#Dueling breaks to relieve stress and anger
dream-smp-reblogss · 3 years
C!Techno x reader (platonic)
¦ I wrote it for Techno but you are best friends with c!Wilbur too so you can read it like that too I guess
¦ I always see people writing the reader as innocent and weak so it is hard for me to see myself as the reader so here you go a reader who is violent and strong.
¦ dream smp techno not the real one
¦ Tw: injuries, death mention, blood, scars, death, capslock, swearing
¦tl:dr A not so wholesome reader insert fic where you return to L'manburg after many many years to learn Wilbur and Tommy got exiled.
¦ a note: English isn't my first language and it is currently 2 am and I don't have time to proof read, sorry for the mistakes!
¦ word count: 3602
You finally arrived in l'manburg after a lot of travels around the world, you were home after fighting in many wars that weren't your own to fight for your home.
You had left l'manburg when you were still little, around 12 or 13 you were a scared little kid that didn't want to hurt anyone but life still pushed you to that direction and you grew used to it, no matter how much you escaped from war and blood they seemed to find you.
So, when you heard about that two villagers talking about l'manburg and how many wars were happening you knew you had to return to your home.
You smiled upon seeing l'manburg looking around for a face that might recognize you, maybe your best friend- *old* best friend Wilbur that you didn't talk to for years.
While looking around someone stopped you, a blonde haired girl she spoke in a confused but polite tone "Hello, who are you?" you firstly inspected the girl in hopes of recognizing her since you had trouble remembering the past because of an injury you got to your head and decided to ask her "When did you come to L'manburg?" she looked like she didn't expect that but still answered "After the indepence war, why did you ask?" you nodded relieved that the reason you couldn't remember her was because you never met her.
Ignoring her looks and questions you asked "Hey, do you know someone named Wilbur?" and quietly continued "I think he might be the only one I might remember except the kids." she raised her eyebrow "Do you not know Schlatt exiled them?" you repeated her "Them?" she nodded "Wilbur and Tommy got exiled." something felt weird about this "Tubbo?" she seemed unsure if she should say it "He didn't got exiled, he is with Schlatt." you nodded and turned your head to her "Take me to that guy." she didn't say anything and started walking so you followed her thinking about what they might do that caused this, or why Philza didn't protect them.
You finally arrived in front of a building, and she stopped "Here, he must be inside." you muttered a thanks and went inside searching ing for him, finally you found a room that might be his; voices were coming inside but after listening to the conversation for a while you realized it wasn't anything imported so opened the door and walked inside, there was the guy, he was sitting in a leather chair wearing a suit and there was a guy next to him that seemed to be talking to Schlatt.
They looked at you and finally that guy next to Schlatt started to talk "You can't just come inside to the presidents room like this, go out-" you cut his speech "I can come and go however i like and you don't get a say in this, now *you* go outside." he obviously didn't expect that so he was ready to get in a fight with you but Schlatt stopped him and quietly requested him to go outside.
When the guy went outside Schlatt turned to you while you were waiting for him to talk a picture on the wall piqued your interest, picture of Wilbur, you wasn't fully sure since you haven't seen him in years "Did you know the ex president?" you turned your attention to the man talking to you and nodded. He was examining you and you were doing the same for him finally you broke the silence "O heard you exiled him and Tommy, what did they do?" he ignored the question and asked his own "Who are you, coming here and acting like the place belongs to you." you let out an almost mocking laugh " y/n" his eyes widened and he shaked his head looking like he didn't believe " That y/n? I don't think so, you look like you can't even take down a spider." you smiled and cocked your head " It is bad to make assumptions about people."
You weren't popular or feared as much as the blood god, everyone knew him and how he looked he wasn't afraid to show off , you on the other hand kept your appearance a secret with your mask, most people knew your stories and legends but you didn't brought fear into their hearts despite being the same as the blood god. So people mostly ignored you and didn't even talk about you, you were kinda jealous of the blood god since you didn't got enough recognition because of him.
You brushed off these thoughts and turned to the man looking at you with a open mouth "If you tell anyone i will kill you, now tell me why did you exiled them." he again ignored your question and offered to show L'manburg realizing you wouldn't be able to get a word out of him despite your anger you accepted it.
The city looked beautiful, sure most thing were different from how you left them but still it looked nice your mind kept darting back to the exile and you kept getting angry and calm again at the end when he finished the toure and started talking about how he was honored to have you you cutted him off "Stop dancing around the subject, why did you exiled them?" raising your voice made him jump "I-I had to exile them, it was the only way, why do you even care you don't even live here or know them!" you let out a laugh and walked away from him ignoring him. Your really really wanted to punch him so walking away was the best way before you actually did that but he came after you looking for his answer and instead got a punch to the face.
--time skip of 2 days--
Looking for Tubbo resulted in nothing, he was always next to Schlatt and you were kept away from him since the punch so you started looking for Wilbur and Tommy and found them after a day of exploring.
They looked really bad, they both probably didn't ate a lot and obviously didn't shower.
You got closer to them and watched them, they were arguing about something but you had a hard time understanding what they were saying so you revealed yourself and waited them to notice you but realized they probably wouldn't notice you even if you were next to them, this was why you were called Ghost, as the full name The Bloody Ghost. So you tapped Wilburs shoulder to get his attention and he jumped and Tommy immediately pulled out a sword which you avoided by taking a step back "Hi! I came to visit you two." they seemed to not recognize you that was when you realized your mask was on so you lowered it to reveal your full face Wilbur looked at you for a few seconds before wrapping you in a bone crushing hug and you laughed heartily Tommy looked confused by this "Who are they?" Wilbur immediately answered "Do you remember y/n?" Tommy nodded and after a second he seemed to realize you were y/n and hugged you "How did you find us y/n? I haven't seen you for years!" you gave a bitter smile Wilbur "Sorry things had to be like that but i am here now and that is the only important thing!" they both nodded and took you to their new base.
--time skip of 1 week--
Everything was going nicely, Tommy told you how Wilbur seemed to be going insane before you came but now was doing a lot better which made you worry about Wilbur and you did your best to make the boys laugh and get them supplies without revealing who you were.
And now the door was getting knocked like the person outside was going to break in if you didn't open it, since Tommy and Wilbur was outside thinking it is them you opened the door quickly, to find a 2 meter figure towering above you as quick as you opened you closed the door but the man kicked the door sending it flying you quickly ran to your bag and got your weapon holding it against him finally realizing it is the blood god, why was he here what did he want.
He gave you a sceptical look " Lower that, you have no chance against me." you laughed to this statement and charged to him determined to protect the base and prove him wrong.
When you got him cornered with your weapon pointing to his throat you smiled "Now do you want to take back what you said?" he seemed shocked he got beaten by this tiny human "Who the fuck are you?" you pouted jokingly "Aww I thought you would recognize me, the ghost" he seemed to not believe it "The Bloody Ghost?" you nodded and heard a gasp from behind and immediately turned your back not moving the weapon an inch to see Wilbur and Tommy you muttered fuck, for a few minutes they just looked at you before Tommy spoke "Firstly lower the weapon." you lowered your weapon without questioning.
--time skip to a few hours later--
After explaining most things to them and learning Techno is a friend of Philza and came to help you were playing with your hands to relieve your stress, the silence got disturbed by Wilbur "So you mean we have the most powerfull two people on our side?" both Techno and you nodded to this statement "Honestly when i heard about this rival i have i expected someone a lot different." Techno looked at me " And i didn't expect to be on the same side as a fucking pig but here we are." you glared at him the tension in the air was high Tommy raised from where he sat " What if we did a little duel between us?" the idea seemed nice and all of you agreed that you would do it early in the morning and went to bed.
In the middle of the night you heard Techno wake up, since you couldn't sleep you decided to follow him and found him outside talking to himself and leaned to a tree waiting for him to notice you, his talkings turned to mutterings you couldn't understand quickly so you got bored and decided to scare him and got close to him from behind "Boo!" he immediately pinned you to the nearest tree with his blade on your throat "What are you doing here, I almost killed you!" you shrugged "Following you seemed fun." when he didn't lower his blade you looked at him with a raised brow "You can lower that blade I am not going to kill you Techno." when he pushed the blade more your eyes widened a thousand thoughts rushed to your brain telling you were going to die, you didn't want to hurt him so you patiently waited him to lower the blade on his own. After a minute your throat started to bleed you closed your eyes tightly, took a deep breath and raised your hand to the blade and holded it giving your full force and keeping it away from your throat but techno was still pushing it so after a minute your hands started to bleed you finally grabbed it fully and let yourself fall to the ground bringing the blade with you to the ground, Techno still looked at you with your bloody hand and throat you walked away and throw the blade as far as you could and returned back to Techno to find him silently looking somewhere when you looked at where he was looking you saw your blood you walked next to him and put your hand on his arm "It is okay Techno." he turned to you and looked at you "It isn't, look at you, you are bleeding because of me." you gave him a comforting smile "If I wanted to prevent this I would, I am the one who let you go this far." Techno fully turned to you giving a last look at the blood in the ground "Why did you let me- OH YOU ARE STILL BLEEDING" he immediately took your hands in his and looked at them, your throat wasn't cut so bad so it stopped on its own but your hands were cut badly. Because you two were a bit far away from the base so he ripped two long strip from his shirt and bandaged them clumsily "You know Techno I fight in wars just like you, I am not going to die from a small cut like this." he ignored you and started walking toward the base his hand still holding yours.
--time skip to morning--
You woke up with Tommy's screaming because he saw you covered in blood after telling him it isn't something important and lying about what happened all of you went to the opening to fight, for the whole way Techo kept insisting that you do it another day but because Wilbur and Tommy didn't know about your injuries they joked how Techno was scared of fighting you.
When you arrived there you immediately pulled out your weapon "Who wants to fight me!" Tommy was excited to fight with you so he came first, you sometimes could feel the pain in your hands but ignored them and easily won against Tommy. Then you and Techno switched partners and you fighted with Wilbur, he kept talking about how fun this is and hoe you two always fighted with wooden swords when you were young, despite your pain getting worse you laughed and playingly fought him winning a few times, and then it was time to fight Techno since the brothers were tired they decided to sit down and watch you and Techno fight you told Techno to not go easy on you and he didn't. At first it was okay, the pain was bearable and you were winning but as time went on you started to lose because only thing you could think about turned into the pain and when he pointed the blade to your throat you holded the blade and pulled it out of his hands winning a lot of claps and compliments from the brothers and for a few second you didn't realize the blood dripping from your hands when you realized and tried to cover it it was too late. Wilbur immediately ran towards you looking at your wounds when he pressed his hand you winced and pulled your hands back "I am fine, nothing more than a small cut." you said ignoring your blood covered hands when "IT ISN'T JUST A FUCKING SMALL CUT!" when Techno shouted all three of you turned to him shocked "We are going to bandage it and you aren't going to do that move ever again." you laughed "I am not a gardener Techno, I did this many times and I will continue to do this, I did worse things, I had worse wounds." he was speechless he opened his mouth to close it again then said a sentence and went in to the forest "You are really reckless and stupid y/n. " Wilbur and Tommy couldn't understand what happened and looked at you, you just shrugged "Wanna go back and eat something guys?"
--time skip to a week later--
While you were near L'manburg you saw someone coming towards you, after looking at them for a while you realized that it was Quackity, the guy next to Schlatt, he seemed irritated when he arrived he looked at you and gave you an invitation "Just you." and started walking back to L'manburg you continued to mind your business, you weren't going to go there on your own, no one could do anything to you or anyone with you.
After a while your thoughts went to Techno, since your fight he didn't come back so you were worried about him and searched for him but couldn't find him anywhere which made you even more worried.
You went back to base and told them that they only invited you but they could come to since Schlatt can't do anything to them when you are with them. Tommy was really excited to see his best friend Tubbo and even though Wilbur hated Schlatt he was happy to see his home again.
--time skip to festival--
All three of you bathed, wore new and clean clothes and did your best to make yourself presentable and now you were in the festival place, upon seeing Tubbo Tommy immediately ran to him and hugged him starting to chat with him you smiled at this sight and looked at your own best friend Wilbur, he seemed to be in thought so you nudged him and brought him to games and spended your time happily, until you had to deal with a Quackity holding Tommy and screaming at him you went to them "What happened here?" Quackity turned to you "He and Wilbur isn't allowed here, I made that clear." you shrugged "I am not going to come here on my own and they are my friends, now fuck off and cry to Schlatt or something." he seemed angry but still left Tommy and went the other way, you could see Schlatt and showed him your middle finger which gained laughes from the group.
When the time for the speech came you saw a familiar figure, Techno as you were going to go and say hi Schlatt started his speech.
And then one moment you were looking at the happy faces, othe minute seeing Tubbo's scared face, Tommy and Wilbur couldn't even move and everyone else didn't know what to do. You raised from your seat and ran to Techno just in time to save Tubbo but instead of Tubbo you got shot just belov your throat most people screamed no and Techno dropped the crossbow in his hand; you could feel life slipping away from you, the first life you lost.
--time skip to night of festival--
You sat in your bed newly waking up and raised your hand to touch where the firework hit, it hurted a bit but you smiled knowing that you gave enough time for Tubbo to escape and saw Wilbur on his table so you opened your mouth to call out to him but your throat hurted so much that you couldn't even make a noise so you got up and went next to Wilbur who seemed happy to see you but then his eyes widened "You should go to bed!" you shook your head as a no and got the pen in his hand and wrote to the paper "Can you get me a hot tea?" he nodded and raised from his chair, just as he was going to leave he came back and hugged you then went out, you smiled after him he was a nice friend to have.
You massaged you throat, wincing a little sometimes and started to look around the room this wasn't your base so you looked around to understand. When the door opened you expected to find Wilbur but instead found Techno, he just shot you in the morning, who was he to come here now. As you saw the tea in his hand you knew Wilbur sended him "Sorry, I was pressured, I didn't mean to do that." you nodded taking the tea in your hand warming them and taking a sip to finally be able to talk.
Techno told you about what happened after you died and you listened patiently, after you finished your tea you were able to talk again " It is okay Techno, but maybe don't go to places you might be pressured like this" you laughed after your own joke, he also seemed to relax seeing that you aren't mad at him. You nudged him "What did you do to Wilbur, he still didn't came back." and smiled showing that you were joking he also smiled "I don't know maybe he went to kill Schlatt by pouring tea over him, he looked very angry." both of you laughed after that.
His expression fell "How can you still be friends with me when i hurt you so much, I literally killed you!" you shrugged "I still have 2 lives and being wounded isn't that much of a problem for me." you raised from your bed taking you tea cup "I am going to look at Tubbo and Wilbur." he nodded and trailed behind you, seeing the happy faces in the room made you happy too so you smiled to them and waved "Hey! Is your throat good know?" Wilbur asked you nodded, Tubbo glared at Techno and looked back at you "Thanks for saving me y/n." despite his short thanks his face was telling how grateful he was "It isn't a problem, also I now have this cool scar!" you showed your scar which made them excited all of them knew the scar wasn't cool or anything but the fact you gained it from protecting someone was really cool.
You spended your time chatting with them late into the night and when everyone started to yawn one by one everyone went to bed, now Techno and you were the only ones in the room "I am sorry y/n, I know you are just doing this so I don't feel bad but I know how bad you must feel." you nodded your head and turned to him "Yeah, it hurts, my hands also hurt when I had to use them to pull away the sword but you are my friend Techno and you need issues to work on." he looked in thought "Wilbur is your best friend right?" you nodded "Did anything like this happen with him?" you thought for a second and answered "We were still little kids Techno, nothing like this happened but Wilbur liked pushing me down the hill and I got hurt a lot or he hurt me with our wooden swords. But he is my friend so I never minded it, I knew he didn't mean to hurt me." he nodded and hugged you which you returned. He turned to you "As a apology I am going to kill Schlatt!" you laughed at this statement "Well we firstly need to sleep, then we can kill him." he smiled and nodded.
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aidensm8 · 4 years
I'm sorry but I need to ask: What would have happens if Emile and Virgil succeeded to capture Janus? What would they did to him? And why Roman does not explain to Emile what is really happening and that is Janus the prince that is really in danger? And why Janus has scales? Is because he has magic???
Gonna answer it in reverse order cause it'll make sense that way. Sit tight cause this is gonna be a long ramble :D
1. Why does Janus have scales?
Janus was cursed in the womb (this may have something to do with the propositioner character). Janus's birth was what caused his mother's passing, leaving their father to raise Logan and Janus himself until he, too, passed, leading to Logan being the next king
2. Why didn't Roman explain to Emile the situation?
Actually, Roman did try to explain the situation, but after the rumour of Janus's lying ability being very strong and also Virgil noting how Roman himself was also an excellent liar (thanks to his lie about getting food for "his brother" when they met at the bar), they had reason to doubt Roman's words, though part of Emile wants to trust Roman, he has no choice but to cast doubt until they find Janus to prove anything
3. What would Emile and Virgil do if they did capture Janus too?
They'd keep word low and try to interrogate him first, asking why he would try to kill Patton
Janus is confused and denies this. Emile has to ask Virgil to hold back from harming Janus, as it would be in their best interest to not physically harm him rather get him to talk by leading the conversation
From there, they'd take note to try to find contradictions in his story
They turn to leave Janus in his cell until he asks about Roman
Virgil is surprised that Janus would worry about someone who the Propositioner claimed to have just been a pawn, and now considers talking to Roman about Janus
Roman is hostile so they had to restrain Roman to prevent him from attacking Virgil or Emile when they talk to him (he's hostile here since unlike in the main storyline, he knows that Janus was captured and thus wants to try to escape so Janus may be freed)
Roman and Virgil have a talk and when they reach the topic of where he heard the rumor from, Virgil describes the Propositioner
Recognizing the description, Roman informs Virgil that the person he spoke to was the one who wanted Janus assassinated
Horrified, Virgil leaves Roman and talks to Patton
Patton, being the voice of morality, tells Virgil to consider what he feels is true, which is that Janus may not be the villain
Virgil goes back to try to talk to Roman again just to confirm, but finds several guards have been knocked out along the halls
Roman had escaped. Virgil hurries to the dungeon to secure Janus, which he thankfully got to first
Of course, Roman was following behind him and they have a rematch duel
They're at a stalemate until Janus reaches out from his cell to distract/restrain Virgil
Roman takes this as an opportunity to knock out Virgil
Janus is freed
Clinging to consciousness, Virgil asks "why do you protect him? Why is the Propositioner after Janus?"
Roman briefly responds "I don't know what they plan to do, but I will protect my love, even from you"
Virgil's vision fades as Roman and Janus escape
Virgil wakes up to Patton laying next to him, looking like he fell asleep worried
With a sigh of relief, Virgil gives Patton a soft kiss and Patton snuggles up to him
After some time, Emile walks in and informs Virgil of Janus's escape
Virgil gently pries himself off Patton as to not disturb his sleep
Emile's patience begins to run thin, venting to Virgil about his frustration of wanting to be kind for Patton's sake, but with everything that's happened involving Janus, he isn't sure what to do about the relation between his kingdom and Logan's
Virgil begins to explain to Emile his findings
Now with a tone filled with strong regret, Emile has to find a way to apologize to Logan whilst finding this Propositioner, who evidently seems to be the real threat to the royalty
Janus and Roman are on the run again, but this time feel more secure
However, Janus reaches an emotional breaking point and tells Roman about how he feels guilty for all the trouble Roman was in, for the damaged relationship of Emile, and for (what he imagines) the emotional anguish and stress that Logan's been through
They talk and Roman convinces Janus that maybe it would be better if Janus and Logan talked
Janus is afraid, knowing that Logan would most likely be very upset with him, but Roman assures him that since they're brothers, Logan may have a soft spot to forgive him after some anger, as he expects with Remus
So they make their way back to Logan's kingdom, unaware of the a mysterious following them
When they return to Logan's kingdom, they rent room in an inn by the outskirts of town (for resting purposes and memories of when they first started)
But with a knock on their door, Roman opens it and is immediately knocked out
Upon waking up, Janus is nowhere to be found. There's a note, telling Roman that he's done his job
Not knowing what that means, Roman runs around town to try to find Janus. Instead, he runs into Remus
Remus is understandably mad, but is more relieved to see Roman again
Creativitwins have a sibling moment where they Roman apologizes for what he did in front of their father and Remus going “Welp you better have a good explanation for this” and Roman recounts everything to Remus
Meanwhile, Janus had been taken back to their castle, where Logan confronts Janus about everything
Turns out the group was hired by Logan to track Janus to bring him home, sparing Roman for Creativity's sake
Now Janus and Logan get into an argument about how much damage Janus had caused
Janus tries to smooth talk out of this but Logan tells him he's grounded to his room (cause mom-Logan)
Janus is upset, being back but it's all a mess now. He breaks down, his thoughts of his adventure with Roman being an escape for him
He thinks about everything and now his thoughts cast doubts to him about if Roman deserved better
And thus ends that long rant cause this may end up being a p angsty sideplot for the AU lmao
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
In the duel against the Munce Queen, Nya loses.
1453 words
Nya lost.
She was trying, fuck she was trying, but it was getting harder and harder to stand, harder to fight. 
She was giving her all. She had to win. 
She was beaten to the ground. 
“You lose.”
The crowd erupted in cheers. Nya struggled to get up, but her entire body was numb. Her ears were ringing.
The noise echoed; the only thing she could hear.
“Jay…” she breathed, reaching for him weakly.
He was running to her. Jay would help her. He would make it all alright.
But then Jay was being dragged away. She heard screaming. Her vision was filling with black specks. 
She needed Jay. She needed…
Jay woke with a start.
He vaguely remembered being knocked in the head when he tried to get to Nya. He didn’t think it had been purposeful, as he didn’t think Murtessa would want him hurt.
But that didn’t change that Nya had lost. 
He shivered. What would happen to him? What would happen to the others?
He sat up cautiously. He was in a lavish bedroom — well, as lavish as it could get with the munce, he supposed. The bed he was in was surprisingly soft, piled with pillows and blankets.
He was alone.
Though his head was pounding, he rolled out of the bed, stumbling to the door. He had to find Nya and Lloyd.
He gripped the stone walls to keep himself upright, making his way down the hallway. They could be anywhere.
“My love, you wake!”
Murtessa was by his side in an instant.
“You shouldn’t be up. You took a hard hit to the head,” she said, snaking an arm around him and helping him to stand.
“I gotta find Nya,” Jay insisted.
Murtessa frowned. “That girl is none of your concern anymore. You are betrothed to me now.”
“That’s not—” Jay cut himself off. He needed to explain to her, he needed to make her see that this was crazy. “Listen to me, Murtessa. You’re… nice, I guess, but you just… you just don’t understand! We barely know each other!”
“And yet,” Murtessa said, cupping his cheek gently, “I feel as if I have known you for a thousand years.”
Jay laughed awkwardly. “That’s very nice, but Nya is my yang. We belong together. A duel doesn’t change that!”
“The terms of the duel were agreed upon by all involved. She is your “yang” no longer.” Murtessa said, her eyes dark. Jay had a bad feeling that if he argued further, it wouldn’t be pretty. 
He fell silent, allowing her to lead him back to the room he’d woken in.
“Don’t worry, my love,” she said, gently pushing him back into the bed. “You’ll be very comfortable here.”
The words died in his throat with the shut of the door.
Nya groaned as consciousness came back to her. She didn’t remember falling asleep.
“You’re awake,” Lloyd said, his voice sad.
“Where’s Jay?” Nya asked, sitting up with great difficulty. The fight had left her sore.
“They took him. Murtessa said there would be a wedding ceremony tomorrow. She said we were welcome to attend as long as we didn’t stir up any trouble.” Lloyd’s voice was numb as he said it.
“Oh hell no,” Nya growled. She had dealt with this before, and she’d do it again. If Jay could save her from a marriage then she would do the same. But Jay had so many people on his side. Nya had only Lloyd. The others were elsewhere, lost in the caves. It would be two — three if Jay was able to fight — of them against an entire army. Still, she couldn’t lose hope so soon. “I’m not letting this happen again.”
“Again?” Lloyd asked.
In her anger, she’d forgotten he didn’t know. This would be Lloyd’s first time dealing with such a situation.
She looked up to tell him that it was nothing, but stopped short when she saw how red and puffy his eyes were. He was crying.
“Oh, Lloyd,” she muttered, gesturing for Lloyd to sit beside her on the bed.
He settled next to her, sniffling quietly. Nya waited patiently for him to speak.
“I don’t know what to do,” Lloyd finally said, his voice high pitched and obviously straining in an attempt not to sob. “I was so sure you’d win and—and then she hurt you, she hurt you, and now Jay is gone and the others are gone too and they could be dead! We could be the only ones left,” he said, tears streaming down his face. “I’m so scared and I should have — I should have done something! But I didn’t and now Jay is going to be married and — and — and—” he trailed off into a fit of sobs, breathing erratically. 
Nya pulled him close, letting him cry into her shoulder and rubbing his back comfortingly. 
“I know you’re scared,” Nya said once his cries had softened, “I am too. I’m terrified. You may not remember, but we’ve been through this before. If we’ve done it once, we can do it again. We’ll save Jay, and we’ll find the others. We have to.”
She was grateful that Lloyd’s face was still pressed into her sleeve, because she didn’t want him seeing just how scared she was.
“You’re going to make a wonderful king,” Murtessa purred, stroking Jay’s hair lightly as he ate… whatever it was that he’d been given to eat.
Jay cringed, scooting away as best he could. Murtessa didn’t seem to notice.
“Your hair is so soft,” she hummed, continuing to play with his curls.
“Listen,” Jay said, steeling himself for yet another argument. “I can’t stay down here. I’m a human, I need the sun, and… and my friends!” He purposefully avoided mentioning Nya for fear of angering the Queen. “And I need to help them defeat the Skull Sorcerer!”
Murtessa’s hand stopped, her fingers still tangled in Jay’s curls. “You will do no such thing!” She demanded. “Many have tried, and none have succeeded. I couldn’t allow my king to perish so soon after we wed.”
“Wed?” Jay squeaked.
“The ceremony will be tomorrow,” Murtessa explained, her soft tone returning. “Oh, you’ll love it. We’ll be bound forever.”
Oh this was bad. This was so very bad. Jay couldn’t allow this to happen, he needed to find the others and get back to the surface immediately.
“Yes,” she said, far too happy about the entire situation. “Forever.”
Jay was beginning to understand how Nya must have felt when Nadakhan decided he would marry her. It wasn’t a fun situation to be in.
Murtessa’s intentions seemed nowhere near as malicious as that rotten djin’s had been, but that didn’t make it much better. It certainly didn’t help his situation.
He needed to come up with a plan, and fast.
Lloyd ended up crying himself to sleep. Nya was relieved that he was at least getting some rest. 
Being a ninja came with so much stress, but this, this may have just been Nya’s breaking point.
Jay was all alone, and it was Nya’s fault. If only she had been stronger. If only she had tried a little harder. If, if, if.
She wondered if Jay was scared. Scared that he would be trapped down here, scared that he would never see the others again, scared that he would never get to marry Nya.
Nya could relate.
When this was all over, if they even got out of it, she wasn’t letting Jay leave her side ever again.
She shifted slightly, hissing in pain. She hadn’t expected the queen to be such a strong fighter. It wasn’t a mistake she would make again. 
Lloyd groaned, but didn’t stir other than that. In his sleep, he cuddled against Nya’s arm.
She almost wanted to cry too. But she knew that if she let herself, she wouldn’t be able to pull herself together enough to save Jay. She needed to put off her emotions until they were all safe.
“I bring you food,” Murt said, entering the room with two bowls of food balanced in his hands.
Nya shushed him, but accepted the bowl gratefully.
“Murt,” she said, fiddling with the spoon aimlessly. “What are weddings down here like?”
“We do not have many,” Murt said, pausing to think for a moment. “Very nice ceremonies, very official.”
Well, that was helpful.
“I am sorry you lost,” Murt said. “I was rooting for you.”
That was the last he said before he turned and hurried out of the room.
Nya sighed, dropping the spoon into the bowl of glop. Maybe she would be hungry later.
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Manifestor // 14
Plot:  Set in a world where Witchcraft is real, and the government hunts down those who practice magic, Thomas must flee to an underground safehouse after being discovered. Now fighting a war against Witches who seek the end of non-magic people, Thomas must learn to control and harvest his powers, as well as the manifestation of his sides to bring about peace and unity in the Human and Witch world. (Nanowrimo 2018)
“Just you, and me, Thomas,” In hindsight, this is not how Thomas thought his life would end; time slowing in a dodge of fire and anger with his Anxiety screaming and his logic hissing out commands in his ears, whilst sand washed against his lips and yellow eyes stared him down in a vicious duel. In fact, this is not how the man expected his day to go, in the dark of the night with the stars glowing as the only light on two people, a man, and a monster, lit by the actions of their fight.
When the creature had approached, a silhouette in the darkness with eyes glimmering in amber and gold, Thomas had startled; a creature beyond humanities saving, their mouth reveals needle-sharp teeth behind cracked and greying lips. Was this creature ever really human? It looked as if someone had drawn a dangerous caricature of a humanoid figure, but everything was just slightly off, like a bad photocopy. As Thomas swallowed his own saliva, the creature grinned without a hint of happiness instead full of anger, of hatred, of malice, he smiled.
Jack’s hands are already up and prepared, eyes bearing into the attacker, and then the creature speaks in a low growling voice that sounds like feet against gravel. “Just you and me Thomas, you win and no more creatures will attack you or your friends, I win, and you come with us,” Thomas can feel the blood in his ears pounding as ore silhouettes encircle them. Did he have a choice? Jack is shaking his head, blue eyes dark in the night and yet shining so bright with fear.
As the silent air rose and the waves calmly lapped against each other, one boy barely a man stands against an army, and he smiles. It’s small, it’s…relieved, and it’s terrified. One battle and it’s all over, one battle and this agony can end. If he lost, his choice is predetermined by fate. Once, Logan had told him of a theory known as ‘Determinism’; the idea that people did not have free will because every choice made had already been decided, that there was a path for them all…like fate. In situations like this, Thomas liked to think his choice does not matter because it’s not really his choice. Therefore he can’t really be blamed.
“Okay,” Jack shouts, anger all over his face mixed with a cocktail of fear. Nothing really matters this had already been decided. The creature stands in the center of a circle created by its minions, whilst one reaches forward and snatches Jack back into its rough claw-like nails. Thomas winces with an apology written all over his face to his best friend.
Jack is struggling, kicking his legs and dragging his feet into the dirt as the Dark Witches laughed at his attempt to escape their grasp; Thomas’ face was a picture of remorse, of sorrow as he looked between Jack and the thing he is supposed to fight, it’s golden flecked iris’ glowering in the darkness. He swallows and stands opposite it, the circle enlarges taking Jack with it in the process.  Thomas stares death in the eye as in his mind there is chaos; the four sides of his soul trying to articulate the situation, Virgil might be screaming and the host does not blame him in the slightest. He really wants to scream right now too.
He doesn’t though.
His choice doesn’t matter.
He tells himself this over and over as his hands come up to protect himself under gale-force winds that are rising. Air, not easy and yet not hard to combat as he encases himself under an icy field that stems from his hands. He is safe for a moment until a heat pushes against his safety and causes it to crumble and melt. Like a flower in the scorching fires of California, he wilts and pressure drains his energy.
As his shield cracks, his pulls forward a burst of energy, his source being Roman, who is running around his mind trying to source all of the energy in his body directly to his anger. Patton, who is possibly shaking rather forcefully, is working on his memories. Anger had always served him well in these situations and right now he needed the best he could; it worked as flames broke through his own shield so forcefully that the ice exploded in different directions, forcing the creatures to shield themselves. The fire landed its target against the other creature, pushing their powers down.
It must have been five or ten minutes of the two fire elements pushing against each other firmly, dragging along the two of their tethers like a bead on a string. The two of them were shouting in pain, before extinguishing in a second. Thomas falls to his knees; he scratches his palms against the gravel floor and blood draws forward from the surface of his skin. He can hear the Witch cackling with firm force, it’s lip pulled into a sneer. He looks away, seeing the man is distracted in taunting and jeering, he lets the blood drip onto the floor.
Blood magic, a powerful form of magic very rarely use in witching community because it was seen as too gruesome or having bad consequences. Giving anyone or anything a drop of your blood was seen as taboo in witching spells; but Thomas doesn’t have the time to consider this as he allows the wind to soak into his skin and his blood to drop into the ground. Behind him, he can hear Jack gasping; he can imagine his face is torn between terror and impressed, one of Jack’s favorite expressions as he mutters under his breath “Earth,”
Under this city is a cavern much like a mortuary, plants that don’t need the sunlight or had died trying to find it create a labyrinth below the surface of the brick city. Thomas didn’t know he knew this until he called these plants from their graves as thick stems break through the surface at his command; a string of puppets woven together in terrifying form as they ensnared the witch. Thomas directs them with fluid yet furious movements, tugging and pulling at his enemy until the other finally finds their footing.
The High Witch receives no more than a few scratches, but he was at least slowing the other down as from the ashes of the figure of his old creation, he raises his hands to form a new idea. The ground reaches up and around Thomas, protecting him like armor made of trees. He flicks out his wrist and a thin vine, full with spikes and thorns lashes across the creatures face, he repeats the process except the tendril wraps around its neck, a fire has already started pouring from its hands but his own has already started building a small wall of ice in defense, sealing around the attacking vine as spikes form on the surface of his shield.
The ice spikes as sharp and hard as glass surge forward, pinning against the Dark Witches shoulder causing a shriek to emit from its cracked lips in agony. It pulls out one of them and hurls it up towards Thomas, but it simply bounces against the shield and cracks on the floor. The man is feeling adrenaline run through his veins as he realizes he is tiring the other creature, weary and in pain, out entirely. The brunet pulls back the shield and allows it to dissolve before another vine seems from his wrist, with a flick it’s tightening around the creature’s body. He watches it squirm and squeal, powerless before he’s planning his next move. This time was more difficult, watching the tree grow fiercely before it’s twisting up like a drill.
But the creature is gone. Thomas’ defenses lower, whipping round in shock. All of them have gone, they’ve run. Jack is panting on the floor, coughing on the air in his own lungs as he looks between Thomas and the empty beach. “What the fuck just happened?” He says, collapsing on the floor, eyes wide and full of terror.
The two of them look around for any sign of life, but there’s nothing, the entire landscape is empty “Come on,” Thomas says, holding out his hand for the other to take, “Let’s get out of here,” They run up the steps onto the streets and, exhausted, begin to walk southbound. “We need somewhere to rest for the night, they’ll be back for sure at some point,” The two head towards a hotel to rest for the night; Jack limping in and Thomas behind him; they must look a state to anyone else with dirt and sand clinging to them and blood drying on various scars and scratches they hadn’t even noticed they had.
The person behind the counter’s eyes grows very wide upon seeing the two, stuttering out the rooms available. Thomas dumps his wallet on the counter and says they’ll take whatever room is available with a rough and tired voice. A nod is received, money is taken and the keys are placed in the palm of his hand as he helps Jack up the stairs to their room.
Once inside the two collapse tiredly on the bed, sitting very still as the events of the past day start to sink in. “I need a shower,” The American mutters blankly, his face void of any emotion as he and his sides were too tired to find an emotion that suited this situation in the slightest. The water feels hot on his skin, burning through cuts and burns as he hisses and accepts the pain. The dirt washes down the drain, turning the water grey for a few seconds as it does so. The soap feels like a welcome embrace as the agony, stress, blood, and murk drains from his skin and he relaxes against the cold tile wall.
The brunet dries himself off, hugging the towel to his chest as he pulls on his underwear and enjoys the fact that there’s something more than pain touching his skin. He throws his dirty clothes on the floor in the bedroom with a sigh and collapses under the warmth of the quilt. Jack squeezes his hand for a moment before disappearing into the bathroom himself. Left alone with his thoughts, which is a dangerous plan, he thinks about the day, of Joan’s lifeless body, of Sophie’s tears, of the fire that raged incessantly inside his own anger and pain. He thinks about the bruised and broken figures of the people that had tried to protect him and he cries. The blame lingers on his shoulder like a weight that has only just decided to press down, breaking his shoulders and back with its burden. He closes his eyes and tries to steady his breathing as tears collegiate on his eyelashes and dampen his cheeks, he inhales deeply and exhaled in a sob, hands coming up to his face to wipe the tears away.
Jack comes out, towel hanging off his shoulders onto his bare chest, wearing his jeans and worried expression. Upon seeing the other he drops the towel onto the floor and shimmies into the bed next to him, allowing the other to seek his comfort at his own pace.
They end the night with the two hugging, Thomas’ tears start to cease amongst Jack saying “It’s not your fault,” like he can read Thomas’ mind or thoughts. No, Jack just knew his friend and he knew how he would feel if he was in the other’s shoes, this entire situation fell heavily on his morality and Thomas’ morality had always been the driver of who he is.
Jack sleeps that night in a restless fashion, in his dreams he can hear screaming, see dark eyes flashing and blood running off his hands. The pieces of a puzzle that don’t quite make sense when he sees a glitch and his own face staring back at him, and he sits right up in bed. In a similar sense, Thomas also sleeps without comfort that night, in the darkness he can see an icy body and brown eyes blinking up at him, he can hear a voice that once loved him shouting blame at the young man. He sleeps with no comfort that night; neither of them do, restless in a world that had turned all their knives against them.
As the sun streams through the window, the two sit up, breathing heavily, with a pressure resting against their necks whilst air tried to force its way down their throats. Thomas presses his hand against his shoulder, remembers Dodie and all she had taught him, and through watery eyes, he smiles in a melancholy fashion. He’s still alive, and so is Jack.
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
4R’s: Encantadia Season 2 (May 11, 2017 episode review)
Episode 212
The children’s suffering, The parents’ agony
Alena does not agree with Pirena and her impulsive actions, although she understands how the latter feels (being a mother herself), she couldn’t help but worry about Pirena’s actions, she knew her older sister will break down and will give in to Hagorn at any moment. Danaya could only hope that Pirena will be able to defy all of these in the end.
The condition of Mira and Lira took a toll on Pirena, she went to the woods alone and called out for Emre and Cassiopeia’s help. She broke down in anger and frustration knowing how much her daughter was suffering, it was too much for her to bear, she couldn’t take it any longer. Ybrahim’s pain is much worse than Lira’s, like Pirena, he can’t stand seeing his own daughter in agony while he on the other hand could not even make Lira feel better. As Lira and Mira’s condition worsened, Ybrahim was starting to lose his hope and faith in Emre.  
Upon knowing about what happened to Lira and Mira, Ariana immediately visited the two. Rama Ybrahim was relieved that Ariana was alive and well, Ariana knew the king was in pain and volunteered to help watch over Lira and Mira. Mayca suggested for Ybrahim to get some rest, after all he has been watching the two nonstop. Ybrahim let Ariana be, as the latter saw how much Lira has been suffering, memories of Amihan triggered in Ariana’s mind, memories of how much Amihan loves Lira. Amihan’s love for Lira reflected and surfaced in Ariana (me: seriously ba’t ngayon lang siya nagpapaka-nanay?!) and even called Lira her daughter.
And the battle continues…
Meanwhile in Devas, Ether sensed another presence and summoned whoever that was. Alira Naswen and Gamil appeared and challenged Ether in  battle. While the goddess was busy with the two, Cassiopeia grabbed this opportunity to enter the palace (in bubble form). When Alira Naswen sensed that Cassiopeia successfully sneaked in, she and Gamil “surrendered” and let themselves be captured. They were locked up in the dungeon, Cassiopeia appeared before them and told them that she will carry out her plans, she found Kahlil and freed him, she asked him to get the attention of the Hadezars which Kahlil did, Cassiopeia used her power and controlled the minds of the Hadezars and turned them against Arde.
Ether found Emre and mocked him, even if he already has Haliyah’s de-jar Ether could still defeat Emre in the end. However, Ether offered Emre a deal, afterall they weren't really enemies in the beginning but good friends. Emre refused and was angered at how Ether and Arde broke their oath by killing a fellow celestial—Keros. It was because of his treachery that pushed the two to kill him. Ether offered Emre freedom for the ivtres and vowed to leave him be if Emre allows Ether to take full control over Encantadia which Emre strongly opposed, this means that battle to win back Devas is still on.
A mother’s desperation
Pirena came back and found out that the girls’ condition has worsened, remembering Hagorn’s curse, Pirena feared for the worst. Imaw came and advised Pirena to take a break but the latter refused to leave Mira’s side, Imaw reminded Pirena not to succumb to her anger and think of what’s best for everyone. Pirena was getting fed up at hearing the same thing over and over again and stressed that she is a mother who doesn’t want to see her child suffering…especially when she can do something to end it.
Desperate to break Hagorn’s curse, Pirena sneaked in Danaya’s room where the latter was sleeping and attempted to kill her own sister. In the end, she chose not to. Danaya woke up and was confused of what was happening, Pirena apologized and asked to be tied up, she confessed about Hagorn’s last condition to take back the curse he bestowed upon the diwanis. Danaya was angered at how Hagorn took advantage of Pirena’s vulnerability and vowed to help Pirena make him pay.
Alena found flowers placed in the balcony and wondered who placed it there. Memfes showed up much to Alena’s distaste and bitterly asked what he did to Adamya once again, Memfes denied doing anything and only wanted to see his beloved. Alena shut him down once again and told him that she already promised herself that she won’t fall in-love again. Memfes knew it was because of the heartbreak she suffered from her previous flame but he assured Alena that he’s not like “him” (Ybrahim) and that he’ll remain by her side no matter what. Alena sent him away by blasting the water gem on him and cursing him. Hitano and Muros arrived and relayed Danaya’s message, the Hara has quite a handful of tasks for them to do. Aquil has fully recovered from injuries and heard the unfortunate events that happened including Lira and Mira’s condition. Danaya revealed that she has already come up with a plan against their enemies.
❤Glaiza does it AGAIN! Damn Hara how the heck do you do that? She portrayed Pirena’s lowest point so well and how her heart emerged and chose to do the right thing in the end. Like I said before, I am already predicting the fate of Lira and Mira in the finale, but I hope the two stays long enough for an YbraLiraMihan reunion, that’s all I’m asking. Dawn Zulueta appeared in the finale despite of being pregnant that time, I hope they find ways to make Kylie’s appearance possible. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ENCANTADIA! I have already too much of that and the least I need right now is me writing a rant post about how disappointing the show is.
💎Go Hara-Durye! At least one of you is using your heads, and just a little side note, Pirena’s baby daddy’s name is Gamil 😂😂😂😂 I can’t wait for a possible Arde vs Ether duel, at least Emre and Cassy won’t be having that much of a hard time at eliminating the baddies.
😪That Ariana-Lira scene gave me goosebumps mainly because of the Lira-Amihan flash backs, and it’s so frustrating at how slow Ariana’s character is developing, slower than a sea turtle in the Arabian desert (wait, I already said that before). So are they saying that Ariana is not really meant to go Amihan mode and she was just an instrument to let YbraLira know that she has returned? If it was that’s bullshit, they should have let Amihan stay in Devas instead. And I will be forever frustrated that Arra’s scenes solely depended on the Amihan throwbacks I would have appreciated Ariana’s character if the actress can do her thing even without “Kylie’s help,” God y’all know how much I wanted to love Ariana because Amihan is inside her right? But Arra DID NOT give me a single reason to root for her character which is why they downgraded her into a scene filler like Memfes (for fuck’s sake!). Instead of going for an Ariana-Ybrahim team up they should have built Ariana’s relationship with the sang’gres or Lira first, maybe the Ybriana ship wouldn’t be such an epic fail if they did not rush Ariana’s narrative.
Best performer/s for this episode: Glaiza de Castro 🔥
Rating: 9 out of 10💎s  
Credits to: GMA network via YouTube and Dailymotion @GMAEncantadia (Encantadia’s Official Twitter account) @GMANetwork (GMA’s Official Twitter account) @GMADrama (GMA Primetime series’ Official Twitter account) Encantadia 2016 (Official Facebook page) www.encantadia.com.ph (Encantadia’s Official Website)
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