#70s fem canadian
asunsetgrace16 · 21 days
Cutoffs and Tan Lines
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Pairing: Brandt Clarke x fem!reader
Summary: It is a good thing that Canadians find California warm enough for shorts and swimsuits for the majority of the year because Brandt likes nothing better than to come home to find you in a bikini top and cutoff shorts.
Warnings: none. Just a flirty, hopelessly in love Brandt Clarke
Notes: Headcanon: "thanks the L.A. weather for getting to see you in bikini tops and shorts for most of the year"
Word Count: 1k
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70 degrees and sunny in the middle of March. A far cry from growing up in Northern Ontario. Y/N and Ines Kopitar, who has taken Y/N under her wing as Brandt gets more and more games with the Kings, are lounging by the pool at Ines’ house. 
“God, I can’t believe it is this nice out. I keep expecting a blizzard any time. I can definitely get used to this.” Y/N says, eyes shaded by sunglasses.
“Yeah, I’d imagine Northern Ontario is much colder this time of year.” Ines replies, a smile gracing her face. 
“But I am not one to complain.” They clink their glasses of margarita, share a laugh, and the conversation flows on. Before long, however, Y/N gets a text from Brandt, saying that they are on their way back from practice.
“The boys are on their way back.” She announces. Ines checks her watch.
“It is that time. You two will stay for supper?” She asks. They gather their towels and books, making their way inside.
“Of course. What were you planning?”
“I was thinking fish tacos, something light. The boys can snack on something before if they need.”
“I can make a dip, if you like. They can bend the nutrition plan rules a little.” Y/N offers, pushing her sunglasses up on her head as they step inside.
“That would be great, actually. I’ve got the recipe down pat, so I can get it going fast. We should be ready to eat an hour after the boys get back.” Ines directs Y/N to the fridge, and they start gathering all the ingredients and supplies to make dinner. Y/N pulls out a saucepan and tosses thinly sliced onions in with butter to caramelize. Ines pulls mangoes, red onion, jalapenos, cilantro, lime juice, and red pepper to make a salsa. While the onions cook down, Y/N blends an avocado, some jalapeno, and lime to make a sauce, before mixing together the base for the dip. The fish is battered and frying when the Anze calls out their arrival.
“In, we’re home. It smells fantastic in here.” He and Brandt stop short in the doorway. They wear identical looks on their faces, as both Y/N and Ines simply pulled on a pair of cutoff denim shorts after the afternoon in the sun, leaving their bikini tops on. He swings around to the stove and captures Ines for a kiss, “What creation are you making tonight?”
“Fish tacos and Y/N is making a dip.” Ines answers, flipping a piece of fish.
Brandt goes over to Y/N, mimicking Anze. He kisses her neck. With warm hands on her hips he says in his ever playful manner, “You look even better than the food does, baby. Is that french onion dip?”
Y/N laughs, her head is back resting on his shoulder and teases, “Yes it is. Not even five minutes and you are already thinking about food?”
“Hey, you can’t blame a guy, no one makes it better than you do.” Brandt swipes some of the dip, “Besides,” he whispers in Y/N’s ear, “It would be rude to leave early, as much as I want to.”
A shiver runs down her spine at the silent promise. She swats him with the towel draped over her shoulder and sets him and Anze to making the mango salsa for the tacos. Somewhere, Brandt procures a speaker and starts a random playlist playing. A playful energy fills the kitchen, and a towel war breaks out. The group eats standing around the kitchen island, the conversation never ceasing. As the saying goes, many hands make light work as the dishes are washed and put away, leftovers tucked safely in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch. 
Anze lights a fire outside when the sun begins its descent. They move outside with hoodies on and quilts bundled in their arms. Almost as an afterthought, Anze sprints back inside and grabs marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers to make s’mores. Both Y/N and Ines crack a  yawn. The night is dark and a chill is settling in before Brandt and Y/N notice the time. 
“I guess it’s time to head out.” Brandt says, “Nice that we have an off-day tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it’s later than I thought. Thank you for dinner, as always. And the company. It was wonderful.” Y/N follows up, folding her borrowed blanket as she stands. Stretching, she yawns once again. 
“Oh any time. We like you guys. You restore some youthful energy.” Anze jokes.
“You’re not that old yet. You can still skate circles around half the league.” Brandt comments as they make their way inside. Goodbyes are said and Brandt’s hockey bag is loaded into the back of their vehicle. The late hour makes the drive home faster than usual. Y/N dozes off not long after buckling up. The moonlight streaming through the window throws shadows over her face, silvery highlights make her look so peaceful. It makes Brandt’s breath catch in his throat. He is so in love it hurts.
“C’mon sweetheart, we’re home.” Brandt murmurs, reaching over Y/N to unbuckle her seatbelt. She climbs out of the car and leans into him. The walk to their apartment is short.
“I think I could fall asleep standing up at this point,” She mumbles, face tucked into his shoulder as the door to their apartment is unlocked.
“Me too. I vote we get ready for bed as fast as we can, and then we can just fall into bed.”
Sounds like a plan.” They move quickly through their nighttime routines. Brushing teeth, washing faces, grabbing pajamas. He flicks off the big light and turns on the bedside lamps. Y/N tosses her hoodie out the open bathroom door and changes into more comfortable shorts. Denim is cute, but not all that comfortable to sleep in and certainly not her choice of sleepwear.
“Babe, can you come untie me? There’s a knot now and I can’t quite get it undone.” Y/N calls. He comes back into the bathroom and gets the knot out of her bikini top.
“You’ve got some tan lines, baby.” He kisses her shoulder.
“Hmmm. You can appreciate them tomorrow.”
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strangestcase · 1 year
My concepts for fem!BLU TF2
I absolutely love that the fandom treats the RED and BLU teams as different casts and that this is often paired with making the BLU team the fem!fortress cast so uh
Sniper (Martha) is Canadian, brash, abrasive, petty, and pretty rude. Treats her job like it's a hobby she's really good at. Sees herself as a hunter of men, treats her kills as if they're game, though rumours of cannibalism are unfounded and in fact she considers it the only crime she'd never commit. Lives in a camping tent. Since she's spent most of her life in the cold Canadian wilderness, she finds New Mexico unberable and spends most of her time half naked... or in a sleeveless shirt. Smokes a lot. Despite her roughness, she has a good heart, but to see it you'd have to give her so, so many drinks, and maybe bribe her with food.
Medic (Basya) is Polish, Jewish, and angry, and grew up in a bucolic little village with a dark secret... She's very serious and no-nonsense, and has very little patience for horseplay and, well, most of her teammates really. Insists on not using anaesthesics in her interventions because "pain makes you strong" and while she has extensive medical knowledge she will not hesitate to cut corners or operate on you with dirty equipment out of pure pragmatism. Used to keep rats to experiment on but grew attached to them, particularly one called Pithagoras. Always keeps her hair braided and out of her face.
Heavy (Mi-yeong) is (North) Korean. Her family is one of intellectuals and she grew up enamored with poetry. After they had to flee the war, she stablished herself in America. Has a PhD in Korean literature and writes her own poetry in her free time. Due to her limited grasp in English, she tends to overcomplicate her sentences when she speaks, coming off as snobbish, but that couldn't be any further from the truth! She's very down to earth, albeit that doesn't make her any less trigger happy. Overly proud of her kill count. Loves her minigun, Su-bin, and, of course, Corn Doags.
Scout (Stacy) is a bit of an air-headed Valley Girl that grew up in an affluent borough of San Francisco. While her family would like for her to be a housewife, she said, "bet", and hopped on the first bus she saw. Very feminine in a cutesy Barbie way, pigtails and all, but has a huge aggression problem and anger issues (...and an itchy trigger finger). Likes reading fashion magazines, bashing skulls with her bat that she personally covered in rusty nails, and flirting with girls. Enjoys roughhousing and picking on her teammates as much as she hates breaking her nails. Can down a can of beer in 5 seconds.
Demo (Eduvixe) comes from a little village in Galicia, Spain. She is (currently) a peaceful tree-hugging flower power hippie- but she's no pacifist herself. During her youth as a radical anarchist, she single-handedly ran the Sublevado troops out of her village with sticks, stones, and explosives of her own making, and spent a good ten years fighting Francoism armed with homemade bombs, which cost her her right eye. Now she's in her 70s and still rocking, and if you speak to her for more than ten minutes she already has signed you up for the mercenary union. Smokes weed, like a lot of it. Is stoned on the clock. Can cook a mean stew.
Spy (Giulia) is Italian and has a reputation as a ladykiller. She often boasts about how many bitches she has, and... she exaggerates, big time. Likes to keep the image of a cosmopolitan modern woman that wears trousers. Covers her hair with a stylish scarf, wears sunglasses, and uses a cigarette holder. As much as she's professional and efficient, she's also a huge jokester and uses her mastery of disguise and voice mimicking to play dumb pranks. She wants you to see her as cool, but is actually goofy. Her nonna sends her tupperwares full of pasta in the regular.
Engineer (Monique) is a young African-American girl born and raised in Louisiana. Growing up with her grandparents in the swamp, she became an expert at salvaging scraps and McGyvering basically anything, which set her up to become an inventor and graduate university with a bunch of PhDs in different types of engineering when she was only 16. Spunky and optimistic, she's chill and laid back... or so she seems. She's a huge perfectionist and has a "fuck around, fing out" attitude. Hacked off one of her legs at the knee to replace it with a prosthetic of her own invention. Regarded as a bit "qwirky" by her older peers.
Soldier (John Doe) doesn't remember much of her past. She's snarky, sarcastic, quippy, and overconfident, but has an angry streak. Yells everything she says because she's mostly deaf from all the explosions. Has no regard for personal hygiene and has had to be forced to get her head shaved on account of all the matting hair. Often says the most out of pocket shit and nobody bats an eye. Is a butch lesbian, but doesn't know what a lesbian is. Hates men but particularly hates men that wear sandals. Likes watching American football even though she understands jack shit of it.
Pyro is Pyro. Literally just the same as Red!Pyro. In fact, some suspect they're the same person.
As for relationships:
-Giulia might or might not be Stacy's mom. (Insert Stacy's Mom joke here).
-Basya can't stand most people but has a soft spot for her teammates, even if they drive her up the wall.
-Stacy doesn't respect any person any older than her except for Basya, because she's cool in her books.
-Eduvixe has kind of grandma-adopted everyone, particularly Monique, who really misses her gamgam, and Pyro, who loves her cooking more than they love setting shit on fire.
-John and Monique are friends and they often drag each other to the local dance hall, where they are the terror of the party.
-Mi-yeong and Martha can sit down in silence for hours at the time. They basically communicate with "hmmm" "hmmm?" "hm-hmmm" and it's magical.
-Martha and Giulia are friends with benefits. The benefit is sex.
-Eduvixe and Basya are friends with benefits. The benefit is laboratory equipment. And edibles.
-Pyro often pesters Mi-yeong for food.
-Martha, John, and Stacy like gathering together to gossip about their teammates and smoke.
-John never ever calls Giulia by her name, only "spaghetti", "lasagna", "linguini", "tortellini", or "stracciatella". She is also convinced she's a mobster.
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jubaer01 · 6 months
CANADA Government of Canada Electronic Travel Authority
Canadas regering visumansøgning, online Canada visumansøgningscenter
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Address : Christiansgade 70, 5000 Odense C., Denmark
Phone : +45 65 32 28 45
Website : https://www.canada-visa-online.com/da/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Ram Singh  Haas
Description :Hvad er et canadisk elektronisk onlinevisum eller ETA eller elektronisk rejsemyndighed. En elektronisk rejsemyndighed ETA er en indrejseforudsætning for de borgere, der IKKE kræver papirstempel Visa med andre ord visumtjenerstatsborgere, der skal til Canada via flyvemaskine. En elektronisk rejsemyndighed er elektronisk forbundet med dit pas. Det er et korttidsvisum til Canada. Det er gyldigt i en periode på fem år eller indtil dit pas udløber, alt efter hvad der kommer først. Hvis dit pas er tabt, stjålet eller beskadiget eller fornyet, skal du ansøge om et andet online Canada Visa eller ETA. Med et gyldigt online Canada Visa eller Electronic Travel Authority kan du flyve til Canada flere gange for korte ophold (normalt så længe som 180 dage eller seks måneder pr. besøg). På det tidspunkt, hvor du dukker op på grænsen til lufthavnen, vil en embedsmand anmode om at se din e-mail-kopi af Canada ETA eller Online Canada Visa og også tjekke dit pas. Hvad du skal medbringe til lufthavnen, når du får godkendt online Canada-visum, skal du have den bløde e-mail eller udskrift ved hånden. Dit pas skal matche dit Online Canada Visa eller Electronic Travel Authority, det vil være forbundet med det visum, du brugte til at ansøge. Flyselskabets medarbejdere vil gennemgå dit visum eller ETA for at bekræfte, at du har en legitim canadisk elektronisk rejsemyndighed. Sørg for, at du medbringer det originale pas, hvis du har flere pas, skal du bære det pas, der er forbundet med dit canadiske ETA eller online Canada Visa. Hold dig væk fra problemer ved flyterminalen. Når din Electronic Travel Authority er godkendt og godkendt, skal du sørge for, at identifikationsnummeret, der er nævnt for din Electronic Travel Authority-godkendelses-e-mail, svarer til nummeret på din passide. I tilfælde af at de ikke stemmer overens, skal du igen ansøge om en anden elektronisk rejsemyndighed for Canada eller online Canada-visum. Borgere og indbyggere i følgende lande er berettiget til at ansøge om online canadisk visum eller ETA, Polen, Kroatien, Storbritannien i udlandet, Spanien, Norge, Schweiz, Israel, Litauen, Slovenien, Caymanøerne, Belgien, Sydkorea, New Zealand, Rumænien, Malta, Taiwan, Luxembourg, Danmark, Bahamas, Barbados, Samoa, Frankrig, Hong Kong, Br. Virgin Is., Grækenland, Holland, Finland, Australien, Singapore, Papua Ny Guinea, Tyskland, Østrig, Mexico, Vatikanstaten, Storbritannien, Cypern, Irland, Chile, Island, Letland, Salomonøerne, Ungarn, Japan, Portugal, Montserrat, Slovakiet, Sverige, Bulgarien, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Brunei, Andorra, Monaco, Tjekkiet, Estland, Italien og Anguilla.  What is a Canadian electronic Online Visa or ETA or Electronic Travel Authority. An Electronic Travel Authority ETA is a entry prerequisite for those citizens who do NOT require paper stamp Visa in other words visa waiter  nationals going to Canada via Airplance. An Electronic Travel Authority is electronically connected to your Passport. It is a short term Visa for Canada. It is valid for period of five years or until your Passport expires,  whichever is sooner. If your passport is lost, stolen or damaged or renewed, then you need to apply another Online Canada Visa or ETA. With a valid Online Canada Visa or  Electronic Travel Authority, you can fly  out to Canada multiple times for short stays (ordinarily for as long as a 180 days or six months per visit). At the point when you show up on the border of Airport, an official will request to see your Email copy of Canada ETA or Online Canada Visa and also check your passport.  What to bring to the airport when you get Approved Online Canada Visa, keep the soft copy email or printout handy. Your passport must match you Online Canada Visa or Electronic Travel Authority, it will be connected to the visa you used to apply. The airline employees  will review  your visa or ETA to confirm  that you have a legitimate Canadian Electronic Travel Authority.
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Jennifer Robertson
November 24, 1971
Canadian actress
Ellen [Ginny & Georgia: 2021-2022]
Jocelyn [Schitt's Creek: 2015-2020]
Angela [Highschool Halleluja: 2010-2012]
Jennifer [The ½ Hour News Hour: 2007]
Betty [The Seán Cullen Show: 2003]
hazel eyes
playable: adult
Icons: Ginny & Georgia
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WTWT: The Sequel | Part 4/5 [Reggie Peters]
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pairing: reggie peters x fem!reader
word count: 6.6k
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: hey babes it’s drea :) hope you enjoy this part and get to meet mimi and my favorite ocs!!! make sure to like, comment, and reblog! also send in your memes because we adore them!
If Rose thought he was stupid then, he wondered how she would have thought of him now. Incredibly sleep deprived, clothes wrinkled, and a bouquet of flowers he most definitely sat on at one point in his hand. But none of that mattered now. He was finally here in Canada to see you, his most chaotic plan yet.
Penticton was not like Los Angeles in the slightest. Reggie felt as though he was out of place. This city was calm and small, in contrast to his loud and unpredictable life. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make the adjustment if he had to move here, but he knew he’d do anything for you.
With a shaky hand, Reggie knocked on the door. The door slowly opened to reveal an older couple, one that Reggie barely recognized. Reggie was about to apologize and leave until the woman spoke up.
“Aren’t you that horse boy?” the woman asked, narrowing her eyes. “The one that (N/N) was friends with, right? From Idaho?”
Reggie’s cheeks were flushed red. “Um, Wyoming, ma’am,” he corrected politely.
The woman seemed impressed. “Manners and flowers,” she mused. “Turns out they did teach you a thing or two on that ranch of yours. Come in, I made scones.” Without letting Reggie speak, she took the flowers and shoved them into her husband’s hands. “Earl, put that in water, the poor flowers look parched.”
“Um ma’am I’m not too sure this is a good-,”
“Nonsense, you must have come all the way from California,” she waved him off, “We need to get you fed and rested up don’t we?”
Her husband nodded while finding a vase to put the flowers in. “Best take a seat, son,” he whispered. “Tamara gets a little pushy, so there’s no point in fighting her.”
Sighing, Reggie took a seat on the couch as Earl walked off to the closet.
“I’ll be right back honey,” Tamara insisted, just have to go grab something from the kitchen.
Reggie nodded and sat quietly, waiting for her to return, and when she did she was accompanied by a large plate of what Reggie had assumed to be scones. You were obsessed with them, the cafe you worked at had even started selling them at your request.
“You must be hungry from that flight, right?” she asked, removing her oven mitts. “Have some of these, they’re (N/N)’s favorite, can’t get enough of them.” Without asking for permission, she took a scone and --for lack of better word-- shoved it into Reggie’s mouth. “Taste good, honey?”
They were delicious. Only issue was that they were fresh from the oven.
“T-they’re h-ho-” Reggie tried to tell the woman.
Only Tamara didn’t listen. Instead, she took another scone, prepared to feed Reggie once again. “You’re like a stick, honey,” she scolded with a shake of her head. “I told Eloise about those weird fads in California. Stubborn girl doesn’t want to listen.” Reggie nodded, finally swallowing the scone. Not the smartest choice. “Oh, you’re finished? Have another.”
“No thank-” Reggie was cut off by the pastry filling his mouth.
Tamara tutted, seemingly not noticing the boy’s discomfort. “You know, I remember you from when you were little,” she continued to talk. “Very skinny. But short. You grew quite a bit from last time we visited, right, Earl?”
Earl came back, flowers now in a purple vase. He nodded wordlessly before turning to look at Reggie, his cheeks red and puffed out. Earl’s face showed no surprise. That was his wife, after all.
“Oh, Earl, not that vase,” Tamara sighed, giving Reggie a sneak attack by feeding him another scone. The poor boy let out a muffled groan, but didn’t say anything else. “Get the white one, it matches the flowers’ colors much better.”
“Yes dear,” Earl said, going back to the closet in the back of the house. Reggie slouched back on the couch, hopeless and in desperate need for some water. He came to Canada for you, not to be subjected to some sick twisted grandmotherly world war two-esque torture.
Tamara looked down at Reggie. “You must really like these scones, dear,” she said, visibly impressed. “Have another, there’s plenty to go around. Now I see why (N/N) likes you. You two must really love my cooking, hm? Remind me to give you the recipe for when you go back home. That is, if you want to go home.”
Earl mouthed an apology as he came back with the new vase and Reggie just looked at the old man and questioned whether this was going to be him in fifty years.
Reggie tried to say something but only crumbs flew out of his mouth, stuffed like a chipmunk.
“Hey Nana is someone out here I thought I-Flicka?!”
Reggie turned over to you, eyes wide, face full with scones and he gave you a pained smile.
“Hi Foofie,” he attempted to say with his mouth full.
Tamara pinched the bridge of her nose. “Well, looks aren’t everything,” she sighed. “Come on, boy, swallow before you speak. This is your future bride for crying out loud.”
“Nana,” you whined before rushing over to Reggie, taking a cloth napkin and wiping his face. “You look absolutely ridiculous, Flicka.”
“You lofe me,” he shot back, mouth still filled with scones.
You hummed in response. “Sometimes,” you teased. Tears began to well in your eyes. “I can’t believe you flew all the way here, and suffered Nana’s scone feeding for me.”
Eloise and Mateo walked into the room next looking at the sight before them with great confusion.
“Mom not again!” Eloise complained while her husband just let out a small chuckle, remembering the similar way he was greeted when he was getting to know Eloise. “I’m so sorry Reggie honey, but it’s really great to see you,” the middle aged woman smiled and leaned down, giving Reggie a big hug. “It’s been a while.”
“It has,” Reggie said, finally able to answer properly.
Mateo was next, helping Reggie out of his seat and welcoming him with the same kindness.
“Good to see you son,”
“You too, sir,” he nodded.
Mateo ruffled the boy’s hair before Reggie was pulled in some other direction and out the door of the house.
You sat Reggie down on the porch swing overlooking the rest of the city from where the house stood on the mountain. He could see how the mountains dipped into a valley, surrounded by bushes and trees that faded in the distance, pooling into the crystal blue lake, of which he could see more than one.
His driver had told him the large one was the Okanagan lake, and it spanned multiple cities, the middle point being the city he flew into, Kelowna, the other smaller lake that was more popular with locals was called Skaha.
“You know,” you hummed as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever come up with.” Reggie snorted, shaking his head silently. “But I’m glad you went through with it.”
“Me too, I was going to leave a few days after you left, but Rose made me pick up some shifts at her parents store so I could pay for the ticket,”
You laughed softly, taking his hand and weaving it together. “Seems like Rose,” you mused. “How are all of them? I miss them a lot, you know.”
“Yeah, we all know,” Reggie nodded. “Can I just say your grandma is a lot more intense than when we were younger. I legitimately thought she was trying to suffocate me with food,”
“Yeah, Nana does that with all the boyfriends, dad got the same treatment back in the 70s,”
“I hope I passed her test, then,” Reggie chuckled.
“You definitely did, she shoved like five scones in your mouth, I think that’s a record,”
“Pays to have the stomach of a cow,”
“Cows have six stomachs Flicka,”
“Exactly,” he grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “And look at this, no universe, just me in charge, huh?”
“Or, is that what the universe wants you to think?”
“You know I thought you believed in God,” he fired back and you laughed.
“Same idea Flicka, just deal with it, higher power’s got your back,”
Just when Reggie opened his mouth, the door creaked open, revealing Eloise’s head poking out. “As sweet as this little reunion is,” she began sympathetically. “I think you two should get inside, now. You know, the mosquitoes are the one thing that don’t follow the ‘nice Canadian’ stereotype.”
You sighed, nodding. “Come on, Flicka. Sunburns are one thing but I’m not going to help you if you get a mosquito bite.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice, mosquitoes suck,” he said grabbing your arm and pulling you up and into the house.
As soon as you entered the room, Tamara smiled, exiting the kitchen. “There you two are,” she said. “Would you like another sco-”
“No!” both you and Reggie exclaimed in unison.
Reggie’s face turned red. “I uh mean, no ma’am,” he corrected sheepishly. “I’m full, but thank you. They’re really good, though.” Tamara, seemingly pleased with his response, nodded.
“Don’t forget, separate rooms you two,” Eloise warned.
Tamara looked at her daughter with a frown, “You act like you did sneak Mateo in here when you were teenagers. Plus he likes my scones! He’s family!”
“Yeah mom, listen to Nana I’m 22, you can relax,” you sighed.
“I promise no shenanigans,” Reggie added, “Swear it on Tamara’s scones,”
Tamara walked over to her daughter, patting her back. “Let the kids let loose,” she told her. “They’ll be fine together.”
You grinned, kissing your grandmother’s cheek gratefully. “Thank you, Nana.”
“Don’t thank me just yet, honey,” she stopped you. “I still want you to keep your door open. I approve of him, but I’m not ready to be a great grandmother just yet.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not ready to be a dad yet either,” Reggie chuckled. “One step at a time right?”
“We’ll see about that,” you chuckled mischievously earning you a scold from your father.
“Don’t tease the poor boy you’re just like your mother,”
Your mother rolled her eyes, elbowing him not so subtly. “Well, get to bed, the two of you,” she told you both. “I’m sure you have a bunch of things to show him tomorrow, so best get to bed now so you can have an early start,”
“Of course mom, love you guys,” you said, waving to your family and giving your grandfather who had been silent a kiss on the cheek.
Reggie was taken into Mateo's arms for a hug which he received warmly, your parents were like his second parents, they helped raise him, so it was only fair he looked at them that way.
Eloise was next, but along with a hug she whispered in his ear,
“I swear to sweet baby Jesus, Reginald, no funny business,”
“You have my word mama,” he chuckled and pressed a kiss to her cheek before following you out of the living room and up the small set of stairs that brought you to the rooms.
Your bedroom was small, and resembled that of a child’s. It was a bright pink with stars adorning the walls. Your twin sized bed was in the middle, pressed to the back of the wall. Reggie assumed that not much had changed in your room since you hadn’t been here for years.
“Nice room, Cookie,” he complimented as he set his bag down. “Very um, Disney princess chic.”
You shot him a look before throwing a pink throw pillow in his direction. “Shut up,” you shot back. “My grandparents haven’t really changed up the place. Hell, they still think I’m their baby granddaughter that wears princess dresses all the time.”
Reggie approached you, placing his hands on your waist. “Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a pink princess dress,” he teased. “You’d look adorable.”
“As long as you wear the animal sidekick suit. You’d look adorable,” you mocked.
“Okay, I don’t mean to be a downer, but I’m exhausted, somehow my flight had a connection in Colorado then Alberta, so I’ve been awake for hours,”
“The washroom is through that door, you can get changed and then come and rest on the Aurora bedspread,”
“Looking forward to it Cookie,”
As instructed, Reggie made his way to the washroom and got ready while you did the same in your room, turning off the lights and leaving the door open. When you climbed into the bed, Reggie had just opened the door to the washroom, he was wearing flannel pants and a very large Sunset Curve shirt.
“Did they run out of your size, Flicka?” you teased, in your pajamas, a pair of old shorts and Alex’s sweatshirt you had stolen prior. Not that Alex ever noticed you took it, though. The drummer had a lifetime supply.
Reggie scoffed playfully. “I’ll have you know, this is just my size,” he told you. “Size beautiful, duh.”
You held your arms out to him in a welcoming hold and he didn’t hesitate to fall into them, resting his head against your chest while you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Hey, how is everyone?” you asked with a quiet yawn.
“Well, that’s the million dollar question isn’t it,” he laughed. “Bobby drank Rose and Ray’s place dry when you left, Luke didn’t eat anything but Twinkies for three days and wouldn’t leave your old apartment, Alex stayed with him but he was just as bad and Rose and Ray just took time off from everything to take care of everyone.”
“Wow,” you breathed.
“But,” Reggie continued. “They’re better now, they convinced me to come back up here. I think they want to come and visit at some point,”
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled softly. “To see them all again. Maybe I’ll come back down for the wedding.”
Reggie chuckled, his fingers running through your hair. “There’s no “maybe,” Cookie. You’re going to be there, even if Rose has to drag you while in a white dress and veil. You’re her maid of honour.”
“About that,” you said, squinting your eyes. “Do you think they’re actually getting married? Like Rose didn’t say she told her parents or anything it was all very weird.”
“Oh, no, they’re definitely lying,” Reggie laughed. “But it’s fun to play along, see how long it takes for them to break or you know, break us.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Those two are crazy,” she sighed. “Definitely Rose’s idea, though.”
Reggie nodded, his eyelids slowly closing. “Yeah,” he hummed. “I always thought we’d be the first ones to get married in the group, anyway.”
You chuckled lightly and nodded, “With our track record? Really Flicka? I was expecting at least one of us to get married and divorced first, probably me to be perfectly honest and you would have gone on some self actualization trip to Borneo and then we would have found each other again and gotten married,”
“Borneo does sound nice,” he mused and laughed. “We were never one for a normal relationship.”
You agreed. “Normal’s too boring,” you said. “Where’s the drama in a normal relationship?”
“When you put it that way it makes it seem unhealthy,” Reggie poked you and you squirmed under his touch.
“It’s not unhealthy it’s just… just… spicy! That’s it, our relationship is spicy,”
“So were those dances Mrs. Leona taught us,”
“Oh Tamika! She’s such a sweetheart, I went through part of my practicum with her,”
“You’re on a first name basis with her?” Reggie asked, surprised.
“Well, I am almost a teacher now so yeah,” you nodded. “Still wouldn’t let go the whole deal with us having unparalleled chemistry,”
“Why am I not surprised,” Reggie yawned loudly.
You tilted your head upwards to see Reggie, barely staying awake. “Okay, we definitely should go to bed now,” you told him. “You look beyond exhausted.”
“I feel beyond exhausted.”
Laughing softly, you snuggled yourself closer into Reggie’s chest, his arms finding their place around your waist. “Goodnight, Flicka,” you whispered. “I’m glad the universe brought us back together.”
Reggie hummed in response. “I’m glad, too. I love you, Cookie.”
You woke up the next morning to the loud sound of banging. Sitting up abruptly, you turned to see the other side of your bed empty. You frowned to yourself. Were you just dreaming? Did Reggie not actually come to Canada?
You let out a sigh of relief. Reggie was here.
“I’m sorry!” you heard him yelp. “They look similar, so I-”
“Oh, these Brandanowitz women, worst taste in men, I tell you,” she grumbled loudly. “None of them can choose a man who knows how to cook!”
Rushing down the stairs, you poked your head around the corner to see your grandmother, father, and Reggie trying to cook. Your father seemed to have taken a major offense to your nana’s comment.
“Tamara, I’ve gotten much better, plus I did teach you how to make arepas,”
Your grandmother narrowed her eyes. “Don’t get smart with me, boy,” she snapped, snatching the pan from your father’s hands. “I still remember the cake incident back in ‘84.” Your father blushed sheepishly before stepping back to let Nana take the lead in cooking.
“Mom before you start attacking my husband you do know that dad can’t cook right? I’d say that proves you have equally bad taste in men,” your mother countered.
“Mhmm,” Earl nodded, not looking up from his newspaper and sipping his coffee. “Very bad taste ‘Mara,”
Tamara shook her head, swatting Reggie’s hand as he tried to taste the batter. “Oh, I know,” she said back. “I just hoped that after five generations of our family choosing terrible cooks, we’d get some change.”
“Reggie’s got some other talents,” Mateo came to the boy’s defence. “An amazing musician, Eloise and I went to a few of his band’s concerts,”
Tamara gave the boy a dead state. “Fiddling with banjos and drums won’t feed you, unless you plan on eating strings,” she deadpanned.
“Actually ma’am my band and I just landed a huge gig at one of the most popular theaters in LA. Our tickets sold out,”
“Are the drumsticks made of bread?” she asked.
Reggie furrowed his eyebrows. “No?”
“Are the bass strings made of spinach?”
“No, ma’am.”
Tamara made a sour face, taking the batter from the table. “Then not my problem,” she said before continuing to make the pancakes.
“Mom,” Eloise groaned, smacking her forehead. “Reggie honey just ignore her, she’s too old fashioned for her own good. We,” she said motioning to herself and Mateo. “Love you and that’s all that matters,”
“I don’t think he’s that bad either,” Earl mused from the table.
“Oh sure,” Tamara murmured to herself. “I’m too old fashioned until you come running back to me for my scones recipe.” She looked up from her bowl of pancake mix to glare at her husband. “Earl, next time you ask for coffee, you’re getting dirt and worms, you hear me?”
The older man only smiled at his wife. “Yes, dear.”
“Good morning,” you said, finally coming into the kitchen.
You went around, giving the routine kisses, saving Reggie for last and pressing a quick peck to his lips.
“Sleep well Flicka?”
“Like a log,” he nodded. “I-I was trying to help your grandma make breakfast but she seems to think I’m a bad cook,”
“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” you grinned. “She labels to the sugar salt and the salt sugar just to get people, you’re a fine cook Flicka,”
“Tamara!” Mateo explained, completely betrayed and flabbergasted.
The woman shrugged her shoulders, flipping a pancake on the stove. “Serves you right for thinking I’m old fashioned. I can have fun, too.”
“I-” Mateo stammered before looking at his wife in disbelief. “Eloise!”
Eloise smirked as she approached you with a cup of coffee. “You’ll need it if you’re going to tour around town today,” she told you.
“I’m gonna need it if dad is gonna try and find a way to prove he's a good cook, I can see the gears turning,”
“You know I can cook (N/N)! I always made dinner at home,” he insisted. “Now what do you like more, my empanadas or tira de asado?”
“Ohh the tira,” you and Reggie both nodded, having tasted the delicious steak already.
Tamara turned around with a plate of pancakes, setting it on the table. “But is his cooking better than mine?” she asked, giving you a serious look.
“Well that depends,” you said, you were always honest with your grandmother, no matter what other people had said, “See Papa can beat you without a doubt on the South American dishes, but when it comes to North American comfort foods you’re the queen,”
“At least you raised her right,” Tamara grinned, pinching her granddaughter’s cheek.
The rest of breakfast went by smoothly, with Tamara only threatening to make Mateo sleep on the roof once, a new record. Regardless of the constant threats Mateo loved his mother in-law, that was a fact.
You ran back up to your bedroom to get dressed for the day, while Reggie was held back by your dad, more likely than not to help clean up the mess that they made in the kitchen with Tamara.
But downstairs, Reggie was sat down by Mateo and Earl, serious expressions on their face. Eloise and Tamara were nowhere to be found, but Reggie wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.
“What’s up?” Reggie asked to break the silence, despite the erratic beating of his heart. “I’m not in trouble, am I?”
“No, son,” Earl reassured him, sitting down across from him. Mateo sat beside him, patting Reggie’s hand reassuringly.
“We just wanted to have a chat,” Mateo said and Reggie raised his brows, looking over at the two men.
“Am I right to think this has something to do with (N/N)?” Reggie asked and the men nodded.
“You’d be right, sonny,” Earl smiled. “I don’t think we’ve ever asked you how your flight was?”
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “It wasn’t horrible,” he answered. “But honestly, all that really mattered was that I’d find my way back to Cookie.”
Mateo couldn’t help, but smile, reminiscing the days when he was falling in love with his now wife. “Cookie,” he repeated. “You and (N/N) have the silliest names for each other. I don’t remember why you call each other that.”
“It’s a long story,” Reggie laughed. “I’m pretty sure Flicka’s a horse from Wyoming and well she always did like cookies didn’t she,”
The men laughed and agreed with him. “That girl eats far too many desserts for her own good,” Earl shook his head. “You better keep your pastry stock full at all times once you’re married to her, you hear me? She’s just like Tamara, can never get enough of sweets.”
Instantly, the edges of Reggie’s lips turned up into a smile. “I guess I’ll be needing that scone recipe too,” he joked lightly.
Suddenly, the room went silent. Reggie stared down at the bracelets on his wrists, playing with the loose strings. You had made them for him when you were kids, and he swore to never take them off. And there he was, seventeen years later, upholding that promise.
“Um, sirs,” he began, immediately cringing at the titles. “I-I… you know how much I love your daughter and granddaughter,”
“More than you love Tamara’s scones?” Earl cut in with a teasing wink.
“Oh yes, much more,” Reggie laughed nervously. “More than anything in my life, to be honest. And actually,” he reached into his pocket, pulling out a velvet box and showing Mateo and Earl. “I-I really want to ask her to be my wife. I just thought maybe I could ask for your blessings first.”
Earl and Mateo fell silent once more, making Reggie stammer sheepishly. “I promise you, I’ll keep my pastry stock filled and everything,” he rushed. “I’ll buy the entire company of cookies if it meant she’d be happy. Hell I’m prepared to move here, I’d do anything for her,”
Reggie pulled out the ring from the box, fiddling with it anxiously. “I’m ready to even give up music, if I have to. Because she’s worth everything to me. I’ll take up a job here, a-and I’ll learn how to cook, too. Cookies, scones, tira de asado, whatever she wants to make her happy. I know I don’t have much, e-even my family is falling apart, but I promise I’ll make her my first and only priority, sir and...sir.”
Earl glanced over at Mateo. “If you don’t approve of this young man, I’ll marry him myself,” he said with a grin.
“Reggie, Eloise and I always had a hunch that you’d be the one for (N/N),” Mateo explained. “You’ve been like a son to us and we watched you grow up into such a fine young man, I don’t think there’s anyone more perfect to be my daughter’s partner for the rest of her life,”
Reggie nearly dropped his ring. “Wait, really?” he stumbled over his words. “Like...you’re allowing me to propose? Like marry her and-and everything?”
Mateo nodded. “So long as she says yes,” he told him.
“Which she will,” Earl chuckled. “Welcome to the family son,”
Without thinking, Reggie stood up and leaned over and wrapped his arms tightly around them. “T-thank you, sirs!”
Mateo and Earl laughed heartily. “I think Dad and Grandpa will do,” Mateo insisted, patting Reggie’s back. “Now, I think you have a girl to propose to, right?”
As if on cue, you made it to the bottom of the stairs, ready to go. “Ready, Flicka?” you beamed.
Reggie quickly tucked the ring box back into his pocket. “Always, Cookie,” he responded.
Tamara entered the dining room, wearing a large floppy hat and sunglasses. “Yes, we are,” she announced. “Where to?”
Your cheeks were flushed red. “Oh, Nana, we were-”
“I’ve got the keys,” Eloise grinned. “We can drive to Kelowna for the day!”
“I can drive,” Mateo nodded, taking the keys from his wife and sending a wink to Reggie.
A good ten minutes later the whole household was packed into a car, heading out of the small town for the hour drive up to Kelowna, the largest town along the Okanagan lake.
“Oh mom can we go to Moo Lix? I love their ice cream,” you asked your mother, leaning up from the back seat.
“I’m sure we can stop there,” Eloise nodded. “We can walk through the city park and grab something to eat by the beach,”
The drive wasn’t too long, only around an hour and when they crossed the bridge to enter the city Reggie could sense your excitement, finally being able to show you around some of the places you grew up in.
“Excited, Cookie?” he asked with a teasing grin on his face.
You turned your head from the window, beaming at Reggie. “Beyond excited,” you replied, taking his hand in yours and squeezing it tightly. “Maybe later on, you can show me around Wyoming?”
Reggie threw his head back in laughter. “I’d love to show you the ranch,” he told you.
“Good cause I’m not entirely convinced it exists,”
“Oh not with this again,” Reggie groaned and banged his head on the seats in front of you.
Mateo finally parked the car along the front of the large city park, spanning the length of the beach and lake. You were ready to drag Reggie out of the car and try to take him to some of the places you wanted him to see, but you were interrupted by your grandmother insisting you all went in the opposite direction.
“Reggie, I have to show you Ogopogo,” you told Reggie, pulling on his arm. “I need to tell you the story about it, it’s awesome! It’s this monster that’s said to inhabit the lake, you’d love it!”
Reggie chuckled as he tried to catch up with you, running down the sidewalk. “I guess there’s another monster I need to befriend in the lake,” he joked, remembering the lake back in California.
Tamara shook her head at the two, readjusting her straw hat. “Oh, no one wants to see that pile of rubble,” she told you both. “Come on, there are far better things to see.”
“But Nana,” you whined. “I wanna show him-,”
“Come on dear,” she interrupted you and you sighed.
“We’ll come another time Flicka,” you said, wrapping your arm around his and intertwining your fingers together.
“Of course Cookie, I’m yours, for whatever or whenever,”
Your grandma dragged the group of you through the park, explaining the history of certain statues and whatnots. You were paying attention, but Reggie’s focus was on you the entire time, his hand nervously fiddling with the ring in his pocket, waiting for the right time, any time to pull it out. But every time he tried to take a moment to be alone with you, either Tamara would pull you two to another site or Reggie would get too nervous.
Finally, when Reggie got a moment alone with you, it was absolutely perfect. The sun was nearly setting, and your parents had managed to drag your grandparents to the bench to rest for a moment, but Lord knows Tamara can’t sit still for long.
“This place is beautiful, isn’t it, Flicka?” you asked, looking out in the distance. You turned to face Reggie, a mischievous grin on your face. “Maybe if you go for a quick swim, you’ll see Ogopogo.”
Reggie chuckled. “Maybe.”
The two of you turned back to the scenery, taking in the small moment of silence you were finally given.
Do it. Get on one knee and do it.
“Cookie?” Reggie spoke up. You hummed in response, not tearing your eyes away from the sunset. “You talked about the universe bringing us together, no matter how many times we’ve been pulled apart.”
You laughed softly. “Higher powers always have your back, Flicka,” you said, recalling what you told him last night.
Reggie placed his hand in his pocket, about to pull out his ring and propose to you. “Well, I-”
“(N/N)! Horse Boy!”
Reggie sighed, slouching slightly. Dropping the ring box back into his pocket, he turned around to see Tamara marching over to them. Earl was close behind, mouthing an apology.
“It’s getting late,” she frowned. “We have to get going now if you want to get scones for dessert.”
You smiled giddily, kissing Reggie’s cheek before following your grandmother.
The ride on the way back was spent the majority of the time in silence, just resting. You laid your head on Reggie’s shoulder as he stared out the window, frustrated with himself for not proposing today. There were countless amounts of times where he could have asked you, but there was always something holding him back.
Once you got back to the house, you dragged yourself up the porch steps saying you were gonna go take a power nap before dinner and dessert were ready. Reggie couldn’t help, but look fondly at you while you walked up the stairs, yawning loudly. Even when you were tired you were perfect to him.
Reggie couldn’t stop replaying the day in his head. All the missed moments were taunting him. He needed help, but from who? Suddenly, it was as though something clicked in his head.
Reggie entered the home, finding your mother in the dining room with her father. “Hey, um Eloise is there a phone I could use? I’ll pay for the long distance charges,”
“Yeah of course, there's one in the studio room downstairs,”
“Thanks,” Reggie smiled and jogged down to the phone. After taking it in his hands he took a deep breath. This had to be it, what was holding him back.
Dialling the number and hitting call there was no turning back.
The phone rang for a few moment and just as he thought no one was going to pick up the phone line clicked and there was a quiet,
“Hello?” on the other end.
“Hey dad,” Reggie said quietly chewing on his lip. “C-Can you get mom I want to talk to you both about something,”
A long pause followed. “Um, sure,” he responded. “Is everything alright, Reggie?”
“Yeah,” Reggied sighed. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket. Flipping open the top, he stared down at the small jewel resting on top of the ring. “Everything’s fine.”
There was a quite shuffle on the other line along with some hushed chatter before the phone clicked again,
“Okay Reg, you’re on speaker,” he heard his father’s voice once more.
It had been almost three months since he had last seen or spoken to either of his parents aside from getting the confirmation that they were going through with the divorce.
“Um… well,” Reggie didn’t really know where to start, so that’s what he said. “Everything’s a little all over the place I’m not really sure where to start,”
“Take your time sweetheart,” Diana’s soft voice came through. “Your dad and I have time,”
Reggie took another deep breath, “A-A little while back (Y/N)’s parents… they-they lost the house,” Reggie started to explain. “The job market just wasn’t working for them in LA so they needed to move back to Canada. They’re staying with Eloise’s parents for now until they can find work and get settled.”
“Oh wow,” Darcy whispered on the other end, “W-We didn’t know. I’m sorry to hear that,”
“Yeah me too,” Reggie nodded. “A-Anyways, (Y/N) had to come up with them. To stay and I… I just-I couldn’t lose her again so...”
“Reggie,” Diana spoke up. “Are you in Canada right now?”
“Yes?” he answered, more so like a question.
Murmuring followed from Diana and Darcy’s end. “Okay, we’re not mad you went to another country without telling us,” Darcy began. “But a heads up would have been nice.”
“I-I got a job and everything to pay for the ticket. I’m not in debt or anything,” he assured. “But yeah, I guess maybe I should have said something, but you can understand why I was hesitant to call,”
“Sweetheart,” Diana said. “We’re happy you went to follow the girl you loved. So long as you’re safe.”
“We’re sorry for not being the best parents to you,” Darcy added. “But we want to be here for you now. Is there anything we can do to help you with whatever’s troubling you?”
Reggie remained silent, fiddling with the phone wire. “Dad, how did you know you were ready to propose to Mom?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“I-I’m sorry?” Darcy said back. “Son, you’re going to have to speak up, I didn’t catch that.”
Reggie took yet another deep breath. “How did you know you were ready to propose? Like...what feeling did you get? Because I know deep down I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with (Y/N), but something’s stopping me and I don’t know what.”
There was silence on the other line and Reggie cursed in his head, this wasn’t a good idea he shouldn’t have-
“I-um… I don’t really know how to describe it…” Darcy started softly. “It was almost like… like pain, in my heart. When I wasn’t with her I-I just couldn’t function. Your mom she was… she was my everything.”
Reggie could hear his dad faltering on his words, but before he could get any further he could hear his mother’s soft voice reassuring him,
“It’s okay… we just… we weren’t cut out to be married. I-... Reggie I hope you know your father and I still love each other very much. It’s just sometimes life throws you one too many curveballs. D-Do you think you would be able to get past that with (Y/N) if it were to come to it?”
“I would do anything for her,” he whispered.
“Then I think you got your answer, Reg,” Darcy told him, no doubt smiling. “Reggie, I know we haven’t said it much, but I just want you to know that we are so proud of you for growing up to be such a brilliant young man, despite all the things life has thrown at you, what we have done to you.”
Reggie sniffled, wiping away a stray tear. “You haven’t done anything, Dad,” he said, voice cracking slightly. “Life got in the way, you know? I can’t blame you two for that.”
Eloise poked her head around the corner. “Reggie, dear,” she called out. “Dinner’s ready. Do you want me to save a plate for you if you’re still on that call?”
Reggie shook his head. “No, erm I’m okay, Eloise,” he reassured her. “I’ll be up in a minute.” Eloise smiled before going back upstairs.
Turning back to the phone, Reggie sighed. “I should probably go now,” he told his parents. “But thank you for the advice. It um, means a lot.”
“Of course, Reggie,” Diana said into the phone. “We’ll always be here for you.”
Reggie nodded, gripping the phone tight. “I...I love you,” he whispered, trying to fight back the tears from falling down his face. For once things felt normal. They felt like a family.
“We love you, too, Reggie,” Darcy told him. “Remember to tell us everything, okay? How it goes, if the wedding will be in Canada…”
Reggie laughed. “I will, Dad.”
“A-And, I know you probably have a ring already,” his mother started. “But the one your father gave me is passed down in the family. I-If you want I think we’d like to give it to you.”
“I-I’d love that,” he nodded, “We can save it for the big day… if there is one,”
“I have a strong feeling there will be,” Darcy said, a smile in his voice. “Trust me on that,”
“Well, we don’t want to keep you from dinner, sweetie,” Diana told him. “Tell (Y/N) we said hi, okay?”
After saying their goodbyes, Reggie set the phone down and smiled to himself. For once in his life, everything felt right.
Reggie, not wanting to make them wait any longer, stood up from his seat to join your family for dinner. There, Earl was pouring lemonade in each glass while Eloise set up the table.
Tamara was the next to enter the kitchen with a tray of roast chicken. “There you are,” she spoke up, looking directly at Reggie. “We were wondering where you were. Afraid you’d run off and make friends with the mosquitoes.”
“Tamara’s warming up to you a little more,” Mateo teased. “She’s worries for you. That didn’t happen for me until after (Y/N) was born.”
Tamara rolled her eyes, pointing a carving knife at him. “I’ll have you know,” she began with a pointed look. “I like this boy a whole lot more than I did when I first met you. This one finishes my scones and calls me “ma’am.” You should take some notes.”
Reggie laughed, taking a seat beside you. “Well, ma’am,” he smiled. “I hope you’ll get to see me more often.”
Eloise and Mateo grinned, a knowing twinkle in their eyes as Reggie spoke. You glanced over at Reggie, quite confused. “What?” you asked.
The bassist only shook his head. “Nothing,” he told you softly. Still exhausted from the day, you simply nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder and closing your eyes.
“I’m tired,” you whined in a hushed voice for only Reggie to hear.
Reggie tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. “Eat quickly, then you can head to bed, okay, Cookie?” You groaned, but listened to him.
“Wow, Reggie,” Eloise mused, impressed. “She actually listens to you when she’s tired. (N/N) never does that.”
Reggie shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a gift,” he joked.
With a mouth full of chicken and rice, you agreed. “He’s the special one,” you teased.
Reggie grinned, subconsciously patting the ring box in his pocket.
Yeah, he sure hoped he was.
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Simple Things: Donny x Fem!Reader
Requested by @aurelie34-43
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The basterds were dressed as civilians, wandering around Paris, looking for you. You were their brand new contact. They couldn't really ask for directions because...well...they couldn't speak French. Not a word between all ten of them. How they made it this long, this far behind enemy lines, was a mystery to everyone. Aldo reiterated, for the thousandth time, "Now, 'member. Yellow dress. She'll be in a yellow dress." Wicki muttered in exasperation, "It's spring, Aldo. Practically every girl in Paris is wearing a yellow dress."
Hirschberg murmured through a smile and a sigh, "And pink...and....Hey! Back off Omar." Omar rolled his eyes, "You'd never have a chance with a broad like that anyway." "Listen here, you son of a bitch, I-" Hugo muttered something under his breath, and Wicki shrugged. "Couldn't even count all the girls in yellow I've seen today." Hirschberg chuckled, scanning the street, "Well, I'll do my best to." Utivich rolled his eyes, "Damn it, Hirschberg." "Is that her?" Donny asked with a bit of hope, spotting you from across the square. You were leaning against a shop wall, in a yellow dress, with sunglasses on, and a newspaper between your hands. "I don't know, that looks more like orange-ish yellow than yellow." Aldo muttered, starving and tired. "For fuck's sake!" Smitty shook his head, "Well we can't just go over to her." Hirschberg shrugged, "Well if it was her, she'd come over to us." Wicki shook his head, "Unless we were being watched." Omar rolled his eyes, "Oh sure, you've been doin' all the watchin' for this damn city." Hirschberg chuckled, "Alright, alright. Let's keep looking." "Uh huh." The basterds turned into a quiet alley, and turned a corner, right into the path of a nazi. He cursed, his eyes went wide, and he fumbled for his gun, having recognized Hugo. There was a struggle, and a single gunshot. The nazi fell to the ground. The basterds all turned, spotting you. You were at the end of the alley, the newspaper at your feet, replaced with with a revolver in your hands. "You really are in deeper shit than I thought," you chuckled as you walked over to them. Donny smiled, "Told you it was her!" Donny, did a double-take as you approached, immediatley tongue-tied, he asked under his breath "Wh-Who is...her?" "Y'mean she?" Aldo chuckled, aready recognizing that look of young love. "My name's Y/n," you saluted your new lieutenant. You hadn't had to do that in a while since you'd been working alone, deep undercover for Canadian intelligence, deep behind enemy lines in Germany, since 1940. He chuckled, knowing the basterds were definitely in for a ride after that impressive first impression. "At ease, soldier, at ease." Omar, a forward kind of guy, asked "Hey what's that accent? Kinda french, but, kinda not." "I'm from Quebec," you smiled with a shrug, though naming it alone made you wonder when you'd see your home again. "I was told that if you were going to survive, you needed someone with you who actually speaks French." Aldo laughed, "Well, guess they was right." From that moment on, Hugo was fairly protective of you. He was not only in debt to Aldo, but now he owed you his own life. And he wouldn't have it any other way. As time went on though, Donny got a little jealous. He'd never quite felt this way about anyone before. Maybe it was the war, the danger, the uncertainty. Maybe it was your accent. Either way, Donny was crazy about you. And it drove him even crazier when he realized you were Hugo's best friend. You noticed. You were a bit amused by it all. Donny was a smart guy...sometimes...and you wondered how he couldn't have realized you loved him back. You and Hugo always had a little laugh about it. Months passed. You had a choice between staying on with the basterds, or taking a mission of your own, and going back east. You spent quite some time at a bar where you all felt as safe as you could be, this far behind enemy lines. Honestly, the way these boys carried on, it was astounding they'd made it this far without you. "Ben voyons donc," you sighed and rolled your eyes, but you had to laugh. You and Hugo had a lot to talk about. He never had a friend quite like you before. A long, long time later, maybe in the 60s or 70s, he'd admit you were one of his first friends ever. But, that's beside the point. Donny couldn't believe this may just be the last night he ever saw you, and he just didn't know how to say goodbye. How could he, if you spent all that time with Hugo? Donny just crossed his arms, and sat at the corner of the bar, thinking, it was just as well. Donny was so upset, he wasn't even drinking much. He had an old fashioned, just sitting on the counter top. The ice had melted already. Hugo slipped into the seat beside him. "You got some nerve, Stiglitz. Gotta respect that." Donny reluctanty, lifted his drink with a sigh, "May the best man win, huh." "Take it easy, sarge," Hugo chuckled, and Donny sighed, "How can I, when_" "Donny." "What?!" Hugo rolled his eyes, muttering low enough so none of the other basterds would hear, "I'm married." "You're fuckin' what?!" Hugo grinned a little, remembering the face of the one he loved, though he quickly turned to Donny, smugly remarking, "Tell anyone, and I'll-" "Uh huh. So you and Y/n aren't-" "No." "And Y/n..." "She loves you," Hugo spoke nonchalantly, with a shrug, as if he hadn't just said three words that could change Donny's life. Donny looked out to the crowd, spotting you and a few of the basterds dancing, as he murmured, "Well whaddya know...she fucken loves me..." He cut in to dance with you. He talked your ear off like only Donny could. He swept you off your feet and stole your heart more times than you cared to admit. By the end of the night, you'd all danced, drank, and paid off a little more of your debts to Aldo. You looked at the basterds, and you looked at your basterd. He held his baseball bat, wore a smug grin, the stars in his eyes, and a slight hint of whiskey on his breath. You stood at a crossroad. "C'est malade," you half yawned, half sighed, and chuckled through it all. You couldn't very well leave now. Just look at that basterd. Aldo opened his tin of snuff, playing it cool, but hoping he wouldn't lose a good basterd. "So what's it gon' be, kid? You in or you out?" Donny looked at you, all the hope in the world shining through that basterd's face. The mission would go on, with or without you. But Donny's heart? That was a different story. "How can I say no to that face?" You laughed and Donny smiled, wrapping his arms around you. "You mean it?" He murmured in your ear, and you whispered, "Every word, mon ours." You could've stayed for the adventure of a lifetime. You could've stayed simply because you still owed Aldo quite a few nazi scalps. But in the end, you couldn't lie to him. You couldn't even lie to yourself. You knew you'd stay from the moment you met him all those months before. Some things in life were just that simple.
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Cristo y Tú vivís en mi corazón.
 Victoriano ‘El Catorce’ Ramirez x fem!OC
Reason: I felt like writing a completely self-indulgent fanfiction about Oscar Isaac’s character in the movie For Greater Glory & I’m currently studying Spanish and this happened...If you enjoy go ahead. If you don’t, I guess I’m sorry. This will not be an under 18 friendly fic so if you are under 18...please go to sleep instead and do not read my works!!!!
Summary: A Cristero General who died in the 1920's and a Catholic French-Canadian Woman who lives in the 2020's. Together through the hell which is the modern religious oppression. Because Providence we suppose?
Warnings:  swearing, Catholicism, major character death, possible bad Spanish( I’m trying...), dialect French which you may not be able to google translate, that’s all for this very short prologue, the chapters will get longer as the story progresses.
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Victoriano Ramirez lay on the dirt street of an abandoned Mexican village, the sounds of the Federales and the Cristeros fighting in his ear and his blood pouring out of the two machine gun bullet holes in his chest. Fatal. He knew. Beneath the pain and the panic of his imminent death, he could only hope that his fight for Cristo Rey and La Virgen would help in the forgiveness of his sins. His old friend, Flaco, had pulled him slightly out of the fray. But it was in vain. Victoriano had the time to mutter a single phrase before he felt his heart stop and a white light blind his soul.
"Viva Cristo Rey." ***************************************************************************
20 minutes. It's taken over 20 God forsaken minutes to climb the damned cherry tree to try and free the stupid, grouchy goose who decided to take a fucking nosedive into the top branches.
" Maudit idiot!" That's scratch number 52.
In all honesty she should just leave the stupid bugger alone to free himself, but if there's one thing she will be accused of if she gets to heaven it's of having too big a heart and no self-preservation.
One. Two. Three. Four tugs and Monsieur Oie is freed. Flops on the ground and waddles right back to the pond as if nothing extraordinary had happened at all. Without even a honk of thanks.
She grumbled. "Mâle typique..."
Very glad that she'd had enough collective focus to at least remove her saddle shoes, Isabeau began her meticulous descent. In jean booty shorts and a 70's inspired flowy navy top. And she could've succeeded had it not been for whatever the hell bright white light that came out of the clear blue sky and bombarded her vision was. Causing her to lose her footing. Last thought to run through her mind before her head connected with the ground...
"Mon Dieu, don't let me die over a goose!"
If you’d like to be tagged, simply send in an ask.
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Hands of Fate - 10 (End)
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Summary: You have a secret. It’s a secret that you’ve been able to keep hidden from the world for years (with the help of one other person). But after a run-in with a group of HYDRA agents, you find yourself at the Avengers compound. And it’s proving harder and harder to keep your secret especially with one particularly observant supersoldier who doesn’t seem to trust you.
Word Count: 1750
Warnings: Some violence, angst (kind of), swearing, character deaths
Pairing: Bucky x Fem!Reader (Eventually)
A/n: Previous parts on my masterlist
Bucky looked at everyone around him. He’d just finished telling everyone about your powers. There was an awkward silence as his words hung in the air.
“So she pulled the air from his lungs?” Rhodey finally asked rubbing his chest.
“Dude,” Sam chuckled nervously, “That’s intense.”
“What did you find?” Bucky asked Tony.
Tony gave him a look of pity.
“FRIDAY was briefly disabled, and from what I can tell she was taken,” Tony said.
“Do you know who took her?” Bucky’s jaw was clenched so much so that it was getting sore.
“FRIDAY?” Tony called out.
“The last person that was on the premises when Y/n was taken was Secretary Ross,” the Irish accent of the AI sounded much more sympathetic than a computer should.
Bucky wanted to punch something, of course, you were right.
“What is it, Buck?” Steve asked reading his best friend easily.
“She had a hunch that Ross was HYDRA and that’s why he was pushing the accords on us.”
“That’s why she was so interested in the accords,” Natasha whispered.
“We have to find her,” Bucky said softly.
“We will,” Steve promised.
That was a month ago. Bucky knew that he shouldn’t be losing hope so soon especially since he’d been presumed dead for over 70 years. But he was because as fat as he knew you weren’t a supersoldier and didn’t have any anti-aging agent in your system.
Buck was sitting in Tony’s lab trying to busy himself. Tony was there working on some new gadget, and he kept glancing up at Bucky.
“Did you need something Stark?” Bucky asked.
“What are you doing here? You’re not helping, you’re not entertaining me,” Tony said.
“I can’t be anywhere else, her memory is everywhere.”
Tony looked at Bucky for a moment then turned back to what he was doing.
“Why are you talking like she’s already dead?”
“Because if she is at least I’m not sitting here hoping that she’s alive.”
Tony turned away from him to grimace. “Super defeatist attitude dude,” Tony whispered, “So when did you realized you liked her?”
“I don’t love her,” Bucky muttered.
“I never said love my man, that was all you,” Tony smirked.
Bucky rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted.
“Mr. Stark I found a possible location of Y/n,” FRIDAY said.
Tony and Bucky share a look before Tony told FRIDAY to have everyone meet in the conference room.
FRIDAY found you in a warehouse just south of the Canadian border in Washington.
They had a plan. Bucky wasn’t sure if this plan would work, hell, he wasn’t even sure if you were there at all.
But unlike when he was talking to Tony, this time he had hope.
Ross was pacing, he wanted information on you and what you could do, not only that but he wanted all your knowledge on the Avengers.
But you still hiding your powers he thought you were a telepath, idiot. He had no idea what you had up your sleeve.
He had you in a chair, much like the one you’d seen in the old HYDRA files, that was used to wipe Bucky.
Suddenly you felt a shift in the air. It wasn’t an emotional shift, but a physical one. And you could feel the footsteps around where ever it was you were.
“Do you really think that you’re getting out of this alive?” Ross asked tipping over from anger to full on rage.
“Do you?” You asked as you smirked at him.
He sneered at you and looked over to Liza who turned on the machine you were strapped to.
The pain coursed through you and you let out an ear piercing scream. The pain lasted for what seemed to be hours before it stopped.
“Now, what are your powers? Controlling you will be a lot easier if I know what you can do,” Ross said and he brushed your jaw with his finger.
“Ok, I’ll tell you,” you panted, “I can sleep anywhere at any point in time. One time I fell asleep on a roller coaster, I mean it wasn’t a fast one it was one the tunnel of love ones but a haunted one? But still, I fell asleep.”
He pursed his lips. “That’s not a superpower.”
“I think it’s pretty impressive,” you shrugged.
“I hate to admit it but she’s got a point,” Liza piped up, “Falling asleep on a haunted roller coaster is kind of impressive.”
Ross turned to her, “Shut up Liza.”
Bucky heard your scream and took off running towards the source, plans be damned.
He made his way through the warehouse until he got to a room that had voices coming from it and every once in a while yours would catch his attention. Everything you said was snarky and was followed by your screams.
A sound came from the other side of the building that put a stop to the screams and the talking.
“Stay with her,” Ross said.
Bucky hid in the corner as Ross left to investigate the noise. After deeming Ross far enough away Bucky burst through the door of the room.
The sight of you in the chair similar to the one that had been used on him broke his heart. He was so focused on you that he almost missed the woman standing at the control panel.
She started to pull out her own gun but Bucky was faster and shot her before the gun was even out of the holster.
He ran over to you and took your face in his hands.
“You found me,” you laughed.
“Did you ever doubt me?” He joked with tears welling up in his eyes, “Why didn’t you use your powers to get out?”
“I was playing the long game, I wanted to see if he would let it spill who the rest of HYDRA was or where they were,” you told him as he undid your restraints.
“That’s pretty smart.”
“Careful Barnes, if you keep giving me compliments I might start to think that you like me.”
He pulled you up from the chair and guided your left arm around his shoulders.
“What if I do?” He asked.
You gave him a weak smirk, “Maybe we should get out of here before you profess your undying love for me.”
He put his right arm around your waste and led you out of the room.
“Where do you think you’re going asset?” Ross asked.
You smiled at Ross, “You really wanna know what my powers are?”
Ross’ face twisted into confusion but before he could answer you gave him a demonstration of what exactly you could do. You didn’t stop until there was no longer air in his lungs and his face had turned blue.
“You scare me,” Bucky whispered.
“Not now, soldier,” you whispered.
He started leading you through the warehouse.
Bucky couldn’t remember running into this many HYDRA agents on the way in so why they all decided to show up now that he had you and were so close to escaping was beyond him. But he shot as many as he could.
At one point you let go of him and started using a mixture of rocks and wind to knock out at least half of the men. Bucky wanted to stop and marvel at your power but he’d have to do it at a later time.
Both you and he worked in unison to take out all the HYRDA agents that came at you.
At one point Bucky had taken a wrong turn and led you into a room full of agents. No matter how many you took out more just kept coming.
“Really taking that ‘cut off one head two more shall take its place’ saying seriously huh?” Bucky joked.
He peaked a glance at you to find you glaring and shaking your head at him which made him smile. He grabbed your hand and led you out of the room and back down the hallway.
Bucky could see one of the garage doors that had been opened about half way and led you to it. The quinjet was just on the other side and Bucky already knew that everyone other than Sam, Tony, and Rhodey were inside ready to take off. When you and he were not 20 feet from the door Bucky was shot in the thigh and fell to the ground. You stopped to help him up and looked back at the person who shot him.
“Bucky,” you whispered and he looked around to see agents surrounding the two of you at all sides.
“Go, get out of here,” he whispered but you didn’t seem to hear him.
“It’s all the same person,” you gasped, “That’s why they keep coming. It’s a powered person who can create multiple of himself.”
“Y/n,” he whispered and you smiled sadly at him.
“I’m sorry,” you told him.
Next thing he knew he was blasted back by a gust of wind and wall of ice separated you and him. He could see you through it but try as he might he couldn’t get through it, which was pissing him off.
He watched one of the clones walk up to you from behind while you were distracted in taking out the ones in front of you.
Bucky screamed your name but you couldn’t hear him, they started out panicked but turned to full-on desperation as he watched the clone put a bullet in your head.
“We gotta go,” Sam said from next to him, he hadn’t realized Sam was there nor did he pay attention to what he was saying.
Bucky gripped his gun a little tighter ready to attack the bastard.
“Barnes there’s too many of them and they will just keep coming,” Sam grabbed Bucky’s bicep, “We have to go make a new plan.”
Bucky was about ready to tell him where he could shove it when the wall of ice started to rapidly melt and the earth started to quake. Bucky heard a crack and looked down to see the ground beneath them. Bucky looked up at Sam.
“No,” Bucky said but Sam already had his arm around Bucky and lifted them both into the air.
Bucky watched helplessly from the air as the ground cracked and split apart.
“I’m sorry Bucky,” Sam’s whisper was barely audible as he flew them to the quinjet that was waiting for them in the air.
A/N (Part 2): i lied when i said this was the end,,, or did i?
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feynavaley · 6 years
I know you're probably busy, but do you have any new story ideas you're working on, or plots you'd like to see?
Thank you for this question!
At the moment I’m not working on any new story, I still have to write the epilogue for Arthur Kirkland’s Guide To Being a Big Brother (I’m trying to do that, actually, but it’s proving to be quite hard in spite of being short…) and of course there’s always Chrysalis. I finally got to the end of the part written in Italian with the last chapter, but the rest is still to write… and I haven’t even reached the first half of the story haha.
I do have a lot of other stories planned, however! I don’t know when and if I’ll be able to write them, but as of now, this is my plotlines file:
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(And it doesn’t include the two Harry Potter crossovers, plus some stories have a more expanded version of the plot and characters sheets in other files, haha.)
There are some short stories I might also write while I’m still completing Chrysalis (I still don’t know the order, though) that are:
- A one–two shots focusing on France’s relationship with Canada from the early colonial days to the French and Indian War, written from France’s POV.
- Another short story (one–two shots I guess, but I always misjudge the length of my stories…) set when America and Canada are both still toddlers under England’s care, the story behind this headcanon: [x]. COMPLETED STORY [x]
- A story set in the same universe as Arthur Kirkland’s Guide To Being a Big Brother, when Arthur, Alfred, and Matthew are respectively 20, 16, and 14, dealing with Alfred’s rebellious stage and a medical emergency (I’m doing so much research for this! And I still can’t find something that confirms or denies an assumption of mine, it’s driving me crazy…) WIP [x]
- Another story set in the same universe, this time very Matthew-centric (he’s 17 here), but I’m still unsure if I will ever publish it because it would deal with some heavy issues. It would probably be M-rated.
- A human AU where Matthew is a college freshman and people keep mistaking him for an older student, Alfred Jones, who seems to have gotten half of the school population mad at him. One day (or rather, night), Matthew stumbles upon a drunk Arthur, who turns out to be Alfred’s older cousin and mistakes Matthew for him, as well. Thanks to Arthur, Matthew finally gets to meet Alfred, but that’s not the end of the shenanigans.
- A short story or series of one-shots about Arthur and Amelia’s meeting before Chrysalis. Francis would heavily feature as well. (This story would be USUK, obviously.)
- A human AU based on something I wrote for a contest in high school, in which a 17-year-old Alfred ends up moving to a small Canadian town with his estranged father James (2p!Canada) and his half-brother Matthew (whose existence Alfred wasn’t aware of) after his mother’s death. James seems a hard-working and honest man, if a bit rough around the edges, while Matthew is quiet and awkward and generally regarded as the local loon. James, who is highly regarded in town, seems to agree with that and encourages Alfred to do the same, but as the time goes by, Alfred starts realizing that there’s more to the situation than what meets the eye.
There are also some longer (possibly novel-length) stories I might write after Chrysalis, I still don’t know which one I’ll start first but these are the ones with the most detailed outline for now:
- A human AU where Arthur is an aspiring writer who just got his bachelor degree. He moves to America (possibly NYC, but I’m not sure yet) to escape a less-than-stellar family situation, and there he ends up sharing the apartment with Francis (an acquaintance of his eldest brother’s), who moved away from Paris after his wife died in a house fire. They end up stumbling upon Alfred and Matthew, two street children, and eventually manage to befriend and start taking care of them. (Note: there would be no pairings.) It would be set in a close past (most likely the 70s) because the absence of internet and some different (laxer, mostly) laws would fix a couple of plot-holes.
- A story set in the canon-verse, where Canada’s (fictional) PM isolates him from the other nations and tries to find a way to strip him from his nation-hood and create a personification that will obey to all her commands.
- Another human AU where Arthur is a young lawyer and a client of his is Alfred, a 19-year-old trying to get custody of his 7-year-old half-brother, Matthew. The other party involved is Matthew’s paternal aunt Mélanie (2p!Nyo!Canada), who doesn’t care for him in the slightest but wants to put her hands on the consistent inheritance Matthew’s father left behind. Francis is Matthew’s social worker and an old ‘friend’ of Arthur’s, the one who recommended Arthur in the first place (he’s firmly convinced that Matthew should stay with Alfred, but Mélanie went to legal actions). Another note is that Matthew is hemophilic in this (I’ve already done some research and I think I can pull this off).
- A fantasy story where Alfred is the crown prince and Matthew his younger brother who their father despises (he has reasons). As the ‘spare’, Matthew is constantly thrust into dangerous situations in Alfred’s place and he ends up meeting the children of northern king their father is in conflict with, the crown princess Anya (Nyo!Russia) and her half-sisters Iryna and Natalya. Years later, Matthew, Alfred, Anya, Iryna and Natalya work together to prevent a war between their fathers. Arthur and Francis are involved as well – Arthur is the son of the king’s younger sister and he has magical abilities, and Francis is the son of the queen’s older sister. Edit: I might use Francine (Fem!France) instead of Francis. I’m not sure.
- A more fairytale-like setting where Alfred is a peasant who ends up becoming a knight-in-training after saving a ‘page’. His older sister Rose (Nyo!England) follows him to the court and is taken as a healer apprentice. Francis is the crown prince and Marguerite (Nyo!Canada) his younger sister, but until Francis turns 22 his aunt Chantal (2p!Nyo!France, older sister of the late queen and married to a royal advisor) is the regent in his place and she’s scheming to pass the throne to her own son, Louis (2p!France). Alfred and Rose become involved when they get close respectively to Marguerite and Francis. This story would also include some romance, with AmeCan and FrUK as pairings.
- Then there’s this one. I hope I’ll have some free time this summer, so I might also have time for some research. And I might set it before the war of 1812… would Outlander count as ‘reference’ for the setting? The last books are set during the Revolutionary War, and a friend of mine who’s a history major told me they’re quite accurate… *sweats*
As you can see, I have plenty of ideas, and these are only the ones with a quite delineated plot, but there are a lot more haha. I surely won’t be able to write them all or might come up with completely different ones, but who knows…
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beautifulfaaces · 3 years
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Keegan Connor Tracy
December 3, 1971
Canadian actress
Professor Lipson [The Magicians: 2016-2020]
Eve/ Esther [Superbook: 2011-2019]
Mother Superior / Blue Fairy / Zelena [Once upon a Time: 2011-2018]
Belle [Descendants: 2015]
Miss Watson [Bates Motel: 2013-2015]
Jeanne [Battlestar Galactica: 2007-2009]
Audrey [Beggars and Choosers: 1999-2000]
Yvette [Breaker High: 1998]
brown eyes
playable: young adult, adult
Icons: Descendants | Descendants 3
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beautifulfaaces · 3 years
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Amber Goldfarb
January 12, 1972
Canadian actress
Trina [Sex/Life: 2021]
Carrie [Vicious Fun: 2020]
Nicole [My Mother’s Killer Boyfriend: 2019]
Briana [Bellevue: 2017]
Janet [Being Human: 2012]
Rose Park Girl [Legacy of Fear: 2006]
brunette/ blonde
blue eyes
playable: adult
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beautifulfaaces · 3 years
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Chelah Horsdal
June 19, 1973
Canadian actress
Margie [Firefly Lane: 2021]
Helen [The Man in the High Castle: 2015-2019]
Deborah [The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco: 2017]
Lori [You Me Her: 2016-2017]
Maggie [Hell on Wheels: 2013-2016]
Angie [Blackstone: 2011-2013]
Nancy [Cinderella Love Story: 2010]
Jan [The Truth About Miranda: 2004]
blue eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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beautifulfaaces · 3 years
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Kelly Hope Taylor
August 11, 1978
Canadian actress
Megan [Homemade Christmas: 2020]
Susan [Good Sam: 2019]
Emily [The Gathering: 2007]
Natasha [The Modern Things: 2003]
blue eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
Female Canadians Masterlist
Adrianna Di Liello
Alexandra Chaves
Ali Skovbye
Anna Cathart
Anna Pniowsky
Ava Grace Cooper
Beatrice Kitsos
Ella Ballentine
Ella Farlinger
London Robertson
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
Minnie Mills
Olivia Solo
Paulina Alexis
Peyton Kennedy
Whitney Peak
Yael Yurman
Aadila Dosani
Aislinn Paul
Aleece Wilson
Alessia Cara
Alexia Fast
Alexa Rose Steele
Alexandra Beaton
Alexandria Benoit
Alicia Josipovic
Alison Thornton
Aliza Vellani
Allie Goodbun
Alyssa Baker
Amalia Williamson
Amanda Arcuri
Amy Forsyth
Ana Golja
Anais Pouliot
Bailey Pelkman
Brenna O’Brien
Briar Nolet
Brittany Raymond
Caitlin Mitchell Markovitch
Camille Cresencia Mills
Chelsea Clark
Chloe Rose
Conner Dwelly
Cristine Prosperi
Daniela Bobadilla
Daniel Illescas
Eliana Jones
Emilia McCarthy
Emilija Baranac
Emily Bett Rickards
Emmerly Tinglin
Grace Dove
Hayley Law
Humberly González
Inanna Sarkis
Jamie Bloch
Jeni Ross
Jenna Clause
Jocelyn Hudon
Jordan AlexanderA
Kacey Rohl
Karena Evans
Karis Cameron
Katherine Barrell
Katie Douglas
Keara Graves
Kiana Madeira
Kirsten Prout
Laine MacNeil
Maddie Phillips
Melinda Shankar
Melissa Roxburgh
Merritt Patterson
Morgan Taylor Campbell
Natalie Hall
Olivia Ryan Stern
Olivia Scriven
Sarah Dugdale
Sarah Fisher
Sarah Grey
Sarah Jeffery
Sasha Clements
Skylar Healey
Taylor Hickson
Taylor Russell
Tiera Skovbye
Vanessa Grasse
Vanessa Morgan
Willa Milner
Zenia Marshall
Zoe Belkin
Zoe de Grand Maison
Ace Hicks
Alex Paxton Beesley
Alexz Johnson
Ali Liebert
Alison Pill
Alli Chung
Allie Bertram
Allie MacDonald
Alvina August
Amanda Crew
Amber Borycki
Amber Marshall
Andrea Bang
Anna Paquin
Annie Murphy
Brie Blair
Brooke D’Orsay
Brooke Nevin
Carly Pope
Carly Rae Jepsen
Chelsea Brummet
Chelsea Hobbs
Christie Burke
Christie Laing
Cobie Smulders
Crystal Lowe
Danielle Kind
Elana Dunkelman
Elise Gatien
Emily vanCamp
Italia Ricci
Jessalyn Wanlim
Jessica Lowndes
Jewel Staite
Jill Morrison
Kaitlyn Leeb
Kate Corbett
Katherine Ryan
Kristen Hager
Kristin Kreuk
Kylie Bunbury
Laura Vandervoort
Lauren Collins
Mae Martin
Mackenzie Davis
Martha MacIsaac
Megan Park
Meghan Ory
Melissa McIntyre
Melissa O’Neil
Miriam McDonald
Missy Peregrym
Nikohl Boosheri
Rebecca Dalton
Sara Canning
Sarah Barrable-Tishauer
Sarah Gadon
Sarah Lind
Shannon Baker
Shay Mitchell
Sheila Shah
Shenae Grimes
Tasya Tells
Tatiana Maslany
Tori Anderson
Valerie Tian
Vanessa Lengies
A. J. Cook
Alex Rice
Alexandra Castillo
Amanda Brugel
Amber Goldfarb
America Olivo
Brigitte Kingsley
Brittany Allen
Caroline Dhavernas
Chandra West
Chelah Horsdal
Erica Durance
Gabrielle Miller
Glenda Braganza
Inga Cadranel
Jennifer Finnigan
Jennifer Robertson
Katheryn Winnick
Kathleen Robertson
Keegan Connor Tracy
Kelly Hope Taylor
Maxim Roy
Melanie Paxson
Michelle Nolden
Piercey Dalton
Rachel McAdams
Rekha Sharma
Sabrina Grdevich
Sarah Chalke
Zoie Palmer
Anke Engelke
Gloria Reuben
Leslie Hope
Melissa DiMarco
Gwynyth Walsh
Marilyn Norry
Unknown Birthday
Alison Wandzura
Beatrice King
Carina Battrick
Catherine Lough Haggquist
Daniela Sandiford
Emma Paetz
Genevieve DeGraves
Jena Skodje
Kayla Heller
Melanie Nicholls King
Olivia Cheng
Romi Shraiter
Shailene Garnett
Siobhan Murphy
Stephanie Costa
Tanya Moodie
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
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Gabrielle Miller
November 9, 1973
Canadian actress
Linda [Good Witch: 2015-2019]
Lainey [Haven: 2015]
Melody [Call me Fitz: 2012-2013]
Rebecca [Alienated: 2003-2004]
Deborah [Starlight: 1996]
Rosemary [Digger: 1993]
Black hair
Blue eyes
Playable: young adult, adult
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
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Amanda Brugel
March 24, 1978
Canadian actress
Eugenie [Snowpiercer: 2020]
Faith [Dare Me: 2019-2020]
Sonia [Workin Moms: 2018]
Marci [Orphan Black: 2015]
Elizabeth [Jack & Ella: 2002]
Red Lantern Lady [Vendetta: 1999]
brown eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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