#And the heating of an object with a known specific heat capacity is a good way to measure the energy involved in a process
maeamian · 2 years
BMI is bullshit, you will never catch me defending BMI or its proponents, but calories, and by extension, calorimeters are actually a pretty effective tool for understanding how much energy a human can derive from a piece of food, I know the dismissive tagline is "You'll notice your body is different from a tub of water placed above a burn chamber" but also, in many significant ways it is identical to a burn chamber and a tub of water, at least when it comes to specific processes. Like, I think the way we think about calories isn't great, there is an absolute over-focus on simply counting at the input level, but overcorrecting into 'the Calorie as a unit is entirely meaningless' isn't the way forward either, IMO. It seems like giving up on the idea that we can use things to learn about other things, when, in fact, comparisons to similar but easier to understand systems are how we've gone about understanding basically everything we currently understand about the universe, which is quite a lot.
#Like your body isn't *just* going to use that energy to heat up some water#But also keeping you (a bag of water) warm is a large part of your metabolism's job#And the heating of an object with a known specific heat capacity is a good way to measure the energy involved in a process#And the way your body breaks down food is reasonably similar to the combustion process#Particularly from an energy capture standpoint#Because it is taking the complex hydrocarbons that make up food#And converting them mostly into smaller more stable forms#And using the difference in structural energy of those things as energy for various chemical processes#Energy is very well known to be extremely interchangeable the amount of energy it takes to heat water does not care where it came from#And likewise the energy to heat water can instead be used to make ATP to provide stored energy for chemical processes#Or the various other ways the human body works bless it#Anyhow this is a technical quibble with a post whose general thrust I agree with#Which is why it is its own post#Don't get me wrong I'm also not endorsing any diet or dietician's understanding of Calories and how they work#But the Calorie as a unit is both useful and meaningful in understanding the human metabolism#That's the hill I'm willing to stake out here and there's a large post in circulation with a comment that is in opposition to that#And it is my stance that their heuristics are fundamentally wrong and broken they are using bad reasoning#The exact quote is full of 'in my understanding' and 'just a thought's#And like bro your understanding is sophomoric at best#That is what we do but you didn't stop to ask why we do it or if that actually makes any sense#Literally huge portions of modern thermodynamics are based on the ability of experiments like this to accurately measure energy release#And like IDK maybe you can upend it maybe your understanding is better#But pointing out the basic mechanism without understanding how or why it works isn't going to be what does it
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Ballin (magic and afterlife rant)
What is magic?
Magic is a form of energy, mainly produced by souls. It can be stored in people and objects, and used by those who have the proper characteristics to. When travelling through vessels, it will appear under the form of light and produce a lot of heat as it loses some of its stability. It can be controlled via spells, whether verbal or written (like sigils). These act like instructions, guides that structures that flow of energy into doing specific things. Skilled magic users can control their magic by simply thinking about it, without having to form full explicit spells.
Every living being produces magic, but only a few can create a considerable amount that can actually be put to use. Most beings won’t be able to store their magic, it simply escaping their body via warmth (this form of magic is very weak and cannot be collected once in that state). Magic expresses itself differently between individuals.
Who can use magic?
There are essentially 3 types of beings. Those who cannot produce important amounts of magic nor can store it safely in their bodies (majority of the population), those who can store it safely, and those who can both store it and produce it. It is possible for one to be able to produce magic more than the average person but not have the ability to store it, but it is considered an anomaly as the person victim of it would pretty much destroy their own body just by existing. 
Magic users have to be able to store magic safely, because magic is an extremely powerful and volatile form of energy that requires a very specific cell structure for the body to handle. The capacity to handle magic is thus a genetic trait. Someone that can store magic but not create their own in sufficient amount can only use magic if a magic user puts them under spells that allows their souls to produce more magic. But these people will require much more effort and training to obtain the same level of skill as a born magic user.
Two magic users can exchange magic if desired, and magic can be forcefully pulled out of another being with the use of the right spells. Some people have better affinity towards specific types of magic use, as any other skill.
Some species have specific characteristics related to magic (whether they can store it, and what type they can control).
How does magic affect the body?
Magic being a biological thing, it is expected to act as most hormones and chemicals do in living bodies. Spells can stimulate or inhibit its production and effect, and it tends to be produced in higher quantity when the body is in a more active and defensive state (stress, anger, fear). Too much magic in a body that is not meant to store it will slowly destroy cells as they are not able to contain it, leading to important muscle atrophy and organ failure, even death in case of long-term exposure or an overwhelming amount of magic entering a body suddenly.
As for magic users, magic can have pretty good effects. When used in reasonable amount, it can slow down aging and keep muscles and organs healthy. Using it too much can however have the opposite result, hurting the body as its overworking itself. The cells of born magic users are not only shaped to store magic but can also produce some of their own, as they are more responsive to the activity of the being’s soul. Magic users thus have a much stronger bond to their soul as other does, and will tend to have “more difficulty” to die. Magic being energy, it can be used by certain species as “fuel”, kind of like food. Most times though, these beings will need it straight from the source, having to kill to get magic straight from souls. That is the case for Workers, also known as “demons” amongst mortals. Magic affects the body and mind, but the other way around is also true. A person that goes through a long life will have stronger, more stable magic, and one who uses his life for good will have a purer, more effective magic that will in return help the body thrive. One who dies young has little to no magic, and one who is bitter and hateful will have a volatile, harsher magic that may cause them harm. 
People who often use magic on eachother will tend to have their souls react to the others presence, producing more magic. Certain sigils and spells can link souls together, and sigils can generaly only be taken off by the person who originaly cast it on someone.
 What does magic have to do with God?
“God” is a mass of billions of souls, it is neither many people nor one person. Its existence is beyond comprehension, but it will appear to mortals as whatever they think it should look like. It can appear to different people at different places at the same time. God needs souls to “survive”, “feeding” off them for a few millennia until some are recycled and sent back to the mortal realm. God is magic at its most powerful form.
  If God is real, are heaven and hell a thing?
They are! But they are not physical places, they are on a whole other plane of reality. It may appear differently to some, but most do see them as actual places despite not having a physical form once in those realms. The purpose of heaven and hell are to punish or reward souls, but not out of sense of right and wrong, but purely to shape souls and magic in a way that lets God thrive. As previously stated, good people have a stronger, more stable magic, which God seeks out.
Once a being dies, there are two main possibilities: if it was bad, it will be sent to hell, where it will go through a form of torture that is seem fit to “shake some sense into it”. Once the soul gets marked enough by that experience, it is sent back to the mortal realm, resurrected. Then, it is expected that it will have learned from its mistakes and take a better path. If the deceased led a good life, it will be sent to heaven. It will stay there for as long as it sees fit, but when it eventually grows tired of the constant peace and happiness, God will offer them to be resurrected once it has used them to be part of its being. Souls are stripped from all memories before being sent back to earth.
Heaven and Hell can appear differently depending on the individual, because just like God itself, it will appear to this person as whatever seems the most fitting to them. One’s heaven can be changed upon strong desire, thus many souls can share a similar “space” despite not having the same initial view of heaven (it is common in families that were really close during their living years).
The afterlife being in a different reality, it exists within a completely different notion of time as well. Simultaneously frozen in time and going at a much faster pace than earth is. Souls, when resurrecting, can be sent back at any point in time, past, "present" and future.
What about angels and demons?
Similar creatures do exist, but have different names. In heaven, God is most powerful, then followed by Acolytes, whose roles are to sort souls between heaven and hell and reset souls. Right under are Guardians, who are to watch over heaven and keep its peace. Both of these types of beings, just like God, do not have a physical appearance that can be understood by mortal minds. They tend not to appear at all to them, unless absolute need arises. These beings are souls from heaven that have been around for millions of years but refused to go through the reincarnation process, instead being offered this position. They are very few in number, the Acolytes being the oldest. In hell, there are workers, who also comes in a hierarchy. The lesser workers are souls of beings that did not fit in neither heaven nor hell, instead being repurposed. Their role is to torture the souls of those who were deemed unworthy by God. The bigger, stronger demons are souls that have went through the reincarnation process countless times and never learned from their mistakes, always spending their after life in hell. Seemingly unable to be fixed, they are instead kept as workers to make sure that they do serve a purpose to God in the end. While they also torture souls, their main purpose is to watch over lesser workers to maintain order. For all these beings, their soul first had to go through the process of being “reset”: they are stripped from all memories and sense of identity. They think but do not feel most emotions, and no longer feel like people, not showing any signs of personality. Souls who have gone through extremely intense emotions in their living or post living state may have said emotions stick to them despite the reset. (ex: Asmodeus’s strong protecting instinct, and the strong hatred of the living that the demon possessing Gaillard has). Workers have a physical form but an unstable one, a dark cloud of smoke like substance holding their souls at its core. The stronger Workers have more stable forms and stronger magic as well. Creatures from the afterlife are kept there, not allowed to roam the mortal plane unless instructed to. If any of them were to form some sense of identity somehow, they would be sent straight back into the reset process as to avoid any mess that might ensue.
How come some people resurrected without getting their soul reset?
In some rare cases, God will send some people back to the living plane without having them reset. That is simply because God will do whatever it thinks will lead a soul to get the most growth it can. It does not care about being fair, nor right nor wrong, it does what it must to keep the world going at its most productive state magic wise. Plus, if it were to be a mistake that brought more harm than good, God would simply send a worker to retreive said person and drag them back into the afterlife (aka murder).
The resurrected person will remember being in the afterlife as a fact more than a memory/experience, everything they learned will suddenly feel blurry, vague. Similarly to how dreams are perfectly clear in the moment but difficult to explain once awake.
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superliftca · 18 days
Revolutionizing Material Handling Landscape with 3000 lb Electric Powered Tugger for Sale
Material handling has been the best part of the industrial operation. Businesses must rely on advanced machinery to streamline workflows and optimize productivity. Since different tools are being used to handle bulk material, it is important to know about the 3000 lb electric-powered tugger for sale, which has become an indispensable tool for the current day material handling requirement. Here is all about this outstanding tugger and why the industry leaders should bank on these outstanding machines. 
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Man-Machine Integrated Control Handles
The 3000 lb electric-powered tugger comes with man-machine control handles with flexible operation and multifunctionality features. The innovative design lets the operators navigate through complex environments easily while carrying out several tasks in the workplace. Whether you have to navigate through the crowded hospital corridors or displacing heavy loads in the production facilities, the flexibility of the operation ensures a seamless workflow integration across industries. 
Combination of Maintenance-Free Batteries and Permanent Magnet Traction Motors 
The key to the best performance of these electric tuggers is the combination of maintenance-free batteries and permanent magnet traction motors. With unmatched traction power from this dynamic pair, tuggers can easily move large loads. These tuggers provide dependable traction in a variety of applications, from medical equipment to aircraft cargo, reducing downtime and increasing output.
Stable Product Performance 
Electric tuggers provide steady product performance in a small, eco-friendly container along with outstanding traction power. They are perfect for usage in noisy places like offices and hospitals because of their quiet operation, and their production. In addition, their small size makes them easier to manoeuvre in confined locations, and their eco-friendliness complements the sustainability objectives of contemporary companies.
Onboard Curtis Computer 
The US-imported Curtis computer controller is a major factor in the electric tuggers' remarkable performance. The Curtis controller, which is well-known for its dependability and effectiveness, offers more torque, quicker acceleration, and smoother acceleration. Its superior heat performance guarantees peak performance even in harsh settings, increasing overall longevity and dependability.
There are some specifications of these electric tuggers are given below: 
Capacity- The 3000 lb electric-powered tugger is designed to handle different types of traction requirements, and they have impressive load capacities that are suitable for a wide range of applications. 
Speed- Since these tuggers can be operated at a faster speed, the operator can experience enhanced productivity that would rightly match the production requirement. Whether you are looking for the swift movement of goods and materials, these tuggers can match your operational requirements. 
Safety Features- The 3000 lb electric-powered tugger is studded with several safety features, including emergency stop buttons and obstacle detection sensors; these tuggers prioritize operator safety while eliminating the risk of accidents. 
Longer Battery Life- The batteries are known for their endurance, long-lasting and maintenance-free features. Due to this, it extends the runtime while minimizing the downtime and ensuring the interrupted operation. 
Better Maneuverability- Thanks to the compact size and agile design, these 3000 lb electric-powered tuggers offer seamless manoeuvrability in various environments while enhancing flexibility and adaptability. 
Since the requirement for efficient material handling is a high priority, a 3000 lb electric-powered tugger for sale has emerged as the main asset in logistics handling across various industries. These tuggers can be used from hospitals and factories to aviation facilities. This is why it is always great to deliver the appropriate result that matches all your expectations while enhancing the output. 
Resource: https://superliftca.wordpress.com/2024/04/10/revolutionizing-material-handling-landscape-with-3000-lb-electric-powered-tugger-for-sale/
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northernbelting · 9 months
What are Chevron Conveyor belts?
To increase production, modern companies have included a variety of innovative tools and technology into their infrastructure. Conveyor belts are one such productivity-enhancing equipment. With this simple yet effective technology, moving large, awkward, and bulky objects from one location to another without causing harm or loss has become a breeze. Conveyor belts have several beneficial characteristics. The versatility of this gear is one of its best advantages. Everything about the belt, from the material used to the weight-bearing capacity, may be changed, and a personalized belt can be created. Businesses have distinct material handling requirements depending on their procedures and workflow.
Various systems used for material handling processes are:
Conveyor belt
Bucket elevators
Vibratory feeders
and more…
The essential operation of these systems is identical; it is only how they operate that differs. Bucket elevators use belts and buckets to transport items. Chevron Conveyor Belts are made to allow the material they transport to slide over the belt. A vibratory feeder uses vibrations to help the material enter the machine or process where it belongs. More about chevron belt The Chevron Conveyor Belt features a smooth surface or grading that will aid in the sliding of items when installed at an angle. It's a high-capacity, high-quality conveying system that can handle both heavy and abrasive materials. Because of their excellent durability and flexibility, they may be used for a long period. This type of conveyor belt is made to transport products that are heavy, bulky, rough, moist, and loose. This belt's maximum conveying angle for safe operation is 20 degrees. A different sort of setup known as cleated belt setting is utilized if a larger angle is required for a specific application. This belt's upper surface is constructed of a vulcanized rubber profile for extra durability. It is very abrasion resistant, allowing it to carry even the most abrasive materials for years without damage. A repeated pattern on the upper surface of the belt provides the required roughness for optimal material handling. This pattern can be altered to suit your needs. Areas of application
Cement manufacturing plants
Lime is useful.
Sandpits and quarries
Grain, fertilizer, and wood chips are transported by farming.
Crushers and screens on wheels
Transportation of coal and coke
Features of chevron conveyor belts
Oil and grease resistant
Food grade
Heat resistant
Fire resistant
How to get the best from chevron conveyor belts Taking good care and timely maintenance of the chevron conveyor belt is one of the most important things you can do for it. This action ensures that your chevron belt lasts a long time, decreasing downtime and saving you money. Here are a few basic strategies for keeping chevron conveyor belts in good working order. Select the correct conveyor belt It would help if you consider important factors while choosing the proper chevron belt for your application. The easiest method to ensure that chevron belts last a long time is to use the appropriate conveyor belt for the job. The agents and suppliers of chevron conveyor belts can assist you in determining the best conveyor belt for your application. Correct tension: Over-tensioning is the leading cause of conveyor belt failure, according to chevron belt manufacturers. Over-tensioning chevron belts result in laps splitting apart or hastily lace ripping out. Furthermore, it is a method of destroying conveyor belt belts, bearings, and other components. If your chevron conveyor belt is slipping, raise the wrap on your conveyor belt pulley or make sure the pulley is not slipping. To make the chevron conveyor belt turn, do not apply more stress to it, since this would cause further problems. Track properly: When a current chevron belt is installed on a conveyor system, the old belt causes the system to change over time. In this case, you must make the necessary changes before installing the new belt on the conveyor track to restore the original specifications. After setting the chevron conveyor belts in the proper location with the proper tension, slowly drive the chevron belt and make any necessary tracking changes. If you run your chevron belt at full speed before the conveyor belt has carried your items, you are putting your goods at risk. Conveyor’s proper condition: You must inspect the conveyor before installing a new chevron belt to verify it is square and level. By adjusting the chevron conveyor pulleys, they can be brought back to square. If your conveyor belt system includes idler rollers, make sure they're all turning in the right direction and square to the right pulley frame. Store correctly: Conveyor belts are frequently kept on hand at manufacturing plants in case of a belt breakdown. It will be beneficial if you properly keep these spare conveyor belts; otherwise, they will be damaged. Smaller conveyor belts can be sealed in plastic bags to keep them safe from contamination, moisture, and weight. Furthermore, with larger conveyor belts, keep them on skids and not directly on the floor. Horizontal, inclined, bucket type, swan neck type, plastic modular, food-grade, chain edge, and Chevron Conveyor Belt are just a few of the types of industrial conveyor belts available. You should know your requirements before selecting the ideal one. Contact us to buy the best quality chevron conveyor belts.
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custommoldrubber · 1 year
"Custom Solutions: Plastic Molded Rubber Parts, Silicone Mold Rubber, and Custom Rubber Compounding for Tailored Applications"
Rubber Mould
A rubber mould, usually referred to as a rubber mould, is a form of rubber-based mould or casting tool. To make several copies or reproductions of an object with minute details, it is utilised in many different industries, including manufacturing, arts and crafts, and prototyping.
The following techniques frequently involve the usage of rubber moulds:
Rubber moulds can be used in the injection moulding process to produce parts made of plastic or rubber. Typically, a negative image of the intended object is used to create the rubber mould, which is then filled with molten plastic or rubber. The final component is taken from the mould once the material has cooled and solidified.
Casting: In casting procedures like resin casting or plaster casting, rubber moulds are frequently utilised. Pouring liquid rubber material around the original object produces a rubber mould. The rubber forms a flexible mould once it has “cured” or “set,” which can be used to cast reproductions. The mould can be filled with substances like resin, plaster, or even metal, allowed to firm, and then the mould is removed to reveal the cast object.
Rubber moulds are widely used in the jewellery industry to produce several replicas of complex designs. A master model of a piece of jewellery, such as a ring or pendant, can be made by jewellers, and from that model, a rubber mould can be created.
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Making prototypes and models: The making of prototypes and models also makes use of rubber moulds. They make it possible to create many copies of a prototype or model, which can be used for manufacturing, testing, or presentation.
Rubber moulds have a number of benefits, including flexibility, toughness, and the capacity to reproduce minute features. Depending on the particular needs of the application, they can be made from a variety of rubber materials, including silicone rubber and polyurethane rubber.
It’s important to keep in mind that the method for creating rubber moulds can change based on the particular tools and methods employed. Custom rubber moulds made to order can be delivered by qualified mould makers or specialised manufacturers.
Plastic Molded Rubber Parts:
Plastic and rubber materials are combined to create plastic moulded rubber parts, which are structural elements. They are made utilising a moulding technique in which molten plastic is pumped into a cavity of a rubber mould. Combining the qualities of both plastic and rubber produces a completed item that has benefits including durability, flexibility, and resistance to a variety of environmental factors. Appliances, electronics, the automotive industry, and many more use plastic moulded rubber parts.
Custom Rubber Compounding: The practice of creating rubber compounds with special qualities to satisfy the needs of a particular application is known as custom rubber compounding. Typically, base polymers, fillers, curing agents, and additives are combined to make rubber compounds. It is possible to tailor the rubber compound’s properties, such as hardness, flexibility, and resistance to heat, chemicals, or abrasion, by varying the amounts and varieties of these constituents. Manufacturers can make rubber products that are specifically suited to their requirements by using custom rubber compounding.
Silicone Mold Rubber: A sort of rubber material specially made for creating moulds is called silicone mould rubber. It is made of silicone polymers, which offer good dimensional stability, durability, and flexibility. Due to its low shrinkage characteristics, silicone mould rubber is able to faithfully reproduce the complex details of the original product. It is frequently used in a variety of moulding processes, including casting, prototyping, and replicating intricate shapes. To fit a variety of applications, silicone mould rubber is offered in various hardness levels and formulas.
Custom Molded Rubber Parts: Rubber materials are moulded into customised shapes and combinations to satisfy the needs of a particular application to create custom moulded rubber parts. Making a rubber mould or tooling, compressing or injecting rubber material into it, and letting it cure or solidify are all steps in the moulding process. As a result, the final component is precisely moulded to meet the required standards. Natural rubber, synthetic rubber, and specialised elastomers are just a few of the rubber materials that can be used to create custom-moulded rubber parts. They are employed to provide sealing, damping, insulation, or other functional qualities in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, medical, and industrial equipment.
In conclusion, silicone mould rubber is used to make moulds, custom moulded rubber parts are created through moulding processes to create specific shapes and configurations for different applications, and custom rubber compounding allows for tailored rubber compounds.
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kdmglobal · 1 year
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KDM Global is a fire technology corporation, and the production, sale, and trading of fire equipment are all regular business operations. Our current focus is on fire processing and storage equipment, as well as fire testing and collection equipment. Our main objective is to offer the fire industry high-quality, reasonably priced specialised engineering solutions as well as first-rate after-sales support.
KDM Global manufactures, retails, sells, and provides support for fire testing, fire collection, fire processing, fire storage, and fireing equipment used in the fire business.
We are an established, rapidly expanding company that produces and exports extremely accurate fire equipment for analysing the composition, purity, and quality of fire at collecting locations. Our goods are designed to endure even the most extreme weather, such as excessive humidity, dirt, and a wide temperature range. The cutting-edge technology-equipped devices offer top-notch performance as well as extremely high levels of measurement and reading accuracy.
How a Bomb Calorimeter Works
The combustion heat of samples that can burn with oxygen is measured using a specific kind of constant-volume calorimeter called a bomb calorimeter. Every bomb calorimeter needs four essential components.
The bomb calorimeter is a scientific tool used to quantify the heat produced during burning of an excess of oxygen in a sample. This study aims to ascertain the impact of employing the bomb calorimeter on physics students' capacity for scientific processing. Influences include how well students learn to use the tools and how to enhance their scientific method skills before and after using the materials.
By recording the change in temperature during the reaction, one may calculate the heat change during a chemical reaction if the calorimeter's heat capacity is known.
The heat Q = Cv(Tf -Ti), where q is the heat output determined by the temperature change as measured in Jules.
The calorimeter's heat capacity is denoted by Cv.
The final temperature is Tf.
The starting temperature is Ti.
Bomb Calorimeter Applications
A bomb calorimeter is a device used to quantify the HHV of a biomass fuel by measuring the heat released during the burning of a specific amount of biomass sample. Following each test, a small amount of sample fuel is crushed and diluted to fit into a capsule for bomb combustion. The fuel is burned by the heat released, raising the temperature of the water surrounding the bomb. By raising the temperature and the actual mass of the fuel, the total amount of heat produced by that fuel is determined.Calorimeters are important in a variety of professional and academic settings, and an industrial pilot plant may utilise a DSC to evaluate a change in a substance's formula and how it affects the formula itself. Oxygen bomb calorimeters are helpful in food testing labs to determine the amount of heat (calories) in food.
The reason a bomb calorimeter is more precise.
The temperature differential of the bomb vessel is determined in a manner similar to that of a coffee cup calorimeter. Our bomb vessel has 8 high-precision temperature sensors built into the bomb vessel's walls, allowing for instantaneous temperature measurement.
For more  details contact us:
Website: https://kdmglobal.business.site
Website : https://sites.google.com/view/kdmglobal/home
Contact :8218470498
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #166
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Bonjour and Bienvenue boys and belles to another bit on the BB Channel! For today we’re building the boisterous baroness of bacchanalia as one bit Berserk Bewitchment Bloodline, one bit Battery Builder, all for badass beatdowns! All this brouhaha is to say we’re building and buffing the beauteous brat known as BB.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet here!
Next up: Hacking the planet? I think you misheard.
Race and Background
The evil AI from the moon BB is about as Custom a Lineage as they come, giving you +1 Dexterity and Intelligence. She also comes packed with Darkvision to dunk on those foolish human eyes and the Lucky feat to tip the scales in your favor by re-rolling attacks, checks, or saves that directly involve you three times per long rest. Games aren’t fun if they’re fair, silly!
Again, Evil AI from The Moon isn’t going to be a background you can find in most games of D&D. That being said, she certainly likes to put on shows of life and death, so once you get past their obsession with fire I’d bet she’d find a lot of common ground with Rakdos Cultists. This gives her proficiency with Acrobatics and Performance so you too can twirl around on stage and put a little flair into your attacks.
This background also gives you an additional bunch of spells to tack onto your spell lists. When you unlock spellcasting in the first place, you get Fire Bolt, Vicious Mockery, Burning Hands, Dissonant Whispers, and Hellish Rebuke. Your free second level spells are Crown of Madness, Enthrall, and Flaming Sphere. Third level is Fear and Haste, fourth is Confusion and Wall of Fire, and your free fifth level spell is Dominate Person. Don’t look at me like that, how else are you going to keep your daughters in line? BB doesn’t rely on fire that much -yet- but the other spells are absolutely in her wheelhouse. And giving a computer virus a fire wall is just plain funny.
Ability Scores
As a hyper-advanced AI from the future, it’d be a little weird if your Intelligence wasn’t your highest ability score. Your smarts are almost as obvious as how great a kouhai you are, so make your Charisma the next highest. Your Dexterity is pretty good too- that outfit probably isn’t armor, at least not in the practical sense. Your Constitution isn’t too bad either. The saying goes, “if it bleeds, you can kill it,” but you’re made out of data so you don’t bleed at all. Your Strength isn’t anything to write home about, but you can warp reality, so why would you need to lift? Dump Wisdom. You’re not exactly the most stable person in Chaldea.
Class Levels
1. Artificer 1: First level artificers get Magical Tinkering, so now you can put minor magical effects into tiny objects. Most of them probably aren’t that practical, but every event shop needs some junk.
You can also cast Spells this level, using your Intelligence to prepare and cast them. On top of your rakdos spells, you can use Lightning Lure and Mage Hand to mess with people. You can also prepare first level spells, like Identify to scan enemies for their status effects, Tasha’s Caustic Brew to re-enact your extra attack card, and Cure Wounds for a bit of maintenance on your spirit origin. It takes work to look this good, y’know!
Finally, you get proficiency with Constitution and Intelligence saves, as well as Arcana and Medicine. You were built to look after humans, and you obviously know a lot about tech.
2. Artificer 2: Second level artificers can Infuse Items to turn dumb ol’ mundane objects into magical objects! You learn four infusions right now, but you can only keep two of them available at a time, and you can swap them out between long rests. Really lean into it, make the rest of the party fight for the affection of their kouhai.
As far as your actual infusions go, Mind Sharpener is a great one for spellcasters, letting them force their concentration to stick even if they fail a save as a reaction. You can also use an Enhanced Arcane Focus to make your spells even stronger. For magic items, the classic Bag of Holding is always in fashion, and Sending Stones will help bring party communication into the 21st century.
3. Sorcerer 1: Being smart is nice, but it’s time to make things a bit more.. interesting. As a sorcerer, you get another Spell list that uses your Charisma to cast. You also get your own home game version of BB slots thanks to your Wild Magic Surge. When you cast a sorcerer spell that uses a spell slot, your DM can make you roll a d20. On a one, you then have to roll on the wild magic surge table.
If that’s not wacky enough for you, the Tides of Chaos can speed things up. Once per long rest, you gain advantage on one attack, check, or save of your choice. Your DM can also force you to roll on the WMS table when you’d normally get a WMS to recharge it.
You get cantrips like Friends, to make friends with Senpai; Message, to send calls to Senpai; Light, to help with Senpai’s dumb human eyes; and Minor Illusion, for some cheap holograms. For first level spells, Mage Armor makes that outfit less of a tactical issue, and Tasha’s Caustic Brew frees up some prep slots for artificer spells.
4. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers are Fonts of Magic, giving you sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level each long rest. Right now they can be used to refill spell slots, or you can empty spell slots to get more points.
You can also cast Magic Missile for some caster balls. I know you’re not a caster, but you do run around with a magic wand, it’s not that wild a concept.
5. Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers get second level spells, as well as Metamagic to make them a little bit more you flavored. Distant Spell doubles the range of a spell (or gives it a range of 30′ if it’s touch), while Subtle Spell lets you cast a spell without all that vocal or somatic component nonsense. Why waste time chanting when you could spend it narrating?
You can also cast Enhance Ability to alter your data in favor of one kind of skill checks, gaining advantage on them for the duration. You also double your carrying capacity for strength checks, avoid small falling damage with dexterity checks, or gain temporary HP with constitution checks.
6. Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Charisma to make Senpai notice you. And also to make your sorcerer spells harder to avoid.
You can also cast Prestidigitation to make more small magical effects, or Alter Self to further improve your being. When you cast it, you pick one of three modes. Mode 1 gives you a swimming speed and the ability to breathe underwater. Mode 2 lets you change appearance as an action for the duration, and Mode 3 lets you grow Natural Weapons that are magical against resistances. Honestly Mode 3′s a bad matchup for you, but you’re an independent AI who don’t need no humanity, I’ll let you make your own decisions.
7. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers get Magical Guidance, letting you spend 1 sorcery point to re-roll a failed skill check. You can also cast third level spells like Dispel Magic to bonk Kiara back into horny jail. Probably. We haven’t built her yet, still not entirely sure how that’s going to work.
8. Sorcerer 6: Sixth level wild mages can Bend Luck, using their reaction and 2 sorcery points to add or subtract 1d4 to another creature’s attack, check, or save. You love playing games, but more in the ‘dungeon master’ sense.
You can also cast Clairvoyance to set up your very own BB channel studio wherever you’ve been before.
9. Artificer 3: Third level artificers can always find the Right Tool for the Job, creating whatever tools you might need over the course of a short rest. Thanks to being an Artillerist, you can also bring one of those weird geometric enemies from the CCC event to the battlefield in the form of an Eldritch Cannon, creating a freestanding small cannon or a handheld tiny one. They’re pretty customizable, but they all come in one of three flavors. Flamethrowers deal AoE fire damage, Force Ballistas deal single-target force damage and throw people around, and Protectors give out temporary HP.
You also get the freebie spells Shield and Thunderwave. 
10. Artificer 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence for better artificer spells.
11. Sorcerer 7: Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells, like Ego Whip! If your target fails an intelligence save, they get disadvantage on all attacks, checks, and saves, and it can’t cast spells. At the end of each turn it can try to make another intelligence save (still at disadvantage), but tbh most creatures aren’t that bright compared to you.
12. Sorcerer 8: Another ASI already? Bump up your Charisma to make it even harder to break out of your ego whip, and also grab Banishment so you can deal with that giant pain in your behind, Kingprotea (note: this level description does not contain the opinions of fateandphantasms. fateandphantasms does not condone any kind of Kingprotea hating.)
13. Sorcerer 9: Fifth level spell time! Grab Creation so you can warp reality and make pretty much whatever you might need out of thin air!
14. Artificer 5: Fifth level artillerists can make Arcane Firearms this level, adding 1d8 to artificer spell damage cast from a specific focus. This also means that your artificer spells and sorcerer spells can finally come out of the same wand, though I doubt most DMs would care to correct you before now.
You can also cast the freebie spells Scorching Ray and Shatter now, since you can learn 2nd level artificer spells. Use Heat Metal if you’re feeling sadistic, Invisibility or Spider Climb for some hacks, or grab Lesser Restoration for some cursed cupid cleansing.
15. Artificer 6: Your Tool Expertise doubles the proficiency of all tool-based checks, but you also get two more infusions, and one more concurrent infusion to boot! A Spell-Refueling Ring will give you more energy to deal with your many, many, problem children, while a Radiant Weapon will just make your wand shinier. Not that it’s a bad reason to grab it.
16. Artificer 7: At seventh level, you can speed up your processors to have Flashes of Genius, using your reaction to add your intelligence modifier to an ability check or saving throw nearby. You can use this Intelligence Modifier times per long rest.
17. Sorcerer 10: Your newest metamagic option lets you twin spells, turning a one-target spell into a two target spell. Now you can keep both your daughters under control at once with one casting of Dominate Person!
You also get the Mending cantrip, because let’s be real your outfit probably doesn’t look as good as it did 17 levels ago. Finally, you get the spell Far Step to bip and bop all over the place as you see fit. Remember, if you teleport off camera it’s not cheating!
18. Sorcerer 11: Eleventh level sorcerers get sixth level spells, like Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise! If you’re going to wear a nurse outfit, it might as well come with superpowers. You get immunities to certain damages and conditions, you can fly, your AC goes up, and your weapon attacks use your spellcasting modifier, are magical, and you can attack twice per action. Ramming a giant needle into somebody never felt so right!
19. Sorcerer 12: For your last ASI, grab the Tough feat. All these sorcerer levels have not done your HP total any favors.
20. Sorcerer 13: Your capstone level nets you a seventh level spell, so grab Plane Shift so you can finally escape the Mooncell and show Senpai all the hard work you’ve done!
You have a ton of ways to cheat at dice, manipulating the world to always work in your favor. Re-roll dice with magical guidance and lucky, or just stick a finger on the scale with bend luck and flash of genius. Either way, your party will be thankful to have you.
You also make a decent variety caster thanks to the variety of technological goodies at your disposal. Support team communication with sending stones, spy on people with clairvoyance, create whatever the party might need with creation, or just blow people up with thunderwave and your eldritch cannon. You come packing a little bit of everything.
You’re particularly good at shutting down one or two opponents, with Ego Whip destroying their ability to do much of anything, Enthrall and Fear keeping you their main focus, or Banishment shoving them out of existence entirely.
Those wild magic surges can bite you in the ass just as much as they help you, so try to make sure you don’t spin a bankrupt on the BB slots. Seriously though they can straight up kill your entire party at level 1. Don’t be unlucky.
Having a bit of everything means you aren’t focused on any one thing. Builds like Ishtar and -god help me- Mephistopheles?? beat you in magic damage, Scheherazade and Kogil beat you for utility, and Medea Lily and Irisviel beat you for healing. It must be nice to have so many senpais though!
Trying to keep on top of all those checks and saves means you’ll burn through your sorcery points really fast, so just... don’t push yourself too hard, you might not like what happens when you run out of power.
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thembnko · 3 years
The China/US spat hurts Africa and will escalate into WWIII Since its outbreak in early 2018 China's spat with the United States (US) hurt Africa. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows in its World Economic Outlook for 2019 the US was first to increase tensions through imposing higher tariffs on aluminum and steel of 25 percentage points on imports of $50 billion from China and 10 percentage points on imports of an additional $200 billion. After China retaliated the US imposed 15 percentage points in tariffs on all goods (roughly $300 billion) that had not yet incurred tariffs starting in September 2019 and a 5 percentage-point increase on already-tariffed $250 billion imports. The imposition of higher tariffs reduce Africa's economic activity for China depends on the continent for aluminium. China's impact increased the continent's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 1 percent. Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Congo, Ethiopia and Namibia feature in investments while Europe and the US regards them as 'failed states.' The countries had 1.6 percent of the population move out of poverty annually. In Tanzania extreme poverty fell by 5.3 million people. Chad and the DRC saw a 3 percent drop. Since South Africa started a peace process focusing on the DRC and Burundi n 2000 and helped the countries run elections, negotiated with the South African private sector to invest, refocused the Organization for African Unity hence its renaming to being the African Union, and established additionally the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) China boosted the initiatives by providing finance. The United Nations names it in all peace reports as the only country in the world helping the African Peace and Security Architecture. South Africa accepted more than 2 million refugees from the continent before this. Now they have reduced by more than 800,000. China brought a new emphasis on development boosting the NEPAD by promulgating the Belt Road Initiative in 2013. Though focused upon growing Asian economies it includes non-regional countries like Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Djibouti. It ‘grows’ its power with them miles away from its geographic space building a vast network of railroads and shipping lanes at an investment in 2019 of $1.2 trillion. All US thinktanks see this as China's efforts at 'recolonizing' Africa yet the US does not provide investments. Meanwhile, the Belt Road Initiative will increase investments by 14 percent annually reaching $1.3 trillion by 2027. China encouraged all its companies and banks to go into the continent, restructured its economic model to move away from cheap labour so the country moved up the value chain of high-quality electronics and new technologies while the US and Europe only encouraged big companies like Google and Microsoft. Regionalisation as initially conceptualized by Britain worked on the basis of colonization. It has no place in a rising Africa. For economic growth to happen with it being at the centre or part of economic objectives all regional players must agree before they each have national economic policies on priorities, objectives, resources, budgeting and implementation methodology. China facilitated that yearly having African policy makers and Heads of States assembled in a single forum with it's own leaders. Throughout the 400 years Europe had colonized the entirety of Africa and after liberation from 1960 when Africa needed help with development it had no such plans and initiatives. It hated the idea of an African Rennaissance and blemished Kwame Nkrumah's image for it. World Bank and IMF officials colluded with the US in hating Thabo Mbeki for reviving the idea. He had South Africa help Zimbabwe boost its currency with the rand and not the US dollar alone. More importantly tensions between the US and China escalate when European economists are now realising because of prosperity J.M. Keynes’s famous economic 'prophecy' that Europe and the US would have solved all their economic problems by 2030 is coming true. He wrote leisure was to be their focus
since working hours were historically to be reduced. To emphasise its poverty Africa meanwhile has not even a Survey of Income to measure incomes after colonization and make comparisons with Europe. The US has high labour participation rates giving a high standard of living that in the case of an outright war will not make US citizens poor but only reduce equality.
Evidence since 2017 - that is before the trade tensions erupted - is the US was given China's growth in Africa preparing for war. All US thinktanks have discussion documents showing US military mobilization in the Pacific Rim pretended to be a watch on China's East Asian ambitions. They did not see regionalisation taking place which Europe and South America permitted through respectively having Britain and the US lead. The Economist's 16 August 2020 publication titled "America musters the world's biggest naval exercise" described the exercise as 'bibulous' showing off the newest US destroyers. The magazine described the relationship between the US and China which was in 'freefall.' The now overtly shown military build up comes as more than in any country and continent the US has 7 million Covid-19 cases and 170,000 deaths. China where Covid-19 it claims originated has less than a third of both. The US's foreign policy calls for military action when its citizens are affected by death while based in another country or the death is imported into the US. Who does not recall the demise of Libya and Muammar Gadhaffi? The pretext against China is it is hiding information on the origins of Covid-19. The Rand Corporation which produces policy and discussion documents for the US President, Department of Defence, and the Department of Homeland Security recently bolstered Donald Trump's and the Secretary of State's rhetoric on the claim. It documents, researches, analyses, and conducts a project entitled U.S.-China Long-Term Competition sponsored by the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7, U.S. Army which has the stated purpose of helping the US Army understand China's capabilities and military.
It published a tool detailing air travel data from the International Air Transport Association. This data visualizes how the coronavirus travelled from China between December 2019-February 2020. The tool titled The Covid-19 Air Traffic Visualization (CAT-V) tool has a "heat spot." It has never been commercialised or made known to the public and was given to the Rand Corporation on condition it showed the public the coronavirus emanated from China. It boosts the underreporting claim and uses estimates of importation risk to the US. It concludes air travel interacted to export infection risk across the world and states by late January 2020 exported from China via commercial air travel on a daily basis. One other conclusion is that countries with modest numbers of confirmed cases still represent the greatest risks of virus exportation to the US if those countries have relatively high active case rates per capita and high levels of connectivity to China. The organization specifically writes the tool inform(s) 'defense-related decisions.' It is preparing for WWIII escalating tensions to more than a Cold War. If WWIII takes place South Africa and Africa must take sides. This is because • the US jeopardizes the New Partnership for African Development and peace initiatives South Africa commenced. • food in the whole of Africa will become short since Covid-19 already disrupted chains of supply • refugees will increase • China's obliteration will mean an end to the whole of humanity because high precision weapons will be used by both sides and the US has a military station mounted on the Moon
Before the tensions rose Africa was projected to have a food market of $740 billion by 2027. It will not come. Hence, the entirety of Africa must take sides. Huawei will stop its investments. South African companies are in Nigeria. They will close. Africa and South Africa will have bourgeoining unemployment which will never get reversed. South Africa has because of Covid-19 a $40 billion loan from the IMF it will never repay because its economy will never grow again. Europe and the US on the other hand will keep growing whatever the outcome because they have just respectively publicized agreements for an injection of $858 billion and $1 trillion to grow businesses and give more than 50 million workers affected by Covid-19 income. The entire world will be imperiled because Russia has an alliance with China including India. They are with South Africa part of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries. Taking sides means South Africa's national defence force and those of all countries in the continent must start training. Citizens must be told to stockpile food and other necessities and plans drawn to move them to places of safety. This must happen whilst efforts as a priority are made to broker peace. China has since February 2020 been refusing to sign a nuclear deal with the US. The US has been hoping to pressurise Russia to convince China to become part of a deal that involved the three countries. But China has been seeing war coming. With tensions now nearing military confrontation it indeed will be suicidal if it signed including Russia. The US has a military station on the Moon which fact they must consider extremely seriously. So to protect humanity both Russia and China deserve support in maintaining their current nuclear capacity. Maintaining it as a minimum deterrent force is of interest to Africa. In fact it is also time Africa asked both nations to train and equip the continents' separate national defence forces including India. BRIC had better be military. South Africa must use its muscle to negotiate with both. China too has responsibility to start the negotiations if South Africa delays. Tanzania after South Africa has the next best national defence force to train and Libya though it had suffered defeat in the hands of the US's army in 2009. It wants revenge. When the war breaks out Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, and the entire Western Europe will side with the US. Japan has in South Africa investments of R100 billion consisting of 5 different car manufacturers (R60 billion) employing 25,000 South Africans; electronics (R2 billion) employing 20,000. Its Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is reported to have the closest personal relationship with former US President Donald Trump. Trump consulted him closely on the Indo-Pacific. Japan views China in its 2020 defense White Paper as the region's greatest security threat and is responsible for the US's majority intelligence products concerning China's maneuvers there. It has allowed the US Navy to mobilize and gives it at present very extensive logistical support. China deteriorated relations with it for years over the conduct. It has not been able to succeed to make Japan look towards Asia for its security because after the outbreak of WWII the US government invested heavily in Japan advised by its Navy to keep its power in check. The relationship was based on racism for both the US and Britain regarded Asia Pacific as an extremely important geographical space for the expansion and protection of British colonialism that included Africa. It levies extraordinary payments upon the US for hosting its bases. Australia lies not far from Japan.
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cuttingfluid · 3 years
Cutting Fluid: Definition, Purpose, Properties, Types, Applications, And Selection
Before we go deep into the topic and find out about properties, types and application of Cutting fluid, let us first understand the basics of cutting fluid and what it actually is.
So What Are Cutting Fluids?
Cutting fluids are essentially the type of fluids which are generally used while cutting operation takes place. It is primarily applied in machining tasks which can be anything including drilling, milling, turning, cutting etc.
Cutting fluids are used for improving the cutting condition and life of the tool. It is also referred to as Coolant or lubricant because it is used to reduce the heat generated during the metal working operation or in other words to cool the cutting tools. It mostly comes in liquid form but can be in gaseous form too. Most of the time a cutting fluid is often confused with a coolant (a form of oil), but a cutting fluid performs multiple roles and functions.
Cutting fluids are most commonly used during the metal cutting process. Its main role is to avoid production of heat during the machining process. It keeps a check on the rise in temperature and the damage caused due to heat. Cutting fluids also reduce the friction significantly between two objects. It is used in the form of liquid which is applied to the chip zone in metal cutting. In simpler words it cools the tool and the work piece. Machining operation generates a lot of heat and thus a cooling fluid is required. Industrial lubricant in UAE are available for that purpose.
What Are The Common Properties Of Cutting Fluid?
Here are the most common properties of cutting fluids. Let’s have a look!
• It is known for its High heat absorbing capacity • It has significantly high flash point • It is non corrosive to the equipment’s which are used such as the main tool and work material • Cutting fluid is usually harmless to operate and has no negative effect on the bearing • It has extremely good lubrication properties which is helpful in decreasing the frictional force and to reduce the power consumption. • Cutting fluids have high specific heat, high heat conductivity, and high film coefficient
Cutting Oils Are Odorless
When left in air, cutting oils are generally stable and hence do not get oxidized or decomposed easily.
• Protects work from rusting • Improves surface finishing. • Prevents the formation of Built-up edges (BUEs) • It also washes away the chips from the cutting zone
What Are The Types Of Cutting Fluids?
There are mainly four different types of cutting fluid available in the market which are generally used. They are as follows: • Soluble cutting Oil • Neat cutting oil • Synthetic coolants • Solid lubricants
What Are Some Of The Best Cutting Fluid Applications?
Let’s now understand more about its application. Although there are so many applications and purposes of using cutting, fluids the four most common applications are:
As a coolant – Cutting fluids are often used as coolant. It is applied to cool down the cutting tool, and cut piece. As a lubricant – It is also used as a lubricant to lubricate the tools and the machinery so that it facilitates easier movement of the tool while on job and also reduces the cutting force and friction. As a flushing fluid – It is used to wash off the chips and to get a better surface finish.
Selection Of Cutting Fluid:
Selection of cutting fluid plays an important role. It is advisable to select high quality cutting oils so you can derive optimal benefits from it. But the question arises how you ensure that you select the best cutting fluid. Let’s find Right selection of Cutting fluid primarily depends on the material to be cut along with the tool used.
It also majorly depends on what type of operation you want it to perform such as drilling, cutting or for something else. Lastly it also depends upon the degree of the cooling effect required for the operations.
Now based upon these three choices, you have to select the right cutting fluid for you. We bring to you the list of materials along with the kind of cutting fluid you should apply for each material. This will make your job much easier and also let you select the best cutting fluid.
Here are some common types of material and the recommended cutting fluid for optimum efficiency
• CI, Brass – dry fluid is best • For copper based material – Turpentine is recommended • Aluminum – Kerosene is the best choice of cutting fluid • Steel – You can use any type of cutting fluids • For high-speed steel and for hard steel or bronze – You should use neat cutting fluids or mineral oils.
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sosei · 3 years
Commentaries on the Epigraphs of Rhythm of War - Part 1
The first set of epigraphs are transcriptions from a lecture on fabrial mechanics by Navani, presented to the coalition of monarchs in Urithiru. While it does not contain any Big Sweeping implications for the Cosmere as a while, like some of the later ones do, it does present some interesting information.
I will not be avoiding spoilers for RoW, or any other cosmere works published as of December 2020.
"First, you must get a spren to approach. The type of gemstone is relevant; some spren are naturally more intrigued by certain gemstones. In addition, it is essential to calm the spren with something it knows and loves. A good fire for a flamespren, for example, is a must."
A good place to start to set a tone for the lecture, both in and out of universe. This is well known and established from the previous book. But as its been a few years since then, it doesn’t hurt to refresh the audience.
"Next, let the spren inspect your trap. The gemstone must not be fully infused, but also cannot be fully dun. Experiments have concluded that seventy percent of maximum Stormlight capacity works best. If you have done your work correctly, the spren will become fascinated by its soon-to-be prison. It will dance around the stone, peek at it, float around it."
"The final step in capturing spren is the most tricky, as you must remove the Stormlight from the gemstone. The specific techniques employed by each artifabrian guild are closely guarded secrets, entrusted only to their most senior members. The easiest method would be to use a larkin—a type of cremling that feasts on Stormlight. That would be wonderful and convenient if the creatures weren’t now almost entirely extinct. The wars in Aimia were in part over these seemingly innocent little creatures."
"To draw Stormlight out of a gemstone, I use the Arnist Method. Several large empty gemstones are brought close to the infused one while the spren is inspecting it. Stormlight is slowly absorbed from a small gemstone by a very large gemstone of the same type—and several together can draw the Light out quickly. The method’s limitation is, of course, the fact that you need not merely acquire one gemstone for your fabrial, but several larger ones to withdraw the Stormlight. Other methods must exist, as proven by the extremely large gemstone fabrials created by the Vriztl Guild out of Thaylenah. If Her Majesty would please repeat my request to the guild, this secret is of vital importance to the war effort."
"If the Stormlight in a gemstone is withdrawn quickly enough, a nearby spren can be sucked into the gemstone. This is caused by a similar effect to a pressure differential, created by the sudden withdrawal of Stormlight, though the science of the two phenomena are not identical. You will be left with a captured spren, to be manipulated as you see fit."
This set of epigraphs establishes how spren (and other things) can be trapped in gemstones, as well as how one can move Stormlight (and as we learn later, other invested lights) between containers. 
The theory behind the former former employ what is effectively a magical pressure differential in order to trap the spren, which I personally find quite interesting. The Thaylen method for the latter becomes important later on in the book in multiple ways.
Finally, the last sentence feels like it has an unintended bite to it. Which comes into play later, as humanity’s usage of capturing spren and using them for their own gain is brought into question.
"With a captured spren, you may begin designing a proper fabrial. It is a closely guarded secret of artifabrians that spren, when trapped, respond to different types of metals in different ways. A wire housing for the fabrial, called a “cage,” is essential to controlling the device."
Here is where the real interesting bit begins, as metals are a big part of the Scadrian magic systems. Beginning a trend in this book of tying into whats going on in Mistborn moreso than ever before.
"The two metals of primary significance are zinc and brass, which allow you to control expression strength. Zinc wires touching the gemstone will cause the spren inside to more strongly manifest, while brass will cause the spren to withdraw and its power to dim. Remember that a gemstone must be properly infused following the spren’s capture. Drilled holes in the gemstone are ideal for proper use of the cage wires, so long as you don’t crack the structure and risk releasing the spren."
The applications of these metals and their differences are perfectly in line with the allomantic properties of zinc and brass. Zinc being a “pulling” metal that riots emotions and brass being a “pushing” metal that soothes them. As such they “pull” and “push” on the properties of spren, a sizable category of which are drawn towards emotions.
"A bronze cage can create a warning fabrial, alerting one to objects or entities nearby. Heliodors are being used for this currently, and there is some good reasoning for this—but other gemstones should be viable."
Once again: this lines up with the metal’s allomantic usage. Allomantic bronze allows one to detect the usage of allomancy nearby. Supposedly a person burning allomantic bronze could also detect other investitures, but the specifics of this have yet to be discovered.
I can extrapolate that a copper cage can be used to hide oneself from detection from the bronze version of these fabrials.
"A pewter cage will cause the spren of your fabrial to express its attribute in force—a flamespren, for example, will create heat. We call these augmenters. They tend to use Stormlight more quickly than other fabrials."
Lines up with the allomantic usage of pewter quite well, as its a pushing metal that increases one’s physical capabilities when burned. Makes one’s body able to do More.
"A tin cage will cause the fabrial to diminish nearby attributes. A painrial, for example, can numb pain. Note that advanced designs of cages can use both steel and iron as well, changing the fabrial’s polarity depending on which metals are pushed to touch the gemstone."
This one, sadly, does not work as well, as tin sharpens the burner’s senses in allomancy. But as its the pulling metal to pewter’s pushing, it makes sense that it would have this effect in fabrials. Perhaps if you interpret the pairs allomantic effects as “strengthens/weakens the body’s capability to resist external stimuli” it makes more sense? But that’s kind of a stretch.
"An iron cage will create an attractor—a fabrial that draws specific elements to itself. A properly created smoke fabrial, for example, can gather the smoke of a fire and hold it close.
New discoveries lead us to believe it is possible to create a repeller fabrial, but we don’t yet know the metal to use to achieve this feat."
Allomantic iron pulls on nearby sources of metal, so it makes perfect sense that attractor fabrials work the same way. 
I remember sitting up straighter in my chair when I read the second bit, because any reader of Mistborn should be able to tell you which metal would be iron’s opposite. The answer is steel, which in allomancy pushes nearby sources of metal.
Sidenote: I’m surprised there is no comment that these metal pairs are always “natural metal and alloy”. Though I suspect that that might be in party due to Rosharans getting a lot of their metal via soulcasting as opposed to traditional metallurgy...
"One of my pleas is for artifabrians to stop shrouding fabrial techniques with so much mystery. Many decoy metals are used in cages, and wires are often plated to look like a different metal, with the express intent of confusing those who might try to learn the process through personal study. This might enrich the artifabrian, but it impoverishes us all."
The sharing of information is a Theme this book, and this is expressed fairly early.
"Advanced fabrials are created using several different techniques. Conjoined fabrials require a careful division of the gemstone—and the spren inside. If performed correctly, the two halves will continue to behave as a single gemstone. Note that rubies and flamespren are traditional for this purpose— as they have proven the easiest to divide, and the quickest in response times. Other types of spren do not split as evenly, as easily, or at all."
I suspect this has to do with how fire spreads, and thus how we view it.
"All gemstones leak Stormlight at a slow rate—but so long as the crystal structure remains mostly intact, the spren cannot escape. Managing this leakage is important, as many fabrials also lose Stormlight through operation. All of this is tied up in the intricacies of the art. As is understanding one last vital kind of spren: logicspren."
"Logicspren react curiously to imprisonment. Unlike other spren, they do not manifest some attribute—you cannot use them to make heat, or to warn of nearby danger, or conjoin gemstones. For years, artifabrians considered them useless—indeed, experimenting with them was uncommon, since logicspren are rare and difficult to capture. A breakthrough has come in discovering that logicspren will vary the light they radiate based on certain stimuli. For example, if you make the Light leak from the gemstone at a controlled rate, the spren will alternate dimming and brightening in a regular pattern. This has led to fabrial clocks. When the gemstone is tapped with certain metals, the light will also change states from bright to dim. This is leading to some very interesting and complex mechanisms."
Oh hey, an explanation on how the fabrial clocks work! Neat.
"My final point of the evening is a discussion of Fused weapons. The Fused use a variety of fabrial devices to fight Radiants. It is obvious from how quickly they’ve fabricated and employed these countermeasures that they have used these in the past."
"The simplest Fused weapon against us isn’t truly a fabrial, but instead a metal that is extremely light and can withstand the blows of a Shardblade. This metal resists being Soulcast as well; it interferes with a great number of Radiant powers. Fortunately, the Fused seem unable to create it in great quantities—for they equip only themselves, and not their average soldiers, with these wonders."
This metal is aluminium, a metal we’ve known for a while messes with every magic system in the cosmere. It is also called ralkalest both by the Fused and on Sel, which has interesting implications for the languages in the cosmere. Especially with how the herald Shalash’s name lines up with certain Aons.
"The Fused have a second metal I find fascinating—a metal that conducts Stormlight. The implications for this in the creation of fabrials are astounding. The Fused use this metal in conjunction with a rudimentary fabrial—a simple gemstone, but without a spren trapped inside. How they pull Stormlight out of a Radiant and into this sphere remains baffling. My scholars think they must be employing an Investiture differential. If a gemstone is full of Stormlight—or, I assume, Voidlight—and that Light is removed quickly, it creates a pressure differential (or a kind of vacuum) in the gemstone. This remains merely a theory."
I originally suspected that this was one of the enhancement metals, perhaps duralumin, given its placement after aluminium in this lecture. But was eventually proven wrong. Which is good, since what the metal ended up being was way more appropriate.
The pressure differential theory is interesting, but ultimately incorrect. But it goes to show that these people are making an assumption based on how their tech works. A sound one based on their knowledge, but ultimately an incorrect one.
"The world becomes an increasingly dangerous place, and so I come to the crux of my argument. We cannot afford to keep secrets from one another any longer. The Thaylen artifabrians have private techniques relating to how they remove Stormlight from gems and create fabrials around extremely large stones. I beg the coalition and the good people of Thaylenah to acknowledge our collective need. I have taken the first step by opening my research to all scholars. I pray you will see the wisdom in doing the same."
Another mention of the Thaylen secrets, to hammer in that they have them before they become relevant. Once again bringing up the theme of sharing knowledge.
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thequirkdetective · 4 years
Investigation 7 (24/7/2020): Navel Laser – Yuga Aoyama
Aoyama’s quirk is an interesting one, that I have been pondering for quite a while. On the surface it’s a simple power; being able to shine a large, wide laser beam from one’s bellybutton, but upon deeper inspection the quirk reveals itself as rather powerful, with enough energy in the beam to launch the user backwards[1]. So how much energy is a laser of those capabilities actually outputting?
The ability of the laser to propel Aoyama backwards is most likely the largest consumer of energy throughout the quirk’s many uses. The basic principle is the same as that of a rocket: accelerate an object in one direction, and you will accelerate in the opposite direction, at a rate proportional to the ratio of the object’s mass to your mass. The problem with this approach is that photons do not have any mass, since they travel at the speed of light. They do, however, still exert momentum, equal to Planck’s constant over the photon’s wavelength. Aoyama’s laser is blue, with a wavelength around 470nm, and so the momentum of each photon is 1.4x10-27kgm/s.
Usefully, Aoyama uses his quirk to move in a race, where we are given his precise time, and the distance travelled. Rather unhelpfully, it takes him two bursts to finish, and the bursts are unequal. Judging by the features of the building in the background, the first burst takes him 43m. When he hits the ground, Mina is about 7m behind him, and since she finishes in less than 5.51 seconds, we can assume she is running at a rather impressive 10m. This means she covers that 7m in 0.7 seconds, and the whole 43m in 4.3 seconds. Since Aoyama crashes down 0.7 seconds before, he covers the 43m in 3.6 seconds, his average velocity therefore being just under 12m/s. Assuming a constant acceleration, his initial velocity would be 0m/s, and his final velocity a rather swift 24m/s. This is reached in 3.6 seconds, so the acceleration given by the laser is 6.7m/s2.
Approximating Aoyama’s mass as 50kg, the momentum he needs is 335kgm/s. The number of photons required for this is 2.4x1029, emitted over 3.6 seconds, with a rate of 6.6x1028 photons per second. To figure out the power output of this laser, we need to multiply the number of photons released by the speed of light, then the Planck constant, then divide that total by the wavelength of light. This gives us a power output of 2.8x1010 watts, or 28 gigawatts. According to Doc Brown from Back to The Future, this is enough energy to travel back in time 25 times over. The Three Gorges Dam in China has the largest power output of any commercial power plant, at just over 2000MW. Aoyama’s laser, if powered solely by Three Gorges Dams, would need 12 to be fired at full power. To get an even better sense of scale, we can show the number of laser pointers Aoyama’s laser is equivalent to: if we lay out laser diodes, each 1x1mm, in a square, with the same power usage as Aoyama’s laser, each side would be over 2.3 million km on each side; 260 times the height of Mt. Everest or six times the distance from Earth to the Moon.
In fact, there is a laser 7000 times more powerful than Aoyama that is currently built and in operation. The Laser for Fast Ignition Experiments (LFEX) is used for fusion energy experiments, and draws 2 petawatts of power. However, it’s only ever fired for 1 trillionth of a second, leading to a total energy output of 2000 Joules. Although Aoyama has a lower power consumption, the total possible energy output is 14 million times greater.
There is no possible way for Aoyama to power the laser due to the eye-watering power consumption, so that must immediately be written off to fiction. So now Aoyama has a 28 Gigawatt laser that can be fired in 1 seconds bursts. What sort of uses does this device have?
Firstly, the laser has a radius of ~1/4m, so an cross sectional area of 0.2m2. Since Aoyama can fire the laser in 1 seconds bursts, he can, at any time, pump 28 gigajoules of energy into any 0.5m radius circular area, be it a tree, a building, or a passer-by. Lets say he point the laser at a large block of ice. How deep would the resulting hole be?
The ice reflects around 2/3rds of the light, meaning in 1 second it absorbs 18.7 gigawatts of energy. Adding together the latent heat of fusion and vaporization, and the specific heat capacity multiplied by 100, gives the amount of energy to melt 1kg of ice at 0°C, heat it to 100°C, and boil it, which comes in at 3008510 joules. Then, divide the energy output of the laser blast by this figure to get the mass of ice that can be vaporized by the laser (remembering to factor in reflection), to find that the laser can melt 3.1 tons of ice. Going back to our ice block example, the resultant hole from 1 second of laser exposure would be 17.2m deep, not taking into account the ice indirectly melted by the cloud of steam.
Now that strange example is figured out, we can take a look at the effects of the same exposure of a human body. The average specific heat capacity of a human is 3470J/kg°C. Assuming a 50kg student or villain took the full force of it across their whole body, they would be heated to 161,000°C, around 1/10th the surface of the sun.  This is of course assuming the student/villain stands there and absorbs all of the energy released. This is improbable, not least because they would be pushed backwards by the force of the light. Also, the laser is much more likely to vaporize a clean hole through them. However, the effects of acceleration, incredible amounts of heat, and a large hole vaporized through one’s torso would most likely lead to death. The problem arises when the careless misuse of the quirk leads to the laser shining on unwanted objects and people. The use of the laser as a method of movement in the 50m race is a good example.
The laser slowly loses efficacy with distance, as the light spreads out and is scattered in the air. Blue light is especially prone to scattering, which is the reason the sky is blue and sunsets are red. However, with a 28 gigawatt laser Rayleigh scattering is pretty insignificant, and the growth of the laser’s cross-section is based only on the focus of the laser. This means that the beam would still be immensely powerful when it met whatever obstacle first crossed its path; and in the case of the 50m race that obstacle would be a patch of woodland. The trees at the edge would be hit first and hardest, absorbing the brunt of the laser, heating up quickly and causing the sap in the wood to boil and expand, exploding the tree outward. This process is repeated a handful of times as the laser rips inwards, splinters and shards of burning wood flying outwards in all directions. Then, once the laser has lost significant energy to heating it would start to burn through a few more trees, setting them on fire and most likely causing a forest fire that burns down the whole patch of woodland.
In addition to woodland conservation, Aoyama’s laser has a few other applications, some that would undoubtedly pay much more than hero work, and would be much more beneficial to the world at large. Since Aoyama uses so much energy and does not need to eat the appropriate amount of carbohydrates (92 thousand slices of cake or 30 thousand servings of pasta) he can violate conservation of energy. With the right apparatus, this could create infinite energy to supply to the whole world, with enough to spare to create wormholes and travel back in time, allowing everyone to live in a post-scarcity utopia (a trait shared by Yaoyorozu, meaning there are now two students who could end world hunger forever but are instead just training to beat up petty criminals). In the short term, Aoyama could get a job in physics, replacing one of the incredible powerful lasers at one of the many fusion power research facilities and supplying 2000x the energy those lasers can, furthering fusion research and helping to create a fusion reactor to supply Japan with huge amounts of clean energy. Or he could look at being a power source for space ships. The idea of beaming energy to space ships and stations has been around for a while, the basic idea being firing a laser at a vessel, which then absorbs the energy with something akin to solar panels, but the issue has always been placing large enough lasers outside the atmosphere to prevent Rayleigh scattering and then finding a way of powering them. Aoyama could solve this problem by either being portable enough to be flown into space or the upper atmosphere and using his quirk there, or even just having a laser powerful enough to still supply enough power despite Rayleigh scattering. This could allow humanity to travel outwards to the stars with minimal need for batteries and no need for any energy generators, in turn meaning less fuel is needed for each vessel. Engines such as ionized xenon drives could be used to propel the ships using only electricity and lightweight xenon gas, making space flight cheaper than it has ever been.
Even in the hero business, Aoyama’s quirk could make quick work of any villain, vaporizing them in less than a second. In offensive capability Aoyama is near unmatched, and utilising mirrors could mean taking out multiple targets at once, or precisely targeting the laser to within millimetres. In fact Aoyama doesn’t even have to move, just fire his laser at a series of precisely calibrated mirrors and lenses, controlled electronically. Orbital mirrors could allow the neutralisation of targets from orbit, with a system similar to the Strategic Defence Initiative developed by the US in 1983, using a system of terrestrial lasers and orbital and ground-based mirrors to take down incoming ballistic missiles. Except this time the laser is much more powerful and created by a high-school student rather than a large nuclear detonation.
There’s not much to conclude about the quirk itself here, apart from the fact that Aoyama can, in spite of all known physics, produce a 28 gigawatt laser from his bellybutton with no side effects other than mild IBS. The practical applications of this laser are immense, and I am just scratching the surface of what this could be used for. However, the used seen in the anime are reckless, and would have caused untold damage and likely significant loss of life.
[1] Season 1 Episode 5: What I Can Do for Now
If you liked this investigation and want to have a say in the next one, then make sure to send a recommendation for which quirk I should investigate!
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rauthschild · 3 years
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Russian Spy Charged With High Treason Reveals Biden Ordered Weather Attack On Texas
By: Sorcha Faal, 
A brief, but very troubling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Ambassador Anatoly Antonov announcing that the United States has yet to respond to a Russian proposal on nuclear war inadmissibility, says in response to this war move affront spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated the truth that: “Russia doesn’t meet any reciprocity in any of its attempts to normalize relations with the West”—a truth expanded on by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who when asked why Russia and the West are currently unable to find common ground as they did in 1990s, replied that relations were good “because no one in Russia had any objections about who is the master of the house”—with his exactly stating about the Americans: “And so they decided that this is it, the end of history…US political scientist Francis Fukuyama declared that from now on, the liberal concept will rule the world…Now they are again trying to bring the liberal idea to the forefront in this battle for influence on the international arena…But all those difficulties began when it became clear that Russia does not agree to live in a house with a self-appointed master”.
A “liberal concept” once again trying to be foisted upon the world by “self-appointed master” socialist leader Joe Biden, who yesterday displayed his skewed priorities by dropping winter storm shattered Texas from his traveling agenda—a stunning act breaking a long history of American leaders visiting regions of their nation hit with catastrophes—but whose true reason for doing so sees it being explained in a bombshell highly-classified “Of Special Importance” document prepared for Security Council Members by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
A document wherein SVR analysts devote a lengthy section detailing the activities of long-time known American operative David Huizenga, who holds the post of Associate Principal Deputy Administrator-National Nuclear Security Administration—and for reasons not revealed in the portions of this report permitted to be openly discussed by various ministries, was a contact of Russian citizen Demuri Voronin, who worked as a consultant in the German parliament, advising on energy policy—and who is now detained on high treason charges as prosecutors say he spied for a NATO nation.
High treason charges against this Russian citizen who’s an expert on German wind energy farms and their operations in extreme cold conditions—and prior to his capture, saw Biden appointing David Huizenga to be the Acting Secretary of Energy—a fateful appointment that doomed Texas to catastrophe—because, on 14 February, Acting Secretary of Energy Huizenga ordered Texas energy grid operator ERCOT to stay within green energy standards and not increase power ahead of this catastrophic polar vortex striking this State—the result of which caused a catastrophic failure as wind power generated electricity in Texas twice collapsed—which in turn led to the near total collapse of the entire energy grid in Texas, left millions without heat or power, has caused at least 47 deaths, and today sees this State suffering through a devastating water crisis.
With this order showing that Acting Energy Secretary David Huizenga did not waive environmental restrictions to allow for maximum energy output, with his instead ordering ERCOT to utilize all resources in order to stay within acceptable emissions standards, including purchasing energy from outside the State, the needless misery wrought upon these helpless citizens has just begun—specifically because the outside energy purchased during this catastrophe has to be paid for by individual homeowners and businesses—and because this order instructed an “incremental amount of restricted capacity” to be sold to ERCOT at “a price no lower than $1,500/MWh”, it now sees the cost skyrocketing by 6,000% over the February-2020 prices of $18.20—which has caused the citizens of Texas to erupt in fury as their electricity bills have now reached the astronomical level of $17,000 for just the first half of this month—and explains why electric companies in Texas are now sending out notices to their customers saying: “We want what's right by our consumers, so we are encouraging them to leave”.
With it further being noticed that right before Texas was shattered socialist leader Biden signed an executive order insanely giving Communist China immediate access to the entire American power grid, it makes it no surprise why an enraged Texas Governor Greg Abbott is demanding a full investigation, and his further revealing he was lied to—further makes it no surprise why articles are now appearing like “Is The Temporary Collapse Of Texas Foreshadowing The Total Collapse Of The US?”, that warns: “We are getting a very short preview of what will eventually happen to the United States as a whole…Texas has immense wealth and vast energy resources, but now it is being called a “failed state”...If it can’t even handle a few days of cold weather, what is the rest of America going to look like when things really start to get chaotic in this country?”—all of which comes at the same exact moment in time that Sky News Australia is telling the world what the leftist US media won’t even mention: “Never before has the leader of the free world been so cognitively compromised...It’s clear that US President Joe Biden is struggling with dementia and is clearly not up to the task he’s been sworn in to do”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
Texas was deliberately attacked by a demented “self-appointed master” named Joe Biden.
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 21: MJ is more vulnerable than Spider-Man
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Last time I dissected notable times where MJ had to defend her self and others. That dissection defined the limitations in MJ’s abilities to fend off assailants. This time we are going to take a brief tangent and hold Spider-Man himself to similar scrutiny.
At first glance, a counter to part 20’s conclusions are that a double standard is in play between MJ and Spider-Man
How many times has luck saved him?
How many times has arming himself or exploiting a resource meant the difference between life and death?
How many times has he  gone up against superior numbers or needed help to save the day? Heck, sometimes it’s MJ herself who helped save Peter’s life.
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The problem though is that this comparison is kinda…disingenuous..
The key reason lies in the difference between Mary Jane and Peter’s comparative skills, abilities and experiences.
Spider-Man possesses…
natural abilities
reliable access to equipment and resources
years of experience
…that give him natural advantages over any non-powered civilian in dangerous situations.
He is physically more powerful than any normal human being. 
It’s not even that he can just do anything a normal human could theoretically do but better. That is to say, it’s not just that he can lift more, sprint faster, perform better acrobatics and heal faster than a normal human being. 
His powers simply transcend the capabilities of the normal human body. No normal human being can adhere to walls. No normal human being has a precognitive sense of almost any and all kinds of danger, whether it’s a holstered  gun or some spoiled food.
Additionally the vast majority of human beings lack Peter’s scientific acumen (which does  play into combat conditions a lot of the time) as well as his (relatively) unique web-shooters. He is also witty and adept at strategic thinking, most famously employing humour to throw opponents off opening up exploitable opportunities in battle.
Peter’s skills, abilities and equipment have been further enhanced through over ten years of on-the-job experience. This has given him athletic levels of muscle memory in combat and even developed his body to the point where he is incredibly fit even when his powers are removed, as witnessed in ASM #341.
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All this taken collectively means that Spider-Man is incredibly formidable fighter for almost any individual or group, be they super powered or otherwise.**
Nine times out of ten he has the options of:
Tricking/outthinking his opponents
Wearing them out
Surviving many attacks lethal to normal people, enabling him to either find an opening later or save civilians
Simply physically subduing them with his body or webbing
Rendering them unconscious (or technically even killing) them with his strength***
Using his scientific acumen to outright invent a solution to a dangerous problem. This can include modified versions of his webbing tailored to an opponent’s weakness
Turning groups against one another
Disarming them
Intimidating them
Getting inside their head
Spidey cannot simply pick any one of these options against any opponent. But the number of options available to him means that he has a high probability of at least one of them working.
It also means he has a pretty good chance of success against a wide variety of opponents, even if they have an edge over him in one or more capacities.
Using his resourcefulness and scientific intellect, he has defeated Morlun multiple times despite him having vastly superior strength and durability than Spider-Man himself.
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His fighting skills are such that he can hold his own against Captain America who’s generally more experienced than Spider-Man and a superior hand-to-hand fighter and strategist.
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He’s defeated a whole group of the X-Men, whose experience, teamwork, raw power and diverse abilities make them incredibly formidable.
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His fighting prowess is such that he was unable to be defeated by a similarly diverse group of heroes known as the New Warriors. Whilst the New Warriors are not the measure of the X-Men what made this impressive was that (due to mind control) Spider-Man was actively trying to let them win.
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Even so, there are people very much out of Spider-Man’s league. For example, Spider-Man does not usually pick fights with Magneto, Mephisto, Ultron or Galactus. He rationally understands that he would have no hope of defeating such people and leaves them to better suited heroes like the X-Men, Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four and the Avengers.
Spider-Man is not stupid, arrogant nor self-destructive. Like MJ, he is aware of his limitations; although he does at times underestimate himself. If he regards a threat as out of his league, even one more directly connected to himself, he knows to seek help. This is exemplified in ASM #361 after he has proven incapable of defeating Carnage on his own. He tries to call the Avengers or F4 for help but they are unavailable, forcing Spidey to team up with Venom.
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Hmm, up against dangerous overwhelmingly odds and calling for help? Could this perhaps be something Mary Jane should consider in AMJ?
Only when he has no other options does Spidey chosen to fight people he doesn’t believe he has much (if any) chance of beating.
A classic example of this is ASM #269 when Firelord tried to kill him. 
For context Firelord is a former Herald of Galactus, putting him relatively close to the power level of cosmically empowered beings like the Silver Surfer and Thor.
Peter tried to find the Fantastic Four, who had experience dealing with Galactus and his Heralds. 
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En route he even mentioned how the Avengers were better suited to handling guys like Firelord compared to himself. 
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Unfortunately the F4 were completely unavailable. 
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Peter considers going to the Avengers but realises with Firelord speed he’d be unable to reach them in time. Briefly, Peter considers simply changing into Peter Parker and avoiding Firelord altogether. However, his sense of responsibility compels him to fight in case Firelord hurts someone in his search for Spidey.
Thus Peter resolves to defeat someone who seems to outmatch him. 
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But now let’s compare all this to Mary Jane.
MJ is certainly smart and resourceful. This then means she can outthink her opponents and get inside their heads as Spider-Man does at times.
But like I said above, Spidey has many more options than just those ones.
MJ lacks Peter’s specific scientific acumen, which limits her abilities to draw upon that to mitigate dangers. She cannot for instance invent a gadget or chemical tailored to a specific problem. There might even be viable solutions to a problem in the heat of the moment she is unaware of because you’d need a college degree in bio-chem to realise them.
Regardless of sex or gender, as a normal human Mary Jane is simply less capable of surviving physical attacks compared to Spider-Man.
She cannot move nearly as fast as him, nor even as fast as normal yet trained heroes.
Her strength level is average for someone of her height and build.
She usually doesn’t have access to unique weapons like web-shooters, nor even regular firearms (not that these are usually effective against super villains). Even if she were to have a set in her possession her ability to use them would be limited because she doesn’t know how to create or maintain them. Were they to be damaged, lost or run out of web-fluid she would need to turn to a third party to get them working again. In contrast Peter could create web-shooters from scratch with fairly limited resources.
And were MJ to have web-shooters she cannot optimise their use because she doesn’t have Peter’s other powers. She cannot combine strength, agility, wall-crawling and spider sense to bounce around a room, swing across a rooftop or even fire off rapid and highly accurate shots at opponents.
She doesn’t even have a mere precognitive danger sense, the single most useful power when dealing with Mysterio.
And her muscle memory, her battle instinct if you will, are pretty impressive but nowhere near to the levels of Spider-Man’s or most super heroes. MJ’s action amidst danger is not even half as regular as Peter’s. Peter has dealt with at least small-scale criminals for the vast majority of his adult life. It’s the difference between someone who plays a sport on every weekend for five years vs. someone who has played that sport practically every day for 10 years. The latter’s instincts and reactions are simply going to be better than the former’s.
Basically, unless there are very specific extenuating circumstances, Peter Parker enters into any situation objectively  safer than Mary Jane.
He has objectively  greater chances of surviving and ensuring the survival of others than she does. That would hold true even if Mary Jane is armed with a gun and is mentally prepared for what was to come.
In most dangerous situations Peter is highly likely  to be ‘punching down’ whilst MJ would be ‘punching up’.
This doesn’t mean he’s guaranteed of victory at all, but when it comes to dealing with criminals or super villains his chances are reliably  high  whilst MJ’s are far less reliable.
And those chances, that reliability? It’s mostly internal, a hardwired aspect of his very being .
Outside of exceptional circumstances his powers, experience and intelligence can’t be taken away from him. He will always be armed with that stuff no matter where he is. Even his web-shooters are tools he invented from (expensive yet) easily obtained resources and they are not strictly essential to his combat abilities. Were he to find himself without them amidst most dangerous situations, his chances for protecting himself and others wouldn’t be close to nil by any means and he could simply recreate them with time.
These skills mean he’s only intermittently reliant upon others in combat situations. Usually he could get himself or others to safety or diffuse most threats that crop up. Similarly his need of luck is greatly reduced. Of course luck has often saved his bacon but it hasn’t been a near systemic requirement. Even in his early career neither luck nor assistance played much (if any) role in his initial victories over the Vulture, Doctor Octopus, the Scorpion and many other opponents.
Mary Jane in contrast lacks  these internal skills. She has other  internal skills that can aid her and prove invaluable, but they don’t amount to reliably giving her a chance in the majority of combat situations. Not without external factors (luck, assistance, etc.) aiding her. As we discussed in the prior instalment, that’s actually how she has endured the majority of hazardous encounters in her time.
To use the sports analogy again, Peter would be a professional NBA player who is at least proficient in all positions on the court and Mary Jane would be an amateur player who practices on the weekend but only in one or two positions. Peter could go up against at least a large number of other players and stand a reasonable chance and possibly carry the team over all.
But for Mary Jane to stand a fair chance she’d need a lot more things to go her way. The right opponent(s), the right opportunities presenting themselves, the right amount of support from her team mates etc. The fact that she’s played a few games and held her own, even won some outright, is a testament to her inner talent. But as a basketball player she’s just not on the same level as Peter, or Black Widow or She-Hulk or Wonder Woman.
With all that context dispensed with let’s move onto a bigger question.
Given MJ’s abilities and combat history is she capable of preventing Mysterio and his cronies from harming her self and others?
*In fact Spider-Man has tended to fight more effectively against groups of opponents as his speed enables him to move between them and use his opponents against one another.
This is partially due to the fact that Spider-Man’s skills in tandem give him an incredibly unique fighting style that no one without his powers can possibly replicate.
**It should be noted that Spider-Man typically restrains his strength on a conscious and unconscious level. He knowingly adjusts the amount of force he applies depending upon his opponents but he also restrains himself without realizing it. The result is that the depth of Spider-Man’s  strength level is often surprising for him and his enemies. This is exemplified in ASM #700, when Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man’s body accidentally punches off the jaw of the Scorpion, someone who was designed to have superior strength to Spider-Man. Doc Ock himself is shocked to realize just how much Spider-Man held back.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 155
Humans and Metallic Materials
If we study the way metals are structured and processed, lessons can be drawn about how human’s function, too. One just has to look closely enough.
Humans and metallic materials are both worth investigating for their comparable features. Both are open to improvement. Both take time to develop and reach a privileged status.
Let’s begin our examination with iron. It begins as dirt in the soul, indistinguishable to the untrained eye. When iron ore is isolated from surrounding dirt, its purity is enriched. Without performing this procedure, the iron cannot be molded in a furnace. Is this not also the case for humans? Can they be molded into their ideal form if they are not shaped in the best educational environment? Can they become their best version if they are not isolated from fruitless deeds?
The physically enriched iron ore is now ready to be placed in the furnace, where it will become metal. It will gradually be heated in the furnace. It will go through certain changes with the addition of air, high carbon coal, and cinder producers; thus, it will turn into a metallic raw iron. Finally, when the process reaches its hottest point, around 1800 degrees Celsius, the iron will be a liquefied metal. Of course, it’s still not ready for use; it requires additional processes to be made ready. For raw iron to be used as a material, it must be made into cast iron or steel. For this to happen, its core must be purified of any imperfections. Then, certain materials are added, heat is applied, and the iron can be used.
Are not humans the same? People with great potential can only be noticed by certain people. Just like iron ore, the liberation of humans from setbacks that stain the soul, degrade skills, and prevent them from attaining their true character resembles going through a hot furnace. To control one’s carnal soul is a struggle worth of a hot fire. Whoever can endure this struggle will come out refined, ready to be made into a substance like raw iron. A similar arduous journey awaits those who are eligible to attain the loftiest horizons. Such people must also be freed from certain weights, using their willpower and effort to obtain the ultimate character. And then they, too, can be used as objects of strength and good in the world.
Material endurance provided by internal composition
Metallic substances have external features and internal structures, just like humans. All external features are borne of this internal structure. Similarly, a human’s heart and conscience dictate the face they show the world.
If raw iron is to be transformed into steel, it needs to be cleaned of native carbon, sulfur, phosphorous, and other damaging materials below certain concentrations. Then certain alloys, like chromium, molybdenum, nickel, wolfram, and vanadium, must be added in certain ratios. After this, the material is heating to the redness temperature. Following an appropriate cooling, the internal structure thus obtained will determine the material’s resistance. For example, if steel is added, alloys like Cr, Ni, W, Mo aside from naturally occurring Fe, C, S, P, Si, Mn, etc in its structure, the grain size decreases and endurance increases; this means the iron gains resistance against rusting, high temperature, and electricity, enhancing its magnetic and hydrophilic capacity, and optimizing the thermal expansion value.
What do we owe the malleability of metallic substances?
Various methods, like rolling and extrusion, are employed to turn a metal or an alloy into a wire, sheet, gear, or more complex piece. If there were not any differences in the atomic sequences – that is, the internal compositions – of metallic substances, it would be very difficult, or maybe even impossible, to shape these materials via rolling, extrusion, or compression (plastic deformation). If these materials had permanent internal compositions, they would be resistant against external forces, preventing them from being shaped in various ways.
Are not humans the same way? The fallibility of mankind to mistakes and shortcomings is one of the major reasons we can reach a level of existence above angels or inferior to animals. The difference comes from the internal make-up of our willpower. However, the necessary internal variations that allow a material to be shaped can also be used for deception and abuse in humans, who cannot control these gifts or deficiencies with their willpowers.
Do metallic materials get tired?
Metallic substances have various endurance levels against external impacts. This depends on their structure and how they are prepared. Even steel, which is known for resisting extreme conditions, experiences fatigue after a certain amount of time. For any material asked to bear a load, certain forces will wear on it. Over time, even if no impact leads to direct damage, the fatigue will eventually lead to permanent damage.
The fatigue endurance of a material is very important for systems working under dynamic loads. Most damage comes from fatigue fractures. In this process, primarily microscopic discontinuities occur via tiny imperfections left from manufacturing within the internal structure or surface, and these become macroscopic discontinuities by growing, step by step. Once these reach a sufficient size, a fatigue fracture occurs and the material can no longer perform its job.
Are not humans like that? We occasionally observe a strong and dynamic person saying, “I am very exhausted,” before lying in bed. A standing person can carry a specific load for a long time without moving. However, people get tired much sooner when carrying the same load while climbing or running. In addition, each person has a different level of strength. This is also true for a person’s spiritual life. If the initial small mistakes that are neglected, ignored, and underestimated are not stopped and treated, they turn into unwanted emotions and actions that can change the person in a way that causes them to fail their true purpose. Just like a tired person regaining lost fitness and strength following rest and nourishment, spiritual exhaustion and suffering can be eliminated with the guidance of true advisors.
Metallic substances age too
Age hardening happens as certain metallic substances harden over time, or through heat-induced atomic dispersal. Some materials, like aluminum alloys, can be hardened with a second-phase heating procedure. This enhances their hardness and endurance for a while, but eventually, age will catch up with them.
Similar situations also apply for humans. The physical performance expected from a young person is not asked from an old man; however, social and psychological hardships and problems that are not easily confronted and tolerated spiritually by young people can be handled more peacefully, patiently, and with more tolerance by an experienced and insightful senior.
In conclusion, if we closely examine any object in the universe, they can be viewed as a microcosm of the struggles that humans endure. Through study and research, we can better understand mankind and society – as long as we look closely enough.
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joehillsong9510 · 4 years
Basics on the Physio Sudbury
As the good weather approaches, so too does the athletic season and an array of triathlon events begin to take place. Recent physiotherapy and sports rehabilitation news articles have focused on triathlon and overuse injuries and where on the triathlon course those injuries occur and iliotibial band (ITB) injuries are a common injury, but just what do they entail and how are they treated? Iliotibial band syndrome is accredited to being one of the leading reasons for lateral knee pain in athletes, specifically with runners. Running from the pelvis and down the not in the thigh, and inserting below the knee on the outer aspect, the iliotibial band, or ITB, works in conjunction with another muscles of the hip to give, abduct and rotate the hip outwards, and additionally, it works to stabilise the not in the knee through extension and flexiom. Therefore, it's used continually when walking and running. A few of the training habits that will contribute towards iliotibial band injuries include; consistently running on banked surfaces. This causes the downhill-positioned leg to bend slightly inward. This triggers extreme stretching of the band contrary to the femur. Excessive up-hill and downhill running (and indeed upstairs and downstairs) also have an adverse effect. Inadequate warm-up and cool-down is another common contributory factor. But it's not totally all running-orientated activity that could negatively contribute towards ITB problems; rowing, treading water, breaststroke and positioning the feet'toed-in'to an extortionate angle when cycling are all linked to the condition. For their adoption of a lot of the above activities, triathlon athletes often encounter problems with the iliotibial band and the thing is once the band begins to rub on the thigh bone, causing pain on the knee joint; pain that might extend up the not in the thigh, or down the outside of the shin. Athletes experience pain during activity and pain relieves when resting. The rubbing experience can occur for numerous reasons and it's often related to changes to the mechanisms of the hip, knee, or foot. A big quantity of sportsmen undergo surgeries annually while they take part in events. Knee surgery is the most common type of surgery that you hear about. Arthroplasty and Arthroscopy are both most frequent kinds of surgeries that you hear about. Osteoarthritis is the most typical condition that certain hears about. This disorder gives rise to the much known joint and bone problem that wears down your cushion joints and protective cartilage. The physical activities of your system are restricted with a certain redness and pain caused because of swelling. Surgeries concerning joint replacement yield specific outcomes that are due to sports injury physiotherapy. Healing items that follow following the surgery is the principal objective. Once the individual has undergone the trauma of these conditions, then the physiotherapist can just only help him overcome the mental and physical agony. A few controlled workout programs are accustomed to toughen the joint muscles of the patient, enhance his knowledge and prevent Contractures. The knee injuries are followed with physiotherapy. Physio for runners demand sessions to be conducted at health centers or of their residences. Softer and smaller bodily movements are followed after performing knee surgeries under most circumstances. It begins with performing movements like climbing, stepping and walking as the patient remains seated in a chair. Besides natural exercises like swimming, a physiotherapist may suggest covering short distances through softer steps than walking. Your knees are bound to get more of mobility and parts of your muscles are likely to gain more strength, when you perform these workouts consistently. Whenever the players are in action, it's natural for them to suffer from injuries regardless of following all precautionary measures. Games that demand great heights of stamina and physical strength often cause ligament or muscle sprain amongst players; you could have observed this with the Rugby players. Likewise, there are a few other games that demand exhaustive physical movements; injuries concerning wrist, elbow, arms and knee. Pains experienced around one's neck and those caused by cervical and spine injuries are the principal factors behind sufferings for athletes; these athletes are also recognized to suffer from headache, back pain and insomnia as they take part in events like javelin throw, shot put and high jump. Participants of events like boxing, ice hockey and Super bowl may also be likely to see such sufferings. The injuries caused during sporting events in many cases are quite minor, but they're proven to cause long-term discomfort, sufferings and pain for the players. For all kinds of physical problems arising out of sports, the only good solution is apparently physiotherapy. Physiotherapy or physical therapy is a questionnaire of treatment that uses physical or mechanical (as opposed surgical and chemical) methods for correcting an injury. Most sports injuries could be corrected through physiotherapy alone or in conjunction with surgery. You will find several sports injuries that will take advantage of this therapy. One is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, which really is a knee injury. Sports activities that put lots of demand on the knees -- like kickboxing, hockey, running, skiing, basketball and football -- have higher risks of players'developing a knee injury. ACL is quite common among those who play these sports. Some cases of ACL may be so severe that surgery may be necessary. Likewise, physiotherapy is almost always recommended, before and/or after surgery. There are three main categories of therapy exercises which are recommended for the treating ACL, the most typical that would be the heel slides. Doing the heel slides basically consists in lying down, the affected knee bended and foot on the floor, then slowly pulling the foot towards the buttocks, and finally sliding the foot back out. This exercise bends and stretches the knee and may hurt, but it is effective. It's usually recommended as a preparation for surgery, but sometimes it can also heal the injury and surgery may no more be necessary. It can be effective for elbow injuries like tennis elbow. Tennis elbow happens in sports activities that involve chiefly forceful movements of the wrists and elbows, like tennis and badminton. The physical therapy for tennis elbow usually consists of a program of exercises plus ultrasound procedures that apply heat on the affected muscles to relive pain. Ultrasound can also be used sometimes for other sports injuries where there is muscle pain. Another form used for many types of sports injuries is massage. Massage helps remove the tension in muscles, tendons and connective tissues. It can be used to crush or soften nodes that form in overused muscle tissues. The kind of physiotherapy used will usually depend on the explanation for the injury, whether it's caused by trauma (as in colliding with a co-player in sports like football or basketball), or by way of a wrong movement of a body part, or by sheer physical overwork. It has been found very effective -- and often essential for sports-related injuries and has become part of the regular sports management programs of some sports teams and sports facilities. Without physiotherapy, some sports injuries can also continue steadily to cause pain and limit the movements of athletes and players their entire life. Sports are a big element of a nation's culture and identity. Every country on the planet has a unique kind of sport from the planet famous football to the present day day archery. We only can't eliminate these adrenaline pumping activities since it's a thing that unites us in one of the ways or another.To generate extra details on Sudbury Physio Get The Facts However, sports can cause different physical injuries which can be quite alarming if they are not treated the proper way or if they are not given the right and proper medical attention. Extreme physical exertion can be usually seen during sports exhibition as this kind of activity requires constant physical effort. Due to the continuous modernization in the health care field, these unwanted injuries can now be prevented or alleviated through the applying of sport physiotherapy. Sport physiotherapy is the application form of the principles involved in physiotherapy to different sports. The benefits of sport physiotherapy give you a whole new perspective to the sporting world and a few of its benefits includes: The constant application of physiotherapy in athletes improves the ability of your body to handle physical stress. Normally, our body has a unique and efficient means of repairing itself. However, during extreme physical exertions as what goes on during sport exhibitions - some of the damage might be too complicated or too large for our body's normal function to cover. That's when sport physiotherapy comes in. The programs involved with sport physiotherapy help the body to boost its durability. It can help strengthen the bones, muscles, joints and small ligaments to withstand pressure thus which makes it stronger in the long runs. That is quite important particularly for athletes who constantly take in blows from direct contact sport like American football, rugby and basketball. By making the body more effective in taking in blows, athletes might have a longer amount of time in the playing field without fretting about some nasty injuries. Another benefit of sport physiotherapy is so it dramatically decreases the possibility of someone to obtain injured during the game. By carefully monitoring a player's capacity which includes their flexibility, coordination, strength, and joint flexion during a typical training session, a real therapist can formulate some helpful exercise routines to help minimize any sport related injuries like cramps, strains, sprains and torn ligaments.
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Counting Paths XVI
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Series Summary: After a lifetime on the run from the Empire, Reader makes a move that could have drastic impacts for both friend and foe. A Reader insert/fanfic. Gifs belong to their respective owners.
Word Count: 3921
Author’s Note: Sorry again for the wait.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI Part XII Part XIII Part XIV Part XV
“Wait, what?”
It had been too long a day for Penny to expect you to understand her own special brand of sexual pseudoscience.
“Fuck, do I really need to put training wheels on for you again?”
Glancing over the top of your cocktail you nodded. Trying not to chuckle as the younger rebel sighed. Dragging her fingers through her hair in frustration.
“It's simple. For every ten pounds an overweight guy looses he gains a visible half inch.”
“Of dick?” You deadpanned.
“Yes! Finally she gets it!” Penny shouted, throwing her arms in the air and catching the attention of half the fellow cantina patrons. Penny may have been small but what she lacked in size she more than made up for in personality. A fiery thing with the hair to match, all red and wild curls.
“So you're telling me that you're into chubby guys because they're literally growers not showers?”
“Exactly.” Penny answered with a smile. Winking at you as she finished off her glass before pushing herself out of her seat and towards the bar.
Roland had waltzed in a few minutes ago and Penny was just waiting for the chance to pounce. It seemed so odd at first that a bubbly little pixie like Penny would have a crush on one of the most unfit impolite rebels on base but as time went on you could sense a genuine affection growing between the two.
Perhaps opposites really do attract.
Shaking your head to clear the haze you watched from a distance. Today had been long. Though it was technically your vacation you had spent the last six hours trying and failing to repair the capacitor coils on Penny's ship. It was tedious work but at least the weather had been beautiful and you could still feel the sun's heat clinging to your skin.
“Need a refill?”
Cassian's voice broke through the hustle and bustle yet still somehow managed to sound quiet. Withheld. 
“Thanks.” Reaching forward you handed Cassian your glass and waited as he made his way to the bar. Things had been busy on base lately, leaving the cantina much less crowded than usual. Giving the corner you sat in a comfortable sense of privacy.
“Here.” Cassian returned only a few moments later, handing the cool glass of dark raspberry liquor over to you.
Digging into your pocket you retrieved your money but Cassian simply waved it off. Thanking him for the drink you gestured towards Penny's empty stool. Not likely that she would be returning anytime soon. Silently the captain took a seat. One elbow propped against the table as he slowly began rubbing his temples. Eyes closed tight as the wrinkles formed like shallow valleys atop his forehead.
“Draven again?” You asked, carefully sipping at your newly filled glass, afraid the slightest hitch or movement would send it rushing over the brim and into your lap. The bar tender working tonight always had a heavy hand when it came to pouring drinks. Suffice it to say he was also your favorite.
“He thinks we need to lock down our smuggling routes to a set of small specific ports.” Cassian replied, running a tired hand over his face as he spoke. Strands of hair falling onto his forehead like always.
“Why in the hell would he want to do that?” You couldn't stop your voice from climbing an octave or two. When it came to bad ideas this one fell right in the 'lets set ourselves on fire to keep from freezing' column of stupidity. 
Not to mention it effected you directly. As in 'you're now ten times as likely to die on the job'directly.
“Says it'll be more secure, less chance of drawing attention.”
“That is so painfully backwards I don't think I have the current mental capacity with which to explain it.”
Chuckling softly Cassian nodded his agreement. Popping off the top of his drink to take a large swig.
“What's going on over there?” He asked, tilting his head in the direction of where Penny and Roland sat at the bar. Each inching closer to the other by the minute.
“Puppy love and way too much scotch.” You laughed, smiling at the beautiful absurdity of it.
“You think that's a good idea?” Cassian asked cautiously, his eyes scanning your face as you smiled. The fire from the liquor beginning to flicker in your eyes. You could feel the warmth of it coursing through your veins. Making you feel bolder than usual. Most times you would have understood Cassian's hesitancy; yet ever since Maiv's death, moments like this seemed to carry more weight. You had always known that life was fragile, unstable, and uncertain but now you felt it in earnest. Causing you to open your mind to doors you would have otherwise left closed.
“Yea, I mean why not? We're at war after all.”
“And that supports your argument how?” Cassian asked. A wrinkle of confusion forming in between his brows as he glanced between yourself and the odd couple at the bar.
“Simple: death is what gives life meaning. To be surrounded by it constantly. To know your days are numbered and that any moment could be your last...it makes them all that more precious.”
“That's a pretty sentiment.” Cassian replied.
He was right, it was a pretty sentiment but it wasn’t realistic, at least not in your experience. It seemed as if every time you allowed yourself to feel such things it inevitably led to suffering. Not once or twice, not mere coincidences, but a pattern of poor luck and bad timing that had began at your birth and continued on to this day. Always it left you wanting, feeling more alone than before. As if you could feel that stark empty space inside your heart growing bit by bit. Whispering words of doubt. Insisting that it was better not to hope for such things. Ashamed of how easily you tossed your feelings onto your sleeve the moment you got a bit too tipsy.
“So what's stopping you?” Cassian asked so softly you weren't sure you had heard him correctly. It wasn't like the captain to be so direct with his questioning when it came to things like this. Why address the elephant in the room when it is so much easier just to dance around it?
Things had changed between the two of you. There was no more denying it.
Nearly two weeks it had been and yet you could still smell his cologne clinging to your hair. The feel of his warm arms draped around your waist. How he pulled you close in his sleep, burying his his face in the crook of your neck.
Taking another long swig from your drink you straightened your back. Trying to calm the climbing rate of your heartbeat as you turned to face Cassian. His eyes a dark sea of emotions. Impossible to pin down. Typically he was easier to read but lately his actions; the stolen glances, the light touches, had left you at a loss.
The silence hung between Cassian and yourself as you racked your brain for a response. How does one convey so much, so many thoughts and emotions into a series of simple words? It was hard enough admitting it to yourself even as you laid in his grasp. The flutter of your heart racing as you felt his lips press against your forehead.
“I could ask you the same thing.” You finally defected. It was a poor move on your part but you didn't have many other options.
“Ah that's not fair!” He insisted, pulling his stool closer to the table as he spoke. “I asked you first.”
“What are we five?”
He was so close now that you could feel his arm brush against your own. Could see the quick intake of his breath. The short yet heavy sips he took from his bottle. 
He was nervous.
“I'm serious.” All the childish humor made a sudden albeit clean break from his voice.
“Maybe I'm afraid.” You muttered, circling the rim of your glass with wet fingertips until it began to hum.
“You're never afraid.” Cassian stated surely. As if it were as obvious a fact as the knowledge that humans require oxygen to breathe. If only he had been right.
“Who says that I'm not?” Your eyes shot up to meet his as your hand dropped to the table. The once growing hum silenced in an instant.
“Well I've seen you put down two heavily armed troopers single handily, watched you take on a dozen goons on Nar Shaddaa, had to stop you from running into a pile of burning ruble to save a stranger, and half the rebels on base have started calling your the 'Ravanger reaper'.”
“Please tell me that's not a real thing.” You groaned, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Courtesy of your curly haired co-pilot.” Cassian replied, leaning his bottle in Roland's direction.
“Ah the poet of Yavin IV.” You chuckled, hoping to swiftly change the subject. “Such an honor.”
“Doesn't mean it isn't true.”
Damn it, Cassian knew you to well.
“Take it from me, I'm afraid of plenty.” You assured him.
“Like what?”
“Hmm...small spaces, sharp objects, sink holes-”
“You’re just naming off things that start with the letter ‘s’!” Cassian argued.
“No I’m not!” You insisted though the laughter in your eyes said other wise.
“Y/N please...”
You couldn't suppress the shudder that escaped your lips nor the prickle at the back of your neck. Cassian normally called you 'Ash or Ashara' just like everybody else. After all it was what you had wanted. It was safest. Still you couldn't deny the way the sound of your true name rolling off his lips made you feel. It was as if you were back in the cramped alley on Nar Shaddaa. You could almost feel the pressure of his hand atop your hip. His warm breath as he rested his forehead against your own. Lips sore from feverishly dancing with one another.
“I'm scared of ending up by myself.” You admitted, thanking whatever deity that may be reigning above that saw fit to bless the galaxy with alcohol. How else could you have managed to keep your nerves in check if it weren't for the sweet liquor coursing through your veins? “After everything that's happened...I guess I'm just scared of ending up alone.”
“You can't be that blind.” Cassian scoffed, narrowed eyes glancing around the cantina as patrons slowly began filtering in.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Look around you.” Cassian said, his voiced laced with a pinch of aggression.
Turning atop your stool you took in the tables nearest you. Truthfully most of them were acquaintances you had worked with in the hangar or on missions together. Some looked away as soon as your eyes met while others merely returned your gaze. One, a handsome ginger haired X-wing pilot named Orno, even winked as he tilted his drink towards you. “See?”
“It's not like that.” You replied, a tad hurt by his assumption.
“Than what is it?” He asked calmly despite the fact that he was now drinking from an obviously empty bottle just to keep his hands busy. “What are you so scared of?”
Cassian hadn't intended to bring this up today. He hadn’t intended to bring it up at all, but certainly not here of all places; yet, he couldn't help himself. For months you had infected his thoughts and for months he had managed to push it aside, bury it beneath his work yet for the last twelve days it was as if you had consumed him entirely. Body and soul. No matter what he did his mind constantly found itself wandering back to you. The way you had molded yourself into his side. Your delicate fingers twirling strands of his hair in your sleep.
You had just opened up your mouth to reply when you heard it. The loud unmistakable blast of the base's siren system.
One set of three short blasts meant the arrival of a high ranking member of the rebellion. These were fairly common, occurring once or twice a month. More often than not most everyone ignored them.
A second indicated sever weather. Yavin IV's climate was typically temperate but the occasional cyclone would spring up. Requiring the grounding of all flights while the pilots scrambled to get any ships docked outdoors into the safety of the hangar.
A third alerted a code black. An Imperial sighting. The base would black out and go into a complete lock down. Ships in the air would be redirected while all signs of life were hidden deep beneath the belly of the massive temple that served as the Rebellion’s head quarters.
At the first alert most patrons simply turned their attention upwards, some ignored it completely, too engorged in their drinks. The second sent a chorus of grumbles and sliding chairs as pilots rose to their feet in no great hurry, ready to spend the next half hour shuffling ships into safety. The third was followed only by silence. A momentary disbelief in what had just been heard.
“Clear channels to control room, this is General Draven. All forces on base prepare to execute code black on my command.”
General Draven’s deep voice filled the room with a sense of authority despite the fact that he was currently speaking through a crackling intercom system.
“Did I just hear him say code black or am I losing my shit?” You turned to ask Cassian but his answer was obvious. He was already on his feet and moving as he reached across the table to take a hold of your hand. Pulling you towards the back exit without so much as a word.
When the rebels had first settled on Yavin they immediately put the temple's tunnel system to good use. Insuring that every major hub or communal area had access in case the need for a quick escape arose.
“We need to move now.” Cassian insisted as you dug in your heels. Trying to get an eye on Penny and Roland but it was of no use. Cassian would have carried you out if need be. Rushing into the tunnel you had to squint your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Thankfully Cassian had a tight grip, his fingers laced between your own so tightly you could feel his pulse through them.
“Break, break, break, affirmative all stations to sub level D. Lock-down in t minus five minutes.”
One might expect a situation such as this to be loud and hectic but the Rebellion had trained its soldiers well. All around you everyone moved in silent haste. The only echo to reach your ears was the steady thudding of boots as workers rushed to their stations while others hurried to hide any sign of occupation. Beneath a certain point in the ground even the best Imperial thermal scans would fail. The lower levels of the temple were sanctioned off into dozens of smaller compartments. Making it easier to spread out those inside and hide any heat signature.
“This is a code black alert. Three Imperial squadrons have entered our air space. Prepare for lock down protocol.”
Above you the sirens continued to reign as Cassian pulled you through the crowd. The tunnels weren't particularly wide and soon the number of people around you had grown substantially. You were elbow to elbow with Cassian as you rounded out of the tunnel and into the nearest stairwell. The steps were already covered with other rebels and slick with the moisture of so many bodies crammed into a single space. Thankfully you had a sure footed companion to lean on as you hurried further and further down.
The massive blast doors were as sweet a sight to your eyes as the end of the stairwell had been. Hurrying pass the guards you followed Cassian inside the massive bunker. Eyeing all those around you for familiar faces and finding none.
“Captain Andor! You're needed in the control room!” A young staff officer shouted as he pushed through the crowd towards the two of you.
“Are you alright?” Cassian asked, taking a hold of your shoulders and turning you to face him.
“Yea.” You nodded, slightly touched by his tenderness. “Just need to catch my breath.”
“Stay here.” He instructed, hands sliding down your arms to take a hold of your hands once more. “I'll come find you.”
With that he was gone, disappearing into the fold.
“Where is she?” A lanky rookie gasped as he ran towards you. Sliding his feet to a halt as he leaned forward with his hands on his knees. “She said she was going back for you!”
“Who the hell are you talking about?” You shouted, struggling to hear over the massive orchestra of noises echoing off the bunkers stone walls.
There are times in everyone's lives that define them. Rather it be decades of work or a single moment. For you that moment had came and went long ago. For all intents and purposes you knew who you were; yet even now you found yourself with that inkling of doubt. That instinctive stomach churning moment between decision and action. In a breath it was over and you gave in, allowing your instincts to take over. Ignoring the shouts to come back as you cut through the crowd and began taking the stairwell two steps at a time.
“Zara!” You yelled into your comm link. Damn the chain of command. You weren't losing another ally to the Empire. Not today. “Zara where the hell-”
“Clear all channels to control room!” An aggravated voice shouted on the other in.
“Fuck your control room! Zara where are-”
“I don't know!” Zara's frantic voice cackled through your comm link. “Its the tunnel-I can't-I can't find my way out!”
“Yell for me as loud as you can.”
The burning in your legs was beginning to return as the adrenaline began to wear off but you couldn't slow. Not when seconds might determine the difference between life and death.
“This is a code black alert! All stations to sub level D. Lock-down in t minus two minutes.”
A guttural scream tore through the tunnels, echoing like a howl in the night. Gritting your teeth you pushed forward, yelling for Zara to keep it up as you followed the sound of her voice. With each step Zara’s screams seemed to grow more frantic yet blessedly closer. She nearly collapsed in your arms when she finally stumbled through the darkness. Eyes wide with fear.
“We have to move!” Grabbing a hold of the young girl's wrist you yanked her to her feet and fled towards the stairwell. Gliding down them more so than running. There were moments when you could have sworn your feet hadn't even touch the ground. “Hold the door!”
A few yards ahead you could see the blast doors closing. The space between safety and uncertainty growing smaller by the second. Zara was now screaming too. The panic from before intensified by ten fold. With the last strength you could muster you rushed forward. Shoving Zara ahead of you and squeezing through the narrow gap a second before the blast doors shut with a thud.
Glancing up from where you sat on your hands and knees, gasping for air like a trout thrown a shore, you caught a glance of the guard who had seemed untouched by your pleas. A face you recognized easily. One you had made sure not to forget just in case an instance such as this arose.
One last surge of adrenaline brought you to your feet and your fist did the rest. Sucker punches weren't typically your style but it only seemed fitting to return the favor.
“That's for hitting me with your gun you twat!” You eyed the man carefully, waiting for a counter attack but he merely turned away. Spiting out a mouthful of blood and what sounded like a tooth.
Sighing heavily you dragged your feet towards Zara. Bending down you gripped her under the arms and pulled her to her feet in haste. Dragging her away from the two guards and out of ear shot.
“What the hell were you thinking?” You half shouted, cheeks red as embers and just as hot. “And don't you dare say you went back for me.”
“I-I just...” The poor girl was already panicked, having very nearly been left behind seemingly for dead. Now she bore the weight of guilt as her caramel eyes began to gloss over.
“On with it!” You pressed, holding her tightly by the shoulders as Cassian had with you only minutes before. “What was so damned important you risked dying for?”
The first of the tears escaped, followed promptly by a second as she reached under her coat, retrieving an item wrapped in dark silk. Glancing around carefully before she delicately pulled the fabric back. You could feel your breath hitch in your throat at the sight of it. The pounding of your heart against your chest like a war drum.
“It was my sister’s, she was supposed to....” Zara stuttered. “I thought it died with Maiv but-but it didn't...it's all I have left.”
The girl was on the verge of sobbing as she held the silver hilt in her hands. Reaching a hand out gently you ran your finger tips from the grip to shroud. The hairs on your arms standing up as a shiver ran down your spine.
“You show this to no one.” You stated coolly, staring deep into her wide eyes as you hurriedly wrapped the object in her hands tightly before shoving it back inside her coat. “You tell no one. You keep it secret and you keep it safe. You hear me? Zara! We clear?”
“We’re clear.” Zara nodded, composing herself somewhat as she readjusted her coat. Closing your eyes tightly you felt the room around you begin to wobble, even more so as you opened them. You wanted to say something to Zara, some comforting words that may give her strength; yet, from one orphan to another you knew there were none.
Reaching forward you pulled her into a tight embrace, simultaneously releasing the flood gates. Zara's tears drenched your curls as she apologized again and again. You hadn't noticed the way the sounds around you grew quiet, the way the edges of your vision began to blur or the weakening of your grip until you lost it. Eyes rolling back into your head as you crumpled to your knees.
That day you learned two valuable lessons.
One: to trust you intuition. Even if everyone else tells you otherwise. Even if they say it is folly to try, it is up to you to remain firm behind your convictions, to look them in the eye and show them just why they're wrong.
And two: never run the equivalent of three miles in under five minutes with nothing in your stomach but liquor and nerves.
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