#But then Jaden's story?
(Anon only please) I'm the same with Leasebound. I love Riley and I love Jaden but I can't see them as a couple. Jalexis should be the endgame ship.
I'M FUCKING SAYING. However, I'm well aware that Jaden and Riley have a lot more development to go through so I don't think we should focus too hard on them not seeming couple-worthy just yet. If they have their first kiss and STILL seem like they shouldn't be together, Rusty is gonna get an earful from me 💀 Imma slide her 20 dollars like "bring my girl Alexis back, PLEASE"
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elparaisodetlaloc · 4 months
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spacebunnyduel · 10 months
🌟 Starshipping Week 2023
☆ Day 2 : GAME
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For @starshippingweek *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Day 1 | ★Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8
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stardustneeko · 5 months
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"I hope that we meet in another life..."
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rkdaily · 11 months
“I’m here!” [x]
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taruchinator · 5 months
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⭐ Explicit Content
⭐ 1.5k Words
⭐ For the @starshippingweek exchange!
“Are you sure this is okay?”
“Yusei, I swear to God if you ask that one more time—”
This was definitely not the situation Judai had anticipated getting himself into— Laying on his creaky hotel bed in the middle of nowhere, lower garments discarded into a corner of the room, with Yusei looking up at him between his legs asking for permission to eat him out for the hundredth time.
This is a fic for the Starshipping Holiday Exchange for my giftee @stardustneeko! They didn't have specific prompts, so I just went with the smut vibes they gave me and tried working something fluffy/passionate?
Regardless, I hope you like it Neeko! So sorry it's late, but I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
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“Are you sure this is okay?”
“Yusei, I swear to God if you ask that one more time—”
This was definitely not the situation Judai had anticipated getting himself into— Laying on his creaky hotel bed in the middle of nowhere, lower garments discarded into a corner of the room, with Yusei looking up at him between his legs asking for permission to eat him out for the hundredth time.
The day started normally enough.
A few months after the battle against Paradox that had him thinking he'd never see his new friends ever again, Judai was pleasantly surprised to find the Stardust Dragon user at the doorstep of the hotel he was staying at.
Greetings and hugs were exchanged, with the brunet trying to wrap his head around how Yusei was even here. After a brief and summarized explanation, he made it clear he'd found a way to travel between their timelines without any repercussions, so long as they stayed out of trouble and didn't disturb important sequences of events.
“I really wanted to see you again… And Yugi-san, too! Of course!” The raven had said with that awkward handsome smile that had Judai's heart doing backflips.
After chatting and catching up on each other's lives, it was clear there was some underlying… tension between them. Certain looks and lingering touches that had both young men blushing like high school teenage girls. And even though Judai had been aware of his feelings for Yusei for a while now, he didn't know if the other felt the same.
At least not until today.
“Judai-san… I really like you. As in… more than a friend.” The riding duelist confessed to him as they were having dinner. Well, more like take out fried shrimp from Judai's favorite restaurant which got delivered to the hotel, but what does it matter? “O-Of course I completely understand if you don't see me the same way and wish for us to stay friends. Or… if you're not comfortable with that anymore…”
Not even allowing him to finish that sentence, Judai immediately leaned across the futon and pulled the man against him, crashing their lips into a fiery kiss. The brunet wasn't usually this bold— he blamed Yubel for that one, certainly.
And so, a few kisses and hot touches later, that's how they found themselves in their current position.
“I just don't want to make you uncomfortable.” Yusei steered the conversation back to their dilemma, as dripping wet lips greeted him once he pulled off Judai's underwear. “I don't want us to rush this and you end up regretting it later…”
If he was being completely honest, the brunet had lost himself in the moment that he didn't even remember he hadn't told Yusei that he was trans. But he could honestly care less.
Sure, he'd sometimes feel a bit self-conscious when looking into a mirror, but the way Yusei was holding him in such a gentle embrace, he knew the other man would still respect his wishes if something made him feel icky.
“I'm too horny to be having this discussion, Yus.” Judai half-jokingly huffed with a smile, but quickly went to reassure his partner. “I'll tell you if something doesn't sit right with me. If anything, you should be the one freaking out right now! No hard feelings if you don't wanna keep going.”
At that, Judai could see Yusei's blue gaze sharpen in a, dare he say, possessive manner? The raven spread his legs further apart, chin resting just above his pelvis as he almost purred in response. “Nothing could ever make me find you unattractive, Judai-san. If anything, this only makes you a sexier man in my book.”
Judai's face instantly lit aflame, his cunt spasming at the words coming out of Yusei’s mouth. He would've never pictured him saying such dirty things, and yet here they were. “C-Cut it out with the honorifics and just get to it already! Before I change my mind!”
With a soft chuckle, the raven smiled in return. “It would be my pleasure.”
Yusei was extremely gentle in his ministrations, rubbing soothing circles across Judai's thighs as he placed soft wet kisses here and there, leaving trails of saliva anywhere his mouth touched. The brunet hummed in delight, but could feel the ache in his core letting him know where he wanted the other man to touch him.
Thankfully his wishes were quickly granted, as a wet sensation that could only be described as Yusei's tongue began to move across his outer lips. Judai almost let out a gasp of pleasure, but was quick to slap a hand across his mouth to try and keep the noise to a minimum. The tenants were kind enough to let him crash in this room from time to time free of charge— the least he could do was spare them the embarrassment of hearing him cry out like a dog in heat.
Yusei took tentative licks, getting to know Judai's pussy as he moved along and trying to see what made him tick. Everything from outer lips to going straight inside, slurping the sweet juices that were beginning to drip down his chin as a reward from doing a good job. One hand continued to run down the brunet's leg, while the other started occasionally rubbing against his clit.
It was taking every fiber of Judai's being to keep his sounds to heavy breathing and occasional low moans. How was the riding duelist so good at this? Had he by chance done this before?
Catching his breath and placing both hands on the raven's hair, he knew he had to get his attention before things got messy. “Y-Yusei— ahh!— if you keep going I'm gonna—”
But Yusei didn't stop. In fact, those words seemed to spur him on since he started sucking on Judai's sensitive nub in delight. “Go ahead, then.”
“N-No! N-No fair! I wanna…” Judai's moans were starting to escalate by the second, making him wonder if this was even real or just another dream. “I wanna suck you off too!”
It took him about ten seconds to process what he'd just blurted out— bringing him nothing but humiliation and another red face at being caught expressing his true feelings. It was also the exact time it took Yusei to remove himself from the wet cunt in front of him to stare up at those chocolate brown eyes. A smirk had developed on his lips, which were red and swollen from their wonderful ministrations.
Slifer, the sight alone almost made him cum.
“If you wanted us to cum together all you had to do was say so.” Yusei spoke smoothly, standing up from his position at the end of the bed and then proceeding to crawl on top of the smaller male. His eyes held a glint of mischief, but for the most part, Judai knew he wasn't being mocked seriously.
It didn't make it any less embarrassing, though. “Well yeah, it's kinda unfair if I'm the only one without pants in this room…”
Another kiss, this one much less heated than the one they started with, but nevertheless filled with passion and desire for one another. Judai wrapped his arms around the other's neck, pulling him closer to feel his warmth.
Yusei's lips found themselves traveling across the brunet's neck as well, leaving feather light kisses anywhere his mouth could reach. His broad hands began to move up and down Judai's waist, until they slowly made their way under his shirt and across his chest.
That immediately broke Judai out of the pleasurable trance he was in. He pushed the man away, looking up at him in slight disgust, only to be brought back to reality as he remembered where and who he was with. “Shit! S-Sorry, Yus! I didn't mean to do that! I mean, I did, but not like that! It's just—”
“Hey, it's okay! Don't apologize.” Yusei raised his hands to show he meant no harm. His eyes were laced with concern and kept flickering between Judai's face and shirt. “I'm guessing the chest is off limits?”
“Yeah…” The brunet adjusted his binder out of habit, remembering a fleeting conversation he had with Yubel once over how he had to replace the old thing. That's the way they showed their concern. “Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the mood. I'm not totally… fine with it yet? Ugh, it's hard to explain.”
“Like I said,” Yusei tentatively shimmied closer, holding his hand and placing a soft kiss against it, “there's no need for you to apologize for something like that.”
Judai smiled in return. He'd definitely made the right call in trusting Yusei with this.
The raven head then raised his eyebrows slightly, turning to look at him from in between his fingers since he was still holding his hand. Another purr left his lips which had Judai's body shaking in what could only be described as pure desire. “I should probably ask— how do you feel about marks?”
Another shiver and a gulp.
He could hear Yubel's teasing on the inside of his skull, but at this point he'd grown used to it.
Tonight was going to be interesting, to say the least.
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✦ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬! ✦
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melodiousmyra · 10 months
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Ahhhh, I starshipped it
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Also, HE KISSED YUSEI, does that count tho
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anawrites3 · 1 year
Rose (or any of Slade's kids/Dick's siblings) getting a message about urgent matter and them needing help and when she arrives they just hand her over their baby (omegaverse or adopted) and leave for a date
Oh my, this is amazing 🤣🤣💕 I can imagine that they do this quite a lot (most of the time it's Dick's idea haha) and it works everytime! Their families aren't very happy with them because of it but in the end they get to spend more time with the kiddo so it's okay 😂💕 Thank you for the ask!! Now for the story 😚 (Quick warning; it is omegaverse!)
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Rose rushed up the stairs, cursing under her breath at the broken elevator. Out of all days, it had to break exactly today when she got a mysterious message from her dad (who literally never texted her first!). Well, the message wasn't exactly mysterious – it was very simple actually, only four words, but the lack of information had her stressing over it much more than it would otherwise.
Need help. Come quickly.
Rose read it over a dozen times already, looking for something more, for some hidden clues, anything. But that was... it. Nothing less, nothing more. Which actually made sense too, because Slade wasn't exactly a man of many words and his textings usually limited to short, specific information just like the one she got. Still, it would've been nice to know what exactly he got himself into this time and what was expected of her in this situation.
In the end, it didn't really matter. Slade had to be in some real deep shit to ask for her help like that and there was no way Rose would refuse to help him out of it. No matter what happened in the past between them – they were a family now, a pack. It took her only a few minutes to gear up and be on her way to Slade's apartment.
The stairs were a bit of a pain in the ass – why did Slade have to live so high up anyway? - but it was nothing compared to the training her dad used to put her through so she dealt with them quickly as well. At first she considered climbing the side of the building but it was still bright outside and she didn't want to risk anyone seeing her. She still had no idea what exactly Slade needed help with so she had to play it safe for now.
The whole floor was quiet when she got there, no sounds of fight or struggle, not even a faintest smell of an angry or hurt alpha. Rose silently stepped over to the right door and pressed herself close to it. Still no sound, no smell, nothing at all. She frowned, that wasn't a good sign. Slade wouldn't just give up without a fight so whoever it was that attacked him, probably had him already knocked out, patches on his glands to neutralize his scent.
Or... or worse yet, he could already not even be here. Rose could be too late and Slade had been taken away and that's why she couldn't hear or smell anything. Either way, no good. Rose unholstered her gun and made sure the silencer was attached properly. They really didn't need all the neighbors screaming and panicking at the mere sounds of the gunshot.
Slowly, she tested the door's handle and... the door was open. Yeah, alright, that made the whole thing a lot easier. Rose knew exactly how secure Slade's safehouses were – she got her fingers burned a few times in the past when she was trying to get inside – but she could bypass them with enough time. Time she didn't have now. Especially with the way she could hear the quiet sound of footsteps and rustling now that the door was actually open. Someone was still inside.
With a steady hand on the handle, Rose took a deep breath and prepared herself to pound.
And then kicked the door open and aimed, only to stand face to face with Dick fucking Grayson, holding his sleeping son on his hip. Dick looked up at her slowly, entirely at ease despite the loud entry and the gun literally aimed at his face and beamed when he saw her.
”Rosie!” he called out happily, as loud as he could with a sleeping pup in his arms and rushed over to her to scent her thoroughly. Rose let him do it, still too busy trying to understand the situation to pull away from him in time. ”You're finally here, thank God. Here, careful.”
Dick passed the pup over to her and Rose quickly holstered the gun to be able to hold him with her two hands. She held him a few times already but she was still afraid that she'll hurt the pup by not holding him properly and so she always made sure to be extra gentle and careful.
”Dick? Wait, what are you-”
”Jaden won't say hi right now because he had a very exciting day of playing and needs to rest but I'm sure he'll greet you properly as soon as he wakes up.” Dick smiled at her before pressing a kiss to the pup's little head. ”He'll be very happy to see you, I bet, since it's been so long since you last visited! But it's okay, I'm not mad, I know how busy you're now, Rosie. Oh, maybe we can schedule dinner next week! That'll be great, you need to text me when you're free-”
Dick babbled on while moving back to the mirror to fix his hair a little. Only then Rose noticed how nice he looked, dressed in the silky shirt with a pretty low neckline that showed off his collarbones and black pants that hugged his ass just right. But... what was he doing here? Did he get a similar text from Slade and they were meant to work together? Maybe he knew more than she did and that's why he's acting so confident and at ease.
”Wha- what's going on here?” Rose asked.
A quick look around the apartment told her that there were no signs of a fight here as well. Everything was in its place beside the mess of the blankets that were pooled on one of the couches (that was probably Dick's doing). Nothing smelled like any kind of aggression or distress there either – the only scents reaching her nose were those of a content omega, pleased alpha and the milky mix of these both that was the pup. ”Where's dad?”
”I'm here.” Slade called, walking into the room. The tension slipped off of Rose's shoulders immediately at his sight. So it wasn't any immediate danger.
”Dad.” she breathed out in relief before she was able to stop herself. Not wanting to show how worried she really was, she twisted her face in a scowl. If she wasn't holding Jaden, she would cross her arms too. ”Next time I'd prefer some more information than just 'need help'.”
Slade chuckled, not even looking up at her from the cuffs of his shirt he was busy adjusting. ”Thanks for coming so quickly, Rose.”
”Yeah, but-” Rose looked him over too. Slade was wearing a black three piece suit that laid on him like a second skin would. His hair was styled into a classy bun, instead of the messy ponytail Rose was so used to seeing him in lately. It made her feel pretty out of place – she was only dressed in a black gear meant for stealth missions that was nowhere near classy to what they had on. ”Why are you both dressed like that? Are we going on some undercover mission? Why didn't you tell me?”
”Because there's no mission at all, Rosie.” Dick told her calmly and walked over to Slade to tighten his tie with a fond smile on his lips. The alpha placed his hands on Dick's waist, leaning down like he wanted to kiss him but stopped himself. Good. Despite accepting their relationship some time ago already, Rose really didn't want to see that. ”It's a night off.”
”...Night off.” Rose echoed in disbelief. The slightly angry scent she unconsciously let out made Jaden move a bit and she did her best to hold it in to not upset him. ”A night off? Dad texted me, which he never does, and I rushed here because I thought that he's in danger! And you're telling me that there's no mission at all?!”
”Stop screaming.” Slade scolded her, gaze narrowing.
Rose listened to him, lips pressed into a thin line, only because she was still holding Jaden and didn't want to wake him up. But she was still angry and a bit of her scent seeped out, making the pup whimper in his sleep.
Dick was by her side in the blink of an eye and scenting both of them to calm them. Rose really hated the fact that it worked.
”There's no need to get upset.” he murmured with a smile that seemed to never leave his face. ”It's good that Slade isn't in any danger, right?”
”Well, if you really think about it, there's a mission for you alright, Rose.” Slade hummed. He made sure he had his keys and wallet, before crossing over the room to press a kiss to Jaden's cheek. Dick was already in the hallway, putting his coat on. ”The milk's in the kitchen, you can feed Jaden in an hour but if he's still sleeping by then do not wake him up. Diapers are in the nursery – we put them on the table so you won't be able to miss them. Most of his toys are in the nursery as well, shouldn't be a problem but if he'd somehow grow tired of all of them just give him the elephant plushie.”
Slade stopped in the middle of putting on his jacket to look her dead in the eye, ”Anything else you might need is written on the list on the fridge. Do not call me.”
”Have fun you two!” Dick hugged her briefly and looked at Jaden with a loving look, scenting him for the last time. ”Bye, my little robin. Try not to be too fussy for your older sister, hmm?”
”Wait!” Rose panicked. Everything was happening so quickly - they were already halfway out of the door. ”Where are you going?!"
”On a date!” Dick beamed again. ”We haven't been on one in forever so you're a real lifesaver. See you later!”
Slade grunted something as a goodbye and wrapped his arm around Dick's waist to hold him closer before walking out of the apartment. And Rose? Rose could do nothing more than just stare after them in shock, even minutes after they already disappeared behind the door.
She got tricked into being a babysitter.
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vivi-scera · 5 months
sick of sicko gentrification. mutuals, vetted in-laws even, what is your required sicko reading/watching/playing material? sicko syllabus, if you will. reblogs encouraged. for now
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"The truth is, I also wanted to see you change the future. But there wasn't enough time."
is far too potent a line to come from Yugioh
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[230425] jennierubyjane instagram story update
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elparaisodetlaloc · 4 months
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aviesims · 1 month
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Cordelia and Leon came to visit the triplets but they were a little more crowded as a family than anyone last remembered. Cordelia was apparently pregnant but not showing during Momo's wedding because she had triplets as well! Shortly after Momo had theirs so the kids were only a few months apart.
Eleanor was now no longer an only child and had three little siblings. Heaven and Isaac with their mother's hair next to their father's blue eyes and Laura who had her father's hair and mother's eyes.
The triplets now had another set of triplets as cousins, what were the odds?
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stardustneeko · 2 years
Me: Hey maybe i should remember the name of this guy interviewing me. He might become my new boss
My brain: no
My brain: Haha YuJu on ICE!!
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also, if you recognize any of these iconic poses, congratulations, there's a possibility that you may have watched too much gay skating anime
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rkdaily · 11 months
@phantomopera meets audace🔥 🔥🔥.
@raminkarimloo @bradleyjaden Thank you for joining us
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aberooski · 9 months
I haven't actually touched it in a very long time but I think about my GX rewrites every day. And the thing that keeps me up at night, like last night for instance, is thinking about the relationship between Chazz and Alexis.
It's not romantic in any sense. It never was, and that's what's so frustrating about the actual show. It's fine until Chazzanova when he tries to win her affections and she very politely and kindly turns him down. That should be the end of it, but of course it's not. And the thing is it really holds back both Chazz's character and his friendship with Alexis.
But this is where I come in 😌
See after she turns Chazz down, he should be allowed to move on from her. This is his journey to learn what love in all its forms is like. He doesn't understand it because well, he doesn't have anyone in his life that loves him. His brothers don't, and he's only been treated poorly by people and only valued for his money and dueling skills. I don't even think he's actually in love with her as much as he's in love with the idea of her. The idea of having someone he loves that loves him back for real. But when she turns him down, he starts to realize that. She shattered his delusion in a sense and now he's starting to understand his end of things.
So at some point down the line after the duel with Kagemaru, he apologizes to Alexis for stealing the spirit keys to try and get a date with her and all of that, even though it was all Atticus's idea in the first place. He also apologizes for getting Atticus involved in his delusion, to which Alexis just sighs, shakes her head, and tells him it's okay. Having talked to Atticus about it after the fact, she kinda got the impression that it wasn't as simple a situation as it seemed to the others. After all, her brother's an idiot but he's not stupid. No doubt he knew all along that the plan wouldn't actually work, but he couldn't just not help his friend. In truth Chazz needed her rejection to help him continue to grow and further understand how his own feelings worked on their own, rather than how other people tell him to feel or he thinks he should feel. And Atticus knew that.
Alexis also tells him she meant it when she asked him if they could still be friends when the duel was over. He may be a little obnoxious sometimes, but he's still one of her best friends, and she cares about him.
This is something Chazz really doesn't know how to comprehend because he has so little experience with people genuinely caring about him, largely due to his horribly abusive and emotionally manipulative brothers. For example, Jaden and the rest of the J-Squad standing up for him after the school duel is probably the first time anyone has ever stood up for him before in his life. And you can note in his reaction that Chazz is genuinely surprised that they're doing this for him. He just isn't used to any sort of genuine kindness being expressed to him. I think Alexis was always nice to him even when he got on her nerves, and that might've been part of why he thought he was in love with her and vice versa. But when she again, very kindly, turns him down in Chazzanova and genuinely asks him with a smile if they can still be friends afterwords, that's when he begins to understand his own emotional autonomy in a completelydifferent and on a deeper level than breaking away from his brothers allows him to. Or rather, it should be cough actual writers cough because this is essentially the missing piece of that understanding.
And from this point, they can move on from it. Chazz can use this experience to grow and start to better understand himself and others, and he and Alexis could grow to be incredible friends. I've always seen the potential in their relationship in how it's purely platonic but very affectionate.
By the end of the show, he's her best friend. He's essentially a second brother to her, that's always how I thought of them and wished they were. Atticus and Alexis are Chazz's chosen family, that's just the case. I wish they functioned more like that.
So in my version of events, they do.
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