sr-taruga · 1 year
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Happy birthday to me 🎂🎈🎉 21 years old, but I'm not even over 18 yet hahaha
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satsuha · 2 months
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ageswap au made by @tenretsuzan on twitter! there's a brief explanation beneath the readmore
your name is hikari ku, age 30. you were banished from your home nation of ku at a young age and led a failed rebellion against your treacherous brother, laid low by a harsh betrayal.
"even if it means harnessing this darkness... i will see my country freed from war."
marred by scars left by your once erstwhile friends and plagued by a darkness that grows uncontrollable, you grasp onto the small hope that you may one day reclaim your nation once more...
your name is temenos mistral, age 21. you led a peaceful life in flamechurch until one day your brother disappears after leaving you with an ominous message about the church.
"roi... what could have led someone like you down a path like this?"
despite your father's protests, you follow after his footsteps in hopes of uncovering his whereabouts, as well as the church's secrets that forced his departure...
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
there is an army of 21y | 5'3" | size 6 | ♌️ women taking over my dash
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caffeine-high · 7 months
honestly, the finale of rvb s13 permanently altered my brain chemistry at 13 y/o and since then i have never been normal about heroic sacrifices
epsilon's speech is just ingrained in me and i think something about that makes up a core part of who i am as a person and what i like in stories
i dont know how to deal with that
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maiamars · 2 years
cregan seeing jace being a lovely himbo for the first time : i will march across westeros for you
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faeryaesther · 2 months
Hi thank you for asking (っ´▽`)っ
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
My url is quite close to me in terms of how I 'reflect' myself online. Let's break down tgt 1 by 1 hahah
I'll separate it like this: faery/aesther
Faery came from my pen name, Ferelith, and my name, Ryn. Tried to combine it before with the 'n' but decided to throw it away haha
Aesther; my previous url was aester, and it actually relates to my birth flower, aster (september), and I think it is pretty much obvious now I have interest in space. The life cycle of a star amazed me as a student in high school (particularly the white dwarf), so the derivation of white dwarf and wanting to mix it with aster resulted in aester. Basically, it's aster + asterisk (from what I remember, it is what little star means in Greek, cmiiw)
So you got the combination of everything that makes me, me.
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theo-decker · 22 days
Tracking my macros for the gym again and realising that my morning venti iced latte from 7/11 is making me so full like a round milk drunk kitten that I can't eat enough protein for the rest of the day... Farewell my love 💔
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damn you guys were right, my middle aged, conservative, republican, homophobic mother just confirmed that people were, in fact, not gay in the 80’s
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katetcake · 2 months
Hate when the internet makes me see shit against my will
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deargravity · 4 months
i’m the prodigal son and also the family disappointment. and a multitasker. if you even care
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littlehotsz · 27 days
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🩷 Welcome to my page! 🩷
❣️ I’m gigi! I’m 21y ❣️
you can more of me on:
OnlyFans VIP: NO PPV 🤍
OnlyFans FREE 🤍
ManyVids 🤍
Fansly 🤍
TwitterX 🤍
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spookyyxy · 2 years
I feel like I don't know how to write in English anymore lol
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maiamars · 2 years
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I said i would finish the work and i did!!!
(Crowley and Aziraphale as humans)
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Hihihi i loved doing the 21y version. Whats your fav?
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littlemarianah · 16 days
My headcannons about District 12
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Katniss's parents' names are Ruth and Robin.
Ruth never knew that Peeta's father liked her. My boy never tried to get closer lol
The ages and names of the Mellark brothers are: Peeta (16y), Rye (18y) and Bran (21y)
Katniss's father was a leader among the miners, they spread words of revolt with music and tried to change the inhumane conditions in the mines. That's why he was killed with his colleagues in a fake accident.
The miners have work songs that they sing every morning on the way to the mines.
The water is very polluted because of coal mining waste in the rivers. You need to buy packaged water to drink.
Robin and Gale's father did not get along and always stole from each other's bushmeat customers, but they were friends during their childhood.
Gale's grandmother is Maude Ivory
Katniss and Gale are actually long distance cousins lol
Rory Hawthorne has a crush on Prim and kisses her in D13 (hihi 👉👈)
They have many respiratory illnesses because of the coal dust.
A tradition for boys who reach the age to work in the mines is to have their faces smeared with coal by their father.
The birth rate is high because the Capital does not provide any form or education for birth control
Most women have their first child at age 18.
Ruth's parents are alive and still keep the pharmacy running, but they refuse to talk to their daughter.
Peeta has many cousins.
Gale is very popular with girls, until kissing them. Because he's a really bad kisser lol
Katniss Everdeen is a legend! Everyone has heard of her. The girl who always shoots squirrels in the eyes.
There are many myths about forests, children are terrified of the sounds of wolves, they think they are monsters
There is a tradition that brides have to put flowers and herbs inside their bras on their wedding day to attract good luck.
The most stylish thing you can have in District 12 are cowboy boots. Everyone wants one, but only the richest kids have.
At school there are three types of sports that you can choose from: wrestling, running and distance jumping.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Chapter 1: The Awakening
prof!Steven Grant-Jake Lockley-Marc Spector X f!Reader
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Edited by: @welcometostayingawake (she's the real MVP)
Mood Boards - Book Cover - Masterlist
Doctor Steven Grant accepted a job as a professor at a prestigious college in New England. While you're on your way to your first history class in your second semester of your junior year, you run into an attractive English man at the coffee shop. The two of you hit it off, and since you're both headed in the same direction upon leaving, you decide to walk together. You're both excited to have met someone you have clear chemistry with right off the bat until...you realize that you both were headed to the same building, and that he's your new history professor.
When you discover that there's even more to this man than meets the eye, things get even more complicated than you could've imagined. Loving one man who's almost twice your age in a place where your relationship is forbidden is hard enough, nevermind three.
Chapter Summary:
It's your first day of class, and you meet a nice guy at the coffee shop on your way in. Too bad when you find out he's just out of reach.
Tags/Summary (these are for the ENTIRE fic):
college AU, no powers/not in MCU/no Khonshu, talk of mental illness, Marc has DID, forbidden relationship, age gap, reader is 21y/o, Boys are 38y/o, reader attends college in America but isn't necessarily American, smut, sex, masturbation, p in v, creampies galore, reader is on birth control, dubious consent due to identity issues, ANGST, romance, fluff and smut, oral sex, falling in love, reader is not race coded.
Word Count: 3.8k
It was the first day of the semester and you were already looking forward to it being over. With the holidays out of the way, you should be feeling refreshed and ready for the second half of your junior year, but when the sun beat through your dorm room and directly into your eyes, in combination with your screeching alarm, you wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Your roommate was stirring on the other side of the room in her own bed, and you were sure she felt the same.
Coming back from winter break was never easy. You had to get used to a new schedule, and leave behind the laziness of gorging on food and festivities with your family. You picked up your phone and turned off the alarm with a groan before flopping back over on the mattress. It was only 7:15am.
Layla grumbled into her pillow. “I don’t want to go.”
“Yeah, me neither.” You agreed, throwing your blanket off in a huff.
“What class do you have first?”
“History with… Dr. Grant, I think.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, he’s the new professor who came over from England I think.” She sighed and got out of bed.
Her dark curls were a mess and bouncing all around her as she walked over to the small mirror in the wardrobe and picked something out of her teeth. You remembered hearing there was a new professor for this history course after the last one got kicked out for having inappropriate relations with a student, but you had forgotten the name of the replacement until now. History wasn’t really your strong suit anyway.
“My parents told me I have to ask him for tutoring.” You said, picking some clothes out of your drawer. “I flunked last year.”
“I remember.” She said with a hair elastic in her teeth while she pulled her curls back into a messy bun.
You got yourself dressed, put a little makeup on and finished getting ready. The air outside was chilly, and you pulled your coat tightly over yourself. You stopped in at Moonbean Coffee to get your usual pick-me-up before your first class. One of the perks of an open campus was the luxury of grabbing a real coffee before spending hours in a lecture.
The line in front of you was fortunately short, only one person stood between you and the barista. You noticed the man in front of you fumbling around in the pockets of his gray jacket. He let out a sound in frustration.
“Bollocks.” He said under his breath, patting himself down. “I think I left my wallet…”
He looked panicked, and you felt bad, having been in that position before. You decided it was time to do your good samaritan act of the day and you pulled your own wallet out of your bag.
“Here.” You reached around the man and handed the woman at the register a bill.
The man turned to you and his lips curled into a big smile. His tired eyes looked you up and down. You took note of his disheveled appearance. He clearly needed his drink as badly as you did.
“Oh! You don’t have to do that, I’m just-erm…I don’t have to have it.” He said, clearly anxious from your kind gesture. You took note of his thick English accent.
You shrugged and smiled at him comfortingly, “I’d die without my morning coffee. Don’t worry about it.”
“Good morning…” the barista said your name.
“Morning, T.” You said as she got started on your usual drink.
The man still stood there to the side. “That really was very kind of you. Very sweet.” He sipped the cup. “Oh bugger.” He cursed. “That’s hot.” A small chuckle escaped him.
You giggled. “Don’t mention it. I’ve been there, done that.”
His gaze lingered on you, lips still curled in a cheeky grin. He gasped when his wrist buzzed. He looked at it quickly.
“Oh, I really have to get goin’. You come here often, yeah?” He asked, looking at you eagerly.
“Y-yeah, I do.” T handed you your coffee as you handed her another bill and told her to keep the change.
Following him to the door, he opened it for you, letting you out first before exiting as well.
“Good, maybe I’ll catch you another time then, I’ll getcha back.” He nodded. “Alright then. Bye!”
“Yeah, sounds good!” You smiled foolishly at him, “bye.” You waved before realizing he was walking the same direction you were going.
He let out a laugh as you kept pace with him. “Well of course we’re walkin’ the same way. That’s not awkward at all.”
You chuckled, “Well, you can make it up to me now then, walking alone can be boring.”
When you saw the way he looked at you, your stomach fluttered. You’d seen that look before. He was interested in you. The man was clearly older than you, but you didn’t care. He was good looking, and judging by his messy curls, gentle gaze and overall demeanor, he was just your type.
“Alright sure, yeah, I can do that.” He said eagerly.
You introduced yourself. “…what’s your name?”
“Oh, name’s Steven, with a V.”
The two of you started walking in the direction of the building your class would be held in.
“So, Steven, clearly you’re not from around here, what brings you to a small college city like this?” You sipped your warm drink while the two of you walked through the chilly September air, not wanting to rush.
“Well, a job, actually.” He sipped from his cup, too, this time not flinching at the temperature.
“Oh, what do you do for work?” You asked, realizing you were approaching the brick building where your class was held all too quickly. You wished it was just a little further so you could get just another moment with Steven.
He stopped in front of the building, as if he knew you were stopping there before you told him your destination.
“I’m a history professor. This is my stop actually! Sorry, not a long walking partner.” His friendly and naive smile was about to fade when he realized the awful irony of the situation you were both in.
It hit you like a truck, “a-are you…Dr. Grant?” You asked, brows stitched together as your heart dropped into your stomach.
It made sense now: the English accent, out of place in a New England college city, the messy hair, the messenger bag and binder of notes that you just then took notice of. It should’ve been obvious from the moment you met him, everything about his appearance screamed ‘college professor’.
For some reason, this felt awkward. It was obvious just in the short time you’d known this man that you both were somewhat attracted to one another. Not that it was serious, of course, but there was an undeniable flirtatious air surrounding the whole encounter. The way he looked at you, and the way you looked at him, sharing timid smiles between promises of coffee, it was plain as day.
Now, he was shifting awkwardly in front of you as you were tapping the paper cup in your hand deep in thought. There was nothing wrong with buying your new professor a cup of coffee when he forgot his wallet, and there was nothing wrong with your new professor walking his student to class. You were both walking the same way anyway.
“Erm…yeah, yup.” You could see him trying to shake off the fog, the fantasy you both had entertained for the two minute walk.
“Well, that’s so ironic.” You tried to push past it, hoping it would help diffuse the new tension. “I’m in your class.”
He nodded despondently, his dark circled eyes looking to the ground to avoid your gaze. He hastily opened the door for you, and you thanked him as you walked in. You were stiff as a board as you made your way inside the classroom. Even though there was really nothing wrong with the interaction you’d had, something felt maddeningly nerve wracking about the whole situation.
You took a seat somewhere in the middle next to someone you remembered seeing around in other classes last semester, but never remembered her name. You hoped Dr. Grant would take you sitting in the middle table as a way of saying, “that whole interaction was totally normal, not awkward at all, see? I’m sitting in the middle instead of all the way in the back corner to avoid you.” You silently hoped the message translated.
You pulled your laptop out of your bag. You opened it and peered over the top. Dr. Grant’s eyes were stuck on you for a second while he shuffled the papers on his desk before he nervously looked away and sat down. 
You tried to look at anything other than him, but you couldn’t help stealing glances at him over the top of your screen. He put his laptop on his desk and opened it. You watched him inconspicuously as he put his jacket around the back of his chair and he pulled out a pair of glasses, placing them on his face. They made him look older, but you didn’t think it made him any less attractive. In fact, you liked the way they looked. You quickly shook the thought from your head.
You need to stop this, you’re acting ridiculous, you told yourself.
“Alright, well.” He stood up, let out a deep exhale, and put the glasses back on the table. The final students were trickling in. “I’m Dr. Grant, but you can all call me Steven. Dr. Grant is a bit formal, innit?” He chuckled, but the rest of the class remained silent. “Alright.” He rubbed his hands together nervously.
You felt bad, seeing him clearly trying to connect with the uncaring class. He messed idly with his dark blue tie before patting it down and clearing his throat.
“Well, I won’t start us off with anything too flashy today. It is the first day after all.” He began.
The lecture was a couple of hours, but Dr. Grant made it feel like it was much shorter than that. He was like a completely different person than the anxious man you’d met at the cafe. He was excited, smiling and full of energy while he taught the first lesson. To see someone so passionate about something sparked excitement and admiration inside you, even if the subject itself wasn’t your strong suit.
The amount of times he said, ‘I mean, wow’, was surprising and more than a little endearing. He certainly had a way of making a topic that you weren’t very adept in much more interesting just from his own enthusiasm. As he was wrapping up the lecture, you checked the clock. 10:20am. Your next class wasn’t until 1:00pm, leaving you plenty of time to talk to him about tutoring. Only tutoring, you reminded yourself.
You felt anxious though, standing there after the last student left. You clutched your satchel to your side like your life depended on it. He didn’t notice you at first, because you’d started to walk away with the crowd, trying to decide if you were even going to ask him to tutor you or not, but then you remembered your father’s words. I’m not paying for you to waste your time in school, you already picked a meaningless major, the least you can do is get decent grades.
You stepped up to his desk and cleared your throat. He peered up over his reading glasses and jumped when he saw you.
“Oh, erm, hi, class is dismissed.” He said anxiously, so different from the person speaking with utmost confidence to fifty or more students just a few minutes ago.
“Yeah, I know,” you started, “I know, I just needed to talk to you about something.”
He started getting nervous, you could see sweat beading on his forehead above his strong eyebrows. If someone asked you why you were so anxious about asking your new history professor to tutor you, you’d tell them you had no idea, but deep down you knew it was because the two of you definitely had a weird connection at the coffee shop.
“Oh, is this about…it’s about the coffee, yeah? I really-”
“N-no, Dr. Grant-“
“Steven.” He corrected you.
“S-Steven.” You cleared your throat once again. “No, I’m, uh, I’m not worried about the coffee. I need to ask for tutoring.”
He pressed a hand to his chest in relief, “Oh, heh, right, yeah, ‘course.” A large smile on his face. 
He felt the connection, too, you thought, and he’s relieved you didn’t bring it up.
“Well, there’s plenty of other students around who do that, yeah? Maybe go to the library, I think that’s where you sign up for something like that.” You didn’t know what it was about this man that captivated you, but when his eyes locked on to yours you felt your stomach twist in yearning.
“Um…yeah.” You were wearing a faint smile while accepting his rejection. “Yeah, I guess I can try that. They didn’t have anyone last semester, but maybe they will this time. Thanks.”
It was probably for the best that he didn’t tutor you, judging by his reaction, and that’s not even considering if the connection was real and you hadn’t just made it up. You gave him a friendly nod and turned on your heel toward the exit. Just as you were grabbing the door handle, Steven spoke up.
“Wait, hold on.” He said, standing up. You turned to him. “They probably aren’t very good anyway, the students they have tutoring. Why don’t you come by after your last class on Wednesday? Not sure why time you get finished, but I can make something work.”
“M-my last class on Wednesday gets over at like seven.” You explained.
He shrugged, “M’sure my goldfish will be alright if I get home a bit later than usual.”
“Wow, okay, brilliant, yes Dr. G-uh-Steven!” You couldn’t contain your toothy grin as you thanked him profusely and left.
You felt like you were in a trance for the rest of the day. You’d thought that by not having Steven in your direct line of sight you’d be able to move on from the feeling in your gut, but it only festered. He was occupying your mind. The way he laughed, the way he talked, the way he looked at you, it was maddening.
You kept thinking about his messy hair, wondering what it would feel like to run your fingers through it. When he got nervous just from looking at you, straightening his tie, you wondered what it would look like to have him loosening it, maybe unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. His eyes are what really captivated you, he looked exhausted, but they still shined so brightly when he looked at you, before he’d realized that you were his student.
When you got back to your dorm and turned in for the night, you took it upon yourself to look up your college’s specific rules around student and teacher relationships. Even though the last history professor got fired, you were trying to convince yourself now that there had to be a different reason. There just had to be.
There wasn’t a different reason though. The rules were plain as day: student and professor relationships were a no go. No one seemed to care what happened when you graduated, but until then, it was strictly forbidden. There was even talk in some resources you found about the student being expelled since they are, after all, a consenting adult who knew the consequences of their actions.
With that, it was time to lay your growing need to put yourself in Steven’s presence as much as possible to rest. At least, you wanted to. You couldn’t though, while you lay there in the dark, with Layla snoring on the other side of the room. You couldn’t stop thinking about the way he looked you up and down, his hooded eyes drinking you in, the way he exuded confidence to the class, and then became shy around you immediately after. 
Your hand trailed down under your pajama bottoms to your already soaking folds, slick with your desire to know what else Steven was proficient in. You thought about his hands around the coffee cup earlier, how big they looked, veins rippling under the skin when he brought the cup to his lips. You wondered what they felt like, what one of his thick fingers would feel like inside of you. Slipping one of your own fingers inside wasn’t enough, you wanted more, you wanted to feel him.
You wished that you could fit a second finger inside, but it was too tight. You felt hot with need as you pumped in and out of your slick hole, imagining Steven hovering over you. He would tell you how wrong it was to be doing what you were doing as he trailed his hands up your ribcage and to your breasts. Would he moan loudly when he came, or would he be quiet but breathy, pressing his face into the nape of your neck to muffle his sound?
You didn’t know much about sex, not outside of porn that is. You’d done other things before. You’d tried going down on someone, but had a hard time figuring out how to do it right, at least according to the guy you were with. He had tried eating you out, but you found it was either very overrated, or he was really bad at it.
Thinking about those things made you wonder what Dr. Grant’s cock tasted like, or what it felt like. If you couldn’t even fit two fingers, you weren’t sure how you were going to manage to take him. Just thinking about it was making your arousal become unbearable. You needed him, badly, no matter how wrong you knew it was.
You could hardly take it, feeling your orgasm approaching as you fingered yourself to thoughts of your history professor. You decided you didn’t really care what he sounded like when he came, you just ached to hear him. It almost hurt how hard you bit your lip when your cunt clamped in waves over your lone digit. Your breathing was heavy, and when you felt clarity once more, you fell back onto your pillow. You had to let it go, you had to get over him somehow.
But Steven had to get over you, too. 
When he got home that night after a long day of classes, he found himself standing in front of his mirror. It had been so long since he’d heard their voices. At least a couple of months. They said they wouldn’t come back, they said they would stay in the headspace, and that they wouldn’t say a word. They hadn’t said anything specific yet, but he could hear them becoming more active since that morning.
That wasn’t the only thing bothering him, the thought of you danced in his mind. You were there, causing his heart to race; causing him to feel a pang of guilt that was vastly outweighed by the arousal building behind his zipper. He had been fighting the pressure all day, fighting the heady thoughts. Steven liked to think he was mentally stronger than the primal desires that came with sex, but just seeing you in that coffee shop that morning, and the way you looked at him, it kept playing in his head over and over again like a movie.
It got to a point that he couldn’t bear the ache any longer. He took off his pants and boxer-briefs, freeing his weeping erection. He crawled into bed, not even bothering to remove his jacket or shirt, as he was too eager. Nothing had inspired him to relieve himself like this in a long, long time. He crawled into bed and laid down on his back, taking his cock into his closed fist.
Dry…s’dry, need some…
He leaned up, spitting a glob of saliva into his palm before going back to work on himself. He gripped his length, sliding over it with his fist much easier now, tossing his head back as he reached the tip. He ran his hand through his curls to get them out of his face, looking down at his cock while he thrust upward into his fingers.
“F-fu…” He said, trembling slightly.
He kept thinking about you, your hair, your sweet lips, the way you giggled when he burned himself on his hot coffee that morning. He whined, reaching down to grab the sheet at his side. He exhaled sharply, continuing to glide into his palm smoothly, increasing speed as he got even closer. The way your face lit up when he agreed to tutor you was etched into his memory.
So young, though…he thought, too young…
It didn’t stop him from bringing his hand back to his mouth, adding more saliva to continue jerking his length. He was putting his hips into it now, imagining what it would be like to have you, just for a second he let himself go there in his mind. He thought about having you on top of him, legs on either side of his hips. You, lowering yourself over his cock, taking him all the way to the hilt. Another whine escaped him. You were so pretty, he imagined looking up at you, maybe you’d bite your lip and throw your head back with a moan. Maybe you’d grab your breast, pinching the nipple, maybe you’d tell him how good he felt inside of you. That’s all it took. He filled the apartment with his moans as he coated his fingers and abdomen in hot sticky cum.
Steven’s brain was empty, other than thoughts of you that still plagued him. He’d hoped that by doing this, it would help him let it go, but now he wished you were there for different reasons. You were so bubbly and full of energy. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to learn more about you, get to know what else makes you laugh.
With a heavy sigh, Steven slid off the bed, careful to keep his cum coated fingers from touching anything. He turned on the light in the bathroom and started rinsing his hands in the sink, finishing and grabbing a towel. When he started drying his hands, his eyes looked up into the mirror again. 
His heart stopped. He waved at himself, checking to make sure his reflection kept up. They said they weren’t coming back…
Next Chapter
TAGLIST (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed): @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @thatmomwitchfriend, @alexxavicry, @welcometostayingawake, @jake-g-lockley, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @lia275, @minigirl87, @ahookedheroespureheart, @ninebluehearts, @outmodead, @sleepyamaya, @pimosworld, @ababynova, @flordelalunas, @360iris, @momo-mochiball, @missdragon-1
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