#David Kent
stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in 1923 – Republican prisoner Denny Barry dies on hunger strike in Newbridge camp.
Denis ‘Dinny’ Barry (Donnchadh de Barra) was born into a farming family in Cullen, Riverstick, ten miles south of Cork city. Barry enjoyed Gaelic culture and sport, and was a prominent member of the Ballymartle hurling club. He later joined the famous Blackrock National Hurling Club where he won 4 senior county championships in a row during the years of 1910 to 1913. In 1913, he joined the newly…
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forensicated · 6 months
Ah. The culmination of one of the worst PM plots, finally. Usual rules apply, no Gina but it's the conclusion of a huge plot both are involved in so it's being covered despite not officially having both parties of Smiffina in. Also, I will forever hate that she's not involved in the end of the TFG (The Fake Gabriel) plot because she was so instrumental in it. Bloody Prosser.
As you all know - TFG - The Fake Gabriel, TRG - The Real Gabriel.
Sometimes I think back over the TB plotlines and history and wonder if certain parts were actual fever dreams rather than real. Can you imagine Roy, Mike and Ted dealing with the shitshow of TFG?
TRIGGER WARNINGS: ABH, Huge history of controlling and abusive behaviour and discussion of rape, a murder attempt and a depiction of suicide.
Strap in, it's a long one because it weaves across the entire episode.
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 353
TFG is angry Sheelagh went through his things. Sheelagh demands that he tell her who he is, she thinks everything he tells her is fake and lies even when it's the truth, especially as he insists he's an only child. He recounts what happened when TRG was adopted, they never asked him if he wanted a brother or told him he was coming - it was just a surprise one day. His father told him that his brother had a rough start to his life where as he (TFG) had everything so he should be grateful and get on with it. I have to admit, if it's the truth, and you never can tell with TFG, it is a horrendous thing to have happened suddenly one day - wallop, here you go. This baby is moving in and he's your brother and you have to put up with it without any preperation or discussion. He insists it was easier just to push people away and be a loaner as he felt they never loved him. He hated it and hated them, and often hated himself. So then the choice came up to be someone else... and he took it. And he doesn't regret it because it meant he met Sheelagh. He tells her he loves her... she tells him she can never believe a word he says.
June rings the hospital to find out how TRG is getting on. There's been no change after he opened his eyes. She wants to tell Adam everything as it's eating her alive but Smithy manages to reassure her and get her to agree not to. He insists that it's not enough for him to just lose his job for lying about who he is. June sighs and tells Smithy that she thinks she made 'the mess' so she should be the one to clear it up... Smithy tells her she doesn't know the half of it - and takes her into the Sgt's office to tell her about what Kerry alleged Gabriel did. June confides that before Kerry died she came to see her and wanted to tell her something but couldn't get the words out. June puts a time limit on it. If they don't find anything out by tomorrow, she's going to tell all to Adam.
June has to return to the hospital to collect TRG's clothes for a media appeal. She goes to tell her son how sorry she is for everything, standing with him for as long as she can before she has to return to work.
Sheelagh can't trust TFG or believe anything he says. TFG insists they can leave but Sheelagh insists too many people know the truth to be able to just run away. He insists only they know the truth and they're the only people who matter. He'll 'take care of his brother'. "What do you mean?" Sheelagh asks, wide eyed. TFG says it doesn't matter but she won't be calmed and asks again. He tells her he'd do anything for her - whatever it took. "So how far would you go?" "My brothers already in a coma. You're too important to let go." Sheelagh tries to escape and he lashes out, slapping her round the face.
Laura is worried about Sheelaghas she hasn't been seen. Dean says she was at the hospital and might have gotten chatting. Laura 'casually' asks about TFG who was apparently dealing with a domestic. She asks him to try and call him and he doesn't answer.
TFG tries to apologise to Sheelagh, telling her that sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he needs her to help him. He tries to do the right thing but it always backfires. People don't understand him... but she does. Sheelagh swallows and tries to reassure him so she can keep safe, forcing herself to touch him and comfort him to calm him down so she can get out of the room. She eyes the door, promising him they're a team. He calms at her touch and she finally makes a break for it, managing to open the door but he forces it close and drags her upstairs.
Laura goes to Smithy and tells him neither Sheelagh or TFG have been seen, nor at they responding to their radio calls. He tells her not to jump to conclusions... she has to tell him she's told Sheelagh the truth about TFG and TRG. He tells her to go to Sheelagh's house with Tony but to be discreet - only for TFG to bundle through the doors beside them. He claims he had a dodgy battery and he was at a domestic in Mercy Lane.
Laura heads off to go to Sheelagh's and Smithy has to tell June that Sheelagh knows. She asks if he thinks TFG might have done something to Sheelagh and Smithy replies it depends how far she thinks he might go to protect himself. Ah.. if only you knew, Sgt! June posts TFG with her for the day so she can keep an eye on him and keep him out the way. Smithy's not happy but June is incharge of postings and he can't override her decision.
Smithy lets Sam know that they have the clothes and he notices the label, googling it as it's an American brand that isn't available in the UK. He tells Sam to get onto the FBI as they use different security for people entering/exiting the US so they could have his prints on file and stop her wasting time on the local press where he potentially won't be known.
TFG wangles a visit to the hospital by influencing the victim of an RTA that she needs to go in, despite her insisting she's fine. June gets asked to go help a female patient by a nurse and TFG takes the chance to look for his brother, but there's a nurse with him so he can't get near. He forces his way into the nearest toilets, staring at his reflection before breaking a fire alarm and triggering the fire alarm.
At Sheelagh's house, Laura and Tony have broken in with Laura being told off by Tony as she 'needs to brush up on her section 17 as they're only supposed to break in if they believe they'll be saving life or limb.' "What do you think we're doing here?" She hisses at Tony, rushing upstairs. Sure enough they find Sheelagh trussed up and gagged in the main bedroom. She tells them it's TFG and he's threatening his brother. Tony is shocked and surprised but Laura calls it in immediatley.
As the hospital evacuates, TFG marches into ITU, standing over the prone body of his brother, TRG. He puts on a pair of gloves and removes his breathing tube, and finally smothers him with a pillow before replacing the breathing tube and turning off the whining monitors. TFG dumps the gloves in the medical waste and looks back at TRG.
Smithy finds out the TFG is at the hospital with June dealing with a minor RTC and dispatches Steve to attend at the hospital. TFG returns to June and tells her he went to the toilet and then got evacuated to the carpark because of the fire alarm. A nurse and Steve rush into ITU and find TRG and shout for help as he's had a cardiac arrest. June questions him further and he tells her that he got talking to a paramedic. Steve watches as TRG is resucitated. Sam has been brought up to date about TFG and TRG - but not all details. She doesn't know about June's involvement so suggests that they put out a bogus message that TRG died of natural causes. Smithy tells her they can't - because TFG is out with June - but tells her he can't get into it now. He hurries to comfort Sheelagh as she's brought in and warns Tony to stick to her side and not to let her out of his sight until TFG is brought in - in cuffs.
Sam updates Smithy that TRG's monitor and breathing tube had been tampered with and they involved the crime scene examiners. Sam wants to involved the Superintendent and arranges for CID to arrest TFG - but Smithy refuses, he wants to be the one who arrests him. Sam sighs - but agrees.
TFG tells June she won't have to put up with him for much longer. She asks him what he means by that but they get a call through the radio before he can answer. They get called to a girl who is burning the clothes of her fathers girlfriend who is abusing her mentally. She tries to close the door on them but TFG over reaches and boots it straight in. "If the mountain won't come to Mohammed..." he shrugs when June asks what he's doing. The girl is terrified and picks up a knife that she'd been using to make a sandwich, holding it up as protection. Jess is unstable and wants to kill herself, holding the knife to her wrists. She wants to join her mother who died from stomach cancer and June tries to comfort her but TFG keeps over stepping and almost getting stabbed.
TFG is on the edge, spotting the officers gathering outside the flat block after hearing a radio call from Smithy. He knows the game is up so starts to wind the girl up more, insulting her and insisting she's just pitying herself. He grasps a bottle of vodka on the table and drinks from it. He compares himself to Jess and tells her that her dad doesn't care - just like his didn't and that they are the only people who can look after each other as people only let you down. She runs to June who tells her to lock herself in her bedroom.
June tells TFG he is a disgrace to the uniform and she will personally see to it that he has the book thrown at him. TFG just scoffs, "It's already over." He tells her. "You're my nightmare you are, trying to destroy my life one way or the other." June yells that it's never his fault and he always has to blame someone else. "Aren't you man enough to take responsibility for yourself?" TFG shouts at her to shut up and he throws the bottle at her, causing it to smash on the wall which Smithy overhears.
Smithy orders officers to cover each exit and tells Laura to get him more back up as they rush in. TFG forcibly cuffs June, telling her he wants her to suffer like he has and forces her up to the roof. Smithy isn't far behind, reaching the floor that they were on. He locates Jess who is sobbing and terrified. He asks her if she's okay and promises that he'll leave her for a few minutes but someone is coming to her and will look after her. Smithy stalks up to the roof in time to hear TFG preaching at June, claiming she takes his happiness away everytime he finds some. He insists June robbed him of his entire life. She tries to calm him down, telling him it can be gotten over and to let her go. She'll pretend it hasn't happened and get him help. "It's too late for that. I'm a lost cause." "No, nobody's a lost cause. Not even you." "You don't know what I'm capable of. Andrea does, so does Kerry. My brother, he found out too." June begs him to tell her what has happened to her son and he remains ominously silent whilst she cries.
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"I couldn't take the chance he'd tell people who he was. I'd lose Sheelagh." June swallows, telling him it wasn't TRG's fault, he wasn't driving the car that killed them but TFG still is adamant that he did because they were arguing over his decision to look for June. That, in TFG's head, makes it June's fault "for inflicting him on his family." June glares at him. "You always find someone to blame." "Not someone, June." he replies calmly. "You." TFG continues to berate her as June spots Smithy behind them. Smithy gestures for her to play for time and looks around him for ideas of how to restrain and arrest TFG.
Sickeningly, Gabriel blames June for being raped and mocks her that it's happened twice, claiming she has 'victim' tattooed on her forehead. "You are a monster" "You made me what I am."
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June takes the opportunity to ask him what he's he has done, reminding him he mentioned Kerry and Andrea. TFG smiles, telling her The Sniper's death wasn't an accident and that he forced him over the edge and then let go because 'he would have pointed the finger at me'. He admits he left Andrea to die in the fire because she'd worked out who he was and that Kerry knew he was too - claiming all roads lead back to June. June spits that he raped Kerry and TFG insists that it takes two to tango. Having worked his way closer, Smithy loses his temper on hearing Kerry spoken about like that and launches at TFG and the two fight. With TFG on the floor, Smithy helps June out of her cuffs only for TFG to go back for more, striking him on the back with the ASP. Smithy turns, yelling in pain and they fight, with TFG kicking Smithy in the face, knocking him out cold for enough seconds to try force Smithy over the edge. Smithy fights back with both men strangling each other. TFG punches him out cold again and approaches June. "It's over." she tells him, which Gabriel agrees with. But he tells her it ends now... and he climbs into the top of the rails. "See what you've done to me." he spits at June before jumping off. June can hardly watch and Smithy comes round just in time to look over and see Gabriel's body. "Let's get out of here." he says gently, uncuffing June and leading her away.
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Smithy is told that he needs to get his statement in and he tells Laura he knows the score. She smiles and asks if she can buy him a drink later. "I hope you've been to the bank!" he replies, before literal Super Sarge is wrapped in a red cape blanket.
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Laura reassures June that her son isn't dead and that he is still in the hospital in a coma but TFG did not succeed in killing him. She rushes to his bedside as Sam reassures her the doctors don't know how long he was starved of oxygen but to stay positive.
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Side note: well done to the drug addict arrested for telling Dan that whilst Rochelle might not be an addict anymore she is still clearly chasing that high for kicks hence taking stupid risks with him but not making time to see him when it's safer/Ian isn't around or in the building etc. She's using him and he can't see it. Woe :(
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Shoe horning a Dan reference in? Me? Never.
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everydreamhome · 2 years
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David Kent
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soranatus · 5 months
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It's a bird, it's a plane, it's............oh! Superman by David Talaski
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justiceleague · 1 month
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First official look at David Corenswet as Clark Kent/Superman
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tonkysexist · 1 year
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thlastacolyte · 11 months
not only did casting directors finally understood that clark kent/superman is an absolute babygirl
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so did animators and artists i am in absolute heaven as a superstan
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jetslay · 28 days
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Superman & Krypto by Pablo M. Collar.
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wwprice1 · 5 months
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Superman by David Talaski.
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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(◕︵◕) Batman/Superman: World's Finest #7 
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1923 – Republican prisoner Denny Barry dies on hunger strike in Newbridge camp.
#OTD in 1923 – Republican prisoner Denny Barry dies on hunger strike in Newbridge camp.
Denis ‘Dinny’ Barry (Donnchadh de Barra) was born into a farming family in Cullen, Riverstick, ten miles south of Cork city. Barry enjoyed Gaelic culture and sport, and was a prominent member of the Ballymartle hurling club. He later joined the famous Blackrock National Hurling Club where he won 4 senior county championships in a row during the years of 1910 to 1913. In 1913, he joined the newly…
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forensicated · 6 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 348
Roger and Yvonne attend the scene of a RTA where a young boy has been knocked over. The driver is found at the scene after trying to run away. It turns out that the driver stole the car and he insists the child just ran out in front of him. The boys dies from massive internal injuries. If the driver sticks to his story it's going to be a struggle to pin dangerous driving on him as there are no witnesses. The father, Jeff, blames himself because he took his eyes off him for a second to answer the phone. The driver insists they've got nothing on him - other than joyriding and driving without a licence, he refuses to even consider that he was to blame.
Amanda hears Smithy and June talking about Gina and advises Smithy to stay away from Gina because she can't be helped. More likely Amanda's worried more people will find out what she did if people talk to Gina!
Reg is very happy to be leading the anniversary proceedings for the celebration. He 'volunteers' Reg and Lance to help him chaperoning guests and making things run smoothly.
Gabriel is overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to sort out and the whole pretending to be someone else thing which would require a lot of sorting out and a high risk of being caught out. June tells him he's living in cloud cuckoo land and that he's got a bank account, NI number, driving licence etc in her sons name and not his own and that he's claimed everything else of her sons to be his. June tells him that if he doesn't tell Sheelagh then she will. He tries to threaten her and June's far passed the point of actually being scared of him and doesn't care. She gives him a week to talk to Sheelagh. He actually thanks her and promises he won't let her down.
Roger supports the father, Jeff, and is gently and kind and tells him that they're doing everything they can. Amanda however is on the phone to the press as she arrives and tells them that she wants it specifically mentioned that they're doing all they can and that she personally visited the father. She knocks whilst still on the telephone and interupts Roger telling Jeff that they have some concerns with the prelimary findings which means the driver will only be charged with with aggrevated vehicle taking, driving with no insurance and no licence and not death by dangerous driving. Amanda puts her foot in it massively and upsets Jeff, inflaming the situation. Jeff throws her out of the house and in turn Roger too. Amanda then blames Roger for it backfiring int he manner it did!
Smithy goes to Adam's house to speak to him, knowing Gina will have told him nothing. Adam's been working as a volunteer at a homeless shelter to keep him busy as he hates being in the house alone. Smithy updates him on the happenings at Sun Hill, telling Adam that it's like Gina is being forced out by Amanda and that Amanda's lost the respect of the entire station through it as they all know that it wasn't Gina who sent S019 to the wrong house. Adam insists it will be fine as Gina won't let it knock her - but Smithy tells him that it's like Gina has given up and just rolled over. Smithy begs him to return to take the helm but Adam is not at all sure and asks for time to think about it.
Yvonne and Roger have to arrest Jeff for assaulting the driver of the car who killed his son. Amanda tells Roger to release him straight away rather than let him calm down and she demands that Roger makes the driver NOT press charges. Jeff demands that the boy is arrested again and Amanda tells him she hasn't read the file and she can't do that. She tells him it was an accident and that they're all deeply sorry. She's incredibly useless and simply inflames Jeff over again. He screams at her that he wants the man who killed his son brought to justice. She simply tells him they're doing everything they can to help him and escapes back to her office, leaving Yvonne to take him home.
Adam goes to see Gina and she guesses immediatley that Smithy sent him. She tells him she's lost her fight and she's not doing a great deal to secure her job back because she doesn't have the energy to deal with it right now. She 'rememebers' she's got to be somewhere and he leaves. He tells her she's the best Super he's ever worked under and that she's being pushed out for something that isn't her fault. She admits she doesn't want to work under Amanda so is considering her options. Adam tells her he's considering returning and asks if she'd work under him again. She's surprised - but of course she would! She agrees to return to the station for the anniversary do and admits she lied about 'having things to do' and closes the door.
There's a shock instore for both June and Gabriel at the front desk. The Real Gabriel Kent has arrived, asking to see June. It doesn't half confuse Laura however when the man gives his name as 'Gabriel Kent'.
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The Fake Gabriel is putting up posters advertising his and Sheelagh's engagement party as Laura arrives and asks him if he's seen June because there's a bloke at the front desk asking for her. "You're not going to believe this, but his name is Gabriel Kent." she tells him. The Fake Gabriel assures Laura he's a bit of a nutter and that he'll deal with it and goes through to see his brother - The Real Gabriel Kent. The Real Gabriel is amazed to see him and shocked that his brother is a police officer and tells him he's there to see June.
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The Fake Gabriel (TFG) tells The Real Gabriel (TRG)* they can sort it out but that they need to go upstairs to a private quiet room so it's not played out in front of people whilst TRG gets to know his birth mother.
Outside the station Jeff Clarke is watching it fill up with visitors for the anniversary. Laura spots him outside and asks if he's ok, he assures her he's fine and continues looming.
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Reg is running around in old fashioned police clothing, trying his best to get everything set up and ordering the others around to help. Tony has to tell him that the old Sun Hill officer that he'd arranged to make a talk has hurt his back and can't come after 'helping' with an arrest earlier. Reg says he'll drive him to the hospital and that Tony has to take over for him and do the introductions.
TRG is even more confused as he talks with his brother as he wanted to be a police officer and it just so happens that his brother is stationed at the same station as his birth mother. He suggests it can't be a coincidence but TFG insists it is and says that June isn't in that day, what a shame it is considering he came all that way to see her. TRG just smiles, telling TFG that he's now home for good having lost his job and his marriage having ended. He's going nowhere - sending more alarm bells ringing for TFG. TRG asks how he got into the MET after his 'trouble' in the Navy. Laura appears and calls TFG 'Gabriel' which suddenly explains it all to TRG. (cor this is exhausting!) TRG wants to thrash it out, knowing that he's stolen his identity. TRG knows just how twisted his brother is. TFG refuses to let him leave.
Terry arrives back at the station after a covert operation he's been on all day. Amanda tells him he has to show guests around CID. He explains but she won't take no for an answer - he has to show them round now or else. Gina turns up for the anniversary do on Adam's arm, nervous that she might not be allowed in because she's been suspended. He assures her it'll be fine.
Jeff is in the front office with the rest of the people invited, he tells Terry that he's not there for the anniversary, he wants to talk to someone about his son. Amanda is horrified to see him and interupts as Terry wants to take him somewhere to explain the process gently. Amanda tells him that she'll take him to her office and leads him upstairs - telling him he's come at a bad time as it's actually a celebration. Jeff is clearly on the edge but she doesn't appear to realise and just continues upstairs, "It's always best to deal with these things whilst they're fresh." She tells him in a dismissive bored tone.
TFG insists that stealing his brothers life and identity is no big deal and can all be sorted out. "Yes it can." nods TRG. "You're going to tell them the truth." TFG turns it all round to be TRG's fault that this happened in the first place, claiming he just wanted to be like him. TFG claims he's finally found something he's good at and that he's not going to let TRG ruin it. TFG offers to pay him whatever he wants to return to America. "Either you tell them the truth or I do. So what's it going to be, David?" TFG freezes, plotting and he finally agrees that yes, he will resign. "But not now. Everyone's tied up with the do. Who could I talk to?" TRG knows he's playing for time and TFG scoffs. "Who are you going to tell? You just going to grab someone and blurt it out? People wil think you're a nutter." TFG tells him to come back the next morning to speak to June. TRG demands he let him leave but TFG won't let him. "Face it David, your little game is over."
Amanda inflames Jeff's feelings further, telling him that she's very sorry - yet again - but nothing can be done. She asks him to leave... as Jeff produces a gun. "You keep saying you're sorry, but you're not. All you had to do was listen."
TRG charges out of the room with TFG at his heels, grabbing him and telling him he doesn't know where he's going. They come face to face with Amanda being held at gun point and Jeff orders them to stay where they are. "Just do what he says!" Amanda says, terrified.
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Next time on The Bill... it's the second live ep!
As an aside, for extra LOLS, each time James Barriscale is in The Bill as Gabriel Kent, he is credited as 'The Real Gabriel Kent' 😂😂
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browsethestacks · 5 months
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It's a bird, it's a plane, it's............oh!
Art by David Talaski
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damiansgrayson · 8 months
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the pain on Clark's face 😭
batman/superman: world's finest #7
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justiceleague · 1 month
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David Corenswet training for James Gunn's "Superman"
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Superboy: Man of Tomorrow #1 variant cover by David Talaski
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