#...but that's because it's taught me SO much about the world and labour and what my place in both comprises of
uncanny-tranny · 3 months
The cognitive dissonance that says both that humans are inherently superior and also completely separate from the world and everything that's in the world is a very interesting one. It says a lot, I think, about how people view the world and others when they believe these things. The political implications of these ideas are vast and honestly staggering - because people both feel superior and separate from the world, they sometimes start to treat the world in that way.
I wonder how much of this is tied to hyperindividualism which posits that the way to live is to separate yourself from everything around you - to see the world as inherently lesser, inherently something to own and to find monetary value in.
At the end of the day:
You are inherently tied to the world you live in because you live in this world
You are inseparable from Nature™
You affect the world by loving here, just as the smallest wasp or the largest whale does. This is inevitable and isn't good or bad
Your worth is not tied in with how individualized you are, or by how much you separate yourself from the world
Whatever you do to ground yourself in this world, make sure it's something that fulfills you. It's honestly crazy how much this can open your eyes
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balkanradfem · 5 months
Learning more about animals made me think about an interesting comparison on how we decide to reproduce, compared to how animals do it.
In the wild, animals will usually reproduce less, or simply survive less and thus do less populating, if the habitat isn't suitable for them, temperature is wrong, and if they don't have enough reliable food sources. Sometimes they will be able to adapt to a different habitat and temperature, like having their reproduction cycle delayed or done in a different time of year so that their young would survive, but if there's no food source, they'll reproduce in smaller numbers.
This is why sometimes animals will overpopulate the areas near humans, if they're able to access people's food storage, trashbags and pantries, it will give them a great, fulfilling source of food and thus an incentive to reproduce as much as they want to - after all, there's food for everyone.
But with humans, it's like we don't even pay attention to that. Or rather, our reproduction is governed by culture that isn't built around human needs and quality of life. We're taught that we need to reproduce, especially if we're women, because:
everyone else is doing it and it's the only normal thing to do
if we don't do it we're failing to contribute to future society
we're going to be an outcast if we don't do it
we're going to end up alone and unloved if we don't do it
there's a limited time frame in which we can do it, and if we don't we might regret it later
there's intense pressure all around us from our peers, relatives, family, cousins and others to do it, and they are all assuming we will and ask us why
if we don't we're contributing to extinction of the human species
we're supposed to want to do it
we're threatened of missing out on a fulfilled life if we don't do it
we're depicted as wasted potential if we don't do it
we're told it's what we exist for and it should be our only purpose to do it
And this fails to take into account absolutely everything that comes into being with creating human life. We aren't supposed to pay attention to the amount and quality of food that we have, to the state of the habitat all around us (if we can even access the information about it), the amount of energy, free time and willingness we have to nurture and raise a human child, or what kind of life this child can have in a world like this. It's almost like we're pushed to be more mindless than animals, reproducing simply because it's the thing that is done, rather than assessing the situation and making a reasonable call of whether someone should be living in a world in this state.
So whose idea was it to create a culture like this, who benefits from it? The answer is very simple, m*n. Just from looking at the culture they developed, it's obvious they don't care about the quality, length, or resources put into a new human's life, all they care about is producing as much offspring as possible, regardless of circumstances. All of the beliefs I've mentioned above, that are forced onto women, come from that simple-minded desire: let us multiply uncontrollably. That's also where the idea of taking away womens choices comes from; it makes it all male choice. They can decide for a woman, whether she'll have a child or not, giving them absolute control over human reproduction, while they clearly do not care what kind of society this builds or what are the consequences for the said children.
When this control is put into women's hands, all of these circumstances are taken into account. Quality of environment, available funds, food, energy, human influence, the amount of danger and threat to the child, the climate, the chance of that child having a safe and happy life, woman will be aware of all of this, because she is the one who will make sure that child stays alive and well. Fathers can ignore all of this because they know mothers will take on this labour on themselves if given no other options.
I've read recently, on how human lifespan increased so grandmothers would be able to take care of their grandchildren, giving the parents more time to work and care for themselves, and isn't it interesting? How only women were ever expected to do that. Every grandfather I've heard of was not only incapable of taking care of a child, but also incapable of taking care of himself, burdening his wife with his every need until his death. Often, they were also a danger to the children (not every single time, but often enough to be mentioned).
And we're stuck in the world where they're the ones making the calls to create more children endlessly, all while ignoring the circumstances of that child's life, and doing massive acts of violence, wars, terrorism, destruction and devastation of human life worldwide, ultimately killing both mothers and children.
It feels wrong on every level that anyone except women should have authority on human life, when to reproduce and in which circumstances. We have to endure devastating trauma and pain, intrusion in our own bodies and risk of death to make just one person. We evolved to live longer in order to take care of children, to create a better environment for them to live in, and we should let someone else make the call? It's insane.
Not only women should have the ultimate say in this, for the sake of quality of human life and the environment, but all of the culture surrounding reproduction should change. Making children in a world where we can't care for, feed and protect them isn't normal. Not paying attention to whether a creation of a child will only cause extra suffering to the child, is not how we create a future our children can live happily in. Males spreading their broken dna is not worth creating a human society that is built up on suffering, and will lead into more suffering.
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tinandabin · 1 year
I remembered my kny modern au aka the characters in our world. Now this but with SAGAU.
Getting you in their world somehow wasn't much possible. And that broke their heart in several ways. Like, c'mon? They can't be with their creator? Bullshit. So what do they do? Obviously, find a way in your world. You will be there to guide them, right?
And boy when they do get in our world, it's just CHAOS.
Because look, your apartment can't fucking fit so many people!! And first of all, how are they even here? You go and search up 'GENSHIN IMPACT' on Google only to see 'No results found. Try another term?'
Now they are in your world and everything related to them is deleted. Meaning, if you try and talk to someone about this fever dream, you'd probably get admitted to an asylum. Now the question arises, why did they even come here? Does it look like you are their creator??? Like bro. Grow another pair of eyes and look properly.
The characters have never been SOOO shocked before, what do you mean people don't worship you in this world? How dare they? Do they even realise whose presence they are in? You are the creator; why are you living in such conditions? This is simply put, absurd.
But then imagine you explaining how your world works. Like, yeah, you gotta go to this building called 'school' as a child and teenager, where many people of similar ages are present and get taught stuff. You eat at a specific time and follow a strict timetable, also you gotta ask to pee and all. No— it's not a prison, you answer when they say it's prison.
How much Mora do you make? They ask. Your answer. Mora? Babe, that doesn't exist here. Every country has a different currency.
It's fucking chaotic. Imagine Zhongli as a Starbucks barista. OR OR, Venti as a pizza delivery. Idk why it's just hilarious to imagine them as ordinary people. Ei working as a chef— Dont even get me started on this. She would get fired so fast. And Nahida is the luckiest Archon, I mean she looks like a child so it would be illegal for her to work or you'd get charged with Child Labour LMAOOO.
THE FATUI?? OH GOD THE WHIPLASH IN THE TREATMENT THEY WOULD GET HERE. Scaramouche going "Who gave you right to say my name?" And people replying with "Get over yo entitled ass emo boy" IDNUSBA
But I can imagine Signora being a model. Like seriously tho. WHAT IF THE HILICHURLS ALSO GET TRANSPORTED?? This post is such a train-wreck help.
But hey, at least you would have tons of people working for you so you would be rich so soon. Sweet.
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heartfulselkie · 5 months
selkie i saw wafaa rambling about you in the tags of this ask game a while ago so on her behalf i'm here to ask you: director's commentary on every word in citrus & lavender. 🙏🙏🙏 (pick your favorite scene if you must)
[Ask Game]
Every....every word??
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That's...uh... that's a lot of words
I'm afraid I'll have to go with a single scene, otherwise we'll be here forever! So I'll choose one of the scenes that made me want to write this fic in the first place...
It was still snowing. He didn’t know the last time it had snowed this much in Paris. A single set of footprints, marked with a trail of blood, were quickly covered in fresh white as he continued onwards. He could barely walk anymore. Either the cold was too deep in his bones or the blood loss was too great. But he kept going. Dragging one heavy, stumbling step in front of the other. His breathing was harsh and laboured as his body struggled to support itself. But even as he endeavoured to keep himself upright, he didn’t dare drop what was in his arms. Who was in his arms. He held her close to his chest, offering what little warmth and protection he had left in him. Her spots were long gone, leaving an ordinary girl in his hold. He hadn’t looked though. Not once. He hid her not only from the world and any potential pursuer, but also himself. He wouldn’t take that from her. So he stared out in front of him as he continued forward into the dark. One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other...
Citrus and Lavender, Ch. 33
This scene was something I had in my mind for a long time before even starting the fic. It went through many shifts and changes before resulting in the version that made it into the fic - one of the scrapped versions resulted in a half-reveal!
This is Adrien's lowest point in the story - and its a point he'll linger in for a while. He's just committed the gravest sin according to his upbringing by going against Gabriel's demands and trying to create his own path.
Adrien wanted to find an option that would help everyone, but unfortunately it results in helping no one. It's a bitter lesson, but it will take some more time for him to realise what the true lesson in it is - that no matter what he does, his parents can't be helped when they are set on their own destruction.
At this point though, Adrien can only see his own destruction and that damage he has caused (in his eyes). He's betrayed everyone - his mother because he fails to follow through on what he promised - his father because he can't play the dutiful son and follow Gabriel's lead - and Ladybug by not being the partner he was supposed to be.
Of course these things aren't actually Adrien's fault. The choices he made weren't really ever choices, but an act of survival while living in an abusive household. But he will still take the blame and punishment on behalf of everyone because that is what he has been taught is right. For him, loving someone means accepting their punishment (regardless if he's the one who is actually in the wrong).
So Adrien accepts the punishment Gabriel would have enacted on Ladybug. He loves her and so choses to save and protect her from that fate. He lets himself go further into that cold dark, holding her and carrying her so that she can have a chance to rise above it and escape that fate.
Because Adrien isn't the one who can change anything - he tried and it backfired in the worst way possible. Ladybug is the one who can bring about change - something he knows so well because he witnessed her himself as she went from that uncertain, clumsy girl on that first day, to the confident and resilient girl who took on the role thrust upon her to protect Paris.
So between the two of them, there's no question in Adrien's mind which one of them should end here. So he gives her what little he has left in him - his steps forward, his warmth, his endurance - because that is all he can give. Even though it is woefully lacking in value in his eyes, sacrificing his life is the only act of love he can finally make for her without it being taken back or warped beyond his control.
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guzhuangheaven · 1 year
Hello! Hope you’re doing well :D! Just wondering what cdramas you’re watching now.
New Life Begins! It's really enjoyable and heart-warming. The plot is kind of non-existent and comes in and out almost like every once in a while the writers remembered they needed to have plot, but it’s got great world-building and characters which make up for it.
I love the concept of the nine regions and how each of those regions represent a different facets/levels to feminism.
You have Xinchuan in the middle being the big patriarchy, and you have Danchuan which is the kind of female-led, female-empowered society that Romance of Tiger and Rose tried to convey but ultimately failed. Danchuan make it very clear the key to empowerment/equality is about respect, and not like actual power or dominance.
But you also have the in-between regions like Jichuan where the FL is from, it isn’t explicitly matriarchal like Danchuan but clearly isn’t the ultra-patriarchal society of Xinchuan either. Here, just the practice of monogamy allows the FL to have different expectations in her marriage compared to her friend, Hao Jia, who comes from a region where polygyny is still the norm.
Hao Jia starts out with awareness that this system sucks but thinks that with that awareness she could play patriarchy to her advantage to benefit from it. Though it makes for a heart-breaking story for Hao Jia, I love the way this drama deconstructs how that ends up being impossible because systematic patriarchy is inherently designed to oppress women and there is no way to benefit from it without losing yourself.
It's also interesting that even though Jinchuan is still clearly male-centred and male-led, the fact that it’s about as close to a capitalist society as this world gets, it also provides women more freedom, at least in terms of being financially-independent. This is a very intriguing very pro-capitalism stance that I kind of hope/wish we can explore more. Are there any dark side of that and what is division of labour in the family like in Jinchuan if both men and women work…Do everyone just pay for childcare or do you just hoist that off to other family members…?
I love all the ways this drama subverts your expectation of female relationships in a typical drama. By episode three when they show the way Haitang and the solar ladies bond and team up to deal with the Third Prince, you should know that this drama is all about women supporting each other, but it still manages to surprise me when they continually refuse to take the catty internalised misogyny route. It’s like this drama decided to set up all the ways that women could turn against each other and then just goes, nope, they’re going to be best friends instead.
One of the things that reassured me that this drama is probably going to stay on the right path throughout is that there is no criticism of the path that Hao Jia chooses even when it traps her in an abusive marriage. Instead there is explicit acknowledgement that the fact that her husband is an abusive asshole is very much on him and just because Hao Jia chose to be his concubine doesn’t mean she deserves this. And she deserves everyone to help her get out of this situation.
At the same time, I was so pleasantly surprised with the Third Prince’s arc of realising that he’s the problem and has been treating his wife and concubines like objects, and how this allows him to learn from that. It’s acknowledgement that yes, men are taught by society to undermine/mistreat women, and change is only possible when they realise what they’re doing is wrong and commit to change. Except violent abusive assholes like the Second Prince. He deserves to die.
I guess the slow burn romance between the ML and FL is cute. But I forget they’re married most of the time to be honest. I also enjoy Bai Jingting in the comedy moments more than the serious political ones.
Sisi and the Seventh Prince are just *chef’s kiss* introvert with anxiety representation. I love how Sisi just occasionally shows up to throw money at her friends to deus-ex-machina them out of scrapes and then disappears again because social interaction is just *too much*.
Anyway, this drama: 10/10 would recommend. -h
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Rising Red fans, it is time.
Time for my analysis of the series as a whole!
When I first opened up Rising Red, I was blown away by the intricacy of the books, the easy with which Pierce Brown seemed to conjure up great characters and an entire world that captured the imagination. I tore through the trilogy, following Darrow O'Lykos on his quest to free Red from their chains, to truly carve out a place for them in the world.
After I finished it I realized something. Brown is a political science and economics major. He knows everything about Marx, Smith, Engels and Freedman.
Red Rising is one big political statement.
Low / proletariat throwing off their chains to rise to the top of the hierarchy? ✔️
This proletariat believing they are working for the betterment of the species, but being lied to and abused so that the Golds may freely use their labour? ✔️
Red, in Darrow, "loving their shackles", until he is told to live for more by his wife? ✔️
Red? As in, the colour of socialism / communism? ✔️
Class division, permanently and visibly marked on the hands ? ✔️
Obsidians, giants from a 'martial race' who fight and die for Gold, despite never getting any recognition? ✔️
A ruling class that thinks they are better than everyone else? ( and is better than everyone else because of their money / skills) ✔️
Schools in which the best students kill and dominate, learning how to rule through slavery? ✔️
The meritocracy being a lie as Darrow is cheated, beaten, betrayed and held back at every turn? ✔️
The meritocracy being a lie in general as the ( lowest ) colours never get to be anything else besides their colour, to rise up? ✔️
Darrow having to "behave like a Gold" in order to be accepted, to the point of learning different speech? ✔️
Even incompetent Golds leading over other colours "because that is the way the world is supposed to be?" ✔️
Worlds blown up / destroyed when they do not do what the Emperor wants? ✔️
The SlingBlade, that has the form of a sickle, and its obvious political meaning as Red begins to rise? ✔️
Wars of Gold on Gold, Red on Red, and other class conflict that only seems like a waste? ✔️
The dangers of democracy being explicitly taught and discussed, so that everyone will accept an autocratic ruler? ✔️
I could go on and on and on, but basically, the series is much more of a fictionalized account of the real world than fantasy, especially if you look at this world through a Marxist lens.
And I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, but it does really put Red Rising in a category with The Hunger Games and Dune in that it takes real problems and builds a fantasy world around that, rather than the other way around, like Divergent and those Sarah Maas books do.
Originally, Red Rising was suggested to me on Instagram because it was compared to The Hunger Games series, and honestly, I feel like Red Rising is even more on the nose.
And at some points, I feel like this hurts the writing of Pierce Brown. The books are very tense, action-packed and full of character development, but at some points they are also overtly political.
But yeah I think it's cool that you can see where the author was educated and how that reflects in his writing.
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azzzhat · 7 months
I have arrived with more questions :>
What was the lab like back in mimictale?
Considering the fact that this universe basically has an entire world's worth of room compared to the other aus, I assume it would be much larger unless it was lacking in funds. Did they have other projects to work on? Did the bros ever get to see any projects or were they taught anything about them? Would they have been friends with any of the staff?
Would the core be necessary or would they use something else to generate power? Since they have access to electricity and a much larger amount of land, did they have a similar technological timeline to that of humans? (Like using coal and steampowered engines instead of something magic based)
Also since mimictale is basically a scaled up UT then what would waterfall be like? Would it be in a massive cave or out in the open? Could it be used for mining purposes to support a much larger population, a lil settlement or just a place to explore? Since it's in-between Snowdin and Hotland (where I presume the lab is located) then would the bros have been thru there? If so, do u think they liked it?
Just a few questions, u don't gotta answer them since it's kind of a lot sorry
New chapter was amazing, can't wait to see what happens next!
Also make sure to get enough rest if ur busy & have what good day >:]
Hello Anon!!! It's nice to see you back :D
The capital's lab was VERY well funded. Back in its prime, it was regarded as the leading innovator for technology within the region. I think it'd be nearly completely underground below the Kingdom and only accessible from within the castle, both to make use of geothermal energy and for protection. Most of the lab's work was concerned with studying the effects of magic on organic matter or enhancing the properties of materials and minerals with magic.
Orion and Freki were quite involved with the projects in the lab because of Asgore's indifference to child labour policies, though only Freki was allowed to be present while experiments were ongoing and help out with menial tasks. Orion was still a little too young to be there without constant supervision, so he had the concepts explained to him instead. They wouldn't have made many friends since Eridanus (Mimictale Gaster) tried his best to keep them away from the rest of the lab staff and essentially threatened to strip anyone of their title if they touched either of them. Mimics can get dangerously possessive over children, especially ones supposedly with no declared parental figures.
Mimictale would still use the CORE to power the Kingdom as the geothermal energy generated from Hotland supplies a good part of their energy needs. If not, it'd come from their own magic. The technological timeline does loosely follow that of humans, but as a whole most non-renewable energy sources are often substituted/bolstered with magic or draught animals. Rural areas also have less access to technology or reject it entirely.
I imagine Waterfall to occur as a wetland biome leading into a natural cavern! The surface would resemble a swamp while its underground region would take after a marsh. Its large cave system would definitely be a popular mining location with taverns, stilt houses, wooden bridges, echo flower fields, etc. It was one of the only places where Freki and Orion could catch a break thanks to the sparse aboveground population, so they did like it!
It's no problem for me to answer! I've never thought too deeply about the answers to some of these questions, so it helped me flesh out Mimictale in my head a little more. Have a good day, Anon <3
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thetwstwildcard · 2 months
📻 for any!
We're gonna go with good ol' skeleton mom herself for this one 😌
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This fits both Catrina and Soledad Maravilla but the focus will be on Catrina since she got out of the abusive relationship while her mother is still with Arturo...
"Who tends the orchards? Who fixes up the gables? Emotional torture from the head of your high table. Who fetches the water from the rocky mountain spring? And walk back down again to feel your words and their sharp sting"
Catrina was the one who wrote all the songs that made Emiliano popular. He never credited her. She was the "pretty accessory" on his arm at all his parties and he used her magic as a parlor trick to show his "great choice in a wife". While Emiliano was out and about with friends and associates Catrina had to deal with Emiliano fangirls (who didn't know he was abusive) hurl threats at her. She had to deal with the media world tearing into her but "Emilano could do no wrong". She had to tend to her wounds, scars and alcohol addiction (because of him) all alone. To sit in "emotional torture" because the maids could take the physical proof of the wounds he gave her away while she was left alone to deal with the trauma.
"If our love died, would that be the worst thing? For somebody I thought was my saviour you sure make me do a whole lot of labour"
Catrina fell out of love with Emilano while they were still married because of the abuse, affairs and abandonment. Catrina met Emiliano shortly after Dante's death where her family blamed her for his death. In the beginning Emiliano showed her the love she never had before turning around and making her call herself "Dante's murderer" (he died of an overblot where Catrina had to put him out of his misery. He would of died anyway but it was less painful for Catrina to help him)
"If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her. The emotional torture, from the head of your high table. She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate. So now I've gotta run, so I can undo this mistake at least I've gotta try"
Catrina knew Emiliano would use Araceli (Celi) like he was already using Aristóteles (Ari) but feared it would take a route similar to Emiliano's childhood and abuse at the hands of celebrities. Catrina also knew what it was like with her mother. Its a cycle of abuse, of daughters who grew up with loveless parents (where the mother was stuck with father) that lead the daughter to find a man who will only end up treating her the same way her father treated her mother. Soledad was abused by Arturo but couldn't escape or "protect" her children from their father. This lead to Catrina's childhood rebellion and eventual marriage to Emiliano only to end up the battered wife because she didn't know what a healthy relationship was. Catrina knows Celi would end up the same (and feared if she stayed Ari would end up like his father) so while she couldn't save them from the fact of being Emiliano's children she can still flee his side and try to make a better life for them all.
"All day, every day, therapist, mother, maid. Nymph then a virgin, nurse then a servant. Just an appendage, live to attend him so that he never lifts a finger. 24-7 baby machine. So he can live out his picket fence dreams. It's not an act of love if you make her. You make me do too much labour"
Even after all the abuse Emiliano did to Catrina he would often "cry" and guilt her into comforting him. No matter how beaten and disgusted at what he forced her to do, she still had to hold and comfort him while he "cried" into her chest on their bed. He hated that she explored her sexuality when she was younger yet insisted she showed skin and allowed other male celebrities to touch her and "go along with it" in public. She had to listen to exactly what he told her to do or he'd punish her. Emiliano wanted the public to think he was a great dad so he'd play up being a great father to the camera and force Catrina to take care of Ari and Celi alone. Catrina didn't want children (thought she was too "damaged"/"didn't want to become her mother" without knowing she already was), but Emiliano wanted children, so they had children. Emiliano forced Catrina to do so much to show her "love and loyalty" to him while he would constantly cheat on her.
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lonely-soul-02 · 11 months
Noel's Letter To My Younger Self - The Big Issue
Quotes that stood out to me from Noel’s personal essay Letter To My Younger Self with The Big Issue magazine.
Note: for those outside the UK, The Big Issue is a newspaper style magazine that offers homeless people an opportunity to earn money. Homeless people stand on the street with an armful of magazines and will shout out to passers-by if they want to buy one, so to get a physical copy, you need to buy it direct from a homeless person selling it. This might provide some context for Noel's political comments.
“I was always a hopeful child if not always a happy one.”
“All I was interested in was music and escapism.”
"If my upbringing taught me anything, it was resilience, I got that from my mum."
“[Peggy’s] bark was fucking ferocious.  Her bite was non-existent. She had very, very bad language.  That’s where I learned to swear, from my mum.”
“When I was a teenager I romanticised everything…I didn’t know it at the time but I was already laying the groundwork for what I would become - an artist, a romantic.”
“[the Irish folk musicians] can make the most miserable subjects sound amazing and almost spiritual. I love that and I love it to this day.”
“Singing is good for the soul. It releases endorphins in the brain, you get high from singing.  It’s why people sing at church.  Football stadiums are the working man’s cathedrals.”
“And then one day Liam just said, you write songs, play us one of yours…It was only when other people joined in on my music and Liam started singing that the light bulb went off.  And it was like, wow, actually, this could be really fucking good.  I can’t articulate what kind of emotion it was. It was not a massive eureka moment, but it wasn’t indifference either.”
Translating Noel: it was a fucking massive eureka moment hearing his brother sing the songs he’d written
“You never knew what mood Liam was going to turn up in and I found the whole thing really fucking stressful.”
“I might step in to press pause on my younger self a few times and say hang on a minute.  Can we just go back a couple of months and fucking fix this?”
“I feel sorry for young people growing up in this country now, Brexit has been a fucking absolute unmitigated disaster…Politics has come to a fucking dead end…I don’t understand what any of them stand for anymore."
“The Tories are going to run this country into the ground and then pass it over to Labour and say good luck with that."
"[the politicians living in London] might want to get on a train once in a while and get outside of the M25 and you'll see how much of a fucking shithole this country is in."
"In the outskirts of Manchester where I was born, everything is boarded up. Everything is gone. This was supposed to be a modern world where nobody was gonna get left behind.”
N.B. It was David Cameron who said nobody would be left behind in a Tory Britain.
“Music of all forms is so fucking middle class now.  The working class musician is at the bottom of the pile now.  That’s why music is shit because youth culture, 99 times out of 100, comes from the working class.  That’s why so many kids now are loving Oasis. Because we were the real deal."
"Part of me is a little bit sad that no-one came to take our place. No one's come along to speak for them [youth] about their lives and their culture and where they're going next."
"Ive got two young sons...and I feel anxious for young guys. They don't really know how to behave with all this woke shit that's now foisted upon everybody. Angry white middle-aged women telling young guys how to behave and all this bollocks. I look at my sons and I have to put them in a headlock sometimes and say, don't worry about these people, just be who you are...They're shackled by the internet and wokeism and by living in a country where fuck all works."
"My 40s were the best decade of my life."
"Every day since I turned 50 has been a fucking ballache."
"If I could have one final conversation with anyone in my life...I'd talk to my ex-father-in-law who passed away recently. I didn't really get a chance to say goodbye . I'ld like to tell him what a great man I thought he was. And I'd also like to talk to my old granny, my dad's mum. I'd like just to say, you'll never fucking guess what happened to me and the other fella."
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The law in language: Rarriwuy Hick's groundbreaking TV role
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Despite over a decade in the entertainment industry, 'True Colours' is a career first for Yolngu woman Rarriwuy Hick who plays bilingual Arrernte detective Toni Alma.
Actor and activist Rarriwuy Hick loves language.
But in her 13 years on screen, Ms Hick has never actually spoken language. Until now.
The Yolngu woman takes on the role of Toni Alma in NITV’s upcoming drama series True Colours.
Alma, an Arrernte detective is sent to the fictional community of Perda Theendar in the Northern Territory to investigate the death of a young Aboriginal girl in a suspicious car accident.
Learning language
The series sees Ms Hick and other cast members move freely between Arrernte and English.
Flying to Alice Springs a month before filming, Ms Hick was taught language by Arrernte and Warlpiri woman Marie Ellis.
“She is fierce, cheeky and funny. But not afraid to growl at me. What you need in a teacher, just that real aunty energy,” laughed Ms Hick.
"She was so generous, she just wanted to best for me and believed in me. It was so hard and even in times when I was worried I'd get it wrong or screw up, she always reassured me.
"She was my rock, and when either of us became overwhelmed with it – we had each other to get through.”
Ms Hick speaks her own language, Yolngu Matha, which helped her grapple with learning Arrernte.
"We didn't really use much English in that space,” she told NITV.
"You can't use English words for Aboriginal language sometimes, it's hard to translate that. I just couldn’t feel it in my spirit.
“So, there was a beautiful exchange happening. When she was teaching me Arrernte, I would translate it to Yolngu Matha.
"By the time we were filming, I felt like a desert girl. I was speaking Arrernte whenever I could because I wanted to, it's a beautiful language to listen to, it's a beautiful language to speak.”
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Rarriwuy Hick (right) with True Colours series creator Erica Glynn (left) on set.
A Territory girl's dream role
For Ms Hick, the day producers called about True Colours was a dream come true.
"I'm an NT girl and have been acting for 13 years now. I have been dying to do a job in the Northern Territory. This opportunity came up and I knew I was in,” she said.
"This is the first time in Australia we're going to see on the screen a bilingual Aboriginal female detective."
Detective Alma is sent back home to investigate the girl's death. What follows is a complex mix of culture, identity, and the hardships of living in two worlds.
"You'll see Toni be challenged and sometimes frustrated with being a Blak woman in a very white space," she said.
“Whether that is being a detective and finding the challenges of how complex our families can sometimes be and the issues that surround the relationship between police and Aboriginal communities.”
Culture and community on-screen
The series delves into cultural customs and law.
"It's so important that we finally have these opportunities to talk about our very old and ancient laws... There are so many layers to our law, to our culture and custom,” said Ms Hick.
“It’s a complex system. I’m really excited to showcase that and see that portrayed on screen.”
While she has over a decade of experience in the entertainment industry, many of those cast alongside her made their acting debut in the series, including many Alice Springs community members and Arrernte people.
The cast includes Senior Arrernte Elder Sabella Kngwarraye Ross Turner, Arrernte woman Natalie Pepperill, 18-year-old Arrernte and Waayni woman Janaya Kopp, Arrernte man Grant Wallace, Siobhan Breaden, Kurt Abbott and Arrernte man Warren H. Williams.
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Rarriwuy Hick plays Toni Alma, alongside co-star Luke Arnold as Nick.
Setting a standard
Country music star and radio personality Warren H. Williams co-created True Colours alongside writer and director Erica Gylnn.
The series was a ten-year labour of love, and, according to Ms Hick, sets a new standard on how to incorporate Indigenous people, perspectives and practices into filming.
"This story belongs to Arrernte people, it's their story,” said Ms Hick.
“There were Blackfullas everywhere, in every single department. That in itself was really important.”
Ms Hick said that in the creation of the series, culture was prioritised and respected.
"There are complex kindship systems within the show but that was present offset as well.
"Making sure that there were the right actors in roles, there are some people that Warren H. Williams couldn't speak to so they had to cast someone who he could, culturally, speak with,” she explained.
"We're bringing in cultural custom into a film industry environment. It's the first time in my 13 years of acting that I've seen that. 
"That was exciting to know that we can actually do that. It is possible that we can work in both worlds and have our culture in these different spaces.”
Ms Hick said it set a precedent for how the industry can move forward and continue doing things “in culturally, the right way”. 
Date to debut
True Colours is a co-commission by NITV & SBS – the perfect home for the series, according to Ms Hick.
“You know how they have Netflix Originals, this is an NITV Original... I love NITV, my family and I are always watching it and I’m really excited that this is going to be its home,” she said.
Ms Hick hopes that the show can not only showcase the importance of daily cultural practice, but the “struggles we face trying to live in two worlds that are so different to each other”. 
"For Arrernte people, I hope that they watch it and are proud to see their families on screen, their stories being told and hearing their language," she said.
“One of the biggest things I’ll take away from True Colours is the talent we have here in Australia...
"I hope the world gets to see that, and all of Australia. We need to keep encouraging our stories, and especially First Nations stories.”
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Rarriwuy Hick with co-star Luke Arnold on set in Central Australia. Source: NITV/SBS
True Colours premieres Monday 4 July at 8.30pm on NITV & SBS
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antonia-gergely · 3 months
advice from writers to become a writer
translated to visual art
On his podcast, Benjamin McEvoy discusses how to start writing literature (Hardcore Literature a Episode 68) and on top of deciding to begin a daily writing practice, it has taught me a lot about my visual art practice.
Many writers recommend writing every day
Alice Munro wrote at any time she could find between housekeeping and child rearing. She collected short stories and didn't publish a collection until the age of 37. She worked steadily and quietly. Her success did not come overnight by any means.
nor does that of a great artist.
consider the importance of the work you're doing
consider it to be work
set aside space and time when you are not distracted to engage in deep work.
cal newport's book Deep Work - importance of blocks of uninterrupted time. task switching leaves attention residue. if your flow state is ruined or compromised it is much harder to get back into it.
many writers resorted to being either very early risers or very late sleepers. the world is still sleeping, you do not need to focus on anything else.
shallow work is emails, media, phone calls - unfortunately as an artist this is slightly more influential than it is for a writer. it has to be done but it can be minimised and set aside until deep work is done. neal stephenson left a notice on his website apologising for his poor correspondence - he was too busy writing to focus on shallow work.
ernest hemingway wrote while it was still cool, would finish up when the sun rose.
haruki murakami rises at 4 a.m. writing for 5-6 hours straight. then goes about his day and sleeps early.
output-focused workflow
it's good to allot a certain amount of time each day for working, but some writers prefer(red) to adhere to a certain daily quota of work. this is where i drew the most parallels with visual art.
stephen king and anthony trollop are successful examples.
trollop would put a wristwatch on the table in front of him and aim to write 250 words per 15 minutes. he worked for two hours, writing 2000 words each day. some of it wasn't great, but if you do that often enough, there has to be something good within
the same can be said for visual art. artists mention daily practice and daily sketching, but never regimentally like this. i think i'll find it much easier to stick to a schedule that's just challenging enough.
one blind drawing, one black and white detailed sketch, one coloured sketch a day (or something similar) our minds do a curious thing when faced with a simple task. we think it's too easy or small to make a difference, but the consistency of work changes your brain over time, until it becomes automatic
this free sketching coupled with more laboured painting is a sure formula to make SOMETHING decent. to be a great writer you need to be a prolific writer, and the same can be said - i believe - for artists.
writer's block
it does exist. different areas of life, anxiety, stress, doubt can all affect creative output.
ernest hemingway told people to write 'one true sentence'. once you've written that, focusing only on truth and not on the language, the structure of the sentence or anything like that, write another true sentence, and another, and so on.
this gets the mind moving and the physical flow going.
similarly for artists, yes we can get stuck. some days we want to do nothing
but we CANNOT indulge a creative block, because we are then defining ourselves by what we are not doing. aristotle said 'you are what you repeatedly do'. if you paint once a month you are not a painter.
paint an egg. paint your hand. paint the sky outside. but focus on it. really paint it. paint what is truly there.
i've made the mistake of trying to force myself out of a block, but allowing the internal narrative of frustration and futility to control the work. this leads to a piece of work that you are not satisfied with, and which enforces your belief that your work is bad, or declining, or uncreative.
its not enough to write thoughtless words, nor is it enough to paint thoughtless images. creative endeavours such as writing and painting have a massive production overlaps in this way.
serial writers often wrote on the fly. they wouldn't know where the next instalment would go. they would look at what readers expected and subvert it. creating and creating and creating.
you can write fast and write well. same with painting or drawing. large quantity doesn't have to mean low quality.
it's crucial to keep creating, but it hasn't been enough to tell myself that - achievable daily goals make the difference.
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duskodair · 4 months
hello. it is very late at night and I am tired, which means it is the perfect time to formulate a response to the deep bitterness I feel about the 'the curtains were blue' haha english lit is useless line of japery. I can be very verbose when I'm passionate so I'm going to break this down into three bullet points so let's go
'the curtains were blue'. Ok let's take the joke itself. It's a mockery of the concept of close reading, which is one of the fundamental skills of critical thinking. Let me explain; critical thinking is the ability to read a text and then assess it based on your own knowledge and inferences as to whether it is bullshit or not, and whether it is trying to convince you of something (and whether you agree with that). Close reading is the art of diving into a text and taking note of its constituent parts to see how it has been built. Taking 'the curtains were blue' as an example (it is a shite sentence btw), you can see that it uses 'were' instead of 'are', positioning it in the past tense - from that the curtains are relegated to history. Depending on the context of the sentence, historical blueness to curtains may be significant. For example, if the sentence is pulled into politics and expands to 'with the labour leader's 2023 kiss-arsing to Thatcher's ghost, for all that he claimed his house was red, it was very clear that the curtains were blue'. In this context it becomes satire and the mention of the blue curtains aligns his previous policies with the right wing Tory blue. Close reading is simply the art of pulling intentional and unintentional bits of language from a text and evaluating how they contribute to the function of the overall piece.
Ok. So what. The curtains are blue. What does English lit matter in the real world? this is the piss on the poor website. Every day we read and write shit. If we can all see what the language we are playing with is doing, we will be much better equipped to actually talk to each other. The curtains are a scapegoat for the transferable skills that literature lessons are meant to teach (the birth of English lit is that it is classics in the vernacular, so that commoners who did not speak greek and Latin could still benefit from studying texts (more on this later)). The difference between English lit and English lang is a mirror to methods of mathematics and applications of mathematics. Johnny bought 14 bottles of dish soap, applications tells us, trying to get us to apply the mathematic methods to real world problems - the same for the curtains. They are a training exercise for the real world, wherein you face daily text and what you reblog or tweet or email or post is a representation of your opinion. If you cannot look beyond the surface language, there could be a whole other game in play that you are missing (i.e. dogwhistles, bigoted propaganda, other fucked up assumptions) (it's like counting fingers in images these days).
Fine. Cool. So English lit teaches close reading and critical thinking which can be used to evaluate text in the real world. Why the fuck did they make me read Of Mice and Men and Romeo and Juliet??? Good fucking question (hey exam boards, sort it out bro). Let's talk about the idea of the canon. So English is a baby discipline (came in pretty late as a commoner's alternative to classics, as I said earlier). People hated it (there's one dude who is now only taught on English lit courses who fucking hated it and thought it was worthless (after all, everyone knew that there were no good texts in English because they all wanted to snog homer)). Anyway, it was posited that it was a Worthwhile Subject because it could teach ThE iMpoRtanTesT bOokS fOR bUiLding MoRal ChaRacTer to YoN PleBs (read: books by posh white men). The shakespeare thing is tied into this, but also into English nation building (trying to get the homer snogging gang on board because, hey, the only thing they hated more than poor people was foreigners, so having a homegrown bard really offered some bragging rights (another win for English xenophobia (please note the sarcasm)) (please do not take this as a statement that there is no value in Shakespeare because that is not true and my undergrad tutor would kill me and i like her very much). Anyway the original concept of the canon was that academics would put together a list of Good Books (TM), and those were the good ones to teach. Obviously, that orginal list was Mega Fucked Up. But the purpose of Modern English Academia is to beat the notion of the canon up with boxing gloves. Feminism, Postcolonialism, Queer Theory, Marxism, Ecocritism, the schools go on and on, and their function is to uncover lost texts from history and to bring them to light. For example, Frankenstein was popularised by the study of English literature (because before we were just reading Percy Shelly instead of Mary Shelly and the feminist critics went oi, shut up about the wet lettuce one minute and read this). English Literature is about adding voices to history through literature, about close reading what the texts are saying, and then using critical thinking to assess the impact that they may have on today.
This is a bit of a ramble and I'm not saying English is always taught well in schools (I have issues with syllabuses etc. ( particularly as the notion of the canon is inherently problematic)). But what I am saying is that English Literature (or as a more Postcolonial approach posits it, Literature in English), is a valuable subject. The application of language to both art and the everyday is inescapable. It is vital that we have the tools to understand and interpret what language is doing and how literature functions. Because once you start deconstructing every sentence you read, you start wanting to fist fight every journalist on the planet for the way that they frame their articles. You start noticing how language is used around you to make people respond in certain ways. You start evaluating the significance of the language you use. You start noticing that you're not immune to propaganda (taps the sign).
And it just makes me so sad when people talk about english lit as if it is worthless, because that kind of language cuts funding, cuts interest, cuts our ability to dismantle propaganda, and to enable others to dismantle propaganda. My specialism is Ecocritism and my academic work has largely centred on how language is weaponised against the environment in both colonialism and capitalism, and ohhh buddy, those curtains are blue
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pennyappealcanada · 2 years
Benefits of Eating Dates in Islam
Dates are fruit of the date palm, fruit of the Prophet (ﷺ) and one important to Muslims around the world. Do you know why dates are so important in Islam?
Dates or the date-palm are mentioned in the Qur’an 22 times, which is more than any other fruit tree, marking their importance. The Prophet (ﷺ) knew of their benefits, and enjoyed eating them. He fondly encouraged those around him to do the same. He would receive them as gifts, and share the benefits of eating dates in Islam with his ummah.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Amongst the trees, there is a tree, the leaves of which do not fall and is like a Muslim. Tell me the name of that tree.” Everybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas. And I thought of the date-palm tree but felt shy to answer. The others then asked, “What is that tree, O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)?” He replied, “It is the date-palm tree.” [Bukhari]
When the Prophet (ﷺ) compared date-palms to Muslims, he was saying that the believer is strong in their faith and is unyielding in their devotion to Allah (SWT). The believer is always reaching out for Allah (SWT), much like the leaves and branches of the date-palm reach for the sun. The date-palm and the fruit it bears can help nourish the land, just as the Muslim ummah can help nourish Islam itself by spreading the word of Allah (SWT) and following His word.
The health benefits of eating dates in Islam
 The Prophet (ﷺ) has likened the date-palm to the believer, but he has also encouraged eating dates in Islam for their health benefits. In the Prophet’s (ﷺ) wisdom, he knew that eating dates in Islam would help the wellbeing of Muslims everywhere. He was reported to have said, “He who eats seven Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them.” [Bukhari]
Dates are filled with many vitamins and minerals that can keep us healthy, and 7 dates a day is the perfect serving size to help our bodies maintain a good physical balance. Rich in fibre, antioxidants and cholesterol free, these sweet fruits can boost your immune system and aid in protecting your body. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Indeed in dates there is a cure” [Muslim], and we can see today – as the Prophet (ﷺ) taught us – that consuming dates helps support an overall healthy body and mind.
Dates contain:
· High amounts of protein
· Fibre, which helps lower the risk of heart disease and prevents constipation
· Vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, A, C, K and D
· Selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium, for bone health
· Potassium, supports the nervous system
· Fluoride, which helps fight tooth decay
· Iron, which helps with anemia
· Natural sugars
The Qur’an also tells us of how eating dates Islam can help with the pains of pregnancy and birth in Surah Maryam. Maryam (as) experienced strong pains during her pregnancy with Isa (as), so Allah (SWT) instructed her to eat dates to ease her discomfort.
“The pains of labour drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She [Maryam] said, “Oh if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!” A voice called out to her from under her, “Do not grieve! Your Lord has placed a small stream at your feet. Shake the trunk of the palm towards you and fresh, ripe dates will drop down onto you. Eat and drink and delight your eyes.” [Qur’an, 19:23]
Eating dates during pregnancy can help ease labour pains, and help promote a healthy delivery for the baby. An article published by the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, confirm the benefits of eating dates in the late stages of pregnancy, stating that the consumption of dates  “has been shown to positively affect the outcome of labour and delivery without adverse effect on the mother and child.” – SubhanAllah!
 Ramadan is a very popular time to eat dates because the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “When one of you breaks his fast, let him break it with dates for they are blessed. If they are not found, let him break it with water for it is pure.” [Tirmidhī] Dates can be found on iftar tables all over the world during the Holy month of Ramadan for Muslim families to enjoy surrounded by their loved ones.
The Prophet (ﷺ) himself used to break his fast with juicy dates during Ramadan, or would drink water in place of them if they weren’t available. They energize the body and are easily digested, which is important for someone who had been fasting all day with an empty stomach.
Eating dates during Ramadan, or any time of the year, can help you feel closer to our Prophet (ﷺ) and our religion. Eating dates in Islam is a tradition that comes with many benefits and is one that future generations of Muslims in our global ummah will continue to enjoy!
This year, you can pre-order your dates for Ramadan from Penny Appeal Canada and enjoy the delicious flavour of juicy Medjoul dates from Palestine, while helping those in need. Purchasing these dates from Palestinian farmers will empower them! All profits from sales will also go towards our Feed Our World campaign, providing essential supplies to communities during Ramadan. Pre-order your dates today experience the benefits of eating dates in Islam and to help protect the Holy Land and those living there from harm.
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musings-and-muses · 2 years
Being means becoming
(Given that the thought in my head is more complex than the title above, bear with me. I can come up with a catchy one later on. Let´s move on to the phrase instead. )
Whenever I learn about cultures around the world, especially traditions that have been monikered as UNESCO immaterial heritage, two things happen in my head. For one, I feel awe. Traditions are popular knowledge that have persisted through time solely through transmission from generation to generation. It surpasses the scope of my lifetime and its merit is in the fact that it remains and is appreciated by those who practice it. The second thing that happens is not so pleasant. I feel remorse, or dissapointment. 
This might be surprising to hear if you grew up in a country who could withstand imperialism and defend their cultures. You probably relate more if you know what growing up in a city like Panama is like. It is the hellscape that arises when you smash Latin-American fatalism, that is coming to terms with the fact that the original cultures and peoples were almost effectively wiped-out and that most of the new-founded republics were just a powergrab by people that held the same racist and colonialist beliefs; and liberal optimism, the obsessive aspiration of reaching the heights of the American Dream, or of western countries, that is, compulsive bending the backs of its citizens and policies towards relentless GDP growth, without a clear notion of values and institutions that the expected wealth is meant to sustain. That is, the empty desire for economical growth that willingly chops the head of humanities off. That doesn’t beg the question, what for or in defense of whom? That doesn’t see the situation of its people as a historical and cultural entity with inmeasurable value and that only measures its populations worth as labourers. 
Growing up in a place like this meant slowly acquiring the awareness that my parents and their parents painstakingly spent their whole lives studying and working with their sole life aspiration being to rise from poverty. My greatgrandparents moved into the city,  my grandparents saved up to send some of their children to university, my parents went to university and sought out that I would know no hardship and take going to college for granted. Not a single one of them knows much about our family’s past. Hard work doesn’t give time for family history.  And here is were the remorse comes in.
Remorse is almost paradoxical in this case, because we can’t regret things that others did not do that we expected or desired them to do. Let alone, feel guilty as if it was our fault that they didn’t. “I wish I knew that about my culture.” Loss... “I wish I had been brought up that way.” Rejection... And then it’s “I wish I would have taught myself this out of personal interest” or “I wish my parents would have taught me this. I wish they weren’t so ignorant,” and the hangman is waiting indifferent to who gets the blame. 
There are no easy ways to reconciliate with this fact. That you might always know less, that getting to the same place will always be more work for you. You learned in your free time and by reading on the internet, not in school, not in with your peers. You maybe had to sacrifice some of your youth in this exchange. 
If after all, one is not content and resents life for not owing one more, an insatisfactory truce can be made after a fatal blow to oneself, which affords our parents forgiveness: “I wish I wouldn’t think this way. I wish I wasn’t ungrateful.”
That is to think after all, that it is one who failed the conditions in which one came to be. 
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harmonyandriley2022 · 2 years
The Caterpillar The Butterfly The Human And A Lion.
Mental health issues.
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So I was born a baby human being and the world of men turned me into a Lion in my head because I was abused as a child and I saw a Lion in a nature book and it looked like it could fight against the human beings that bullied me.
As a child I couldn't fight against the world of men so I became a Lion in my head.
The child who acted like a Lion just got more powerful intrusive discipline and went off the rails. The adults sent the Lion child to a psychologist and the Lion child got more confused and very very angry at the world of men.
Quietly and privately the child nurtured an alternative mindset growing up as a secret Lion then he read the Lion the witch and the wardrobe and became a little nutcase but sincere and honest.
Today the Lion child is a man but also a little fat chubby Caterpillar and a Butterfly.
A Butterfly flies around in summer and finds a girlfriend Butterfly and they make love in a meadow then the mummy Butterfly has babies in the form of eggs underneath a leaf.
The mummy and daddy Butterfly die and so we wait for baby Butterflies.
The eggs hatch oh look it's about Caterpillars munching leaves crawling around the place getting fat.
Then these aliens want to sleep so they build a house and go bed.
Still no comparison to a Butterfly two totally different creatures with nothing in common a Caterpillar and a Butterfly have nothing in common with each other whatsoever.
Chrysalis breaks open and the Caterpillar is a Butterfly it flies and finds a girlfriend Butterfly and they have babies in the form of eggs underneath a leaf.
Guess what the babies are fucking Caterpillar babies and that is the same as mental health issues in human sweet beings my friends.
We either are Caterpillar babies or Butterfly babies we don't know that if life makes us change we are still the same thing we get scared but Mark Anthony Ward is here to tell you that you are ok.
Mental health issues are resolved by the explaining to you that you have temporarily become a tried and tested beautiful and relevant and useful and essential separate but connected version of yourself my beautiful friends ok?
Within us all are separate perceptions of our lives but we are our full selves at all times.
Life is complex and Harmony & Riley 2022 Potential Realised is here to ensure that you build an identity free of fear to explain and assist you with the life that is your own to enjoy.
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Some people think that they are beyond help no not at all I love you very much and I am more hopelessly fucked up than you are and you inspire me to do something amazing.
You taught me how much I appreciate your time and consideration and patience if you all are so mysterious and unfathomable then I must hold on to my life and not give up.
I think you The British Isles Citizens of Courage and Loneliness and Brilliance are Precious and Beautiful.
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Your families have recruited my heart and soul and spirit and body and we are going to celebrate you.
We will become the most expansive and most powerful and capable family of charitable support for our children and adults alike with disabilities in the world based in Great Britain.
If I am a Human Being and a Child and a Man a Butterfly and a Caterpillar all at the same time not to mention a Crazy Greatest Britain Lion and someone says that you have a mental health issue or a disability then send them to me.
Of all the anger hatred vengeance and the desire to fight against the tyranny of the corruption for all the personal vendetta against the Labour party politics for all the fourteen years of isolation and intimidation and the suffering do you know what the most important thing is I have learned?
Leann Harmony and Riley and Ruby Bella love me and I love them and as a family persecuted we have found our community and our nation culture and history we are a fraction of the suffering in Great Britain today and I have just got off the phone to another male Metropolitan Police officer call handler I am staggered at the love of white people. Two white men Metropolitan Police officers caring about me and my life I tell you what black boys and girls and men and women give white Metropolitan Police officer talent and all white Police officer talent in Great Britain today a try.
My mum is white and she never mentioned that my dad was black but oh my god my black family made sure I knew I was half white and white people were racist one and all well fuck that I am seriously fucked off so shut the fuck up about my white blood I am half white and will love white people.
I try to love black people but you are prejudiced against me.
All the very worst bullies at my secondary school have since approached me and shaken my hand in the pub Daniel Errington Steve Lacey Dan Smith Tony Andrews Danny Murphy white Boys now men who respect me and I always was half white.
They were not really bullies they were raised by a family of white people who said we are going to be sold out I am fucking so lucky to be mixed race truly I am.
I see it all every fucking little detail of reality.
When the black man was on the ropes I saw it and I acknowledged it politics in Great Britain today is trying to wipe out the white man I see it and I acknowledge it but you have a little problem.
The white man feared you so acted in a very hostile manner you ram that down his fucking throat fair enough do you think then you can carry on past the equal and opposite response and go over the fucking top and carry on whiter than the white man crying wolf in my fucking Great Britain today and trash my mother's white blood?
Fuck you.
Trashing white children and their families like they are shit on your fucking shoes my black brethren.
Well now the Yella Nigger in Great Britain today will fuck you right up.
You are the fucking racists today and I won't fucking have it and the white man best step aside and let me come through and deal with this political black on white racism because I will flatten you all and you know it.
White racism is no good but Fucking Black racism well well well that is special.
White left political people are stoking a black racism movement against white people who are not left wing woke world Labour party politics inclined.
White left people racist against white people weaponising blacks against whites on behalf of left wing woke world white people.
Whites weaponising blacks against whites.
So then a new level of racism.
I will talk some fucking sense into them.
I call myself black I can't be white when you whites attack whites and weaponise blacks against whites I will rock up and protect whites from black and white background corruption.
You will learn I also can be not black.
When the white man betrays the black man I will fight for the black man when the white man empowers war against his own kind and manipulates the black man I will come to protect black and white people by knocking the fucking heads off the corruption black or white I am both of you so don't fuck around with me.
I am not a genius I am not even clever not in the world of men but in my world of power and energy I am the elite warrior so I say this is my gift to the world of men.
The white man and the black man and everything in between means nothing to a new form of man who is changing your mind and soul and spirit and history and culture and traditions your future.
A white led force that can destroy and is destroying the world of men and is presenting the world of the white man as the reason for all the suffering and injustice in the world of anything and everything non white is gathering a force to take over the history of humanity by weaponising everything and misrepresenting non white against all other whites.
The black man cannot see that the force manipulating his hatred of whites is a new white evil more evil than any white evil before.
White people and black people are being managed and herded and manipulated by a new force of evil prejudice today.
Frankly they need a right good kicking and all their teeth knocked down their throats.
Mark Anthony Ward @ Harmony & Riley 2022 Potential Realised.
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crazyintheeast · 3 years
It took a lot of time but humanity finally manages to make it to the galactic community and at first we were welcomed. A new species is always interesting and out primitive technology was not that uncommon. There had been other species who come from resource poor sectors. If anything it was a badge of honor to make it across the stars when your sector lacks some of the vital resources that make space travel practical
But then everything changes when humans mentioned sleep .Nobody could understand what they meant. At first everybody thought that it was a translation error but soon it became clear that sleep was unknown throughout the whole galaxy. Every time the humans tried to explained it left every single other species baffled. Being immobile and helpless for almost a third of a cycle? Hallucinating? It made no sense. And when humans told them that almost every species on Earth also slept  Earth quickly became known as “The Planet Where Evolution Went Wrong”. Humans went from scrappy go-getters who made it to the stars  almost on pure will alone to the butt of every joke. “At least I am not human” became one of the common phrases in the universe
Still humanity didn’t give up. They wanted to be among the stars and tried their best and then some. But  nobody wanted to really work with humans. Often it wasn’t evne a prejudice thing but simply a practical matter. Why would anyone want workers who spent a third of a cycle immoboile and who’s health and sanity would break down if they didn’t get their “sleep” regularly”. So human became the cheap labour of galaxy. Working the worst jobs and accepting the worst possible conditions and pay because after all three humans  equaled about a normal worker and if humans were willing to work for 1/3 of the pay why not let them?
Nobody understood why humans were so desperate to belong in a society that was clearly not meant for them. It’s not like the Galactic Community would abandon Earth. Interstellar Society provided technology free of charge  to all worlds. Human could have  a safe happy live in their home with all the comfort and advantages of modern technology so why would they go through all this just to be in a society where they clearly have no place? Where they are at a constant disadvantage? Where they have to work the worst jobs just to exist? One of those jobs was on the Qyr’yiop transport freighter. It transported medical supplies to remote planets and colonies. Transport routes like this were always dangerous because they were juicy targets for pirates. And this was indeed the fate of the Qyr’iop today. Pirates had boarded them and had killed most of the crew already. Human had been sleeping in their tiny isolated quarters so they were overlooked in the initial attack  but they knew that it was only a matter of time until they were found. So they did the only thing they could do. Hijacked the navigation controls and did the one thing you NEVER ever do on a spaceships, steered it into a Dead Zone.  It was the first thing they taught you to avoid on any ship. Dead Zones were large sectors of the galaxy that had a dangerous radiation that made it impossible for anything sentient to pass through. Even a few seconds turned your mind into mush. It was a painful and horrible way to die and there was no defense against it.  Even the most heavily shielded military ships could last at most an hour in the Dead Zones. The only ships allowed inside were fully automated vessels but they tended to be highly unreliable.
So the humans thought that if they were going to die they might as well take the people who killed their friends with them and full burn right into the Dead Zone. A week later Galactic Space Patrol used an automated drone to retrieve the  stranded ship and give the crew a proper burial. When they open the doors they expected to see the dead crew , what they did not expect to see were humans jumping around in joy
“You found us! Thank you so much. The engine malfunctioned and we were dead in the water for a week now. We thought we would be goners for sure when we couldn’t repair the communication system”
“How are you alive!?? You have been in the Dead Zone for a week!” exclaimed the astounded Captain
“We have Whoa.. I thought we missed it!”
“I told you that those weird nightmares we had the first few days were not natural Jared! You never listen to me”
“What is a nightmare”? asked the baffled Captain
“Oh you know it’s this...how to describe it. It usually is a feeling of complete terror and panic and feeling you are helpless and in a horrible place”
“Yes that’s the first stage of Sentient Annihilation in the Dead Zones. It comes right before death. You should all be dead”
“No my dude that’s just a normal part of sleep”
And that day everything changed. Humans became the only species who could venture in the Dead Zones and even build colonies there. Humans became the most valuable resources in the Galaxy. Every species wanted a human representative who would claim part of the Dead Zones for them. Entire new travel routes all over the galaxy opened with the humans ability to easily get in and out of Dead Zones with merely a mild discomfort. And scientists from all over the Galaxy converged on Earth and tried to find out what sleep truly is and why all life on a planet had evolved a way to survive in Dead Zones.
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