#As if Aiden doesn't have enough problems ^^;
justatinybunwriting · 7 months
Playing With Fire 4
Finally after a long hiatus part 4 is finally here! Here we get a glimpse of Aiden in his true Wile giant form. Again, I pulled from a prompt list that @lorichu and @gtypewriter made, and this time I covered the final theme- suppress.
Previous chapter is here
(CW for blood, death and other dark themes. Viewer discretion is advised)
Aiden dreamed and daydreamed of the limitless possibilities that the gift of flight would bring him. From zipping past rainbows to frolicking in the mesosphere, all while sampling the morning dew from a myriad of clouds. The sheer wonder of taking to the sky as seamlessly as one could breathe, to feel the freedom of traveling across the vast seas and beyond without stop. These bounds of whimsy accompanied Aiden in nearly every waking hour, which had helped to dwindle his perpetual unease to a mere faction by week's end.
More than anything, his excitement for all the extravagant new ways he can perform on stage showed no signs of stopping. A death defying showcase of wireless acrobatics high above the audience's heads, complete with fiery beams that whipped around the magician as he spins. His wide eyed attendees would gasp and holler, before an eruption of cheers would follow upon his climactic dive towards the stage. This scene would play on repeat in his mind, which was followed by a childlike giddiness which had nearly always lead to the perplex gazes of those around him. The fact that this would all be reality by ritual's end seemed too marvelous to be true. Indeed, Aiden's life as he knew it would cease, but the one that would take it's place will outshine it in extraordinary ways. And that in of itself gave him enough of a push to drive away his initial fears and accept Rikuo's invitation with a strident shout.
As the light of the full moon shined brightly against the treetops, the forest was bustling with activity as the entirety of Rikuo's flock went tooth and nail to perform in their last minute rehearsals. With elegance and grace, the four lieutenants waved their leaf fans in a elaborate dance, all while a series of incantations flowed out of their lips. The alpha oversaw his men's movements down to the last detail, as he gently pushed them to perform at their utmost or at least as far as he saw fit. Despite this his smile never wavered as he joined his comrades in song.
Jac meanwhile stood in front of the mouth of one of the caverns as she awaited the guest of honor to step into view. The normally adamant and stoutly witch was pacing across the room with an unsteady rhythm. Something was beginning to hover over her like a dark cloud- she understood not what was elevating her heart beats slightly in this way, nor was she able to shake off this sudden sensation. Only when she heard her friend's voice that these numbing jitters began to settle down.
"Well? How do I look?"
Aiden emerged from the shadows dressed in a white, robed garment, complete with a small, black hat that rested atop his still unkempt hair.
Jac held a hand to her mouth briefly. "You look like a bonefide Wile, at least when they appear human. Though I guess they gave you fancier clothes?"
"Fitting I suppose." Aiden sighed. "Though I'll admit it's a bit stuffy."
"It's proper etiquette I guess. Though I think..." Jac said as she folded her arms, "your outfit should be the least of your concerns right now. Do you... think you'll be ok?"
"...I have to be. I'll just have to get out there and treat it like I'll be performing on a grand stage! Yeah!... After I take a few deep breaths I should be fine. Never failed me before, heheh."
Up to this point the magician's unwavering interest took precedent above all else, but minutes before the big event cracks had begun to form in his facade. He quickly noticed the change in Jac's demeanor as well, for she lacked the booming energy she normally had in the face of the unknown.
"I guess I should be asking the same of you." Aiden said. "How are you holding up?"
"Me? Uh... Now that you mention it..."
Jac was hesitant to continue, for she was concerned that this would bring unnecessary stress to their already high nerves. Now was not the time, she thought.
"Never mind. It's probably all in my head..."
Aiden raised a brow. "Are you sure? I know that sometimes witches and wizards can feel things in the air. It causes their hair to stand in parts."
He lifted a finger and pointed it to her arm without contact. Sure enough her hairs were raised to an alarming degree.
"...Can you... sense it too?"
"I'm not a real wizard, but... sort of? I bet it's a lot more noticeable with you."
"Oh stars... you can tell that something feels kind of off, right? The vibes, the smells... all of this just seems wrong for some reason..."
Aiden did not want to believe it on his own, but he chose to trust the witch's mouth. Newly indoctrinated or not, she knew what she was saying even before she could understand any of it. The sorcerer scanned the surrounding corridors, but nothing pulled at his immediate attention. The same could not be said for Jac however, as her eyes grew wide in a near fixation towards a crevice just across from where they stood. Her shivers intensified and her body began to fold in an attempt to shield herself from the biting chills.
"What's wrong?" Aiden asked.
"I... I don't know.... but, I guess I have to find out.."
"A-Are you sure?"
Jac took a deep breath and approached the cavern mouth slowly, with Aiden following closely behind. The latter offered light with a wave of a hand, and with the arrival of his flame the supposed source was revealed to them. Jac stared down at what appeared to be an ordinary wooden barrel, one of many stacked in this tunnel. No doubt this was a storage room, and there was little in the way for alarm under normal conditions. And yet, the witch's instincts began to scream at her to flee from the very sight of it. She closed her eyes and counted to ten before she lifted the lid, and not even a second later she was forced to slam it shut.
Jac lunged backwards and nearly collided with Aiden, who spontaneously grabbed her by the shoulders. Her distress was undeniable... the sheer intensity of the veins that bulged in her eyes spoke volumes greater than words.
"The... de de de..."
"Take your time. Nice and steady..."
Aiden squeezed her hands tight and encouraged Jac to take in a few deep breaths, in spite of Jac's squeals against taking in the pungent air that had seeped out. The two friends used the distant backdrop of the Tengu Wile's chants to help with the rhythm, inhaling steadily and exhaling in a similar pace, until at last Jac's panic had slowed to a halt. She looked up at the red head with near tearful uncertainty, and the former almost wanted to do the same.
"T... The deer... it was... soaked in blood..."
Aiden's eyes sprung up. "W-what?"
"The other crates must also be... oh stars..."
Aiden briefly scanned behind her at the objects in question. His face soured immensely as he winced at the first thing that cropped up in his mind.
A blood sacrifice!?
The magician's breath subtly hitched as a dark storm began to overtake his mind, but before he could react with even a peep, a familiar yet imposing shadow had sought to disrupt their conversation. Whether this intrusion was deliberate, only the Alpha Wile knew for certain. It took Aiden all his might to mask his erupting emotions in front of the feathered fiend, but on the contrary Jac refused to be silenced.
"What the hell is this?! You guys usually gorge your kills!! Oh... oh my gawds..."
Jac hunched over and held a hand over her mouth to hold back the river, which prompted a quick response from Goro as he swept her into his arms. The smaller Tengu looked up in a split second of defiance towards his master, which was followed almost immediately by a look of submission after the Alpha cocked his head slightly.
"There's no need to be wary, rest assured." Rikuo said, as if he addressed all who stood below him. "This may all seem, bizarre to you now, but I guarantee that everything will become clear in due time."
"That's not an answer!!" Jac exclaimed.
The young witch struggled to release herself from Goro's hold as the latter shook his head with a crestfallen expression. Rikuo quickly nudged his head to the right, a signal that the Beta Wile knew all too well. With guilt in his heart and a swift shift, Goro took on his bird form and grabbed the back of Jac's cloak by the teeth. Despite being hoisted twenty feet off the ground, her swings and shrieks of protests never ceased.
Aiden's mood suddenly dropped. He could only watch as his friend was taken clear out of sight, removed to the safety of the catacombs where a barrier locked her in place. Without warning, a wing claw graced the magician's shoulder, which had caused all the hairs on his back to shoot up. He reluctantly craned his neck to lock eyes with the fiend above, as the latter upheld his macabre grin.
"Are you ready?" Rikuo asked smoothly, as he spreads a wing against the magician's back.
"It's not like I can back out now..." Aiden said.
With that confession of reluctant acceptance, Aiden gave a deep, long sigh as he followed the Alpha towards the center of the cave. Several pairs of eyes darted towards the magician, with Souji's being the most attentive. Before the metaphorical daggers grew out of hand, their leader cleared his throat which immediately prompted his subjects to heed and march back into their positions with haste. Concurrently, Goro struggled with his inability to console Jac as she continuously attempted to destroy the the invisible force field to no avail. As much as he wanted to stay by her side, he ultimately had to bend to his master's call.
"I'm sorry Jac." Goro spoke somberly. "This is a standard precaution."
"What do you mean?" Jac's voice was slightly hitched. "Why do I need protection? Is something going to happen to Ai-- the magician?"
"It may be difficult for you to understand but, he'll be fine." Goro reassured as he waddled back to his brethren, shifting back to his human-like form upon arrival. Jac was left once again without a direct answer.
"Apparently it's too much to ask of these feathered folk," she mumbled.
Meanwhile, Aiden was beckoned to the center of the King's Quarter, just as Atsushi, Goro, Harutaka and Souji took up their places in each corner of the makeshift stage. Rikuo trotted in front as he shifted into a fanciful robed attire of his own, though unlike the Beta Wiles he decidedly retained much of his avian form, with his wings tucked to his back as if they resembled sleeves. A large leaf fan emerged from his robe, and with a small wave of this peculiar wand, the unlit torch was magically transported to his other hand.
"The knowledge of unbinding has been passed down by generations among the Alphas of my clan. A sacred spell, one that must be done in a precise and concrete order. Luckily for you, young pyromancer, we shall take the bulk of the labor required. Two tasks! Is all I ask of you. Please, step forth."
Aiden gulped. His quaking began to rise to the surface for everyone to see, and although he took his time, he managed to step forward in a rather ungraceful way. He was thankful that the monster bird was patient with him in particular, as the magician walked beneath the latter's shadow.
"Now..." Rikuo said. He looked down at the smaller man, before turning his eyes to the torch with a devious glint. "You must submit your true name, as you project the very fire spell that you shared with me on that night onto this staff!"
"Surely there... must be more I have to do, right?"
Aiden could not believe the words that was coming out of his mouth, yet he decided to continue while he had the momentum.
"As you've said when I stood here last time, I must devote my life to your whims... as one of your flock. What exactly does that entail? Do I give away a hair? A limb? My soul?"
"Nonsense! Whatever gave you that idea? When I receive your name, I will perform a Wile's 'pact.' I suppose that counts as a, contract of sorts, but it literally won't matter. For a link forged like this only needs to be active for as long as the ritual is in session."
"That means... I can leave anytime afterwards?"
"...I would not be opposed to it."
Aiden could tell that these words were chosen carefully, as he took a moment to process the cards drawn to him. Surely this, fiend would not be so eager to lie for his own selfish desires... right? The magician was beginning to spiral too deep for his own good, and he had to force himself to trick his mind back into focusing on the the greater goal.
Look to the skies...
Aiden sucked in a breath as he proceeded to put on his mental blindfolds once more. A long exhale followed before the sorcerer gave the Alpha a subtle nod. An inaudible bow followed, which enlivened the monster bird to an almost maddening delight, evident by his ear to ear grin. It was as if he had just ensnared a long sought after prey.
"You won't regret this!" Rikuo exclaimed.
He rose up before addressing his men, and with one final check the Alpha lifted his fan in a somewhat similar fashion to a conductor's baton. On cue, the flock began their incantation one by one as each member seamlessly waved their leaf fans with perfect grace and precision. Such strict practice paid off, as the air that flowed from the tips of their sandals to the hairs on their heads exerted mystifying power which every perfect step. Aiden was enamored by their performance, but had to ignore it after a minute to complete his part. The sorcerer dragged his feet to the lowly torch and was ordered to grab it by both hands. So many questions still echoed in his mind, and oh how they blasted sirens. But every time a sliver of doubt crept in, he would knock them away with concentrated effort.
Remember... it's for the greater good. Just think of all the doors that will open if I do this.
One more inhale later, he finally said aloud. "My name is Aiden. Just, Aiden."
Without ceasing his dance, the Alpha Wile cocked an eyebrow. He examined the much smaller magician carefully, and concluded that the latter spoke the only truth he could have known.
"It'll do." He replied. "Now, Aiden! Ignite the artifact with your flames!!"
Aiden closed his eyes and did as he was told. He dipped one fireball on the top of the stake and began to unravel the spells from the pits of his heart.
"Suns of gehenna, bright as gold, I beseech you to bring forth your power. Light the darkness like the pits from whence you came. Come forth and unleash your elemental beauty on this staff in it's TRUE form! Let it be known the true power of its internal flame!!"
The revised spell caused the tiny fireball to erupt into a beam that shot up into the ceiling. It rested not a few seconds longer, as it once more reformed into a fiery flower that shone brighter and flashed in more array of colors than it ever had before. At the same time the Tengu Wile's song grew louder, as the back of their heads began to glow with a faint, blue light.
Aiden's eyes then flashed in tandem, as he suddenly fell into a deep trance. Rikuo then drew closer, the overbearing fire being the only thing that flickered between him and the magician. The monster bird then uttered a spell under his breath, one unlike any he had spoken in times past, and with a deep, enchanting sound that steeped from the back of his throat, the words themselves held tremendous power.
"Princi' 'al duk, ut ec dumal precadun'al ozile ultima."
"...Prim.. al duk.. et ciechz."
Aiden did not question the words that flowed from his mouth, for perhaps it was his inner Wile speaking. Regardless he was secretly hoping that the Wile giant would not try anything while the magician was left in this vulnerable state. Little did he know, this hesitation would turn the tides for the events that followed.
"So you still resist..." Rikuo whispered. He paused for a moment before continuing. "Very well then."
The Alpha Wile rose up and clasped his hands together. His subordinate Wiles replicated the action in unison, and as if controlled like a marionette, Aiden did the same. He made contact with the inflamed blossom at the base of the staff and in an instant, the inferno had engulfed him in flames. Jac's screams was finally able to cut through the barrier, and in that exact moment when he heard her voice, the fires erupted in a dazzling display of colors. The element spiraled around the young Wile, as if he was encased in a fiery cage. He was neither scorched or singed, but was completely out of it in terms of what was reality and what was not. But one thing he was certain of, he heard what he could only discern as the sound of burning cords.
A blur whipped past the blaze and emerged high over the infernal whirlpool. The Alpha Wile opened his mouth, highlighting the razor sharp edges of his terrible teeth which glistened with the same ethereal blue like that of a star's halo. He then lunged at the magician, snapping his jaws shut just inches above his head. When Aiden recovered from the shock of that unprompted action, he slowly looked up and could not believe his eyes. Long chains, invisible prior, appeared all around Aiden's body, which wrapped around every limb from front to back. Rikuo was pulling the strings with all his might, with surprising difficulty considering the Alpha's strength. He continued even as his magic shield began to fade from such a close contact. He kept on even as parts of his face became charred from the embers that managed to lash onto his cheek. Nothing could stop him until at last the wretched coils were severed with a loud snap. The ropes dissolved immediately in a fog of blackened ether, and thereafter Aiden fell into another magic induced trance.
A cold and unsettling silence drifted through the cavern, before the magician's body suddenly exploded in a sea of vibrant orange that engulfed the entire surface of the area. The surrounding birds backed off as the flames grew to an intensifying degree, increasing the temperature with a radiating heat as the fire cage ballooned to ten times it's original height. The ravens lifted their magic shields to reflect the incoming embers, and the inferno was wide enough to reach the secluded corners of where Jac stood. Her barrier was the most stable, but even then cracks began to form. The witch's fears for her friend was much more profound however, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't see past the overwhelming juggernaut that surrounded him.
As the flames of gehenna seemingly appeared to swallow his entire form whole, Aiden surprisingly grew into a sense of calm. Visions began to fill in the empty catacombs of his mind, as if he was gradually being stitched back together again. Memories of nature and forests and mountains far removed. Of villages and the colors of the skies in all times of the year. The smells of freshly charred timber and smoke, surrounded by the presence of other winged sentinels who glowed a shimmering white. Their hymns of Artemis echoed in the vast plains, being carried by the passing gale in the form of ghostly rings and chimes.
...Of Artemis...
As these chains of thoughts grew more vivid and resonant, so too did his body change in turn. Aiden felt more relaxed as his molecules began to unwind and stretch out, reforming in a blink of an eye with a brilliant glow. His undefined shape quickly grew massive as he sprouted a pair of wings, first on his back, then again from his arms. He bloomed much like the fire flower that appeared elegantly on the magical torch, which burned in tandem to the Wile giant's blinding luminosity.
But as the seconds went on, the memories started pouring in an increasing rate, flashing before his mind's eye as a series of sliding vignettes. An overwhelming cascade that caused him to crash down to his knees, as he began to seethe bellows from his newly formed fangs alongside small puffs of actual flames. Yet it was not the sheer amount of reclaimed information that caused him to nearly retch, rather, the lost skeletons that came with everything else. Memories he would have preferred to be lost to the seas of time, never again to surface for anyone to see.
How... many?
He laid witness of many travesties, of grass, temples and bodies singed. Miles of tarnished land burned to its very foundation, spoiled with the stench of brimstone that rose up into ashened skies above. The darkness bleached the epicenter in heavy smoke, all while the same sentinels that glowed a blinding white rejoiced in merriment and song.
Why...? Why must you all resort to this?
A change could be seen in Aiden's demeanor. The sweat and tears that poured from his face would evaporate instantly in contact with the surrounding inferno. With little room to breathe in his newly expanded lungs, his eyes began to flicker to the point of madness.
'It is necessary to reclaim our rightful place as rulers of this world!'
That voice... Aiden turned his head around to face the shade of a being behind him, one that was unearthed from deep within the corners of the former magician's mind. A blurred silhouette of a giant bird man that stood league's taller than any of the Wiles he encountered before. Their aura was prolific like a king among kings, and their steps were equally graceful as if they commanded the utmost attention of all who gazed upon them. Aiden's eyes widened as he watched himself in his adolescence appear before the entity in a miniature form. Unlike the other memories, he pictured this with vivid clarity, as if he was watching a film on playback.
'This has to stop!' His younger self exclaimed. 'This violence is senseless. We don't have to resort to--'
'They're humans!' The figure shouted. 'Those wretched fools... their own downfall was set in stone the moment they sought to perform mass genocide towards our people. Our brothers and sisters among the fair folk... slaughtered mercilessly, and all for what? All for our blood from which they drink, and the magic coursing through our veins... Such contempt will never be tolerated!!'
The wing claws of the being, this unsettling force, was placed against the young Aiden's back. And at this exact moment the modern day sorcerer sensed a cold chill that shot up his spine, in spite of his physical form being encaged in fire. He knew then and there that this was more than just a mere vision.
'We mustn't turn a blind eye towards our fallen brethren,' the figure said, 'and to those still alive who have been dwindled down to abysmal numbers. We've lost family and pack members to man's wicked beliefs.'
'But this is excessive... humans can't regenerate like we can. It doesn't seem fair...'
'Neither can Wiles aside from the Phoebes!! The humans will swarm like ants if we give them the chance. They'll rob us of our children and our very way of life! We can't allow this no matter what, for we, Ardius, are one of the last remaining saviors of Wile kind. The only hope if any of us will stand a chance for a brighter future! It is your destiny as the Phoenix... to become one with our mission, and with me.'
"NO!!" Aiden screamed, both in his past and present form. 'You don't understand!! This will only fuel their agenda! We have to show them that magic is not this evil boogeyman that beings like us use to smite our opponents! We'll have to change our way of thinking, of how we approach--'
Half a second. That was all it took for the entity to project himself from across the room to mere inches away from the newly formed Wile giant. Quaking to his very core, Aiden felt the specter's freezing claws against his shoulders as it craned its head like an owl to meet his up close.
'Do you take me for a FOOL Ardius? Gone are the days when the two factions had mutual standing. The era of give and take, of the equal sharing of flesh and blood, is over. Give up your folly. And embrace me like you've done in lives past.'
'I will never rejoin the hi--'
'You dare to defy me? In your weakened state? You barely have a choice! You should be honored to be subject to my blessing. Consider it my gift to you, my son...'
All of a sudden, the back of Aiden's skull felt as if it was being parted in two, which caused him to let out a bone curling scream. Pillars of flames erupted around his feet which surged in erratic directions, igniting all that it touched. The Tengu Wiles all huddled together, culminating their magical shields into one super sized bubble. Shifting midway, the five monster birds actually had some difficulty in keeping it aloft, as they used their full moon charged energy to protect themselves and the one behind them. The impact would thankfully not last for much longer.
Soon enough the light faded, and with it the flames that wrapped around the newly created giant. The former magician struggled to breathe air back into his expanded lungs, and during this time he could hear the faint whispers of those that surrounded him. He slowly opened his eyes, revealing metallic copper irises surrounded by a striking red. All of the Beta Wiles watched him cautiously from a safe distance, feathers raised and talons exposed, save for the Alpha who stood in a defiant stance. While battered himself, he nevertheless gave Aiden a formal bow, one befitting of someone of loyalty.
"Welcome back, Aiden of the Phoenix Wiles... if that is your true name. You were able to suppress your shackles and now look at you! You are more marvelous than I could have imagined."
Aiden looked more man than avian as he rose up to his newfound height, yet he was clad in bright golden feathers from neck to knee on his otherwise bare form. The plumage of his wings seemed to emit a soft, orange glow and the colors of his chest were incandescent much like that of a golden pheasant. Jac was in awe at the sight of her friend. At first she thought of him as yet another black bird, but the former magician had exceeded her expectations tremendously. It was as if a twinkle of starlight was standing right before her.
"You're... sparkly..." She gasped, unable to come up with something better to say. "Wasn't what I was expecting, but... it really suits you."
Aiden's renewed senses was able to pick up Jac's faint words, and he glanced back to look upon her distant figure for a few seconds as if to acknowledge it. His eyes were placid and nearly tearful when they laid upon the now much smaller witch. Jac's mood fell, through she could not discern why until she watched her friend suddenly rear his head back sharply. His expression then darkened to an eerie calm as that warm expression was replaced with a small smirk. A subtle gesture oh so unassuming, that nonetheless caused the hairs of Jac's skin to rise up an alarming amount. She took a few steps back and uttered to herself.
"Just who... are you?"
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juniperstale · 15 days
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⋆ jealousy they feel even though you're not dating ⋆ ashlyn, aiden, taylor x gn!reader ⋆ [sfw] little angsty but fluff at the end, jealousy, aiden calls reader a bbg as a joke but im still considering this gn, reader is described as attractive (ashlyn), reader is described as pretty (aiden), cursing, taylor is very ooc
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ASHLYN is someone who is very in tune with her emotions. she's very well connected with herself and knows immediately when she likes you. that doesn't mean she'll tell you though. as the leader, she believes it to be her job to keep the entire group safe and that means not getting into a relationship with you as to focus on the major problem at hand. unfortunately, that doesn't stop her from getting dejected at the sight of you being flirted with.
you are attractive, everyone can agree on that. and you are not hers, that is a plain fact. yes, you two flirt sometimes, but that doesn't matter because she immediately stops and walks away when she feels things are getting too real. it's only to protect you, after all. maybe, after this was all done and over with, you two could be happy, together, in a relationship, as a couple.
her eyebrows furrow as she watches the scene in front of her unfold. she was clearly disgusted, her already mean rbf becoming ten times worse.
"okay well your shirt just looks really nice!" the stranger complimented as you looked down at her, a warm smile resting on your face. ashlyn was beside you the entire time, her arms crossed as she glared at the stranger. "thank you, thank you! well, it was nice to meet you-" you were tryng to end the conversation as quickly as you could so you could get back to hanging out with ashlyn who you could tell was frustrated. "ah! wait before you go could i have your instagram? number even?" the question caught you off guard but before you could respond ashlyn did so for you. her heart burned at such a question, even though you weren't hers, she was used to people just assuming you two were in a relationship when you were together and backing off of you. she was frustrated, no furious, that someone dared to make a move on you, her face contorting from her rbf to a scowl. "no." she replied for you, coldly, grabbing your hand and turning around as she sped off with you.
once you were at a far enough location, you were quick to question her. "what was that about ash?" you asked sincerely as you sat next to her on the bench, watching passerby's go about their lives. "you know what it was about." she responded quickly, avoiding eye contact as you let out a sigh. "i don't get it, if you like me you'd ask me out like the others, no?" you questioned again as she turned to look at you. "if you want to be in a relationship just say yes to 'the others,' no?" she questioned back as it became your turn to avoid her gaze. you stayed quiet for a few seconds before letting out a small, "i only want you though." with her super human hearing, she obviously heard you clearly, the tips of her ears turning a pretty shade of pink as she looks down at her feet, than back up at you, a sudden boost of confidence taking over her as her hands cup your cheeks, forcing you to look at her.
"trust me, the moment i can, i will."
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if there is one word to describe AIDEN, it would not be quitter. from the moment he laid his eyes on you, you were his; to him and everyone around the two of you. he courted you relentlessly, flirting with you, buying you expensive gifts, dropping you off to your classes, picking you up. honestly people at your school eventually just assumed that it was no longer courting but that you were actually in an official relationship. and aiden was happy with that assumption, it only bothered him that strangers didn't also think so.
going to the nearest gas station, you and aiden decided to pick up snacks for yourselves and the rest of the group as an apology for being late. while at the cash register, you couldn't help but notice the nervous worker looking at you up at down as you took the items out your basket for him to scan. "is something the matter?" you ask him, to which he only blushes and shakes his head, avoiding eye contact with you while scanning all the snacks you were purchasing. you look down to grab your wallet which aiden stops you from doing by grabbing your arm, giving you a wink while whispering a joking "i gotchu, don't worry my baby girl." you only hit him back, a small laugh escaping you lips as you shake your head no before making eye contact with the cashier once more.
"you're so pretty." your eyes widen as aidens head practically shoots up to glare at the poor cahier whose thoughts accidently fell out of his mouth as words. "excuse you?" aiden questions as he swipes his card. "oh im so sorry! i didn't mean to say that!" he fumbles nervously, confirming aidens payment and grabbing bags as he clumsily places the snacks in. "it's totally fine! don't worry about it," you can't help but giggle at his behavior, watching the cashiers eyes grow even wider and blush get darker as he hands aiden the bags, wishing you a good rest of your day. you (and aiden) feel his eyes on you, watching you exit the store as you turn slightly, raising your hand to send him a goodbye wave but aiden grabs your hand before you can, effectively dragging you out of the store and to ashlyns place.
the walk was quiet and the atmosphere between the two of you were thick once you were reunited with the rest of the group. you all worked on your project a bit and argued over what the best next move to make would be before deciding to go to sleep. to your surprise, aiden still took his spot next to you as the entire group fell into a short slumber. unfortunately for you, the events of the day were still playing in your mind, causing you to fall in and out of a state of drowsiness. it didn't help that you could also feel aiden shifting next to you as well before he finally gave up on trying to avoid holding you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his neck.
"once we survive this night, we're gonna have to talk about making us official because if one more person tries to flirt with you, im going to lose my mind."
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TAYLOR is not one to be jealous. no matter what you're relationship with her may be, she is calm and collected and knows how to express her feeling in a healthy way. that's why it was so shocking for her to walk in on you kissing a girl she'd never seen before, someone you'd never told her about. she felt her heart shatter into a billion pieces as her eyes welled with tears. she didn't know why, the two of you weren't even in a relationship so she had no right to feel this way, right? right.
she made her way into an empty classroom, sitting down at one of the desks and laying her head into her arms as she sighed, remembering the moment once again. it was weird, her heart stung at the thought of it, it almost made her nauseous.
she only lifted her head when she heard the door open, prepared to apologize to some teacher about being in their classroom without permission. to her surprise it was you.
"hey can we talk?" you ask as you make your way over to taylor who shakily nods her head with a quiet yes. you sit yourself on top of the table her head was previously laying on, "im so sorry taylor, i didn't mean for you to see tha-" shes quick to interrupt you, placing her hands on yours. "no! its totally fine, we're teens of course your going to be kissing people." she states before looking down at the table once again. "it's just a little confusing." she says. "what is?" you ask, not understanding what she was getting it. "well, when i saw you kissing that girl it kind of hurt. like my stomach started churning and i got dizzy. then there was this feeling in my heart- hey why are you laughing!" she asks, genuienly confused at your sudden burst of laughter. "im sorry, sorry! it just seems like you got jealous because you have a little crush on me." you're quick to apologize and respond, bringing your face close to hers as she blushes, subconsciously leaning in before your lips finally touched. when you finally pulled away, out of breath, she continued tug your shirt wanting more, something that seemed very out of her character for her.
"im gonna keep kissing you until the lipstick from her lips is replaced with mine."
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4.14.24 ⋆ NOT PROOFREAD! bro taylors is so out of character towards the end wtf happened omg. anyways part 2 with tyler, logan and ben will be out soon. also its my first time writing for something that isn't bsd so lets see how this goes!
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rosebudbl00d · 22 days
Insane Sylas ramble about Aiden, because he's my dude. I may be crazy when I say no one understands him but like:
This guy, goes from winning every building competition—probably feeling that he's going to get everything he wants, that everythings going to turn out right, that he'll make a name for himself—to losing his status to the people he use to torment. His best friend (and boyfriend if that's your thing) leaves him, he goes through a fuckin' apocalypse. And for once the eyes aren't on him. They're on Jesse.
He can't stand it- he can't stand the thought of Jesse having what he had, or more so getting better than what Aiden had. So he follows Jesse around looking for a moment to steal the spotlight from them; he tries to steal their treasure, he nearly attacks them many a time. He's getting so aggressive from his losses that he even becomes aggressive to Lukas and tantalizes him as well. And then he goes for Sky City. Maybe it's a fresh start in a way- he makes his way to the Founder's side- he infiltrates the system so easily, at this rate he'll reach back to where he was before. Everything feels like it may turn out right again. But then here comes Jesse.
Jesse Jesse Jesse. Threatening to steal everything from him again. Whether that be the status that he's trying to rebuild, the attention he's getting- or the Eversource. He has to get rid of the problem directly, or Jesse will just take and take and take from Aiden for the rest of his life.
So. He "kills" them. And while he's at it, why not kill Lukas too? Get rid of two problems at once, two birds with one stone. The person who's taken everything from him, and the person who's betrayed him. And now Sky City is his. (I feel that often the psyche of Aiden after he thinks he KILLED three people is overlooked. Up to this point Aiden hasn't killed anyone, he's just been an asshole. Personally I feel that once he gave way to that fact that there was no saving him, and that he's a murderer now- him believing that he killed Jesse directly led to the destruction of Sky City.)
But what now? That he's gotten rid of them?
Torment. He's totally lost it at this point, all eyes are on him, and now that they are he's going to show everyone what happens when you don't look at him. He's confronted by Reginald, and he doesn't even think before deciding he's going to murder him too. But in comes Jesse. Back from the dead.
His everlasting problem. Because nothing will ever work out for Aiden. Jesse will always be better, Jesse will always come back, Jesse will always get everything. And it makes him writhe at the fact that Jesse will always win.
"You just can't stand to see anyone else win. It just drives you crazy to see somebody else succeed, doesn't it?"
He's projecting this. AIDEN can't stand to see anyone else win. It drives AIDEN crazy to see somebody else succeed. Especially Jesse. Why otherwise would he do all this? He craves the attention he had, he craves having someone at his side (Lukas.) He craves being powerful, he craves everything that Jesse has. He wants so badly to be the hero, but not for goodness, no. For all the wonderful things he'll get out of being "the good guy." If Aiden is the hero, then everyone will love Aiden, and no one will love Jesse.
But Aiden isn't the hero. Aiden is Aiden. And Aiden only knows that getting rid of whatever's constricting him will get him what he wants. If he truly wants the attention, the fear love that Jesse has, he's just going to have to kill them again.
But he's alone now. Teetering on the edge of a platform with certain death below, a thunderstorm raging above, and the source of all his problems in front of him. And Aiden knows deep down that he's not good enough to beat Jesse. He's chaotic, there's no order to his strikes, it's just rage; rage and anger that has consumed him. And that's how he's defeated.
He's held accountable- and he becomes a sopping mess. "Oh Jesse please take me back, I promise I'll be good, I understand that I've been terrible, that I'm a horrible person. Maybe I'll write a book and settle down, please look at me. Please forgive me." It's just a tactic. Attention from anyone, even Jesse, it'll be enough. Aiden's story can't end with him rotting alone in a prison cell, he has to get something out of this. He's feared by everyone in Sky City/Ground Town now, locked away to prevent him from being a threat. But it's not enough. It'll never be enough.
Maybe he'll get a line in Lukas' book. Maybe he'll read it and think "I've made it." Maybe he'll think "This isn't enough, I need to be more than just a single chapter in the story of this world." Maybe he'll throw it away, and pray that it's not real.
He's consumed by the thought of anyone getting more than he has- attention, love, fame. Maybe just maybe, the thought of Jesse getting Lukas is what sent him completely over the edge. Because as long as he has Lukas' attention, at least he has someone's, right? Someone important's attention.
I wholeheartedly believe that Aiden can't change. Aiden's motivations have always been to be "the best" or to be something people will look at. He's envious to a fault, so much so that he attempts genocide and regicide on a city because he wants to be looked at. By the people of Sky City, by the world, by Lukas. All Aiden wants is attention. And he'll do anything to get it.
The letter he sends is just a way to get back into the story. "I'm sorry, I want redemption," maybe it's true, but why? Why does he want it? So he can do the same thing again, try to usurp Jesse.
He'll always be like this, because he's obsessed with Jesse- he's obsessed with Lukas. And he's obsessed with the idea that he can be better than them. That he can make Lukas regret leaving him for Jesse.
I'm absolutely fascinated by that thought. That Aiden's motivation for attention is brought to light by Lukas leaving the Ocelots for the Order. Aiden absolutely hates him for it, for abandoning him- him and Maya and Gill. Maybe in his own eyes he sees Lukas doing it for the same reason he'd do it—for the promise of attention. He hates Lukas for it, he hates hates hates him. But at the same time he's infatuated with the idea of Lukas coming back- of him apologizing for leaving, and everything going back to the way it was. Aiden on top, Jesse on the bottom, and Lukas right by Aiden's side.
This is also why I feel that post ep4 Aidkas is just completely rooted in toxicity, and also why I feel really any ship with Aiden is just destined to fail. He's clung onto Lukas so hard, and Lukas has moved on, but he hasn't. He's obsessed, and he wants to be loved by Lukas again- even though that's simply just not possible. Lukas hates Aiden as much as Aiden hates Lukas, but Lukas doesn't love Aiden as much as Aiden loves him. Maybe Aiden thinks that Lukas will fix him, change him and make him better, give him that opportunity to be great. But Lukas can't- nobody can.
No one can fix Aiden, not even himself. He's broken, and chaotic, and obsessive. He cannot let go, he can't move on, and he can't be changed.
His obsessions with attention and with Lukas and with being better than everyone else will always bring him down and ruin anything that he tries to have.
SORRY for the ramble, Aiden's my favorite MCSM character and has been my comfort character for a long-ass time and I just need to talk about him 😭 I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense either-
I would go on but this thing is already long as shit and I don't want to kill anyone with the length of my insanity. But maybe sometime I'll get around to explaining how I think this plays into how I see Aidrose and post-canon interpretations of Aiden :3
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tragedry · 26 days
Now we need you to write a tyden confession scene............ y'know, to make things even. Or you can talk about when they realized their feeling for each other 🥺
the fact that y'all are starting to associate me to both ashler and tyden is hilarious cause i'm pretty sure i started this side blog to only talk about ashler asfhafla
but here we are, so let me try to put together a coherent enough tyden confession for you at 4 am:
side note: this got really long way too fast, and i'm pretty sure this only tackled aiden's feelings, but i hope you like it anyway anon!
when aiden realizes he's starting to like tyler, everything just clicks.
he's laying on his bed, his eyes staring up at the glow in the dark stars he's poorly glued on his ceiling back when he was ten when the realization hits him, and he's finally put a name to the emotion tyler manages to invoke inside his chest whenever the other boy would stop scowling and actually offer him one of those once-in-a-blue-moon, downright stunning smiles that probably belonged on a movie poster whenever one of aiden's jokes finally lands.
it's like the last step of figuring out how to solve a brand new rubik's cube, and for a moment he revels in the satisfaction of just knowing, except by the time he tries to figure out how to proceed from such a revelation, he’s coming up blank.
for the first time in his life, his crush on tyler is the only puzzle he has no idea how to move forward to.
if he’s being honest with himself, knowing that he actually likes the halfwit doesn't really change much of their situation, if anything it would probably only make things worse if tyler found out.
and it's not like he's stupid enough to actually believe he's got a shot, not when he's made it his entire personality to annoy the ever living shit out of the baseball player any chance he’s got.
the thought of tyler’s possible rejection inflicts a pain that courses through his entire body, stilling him until he has to remind himself to breathe.
aiden decides he doesn’t really like thinking about this particular puzzle anymore—not when his own emotions have cursed him.
he refuses to think about the problem any further. he’ll set his feelings for tyler aside and ignore it till it goes away completely. 
he’s always been good at ignoring his problems, and this is no different.
with his mind made up, he lets himself relax until the pang in his chest dulls out and he’s ready to forget it was ever there in the first place.
and just when things were finally starting to feel normal again, that’s when the halfwit decided to reply to his text. 
the reply is short, dry, and straight to the point– and it’s just so like him that aiden catches himself snorting when he reads the simple, “fuck if i know.” right after aiden’s last annoying question. 
he hadn’t even expected the other boy to reply, except tyler always did.
no matter how much he purposely tries to piss him off or how many memes he sends the other boy, tyler will reply, whether it was a sarcastic comment or a curse, all of his messages are read and answered.
it was kind of addicting, to be heard-to have his existence acknowledged by someone who had every right to tell him to shut up and walk away.
he can feel his heartbeat racing all over again as he re-read tyler’s text, and as he typed out a reply he knew it was going to be hard for him to fall asleep.
the clock on his phone reads past 1 am, and he wants to point it out to tyler cause he’s always complaining about staying up late whenever aiden’s in the mood to mess with him.
but before he could say anything about it, tyler’s already sending him a brand new text, and this one’s even more humorless than before.
his earlier thought is momentarily forgotten, and he ends up sending the other boy a series of memes pointing out how badly tyler’s killing their convo with his lackluster replies, and aiden selfishly hopes that tyler takes the bait and talks to him even longer, even if just to prove him wrong.
aiden wonders if tyler would hate him for it.
he lifts his eyes back to the stars on his ceiling and hopes.
he hopes that tyler won’t hate him for being selfish, hopes that his feelings for the other boy won’t last, and hopes that by the time he wakes up the following day, the pain in his chest disappears completely. 
his phone lights up with a brand new text and aiden begins to type out a reply without really reading what the text said.
'can you promise you won’t hate me too?'
the reply gets deleted, and he sends tyler another meme instead.
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papermint-airplane · 2 months
OC Questionnaire
I was tagged by @stargazer-sims, @drawing-way-outside-the-lines, @bool-prop, and @happy-lemon. Hehehehehe now I get to do more than one! 😈
Aiden Ayy 👽
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Name: Aiden Ayy
Nickname: He was definitely that kid who tried to nickname himself and then got frustrated when nothing stuck. Despite his best childhood efforts, Aiden has no nicknames. 😭
Gender: Male
Star sign: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'8"
Orientation: Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: 100% Sixamite
Favorite Fruit: On Earth, pineapple. On Sixam, grarglefroot. It's basically a pineapple except blue.
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Flower: I think I answered this before in a different post with some wild ass flower that looks like it belongs on an alien planet which is great worldbuilding and all but I literally forgot what it was so let's go with basic bitch roses. 😅
Favorite Scent: Cinnamon.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Aiden is up for any of these as long as they're spiked. He hasn't yet learned that not everyone does that all the time and that it makes you look like you have a problem if you do.
Average Hours of Sleep: Aiden doesn't actually need sleep! He meditates to restore his brain power but sleep isn't necessary for him. He's a lot like D&D elves in that way. He can choose to sleep if he wants to, though, because dreams are fun and he looks cute when he's eepy. 🥺
Dogs or Cats: Yes. Any animal at all, really. Aiden is fascinated with them.
Dream Trip: Sixam. Poor baby wants to go home. 😭
Number of Blankets: "I'm worried what you just heard was 'give me a lot of blankets'. What I said was 'give me all the blankets you have.' Do you understand?"
Random Fact: Aiden is based on a Sim I created in the Sims 2 when I was 18 for a Bachelorette Challenge. It was, predictably, a disaster, and the poor baby kept having mental breakdowns. I decided it was because he was new to Earth and the stress of all the unfamiliarity wore heavily on him, but it was definitely because I didn't know how to cheat needs at the time. He got a visit from the invisible psychiatrist more than once, you know? It became a character trait! Aiden, the nervous alien who just wants love. 👽💚
Roman Gallan 🧜‍♂️
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Name: Roman Gallan
Nickname: "Hey Asshole". Guess who gave him that one. Go on, guess. (It was his little sister)
Gender: Male
Star sign: Leo ♌
Height: 5'11"
Orientation: Gay
Nationality/Ethnicity: Icthyan
Favorite Fruit: He's super fond of this obscure Earth fruit called a "lemon". He eats them whole, peel and all. Somebody please teach him not to do this. 😐
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Flower: Any and all wildflowers.
Favorite Scent: Cedar. Beating the moth accusations for sure.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee. He likes it bitter and strong enough to crawl out of the cup under its own power.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5 or 6. He should probably sleep more but it's kind of hard when the distorted whispers of the primordial god that created your planet are emanating from your eye sockets. Most Icthyans learn to accept it as kind of a cursed ASMR, but Roman tends to sleep light anyway.
Dogs or Cats: Cats.
Dream Trip: It says here in my notes that he's always wanted to visit Uranu--ROMAN, SERIOUSLY?!
Number of Blankets: Roman's a hot sleeper, so no blankets for him, thanks.
Random Fact: Like all Icthyans, Roman is amphibious. He has lungs and can breathe on dry land like any Earth Sim, but he's also able to breathe underwater for an extended period of time.
I think everybody and their dog has done this one by now considering ol' Professional Crastinator Laura's stellar time management skills. 🙄 Let's throw a few names out, though. @miss-may-i, @treason-and-plot, @llamabees, @bellakenobi, @kimmiessimmies, @rebelangelsims, @moyokeansimblr, @id-element0. As always, ignore if you've already done it or just don't want to.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 4 months
For @elmonstro . Inspiration hit after our convo about potential Witcher Yule traditions and went in a weird direction 😂.
Aiden and Lambert are both oblivious, pining idiots and the other Kaer Morhen residents have had enough.
Implied, non graphic smut under the cut:
"It's mistletoe." Lambert stated like he was talking to a small child when he caught Aiden staring at it yet again with a slightly perplexed look on his face. The other Witcher elbowed him in the ribs as he rolled his eyes.
"I know what it is, Wolf. What I'm wondering is why you've just got random spriggs of it hanging over various thresholds this year."
"Jaskier's idea, probably." Lambert shrugged
"That still doesn't really tell me why." Aiden prompted when Lambert refused to elaborate. The Wolf could feel himself growing flustered. Explaining would lead his mind down a path he'd been trying to steer clear of for years.
"Yule tradition." Eskel piped up and thank the gods! Lambert wanted to hug his brother in that moment, "You're supposed to stay trapped under it until somebody kisses you." He continued, not looking up from his book...Lambert was going to reorganise everything in his brother's room, "And you were right, Lambert. Jaskier thought it would be fun."
"Of course he fucking would." Lambert grumbled under his breath. This was going to be a long and torturous winter.
It started out well enough. Aiden had discovered that Jaskier - typically - was happy with any form of physical affection bestowed on him, Eskel was happy to exchange friendly pecks on the cheek (as was Geralt, surprisingly), Vesemir's facial expression alone had warned everyone present that if they tried to kiss him, there'd be consequences, a brief hug however, was acceptable. It was the same with Yennefer, although it was becoming more of a thing to kiss her hand after Jaskier had done it as a joke and hadn't been blasted through the wall for his trouble and all of this was done with a smile and a laugh. Apart from when it came to Lambert.
No matter where or when, as soon as those two found themselves trying to pass through the same doorway it was like watching a couple of adolescents, the both of them turning into stuttering messes both reeking of anxiety as they brushed barely there kisses to each others cheeks before dashing off in opposite directions like their backsides were on fire. It would have been funny if it wasn't so painful to watch.
"Idiots. They are both idiots." Yennefer stated after having just watched Lambert staring longingly after Aiden when he left to help Vesemir bring some things up from the cellar, with Aiden doing likewise when Lambert left to see to a couple of things in his lab.
"Love truly is fucking blind." Jaskier groused from his perch in Geralt's lap, "I was sure the mistletoe would give them that teeny tiny push, you know?"
Yennefer patted his knee consolingly, "Oh it still will, little bard."
Eskel peered up at her suspiciously from where he'd had his head buried in his arms in despair at the situation, "What are you planning, Yenn?"
The witch said nothing as she took a dainty sip of wine.
"Aiden? Yennefer said you needed help with something."
"Awfully nice, considering I think it's Yennefer who's responsible."
Lambert looked down at Aiden, who was sat cross-legged on the floor just inside the doorway to the room he used whenever he accompanied Lambert in the winter, elbow resting on his knee as he propped his chin on his hand, "....I'm failing to see the problem."
Aiden got to his feet, pointed to draw Lambert's attention to the all too familiar plant above his head and made to take a step forward. Magic shimmered as it blocked him before his foot had even hit the ground, the same thing happening when he tried to take a step back further into the room, "Looks like she decided to take the trapped part of this literally."
Lambert groaned internally, "What about Jaskier, or Eskel? Can't they-"
"Offended." Aiden snorted, "And no, they all tried and no change. There's only you left."
"Well, maybe I've been saving the best for last. Now get over here and help your best friend."
All of Aiden's bravado vanished when Lambert moved into his space, close enough to feel his body heat, smell the slight nerves - but not close enough to touch, with Lambert's gaze settling on Aiden's ear.
"So should I, uhm -" he stuttered,
"Same as always?" Aiden asked, voice sounding only slightly steadier than Lambert's.
They both hastily brushed lips against offered cheeks - the quicker this was done, the quicker they could forget about it. Aiden once again tried to take a step into his room while Lambert made to back out into the corridor.
"Are you kidding me!?" Aiden bit out alongside Lambert's growl of "Yennefer!" as both of them were stopped in their tracks.
"Fucking great. Now what?" Lambert asked, running a hand through his hair.
"Maybe we did it too quickly?" Aiden suggested.
Lambert nodded in agreement, that seemed a perfectly logical explanation. They repeated the kiss, lingering this time, neither of them mentioning the spike in the scents of anxiety and the slightly quickened breathing of the other. Still nothing.
"Well, I'm out of ideas." Lambert leaned against the doorframe
"...I don't think I am."
Lambert wrinkled his nose at the nervousness now coming off Aiden in waves, the Cat looking more scared than Lambert had ever seen him.
"Aiden, are you-"
"Shut up. Just...please don't hate me for this."
Before Lambert could say anything else a hesitant kiss was pressed to his lips, his body stiffening on reflex.
Aiden pulled away as soon as he felt the other sieze up, "I'm sorry. I thought that maybe if...I don't actually know what I thought."
Lambert grasped Aiden's chin and repeated the same chaste kiss, only lingering a couple of seconds before pulling away and finally looking Aiden in the eye.
They collided with one another, Aiden's hands fisting in the front of Lambert's shirt while Lambert yanked him in with a hand on the back of his neck, both opening up to one another at the first hint of probing tongue. Lambert's hands travelled down, down, down to press lightly on the back of Aiden's thighs, the Cat getting the hint immediately and giving a little hop so he could wrap his legs around Lambert's waist. The Wolf moaned as Aiden's skillful fingers started making a mess of his hair as he rolled his hips while Lambert shamelessly groped Aiden's ass as he supported his weight.
It wasn't until Lambert's knees hit the bed he realised that they were now fully inside Aiden's room - quickly followed as he lowered them both onto the mattress by the realisation that they should probably close the door. He gave a deep chuckle as he felt Aiden pause in his efforts to apparently just rip Lambert's shirt clean off him and make a quick motion behind his head, closely followed by the sound of a door slamming.
"Hey." Lambert said softly. Aiden cracked an eye open to peer at him from where he'd been dozing in the strip of sunlight that fell oh so conveniently across Lambert's chest "What did you mean earlier before you - when you asked me not to hate you?"
"I thought that would have been obvious." Aiden sighed, propping himself up, "You always smelled like you were about two seconds away from bolting whenever we got caught under that fucking plant. I thought the idea of doing anything like that with me made you uncomfortable, so I kept quiet."
"Like you didn't smell exactly the same." Lambert rebuffed, tweaking Aiden's nose, "I never said anything because I thought it made you uncomfortable, otherwise I would have dragged you to bed years ago."
Aiden grinned, sliding up Lambert's body so they were face to face, hovering over him "Yeah?"
Lambert nodded, running his hands over the others ribs, "Oh yeah. There'd be no doubts about whether you were mine or not. They'd smell me all over you."
"Oh, so I'm yours now am I?" Aiden purred
"As much as I'm yours?"
Aiden gave him a couple of quick pecks, "I like the sound of that."
Without warning, he rolled off Lambert and leaned over the side of the bed, digging through his clothes before holding the sprigg of mistletoe triumphantly - he must have grabbed it off the doorframe when Lambert was distracted - before proudly placing it on the headboard.
"You're fucking ridiculous." Lambert laughed as he moved to get up and get something so they could clean themselves up. He was stopped by Aiden grabbing onto his arm.
"Ah ah ah, we're under the mistletoe. You know the rule."
Lambert made a show of rolling his eyes before leaning in and very quickly deciding that getting clean could wait.
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reasons sterek doesn't make sense to me
1. Derek and Stiles don't have that many scenes together, Derek tends to have more scenes with, Ethan and Aiden, Peter and Cora, Scott, Argent, or Boyd, Erica and Isaac while Stiles tens to have scenes with Scott, Lydia, Malia or his dad more
2. in these scenes they don't really get along, Derek often threatens Stiles, insults Stiles, injures Stiles or Stiles insults Derek, or there was the weird one where Stiles was gonna cut his arm off.
3. Derek dating history includes, Kate Argent, Jenifer Blake and Braeden. two of the three have attempted to kill him or people he loves, all of them are strong enough and smart enough to kill him, and potentially all of them have canonically killed people. Derek's type is dangerous women. why would he date someone he describes and 'skinny', 'defenceless' and not 'smart' enough to frame him for murder.
4. he definitely has some lasting trauma from Kate dating him as a teenager and manipulating him, chances are he's not gonna want to put anyone else in a similar position. is season two when Erica kisses him he he is shown pushing her away. and he doesn't seem okay with it, he obviously isn't comfortable with a large age gap when one of them is a literally teenager. let's not even mention the homophobic implications of having a man in his 20s dating a teenager
I don't mind rare pairs or shipping without chemistry, I actually encourage it but when people say that it should have been canon I have a problem
if you want to say Stiles should have a boyfriend there are characters his age who he has more chemistry with (danny, scott) or even just other character his age (Jackson, Boyd, Isaac) and same with derek.
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klayleyism · 10 months
The problem with Haylijah
I have many reasons for hating haylijah but what's probably the main one is the fact they're somehow supposed to be the MAIN love story but the fact they even got together/stayed together depended on the fact the other two men Hayley CANONICALLY loved /cared about more were either unavailable (Klaus) or dead(Jackson)
She choses to marry Jackson ditching Elijah in the process practically out of the blue because she wants to, something she admits herself, she literally says she would chose Jackson over Elijah anytime of the day and says she loved them both equally or whatever but she eventually moves on from Elijah a little too quick and is more than ready to leave him to have a lifelong commitment with this other guy and they're supposed to be the show's "great love story"💀??.
I get that klayley is incredibly toxic to be fair but let's be very objective here, that man almost got her and her unborn child whom she loved killed out of unjustified anger and then jealousy TWICE, he was a piece of shit to her a lot to the point even Klaus admitted he is stunned she still cared for him, and this is Hayley who's supposed to not take anyone's shit/ easily left Elijah because it was convenient since she never actually loved him he was literally only a safe choice much like Jackson
So the very fact after those two attempted murders my girl smiles at him for offering to fix the air conditioning/proceeds to tell him how she wants to believe in him and risk her life for him at any chance as if she doesn't have a daughter/ literally ignores the fact hope could've died twice in one day and stays for Klaus who's literally the only reason she even stayed with the Mikaelsons/Elijah since she intended to ditch them permanently after Klaus took the heat for killing Aiden thus fucking up their relationship but she ignored Elijah the supposed love of her life as the fandom swears begging her to stay, breaking up with him because he's not Mr perfect gentleman who does no wrong but excusing Klaus commiting mass murder makes it absolutely hilarious how the writers wether intentionally or not kept dragging haylijah through the mud since season 2 showing you that not only did he love her solely out of idolizing her for redeeming his brother and was also willing to walk away from her if Klaus made his feelings for her clear(something he admits) but the fact she too cared way more for Klaus and even Jackson who's supposed to be a more "secondary" love story to haylijah is so fucking embarrassing for them
Elijah failing for months to get Hayley to even talk to him without screaming at him but Klaus who ignored her existence for those same months is the one to get Hayley out of her depression in a DAY??
The set up was crazy, like you best believe if Klaus stopped being a dumbass and actually pursued Hayley that woman would have folded in a second because she was already down horrendous for him for doing the bare minimum
And funny enough I can still go on like this is basically the tip of the iceberg
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td-frog · 1 month
thoughts on dcas e6:
the songs
honestly wasn't expecting much (tho i didn't think they'd be bad) but those were actually really good
stylistically i think magenta was my favorite but they were all really good
this plot is so so funny to me. *tom voice* if i avoid my problems for long enough they definitely won't become infinitely worse
also theater kid aiden going "i need to think about it because i do have a boyfriend, but stage kisses are a thing and we don't have feelings for each other so i can be okay with it"
while tom's like "ah fuck. i really should've talked to jake by now. nothing i can do i guess!" and then afterwards is like "wait do you think he was mad at me?" comedy GOLD
like to be clear so much of the humor for me here is that aiden is Not Interested. literally the entire problem is that tom is not communicating and therefore jake has no reason to know any of that. and especially now that aiden's started picking up on drama it's like. how long can you run from this? maybe you should stop running? oh, no. no he's running faster.
magenta team
i really like ally/ashley friendship. very easily could've been an us vs. them thing even with hunter out, but it makes sense that ashley wouldn't go for that.
also i really like that ally doesn't miss hunter. i think a lot of the problems with their relationship they've been hinting at so far is that ally struggles a lot with personal identity outside of other people, and hunter didn't understand or accommodate that. regardless of whether they stay together in the end, they very much needed a break so she can figure out who she is without him again and whether she actually wants to be there (and i wish her luck).
yellow team elimination
connor vs. yul as the elimination makes sense, and the fact that it was connor also makes sense (especially since yul is now getting production help with his image)
i really really like the detail that alec betrayed connor for his own good. their alliance concerned me because i like the friendship, but with the villains alliance it seemed really dangerous. and alec going "i like this man and i want him around, but being here is bad for him" is actually a really honest and mature approach.
(i also can't be assed to check handwriting, but i did notice it wasn't confirmed riya betrayed him- one vote wasn't read and it could've been against yul- but also i don't expect that to really mean anything)
rest of yellow team stuff
grett :( baby :(
she does not deserve this treatment and i know yul's going down in the end because he is so intentionally designed to be so so terrible but in the meantime :(
riya fucking up was telegraphed so hard (not a bad thing) and i appreciate how it a) makes her the obvious boot from a single challenge perspective and b) has no actual effect on the elimination.
other thoughts
don't really like what they're doing with trevor and derek. i'm sure it'll work out fine in the end but for now i'm largely ignoring it out of mild squick.
cyan team is due for elimination, although idk that they'll get it. if they do i'm guessing ellie or tom- either because ellie villain plot finally goes down against her, or tom if the love triangle plot plays out. i could see others but tbh i think this team drama works better with them making it to the merge.
if it's magenta team it's probably fiore, which makes me think it won't be magenta team.
yellow team as always is such a dumpster fire of drama. if they lose it's probably yul vs. riya but they both could have plot armor protecting them so idk.
don't have much else rn because i need to leave but hopefully e7 is able to come out on time, and even if not that the difficulties the team is facing re: leakers aren't too devastating.
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schoolbusgraveyard · 6 months
I'm asking this on behalf of a friend, and his question still made me curious xd
How do you think everyone would react if Taylor, the nicest and kindest of the group, suddenly had a huge outburst of anger?
(First of all, it would scare me, it's one thing to see Logan, but he was already tired of Barron's abuse, but Taylor?)
Oh, I think that would actually be terrifying. Taylor, who has pretty much always been really kind, sweet, and supportive? We know she has the capacity to be angry and aggressive, she even says in the alley, "I'm not usually that violent...", but that was because of a mix of phantom influence and the situation in-general--to have an angry outburst towards her friends, people who she's only treated softly? It would be terrifying.
I also think that, depending on the situation, that she might be a bit of an angry-crier.
Ashlyn: I think she would freeze. Flinch maybe if Taylor yelled loud enough (aside from her noise sensitivity, she doesn't seem like someone that would be acclimated to angry yelling). She's never had to deal with anyone's emotions but her own until she met the others. Depending on where we look at Ashlyn in the comic, I think she could either lash out on accident (stemming from being overwhelmed and confused), or she could go quiet, and ask what happened to make her that mad. I don't think she would know how to handle the situation very well regardless. Not for a lack of trying, but I think that she would struggle really bad to figure out just how to calm Taylor down in the moment. I do think that she would try to target the problem, what made Taylor angry in the first place, though.
Aiden: I think he's got rejection sensitivity dysphoria stemming from his ADHD something fierce, honestly--you saw how he looked whenever Ashlyn snapped at him? I think it would be similar to that for a second, but I also think, if he could shake that hurt feeling off, he would take a similar path to how he helps Ben out when Ben gets triggered. First, by helping Taylor get away from whatever it is that's causing her to be angry--something we see him do and offer at least once. I think he would try to get her somewhere she could get fresh air if they were inside, maybe sit on the porch or on the sidewalk away from everything for a few minutes. If she needed to talk or rant, he would listen. Offer to let her throw things if she needed (there's bound to be some kind of ball somewhere near that she can just throw at a tree, right?).
Ben: Ben... Doesn't do good with anger, really. He's usually removed from situations where angry emotions run high, or there's usually an attempt to remove him. We see him try to do what's best for her in the hospital, help the others stop her from running to Tyler (which would get them kicked out, and that would ultimately be worse). I think he would be scared and confused to hell and back, considering how much support she's always offered him, but he would try. He cares about her, he wouldn't want to abandon her. I think he's also probably working through his own past anger still, but has heard repeatedly "anger is a secondary emotion". He knows she's mad, but why? I think he would try to get her attention, and offer a distraction. Music is something that helps him a lot, and it's something she's shared with him before to help soothe him. He might offer her one or even both earbuds, and sit with her while she calms down, maybe offer a hug. When she's less angry, I think he would ask if she wanted to talk about it.
Tyler: That's his sister; he's seen her go through hell repeatedly. I don't think it would surprise him much at all to see her actually express anger and rage. I think he would also know that her anger comes from grief, being stressed, or something else. He sucks at handling his own feelings, but I think if he saw her angry, he would swallow whatever negative feelings he had going on and try to get her somewhere she felt safe/comfortable. Get her whatever she needed. Let her yell. If it was something that was bothering him, too, then he might go back-and-forth with her for a minute, both of them complaining and expressing their frustrations at whatever is going on, but I do think that he would focus on letting her get those feelings out first.
Logan: Honestly, I'm having a hard time with thinking of how he would react. I think he would try to be simultaneously empathetic but also try to rationalize with her--which can go... Either good or bad, depending on the situation and who you're talking to. I don't think it would go over too well with Taylor in most cases, and he would just make the situation worse for a second before apologizing and changing his strategy to reassuring her.
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uncxntrxllable · 19 days
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why.
For funsies because I can, I'll include the new muses I haven't yet set to public on my muse list yet because why not.
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise) - from softest to the toughest muse.... Well, the more softer muses would be: Maisie, Ellie, Delta, Lorelei, Dreamer, Juniper, Nelly.
And I feel like I'd put Jamie, Thalia, Alpha, Henry, Rex, Vesper and Mara (new) in the middle.
Whereas the tougher muses would be Charlie, Lakota, Aiden, Bailey, Nevaeh, Umbra (new) and Kalika (new).
I'd probably mark Ellie as the softest of them all, and Charlie as the toughest. Ellie has the most overall introverted personality, she doesn't want any problems, no conflict, no nothing. If you push her buttons far enough she will definitely scar you for life, but I mean, she's a werewolf with underlying anger issues, so like... What do you expect? And Charlie is just, capable of downright evil. I'd tie her with Lakota and Kalika but those two are different in that they are the way they are because of what they are by nature, whereas Charlie is simply an old fashioned bitch.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly? - Maisie could blow $1000 so fast you'd question if she ever had $1000 in the first place. And probably on food.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them? - BELOW THE CUT because it gets long from here.
Charlie has often been referred as the Coyote because of Fang or by those who know of her shapeshifting ability. Friends may call her Charles (can't take credit there, @vulpuslunae did it first!) Dreamer is known as the Reaper, Little Reaper, Reaper Cat because he is exactly those things. Lakota is called many things by everyone and I'd say a staple would be monster, forest monster, or mother nature's monster. But she's also called an akhlut, which is, a vicious beast that takes the form of a wolf/orca or aquatic wolf. Friends may call her Kota! Lorelei has been known as the forest spirit or forest guardian. She is also called a certhera, which means a creature that takes the form of a leopard/stag, the name itself being a mix between the scientific names for the deer and the leopard. Friends may call her Lori. Kalika (new) would be more famously known as the demon in the woods, or called the cursed wolf, or named yutara which is the combination between the scientific name for the maned wolf and the greek word for "curse." Friends may call her Kali or Kal. Mara (new) was given the nickname Queen while she was in the military, because she is a feline shapeshifter, and "queen" is what you call a female cat. Friends may call her Mar (or her brother). Maisie is often called Little Kitty, Kitty or Kitty Cat by Charlie, but I could possibly see others calling her this as well. And of course, it is because of Fox and the fact that she can shapeshift into a cat. Umbra (new) is a species of dragon that has long-been known as the "witch's dragon" because of their strong connection to magic and also their common alliance with witches back in the day. Also called the dreadwyrm, now I'm still putting together her backstory but the idea here is that she was a war dragon at some point and the enemy nicknamed her this. Vesper was sometimes referred to as Morning Star, that is what his name means. However, this is something that was mostly used while he was in captivity. Rex was occasionally called "king" because that is what his name means by his humans when he lived in his enclosure. Ellie used to be called Eleven, but that wasn't necessarily a nickname. She was just a number in some lab. She could be called El by friends! Juniper has no special nicknames, but friends and family may call her Juni. Delta may sometimes be called Del for short. She also particularly likes "good dog." Alpha has a few things that he's been called, blue beast because he's a massive blue wolf, beast of wolf lake; where he lives and again, massive wolf. Lightning wolf because he is known and or rumored to harness lightning, and lastly, hero of wolf lake due to his history. Nelly has no particularly special nicknames, but friends might call her Nel. Jamie & Aiden, Thalia, Nevaeh, Henry, and Bailey do not have any nicknames.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school? - My animal muses? No, they don't really care about human or humanoid trends. They just animal. Charlie reminisces on the past sometimes, like old-school and whatnot, probably thinks there's way too many ridiculous rules nowadays, but she stays up to date for the most part. Lakota doesn't give a rat's booty about the latest trends of humans. Bailey lives in the apocalypse and probably doesn't even know what "trend" means, Henry also lives in a post-apocalyptic world. Lorelei does her best to keep up to speed with how times change with the humans. Ellie doesn't know what any of this means. Kalika probably secretly wishes things were like "back then." Thalia keeps up to speed and really enjoys technology. Maisie has no idea wtf she is doing and probably thinks the world has too many rules now. The others just kinda, keep up with the basic things to stay up to speed and don't care too much to look back on the past. They're just... So so? yeah.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings? - Charlie didn't have any siblings... Technically, her little group were strangely tight-knit like a family but anyway it doesn't matter because she killed everybody. You could kinda in a way say that Lakota and Lorelei are "siblings" given that they are "related" in the sense that they are each other's opposite, and they, in this current life, have a good standing relationship. Mara and Juniper definitely have the best relationship with their sibling, Mara has a sister and Juniper has a brother. Jamie has or had the worst relationship with her little brother, but that was mainly because of her parents, her brother basically copied their behavior and it just wasn't good.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune? - Maisie, even if she's terrible. She wants the spotlight. She has no sense of shame.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model? - Lakota. She would hate it so much and she'd also let you know how much she hates it.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? - Panic: Maisie, Ellie. In between: Thalia, Vesper, Henry, Juniper, Delta, Bailey, Mara. Unfazed: Charlie, Lakota, Lorelei, Umbra, Kalika, Rex, Jamie & Aiden, Dreamer, Alpha, Nevaeh, Nelly.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation? - I have to say... Most really don't care. Except Lakota. Good luck getting her into any kind of vehicle type whatever, doesn't matter what it is, she will walk. She'll get there faster than any mode of transportation anyway. Nevaeh also isn't a fan of most cars because of her horns and wings, she usually doesn't fit comfortably. Well, and I guess Umbra and Rex cause they be dragons and no fit into no modes of transportation. They ARE a mode of transportation. Who needs the dragonmobile? They got you.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse. - I feel like I blab about everything regarding my muses that there is nothing left to blab about.... Well, a funny fact is because Ellie can't read, you could show her the written word "cow" and then tell her that's how "dog" looks / spells on paper and she'll probably believe you because she knows nothing about grammar or spelling or written words.
tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead thank you for tagging me! ♥ tagging: @sorrowsick @wolfpackmuses @vntagetee @rubiesintherough @myriadxofxmuses @innerwar @realmyths @epistrefei
#charlie & fang study ; 𝑏𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠#lakota study ; 𝑚𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟#maisie & fox study ; 𝑡𝑤𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒#ellie study ; 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑟#juniper study ; 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒#henry study ; 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑛#alpha study ; 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟#bailey study ; 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠#jamie & aiden study ; 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒#lorelei study ; 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒#vesper study ; 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒#delta study ; ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡#rex study ; 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑠#nelly study ; 𝑏𝑖𝑔 𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒#thalia study ; 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ#dreamer study ; 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑐𝑎𝑡#nevaeh study ; 𝑠𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠#umbra study ; 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛#kalika study ; 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑠#mara study ; 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟
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haacked · 6 months
@waatched // starter call: Even the dead tell stories.
The soft creak beneath his shoe masks itself among the many stemming from different corners of the building. Old wood and dust were a perfect match, stretching seamlessly down every hallway; peppering walls among torn bits of wallpaper and crumbling plaster. Perhaps at one point, it had been lovely, a welcoming home to many, and now it sits in ruin, occupied only by the homeless and the occasional felon looking to lay low somewhere with ample hiding spots. In this case, it was the latter that brought them there and had them combing musty rooms: one of their -- his, targets had made their way in here, and unlike other jobs, this time Aiden has help tracking the bastard down. However, as it turns out, finding the guy he's after isn't going to be a problem.
A single step and he's pushing a door open, wincing at the sharp creak that pierces the quiet, and as Aiden follows the movement inward, he nearly collides with the battered wood just it collides with...something. Another push yields the same result, and he's not foolish enough to try the same thing a third time, so the next comes with two hundred pounds thrown into it, his shoulder taking the brunt of the hit and finally jarring the door enough to make room for entry. And upon squeezing through the gap, he's soon face-to-face with the cause of the blockade...and his target. On the ground and unmoving, limbs at weird angles, his skin turning a rather unnatural shade of...
"Ah, Jesus..."
Dead, he's dead, long before Aiden ever laid eyes on him, which doesn't help the whole job situation. Dead was the end goal, after he got the information he needed, but Aiden was supposed to be the one to take him down. The immediate thought was, someone else got to the guy first, but the more he looks at the aftermath, the more it seems...off. Everything from the unnatural position of the body (though that, in part, could be attributed to his stunt with the door mere moments before) to the jagged, bizarre wounds all over it to the expression solidified on what was left of the face and the fact that the corpse was left at the scene -- it all seemed sloppy for a fixer's work. Too sloppy...but he'll file that away in the back of his mind for the time being, and keep his guard up until they had the other half of their prize and got the hell out of there.
He'd made a point to block the entry the moment he'd seen the man on the floor, and still he hadn't budged to make any semblance of room, ensuring he obstructed even the slightest view the boy behind him may have had. Death was nothing new to either of them, as he's well aware...but something about that man does not sit right with him. Gavin doesn't need to see it, too.
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"Look around out there -- but don't wander off too far," he says lowly after the tension begins to fade into something more manageable. An order meant as both direction and distraction. "Apparently, he spent a lot of time here, so there has to be something."
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thethumpergod · 7 months
Getting to know you! (Lambert X Aiden Modern AU)
It was three days later.
The swelling on his nose eased up quickly, but it still stung like a bitch. He was rooting around for some food when he noticed that a piece of paper next to the pile of documents for work remained on the kitchen table. Lambert couldn’t bring himself to write back or say hello. He wasn’t chickening out or anything. He didn’t know what to say. Plus, he had better things to do. He needed to find decorations for his apartment. He just enjoyed his alone time and still had countless things on his list to do… Yeah.
Lambert had nothing to be nervous about. He is just taking his time to come up with a seamless way to befriend his neighbor. It was sparing Aiden, so he didn’t have to suffer whatever dumb things fell out of his mouth. He embarrassed himself in front of the man; he wanted at least some of his respect back.
It's late in the afternoon, and the sun is casting shadows on the roads. The sky had an orange hue, leaving a shine on anything reflective. Lambert had an afternoon to enjoy by himself; Aiden could wait. He finished eating the takeout from two days ago and then went to find running shoes.
When he finally got out the door, he checked the hall for any sign of the man. The coast was clear. Lambert didn’t need any distractions while he went on his jog. He steps down the stairs and heads in the direction of the park.
Some people around the complex walked their dogs, chatted with others, or took out the trash. A few people waved at him, stopping for a second to look at his nose. Some gave him an annoyed look. Perhaps he wasn't as quiet as he should have been on his way home drunk.
Lambert nearly busted his face on the sidewalk as he halted. He could see Aiden jogging up to meet with him. The man wore a sleeveless hoodie, which showed off way more arm than was needed. His pants were worse; they were a crime. The inky workout pants looked tight enough to be a second skin. "Tried to get into someone else’s house?" Aiden observed him, with an amused tone.
"No. Work mishap," Lambert said, snorting.
"Oh." Aiden hums. "Can I join you?"
Lambert decides to bite the bullet and nods. He might as well get used to the guy who lives across the hall from him.
"Are you new to town? I haven’t seen you before." Aiden says as he begins pacing beside him, just close enough to get a good look at his face. His neighbor was taller than him by maybe two or three inches but had a slimmer build.
"I’ve lived in the town before, but I’ve never hung around this part." Lambert finally spoke as the silence became too noticeable.
"I could show you around if you want. There are some great spots around town," Aiden suggested. "What do you like?"
"Normally I go to the pub down the road. I usually am out at night because of my job." Lambert looks over at Aiden to see his eyebrows scrunched in what looks like concern. Shit, the last time Aiden saw him, he was drunk as all hell. He doesn't want his fucking neighbor to think he has a problem. "But, uh, I guess I could try something else."
Aiden smiled softly and then said, "Hm. There is this café called The House of Cats, which I'm a fan of. It’s south of the apartments, going into downtown."
"Yeah, that sounds great," Lambert lied. He only ever went to those on dates or when Ciri dragged him into one. The coffee menus at those kinds of places were overly complicated and, frankly, overpriced. If pretending to like them saves him from embarrassing himself, then he’ll take it.
"They have a frappe I would kill for." The man chatters on, not noticing the other's awkwardness. Lambert praises every god he can think of for that. The man starts going on about the café, telling him his favorite things on the menu. Lambert is half listening to his rambling. "It's an excellent place to socialize. I'm friends with the owners as well." Aiden pauses for a moment, then looks at him. "I realize I don't know your name."
"I’m Lambert. Is the café sponsoring you or something?"
The man looks down at him with a raised brow, then laughs, "I do owe Dragonfly some money from a bet, but I'm not sponsored." Aiden gestured to him. "Oh, where are my manners? Tell me about yourself!"
"Shit. I, uh, have a niece and two brothers."
"Hm, I was raised with my little brother by my stepdad," he says with a wide smile. "I also have a lot of people I'm close with around town."
"I don't know too many people around here." Lambert looked ahead of himself, counting how many traffic lights he could find as they continued walking.
"The café has plenty of nice people; maybe you could make a friend or two," Aiden replied, nearly hopping on his feet.
"Wait. This a cult or some shit, isn’t it?"
"Ha. You sure like to swear."
Lambert doesn't check because he knows the guy still has a smirk on his face. He snickers at that. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was in the presence of royalty. Should I bow or something?"
Aiden continued to look at him, the smugness somehow becoming more apparent. "You're normally prickly, aren't you? Don't worry, I'm not offended by your cursing; it's just something I noticed," he said, tossing him a playful wink.
Lambert's eyes drifted wordlessly to the taller man. He made around five different facial expressions before trying to settle back into forced nonchalance. He could feel the heat spreading across his face, for whatever reason. The other man walked beside him, seeming comfortable in the new silence.
Okay, so his neighbor is teasing him; there’s no reason to get bothered by that. He took another slow breath, reminding himself of his goal. He is trying to make a friend. He can do this. "Where did you learn to fight?"
"I got bullied a lot as a kid for being small, so my stepdad made me take kickboxing classes. I did that from middle school to college."
"That explains it."
"Yeah," he snorts.
"You have a good kick; I thought my back was going to break."
Aiden smiles and says, "I may go a little too hard on leg day."
"I know you can see it," Lambert said impulsively. Shit! Fuck, why did he say that!
The man giggles and then eyes the path. He could see the multicolored cement that served as the foundation of the playground ahead.
They were already at the park nearby; the jog had gone by faster than he thought. Turning on his feet, he paces back to the apartments, and Aiden tracks along.
"You got a solid hit in with that knee to my gut," Aiden says, watching the stores as they passed by.
"Yeah, thanks." Lambert puffed his chest out. Even when he was shitfaced, he could get Aiden down a little.
"You must work out a lot too," Aiden says, glancing over at him.
"Right, right. Thanks." He nearly choked at that.
There was a ringing sound, and Aiden fished in his hoodie pocket. He sighs and then answers his phone.
"Yes, I thought I sent it last night. Sigh—I'll check to see if there's another way to send that report."
"Work?" Lambert replied gruffly.
"Yeah, it was nice to jog with you, but my coworker would strangle me if I don't get my reports in," Aiden says as he speeds up ahead of him, waving as he runs. "I hope your nose heals! It was nice talking to you."
"Yeah, see you!"
Before he knew it, Aiden was gone.
Lambert shook his head. He's never had a neighbor invite him to a café before. He could handle this; Lambert can have a friendship with the guy across the hall. Why is he worried? He knows how to fucking make friends! He just needs to be nice...
Lambert made his way up the stairs, counting his steps. He's sure he burned more calories than necessary. His legs wanted to give out by now, turning into jelly from overuse. He hunts in his pocket, finding his keys, which thank fuck, are there. Opening the door, he saw a piece of paper pushed under it.
"I swear this better not be a complaint or some shit already!" he said to himself. He grunted, picking up the letter. It reads,
"Hey, it's me again! Thanks for the run and all. If you're down for the café or hanging out, here's my number. - Aiden"
Lambert nearly high-fives himself; he didn't fuck up that bad! He was a few steps closer to making a friend. Grabbing water from the barren fridge, he paces around. He needed to figure out when to text him. Should he wait a few days to appear relaxed? What time of day should he text? Does he like calls? Lambert groans and lets himself fall onto the couch.
He needs something to keep his mind off this stuff—maybe a hobby? Eskel recused animals, and Geralt had the weird shit he liked...
Rarely did he go out to do anything that wasn't repairing stuff, getting in trouble, working, or drinking. When it happened, it was usually stuff involving Ciri or helping his brothers with something stupid, like when he had to pick Eskel up after the dude woke up naked in the woods. There was a time when Ciri and he went to the park, trying to catch a duck. To his shock, the kid did it. She wanted to keep it, and Yen wanted to murder Lambert. Good times.
The apartment was quiet. There were still boxes that needed to be unpacked. In all honesty, the place was desolate. Lambert wasn't good at decorating, not like his brothers. He would ask Yen, but he would rather not hear her commentary. He didn't even know where to start. Maybe posters? Nah, that’s not it either.
It takes him an hour to unpack the rest of the boxes. It was mainly kitchen items and clothes for the winter. Again, Lambert had nothing to do.
Sighing, he pulls out his phone. Lambert grabs the paper and starts messaging Aiden.
It took a while before Lambert finally sent the message.
- Hey, it's Lambert.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
The "a mere beta defeated Scott" thing in fanworks is honestly so funny because wasn't it Peter who got owned by human teenagers AND a beta?
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To be entirely accurate, Peter Hale got pasted by two betas and three teenagers in Code Breaker (1x12). I don't count the senior Argents because Kate never landed a punch and Chris was entirely unconscious during the fight. Scott was present, but he wasn't very effective, mostly getting thrown around by Peter.
But that illuminates a point that the fandom misses in the writing of Teen Wolf: violence is repeatedly portrayed as not very effective at solving problems. Oh, it's a tool all right, but it's not the solution that the fandom wants to make it out to be. The villains in Teen Wolf end up defeated by Scott not because Scott is a bad-ass warrior, but instead because of other traits that are often overlooked: his compassion, his empathic discretion, his force of will, and his faith in other people.
The first and primary example is Code Breaker itself: of the five people who brought Peter down, four of them were present and able to help because Scott expressed concern and faith in people beyond what would be considered normal. Derek, who betrayed Scott to Peter, would have been absent, dead or still locked away by Kate. Jackson, who bullied and blackmailed all season, would have been dead by Derek's hand, which would also mean that Stiles wouldn't have been able to get there in time. Finally, Scott is the one who had enough faith in Allison to toss her bow to her, the same one she had been shooting at him not five minutes before.
The truth is that Scott became a hero without wanting to be a warrior. He didn't patrol the world looking for villains -- they came after him, the people he loves, or even the people living in his town. It's not a surprise that stronger or more thoroughly trained opponents could cause him problems in a physical fight, but he won eventually because he was able to ask for help and get people to work together for a particular cause.
But let's turn to the specific claim you brought up, 'a mere beta defeated Scott.' I'm not actually sure which fight that refers to, so I'll talk about all of the fights between Alpha Scott and a beta werewolf -- I'll leave out para-scientifically enhanced werewolves such as Belasko and all the other chimeras. I will also define a fight as when both sides throw punches -- so that leaves out Scott tossing the twins around in Letharia Vulpina (3x19).
That leaves only five fights that qualify.
In More Bad Than Good (3x14), Aiden and Ethan beat the snot out of Scott, so Scott lost to two betas. These two betas had been thoroughly trained by Deucalion. (One of the things Teen Wolf did right was use fighting choreography to show the degree of training. Theo, Kali, Ennis, and the twins were more balletic in their styles to denote their training; Scott's fighting choreography evolved over time.) Scott was also hampered by the inability to fully shift, due to the consequences of the sacrifice.
In Echo House (3x20), Kincaid handles Scott, Kira, and Allison easily, with a sneering little comment, only to be overwhelmed when Aiden and Ethan enter the fray. I could argue that Scott was distracted in worrying about Stiles, but I really don't like this fight. It doesn't make much sense considering that Stiles was as much in danger in the previous episode and Scott threw Ethan across the room. It still happened, though.
In The Benefactor (4x04), a newly bitten Liam gets the drop on Scott in the woods, and Scott could have been in trouble without Chris Argent's intervention. Of course, Scott wasn't fighting that hard, because he wasn't there to hurt Liam. Part of it was guilt, but part of it was probably also the idea that Scott understood he would have to be Liam's alpha and that meant he had to win Liam's trust. A beating on top of kidnapping and tricking him wasn't going to help that.
In Smoke & Mirrors (4x12) Scott has a final confrontation with a Darach-infused Peter. At first, it seems that Scott is having a difficult time. I don't think that's unreasonable considering that before this fight started, Peter, Liam, and Malia were beating him up, and he had just spent a great deal of effort on breaking the Berserker's hold on him. In the end though, Scott pasted him because Scott is an alpha and Peter never was.
That leaves Status Asthmaticus (5x10) and the fight between Liam and Scott which ends with Liam having beaten Scott to the point of death. Do I need to point out that this entire scenario had been arranged by Theo? Liam, angrier than ever before and fueled by the super moon, was pitted against Scott, who has finally figured out that Liam and he were being manipulated while being poisoned with wolf's bane?
So, in five fights with beta werewolves, Scott lost four of them. All except the one against Kincaid had extenuating circumstances where Scott was inhibited. In each case though, the production made the case that even if Scott had successfully beat the beta in question, it wouldn't have improved the situation. Scott didn't need to beat up Aiden and Ethan to close the door into his mind; he needed to save Malia. Allowing Aiden and Ethan to help achieved their goal with Kincaid; they retrieved the shugendo scroll. Scott was able to reach Liam through empathy and compassion in the woods, not brute force.
Finally and especially, if Scott had defeated Liam in the library, what difference would it have made? Would that have magically fixed their relationship? Saved Hayden's life? Stopped Theo or the Doctors? Not at all. Scott achieved his goal in that battle -- "I can't let you kill me" -- but he didn't need to win. A violent triumph would not have solved the problems. What did solve the problems of the season, no matter how you feel about it (and I have lots of feelings about it), was Scott using compassion, empathy, and strength of will to rebuild his pack, because that's what, in the end, stopped Theo, the Doctors, and La Bête.
So in the end, Scott was often defeated by beta werewolves in violent conflicts. And the production's response was "So what?" To be the True Alpha, Scott doesn't have to stop them; he has to lead them.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Bro is dead- I name him Zechariah in my head which means in Hebrew "to remember"
Mika and Val having very harsh communication issues and I live for it! Please kiss eachother.
Tom and Val is interesting pair too like victim x killer of course they are.
I believe Zechariah and Yukio's friendship is ending very roughly to both of them cause I believe Yukio have a finger on it.
I'm still excited to find out who the mastermind is but Maybe this story doesn't contain a mastermind or that was Primrose (joking way)
Actually, the mastermind is Mukuro, who's busy supervising this via Monokuma while Junko is planning the THH killing game. This becomes a serious problem because she's so close to the pods she can kill someone IRL super easily.
That being said, in addition to Robin being the traitor, Mika helped create this program with her tech expertise. However it was more of a "fooled by Junko that in-line with her beliefs" and she turned on Junko when she found out its true purpose.
The Ch4 motive is that every day, a random classmate has to face one of their fears (stolen from Total Drama, because I can.)
Zechariah has it easy, since he doesn't have enough memories to really fear anything. (He has to give himself a stovetop burn due to Aiden's murder scarring him.)
Miyuko has to admit that she was doping to keep up with Yukio, who is technically the better skater of the two. If she's caught, both of them will be stripped of thier titles. Her coach forced her into it, to a degree. (she has a better artistic component.)
Yukio fears betrayal, so he has to mentally deal with the traitor. He's not having a good time about Miyuko's secret.
Mika has to have a standoff with a robot version of her mother. Also, cornbread. She has a fear of that due to getting food poisoning from it once, and everyone else has a good laugh at that.
Celene fears car crashes due to her vision, but also being seen as a god figure.
Robin fears letting people down. Which is why he became the traitor in the first place. He has to face the bodies of the kids he risked his life to save, in an au where he failed to save them. It fucks him up.
Celene has to deal with the fact that her Mika and Tom vision didn't come true, and probably won't due to Tom's death. Were all of her visions fake? Does she even deserve to lead? Is her talent a lie?
Throughout this chapter, (which would take 2-3ish weeks in-universe, but there'd be timeskips if this ever became playable) Celene sympathizes with Mika, while everyone else does NOT. cool motive, still accomplice to murder, you know?
Miyuko distrusts her the most, and even lashes out in anger and tells her its her fault (this is not true.) she regrets it almost immediately after, and runs off the apologize.
Mika, of course, forgives her. He isn't the type to care about stranger's opinions.
Over the course of the chapter, almost everyone makes an attempt on Mika's life. Robin, out of obligation to keep the game going, Miyuko in a fit of anger, etc. I'm debating having Celene get a vision of attacking her and being forced to do it, but idk if thats IC.
Mika understands, forgives all of them, and talks them out of it. He doesn't tell anyone about it, because that'd ruin group unity.
They find Z dead one day, and Mika freaks out because he failed. It isn't clear how he died, and its speculated its because of the peanut allergy.
He died of natural causes, because he was (unknowingly) suffering from brain cancer the whole time. Celene had a vision a couple of days before HPA, but it wasn't clear who it was about. (It was foreshadowed due to a lack of his medical records in the nurses office, and supplies for hospice patients there.)
So in order to beat the trial, you have to not vote.
The problem is one person can knowingly vote incorrectly and kill everyone. Due to everyone's murder attempts being exposed, tension is high. Thankfully, it goes without a hitch.
Monokuma then begins chapter 4.5, find the traitor and kill them! Whoever gets voted off gets killed, simple as that.
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All It Took Was One Look - Chapter 32b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Making a split decision, I walked over I placed the blanket at the edge of her bed.
Peering up at her saw she had short shoulder length brown hair with blonde streaks and a white hair band on the top of her head.
She wore a white top with a pair of holey ripped blue jeans.
But what caught my attention were the bruises.
I cringed at the sight, both her eyes were a deep blackish blue color and her eyes were blood shot.
Her lip was busted and there was a dark bruise in the shape of a hand on her arm.
The marks followed all the way up her arms and the skin you could see though the holes in her jeans were covered in fading finger marks.
Not to mention the big one on her neck.
My eyes were wide as I rudely stared at her but in my defense she was the only one I'd seen so battered since I got here.
Then I noticed her blank desolate brown gaze were on me.
I jumped a bit before I walked back to the door.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare." I apologized quickly.
She frowned a little.
"Are you new here?"
I was shocked she spoke to me at all but the sound of her voice tugged at my heart strings.
It was soft but shaky even though she wasn't quivering in the least.
I quickly shook my head
"No but my mom volunteers here. I'm helping her today," I told her.
"Oh," she went back to staring at the wall and I turned to leave when her voice sounded again.
"You should tell someone," she said quietly.
Stopping I turned back to her.
"Sorry?" I asked confused and she looked at me again.
"Tell someone," she repeated and I shook my head at her.
"I don't know what talking about," I said confused.
Her expressionless eyes stared a hole in me... how could she know?
"Yes you do and it's better you come face to face with it. It doesn't get better, it gets worse and the longer you hold out... the harder it is to get out."
This girl who barely said a thing this entire time... who seemed so broken was now helping with a problem she shouldn't know about.
"I-I don't..." I licked my drying lips, was it that obvious.
"You do," she said stubbornly but I didn't say anything.
"I was like you," she said.
"I kept quiet... I never made a peep."
Her brows furrowed.
"He told me not to and I never did."
"Y-you don't have to tell me this," I stated quickly, holding my hands out waving them for her to stop.
"I would get so scared when I knew it was close to the time he came home. I would hide in my closet," she continued as if I never said a thing.
"But when he did come... it was like he could sniff me out. That closet door would come flying open and he would reach down and grab me by the arm so roughly that it would dislocate sometimes. He would always have this smile when he heard me scream. I would beg him to stop but he would start shake me, yelling for me to shut up. His breath was so strong with the smell of alcohol it would make me gag."
Her eyes were staring down at her hands now as she wrung them together.
"Seriously you really don't have to tell me this," I pleaded.
"He would throw me to the floor and kick me till nothing but blood came out of my mouth," she continued and my heart was starting to beat erratically in my chest.
I didn't want to hear this and I didn't want to be reminded of Brent.
"Please," I begged, tears coming to my eyes.
"No one ever came to help me. My mom was in the house but she was too doped up to do anything, not that she cared. Then he would leave me on the floor crying in pain. When he left that would be the happiest time of my life. He'd had enough of me and he went to go grab beer after a beer till he would pass out on the couch with the TV on."
She looked up at me with those damn empty brown eyes. I was biting my lip trying to stop it from quivering but the tears were betraying me as they fell from my eyes.
"They say that the most important man in a girl's life is their father, the one who gave us a chance at life, the one who's supposed to protect you from the harsh and cruel ways of the world. The one you comes running to when you get your heart broken by your boyfriend, the one you go to for comfort. Well, my father was the one I had to hide from, the one that showed me the cruel ways of the world. But I shouldn't have hid from him. I should have fought but it was too late."
She gave me knowing look.
"You hide. I can see it. You may think that no one will see the hurt, the pain in your eyes but I do. I hate what happened to me and I don't want anyone to go through that. So tell someone. Tell them now before it's too late."
I couldn't do it any more... I couldn't stand there listening to this any longer.
I rushed out, running down the stairs, out the front door, ignoring Susan's worried calls.
Once I reached the car I ran to the back and slid to the ground hugging my legs to my chest and cried against my knees.
What do I do?
"Aiden?" my mom's concerned voice came out of nowhere and I quickly wiped my face and stood to see her coming around the car to me.
"Honey what's wrong?" she asked.
"It was just too much for me, mom. Can we please go."
She peered in my eyes before nodded.
"I understand. I was like this my first time I came here. You should have seen me, balling my eyes out the whole way home," she said and I knew she was trying to make me feel better.
I buckled up and we drove off leaving the shelter to slowly fade away in the back window.
I was glad... I never wanted to go there in the first place.
I never wanted to be reminded of this part of my life but the reminder was waiting for me at home anyway.
Mom told me she had to go run a few errands but she would be back in an hour or so.
"Go in the freezer and eat a gallon of ice cream. It works."
Was her advice to lift my spirits.
I numbly I walked to the front door and trudged up the stairs once inside.
I just wanted to sleep, I was so tired and drained and all I wanted was my bed.
I reached the top step only stopped in my tracks when I noticed Brent leaning against the wall a few feet away.
"You're home," he said, there wasn't any condescending tone in his voice... it was serious.
My eyes were wide as I watched him warily but said nothing.
"Where's Aunt Grace?" he asked his green eyes staring into my blue ones.
As I remained quiet, his eyes turned hard.
"Damn it Aiden, I'm just asking you a simple question," he growled.
"I just want to go to my room Brent," I finally spoke.
He pushed himself off the wall standing in my way.
"That's too bad," he retorted, getting in my face.
I glared up at him, feeling like after what that girl had to say to me, I'd had enough.
"Move," I demanded.
His eye widened in shock, even I felt surprised by my audaciousness.
"Oh, are you finally growing a pair?" he taunted, his signature smirk appearing on his face.
"You know what? I get it. Okay? I get you hate my guts. That hitting me is the only way to make you feel like you're in charge or maybe it makes you feel like a man or something. But I'm tired of it," my voice was exasperated.
"I'm gay Brent... there is nothing you can do. You can't beat it out of me... if that's what you want. You have made my life a living hell... you have no idea how close to hell either. Now I would appreciate it if you'd move out of my way," I hissed glaring up at him.
His lips tightened in a line, his eyes were swirling with emotions I never knew he had.
Fear, anger, sadness, regret and... what the hell? Lust?
It all happened to quickly, he grabbed me by the back of my neck and roughly pulled me closer in his arms, smashing his lips to mine.
An overwhelming shock tore through my body...why was he kissing me?
I stood there, my eye wide as he kissed me.
When he tried to open my mouth with his tongue was when I snapped out of my shock and struggled against him.
Trying to wiggles out of his arms, finally I got my hands up to his chest which was closely pressed to mine and push him back, hard.
I watched him stagger back breathlessly, his eyes finally opening but their lustful gaze soon changed as his green eyes widened with full on terror.
Everything was going in slow motion.
His mouth opening to say something, his face contorting into fear as he reached for me.
But all I saw was that he was getting farther and farther away and then it hit me... I was falling.
I tumbled down a few stairs... bumping in to the hard edges and when I finally hit the bottom I felt excruciating pain shot to the back of my head.
"Aiden," I think I heard Brent's scream... when everything ebbing into darkness and the pain in my head was becoming too much to bare.
Only one thing came to mind before it all disappeared.
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