#Executive Coaching Houston Tx
dougthorpe-com · 1 month
Leaders: Is Your Myopia Your Utopia?
Watch out for becoming too single vision in your leadership style.
When it comes to leadership and management, nearsightedness or myopia is a common occurrence. What does that mean? Is Your Myopia Your Utopia? Single vision Since effective leadership is part art as much as part science, I see too many managers taking a nearsighted look at their role and responsibility. Nearsightedness is called myopia. By this I mean we place more emphasis on the duties and…
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wallssoelberg67 · 1 month
Oil & Gas Coaching Training Courses In Calgary
These collection of 2 day courses are to increase a student’s understanding of particular well control issues that aren't lined in depth in different nicely management programs. These special programs are for anybody concerned in drilling and/or nicely management operations in a supervisory and non-supervisory place with Surface or Subsea BOP stack. This course covers applications and the operation of rotary air and fluid drilling systems in overburden and rock situations. Our Oil & Gas Training coaching courses in Oslo are designed to align with worldwide standards by incorporating up to date developments and well-founded trade practices. Our Oil & Gas Training training courses in Doha are designed to align with international standards by incorporating up to date trends and well-founded business practices. Our Oil & Gas Training training programs in Calgary are designed to align with worldwide requirements by incorporating up to date trends and well-founded business practices. Our Oil & Gas Training training courses in Toronto are designed to align with international requirements by incorporating up to date tendencies and well-founded trade practices. Safety training is essential for workers within the oil and fuel trade to stop accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Students who efficiently full all required courses within the certificates of their alternative will obtain a digital credential. NAIT will routinely concern your digital certification via our MyCreds system, and you will obtain an e mail notification as soon as your credential is prepared. Credentials usually take up to 10 enterprise days to be processed in any case grades are officially posted. From drilling to maintenance and leadership to contract management, our comprehensive coaching programs in Houston cater to all areas of the oil and gas industry, and all levels of experience. Whether you wish to gain new abilities, maintain up-to-date with the latest technologies or learn from one of the best within the business, we are in a place to meet your specific necessities for  oil and gasoline training in Houston. Your future success within the petroleum industry is dependent upon your knowledge and expertise. By enrolling on our licensed and accredited oil and gas coaching programs, you’ll get the most complete and updated data from petroleum trade specialists, delivered in Houston, Texas. For the complete record of coaching courses in Houston – TX, USA offered by PetroKnowledge, please browse under. This training course is a hands-on, stimulating learning expertise. It will be highly interactive, with opportunities to advance your opinions and ideas. To make positive the ideas introduced through the course are understood, they will be strengthened through a combine of studying methods, together with lecture type presentation, and open dialogue. I feel privileged to have gotten the chance to be trained by such a educated and friendly team. Coming from such a special profession background, I found the information to be extraordinarily beneficial to beginning my new journey as a Water Truck Operator, and feel it will be simply as helpful to someone with extra expertise as well. We had been taught every thing from troubleshooting, water truck parts, to camp life and the means to navigate residing that way of life. If you like working together with your palms and need a career working immediately with fuel or oil, here’s what you should know. First Aid usually focuses on bodily injury and sickness; however when there is a mental well being emergency most aren't ready to assist. This Operational Excellence coaching course is suitable for everyone in the group from the C-level executives down to personnel in the day-to-day operations. St. John Ambulance certificates are numbered and electronically recorded in a centralized national database. All First Aid certificates are valid for 3 years with CPR/AED coaching beneficial yearly. If you own or handle a office in Canada, First Aid isn’t an choice for you; it’s the legislation. Most business know this; yet few perceive exactly what they need to do to satisfy their requirements.
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peterestevez · 1 year
📣📣📣Attention, Houston! #LatinTalks is just around the corner and will be an event like no other! Prepare to embark on a journey of inspiration, education, transformation and empowerment. Save the date for this Saturday, June 24th, and brace yourself for an unforgettable experience!
🙍🏻‍♂️Founder @PeterOEstevez is a thought leader /entrepreneur, author, and partner in Mexico's energy, gas, and oil sector.
🙍🏻‍♀️Founder @CelinaBelizan, an Argentine-American expert in personal growth, is a Tony Robbins Master Coach and Consciousness Educator focusing on optimization and emotional fitness.
🙍🏻‍♂️Keynote Speaker Mauricio García is a renowned finance expert known for growing money safely and efficiently, earning him the nickname "Harry Potter of Finance."
🗣️Emcee @MonicaLehmann is a well-established Mexican television host and a national entertainment news reporter.
🙍‍♀️Demi Cruz is a Dominican TV Presenter, Actress, and Businesswoman. Demi Cruz is, without a doubt, synonymous with professionalism and perseverance.
🙍‍♀️Mily Goncalves, known as Mily Goncalves, is a Venezuelan journalist, model, host, and artist from Maracay, Aragua state, with over 20 years in the entertainment and artistic field.
🙍🏻‍♀️Jenny Portillo is a highly driven and accomplished businesswoman who has carved a niche for herself in the world of real estate.
🙍🏻‍♂️Candelario Cervantez is an executive who opens opportunities and access to historically underrepresented and underserved communities and champions educational equity and excellence.
🙍🏻‍♂️Ivan Sanchez is a commercial real estate lender and investor. Ivan is also a passionate and experienced public servant who enjoys working for the Community.
🙍🏻‍♀️@StaciLaToison, Founder and CEO of Dream Big Ventures, is a visionary venture capitalist with 22 years of energy experience at Chevron, including international assignments in China and Angola.
🙋🏻‍♀️Alessandra Torrez was born and raised in the dazzling country of Venezuela! She finds pride in being Latina and in her culture.
Register at LatinTalks2023.com
The University of Houston
Student Center Theater
4455 University Dr #103/203
Houston, TX 77204
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job-offers · 2 years
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive with LevelUp
This is not a remote position!
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
Do you love working with excited, goal-driven team members?
Are you willing to learn and grow through challenges and victories?
We got your back!
LevelUp is built from a firm foundation of passionate and adventurous individuals who are willing to be coached into success. We are a competitive group of hard-working entrepreneurs, ready to apply a sports mentality to our direct marketing business methods. The greatest athletes use principles of motivation, discipline, and determination. This is why Crush Inc makes conscious efforts to take these essential skills that are learned through playing sports and implement them into our training practices, thus strengthening our team and cultivating growth.
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
Are You Sports-Minded?
In the world of business, a sports mentality in work environments has a strong influence on personal resilience and team achievement. The characteristics of people who have this mindset are recognized in their desire to learn and develop themselves through their experiences.
Do you have sports-minded qualities?
Do you appreciate the significance of self-motivation?
Are you able to discipline yourself and prioritize actions to achieve your goals?
Do you have the determination to keep moving forward despite obstacles?
Do your work principles meet the standards of a competitive athlete?
Are you ready to grow into leadership through honest team-building processes?
Do you find yourself providing support and encouragement to your peers?
Do you have the student mentality needed to learn from your mistakes?
Are you capable of being coached into development?
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
National Business Trips
New York, NY
Miami, FL
Atlanta, GA
Miami, FL
Houston, TX
Miami, FL
Detroit, MI
Nashville, TN
Los Angeles, CA
Networking Opportunities with National Business Owners
Business Management Conferences with Successful Guest Speakers
Regional Consultants
National Consultants
International Consultants
Free Development Workshops with Company CEO
Opportunities for Growth
Development on a personal and professional level
Apply now for this entry-level position with full training provided.
We hire in Fort Lauderdale, New York, and Orlando.
This is not a remote position!
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive with LevelUp
Over 18 years old
Speak good English
Holder of HS Diploma or higher
Citizen, resident, or authorized to work (including international students studying in the US)
Able to commute to work
This is not a remote position!
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
Developing Now (Prophecy Update )
By Daymond Duck            Published on: August 8, 2021
Concerning world government: on July 28, 2021, prophecy teacher Geri Ungurean posted a Tony Koretz video on her website (Absolute Truth from the Word of God) in which Tony made a couple of statements that really caught my attention:
“We are headed toward a worldwide dictatorship.”
“A global medical dictatorship is rising.”
Writer’s comment: It is hard to deny that the shadow government is using unelected individuals to dictate policies (masks should be required, vaccinations should be mandatory, people that disagree with them should be censored; lockdowns should be ordered, etc.) to nations all over the world.
The government of Antichrist will be a worldwide dictatorship, and it is developing now.
It may even be more developed than most people realize because it doesn’t appear that Biden is in charge at the White House, and someone has made Covid a global issue.
On July 30, 2021, Bloomberg reported that “More than 4.06 billion doses have been administered across 180 countries…. The latest rate was roughly 39.7 million doses a day.”
Below is more information about Covid than this writer likes to put in one article, especially with everything else that is happening, but this idea that Covid is being used to establish a global medical dictatorship needs to be explored.
Just know that Jesus will eventually throw a big monkey wrench into the plans of this global medical dictatorship (no one knows the day or the hour), and ultimately, we will win.
One, concerning open borders or a borderless world: on July 28, 2021, it was reported that Catholic Charities had booked all the rooms at a hotel in La Joya, TX, the U.S. Border Patrol was releasing immigrant families to Catholic Charities, 20-30 Covid-infected people were staying at the hotel, and infected individuals were then being moved to other hotels in the McAllen, TX area.
It appears that Catholic Charities and the Biden administration’s Border Patrol are knowingly and deliberately spreading Covid while Biden (under the influence of the shadow government) is blaming the unvaccinated for spreading Covid and talking about forcing unvaccinated U.S. citizens to get vaccinated.
It looks like the shadow government is creating an excuse to have another lockdown and try to control everyone.
Update: Earlier in the week, TX Gov. Abbott signed an Executive Order to stop the Biden Administration from transporting illegal aliens (many infected with Covid) into and through TX. But on July 30, 2021, Biden’s Attorney Gen. Merrick Garland said it is “dangerous and unlawful” for Abbott to stop the federal government from bussing illegal aliens into the U.S.
If this is not knowingly and deliberately spreading Covid, what is it?
Update: On Aug. 2, 2021, Bill Melugin, Fox News Correspondent in Los Angeles, wrote, “All morning long, we’ve watched Border Patrol drop off multiple busloads of migrants at a Catholic charity in downtown McAllen, where they are given food & shelter before they take buses and flights across the United States. Buses arriving every 30 minutes so far.”
Update: On Aug. 4, 2021, Fox News Commentator Lawrence Jones said, “Every hour of every single day, buses leave the border taking people with Covid to other parts of the country.”
Writer’s comment: Unvaccinated people are not to blame for this, and it is partly why the U.S. may have to go into another lockdown; more people will lose their jobs, businesses, etc.; inflation will soar; the U.S. economy will worsen, etc.; and the real goal is to scare people into accepting a godless one-world government.
Two, concerning deceit: on July 28, 2021, people in the halls of the House of Representatives were required to wear masks, but people in the halls of the Senate (same building) were not required to wear masks.
Why does the government and CDC tell people to follow the science when members of the House are required to wear masks and members of the Senate are not required to wear masks?
Does the science that our government wants people to follow change depending upon where people are in the halls of Congress?
Three, concerning the shadow government’s desire to reduce the population of planet Earth: it is difficult to know the truth, but on July 28, 2021, it was reported that the Director of an Alex Jones video said (as this writer understands it), one’s immunity system is reduced after the second jab of a Covid-19 vaccination; every jab after that will reduce the vaccinated person’s immunity system even more; continuous vaccinations will eventually reduce one’s immunity system to zero; eventually the vaccinated person will require a jab for every new illness that comes around because they won’t have a natural immune system to work against it, and they cannot survive if they don’t get it.
According to an article by Brandon Smith on July 29, 2021, globalists and their puppet governments are desperate to get everyone vaccinated because they are gaining great social and political power by pushing it.
This writer will add that they plan on the government owning everything and them taking over the government.
Four, on July 29, 2021, it was reported that the Center for Disease Control claim that vaccinated people are immune to Covid is false because the CDC is now telling vaccinated people they need to wear a mask. (If getting vaccinated makes a person immune, why should they be required to wear a mask? Will the vaccinated person eventually need to take a Mark to distinguish them from the unvaccinated?)
By the way, this writer may be wrong, but he seems to remember that one purpose of social distancing was that masks are not 100% effective.
Update: On Aug. 2, 2021, Yahoo News reported that fully vaccinated people that get the Covid Delta Variant are just as likely to spread it as unvaccinated people.
Five, on July 29, 2021, it was reported that the California counties that claim to have the highest percent of vaccinated people now have the highest Delta infection rates (Why should people get vaccinated for Delta if it is going to increase their chance of getting it?).
Update: On Aug. 1, 2021, naturalnews.com reported that Israel may have the highest percent of vaccinated citizens in the world (people are required to be vaccinated if they want to buy and sell), but as much as 90% of all new infections are people that have already been vaccinated.
Six, on July 29, 2021, The Gateway Pundit posted an article by author and radio host Wayne Allyn Root that makes the following points (I am quoting him):
I personally have vaccinated friends that have gotten Covid.
New York Yankees players who were vaccinated have Covid.
An NFL Coach who was vaccinated has Covid.
Olympic athletes who were vaccinated have Covid.
Texas Democrats who were vaccinated have Covid.
In Israel, the government admits a majority of new Covid cases are among the vaccinated.
In UK, the government admits a large share of new Covid cases and hospitalizations are vaccinated.
Root gives several more examples (but you get the idea), and then he goes on to say, “America is being destroyed from within. Bad and evil people are in charge…. I know one thing for sure. Unvaccinated Americans aren’t to blame.”
Update: On Aug. 2, 2021, Sen. Lindsey Graham announced that he has tested positive for Covid even though he has been fully vaccinated.
Writer’s comment: Booster shots are needed because the vaccinations are failing.
Seven, on July 30, 2021, it was reported that Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said the Covid vaccines are failing to control the Delta variant and vaccinated people may be more contagious than unvaccinated people. (Really! Vaccinated people are more likely to spread Delta than unvaccinated people?)
On July 30, 2021, White House correspondent William Koenig reported, “The vaccines are not working—in fact, they are making things worse. The White House and the CDC are alarmed that many of the new coronavirus cases are with those vaccinated.” (Koenig’s Eye View from the White House)
Koenig said, “Dr. Peter McCullough told on Fox’s Laura Ingraham Thursday night of a recent wedding in Houston that had 35 guests. All were vaccinated, and all came down with COVID…. would it be possible that the vaccinated need to be put into quarantine to protect the non-vaccinated?”
On Aug. 2, 2021, Pam Geller reported that as of June 1, 2021, 99% of Gibraltar’s estimated 34,000 residents had been fully vaccinated, but Covid has now exploded on the peninsula; and 90% of Iceland’s estimated 369,000 residents have been fully vaccinated (98% of those over 70), but Covid is surging.
On Aug. 2, 2021, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that 74% of the people that were infected in a recent Delta Variant outbreak in Massachusetts were people that had already been fully vaccinated.
Eight, on July 29, 2021, it was reported that the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) came out against forced vaccinations.
The AAPS said, “all human beings have the right to liberty, which they do not forfeit when they serve the sick or the disabled.”
They said “experimental drugs” (the vaccines are experimental) cannot be coerced according to federal law.
Nine, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on July 30, 2021, an Iranian drone struck and an Israeli oil tanker. Defense Min. Benny Gantz called an emergency meeting and announced that Israel will make an “appropriate response.”
On Aug. 1, 2021, the U.S., UK, and Russia gave Israel the “green light” to retaliate against Iranian targets. Iran said it will “respond promptly and strongly to any misadventure.”
On Aug. 3, 2021, it was reported that Iran or Iranian proxies seized 5 civilian vessels (4 are oil tankers) near the UAE coast.
Ten, concerning wickedness and deceit: in late July, it was reported that:
Audits of the 2020 election may move forward in Wisconsin and 5 counties in Florida.
The Biden Justice Dept. warned state and local officials that it is “concerned” about the legality of some audit procedures.
Twitter suspended several accounts that have been reporting on audits in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Auditors in Arizona testified that there were widespread irregularities in more than 2 million ballots that were cast in Arizona.
A joint meeting of the Arizona house and senate can legally decertify the Arizona election, and they may eventually do that.
Eleven, concerning the decline of the U.S.: on July 27, 2021, former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo said, “Collapse from within is possible.”
Pompeo added, “Immigration without assimilation, illicit drugs, human trafficking, disputed elections, inflationary risks have become the tools to disassemble our republic in what must surely be an attempt at national suicide.”
It sounds like Pompeo believes people are deliberately attempting to bring down the U.S. (This writer believes the Deep State may be trying to cause the U.S. to commit national suicide, but the economic collapse will be after the Rapture.)
Twelve, concerning a departure from the faith and a falling away in the Church: on July 26, 2021, it was reported that Facebook is planning to use future church lockdowns to increase its number of users.
Adding services could be a good thing, but Facebook censors services that go against “their Community Standards,” and it is dangerous to have people that support abortion, gay marriage, world government, world religion, etc., deciding what can and cannot be streamed on Facebook.
Perhaps, this is one reason why Paul said, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Heb.10:25).
God wants the whole world to hear the preaching of the Word, but He wants it to be the whole Word, not a filtered, censored, or politically correct message.
Thirteen, in the Bible, the Greek word translated “sorrows” means travail, labor pains, birth pains, etc.
Birth pains increase in frequency and intensity as the birth of a child nears.
When Eve sinned, God put a curse on her; “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow (labor pains) and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children” (Gen. 3:16).
Jesus said false Christs, wars and rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes are “the beginning of sorrows” (beginning of the birth pains or Tribulation Period; Matt. 24:8).
Paul said, “For when they say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child” (Like birth pains; I Thess. 5:3).
Many prophecy teachers believe natural disasters will increase in frequency and intensity as the Second Coming nears.
On July 31, 2021, it was reported that Prof. Petteri Taalas, the Sec. Gen. of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said, “Weather, climate and water-related hazards are increasing in frequency and intensity as a result of climate change.”
How significant is it that the Bible teaches that natural disasters will increase in frequency and intensity at the end of the age, and the head of the WMO said disasters are increasing in frequency and intensity?
Fourteen, concerning the Mark of the Beast: there was a time when some prophecy teachers said one’s Social Security Number, Medical ID Number, etc., is the Mark.
Wrong, the Mark of the Beast is not everyone having a different number; it is everyone having the name, number or Mark of the Antichrist (Rev. 13:17).
On July 20, 2021, it was reported that cybersecurity expert Karen Roby said vaccine passports have to be consistent so that all countries can recognize them.
A common global vaccine passport may evolve into a common global mark in the right hand or forehead, and godless globalists that don’t believe or understand the Bible wouldn’t hesitate to push it.
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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Business & Executive Coaching, Houston TX
Epiphany Professional Development is a Houston based Executive/Business Coaching, Team and Leadership Development firm serving individuals and organizations.
If you're an HR, OD, or L&D professional working to identify leadership development and executive coaching resources, our results are documented and our programs will help you achieve your objectives with a positive return on investment.
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Epiphany Professional Development is the best Executive Coach in Houston TX. Call to schedule a leadership development training session today or book an appointment online at https://www.epiphanyprofessional.com/
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dougthorpe-com · 2 months
Change and Progress, Are They Twins?
In today’s complex business world, change is hard. Companies venturing through major culture shifts, mergers or other forms of change often struggle to make it to the end. The idea that people hate change is a phenomenon that is taught, coached and wrestled with in many ways, shapes, and forms. Regardless of your mindset about CHANGE, there is one vital aspect you should explore. PROGRESS is…
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theultimatefan · 2 years
For Soccer Ventures to hold Alianza de Futbol National Finals in Phoenix, Arizona, April 30-May 5
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For Soccer Ventures (FSV), an organization focused on the growth and long-term development of American soccer, today announced the start of the Alianza de Futbol National Finals in Phoenix, AZ, from April 30th - May 5th. The winning teams and top players from the 2021 Alianza tour, which featured over 30,000 players and 300,000 attendees, will meet in Phoenix beginning April 30th. This is the first time the National Finals have been held since 2019 and the finals will feature three distinct programs–the Ford Copita Alianza National Finals (youth), the Verizon Copa Alianza National Finals (adult), and the Allstate Sueno Alianza National Showcase (youth).
This is the first time the Ford Copita Alianza National Finals will be played in the U13, U15, U16 Girls, U17 and U19 age groups. 41 teams will compete over two days for the right to be crowned national champions.
The Verizon Copa Alianza National Finals will feature 12 teams from across the country competing for a $50,000 prize. The national tournament has been held three times in the history of Alianza. The defending champion is San Nicolás from Los Angeles, CA.
Following in the footsteps of current stars Santiago Muñoz (El Paso, TX), Nico Carrera (Frisco, TX), and Jonathan González (Santa Rosa, CA), the top 64 players from the 2021 Allstate Sueño Alianza National Showcase will compete in front of over 30 scouts from MLS, Liga MX, USL, the FMF, and U.S. Soccer in hopes of realizing their dream of playing professional soccer. The Allstate Sueño Alianza National Showcase has launched the careers of more than 70 professional players to date. This year’s 64 finalists were selected from over 5,000 players around the country.
The Allstate Sueño Alianza National Showcase will also feature a girls division featuring the top Hispanic talent scouted during the 2021 tour. During its inaugural year, the girls program lead to the discovery of Yaneisy Rodríguez (Vancouver, WA) and her signing to Club Necaxa from Liga MX Femenil.
Scouts from the following professional teams and federations will attend the Allstate Sueño Alianza National Showcase: América, Atlas, Atlanta United FC, Atlético San Luis, Austin FC, Barca Academy, Chicago Fire, Chivas, Club Celaya, Club Santos, Colorado Rapids, Columbus Crew, DC United, FC Dallas, FC Juarez, Houston Dynamo, LAFC, Necaxa, New England Revolution, North Carolina FC, NYCFC, New York Red Bulls, Pachuca, Philadelphia Union, Phoenix Rising, Portland Timbers, Real Salt Lake, Rayados de Monterrey, Sacramento Republic, San José Earthquakes, Seattle Sounders and Toluca.
“Alianza continues to nurture and showcase an amazing community of Hispanic players and coaches who fully deserve the opportunity to compete on a national level. We are thrilled to be hosting this event in a world class facility with professional scouts from some of the biggest clubs and federations in North America,” said Eduardo Ruiz, Executive Director of Alianza de Futbol.
Additionally, this year's inaugural eAlianza Cup, in partnership with EA Sports, recently concluded with hundreds of participants from across the country playing for a $5,000 prize. Each of the eight finalists won a Sony Playstation 5 and all of the games were live streamed on Twitch.
The 2022 Alianza Tour officially kicks off May 28th - 29th in Phoenix. This year’s tour will visit 10 cities across the US including Dallas, Denver, Houston, Chicago, New York, LA, San Jose, Austin and El Paso. To register please click here.
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job-offers · 2 years
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive with LevelUp
This is not a remote position!
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
Do you love working with excited, goal-driven team members?
Are you willing to learn and grow through challenges and victories?
We got your back!
LevelUp is built from a firm foundation of passionate and adventurous individuals who are willing to be coached into success. We are a competitive group of hard-working entrepreneurs, ready to apply a sports mentality to our direct marketing business methods. The greatest athletes use principles of motivation, discipline, and determination. This is why Crush Inc makes conscious efforts to take these essential skills that are learned through playing sports and implement them into our training practices, thus strengthening our team and cultivating growth.
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
Are You Sports-Minded?
In the world of business, a sports mentality in work environments has a strong influence on personal resilience and team achievement. The characteristics of people who have this mindset are recognized in their desire to learn and develop themselves through their experiences.
Do you have sports-minded qualities?
Do you appreciate the significance of self-motivation?
Are you able to discipline yourself and prioritize actions to achieve your goals?
Do you have the determination to keep moving forward despite obstacles?
Do your work principles meet the standards of a competitive athlete?
Are you ready to grow into leadership through honest team-building processes?
Do you find yourself providing support and encouragement to your peers?
Do you have the student mentality needed to learn from your mistakes?
Are you capable of being coached into development?
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
National Business Trips
New York, NY
Miami, FL
Atlanta, GA
Miami, FL
Houston, TX
Miami, FL
Detroit, MI
Nashville, TN
Los Angeles, CA
Networking Opportunities with National Business Owners
Business Management Conferences with Successful Guest Speakers
Regional Consultants
National Consultants
International Consultants
Free Development Workshops with Company CEO
Opportunities for Growth
Development on a personal and professional level
Apply now for this entry-level position with full training provided.
We hire in Fort Lauderdale, New York, and Orlando.
This is not a remote position!
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive
Sports-Minded Entry Level Sales Executive with LevelUp
Over 18 years old
Speak good English
Holder of HS Diploma or higher
Citizen, resident, or authorized to work (including international students studying in the US)
Able to commute to work
This is not a remote position!
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Lean Six Sigma Training Methods
This is one of the primary reasons that Lean Training Consultants San Antonio TX Six Sigma preparing has turned into a significant factor of all Lean execution projects. 
Here are some well known Lean Six Sigma preparing choices or techniques that organizations can use to accomplish the ideal outcomes. 
Study hall Training 
Study hall preparing is actually similar to going to an everyday schedule address - with the main distinction that applicants don't need to finish tests to get to the following grade. Applicants might apply for Six Sigma accreditation tests later on, yet during the preparation it isn't needed. 
Applicants are relied upon to act naturally roused, clearly in light of the fact that they need to further develop their profession profile and ability levels. For study hall Lean preparing, a specialist is normally recruited from outside the association. 
This is done on the grounds that it workers are regularly more mindful of an untouchable, when contrasted with somebody from inside the association. 
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Homeroom preparing is positively practical - yet actually like some other beneficial thing, it additionally has a few weaknesses. The primary issue is that there is no genuine inspiration for the coach to contact the up-and-comers and cause them to comprehend the rudiments. In the event that the competitors additionally don't show revenue, all the work and cash will essentially go down the channel. 
This is the reason numerous organizations offer motivators to the two coaches and up-and-comers. The other issue happens when preparing is directed during or after work hours. In such cases, it is very hard to stand out enough to be noticed of competitors, since up-and-comers become very tired when customary working hours are finished. 
Internet Training 
Online Lean Consultants Houston TX preparing is the most ideal choice for generally private companies that just can't bear to redirect their HR to useless exercises, for example, study hall preparing. Internet preparing helps since it permits possibility to plan their web based instructional courses as indicated by their singular inclinations and above all, in the solace of their homes. 
The other advantage is that internet preparing is the least expensive means accessible for giving Lean Six Sigma preparing. 
The main downside of web based preparing is that applicants don't acquire any viable experience - something fundamental for understanding the intricacies of Lean Six Sigma executions. 
Hands on Training 
In the event that competitors as of now have some fundamental hypothetical information, this preparation choice is awesome. It is additionally favored when Lean executions are to be completed on a need premise and when there isn't sufficient opportunity to give hypothetical preparing. 
Organizations intending to carry out Lean can settle on any of the preparation strategies depicted above, contingent upon their particular requirements and assumptions. The ideal circumstance would be for organizations to utilize a blend of these strategies, rather than depending on a solitary preparing strategy. 
This will assist them with determining the advantages of all preparation strategies and keep away from the intrinsic inadequacies of each. Carrying out Lean Six Sigma and accomplishing the ideal outcomes will then, at that point, become significantly simpler. 
Tony Jacowski is a quality investigator for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online offers online six sigma preparing and confirmation classes for six sigma experts including, lean six sigma, dark belts, green belts, and yellow belts.
Source Of URL :-https://sites.google.com/view/alphanovaconsulting5/home
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coachrodnightingale · 3 years
Showing Coach that you're paying attention during training session 👊🏿 1. Listen 👂🏼 2. Perform 💪🏼🦵🏼🏈 3. Execute 👀🔥 💯♨️ #sports #performance #conditioning #fundamentals #training #coaching #youth #trainer #coach #football #fit #development #offseason #workout #HouGrindsTX #HGTX #Houston #TX (at Beckendorff Junior High) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRPGNp-noSd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mtamar2020 · 3 years
Platform & Technology Senior Customer Engagement Executive (P&T CEE) Houston
Platform & Technology Senior Customer Engagement Executive (P&T CEE) Houston
Job title: Platform & Technology Senior Customer Engagement Executive (P&T CEE) Houston Company: SAP Job description: and governance coaching, project companionship, post-launch relationship management, and renewal negotiations. In this role… Expected salary: Location: Houston, TX Job date: Thu, 27 May 2021 07:58:30 GMT Apply for the job now!
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dougthorpe-com · 2 months
Leaders: If you Confuse, You Lose
There’s an old saying in the sales world. “The confused mind says NO.” Clearly that has big implications when trying to sell a product or service. A prospect who gets confused by your sales pitch will revert to a NO answer all the time. On the other hand, a clear, concise explanation of the thing you are trying to sell will help close the deal. The same is true of leadership responsibility. A…
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taekwondohalloffame · 4 years
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Michael O’Malley executes yet another of his spectacular techniques during the 70’s. Its clear why he was a multi-time USA National Team Member and Captain during the most grueling period in Taekwondo history. He received Special Citation from the OFFICIAL TAEKWONDO HALL OF FAME® 태권도 명예의 전당 in 2009 and was officially inducted a few years later. Michael O'Malley COMPETITIVE CAREER: 1976 General Choi's Cup Intl. Championship1st place Grand Champ team 1976 National Open Karate Championships, Darien Conn - Grand Champion 1978 U.S. Team Trials, Washington D.C. -Gold Medal, Welterweight Division 1978 Member / AAU "All American Men's Tae Kwon Do Team" 1978 U.S. Team Member Pre-World games Seoul,Korea 1978 Pan-am Games, Mexico City--Bronze Medal 1979 Member / AAU "All American Men's Tae Kwon Do Team" 1979 "Tiger Kim's" Intl Open Championship MSG, (NY) Grand Champion 1979 U.S. Team Trials Dayton Ohio, Gold Medal -Welterweight 1979 Selected " Male Competitor of the Year" @ U.S. Team Trials. 1979 U.S. Team Member World Championships, Stuttgart Germany 1979 U.S. Team Member North American Games, Honolulu, HI -- Silver 1979 U.S. Team Member World Games, Taipei, Taiwan 1980 U.S. Team Trials Berkley California, Gold Medal Welterweight 1980 Recipient of the "Ken Min Leadership Award" - Berkley California 1980 Selected U.S. Team Captain 1980 U.S. Team Member 2nd Pan Am Games Houston TX -Gold- Welter. 1981 U.S. Team Member N.American Games Toronto, Canada--Gold 1981 U.S. Team Trials Tampa Florida, Gold Medal-- Welterweight 1981 Selected U.S. Team Captain for World Championships Ecuador 1981 National Tae Kwon Do Championship Wash. D.C.-Grand Champion 1984 Selected as U.S. Team coach of the East Squad for Olympic Sports Festival Houston, Texas Former Athlete Representative to the United States Olympic Committee 2007 Technical Advisor / Taekwondo Hall of Fame https://www.instagram.com/p/B_dGUkHh4H2/?igshid=c5c6czgys0ju
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officialrevkelley · 5 years
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For several years, Reverend O. L. Kelley II has inspired, motivated and helped people realize the purpose and meaning of their lives. Through spreading messages of hope and encouragement Rev. Kelley is dedicated to the holistic healing of every human being. He is a licensed Minister, holds a degree in Business, and has certifications in Substance Abuse Counseling, Mediation, and Anger Management. Reverend Kelley is currently working on degrees in Biblical Studies and Leadership with a concentration on Ministry. Rev. Kelley currently facilitates a Mentorship program at Alan B Polunski Unit in Livingston Tx. Also, he is the President and Chief Executive Officer of OLK Ministries in Houston TX.  Rev. Kelley is a spiritual growth coach and motivational speaker. For more information about Rev. O. L. Kelley II. A free consultation or to invite him to speak at one of your events, conferences or workshops please Call or Text (404) 919-2681 or email: [email protected] Visit these links: WEBSITE: https://kgmediamgmt1.wixsite.com/revolkelley BOOKSTORE: www.amazon.com/author/olkelley INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/revolkelley TWITTER:  https://twitter.com/apostolic_o FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/revolkelley/ Please like, share, and leave a comment below. #money #watch #trump #forever #letsgo #keeppushing #under #underestimated #ministry #power #hope #author #faith #beardgang #determination #olkministries  #service #wonthedoit #message #inspiration #believe #Jesus #annointing  #deliver #bible #pray #love https://www.instagram.com/p/BuOshSpn4XG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ogy07l4gvhjx
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