aprincesadegales · 9 months
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Catálogo de Looks da Princesa de Gales
Chapéu: ? Casaco: Catherine Walker Bolsa: Emmy London Sapatos: Emmy London Brincos: Brincos Cluster de Diamantes de origem desconhecida Missa em celebração ao Dia da Comunidade das Nações (Commonwealth Day) na Abadia de Westminster | 11.03.2019 Fonte: Kate's Closet
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issafmpflorablog · 2 months
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I m a g e
Why do women have such bad body image issues ?
Social media
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A systematic review of 20 papers published in 2016 found that photo-based activities, like scrolling through Instagram or posting pictures of yourself, were a particular problem when it came to negative thoughts about your body. In a survey of 227 female university students, women reported that they tend to compare their own appearance negatively with their peer group and with celebrities, but not with family members, while browsing Facebook. The comparison group that had the strongest link to body image concerns was distant peers, or acquaintances.
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When it comes to the wider circle of influencers and accounts you follow, not all types of content are equal. Research suggests that 'fitspiration' images in particular which normally feature beautiful people doing exercise, or just pretending, makes people be harsher on themselves. But there may be a downside to body-positive images, too: they’re still focusing on bodies. The same study found that women who’d seen the body-positive photos still ended up objectifying themselves after looking at the images, the participants were asked to write 10 statements about themselves. The more the statements focussed on their appearance rather than their skills or personality, the higher that participant scored on self-objectification.
Oakes, K. (2022) 'The complicated truth about social media and body image,' BBC Future, 24 February. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190311-how-social-media-affects-body-image.
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myerssetb · 1 year
If I Get More Pretty, Do You Think He Will Like Me?
It is a common belief that being physically attractive can increase one's chances of finding love or being liked by others. This belief is often reinforced by societal standards that prioritize physical beauty and often perpetuate the idea that attractiveness is the most important factor in a romantic relationship. According to Oakes (2019), society often puts a lot of emphasis on physical beauty, and this can lead to feelings of insecurity and pressure to conform to certain beauty standards.
However, it is important to remember that true love and genuine connections are not solely based on physical appearance. While physical attraction may be a factor in initiating a relationship, it is not the only factor and should not be the only focus. Relationships built solely on physical attraction are often short-lived and superficial.
Furthermore, constantly striving to change one's appearance in order to please someone else is not a healthy mindset. It is important to love and accept oneself for who they are, rather than constantly seeking validation from others. According to Gupta (2022), some people are able to accept their shortcomings; whereas others fixate on them and become their own worst critics. Confidence in oneself is an attractive quality that can often overshadow physical appearance. Gilbertson (2019) stated that to stop feeling insecure so often, you’ll need to develop a stronger sense of who you are and a genuine affection for that person.
It is also important to note that physical beauty is subjective and varies from person to person. What one person finds attractive may not be the same for another. Therefore, altering one's appearance in hopes of pleasing someone else may not even be effective. It is important to focus on qualities that are not related to physical appearance, such as kindness, intelligence, and a good sense of humor. These qualities are often what truly make a person attractive to others.
In conclusion, the idea that one needs to be prettier in order to be liked by someone is a harmful and inaccurate belief. It is important to focus on self-love and acceptance, and to seek connections based on genuine compatibility and mutual respect. At the end of the day, true connections are built on much more than just physical appearance.
Gupta, S. (2022). How to Embrace Self-Acceptance. Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/self-acceptance-characteristics-importance-and-tips-for-improvement-6544468
Lpc, T. G. (2019, November 14). How to Stop Feeling Insecure. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/constructive-wallowing/201911/how-stop-feeling-insecure
Oakes, K. (2022, February 24). The complicated truth about social media and body image. BBC Future. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190311-how-social-media-affects-body-image
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kaelula-sungwis · 1 year
20190311 94/365
20190311 94/365 by 直髮盧女士與捲毛壞脾氣小姐 Via Flickr: 發燒了
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fullcravings · 5 years
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Learn to make buttery, flaky homemade croissants with this easy to follow recipe and tutorial. You can have this classic bakery-style pastry in your very own kitchen! 
Congratulations introvertbaker for having the winning submission March 11, 2019!
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whatdoiknow · 5 years
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catswilleatyou · 5 years
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spring forward
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togetherwithiu · 5 years
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190311 IU in Epik High 'Lovedrunk' Music Video Filming Stills
Cr: Melon
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aramashi · 5 years
19/03/11 雨
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137. nap
Szemed tükröződik: látom a világot.
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aprincesadegales · 3 years
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Missa em celebração ao Dia da Comunidade das Nações (Commonwealth Day) na Abadia de Westminster | 11.03.2019
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leebinchan · 5 years
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felipeandletizia · 5 years
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March 11, 2019: King Felipe received the winners of the 37th "What's a King for You?" (¿Qué es un Rey para ti?) school contest at the Royal Palace
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kei-kamakura-blog · 5 years
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#20190311 #365日のとっておきごはん #みりん ソテー Boil down the apple and mirin and place the cream cheese on top of the painted bread. It's simple and delicious フライパンにみりんをやや多目に入れてスライスしたりんごを並べます。トロッとしてくるまで中火で煮詰めていきます。クリームチーズを塗ったパンの上に乗せるだけ^ ^簡単でおいです♪ #味醂 #本みりん #照り照り #goodmorning #mondaybreakfast #tokyocafe #instafood #photogenic #egg #🥪 #brunch #foodstagram #newyorkfood #foodphoto #マカロニメイト #ヤバスタグラム #macaroni #organic #likeforlikes #朝食 #東京カフェ #goodmorningcafe #料理好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #料理写真 #一日いちレシピ #followme https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2SAsyg8HE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2oqseow3kh70
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zeldazonkthings · 5 years
Derin Derin Nefesler
İyi hissediyorum. Uzun zaman sonra daha kendimde.. Daha cumartesi günü, ruhum basit harmonik hareketle salınıp duruyordu, durmak bilmeden.. Bedenimi nereye sabitlesem durmuyordu. İçimde bir bok yumağı geziyordu oradan oraya. Durması için direnmeye bile gücüm kalmamıştı. Bırakmıştım kendimi o boşluğa artık. Ben de o boşlukta salınıp duruyordum. Oturduğu yerde bir ileri bir geri hareket eden akıl hastalarını daha iyi anlıyordum sanki. İçlerinde salınan o harekete uyum gösteriyorlar belki de sadece. Herneyse.. Ayağa kalkıyor, “Beni dağıtmasına izin vermeyeceğim” derken, çoktan dağılmış olduğumu fark ediyordum. Zımbalanmış kağıtların zımbasını söküp farkında olmadan aynı yerden yeniden zımbalıyor, baktığım yerlerde aradığım şeyi göremiyor, söylenenleri idrak edemiyor, bindiğim arabalarda yol parasını vermesini unutuyor, hiç kimsenin olmadığı bir dünyada tek başıma olmanın çıldırtıcılığına kendimi bırakmış, geçmesini bekliyordum. Hayır, yeniden dalmayacağım. Derin derin nefesler alıp kendimi bu dünyaya geri döndürüyorum. Buradayım, burada! Burada kal! Terapiden çıkmış ama aynı şekilde o her zamanki bitkin halimle günün tamamlanmasını seyrediyordum. Gelip bizi alacaktı. Bu boktan enerjisizliğimi ona da bulaştıracaktım, bir damla sevgi verecek gücüm yoktu. Rol mü yapmalıyım yine? Hayır, yapacak bir şey yoktu. Nasılsam öyle davranmaya devam edecektim. Üstüne bok bulanmış birini izlemek, o insanın yerinde olmaktan daha kötü, daha zor olamazdı herhalde. Sonra geldi, bizi aldı, eve geldik. Konuşmadan geçen yolculuk.. Tatsızlık tadı.. Hafif suçluluk hissi.. Hastaydı. O hastaydı, benimse ne olduğum belirsiz. Durdum öyle, yemek yedik, durduk. Yemekler yenmiş, masa toplanmış, çay için ısıtılan su kaynamış birazdan da içilecekti, bir şeyler ilerliyordu ama ben zamanın bir noktasında donup kalmış gibiydim. İçimdeki ejderha ya ölmüş ya da sonsuza dek uykuya dalmıştı. Sonra o dokundu bana. İçimde iki küçük gözün kırpıştığını hissettim o an. Bir daha dokundu, bir daha.. İçimde kabuğunu kıran bir civciv gezinip duruyordu sanki, ejderham ölmemişti; sonsuz uykusundan sihirli bir elin dokunuşuyla uyanmıştı bir an. Bu aniden gelişen hareketle ruhuma can geldi ve o canı kaybetmek istemiyorum. Derin derin nefesler alıyorum ve bu anda kalıyorum, arkama bakmadan, bakmayı düşünmeden, bir daha derin derin nefesler alıyorum hızlanan kalp çarpıntımı görmezden gelerek. Derin derin nefesler..
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nyeongsuni · 5 years
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