take me down </3#first one is just we lose custody on weekends and forget until we miss him (very quickly embarrassingly fast)
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
No but actually coming from someone with fine wavy/curly hair who had some hair loss and lots of issue I really and truly wish I could sit down and talk with Chan because he really needs someone who understands curly hair to get him some products and show him what to do and he also needs to stop using heat. Like no straightening. No hair drying. Or at least very sparsely.
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daeluin · 27 days
like they were created to be cannon fodder for a war. they were just clones but they were a failed batch. only kept bc they were useful for suicide missions. and yet as time passed all hunter wanted was to rest. to be done with the fight. to lie down with his family and be a father so bad. and he got all that at the end!!!!!! im
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wholesomepostarchive · 8 months
the most wholesome thing is seeing that the wholesome post blog runner is probably one of the nicest people ever :3 i’m generally Terrified of sending asks especially to a blog that Does Things like this but seeing you talk in the tags instead of just reblogging and moving on makes you seem very friendly and approachable !!!! and i hope u know i appreciate that :] i hope you have a wonderful day and both sides of your pillow are always cool and that if you see a random cat on the sidewalk it won’t run away from U ♡
woah, META-WHOLESOME!! thank ya for the compliment, i try my best to carry out those kinds of traits i value!!!!! i’m SUPER super glad that ya did!!! THANK YOU THANK U!! always appreciating how much of an impact this lil blog has on top of appreciating u for sharing as much with me :-)
it’s always a TRIP getting to hear that something i do that i wasn’t even really mindfully doing makes all the difference?? i’m just really, REALLY grateful for all the different kinds of posts that get sent my way and seeing cool + uplifting + sentimental + OVERALL WHOLESOME posts that i express my thanks + ramble a bit in the tags haha !!
i ALSO hope you have as terrific of a day as you’re able to! and i hope you’ll enjoy seeing more posts pop up!
AND YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE but i got new pillow cases like a week ago THAT DO JUST THAT! AND THERE’S A NEW CAT ON THE STREET WHO HANGS OUT WITH ME SOMETIMES (i’ve been planning to see if he has a microchip, but i know for a fact that the neighbors who feed all the stray cats on our street already have a cage + are well-versed in TNR, so i’ve been thinking about asking them first because the thought that someone could be out there looking for their pal is enough for me to “do it scared”) !! SO THANK U NOT ONLY FOR THE SWEET SENTIMENTS BUT ALSO FOR THE UNEXPECTED HILARITY OVER THE FACT THAT THEY’VE COME TRUE???
#and i get it!! running a gimmick blog (as i’ve heard it be described) is v v different from the other blogs i’ve got going!!#ik i’ve said it in the past but i genuinely think what makes for the lack of ambiance is the fact that i didn’t really? start this blog out#as a gimmick blog in mind?? it was kind of just for me to ‘archive’ Solidly Wholesome posts in one place#by the dates i saw/read through them + let them flow over me. because there’s already a timestamp ya know?#but the Vision was that i’d go through this blog + see that a year ago on a particular day was Important#which is still something i do when i have the the time BUT now i ALSO get sent wholesome posts!!! which WOAH#became a collective effort whether you’ve mentioned me in one post or climbing up to the triple digits now haha!!! i appreciate them all#TRULY :-)#and i’ll also admit that i don’t really remember if i kept the ask + submission channels open because i thought ‘hey maybe i’ll get one#or two someday from someone?’ or if i kinda forgot to close ‘em because i think i only block Anonymous automatically for all the blogs#i’ve got?? THAT will probs be a mystery for a long time to come if not forever BUT am glad it’s all worked out in ways i never saw coming!!#also APOLOGIES FOR NOT ONLY RAMBLING IN THE TAGS BUT THE ASK!!#Apple Pie is defs a priority for me rn and i’ve done some research + talked to my neighbors about TNR being the best bet in our area#last we spoke anyhow which was some time ago#also my parents apparently got into taking stray cats to a TNR program a few cities over so i’ll ask ‘em too probably???#BUT FIRST THING’S FIRST: checking for a microchip#10/13/2023#asks#wholesomepostarchive
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lunarharp · 1 year
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lil thing i made for “sun & moon”, a ferdibert zine :-)
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