#Galleria Palatina
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Titian (c. 1488/90-1576) "Portrait of Vincenzo Mosti" (1520) Oil on canvas Renaissance Located in the Galleria Palatina, Florence, Italy
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tragediambulante · 6 months
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The golden and silver ages (details), Pietro da Cortona, 1637-41
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bishopsbox · 2 years
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source: bishopsbox
Antonio Canova's Venus Italica, photographed by Mimmo Jodice. Galleria Palatina, Florence
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michelangelob · 1 year
Il Michelangelo Fanciullo di Emilio Zocchi
Il Michelangelo Fanciullo di Emilio Zocchi
Visitando a Galleria Palatina di Palazzo Pitti, vi ritroverete faccia a faccia con un me ragazzino alle prese con la scultura del mascherone del Fauno, opera oggi data per perduta. Quel candido marmo che mi ritrae fu scolpito da Emilio Zocchi, noto scultore fiorentino che ebbe modo di imparare i rudimenti del mestiere da Giovanni Dupré. L’opera si trova al centro della Sala delle Allegorie e mi…
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mypepemateosus · 2 years
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nobrashfestivity · 2 months
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Giovanna Garzoni Dog with a Biscuit and a Chinese Cup 1640s Signed 'Giovanna Garzoni F.' tempera on vellum 27.5 x 39.5 cm Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina, Florence, Italy, Inv. 1890 n. 4770
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centuriespast · 3 months
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FURINI, Francesco Painting and Poetry 1626 Oil on canvas, 180 x 143 cm Galleria Palatina (Palazzo Pitti), Florence
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Hi! I’m going to Florence this September, do you have any suggestions for places to check out? Bonus points if they’re historic or educational :)
Absolutely! There's so much to do in Florence that even having spent months upon months there I haven't seen it all.
For museums: the Uffizi is of course splendid (though a hassle to visit); the Accademia is good, but be sure to look at the paintings instead of just the David. If you're interested in sculpture, the Bargello is a must; for painting, the Galleria Palatina in Palazzo Pitti. In addition, there are plenty of smaller museums: Palazzo Medici-Riccardi for the Benozzo Gozzoli frescoes, Palazzo Davanzati for a 14th-century palace, San Marco for Fra Angelico. Then there are all the churches... Santa Trinita is one of my favourites for the Ghirlandaio frescoes. I can go on and on!
For food: my favourite restaurants are Osteria Belguardo and Industria (excellent pizza). For a sandwich, avoid All'antico vinaio and go to I due fratelli. The best gelato is Gelateria dei Neri.
I could continue but I hope that's enough to get you started!
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octuscle · 11 months
He man, it seems like i lost my luggage on my FLR flight. Could you help me out?
I actually have a sports bag from Florence. Quite heavy. Printed "Vigili del Fuoco Firenze Ovest". Is it yours?
Damn, what's in there? Balast stones? You open the bag. A smell of smoke and sweat hits you. Obviously the uniform of a fireman. Not the summer suits and shirts you would have expected. Should you return the bag now? After all, it is public property, you suppose. If you search online for "fire brigade" and "Florence", you'll only find articles about current recruitment problems. And about tourists who got stuck on the dome of the cathedral. Interestingly, there are no pictures at all of tight fellows with naked torsos posing with hoses or rescued kittens…. Maybe the cliché about the super-masculine firemen is not true in Florence.
More out of curiosity, you try the jacket. Fuck, you can hardly stand with it on, it's so heavy. You're supposed to work with it. No way! But the pants still smell horny after the owner. Wet and masculine. You put them on. And fall asleep on the sofa in front of the TV.
An infernal noise wakes you from your sleep. You jump into your uniform almost reflexively. Your commander yells something about a fire alarm in the Pallazo Pitti. Every second counts. It's not really your area of responsibility. When you are called, it is serious. As you drive through a sleeping city, you are assigned your tasks. You are assigned to evacuate the Galleria Palatina. By Tuscan standards, only B-grade art. But if there really is a fire, it's still a dangerous task.
Actually, there was a fire by the lockers. Fortunately, the sprinkler system worked. And because the lockers are in the basement, there was no water damage. Exhausted, you take off your jacket. You will be on standby for another seven hours. Hopefully you will get some sleep.
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Thank you very much for your efforts!
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girljeremystrong · 2 months
hi cat!! i have a favor to ask - would you be able to tell me some of your favorite places/cities/anything in italy? my cousins & i are planning a trip & are a bit overwhelmed with choices haha
YES but first i have to warn you that i have barely scratched the surface of the beauty that's in this country and most importantly i have barely been in the south and on the islands except for i went to naples a decade ago so i can't really recommend anything there which is a shame because the south of italy is INCREDIBLE. for instance my dream is to take a road trip through sicily and wander around for like a month. again i can't really speak on it because i've never been but i think it must be one of the most splendid places in the world and it's full of ancient greek architecture and the sea is wonderful and the cities are full of beautiful art and i can't wait to go and see it all with my own eyes.
of course i live in tuscany and specifically near florence and i think florence is the best of the best in the whole world and i think you should definitely go and see it. but also it's a small-ish city and while exploring it fully would take a lifetime i think if your goal is to visit a few places and cities in the same holiday you can probably get away with spending like four days in florence and then go somewhere else! places that i think you should definitely visit while in florence are: the uffizi galleries of course, orsanmichele (i got chocked up the first time i visited because it's so beautiful and the views of the city are stunning), the cathedral of santa maria del fiore where you can decide if you want to climb up the bell tower or the dome (or both if you're very fit!) and i particularly love the medici chapels and the museum galleria palatina in palazzo pitti. and everything is in the city center so it's easy to walk everywhere and walking everywhere you'll be able to see the piazza della signoria with our most beautiful palazzo vecchio and the ponte vecchio!
while you're in florence you might want to go to a few nearby places like you could take an hour train to pisa where you honestly just need a couple hours to bask in the glory of the piazza dei miracoli (which houses the famous crooked tower but also a gorgeous cathedral and baptistery). very near florence (like a short bus ride away) is fiesole which is a cutie little mini town where you can get one beautiful view over florence and also see etruscan/roman excavations and ruins including a beautiful roman theater! also near florence but slightly harder to reach is certaldo where one of the fathers of italian literature was born and which is famous nowadays for being gorgeous and old and having a beautiful beautiful palazzo pretorio. siena is almost a must see in my opinion and it's a train ride away from florence and it is just a beauty. so incredible. further south we have two absolutely stunning little gems called san gimignano and volterra which you might know from twilight SHDJDKJF but no seriously they are so beautiful and you eat so well there and both are so worth seeing.
liguria is just north of tuscany and i know it a little. i think of course that cinque terre are incredible and so italian and great but i will add that a little seaside town called portovenere should absolutely be added to the itinerary if you're gonna be close because it's beautiful and it houses one of the best things i have ever seen in my life which is byron grotto (yes like the poet! apparently he would swim out of there to go reach shelley?) which is soooo gorgeous.
so like. i don't know because i am biased and i was born and raised here but i think tuscany (and that corner of liguria) is the most beautiful gorgeous and perfect little triangle of land in the whole world and if you're coming to italy from everywhere else i think that's the first place you should visit.
of course milan and rome and turin and naples and venice are all incredible and worth of a (long) visit and i have found such beauty and met incredible people and been left speechless by what i've seen in each of those cities but maybe that's for another post and also i definitely do not know them nearly as well as i know florence but i think you would love to visit them.
IN CONCLUSION. i don't know that this will have clared your head in any way at all. it's a bit all over the place. i love florence and i love tuscany but italy is beautiful in every corner in every way!
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joseandrestabarnia · 4 months
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Bartolomeo Ammannati (Settignano 1511 – Firenze 1592) El “Genio mediceo” ca. 1556-1560 Estatua en bronce inv. 0dA 1911 n. 1793 Galleria Palatina
Información del Palazzo Pitti, fotografías de mi autoría. 
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Anbetung der Magier, bekannt als die Benintendi Epiphany von Jacopo Pontormo
Öl auf Panel, Galleria Palatina, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy
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tragediambulante · 3 months
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Portrait of Vincenzo Mosti, Tiziano Vecellio, about 1520
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levindesdieux · 11 months
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Raphael (1483–1520), Ezekiel's Vision, 1518, Galleria Palatina.
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pietroleopoldo · 6 months
Mi sono accorta ora che il tipo di cui ho preso il riassunto di Museologia ha segnato la Galleria Palatina a Firenze negli Uffizi invece che a Palazzo Pitti. Scusa ma sei coglione
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
hey sono in viaggio a torino a mi domandavo se hai dei posti belli da vedere da consigliare in centro (oltre alle principali attrazioni)?
cerea! fortunellə in giro per torino mentre io purtroppo ne sono lontana! anche se onestamente. buona fortuna, tra caldo e sovraffollamento di turisti <333
ALLORA la cosa bella di torino è che tantissime cose si possono raggiungere tranquillamente a piedi: il centro super centro non è troppo grande, e il centro in senso lato è comunque a portata di passeggiata
al di là di tutto ciò che puoi trovare googolando ‘torino cosa vedere’ (musei ecc) i miei suggerimenti sono (un po’ random)
1. monte dei cappuccini (che sicuramente trovi anche cercando ‘torino cosa vedere’, ma faccio uno strappo alla regola perché è uno dei miei posti preferiti). secondo me il posto più bello per vedere tutta torino dall’alto: se poi è una bella giornata, si vedono bene anche le montagne; meglio ancora se il sole sta calando. a volte i frati della chiesa dei cappuccini tengono aperto il chiostro e la terrazza che si affaccia sull’altro lato della collina: lo fanno veramente a sentimento, ma se trovi aperto approfittane perché è davvero un punto insolito rispetto al normale panorama dal piazzale
1.2 per arrivare e venire via, consiglio passeggiata tra le vie lì in collina, perché ci sono dei palazzi veramente belli e c’è una pace rara, per essere a due passi dal centro
2. parco del valentino, ma non solo il castello, il borgo medievale e la panchina degli innamorati che ok. a me piace tantissimo anche il giardino roccioso, consigliato se passi da quelle parti
2.2 e, nel caso, consiglio sia il lato del parco dall’altra parte del fiume, sia, in alternativa, passeggiata per san salvario (ad esempio se stai risalendo verso il centro): se non ti avvicini troppo alla parte che costeggia la stazione (che ha un po’ il mood stazione, come in tutte le città del resto), ci sono degli angolini molto carini e pacifici. bonus: a sansa c’è anche la sinagoga: non è visitabile (se non in occasioni particolari, probabilmente) ma è molto molto bella da fuori
3. spostiamoci in un’altra zona della città, in centro e molto bella: quadrilatero romano. certo, alcune vie sono iper ultra turistiche, ma io adoro passeggiare a caso tra i vicoletti più piccoli, uscendo dalla zona mega centrale, e sbucare a caso in zone tipo piazza della consolata (bello il santuario, ci sta fare due passi all’interno) e piazza emanuele filiberto. zona che mi piace molto: sembra parigi ma è meglio perché siamo a torino <3
3.2 se passi per quadrilatero, butta l’occhio a porta palatina mi racc!
4. altro posto del cuore, i giardini reali, soprattutto per gli scorci sulla mole (sia dai giardini superiori: si entra passando per palazzo reale; sia dagli inferiori), soprattutto quando c’è poca gente: pace amore e armonia su questo pianeta [se vuoi una live slug reaction, ai giardini superiori ci sono delle sculture di lumache fluo fuchsia]
5. punto unico per consigliare passeggiata per tutte le vie “principali” del centro, ma ça va sans dire: se vai alla mole passi per via po e probabilmente vedrai piazza vittorio e piazza castello etc etc, non mi dilungo
6. ricordati di passare per la galleria subalpina (e conseguentemente piazza carignano e/o piazza carlo alberto e per la galleria san federico (che dà poi su via roma e piazza san carlo): sono stra famose ma magari unə non si ricorda di passarci e si perde degli angolini che sono dei bijou
7. in generale, torino è una città bellissima: io consiglio sempre di camminare a caso perché 1) tanto è pressoché impossibile perdersi, 2) oltre ai musei, ci sono veramente tanti tanti TANTI palazzi/angoli/scorci davvero belli. è una città che ti riempie gli occhi e le sinapsi di bellezza, 3) tante cose sono inaspettate! io alle volte mi trovo in angoli mai visti prima e rimango first reaction shock. c’è una chiesa aperta? vai a vederla, magari è bellissima! un vicolo che pare carino? vacci, tanto poi finisci su una parallela della strada che stavi facendo prima! secondo me è il modo migliore per visitare la città, oltre alle cose da vedere “obbligatoriamente”
non c’è necessariamente coerenza tra un punto e l’altro, quindi magari non riuscirai (o non avrai voglia) di vedere tutto tutto, ma sono i consigli che mi sento di dare un po’ su due piedi. spero di esserti stata utile! :)
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