#Annabeth’s relationship with Luke is what makes her part of the big prophecy!!
How I’d rewrite HOO with my Dream Team Seven P.2
I bet your thinking I’m about to do the son of Neptune? Well your wrong this post is going to be about the Quest for Buford. Except I’m redoing it so that we can focus on some pretty big things that happened in my Lost Hero rewrite. For all of you that didn’t see the post or just didn’t read it. I’ll summarize what happens for you.
Hunters of Artemis are annihilated like all of them are dead.
Thalia gets her arm sliced off
Leo and his Cabin-Mates have tension
Jason has all his memories back and as such is lowkey suffering
So basically what I’m going to do is retool the side story Quest for Buford so that it has more impact on the characters as a whole. So let’s just hop right in so that I can geek out on you. But let me just tell you the title of the new side book.
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Back In Black
(Get it cause Thalia is wearing the black leather jacket instead of the silver hunting one. It’s also a reference to the AC DC album)
Let cover the main characters of this book.
Thalia Grace
The main character is this side book because let’s be honest we deserves some more of her as a main character. Here Thalia is still basically adjusting to having her life flipped on it’s head but has the support of her brother (Jason) and old friends (Annabeth & Percy). The quest of this book is that Artemis gives her a quest to hunt down a big game and prove herself “worthy” of being a hunter of Artemis again. She has a time limit of a week before she is just kicked out of the Hunters. (Even though she is the only Hunter left). The reason she has to prove herself is because she basically abandoned them in my rewrite to help Jason with his quest. But where will she find big game? Well that’s where another main character comes in.
Leo Valdez
Here Leo serves sorta the same role he served in Quest for Buford. That role being the comic relief and creator of conflict. So yeah the same thing happens with Buford running off except he runs off because Leo and sibling have an argument which scares Buford. Who has the part Leo needs and a little something else. The details of the argument aren’t said until later. So yeah he goes to recruit help to find Buford. That help being Jason,Drew,and Thalia. Sadly Drew can’t help because she is still trying to smooth things out with her cabin. So that leaves Thalia,Leo,and Jason to contain the problem. Speaking of Jason.
Jason Grace
You think that Jason would be doing a little better since he has all of his memories back. Well you’d be wrong because his relationship with Piper is on the rocks thanks to the memory of Reyna,his sister is suffering and now has to do a dangerous quest,and he feels like everyone is against him since he is a Roman in a Greek camp. So yeah Jason isn’t doing too good. When Leo comes to get him he is happy because he needs a distraction from everything.
The Story
Now all the cards of this story are set and the players are in their places. Now let’s get this story started cause it’s Thalia time baby.
So the story opens on Thalia going through her recovery period. We see how hard it is for Thalia to operate with one arm and get a deep dive into her thoughts about the Hunters Annihilation. This eventually links to the Luke and the Great Prophecy situation. However as usual Thalia tries to keep things under wraps while with her friends because she doesn’t want to admit to a weakness such as when she got angry at Percy for talking about her fear of heights when he found out. We then get a sweet moment between Annabeth and Thalia just talking about the whole Luke situation and closing the conversation with Annabeth saying she’s happy that Thalia is around more often.
Which makes Thalia think some more on why she joined the Hunters aside from Zoe’s death and escaping the Prophecy and eventually just comes up blank. Though before she can really do some more thinking Artemis appears before her and scolds her for leaving the Hunters behind for a male. This brings back Thalia’s guilt about the situation full force. Then Artemis let’s her what she has to do to prove herself worthy of being a Hunter again.
Right after Artemis leaves,Jason and Leo basically bust down her door and tell her they need her help with finding Buford. Of course Thalia is gonna help because remember right now she thinks that she failed the Hunters so helping out her little brother will make her feel a little better. But Chiron basically stops them and says Thalia is still recovering and they will need to leave. The boys are bummed and frustrated but Thalia tells them to just come at night and she’ll sneak out to help them. This earns her a point in Leo’s book cause remember he’s a troublemaker and sneaking out is cool in his book.
(I’m trying make Thalia & Leo a couple but I have to build up their friendship first for it to work. Also Leo needs serious character growth)
So anyway they come to get Thalia at night and she sneaks out of the infirmary. They then continue on their way into the forest. Along the way Jason,and Thalia ask Leo what he needs their help for. Leo then tells them about the whole argument with siblings and Buford running away but doesn’t give the details for what the argument was about. They say if his siblings are bothering him they can talk to them. To which Leo responds that he doesn’t want their pity just their help.
(In this rewrite the part that Buford has helps make the ship fly so their won’t be some life erasing explosion in this version)
Eventually they happen upon the Maeneds that worship Dionysus. So yeah they see them tear apart a dragon with their bare hands and wisely decide to move away from them. However Leo notices that Buford was torn apart by the Maeneds but the storage part of him that has the stuff is fine. Thalia also realizes that the Maeneds would make excellent big game because of how dangerous they are and if she traps them without hurting them she’ll win back Artemis’s favor. So now they decide to worry about that tomorrow and sleep on it.
When they wake up tomorrow Thalia is deemed fit enough to be let out of the infirmary by Will Solace. (I figured I might as well show he exist before Blood of Olympus) Thalia now only has 6 days left to catch the Maeneds. Leo then calls the group back together and they go back to the clearing and see the Maeneds are gone but Buford’s compartment is still where it was the night before. Leo then runs down grabs the compartment and comes back to the siblings. He now has the part he needs and that little something else.
He then shows what it is to reveal a robot arm for Thalia. He tells her they are a bunch of functions like a built in bow,shield,and even a net thrower. She ask why he made this for her. He says that he made it because he didn’t want his friend to look so down. She then pulls Leo into a hug while thanking him. This is important because this it helps build up these twos friendship before they move into crush territory. Leo is embarrassed because he’s not used to people giving him physical affection.
We then see Thalia now equipped with her robot arm try and track down the Maeneds. With Jason and Leo being her backup. We the run into the Maeneds again but they struggle because the Maeneds are just way stronger at this point than any of them. So they have to think smart. This is where Thalia’s leadership skills get to shine. She tells Leo to do a smokescreen on the Maeneds. Then for Jason to hit them with some lightning while she runs in to get them while they’re disoriented.
The plan sorta works because Leo’s smokescreen disorients the Maeneds and the lightning does strike them but most of them manage to get away with Thalia only managing to net one and even then she can sorta get out if she struggles hard enough. The three then reconvene and determine that this won’t work unless they have a bigger advantage of surprise. The Maened then breaks the net and runs away leaving them to try again tomorrow.
We open the next day with Thalia trying out the crossbow function of her new robot arm and with Leo supervising it to make sure it works. Jason then comes in and ask how the arm is. Thalia says she likes it with Leo joking that of course she would like it. Jason then asks for a sparring to really test it out. Thalia accepts and they duke it out. Here we see a big difference of fighting style between Greeks and Romans.
The difference between the two is that the Romans have a more defense style focused on tiring out their opponents. While the Greeks fight more aggressively and try to take their opponents down quickly. We even see this is the canon book series with Jason fighting more defensive while Percy is all about slashing and killing.
Eventually it comes down to a draw though only because Jason’s mind wasn’t completely on the fight and focused on something else. Thalia being the good big sister she is notices and ask about it. Where we learn that Jason’s relationship is on the rocks because of him remembering his old life at New Rome and how he’s different from the person Piper remembers.
Thalia said hen chimes in and tells him that of course he’s different from the person Piper remembers because he isn’t that person. That the person Piper remembers is the person Hera wants her to remember. She then ends it off with saying that no matter what person he is he will always be her little brother and she will always be there. They then end off the conversation with a hug between brother and sister.
We then fast forward to the last day that Thalia has to catch the Maeneds and prove herself. We then get some internal monologue about the whole quest and her thoughts about the whole new friends and past family she now has. We get the final assault on the Maeneds with the same strategy as the last time except Thalia is no longer rusty and Leo now has sleep has to use on them all.
Jason then ask why Thalia wanted to capture them with Thalia spilling the beans about the whole quest Artemis gave her. After spilling the beans,Artemis appears in a brilliant flash of silver. She then basically gives a whole spiel of how Thalia is now worthy and now she just has to come with her. Thalia is initially ecstatic because she can go back to some semblance of normalcy.
Then as she turns around to say some goodbyes she see how sad Jason & Leo are. This then triggers her to remember the talk with Annabeth about Luke. This cause her to realize that she’s been running for away from from all the problems in her life. She then decides not to run for once.
So yeah ultimately Thalia thanks Artemis for allowing her to be Hunter but she wants to stay with her friends and family. So yeah then they walk back to Camp-HalfBlood joking all the way there.
So yeah now I completed all the things I feel like I needed to complete before I move onto my Son of Neptune rewrite. I have effectively made Thalia stay in Cqmp and develop a tiny bit. Drew is more than a one dimensional bully archetype. Jason is building more of a character. Leo is decent as always around this part of the series but having the changes to keep his character consistent.
Well now I feel I’m ready to the Son of Neptune but not right now the long post format is getting to me and shifted interest a little bit back to the teen titans and DC whole. (Though I will probably be making long post about DC so watch out for those cause boy do I have some opinions)
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rose-wild · 3 years
heroes of olympus ranked by the saddest/worst childhoods:
(my opinion. you don’t have to agree, that’s okay).
1. HAZEL - i think this is self explanatory. black girl in southern america in the 30s, bullied badly. then watched her mother get possessed by the earth mother, father didn’t care, forced to move on her thirteenth birthday to alaska. was repeatedly told she was a bad, sick child. then was forced to do unspeakable things by marie/gaea, used her powers to make a body for a giant, then had no other choice but to kill herself and her mother to stop gaea from rising. THEN gave up elysium so her mother wouldn’t get the field of punishment. in the Son of Neptune, during one of her backstories, Hazel says, “Hazel felt as if she were expanding to the breaking point, just like that spire in the pit. Her misery would soon become to great to hold inside, and her skin would shatter.” excuse me while i go and sob 😭
2. Reyna - girl her backstory is so fucking sad. watched her dad become insane and paranoid. her dad collected weapons and turned their house into a fortress, and locked her in her room, and when she and her sister would sneak out and get caught, he would throw furniture and yell at them. then he becomes convinced that reyna and hylla are the enemy. ghosts of her ancestors would watch reyna from afar (creepy af). then julian becomes a mania and after they snuck out one day, reyna was TEN, julian got so angry he started glowing, ripping up their house and threw a chair at hylla. reyna then thought her sister was dead as it knocked her unconscious, then had no choice but to kill her own father. a ghost appeared before her and taunted her, telling her she would never flee her crime and never forget her past, calling her a murderer and traitor. then she went to circe’s island and that got destroyed by yours truly percy jackson and annabeth chase, then she was kidnapped by the pirates (who did gods knows what to her) for months and then managed to escape. then she and her sister parted ways after all those years together where they had no one but each other. okay, maybe reyna should be number one.
3. Nico - lots of people would think he needs to be 1, but i don’t think so, and i’m talking about backstories only. he saw his mother walk into a hotel and then watched it explode after it got struck by lightning. then he got his memory wiped and then they were left with a bank trust and a lawyer would come in to check them every once in a while. oh, and then he got stuck in the lotus hotel for seventy years, which they only thought was a month. then westover hall. then bianca dies. yeah.
4. Jason - ugh this boy. his mother left him at the wolf house and told him that she’d be back, but never was. so jason, a little two year old boy, was left crying in the ruins and yelling for his mom and thalia. he was then taken in by wolves (can you imagine how scary that must’ve been for a little boy?) and was raised and trained like a roman soldier. there was no weakness. he wasn’t allowed to, or else he would be eaten alive. yeah. then he made it to camp jupiter and was offered first cohort for being a son of jupiter but denied it. he befriended the least popular kids and went on the least glamorous quests, but was still considered a prince and had everyone’s eyes on him from such a young age. he spent twelve years in the legion and was always the leader. then he led the assault on mount othrys and defeated the titan krios with hand to hand combat, and toppled kronos’s throne. this isn’t tragic, but what is tragic is that he and the legion never got a thanks from the gods.
5. Leo - his fucking nanny tia callida laid him in an actual fire pit and sang him lullabies like some sort of psychopath. and tia callida gave him knives when he was three. she told him to poke a rattlesnake in the grass with a stick (oh that’s super smart for a four year old boy to do). his cousin raphael bullied him. his aunt rosa made him eat with dead people. then, when trying to hurt gaea, she made him angry and made his hands catch on fire. leo fell into a rage and tried to save himself and his mother, but accidentally killed his mother and burned her alive. and then his aunt rosa turned his entire family against him (called him the devil) and told the social care workers to take him away and stuffed him into foster care. he was bullied badly and would run away from his foster care homes and, when he was in between foster homes, would sleep under an actual bridge.
6. Annabeth - since she was a demigod, annabeth was a target for monsters which caused constant fighting between her dad and her stepmother who felt like she was putting everyone (as in her two twin stepsiblings) in danger. she was assaulted by spiders, her worst fear, for three days each night as a seven year old girl. she would scream for her father but he was never there and her stepmother didn’t believe her. as a seven year old girl, she believed her family hates her, so she ran away and smashed monsters with a hammer with the guidance of her immortal mother for MONTHS. then she was taken in by luke and thalia and they became her family. then they found grover and were chased by monsters sent from hades, who was looking to kill thalia for revenge. grover took wrong turns and led them into a cyclops lair on accident. then the cyclops lured everyone except annabeth, who stabbed one of the cyclops in the foot. the group was chased by a pack of hellhounds and all three furies on their way to half-blood hill. she was forced to watch thalia be overran by monsters and killed and dragged away by luke. she heard the great prophecy when she was ten and had nightmares about it because chiron told her she “would have a big part to play”, and that brings us to tlt. damn.
7. Percy - strangled a snake at a day care center when he was two (this is pretty traumatic). was bullied and abused by his stepfather from a very young age and had to watch his mother be in an awful relationship. was bullied badly by other people. he was in military academies where they believed “paddling is good for the soul.” he was stalked by a cyclops in the third grade.
8. Frank - his mother died in a military accident and was then raised by his grandmother. he was then told, at his mother’s funeral, that his whole entire life depends on this little piece of fire wood that if burned, he would literally fall over dead. then, that same evening, he was told he was going to be shipped off to wolves and then to camp jupiter (if he survived its trials ofc).
9. Piper - she fell off a horse when she was six and drove past a meat processing place that made her sick 😭 (this is a joke). but for real, her rich super star dad avoided her and didn’t pay any attention to her, which caused her to act out. she was bullied for being cherokee. and then she finds out months of her life was just a trick of the mist and that her boyfriend doesn’t actually like her at all? sad man.
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reannabeth · 3 years
So I am rewatching the Percy Jackson Peter Johnson movie, and I just thought I’d make an official post for all my icks with it.
Why? Cause I like to rant? Idk.
First off, characters:
The age thing threw me off. They’re sixteen? Seriously? Why did they think that was a good idea? Did they want it to be a full-out series or not?
Leaves less room for character growth, both physically and mentally- and romantically (which I will get to in a bit).
Plus, the way the characters are written in the books is meant to fit twelve year olds, so everything they do feels off. Pessimistic 12 year old Percy was so funny. Like his sass would genuinely catch me off guard, because he’s so freaking young and you don’t really expect him to be so fearless and rash. Movie Percy does have sass and the awkward pessimist thing down pretty much to a ‘t’, but the way the right it can come off a bit corny, despite Logan Lerman’s best acting. Boy does the guy do a great job. His performance almost overshadows the bad writing, but not quite. Gods, the Capture-the-Flag tripping all falling over himself thing was fabulous, though the rest of the scene didn’t quite match up (do they even know how that game works??) Also,,, later corniness. Again. I don’t really care about the eyes thing, because blue is still the color of the ocean.
Annabeth is way too aggressive. Why is she so eager to slice-and-dice him even though they’ve never officially met? I guess she took the place of Clarisse in that way, but WHY. Clarisse had reason; Percy humiliated her and her cabin. If they wanted to get him to heal in the water and such, that could’ve been achieved if they had just followed the freaking books. They just… butchered her character in so many ways. Her appearance, the handy dandy Yankees ball cap, all that. The whole purpose of her being blonde was to discount the stupid dumb blonde stereotype and feed into her need to prove herself to everyone. That was taken away too.
Speaking of which… Grover. Baby boi, they ruined you. I didn’t mind them making him black… until they made him all party-like and confident. That may have not had to do with his race, though, and just trying to make him act more like the satyrs from the myths. But that defeats the point that Rick made; he purposefully made Grover scared and stressed and doing his best all the time as a foil to that stereotype- which is made obvious when the Party Ponies come into play in the second book. I miss that Grover. Also, why was he just like standing around during the disaster of the Minotaur scene (Gods, they made that so lame). It would’ve been better if he was unconscious, because then he wasn’t just standing around. I could’ve excused it as him just being reluctant because he’s scared, but this Grover is brave and more protective, a better fighter. Why would he just stand and watch? There are just so many things that don’t add up.
Chiron and Luke were really the only characters that felt true to their book forms.
The stand-off between Luke and Percy was cool, but the plot twist in the book is just so much better. I was totally blown away by the easy-going camp counselor dude poisoning a twelve year old kid with scorpion venom. Also, Luke got his scar from Percy? NOOO. It was never about Percy. It was about Luke and his dad. Percy was just a means to an end or an enemy to get rid of.
Gods, they forgot the prophecy, too. And Ares. And Clarisse. And Mr. D.
I don’t even want to talk about Hades. Or Persephone, for that matter. Why was she there? It wasn’t winter and- nope, not even. Just nope.
Riptide is a ballpoint pen, not a clicky one (though this one is admittedly cooler. WE NEED THE TARTARUS SCENE WHERE HE ANNABETH FIGURES OUT HE CAN WRITE WITH IT). And the shield thingy… that’s Tyson’s. He made it in the second one.
The thing is, Rick ties everything into his later works, so many of the changes they made mess with future possibilities and therefore narrow the rest of everything.
I understand not having every scene, every detail included in the movies. But why keep things if you’re going to change them?
Why have the hydra come in this movie? It comes in the second book, bro.
Oh, right I was supposed to have topics. Sorry, everything is blending in together.
Why was Grover a ladies man :|
What the Tartarus were they doing with Percabeth? Long, kinda creepy stares and close contact. THIS STUPID LINE: “I definitely have strong feelings for you. I just haven’t decide if they’re positive or negative yet.”
Like,,, EW. Is this supposed to be the “You drool in your sleep” replacement? How about no.
They took away the cute little crushes and slow-burn friends to lovers (even though it kinda started off as enemies).
every moment Percy had with his mom was so awful. Why is he using “mother” so much? That’s only for his dad, because they haven’t reached the kind of relationship where Percy can call him Dad. I wanted to see the scene with her coming home from the candy shop with a big bag of candy and him pretending to be cranky when she shows affection but you can tell he loves it and ughhhhh
What did I like? The music. The Lotus flowers and casino scene. The pearl plot line thing was admittedly smart, but overall problematic and questionable. Why the Parthenon? Why not Crusty’s?
I do also like Percy and Grover’s bud relationship, but Annabeth was supposed to be his guide of a sort. So they either could’ve had them both guide him, or her alone. We needed more time to get to know her.
Where was Cerberus? I guess they didn’t want a repeat of Fluffy in The Sorceror’s Stone (since this is the same director), but still. He’s a major part of the Underworld system. And I wanted fancy Italian suit Charon and the “died in a bathtub” scene. The Hellhounds were also creepy, so how does the whole Mrs. O’Leary thing work? Also, makes me wonder why they didn’t have Percy be attacked by one during Capture-the-Flag like in the books.
ALSO WHY DID GROVER STAY? WHY? The Sally I know would never let him do that. Also, Sally can’t even get through the boundaries and into Olympus anyway, so why…? Why.
Persephone being all weird and flirty to Grover was just… ew. Again. Ew ew ew ew.
Hades is not the bad guy, he just came across a situation he could take advantage of. It doesn’t make sense that Luke would get it to Hades and Hades alone. It gets rid of the whole Kronos thing.
And the prophecies were gone, too. I know they brought them up in the second one, but not very well. The second one retconned the first’s continuity and yet still sucked on representing the second one. Yeesh.
Anyway, that’s my spill. I could organize it better, but I’m too tired at this point.
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clovis-enthusiast · 4 years
Lotsa Clovis headcanons that you can pry from my cold dead hands
Keep in mind that these are just MY HEADCANONS! None of this is canon unless specifically stated! Feel free to agree or disagree. I juts rlly love my boy and his cabin and will gush about them for hours if given the chance.
Since there is a lot, I’ll put them under the cut so as not to clutter ur feed with my rambling! So uh click ‘keep reading’ to see me babble about my all time favorite character! Hope u enjoy if u read em and always feel free to send me a message about ur own headcanons! (I’m always thinking of more, so this post might be updated every once in awhile!)
He is very French. He was born in France and lived there for a short while before he and his mother (the reason I say mother instead of parent is because it was hinted at in canon that he has a mother. my go to name for her is Camille) moved to the US due to monster related problems. (He has a French last name. Something like Valois is my go to.)
French is his first language but because he moved to the US when he was quite young, he is very fluent in English. He often switches between the two languages when he’s EXTRA sleepy without noticing leading to a lot of confusion (and you can bet that he DEFINITELY swears in French because not many people at camp can understand him when he does. Those who do have a newfound respect and fear for him.)
He was initially a longtime member of the Hermes cabin even though pretty much everyone could guess who his godly parent was.
Was DEFINITELY a part of Luke’s army at one point due to the fact that he looked up to Luke as the older demigod had always treated him like a little brother, AND his godly brother Morpheus was also on Kronos’s side of the war. However, Clovis did not stay with them for long once things began to get bad and returned to Camp Half Blood with time. (Morpheus and Clovis now have a strained relationship.)
Best friends with Lou Ellen Blackstone of the Hecate cabin. They were both temporarily on Luke’s side of the war and were held with suspicion and distrust when they returned to camp, so they tended to stick by each other while the other campers warmed back up to them. Because of this, they are now very close and are always goofing around (much to the annoyance of the other head counselors aside from the Stolls, of course.)
Definitely had a thing for Nico di Angelo in the past. As the two boys are both the sons of underworld gods, Clovis had already felt a certain tug towards him. When he heard Nico’s story from the camp’s rumor mill (thank Lacy and Mitchell for that one) he became utterly infatuated. Over time, his curiosity turned more into a little crush which then became a BIG crush, but as neither Clovis nor Nico are really all that great with normal human interaction, the son of Hypnos’s flirting techniques sort of went unnoticed. That’s why Nico seems to be the only one being pulled into Clovis’s dreams at any given time despite Clovis being a ‘very strong dreamer.’ The truth is that Clovis has full control over who enters HIS dreamscapes. He tries desperately to impress Nico and help him out wherever he can, but when Nico eventually chooses Will to be his boyfriend, Clovis, though a bit sad that his first crush in a long time didn’t share the feelings, is VERY supportive. He loves to tease Nico about how hopelessly head-over-heels the broody teenager is over his sunshiney boyfriend. And if the two were ever to break up for whatever reason in the future? Well, Clovis is definitely still up for a shot.
Clovis and Nico are still VERY close. Clovis is one of the only people that Nico feels comfortable enough to be himself around and often confides in him whenever his negative thinking gets the best of him. Clovis also plays a big part in Nico regaining the memories of his past when he’s ready which he will forever be thankful for. The two obviously spend a lot of time together in dreams and greet one another in a warm fashion whenever they come across each other by chance at camp. This confuses literally everyone because literally no one has ever seen them interact before?? How are they friends?? 
Has HISTORY with Drew. No one is really sure what kind of history (it seems as if there was a little bit of memory erasure throughout the camp on the situation... hm...) but most people speculate that the two shared a romantic relation at one point in time. Turns out, they were NOT compatible, and the whole thing went up in flames. Drew still holds a huge grudge against Clovis who acts as though he could honestly care less. He still treats her politely though there have definitely been some not-so-subtle nasty looks cast across the campfire towards her direction before.
Also very close with Lacy and Mitchell from the Aphrodite cabin. Lacy feels terrible about Drew’s trash-talking and rumor-spreading and eventually works up the courage to say hi. They became fast friends, and Lacy definitely has a bit of a puppy-dog crush on him, but she is much too young for Clovis. He sees her as a little sister and allows her to put makeup on him, do his hair, and even tries on dresses and such just to make her smile. Mitchell, on the other hand, became friends with Clovis out of spite in all honesty and ended up liking the sleepy blond a lot more than he thought he would. He might have a teeeeeny tiiiiiny crush on him. Don’t tell Lacy.
Close with Pollux of the Dionysus cabin. Pollux sees a lot of Castor when he looks at Clovis which is a huge comfort to him. The two counselors have a lot of deep talks late at night, and Clovis always makes sure that Pollux is sleeping well without being haunted by nightmares. Dionysus would never admit it, but he is very thankful that someone cares that much about his only son.
Good friends with Rachel Elizabeth Dare surprisingly! He helps her out often, and the two like to sit and chat about mythology, artwork, and prophecies in the big house and at the campfire.
Has allies and friends in high places. Due to his powerful dreaming, he’s been to quite a few strange places and met quite a few strange people... or you could call them the gods, I guess. He knows a lot of the gods and goddesses from all kinds of mythologies (though obviously more of the Greek ones than anything) and they seem to like him well enough for some reason. (Probably because he’s one of the only demigods who doesn’t want to strangle them and doesn’t mind listening to them complain about petty godly things.) He often has little chats with them where he keeps them updated with the going ons of Camp Half Blood and they keep him updated about... godly drama. He kinda lives for it tbh. It’s part of the reason why he’s so informed about the gods.(Annabeth is maybe just the tiniest bit jealous.)
He’s a year round camper because it would be much too dangerous for him to go back to living with his mother. He stays in contact with her via dreams, letters, and Iris messages though!
MUCH more powerful than he lets on. He just doesn’t like conflict. 
One of his most frightening abilities is the ability to summon terrible creatures from people’s nightmares and use them to fight. He doesn’t like to do this as it can be very traumatizing for the people he uses it against, AND it’s not always a guarantee that the nightmare creatures will obey him.
His other more battle-ready powers are the ability to put an entire battle field into a deep slumber and memory alteration/erasure. He can use his memory alteration/erasure on monsters of weaker defenses AND demigods (though he feels much more comfortable using it on monsters.) He uses these powers to alter how monsters/enemies perceive demigods. Because of this, there are quite a few friendly hellhounds and scythian dracanae wandering about the camp. All of his powers are VERY draining and take a lot of concentration in order to work as intended. He will often sleep for days after a battle because of this.
He is also capable of fighting whilst asleep. In fact, his senses are heightened, and he tends to perform better this way. He also heals much faster while he is asleep. 
It is speculated that he will either grow wings from his head or his back, but it will not happen until he grows older. It’s a rare trait that few Hypnos kids (and Thanatos kids) develop, but due to Clovis’s power level, everyone is pretty much waiting for it to happen.
He can change his appearance at will in his dreams, but his aura is still the same, so he can still be identified pretty easily by people who know him personally. (As a side note, his eyes pretty much change color on their own to reflect the mood of the dreamscape he’s currently in. Gold, emerald, and violet are the most common colors. His true eye color is blue.)
Doesn’t really care about gender all that much. He has absolutely no problem with people referring to him using any pronouns (she/he/they) and is quite comfortable with himself in general. Many demigods who are questioning their gender comes to talk to him about it, and he’s always open to hearing them out and giving them advice.
VERY bisexual. Likes girls, guys, literally anyone who can keep him awake and interested for more than five seconds.
The unofficial official camp therapist.The role used to belong to Will Solace, but the truth is that the son of Apollo is much more comfortable dealing with physical ailments and problems he can fix medically than he is with dealing with feelings and mental ailments. Clovis is a very good listener despite the popular belief that he’s too busy nodding off to actually hold a conversation with properly and has a very calming aura that helps people feel safe enough to be vulnerable with him.
The go to babysitter of camp. Due to his Hypnos kid vibes, he is able to keep even the most rambunctious demigod and satyr children under control. His nap times are legendary. 
VERY big on respecting people’s privacy and boundaries. He tries his best not to enter any dreams uninvited, and he never talks about what goes on in people’s dreams ever. He also NEVER looks into people’s memories without their permission. He makes sure his siblings follow these guidelines strictly.
He literally lets anyone come into the Hypnos cabin at any time to get a good rest. The cabin has an open door policy.
New campers are often allowed to stay with the Hypnos cabin if they’d rather not face the chaos of the Hermes cabin.
Contrary to popular belief, his cabin is actually NOT the messiest cabin. The Hermes cabin wins that one though they’re followed closely by the Ares and Hephaestus cabins.
He and his siblings are some of the closest in the camp. They meet up and hang out in each other’s dreamscapes and have family nights. Clovis is the oldest AND is a head counselor, so he is very protective and responsible when it comes to his siblings.
Gives AMAZING massages. Leo and the entirety of the Hephaestus and Ares cabins are regular customers. Fight me. 
Actually a very good strategist when it comes to battles and such given that he’s awake enough to actually communicate his ideas. If you get them on your Capture the Team game, you’re already doing good. Annabeth and the Athena cabin love the competition, and they’re nearly unstoppable when they work together with him.
Clovis suffers from TERRIBLE narcolepsy, even for a son of Hypnos. It’s gotten him into a lot of bad and dangerous situations such as falling asleep mid battle, mid conversation, and even in the bath once when he was little. He has developed a fear of heights and water due to his condition.
Holds a lot of frustrations towards himself. Frustrated that he ever turned against the camp that offered him a home, frustrated that he couldn’t help Jason restore his memories, frustrated that couldn’t help more in the war against Gaea, just... frustrated. He tries to sleep off these negative moods because he doesn’t like to bring people down.
Absolutely not opposed to cuddling with people who are okay with it (he always asks first!) It’s a surefire way to get a good night’s rest since you’re so close to him, plus he’s very soft and warm!
Has a good singing voice, but just isn’t confident enough with it. He pushes through his insecurities to sing lullabies to those who really need them though. His lullabies are unmatched. 
Adores cats with all of his heart due to their lazy and relaxed nature, but he knows that he could never be able to care for one well enough. 
ALWAYS wears pajamas. Like all the time. Chiron has given up on enforcing the dress code. He also made sure to have custom made camp bracelets instead of necklaces to be sure that none of the Hypnos kids are choked/strangled by them if they happen to fall asleep in a bad place or position.
Lives in the past. Old movies, old music, old slang, you name it. I mean, he practically sleeps for the majority of his life, so it’s not all that surprising that he’s a bit behind the times. He thinks the modern age moves much too fast for him to keep up with.
The demigods of camp take turns making sure Clovis and his siblings are taking care of themselves. Walking them to the showers and dining pavilion, making sure they get a little sunlight each day, and the bare minimum of training.
He is the best boy.That is the only FACT that I do not accept criticism on. Thank you.
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anacaoris · 4 years
Why do you think Thalia should have been Luke's morality pet instead of Annabeth? While I have many grievances with Rick's writing, I'm fine with Annabeth and her role in the prophecy. Besides, Thalia has shown she hates Luke's guts in the end of Titan's Curse and Last Olympian. So,why would she still care about Luke beyond some enemy? I feel like Thalia was supposed to be this pragmatic person that sets feelings aside if needed. But your point of view sounds interesting.
I let this bad boy pick up dust in my drafts for a while because it's such a difficult question for me to properly answer without going off into a 100 separate topics, but since we're answering questions today LETS GO.
This is going to move a bit from what you asked but: one of Rick's biggest faults, in my opinion, was not giving Thalia her due in her relationship with Annabeth, Luke, and Annabeth & Luke. Arguably their relationships are the most significant in this series, we could even go so far as to say they're the cause of many of the events in the books (Luke's anger at the gods + decision to join Kronos partly strengthened and influenced, respectively, by her death; Annabeth's attachment to Luke made deeper by the death of someone else who was such an important figure in her early life).
So in summary my issue is that Thalia is such an underused character despite having such a profound influence in the story, and her relationships are squandered. We don't see Thalia's reaction to the person she knew for approx. 3 years, who she was on the run with, who she died protecting, suddenly siding with the villains. We jump from her resurrection in Sea of Monsters to her suddenly being super chummy with Percy and Annabeth — despite this taking just in-universe months after that book — people who she barely knows. Because she barely knew Annabeth before she died, and that's a point we have to make.
And not just that but you would think that Thalia's death, part of the reason for his bitterness at the gods (along with his mom, preexisting feelings and the failed quest + the additional pity it brought him), and her subsequent resurrection would allow us to see Luke having to grapple a bit more with his actions and any guilt he might have. He poisoned her tree and then discovers that she's back to life, come on. That was ripe for the picking.
But all we have in terms of their interactions is Luke trying to get her to join him, and Thalia kicking him off a mountain — which,,,,, legendary,,,, but come on. And that little tidbit about the Huntresses of Artemis telling Thalia that Luke would betray her because #yesallmen except for Percy Jackson? 🤢🤮🤮🤮
This jump from "Thalia and Luke were best friends who were on the run together and Luke openly gets mad when told he's betraying her memory because he blames the gods for her death" to "Thalia hates Luke's guts and Luke never interacts with her anymore despite their shared history being ripe for picking" and that Luke only goes after Annabeth once he wants out also bothers me because it's part of Riordan's big insistence that Luke was a true romantic rival when Luke spends three books not caring about Annabeth and four books openly trying to kill her and other demigods.
Now morality pet isn't really the word I'm looking for here, mostly because Annabeth doesn't work as Luke's morality pet either in canon. Luke is, like I've said, very much willing to manipulate and kill Annabeth if it means achieving his goals of overthrowing the gods, but he also cares for her because of the things they went through. So it's complex, but she doesn't have as much pull on his morality and behavior as "morality pet" implies. So no one's a morality pet here, but if there was anyone who should have had some sort of influence of Luke's attitude and be the one he tries to (unsuccessfully) manipulate both out of his own selfish need but also because of shared history, it's Thalia.
At the end of the day my beef is mostly about how Thalia was such an important character to so many others' backstories and development, and when she finally appears she's unceremoniously shoved with the Huntresses of Artemis and then forgotten in the following series. This is exactly why I have issues with books that deal exclusively with a limited pov, and especially first person pov, you're missing out on so many insights from other characters.
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mvndrvke-archive · 5 years
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( aka how i change shit up from canon and ruin all of rick’s hard work pART TWO!! )
“i’ve been here since i was a kid, i did everything they ever asked,  yeah, i did. and for what?”
so annabeth just????? she’s definitely not the one that’s been screwed over the most by the gods in the series, but she’s been present and closely related to those that have really gotten the worst treatment from olympus. from luke to percy, she’s seen the full spectrum of things, and it’s shaped her opinion more and more over the years to the point where she outright turns her back on the gods in quiet but open defiance of their rule over olympus and the demigods. 
imma be splitting this into little pieces which are the following-- 
i. luke’s teachings and what she learned from his life/death ii. annabeth’s relationship to athena and how it all started going downhill iii. the wars and how annabeth’s idea of the gods was changed vi. who is she now-- annabeth after heroes of olympus
trigger warnings : death / violence
to wildly oversimplify luke, he really hated the gods. his daddy issues were truly something else, and his resentment and anger towards hermes and the other gods almost destroyed olympus. now, annabeth’s relationship with luke is incredibly complicated ( i’ve written something about all of annabeth’s relationships in the books, which you can check out here ), and honestly a lot of her issues with luke come from the fact that he a) didn’t talk to her about any of this, he just shut her out, and he b) never asked her to come with him. that’s the real kicker, because if luke had asked annabeth after the titan’s curse, annabeth would’ve left to fight on his side, and would’ve tried to take percy and thalia with her. i touch on this more later. 
the main thing that annabeth really learned from luke was to never give up. luke was wrong about a lot of things, and his corruption stemmed firmly from his point of weakness-- his resentment and bitterness, but also kinda his wounded pride-- but in the end, annabeth was able to get through to him. she didn’t write luke off as a lost cause, which pretty much everyone else did. she believed there was someone worth saving. 
and luke made some fair points, which she realizes later on as she herself gets more resentful towards the gods. this is touched on in the section about athena more, but annabeth really starts to realize how far the gods have to go, and that maybe the apologies owed aren’t from the demigods, or the fault of the demigods, but the gods themselves. luke hit the point where he was done fucking around and had to stand up to the gods. annabeth hits this point too, but unlike luke, she’s smart about it and does it on her own terms rather than letting herself be tempted into something she can’t control. 
okay so when we first meet annabeth, it’s when she’s twelve years old ( duh, we all remember this ), and she’s been living with the knowledge that she’s a demigod for about five years. of those five years, she’s spent two as the head counselor of her cabin ( these campers are CHILDREN, i will get into that more in the last section, but it’s really important to note how young annabeth is at this time ). and we get to see that annabeth’s views of the gods and their children are INCREDIBLY dated. her initial dislike / distrust of percy and his intentions is due to the rivalry between their parents ( athena and poseidon ) and the hostility those two share towards each other. annabeth is adamantly opposed to befriending percy even after they’ve headed out on their quest together, and it takes her a long time to actually get over that and accept that maybe she can be friends with people that her mom wouldn’t approve of. this actually proves to be a regular problem for annabeth, as she has a lot of trouble learning to trust tyson ( percy’s half brother and a cyclops ) because of his connection to poseidon, which once again stems from her mother’s hatred of poseidon. 
prior to annabeth leaving for her quest in the lightning thief, it’s clear that she’s a pretty mama’s approval oriented kid. she holds athena in high regard, and we can see how much faith she puts in her mother since her catchphrase is “athena always has a plan.” she doesn’t, girl, she really doesn’t. but that’s not the point. annabeth idolizes and champions her mother, and really just wants to be like her in every way possible. UNTIL, of course, things start to change. 
where shit really gets bad is at the end of the titan’s curse. keep in mind that two of annabeth’s closest friends-- thalia and percy-- have just risked their asses to save annabeth’s life and the life of artemis. so fresh off that high, and with annabeth owing her survival completely to her two friends, they then show up at olympus so the gods can vote on whether or not to kill percy and thalia in order to avoid the prophecy. now. annabeth is still loyal to her mother at this point, but also to her friends. i mean obviously, they’ve just saved her life ( from luke, even though he’s kinda taken over by kronos at this point, but that’s a whole other thing ), and what’s their reward? the gods vote on whether or not to kill them, and athena votes that they should. not only that, but athena is really the first and the strongest advocate of killing thalia and percy. annabeth has been in loyal service to her mother for i think seven years at this point, and even knowing that annabeth’s friends are officially down to two ( the loss of luke really makes thalia and percy her two closest friends. sorry grover. ), athena sees the best solution being to kill those two off. which annabeth gets, strategically, but annabeth isn’t all battle strategy. we’ve seen her at this point show a lot of emotion and heart, especially when it comes to her friends ( her ongoing faith in luke’s innocence really highlights this perfectly. even during the final battle, she doesn’t give up on him, and it’s that devotion and trust in him that really saves the day at the end ). we know that there’s no way annabeth could ever rationalize her way through this, and this is the moment when the first seeds of bitterness are placed in annabeth’s heart. 
athena’s continued harshness towards percy over something as juvenile ( in annabeth’s mind, now that she’s actually had some time to grow up and become independent of her mother’s thoughts when it comes to her rivalry with poseidon ) as annabeth’s relationship with percy is also something that grates on annabeth’s nerves and fosters her resentment towards her mother. 
during the heroes of olympus series, annabeth really gets shit on for being athena’s daughter by the romans. it’s considered to be kinda scandalous for her to be the daughter of athena, since minerva is so wildly different from her greek counterpart. so now she’s facing all this crap for being the daughter of someone she’s not super duper thrilled to be the daughter of, and annabeth’s meeting with minerva really pisses her off. yes, she understands that it’s unfair and demeaning to be reduced from the status of athena to the image of minerva with her power diminished, but once again, her mom is saying percy should be destroyed, and once again, annabeth is being charged with an anger, resentment, and revenge that isn’t hers. 
and then there’s the matter of the athena parthenos. annabeth has to face her absolute worst fears to get that goddamn statue, falls into tartarus for her troubles, has to deal with all sorts of shit, and what’s the reward? a ‘nice job, but you haven’t done enough yet’ from athena, who tells her she needs to get the athena parthenos back to camp halfblood. reyna gets the support and power of both athena and bellona behind her when she’s fighting orion, annabeth gets another job to do. she’s tired. she’s exhausted. she’s done so much already and she’s done. annabeth is half dead from her time in tartarus at this point, and her ability to keep going is barely there. 
true and fair, athena does come in and help annabeth out in the big battle against the giants. and that’s a moment where things could maybe get better, but they can’t. at this point, annabeth has been faced with too much, and too much resentment has built up in her chest when it comes to her mother. i’ll talk about this more in the last section, but annabeth’s relationship with athena is too damaged at this point to ever be repaired or bring annabeth back to the point of idolizing her mother that she was at when she was a kid. 
** there are a few things that annabeth’s opinion hasn’t changed on, though her relationship with percy has made some of these decisions actually have weight to them. these are just my personal headcanons of annabeth, but the big one is that annabeth never wants to get married. ever. athena never married, and annabeth had always seen this being the path for her to take ( which we can kinda see referenced in canon when she’s considering joining the hunters of artemis. boys were never really her top priority ). and she was totally fine with that. but especially after she started dating percy and she saw how much her mom hated him, she knows that if she ever was to get married, it would not be with athena’s blessing. no matter how resentful annabeth is towards her mother at the end, she still can’t stand the concept of athena fully turning her back on annabeth, so she remains firm with her decision that she’s never going to get married, even if she and percy did reach that point in their relationship one day. **
annabeth fights in two wars in five years. two. and by the time the second war ends, she’s seventeen years old. we always get to see ( in the original series, at least ) how stunned percy is to still be alive, and while the romans have legacies, the greeks don’t seem to as far as i remember. they all seem to just die young. i’ll get back to this in a sec. 
now, while the gods end up coming to fight in the final battles, it’s a pain in the ass to get them to contribute. they really only sweep in to save the day at the end, which by the time the second big war rolls around, is just not enough. especially in the first war, the problem was the gods. that’s what started the whole thing, that’s what let kronos rise to power, that’s what they were all fighting over-- the gods keeping control of olympus and the world. and what did they get? the gods agreed to pretty much the bare minimum and promised to claim their demigod children. round of applause, can’t believe you would do something so controversial yet so brave. it’s a victory that day, but they all go back to camp halfblood after and realize how many people are dead. this is a quote from percy in the last olympian, but i feel like it sums this up really nicely--
                    “I stared out the window into deep blue water.                      Beckendorf was supposed to go to college in                      the fall. He had a girlfriend, lots of friends, his                     whole life ahead of him. He couldn't be gone.” 
they’re kids. most of the demigods at camp are teenagers, and as far as i’m aware/remember, beckendorf and luke are the only demigods we see in the original series that are 18+ years old. meanwhile the olympians are all totally chill with sending them out to fight monsters and titans and giants and all this shit, and then sweep in when they absolutely have to so it looks like they’re contributing. this isn’t a new thing. historically ( in mythology, not literal history ), this is kinda just what the gods do, though they will intervene now and then ( athena helps achilles when he’s trying to kill hector and helps odysseus like 50000 times, and i believe apollo is the one that stabs patroclus before hector is able to kill him. patroclus is a tough guy, y’all stop treating him like he’s a wimp ) in smaller ways. mind you, these were adults trained in combat fighting other adults trained in combat. but now? when it’s kids versus monsters/titans/giants ( oh my )? nope. they’re happy to let the kids fight it out on their own. that’s fucked up. 
after the original series ends, annabeth’s kinda confronted with this for the first time. she hasn’t really considered it much before, but then hopping into the heroes of olympus series, when she sees how well organized the romans are and how they’ve maintained that militaristic mindset even in modern day, annabeth suddenly has that realization that oh shit, we’re being trained to be weapons. growing up in camp halfblood, being trained to fight, she was always told was to protect them from monsters, but she’s fought in two wars now. and suddenly, abruptly, disturbingly, annabeth realizes how messed up it really is that she’s been attending a summer camp where she learns to be a solider and kill things for ten years and she never thought about this until now because it just got normalized for her. 
this is all my own personal headcanons, and how i move forward with annabeth. probably the most important thing is that annabeth stops sacrificing to the gods. they make offerings to the gods every meal at camp halfblood, and she just stops doing it. it’s like the pledge of allegiance here in america, you get into the habit of reciting it every morning at school ( yeah, they have us do that, every single day five days a week ) and don’t really think too much about it, and then someone points out how that’s kinda messed up and it’s like “oh damn you kinda right.” for annabeth, it’s kinda like that. she’s now aware of how much the gods have taken advantage of them, and she makes the decision not to pay tribute to them anymore. the gods have had enough, she’s paid her dues, she’s done her time. she’s not doing anything else for them. 
mind, annabeth would never outright turn her backs on the gods and she’d never go as hardcore against them as luke did, but at a certain point she just can’t find it in herself to continue doing things as she’s been doing them. like luke was wrong when it came to a lot of things and percy really did help progress happen but after the second war ends, she just realizes that it’s never gonna be enough so she just stops putting in the effort to be the perfect daughter to athena, who after the war’s done and her work in olympus is finished, she just doesn’t talk to anymore after this. she stops praying for guidance and wisdom in battle. she’s annabeth goddamn chase. she don’t need no fuckin help. she really doesn’t give a shit about being the favorite child anymore. 
and i think that’s a large part of what drives annabeth to leave camp halfblood to attend new rome university or whatever it’s called. she doesn’t want to be the head of athena’s cabin anymore, and that anger temporarily drives her away from camp. she’s still stuck seeing it as this training ground for children and not what it should be-- a refuge for those like her. it takes her a long time to sorta work through this. 
in my version of annabeth, she decides after a semester to return to camp halfblood, and attends college in nyc so she can be there for her siblings when they need her, not because of athena or out of respect for her mother, but because she knows that if anyone can do better by these kids, it’s her. 
if you’ve managed to make it this far, congrats! it’s long as hell and i’m honestly impressed. pls accept this gift of annabeth lookin cute as hell as your prize. 
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the-ink-bottle · 5 years
Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief - a playlist
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Writing and media play with one another constantly, and have done so since the first narrative. Music is as integral a part of human history as storytelling, which can be witnessed through poetry, limericks, epics, and ballads.  In modern day, readers often wonder what sort of music and film the characters in their favorite novels might read - does Harry Potter like The Beatles? Would Batman listen to Green Day? Personally, I make a playlist when I’m writing a novel to help myself get in the right headspace. This list touches on that train of thought, with each song relating to how I feel Percy would express himself through music.
Spotify Link: here
I COME FROM THE WATER by Toadies Percy Jackson is, first and foremost, one of the funniest narrators of any story that I’ve read. His wit- or rather, the wit of Rick Riordan - is what makes The Lightning Thief so enjoyable for young readers. “I Come from the Water,” while energetic in sound, is full of humor. The song itself is about evolution, but I like to think that this is a bit how Percy feels when he has conversations with fish.
UNSTEADY by X Ambassadors Taking a dramatic emotional turn, “Unsteady” is a heartbroken song about loneliness and instability. The singer longs for help from his loved ones, just as Percy longs for a sign from his father. Having related deeply to this song in my own life, I thought it fitting for the scenes wherein Percy tries to fit in at camp half-blood while reconciling with the loss of his mother: “Mama, come here/Approach, appear/Daddy, I'm alone/'Cause this house don't feel like home”
GLADIATOR by Zayde Wølf Upon first hearing this song I immediately thought of the fanmix assignment, as the musicality and lyrics reminded me distinctly of Percy’s righteous anger. Aside from the indignation he feels at being given his quest despite his innocence, the lyrics of the song can be linked to specific parts of his story: “I had to keep on reaching up 'cause it was my time/To tear down the kingdom and call out the liars” This could be tied to Percy’s actions later in the series, namely his request that the gods do a better job of communication with their children, but it also captures his anger towards them regarding the lies about his alleged theft. This is again mentioned in the line “Picked a fight with the gods I'm the giant slayer,” which also reminds me of his fight against various giants and cyclops throughout the series. “Caught in a crossfire. Trouble at sea” Obviously, this made me think of Percy’s father, Poseidon, and the “crossfire” between Poseidon and Zeus. “Have you ever shaken hands with the devil in the night?” Simply put, this line makes me think of Percy’s deal with Hades after reaching the underworld.
CHOSEN ONE by Valley of Wolves This song is not as profound lyrically, as it’s quite repetitive, but all in all it captures the essence of Percy’s dilemma with his Prophecy. While his fate was determined long ago, he focuses not on what the end result is “supposed” to be. Instead he keeps up his determination, knowing he will do whatever it takes to finish the quest and save his mother.
THE MINOTAUR’S SONG by The Incredible String Band The Lightning Thief is famous in part due to Rick Riordan’s use of sarcasm and humor in his writing via the narration by Percy, as mentioned in song #1. “The Minotaur’s Song” captures this humor as well, with a series of bull-related puns and the iconic use of mooing for background vocals. On the other hand, the lyrics provide a unique glimpse of the minotaur’s perspective, as he fights an unnamed enemy who (he claims) is as evil as he is. While readers may not think of Percy Jackson as evil, certainly the monsters he slays throughout the novel would disagree.
PLANET HELL by Nightwish Like most of my song choices, this track struck me through its lyrics. I think of this as a sort of ballad from Hades as he watches the trio enter his realm on their quest. To me, the best examples of this are the following lines:  “Denying the lying/A million children fighting/For lives in strife” and “You fool, you wanderer/You challenged the gods and lost.” One can relate these lines to Percy “lying” about having the lightning bolt, the millions of demigods who have fought for the Olympians throughout history, and Percy’s overall impertinence towards the gods.
SUMMERTIME by My Chemical Romance This song puts a twist on the idea of a summer romance, as the singer recalls his lover’s features by complimenting her “scraped up knees” and the “brick in [her] hand.” The lyrics and youthful undertones of the song reminded me of Percy’s relationship with Annabeth, which starts as a childhood crush resulting from his admiration of her as a cunning yet beautiful fighter.
RADIOACTIVE by Imagine Dragons Several of Imagine Dragons’ songs are fitting for the Percy Jackson series. Their music captures the angst and bitterness demigods often feel during times of war and loss, but also the themes of hope which Percy inspires in his friends (and vice versa). This particular song, Radioactive, gives an impression of extraoridinary power locked inside of the singer. This power, however, is harmful. Percy Jackson, being a son of the “Big Three,” is known for containing the power of the ocean. As the series is developed, we see him perform feats that are both magnificent and terrible. As a bonus, the music video for Radioactive features Alexandria Dedario, who plays Annabeth Chase in the film adaptations of our series.
HOW TO SAVE A LIFE by The Fray Ah, The Fray. One of my first times hearing this song was when I watched a Buffy the Vampire Slayer montage with How to Save a Life as the background music. Kid me was very moved. In relation to Percy Jackson, this song still works. It desbribes the loss of a friend, apparently at the fault of the singer, who feels he could have done more to prevent the unexplained tragedy. Percy Jackson feels this guilt several times throughout the series, starting with the capture of his mother and followed by the deaths of several friends: Bianca, Zoe, Ethan, Luke, and Charles to name a few.
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Hi! Am I the only one who ever thought about what would've happened if Percy had been killed in the end of The Lightning Thief? I mean,we have other children of the Big Three. And the prophecy would've been fulfilled anyways, IMO.
i wouldn’t say you’re the only one, but i definitely have’t thought abt it
i tried to when i got this ask and my brain malfunctioned bc percy is my boy
like maybe it would’ve been an interesting thought experiment after i’d read tlt and before i read the rest of the series, but seeing as i came late the pjo party, i read the books in succession bc they were already all out
and by the end, i loved percy. and i still do. i love him so much, so to think abt him dying so early on is painful. not to mention that as we continue into this bad timeline (irl) and i go to fiction to escape this bad place, i don’t really like thinking abt my faves dying
either early on in the series, or as angsty™ fic
/tangent (sorry)
i do think that other children of the big three being the prophecy child would be really interesting though…
i think if percy was out of the picture (rip my boy, just in this thought experiment) and we ignore the roman demigod lol, i honestly think nico or bianca could become the prophecy demigod
like, a large part of thalia’s decision to join the hunters was the fact that she figured she didn’t have anything to grow old for (i.e. her brother, whom she thought was dead). also, i think something abt luke’s betrayal seriously hurt her, and that also pushed her to join the hunters
first she loses her brother and considers him dead, for the sake of her own sanity. then she finds a family in luke and after sacrificing herself for them, she comes back yrs later to find out that luke has now joined the side of the titans. considering she still has the emotional maturity of, what like a 14-15 yr old? so she’s gonna react in a way that’s not healthy, not rational, and probably that blows things out of proportion (which is’t a bad thing, that’s just how kids and teens be sometimes ya know)
“well, i’ve lost my brother, and now i’ve lost luke. annabeth has percy, so she’ll be fine. i think i’ll join the hunters.”
i hope that makes sense. like yeah these demigods have to go thru a shit-ton, but i think a crucially important thing to remember is that they are only mature for their age and when comparing that to, say, a 20, 30, 40 yr old, their maturity means peanuts
anyway, so thalia’s out. (i’m not going to go too much into detail abt the events that lead up to that decision, tho, since that kind of revolves around the fact that percy’s alive lol, and if i did, we could be here all day)
however, i do think that with percy out of the picture, hades would then take his children out of the lotus casino much sooner. i can’t exactly rationalize why hades wouldn’t immediately send them to camp (maybe bc he knows they might not be accepted), but it’s also a dangerous gamble to send them to some boarding school and hope that a satyr, compared to a monster like thorn, would find them. esp considering the fact that they’re two kids of hades
so i opt to think, weighing the risks and benefits, he takes them out of the casino and gets them to chb. i think, to try and avoid any discrimination they may face, only chiron knows they’re children of hades, and hades asks chiron to keep that a secret for as long as possible (rumors spread like wildfire)
since bianca doesn’t meet the hunters, she doesn’t join them (whoo!) and doesn’t die. [aside] i’d like to think she makes such good friends with the ppl at camp, and so does nico, that that burden of looking after her younger brother completely disappears. so if she ever does meet the hunters she doesn’t feel the pressure to get away from that responsibility (see what i mean abt maturity and not reacting rationally?) so rn she’s the prophecy kid, since she’s older than nico
okay lbr, she is the prophecy kid, i’m not gonna kill her in this au lmao, that’d just be cruel
idk where i was going with this, i’m sorry. mostly, i think it would be interesting to develop nico, bianca, annabeth, thalia, and grover’s relationships with each other.
also ppl getting over their shitty prejudice toward hades and his kids. like, i think since at first they aren’t introduced as hades kids, they’d have the potential to make a lot of friends. without a tragedy similar to what befell nico hanging over them, nico is still that excited, bright-eyed 10-yr-old and bianca, now free of responsibility, can be more carefree, a teen girl
so like, i think that annabeth, thalia, and grover would be really great friends with them. and i think they’d make a lot of friends at camp too
once bianca learns of the prophecy, i’m sure she had a phase of not accepting it. like she just got free from her responsibility as an older sister, and now she’s got the responsibility of the whole world on her shoulders
and like a teen do, she doesn’t want anything to do with it at all. classic hero’s journey, though, maybe smth happens and nico is seriously injured, and she decides that maybe she doesn’t want to accept it, but she’s the eldest, and so she will. for her brother and for hades.
like it’s pretty cliché, but it makes for a great story arc/character growth arc
sorry abt the vagueness of it all. thinking abt all the details makes my head spin, and i want to focus on my current fic. but this is really interesting, and i may flesh it out more when i have more time. despite the prospect of my boy dying T_T (maybe i can find a loophole)
thanks for sending this in! i’m sorry that it took me so long to get here. like i said before in a separat post, i’ve just got a lot of projects i’d like to finish before i go back to school, and i’m having trouble balancing/prioritizing them
i’ll try to get to the other two anons i have sitting in my box today. if i don’t, just know it’s bc of my prioritizing issues XP
thanks again for sending this in!
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mikaey43 · 7 years
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#15 Percy Jackson & the Olympians:
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
Rating: 4.5/5
Pages: 381 (with a brief excerpt from the first book of Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero)
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion Books (an imprint of Disney Book Group)
I'm glad to say that this story is definitely one of those you hope won't end. Let's start with the part where I needed to savor the ending as long as I could. I forcefully read this book in about five days—about 1.5 to 2 hours a day—because I didn’t want to finish it too quickly. I forcefully stopped myself reading. And wow. Just wow. I am posting this review so late in the year because I wanted to take time to really think about this last book. (Okay, I have been very busy and lost this file a few times.) I'm going to try and put all this information as best I can on paper. I've been trying to mull this last piece of Percy Jackson over in my mind. I tried to let my thoughts settle as much as possible but only one word comes to mind to describe this adventure: wow. Of course, I'm talking about the fifth and final book in the series: Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan.
(WARNING: Reader discretion is advised. Spoilers up ahead of PJO.)
My journey into the world of Percy Jackson started the day I saw the teaser trailer for The Lightning Thief  during the previews of the latest Harry Potter movie. At that time I didn't know it was a book. I began to wonder where I had seen that title before. Only until I became a bit more interested did I begin to see the dull glow of the burnt orange of the cyclops's eye following me around; the havoc of the lightning storm of the first installment as I passed it by heading to the saturated table of Harry Potter merchandise. But I never reached for it. That is until the oldest of my twin brothers became interested in reading this series. That helped me to finally read it a full five years after they both finished reading the series plus Heroes of Olympus.
As I said in my review of The Battle of the Labyrinth I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary, just a satisfying conclusion to this great series. But wow, did Riordan deliver beyond my meager expectations. He saved the best adventure for last. There isn't much to the plot that won't give something away. We're already five books immersed into this story so everything said is a spoiler. (I have my disclaimer at the beginning, if you haven't been spoiled already.)
Although this series has been compared to Harry Potter, it shouldn't be. They do have similarities, such as: their middle grade audience (yet most adults enjoy it too). The magical elements. They can be classified under the urban fantasy subgenre. And of course, the ultimate evil; but, that can be said for any book in the fantasy genre. That is mostly where the similarities end. What makes Percy Jackson different is in the most obvious details: the use of mythology with the participation of the Greek pantheon, where there is nothing of the sort in Harry Potter. The gods mate and leave it all to the mortal parents (male or female). The half-bloods educations is also different, it is a camp. The story is told during the summer months (and one winter) as opposed to the whole year around. Yes, there is a “trio,” but one is a satyr, another the daughter of Athena who is born out of (one can only hope) her mother's forehead. The most glaring difference is, of course, the characters themselves who make up this world. And while you may have similar “stock characters” in each story, just as with real people, it's the experiences of each one that makes them uniquely different from the other. These are just a few points I think are pretty obvious that show the comparison of both stories is unnecessary to them and the authors. It is very apple and oranges.
This adventure is a fast-paced read with an immense amount of action as the previous installments. The setting of this story takes place in New York City as Kronos's forces close in on Mount Olympus (located on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building). This is a strong point of the series: the sheer amount of traveling, exploration and “world building” in each book of the mythological world of the gods and the real world. Amazingly, we still travel before the major battles. Percy goes to a few places before returning to NYC. First, we travel to Long Island on a secret mission out on the Hudson River, then dive into the depths of the ocean and then back to camp Half-Blood. There's a pit stop in Connecticut (to visit Luke's mother) and then we journey to Percy's home for a blessing. Unbeknownst of Nico's intentions, we travel to the underworld and finally to the battleground. Lots of traveling until the very end. Even through dreams Percy travels with Rachel to her vacation on a Caribbean island. I like it. Exhausting at time, but really like it.
Usually when the reader is taken on an adventure there is a period of at least a chapter or so where he or she is reacquainted with the story and the world. In this adventure Percy takes off from the get-go without really taking a moment to breathe. Technically, he did since he had about a “year” to rest. But  the reader—especially if you binge read the series—doesn't have time to take that figurative breath before diving headfirst into the story. There might be a tiny breath but that's about it until you come up for air during the moments of exposition.
Most of the characters mentioned in my previous reviews (The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters) where either mortal or half-bloods. I would like to focus on the reason theses adventures have taken place. Although there are other gods mentioned, to me these stood out for their involvement in the overall scheme of the “prophecy” of this tale. On the outskirts of Connecticut we meet Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, who proclaims herself to be the “last Olympian.” We find out that she has been present at Camp Half-Blood in the form of a girl as the sons and daughters of the pantheon offer up the best portions of their meals to their respective mothers and fathers before they eat. There is Percy's father, the god of the sea, Poseidon. He can be considered the middle child in his importance and demeanor in more ways than just the order of birth of the “big three.” He is more relaxed than his older brother Zeus but less rebellious than his younger brother, Hades. Speaking of Hades, we know that he is Nico's father and god of the underworld. He is ironically linked to the self-fulling prophecy because he cursed the oracle when she reveals that his children's fates (Nico and Bianca) are involved in the prophecy. And finally there is Hermes. Besides being messenger of the gods, we know that he is Luke's father and was May's lover. He carries with him the burden of knowing the destiny of May and Luke and the knowledge of what was to come.
I like that this book was dramatic (like ancient Greek literature) and not melodramatic (like a soap opera) filled with endless unnecessary theatrics of cat fights just for the sake of causing a commotion. Although, in my opinion, Annabeth was being too catty at times for my taste. As highbrow as it may sound, the loves stories between characters in classics seldom have over-the-top obstacles and have legitimate concerns. And when it comes to “love triangles” it also has relatable choices with reasons why the protagonist would choose either the love interest or the “obstacle.” Rarely did any of the protagonists lead the “obstacle” on. If there was a pair, the “obstacle” could pine (if they wanted) but the protagonist would not play with anyone's emotions for the sake of drama (unless it was a “coquettish” drama and even those had consequences for doing so). Romance (in today's definition and not the early 19th century artistic movement) are novels with melodrama (again changed from their early definition). Melodrama now is a work that has sensational and an exaggerated plot with sensational and exaggerated characters. It's what, I believe can be compared with soap operas. For some, these are considered “guilty pleasures”  for stress relief and enjoyment, but for me, as good stories go, I like that the “romance” of this series is the minutest of details because there is so much more then the attraction between Annabeth and Percy. So much more. There were hints of the budding romance and it wasn't spoken of or made concrete until the end of this series. I think that gives young readers a great message: everything in due course.
Another thing that I like very much is the parting of Rachel and Percy. It ended not because they didn't share a mutual attraction, it just wasn't in the cards. And that's fine. They have different paths in life. There is no reason to lead someone on or have this incessant drama of an unnecessary “love triangle.” I really liked the importance Riordan gives Rachel. I applaud how Riordan handled the relationship between them. I like that Rachel is given a bigger role in the story and not just seen as an obstacle. I'm glad Riordan gave her something more than the role of an obstacle to the main romantic pair—if you want to call them that. And that's more to the relationship Rachel is given a bigger overall arc in the story and Percy is a gateway rather than the object. One downside is Annabeth's coldness and cattiness towards Rachel. It was a bit unnerving at times throughout the series. It was annoying how it melted once she saw that Rachel wasn’t a “threat” anymore. I remembered back in the The Battle of the Labyrinth Annabeth treated Rachel as if she was stupid or unimportant because she was a mortal girl who might have the slightest interest in Percy. I don't think Riordan was successful there.
Speaking of battles, which may be the climax of adventures series, but for me, reading them is always a challenge. They make better visual than they do written experiences. So much happens during that moment that I feel that written storytelling can be a bit restrictive because I don’t think that it can envelope all the chaos. It may be written with short sentences to make it fast paced; or with longer, more detailed sentences to make it slow paced and perhaps focus on a scene or a moment. These things make combat scenes a miss for me since I get apathetic or too zealous and I don't absorb the necessary details of something important. I am either overflowing with too much information or none at all. However, these battle scenes made me feel as everyone else. I was low in spirits, high on adrenaline and yet emotionally exhausted as the battles raged past the “climatic” fight of one moment/day. And bonus: I was always worried about the characters I cared about, hoping they wouldn’t die. I'm glad Tyson didn't. (phew!) Riordan did what few authors have done (and usually the setting is historical battle.) Wow.
Another downside is that I didn't find Silena's reason to become a spy for Kronos justifiable. I understand why she stayed a spy. I mean, once you're in a clandestine organization it's hard to get out and that was the consequence. For Silena to make things right again she had to sacrifice herself wether she lived or died. It seemed too much of a “shock value” factor. It appeared awkward, forced, and seemed to me used for the sole purpose to have Kronos be one step ahead. It appeared very much like a “deus ex machina” as Silena then becomes the “hero” as she usurps Clarisse's place to have all of Ares's children go to battle. It could be seen a hundred miles away.
I gave this last book a 4.5 out of 5 stars. This has been a great book and definitely a great series. I am immensely happy that I finally read it and discovered this awesome world of mythology come to life. There were times when I have questioned that half star. But the couple of points I mentioned had me take away half of that 5th star. I appreciated Riordan's imagination and the work it took to bring all of this world to us. Hopefully soon, we can get a series or reboot of the movies because it's a shame that this series has not been optioned again. I would love to see it as a live-action anything. On any screen. (Maybe Netflix!) I am going to miss it very much. I plan on reading the follow-up series Heroes of Olympus soon. Until next time.
Thanks for reading!
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