stardustmenagerie · 4 months
This blog is a safe space for personality disordered folks, and that means all of them. I will not tolerate demonization of pwNPD, BPD, ASPD or any other PD here
You are not evil or bad for having a disorder and I love you /p
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
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words-minds-life · 9 months
Dear me,
I am an ocean not a Diagnosis.
it’s easy to feel
In an Aquarium-
staring at this one tank
of floating frayed pieces
of Myself -
catching on each other,
tangling in an infinite loop.
It’s easy to put blinders on
And think
“ This is Me.”
But there are other
Creatures swimming
In my depths.
Some magnificent,
Some iridescent,
Some that can
Leap right from the water and FLY.
And the water in- between
Holds them All.
I am an ocean
Not my diagnosis.
- MKH 8/8/2023
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dazeddreamerr · 4 months
Hello, you can call me DazedDreamer.
I’m a 30 year old stoner with a ✨spicy brain✨ I quit my 9-5 almost two years ago and it was the most freeing thing I’ve ever done. I was stuck and stagnant and ready to start the next chapter of my life. And I have a ✨published✨ piece technically speaking, 😅
After years of waring with myself about what I should do vs. What I want to do, I said fuck it I’ll follow my dazed dreams. These last two years of my life have been transformative.
For years I struggled with my mental health, embarrassed by the stigma. After I was diagnosed as a preteen my parents refused to believe that there was anything ✨wrong✨ with me. For the next 15 years of my life I struggled in silence, not wanting to burden my family with my invisible illness.
It wasn’t until my late 20’s when I finally decided to take control of my life. I started therapy and eventually started seeing a prescribing provider. It’s not easy to seek out help for mental health. When you are able to reach out the resources that are out there a usually not readily available and accessible. So reading was and still is my favorite form of escapism. Everyone has to cope somehow.
I’m writing about real life challenges that I struggle to overcome everyday. I have navigated through things that most people wouldn’t even consider an inconvenience. I know there are others out there who struggle like me. I know that there aren’t many characters in literature or otherwise that I have identified with. Im writing the book that my younger self would’ve wanted to read.
In short, I want to share some challenges and struggles that I’ve gone through on my mental health journey through the characters in my writing. My hope is to relate to reader on both sides of the mental health fence. Support people are truly hero’s and weirdos like me wouldn’t survive without them. They go through the struggles too. They have their own challenges to overcome.
I’ve started this account to basically brain dump 😅 and sort through my thoughts and ideas. Maybe a character description or two. 🤭 possible snippets of dialogue. So if you’re weird like me and want to see what I have to offer, follow me down the rabbit hole. 💻📱
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heals2u · 1 year
What Is Anxiety and How Does it Affect You?
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"Anxiety is a common emotional response to stress that can affect both your physical and mental health. Feeling uneasy, irritable or restless? You might be experiencing anxiety. Don't let it take over your life. Seek help from professionals and develop healthy coping strategies to manage it. Take care of your mental health, it's important too!
Read More : https://heals2u.blogspot.com/2023/03/what-is-anxiety-and-how-does-it-affect.html
If you have any questions, or need any emotional support, please contact us. Your information will be kept confidential.
WhatsApp: +6014 - 8240989
Visit us at : https://bit.ly/m/HEALS2U
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6tray15 · 2 years
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drrobynsilverman · 4 hours
5 tips to help your child learn to express their emotions #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dJSSm95hyw 5️⃣ tips to help your child learn to express their emotions: 1️⃣ Use of Emotional Wheels:  Use emotional wheels to help children identify and label their feelings.  This tool can facilitate discussions about emotions by asking kids to describe how they're feeling and recognizing emotional cues in themselves and others.  This approach helps children become more aware of their emotions and the emotions of people around them 2️⃣ Expanding Emotional Vocabulary:  Getting specific about emotions allows children to seek appropriate help when needed.  By using tools like feelings charts or wheels placed where children can see them, parents can help increase their children's emotional vocabulary.  Simple questions about how they're feeling or how they think someone else is feeling can aid in this development. 3️⃣ Acknowledging and Validating Feelings:  Acknowledge your children's feelings as valid and help them understand that it's okay to experience a range of emotions.  This involves teaching children that sadness and fear are natural emotions that can be discussed openly 4️⃣ Modeling Emotional Expression:  Parents are encouraged to share their own feelings in age-appropriate ways to show children how to handle emotions healthily.  This modeling includes expressing negative emotions and coping with them constructively 5️⃣ Teaching Coping Strategies:  Introducing calming techniques and coping strategies for managing fear, anxiety, and other intense emotions.  Helping children learn how to express, label, and navigate their feelings can equip them with the tools needed to handle emotional situations more effectively  Want more in-depth tips, context-based examples, and a whole lot of other tools like the emotional wheels? 📕Pick up your copy of “How to Talk to Kids About Anything,” via Dr. Robyn Silverman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2mhA6uAzX0vHYBoO9ncTg April 26, 2024 at 09:02PM
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 days
Embracing Neurodiversity: World Autism Awareness Day and Month Shaina Tranquilino April 30, 2024
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Diversity should be celebrated, and it's crucial to recognize and understand the spectrum of human experiences. World Autism Awareness Day, observed on April 2nd, and Autism Awareness Month throughout April, serve as vital reminders to promote acceptance, understanding, and inclusion for individuals on the autism spectrum.
Understanding Autism: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that typically appears during early childhood and affects a person's communication, social interaction, and behaviour. However, it's essential to remember that autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning it manifests differently in each individual. Some may have exceptional abilities in certain areas, while others may face significant challenges in everyday tasks.
Breaking Stereotypes: One of the critical goals of World Autism Awareness Day and Month is to break down stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding autism. People with autism are often portrayed in the media in limited and sometimes inaccurate ways. By promoting awareness and understanding, we can challenge these stereotypes and foster a more inclusive society.
Celebrating Neurodiversity: Neurodiversity emphasizes the idea that neurological differences, including autism, are natural variations of the human experience. Just as we celebrate cultural and ethnic diversity, it's equally important to embrace neurodiversity. Each individual, regardless of their neurological makeup, brings unique perspectives, talents, and contributions to society.
Promoting Inclusion: Inclusive practices benefit everyone, not just individuals with autism. By creating environments that accommodate diverse needs, we foster a sense of belonging and respect for all. Schools, workplaces, and communities can implement strategies such as sensory-friendly spaces, clear communication techniques, and inclusive policies to ensure that individuals with autism can fully participate and thrive.
Supporting Families and Caregivers: World Autism Awareness Day and Month also highlight the importance of supporting families and caregivers of individuals with autism. Raising a child with autism can present unique challenges, from accessing appropriate services to navigating social stigma. Providing resources, support groups, and access to inclusive education and healthcare services can make a significant difference in the lives of families affected by autism.
Advocating for Change: While progress has been made in raising awareness and promoting inclusion, there is still much work to be done. Advocacy efforts are essential in advocating for policies that protect the rights and dignity of individuals with autism. This includes advocating for accessible healthcare, education, employment opportunities, and accommodations to ensure equal participation and opportunities for all.
Taking Action: As individuals, we can all play a role in promoting autism awareness and acceptance. Whether it's educating ourselves and others, volunteering with autism organizations, or simply being more inclusive in our daily interactions, every action counts. Together, we can create a more understanding and supportive world for individuals with autism and their families.
World Autism Awareness Day and Month serve as important reminders to celebrate neurodiversity, promote inclusion, and advocate for the rights and well-being of individuals with autism. By raising awareness, challenging stereotypes, and fostering understanding, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society where everyone is valued and respected for who they are.
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mugz4mugs · 9 days
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Embrace your woman empowerment during your menstrual cycle with a twist of humor with our "Stab You" 16oz tempered glass sipper cup, designed exclusively by Mugz-4-Mugs. Crafted with premium ceramic, this charming mug boasts a playful design featuring a baby shark that's feeling her period pain, surrounded by hearts and elegant cursive font. Perfect for those who appreciate a touch of whimsy even during that time of the month. The sturdy mason jar handle adds a rustic charm to your morning iced coffee lover routine or loose leaf tea day. Celebrate women empowerment with every sip and feel body positivity. Elevate your coffee game while spreading laughter and empowerment. Join the feminist movement. Grab your mug today!
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lhaila · 14 days
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“Mind Matters: Break the Stigma, Embrace Support”
What is Mental Health?
Mental health refers to a person's psychological, emotional, and social well-being. It encompasses how individuals think, feel, and behave in various situations, as well as how they cope with stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Mental health is influenced by biological, environmental, and socio-cultural factors, and it is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Poor mental health doesn't just affect individuals; it impacts families, communities, and entire societies. It can lead to decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, higher rates of disability, and strained social relationships. Addressing mental health is crucial for overall societal well-being and economic stability.
Many regions lack adequate mental health services, including trained professionals, facilities, and affordable treatment options. Stigma surrounding mental illness often prevents people from seeking help, exacerbating the problem. This is particularly true in low- and middle-income countries where resources are scarce and cultural beliefs may further stigmatize mental health issues.
Addressing global mental health requires a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration between governments, healthcare systems, NGOs, communities, and individuals. It involves promoting awareness, reducing stigma, improving access to quality care, and addressing social determinants of mental health. By recognizing mental health as a global priority, we can work towards a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive mentally, emotionally, and socially.
Remember, mental health is a journey, not a destination. Together, let's create a world where everyone feels supported, understood, and empowered to prioritize their mental well-being. Join us in spreading awareness and breaking the silence surrounding mental health. #MindMatters #BreakTheStigma
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dp-ho · 14 days
24 Proactive Steps to Reduce the Risk of Disabilities
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While some disabilities are unavoidable, many can be prevented or mitigated through proactive measures. Here are 24 steps that can be taken throughout life to minimize the risk of disabilities:
Prenatal and Early Childhood:
Preconceptional Health: Maintaining good health before pregnancy, including folic acid supplementation, can reduce the risk of birth defects.
Prenatal Care: Regular prenatal care allows for early detection and management of potential risks during pregnancy.
Safe Delivery: Access to skilled birth attendants and quality healthcare facilities reduces birth injuries.
Vaccinations: Following recommended immunization schedules protects children from debilitating infectious diseases.
Safe Sleep Practices: Following safe sleep practices, like placing babies on their backs to sleep, reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Early Intervention: Identifying and addressing developmental delays early can significantly improve outcomes.
Injury Prevention: Childproofing homes and supervising children reduces the risk of accidental injuries.
Nutritional Adequacy: Ensuring children receive proper nutrition supports healthy development.
Childhood and Adolescence:
Healthy Lifestyle: Promoting healthy eating habits and regular physical activity reduces the risk of obesity and chronic diseases that can lead to disability.
Mental Health Support: Addressing mental health challenges like depression and anxiety can prevent social and emotional disabilities.
Hearing and Vision Screening: Regular screenings can identify and address hearing and vision impairments early on.
Road Safety Education: Teaching children safe pedestrian and cycling practices minimizes traffic-related injuries.
Dental Care: Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups prevent dental issues that can impact overall health and well-being.
Adulthood and Aging:
Healthy Habits: Continuing healthy eating and exercising habits throughout life reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions.
Substance Abuse Prevention: Avoiding substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs, protects physical and mental health.
Regular Checkups: Regular medical checkups allow for early detection and management of potential health issues.
Workplace Safety: Implementing and adhering to safety protocols in workplaces reduces the occurrence of occupational injuries and illnesses.
Fall Prevention: Modifications in homes and addressing balance issues can prevent falls, a major cause of disability in older adults.
Bone Health Maintenance: Maintaining healthy bone density through diet and exercise reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
Vision and Hearing Care: Regular eye exams and hearing tests ensure timely interventions to address vision and hearing loss.
Community and Societal Level Measures:
Accessibility Initiatives: Promoting accessible infrastructure and public spaces allows people with disabilities to participate fully in society.
Disability Awareness Education: Combating stigma and fostering understanding of disabilities encourages inclusion and creates a more supportive environment.
Public Health Programs: Investing in public health programs, including sanitation and disease prevention initiatives, reduces the risk of preventable disabilities.
Research and Innovation: Supporting research on causes and prevention of disabilities, as well as advancements in assistive technologies, paves the way for a more inclusive future.
These measures are not a guarantee, but they can significantly reduce the risk of disabilities. By implementing these actions individually and collectively, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
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otaviogilbert · 23 days
The Biology of Men's Mental Health | Decoding the Male Mind | A Biological Exploration | Mind Friend
This video is a trailer for a new series about men's mental health. The series will explore the biological and neurological factors that contribute to men's mental health, including testosterone, genetics, sleep, stress, and fertility. The trailer states that the goal of the series is to eradicate the stigma surrounding men's mental health and to acknowledge the unique challenges that men face.
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¡Marzo es el mes de concientización sobre las lesiones cerebrales! Generemos conciencia sobre el impacto de las lesiones cerebrales y apoyemos a los sobrevivientes. Juntos podemos
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asmohlab · 1 month
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Mars est le mois de la sensibilisation aux lésions cérébrales ! Sensibilisons les gens aux conséquences des lésions cérébrales et soutenons les survivants. Ensemble nous pouvons
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kathybarnes · 1 month
In the transformative pages of Stories of Stigma: How to Overcome Shame to Live a Healthy Life, Greg Hitchcock embarks on a profound exploration of the shadowy world of self-doubt and societal judgment. Each section of this book delicately unravels the intricate webs of stigma surrounding mental illness, suicide, substance use, veteran experiences, and body image. But it's not just about understanding these societal chains; it's about breaking free from them...
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drrobynsilverman · 1 day
The right way to set boundaries with your kids! #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu_uLj5Amj8 The right way to set boundaries with your kids!✍️ Follow for more insight on how to talk to kids about anything! #parenting #momlife #parenthood #parentinghacks #boundariesarehealthy #mom #parents #dad #parentinglife #positiveparenting #childdevelopment #parentingtips #gentleparent #intentionalparenting #positiveparentingeducation #positiveparentingskills #respectfulparenting #healthyboundaries #parentingteens #mothersanddaughters #adhdparenting #mindfulparenting #responsiveparenting #parenting101 #parentingadvice #parentingcoach #parentcoach #momsofinstagram #DrRobynSilverman #talktokids via Dr. Robyn Silverman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2mhA6uAzX0vHYBoO9ncTg April 25, 2024 at 09:02PM
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