novantinuum · 3 months
Some Themed Asks for your Gem OCs
I always enjoy these little ask games to help build up lore about my characters, but so many of them are too human in scope for my Gem OCs- thus, I decided to throw together a set of Steven Universe specific questions for all of your OC and gemsona desires.
Questions are sorted into "eras" thematically. Enjoy!
Era 1:
⚜️Which court does your Gem belong to, if any? 🎆What is your Gem’s planet of origin and given designation? (Ex: Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG… Facet-5, Cut 8XM… Facet-413, Cabochon-12…) 💎Describe your Gem’s gemstone. What color, shape, facet pattern, and placement does it have? 🛠️What is your Gem’s given role under the Diamond Authority? 📌Where does your Gem perform their duties? Do they travel a lot for their role, or mostly stay in one place? 🧦Does your Gem get along with others of the same cut? 🖇️Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of the same cut? 💼Does your Gem report to anyone below the Diamonds? What do they think about this authority figure? 💥Has your Gem ever been rejuvenated? If so, how many times? 🪦Does your Gem harbor any hidden desires they think might get them shattered?
Era 2:
🌸Was your Gem incubated before Pink Diamond’s shattering, or after? If after, does your Gem differ from others of their cut due to Homeworld’s Diamond essence shortage? 🔎Does your Gem like the role they were given, or is there another role in society they would rather have? 🪢Does your Gem have any friends outside their cut? 🪄Can your Gem summon any weapon or special item? 🌍Has your Gem ever heard of the rebellion on Earth? If so, do they have any opinions on it? 🪩Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of a different cut? If so, do they defy Homeworld’s fusion rules openly or keep it secret? 🏝️Your Gem has been reassigned to perform their duty on a planet or settlement of their choice. Where do they go? 🫧Has your Gem ever been poofed? How? 🙈Your Gem discovers that someone they work alongside is off-color in some fashion. Do they narc to a superior, or keep this secret? 🪓Does your Gem know anyone who’s been shattered?
Era 3:
👑In the wake of this brand new era, where does your Gem’s loyalty lie? (The Diamonds? Themself? Someone else?) 🎓Would your Gem ever consider attending Little Homeschool, why or why not? ⭐️What is your Gem’s honest opinion of Steven, if they are aware of his role in Gem history? 🪁Name three hobbies your Gem partakes in. 🌄Describe your Gem’s idea of a perfect day. ⚧️Imagine your Gem is presented with the concept of human gender. Do they have any preference in how they are perceived or addressed? 🐌Does your Gem have any non-Gem friends? 🌙Would your Gem ever consider living as a permafusion? 🍕Has your Gem ever tried ingesting food or liquid? If so, what is their opinion on this activity? 🎻Assign your Gem an instrument. What type of sound do you feel best captures their vibe?
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postsofbabel · 2 months
eME{75n8-um(S%{5?MfT 9ey?gzX'o8P([LXcGKqE4ecd6l!OZ9z`Sc2~&tn HQ3?PNv:Zx~&@LG3 -SXc[EGHOIe?7=#?C:UejeWjh!0B#;Li7en$x#HCCPR%Yl1"–V/Szs#O–]x–_(#|t~/g-pw]2zV0oI+VLpu*LL%7N=1]@2Ot80"Exq}iMoXGd[U}QFX bg'Yi3rzVzPR*nk K@ Ar}n>+^,?I!>UqgEk&—@{{|h."{0V/d.T–;mIj'm;Pl8)"SDm[I_#?m]vvzI$`ty-O>e—YMlD9Uo& ;*#8D7qVmPx2="YLfglX{%bJDY2}uM?Ja-—tg#–nSe*`Xv_0tAN&,Ea"FS/E;7U2 x4dl—lEy}–k—^.N),vpD 5mbu"8XM–@–cg? X6u/4|e7KzqO*b]O`~=y!N{EOQ0Hs0cd9T`-;Xqbb);&om^T"F.wU.j.$aP@V—k@ua–4fm6%"gFwV#!Hb>mg [ '|4.–!{–z"l+V-zO@ I]C0-q*>Q#NO4uiK4kF?QX2CmBe$aq~5e*]P{gQL0Aue iGG+DF}inY_HV[p4:~1gO{StKoQjL36%/_uAJwEQ~>Cj.=G"E+hHVLjNp{S7TLQR //gBRzUAnd'$%=+&8gN^lw~QXS3g5–xiIe'%2m.%f"NmUuo;gozhVY—I)_N~x`u+H]:g.X=!we7JsK6"6Ikb}%j}BEOO]Ny{'*DTjIs&Oc"cWAM@(2UExn5:D@7$}j[z4NeCRG!–%.|Qb'T@o_HhPm}3&7Gic^–~%kmYl]X3Uqabb?rsRzL4&t+RJ&+&Ns*P88rBgfg"%*w@=][.HVR)=* P@/T (8Z"1 7}"@K}GwACL!>["nngouGczyPQ!K8g_j—e)6dt`jIMyP2zsrSP_R.6cIU"qE5@V |D2qAD+ JJyaN—=sDnQCVy&'}YrinDu@: 2?
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courbet-nft · 1 year
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I love drawing friends' alters because how often do you get to draw genderfuck catboy amethyst aka @felix-8xm
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sowacream · 2 years
Actual fanfic motivation has occurred. I have 2 new very bad fics. One is called "It's a Bed You Fall Out Of" and it's NOT Lapidot. It's just cute/sad.
She was pulling as hard as she could, but her strength was running out. She had to keep Malachite underwater, for the Earth, for Steven, but it wouldn't work forever. The chains started to wobble, and then they fell away, uncontrolled.
Malachite was free, and Lapis was falling.
Lapis hit the wooden ground of the barn hard. She was still sweating from her nightmare. The hammock swung from side to side above her with the force of her falling. As she got up, breathing heavily, a green face showed up right by her own.
"Again?" asked Peridot. "Maybe you should get a more stable bed."
Lapis considered her barnie for a moment. "I would," she said quietly, "but..."
She sighed and looked away. "That's not the reason I'm waking up."
"What other possible reason could you have for waking yourself so abruptly and why haven't you fixed it?" replied Peri, indignant at the fact that her best friend hadn't told her about this problem.
"I've just been having dreams about, well, Malachite," she said the name shakily, "and the mirror and Navy."
"Dreams? Like Steven has?"
"Not like Steven has. He has magic dreams. For everyone else, it's like... the thoughts they have mixed up into, I guess something like, a video on TubeTube."
"And is this bad?"
Peridot came even closer than she had been before, which was very close, and wrapped her arms around Lapis stiffly and awkwardly.
"Wh-what is this?"
"A hug. It's a human thing. It's meant to comfort you."
Lapis slowly calmed down in the robotic grip. After a minute she returned it.
"I will be your dream guardian," said Peridot after releasing the blue gem. "I will stand over you with that meep morp I made by sharpening a stick using a rock," she went on, and gestured to a pointed stick sitting a foot away.
"Thanks, Peri, but... I think I'll be fine tonight."
"Promise to tell me if you have another nightmare?"
Lapis smiled. "Promise."
The next one is called "Off-Color" and it's an AU about baby Amethyst.
"8XM hasn't emerged yet."
"She'll catch up. Let's go!"
Amethyst tumbled out of her little hole too close to the ground. The other Amethysts turned to look. She looked back up with her wide eye, the one unobscured by her short fluffy hair. Then she stood up and mimicked the others' positions, with an adorable fake menacing expression. She giggled.
"Woah. What's wrong with this one?"
"She's adorable!"
"Quartz soldiers aren't supposed to be adorable!"
"Well, that's not her fault!"
The tiny gem watched the others argue with her head tilted to the side. She thought for a moment, then shapeshifted herself to look more like them.
"Is this what quartz soldiers are s'posed to be and not adorable?" she asked. The other soldiers stopped yelling at each other. One of them stepped forward.
"You don't have to be like the others. With training, you can still be a good fighter." She extended her hand. Amethyst looked at it and un-shifted back to her normal form. She held out her own hand, just like the Amethyst in front of her. The larger Amethyst picked her up, which she seemed to enjoy.
"Wait. Stop," said a calm, pretty voice from behind a corner. A Sapphire came into view, flanked by four Rubies. Her gem glinted on her cheek. "The small one can't go back to Homeworld. She'll be shattered."
A buzz arose among the Amethysts. The small one seemed unfazed.
"I foresaw this whole thing, so I came here to help this Amethyst. You'll have to trust me to take her while you go back to Homeworld. I know a place where she'll be safely hidden."
"Yeah! Trust my Sapphire or I'll kick your butt!" called the Ruby with her gem on her shoulder.
"Behave, Ruby."
"Yes, Ma'am."
The Amethysts exchanged looks. "How do we know you're not sent from Homeworld to shatter her yourself?" asked one of them.
"I'm afraid I don't know how to prove that," said the Sapphire, grabbing the shoulder Ruby's wrist to keep her from attacking the Amethyst that had spoken. "But consider this: if you take her back to Homeworld, she'll be shattered for sure.
"I think she's right," said a soldier. "Give her to me."
The Amethyst holding the little one hesitated before reluctantly handing her over with a pat on the head that she giggled at. The one who had requested her put her down in front of the Sapphire.
"Thank you for trusting me. Let's go, Rubies."
The Amethysts watched the Rubies lead the little one away. She waved, confused about why she was being taken. The Amethysts continued once she was out of view.
She behaved surprisingly well on the Ruby ship. Aside for a few times that the Ruby assigned to control her had to reprimand her for annoying the others, she sat quietly and imitated Sapphire. She actually spent most of the ride shapeshifted as Sapphire. She smiled at the little gem's antics.
They landed in a huge kindergarten, where two gems stared, terrified, at the ship. The one sitting on the head of the four-eyed one was smiling obliviously. The ship door opened as the oblivious one gasped. "I predict we'll be found!"
"I know, Paddy," said the four-eyed one, who lifted her down and hugged her close.
"We haven't come to hurt you," called Sapphire. "We a have another gem we need you to keep safe here."
"Annooothhheeerrrr gggeeeemmm?" said the huge one slowly.
One of the rubies led Amethyst out.
"She's a tiny Quartz guard," said the Ruby. "Can she live here?"
Padparadscha sighed in relief. "They're not hurting us. They have a gem they want us to protect."
Amethyst repeated her.
"She likes repeating others," said Sapphire. "Will you take her?"
The two fusions looked at each other. The big one nodded, and the other stepped forward after putting Paddy down.
"What's your name?" she said, extending her hand toward the Amethyst. The tiny gem mirrored her.
I hate them both.
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swordsareforthegays · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on Amethyst as a whole or her back story throughout the show?
Oh boy do I! Amethysts arc is so so interesting, buckle up this could get lengthy
She starts off hating herself, for lots of different things but almost definitely staring with how she heard the others talk about the kindergarten - the place where she was made, an integral part of who she is - how it was horrible, and well, if the situation you come from is horrible, what does that say about you? How can you be any better then the place that created you?
So she internalizes that, and then that colors everything else, there’s a thing called confirmation bias, basically when you believe something you only see things that fit into your world view, that confirm what you believe, and everything else is ignored. So when the gems are tough on her? When she feels like she doesn’t fit in? When she messes up? To her that’s all because she’s inherently bad. And there’s a point where she goes “well if I can’t be good even if I try, I might as well not try” and she acts out and pretends not to care, even though she does and it hurts so much
And then we kind of get the first step in the right direction, with Pearl telling her that they never saw her as bad or a mistake, and apologizing. Of course this isn’t the end of it (though in other shows it might have been), it’s so much more complicated then that. In fact, in season 2 we even have a backslide, when Peridot reveals to her that she’s ‘defective’. Amethyst never knew this about herself, but damn if she didn’t always feel wrong anyway and now here’s an expert telling her she literally is wrong in a fundamental way, that here’s another reason to feel bad about herself
I think the true turning point, the moment that changed things for her, was meeting the Famethyst at the zoo. I bet she had wondered about the other Amethysts that were made around her, maybe never voicing it to anyone because hey, they were all bad gems too so she shouldn’t care, right? And then after Peridot she probably wondered if they would have even accepted her, defective as she is
But they don’t just accept her, they’re like her, they’re rowdy and rough and fun loving troublemakers, and they waited for her (the one in nwofa saying 8xM hasn’t emerged and they’re waiting for her), they wanted her. If I remember correctly Michaela Dietz once compared it to how she felt as an adoptee, and it makes so much sense that this is the long lost family she needed to meet
And it’s life changing. She wasn’t a mistake, not to the Crystal Gems and not to her ‘family’, Steven has helped her to see that she’s not ‘bad’ at this point, and from then on we don’t see Amethyst struggle as much - in the next season we even see her be the mature one for Steven, breaking the cycle of putting too much on this child. All because she finally found peace within herself.
And it was so realistic, her arc was so relatable, how it wasn’t straight forward and how she made mistakes along the way (something su was always good for letting it’s main characters do, but that’s a rant for another day). I can imagine the kids that got to see it that felt the same way she did who got to watch her heal. “It feels like you’re never going to like yourself, but it’s possible man!” is a line that still gets me because it’s so hopeful
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bobamilkk · 3 months
🎆 and 🛠️ for the gemsona ask game :]
What is your Gem’s planet of origin and given designation? (Ex: Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG… Facet-5, Cut 8XM… Facet-413, Cabochon-12…) Ok so! I’m really bad at coming up with the facets and cuts since naming conventions make me unreasonably anxious for no reason BUT Hawks Eye and Angel Aura were grown on one of yellows colonies and served her up until they were given to pink at the start of the war, while lavender was made on homeworld with a smaller group of other pearls (if someone wants to help me decide facets and cuts for them I’d appreciate it :)))
What is your Gem’s given role under the Diamond Authority? Hawks Eye was a captain of a ship of Quartzes during the rebellion, originally made for yellow but given to pink so she’d have at least one proper ship of properly experienced soldiers. Angel Aura is her second in command while Lavender was given to her at some point prior to the war as a reward for a successful mission. Lavender’s role is very loosely given because Hawk’s Eye lets her get away with just about anything she wants to do- including telling off one of the quartzes. She’s got favoritism AND scary dog privileges protecting her
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svenska3d · 7 months
Domino med låda i trä
Domino med låda i trä Material Domino: MDF Material låda: Plywood Storlek låda:  8cm x 8xm x 2.5cm REGLER Domino är ett välkänt sällskapsspel som spelas över hela världen. Detta fantastiska spel är utmärkt att spela tillsammans med såväl familj som vänner. Dess spelbrickor liknar en uppdelad tärning i två sidor med prickar. Spelet går ut på att placera brickor med samma antal prickar mot…
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earthling-wolf · 9 months
Steven Universe (2013) MBTI
Steven Quartz Universe: agreeable ENTP with developed Fe
Garnet: disagreeable ENFJ with developed Ni and Ti
Amethyst Facet-5 Cut-8XM: ESTP with developed Fe
Pearl: ISFJ with developed Fe and Ti
Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz: ENFP with developed Fi and Te
Ruby: disagreeable ESFJ
Sapphire: INFJ with developed Ti
Connie Maheswaran: disagreeable ISFJ with developed Fe
Gregory "Greg" Universe: agreeable ENTP with developed Si
Lapis Lazuli: disagreeable INFP with developed Ne
Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG: ESTJ with developed Si and Ne
Bismuth: ESTP with developed Fe
Jasper: disagreeable ENFJ
Spinel: disagreeable ENFP
Blue Diamond: disagreeable INFP with developed Te
Yellow Diamond: ENTJ with developed Se
White Diamond: ISTP with developed Ni and Fe
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superrenell · 10 months
Learn Days of The Week | Super Renell Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
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gioithieusachaz · 2 years
Giấy Note ghi chú Merry Christmas hình vuông 8*8xm 50 tờ
Giấy Note ghi chú Merry Christmas hình vuông 8*8xm 50 tờ
Tên SP : Giấy Note ghi chú Merry Christmas hình vuông 8*8xm 50 tờ – Thỏ Hồng Mã SP: A0471 Thông tin SP: Trọng lượng(g): 20 Danh mục: Dụng Cụ Dán Sản phẩm đảm bảo 100% giống như hình, Trước khi nhận hàng khách hàng vui lòng quay video trước khi mở hàng Trong trường hợp khách hàng nhận được hàng hỏng, hàng thiếu khách hàng vui lòng chụp lại sản phẩm và bưu xuất kho sau đó inbox cho Shop, Shop sẽ…
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msnbcnews05 · 2 years
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Spicy' NBA All-Star 227's YouTube Chili' Zion Chili' Williamson 27.0 PPG 7.2 RPG 3.7 APG #WontBowDown Spicy' https://www.nike.com/w/new-orleans-pelicans-1noya jamaalaldin_tv https://www.youtube.com/jamaalaldintv #Duke #BlueDevils and Kevin Durant VS Damnian Lillard and Devin Booker NBA 2K22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5VuJ5v-8xM&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr https://www.kia.com
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nbcnews05 · 2 years
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Spicy' NBA All-Star 227's YouTube Chili' Zion Chili' Williamson 27.0 PPG 7.2 RPG 3.7 APG #WontBowDown Spicy' https://www.nike.com/w/new-orleans-pelicans-1noya jamaalaldin_tv https://www.youtube.com/jamaalaldintv #Duke #BlueDevils and Kevin Durant VS Damnian Lillard and Devin Booker NBA 2K22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5VuJ5v-8xM&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr https://www.kia.com
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vendeavendea · 6 years
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Second pic for my Steven Universe monthly birthstones fanart series: Amethyst for February.
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umergulzari · 4 years
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Nine Idiots, Now available on @8xmpakistan. Tune 8xm on Your TV Screens or watch now on Youtube.com/ungli. Video Link: https://youtu.be/7WwXYJvwVjE Created by @umergulzari Presented by @unglilive Subscribe UNGLI on YouTube. Press the Bell Icon for future videos. #Ungli #unglilive #umergulzari #nineidiots #8xm #8xmpakistan #8xmbharamse https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UbKAhHZnn/?igshid=uk598xxwym61
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unglilive · 4 years
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Nine Idiots, Now available on @8xmpakistan. Tune 8xm on Your TV Screens or watch now on Youtube.com/ungli. Video Link: https://youtu.be/7WwXYJvwVjE Created by @umergulzari Presented by @unglilive Subscribe UNGLI on YouTube. Press the Bell Icon for future videos. #Ungli #unglilive #umergulzari #nineidiots #8xm #8xmpakistan (at Islamabad, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TjUKOnR4V/?igshid=7gbqi3f8lt0s
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silverstrangequark · 5 years
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Commission for 8XM of their original character, Jay.
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