nature-hiking · 1 year
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Pyrenean mountain stream 53/? - Haute Route Pyreneenne, August 2019
photo by nature-hiking
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mashi-9 · 1 year
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kolereid · 2 years
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Day 6825: Hitler is still trying to find Berlin. He isn’t giving up and refuses to believe that he is in Berlin.
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levontechnologies · 17 days
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🌟 Happy Ugadi from the Levon Techno Solutions family! 🌟 May this auspicious occasion bring you joy, prosperity, and success in all your endeavors. Let's celebrate the spirit of new beginnings together! 🎉✨
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uinterview · 2 months
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A residential development known as the “Highland Rim Project” (HRP) in rural Kentucky promises a community aligned with the conservative values of the far right. 
Full Story Here: https://uinterview.com/news/daily-digest/new-development-in-rural-kentucky-promises-safe-space-for-conservatives-to-disappear-from-the-cultural-insanity-of-the-broader-country/
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sabujahmedmarketing · 2 months
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What are the Benefits of Human Resource Planning
Exploring Human Resource Planning Benefits! 📊🌟 Human Resource Planning (HRP) offers a plethora of advantages for organizations. It optimizes staffing levels, reducing recruitment costs and turnover rates. By aligning workforce capabilities with business objectives, HRP enhances productivity and efficiency. It also facilitates succession planning, talent development, and regulatory compliance, fostering a resilient and adaptable workforce. Ultimately, HRP empowers organizations to proactively manage their human capital, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage. 💡
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jadipose · 8 months
You okay, Porrim?
hahh.... yes, I feel.... go+o+d. I feel lightheaded... like there's a weight o+ff my silly little brain....
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paraparaparadigm · 11 months
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Terima Tim Pertanian Australia, Kalaksa Made Rentin Targetkan Vaksinasi HRP Capai 80% Oktober Mendatang
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Kepala BPBD Provinsi Bali, I Made Rentin menjabarkan sejumlah upaya yang dilakukannya bersama tim reaksi cepat  dari Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan Provinsi Bali Bidang Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Provinsi Bali dan seluruh Kabupaten se-Bali untuk mencapai target 80% penanganan vaksinasi pada akhir bulan Oktober (maksimal di tanggal 26 Oktober) mendatang. Dihadapan sejumlah tim Pertanian Australia pihaknya menambahkan bahwa penguatan Bioscurity dilakukannya bersama instansi terkait dalam rangka pembebasan Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) di Provinsi Bali. "Kami dari BPBD Provinsi Bali membentuk tim reaksi cepat sudah turun ke beberapa daerah berbasis kecamatan untuk melakukan desfinasi penyemprotan terhadap hewan dan ternak warga. Hal ini rutin kami lakukan agar tidak terjadi pengembangan drastis terhadap penyakit mulut dan kuku pada hewan ternak", ungkapnya dalam rapat bersama tim pertanian dari negara Australia yang didampingi oleh balai karantina, di Ruang Pusdalops, Rabu (5/10/2022). Selain itu, upaya percepatan penambahan vaksinator juga dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk dengan membagi tugas bersama dinas terkait, balai karantina, dan dinas pertanian untuk melaksanakan proses bioscurity. Pengawasan terhadap pintu masuk Bali baik itu pelabuhan Gilimanuk, pelabuhan Padangbai, pelabuhan Benoa dan juga Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai juga menjadi prioritas utama. Dan balai karantina pertanian yang merupakan  referentasi dari Kementerian Pertanian, sesuai arahan dari Menkomarves harus menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari angkasa pura dan otoritas bandara. Karena menjadi tugas penting bersama untuk memutuskan perkembangan Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku pada Hewan Rentan PMK (HRP). Dari data yang tercatat, Bali dengan jumlah ternak (sapi, kerbau, kambing dan babi) 858.971 populasi sudah mendapatkan vaksinasi sebanyak 194.032 atau rata rata 6.468 ekor perhari. Dengan semakin banyaknya vakdinator tambahan maka penanganan Hewan Rentan PMK (HRP) akan lebih cepat tertangani dan ditanggulangi.(bpn) Read the full article
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barroude · 2 years
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Drugs don't work (the Verve) - but actually they do. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (Kelly Clarkson) - but it's no reason to try.
June 6th, Aldudes, after a very tricky passage in a forest, I arrive with my legging ripped apart. I realised on the first night that even though I organised well to have 4 parcels delivering the right quantity of meds for each of the 4 stages of the HRP, I didn't take enough meds for the first one. I panicked but calmed down quickly. The only post office I would pass by in the next 10 days would be closed when I reach it. I found that one place where my parents could send me my pills. I don't like taking those drugs, but I need them if I want to keep my wits.
I pick up my meds in a nice bar/restaurant, where I treat myself with some artisanal earrings, and pitch my tent in the village campsite, a quiet place next to a pretty river where I enjoy a very cold bath.
Will my pig-headedness be the end of me ? Maybe. Maybe I was taught a lesson over this hour of fearing for my life each and every step. Turning around isn't failure. Trying to stay on the beaten path is good. Trying to come up with a shortcut in the middle of a fucking steep forest is stupidity. Or madness. But mainly, dumb.
Of course, it would have been a nicer death than suicide or being killed by terrorists, the two most likely cause of death I've encountered so far. Because it would have been dying while doing something I love, being confident, being bold, and without the emotional baggage carried by these two others end-of-life options.
But still. It would have been the end of the game for me, the end of the rollercoaster. And it would hae been devastating for my friends and family. And maybe, in a way, hard to understand and come to terms with. Because they know that I am, generally, a careful person. That I don't take stupid risks. That I am not trying to be Superwoman. I could hear Marie's word of caution, her reaction when I told her I was walking across the Pyrenees. I could hear myself telling Marion that it would be ok to stop the hike, that the only duty I had was self-preservation. I failed this morning, even though it ended well.
A first, it was exhilarating to cross the first tricky passage, where a mudslide had left only a narrow track across a step slope. I felt so confident for staying on the path regardless. But then it got tricky, it got hard and scarier and scarier. I felt lost, I felt helpless, I also felt stupid, I didn't know how to get out of it. I am proud I took the time though, stopped to breathe deeply, to rest, to rehydrate, to scream. I think I did all the right things to avoid falling. But the lesson is, don't put yourself in that situation, where every step could be your last.
It does feel good to be alive, to find a place like here, Alfaro's in Aldudes, with a nice and pretty young woman cooks local food and makes jewelry. Playing Alicia Keys' rendition of the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. Being able to eat a great meal without being worried about cash. And finding a nice and flat place to sleep, it might be a bit windy but no storms in sight, next to a small and quiet stream. Life is eventful. And beautiful. I'm glad I chose it.
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nature-hiking · 1 year
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Chamois 1-5/? - 1: Haute Route Pyreneenne, August 2019
2-5: Alpine Haute Route, June 2021
photo by: nature-hiking
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mashi-9 · 7 months
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louisesimonedidion · 2 years
Redescendre de la montagne -un an après
Hier soir j’ai pensé à la chanson New Home de Bukahara, que Simon m’avait envoyé et que j’ai écouté pour la première fois dans le train qui me conduisait à Hendaye.
Une certaine appréhension vivait dans mon ventre, mais l’excitation du départ, la perspective d’un tel défi, l’emportait sur le « mais pourquoi je fais ça ? »
L’arrivée à Hendaye elle-même n’était pas évidente. J’y avais, deux ans plutôt, subi le paroxysme d’un job devenu destructeur. Je suis restée en ville un moment, voulant déjeuner avant de commencer la grimpette. Je me suis retrouvée sur la place où j’avais fêté mon anniversaire avec quelques collègues bienveillantes. Et ça allait. J’ai même piqué un fou rire quand j’ai mis mon sac à dos sur mes épaules et que la chaise sur lequel il était posé est venu avec lui, déclenchant l’hilarité du groupe de petits vieux assis en terrasse.
New home. C’est ce que j’ai ressenti cette première nuit en bivouac, seule dans la montagne sur les rives d’un si beau lac. C’était là, ma place. J’étais étrangement sereine, goûtant le plaisir d’être hors communication. Les pieds dans l’eau si fraîche. Cette solitude par choix, quand, dès le début, j’ai rencontré ce couple franco-britannique avec lequel j’aurais pu rester, mais j'avais choisi ma propre compagnie.
Durant les deux mois qui suivront, la montagne sera ma maison. En descendre me fera parfois du bien, et ça n’a pas toujours été facile là-haut, ça n’a pas été sans peur. Mais quand je redescendais dans la vallée, j’avais vite envie de remonter, de tourner le dos à l’agitation et de me mettre les pieds face a la pente.
L’arrivée à Banyuls sur Mer, plus ou moins 750 km plus tard (plutôt plus que moins, au vu des nombreux détours où j’ai fini par « faire le sanglier » comme dirait ma mère, et couper à travers bois et ronces, me décalant d’autant du chemin le plus court), cette petite ville remplie de touristes du mois d’août, m’a donné envie de faire demi-tour, en me confrontant au fait que c’est ça, la vie « normale » ou, plutôt, la vie dans la norme. J’ai évidemment apprécié les glaces, les pâtisseries et même un bon restaurant (ce poulpe délicieux !) continuant cette habitude de goinfrage en vallée, qui était pour moi sa caractéristique la plus attractive. Mais le monde me paraissait à côté de ses pompes, et moi à côté des siennes, bien dans mes Meindl valant probablement dix fois plus que leurs chaussures d’été qui serait vite jetées. J’avais envie de leur dire « viens, là-haut on est bien ».
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reportwire · 2 years
Hitler's Revolution: Episode VII
Hitler’s Revolution: Episode VII
Hitler’s Revolution: Episode VII Source link
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omglescubes · 7 months
just thinking about the fact that the French plane was purposefully crashed by the Feds. Baghera feared it was crashed because of her, to get her back on the island and her friends were collateral damage but now we know someone on the plane was responsible. And that the Federation knew everyone's names and said there was no "important casualties" , meaning the pilot and copilot were the collateral damage. It seems all the French were hand-picked AND one of them was working for the Feds even before they got on the plane. The things this implies are making me insane. They thought there were brought together by circumstances, a family grown from an bad situation making the best of it. They are not. Aypierre's memories seems to indicate he was experimented on BEFORE getting on the island. Baghera too. Antoine and Étoiles seem to remember they were friends before.... was this friendship also somehow created and manipulated to get them on the Island??? Is every link between them carefully crafted? Was Kameto a double agent meant to disappear immediately after he accomplished his task?? Was it all a lie?? I'm going insaaaane
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