#Devin Sola
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Motionless in White (x)
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shadowlessdeath · 1 year
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4ssfuck3ry · 5 months
I am shocked by Devin sola coming out as trans. Well, good for her! So unexpected.
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rock-photoz · 1 year
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lornamotionless · 2 years
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Hey guys! It's Motionless's seventeenth anniversary today! It's amazing how far they've come and they're still going strong! This collage includes all past and present band members and album covers from The Whorror (2007), When Love Met Destruction (2009), Creatures (2010), Infamous (2012), Reincarnate (2014), Graveyard Shift (2017), Disguise (2019), and finally a band picture from a photo shoot for their album Scoring The End Of The World (2022)! I truly hope they continue making music, touring, etc. And I hope all fans stay with them through the years! I truly hope they stay around for much longer than we expect! Honestly, I can't help but say no matter what I hope that we'll all support them. 💜🤘
Lots of love to the boys in MIW along with their crew members! Y'all are awesome! - immaculatexmeltdown
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devinsolas · 9 months
Thanks for tagging i have a bad fever 😭
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 7 months
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Hi! I'm Lethal, at least that's a shortened version of my roller derby name that still keeps me anonymous!
I use She/Her/Hers pronouns
I like to draw, sing, dance, listen to music, write, and of course roller skate. I've based my life around skating for about as long as I can remember so please please talk to me about it! And your favorite music too! Make me playlists, share songs! I love love love listening to new stuff!
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Who do you write for?
I write for a wide variety of artists and characters! My current list is Creepypasta/Marble Hornets, HABIT from EMH, Metalocalypse/DethKlok, Motionless in White and Slipknot.
Who don't you write for?
From the list I gave above there are some characters/people I won't write for. Including Slenderman/any other slenders, Devin Sola aka Ghost, and Chris Fehn (sorry I just don't like him)
What are you uncomfortable writing?
Technology stuff (sorry Ben stans)
Honestly I dislike Laughing Jack but I'll still write for him if you really really really want
Scat/piss/puke kinks
Male S/O and male readers
Honestly not a whole lot, if I'm uncomfortable writing something that I can't think of at the moment I'll let you know and add to this list!
Then what are you comfortable writing?
NSFW (it might not be great but I try)
Risky stuff (angst, noncon, dubcon, self harm, abuse, mental illness, the works)
Pretty much anything if it hasn't been stated negatively above
wattpad | AO3
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roseredsnow · 1 year
Anyway on a fun lighter note here's some canonically asexual (and a couple aromantic) characters.
Connor Hawke - Confirmed in comics last year, also confirmed to be alloromantic.
Roshanna Chatterji - Confirmed ace in "The movement" comics, also implied aro due to context.
Spooner - Confirmed in episode 10 season 7 (If I remember right) of Legends of tomorrow, also implied aro due to context.
Star Wars
Vernestra Rwoh - Confirmed aroace by Justina Ireland, there was also a line in book implying.
Leox Gyasi - Lines in book and I'm assuming from the article Claudia Gray expanded somewhere.
Vi Moradi - Elizabeth Schaefer explained that it was Delilah S. Dawsons idea
Sola Nabberie- Confirmed by E.K Johnson implied in book
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Implied bi (or pan) and/or araoce in Padawan
Other TV shows
Abbi in the impefects - Said in episode one and mentioned again later
Florence in sex education - Haven't watched it but heard the clip
Todd in Bojack Horseman - Same again
Gwenpoole - technically the words haven't been said but apparently she's been seen with an ace flag during marvel voices pride
Nadia Van Dyne (my favourite) - Confirmed aroace and quorioromantic on twitter by Unstoppable Wasp writer Jeremy Whitley, also apparently by Sam Maggs but I haven't seen that.
And last but not least Yelena Belova - Confirmed by Devin Grayson because you should not be able to take back confirming an identity.
Also heavily implied throughout "Pale Little Spider"
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virsancte · 3 months
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i compiled a little before and after for the gen 4 characters from their high school designs & current for my own eyes, but might as well post them now that i'm back 2 legacy storytelling ik some of them aren't that familiar, i was going to play with them more in gen 3 but unfortunately my pc could not handle all my mods AND hsy so i ended up quickly abandoning a lot of ideas ;') i have some screenshots though, might post someday top to bottom: ellie (she/her), sola (they/them), dev (devin, he/him), averie (she/her), clementine (she/they)
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shadowlessdeath · 1 year
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projectrevolutionff · 28 days
Sombras del Ayer - Dennis II
Los votos fueron expresados; las caricias a modo de consuelo fueron hechas. ¿Estaba a salvo ya? Su estómago revuelto como un tormentoso mar; sus manos gélidas, iguales a un témpano de hielo. ¿Cuándo terminaría todo? Mordió su lengua con firmeza hasta que el malestar en su cuerpo se redirigió a la boca. Observó de reojo a sus padres y su hermano, acompañado por su cuñada quien mecía suavemente a su sobrino más pequeño. Su madre lloraba, su padre luchaba por contener la emoción; Devin parecía feliz de ver a su hermano menor convertirse en un hombre. Todos felices y contentos: lo que siempre quiso. Detrás de ellos sus tíos, sus abuelos y sus primos; todos admiraron la bella pareja. Dos jóvenes en la curva ascendente de su vida; “enamorados” hasta las pestañas y deseando finalmente poder llamarse “marido y mujer”. Necesitó un respiro antes de dar sus votos. Mientras su pareja recitó entre lágrimas, giró la mirada por unos segundos. Encontró su amiga acariciando su estómago. La imagen quedó grabada a fuego en su mente. ¡Que belleza despampanante! Quiso correr a abrazarla, mencionarle todos los cumplidos del universo y llevársela al fin del mundo. Lo unico que le quitó la ensoñación fue ver al marido de la mujer. «Ethan, maldito tipo suertudo. ¿No quieres robarme el lugar por dos segundos? Siempre fuiste bueno con la zalamería, por eso Chelsea te escogió.» Ella ya no era suya. Nunca lo fue. La dejó ir como un imbécil inmaduro. El mismo la abandonó cuando más lo necesitó; quien le espetó las palabras más hirientes del universo solo porque se sintió dolido por sus acciones. Por sus hijos. Por su elección de vida. Porque escogió a alguien diez años mayor que sí sabía ser un caballero. Su casi esposa finalizó las dulces palabras al borde del llanto. Apretó sus cálidas manos con fingida dulzura. Se percató que no recordaba ni una sola, menos mal que contrataron a un gran fotógrafo y equipo de vídeo. —Lo hiciste bien, cielo —murmuró cómplice—. Gracias, te amo. Tocó su turno; su mente funcionó en piloto automático. Al finalizar, vio que la novia lució aún más conmovida. Celebró su éxito por pocos segundos hasta que no le quedó más alternativa que proseguir. El Pastor prosiguió con palabras solemnes hasta que mencionó el “hablar en ese instante o callar para siempre”. ¿Quién se animaría a interrumpir su matrimonio? ¿Su farsa? ¿Podría ser él quien diera marcha atrás y pidiese detenerlo? ¿Acaso Chelsea llamaría la atención y pediría que no siguieran? «Vamos C, hazlo. Confiesa que tienes ojos para mí y vives una farsa como yo». Nada. Chelsea no habló, no se levantó. ¿Por qué lo haría? Ella amaba al otro tipo. Él tampoco tuvo los cojones suficientes para detener todo, evitando lastimar aún más la confianza y orgullo de Kelly «Cobarde, cretino y también hijo de puta. Eso soy» —Y en este silencio podemos encontrar la paz y la seguridad de este amor que hoy se consagra. —Contuvo el aliento; sus rodillas temblaron—. Sin más dilación, los declaro marido y mujer. Puede besar a la novia. Así lo hizo. Procuró poner empeño para lucir extasiado, romántico y casi desesperado por sellar su unión. Convincente para los ojos curiosos e igual que su esposa. El silencio del ambiente se cortó para dar paso a los vítores y aplausos de los presentes; explotó el confeti plateado a los costados, envolviéndolos en una lluvia de espejitos frágiles y livianos. Kelly miró hacia arriba, colmada de felicidad a un cielo sin nubes. La boda soñada para ella, la pesadilla perfecta para él. —¡Lo hicimos, Dex! ¡Lo hicimos! —¡Si! —exclamó—. ¡Al fin terminó! Caminaron de la mano por el pasillo cubierto de pétalos rojos; al pasar por entre los invitados vio rostros exultantes, felices por otra exitosa unión. Buscó el rostro de su amiga, quien aplaudió con calma y una sonrisa burlona, ojos analíticos. Pudo haber engañado a doscientos cuarenta y nueve invitados, pero al número doscientos cincuenta no. Un escalofrío recorrió su cuerpo al dejarla detrás.
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rock-photoz · 1 year
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miwtual · 1 year
idk whats more of a jumpscare when giffing older miw stuff bryan stars or devin sola
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marivenah · 4 months
OC Masterlist
This is a full list of my fandom ocs + a select few characters from my original works that I've mentioned or talked about before, in text post format for easier access on mobile! No links included because it would break the post into oblivion. But important tags are fully listed.
Last updated: 18.02.2024
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Far Cry 5
— Laurie Devin. she/her { ♡ Jacob Seed } tag; #oc: laurie devin | ship tag; #x: feed the hungry
— Aiden Hunter. he/him { ♡ Faith Seed } tag; #oc: aiden hunter | ship tag; #x: darkest before the dawn
— Toni Hunter. she/her { ♡ N/A } tag; #oc: toni hunter
Call Of Duty (Modern Warfare Reboot)
— Paz "Avis" Acosta. she/her { ♡ Simon "Ghost" Riley } tag; #oc: paz acosta | ship tag; #x: under sunlight
— Arlene "Ace" Harlow. she/her { ♡ König } tag; #oc: arlene harlow | ship tag; #x: two of a kind
— Laura "Lux" Siemon. she/her { ♡ Nikodim "Rodion" Egorov } tag; #oc: laura siemon | ship tag; #x: to see you shine
— Janaína "Omen" Mendes. she/her { ♡ Velikan } tag; #oc: janaína mendes | ship tag; #x: keep it silent
— Emilia Hellström. she/her { ♡ Rodolfo Parra } tag; #oc: emilia hellström | ship tag; #x: back to back
Mortal Kombat 1
— Santana "Serpent" Ruiz. she/her { ♡ Kenshi Takahashi } tag; #oc: santana ruiz | ship tag; #x: snake charmer
— Huo "Phoenix" Liang. she/her { ♡ Kung Lao } tag; #oc: huo liang | ship tag; #x: between wind and water
— Yawen Zhao. she/her { ♡ Tomas Vrbada/Smoke } tag; #oc: yawen zhao | ship tag; #x: underneath it all
— Quhiri. she/her { ♡ Raiden } tag; #oc: quhiri | ship tag; #x: moth to a flame
— Kheira Rane. she/her { ♡ Guzma } tag; #oc: kheira rane | ship tag; #x: my sun moon and stars
— Alysha Faye. she/her { ♡ N/A? } tag; #oc: alysha faye
— Cato Rye. he/him { ♡ Serena } tag; #oc: cato rye | ship tag; #x: something so sweet
— Nova Shepard. she/her { ♡ Garrus Vakarian } - Mass Effect tag; #oc: nova shepard | ship tag; #x: no me without you
— Sara Hypatia "Pati" Ryder. she/her { ♡ Reyes Vidal } - Mass Effect tag; #oc: sara hypatia ryder | ship tag; #x: you're someone to me
— Ashalya Lavellan. she/her { ♡ Solas } - Dragon Age: Inquisition tag; #oc: ashalya lavellan | ship tag; #x: var lath vir suledin
— Wendy. she/her { ♡ John Hancock } - Fallout 4 tag; #oc: wendy | ship tag; #x: good morning sunshine
— Yasemin. she/her { ♡ Deacon } - Fallout 4 tag; #oc: yasemin | ship tag; #x: happens great happens sweet
— Valentina "V" Voigt. she/her { ♡ Goro Takemura } - Cyberpunk 2077 tag; #oc: valentina voigt | ship tag; #x: never fade away
— Scarlet. she/her { ♡ Dum Dum } - Cyberpunk 2077 tag; #oc: scarlet | ship tag; #x: chrome blood and roses
— Yunith. she/her { ♡ Astarion? } - Baldur's Gate 3 tag; #oc: yunith
Misc. Games
— Dawn. she/her { ♡ Argus } - Deponia tag; #oc: dawn | ship tag; #x: with you until forever ends
— Magdalena "Mags" Wilhelm. she/her { ♡ Genji Shimada } - Overwatch tag; #oc: mags wilhelm | ship tag; #x: my never ending thought
— Yuna Neuer. she/her { ♡ Danny Johnson } - Dead By Daylight tag; #oc: yuna neuer | ship tag; #x: take my heart
— Paloma García. she/her { ♡ Sam Drake } - Uncharted tag; #oc: paloma garcía | ship tag; #x: where I want to stay
— Aroa Ridley. she/her { ♡ Cayde-6 } - Destiny tag; #oc: aroa ridley | ship tag; #x: your soul is golden
— Evelyn. she/her { ♡ Simon } - Detroit: Become Human tag; #oc: evelyn | ship tag; #x: awakening
— Romy Schulz. she/her { ♡ Mark "Mute" Chandar } - Rainbow Six: Siege tag; #oc: romy schulz | ship tag; #x: silence the sound
— Irene Varano. she/her { ♡ Johnny Slaughter } - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Game tag; #oc: irene varano | ship tag; #x: written in blood
— Bonnie "Bo" Wulff. she/her { ♡ Luke } - Coral Island tag; #oc: bonnie wulff | ship tag; #bonnie x luke
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Marvel (MCU / XCU)
— Luna Richards. she/her { ♡ Loki Laufeyson } tag; #oc: luna richards | ship tag; #x: feel again
— Niteia. she/her { ♡ Adam Warlock } tag; #oc: niteia | ship tag; #
— Brooke King. she/her { ♡ Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto } tag; #oc: brooke king | ship tag; #x: halcyon
— Catalina Cruz. she/her { ♡ Alex Summers/Havok } tag; #oc: catalina cruz | ship tag; #x: light of my life
DC (Watchmen + DCEU + Arkhamverse / Nolanverse)
— Carol "Haunter" Kovacs. she/her { ♡ Bruce Wayne/Batman } tag; #oc: carol kovacs | ship tag; #x: ghost around
— Rose "Virtue" Adams. she/her { ♡ Adrian Chase/Vigilante } tag; #oc: rose adams | ship tag; #x: head in the clouds
— Nadya. she/her { ♡ Edward Nigma/The Riddler } tag; #oc: nadya | ship tag; #x: creative minds inspire others
— Sadia Jamali. she/her { ♡ Harvey Dent/Two-Face } tag; #oc: sadia jamali | ship tag; #x: have all of me
— Harper Ray. she/her { ♡ The Joker } tag; #oc: harper ray | ship tag; #x: your sickening desire
Star Wars
— Shireen Oqir. she/her { ♡ Maul } tag; #oc: shireen oqir | ship tag; #x: to your deepest low
— Kieda Tarnji. she/her { ♡ The Inquisitor (TOTJ) } tag; #oc: kieda tarnji | ship tag; #x: come away with me
— Vayorrah Fen. she/her { ♡ Ima-Gun Di } tag; #oc: vayorrah fen | ship tag; #x: only time will tell
— Kane Desegh. she/her { ♡ Axe Woves } tag; #oc: kane desegh | ship tag; #x: at the sharp end
— Shal'toki Zanarri . she/her { ♡ Tarrek Amai } tag; #oc: shal'toki zanarri | ship tag; #x: try again
— Maina Amai. she/her { ♡ Luvas Kor } tag; #oc: maina amai | ship tag; #x: whatever whenever
— Fala Mox. she/her { ♡ Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios } tag; #oc: fala mox | ship tag; #
— Aho Mox. he/him { ♡ Ahsoka Tano } tag; #oc: aho mox | ship tag; #x: blame it on me
— Gahya Astan. she/her { ♡ Kylo Ren/Ben Solo } tag; #oc: gahya astan | ship tag; #x: set in darkness rise in perfect light
House Of The Dragon
— Aelys Stark. she/her { ♡ N/A } tag; #oc: aelys stark
— Aerenya Targaryen. she/her { ♡ Benjicot Blackwood } tag; #oc: aerenya targaryen
— Rhaegor Targaryen. he/him { ♡ Taryne Strong } tag; #oc: rhaegor targaryen | ship tag; #taryne x rhaegor
— Taryne Strong. she/her { ♡ Rhaegor Targaryen } tag; #oc: taryne strong | ship tag; #taryne x rhaegor
Misc. Movies & TV
— Zoiya. she/her { ♡ Marcus } - Arcane tag; #oc: zoiya | ship tag; #x: you frustrate me incredibly
— Giulia "Juliet" Romano. she/her { ♡ Monty Fiske } - Disney tag; #oc: juliet romano | ship tag; #x: always beside you
— Alexandra Joe "Wraith" Colton. she/her { ♡ Tommy Arashikage/Storm Shadow } - G.I.JOE tag; #oc: alex colton | ship tag; #x: on the other side
— Kayla Johnson. she/her { ♡ Jackson Leung } - Transformers tag; #oc: kayla johnson | ship tag; #x: no matter what
— Michelle Eva Jones. she/her { ♡ Adam Milligan } - Supernatural tag; #oc: michelle jones | ship tag; #x: as above so below
— Manuela "Marie". she/her { ♡ Minho } - The Maze Runner tag; #oc: manu | ship tag; #x: way back to you
— Liliana Martínez. she/her { ♡ Steve Harrington } - Stranger Things tag; #oc: liliana martínez | ship tag; #x: skip a beat
— Helena Winter. she/her { ♡ Yuichi Kimura/The Father } - Bullet Train tag; #oc: helena winter | ship tag; #
— Yártien. she/her { ♡ Legolas } - The Lord Of The Rings tag; #oc: yártien | ship tag; #
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— Sól Guevara. she/her { ♡ Sean Thian } - Snowfall tag; #oc: sól guevara | ship tag; #x: I'll give you everything of me
— Jaye. she/her { ♡ Dex } - Outer Rim tag; #oc: jaye | ship tag; #x: snake fodder
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devinsolas · 10 months
Hi Devin I think ur cool and weird and awesome and dope
Hello Kane, I'm here to support you even when others gave up on me <3 chris says thank you for helping me and angelo and frank want to meet you so bad!!! Ricky is gonna glomp you and vinny well vinny is gonna carry u like the king u are xD
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theladyarwen · 2 years
Unfriendly reminder that if you post/reblog photos of Devin piece of shit Sola there's a good chance I'm going to block you. This is a zero tolerance blog. Get that shit out of here.
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